Organ Donation Android Application
Organ Donation Android Application
Organ Donation Android Application
1. User
Register: User can register and obtain credentials.
Login: User can login using credentials.
Forget Password: send an email with OTP, and reset Password.
Home: There will be three slots Recipient, Doctors and Donor
Profile: User can View and update their profile
Change Password: User can change their password in case of security.
Recipient: User can manage request by adding and updating request.
User can also check the assigned doctor and donor etc. and can Chat
with the Admin.
Doctors: select and view doctors list and also their details
Donor: User can manage donors. they can view and manage all previous
Contact us: User can write an email
Notification: Notification on Admin Assigning doctors and donors to the
Request. They will also get notification of their chats.
2. Admin
Login: Admin can login using credentials.
Manage Doctors: Admin can view all Doctors and they can add, update
and delete Doctors
View Organs Request: Admin can view and assign Doctor, Donor and
note of the meeting details etc. they can also Chat with User
View Donations List: Admin can view list of donations.
View Users List: Admin can view user list.
Project Lifecycle:
The waterfall Model is a linear sequential flow. In which progress is seen as
flowing steadily downwards (like a waterfall) through the phases of software
implementation. This means that any phase in the development process begins
only if the previous phase is complete. The waterfall approach does not define the
process to go back to the previous phase to handle changes in requirement. The
waterfall approach is the earliest approach that was used for software
Hardware Requirement:
1. Laptop or PC
Software Requirement:
1. Laptop or PC
Windows 7 or higher.
Android Studio
2. Android Phone or Tablet
Android v5.0 or Higher
The proposed system will save significant amount of time and effort
invested by the university every year
Data need to be entered properly otherwise, outcome may won’t be
This system can be used by the multiple peoples to get the
counselling sessions online.