Nesco LTD - East India Sec PDF
Nesco LTD - East India Sec PDF
Nesco LTD - East India Sec PDF
Ameet Kalyanpur Email ID: (+91 22 6192 5341) February 25, 2019
§ Indabrator: Due to the management’s focus on reviving the business, Revenue at Rs.95 mn changed by +78% Y-o-Y/ -8% Q-o-Q basis and increased by
36% Y-o-Y on a 9-mthly basis.
§ Foods: Revenue at Rs.69 mn dropped by 24% Q-o-Q basis due to the decline in exhibitions held during Q3FY19.
IT Bldg-4 Status:
§ Management has advised that construction of IT Bldg-4 admeasuring 1.2 mn sq. ft. is nearing completion at a cost of Rs.5800 mn.
We retain “Buy” rating on the stock valuing it at 19.8x FY21E giving us a target price of Rs.740/- per share. Risk to our call is delay in land development
plans due to regulatory / other unforeseen factors and slowdown in the economy leading to slowdown in exhibitions and conventions.
EISEC Research 2
Quarterly Financials
Rs. Mn 3QFY19 3QFY18 Y-o-Y (%) 2QFY19 Q-o-Q (%) 9mFY19 9mFY18 Y-o-Y (%)
Total Revenue 885 806 10% 1,010 -12% 2,655 2,281 16%
Raw Material 68 27 155% 89 -24% 204 88 132%
Employee Cost 56 39 44% 53 5% 162 110 47%
Other Expenses 258 156 65% 209 24% 630 457 38%
Total Cost 381 221 72% 351 9% 995 654 52%
EBITDA 505 585 -14% 660 -24% 1,660 1,627 2%
Depreciation 33 29 13% 30 9% 93 80 16%
EBIT 472 556 -15% 629 -25% 1,567 1,547 1%
Finance Cost 9 16 -39% 14 -34% 33 41 -19%
Other Income 130 77 68% 51 155% 197 301 -34%
PBT 592 618 -4% 666 -11% 1,731 1,807 -4%
Tax 171 179 -4% 174 -1% 443 468 -5%
PAT 420 438 -4% 493 -15% 1,288 1,339 -4%
Adjusted EPS (Rs) 6.0 6.2 7.0 18.3 19.0
Number of shares O/s (mn) 70.46 70.46 70.46 70.46 70.46
EISEC Research 3
Segmental Financials
Rs. Mn 3QFY19 3QFY18 Y-o-Y (%) 2QFY19 Q-o-Q (%) 9mFY19 9mFY18 Y-o-Y (%)
Revenue 885 806 10% 1,010 -12% 2,655 2,289 16%
IT Park 352 356 -1% 355 -1% 1,025 1,141 -10%
BEC 370 397 -7% 463 -20% 1,134 953 19%
Indabrator 95 53 78% 103 -8% 263 194 36%
Foods 69 - #DIV/0! 90 -24% 234 - #DIV/0!
EBIT 585 650 -10% 673 -13% 1,787 1,795 0%
IT Park 269 363 -26% 304 -11% 852 1,040 -18%
BEC 301 287 5% 362 -17% 896 761 18%
Indabrator 10 1 1642% (8) -222% 3 (6) -160%
Foods 5 - #DIV/0! 16 -67% 36 - #DIV/0!
EISEC Research 4
Revision in Estimates
Post 3QFY19 performance, we are revising our earning estimates for:
• FY19 - based on actual revenue, EBITDA margin and one time expenses in 9m FY19
• FY 20 - accommodating adjustments for lower EBITDA margins, lower Other Income, slower ramp up in IT Bldg-4 occupancy
Accordingly our EPS estimates for FY 19/ FY 20/ FY 21 stand revised to Rs.23.8/ 29.3/ 37.4 Vs our earlier estimates of Rs. 22.7/ 32.8/ 38.5 respectively.
Rs Mn FY19 Old FY19 New % change FY20 Old FY20 New % change FY21 Old FY21 New % change
IT Bldg -4 Occupancy - - 50.0% 23.8% 75.0% 75.0%
IT Park 1,259 1,319 4.76% 2,149 1,662 -22.68% 2,794 2,927 4.76%
BEC 1,394 1,492 6.98% 1,673 1,790 6.98% 1,757 1,879 6.98%
Indabrator 270 270 - 277 277 - 284 284 -
Foods 255 306 20.00% 319 383 20.00% 398 478 20.00%
Revenue 3,179 3,387 6.55% 4,419 4,112 -6.95% 5,234 5,569 6.41%
EBITDA 2,296 2,129 -7.31% 3,334 2,855 -14.37% 3,994 3,986 -0.18%
EBITAM (%) 72.2% 62.8% 75.5% 69.4% 76.3% 71.6%
Other Income 381 304 -20.00% 385 290 -24.71% 347 237 -31.87%
Net profit 1,602 1,680 4.89% 2,309 2,049 -11.24% 2,714 2,634 -2.93%
EPS (Rs.) 22.7 23.8 4.89% 32.8 29.1 -11.24% 38.5 37.4 -2.93%
Target Price (Rs.) 745 740 -0.61% 745 740 -0.61% 745 740 -0.61%
P/E (x) 32.8 31.1 22.7 25.5 19.3 19.8
EISEC Research 5
Financial Summary
Income Statement (Rs Mn) FY 17 FY 18 FY 19E FY 20E FY 21E Cash Flow Statement (Rs Mn) FY 17 FY 18 FY 19E FY 20E FY 21E
Net Sales 3,114 3,212 3,387 4,112 5,569 Profit before Tax 2,444 2,379 2,267 2,765 3,812
% growth 18.20 3.13 5.46 21.39 35.44 Depreciation & Amortisation 81 110 119 334 352
Operating Expenses 968 1,027 1,258 1,257 1,583 Interest 50 56 47 45 59
EBITDA 2,146 2,185 2,129 2,855 3,986 Other Income (430) (361) (304) (290) (237)
Depreciation & Amortisation 81 110 119 334 352 Working Capital Changes 55 (89) (36) 149 513
EBIT 2,065 2,075 2,009 2,521 3,634 Cash Generated from Operations 2,201 2,096 2,093 3,004 4,499
Finance Cost 50 56 47 45 59 Direct Taxes Paid (634) (633) (587) (716) (1,178)
Operating Profit 2,015 2,019 1,963 2,475 3,576 CFO (a) 1,567 1,463 1,505 2,287 3,322
Other Income 430 361 304 290 237 Capital Expenditure (1,546) (1,356) (1,850) (3,241) (1,870)
Profit before tax 2,444 2,379 2,267 2,765 3,812 Other Income 430 361 304 290 237
Tax 745 592 587 716 1,178 CFI (b) (1,116) (995) (1,546) (2,951) (1,634)
Profit after tax 1,699 1,787 1,680 2,049 2,634 Free cash flow (a+b) 450 469 (40) (663) 1,688
PAT growth (%) 17.90 5.16 (6.00) 21.98 28.55 Interest Paid (50) (56) (47) (45) (59)
EPS 24 25 24 29 37 Dividend Paid (155) (162) (151) (184) (237)
EPS growth (%) 17.90 5.16 -6.00 21.98 28.55 CFF (c ) (205) (218) (198) (230) (296)
Net Change in Cash 392 210 (238) (893) 1,392
Balance Sheet (Rs Mn) FY 17 FY 18 FY 19E FY 20E FY 21E
Equity Share Capital 141 141 141 141 141 Ratios FY 17 FY 18 FY 19E FY 20E FY 21E
Reserves and Surplus 8,304 9,905 11,434 13,299 15,696 EBIDTA margin (%) 68.9% 68.0% 62.8% 69.4% 71.6%
Net Worth 8,446 10,047 11,576 13,441 15,838 PAT margin (%) 54.6% 55.6% 49.6% 49.8% 47.3%
Deferred Tax Liability 273 232 232 232 232 Current Ratio 3.44x 3.84x 3.85x 2.84x 2.74x
Curr. Liabilities & Provisions 1,550 1,438 1,362 1,540 2,136 Receivables Period 14 days 16 days 15 days 15 days 15 days
Total Liabilities 10,268 11,717 13,170 15,213 18,206 Inventory Holding Period 16 days 14 days 9 days 8 days 7 days
Net Block 1,814 2,221 2,352 8,095 8,243 Payables Period 27 days 21 days 25 days 25 days 25 days
Capital Work in Progress 3,122 3,977 5,577 2,741 4,111 Advance from customers 42 days 42 days 40 days 40 days 40 days
Total Current Assets 5,332 5,519 5,241 4,378 5,852 Cash Conversion Cycle -39 days -33 days -41 days -42 days -43 days
Cash and equivalents 4,863 5,073 4,835 3,942 5,334 Return on Capital Employed 23.7% 20.2% 17.0% 18.4% 22.6%
Total Assets 10,268 11,717 13,170 15,213 18,206 Return on Equity 20.1% 17.8% 14.5% 15.2% 16.6%
EISEC Research 6
Stock rating (1 year target scale) Disclaimer & Disclosure
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EISEC Research 7