Xiao2009 Article PartitioningOfTheGrain-sizeCom

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J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

DOI 10.1007/s10933-008-9274-7


Partitioning of the grain-size components of Dali Lake core

sediments: evidence for lake-level changes during
the Holocene
Jule Xiao Æ Zhigang Chang Æ Bin Si Æ
Xiaoguang Qin Æ Shigeru Itoh Æ
Zaur Lomtatidze

Received: 19 March 2008 / Accepted: 29 October 2008 / Published online: 16 November 2008
Ó Springer Science+Business Media B.V. 2008

Abstract We recovered a sediment core (DL04) drastic rises and falls. Following that interval, the
from the depocenter of Dali Lake in central-eastern lake level was marked by high stands between ca.
Inner Mongolia. The upper 8.5 m were analyzed at 9,800 and 7,100 cal year BP. During the period from
1-cm intervals for grain-size distribution to partition ca. 7,100 to 3,650 cal year BP, lake level maintained
the grain-size components and provide a high-reso- generally low stands, but displayed a slight tendency
lution proxy record of Holocene lake level changes. to rise. Subsequently, the lake level continued rising,
Partitioning of three to six components, C1, C2, C3 but exhibited high-frequency, high-amplitude fluctu-
through C6 from fine to coarse modes within the ations until ca. 1,800 cal years ago. Since ca.
individual polymodal distributions, into overlapping 1,800 cal year BP, the lake has displayed a gradual
lognormal distributions, was accomplished utilizing lowering trend with frequent fluctuations.
the method of lognormal distribution function fitting.
Genetic analyses of the grain-size components Keywords Dali Lake  Sediment core 
suggest that two major components, C2 and C3, Grain-size components  Lake-level changes 
interpreted as offshore-suspension fine and medium- Holocene
to-coarse silt, can serve as sediment proxies for past
changes in the level of Dali Lake. Lower modal sizes
of both C2 and C3 and greater C3 and lower C2
percentages reflect higher lake stands. The proxy data Introduction
from DL04 core sediments span the last 12,000 years
and indicate that Dali Lake experienced five stages Since Doeglas (1946) recognized that the grain-size
during the Holocene. During the interval ca. 11,500– distributions of clastic deposits are mixtures of two or
9,800 cal year BP, lake level was unstable, with more distributions or populations, sedimentologists
have made substantial efforts to separate the constit-
uent populations using the graphical method
J. Xiao (&)  Z. Chang  B. Si  X. Qin developed by Harding (1949). The goal of this effort
Key Laboratory of Cenozoic Geology and Environment,
Institute of Geology and Geophysics, was to interpret the genesis of each subpopulation
Chinese Academy of Sciences, 19 Beitucheng West Road, within a grain-size distribution and to relate different
Chaoyang District, Beijing 100029, China subpopulations to specific depositional processes and
e-mail: jlxiao@mail.iggcas.ac.cn sedimentary environments (Inman 1949; Bagnold
S. Itoh  Z. Lomtatidze 1956; Folk and Ward 1957; Sindowski 1957; Tanner
Paleo Labo Co. Ltd., Saitama 335-0016, Japan 1958, 1964; Moss 1962; Spencer 1963; Visher 1969;

250 J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

Windom 1975). Despite great advances in the envi- components within a grain-size distribution represent
ronmental interpretation of grain-size analyses, the different sedimentary processes (Visher 1969; Mid-
graphical technique was considered to be subjective dleton 1976; Ashley 1978). Therefore, grain-size
and imprecise and to not always yield a unique parameters of lake sediments can be viewed only as
solution, particularly when applied to grain-size data approximate indicators of the hydrological conditions
of relatively low precision (Middleton 1976; Ashley of lakes. In this study, we applied the mathematical
1978; Bagnold and Barndorff-Nielsen 1980). method of lognormal distribution function fitting
Recently, mathematical methods were introduced (Qin et al. 2005) to numerically partition the grain-
to define all types of grain-size distributions and size components within individual grain-size distri-
partition the grain-size components of polymodal butions of bulk samples taken at 1-cm intervals from
sediments with the aid of high-resolution grain-size the upper 8.5 m of a sediment core recovered in the
data generated by laser grain-size analyzers (Kranck depocenter of Dali Lake in central-eastern Inner
et al. 1996a, b; Påsse 1997; Sun et al. 2002; Qin et al. Mongolia. The aim of this paper is to provide a
2005). By means of Weibull distribution function high-resolution proxy record of fluctuations in Dali
fitting, Sun (2004) succeeded in partitioning two grain- Lake level during the Holocene based on changes in
size components of loess deposits over the Chinese the modal size and relative proportion of major
Loess Plateau, a coarse component (ca. 10–70 lm), grain-size components. We also propose that the
transported mainly by the low-altitude East Asian approach is a valuable tool for interpreting the
winter monsoon, and a fine overlapping component genesis of polymodal distributions of lake sediments
(ca. \ 10 lm), transported mainly by high-altitude and relating the grain-size components to specific
westerly winds. Based on these results, Sun (2004) sedimentary processes in lakes.
indicated that the winter monsoon and the northern
westerlies were synchronously intensified in glacial
stages and weakened in interglacial stages, and that Dali Lake basin
both were strengthened progressively during the late
Cenozoic. Meanwhile, Qin et al. (2005) attempted to Dali Lake (43°130 –43°230 N, 116°290 –116°450 E) is an
partition the grain-size distributions of Chinese loess inland, closed-basin lake that lies 90 km west of
deposits through the fitting of lognormal distributions Hexigten Banner, Inner Mongolia (Fig. 1). It has an
and came to the conclusion that the loess is composed area of 238 km2, a maximum water depth of 11 m,
of three sediment components, a coarse component and an elevation of 1,226 m above sea level. The lake
([10 lm), a medium component (2–10 lm), and a sits in the northern margin of the E–W trending
fine component (\2 lm). They believed that the Hulandaga Desert Land. Hills of basaltic rocks
trimodal distribution of the loess deposits resulted surround the lake on the north and west, and
from the interaction of wind, atmospheric turbulence, lacustrine plains are present along the eastern shore.
and dust grain gravity along the dust transportation Two permanent rivers from the northeast and two
path. According to this interpretation, Qin et al. intermittent streams from the southwest enter the
(2005) suggested that the aerodynamic environments lake, but no rivers drain the lake (Fig. 1).
over the dust source area during the last glaciation Dali Lake is located at the transition from semi-
were mainly controlled by the strength of the winter humid to semi-arid areas in the middle temperate
monsoon and that eolian accumulation was closely zone of China. The climate of the lake region is
related to the intensity of the atmospheric turbulence controlled by the East Asian monsoon and the
over the dust depositional area and the distance from Westerly winds (Chinese Academy of Sciences
dust source to dust depositional area. 1984; Zhang and Lin 1992). During the winter half
The grain-size distribution of lake sediments has year, cold, dry northwesterly airflows prevail over the
long been used as a proxy for a lake’s hydrological area and bring cold waves from late autumn to spring;
conditions associated with regional climatic and envi- whereas during the summer half year, the northward-
ronmental changes (Håkanson and Jansson 1983). migrating warm, moist air masses interact with cooler
Lacustrine sediments, however, are characterized by air from the northwest and produce most of the
polymodal distributions, and different grain-size annual precipitation. In the lake region, mean annual

J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260 251

Fig. 1 Map of Dali Lake

showing the location of the 116°30′ 116°45′
Fishery Headquarters
DL04 sediment core. Desert
lands border the lake on the
south; hills of basaltic rocks Gongger
surround the lake on the River
north and west; and
lacustrine plains are present China
along the eastern shore.
Two permanent rivers from 43°20′
the northeast and two
intermittent streams from
the southwest enter the lake, Salin River
but no rivers drain the lake.
The bathymetric survey of 9 7 5 3 1
the lake was conducted in
June 2002 with a FE-606
Furuno Echo Sounder
(contours in meters) + 11
Hola DL04
i Rive 43°15′

sen ver

0 5 km

temperature is 1–2°C with a July average of 16–18°C with fine laminations at core depths of 4.94–6.35 m
and a January average of -17 to -24°C. Mean and occasional bands at depths of 6.35–7.91 m
annual precipitation is 350–400 mm with 70% of the (Fig. 2).
annual precipitation falling in June–August, and The upper 8.5 m of the DL04 sediment core
mean annual evaporation reaches 1,287 mm. The was used for the present study and was sampled
lake is covered with ca. 1 m of ice from November continuously, yielding 850 samples for analyses of
to April (Compilatory Commission of Annals of grain-size distribution. Eighteen bulk samples were
Hexigten Banner 1993). collected at ca. 50-cm intervals for radiocarbon
dating from the organic-rich horizons of the upper
8.5 m of DL04 sediment core (Fig. 2).
Materials and methods
Chronology of DL04 sediment core
DL04 sediment core
Eighteen radiocarbon samples from the DL04
In February 2004, drilling was conducted at a water sediment core were dated by Accelerator Mass
depth of 10.8 m in the depocenter of Dali Lake, using Spectrometry (AMS) (Compact-AMS, NEC Pelle-
a Japanese-made TOHO drilling system (Model D1–B) tron) at Paleo Labo Co., Ltd., Japan. Organic carbon
(Fig. 1). Sediment cores were extracted to a depth was extracted from each sample and dated following
beneath the lake floor of 12.57 m, and designated the method described by Nakamura et al. (2000).
DL04 (43°15.680 N, 116°36.260 E) (Fig. 1). Cores Each sample was pretreated with an AAA process
were taken in polyethylene tubes using a piston (washing with acid, alkali and acid) to remove
corer, and sediment recovery approached 100%. Core carbonates and contaminants. After the pretreatment,
sections were split, photographed and described on the residue containing ca. 2 mg of carbon was put
site, and then cut into 1-cm segments for laboratory into a VycorÒ tube together with ca. 200 mg of CuO
analyses. Core sediments are composed of greenish- and a few pieces of Ag wire. The tube was flame-
grey to blackish-grey, homogeneous silt and silty clay sealed and heated to 900°C for 2 h after evacuating.

252 J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

Lithology Age (ka BP) Md (µm) Clay (%) Silt (%) Sand (%)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 0 5 10 15 20 0 10 20 30 40 40 60 80 100 0 10 20 30 40 50
Y = 0.00002X3 – 0.01X2
+ 8.73X + 611
R2 = 0.98


Depth in core (cm)






Mud Lamination Band

Fig. 2 Lithology, age-depth model, and grain-size distribution polynomial fit and yields a surface-intercept age of 611 years.
(Md, lm; clay, %; silt, %; sand, %) of the upper 8.5 m of DL04 This age was considered to result from ‘‘hard-water’’ and other
sediment core recovered in the depocenter of Dali Lake. reservoir effects on the radiocarbon dating of the lake
Crosses represent AMS radiocarbon ages, and dots represent sediments and was subtracted from the calibrated age model
calibrated radiocarbon ages with 2r error. The age-depth when converting depth to age
model was derived by calibrated ages with a third-order

The resulting CO2 was purified in a glass vacuum line radiocarbon age calibration program (Bronk Ramsey
using liquid N2, C2H5OH–liquid N2 mixture (- 2001) with IntCal04 calibration data (Reimer et al.
100°C) and N-pentane (-130°C). The pure CO2 was 2004) (Fig. 2; Table 1).
then converted to graphite by catalytic reduction on Calibrated ages with 2r error were used to produce
Fe powder. an age-depth model with a third-order polynomial fit
The 14C/12C and 13C/12C ratios of each sample, for the upper 8.5 m of the DL04 sediment core
with an oxalic acid standard (SRM-4990C, com- (Fig. 2). Ages of sampled horizons were calculated
monly designated HOxII), were measured with the with the age-depth model. As shown in Fig. 2, the
AMS system. Each sample was measured three times, age-depth model yields a surface-intercept age of
and each measurement lasted 30 min. The typical 611 years. This age can be considered to result from
uncertainty resulting from counting statistics was ‘‘hard-water’’ and other reservoir effects on the
0.3%. To correct the 14C/12C ratios for isotopic radiocarbon dating of Dali Lake sediments. Although
fractionation, the d13C value of each sample was the reservoir effects probably varied with time, in the
analyzed with the system. The background level of absence of other information, we subtracted the
the AMS system, measured using a marble sample, is surface intercept age from the calibrated age model
as low as that of a sample with an age of 50 ka. when converting depth to age.
The 14C ages of all the samples from the DL04 The age-depth model indicates that Holocene
sediment core were determined with a half-life of Epoch sediments at the site of Dali Lake core DL04
5,568 years (Fig. 2; Table 1). The conventional ages are ca. 8.3 m thick (Fig. 2). An average sedimenta-
were converted to calibrated ages using the OxCal3.1 tion rate of ca. 72 cm ka-1 in sediment core DL04

J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260 253

Table 1 AMS radiocarbon dates of samples from the upper 8.5 m of DL04 sediment core recovered in the depocenter of Dali Lake
Laboratory Depth Dating d13C (%) AMS 14C age Calibrated 14C age
number interval (cm) material (14C yr BP ± 1r) (2r) (cal year BP)

PLD-4564 1–0 Organic matter -28.38 470 ± 25 535–495

PLD-6249 50–49 Organic matter -28.70 1530 ± 20 1,520–1,350
PLD-4565 100–99 Organic matter -25.62 1460 ± 25 1,390–1,300
PLD-6250 150–149 Organic matter -28.24 1625 ± 20 1,570–1,410
PLD-4567 200–199 Organic matter -24.76 1945 ± 25 1,950–1,820
PLD-6251 250–249 Organic matter -30.34 1930 ± 20 1,930–1,820
PLD-4568 300–299 Organic matter -25.82 2695 ± 25 2,850–2,755
PLD-6252 350–349 Organic matter -25.56 2805 ± 20 2,970–2,850
PLD-4570 400–399 Organic matter -26.24 4080 ± 25 4,650–4,510
PLD-6253 450–449 Organic matter -26.16 4580 ± 25 5,330–5,280
PLD-4571 500–499 Organic matter -27.21 4180 ± 25 4,770–4,620
PLD-6706 550–549 Organic matter -23.77 4560 ± 20 5,320–5,270
PLD-4572 600–599 Organic matter -27.41 4945 ± 30 5,730–5,600
PLD-6255 650–649 Organic matter -25.72 5705 ± 25 6,570–6,410
PLD-4573 700–699 Organic matter -29.34 8105 ± 35 9,130–8,990
PLD-6256 750–749 Organic matter -25.62 8865 ± 30 10,170–9,860
PLD-4574 800–799 Organic matter -28.10 9995 ± 40 1,1630–11,270
PLD-6257 850–849 Organic matter -30.50 10640 ± 35 12,810–12,620

indicates that a sampling interval of 1 cm provides particles. Based on the Mie theory, assuming that
temporal resolution of ca. 14 year. measured particles are perfect spheres, the Mastersiz-
er uses the volume of a particle to measure its size and
Grain-size distribution of DL04 core sediments calculate the diameter of an imaginary sphere that is
equivalent in volume by the technique of ‘‘equivalent
Grain-size distribution of 850 samples was deter- spheres.’’ The Mastersizer 2000 has a measurement
mined with a Malvern Mastersizer 2000 laser grain- range of 0.02–2,000 lm in diameter and a grain-size
size analyzer. About 200 mg of sediment from each resolution of 0.166 U in interval, thus yielding 100
air-dried, disaggregated sample was pretreated with pairs of grain-size data. Duplicate analyses of the
10–20 ml of 30% H2O2 to remove organic matter and same sample showed that the relative error of
then with 10 ml of 10% HCl with the sample solution percentages of the related size fractions is less than
boiled to remove carbonates. About 2,000 ml of 1%. It automatically outputs the median diameter
deionized water was added, and the sample solution (Md, the diameter at the 50th percentile of the
was kept for ca. 24 h to rinse acidic ions. The sample distribution) and the percentages of clay, silt and
residue was dispersed with 10 ml of 0.05 M sand fractions of a sample. These data (Md, lm; clay,
(NaPO3)6 on an ultrasonic vibrator for 10 min before %; silt, %; sand, %) of the upper 8.5 m of DL04 core
grain-size analysis. sediments were plotted against depth in core in Fig. 2.
The Mastersizer 2000 works on the principle of the
Mie theory that predicts the way light is scattered by Identifying, fitting and partitioning
spherical particles and deals with the way light passes of the grain-size components
through, or is absorbed by, the particle. Because each
particle size has its own characteristic scattering Figure 3 shows representative grain-size distributions
pattern, the Mastersizer can calculate the size of from 850 consecutive 1-cm sections from the upper
particles that create a pattern by using the optical unit 8.5 m of the DL04 sediment core. The data indicate
to capture the scattering pattern from a field of that Dali Lake sediments consist of a strongly

254 J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

polymodal mixture of different grain-size compo- sample. To estimate the fitting parameters, a combi-
nents, including clay, silt and sand (Fig. 3). nation (n, ci, ai, ri) of three parameters of n modes
It has been suggested that the grain-size distribu- with minimum residual error dF is chosen to
tion of clastic deposits with a single component represent the polymodal distribution, by iteratively
formed by only one process should exhibit a changing each parameter in a shorter step.
symmetric curve on a logarithmic scale and represent Fitting experiments on the same sample are
a unimodal distribution (Inman 1949; Folk and Ward accomplished when the residual error is \4. Numer-
1957; Tanner 1964; Visher 1969; Ashley 1978). ical partitioning of the unimodal components can be
When the shape of the grain-size distribution is achieved simultaneously through lognormal distribu-
asymmetric or skewed, the total distribution can be tion function fitting because the parameters and the
considered to be a combination of several unimodal distribution functions of each component are deter-
distributions formed by different processes (Inman mined during fitting. The modal sizes and relative
1949; Folk and Ward 1957; Tanner 1964; Visher percentages of each component are given as soon as
1969; Ashley 1978). In other words, a polymodal the fitting is accomplished.
grain-size distribution is composed of two or more Fitting experiments on 850 samples from the upper
unimodal grain-size components. As shown in Fig. 3, 8.5 m of DL04 sediment core demonstrate that the
each polymodal distribution of samples from Dali lognormal distribution function yields the best fitting
Lake sediments can be thought of as composed of results from most of the samples with the squared
two or more unimodal distributions representing two sum of residual error \2.
or more grain-size components (modes), respectively.
The concept that the grain-size distribution of Characteristics of the grain-size components
unimodal clastic deposits follows the lognormal dis-
tribution (Krumbein 1938) has been widely adopted. It Fittings of the lognormal distribution function sug-
has been suggested that the lognormal distribution gest that each polymodal distribution of samples from
function gives sufficient accuracy in describing uni- Dali Lake sediments consists of three to six unimodal
modal grain-size distributions (Ashley 1978; Påsse distributions representing three to six grain-size
1997). In the present study, the grain-size components components (modes), respectively. In this study, the
of individual polymodal distributions were identified, six components are designated C1, C2, C3 through
fitted and partitioned using the lognormal distribution C6 from fine to coarse modes (Fig. 3).
function method described by Qin et al. (2005). As shown in Fig. 3, it is easy to determine the
This method assumes that a polymodal or skewed modes of components C1, C4, C5 and C6. To
grain-size distribution is composed of two or more separate out components C2 and C3, however,
unimodal lognormal distributions. The prototype requires technical skills through trial-and-error
formula of the lognormal function is as follows, fittings after careful observations, because both
2 components strongly overlap. In this case, fortu-
Z1 ! 3
ci ð x  ai Þ 2 nately, the fitting residual error increases significantly
F ð xÞ ¼ 4 p ffiffiffiffiffiffi exp  dx5 if either the C2 (negative skew) or C3 (positive skew)
i¼1 ri 2p 2r2i
1 is ignored. Such experiments demonstrate the validity
and accuracy of the lognormal distribution function
where n is the number of modes, x = ln(d), d is the
applied to fitting and partitioning the grain-size
grain size in lm, ci is the content of the ith mode, ri is
components within individual grain-size distributions
the variance of the ith mode, and ai is the mean value of
of polymodal lake sediments.
the ith mode’s logarithm grain size, i.e., ai = ln(di).
Grain-size data suggest that components C1, C2,
The residual error is calculated as,
C3 through C6 identified from 850 individual grain-
1X m     2 size distributions of Dali Lake sediments have
dF ¼ F xj  G xj
m j¼1 identifiable characteristics (Figs. 4, 5; Table 2). All
the samples contain the components C1 and C2,
where m is the number of grain-size intervals and while 88 (10%) samples from different horizons lack
G(x) is the measured grain-size distribution of a the C3, and the C4, C5 and C6 exist only in 263

J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260 255

6 DL705, 704.5 cm C1, 0.8 µm, 6.7% DL358, 357.5 cm C1, 0.9 µm, 9.2% DL170, 169.5 cm C1, 0.8 µm, 7.6% DL35, 34.5 cm C1, 0.8 µm, 7.6%
5 ↑
C2, 4 µm, 30.0%
C3, 16 µm, 59.0%
C2, 6 µm, 29.9%
C3, 29 µm, 60.9%
C2, 5 µm, 57.9%
C3, 20 µm, 33.5%
C2, 5 µm, 53.9%
C3, 20 µm, 27.3%
Volume (%)

C4, 104 µm, 3.0% C5, 286 µm, 1.0% C4, 102 µm, 7.7%
C5, 419 µm, 1.3% C5, 459 µm, 3.5%

3 ↑ C2 ↑ ↑
C1 ↑ C3 C3 C2 ↑
2 C2
C1 ↑ ↓ C1 C1 C3 C4
1 ↓ C2 C4 ↓ ↓ ↓ C5

C5 C5 ↓
↓ ↓

6 DL824, 823.5 cm C1, 0.8 µm, 4.2% DL543, 542.5 cm C1, 0.7 µm, 8.5% DL483, 482.5 cm C1, 0.7 µm, 3.2% DL304, 303.5 cm C1, 0.8 µm, 8.5%
C2, 5 µm, 30.3% C2, 5 µm, 43.6% C2, 6 µm, 68.6% C2, 5 µm, 51.4%
Volume (%)

C3, 19 µm, 64.0% C3, 20 µm, 47.9% C3, 30 µm, 27.1% C3, 22 µm, 15.0%
↑ C5, 225 µm, 1.5% C5, 290 µm, 1.0% C4, 81 µm, 13.0%
C3 C5, 274 µm, 10.5%
3 ↑ ↑ C6, 1163 µm, 1.6%
↑ C3 C2 ↑ ↑ C4
2 ↑ C1 C2 C3
C2 ↓ C5
C1 C2 ↓ C1
↓ ↑ ↓ C6
↓ C5 ↓ C5 C3

↓ ↓
0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000 0.1 1 10 100 1000
Grain size (µm, log) Grain size (µm, log) Grain size (µm, log) Grain size (µm, log)

Fig. 3 Representative frequency curves of the grain-size can be recognized on the polymodal distributions, and are
distributions of 850 samples from the upper 8.5 m of DL04 designated C1 through C6 from fine to coarse modes. The
sediment core. In each diagram, capital letters DL with components of each sample were marked on the frequency
numerals indicate the sample number, followed by the depth curve, and the modal sizes and relative percentages of each
of the sampled horizon. Altogether, six grain-size components component were shown on the upper-right of each diagram

(31%), 290 (34%) and 71 (8%) samples, respectively. sources are deposited on the lake floor after being
The modal sizes of the components C1, C2, C3 reworked and sorted by the hydraulic conditions of
through C6 vary primarily within ranges of 0.7–1.0, lake water (Håkanson and Jansson 1983).
4.2–8.1, 10.9–60.2, 66.8–104.1, 197.1–470.4 and Detailed studies of grain-size distributions sug-
944.4–1074.8 lm, respectively. The relative percent- gested that the three types of clastic sediments exhibit
ages of the C1, C4, C5 and C6 vary primarily within different combinations of specific grain-size compo-
ranges of 2.3–12.8%, 0.3–13.7%, 0.1–5.0% and nents. Fluvial sediments are composed mainly of two
0.4–3.3%, respectively; whereas both the C2 and grain-size components, i.e., a saltation medium-sand
the C3 display two dominant ranges of the relative component with dominant modal sizes of 200–
percentages, i.e., 21.1–38.3% as well as 55.5–95.5%, 400 lm and a suspension fine-silt component with
and 0.5–36.1% as well as 46.2–71.6%. Finally, when dominant modal sizes of 10–15 lm (Middleton 1976;
the C4 appears in samples, either the C3 is absent, or Ashley 1978; Bennett and Best 1995). Grain-size
the C3 displays a modal size of less than ca. 50 lm. components of eolian deposits depend on the nature
of winds (i.e., high- and low-altitude air flows and
near-ground winds) and transport distances (long or
Discussion short distance) (Pye 1987; Tsoar and Pye 1987; Sun
et al. 2002). Typical loess deposits consist of a short-
Interpretation of the grain-size components suspension, medium-to-coarse silt component with
dominant modal sizes of 16–32 lm and a long-
Dali Lake is located on the northern margin of the suspension clay-to-fine silt component with dominant
E–W trending Hulandaga Desert Land. There are two modal sizes of 2–6 lm (Pye 1987; Tsoar and Pye
permanent rivers and two intermittent streams enter- 1987; Sun et al. 2002; Qin et al. 2005); whereas
ing the lake. In terms of the geographic location and desert sands mainly consist of a saltation component
basin structure, clastic sediments in Dali Lake would of fine-to-medium sands with dominant modal sizes
be expected to derive from three sources through of 100–200 lm and a suspension component of
distinct transport mechanisms, i.e., fluvial materials clay-to-fine silt with dominant modal sizes of
transported by the rivers and streams, eolian deposits 2–6 lm (Gillette et al. 1974; Pye 1987; Tsoar and
blown by winds, and shoreline materials eroded by Pye 1987; Sun et al. 2002). Lake shoreline materials
storm-driven waves. Clastic materials from the three are dominantly composed of unconsolidated sands

256 J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

300 types of clastic deposits; however, the combination of

the grain-size components and the characteristics of
each component such as the modal size and relative
Number of samples

200 percentage would be highly modified by the processes

of transportation and deposition in lake water.
150 C3 Deposition of clastic materials in lakes is con-
trolled mainly by hydraulic conditions (Sly 1978;
Håkanson and Jansson 1983). Fundamentally, there
C4 C5
50 exists a relationship between clastic and hydraulic
interactions, so that lake sediments can be separated
0.1 1 10 100 1000
into high and low hydraulic energy regimes (Sly
Grain size (µm, log) 1978; Håkanson and Jansson 1983; Sly 1989a, b). In
general, the nearshore zone of lakes lies in higher
Fig. 4 Frequencies of the modal sizes of the six grain-size
energy environments than the offshore zone does, and
components, C1 through C6, in 850 samples from the upper
8.5 m of DL04 sediment core deposits of decreasing particle size towards the
depocenter of lakes reflect decreasing hydraulic
200 energy. Grain-size distributions of 51 samples col-
lected from the surface sediments of Dali Lake
160 C1
indicate that (1) components C4, and especially C5
Number of samples

and C6 appear in all nearshore samples, but are
lacking in offshore samples; (2) the relative percent-
age of the components C2 plus C3 is considerably
80 higher in the offshore samples than in the nearshore
ones; and (3) component C1 exists in all samples
40 from both the offshore and nearshore zones, albeit at
relatively low percentages.
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Using spatial changes in the dominant grain-size
Percentage (%) components of the surface sediments, together with
the dominant modal sizes of fluvial, eolian and lake
Fig. 5 Frequencies of the relative percentages of the six grain- shoreline deposits, we inferred that grain-size com-
size components, C1 through C6, in 850 samples from the
upper 8.5 m of DL04 sediment core ponents C1, C2, C3 through C6 of Dali Lake
sediments represent different sedimentary modes
related to different hydraulic regimes (Table 2).
with a low proportion of silty clay (Sly 1978; Håkanson Components C2 and C3, with dominant modal sizes
and Jansson 1983). The grain-size components of lake ranging from 4.2 to 8.1 lm and 10.9 to 60.2 lm,
sediments would have been derived from the three respectively, represent two offshore suspension

Table 2 Characteristics of the six grain-size components recognized on the polymodal distributions of samples from the DL04 core
Component Number Modal size (lm) Dominant range Percentage Dominant range Description of the
of samples of modal sizes of percentages components
Min. Max. (lm) Min. Max.

C1 850 0.7 1.7 0.7–1.0 2.3 18.0 2.3–12.8 Long-term suspension

C2 850 2.9 11.1 4.2–8.1 9.6 95.5 21.1–38.3, 55.5–95.5 Offshore suspension
C3 762 9.0 65.9 10.9–60.2 0.5 76.8 0.5–36.1, 46.2–71.6 Offshore suspension
C4 263 47.2 140.5 66.8–104.1 0.3 40.5 0.3–13.7 Nearshore suspension
C5 290 180.9 693.5 197.1–470.4 0.1 18.3 0.1–5.0 Nearshore saltation
C6 71 701.4 1190.3 944.4–1074.8 0.4 11.5 0.4–3.3 Nearshore traction

J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260 257

components. Components C4, C5 and C6, with level was lower. In other words, the percentage of C3
dominant modal sizes of 66.8–104.1, 197.1–470.4 can be linked to lake levels, with high percentages of
and 944.4–1074.8 lm, respectively, are interpreted as C3 generally denoting high lake levels. The fact that
nearshore suspension, saltation, and traction compo- high percentages of the C3 coincide with low modal
nents, respectively. Component C1, finer than 2 lm, sizes of C2 and C3 (Fig. 6) lends support to such an
may belong to the long-term suspension component inference that high percentages of C3 indicate high
in fluid medium, the movement and deposition of lake levels. In addition, the relative percentages of
which depend on the intensity of turbulence. component C2 display a strongly negative correlation
It has been suggested that high-energy sedimentary with those of C3 (Fig. 6), presumably implying that
processes are less significant in lake environments, the proportion of C2 decreases during the periods of
particularly in small basins (Håkanson and Jansson high lake levels when that of the C3 increases. In
1983; Sly 1989a, b). Assuming this is the case, the summary, low modal sizes of both components C2
relative percentages of the six grain-size components and C3, and high C3 and low C2 percentages, would
led us to conclude that C2 and C3 would be the major reflect high levels of Dali Lake.
components of Dali Lake sediments and that changes
in the modal size and relative percentage of C2 and C3 Lake-level changes during the Holocene
would be closely associated with the hydraulic
conditions in the lake. The modal sizes of components C2 (C2MS, lm) and
C3 (C3MS, lm), and percentages of C2 and C3 from
Implication of major grain-size components DL04 core sediments spanning the last ca.
12,000 years were plotted against calibrated radio-
Hydraulic conditions in lakes are related to water carbon ages (Fig. 6). The data indicate that stage
depth, shape, size, and the surrounding relief (Håkan- changes of Dali Lake during the Holocene can be
son and Jansson 1983; Sly 1989a, b). The shallow divided into five major stages (Fig. 6). During the
water of the nearshore zone possesses higher energy interval from ca. 11,500 to 9,800 cal year BP, the
than the offshore, deep-water zone. Particle size of lake level was unstable, with drastic rises and falls.
the sediments decreases with greater depth and Following that interval, the lake level was marked by
declining hydraulic energy (Håkanson and Jansson high stands between ca. 9,800 and 7,100 cal year BP.
1983; Sly 1989a, b). In Dali Lake, components C2 During the period from ca. 7,100 to 3,650 cal year
and C3 should become fine during periods of high BP, the lake level was generally low, but displayed a
lake levels. Thus, modal sizes of C2 and C3 can be slight tendency to rise. Subsequently, the lake level
used as proxies for the level of Dali Lake. Low modal continued rising, but exhibited high-frequency, high-
sizes of C2 and C3 reflect high lake levels. amplitude fluctuations until ca. 1,800 cal years ago.
Modal sizes of components C3 (9.0–65.9 lm) and Since ca. 1,800 cal year BP, the lake has gradually
C4 (47.2–140.5 lm) overlap (Figs. 3, 4; Table 2), shrunk, with frequent stage fluctuations.
implying an inherent relation between C3 and C4. On Proxy data of total organic and inorganic carbon
one hand, components C3 and finer C4 may have (TOC and TIC) concentrations from DL04 core
been derived from the short-suspension, medium-to- sediments also revealed a detailed history of stage
coarse silt component of eolian deposits, according to changes in Dali Lake during the Holocene (Xiao
the range of the modal sizes. On the other hand, the et al. 2008). High TOC and low TIC concentrations
C3 could have been reworked to finer C4 under indicate that Dali Lake reached its highest level
specific hydraulic conditions of lake water, because during the early Holocene (11,500–7,600 cal year
whenever the C3 was absent from samples, the C4 BP). The middle Holocene (7,600–3,450 cal year
was present. We speculate that changes in the relative BP) was characterized by dramatic fluctuations in
percentage of component C3 might have been related the lake level with three intervals of lower lake stands
to changes in the hydraulic energy regime of the lake. occurring 6,600–5,850, 5,100–4,850 and 4,450–
Greater proportions of the C3 could be reworked to 3,750 cal year BP, respectively. During the late
the C4, resulting in decreasing relative percentages of Holocene (3,450 cal year BP to present), general
the C3, under higher hydraulic energies when the lake increases in TIC and decreases in TOC reflect a

258 J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260

gradual shrinking trend of Dali Lake. These data regime of low hydraulic energies for the deposition of
provide support for our inference of changes in the fine clastic materials. Grain-size components of Dali
lake level of Dali Lake during the Holocene based on Lake sediments provide further evidence for the
the grain-size components identified from the lake inference that the early Holocene high stand can be
sediments. attributed to input of the snow/ice melt.
Xiao et al. (2008) inferred that the expansion of
Dali Lake during the early Holocene, before ca.
7,600 cal year BP, resulted from the meltwater input Conclusions
of the snow/ice packs covering the high mountains in
the upper reaches of the Gongger River, in response Application of the lognormal distribution function
to the increase in summer solar radiation in the method in fitting and partitioning the grain-size
Northern Hemisphere. We concur with this infer- components within individual distributions suggests
ence. The modal size and relative percentages of that strongly polymodal Dali Lake sediments consist
components C2 and C3 between ca. 9,800 and of three to six overlapping components. Genetic
7,100 cal year BP are different from those after ca. analyses of the grain-size components indicate that
7,100 cal year BP, both in magnitude and amplitude each of the components retains its identity (modal
(Fig. 6). This striking contrast may imply that the size, manner of transportation and environment of
mechanism responsible for this early rise in lake level deposition) even though the relative proportions vary
is unique within the Holocene. During the early with the hydrological conditions throughout the lake.
Holocene, a large quantity of water from melting of Two major grain-size components (C2 and C3),
the snow/ice packs discharged into the lake, leading interpreted as offshore deposits of suspended fine and
to a rapid rise in lake level. Rapid expansion of the medium-to-coarse silt, can serve as proxies for stage
lake left the core location in the depocenter of the change in Dali Lake. Lower modal sizes of both C2
lake farther from the lakeshore, resulting in a stable and C3, and greater C3 and lower C2 percentages

Md (µm) C2MS (µm) C3MS (µm) C2 (%) C3 (%)

5 10 15 2 4 6 8 10 0 20 40 60 20 40 60 80 100 0 20 40 60 80

Age (cal ka BP)




Fig. 6 Median grain size of bulk samples (Md, lm), modal superimposed on the data plots represent nine-point running
sizes of the components C2 (C2MS, lm) and C3 (C3MS, lm), means. The lower horizontal solid line marks the onset of the
and relative percentages of the C2 (%) and C3 (%) from DL04 Holocene, and the upper ones bracket the stages characterizing
core sediments spanning the last 12,000 years. The chronology the pattern of changes in the lake level of Dali Lake. Low
for the DL04 sediment core was derived from the age-depth modal sizes of both C2 and C3, and great C3 and low C2
model with the surface-intercept age subtracted. Bold lines percentages indicate high lake levels

J Paleolimnol (2009) 42:249–260 259

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Acknowledgements We thank Steve Colman and another pebbly deposits, part I. Am J Sci 260:337–373
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