TFT Postcard Labyrinth 2

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The Perpetually Flooded POSTCARD LABYRINTH #2

Lair of the Goblin Mage

Along the coast of a great lake or small sea, rising waters have left all construction within hundreds of feet of the 1
shore permanently underwater. One affected subterranean lair, home to a goblin mage, is soon discovered by our
heroes . . .
Setup: Place the dungeon on any coastline of your world. You will need the die-cut megahexes from
The Fantasy Trip Legacy Edition or a hex battle mat to build the labyrinth.

1. In the cliffs along the shoreline, the adventurers discover a locked metal door. Unlocking the door
(3/DX) grants them access to a winding stairway that leads down into the unknown. Unless they
move silently down the stairs, their presence (once the door is unlocked) is automatically known to 2
the dungeon’s occupants (all goblins).

2. An open door leads into a great chamber with a magical symbol etched into the
stone floor. Standing on the opposite side of the room, 1d+1 goblin fighters (draw
fighter cards to determine their stats and gear) protect a closed doorway. The
goblin fighters will each defend the door, only attempting to flee – by opening
the door and hoping to get through and close it quickly – if reduced to one-half
their hits. 3
3. Beds, trunks, and a chair and tables within this room show that the fighters
have been living here . . . along with their mage master. Unfortunately for the
fighters, the goblin mage is on an errand and not here to assist them in defending
their home. In addition to any fighters who managed to escape to this room, there N
are another 1d+1 figures (again, use fighter cards to determine stats). They fight to
the death to defend their home.

Treasure is minimal – coins plus whatever arcane trinkets you deem appropriate.
Making it harder. The lair is flooded; all MA is reduced by 2. The mage is home . . .
Place First
Stamp Here

Continuing the Adventure

The goblin mage learns that his home was invaded and seeks revenge.
The mage is relentless, following the adventurers from town to town for
weeks, if necessary, and prefers surprise attacks over a confrontation. In
battle, the mage seeks to flee if things aren’t going as he planned, and the
adventurers will either have to convince him to leave them alone or end
the miserable creature’s existence if they want any rest.
Copyright © 2019 by Steve Jackson Games Incorporated. Ornamentation copyright William McAusland, used with permission.

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