Less Stock, More Profit: Inventory Optimization: IBS White Paper
Less Stock, More Profit: Inventory Optimization: IBS White Paper
Less Stock, More Profit: Inventory Optimization: IBS White Paper
Inventory optimization
Considering all this, it is clearly becoming more and more complex to predict
what customers will buy tomorrow, let alone weeks or months down the line.
Industry requirements
Each industry has its own unique and diverse challenges that it is required to
meet. Detailed below are specific challenges facing three key industries.
In the paper industry supply chain, paper stocks are held at any number of
locations, including the mill, external warehouses owned by the mill or the
supplier, the supplier’s central or regional warehouses and even at the printer.
This stock holding and the subsequent distribution requirement incurs costs
for every member of the supply chain. In a market operating on razor-thin
margins, stock distribution must be carried out in the most cost-effective way
possible. Implementing best practices at this stage requires mills, suppliers
and printers to collaborate in establishing optimum distribution, which
eliminates warehouse cost and unnecessary journeys.
Pharmaceutical wholesaling
Pharmaceutical and healthcare distributors need to move and manage high
volumes of items with speed and accuracy. The receipt, storage and picking
of thousands of sales order lines has to be streamlined. Radio Frequency and
barcode support is needed to provide real-time inventory control and minimize
paperwork. The Pharmaceutical industry needs ERP solutions that support
large transaction volumes and automate purchasing and planning activities in
order to react and meet constantly changing market requirements.
More and more industries are facing similar problems to the electronics
distribution industry. Companies continue to collaborate and consolidate,
forcing the supply chain to run at ever-faster rates and with ever-increasing
volumes. Information requirements and more complex and comprehensive
ways to connect systems and use information become more critical for
processes, reporting and analysis. Planning is becoming more and more
important along the supply chain.
1. Analyze performance
4. Optimize 3. Calculate
replenishment forecast
Analyze performance
The purpose of analyzing performance is to see how the business is doing
and what can be done to improve it. It is imperative to measure service levels
and focus on delivery performance to customers, fill rates and order fulfillment
Another key area to measure is the stock level. Establish stock turnover and
then measure the external elements that affect this turnover, such as safety
stock or seasonal demand. Then analyze the delivery performance of
suppliers, as well as their fill rates and order fulfillment times. The more
accurately this can be done, the less safety stock is required, resulting in
lower overall stock levels.
During these processes, companies must keep in mind the core objective of
decreasing stock while increasing customer service levels. This might sound
contradictory, but it can be achieved by ensuring that the right products are in
stock. The primary goal is to make the most effective use of inventory
investments by reducing overall stock without increasing the costs of total
inventory, all while achieving high customer service levels.
Classify products
If companies have a large number of stock units, as in the electrical supplies
industry, it is a complex task to classify products. However, as stated in the
rules of how to optimize inventory, products need to be classified and different
strategies need to be adopted for different item segments.
Products are not the same, and they need to be treated differently. They can
be fast or slow movers, high or low value, long and short lead-time, bulky and
dangerous. Product segments need to be classified based on how they are
handled. Each product segment has to have a strategy defined for it based on
a range of parameters, such as what should be kept in stock, what items
should be focused on and what inventory policies should be used in order to
calculate the forecasts that ensure optimal service level and order quantities.
Calculate forecast
Calculating a forecast is the most critical part of inventory optimization.
Inaccurate forecasts result in either overstock or understock, both of which
can be very damaging to the business.
Statistical forecasting
Carrying out statistical forecasting requires at least a 24-month demand
history to detect trends and seasonal profiles. It is important to focus on
demand history and not shipping history, because demand history can reveal
what customers want, rather than what you actually delivered to them. It is
critical to focus on the end goal of improving customer service and
satisfaction. A statistical forecasting system detects repeatable demand
patterns from the same time each year and can determine trends.
The calculations are carried out more or less automatically, but they can be
less accurate if, there is no accessible demand history or if the demand
history is highly irregular. In addition, statistical forecasting does not take
consideration of sales and marketing activities, which are key drivers in the
demand planning numbers.
Demand planning
Demand arises when customers buy products because of sales and
marketing activities. To ensure accurate forecasting, sales budgets,
promotions and campaigns must be considered when demand planning is
performed. This method also takes into account eventual capacity constraints,
meaning that certain items can be purchased or produced and placed in stock
in advance, to be able to deliver the final product during a high peak season.
Optimize replenishment
When forecast is calculated, it is time to plan for replenishment. Money can
be saved if the system automatically optimizes the replenishment suggestion.
In order to minimize the manual effort it is important that a system can
automatically use different replenishment policies on different product
segments to determine proper safety stock levels and Economical Order
Quantity (EOQ). This will ensure low stock levels combine with low
replenishment cost. To minimize the purchase price the system should also
determine best discount quantities by automatically getting the right products
to maximize line-buy minimums.
With large numbers of stock units, it is important to have a system that can
produce exception reports for review, auto-adjust for variances and provide
complete visibility of changes throughout the supply chain to allow quick
reaction to changes.
Efficient collaboration with suppliers is a natural part of the whole process to
optimize inventory. The more information that is shared with suppliers, the
more likely it is that they will be able to deliver on time and maybe even
reduce lead-time. This will have a positive impact on inventory levels.
IBS works with customers to increase customer service, cut the working
capital and reduce transaction costs with a solution that is cost-effective to
implement, deploy and run. IBS Enterprise is a user-friendly solution that
helps companies reach key business goals with less effort and lower costs.
integration points. For example, IBS Enterprise can automatically replace last
year’s sales statistics for a particular customer with more accurate figures
from the customer’s own actual forecast.
IBS Enterprise’s manufacturing module is built as a true demand-driven
manufacturing solution and this is reflected in the solution’s planning and
forecasting functionality. With just a few keystrokes, users can focus attention
on the most important elements to solve, such as stock priority and shortages.
IBS Enterprise makes it easier and faster to respond when demand is
changing. The graphical planning tool makes it easy to compare the true
demand to the forecast and make instant changes when needed.
For more complex products, IBS Enterprise enables several versions of the
same product and the solution can be set up to capture demand on basic
levels. A product configurator tool helps set up final configuration at the order
entry stage, meaning final products do not have to be stored in the
warehouse, only the individual components. This makes it possible for
forecasting to be much easier and more accurate, as well as cutting lead-
Pharmaceutical distributors
One of IBS’ oldest IBS Pharmaceutical customers, Galexis has more than
60,000 products and, in peak hours, is capable of distributing more than
70,000 order lines per hour. The transaction volumes are so enormous that as
much automation as possible is vitally important. After installation of IBS
Enterprise, Galexis succeeded in decreasing their stock value by 25 percent.
They also automated more than 50 percent of their purchases. This means
that the solution creates purchase orders and as much as 50 percent of those
are fully automatic, i.e. the purchaser does not look at them. This can be done
because there is a signal system, which uses review flags to capture orders
that a purchaser should review before sending it to the supplier. This makes
their daily work a lot easier.
Classify products
Analyzing performance helps companies identify what they are doing and how
they can improve. However, when handling large numbers of SKUs, like in the
Electronics Industry, products cannot be treated in the same way.
IBS Enterprise helps you classify products into different segments. The whole
purpose is to focus on the items that are most important, and let the solution
handle the less important ones more or less automatically.
This allows the system to impose the same simple rules for all items. It can
then simulate and adopt more advanced calculation rules on strategic item
segments, thereby constantly improving performance over time while ensuring
focus is maintained on strategic items.
Calculate forecasts
Forecast calculation is the most critical part of Inventory Optimization. IBS
Enterprise lets you combine two forecasting principles, statistical forecasting
and demand planning, according to your business needs. An ERP solution
that supports automated forecasting can benefit your business with accurate
forecasts that help cut down inventory volume and costs.
Statistical forecasting should be used for all items with a base volume where
there are limited promotions, no new markets and predictable seasonal
variances and trends, because the system can do all the work.
New markets, new products and other more complex variances require the
use of demand planning for calculating forecasts. This method assures that
stock is available for sales at the right time for selling new products to new
customers and markets.
IBS Demand Planning is a tool that allows preloaded forecasts from many
sources, such as sales history. Users can easily collaborate to adjust those
figures to reflect planned campaigns and promotions or other key influences.
This means that salespersons can work on their own figures for sales in their
region and the system aggregates the information. The whole tool is very
user-friendly, allowing work on either aggregate level or detailed level and
enabling changes that are automatically transferred bottom-up or top-down.
Management by exception
IBS Enterprise produces exception reports for review when the calculated
forecast or actual demand differs by more than an accepted, user-set
tolerance. The solution can auto-adjust for variances and provide complete
visibility of changes throughout the supply chain to allow quicker reaction and
response to changes.
Optimize replenishment
For large numbers of products, IBS Enterprise helps to accurately and quickly
create forecasts, calculate proper safety stock levels, determine EOQ,
determine best discount quantities, and automatically get the right products to
maximize line-buy minimums. With a few keystrokes, the solution can tell what
methods to use for different item segments, automating much of the
replenishment work.
IBS Enterprise handles several different methods for safety stock: calculations
based on variance in demand, using lead-times, and factoring in desired
service levels for those products. The calculations are constantly and
automatically adjusted for changes and produce exception reporting when
amounts are outside the normal variance.
Another key application from IBS that helps companies operate more
efficiently with large numbers of items or transactions is the simulation tool.
The solution simulates different scenarios so that the user can identify what
will happen based on accurate and relevant data. For example, a simulation
can help determine what would happen to safety stock and service levels if a
particular safety stock calculation was carried out on a specific item segment.
If several warehouses are involved, replenishment becomes more complex. It
is therefore very important to be able to plan and forecast on a multi-company
level. Aggregated forecasting can help you negotiate more favorable, volume-
based agreements with suppliers.
IBS Enterprise can help reduce operational costs, increase efficiency and
customer service and reduce the overall cost of stock holding and
warehousing. The solution delivers inventory optimization that is easy to
implement, use and manage.
Contact IBS:
800-886-3900 or info@ibsus.com