Shadowlands PDF
Shadowlands PDF
Shadowlands PDF
within, as well as the samurai who do
battle against them at the Wall or beyond.
In this sourcebook for the Legend of the
Five Rings Roleplaying Game, you will
find a wealth of information for gaming in
the Shadowlands as well as in Crab Clan
territories, including:
$$ Tales of the Shadowlands and its many
vile denizens and locations such as the
Festering Pit of Fu Leng, plus those of
the Crab Clan and the Kaiu Wall itself.
$$ Rules for the Falcon Minor Clan, plus
new schools, weapons, techniques, and
weapon patterns designed to thwart the
evils of the Shadowlands. Players also
gain new mahō techniques, should they
dare to use such forbidden blood magic
rites to gain power.
$$ GM Support including tips for running
Shadowlands-themed adventures, rules
for generating unique, demonic oni, and
guidance on using corruption in games.
The Essential Guide to the
Dominion of Fu Leng
Peter Holland (order #18525021)
Robert Denton III, EA Dunn, Lisa Farrell, Jordan Goldfarb,
Rob Hobart, D. G. Laderoute, Jason Marker, and James Spahn
EXPANSION GRAPHIC DESIGN Scott Nicely with Evan Simonet and Michael Silsby
Apterus, Steve Argyle, Drew Baker, Francesca Baerald, Max Bedulenko, Noah Bradley,
Sergio Camarena, Calvin Chua, Mauro Dal Bo, Nele Diel, Derk D. Edgell, John Anthony Di Giovanni,
Jason Engle, Tony Foti, Anthony Francisco, Filipe Gaona, Kevin Zamir Goeke, Gong Studios, Hai Hoang,
Lin Hsiang, Aurelien Hubert, Ursula Murray Husted, Wenn Juni, MuYoung Kim, Pavel Kolomeyets,
Diego Gisbert Llorens, Damien Mammoliti, Aaron Miller, Niten, Ben Peck, Polar Engine, Paolo Puggioni,
Bram Sels, Yudong Shen, Preston Stone, Shawn Ignatius Tan, Isuardi Therianto, Tropa Entertainment,
Halil Ural, Brian Valenzuela, Le Vuong, Haibin Wu, and Matt Zeilinger
Michael Bernabo, Gavin Duffy, Emeric Dwyer, Julien Escalier, Cole Hanton, Ian Houlihan,
Romain Labrot, Evangelen Lee, François Martinez, Ryan Miner, Russel Needham,
James O’Connor, and Brandon Perdue
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Hiruma Gakuto shielded his eyes from the piercing Kiyosue slammed his tetsubō into the dirt inches
sun and squinted at the riverbed. “We’ve been here from Gakuto’s face. Ritsuko’s jaw clenched at the result-
before,” he muttered. ing dust cloud. Had Kiyosue slipped even a bit…
A hard smack. Gakuto sprawled in the dust, Hida “Are you all cowards?” the Hida demanded. “Since
Kiyosue glaring down at him with a red palm. when did the Crab cower at darkness? I’ll go in alone if
Kuni Ritsuko winced but said nothing. I must, and you can tell the Great Bear that you aban-
“Idiot!” Kiyosue hissed at the scout. “You have giv- doned the hunt for the oni at his doorstep!”
en our location away!” Gakuto made to speak, but Ritsuko interrupted, her
Gakuto’s welt traced a red line down his face. decision clear if not easy.
“We’re going in circles!” he protested. “I’ll follow,” she said. Ignoring Gakuto’s stunned
“It’s an illusion, you dumb goat!” barked Kiyosue. face, she approached the commander.
“You really trust what you see out here?!” Kiyosue grunted. “See? The Kuni knows—”
Gakuto rubbed his eyes. Only wind stirring shriv- Pale light poured from her fingers as Kiyosue was
eled grass. No riverbed. No river. engulfed in green flame. His body fell just as the last
Kiyosue grunted in disgust. “Whelps.” prayer left Ritsuko’s lips.
Ritsuko silently watched her commander as he The clearing resounded with swords leaving
turned, fidgeting absently with the jade finger around sheaths. But then a cough from the fallen Hida. Then
his neck. He’s never done that before, she thought. another. And then.
Has the Shadowlands finally gotten to him? It was as if a pyre had been lit inside Kiyosue’s gap-
She waited until the others followed him away from ing mouth. Formless black curtains poured out. From
the clearing. Then, she knelt beside Gakuto and lifted the smoke, something lunged, bony legs outstretched,
a bandage to wipe his face. reaching for Ritsuko’s throat.
He flinched. Inched away. Avoided her eyes. A ward was already in her hands. Its scream was like
They were all like that. She was a Kuni, a walking shattering glass.
shroud, her face kabuki-painted to fool the demons. Silence. Ritsuko drew back. “It’s gone.” She smiled in
Only the brute spared her more than a glance. The oth- spite of herself. That was easier than she’d anticipated.
ers kept her at arm’s length. The others rushed past to their fallen commander.
She was used to it. Serves him right, came a thought. He didn’t deserve to
“Hold still,” came her steady voice. She dabbed at lead, behaving like that.
his cut and readied a salve. “He’ll live,” she said. “The Shadow Oni needs a liv-
“It is nothing,” he said. He stared where the river- ing host, a mind to fill with hubris and vice.”
bed had been. “Just a scratch.” “H-how did you know?” Gakuto managed.
“You know what a mere scratch can do out here.” “His jade finger,” she replied, cutting it free from
He swallowed. the commander’s neck. “It’s actually malachite.”
Before, they looked at her with fear and suspicion.
Now, their eyes glittered with admiration. Respect.
You’re their leader now, another thought came
They found the cave before long. It was little more than unbidden. And you’ll be a better leader than that
a partially covered hole, like something a giant trap- drunken brute ever was.
door spider would have dug. Ritsuko sandwiched a rat A cold realization fell over her.
femur in her palms, whispered a prayer, then tossed it. Gakuto bowed. “You are now in charge, Kuni-sama.
It pointed into the dark opening. What are your orders?”
“This is the lair,” she whispered. Ritsuko thrust out her hands. “Chain me to the
Kiyosue readied his tetsubō. “Light some torches. tree,” she said, “and get another Kuni.”
We’re going in.” It didn’t speak again until the last scout was gone.
It was Gakuto who dared speak, bowing. “Hida- Its voice scraped the inside of her skull like an iron nail.
sama, we should smoke it out, if it is home! Let us gath- Foolish girl, it said, I could have made you great.
er some grass. We can fight it in the light.” “Foolish demon,” she whispered with steel in her
voice, “I will make you dead.”
To the south of Rokugan lies the Shadowlands. Creat- Throughout this book, you’ll find sidebars like Throughout this book,
ed when the Dark Kami fell to Rokugan and descend- you’ll find sidebars
this one presenting adventure seeds for GMs.
presenting just a few of
ed into the underworld of Jigoku, it is a nightmarish If you’re a player, you might want to avoid the tales in circulation
place of demons and monsters. All of Rokugan stands reading these, as doing so could spoil things about a particular loca-
against it, but none as much as the Crab Clan. While should your GM adopt the ideas! If you’re a tion or group. As a GM,
the rest of the Emerald Empire politely schemes in GM, you can expand on these seeds to create you might use these for
courtly dramas, the Crab stand resolute against the inspiration when PCs
fully fledged adventures, take bits and piec-
inquire about any local
greatest threat to Rokugan. es, or simply use them for inspiration. gossip or anecdotal
reports. Following up
What’s In This Book? 一 Hook The hook provides the context for
starting the adventure and introduces the
on such rumors could
even form the basis for
Shadowlands is a guide to the dread realms of Fu important NPCs. We also provide a suggest- an adventure.
Leng, where corruption and evil thrive in place of hon- ed way to involve the PCs in events, which
As with all tales, it is
or and courage. In it, players find information on this you can tailor to fit your campaign. not always clear which
region as well as Crab lands and the great Kaiu Wall are true and which are
二 Rising Action In the next part of an
that divides the Shadowlands from Rokugan. With new false. We’ve left it up to
adventure seed, we briefly describe the you to determine which
schools, techniques, weapons, and more to aid them, most likely way for events to escalate, further are which. Of course,
PCs can fight the Tainted creatures and other terrors embroiling the PCs and raising the stakes. even the most outland-
that would destroy the Emerald Empire. ish stories might have a
This book is divided into three chapters: 三 Climax Finally we offer a likely climax grain of truth.
for the adventure, whether that is a decisive
Chapter 1 encounter with an NPC or a difficult choice
the PCs must make. By this point, the events
Dark Histories explores the Shadowlands and features of the adventure are likely to have taken
several of the infamous locations including the Fester- unexpected turns based on the PCs’ actions,
ing Pit of Fu Leng and Daylight Castle as well as the and you should feel free to modify the climax
vile denizens that can be found at each. It then cov- or resolve matters in whatever way fits the
ers the clan which acts as the bulwark against this evil: ongoing adventure.
the Crab, including its families and lands. Lastly, the
chapter covers the Wall itself and the brave patrols that
explore and investigate the Shadowlands. concerning roleplaying corruption, new ways to spend
Opportunity in the Shadowlands, and additional NPC
Chapter 2 demeanors and templates for creating characters
themed for Crab and Shadowlands adventures. Lastly,
Honor Against Demons introduces the ghost-hunters
there are rules for crafting unique new oni to terrorize
of the Falcon Minor Clan, along with rules for creating
and devour the Empire—unless there are samurai
player characters from this clan. It includes other new
courageous enough to stop them.
player options such as schools, weapons, armor, and
techniques, plus patterns to create customized items
to better protect the Empire. There are new advantages
and disadvantages relating to the Shadowlands
and, for those who dare, there is guidance for
using mahō and new techniques for employing
such dread blood magic.
Chapter 3
Out of the Shadows offers game master advice
for running games set in the Shadowlands,
especially using the horror themes which
define this setting. It includes guidance
Hida Sanae propped her jade-studded tetsubō against
the rampart and looked out to the horizon. The bleak
landscape shimmered and shifted, a barren hill now,
after an eye-blink, a stand of twisted, gnarled trees.
The Shadowlands
When the Kami finally fell from the Celestial Heav-
ens, eight of them plunged into Ningen-dō, the Realm
of Mortals, and became the leaders of the new Emer-
South of the Emerald Empire sprawls the vile realm ald Empire. They engaged in combat to determine
known as the Shadowlands. Spawned at the dawn of who would be Emperor, and Hantei won. However,
the Empire by the fall from the Heavens of the evil when Fu Leng fell, religious doctrine explains that his
Kami, Fu Leng, the Shadowlands is the ultimate antith- resentment for his siblings was a beacon for the malev-
esis of Rokugan—a profane place of corruption, death, olent powers of Jigoku, the Realm of Evil. Fu Leng
and destruction. It is a land steeped in vile power that was pulled away from the other Kami as he fell. On
emanates from Jigoku, the Realm of Evil, and its horri- a new trajectory, he eventually struck Ningen-dō, but
fying denizens have a single-minded purpose: to sub- he smashed through its substance, tearing open a hole
jugate and destroy the Empire, and then the rest of the between the Mortal Realm and Jigoku. He kept fall-
Mortal Realm of Ningen-dō. ing, finally coming to rest deep in the Realm of Evil.
Because it has played such a pivotal role in the his- In his wake, corrupting power oozed from the hole he
tory of the Empire, it is important to understand the had sundered, relentlessly afflicting the Mortal Realm
Shadowlands—how it came into being, its essential around it with a malign contamination.
nature, and the profoundly existential threat it poses. Soon, the lands surrounding the vile portal—now
known as the Festering Pit of Fu Leng—became cor-
Origin and History rupted and steeped in evil. All of the things living
in them were either destroyed or twisted into foul,
Once, what is now the Shadowlands was a lush and unnatural forms, while the water, the air, and even the
fertile land, free of even a hint of corruption. This is land itself were stricken by the emanations from the
how the nezumi recall it, at least, in stories of their Festering Pit. Worse, monstrous things crawled out
ancestors, whose cities flourished in that region before of Jigoku and into the Mortal Realm. The lands south
the arrival of Fu Leng. Rokugani scholars debate how of the nascent Emerald Empire were infused with the
much of this is true and how much is fantasy, at least evil influence of Jigoku, a spiritual malady known as
to the extent that any believe the rat people at all, the Taint. In a few short years, they became a blighted
for most Rokugani view them as bestial and primitive. nightmare realm where humans refused to tread. As for
Still, all generally agree that, at one time, what is now the nezumi, their stories tell of grand cities shattered
the Shadowlands was much like any other part of the and a vast civilization reduced to scattered bands of
Mortal Realm. survivors in a hostile and hellish land.
The Taint is so horrific that it is capable of afflicting the Like the land, the air in the Shadowlands tends to be
elements themselves. This is particularly the case in as inimical as possible, given the circumstances. If one
the Shadowlands, where the intensity of this elemental seeks to travel quickly or labors hard to climb, then the
corruption increases with proximity to the Festering Pit. air is sultry and hot. If one needs to see into the dis-
Conversely, the effect diminishes away from the Fester- tance, then ominous mists rise, obscuring things more
ing Pit, continuing beyond the Shadowlands. The Kuni than a short distance away. When seeking shelter, tor-
family’s studies suggest that the Shadowlands spread rential rain or sudden, intense cold descends. The rain
when the horrors of Fu Leng congregate in numbers— is not always water: Hiruma scouts have reported that
or when wicked rituals are used to blight the land. The in the Shadowlands, downpours are often shot through
lands of the Hiruma became Tainted as the Maw’s forces with worms, blood, and chunks of viscera. Boiling
spread over them. The Wastelands of the Kuni represent water, acid, or venom might even fall from above. In
something of an aberration, however, as the region was extreme cases, clouds of soporific or even poisonous
subsequently cleansed of the Taint, but only by driv- vapors envelop travelers, causing them to halluci-
ing out all spiritual presences from the area, killing the nate, collapse in sleep, or become so ill as to perish
land itself. between steps.
As the Crab know, water in the Shadowlands is never Like the land, air, and water, plant and animal life in the There are more than mere
safe. Not only is it hazardous to drink, but it is perilous Shadowlands are twisted into foul and often dangerous plants and animal threats
even to come into contact with it. In most cases, this forms. Trees, bushes, and even grasses may be stunted in the Shadowlands.
is obvious, as streams and pools often appear slimy or Corrupted and Tainted
or malformed, or appear dead even as they continue
creatures abound, from
sludgy, or glisten with an oily sheen. The water usually to grow. Conversely, they may be growing grossly out goblins to oni. Perhaps
reeks of decay, sulfur, or caustic substances that burn of control, like cancerous tumors of greenery. Moss, the most dangerous,
the eyes and throat. Deeper into the Shadowlands, lichen, and fungus form slimy, sickly overgrowths, while though, are the Lost.
Crab scouts report that what should be water is some- bloated mushrooms and toadstools burst into clouds The Lost are those
times replaced by blood, bile, or even more terrible of acrid spores if disturbed, sometimes causing hor- humans who have fallen
fluids. That said, water that appears clear and uncon- rific infections in those exposed to them. In all cases, to the Taint and now
taminated is often the most dangerous. A cautionary plants in the Shadowlands are dangerous, with barbed reside permanently in the
tale among the Hiruma tells of a scout whose own Shadowlands. Many are
thorns, razor-edged leaves, or any of a wide variety of
powerful samurai, such
supply of water had run out; driven by frantic thirst, toxic or corrosive secretions. as the Dark Moto, while
he rejoiced when he found what looked like a clean, The Taint similarly distorts animal life in the Shad- some of the others could
cold pool among some rocks. He desperately began owlands. Insects tend to swarm aggressively, pinch- be mahō practitioners
to drink…only to realize, too late, that it was actually a who worship Fu Leng to
ing, biting, and stinging with sharp pincers, powerful
gain power.
powerful and corrosive acid. mandibles, or venomous barbs. Some of them swell
into oversized monstrosities instead. Crab scouts com- Encountering the Lost is
always a terrible experi-
monly speak of spiders, centipedes, and flesh-boring
ence for samurai of the
worms as long as a person’s forearm. Empire. Not only are the
Lost deadly combatants,
but they also represent
one of the horrible fates
that could befall even the
most loyal of Imperial
Big Stink
It is said that long ago, when Daylight Castle fell The Crab promptly gathered a large force to
to the Shadowlands, a lesser Hiruma fortress also eradicate the creatures; they could not reclaim the
fell to evil. This was the Haikyo sano Kappa, which land, but they could at least cleanse it of goblins.
is not mourned to the same degree as the lost It was a difficult campaign, but they left behind an
Hiruma home. Though this castle had great tac- empty city when they returned to the Wall.
tical value, few pressed to reclaim it then. Time This did not last long. Only a season later, oth-
passed, and given other pressing concerns, it was er scouts reported the city infested again, filled
almost forgotten. Years later, when Hiruma scouts with even more goblins. Though it was late in the
arrived to assess its status, they were astounded year, a second Crab force was dispatched and put
by what it had become. it to the torch. Early the following year, though, it
There, where once had stood the proud and was once more infested and the stench even more
strong Kappa fortress, was now a place of ruins powerful. The cycle repeated multiple times over
infested with countless goblins. The vile creatures the following years, but slowly it became appar-
had transformed it into a twisted city, complete ent that the goblins in Big Stink were far less of
with crude markets and congested streets. Hov- a menace than other Shadowlands dangers that
els had sprouted up haphazardly like foul mush- were menacing the Wall and beyond.
rooms, overflowing with goblins. The scouts could Today, Big Stink is somewhat ignored. Occa-
discern the markings of multiple goblin warbands, sionally, Crab bushi are assigned to become part
somehow coexisting without erupting into battle. of the next cleansing force as punishment. Only
Captured goblins revealed their city’s new the Kuni keep a close watch on the city and its
name: Big Stink. It was certainly accurate given the denizens, studying goblin society and seeking tac-
intense odor from the concentrated goblins, one tics to better deal with them in the Shadowlands
which could be detected many miles away. and elsewhere in Rokugan.
A further point regarding the Festering Pit is worthy Intervening Regions
of note. According to the recollection of the nezumi, Fu
I heard that if you pry a Leng smashed through a great city inhabited by their A number of notable locations rest uneasily between
stone from the Wall and ancestors when he fell, destroying it and subsequently the Shadowlands and the uncorrupted lands of the
take it into the Shadow- Empire. These can be considered transitional, being
causing that civilization to fall into ruin. This may be
lands, it protects just like
apocryphal, however; just a distortion of barely remem- wholly part of neither region.
a finger of jade.
bered stories passed from generation to generation.
A friend said she saw $$ The Plains above Evil: The Heigen yori ue
Far beyond the Festering Pit (from the perspective
something rise up out of ni Warui, or Plains above Evil, are a broad
the waters off the coast of Rokugan) sprawl the Haunted Jungles. This would
expanse of barren wilderness separated from
of the Shadowlands and represent “the other side” of the Shadowlands, pos-
the vast woodlands of the Shinomen Mori, and
drag a huge warship sibly bordering the distant Ivory Kingdoms. Little is
under the waves. the Empire beyond it by the northern range
known about these corrupted lands, aside from brief
of the Twilight Mountains. They border the
If you cover your ears at and sporadic accounts that filter into the Empire from
Shadowlands to the west and southwest, and
night in the Shadowlands, gaijin travelers. One can only imagine what nightmar-
you can hear the voice the Crab lands to the south. The Plains are not,
ish effects the Taint has on thick, verdant lands teem-
of the creature that is as far as the Crab can discern, rife with Taint;
ing with life, many instances of which were already
coming to kill you. in fact, Shadowlands creatures generally avoid
supremely dangerous.
Something else burns in them. Still, their bleak, dry grasslands dotted
the sky above the Shad- with enigmatic ruins are inhospitable to the
owlands, something that The Sea of Shadows Rokugani. Attempts have been made to settle
hates us as much as Lady and the Thorn Coast them, but crops failed, sources of water dried
Amaterasu loves us.
On its eastern and southern sides, the Shadowlands up, and disease and other misfortunes afflict-
A group of Hiruma told ed the would-be settlers. The Kuni speculate
borders the sea. These Tainted waters earned the name
me that they found a
the Sea of Shadows: a vast swath plagued by sudden that there is some unknown involvement of
twisted court in the
Shadowlands where Lost and destructive storms, long spells of eerie calm, and the Taint. As there has yet been no success in
courtiers craft elaborate endless banks of thick, cold fog. Sometimes the water dealing with the matter, the Plains above Evil
intrigues to corrupt
itself becomes a deadly foe, suddenly boiling, freezing remain empty and forbidding.
magistrates and others
who enforce the Emperor's into jagged ice, or clinging to the sides of ships as it
Laws. congeals into blood, sludge, or corrosive acid.
If these threats weren’t enough to persuade the
Empire’s ships to avoid the Sea of Shadows, the mon-
strous creatures that dwell within it certainly would be.
Those who are brave enough to dare its dark waters—
and survive—report glimpsing, just beneath the sur-
face, the passage of gigantic, scaled things many times
larger than kobune ships, huge masses of writhing
tentacles, or swarms of glowing eyes. There are even
more sporadic reports of especially horrifying and oth-
erworldly encounters, such as with the Skull Tide—a
literal tsunami of chattering, biting skulls many leagues
across, which consumes everything in its path.
The shoreland bordering the Sea of Shadows, known
as the Thorn Coast, is like the interior of the Shadow-
lands in character, except that it is much more rugged
and mountainous. The Crab have deployed koutetsu-
kan—stout but ponderous ships protected with iron
armor and jade—on expeditions to investigate both
the Sea of Shadows and the Thorn Coast. Sailors who
survived the effort have said that the corrupted coastal
lands are almost impossible to traverse, as the already
significant dangers inherent to any mountainous region
have been horrifically magnified by the Taint.
A gashadokuro is an Otherworldly, Tainted being of
silhouette 5. The first time it would be defeated due
to suffering damage each scene, it ignores that dam-
age and its bone plating is destroyed instead.
Illustrative of the Taint’s ability to corrupt nearly
anything, a kyōrinrin is a being composed of scrolls,
origami, or essentially anything else made of paper.
Given their nature, they may not appear particularly
dangerous. This is deceptive, however, as the power
motivating kyōrinrin is a strong one, and they can
bind, blind, or even smother their foes. The paper
that composes them can be torn or burned, but they
Harionago are tenacious and continue to attack, usually until they
ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK: 4 3 are completely destroyed.
panions before attacking. Occasionally, these beings
infiltrate the Empire, making them a possible threat Subtle Appearance: Fear of Fire:
even far inside the Kaiu Wall. Martial; Physical Social; Mental
00 HONOR 16
Expert in Disguise: Impatience: (such as from a Fire invocation, kihō, or a flame), its
Social; Interpersonal Social; Mental resistance counts as 0. When a kyōrinrin makes a
A penanggalan is an Otherworldly, Tainted being. The Shadowlands are
Penanggalan outwardly appear to be normal humans. While bodiless, it is silhouette 0; while wearing a not the only place that
Indeed, during the day, they go about their business in body, it is silhouette 2. When a penanggalan inflicts horrific creatures can
Rokugan as farmers, artisans, or even samurai. Patrols be found in Rokugan.
a critical strike on its target, it removes fatigue from Some of these beings
in the Shadowlands sometimes encounter them posing itself equal to the severity (after the check to resist). are Tainted creatures
as lost merchants or scouts. At night, however, they Optionally, the GM may choose 0–2 mahō (see page such as penanggalan,
reveal their true nature: their head and internal organs 224 of the core rulebook and page 118 of this book) that slip out of the
detach from their body and become capable of flying Shadowlands through
that a penanggalan can perform; add 1 to this charac-
about. In this horrific form, they seek out their victims, cunning or force. Oth-
ter’s combat rank for each mahō chosen this way. ers have been stranded
usually individuals who are isolated or alone. after major incursions
When they attack, they do so swiftly, strangling Ravenous Shadowlands Ogre have been driven back.
their victims with their dangling viscera and then However, not all of
draining them of their blood. Because their entrails ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK: 7 1 these creatures are the
become engorged, they have difficulty squeezing Ogres are huge, violent creatures from the Shadowlands vile servants of Fu Leng.
themselves back into the shell of their body, so they Tribes of mountain gob-
that can also be found north of the Wall. Once intelli-
lins, ogres that wander
spend several days digesting their meal, soaking gent beings, long ago they were twisted into little more the high peaks, restless
themselves in vinegar to speed the process. They take than beasts that live only to kill and devour anything spirits on abandoned
great care to hide their bodies away until their food is they can catch. battlefields, and even
completely consumed; many believe this is because if ancient and demonic
SOCIETAL PERSONAL beings that lurk within
the penanggalan’s body is destroyed in the meantime,
forbidding swamps—all
the creature itself will weaken and die. Because pen- 0 HONOR ENDURANCE
17 of the can be found
anggalan thrive on secrecy, one is unlikely to attack a 4 1 lurking at the outskirts
party of samurai unless it can arrange for one of them 5 GLORY COMPOSURE
7 of civilization.
to be alone and takes them by surprise. If confronted,
2 3
penanggalan are likely to flee, but they are fierce 0 STATUS 1 FOCUS
4 Many of these are
not Tainted, but just
fighters if cornered. Some are even capable of using because they are not
mahō, making them truly dangerous opponents.
+2, –2
2 in the thrall of the
Fallen Kami does not
mean they cannot be
Tentacle Entrails: Range 0–2, Damage 5, Deadliness the target suffers the Prone condition in addition to all
6, Snaring, Unholy other results of the critical strike.
Gear (equipped): Body shell (Physical 3 while the
body is worn)
A revenant is an Otherworldly, Tainted being. It may
A revenant is a powerful undead servant, a creature issue orders to undead creatures if they were created
that retains some intelligence and knowledge from its by the same mahō-tsukai (see page 118). Undead
former life. If the mahō-tsukai who creates it wishes, creatures under its orders ignore their disadvantages
they can supply a revenant with an onikage mount and count as having the Revenant’s assistance on all
(see page 23) and even a group of animated Scholar, Social, and Trade checks they make. At the
dead that are ordered to obey the revenant’s com- GM’s discretion, a revenant might be armed with a
mand. Such revenants can act as champions for the different weapon or even heavier armor.
mahō-tsukai, but the practitioner should be certain of
the revenant’s loyalty before bestowing such power.
4 2 Also known as “blood eels,” these foul creatures are
∞ found in ponds and waterways throughout the Shad-
2 3 owlands. They latch onto their prey with wickedly
5 barbed hooks, bite exposed flesh with their jagged
teeth, and proceed to drain the unfortunate victim’s
+2, –2
2 blood with the aid of saliva that prevents coagulation.
2 1
Undead Gunsō: Self-Knowledge: 1 0 2 +2, –2
Social; Interpersonal Social; Mental DEMEANOR - AGGRESSIVE
5 1
Fallen The tall and proud trees have small barbs running
along the bark like fangs, many glistening with a dark,
Chrysanthemum Lake oily residue, for they are not true cherry trees. Entan-
gling vines run up the trunks, and vicious grubs burrow
Far beyond the protective stone of the Wall, there is
into the surrounding ground. The smell grows stronger,
said to be a most wondrous vista. Serene and peaceful,
into an unforgettable stench. The flowers leave a rich,
it includes a beautiful lake that is even more a marvel
blood-red stain on everything they touch; even a few
given the despoiled nature of the Shadowlands. For
petals can contaminate a large swath of grass to give the
lost scouts or warriors seeking respite from ravenous
illusion of a mass of blossoms. What might look like the
predators, it appears a blessing. What they soon real-
setting sun reflecting on the lake is the actual hue of the
ize, however, is that the blessing is actually a curse, for
water, for the falling petals share their deep crimson col-
they have stumbled upon Fallen Chrysanthemum Lake.
or as they bleed into the water like a beheaded samurai.
Even worse, the blossoms themselves carry the
Waters of Death Taint. The lake, filled with ages of dissolved blossoms,
The lake appears quite idyllic at first glance. Flower- is more terrible still as its effects are not apparent at
ing cherry trees line the shores, their blossoms slow- first. It is only perhaps a day later when those foolish
ly drifting down like gentle clouds. Soft breezes waft enough to touch or dare drink from it notice their vision
the sweet-smelling air to and fro. A village filled with turning red as their limbs grow numb and their blood
mounted samurai lies along the far shore. There is a thickens into gelatinous strands.
stillness here that contrasts with the brutal violence Like all things within the Shadowlands, the Taint
and screams that seem to fill the wretched desolation infuses everything in this otherwise picturesque loca-
elsewhere. Then, as one grows nearer and studies the tion. Even if someone avoids contact, merely breathing
setting closer, the lake unveils its true nature. the air near the lake over a prolonged period allows its
fumes to enter their body, thus corrupting their flesh.
Blossoms that fall nearby are also hazardous for rea-
sons Kuni scholars do not fathom.
Adventure Seed:
are captured in battle or awoken in the night to Tangling Vines: Range 0–2, Damage 3, Deadliness 2,
find themselves hopelessly outnumbered by Snaring, Unholy
Dark Moto. They are taken as captives to Thun-
dering Tide Keep, where they are placed with Gear (equipped): Outer husk (Physical 3)
enslaved and tortured captives, many of whom
are samurai. All the captives show advanced
3 2
3 3
Many of the older trees near the lake are entwined with
these masses of entangling vines, which also appear in
+2, –2
other Shadowlands locations along with other foliage
or in patches along the ground. They appear sessile, ARTISAN 0 MARTIAL 5 SCHOLAR 1 SOCIAL 3 TRADE 2
and envelop their prey. The crushing death that follows
3 1
2 Ujik Lance: Range 1–2, Damage 5, Deadliness 5,
2 0 2 +2, –2
Prepare, Wargear (can only be used while mounted)
DEMEANOR - AGGRESSIVE Gear (equipped): Corrupted armor (Physical 2,
Supernatural 1, Unholy), katana or scimitar, horsebow
and quiver, Dark Moto onikage steed (see page 23)
A Dark Moto bushi is an Otherworldly, Tainted being.
Just as humans who die in the Shadowlands can attract
When making an Attack action while on horseback, a
kansen and arise as mindless zombies, so can their
Dark Moto bushi may spend + to move 1 range
steeds. Formed from the remains of lesser horses,
band per spent this way after resolving the action.
onikage are more bones than flesh, yet they can still
effectively carry riders into battle.
Moto Tsume
The pride of Moto Tsume, the leader of the Dark Moto,
led to a disastrous fall. He and his forces were utter-
ly defeated and corrupted in the Shadowlands, but
2 1 3 +2, –2
he remains his warriors’ leader hundreds of years lat-
er. Now a being swelled with terrible power, Tsume ARTISAN 0 MARTIAL 3 SCHOLAR 0 SOCIAL 0 TRADE 1
ensures his warriors continually train and develop their
martial skills, for he knows there will soon come a time ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
when the Dark Moto shall be fully unleashed against Tireless: Hard to Control:
the Emerald Empire. Martial; Physical Martial; Mental
12 20
in appearance, with reptilian hides and crimson
MASTER OF TACTICS AND TERROR eyes. These steeds use the profile for onikage,
Moto Tsume is an Otherworldly, Tainted being who adding the following additional ability:
may use any of the abilities of a Dark Moto. When DEADLY STEED
making a Tactics check, Tsume may spend + to If the rider is a Dark Moto, when making an
inflict 1 strife on each enemy in the scene (or 1 panic Attack action check, the rider may spend
on each enemy army in a mass battle) per spent to have their mount lash out with its teeth and
this way. During their turn, whenever non-Dark Moto hooves, inflicting 5 damage with the Unholy
characters would normally gain strife while in a scene quality on a character at range 0–1.
with Tsume, they gain that much plus 1.
False Lantern Grove surrender their jade and submit to the Shadowlands
Taint. While most of the samurai who have crossed
The False Lantern Grove is an apparent oasis of spiri- paths with this oni refused its sermons and lost their
tual purity in these fell lands. The sorcery of its keeper heads for “blaspheming” against Fu Leng, some few
allows it to masquerade as a shrine kept safe by the kami saw its terrible power and succumbed to its offers,
during the night, when the inviting glow of its paper lan- casting away their jade instead of their lives and join-
terns draws in the foolish and the desperate. Under the ing the ranks of the Lost. Those who have fallen in this
blessed light of Lady Sun, however, its truth is revealed: way maintain a twisted parody of their old religion, and
the “lanterns” are the hanging skulls of those who have sometimes they return to the grove to receive the oni’s
fallen victim to the oni who dwells within. blessing again, as if it were an honored monk.
Skull-Cleaving Oni
Whereas most oni seek dominion, the skull-cleaving
oni believes in Fu Leng’s inherent authority and divinity
in a twisted reflection of Rokugani veneration of the
Dark Kami’s siblings. As such, it prefers to prosely-
tize its faith to others and try to win them over to the
service of Fu Leng. Of course, being an oni, its ideas The vines remain until a character interrupts the oni's
of persuasion do not always match Rokugani norms. chant by inflicting the Dazed, Disoriented, or Silenced
While it may debate theology or argue for the benefits condition on the oni (or killing it), returning the foliage
of embracing the Taint if given the chance, it also tries to normal.
more forceful means of persuasion. Those who let their
guard down may have jade stolen from them so that
the Taint seeps in whether willingly accepted or not,
Adventure Seed:
Far From the Tree
or the oni may offer a defeated foe one last chance
to “repent” before claiming their skull. Ultimately, the
skull-cleaving oni doesn’t care if its converts are sincere
in their worship, as long as they offer it. 一 Hook Hida Osamu, a young samurai
newly appointed to command, led a patrol
into the Shadowlands and encountered the
18 False Lantern Grove, where most of his patrol
4 3 was slain by his incautious leadership. The
4 5 sole survivor returned to bear word of the
8 encounter, and now Osamu’s father, Hida
Hisao, hopes to free his son’s remains from
,+1, –2
4 defilement by the oni. He charges the PCs
with finding the skull-cleaving oni so that
proper funerary rites can be conducted for its
UNHOLY SHRINE GUARDIAN they must confront the oni, possibly in its
The skull-cleaving oni is a Tainted, Otherworldly being guise as a monk if they arrive at night, and
of silhouette 3. At night, its appearance changes to then retrieve the remains of the Hida officer
that of a placid monk of silhouette 2, and its cleaver to and anyone else they can identify. Depend-
that of a walking stick. The oni may dismiss the illusion ing on how the encounter plays out, this may
at any time, and it always does so before engaging mean the group splits up so that one half can
in combat. Characters can make a TN 4 Theology sneak off with the remains while the other dis-
check (Water 3, Earth 5) to see through this false tracts the oni, encouraging it to pontificate on
appearance. Once per scene as a Support action, the its faith or facing it in battle to see if the grove
oni may chant to summon and control 6 fudoshi vines gains new skulls or loses old ones.
(see page 22) that act at Initiative 1 each round.
The Festering Near the Festering Pit, the power of the Taint
intensifies, oni wander freely, and even the blessed
Pit of Fu Leng protection of jade falters. To approach the Pit is to
approach Jigoku itself. As terrible and malign as the
Although the geography of the Shadowlands is fluid
Shadowlands are as a whole, there is nowhere in all of
and mutable, it can nevertheless be said to have a cen-
Ningen-dō as terrible as the environs around Fu Leng’s
ter. The dark heart of this terrible realm is the Festering
descent. On the rare occasions the Crab have cause to
Pit of Fu Leng, the ancient site where the fall of the
send scouts near the Pit, they do not expect them to
Dark Kami tore a hole in the mortal world and opened
return, hoping only that they will accomplish whatever
a doorway into the hellish realm of Jigoku. It is from the
urgent mission draws them forth before succumbing to
Festering Pit that the malevolent power of the Shadow-
the Taint. The rare few who do return become some of
lands originates, flowing into the mortal world in waves
the Crab Clan’s most venerated heroes—assuming the
of corruption. While the Shadowlands Taint spreads in
Kuni find them to be who and what they claim to be.
many ways, it is the Festering Pit that is its ultimate and
original source.
History of the Festering Pit
The story of the Pit is a story unlike any in Rokugan, for it
The Pit and the Taint is not a story of Rokugan and its people. It is a tale of the
oni, and only the most fragmentary details are known
When a character approaches the Festering to mortals. Not even the Kuni know what occurred in
Pit, the effects of the Taint are vastly amplified. Jigoku before Fu Leng’s arrival, but it is clear that since
Even a character with jade gains the Afflict- the descent and torment of the Dark Kami and his sub-
ed condition on a ring of the GM’s choice for sequent rise to power in that realm, the oni have turned
every twelve hours they spend there. When all their attention toward Ningen-dō and Rokugan.
of the character’s rings are suffering from the According to ancient legends, it was this attention
Afflicted condition, each day one ring of the that led to the first expansions of the Shadowlands
GM’s choice gains the Shadowlands Taint dis- from around the Festering Pit, as Fu Leng’s acolytes
advantage instead. and servants boiled forth from its depths to conquer
Characters who already have the Shad- the Mortal Realm. The Day of Thunder halted the
owlands Taint disadvantage hear the cajoling spread for a time, as did the rise of the Carpenter Wall
voices of the oni in their mind and feel the after that, but the oni are always hungry. In the depths
weight of corruption pressing down on them of the Pit, they wait still, the boldest of them venturing
at all times, gaining 1 strife every six hours forth to lead assaults against the Wall or to answer the
they spend there, and an additional strife at call of mahō-tsukai seeking power.
the end of every conflict scene. If a Tainted
character unmasks in the wastes near the Pit, Jigoku Unleashed
their unmasking must incorporate the horrific
conditions of their amplified corruption, driv- As terrible as the Shadowlands are, the Festering Pit
ing them to acts they normally would not con- is worse. The sky above the Pit is alternately red with
sider even when Compromised. fire or black with smoke, and blood is more likely to
Even the protection of jade is less sure fall from the clouds above it than rain. The Pit itself
near the Pit. As characters approach the Fes- yawns hundreds of yards wide, a gaping maw lined
tering Pit, jade begins to fail sooner; enough with jagged rocks and shards of obsidian, boring down
to provide protect for a full day is used up through the belly of the world. It is said the lower
in mere hours of travel. The exact details of reaches of the Pit roil with an inchoate sea of bile and
this increased corruption are left to the GM, filth from which constantly crawl newly formed mon-
but it should grow worse the closer characters strosities. Were a visitor somehow able to fight their
approach to the Festering Pit. At the mouth way past the hordes of Lost samurai, oni, and stranger
of the Pit, the amount of jade needed to pro- things that dwell around the lip of the Festering Pit and
tect a character is likely beyond their ability descend safely into this nightmarish froth, it is believed
to carry. they would arrive in Jigoku itself. No one in Rokugan’s
history has been foolish enough to attempt to test this
theory, and even the bravest samurai give the Pit as
wide a berth as possible.
And yet, to say that the wastes around the Pit are FAVORED WEAPONS & GEAR
safer and more hospitable than the Festering Pit itself
qualifies as truth only by the barest of technicalities. Obsidian Claws: Range 0–2, Damage 7, Deadliness 6,
For miles around, the land is cracked and broken, with Razor-Edged, Unholy
sharp rocks and deep fissures lining every possible Gear (equipped): Bone layers (Physical 4,
path. Foul oozes and pools of ichor fill many such crev- Supernatural 5)
ices, while others serve as lairs to the fiercest monsters
to crawl from the Pit. The very winds across the wastes
are said to be the breath of Fu Leng, and the voices of BURNING BONES FROM THE PIT
countless oni can be heard echoing past at all times. An obsidian bone oni is a Tainted, Otherworldly being
of silhouette 5. Once per round when a character
makes an Attack check against it, the attacker may
spend in the following manner:
: The oni’s pain becomes too intense, and
infuriates the creature. Increase the TN of
its next Attack action check by 1, and
increase the deadliness of its
claws by 1.
2 2
2 6
2 4 2 2 5
+2, –2
Scholar; Mental Martial; Social
Supernatural 2, Unholy)
Gear (equipped): Ethereal clothing (Physical 3,
ABILITIES Supernatural 5)
Crab Gaki
These ghostly samurai remember only the sense of
duty from their life, the need to follow orders, and
the pride achieved by victory. They hunger for these
things and have been waiting near the tomb for the
opportunity to prove themselves. The last order these
gaki remember was to drive evil into the Tomb, so they
attack all who approach. Travelers who wear the Crab
mon and are sufficiently brave may be able to pass, but
once they find the horrors awaiting them, may regret
their action.
lead the group. The gaki only attack samurai ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
not from the Crab Clan at first, but they will
entrance to prevent their escape. The PCs are Ghostly Tetsubō: Range 1–2, Damage 7, Deadliness
free to explore and find weapons, armor, and 3, deals supernatural damage
ceremonial items made of obsidian (which
Gear (equipped): Spectral armor (Physical and
possess the Unholy quality, per page 214
Supernatural 5)
of the core rulebook). If the PCs explore for
A Haunted Tower
The tower has no visible entrances,
but it has windows high up the walls,
just below the roofline. The uneven
walls are climbable, but a fall from even
halfway up would result in certain death.
Even getting close enough to the tower to
climb is a challenge, since a tangle of lurid
green brambles grow around its base.
Tunnels below the tower lead to a hidden
entrance, but it is easy to get lost in this dark,
cramped maze. They are home to vermin
and small Shadowlands creatures. Some-
times, text can be seen scrawled on
the wall or floor, possibly leaked from
nearby books. These words appear
suddenly and unexpectedly, and
they always cause unsettling
emotions in those who attempt
to read them.
Possessed Tomes
Within the tower, the walls are lined with books, scrolls, Wakizashi: Range 0–1, Damage 3, Deadliness 5/7,
and piles of parchment, and if there are doors or Ceremonial, Concealable, Razor-Edged
stairs, the texts conceal them. Items often fall from the
Gear (equipped): Faded robes (Physical 1,
shelves as if leaping for attention, landing with pag-
Supernatural 3)
es open to particularly corrupting passages. Whether
power of the words within, some of the books in the CALL OF THE KANSEN
Lost Library seem to have achieved something akin to A fallen scholar is a Tainted being. While in the Lost
sentience. Their only goal seems to be to share their Library, they count the TN of all Scholar skill checks
knowledge, either by compelling a visitor to read them they make as 1. The GM may choose 0–3 mahō (see
or by escaping to find unsuspecting readers elsewhere. page 224 of the core rulebook or page 118 of this
Some painfully adhere to any hand that touches them, book) that a fallen scholar can perform. Add 1 to this
forcing unwilling readers to leave an imprint of skin or character’s combat rank for each mahō technique cho-
else carry the book indefinitely. Others latch onto an sen this way.
unwary hand, crushing fingers between pages. Some
texts draw attention by some subtler means, whisper-
ing promises of knowledge and power.
Adventure Seed:
Fallen Scholar Hungry to Learn
ADVERSARY CONFLICT RANK: 2 6 一 Hook While within Crab lands or pos-
No one knows how many fallen scholars walk amidst sibly even on the Wall, an aged scholar
the endless stacks of books, scrolls, and other inscribed named Kuni Ryoji asks the PCs if they have
works in the Lost Library. It is rare to see the same one seen Kuni Kagekatsu, a student of his who
more than once, and their appearance is as unsettling had espoused using any power, no matter
as their environment. Some wear garb not seen since its source, to fight Fu Leng and his followers.
the First Wall was constructed or speak languages only Ryoji fears that she went alone into the Shad-
gaijin would recognize. The knowledge the kansen owlands, seeking the Lost Library. He asks the
offered drew them down this path, and the promised PCs to aid his efforts to rescue her from Fu
secrets within the Lost Library became their obsession. Leng’s influence.
Whether to gather personal power or to learn more
二 Rising Action Ryoji points them in what
about their enemies in the Shadowlands in order to
he believes to be the right direction, and they
better combat their evil, they rarely appreciate any who
eventually find the library’s tunnel entrance: a
would disturb their studies.
visible natural doorway in a rocky outcrop. The
SOCIETAL PERSONAL PCs can either attempt to navigate the tunnels
continue toward the library aboveground or
4 3 risk the climb to the windows above.
14 三 Climax Kagekatsu, now a fallen schol-
3 3 ar, is in the top room. She tries to persuade
6 the PCs that the books’ power could purify
+1,+1, –2 VIGILANCE
3 the Shadowlands, ending the threat it pos-
DEMEANOR - DETACHED es, and she believes the PCs have no right
Daylight Castle
of nezumi, convinced to help by the bravery of a young
scout named Hiruma Kazumi, saved it from disaster.
In the earliest days of the Empire, Hantei, the first This impromptu alliance marked the beginning of a
Emperor, ordered his brother Hida to defend against friendship between the Crab—the Hiruma, in particu-
incursions from the vile realm known as the Shadow- lar—and the nezumi that has lasted to this day.
lands. Hida and his followers created the “First Wall,” a In 375, Daylight Castle was again attacked, this
belt of fortifications—watchtowers, palisades, and bul- time by a force led by a powerful monster known as
warks—designed to block attacks from the forces of Fu Usu no Oni. While the oni had the castle under siege,
Leng. Foremost among Hida’s followers was Hiruma, a most of the Shadowlands force pushed on, plunging
skilled hunter and scout. Hiruma and his own followers deeper into the Empire. Finally, a Crab army reinforced
proved so adept at preventing, detecting, and defeat- with the Imperial Legions, which the Emperor himself
ing attacks from the Shadowlands that Hida elevated led, defeated Usu no Oni and its horde at the gates
Hiruma’s family in status within the Crab. In the heart of Kyūden Hida. The joint Crab-Imperial force then
of the lands granted to him, he established the Hiruma marched on to Daylight Castle.
family’s seat of power, a powerful edifice that became
known as Daylight Castle.
Raking Claws: Range 0, Damage 4, Deadliness 6,
ural 3, Unholy)
ABILITIES Biting Eyes: Range 0, Damage 5, Deadliness 8,
The Siren is an Otherworldly, Tainted being. At the Gear (equipped): Tattered robes (Physical 1,
end of each round, each other character at range 0–1 Supernatural 2)
gains the Afflicted condition. Once per scene, it may
make a TN 1 Sentiment (Air) check to take the form
lands allies, such as goblins or Tainted samu-
Unholy Stamina: Lost Arm: rai (these can be created by using the Tainted
Martial; Mental Martial; Physical template from page 144 on samurai NPCs of
the GM’s choice). The PCs now must decide if
Nezumi Magic
cate with each other as well as with the resi-
dents of Yume-dō. It also lets them visit dreams
Dreamers are the closest thing nezumi have to shugen- of other creatures and people to learn, commu-
ja, but they function differently. Dreamers are attuned nicate, inflict nightmares, or even assert some
to Yume-dō, the Realm of Dreams. They commune limited control over them.
with both Transcendents, the nezumi ancestors who $$ Dreamshaping allows Dreamers to divine and
dwell there, and with dream spirits known as baku. The change the identities of things within Yume-dō.
former offer guidance and wisdom, which is usually The spiritual ramifications of such change can
vague and difficult to interpret. The latter lead Dream- be permanent. While Dreamers cannot change
ers through the invisible barriers between dreams, the physical form of something or someone,
granting them access to the dreams of other nezumi, it is possible to alter a destiny. This is usual-
animals, people, and even divine beings. As the Taint ly used to aid allies, but there are stories of
does not spread through dreams, there are scholars selfish Dreamers who steal destinies for them-
who question whether it is these abilities that grant selves, shortening the lives of others to extend
their race resistance to corruption. their own.
Nezumi Tribes
The nezumi identify themselves by their tribes, which
are usually their extended family. Loyalty is paramount,
and betrayers are not granted the mercy shown to out-
cast nezumi. In fact, this is the one crime most tribes
punish by death, and there are written accounts of such
occurring. The nezumi take no satisfaction in execu-
tion, and ensure the end is swift and painless.
ABILITIES As a Scheme and Support action, a Renegade
DREAMSHAPER Dreamer may make a Theology (Air) check
to plant a nightmare into the mind of a target
A Third Whisker Dreamer is a being of silhouette 1
at range 0–2. The TN of the check is equal
who can never gain the Afflicted condition or the
to the target’s vigilance. If they succeed, the
Shadowlands Taint disadvantage. Once per scene, the
target is plagued by nightmares: they cannot
Third Whisker Dreamer can make a Theology (Void)
remove fatigue or strife until they succeed at
check to improve the destiny of a target at range 2.
a TN 3 Meditation check (Fire 2, Earth 5) as
The TN of the check is equal to the target’s Void Ring.
a downtime activity.
If the check is successful, the target gains 1 Void point.
armor, and they consider any garment that doesn’t
offer protection in battle pointless.
These nezumi are not actively hostile to the A Cracked Bone warrior is a being of silhouette 2 who
Rokugani scouts they encounter on neutral ground, but can never gain the Afflicted condition or the Shad-
they fight to protect their territory. They expect intrud- owlands Taint disadvantage. While making an Attack
ers to heed the scents they leave marking boundaries, action check against a target at range 0–1, a Cracked
and so more than one scout has lost their life due to a Bone warrior may spend to lash their foe with
cultural misunderstanding. The warriors of the Cracked their tail, inflicting 3 physical damage and causing
Bone demonstrate none of the survival instinct com- their target to suffer the Immobilized condition. Addi-
mon to most nezumi, but rather actively seek battle tionally, once per scene when an enemy succeeds on
against Shadowlands creatures to prove themselves an Attack action check targeting another nezumi at
worthy. Their young must bloody their claws to range 0–1, a Cracked Bone Warrior may intervene,
achieve adulthood, in a ceremony not dissimilar to the becoming the target of the action instead.
Rokugani gempuku. Their leader holds their position
by virtue of their martial skill, and when they grow too
old to defeat all challengers, a victorious warrior kills
them and takes their place.
Yet, their Rememberer is said to know where the armor ARTISAN 2 MARTIAL 0 SCHOLAR 3 SOCIAL 2 TRADE 2
and weapons of the Ghost Paws lie hidden, as the time
may come when the tribe must become warriors again.
enchanted Shinomen Forest. The nezumi con-
sider the Shinomen a utopia, a home without KEEPER OF HISTORY
threat of Shadowlands creatures or human A Burnt Paws Rememberer is a being of silhouette
intervention. Nezumi whisper about the Tat- 1 who can never gain the Afflicted condition or the
tered Ear and the progress it must make with- Shadowlands Taint disadvantage. Whenever a charac-
out such considerations. Perhaps they even ter in a scene with the Rememberer makes a Scholar
build cities among the trees, and one day will skill check involving the Shadowlands, the character
send troops of leaf-wearing warriors to lead may spend to have the Remembrancer relate some-
their cousins out of the Shadowlands. thing tangentially useful, such as where additional
components for a medicine just applied can be found,
or how long ago their tribe managed to defeat an oni
similar to the one threatening the group currently.
3 know how many tribes exist at any one time, as there
are many scattered across the Shadowlands.
+1, –2
1 All tribes have a leader, but in some this is the
greatest warrior, while in others, it is a gifted Dreamer
Unnoticed: Defenseless:
and scavenge, and even the youngest fight to protect
Martial; Physical Martial; Physical
the tribe when necessary.
A nezumi pup is a being of silhouette 0 who can never
gain the Afflicted condition or the Shadowlands Taint
disadvantage. Their curiosity means they might be found
almost anywhere in the Shadowlands, such as curled
up in a backpack or behind a tent flap. As a downtime
A Temporary Home
The territories of some tribes include ruins, which the Instinctive Behavior: Always Hungry:
nezumi invariably consider to be the remains of their Martial; Physical Martial; Mental
lost civilization. Such locations are popular places for
built for creatures three times their size or it features Claws and Teeth: Range 0, Damage 2, Deadliness 3
headless statues with serpentine features. Among
Gear (equipped): Fur (Physical 1), several haunches
the stone, a tribe erects its tents, clever constructs
of raw meat
of bone and leather. These protect the tribe’s fires
scouts and lookouts, who maintain their vigilance abo- FEROCIOUS DEFENDER
veground while other nezumi sleep in burrows in the
An outcast nezumi is a being of silhouette 1 who can
earth beneath them.
never gain the Afflicted condition or the Shadowlands
Every such location has escape tunnels, which are
Taint disadvantage. When it is the target of an Attack
cleared as necessary when a tribe returns. Otherwise
action check, it may receive 1 strife to remove from
villages vary among tribes; some tribes favor large bur-
the attacker’s check result.
rows where they can raise their families in safety under-
ground, while others feel safer working and training on
the ground above so they cannot be trapped. Some
tribes build their leader, Rememberer, or Dreamer a
Adventure Seed: Last
grander burrow away from the rest of the tribe, while of the Long Claws
some tribes sleep all together in a single room.
一 Hook While in the Shadowlands, the PCs
Outcast Nezumi encounter a nezumi who challenges them to
a duel, hoping to win rations. A six-foot-tall
warrior with thick black fur, she is called Three
These nezumi survive by instinct, running on four paws Knives, as she wields a knife with her tail as
and eating anything they find, including rotting carcass- well as in each hand. She offers her Crab
es. Their solitary life in the Shadowlands leaves them armor as a prize if defeated. If asked how she
unable to communicate even with other nezumi. They came by it, she explains she once befriend-
recognize scent signals to keep away, so they rarely ed a Tainted scout called Hiruma Yuki. Yuki
bother the tribes, but consider any Rokugani either as fought alongside her until she dueled and
an enemy or potential food. Without the advantages of killed him, saving him from becoming a mon-
civilized nezumi, they are usually a threat only to a lone ster. He bequeathed his armor to her, and she
scout or group of wounded samurai. Occasionally, they has worn it since.
band together to hunt, but once the prey runs out they
inevitably turn on each other. 二 Rising Action Three Knives is the last
survivor of the Long Claws, a warrior tribe
SOCIETAL PERSONAL that was once part of the Cracked Bone. If the
10 PCs ask what became of her tribe, she tells
2 1 them about the pack of outcast nezumi who
8 killed them. She won’t pursue the wild nezu-
2 3 mi for vengeance, as she pities them, but she
4 admits they are moving in the direction of the
Wall and may threaten Crab patrols.
DEMEANOR - FERAL 三 Climax The PCs could persuade Three
Knives to help if they are on a mission in the
Culture and Traditions aside for more effective innovations. Bushi cannot risk HIDA RUMORS
turning their attention from the Shadowlands, so they
A Yasuki merchant or Kaiu engineer may say that a keep their rituals short and on a flexible schedule. The opium won’t be com-
warrior is as only as good as their weapon, but a Hida Every garrison has its own songs and routines, and gar- ing this month—someone
would argue that a true warrior is still deadly unarmed raided the smuggler’s
risons regularly engage in friendly competitions. The
caravan. The Fortress of
and stumbling drunk. Those born Hida must prove they Hida live in the now. They do not waste time pining the Forgotten is sure to
have honed their body before they earn a weapon. for lost heroes like their counterparts in the Lion Clan. explode, and soon.
Children are often taught the forms of Kobo Ichi-Kai
A stranger in green
Jiujutsu, a type of hand-to-hand combat that focuses
Current Concerns and yellow is gathering
on disabling foes at the joints, controlling their momen- warriors for a raid beyond
tum, and constantly delivering damage. Prospective The Shadowlands are rising. Frequent assaults against the Wall, but won’t say
bushi engage in brutal kobo matches against impos- the Carpenter Wall have left the Crab starved for why—only that it’s vital
sible odds. Winning is not the goal. Hida students are resources. With the Imperial Court ignoring their to the Empire. They could
be Imperial, but why the
conditioned to accept small defeats in order to secure requests for aid, the Crab have limited options. The
secretive manner?
larger victories. Crane Clan’s ill will toward the Yasuki is threatening
The Hida hone more than their bodies. A tactical to divert staff and resources from the front line. Some The Skull of the Maw
is dripping with blood.
mind shaped by theory and experience is more dan- Crab Clan leaders see an alliance with the Crane-
Fresh blood. Each night
gerous than the sharpest blade. Young Hida practice hating Scorpion as a tempting option, but this would there is more, regardless
tactics through sessions of Go and Sōogi, and many alienate one of the Crab’s closest allies, the Phoenix. of how often it’s cleaned.
of their childhood games operate like military drills. The ambitious Kuni Yori strenuously objects to this pro-
At their various dōjō, Hida spend as much time read- posed alliance, greatly preferring access to the spiritual
ing military theory as they do physically training. Tests rites and secrets of the Phoenix’s Asako family to those
are frequently performed in mock war rooms where of the Scorpion’s Yogo family. But the fact remains that
everyone crouches around a map covered in minia- the Yasuki cannot handle the Crane by themselves and
ture armies. Given its grim task, the Hida family cannot something must be done.
afford to cast aside anyone, and it teaches that all must Tensions between the Lion and all of their neighbors
serve according to their own strengths. For example, threaten to involve the Crab. The Lion may call on their
Daimyō Kisada’s physically weak son, Hida Sukune, has assistance to fight the Unicorn, or the Crab may need to
earned great renown as a tactician and strategist. How- choose sides if the Lion assault the Phoenix. Hida Kisa-
ever, the ideal Hida is a paragon of both physical and da has tasked his people with the following objectives:
mental excellence. discover new ways to kill the monsters of the Shadow-
Like all families in Rokugan, the Hida have a great lands, reclaim the lost knowledge of the Hiruma, estab-
many traditions; some of these date from the founding lish new trade routes, design more effective weapons,
of the Emerald Empire, or so the Hida claim. Unlike avoid conflict with other clans, and find out what is
other families, though, the Hida rarely make their tra- causing the surge of activity within the Shadowlands.
ditions into obsessions. Festivals are pleasant distrac-
tions, but nothing more. Heirloom weapons that can The Lands of the Hida
no longer function as well as newer creations are set
The rolling farmlands of the Kaiu family stretch into the
horizon, nestling along the protective Carpenter Wall
until they gradually grow more rocky and dry. Once the
rice paddies grow rare and the ground becomes marred
with the crushing footfalls of repeated marches, one
has entered Hida lands. The harsh landscape reflects
the attitude of its ruling family. Outsiders—even, and
perhaps especially, those representing the other Great
Clans—are regarded with suspicion and met
with varying degrees of hostility. Visi-
tors are seen as a needless disruption
unless they have come to commit
their swords to the cause (in which
The Hida are ever-present on the Carpenter Wall, and Tetsubō: Range 1–2, Damage 7, Deadliness 3, Cum-
many of the family's major landmarks can be found bersome, Durable, Wargear
along the Wall's length. As such, nearly anyone trav-
Gear (equipped): Ō-yoroi armor (Physical 6 [3 if suf-
eling Hida lands will come into contact with the struc-
fering the Disoriented, Dazed, or Immobilized condi-
ture at least once. Stretches supported by fortresses
tion], Ceremonial, Cumbersome, Wargear), wakizashi
like Hida Palace are infrequently targeted, no matter
end her days in the same manner; given her strength Reputation and Values A merchant notes that
and prowess in battle, though, that day may be a long many items said to have
time coming. The Hiruma are not well-known outside of the Crab
come from Daylight
lands. Visitors may note differences from the Hida; for Castle have been offered
SOCIETAL PERSONAL instance, their lithe frames and light armor. Otherwise, at the market recently,
as though someone has
12 Hiruma are too quiet and quick for travelers to get
4 2 a prolonged impression. Besides those who join the successfully looted our
ancestral home!
16 Fortress of the Forgotten, Hiruma rarely linger in one
4 2 place. Wherever they stay, they are passing guests. The Crane are somehow
4 The Hiruma live in silent shame. While the Hida behind the efforts to keep
us from launching a full
wear their emotions on their sleeves, the Hiruma are
+2, –2
3 cold and brooding. Both families are known to have
assault and regaining our
lost lands.
volatile tempers, but the Hiruma snap so viciously that
Some other families
ARTISAN 0 MARTIAL 4 SCHOLAR 2 SOCIAL 1 TRADE 1 it often catches people by surprise. are refusing to undergo
Much of a Hiruma’s life is spent in waiting—wait-
a success even for the stoic Hida Kisada to deny, and Careful Planner: Live to Kill:
failure would spell certain death. Martial; Mental Social; Interpersonal
The Landless
Hiruma bicker about the reclamation of Hiruma arti- All of this wonder seems taken for granted by the
facts in the Shadowlands, and Kuni Yori fears that the bustling engineering students, whose pockets overflow
Crab’s friendship with the Phoenix’s Asako family is with scales, templates, and rolls of schematic-covered
threatened by the Yasuki who seek aid from the Scor- parchment. Their quiet discussions fill the wide rooms
pion. Further, the Lion insist that the Crab join them in with a soft hum, creating a contemplative atmosphere.
combating the Unicorn. The Crab have had no love of Outside, everything is much louder. Prototype war
the Unicorn since their tumultuous return to Rokugan engines line the Carpenter Wall and unleash destruc-
several centuries ago, but neither do they wish to start tion on the Twilight Mountains beyond. There are
another war on a new front, wasting valuable lives nooks along the walkway where teachers and their
against merely human enemies. pupils can duck in case of a machine’s failure. In the
last few centuries, this section of the Wall has taken
The Lands of the Kaiu more damage from faulty student designs than from
ravening beasts or twisted armies. Not even the most
Before the Yasuki joined the Crab Clan’s ranks, the dim-witted of goblins would venture close to Carpen-
Kaiu were considered the most hospitable family of ter Castle of its own accord.
the Crab. Their provinces are pastoral and calm. Com- Within the castle’s large courtyard, the legend-
moners farm safely behind the Kaiu’s meticulously ary forge of the original Kaiu is still in operation. It is
maintained sections of the Carpenter Wall. The only frequented by the family daimyō, Kaiu Shihobu, who
interruption of the peaceful ambiance comes with the helps students with a contagious enthusiasm. The
occasional, if noisy, testing of new war engines. Even bellows are pumped along to cheerful songs and the
then, the Kaiu’s citizens find comfort in hearing the heavy clangs of the hammers.
family’s siege engines smashing hills into bits.
Most visitors to the Kaiu lands are either traders Golden Carp Marketplace
avoiding Shinomen Forest on their way to various
mountain passes or warriors in search of masterwork The Golden Carp Marketplace lies at the base of
Kaiu weapons. More than any other smiths in Rokugan, Higashino shiro no kao, the Kaiu family’s Face of the
the Kaiu excel at inlaying jade. Their creations are the East Castle. There, the Unicorn and Crab mingle
bane of monsters. Without jade, even the greatest despite their history of conflict. The Kaiu are careful to
samurai of the current era could not challenge the most extinguish any outbreaks of hostility. While many Hida
dreadful of the Shadowlands’ inhabitants. incite confrontations, Kuni intrusively snoop, and Hiru-
ma skulk about, the forward-thinking Kaiu are vividly
Carpenter Castle aware that the Crab cannot afford another war along
their borders. They play the part of flustered media-
Life along the Carpenter Wall is dangerous, but the Kaiu tors, which is well outside of their comfort zone.
consider it a valuable learning opportunity. Shiro Kaiu,
known as the Carpenter Castle, predates and adjoins
the Wall. Within its seamless stone facade, master
smiths and engineers build the Crab Clan’s future.
The interior of Carpenter Castle is
almost entirely mechanized. It has
platforms that rise and lower
via groups of clever pul-
leys and counterweights,
gear-propelled conveyor
belts made of reed mats,
a complex alarm system,
lever-operated gates. In
the entrance hall stands a
famous music box boast-
ing a wide selection of
twinkling songs.
“...someone has an old 3 2
Hiruma scroll for sale.
Could be something from 2 4
Daylight Castle, or
a new map.” 30 STATUS 2 FOCUS
“...I heard there’s a Uni-
Amid this tension, criminals conduct their busi-
+2, –2
corn, new in town, who
says he has word of an ness unnoticed, or even encouraged when it results
ancient Kaiu katana.” in access to critical supplies that would otherwise be ARTISAN 3 MARTIAL 2 SCHOLAR 1 SOCIAL 0 TRADE 3
jade she’s selling for place with ease. A handful of mahō-sniffing Kuni Witch Clever Thinker: Bluntness:
only twice the normal Artisan; Mental Social; Interpersonal
Hunters are regular visitors, but mere smuggling hardly
concerns them when the fate of the realm is at stake. FAVORED WEAPONS & GEAR
“...there’s a Witch Hunter Smugglers employ looters to pick over Crab battle-
seek them via even less legitimate means. Obtaining tools, scrolls of various weapon designs, calligraphy set
rare artifacts could provide travelers with a number of
advantages depending on the origins of the items.
Each Kuni residence contains a shrine, and many The Lands of the Kuni
more dot the landscape. The Kuni Wastelands are still
The Dragon are secretly plagued by twisted beasts, and therefore, it is essential Several hundred years ago, something began to grow
hiding Tainted monks that a traveling shugenja has quick access to a shrine and fester underneath the territories of the Kuni. Plants
from us—that’s why they withered, water became foul, and shugenja lost con-
at all times.
have so many secluded
The Kuni are frequently criticized for their attitude tact with the kami. The Kuni began to evacuate and
toward the supernatural. They view spirits as tools cleared out their invaluable libraries just before hordes
I heard that a presenta- of Shadowlands creatures clawed out of the ground.
whose invocation is purely practical. Shrines are erect-
tion on Unicorn meishōdō
ed to harness power, not to act as a place of worship. This subterranean army was tunneling into the heart
was canceled at this
year’s gathering. What Everything the Kuni study they approach with emotion- of Rokugan, led by an oni named Dōkutsu no Majo.
are these gaijin equestri- al detachment to prevent developing biases. There is The oni’s defeat came due to the ingenuity of the Kaiu.
ans trying to keep hidden a joke—that many Kuni themselves tell—that if one Combat engineers diverted aquifers, collapsed tun-
from us? nels, and invented brutal traps and machines. Once
of the founding Kami approached a Kuni shugenja,
This season’s harvest of instead of averting their eyes in reverence, they would the last of Dōkutsu no Majo’s spawn was slain, the Kuni
jade petal leaves is very fetch a parchment and start taking notes. went to work purging the Taint from their lands.
poor. Not everyone may As a result, they were left with a desolate region
Accusations concerning Kuni recklessness are both
get their tea, and we may
true and misleading. The Kuni take great risks but work devoid of spiritual energy: the Kuni Wastelands.
need to provide a more
permanent solution to hard to mitigate them at every turn. Every day, they Beneath the area are countless tunnels, chasms, and
their Tainted condition. apply Kabuki-style paint to mask their faces from evil crevasses; driving the minions of Fu Leng from this nest
spirits. In the presence of living Shadowlands spec- of horrors has proven an insurmountable task. The Kuni
imens, they use false names, and they obsessively have reclaimed most of the tunnels near their castle,
cleanse themselves with purified water. Even seem- transforming them into useful passages, but many for-
ingly simplistic Kuni huts are constructed according to gotten corners and hidden passages are said to con-
astrological geometries and are covered in wards. Kuni tain horrors of bygone centuries.
are diligent in their preparations for dealing with the
Adventure Seed:
Taint, and they consider laziness in this regard a crime.
become sufficiently Tainted are quarantined for their ARTISAN 0 MARTIAL 4 SCHOLAR 4 SOCIAL 1 TRADE 0
own protection and that of those around them.
Quarantined patients are sometimes allowed to
fight for the Crab to the end of their service, but that Sixth Sense: Slowing Down:
opportunity is far from guaranteed—for the Kuni are Scholar; Spiritual Martial; Physical
loath to relinquish such valuable subjects, let alone
the lure of Fu Leng can be irresistible. They are more Naginata: Range 2, Damage 6, Deadliness 6, Cum-
likely to spend their remaining days in meditation and bersome, Razor-Edged, Wargear
in the laboratories of Kuni who hope to use their foul Gear (equipped): Sanctified robes (Physical 1, Super-
fate to serve a greater good. Those who are part of natural 3), wakizashi, makeup kit, satchel filled with
promising research are not allowed to commit seppuku scrolls and supplies for rituals, traveling pack
lest potential knowledge about treating or containing
the Taint be lost. The Kuni treat their patients with a
cautious detachment; they wish to help their charges FURY OF THE WITCH HUNTER
live as humans to their end, but the keepers of this The first time a character in the scene performs a
grim edifice see too many pass through their walls to mahō technique or other blasphemous act, Kuni Hatsu
become attached. Bedside manner is rarely their forte. suffers the Enraged condition and gains 1 Void point.
Reputation and Values Not all wars are fought with armies. The Yasuki and YASUKI RUMORS
the Daidoji Crane are locked in silent conflict, and their
The Crane would have everyone believe the Yasuki weapons are sabotage and subterfuge. The Yasuki call Vandals are disgracing
are a collection of dishonorable criminals. They accuse upon the Hida for support when their plans go awry, the shrines dedicated
the Yasuki of greed, duplicity, and blatant support of to Yasuki Kiringu, the
but more than any other Crab family, the Yasuki strive
daimyō who joined us
pirates and smugglers. Few people accept these exag- to be self-sufficient. They believe they owe the Crab to the Crab. The Crane
gerations unquestioningly, but popular opinion charac- a great favor for accepting them and fear becoming are surely behind this, so
terizes the Yasuki as typical Crane with an added layer a burden. The Crane, though, are unwilling to let the why do we wait to get
of dishonesty. Yasuki go their way. It was once a rite of passage for revenge?
The Yasuki mesh well with the Crab due to their Yasuki youths to pick fights with their former clan, but A new group is trying to
grounded realism. Gold runs the Empire, and to pre- now all of the pestering is perpetrated by the Crane. offload goods at Friendly
tend it does not is delusional at best, dishonest at Yasuki merchants are some of the finest in Rokugan, Traveler Village, but no
worst. The Yasuki expertly play the game of politics one knows who is backing
and their daimyō, Yasuki Taka, is known to many by his
them. Some of their items
while remaining keenly pragmatic. Like master Go play- epithet, the Merchant King. The Yasuki rarely deal in appear foreign—the
ers, they secure trade deals, orchestrate contracts, and inferior products and carefully screen their merchan- Unicorn could be behind
siphon business from the Crane into the Crab’s pockets. dise for forgeries. Trust is the backbone of their every this, but why?
The Yasuki engage in social niceties but drop the act deal. When not trading, the Yasuki engage in smug- Yasuki Taka, our daimyō,
when it no longer suits them. This may appear manipu- gling. The Lion Clan is always in the market for weap- sometimes dresses as a
lative, but the Yasuki would argue that their motives are ons; however, supplying this demand risks angering humble traveler to inspect
more transparent than those of the pretentious Crane. our markets and listen
the targets of their aggression. Too overtly supporting
in. If you’re planning on
Business associates appreciate the Yasuki’s frank and the Lion could lead to flareups with the Unicorn or keeping a deal a secret,
casual manner. The family’s support of ill-reputed mer- cause the Phoenix to sever their alliance. make sure absolutely no
chants is often charitable in nature, giving criminals a one is nearby!
second chance to become lawful citizens. A Yasuki say-
Current Concerns
ing states that loyalty is second only to gold in value.
In sowing good faith, even among those blacklisted by The Yasuki do everything in their power not to bur-
society, they are growing a network of allies. den the Crab. So far, they have managed their rival-
ry with the Crane on their own, but in doing so, they
Culture and Traditions have employed rōnin and other disreputable associ-
ates. Many of these outsiders have grown comfortable
To say that the Crab Clan is not preoccupied with art in Yasuki lands, benefiting from mutually profitable
is perhaps an understatement, but the Yasuki make arrangements with the ruling family and helping them
up for this deficit to a near-excessive degree. The acquire key supplies. Unfortunately, tolerance for a cer-
courtiers from the Yasuki’s academies are some of the tain amount of crime has led criminal organizations to
most cultured, multitalented individuals to grace the become bold within their lands.
high courts. They carry an edgy mystique due to their
rebellious history, which is enhanced by the Crane’s
condemnation. The Yasuki invite artists, famous musi-
cians, brewers, and theatrical companies, to
settle within their luxurious ocean-side
towns. Through the creation of entertain-
ment monopolies, the Yasuki guarantee
that fans will patronize their establish-
ments. All are welcome in the
lands of the Yasuki. Except,
of course, members of
the Crane Clan.
Merchants flock to the Yasuki Estates, as do treasure leaves a pouch filled with her observations in a special THE WAVE WALL
seekers. Many rare items pass through Yasuki hands, hiding place after her children are asleep. She has no
after all. The Yasuki also deal in information; if they do idea who picks it up, but the koku that replaces it cer- Few know that there is
not have what someone wants, they likely know some- tainly helps her business. another wall defend-
ing the Empire from
one who does. They are more than willing to give dis-
SOCIETAL PERSONAL the Shadowlands and
counts to friends of the Crab. A visitor carrying a friend- other threats, one that is
ly endorsement from a Hida is a rare surprise, and the 20 HONOR ENDURANCE
8 located in Yasuki lands.
Yasuki are always quick to welcome such individuals 3 2 Located at the Crab port
with the greatest generosity. To someone without this 22 GLORY COMPOSURE
12 of Clear Water Village at
advantage, however, the Yasuki are cunning, thrifty
3 1 the mouth of the River
hagglers. Their deals are rarely fair, and even wise trad-
3 of Gold, the Kaiu Wave
Wall stands firm against
ers are often played for fools by the Yasuki. +2, –2
3 threats from the sea.
relies instead on excellent service and solid connec-
From the Journals that defends not only the tower itself, but also the adja-
cent sections of the Kaiu Kabe. Each Kaiu Tower is con-
of Kaiu Shuichi sidered equivalent to a legion of troops, irrespective of
the actual strength of its garrison, and is commanded
I have just spoken with a delegation of Lion by a taisa, or captain.
who are viewing the Kaiu Kabe near the
Watchtower of Deadly Claws. They marvel at Watchtowers
the complexity of the Wall, at its many com-
ponents and complex organization. Their Interspersed along the Wall between the Kaiu Tow-
leader, an Akodo, admits that he had always ers are a multitude of smaller watchtowers. Each of
believed the Wall to be just that: a wall, noth- these is garrisoned by a company led by a taisa; lesser
ing more. Would that more Rokugani could watchtowers contain squads commanded by a gunsō
understand this, that the Crab do not simply (sergeant). A group of three to five watchtowers, often
stand as brutes, shoulder to shoulder upon a called a Great Watch, has one of these commanders
long line of inert stone, waiting to beat back (normally a senior taisa) as its overall commander, who
the Shadowlands. They do not credit us with reports to the nearest Kaiu Tower.
subtlety or cleverness or cunning works. Per- Each watchtower is a formidable strongpoint, usu-
haps if all samurai spent time upon the Wall, ally equipped with siege engines and other weapon-
they would understand this truth. ry, somewhat like a scaled-down tower. As their name
implies, however, their primary purpose is surveillance
and warning. Accordingly, they are equipped with a vari-
The Kaiu Towers ety of signaling equipment. They are neither designed
nor provisioned to withstand a protracted siege, being
Foremost among the strongpoints are the twelve Kaiu expected to hold for only a few days at most.
Towers. The southeasternmost of these is designated Watchtowers are officially designated based on the
the First Tower; they are then successively numbered Tower to their south and east. For example, the first
to the Twelfth Tower, which overlooks the Plains above watchtower west and north of the Fourth Kaiu Tower
Evil to the far northwest. The Kaiu Towers are powerful is the First of the Fourth Watchtower; the next along is
fortifications in their own right, each similar to a shiro, the Second of the Fourth Watchtower, and so on. Few
or castle, that might stand over an entire town else- use these names, though, as most watchtowers also
where in the Empire. have more poetic names, given them by bushi who
Each tower is laid out in essentially the same way, grew attached to the fortifications they were ordered
with a stout outer stone wall, enclosing number of to defend with their lives.
courtyards, connected by strong gates. An enemy that
breaches the outer stone maru is contained in a court- Curtain Walls
yard and subject to attack from the surrounding ones,
making each of these into a killing zone. The innermost The curtain walls that connect the watchtowers and the
maru contains the tenshukaku, or keep, which is the last Kaiu Towers are what most Rokugani envision when
line of defense for a tower. The keep is itself a formi- they think of “the Wall.” These are, indeed, imposing
dable fortress, well provisioned in order to withstand a structures—from fifty to one hundred feet tall, up to
lengthy siege. Smaller yagura provide additional strong- twenty feet thick and extending deep into the bedrock.
points. Massive gates allow large forces to exit a tower Rokugani generally imagine these massive walls being
to charge enemies as well. constantly lined with Crab troops; they likewise believe
All of the Kaiu Towers are well equipped with pow- that, should a curtain wall ever be breached, the
erful siege engines such as ballistae and catapults, as Empire would be in imminent peril of being overrun.
well as multitudes of daikyū (long bows) above the Wall This is not true, however. While the Crab do,
and hankyū (short bows) lower on the Wall or behind indeed, make a determined effort to hold threatened
murder holes. Complex systems of gears, winches, and sections of the curtain wall, they know that a single,
ropes move supplies and ammunition vertically and linear defense is simply too fragile to be reliable.
horizontally to ensure each area stays fully equipped. Accordingly, the main purpose of the curtain wall is to
delay attackers, giving the Crab time to marshal and
maneuver forces behind the Wall, in order to block and
destroy incursions when they do occur.
The sheer size of the Wall means garri-
soning at full strength along its length
is impossible, so large cadres are
maintained at the Kaiu Towers, with
smaller forces stationed at inter-
vening watchtowers. Unless an
attack is imminent or underway,
most sections of the curtain wall
are only patrolled at irregular and
unpredictable intervals. The bulk
of Crab forces are stationed
behind the Wall, encamped
at places such as Carpenter
Castle, the Fortress of the For-
gotten, Shiro Kuni, or Kyūden
Hida. This allows them to
quickly deploy to reinforce sec-
tions of the Wall or block and
destroy incursions that breach
it. Additionally, a small portion of
the Wall’s garrison operates on the
Shadowlands side.
jade desperately needed by one garrison might be sto- ARTISAN 0 MARTIAL 5 SCHOLAR 3 SOCIAL 3 TRADE 3
len from an overstocked garrison that is not releasing
its excess. A troublesome or incompetent bushi who
the other way altogether if it keeps the war against the Family Ōtsuchi: Range 1, Damage 8, Deadliness 4,
Shadowlands from faltering. Ceremonial, Cumbersome, Wargear
The Shadowlands, of course, loom over all investiga- Gear (equipped): Lacquered armor (Physical 4, Cere-
tions. Supernatural causes can never be ruled out, and monial, Cumbersome, Wargear), wakizashi, tessen
the Taint is an ever-present concern even on and behind
the Wall. A mundane murder suspect could be a dis-
Jade-Studded Tetsubō: Range 1–2, Damage 7, Dead- every word. Even out of battle, he is bone-shakingly
liness 3, Cumbersome, Durable, Sacred, Wargear
The Ride of
the Unicorn
Perhaps the greatest failure in the history of
the Carpenter Wall took place in the year 815,
when a thundering horde of riders stormed
across the Shadowlands and breached the
Crab defenses. Though the Crab bushi sta-
tioned along the northern edge of the Wall
were equipped with all manner of siege weap-
onry, they had never faced the speed and
power of Unicorn warhorses or the destructive
force of their meishōdō magic. Adventure Seed:
The Unicorn routed the Crab infantry,
crossed near Razor of the Dawn Castle, and Wall Repairs
from there rapidly penetrated deeper into
Rokugan. The Crab learned from the hum- 一 Hook A patrol reports that a remote sec-
bling defeat and strengthened their tactics tion of the Wall has been damaged, possibly
against such foes. This would prove useful in during a recent attack. The PCs are tasked
coming years, as they would once again face with inspecting the damage; Kaiu engineers
dangerously skilled riders and mounts: the at the site say repairs will take more than sev-
Dark Moto. en days.
Perhaps even more importantly, the Crab
二 Rising Action A fresh patrol just arriving
also strengthened their patrol system. Should
says a second wave of Shadowlands crea-
another attack come out of the Shadowlands,
tures is on its way. PCs can help fend off the
this time they will be ready.
attacks, assist in patching up the breach, lead
raids outside the Wall to deplete enemy forc-
es, or find another way to help. The PCs may
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES be certain this repair needs to be done, but
the watchtower commander thinks it’s not
Missions into the Shadowlands are never taken light- Most patrols last only a single night and are short- There is a small village
ly. To travel beyond the Wall is to venture into lands range missions to inspect for looming dangers that on Earthquake Fish Bay
could attack within days. On this type of patrol, many that has resisted the Taint
where the very environment is corrupting and lethal. for centuries even though
No mission is ever routine, and those who survive soon Crab had their first opportunity to witness the horrors
it lies within that foul
gain a haunted, paranoid look in their eyes: the look of the Shadowlands firsthand and learned to better domain.
of someone who never trusts a shadowed room or a prepare for longer missions. Longer missions can last
Some claim the village's
silent grove. multiple days or weeks, requiring more provisions and
freedom from the Taint
The most common types of missions are those sometimes resupply missions to replenish provisions is due to the words of
designed to gather information. These patrols are gen- and personnel lost or killed. Such patrols also require Shinsei, who long ago
erally lightly armed and designed for stealthy move- additional jade, which is perhaps the most precious said it would remain so as
resource of all. long as the Crab defended
ment. Members of these patrols are selected not only the fertile valley in which
for their skills in silence and perception, but also for it is located. Others point
skills in remembering and recording their findings. Patrol Camps to the massive stone wall
Such information might concern assemblies of goblins covered with glowing jade
Most camps in the Shadowlands are pitched and tak- that surrounds the village.
or other creatures, new structures or foul shrines, or
en down each day and are thus light and easily trans-
unusual tracks or signs of new creatures nearby. Unless The Crab use this heavily
portable. Longer-duration missions might establish a defended location to stage
situations that demand action arise, these patrols gen-
base camp in an easily defensible location from which their Twenty Goblin
erally return with blades undrawn—something that is
shorter trips can be launched. Regardless of the type Winters, whereby rōnin
often a source of friction among younger members who return with the
of camp, sentries are set throughout the night, often
eager for glory. heads of twenty goblins
in pairs, and often during the day as well. Unlike other
Some patrols take part in battle or battle prepara- gain a place in the Crab
camps, those on watch not only guard against external Clan. Possibly of greater
tions. These might range ahead of Crab armies march-
threats, but also keep an eye on each other for signs of importance, though, is
ing to attack Shadowlands forces before they can that the village serves as
corruption and the Taint.
reach the Wall, supporting these armies with harassing a base for Hiruma and
attacks, or even making assassination attempts against other Crab scouts to un-
enemy leaders such as mahō practitioners. When the
Patrol Tools dertake missions into the
Shadowlands. Few speak
Crab determine their foes are ready to attack the Wall, In addition to packing standard traveling supplies such of the village, though, due
patrols can prepare forward defenses such as by set- as tents, lanterns, and the like, those who travel into to its location within the
ting pit traps and clearing fields to provide better van- the Shadowlands tend to bring very specific items for realm of Fu Leng.
tages for archers and siege engineers. their missions. The most important, of course, is one
Perhaps the most dangerous patrols are those or more fingers of jade; all Crab know that to forget
focusing on retrieval. Missions they undertake might or lose this is a death sentence, or worse. Provisions
include tracking down priceless relics of the Hiruma or are also essential for even the shortest missions, as it
other families whose lands were lost to the evil of Fu is extraordinarily rare to discover anything in the Shad-
Leng. Other missions might launch at the direction of owlands that can be safely consumed. Supplies for
the Kuni, to gather new samples of Tainted beasts for medical treatment and protection rituals are also nec-
vivisection and study. In a rescue, a common mission essary, and many patrols pack smoke arrows and other
type, a patrol is sent to locate samurai who were cap- means of communication. Combustible oils are favored
tured or are late in returning. Bringing them back is both for starting fires and cremating bodies. Lastly,
vital, lest they fall fully to the Taint. Often a rescue is many also bring along prayer lockets, family amulets,
too late, and the patrol must decide if recovering the or small personal gifts as ways of remembering those
bodies is possible or if they must cremate them in the they leave behind and for whom they are fighting.
field, for to leave bodies behind is to face new zombies
another day.
The player characters are accom- ARTISAN 4 MARTIAL 5 SCHOLAR 2 SOCIAL 2 TRADE 4
panying a patrol into the Shadowlands on a
mission to find an ancient jade tetsubō lost
All along the Wall, the Crab readied
themselves for battle, their actions
smooth and practiced from daily
drills. Additional troops in thick
armor took up positions as gear-
driven platforms brought
stacks of ammunition up
from internal depots
built into the Wall.
Hida Sanae
could hear shouts
from the nearby
Watchtower as the gunners readied their siege
weapons. Shugenja were also making their initial
efforts, beseeching the kami for support against the
creatures that would befoul the land with the Taint.
Soon the sky would be filled with huge ballistae bolts,
hurled stones, and blasts of elemental fury.
The Falcon know it to be a particularly haunted across Rokugan, except for the extensive series of
region. To reside here is to share the land with all manner mews set off of the castle’s main keep. It is here that the
Whispers are heard in of supernatural beings. For the Falcon, it is part of every- clan’s famous aviaries reside, home to many dozens of
the forests saying that day life and the backbone of their duty to the Empire. highly-trained eagles, hawks, and—of course—falcons.
a great war is coming,
It is unknown whether the Toritaka family has some
originating not from the
Shadowlands but from Valley of the Spirits instinctual bond with these birds, like their preternatural
Otosan Uchi itself. ability to sense spirits, or developed their connection
The wide area between mountains and forest is com- with them after adopting the name for their new clan.
Falcon bushi assigned to monly known as the Valley of the Spirits, even by those
defending against bandits The clan often uses its falconers on scouting missions,
who have no idea about its true nature. Although few drawing on the strong connection between bushi and
say that the Hare are
becoming more aggres- could stand to live here for long, the Toritaka families raptor to survey far afield for possible threats. Such is
sive and blatant in their learned to exist alongside and amongst the shades of the renown of these falconers that other clans often seek
attacks, as if they know the dead. The spirits are part of life there, whether they them out to join their own patrols. These clans compen-
the Crab are too busy to
are of betrayed samurai demanding vengeance or com- sate the Falcon Clan handsomely in gold and supplies.
aid the Toritaka.
mon gaki obsessed with sating their endless hungers.
Everyone knows that
Lady Mazoku doesn’t
It is a life most in Rokugan could never imagine and
forms the basis for many aspects of Toritaka customs.
Hunting Ghosts
really care for the Falcon
or honor, and acts only Almost all facets of daily life have some link to the Like the Crab, the Falcon are usually pragmatic in their
for her own secret goals. spirits, and everyone takes great care not to upset or battles against their foes. There is little that is forbid-
That’s why she has been disturb them. Falcon samurai make meditation a vital den if it achieves desired results. This can even include
unseen for so long. part of their training regimens, to seek greater under- trafficking with spirits—sometimes as a means to great-
I heard of a shugenja who standing of the supernatural around them. Visitors er understanding, and sometimes as a weapon against
saw too deep one day, and are reminded (sometimes in ways that lack expected other ghosts who threaten the living.
ran away before the Coun- politeness) of the local customs concerning the unseen Unlike the Crab, who are quite satisfied with the
cil could claim him. You
all around them. Most travelers either learn to respect destruction of any Shadowlands creatures they encoun-
can still hear his screams
in the forest at night, those customs quickly or suffer a poor time in the valley. ter, the Falcon seek out insight into those they hunt.
when darkness comes. One well-known custom is one that the residents Such awareness of the plight of the spirits, they find, can
perform each night. Just as the sun sets, they light improve the chances of the Falcon returning them to
hundreds of huge lanterns and watch-fires around the their proper home (whether through violence or persua-
boundary of the province. The bright fires form a ring sion). When violence is necessary, though, Falcon samu-
of lights against the darkness, and many have called rai are second to none in dealing with spiritual threats.
it one of the most beautiful sights in all of Rokugan. Though primarily concerned with their province and the
No one knows when the ritual began; some claim Lady surrounding dangers near the Wall or to the east in Shi-
Mazoku originated it centuries ago, or that the Torita- nomen Forest, they may be called far away to deal with
ka families started it long before the formation of the hauntings elsewhere in the Emerald Empire. The bushi
Clan. However, all stories about it say that should the dispatched to deal with these far-away threats live lonely
Toritaka fail in enacting it, even for a single night, the and risk-filed lives far away from any others who might
spirits lurking outside their province will eagerly rush in understand what it is like to combat malign ghosts and
and devour them all. their unnatural hungers. However, the Falcon pride
Another ritual commonly practiced by the local themselves in being equal to the task.
inhabitants is to leave offerings to appease the spirits
outside the valley. Peasants set out morsels of food, The Council of Twilight
small, well-fashioned carvings, and other gifts along
the edges of the valley, often near the Shinomen Forest The few Falcons who do live to a venerable age usually
where many angry spirits reside. The villagers know that retire to an unassuming monastery in the valley. The
no matter how terrible the spirits in the valley might be, valley is dotted with many monasteries and temples,
there are far worse beings lurking in the forest. and there is nothing to set this particular monastery
apart. For the Falcon, though, it is perhaps their most
important spiritual location. This is where the Council
Castle of the Falcon of Twilight convenes.
At the center of the valley is the Castle of the Falcon, The Council is a living repository of wisdom for the
Shiro Toritaka. It is the ancestral home of the Toritaka clan and has a strong hand in guiding its activities. Its
family and, like the family itself, is small and modest. origins are lost in time, but perhaps came about as a
There is little to differentiate it from other minor castles means for samurai still actively combating the foul spirits
4 4 4 5
4 3 4 3
,+1, –1
4 +2, –2
Sense for the Spirits: Close to the Edge: Gaki-dō Knowledge: Desperate for Aid:
Martial; Spiritual Social; Spiritual Social; Interpersonal Social; Interpersonal
Katana: Range 1, Damage 4, Deadliness 5/7, Cere- Unearthly Limbs: Range 0–2, Damage 7, Deadliness
monial, Razor-Edged 4, Sacred, Snaring
Gear (equipped): Sanctified robes (Physical 1, Super- Gear (equipped): Ghostly form (Physical 10, Super-
natural 3, Ceremonial), scrolls, supplies for rituals, natural 10), numerous scrolls pertaining to Gaki-dō
wakizashi law and individual gaki
of Twilight Member
the Spirit Realm that few could hold without scream- Wakizashi: Range 0–1, Damage 3, Deadliness 5/7,
ing the knowledge to the skies. In their case, it came Ceremonial, Razor-Edged
about while simply meditating on the nature of dust
Gear (equipped): Ancient robes (Physical 1,
motes dancing in a sunbeam. Though of advanced
Supernatural 2)
age, Dairoku still possess a strong vitality despite the
with the phantoms and ghosts might be long behind THOUGHT THE UNTHINKABLE
them now, but they know their current service is more
Once per scene, Dairoku may make a Performance
vital to the Falcon than it would have been otherwise.
(Void) skill check targeting a character at range 0–2
SOCIETAL PERSONAL to impart only a fraction of their learnings. If the check
is successful, that character recovers 1 Void point but
3 3 reduces their composure value by 2 until they get a
night of restful sleep.
3 3
+2, –2
New Schools Scholar Skills
Skl. Grp.
The following are new schools that PCs can select as Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Most of the techniques
part of character creation. Meditation Skill
listed in the school
profiles described in Rank 1 Fire Invocations Tech. Grp.
the following pages Asako Inquisitor School
Threshold Barrier Technique
are covered in the core
[Courtier, Shugenja]
rulebook in Chapter 4.
Weight of Duty Technique
Those shown in bold,
Unlike the horrors of the Shadowlands, mahō can arise
such as Essence of Jade, Social Skills Skl. Grp.
are new techniques anywhere and can exist in any location as a hidden cor-
not found in the core ruption. To root out and combat this, the Asako Inquis- Government Skill
rulebook. These are itors were formed in the third century. Originally, they Meditation Skill
covered later in this concentrated on their own clan, to purge the Phoenix of
chapter on pages Theology Skill
any who would engage in such foul practices, but over
114–115. Rank 1–2 Air Invocations Tech. Grp.
time, their remit widened to include all of the Emerald
Empire. This has brought Asako Inquisitors, who answer = Essence of Jade Technique
only to their clan’s Council of Five and the Emperor, into = Open Hand Style Technique
conflict at times with people of the Kuni Purifier School.
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Rings: +1 Fire, +1 Void
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Courtesy, +1 Martial Medicine Skill
Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Medita- Performance Skill
tion, +1 Performance, +1 Theology Theology Skill
Honor: 35
Rank 1–3 Earth Invocations Tech. Grp.
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
= Regal Bearing Technique
Shūji ()
Starting Techniques: Touchstone of Courage Technique
$$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Commune with the Spir- Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
its, Divination Courtesy Skill
$$ Shūji: Cadence, Truth Burns through Lies Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
as follows:
+: Increase your resistance against that
phenomenon (such as a specific invocation,
kihō, mahō, or NPC ability) by an amount
equal to the you spend this way. This effect
persists until the end of the scene.
Kakita Swordsmith School Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
[Artisan, Courtier]
Courtesy Skill
Like all institutions of the Crane, the Kakita Swordsmith Culture Skill
School emphasizes perfection and excellence. The
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
blades they forge are renowned across Rokugan as the
finest that can be made; some duelists wait long years Rank 1 Kata Tech. Grp.
for the opportunity to have one of these blades crafted = Blessing of Steel Technique
for their use. Very rarely, a venerable swordsmith will Well of Desire Technique
take on a promising youth as an apprentice, though
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
most apprentices spend decades before they are hon-
ored as “proficient.” Aesthetics Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Fire Meditation Skill
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Aesthetics, +1 Martial
Smithing Skill
Arts [Melee], +1 Courtesy, +1 Culture, +1 Sentiment,
+1 Smithing, +1 Theology Rank 1–2 Rituals Tech. Grp.
Honor: 55 = Ebb and Flow Technique
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Tributaries of Trade Technique
Starting Techniques:
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Kata (choose one): Soaring Slice, Striking as Sentiment Skill
Air, Striking as Fire Smithing Skill
Smithing Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Shūji Tech. Grp.
Buoyant Arrival Technique
Striking as Void Technique
Kitsu Medic School [Artisan, Bushi] Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Though the Kitsu family is known more for its shugen- Fitness Skill
ja samurai, the students of the Kitsu Medic School are Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
also of note. They are skilled in the martial arts, but
Survival Skill
their primary vocation is healing. As such, they are an
important part of any Lion army going into battle. The Rank 1 Kata Tech. Grp.
warrior skills of Kitsu Medics mean they can be at the Commune with the Spirits Technique
forefront of the fighting, killing foes as well as tending
Honest Assessment Technique
to their clan’s wounded.
Rings: +1 Earth, +1 Water Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose five): +1 Command, +1 Fitness, Medicine Skill
+1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], Survival Skill
+1 Medicine, +1 Sentiment, +1 Survival
Theology Skill
Honor: 44
Techniques Available: Kata (), Rituals (), Shūji () Rank 1–2 Earth Shūji Tech. Grp.
Starting Techniques: = Flowing Water Strike Technique
Rushing Avalanche Style Technique
$$ Kata (choose one): = Crescent Moon Style,
Striking as Earth, Striking as Water Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
$$ Shūji: Stonewall Tactics Medicine Skill
Rank 1–3 Kata Tech. Grp.
Field Medicine (School Ability): When you perform a
= Iron in the Mountains Style Technique
Medicine check to remove fatigue or a condition from
a friendly character, that character removes additional Touchstone of Courage Technique
fatigue up to your school rank. Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, ashigaru armor,
Command Skill
daishō (katana and wakizashi), satchel of medicinal
supplies, traveling pack. Fitness Skill
Survival Skill
= Rank 1–5 Water Shūji Tech. Grp.
A Samurai’s Fate Technique
Crashing Wave Style Technique
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Courtesy Skill
Medicine Skill
Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul Technique
Sear the Wound Technique
Skulduggery Skill +: One character per spent this way who is in range
of the weapon you used suffers the Silenced condition.
Rank 1–4 Void Shūji Tech. Grp.
You can spend a maximum number of this way up to
Bravado Technique your school rank.
Death Touch Technique Starting Outfit: Sanctified robes, concealed armor,
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp. daishō (kabutowari and wakizashi), calligraphy kit,
traveling pack.
Fitness Skill
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Meditation Skill
Rank 1–5 Void Kihō Tech. Grp.
= Striking as Void Technique
Sear the Wound Technique
burst effect:
If you have 3 or more bonus successes, your
unarmed attack profiles gain the Sacred qual-
ity until the end of your next turn.
Mirumoto Taoist Blade Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
School [Bushi, Monk]
Labor Skill
As the name suggests, the monks of the Mirumoto Tao- Survival Skill
ist Blade School make study of swordplay an integral
Theology Skill
part of their quest for Enlightenment. Such are their
skills that their blades act as if part of their bodies, strik- Rank 1 Kata Tech. Grp.
ing as easily as fists would do for others. Their isolated = Crescent Moon Style Technique
monastery and dōjō is nestled deep within northern Ki Protection Technique
mountains within Dragon lands, and it is extraordinarily
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
rare for them to host visitors. Most Rokugani who wit-
ness their skills do so when one of these monks departs Fitness Skill
to walk the Emerald Empire in search of new insights Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
and possibly even new lessons in the blade.
Meditation Skill
Rings: +1 Void, +1 Water
Rank 1–2 Water Kihō Tech. Grp.
Starting Skills (choose four): +1 Labor, +1 Martial Arts
[Melee], +1 Martial Arts [Unarmed], +1 Meditation, = Flowing Water Strike Technique
+1 Survival, +1 Theology Iaijutsu Cut: Crossing Blade Technique
Honor: 48
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Techniques Available: Kata (), Kihō (), Rituals ()
Starting Techniques: Medicine Skill
Survival Skill
$$ Kata (choose two): = Iaijutsu Cut: Rising Blade,
Theology Skill
Soaring Slice, Striking as Water
Rank 1–3 Earth Kihō Tech. Grp.
$$ Kihō: Water Fist
Crimson Leaves Strike Technique
Sharpened Ki (School Ability): Your kihō that affect Still the Elements Technique
your unarmed attack profiles also apply to weapons
Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
you wield in a one-handed grip. When you succeed
on a check to activate a kihō that affects your unarmed Composition Skill
attack profiles or a weapon you wield in a one-handed Martial Ats [Unarmed] Skill
Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Kata Tech. Grp.
Touch the Void Dragon Technique
Way of the Edgeless Sword Technique
spend as follows:
: If you succeed on this check, after you
activate the kihō, you may perform a Strike
action with a weapon you have readied in a
one-handed grip.
sky as the rain falls to the plains; at death, the two are
Survival Skill
divided, for the body returns to the soil while the spirit
Rank 1 Rituals Tech. Grp. returns to the sky. Moto spiritualists work to guide spir-
= Bind the Shadow Technique its to their proper place, that they may return to the
eternal cycle, keeping the cosmos in balance. Howev-
Caress of Earth Technique
er, some beings defy the cycle through heresies such as
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. undeath—and Moto Avengers are specialists trained to
Culture Skill rectify such perversions of the natural order. The many
Medicine Skill Moto who have became Tainted within the Shadow-
Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Invocations Tech. Grp.
Rouse the Soul Technique
Tomb of Jade Technique
Toritaka Phantom Hunter Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
School [Shugenja]
Courtesy Skill
From the days of the Falcon Clan founder, Toritaka Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
Yotogi, Toritaka Phantom Hunters have sought out gaki
Survival Skill
and other malign supernatural beings, a task that is
often unfortunately easy, given the clan’s proximity to Rank 1 Air Invocations Tech. Grp.
the haunted Shinomen Forest and the corrupted Shad- Bō of Water Technique
owlands. Phantom Hunters often act in concert with Threshold Barrier Technique
Crab Clan warriors, using their legendary abilities to
Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
detect supernatural threats that others, even the skilled
bushi stationed on the Wall, cannot perceive. Culture Skill
Rings: +1 Air, +1 Water Sentiment Skill
Starting Skills (choose three): +1 Culture, +1 Govern-
Theology Skill
ment, +1 Martial Arts [Melee], +1 Sentiment, +1 Sur-
Rank 1–2 Water Shuji Tech. Grp.
vival, +1 Theology
Honor: 40 = Essence of Jade Technique
Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (), Striking as Air Technique
Shūji ()
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Techniques:
Government Skill
$$ Invocations: By the Light of Lord Moon Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
$$ Rituals: Cleansing Rite, Commune with the Sentiment Skill
Spirits, = Tea Ceremony
Rank 1–3 Water Invocations Tech. Grp.
$$ Shūji: Courtier’s Resolve = Rise, Water Technique
Eyes of Yotogi (School Ability): Otherworldly beings = Crescent Moon Style Technique
treat your vigilance as being increased by your school Trade Skills Skl. Grp.
rank. When you make a check to search for Other-
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill
worldly beings, or make an Initiative check in a conflict
against them, if you succeed, add bonus successes Performance Skill
Survival Skill
Rank 1–5 Air Shūji Tech. Grp.
= Flowing Water Cut Technique
Wrath of Kaze-no-Kami Technique
duggery, +1 Theology
Skulduggery Skill
Honor: 38
Rank 1–2 Air Invocations Tech. Grp. Techniques Available: Invocations (), Rituals (),
= Hands of the Tides Technique Shūji ()
= Skulk Technique Starting Techniques:
Trade Skills Skl. Grp. $$ Invocations: By the Light of the Lord Moon,
Government Skill = Embrace of Kenro-Ji-Jin, Yari of Air
Theology Skill
Warded Shikigami (School Ability): You can have a
Rank 1–3 Fire Invocations Tech. Grp. number of additional shikigami (see page 115) up to
Vapor of Nightmares Technique your school rank. Once per scene, after you perform an
= Wings of the Phoenix Technique action, you may instruct one of your shikigami to perform
an action, for which it benefits from your assistance.
Social Skills Skl. Grp.
Starting Outfit: Traveling clothes, sanctified robes,
Martial Arts [Melee] Skill concealed armor, wakizashi, bō (staff), traveling pack.
Performance Skill
Sentiment Skill
Rank 1–4 Air Invocations Tech. Grp.
Silencing Stroke Technique
Suijin’s Embrace Technique
Artisan Skills Skl. Grp.
Culture Skill
Government Skill
Theology Skill
Rank 1–5 Fire Invocations Tech. Grp.
Ever-Changing Waves Technique
Tomb of Jade Technique
and Disadvantages patrols under the Wall, and the many goblins and other
creatures slain inside them. My gunsō praises my work.
I do not mention who helps me find them, who
Those who follow their duty to stand against the crea-
helps me kill their occupants. They saved me on a
tures of the Shadowlands tend to acquire character
patrol long ago, and I saved them on another. There
changes to both their personality and physical forms.
are no lies, and there is no need for anyone to know.
While the new advantages and disadvantages that fol-
They keep my secrets, and I keep theirs.
low are often linked to service on the Wall and beyond, –from the personal journal of Hida Gakuto
they can also be used for samurai in other lands where
tales of oni and nezumi are more childhood stories Type: Interpersonal
than serious threats. Effects: The following apply to a character with the
Friend of the Nezumi distinction:
Specific Distinctions $$ Somehow you earned the respect and admira-
These distinctions follow the same format as those in tion of the nezumi, and you count them among
Chapter 2 of the core rulebook. your closest allies. You are an honorary member
of a specific nezumi tribe, able to enter their
Dead Eyes (Earth) warrens freely and enjoy the hospitality of their
people. You speak their language at a basic
Hida Fumiko led the young samurai along the parapets
level, understand their culture and customs,
near the Third Tower, pointing out the best locations
and may ask their leaders for favors.
for defenses. It had all been part of their earlier train-
ing, but there was no such thing as too much prepara- $$ When performing a check to interact with nezu-
tion in Fumiko’s opinion. She looked down the stone- mi or one that relates to your status with them
work that formed the walkway along that part of the (such as a Courtesy [Water] check with a nezumi
Wall and gestured to a tall Crab standing more like a to help locate a secret tunnel near the Wall or a
statue than a human. “You see him?” she asked. She Performance [Water] check to convince a tribe to
continued without waiting. “That’s Hiroki. Never runs follow your lead), you may reroll up to two dice.
from anything, no matter what comes over the side.”
She paused. “Don’t bother talking to him. He died
a long time ago. One day, his body will realize that.” Light Sleeper (Water)
“You see these scars?” she asked. He nodded respect-
Type: Mental fully at the Hiruma. It looked like someone had run a rake
Effects: The following apply to a character with the down her face—then repeated the action several times.
Dead Eyes distinction: “This is what you get when you dare slumber here.
Everyone else died that night.” She closed her eyes for
$$ After what of you’ve seen, the world holds no
a moment, then opened them abruptly, startling him.
true dread for you any more. While you are not
“You rest your guard, you die.” She looked closely at
immune to stress or fear, during battle you go
him. “You learn to stay awake, even when you sleep.
“dead in the eyes,” allowing you to act uncloud-
Or you join the rest of my old patrol.”
ed by terror, emotion, sentiment, or hesitation
even while Compromised (though you still suffer
the negative mechanical effects of this state). Type: Physical
You are also more dour at other times, and Effects: The following apply to a character with the
struggle to find pleasure in many of life’s joys. Light Sleeper distinction:
$$ When performing a check that relies on avoid- $$ You rouse from sleep very easily, a trick con-
ing fear or exuberant emotions (such as a Med- sidered essential in hostile territory. You are
itation [Earth] check to avoid running screaming trained to awaken before danger arrives, sleep
from a monstrous oni or a Sentiment [Earth] with your weapons ready, and pretend to be in
check to avoid being caught up in a raucous a deep sleep to lure enemies closer. You can
crowd), you may reroll up to two dice. go from a deep sleep to fully alert and fighting
in the blink of an eye.
$$ When performing a check that calls on rap- $$ You were wounded by an oni, and while the
idly recovering from sleep (such as a Survival scar isn’t Tainted (or perhaps even isn’t visible
[Water] check to detect a threatening sound anymore), it causes you to suffer from terrible
while dozing or a Fitness [Water] check to react nightmares.
even when someone else is standing watch), $$ When you make a check that involves your
you may reroll up to two dice. wound (such as a Fitness [Earth] check to get a
good night’s sleep while in the Shadowlands or
power seeking me out, Witch Hunters and others who Shadowlands Taint
can never forgive what I was or accept I have changed. [Kansen Whispers] (Air)
I do not believe I have a future in this life. Perhaps,
after many hundreds of passages around the Celestial “I was called to examine the sleeping Hiruma, who
Wheel, I may be allowed to reincarnate as a human returned several weeks ago from a long patrol. She was
again. Perhaps. loudly crying out in opposition to something, an argu-
ment of which we could hear only one side. Such was
Type: Interpersonal her fervor that it took several of her comrades to hold
Effects: The following apply to a character with the her down, and her face was wet with tears and sweat.
Reformed Mahō-Tsukai adversity: Nearly an hour later, she collapsed, nodding her head.
“The next I heard of her was when a visiting Crane
$$ Once you were a mahō-tsukai who wielded took offense at her words. Both died soon after.”
dreadful blood magics under the tutelage of –The Obsidian Journal
the Bloodspeakers or your own occult study.
But that was then. You have since seen the Type: Curse, Mental
error of your ways and live a life of atonement. Effects: The following apply to a character with the
You’ve done everything you can to bury your Shadowlands Taint [Kansen Whispers] (Air) adversity:
past, but a bell cannot be unrung, and now
and again it still catches up with you. The con- $$ You are a Tainted being. The kansen speak to
sequences of the atrocities you committed still you each night, filling your dreams with secrets
find you out, oni you summoned still seek you, of Rokugani history concerning betrayals, fool-
and the tsukai with whom you once consorted ish decisions, and many, many lies. Each morn-
will stop at nothing to silence you. We cannot ing, you awaken filled with anger at your soci-
outrun our shadows; sooner or later, you known ety, but can you never remember the details of
that yours will claim their due. If the details of the revealed knowledge.
this your terrible past life become public, your $$ When you make a check to use subtlety in your
glory value decreases dramatically, as if you communications (such as a Courtesy [Air] check
had lost staked glory (by 30 to 40). Your status to convey a double-meaning in court or a Com-
value also decreases considerably by the same position [Air] check refine your letter declining
amount, as if you had lost staked status. an important invitation), you must choose and
$$ After performing a check that reminds you of reroll two dice showing or results. After
your former life (such as a Courtesy [Water] resolving the check, if you failed, you gain 1
check to speak pleasantly with a priest or reli- Void point.
gious scholar or a Meditation [Water] check to
calm yourself when witnessing the aftermath of
a blood magic sacrifice), you receive 3 strife. If Shadowlands Taint
this is the first time this has occurred this scene, [Distorted Limbs] (Earth)
gain 1 Void point. “We on the Wall watch to the south, but not enough of
us watch each other. My fellow Kuni do this for those
$$ You are a Tainted being. One or more of your Type: Curse, Physical, Spiritual
limbs or digits grew longer but became less Effects: The following apply to a character with the Shad-
powerful. You are able to reach things in narrow owlands Taint [One with the Darkness] (Void) adversity:
gaps and can climb faster than normal.
$$ You are a Tainted being. When fully covered by
$$ When you make a check that calls on your shadows or in an unlit location, you cannot be
physical prowess (such as a Fitness [Earth] detected. You are also able to conceal nonphysi-
check to survive a fall or a Labor [Earth] check cal effects of the Taint from any detection.
to exert yourself in the field), you must choose
and reroll two dice showing or results. $$ When you make a check to intuit meaning
After resolving the check, if you failed, you gain (such as a Courtesy [Void] check to seek a
1 Void point. hidden threat in a message or a Survival [Void]
check to sense what crops will grow best next
season), you must choose and reroll two dice
Shadowlands Taint showing or results. After resolving the
[Unnatural Skin] (Fire) check, if you failed, you gain 1 Void point.
Blood and Mortar: You can unequivocally You gain the Blessed Lineage advantage (see page
trace your lineage back to the earliest days 103 of the core rulebook) This can be assigned in excess
Increase your
1 of the Kaiu Wall. It is said that the blood of of the normal limitations on disadvantages at character
status by 3.
your family is mixed with the mortar hold- creation. While on the Wall, your glory rank is treated
ing together the first stones of the Wall. a1 higher.
Vengeance for the Fallen: Your ancestor You gain the Haunting (Void) adversity (see page 122
fought many battles against the Shad- of the core rulebook). This can be assigned in excess
owlands, and finally fell while facing an of the normal limitations on disadvantages at character
Increase your
6–7 immensely powerful oni. Your ancestor calls creation. Roll a ten-sided die again to determine a Martial
honor by 5.
to you to find and destroy the vile creature skill (1–3: Fitness, 4–5: Martial Arts [Melee], 6–7: Martial
responsible for their death, for only then Arts [Ranged], 8: Martial Arts [Unarmed], 9: Tactics, 10:
can they find true peace in the afterlife. Meditation); gain +1 rank in that skill.
While the Crab are famous for their use of heavy and
blunted weapons, they are still Rokugani and therefore
Hammers and Axes
hold the sword up as the ultimate weapon. As Rokugan’s premier military engineers, members of
the Crab Clan tend to carry weapons that started their
lives as tools. A warrior can never be when monsters of
the Shadowlands will attack, and every Crab knows that
The flyssa is a gaijin weapon that foreign mercenaries a stout hammer can break open armor or shatter a bony
introduced to the Crab. Similar to the nodachi in use carapace just as easily as driving a spike into a plank.
and construction, the flyssa has a long blade tapering
to a deadly point, a sizeable hilt, and no crossguard. Genno
While relatively thin, the blade has a broad belly like a
scimitar’s and it flares near the hilt to provide a bit of The genno is a massive, long-handled hammer used
protection to the wielder’s hand. for demolition and construction. Essentially a scaled-
While making an Attack action check using a flyssa, up artisan’s hammer, it consists of a square or octag-
you may spend as follows: onal steel head mounted on a long ironwood haft
+: Ignore 1 point of your target’s physical resis- around four feet long. The head is made from relatively
tance per spent this way. soft steel and has two hardened striking surfaces: one
flat, the other slightly convex or crowned. The flat head
is used for basic hammering, chiseling, and demolition.
The crowned surface is used for driving spikes and nails
Similar to the tekkan, the kabutowari is a blunt, cast- flush with surfaces and other work that requires a more
iron sword the Crab use in their defense of the Wall. focused power.
Developed from the humble jitte, the “skull breaker” When you perform an Attack action check with this
is the size and shape of a wakizashi. It has a curved, weapon, you may spend as follows:
blunt blade with a rectangular cross section, a small : If you succeed but your target reduces the
cast crossguard, and like the jitte, a sizeable hook cast damage of this Attack action to 0, they suffer the
into the back of the blade near the crossguard. Often Dazed and Prone conditions.
carried as a backup weapon by Crab samurai and ashi-
garu, it is used more to pry apart armor or chitin plates Tsuruhashi
than to slash or stab foes.
The humble tsuruhashi is one of many tools repur-
posed as a weapon by the Crab. Based on the com-
mon miner’s pickax, this ax features a forged-steel
head mounted to a solid wooden haft. Roughly the
length of a katana, the tsuruhashi’s head features two
striking ends—a flat blade and a sharp point. While it is
commonly used in construction and demolition, many
Crab ashigaru and even some clan samurai use the
tsuruhashi in battle to deadly effect. The blade head
can pry apart armor, while the pointed head easily
pierces it, and both cause grievous wounds thanks to
the leverage provided by the long handle.
When you perform an Attack action check with this When performing an Attack action check with this
weapon, you may spend as follows: weapon, you may spend as follows:
: If you succeed but your target reduces the : After performing the Attack action, immedi-
damage of this Attack action to 0, their armor gains the ately prepare this weapon for use again.
Damaged quality and they suffer the Bleeding condition.
Storm Bow
Bows and Crossbows The strange and wondrous storm bow is a recent addi-
The Crab use ranged weapons primarily to defend tion to the Crab arsenal. Designed by Crab engineers
positions along the Wall. To that end, the Crab have to tackle groups of massed enemies, this large and
developed numerous heavy crossbows and specialty awkward weapon fires a cloud of vicious darts with one
weapons that use mechanical principles to improve per- pull of the trigger. Overall, it resembles a larger, bulkier
formance against the evils lurking in the Shadowlands. Kaiu no oyumi.
Unfortunately, the ability to strike many targets at
Doom Crossbow once comes with numerous drawbacks. The weapon is
extremely front-heavy thanks to the firing mechanism.
This massive and powerful crossbow is a middle step In addition, it has a shorter range than a typical cross-
between the common oyumi and the ballista siege bow, and its darts are less lethal than standard bolts.
weapon. A little over three feet in length, it has a stur- When performing an attack action check with this
dy ironwood stock and long bow limbs made of steel. weapon, you may spend as follows:
A doom crossbow fires long ironwood bolts about : Each character at range 0–1 of your initial target
as thick as an average Rokugani’s thumb, which are also becomes a target of this attack.
typically tipped with a barbed, armor-piercing head.
Thanks to the size and the strength of the steel limbs,
it requires a special detachable, hand-cranked windlass
to cock it. The weapon’s power allows its deadly bolts The use of shields is rare in Rokugan. Those that do
to punch through metal plates, armor, and the thick, exist in the Empire are made of either hardened wood
scaly hides of oni with ease. or metal and decorated with clan mon and other sym-
Despite its fantastic destructive potential, a doom bols of the samurai who wield them. Shields are most
crossbow has a number of serious drawbacks. It is commonly found among the Crab, who use them occa-
quite heavy and requires uncommon strength to use. sionally and, more often, give them to ashigaru, who
It is also quite hard to aim at nearby targets. However, tend to pair them with either crossbows or polearms.
when its user is fighting on the Wall, these issues can A character can only wield one shield at a time.
be lessened by securing the crossbow into a stand, and
become fair trade-offs for a weapon that can potential- Sode
ly drop a raging ogre with one shot.
When you perform an Attack action with a doom A throwback to an earlier age of armor making, sode
crossbow that inflicts a critical strike, increase the are rarely seen outside of Crab lands. These medium-
severity by the silhouette of the target. sized shields first appeared on Rokugan’s battlefields
centuries ago and soon were considered a standard
part of a warrior’s armor. Made of hide, iron, and
Kaiu no Oyumi steel plate, sode attach to the wearer’s shoulders and
Developed within the last century by Kaiu engineers, extend to the elbows. They provide excellent coverage
this large, bulky weapon is essentially a rapid-fire oyu- and allow a mounted samurai to keep their hands free
mi. The Kaiu no oyumi consists of a heavy oyumi with while still receiving the benefits of a shield. Use of sode
a large box attached to the top of the stock. The box has fallen off over the past few decades, but some
contains a magazine of bolts and a cocking mechanism tradition-minded Crab warriors wear them when fight-
that, with a single pull, draws the string, loads a bolt, ing on the Wall or patrolling the Shadowlands, espe-
and readies the mechanism to fire. While they are few cially when wearing heavy, old-fashioned ō-yoroi armor.
in number due to their relative mechanical complexi- A set of sode do not require free hands to wield, but
ty compared with the standard oyumi, they have prov- cannot be wielded with another shield. While wielding
en very valuable in extended engagements on the Wall, readied sode, treat your physical resistance as 1 higher
allowing small numbers of soldiers to face down numer- when reducing damage from projectile attacks (such as
ically superior foes while awaiting reinforcements. Martial Arts [Ranged] checks).
1-hand: –
Flyssa [Melee] 1 4 4 Wargear 8 15 koku
2-hand: Razor-Edged
1-hand: Cumbersome
Tekkan [Melee] 1–2 4 3 Durable, Wargear 8 50 koku
2-hand: Damage +2
1-hand: –
Genno [Melee] 0–1 3 3 Durable, Mundane 5 1 koku
2-hand: Damage +4
1-hand: Cumbersome
Tsuruhashi [Melee] 1 4 3 Mundane 4 5 bu
2-hand: Deadliness +2
Doom Cumbersome,
[Ranged] 3–5 8 6 2-hand: – 10 80 koku
Crossbow Prepare, Wargear
Kaiu no Cumbersome,
[Ranged] 2–5 7 3 2-hand: – 8 60 koku
Oyumi Prepare, Wargear
Storm Bow [Ranged] 1–4 4 3 2-hand: – 9 60 koku
Prepare, Wargear
Large Shield [Melee] 0 3 2 1-hand: – 8 10 koku
Durable, Wargear
Small Shield [Melee] 0 2 2 1-hand: – 8 6 koku
Durable, Wargear
[Ranged] 4–5 16 6 2-hand: – Durable, Prepare (2) 7 120 koku
Siege Weapons
Along with their defense of the Wall,
the Crab are famous for being extreme-
ly talented at the fine art of the siege.
While other clans often refrain from
using destructive force against castles
and cities, Crab warriors attack fortifica-
tions with relish.
Longer Preparation: A siege weap-
on modifies the Prepare quality with an
(X) value. This means you must use X
number of Support actions instead of 1
to prepare it. Note that multiple char-
acters at range 0 of the weapon can
undertake this Support action.
Used as both a siege weapon and a defensive weap- New Armor
on to ward off creatures along the Wall, the ballista is
It is common knowledge that the Crab love armor—
a crossbow writ large. Mounted on a tilting, swiveling
and the heavier, the better. Their long service on the
frame and operated by a crew of two or three, the
Wall and their experiences with dangerous Shadow-
ballista is made primarily of wood, with metal fittings
lands creatures has made Crab warriors appreciate a
and accents. It fires massive bolts nearly four feet long
sturdy suit of armor more than warriors of other clans.
and four inches across and performs extremely well
against heavily armored enemies and flying creatures.
A skilled, well-equipped crew can keep up a wither- Ō-yoroi
ing rate of fire and can provide pinpoint support fire or Ō-yoroi—also known as great armor or Wall armor—is
deny an area with equal ease. the heaviest armor worn by Crab samurai, and possibly
Damage inflicted with a ballista ignores 4 points of the heaviest armor in Rokugan. These are huge, boxy,
physical resistance. often ornate suits used by high-ranking Crab officers
and powerful samurai assigned to Wall duty. The armor
O-Gata Dohou features all the components of lighter, lesser armor, but
on a grander scale. Massive sode cover the wearer’s
The o-gata dohou (literally, “stone-throwing machine”)
arms nearly to the wrist, thick iron plates and countless
uses mechanical principles to fling heavy stones, flam-
steel scales are laced together then lacquered to pro-
ing balls of pitch, scrap, corpses, or anything else
vide unparalleled protection, and outsized crests dec-
handy over long distances. Mounted on wheels and
orate the conical helmets with their monstrous masks.
served by a crew of up to six depending on the size,
All this protection and glory comes at a price,
the o-gata dohou is used primarily in siege warfare to
however. Since these suits were designed to serve on
batter fortifications and destroy buildings. The Crab
the Wall, nearly all their protection is focused on the
also use it as an antidemon and antipersonnel weapon
wearer’s front.
to fling sanctified stones or flaming projectiles at fiends
While you wear ō-yoroi, if are suffering the Disori-
from the Shadowlands that are attacking the Wall.
ented, Dazed, or Immobilized condition, treat your
physical resistance as 3 as your foes can strike at your
lightly armored back.
Personal Effects
Those going into the Shadowlands
know that weapons alone are not
enough to make for a successful
mission. Veterans often bring spe-
cial items that help ensure they can
better survive in this vile setting, for
to die before actual battle would
be shameful.
Climbing Kit
The warriors of the Crab Clan do a
not-insignificant amount of climb-
ing, and so the climbing kit is an
important part of many samurai’s
Item Patterns
resin are typically heavily engraved with ornate designs
into which the resin is poured. As the item is exposed
to Shadowlands Taint, the jade slowly turns to muck,
Not all weapons and armor are created equally. A kata- requiring another application of the resin. While it
na forged by a novice swordsmith is typically of low- seems inconvenient to some, Shirogane jade inlay has
er quality than one forged by a master, and different protected the lives and souls of many Crab warriors.
schools or techniques might favor one weapon feature Weapons and armor designed for Shirogane jade
over another. inlay gain the Sacred quality. Armor so altered loses 1
There are two methods for gaining an item with point of physical resistance, and weapons lose 1 point
one of these patterns. The first is for your character of deadliness. Should the item become Damaged, the
to apprentice themself to a master to learn the means jade is chipped away as well and must be reapplied.
of crafting a new weapon with the desired pattern; When this happens, the item loses the Sacred quality
this requires the PC to win the master’s trust within until a smith applies more jade resin by making a TN
the story of the game, then spend the XP to learn the 3 Smithing (Earth) check as a downtime activity. This
pattern. The other method is to requisition, purchase, process consumes one finger of jade per attempt.
or find an existing item with the pattern. The price is XP Cost: 3 Rarity Modifier: +2
the same, but rarity is altered by the pattern’s listed
rarity modifier. Uchema’s Technique
Uchema’s technique is a style of armorsmithing used
Kakita Pattern to produce specialty armor for scouts and siege engi-
Kakita swordsmiths are known across Rokugan for their neers. A suit of armor made using Uchema’s technique
finely crafted weapons. While hardly one sword in a can be anything from a simple suit of ashigaru armor to
generation is deemed worth to bear the name “Kaki- a splendid, heavy suit of ō-yoroi. With careful tailoring
ta blade,” all of their works have an exquisitely sharp and clever use of lacing and straps, an armorsmith can
edge with no sacrifice to the weapon’s sturdiness. use the technique to make a suit of armor more flexible
A bladed weapon produced in the Kakita Pattern and easier to wear. A warrior wearing a suit made with
gains +1 deadliness. Uchema’s technique can run, climb, bend, leap, and
XP Cost: 6 Rarity Modifier: +4 otherwise move as if they were wearing simple clothing
rather than bulky armor.
Kenzō Blade A suit of armor made using Uchema’s technique
loses the Cumbersome quality and loses 1 point of
The Kenzō smithy is one of the premier smithies in physical resistance.
the Crane lands. Founded centuries ago by Ashidaka XP Cost: 4 Rarity Modifier: +3
Kenzō, this smithy produces wondrous dueling weap-
ons for the Kakita family. Indeed, Kenzō blades—
Yasunori Steel
nearly every weapon that has come out of the Kenzō
smithy has been a sword of one kind or another—are Decades ago, Kenru Yasunori, a Crab swordsmith,
considered to be among the finest dueling weapons developed a new steel alloy while tinkering in his forge.
in Rokugan. Kenzō blades are both beautiful and Quite by accident, they discovered that a mix of vari-
extremely deadly. ous ores and refined metals made a steel that is both
A weapon produced in the Kenzō smithy gains +1 lightweight and strong but lacks the beauty of tradi-
deadliness, –1 damage, and the Resplendent quality. tional Rokugani steel. Soon they began creating mas-
XP Cost: 8 Rarity Modifier: +5 sive two-handed swords and axes for use in defending
the Wall. Yasunori steel weapons are popular among
Shirogane Jade Inlay Crab samurai who appreciate a sturdy, well-made
blade and care little for aesthetics.
Kuni Shirogane was a weaponsmith renowned for his A weapon made from Yasunori steel loses the Cere-
beautiful and deadly weapons. During his long career, monial, Cumbersome, and Resplendent qualities (and
Shirogane developed a process to make a jade-infused can never gain any of these). It gains the Durable qual-
resin that could be applied to suitably crafted weap- ity; if the weapon already has the Durable quality, it
ons and armor to protect an individual against the ter- gains +1 deadliness instead.
rors of the Shadowlands. Items forged to use this jade XP Cost: 5 Rarity Modifier: +4
Artifacts of Jigoku
obsessed with revenge, or even enslaved by their own
desires. The shift is slight at first but grows more severe
every time the item is drawn. Eventually the wield-
Rokugani culture venerates ancestral belongings. Pre- er’s personality changes completely. Such enthralled
served artifacts are passed down from generation to warriors ultimately self-destruct, and then the item is
generation. However, there are objects for which this passed to another unsuspecting victim for the horrid
tradition is dangerous. All things cast a shadow; if an cycle to continue.
artifact can be blessed, then it can be cursed as well. Those cursed items that are bound to the power
Jigoku—such as those listed in this volume—are espe-
Concealed Horrors the dog fan. These trinkets can change their wearer
into their depicted animal and back again, but each
Just as the virtuous forge items to combat evil, so do time, the user suffers gradually more Taint, until they
servants of evil create objects that are like beacons to are trapped in a monstrous version of their animal A Shadowlands item
can be a compelling
Jigoku. Many appear indistinguishable from everyday form, unable to change back.
focal point for a
objects: a Tainted hairpin, a hand mirror with cursed Effects: Each henge-okurimono depicts an animal (all campaign. In literature,
runes hidden behind the polished glass, or a pillow of which can be found on page 325 of the core rule- cursed objects are often
book whose words are written in obsidian ink. Such is book). Once per game session as a Support action, you metaphors for human
may use a henge-okurimono to curse and augment your vices, like greed, lust,
their insidious purpose, for one does not realize they
or anger. Giving in
are aiding Jigoku until it is too late. body, transforming it into that of the animal depicted in
provides an immediate
the artwork. While in this form, you use its ring values, gain but creates escalat-
The Anvil of Despair derived attributes, abilities, and advantages with the ing problems.
physical or social type, but you use your own skill ranks
When an item’s curse
Among the foulest artifacts to exist in Rokugan, the and advantages with the mental or spiritual types. This is revealed, the GM
Anvil of Despair is also one of the most infamous. Its effect persists until you choose to end it or are ren- should make the “rules”
creator, Agasha Ryuden, used iron extracted from oni dered unconscious, at which point your form reverts to of the curse explicit.
blood and sacrificed the entire Boar Clan to give it Cursed items provide
its original state and you suffer the Afflicted condition.
a significant boon, and
birth. Any item forged on this anvil awakens cursed and Do not remove any fatigue or strife you suffered in the the narrative should
malicious, eventually corrupting its wielder. It played alternate form when you return to your original; if this feature adequate
an invisible hand in shaping Rokugan’s history, and causes your fatigue to exceed your endurance (or your temptations to use it.
none can say how many evil blades have been ham- strife to exceed your composure when it did not in your Maybe the item offers
mered into being on its cursed back. a convenient solution
alternate form, you suffer a critical strike with severity
to a complex problem
Effects: The Anvil requires a proper sacrifice for mahō 5 (or you become Compromised, in the case of strife). or provides something
(see p. 224 of the core rulebook) each time you wish to Unmasking Form: Panicked Retreat a character wants or
perform a Smithing check using it. Any weapon forged needs. Do the players
accept the potential
on the Anvil of Despair gains +2 deadliness and the The Porcelain Mask of Fu Leng consequences of using
Unholy quality.
this item? Can the
Unmasking Form: Honor’s Challenge As it is described only in thirdhand accounts of Sho-
downsides be mitigated
suro’s final words, it is not certain that the Porcelain for ultimate benefit?
The Black Pearls of Fu Leng Mask of Fu Leng even exists. It is said that when Maybe just this once...
donned, the mask seals itself to the wearer’s face,
When a particularly pure pearl or gemstone is exposed detaching only after death. It can change its visage to
to the Taint, it easily picks up spiritual impurities. After any face the user imagines, and through its eyes, the
being heavily exposed to corruption, especially by mask reveals horrors normally hidden to mortals. If this
direct contact with the power of the Shadowlands, artifact does exist, then surely its foolish owners were
such a treasure becomes twisted and treacherous. lost to what nightmares the mask reveals.
Mahō users can offer these Black Pearls of Fu Leng to Effects: Once you don the mask, it cannot be removed
attract swarms of malicious kansen from miles around. until your death (or another exceptional event), and
Effects: While wielding a Black Pearl of Fu Leng, you you are assigned one Shadowlands Taint disadvantage
may use mahō without making a proper sacrifice (see of the GM’s choice.
page 224 of the core rulebook). When you perform a While wearing the mask, as a Support action, you
check to activate a mahō technique without a proper may augment yourself, shifting the mask into an illusion
sacrifice, add two kept dice showing results. of any face you wish to present; any other character
Unmasking Form: Bend Principles must make a TN 4 Sentiment check (Earth 5, Fire 2)
to find a flaw in your facade. This effect persists until
The Henge-Okurimono you are rendered unconscious or will it to end.
While wearing the mask, as a Scheme action, you
Created by a mahō-tsukai, the cursed “shape-shifting
may scry for supernatural presences, causing them to
gifts” are seemingly mundane household items, each
glow with sickly purple light that only you can perceive.
depicting a different animal: the hawk hairpins, the sil-
This effect persists until the end of the scene.
ver origami cat, the wolf kimono, the boar sandals, and
Unmasking Form: Expose an Opening
Treasures of the Crab dition (see the Sacred quality on page 241 of
the core rulebook). Therefore, having the PCs
The following are but a sample of items from Crab lore make checks to avoid becoming Afflicted just
that are part of that clan’s struggle against the denizens before a particularly powerful monster or hor-
of the Shadowlands and the effects of the Taint—or rific sight appears can ratchet up the tension
that others use to further their own desires for power. in the same way as heavy footsteps or a dra-
matic scream in a horror story
The Jade Cups of Taira
Most of the disgraced rōnin Taira’s creations are lost
Awakened Item: The Cups of Taira are a nemuranai.
and forgotten, but his jade cups are still remembered.
As such, they have the Durable and Sacred qualities.
These appear as ordinary sake cups, but upon closer
inspection, their interior is almost invisibly lined with $$ Quirk: The cups glow when Otherworldly crea-
white jade. It is not known how many Taira made, but tures are nearby (at range 0–3, if relevant).
now and again, one appears in a market or among a
daimyō’s prized possessions.
$$ Sealed Invocation: Once per scene, you may
perform the Jurojin’s Balm invocation using
your Medicine skill.
New Techniques
Activation: As a downtime activity, you may make a
TN 2 Smithing check using any ring to undertake the
maintenance of your weapons and armor.
The following are new techniques that can aid samurai Effects: If you succeed, apply one of the following
in Tainted lands as well as in secret-filled courts. based on the ring you used:
Earth Invocation $$
Air: Increase the deadliness of a weapon by 1.
Earth: Remove the Damaged quality from the
The following new Invocation is useful when traveling item. If it did not have the Damaged quality, it
in the Shadowlands. gains the Durable quality.
$$ Fire: The item gains one quality that it could
Essence of Jade Rank 3
logically possess. The GM is the final arbiter of
In the Light of Yomi (Ancestral), Consecration of the Sev- what quality can be added this way, and they
en (Fortunist), The Wheel that Repels Demons (Foreign) should inform the player of whether an option
is possible before their character undertakes
The shugenja takes a pinch of jade powder and sprin-
this downtime activity.
kles it in a pentagram symbolizing harmony of the Five
Elements on the world, recalling the spirits of the land $$ Water: Increase the base damage of a weap-
to their rightful place to provide a bulwark against the on by 1 and decrease its deadliness by 1, or
forces of evil. increase the supernatural resistance of a set of
Activation: As a Support action, you may make a TN armor by 1 and reduce its physical resistance
3 Theology (Earth) check targeting one position at by 1.
range 0–2. $$ Void: Reduce the TN of the next check the
Effects: If you succeed, you purify the area and remove character makes with this weapon by 1.
the Defiled terrain quality from an area that extends a
number of range bands around the target position equal Only one of these effects can be applied to an item.
to your Earth Ring. This effect persists for one round, Any effect applied this way persists until the end of the
plus additional rounds equal to your bonus successes. next scene in which the item is used.
ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES During a conflict, if a shikigami and the ritualist who
created it are both present, the shikigami does not take
Tireless: Rebellious:
its own turn. During the shugenja’s turn, it can move up
Martial; Physical Martial; Mental
to 1 range band. As a Support action, the ritualist may
FAVORED WEAPONS & GEAR have the shikigami perform an action with their assis-
tance (see page 26 of the core rulebook).
Cutting Edges: Range 0, Damage 1, Deadliness 2
New Opportunities
Renjiro no Oni stole the name of a shugenja who Bind the Undead Rank 2
came to the Shadowlands to conduct experiments.
The mahō-tsukai draws on the power of Jigoku to
Renjiro believed that through a combination of ritual
extend their will over the animated dead (such as
and surgery, he could cure the Taint. His vain efforts
skeletons or zombies). These undead then act as the
resulted in his own affliction and possession by an oni
mahō-tsukai commands, mimicking gestures or fol-
attracted to his invasive methods. Now, Renjiro no Oni
lowing simple instructions. They can attack a target or
is a robed monstrosity of muscle and grey matter seek-
follow the mahō-tsukai like a squad of troops follows
ing Tainted subjects. Its human face offers redemp-
their leader. A smaller number of undead allows the
tion, but then it turns its head and reveals its demonic
practitioner greater control, and a single undead being
visage, which extends a drill-like tongue to suck the
can act naturally enough to infiltrate a town or castle,
brains from its victims.
if the practitioner remains nearby and sustains the
New Opportunities
New Opportunities
: The equine creature retains enough flesh to pass
: If there are any such beings, they accept your offer- as a living horse; characters with vigilance 3 or lower do
ing, and they augment you with an unholy blessing that not notice its undead status.
increases the value of the ring you used for the check : Other characters whom you designate can also
by 1. You can only have one unholy blessing at a time, ride the onikage.
and it persists until the end of the scene. +: Summon one additional onikage per spent
+: If you receive an unholy blessing, it tempo- this way.
rarily increases the ring’s value by an additional 1 per
spent this way. Fiend’s Retreat Rank 3
+: If you receive an unholy blessing, it persists for 1
additional round per spent this way. This technique allows its user to exchange positions
with an unsuspecting character, leaving them to meet a
Dark Reflection Rank 1 miserable end. The blade descends, but the sorcerer’s
flesh twists like wax and melts to foul muck, revealing
The mahō-tsukai must obtain an obsidian mirror, pool of some unfortunate whom the mahō-tsukai left to meet
Tainted water, or other corrupted reflective surface. By the judgment they so richly deserve.
appealing to kansen, the practitioner makes the object Activation: Once per scene, as an Attack and Move-
becomes a divinatory tool for a time. The practitioner ment action or as an out-of-turn action when you are
can receive visual answers to questions or spy on a per- targeted by an attack, you may make a Theology (Air)
son or area. Kansen are willing to play this “game,” but check targeting one character at range 2–3. The target
the accuracy of images may not be reliable. must be Incapacitated or a minion NPC, and the TN of
Activation: As a Support action, you may make a TN 2 the check is equal to the target’s vigilance.
Theology (Water) check targeting a person, object, or Effects: If you succeed, you curse the target, forcing
location you have encountered before. them to exchange physical locations with you. The
Effects: If you succeed, you scry upon a chosen person target becomes the target of any attacks that were
or location. However, the image is distorted: one minor targeting you.
detail within it, of the GM’s choosing, is always incorrect,
reflecting instead the fears or desires of the mahō-tsukai. New Opportunities
Shape the Flesh Rank 4 Activation: As an Attack and Intrigue action, you may
make a Theology (Air) check targeting one Other-
The mahō-tsukai transforms their body, taking on a
worldly being at range 0–1. The TN of this check is
demonic aspect. Ragged wings or a glistening cara-
equal to the target’s vigilance and is reduced by 2 if the
pace sprouts from their flesh, or their form flows like
target is also a Tainted being.
befouled water, extending unnaturally. They might
Effects: If you succeed, you bind the spirit inside an
even fade into living shadow, becoming a creature of
object of silhouette 1 or less at range 0–2. If the being
pure obscurity that shrugs off even the holiest of talis-
you bound is Tainted, the object gains the Unholy quality.
mans and prayers.
If you fail, the spirit curses you, and you suffer the
Activation: As a Support action, you may make a TN 4
Afflicted condition.
Theology check.
Effects: If you succeed, you augment and curse your-
New Opportunities
self in one of the following ways, depending on the
ring you used: : The object gains one other quality of your choice
from the following list: Concealable, Durable, Resplen-
$$ Talons and Fangs (Fire): The damage and
dent, Subtle.
deadliness of your Unarmed profile become 6,
: As an action, the holder of the object may release
and it gains the Unholy quality.
the bound being to importune one mahō (or invoca-
$$ Thick Hide (Earth): Your physical resistance tion, if you have bound an elemental spirit) without
becomes 7. paying the usual costs or making the usual TN adjust-
$$ Wings (Air): You gain flight; you can move ments (see Importune Invocations on page 189 and
vertically and ignore the negative effects Importune Mahō on page 225 of the core rulebook).
of terrain.
Spread Corruption Rank 2
$$ Malleable Form (Water): The maximum range
of your unarmed and melee attacks becomes 3. The practitioner channels their inner corruption into
$$ Shadowy Form (Void): Your supernatu- their skin, so that their touch becomes contagious.
ral resistance becomes 7. You count as an Anyone or anything they touch is assailed by the foul
Otherworldly being. influence of the Shadowlands, which seeks any gap in
their spiritual fortitude that it can grasp.
Activation: As a Support action, you may make a TN 2
New Opportunities Theology (Fire) check.
Effects: If you succeed, you augment your touch with
: Once before the end of the scene, as an action, a corrupting influence. Anyone whose skin you touch
you may perform this technique again with a different (such as with an unarmed attack) is cursed, and they
ring and maintain both effects. must resist with a TN 4 Fitness or Meditation check
(Earth 2, Fire 5) or suffer fatigue equal to their shortfall
Spiritual Shackles Rank 1
and the Afflicted condition. This effect persists until the
end of the scene.
Mahō-tsukai deal constantly with powerful, dangerous
beings, and those who live long enough learn that
New Opportunities
kansen can only be trusted to be untrustworthy—but
deceit can be repaid in kind. Other spirits might also : After you touch someone, the effect is delayed
seek to wreak vengeance upon mahō-tsukai, from the for three rounds, or about a minute in narrative time.
hungering ghosts called gaki to wrathful ancestor spir- : While this effect persists, any ground you walk on
its, and it pays to have protection against such beings. becomes Defiled terrain (see Terrain on page 267 of
The mahō-tsukai uses trickery and sheer will on a kan- the core rulebook).
sen or other spirit, sealing it within an object. : Increase the severity of any critical strike you
inflict with your unarmed attack profiles by 2 for each
of your rings with the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage.
of the
Hida Sanae raised her tetsubō to a ready
position. Her comrades around her along
the Wall did the same. There were no
words spoken. They all knew what was
coming. They all knew what they had
to do.
Games with Low Shadowlands Intensity
Despite their best efforts, it isn’t possible for the Crab to
Shadowlands Games entirely prevent horrors from slipping into the Empire.
Individual or small groups of Shadowlands creatures
are still able to infiltrate by bypassing the Wall and
Setting a Legend of the Five Rings roleplaying game skulking into the Empire from the west, through or near
or campaign in the Shadowlands, or even making its the Shinomen Mori. Some of these monstrosities have
dread presence felt in a game, offers unique and inter- even developed abilities and attributes to facilitate
esting opportunities for play. To do it effectively, how- their infiltration. Bog-hags, penanggalan, and shape-
ever, can be demanding. Simply replacing clan samu- shifting oni are able to conceal themselves as ordinary
rai, rōnin, commoners, and various other “typical” Rokugani, only revealing themselves when they wish
opponents normally encountered in the Empire with to strike.
Shadowlands monsters will certainly present the play- Some servants of Fu Leng can even originate within
ers with some new challenges. If this is as far as a GM the Empire. Samurai and commoners alike can become
goes, though, it doesn’t exploit the true value offered mahō-tsukai, practitioners of foul blood magic. They
by the Shadowlands: the opportunity to include some tend to carry out their evil schemes in secret, mean-
significant elements of horror in the game. The fol- ing that they could be essentially anyone, anywhere
lowing sections highlight what the inclusion of the in Rokugan.
Shadowlands in a campaign can offer and how to take What characterizes all of these sorts of foes is that
advantage of these things. they are individuals suited to specific, one-time encoun-
ters or relatively brief side quests. Confrontations with
Horror Themes them can certainly inform the larger campaign, but gen-
in Rokugan erally in a low Shadowlands intensity game, the main
action is not about the Shadowlands. In these sorts
Legend of the Five Rings has a richly detailed setting— of games, other supernatural beings not related to
the Emerald Empire of Rokugan—and GMs should draw Fu Leng such as ghosts and yokai could also provide
upon this to help their games feel unique. The player elements of horror.
characters encounter plot elements from honor-driven
conflicts with samurai from the Great Clans to shadowy
battles against the schemes of criminal conspiracies.
The supernatural is very much part of the setting, but
Including Horror
it is often in the background of the events of the plot. Perhaps an even more fundamental ques-
Hurling the PCs into the Shadowlands can take the tion a GM should consider is if they want to
story in a much more disturbing direction. The Shad- include horror or horrific elements in their
owlands is an excellent venue for horror elements, but game at all. Many people are drawn to Leg-
horror in roleplaying games works best if both the GM end of the Five Rings for its “samurai drama”:
and players are interested in engaging with it. honorable conflict and sacrifice, political
When contemplating including Shadowlands ele- scheming, and all the other myriad elements
ments in a game, the following questions are very that make roleplaying in the Emerald Empire
helpful to consider: the unique experience it is. It is quite possible
that some of these players will not appreci-
$$ What proportion of scenes in the campaign ate the addition of horror elements; they may
should be spent on supernatural horror rather find them off-putting or even upsetting. A
than other activities? GM should be certain that their players will
$$ What form should the supernatural horror find the inclusion of frightening Shadowlands
elements take? creatures and events an enjoyable experi-
ence. They may not mind battling unnatural
creatures if their presentation is more orient-
How Much Shadowlands? ed toward action than horror, for example. If
the GM isn’t sure, they are strongly recom-
To help answer this question, it is useful to consid-
mended to discuss it with their players is
er the role of Shadowlands games in three general
comfortable during the game.
categories of game play types: low, mid, and high
Shadowlands intensity.
Games with Mid Shadowlands Intensity appear to be, an atmosphere of paranoia can be fos-
tered. For example, assume the PCs are delegates to a
In a mid intensity game, Shadowlands elements play a
While the low, mid, and Winter Court that became snowed in. An NPC delegate
high intensities present- more central role, but much of the game still revolves
is found apparently several days dead—except the PCs
ed here are mutually around the more “traditional” aspects of roleplaying in
spoke to the NPC that very morning. It appears that a
exclusive for a single the Emerald Empire. Shadowlands horrors are general-
game session, they are shapeshifter of some sort is loose in the court, and now
ly greater in number or more organized, presenting the
not mutually exclusive the PCs aren’t sure who is actually whom. This sort of
as parts of a campaign. PCs with a more significant threat.
paranoia can fuel a tense and exciting game as the PCs
Various levels could co- An example of a mid-level game would be one that
struggle to uncover and deal with the impostor.
exist during the course involves a cult led by one or more mahō-tsukai. Now,
of a campaign, one instead of a single character wielding evil magic, there
leading into another. Creeping Dread
may be several, who may in turn have allies, follow-
For example, encounter- ers, and minions. Samurai and commoners alike can An atmosphere of mounting dread is an excellent way
ing a lone mahō-tsukai be drawn in by the terrible temptations of power. The of exploiting the disturbing and sinister nature of the
(a low intensity game)
mahō-tsukai also may be able to call upon more pow- Shadowlands. The Shadowlands terrain itself, with its
could lead to the PCs
uncovering a large and erful Shadowlands creatures, such as undead or oni, to shifting landforms and perils lurking in every corner,
powerful cult (a mid do their bidding. should make journeys through this region tense and
intensity game). Once nerve-wracking. Offered hints and suggestions of hor-
the PCs destroy the
cult, its leader could
Games with High Shadowlands Intensity ror and danger can keep the tension high as the PCs
escape and flee to the worry about what lies beyond that next barren hill, or
In this type of game, the bulk or even all of the sto-
Shadowlands, inducing that shadowed doorway from which they heard fur-
the PCs to chase them ry action revolves around Shadowlands elements and
tive whispers or perhaps a child’s unsettling laughter.
until they meet a final may even take place in the Shadowlands itself. The PCs
In order to create and maintain a meaningful sense of
confrontation some- may find themselves on or near the Wall, facing the
where deep within the dread, it is essential that there occasionally be an actu-
prospect of a full-scale attack by Shadowlands forces;
domains of Fu Leng (a al threat, but the ultimate goal is to convince the play-
high intensity game). indeed, a following section deals with this situation
ers that menace surrounds them and that the further
specifically. They may instead find themselves ventur-
they venture, the more imminent danger becomes.
ing into the Shadowlands, exposed to the full horror of
Jigoku's corruption.
Visceral Horror
Alternatively, the PCs could be forced to deal with
a Tainted location inside the Empire, such as the foul Visceral horror is just that: the sudden discovery of
marshes in the Shinomen Mori or another location of a bloody, gory scene of slaughter, or an unexpected
the GM’s design. For example, an incursion by an army attack by a terrifying monster. In some ways, though,
of monsters might overrun a village, town, or castle, or this is actually the weakest type of horror, particularly if
the actions of a powerful cult might transform a serene it is used too often. Too-frequent exposure to sudden
temple into a place of terror and death. frights and egregious gore diminishes their impact,
so this should be reserved for specific and important
Which Horror Elements? scenes in the story. An obvious such instance would be
the climax, when the PCs come face to face with the
Just as the extent of horror elements in a game or
awful reality of a mahō-tsukai’s ultimate ritual, or with a
campaign can be divided into categories, so can the
monstrous oni that threatens to consume not just their
nature of Fu Leng’s corruptive presence. There are
physical bodies, but also their very souls.
three broad categories that describe what sort of effect
the Shadowlands elements are intended to have on the
game and, by extension, its players. These are para-
Putting It All Together
noia, creeping dread, and visceral horror. Each level of intensity can be combined with different
horror elements to create a unique feel. While a low
Paranoia intensity game is certainly suited to an atmosphere of
paranoia, it can rapidly spiral into stark, visceral horror.
One of the defining characteristics of the Shadowlands
Using the example of the PCs trapped in an isolated
is its secretive nature. As noted above, some creatures
Winter Court with a shapeshifter, once the creature is
are able to convincingly impersonate nearly anyone
found and cornered, it could be revealed as a vicious,
they encounter. By creating situations in which the
horrifying oni. Likewise, a mid intensity game can easi-
PCs are unsure whether someone is actually who they
ly incorporate a sense of creeping dread: for instance,
the PCs, investigating an apparently unremarkable vil- One answer to this is to simply disallow it. The GM COMBINING THE TYPES
lage, could find clues that something is terribly amiss. could specify that PCs—even Tainted ones—simply
Eventually, they may begin to suspect that a blasphe- don’t have access to the evil lore required to allow Like the intensity levels
mous cult is conducting human sacrifices, and that all them to use mahō. This helps reinforce a more heroic of Shadowlands horror,
the various types of
of the villagers may be involved. The PCs could then tone for the game, but it does remove a potentially
horror can be com-
find themselves outnumbered, with darkness falling interesting element from the game. bined. For instance, the
and a long, empty road ahead of them leading to the If the GM is going to allow PCs to use mahō, they PCs could be traversing
nearest source of help. should consider the effect it will have on the story. the Shadowlands,
By remaining mindful of the intensity and horror Foremost among them is the effect on the PC or PCs experiencing a growing
sense of paranoia as
elements they want in their story, a GM can offer a ris- in question. The use of mahō is manifestly illegal in
they approach an evil
ing and falling tempo of fear as the players progress, Rokugan, no matter how good the intentions of the shrine. As they enter,
giving them a truly memorable experience—one wor- one using it. Openly using mahō is an invitation to they are stunned to
thy of the full, dreadful potential of the Shadowlands! Emerald Magistrates, or even other loyal samurai, to see one of their own
number is already
take action that could certainly include killing the mahō
Player Characters
there, bound to an
user. Moreover, even if the PC doesn’t get caught using altar amidst the blood-
that their colleague’s actions are inexcusable, and
attempt to arrest or even attack their ally. While this
sort of in-party conflict can be fun for some groups,
GMs should always attempt to portray time in
other groups might prefer to play with less tension. The
the Shadowlands as an unsettling experience,
potential for conflict between PCs should be carefully
one that grows even worse the farther char-
considered by the entire group.
acters journey past the Wall. Nights might be
Finally, because mahō involves blood sacrifice, it is
utterly silent, absent of even the comforting
important to consider the real-world views of players. A
sounds of crickets, only to be punctuated
character engaged in mahō should be cautioned not to
with horrible screams in the distance or child-
exceed the group’s tolerance for graphic descriptions
ish giggles that feel all too nearby. The PCs
of violence and gore. A frank and respectful discussion
might come across areas filled with the stench
among the group is highly recommended before any
of rotting meat or spilled blood even though
player starts their PC down the path of using mahō.
they are completely clear of such materials.
Sunlight from above could be rippling or
diminished without a cloud in the sky. Days On the Wall and Beyond
might seem to last forever, and nights only A question that may arise while planning a game set
a few hours, or the reverse. Even walking near, on, or beyond the Kaiu Kabe is why would a sit-
through plain fields might be laborious, as if uation involving the Shadowlands happen in the first
the ground is reluctant to release their feet. place? The Wall is a massive fortification designed to
With each new day, things should become protect the Empire from the Shadowlands; it is not a
even more disturbing and difficult, fraying casual destination for curious samurai. The Crab rig-
tempers and keeping PCs on edge. Most orously control who has access to the Wall, because
importantly, each visit into the Shadowlands it is a profoundly dangerous place for those unfamiliar
should be a unique experience: there should with it—and that includes almost all non-Crab samurai.
never be a “standard” or “normal” passage Allowing samurai who aren’t properly trained or pre-
through the Shadowlands. pared onto the Wall not only puts those samurai at seri-
ous risk, it also risks the lives of Crab samurai who are
bound to protect them. Accordingly, unless a samurai
has a specific reason or duty that would takes to the
Wall, they are simply not welcome there.
This is doubly true when it comes to providing
access to the Shadowlands. Unless they try to sail
through the Sea of Shadows or detour far to the west
through the Shinomen Mori or across the Plains above
Evil, those who want to enter the Shadowlands need
Crab permission. The tunnels that pass beneath the
Wall are specifically designed to thwart those not inti-
mately familiar with them, after all.
Nevertheless, there are bona fide reasons for the If the PCs object to this treatment, they’re likely
Crab to allow PCs on or even through the Wall and into to earn nothing but more contempt. The Crab gener-
the Shadowlands, all of which can be used as part of ally believe, after all, that the Empire simply doesn’t
ongoing campaigns or as the basis for a new adven- understand or appreciate their sacred duty of pro-
tures. Examples include: tecting Rokugan. Accordingly, they have little time
for the niceties that characterize interactions among
$$ The PCs are carrying out an important mission samurai elsewhere.
with Imperial sanction or the approval of the If the PCs are actually assigned to the Wall or to a
Crab Clan leadership. They possess documents related task such as a patrolling in the Shadowlands,
specifying this, which not only grants them then their Crab colleagues are even less forgiving. The
access or passage, but also gains them assis- PCs are not only subject to the same harsh discipline
tance from the Crab for their mission. Potential as any Crab samurai, but also find themselves under
missions could include pursuing a quarry into intense scrutiny. Here, clever words and the glory of
the Shadowlands, retrieving something of val- past accomplishments carry little weight. Only if they
ue, or gathering information or Tainted speci- carry out their duties well, with great courage and a clear
mens for study. willingness to sacrifice themselves if the circumstances
$$ The PCs are assigned to duty on the Wall. demand it, can they earn the respect of the Crab.
While it is rare, samurai from other clans do
sometimes receive such assignments, usually as Dealing with the Lost
a part of a larger treaty or agreement between
Despite the horrific nature of the Shadowlands, there
their clan and the Crab. Alternatively, samurai
are many humans—or those who were once human—
who somehow wronged the Crab Clan through
who have fallen to under the sway of Fu Leng. These
their words or deeds could be assigned to
Tainted individuals are collectively known as the Lost,
the Wall as a form of punishment or restitu-
and there are many ways they can be brought into
tion. In either case, the PCs are treated like
Shadowlands adventures.
any new Crab samurai assigned to the Wall,
The most frequent tactic, of course, is to use them
which means they are rigorously trained and
as enemies, often powerful ones at that. Dark Moto
drilled and expected to participate fully in the
are powerful warriors on par with the greatest bushi of
Wall’s defense.
Rokugan, and mahō users who have escaped to the
$$ Young PCs are assigned to the Wall, or even Shadowlands can be deadly foes in this kansen-infested
sent into the Shadowlands, as part of their territory. With so many unnatural creatures to draw on,
gempuku ceremony. This is especially true GMs can utilize human adversaries whom the PCs can
for students of Sunda Mizu Dōjō, the oldest converse and engage in intrigues with as a change of
dōjō of the Crab Clan and where many of its pace from what could feel like endless combats.
samurai train. Sunda Mizu Dōjō does, on occa- While many of the Lost serve Fu Leng knowingly, oth-
sion, accept young would-be samurai from ers are fully under his sway but believe they are still serv-
other clans. ing their own purposes, or even that of their lord. The
$$ Rōnin PCs are participating in a Twenty Goblin line between self-delusion and the convictions of Taint-
Winter and are permitted entry into the Shad- ed warriors like the Damned (see page 128) is inten-
owlands to gather the twenty goblin heads tionally murky. A Tainted guide who believes they main-
required to become Crab samurai. tain self-control might be a powerful ally in the Shadow-
lands—but the PCs should never be completely sure if
they are able to resist the snares of Fu Leng or merely
Dealing with the Crab believe themself free of the Fallen Kami’s schemes.
Depending on how a GM wants to present them,
No matter their reason for being at the Wall or enter-
these samurai could be tragic warriors who seek only
ing the Shadowlands, PCs have to deal with the Crab.
a proper death against Fu Leng’s minions and desire
When on duty, Crab samurai tend to be extremely vigi-
the PCs’ aid in their quest. Others might be one step
lant and focused on their tasks. They have little time for
from treachery, and the slightest insult from a PC could
or interest in acting as tour guides for visiting samurai.
be enough to spur them into battle or betrayal. Most
When portraying them as NPCs, the GM should keep
importantly, they act as constant reminders of what the
in mind that Crab tend to be blunt and to the point,
PCs’ fate might be should they drop their guard or for-
with a brusque attitude that often borders on rudeness.
get for an instant the awful nature of the Shadowlands.
Tainted Warrior (Title Ability): Increase the TN of all your Theology Skill
non-Command Social skill checks by 1, and reduce the = Rank 1–2 Kata Tech. Grp.
TN of all your Martial Arts [Any] skill checks targeting = Rank 1–2 Rituals Technique
Tainted beings by 1 (to a minimum of 1). Non-Tainted
= Skulk Technique
beings receive 1 strife whenever they make a Social
skill check targeting you.
Assigned By: Hida daimyō or other officials. accept anyone with the skills needed (shugenja pri-
Status Award: +15 (to a minimum of 30 and a maxi- marily, but rarely, other mystics or experienced hunters
mum of 40), officially become samurai and member of of mahō-tsukai), in recent years, only members of the
Crab Clan. Crab Clan have sought out this solemn duty. Most are
XP to Completion: 20 from the Kuni Purifier School. Witch Hunters operate
Goblin Killer (Title Ability): When making a Martial with little oversight, each doing what they deem nec-
Arts [Any] check targeting a goblin, you may spend essary to defend Rokugan against these threats. Any
as follows: Witch Hunter can elevate another to the task, though
+: Each other goblin at range 0–2 of your target few do so unless their apprentice has proven themself
receives 1 strife per that you spend this way. time and again, and faced horrors that would shatter
any soul still harboring doubts or uncertainties.
Twenty-Goblin Crab Assigned By: Another Witch Hunter.
ADVANCE TYPE Status Award: +10 (to a minimum of 30)
XP to Completion: 45
Martial Skills Skl. Grp. Bane of Sorcerers (Title Ability): When you make a
Social Skills Skl. Grp. check to resist the effects of a mahō technique, you
Culture Skill may spend as follows:
: Reduce the TN of your next check targeting the mahō
Government Skill
practitioner who performed it by 1 per spent this way.
= Rank 1–2 Kata Tech. Grp. : If you succeed on the check to resist, the mahō prac-
= Thunderclap Strike Technique titioner receives strife equal to your ranks in Theology.
= Stonewall Tactics Technique Witch Hunter
Witch Hunter Martial Skills Skl. Grp.
Because of the diffuse structure of the family, the Kuni Scholar Skills Skl. Grp.
are known as much for their order of Witch Hunters as Command Skill
Spending Opportunity
in Shadowlands Games
The threat of the Shadowlands requires brave and stal-
wart samurai to step up to the challenge of facing it,
seizing any weapon they can in the hope of pushing Opportunity amidst
back the Taint. Whether driven by the honor of their Corruption
clan, devotion to Rokugan as a whole, or a more prag-
Table 3–2: Spending Opportunity against Tainted
matic approach to survival, samurai facing Tainted dan-
Threats, on page 131, details a selection of ways to
gers need every advantage they can find.
spend on checks in a game when the characters con-
GMs running Shadowlands-focused games may use
front Tainted threats outside of the Shadowlands, such
the following tables to allow players additional means
as while pursuing secretive mahō-tsukai. One option is
of spending in their games, or as inspiration for new
presented for checks of each ring, although at the GM’s
options of their devising. Options are included for
discretion, an option may be applied to checks using
games focused on the Shadowlands, for games focused
other rings where appropriate or used as the basis for
on dealing with the threat of the Taint elsewhere in
a new idea for spending .
Rokugan, and even for Tainted characters, including
PCs with the Shadowlands Taint disadvantage.
Tainted Opportunities
Opportunity in the Table 3–3: Spending Opportunity While Tainted,
Shadowlands on page 131, details a selection of ways to spend
on checks made by Tainted characters. These options
Table 3–1: Spending Opportunity in the Shadow- might be used by Tainted foes of the PCs or even by
lands details a selection of ways to spend on checks PCs who are themselves Tainted. One option is pre-
while in the Shadowlands. One option is presented for sented for checks of each ring, although at the GM’s
checks of each ring, although at the GM’s discretion, an discretion, an option may be applied to checks using
option may be applied to checks using other rings or other rings where appropriate or used as the basis for
used as the basis for a new idea for spending . a new idea for spending .
You detect a subtle sign in your environment that lets you get your bearings, such as a
Air stream that runs slightly less Tainted than the environment around it or the growths on the
+ twisted trees that point toward the Festering Pit. This landmark helps guide you for one
scene, plus one additional scene in the Shadowlands per spent this way.
Your resolute nature steels you against the unstable environment of the Shadowlands. You
count your vigilance as 1 higher the next time you seek to notice or avoid a hazardous situa-
tion or creature.
You spur your comrades on with pleasing encouragement or biting criticism. One other char-
acter in the scene per you spend this way reduces their next TN to resist physical hardship
or the influence of the Shadowlands by 1.
By luck or careful scavenging, you are able to find a useful item not yet corrupted by the
Shadowlands. Such items have a maximum rarity of 3, plus 1 for each additional spent.
The GM should modify this depending on the exact nature of the item as well.
Though Jigoku’s power weighs heavily upon them, you are undeterred. By drawing on mem-
ories of the un-Tainted lands north of the wall, you can keep yourself focused and ignore all
results on your next check.
Confronted with the horrors of the Taint, you remain alert and able to discern a weakness in
your foe. Reduce the TN of your next check made to oppose or harm a Tainted character by
1, as you examine the threat before you and formulate an appropriate response.
You are able to weather such terrible things as the revelation of a secret mahō-tsukai or the
summoning of an oni. The next time you suffer strife this scene, you suffer 2 fewer strife, to a
minimum of 0.
The righteous fury you display can cow even the most terrible of Tainted fiends. Each Taint-
ed being in the scene gains 1 strife, plus 1 additional strife for every spent. If you are
unaware if another character is Tainted, the GM should record this strife secretly.
You adapt yourself to better fight the corrupted power before you. Once before the end of
Water current the game session you may either reduce the TN of a check to resist a Tainted power,
such as a mahō technique, assailing you by 1 or increase the TN of another character’s check
to target or affect you with such a power by 1.
Void If the character spends , they discern that the kami have fled, as well as the type of dis-
or turbance (mahō, kansen, or similar). If the character spends , they can also determine
the total combat threat rating of all Tainted beings that caused the kami to flee.
Your newfound cunning is able to redirect attention away from you, potentially concealing
your Tainted nature or letting you avoid scrutiny. The TN of the next check made to scrutinize
you or your actions is increased by 1.
No mortal concern can slow you, as you already endure worse than most can even imagine.
For the rest of the scene, whenever you suffer fatigue reduce the value suffered by 2, to a
minimum of 0.
The furious power of Jigoku flows through you, granting you unnatural might. Add 1 kept
showing a result to the next Martial Arts check you make. This effect persists until the start
of their next turn.
You briefly become fluid in mind or body, shaking off disorientation or even injury. You
remove one of the following conditions: Dazed, Disoriented, Immobilized, Intoxicated,
Lightly Wounded, or Prone.
The unnatural insights of the kansen voice themselves wordlessly to you, granting knowledge
Void you could not possibly have known otherwise. You learn something relevant to the current
+ situation, appropriate in scope to the number of spent. For each spent in this way, you
receive 1 strife due to the unnatural means by which you gained this knowledge.
Corruption Corruption
Samurai in Rokugan face all manner of threats on a and the Crab
daily basis, from the mere physical dangers of combat
to deeply difficult trials of their honor and duty. These Many clans view becoming Tainted as a stain
threats, they believe, can all be faced and defeated upon their honor and that of their family.
through sufficient courage and skill. There is one threat For them, a samurai suffering from the Taint
they can never defeat, however. At best, they can try is to be pitied and erased from their histo-
to protect themselves against it. This threat is the Taint, ry. Many Crab, however, view it as a proud
the result of the corruption that comes from Jigoku, symbol of their endless conflict against the
insidious enough to destroy even the most courageous Shadowlands. It marks them as a true samu-
and skilled of samurai. rai warrior, one who fought firsthand against
This is a hard fact for all who are aware of the Shad- the terrors in the South. Operating on the
owlands and its nature. Many samurai try to push such Wall, patrolling in the Shadowlands, and even
thoughts away and treat the Taint as something that studying the Taint all come with the risk of
happens only to the unprepared or inept. Ignoring supernatural contamination, and for a Crab
the implacability of the Taint, however, can only lead to shy away from the risk is to fail in their duty
to a terrible fate, for only unending vigilance toward to clan and Emperor.
this enemy can hope to provide defense against it. Even though there is no recovery from
Even the Crab, who recognize the Taint is a very real the Taint, the Crab view it more as a grievous
danger and ward against it to degrees no other clan battle wound than a mark of shame. Unlike
would contemplate, can still become Tainted. To suf- other clans, the Crab know full well what it
fer from the Taint is more than just the horrible mental means for those who are corrupted this way,
and physical changes it forces upon an individual—it is and they would never waste a Tainted samu-
knowing that one’s very soul is being corrupted. How rai with reclusion. Many Tainted Crab join the
one deals with this is perhaps the truest indication of a ranks of the Damned, seeking an honorable
samurai’s spirit. end in battle before they fully fall to their cor-
ruption and become a threat to the Empire.
The Nature of Even the Crab know that any who suffer from
the Taint cannot be fully trusted, though, so
Corruption they ensure Kuni Wardens watch over them
at all times.
The greatest source of corruption is the Shadowlands,
and the Festering Pit of Fu Leng is the location of great-
est potency. This is, after all, the rupture between the
Mortal Realm and Jigoku, the font of unspeakable evil can never be completely stilled. Jade petal tea is most
emerging into the world. The possibility of corruption frequently used to slow the Taint within a person. Some
exists throughout Rokugan, however, not just in the believe that meditation is also effective, though this is
Shadowlands. It is true, of course, that the threat of the hard to verify or deny rigorously.
Taint is greatest in the South, but mahō practitioners As with many aspects of the Taint, there is no firm
and Tainted objects have no borders and thus can understanding of how the progression occurs. For
spread corruption elsewhere. Even beyond the bounds many, its effects flow from minor behavioral shifts to
of Rokugan, there are tales of sinister powers that seem minor physical ones, such as thickened nails or odd
to match the stories of the Taint. skin rashes. As the Taint deepens, the changes become
Jade is the most effective way to ward against cor- more pronounced, including violent personality chang-
ruption, and thus is a part of all expeditions into the es, physical mutations, and even the manifestation of
Shadowlands. As jade protects its wearer, however, it is vile powers rightly forbidden to all in Rokugan.
slowly expended. Unprotected exposure always carries No matter what is done to quell it, eventually the
the risk of corruption, and from that point on, the sub- Taint consumes entirely, and the afflicted falls to Fu
ject walks on the precipice of shadow. Leng’s domination. This is perhaps one of the worst
Corruption only deepens with time, like a foul weed aspects of the Taint, for many a fully corrupted samurai
burrowing and extending itself through the infected believes they have control over themself when in actu-
body. Its growth can only be reduced, however, and ality, the Dark Kami guides their every action.
Corruption Comes to All Not all, though, fear or avoid corruption; some
actively embrace it as part of their path to power. Mahō
As too many samurai sadly learn, there is no escape practitioners become stronger as they grow more
from corruption save death. The Taint can take root Tainted, and they may seek out the Taint even though
in anyone, and it can make plants, animals, and even it brings them closer to death. Some Crab researchers
the land turn foul. The very spirits of Rokugan, the venture deep into the Shadowlands, seeking greater
kami, can become corrupted into kansen, who seem understanding, while knowing they are doomed to
attracted to Tainted beings and may accelerate the become Tainted themselves.
spread of corruption within. Even the extreme resis- One thing that has been established is that the cor-
tance to the Taint of the nezumi may not be infallible, ruption of the Taint is almost always linked to super-
though ancient and dubious Kuni records and whispers natural circumstances, such as exposure to Tainted
among nezumi Rememberers are the only evidence of objects, contact with oni or other supernatural crea-
such occurrences. tures under Fu Leng’s power, or the incantations of
Tainted Crab samurai are watched closely by the Tainted individuals. It is highly unlikely that people who
Kuni Wardens for signs of worsening conditions. Late perform merely terrible acts such as betraying their
stages of Fu Leng’s corruption can even become con- daimyō or poisoning a rival village become Tainted
tagious, through the blood or the defilement of the without the aid of the supernatural. Rokugan might
terrain around the person. In Crab lands, the Kuni certainly judge them as evil and deserving of pun-
family studies these effects tirelessly. In other places ishment, but they have not fallen to the power of Fu
in Rokugan, it is extremely rare for the Taint to prog- Leng—at least, not yet.
ress this far, except in mahō-tsukai who carefully hide
their corruption.
Oni Generation
section include a variety of base profiles with which to
Hierarchy of Oni
When creating an oni antagonist, the GM should first
select a profile from one of the following options.
Each oni is truly a unique being—but within the mortal
realm, oni are capable of splitting into multiple forms
to act in several places simultaneously. Lesser oni rep-
resent small shards of an oni’s soul, and are the weak-
est. Next are powerful oni, which are quite potent and
possess a more substantial array of tricks and abilities,
but still might have 1-2 other forms active. Finally, oni
lords are complete beings—the full entity, with all its
dread powers—and can threaten even the most pow-
erful groups of samurai.
2 4
3 3
+2, –2
+2, –2
Supernatural 3, Unholy)
A savage brute oni is a Tainted, Otherworldly being of
3 6 6 4
4 6
+2, –2
Martial; Physical Social; Interpersonal
A monstrous warrior oni is a Tainted, Otherworldly
Oni Fragment
Dark Puppet +2, +2
By some vile art, the oni is able to act as if it is many
This profile represents the detached eye, hand, or
in number. Splitting their form in this manner usually
tongue of an oni with the Foul Separation power. Cer-
weakens them, but some can bend a suitable sub-
tain elements of this profile are limited to a fragment of
stitute to their will, striking through their shadow or
the appropriate type, as noted within.
another sinister proxy.
First Rank: Once per scene, the oni may perform a sec-
ond action at Initiative 0. 2 2
Additional Ranks: The oni may use this power one addi-
tion time per scene. It can only use it once per round.
2 2 2
Foul Separation +1, +1
Beyond the ability to manifest as numerous lesser ver-
sions of themselves, some oni exhibit the even more ADVANTAGES DISADVANTAGES
disturbing power to tear out their own organs or limbs
select a body part the oni can remove, typically an eye, Demonic Claw (Hand only): Range 0, Damage 6,
hand, or tongue. The oni may tear this element of its Deadliness 4, Unholy
body out or reattach it freely, but it reduces its endur- Gear (equipped): Demonic flesh (Physical 1, Spiritual
ance by 5 and all of its rings by 1 while the body part 1, Unholy)
remains separate. The body part then acts separately
from the oni, possessed of all of the oni’s senses and
awareness and directed by its will, using the oni frag-
ment profile presented here. Any critical strike inflicted SEGMENT OF JIGOKU
destroys the fragment, although the oni can regrow a An oni fragment is an Otherworldly, Tainted being
body part destroyed in this way over a single month. of silhouette 0. It may use any Shadowlands powers
Second Rank: Choose 1 additional body part that the appropriate to its form, so an oni’s tongue might
oni can split off. speak with a Captivating Voice, while an oni with
envenomed claws may have the Shadowlands Venom
power apply to its claws’ attacks while its hand is sep-
arated. If the fragment is an eye, add 1 to its Air Ring;
if a hand, add 1 to its Fire Ring; and if a tongue add 1
to its Water Ring.
Human Mask +4 The illusions the oni creates have no substance and
cannot directly physically harm anyone, but they can
The most cunning of oni sometimes transform them- speak if the oni wishes it, or conceal details such as
selves into human guise. Though imperfect, these deadfalls or other dangers. Touching an illusion reveals
disguises are often capable of fooling the unwary and its falsehood but does not end its effects unless the
allow the oni to close with a victim or to bypass a foolish illusion is brought into contact with jade. Characters
sentry. Closer scrutiny often reveals the truth, however, who have reason to suspect an illusion can attempt to
as even the cleverest of oni won’t follow (or compre- see through it or reveal it with a TN 3 check using a skill
hend) the tenets of Bushidō properly. Less cunning oni, the GM deems appropriate.
with little or no understanding of how to act human,
behave in bizarre fashions that even gaijin would notice
Obsidian Jaws +4
as not falling within Rokugani norms.
First Rank: As a Scheme action, oni with this power The hideous visages of some oni are further marred by
can weave an illusion of Tainted sorcery to change massive jaws filled with teeth of obsidian shards.
its apparent nature. It may only initiate this illusion First Rank: The oni gains the following unarmed attack
while unseen by others. While under the illusion, the profile: Obsidian Bite (Range 0, Damage 4, Deadliness
oni appears to be a normal human unafflicted by the 8, Razor-Edged, Unholy).
Taint, its silhouette is reduced to 2, and it is unaffected Additional Ranks: After the oni inflicts a critical strike
by its Sickening Visage disadvantage. However, some using this profile, it removes 2 fatigue per additional
element of the oni’s inhuman nature remains, allowing rank purchased.
careful observers to note something wrong by per-
forming a TN 4 Medicine (Air) or Theology (Earth) Scent of Weakness +3
check. Outside of the Shadowlands, the oni’s illusions
are harder to maintain, reducing the TN of the check The secret desires of a samurai’s heart are as playthings
to 3. Success reveals the horn carefully hidden in hair, to an oni, who may be able to see hidden weakness as
the fire in the oni’s eyes, or some other tell that reveals if written in burning letters on the samurai’s face or to
it as an inhuman monster. The oni may dismiss the illu- smell the wants and needs the samurai keeps hidden
sion as a Support action and typically does so before as clearly as wafting perfume.
engaging in combat. First Rank: As a Scheme Action, the oni may make a
Social (Air) check targeting one character in the scene
with a TN equal to the target's vigilance. Success
Illusion Master +3, +3
reveals the target’s ninjō to the oni, including contextu-
The treachery of oni knows no bounds, and some oni al details. For example, an oni using this power against
have learned vile magics that can deceive the sens- a character with a ninjō of secret love would learn not
es and mind into perceiving that which is not there. only about this hidden desire, but also whom the char-
By means of this sorcery, these oni are able to call up acter longs for, what their love looks like, and similar
phantasms of lost family to torment samurai, to cloak information as the GM deems appropriate. This does
their movements in impenetrable shadow, or to appear not in and of itself grant the oni power over the target,
to be more numerous and terrible than they truly are. but may help the oni in other ways, such as empow-
First Rank: Oni with this power can call forth illusions ering the Captivating Voice power (see page 137) or
of objects, people, and creatures as a Support action. enabling it to further a secret scheme. Characters who
Once created, an illusion remains for the duration of have their secrets exposed to the oni in this way have
the scene, continuing to act in accordance with the no way of knowing the extent of what it learned.
oni’s will. The oni may maintain illusions with total sil- Additional Ranks: Reduce the TN of the check by 1 (to
houette no greater than 8, with two silhouette 0 illu- a minimum of 0).
sions counting as a single point of silhouette. There-
fore, the oni could create the illusion of two ogres
(silhouette 4 each), or it could make itself appear to
be even larger (increasing its apparent silhouette by
1), wielding a sword the size of a tall human (silhouette
2), and preceded by a pack of five Tainted hounds (sil-
houette 1 each).
Serpentine Speed +2 The acquisition and wielding of power is the ulti-
mate goal of most oni, and they use their cruelty and
Oni with this power are preternaturally swift, capable of raw power as tools toward that end. However, the oni
reacting and moving with blinding speed. The impos- have no interest in building kingdoms or establishing
sible grace of a massive and powerful oni has been the dynasties. Theirs is a love of power for its own sake, not
downfall of many skilled samurai. to use for any other purpose.
Restrictions: Cannot be selected with Bony Carapace. While all oni share similar goals in broad strokes,
First Rank: Increase the oni's focus attribute by 2 and their exact plans and aspirations may vary. For exam-
decrease the TN of Fitness checks it makes by 1 (to a ple, the skull-cleaving oni (from page 26) seeks to
minimum of 0). curry the favor of the Dark Kami by establishing a faith
Additional Ranks: Increase the oni's focus attribute by among the Lost devoted to its worship, while obsidian
an additional 2. bone oni (on page 28) only wish to spread pain to
all they encounter. Some oni might be fascinated with
Shadowlands Venom +4 corrupting Rokugani shugenja and monks into seeking
forbidden lore, while others might delight in stalking
The oni’s weapons or attacks carry the threat of dead-
the dreams of their prey before devouring their bodies.
ly venom, smeared on a weapon or injected by its
Using oni as characters in a Legend of the Five
claws or bite.
Rings campaign allows the GM to create potent and
First Rank: After the oni inflicts the Bleeding condition
memorable villains. Oni gleefully perform atrocities
on a target, that target also suffers the Lightly Wound-
and seek the ruin of all that a loyal samurai holds dear,
ed condition for one ring of the oni's choice.
while having the power to back up their cruelty and
Additional Ranks: Increase the TN of checks to resist
challenge even the toughest groups of PCs. However,
critical strikes inflicted by this oni by 1.
encounters with oni should be about more than just
pulling out the biggest weapons the PCs can find and
Tainted Sorcery +5, +5 stopping a slaughter. The GM should consider what
Some of the most fearsome oni wield powerful Taint- the oni want in any given situation and direct their vile
ed sorcery akin to mahō, cowing the kansen into sub- entertainments and actions toward those goals. Keep-
mission or drawing on the power of Jigoku instead of ing the goals of the oni in mind helps prevent them
enticing the corrupted spirits with blood offerings. from becoming one-note or mundane encounters and
First Rank: An oni with this power gains up to three serves to further magnify the horror that samurai feel
mahō techniques, chosen from pages 224–225 of the upon encountering them.
core rulebook and from pages 118–121 of this book. When creating or using an oni NPC, the GM should
When using these powers, the oni never suffers spiritu- try to think of a unique hook for that oni, keeping
al backlash, nor does it take damage for channeling the the broader strokes of their demonic nature in mind.
techniques. For the purposes of using mahō, all five of If the GM is using the Oni Generation Rules starting
the oni’s rings count as having the Shadowlands Taint on page 134, the choice of profile and Shadowlands
disadvantage attached. powers can help inspire ideas. A vile trickster oni with
Additional Ranks: The oni may be given 2 additional the Human Mask and Captivating Voice powers is
mahō techniques. unlikely to be interested in butchering random villag-
ers when it could be luring innocents into the Shadow-
Twisted Goals lands, while a hellish sorcerer oni whose shadow serves
as a Dark Puppet might be interested in influencing
There is more to the mind of an oni than a lust for bat- and corrupting others with its magic. Other, similarly
tle. Oni are cruel and brutal creatures, but they also predetermined elements of an oni’s appearance in the
have their own twisted goals and motivations that drive campaign can help define its motivation. If the GM
them. The oni of Jigoku are deeply bound to the Fallen knows they want an oni to be terrorizing a mountain
Kami Fu Leng, and they share his appetite for conquest village in the Dragon provinces when the PCs arrive,
and dominion. The breach from Jigoku gives them a then thinking about how it got there and why it is so
new realm into which they can spread their horrors. interested in the village are both good starting points.
$$ The oni enjoys luring mortals into the wilder- $$ Capable of playing a longer game than most,
ness to be attacked by Tainted animals but the oni has been posing as a human for years
prefers not to get involved in killing them itself. now, deep in Rokugani society. It attempts to
Instead, it savors their fear from the shadows. ingratiate itself with figures of local influence,
$$ Nothing is sweeter to this oni than the anguish and it dreams of insinuating itself into the high
of mortal grief, so it enjoys creeping into courts of the land.
Rokugani settlements and arranging for tragic $$ Although the oni delights in slaughter, its
“accidents” to occur. defeat at the hands of a valiant samurai cen-
$$ The oni has a hated rival amongst its own turies ago taught it the value of subtlety. Now,
kin! To humiliate or harm this other oni, it is it stalks isolated areas and preys on those
not above using human pawns, seeing them who will not be missed, all the while dream-
as pieces in a greater game than mortals ing of an elaborate revenge on the samu-
can imagine. rai’s descendants.
New NPC Templates ar; Mental], Veteran of the Shadowlands (Water) [Mar-
tial; Physical]
The following new NPC templates allow GMs to turn Disadvantages (add/replace 1–2): Shadowlands Taint
generic NPC profiles into ones the PCs might more (Any) [varies]
commonly encounter in Crab lands or the Shadow- Other Disadvantages (add/replace 0–2): Quick to Rage
lands. Each works the same as the templates in the (Air) [Martial; Mental], Distrust of Kuni (Water) [Social;
core rulebook on page 311, but also includes types Interpersonal], any disadvantage with the Mental type
of applicable NPCs. Sadly for all in Rokugan, the Taint Demeanor (replace 1): Assertive, Detached, Gruff
can strike almost anyone, so there are few chances the
Tainted template might be inapplicable.
within, as well as the samurai who do
battle against them at the Wall or beyond.
In this sourcebook for the Legend of the
Five Rings Roleplaying Game, you will
find a wealth of information for gaming in
the Shadowlands as well as in Crab Clan
territories, including:
$$ Tales of the Shadowlands and its many
vile denizens and locations such as the
Festering Pit of Fu Leng, plus those of
the Crab Clan and the Kaiu Wall itself.
$$ Rules for the Falcon Minor Clan, plus
new schools, weapons, techniques, and
weapon patterns designed to thwart the
evils of the Shadowlands. Players also
gain new mahō techniques, should they
dare to use such forbidden blood magic
rites to gain power.
$$ GM Support including tips for running
Shadowlands-themed adventures, rules
for generating unique, demonic oni, and
guidance on using corruption in games.
The Essential Guide to the
Dominion of Fu Leng
Peter Holland (order #18525021)