Learning Activity 3 Evidence: What Will Have Happened by Then?

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Learning activity 3

Evidence: What will have happened by then?

You are going to think carefully about the future. You need to consider a few
topics and, then, describe the events that will have happened by certain time
around these topics.

For this evidence, you will need to complete two parts. For Part A, you need to
write three texts describing your expectations around some of the most
important sport events that take place during a year time. Then, for Part B, you
will have to record a tape in which you talk about your own future in relation to
certain professional and personal aspects.

Let’s begin!

Part A

Look at the following calendar. It shows four important sport events that will take
place next year. You will need to write a text in which you predict the results for
each of the sporting majors.

Have a look of the calendar and the events pointed out.

Fuente: SENA

The Super Bowl (American Football) Augusta - The Championships (Golf)

Wimbledon (Tennis) The World Series (Baseball)
Now, write three texts that include your sporting predictions for three of the
sporting events in the calendar. You can carry out a little research about each of
the events in order to gather information before writing; or, you can also be very
imaginative and create the whole setting for each of your writings. One example
has been done for you.

The Super Bowl Augusta – The

By February 1st next year, one of the most Augusta is coming, one of the most important
important events in the world of sport, The golf tournaments in the world and as always,
Super Bowl, will have taken place in Arizona awaits the Colombian Camilo Villegas as well
(USA). I’m sure the New England Patriots, will as the best golfer in history, the great Tiger
win the Super Bowl next year because they Woods. Hundreds of people will gather for this
have had a great season so far. Their great event after a year of absence due to the
Quarterback, Tom Brady, has had some very pandemic presented in 2020 due to Covid19.
good games during the regular season and the The best are back and the world is attentive to
team has beaten several big rivals; such as the it. About $ 10 million in prizes are expected to
Green Bay Packers and the Denver Broncos. be given, but what is always important is that
The playoffs will take place in January. I think the sport finally begins with the public after
that by mid-January the Patriots will have what has happened in the world. This will be
beaten the Broncos again in order to reach the played on April 12.
final. I believe the Packers, another great team,
will be on the final by February 1st, too;
however, as the Patriots are the most
consistent of teams, I am sure that by the end
of the day, they will have won the big game and
will be crowned Super Bowl champions.

Wimbledon The World Series

The most important tennis tournament on IT'S BACK! First was soccer, then the NBA,
the planet returns and we cannot be then golf, then tennis, and now it's baseball
happier. Like Augusta's Master, that is back. The world series will be played
and we could not be happier, the New York
Wimbledon returns after a period of
Yankes against the Chicago dogs, a great
absence due to the pandemic. Like every
game that will be played on October 25 in the
year, the best on the planet are expected USA full of satisfaction as the world gradually
to arrive, Novak Djokovic, Rafael Nadal, recovers from the great crisis that arose in
Del Potro and of course, his majesty, the 2020 as a result of the Covid19, but now with
great Roger Federer. The planet is the restart of sports, this can be considered to
paralyzed from seeing Novak again, to see have been overcome, and what better than a
his physical condition after having World Series to celebrate it, the presence of
strong athletes make this event, one of the
recovered from being positive for Covid
most important on the planet.
19. The tournament is expected to start
June 1st

Part B
Read the following topics. Think carefully about all the aspects concerning you
future in relation to the topics on the list. Then, structure a short talk (about 3
minutes) in which you express your predictions about each of the topics in

 Your plans for this evening

Well, saying what my planes will be for the night is difficult, being in the midst
of this pandemic greatly limits situations. Tonight I will finish my English
course, I will do my best to finish it quickly, after this I will see one of my
favorite series likes is Umbrella Academy, and Netflix uploaded the second
season, I was told that it is brutal.

 Your plans for the rest of the week

As I said before, my plans for this week is to continue working, obviously not
only at my English level, I am also working and I will continue with my
University to graduate and be one of the best.

 Your next birthday.

For this I have nothing planned, it is still very far, I just turned in May, but I will
say what I did that day. It was spectacular, I was surrounded by my close
friends and my family, despite this situation, I was able to celebrate it with a
small party where I had an excellent time.

 How your life will be different in the years’ time.

I hope to be a professional, establish myself with my family and continue

promoting, all this I will do through the studio.

Now, record your tape. Describe each of the events you predicted
chronologically based on the order in which each of the situations will happen.
Be as creative as possible.

When you finish your work, send the files to your instructor through the
platform as follows:

1. Click the title of this evidence.

2. Click Examinar mi equipo and look for the files in your computer. Make
sure the files are attached.
3. Leave a comment for the instructor (optional).
4. Click Enviar.

Important: The platform will only allow you to submit your files once. Please,
make sure you upload the two (2) files when submitting your evidence.
Note: This evidence is an individual activity. Remember to check the learning
guide in order to know if you have done all the assigned activities.

Criterios de evaluación
 Narra eventos que ocurrirán en el futuro durante un periodo de tiempo
determinado haciendo uso de la estructura gramatical requerida.

 Intercambia información usando futuro perfecto simple de acuerdo con la

estructura y el contexto requerido.

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