This document is a party ledger from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 for Balaji Day & Night Medical Store showing credit sales transactions. It lists transaction dates, voucher numbers, amounts debited or credited, and running balances over the year-long period. The ledger shows numerous credit sales debits accumulating a final debit balance of Rs. 1,71,991.
This document is a party ledger from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 for Balaji Day & Night Medical Store showing credit sales transactions. It lists transaction dates, voucher numbers, amounts debited or credited, and running balances over the year-long period. The ledger shows numerous credit sales debits accumulating a final debit balance of Rs. 1,71,991.
This document is a party ledger from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 for Balaji Day & Night Medical Store showing credit sales transactions. It lists transaction dates, voucher numbers, amounts debited or credited, and running balances over the year-long period. The ledger shows numerous credit sales debits accumulating a final debit balance of Rs. 1,71,991.
This document is a party ledger from April 1, 2020 to March 31, 2021 for Balaji Day & Night Medical Store showing credit sales transactions. It lists transaction dates, voucher numbers, amounts debited or credited, and running balances over the year-long period. The ledger shows numerous credit sales debits accumulating a final debit balance of Rs. 1,71,991.
Date Voucher No Particulars\Remarks Dr.Amount Cr.Amount Balance Days BALAJI DAY& NIGHT MEDICAL STORE, GUNPUR 11/05/2020 1258 CREDIT SALES MADE 11,006.00 11,006.00 DB 23 12/05/2020 1310 CREDIT SALES MADE 14,854.00 25,860.00 DB 22 14/05/2020 1383 CREDIT SALES MADE 5,264.00 31,124.00 DB 27 19/05/2020 1576 CREDIT SALES MADE 7,516.00 38,640.00 DB 22 20/05/2020 1591 CREDIT SALES MADE 2,698.00 41,338.00 DB 21 25/05/2020 1794 CREDIT SALES MADE 3,430.00 44,768.00 DB 16 28/05/2020 1936 CREDIT SALES MADE 35,272.00 80,040.00 DB 20 30/05/2020 2037 CREDIT SALES MADE 9,521.00 89,561.00 DB 28 02/06/2020 2151 CREDIT SALES MADE 15,049.00 1,04,610.00 DB 25 03/06/2020 907970 907970 25,860.00 78,750.00 DB 09/06/2020 2437 CREDIT SALES MADE 34,151.00 1,12,901.00 DB 29 10/06/2020 178542 178542 18,908.00 93,993.00 DB 11/06/2020 2521 CREDIT SALES MADE 11,243.00 1,05,236.00 DB 30 13/06/2020 2619 CREDIT SALES MADE 29,308.00 1,34,544.00 DB 35 14/06/2020 252141 252141 15,272.00 1,19,272.00 DB 16/06/2020 2695 CREDIT SALES MADE 5,482.00 1,24,754.00 DB 32 17/06/2020 462140 462140 20,000.00 1,04,754.00 DB 23/06/2020 2947 CREDIT SALES MADE 26,446.00 1,31,200.00 DB * 30 27/06/2020 345887 345887 24,570.00 1,06,630.00 DB 29/06/2020 3207 CREDIT SALES MADE 12,449.00 1,19,079.00 DB * 24 30/06/2020 3235 CREDIT SALES MADE 2,027.00 1,21,106.00 DB * 23 02/07/2020 3357 CREDIT SALES MADE 9,747.00 1,30,853.00 DB * 21 08/07/2020 3542 CREDIT SALES MADE 33,613.00 1,64,466.00 DB * 15 08/07/2020 635158 635158 32,151.00 1,32,315.00 DB 08/07/2020 635160 635160 2,000.00 1,30,315.00 DB 11/07/2020 415498 415498 11,243.00 1,19,072.00 DB 15/07/2020 3697 CREDIT SALES MADE 28,220.00 1,47,292.00 DB * 8 18/07/2020 3865 CREDIT SALES MADE 18,675.00 1,65,967.00 DB * 5 18/07/2020 986848 986848 34,790.00 1,31,177.00 DB 21/07/2020 3966 CREDIT SALES MADE 21,244.00 1,52,421.00 DB * 2 23/07/2020 4064 CREDIT SALES MADE 19,570.00 1,71,991.00 DB *