The Curse Fell On Christ
The Curse Fell On Christ
The Curse Fell On Christ
“Christ hath redeemed us from the curse of the law, being made a
curse for us: for it is written, Cursed is every one that hangeth on
a tree” (Galatians 3:13).
It is the curse of God. God made the law. And God gave the
penalty for breaking it. Lost people are lawbreakers, subject to the
wrath of the Lawgiver, God. It is not just the curse of the law itself. It
is the curse of God, the Lawgiver, who strongly defends His laws.
Therefore you can be sure that the curse of the law is correct and
morally unavoidable. It is not possible that our just and righteous God
would send a curse on humanity unless it was right to do so. The
curse must be necessary for the preservation of the universe and the
manifestation of God’s holiness.
There is something so terrible in the very idea of God
pronouncing a curse, that my blood curdles at it, and I cannot express
myself very clearly. Great sorrow and anguish lie in that curse. It
involves the second death – being cast into the Lake of Fire – which
John foresaw in Revelation 20:14. Nahum says,
All nations that dwell on the earth are under this curse. Earlier
in Galatians 3 we read,
Jesus called this the “first and great commandment” of the law
(Matthew 22:38). It is such a great commandment of the law, that it is
repeated in Deuteronomy 13:3; 30:6; Matthew 22:37; Mark 12:30,33;
and Luke 10:27.
Every person who breaks any part of God’s law at any time
comes under the dreadful curse of God, for
If there was ever a time when you didn’t love God with all your heart,
you are under this curse from God. If ever an evil thought turned over
in your heart, you are under this curse from God.
I say that every unconverted person in this church tonight has
broken God’s law some way, some time. You have thought and done
things you are ashamed of. You have broken God’s law. You are
under God’s curse. You are as much under the curse of God as Cain
was. You are in a horrible condition in the sight of God. And you
cannot “fix things up” by starting to do good! Oh, no! You have
already broken God’s law! You are already under God’s curse. No
good work you do now can help you to escape the curse that hangs
over you – and will damn you at the Judgment. Heavy judgment
awaits you! You are under a curse!
III. Third, how can Christ deliver you from this curse?
When Christ bled, suffered and died on the Cross, He became your
substitute. Our text makes it clear,
The pure and sinless Lamb of God was made a curse for you
when all your sins were actually laid on Him in the Garden of
Gethsemane. And Christ, cursed by your sins, went through a violent
flogging and bloody crucifixion to pay the penalty for them.
The judgment of God falls on Christ in your place. The curse falls on
Jesus, the Lamb of God that taketh away the sin of the world.
Believe in Jesus and He takes the curse of God off of your
shoulders and bears it on His own – on the Cross.
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