This House Believes That The Internet Has A Bad Impact On Teenagers Because

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This House Believes That the Internet

Has A Bad Impact on Teenagers

Teenagers thirst for curiosity. This house needs all the information, both general and
unusual information. They will consistently push limits and take risks, some with
serious consequences. The internet, especially social media, is another outlet for
possible collapse. When it comes to technology and teenagers usually the dangerous
things that come to mind are sexting, online predators, and cyber bullying. Everything
is very destructive, more general than people think, and must be talked about.
However, there are subtle dangers everyday from social media that are either
unknown, ignored, or minimized. Here are the dangerous things children do every day
on social media.

1. Posting Pictures Daily

Most teenagers today have a habit of posting pictures, both selfies or activities every
day, such as when worshiping or when studying, teenagers are more focused on
getting instragamable captures. They no longer focus on the lesson, or worship.

2. Comparing
It's tough to not compare our lives with one another when everything is posted online.
For teens, social media quickly becomes a show, a place for them to make their lives
look more exciting than others. It's about building an image. The problem is that it
nurtures embellishment, a subtle but powerful form of lying. When we lie our true
sense of identity and belonging are weakened. Those are the two most important
things teenagers are developing.

3. Viral Video Attempts

Many want to be the next Internet sensation. Unfortunately, in order to do that, you
have to do something extreme. Too often that results in them doing things that are
physically dangerous or humiliating. Not only can they sustain serious injury or death
doing them, but they are not prepared for the consequences when these videos are
uploaded. For example : Eating alive baby octopus.
4. Online Dating
Okay, the person you talk to may sound super-sweet and it may seem like you’ve
landed that special someone. But anyone can hide behind the screen and wear a mask.
For all you know, you could be talking to someone who’s as nefarious as it gets
.Never emotionally invest in anyone until you meet face-to-face. Even if you decide to
keep it strictly on an online basis, you are still talking to a ‘ghost’, so keep it basic.
Most times, people lie and portray another personality.

5. Cyber Bullying
It’s actually all of us with our camera phones and hunger for attention. Every time
someone does something embarrassing or lacking in integrity, someone records it and
posts it without a thought. But the second these videos upload, we descend like
piranhas with blood in the water. A simple mistake or lapse in moral judgment
quickly becomes a ruined life. There is blood on our hands when we post a video,
share it, or join a chorus of hateful comments contributing to a persons destruction.

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