2016pa066215 PDF
2016pa066215 PDF
2016pa066215 PDF
PhD Thesis
Radosław Dębek
PhD supervisors:
Kraków 2016
Oświadczam, świadomy odpowiedzialności karnej za poświadczenie nieprawdy, że niniejszą pracę
doktorską wykonałem osobiście i samodzielnie oraz iż nie korzystałem ze źródeł innych niż
wymienione w pracy.
Radosław Dębek
The research presented in this PhD thesis was carried out on University Pierre and Marie Currie,
Institut Jean Le Rond D’Alembert and on Faculty of Energy and Fuels at AGH University of Science
and Technology within the cotutelle agreement between AGH in Kraków and UPMC in Paris.
The work was financed within NCBR strategic research project ‘Technologies supporting development of safe
nuclear energy’, research task no. 1 ‘Development of high temperature reactors for industrial applications’,
agreement no. SP/J/1/166183/12, step task no. 15 ‘Preparation and physicochemical characterization of
catalysts for dry reforming of methane’
The PhD studies were supplemented by participation in the international KIC InnoEnergy PhD
School, in the frame of PhD programme Clean Coal Technologies. This programme is supported by the KIC
InnoEnergy, the European company for innovation, business creation and education in sustainable energy,
which is gratefully acknowledged.
KIC InnoEnergy is one of presently three “Knowledge Innovation Communities” in the European
Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT). The KIC InnoEnergy mission is to deliver commercial products
and services, new businesses, innovators and entrepreneurs in the field of sustainable energy through the
integration of higher education, research, entrepreneurs and business companies in the “Knowledge
Triangle”. Shareholders in KIC InnoEnergy are leading industries, research centres, universities and business
schools from across Europe.
The KIC InnoEnergy PhD programme Clean Coal Technologies is a collaboration of:
First and foremost I want to thank my PhD supervisors prof. Teresa Grzybek, prof. Patrick Da Costa
and dr Monika Motak, you have been a tremendous mentors for me. I would like to thank you for
encouraging my research and for allowing me to grow as a research scientist. Your advice on both
research as well as on my career have been priceless.
I would also like to acknowledge French Embassy in Poland for awarding me scholarship financed
by French government for carrying out my PhD Thesis in cotutelle between AGH and UPMC.
I would like to also thank all of my colleagues from Faculty of Energy and Fuels (AGH) and Institut
Jean Le Rond D’Alembert (UPMC) for all your help and creation of a good work environment.
AC – Activated Carbon
ACE – Anion Exchange Capacity
ATR – Autothermal Reforming of methane
CCS – Carbon Capture and Storage
CCU- Carbon Capture and Utilization
CETS – Chemical Energy Transmission and Storage
CLC – Chemical Looping Combustion
CNs – Carbon Nanotubes
CP – co-precipitation
DEA – diethanolamine
DFT – Density Functional Theory
DME – dimethyl ether
DRIFT – Diffuse Reflectance Infrared Fourier Transformation
DRM – Dry Reforming of Methane
ECBM – Enhanced Coalbed Methane Recovery
EGR – Enhanced Gas Recovery
EOR – Enhanced Oil Recovery
FAMEs – Fatty Acid Methyl Ethers
FT – Fischer – Tropsch Synthesis
FTIR – Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy
GHG – Greenhouse Gases
GHSV – Gas Hourly Space Velocity
GTOE - Giga tonnes of Oil Equivalent
HC - Hydrocarbons
HFCs – hydrofluorocarbons
HTs - Hydrotalcites
IGCC – Integrated Gasification Combined Cycle
IMP - Impregnation
LDHs – Layered Double Hydroxides
MDEA – methyldiethanolamine
MEA – Monoethanolamine
MeOH - methanol
MTBE – Methyl tetr-buthyl ether
MTG – methanol to Gasoline
MTO – Methanol to Olefins
NP – nanopolyhedra
NR – nanorods
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
1. Introduction 7
5.2 Properties 79
5.2.1 Thermal stability 80
5.2.2 Memory effect 80
5.2.3 Acid-base properties 81
5.2.4 Anion Exchange Capacity 82
5.5.2 Ce promotion 98
5.5.3 Other promoters 100
5.5.2 Advantages of hydrotalcite-derived catalysts 102
6 Experimental 105
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
10.1 Physico-chemical features of the Ce, Zr and CeZr doped HT-derived catalysts184
10.1.1 XRD analysis of fresh, calcined and reduced hydrotalcite-derived catalysts 184
11 Conclusions 217
References 225
Summary 241
1. Introduction
Carbon dioxide emissions are growing with every year. In 2014 they reached record value
of 35.9Gt. Such high emissions forced governments to implement CO2 emissions reduction
strategies. European Union set the long-term goal of reducing greenhouse gas emissions by year
2050 by 80-95% with respect to the 1990 levels. This goal may be realized by the implementation
of different technologies aiming either at capture and storage (CCS) or capture and utilization (CCU)
of carbon dioxide. The CCS technologies have a limited capacity and fossil fuels are predicted to be
still the main source of energy in the coming decades. Thus, the chemical utilization of CO2 is a key
element for sustainable development towards low-carbon economy. The application of CO2 as
chemical feedstock allows to deal with the emissions problem in a more active way by CO2 recycling
into added-value products, such as e.g. synthetic fuels. Additionally, the application of CCU
technologies may change the image of CO2, by proving that it is a valuable chemical and an
important source of carbon with almost zero costs of production.
Dry reforming of methane (DRM) has been considered during the past decades as
a prospective process for the valorisation of carbon dioxide, yielding a syngas with equimolar H2/CO
ratio, suitable for its direct use in different chemical reactions, such as Fischer-Tropsch synthesis,
or the production of oxygenated compounds. Nickel-containing catalysts have been presented as a
promising alternative to noble metal based ones, as they are cheaper and nickel is more available
material than noble metals. The main issue concerning Ni-based catalysts for DRM process is their
fast deactivation, due to the formation of coke deposits, sintering or oxidation of active phase.
There is therefore a need to develop low-cost, active and stable catalysts, in order to introduce
DRM process on industrial scale.
The proposed strategies towards increasing stability of nickel-based catalysts include the
application of different supports and/or promoters aiming at increasing interactions between
support and active nickel phase. Basing on available literature concerning nickel-based catalysts for
dry methane reforming, it is possible to distinguish a few supports which positively influence
catalysts activity and stability. Nickel supported on alumina showed good catalytic properties and
resistance to coke formation, which was attributed to the formation of spinel phase NiAl2O4 and
thus increased interactions between nickel and support. In this way nickel resistance to sintering is
increased, as well as the formation of carbon deposits is inhibited, because such formation is
favoured on large Ni crystallites. Another support, which showed beneficial effect on catalyst
performance is magnesia. The positive effect of magnesia is attributed to the ability of the
formation of solid solution with NiO at any ratios, thus increasing interactions between active phase
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
and support. Moreover, MgO possesses high basicity which enhances CO2 adsorption on the
catalyst surface and, as a consequence, may lead to oxidation of carbon deposits via reverse
Boudouard reaction. Some authors suggest that the application of Ni catalyst supported on mixed
magnesia-alumina have more beneficial effects than application of such single supports. Another
important issue are promoters for DRM process. As promoters metal oxides with basic or redox
properties are considered. E.g. ceria, due to its high oxygen storage properties, have been proven
to increase the stability of catalysts for DRM, when applied as promotor or support.
Among different materials applied for DRM, the catalysts obtained through the thermal
decomposition of layered double hydroxides, i.e. hydrotalcites, have been reported to show
interesting catalytic performance over long-run catalytic tests. The beneficial influence of
application of HTs-derived catalysts comes from the unique properties of such precursors. Firstly,
the composition of hydrotalcites may be strongly controlled and, to certain extent, designed to
contain desired elements, e.g. NiO, MgO, Al2O3. Moreover, the introduction of different type of
species into hydrotalcite structure guarantees homogenous distribution, as cations are randomly
distributed in the brucite-like layers. The products of thermal decomposition of hydrotalcites
exhibit basic properties, desired in DRM reaction, and so called ‘memory effect’ i.e. ability of
reconstructing layered structure, which gives another route of materials modification.
The research on hydrotalcite-derived Ni-containing catalysts for DRM has gained much
attention during last decade, especially last 3-4 years, which is directly reflected in the number of
papers concerning such catalysts for methane dry reforming. Nevertheless, there are still a lot of
uncertainties and questions which need to be addressed, concerning:
The main goal of this PhD thesis was to fill these gaps. The assumed thesis was that by the
implementation of varied modification techniques, different promoters and different Ni/Mg/Al
ratios for hydrotalcite-derived catalysts, it is possible to tailor the properties of such catalysts and
therefore establish optimal composition and preparation procedure to obtain an active, selective
and stable catalyst for DRM reaction. The studies presented in this thesis confirmed such
2. Aim of this PhD thesis
The aims of this PhD thesis were to:
The realization of these goals/aims allowed to prove the assumed hypothesis that the
modification of hydrotalcites (application of different preparation techniques and application of
promoters-Ce and/or Zr) allows to tailor catalytic properties of HT-derived materials in dry
reforming reaction, and that the appropriate composition of catalyst precursor (Ni/Mg/Al molar
ratio) allows to optimize catalyst activity and selectivity in DRM reaction.
3 Chemical utilization of carbon dioxide
The growing concerns about global climate change and increasing social awareness of the
environmental problems have created a need for more sustainable development. Thus, our society
needs to face new challenges, such as mitigation of climate change, preservation of the
environment, usage of renewable energy and replacement of fossil fuels. The realization of these
challenges requires new breakthrough solutions in order to be successfully addressed. There is no
doubt that carbon dioxide (CO2) is a common factor in these great challenges. The increasing
emissions of this greenhouse gases (GHG) are of large concern and therefore nowadays a huge
effort is dedicated to reduce emissions of GHG, especially carbon dioxide, which contributed in total
to ca. 75% of 49 GtCO2eq (in 2010) GHG emissions (Fig. 3.1 A) [1].
Carbon dioxide emissions have been constantly growing worldwide since pre-industrial
era reaching the level of 35.9 Gt in 2014 [2]. This caused the increase of CO2 concentration from ca.
280 ppm (parts per million) in the mid-1800s to 397 ppm in 2014, with an average growth of
2 ppm/year in the last 10 years [3]. More than 60% of anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions, for
which over 90% is associated with CO2, are coming from energy sector. Between 1971 and 2013 an
increase by 150% in global total primary energy supply (TPSE) has been observed, which is mainly
caused by worldwide economic growth and development. Although for last few decades a huge
development of renewable and nuclear energy sources was observed (which are considered non-
emitting sources of energy), the world energy supply was relatively unchanged over past 42 years
and fossil fuels still account for ca. 82% (in 2013) of world primary energy supply [3]. Therefore,
carbon dioxide emissions are strongly associated with the combustion of fossil fuels (Fig. 3.1 B).
Two fuels which accounted for the highest CO2 emissions are coal and oil. Till early 2000s the shares
of oil in global CO2 emissions was exceeding those from coal. The situation changed in the beginning
of 2000s, due to the higher consumption of coal by developing countries, such as India and China,
where energy-intensive industrial processes are growing rapidly and large coal reserves are
Power plants, petrochemical and chemical industry and cement industry are currently
considered as the main sources of carbon dioxide emissions [4]. However, electricity and heat
generation accounted for 42% of global CO2 emissions in 2013, making it the highest emitting sector
(Fig. 3.1 C) [3]. Such high emissions from energy and heat generation are associated with high
consumption of coal, which has the highest carbon content per unit of energy released with respect
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
to other fossil fuels. This trend is foreseen to be the same for the coming years, as many countries,
such as Australia, China, India, Poland and South Africa produce over two thirds of electricity and
heat from the combustion of fossil fuels [3].
A B 35
2% 30
6% F-gases Natural Gas
Nitrous Oxide World
11% 65% 10
Carbon dioxide Carbon dioxide
(forestry and other (fossil fuel and
land uses)
industrial processes)
C D 35
North America
23% 19% Central and South America
Industry 30 Europe
CO2 emissions (Gt)
Middle East
25 Africa
6% Asia and Oceania
Residential 20 World
42% and heat 5
1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010
Fig. 3.1 The greenhouse gas emissions and CO2 emissions: (A) global greenhouse gas emissions in 2010 by gas [1]; (B)
global CO2 emissions by fuel in 1980-2013 [5]; (C) global CO2 emissions by sector in 2013 [3]; global CO2 emissions in
1980-2013 by region [5].
The CO2 emissions of energy production by country or region are dependent on the geo-
political situation, economy, type of fuel and energy mix. However, it is important to underline that
top 10 emitting countries (China, USA, India, Russia, Japan, Germany, Korea, Canada, Iran and Saudi
Arabia) account for two thirds of global CO2 emissions [2, 3, 6]. The region of highest CO2 emissions
is Asia (mainly China and India) (Fig. 3.1 D). In 2014, China increased its CO2 emissions only by 0.9%
with respect to 2013, which was the lowest annual increase observed in the last 10 years. The
United States (second biggest emitter of CO2) also showed increase of CO2 emissions by 0.9% in
2014, which is lower than in the previous 2 years and was associated with a decrease in coal-fired
power generation and increased consumption of natural gas. In 2014, the European Union
continued to decrease emissions of CO2 and due to the decrease in fossil-fuel consumption for
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
power generation and lower demand for space heating, the EU-28 decreased the total CO2
emissions by 5.4% [6].
The first international agreement which forced reduction of GHG emissions was Kyoto
Protocol linked to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, adopted in 1997
and entered into force in 2005. In general, Kyoto Protocol stated that industrialised countries were
required to reduce GHG emissions (CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6) on average by 5% against 1990
levels during the years 2008-2012 (first commitment period). The specific levels of reduction
differed for each participating country depending on political and economic situation, i.e. targets
for Poland, France, Germany and European Union were equal respectively, -6, 0, -21 and -8% [7].
The second commitment period (years 2013-2020) requires to reduce GHG emissions by at least
18% with the respect to 1990 levels. In order to bring Kyoto’s Protocol second commitment period
into force, it requires ratification by two-thirds of participating countries (144 countries). Till 1st
October 2015 only 49 countries have ratified Kyoto’s Protocol second commitment period [3, 7].
The fact that not all countries have ratified Kyoto Protocol, and some of the biggest emitters did
not participate in it (United States), requires that new international agreements are established.
In December 2015, in Paris, during COP21 (United Nations Conference on Climate Change)
a new international climate agreement was finalised which will be applied from 2020. This
agreement assumes the participation of both developed and developing countries. The goal is to
limit global temperature increase to less than 2°C above industrial levels, which will be realised by
reduction of GHG emissions [8].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
European Union has been applying different GHG emission reduction policies for several
years now, which resulted in the decrease of total CO2 emissions by 0.4, 1.4 and 5.4%, respectively
in 2012, 2013 and 2014 [6]. These achievements were reached thanks to the implementation of
20/20/20 policy which sets the following targets for year 2020 [9]: (i) reduction of greenhouse gas
emissions by 20%, (ii) the share of renewable energy at the level of at least 20%, and (iii)
improvements in energy efficiency by 20%. In 2014 a new policy was accepted for the period of
2020-2030, which set new targets for 2030 year: (i) the reduction of GHG emissions by 40% with
respect to 1990 level, (ii) at least 27% share of renewable energy consumption, and (iii) at least 27%
energy saving compared with business-as-usual scenario [9, 10]. These policies frameworks are
applied in order to develop low-carbon economy and meet EU long-term targets till 2050, which
assume, among others, the reduction of GHG emissions by 80-95% as compared to 1900 levels [11].
The generally accepted solution for reducing CO2 emissions into the atmosphere involves
the implementation of three strategies [12]: (1) a reduction in energy consumption, (2) a change in
what we consume, or (3) a change of our attitude towards the resources and waste. Currently, the
most developed strategies are (1) and (2). These two strategies are resulting in lower carbon
consumption by development of technologies with higher efficiency, the decrease in consumption
of energy per capita and replacement of fossil fuel-based energy sources by renewables, such as
wind, solar, biomass etc. However, there is a huge potential in changing our attitude towards
greatly produced waste – carbon dioxide. The implementation of carbon dioxide utilization
processes is a key element to sustainable development, as strategies (1) and (2) have a limited
capacity, and, as it is predicted, fossil fuels will still be our main source of energy in coming decades.
The reduction of carbon dioxide can be realized either by carbon capture and storage (CCS)
technologies or via utilization of carbon dioxide as a chemical feedstock – CCU (Carbon Capture and
Utilization). These two approaches are complementary, and while CCS technologies are aiming at
capturing and subsequently storing huge quantities of carbon dioxide, the chemical utilization of
CO2 aims at generating added-value products. Moreover, most technologies, which are currently
developed as future CO2 utilization processes, require pure streams of CO2. Thus, implementation
of both solutions CCS and chemical utilization of CO2 is required.
Carbon dioxide capture is already, or will be, applied to large scale stationary sources of
emissions, such as fossil fuel power plants, fuel processing plants and other industrial installations
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
(iron and steel, cement and bulk chemicals production). The capture of CO2 from small and mobile
sources (transportation, residential and commercial building sectors) would be rather difficult and
more expensive than from large stationary sources, and thus currently capture systems from large
scale sources are mainly developed. CO2 capture systems from installations combusting fossil fuels
and biomass include the following types of capture (Fig. 3.2) [12]: (i) post-combustion, (ii) pre-
combustion, (iii) oxyfuel combustion, and (iv) capture from industrial process streams.
Fig. 3.2 Carbon dioxide capture systems from stationary sources (adapted from [12])
In the post-combustion capture systems, the fossil fuel or biomass is combusted in air.
Flue gases are passed through a separation equipment which captures CO2, and the remaining flue
gas is discharged to atmosphere. The post-combustion capture system can be applied in fossil fuel-
fired power plants.
Oxyfuel combustion system assumes the combustion of fuel in the stream of pure oxygen
instead of air. In this way, the produced flue gas consists mainly of CO2 and H2O. One of the
drawbacks of this system is high temperature of flames, which is a result of combustion of fuel in
pure oxygen [13]. However, a part of flue gases (H2O and CO2) can be recycled to the reactor in
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
order to moderate combustion temperature. The second drawback is associated with high costs of
oxygen separation from air.
The capture of CO2 from industrial processes can apply similar techniques as post-
combustion, pre-combustion and oxyfuel combustion systems. This could be applied to such
processes as purification of natural gas, production of hydrogen-rich synthesis gas for manufacture
of ammonia, alcohols, liquid fuels, cement and steel production and fermentation processes for
food and drink production [13].
Adsorption techniques usually apply solid materials, such as activated carbons, molecular
sieves, polymers, templated silicas, materials with strong affinity for CO2 and with good
adsorption/desorption capacity. Adsorption/desorption cycles are carried out by the change of
pressure (PSA - pressure swing adsorption) or temperature (TPA – temperature swing adsorption).
This processes are generally considered low energy intensive and cost effective [12], but its
drawback is high amounts of adsorbent necessary connected with high volumes of flue gases in
stationary power plants.
Other separation technique applies membranes which allow the penetration of a specific
gas through them. The driving force in the membrane method is a difference in pressure, thus this
technique can be applied for high pressure flue gases. The materials such as polymers, metals or
ceramics found application as membranes in industrial processes to separate H2 from flue gases,
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
CO2 or O2. The membrane techniques has not yet been applied for CO2 capture on a large scale, due
to the problems with reliability and low cost required for CO2 capture [13].
Cryogenic distillation, which is e.g. applied for O2 separation from air, can be also used to
separate CO2 from flue gases. The process requires condensation of gas to liquid by a series of
compression, cooling and expansion steps, and subsequent distillation [13]. The drawback of this
method is its high cost and high energy intensity. However, a high purity stream of CO2 can be
CLC (Chemical Looping Combustion) technologies can be also applied for CO2 separation
[12]. They are relatively new methods which are currently being developed. CLC processes require
the application of metal oxides in e.g. NiO, CuO, Fe2O3 or Mn2O3 (oxygen carrier). The metal oxide
is circulating between two reactors containing air and fuel, respectively. In the air reactor the carrier
is oxidized and undergoes subsequent reduction in the fuel reactor, resulting in fuel oxidation and
production of H2O and CO2. The stream of flue gases containing water and CO2 is then dehydrated
and compressed.
The captured CO2 can find and finds applications in many areas of industry. The current
and potential applications of carbon dioxide are depicted in Fig. 3.3 [14].
Fig. 3.3 The scheme of carbon dioxide applications (adapted from [14])
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The current applications of CO2 involve: food processing, preservation, packing, beverage
carbonation, coffee decaffeination, horticulture, fire suppression, urea production,
pharmaceuticals production and enhanced oil recovery (EOR). Unfortunately, some of these
applications are small scale and carbon dioxide is usually emitted to atmosphere after use, which
results in no permanent reduction of CO2 emissions. The potential future applications involve
biological and chemical conversion of CO2, which can result in long-term CO2 fixation and thus real
reduction in CO2 emissions.
The application of carbon dioxide as chemical feedstock for fuels and chemicals
production will be discussed in more details in the next subchapter.
CO2 is applied in food production to carbonate soft drinks, beers and wine. Most of CO2
used in carbonization of beverages is obtained in the fermentation process. Since CO2 has a contact
with food it has to be of high purity, thus application of purified CO2 streams from other sources in
e.g. fertilizers production is also possible. Other application in food production is packing under
controlled atmosphere, which reduces microbial growth in the processed food and limits food
oxidation [12]. Supercritical CO2 is also used for decaffeination of coffee on industrial scale [15] or
to extract flavours and fragrances.
Carbon dioxide is also used in fire suppression either in fire extinguishing systems, or is
injected into materials in order to decrease their flammability. Another current small scale
application is to use CO2 as a refrigerant in vapour compression systems [12]. Frozen solid CO2 (dry
ice) is also applied for refrigeration of foodstuffs, meat products and other frozen foods. Dry ice has
also found application in many technical processes where low temperature is required.
Water treatment plants use CO2 for remineralization of desalted and highly soft waters
produced by desalination plants. Iron and steel industries, textile and dying industries, power plants
and paper industry produce alkaline wastewater, which must be neutralized before it can be
discharged. CO2 can be used to change pH of these waste waters as an alternative to mineral acid
naturalization [16].
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
Enhanced Coal Bed Methane Recovery (ECBM) is a process similar to EOR and EGR. In this
process, CO2 is injected into a deep depleted coal field in order to enhance the recovery of methane,
which can be then used for electricity production or exported to market. While EOR and EGR are
mature technologies, applied mainly in the United States, the ECBM is currently developed.
Enhanced fuel recovery technologies have high potential of CO2 storage. The
U.S. Department of Energy estimated that till 2010 in US around 0.56 Gt CO2 had been consumed
by CO2 EOR, and total CO2 storage capacity in US for oil and gas reservoirs had been equal to ca.
138 Gt CO2 [17]. On the other hand, enhanced fossil fuel recovery processes increased production
of fossil fuels, and thus the overall CO2 reduction effect can be smaller.
The potential of application of CO2 for biological uses is very high. It has been estimated
that 1.8 tons of CO2 is required for the production of 1 ton of algal biomass [19]. Moreover, these
technologies involve high-volume low-quality CO2 and therefore it is possible to use flue gases from
power plants.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The image of carbon dioxide on the scientific, societal and industrial levels has drastically
changed during the last few decades. Carbon dioxide is no longer considered a harmful pollutant,
but a valuable chemical and an important carbon source. The CO2 capture and separation
technologies, which are currently applied or are under development, can provide high purity CO2
streams for the production of chemicals and fuels. There are already existing large-volume
technological processes (refineries, ammonia production, ethylene oxide production, gas
processing, H2 production, liquefied natural gas, biorefineries) , which can be treated as a source of
pure CO2 available for CCU technologies [20]. As mentioned in the previous subchapter, CO2 already
finds a number of applications. However, its use as chemical feedstock has still a huge potential
with a number of industrial opportunities and advantages [21, 22]:
CO2 becomes an interesting raw material with almost zero or even negative costs.
CCU technologies can create a positive public image of companies, as with the
increasing political and social pressure on reducing CO2 emissions, carbon dioxide
will be utilized to valuable products.
Instead of inactive storage of carbon dioxide (CCS), CO2 will be recycled. It will also
reduce the costs of CO2 transport.
With the production of new chemicals companies can gain new market shares.
Fig. 3.4 Catalytic routes for CO2 transformation into fuels and chemicals (adapted from [23])
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
Fig. 3.4 presents current and potential technologies which use CO2 for the production of
synthetic fuels and added-value chemicals. It is predicted that processes involving CO2 conversion
will be developed on industrial scale in the coming decades, creating in this way a new carbon
dioxide based economy [23]. Since all of these reactions require the presence of catalysts, this
clearly points to the importance of catalytic studies of these chemical reactions on laboratory and
pilot scale.
CO2 conversion to fuels, rather than organic chemicals, is expected to play a major role in
CO2 emission management strategies. Firstly, because fuels market is much larger than the market
of organic chemicals. Secondly, CO2 emissions are mainly associated with the production of energy
from fossil fuels. As reported by Centi et al. [21] around 5-10% of current total CO2 emissions is
suitable for the production of fuels, which corresponds to reduction of ca. 1.75-3.5 Gt CO2 emissions
per year. As the processes of CO2 conversion into fuels are energy demanding, there is a need to
apply and develop renewable technologies in order to supply energy for these chemical reactions.
Thus, carbon dioxide and CCU technologies are a key element of our sustainable development.
Table 3.1 summarizes different routes for chemical CO2 utilization, taking into account six
criteria, which influence the implementation of CO2 utilization technologies on industrial scale,
together with their advantages and drawbacks. The study was performed by Thybaud and Lebain
for the French Environment and Energy Management Agency [24]. Table 3.1 allows to overview a
degree of development of the existing and future technologies. The criteria which were used to
analyse different CO2 valorisation routes were [20, 24]:
Potential development: it indicates the time required to open the first industrial
facility, which depends mainly on research and development efforts.
External use of energy: it indicates the cost of energy consumption per cost of the
product. The energy consumption is a major issue and therefore can strongly limit
possible industrial application of technology. This concerns mainly endothermic
processes, such as dry methane reforming.
Potential volume of use of CO2: it indicates maximum annual amount of CO2 which
could be potentially used by year 2050.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Table 3.1 Summary of the different options in the valorisation of CO2 (adapted from [20]
Other impacts
Potential vol.
External use
of energy
Time of
of CO2
EOR 4 4 3 2 4 4
4 4 3 2 1.5 4
4 3 2 3 3 3
Hydrogenation 3 3 2 4 2 3
Algae open
3 3 4 4 2 4
Reforming of Not
2 1 4 2 1
hydrocarbons known
2 2 4 4 2 4
Mineralization 1 1 1 3 4 3
1 2 4 4 2 3
Electrolysis 1 2 4 2 2
Photo Electro Not
1 4 4 2 2
Catalysis known
Bio catalysis 1 4 4 2 3
Potential development: 1, more than 10 years → 4, industrial
Economic perspectives: 1, difficult to estimate → 4, available industrial data
External use of energy: 1, difficult to decrease → 4, no need
Potential vol. of CO2: 1, less than 10 Mt → 4, more than 500 Mt
Time of sequestration: 1, very short → 4, long term
Other impacts on environment: 1, significant → 4, low (solvents or toxic chemicals, metal resources)
In the following part of the chapter, the selected CCU technologies were presented. The
electrocatalytic, electrolysis and bio-catalytic routes were not taken into account. Although these
technologies are currently widely researched, they still require deep studies, as their efficiencies
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
and degrees of conversion are still too low in order to consider commercialization. The review of
selected technologies for the chemical utilization of CO2 clearly shows that the reduction of CO2
emissions is not limited to CCS technologies and CCU is a key element to mitigate CO2.
Carbon dioxide is a gas at normal temperature and pressure. At normal pressure and
temperature below -78.5°C CO2 becomes solid (dry ice). CO2 may be turned to liquid by compressing
it to the corresponding liquefaction pressure and removing produced heat at temperatures
between triple point temperature and critical temperature. CO2 is in a supercritical state (sc-CO2),
where it behaves as a gas, at temperatures higher than 31.1°C and pressures higher than 73.9 bar.
Physical and chemical properties of CO2 are summarized in Table 3.2.
CO2 is a linear 16e- molecule which contains two polar C=O bonds, although the whole
molecule is non-polar with two sets of orthogonal π orbitals. Two bonds between C and O atoms
have a distance of 1.16 Å. CO2 has a ionization potential of 13.73 eV and an electron affinity of 3.8
eV, and thus it is a poor electron donor and good electron acceptor. Carbon dioxide is a very stable
molecule and thus its activation requires high energy inputs and highly active metal catalysts,
usually transition metals. Two different reaction sites are present in carbon dioxide molecule.
Carbon atom, of Lewis acid character, is an electrophilic centre, and oxygen atom, of weak basic
Lewis character, is a nucleophilic centre. Most catalytic reactions require activation of both acidic
and basic centres, so that carbon and oxygen atoms can interact with metal catalysts. Moreover,
the π electrons in 2 C=O bonds can also interact with d electrons of transition metals. The activation
of carbon dioxide involves acceptance of electron in CO2 π orbital which causes bending of a
molecule (the OCO angle close to 133° [28]), resulting in the change of the molecular energy and
the increase of bond length between carbon and oxygen atom.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Carbon dioxide is the lowest in energy of all carbon-containing binary neutral species. It
is also, together with water, the end product of any combustion process of organic compounds,
and therefore is lying in a potential energy well, as illustrated in Table 3.3 [28]. In general the
reactions in which CO2 reacts with OH- ions, amines or olefins (CO2 is built into organic molecule
and C atom does not change its oxidation state) are examples of exothermic processes that do not
require energy input. Therefore, the appropriate catalyst could convert CO2 to useful organic
chemicals, such as carboxylates and lactones (RCOOR’), carbamates (RR’NCOOR’’), ureas
(RR’NCONRR’), isocynates (RNCO) or carbonates [(ROC(O)OR’], creating in this way an alternative
for more polluting processes currently in use [28]. On the other hand, reactions in which a reduced
form of CO2 is obtained as a product are endothermic processes, and thus require the input of
energy in the form of heat, electrons or other radiation. By applying these processes, it is possible
to obtain formates (HCOO-), oxalates [C(O)O]22-, formaldehyde (H2CO), carbon monoxide (CO),
methanol (CH3OH), dimethyl ether (CH3OCH3) and methane (CH4) [28].
Table 3.3 The energy of formation of chemicals relevant to CO2 (adapted from [28])
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
The industrial process requires high temperatures and pressures. The facilities to produce
urea are often placed close to ammonia plants, as large quantities of CO2 are separated during the
production of hydrogen via steam reforming and WGS reaction to produce synthetic gas.
The urea production is currently one of the most important technologies in which carbon
dioxide is chemically utilized. In 2011 with the production of ca. 153 million tonnes of urea, around
112 million tonnes of carbon dioxide were consumed. On the other hand, urea is most commonly
used as an agricultural fertilizers, and thus the fixation time of used CO2 is relatively short, as it is
released again into atmosphere after application [29].
The production of salicylic acid is carried out via Kolbe-Schmitt method. CO2 is reacting
with sodium phenolate at high pressures and temperatures (eq. 3.3). Salicylic acid and its
derivatives found applications as pharmaceuticals, food preservatives etc. [30]. Typically the CO2
fixation time is short-term, as it is released rapidly after application.
On the other hand, there is a possibility of application of salicylic acid as a monomer for
the production of polycarbonates and polyesters, which could increase CO2 fixation period [29].
Carbonates and cyclic carbonates are important organic compounds applied as solvents,
intermediate reactants in organic synthesis and monomers. The current production of these
chemicals involves the reaction of appropriate alcohols with toxic phosgene. An alternative route
is to react CO2 with alcohols (eq. 3.4) or epoxides (eq. 3.5), to obtain respectively carbonates and
cyclic carbonates [30].
The recent trend in organic synthesis is to use ionic liquids as solvents and catalysts. CO2
possesses the ability of dissolving in ionic liquid phase. Therefore synthesis of cyclic carbonates
from CO2 and epoxides can be performed with the application of ionic liquids. It has been reported,
that they act as a catalysts in cyclic carbonates formation, resulting in the increase in selectivity and
beneficial effect on the reaction rate [31].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
There is also a possibility to obtain polycarbonates in this way (eq. 3.6) [29].
Polycarbonates are a class of thermoplastic polymers, which can transmit light. They are also used
as pore-forming agents in ceramic industry [30]. This class of polymers can also find application in
polyurethane production. Thus, there is an opportunity to use CO2 as large-scale polycarbonate
systems. The very important advantage of such processes is long-term fixation of CO2 for decades
or even years [29].
1 1 1
CO2 + 2 R OH R R + 2 H2O (3.4)
CO2 + R O (3.5)
O 1
1 [zinc salts]
n CO2 +n R
O * (3.6)
* O O
A large scale storage option for CO2 is its mineralization in geologic formation. The
processes are based on the reaction of carbon dioxide with metal oxides, such as MgO, CaO etc., to
form inorganic carbonates (eq. 3.7).
CO2 can be fixed by the reaction with natural silicate minerals, rocks containing alkaline-
earth oxides or waste materials from industry such as fly-ashes or metallurgic slags [30].
Carbonation process can be performed underground as a method of storage of CO2, or as an
industrial process. In this way CO2 can be used for the production of calcite (CaCO3), which is applied
in industry as a polymer filling material, raw material for optical glasses or pharmaceutical
preparations [29]. There is also a possibility of obtaining hydrotalcite-like materials in a reaction of
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
CO2 with magnesium oxide and sodium aluminate. This class of layered materials has a wide range
of applications in industry and catalysis and will be discussed in Chapter 5.
Mineralization of CO2 not only gives additional value products for industry, but also has a
long time of CO2 fixation and can help to utilize other industry waste products together with CO2.
The technology of coal gasification has been known for many decades and was applied on
industrial scale as early as 1800s for the production of heating and light. With the development of
natural gas and oil technologies the development of the process paused. History has shown that
the technology is revisited when access to oil, natural gas and petroleum products is limited due to
high prices or scarcity. Today gasification technology has again gained much attention and is being
strongly developed. The process involves coal conversion into suitable fuel gas by the reaction with
gasification agents such as air, steam, CO2 or their mixtures, giving as a product a mixture of carbon
monoxide, hydrogen, methane and carbon dioxide. The main reactions during gasification process
are [32]:
C + O2 ⇌ CO2 (3.8)
C + ½O2 ⇌ CO (3.9)
C + H2O ⇌ H2 + CO (3.11)
The coal gasification is a complex process consisting of coal pyrolysis and exothermic
partial combustion (eq. 3.8-3.10), the latter providing heat for the endothermic gasification
(eq. 3.11, 3.12). The process itself can be accompanied by WGS reaction (eq. 3.13) and due to the
presence of ash, methane formation can be catalysed (eq. 3.14). The gasification technology could
contribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions by using carbon dioxide as a gasification agent.
Additionally, the application of CO2 in gasification mixture can increase process efficiency and
reduce coal and oxygen consumption. The pilot plants which apply this technology are currently
being developed [33].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The intensive studies are carried out to find an appropriate catalyst for CO2 ODH reaction.
One of the important processes of ODH in the presence of CO2 is dehydrogenation of ethylbenzene
to styrene, an important monomer in petrochemical industry. In general, catalysts with redox
properties, such as ceria-zirconia, have been reported as efficient materials for styrene production
[23]. CO2 can play several roles in ODH process, depending on the used catalyst and reaction. It can
participate in redox cycle by producing oxygen species and reoxidize reduced oxides. It can also
oxidize carbon deposits formed during ODH process.
The mixture of hydrogen and carbon monoxide, known also as synthesis gas or syngas, is
a very important industrial gas used for the production of many chemicals (Fig. 3.5) [34].
In 2010 syngas production was over 70 000 MWth, 45% of which was used to produce
chemicals and 38% to produce liquid fuels [20]. Synthesis gas is currently produced on industrial
scale via steam reforming of methane (eq. 3.18) on nickel-based catalysts, or gasification and
pyrolysis of carbonaceous materials (See Chapter 3.3.5). However, very interesting alternative is to
produce synthesis gas from methane in dry reforming process (DRM) (eq. 3.20), which will be
discussed in more details in the next chapter. Another alternative is to perform partial oxidation of
methane (POM) (eq. 3.19). The reforming routes for production of synthesis gas are summarized in
Table 3.4.
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
Fig. 3.5 Applications of synthesis gas in chemical industry (adapted from [34])
ΔH2980 Equation
Process Main reaction
Steam Reforming of Methane (3.18)
CH4 + H2O ⇌ CO + 3H2 206
Partial Oxidation of Methane (3.19)
CH4 + ½O2 ⇌ CO + 2H2 -36
Dry Reforming of Methane (DRM) CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2 247 (3.20)
CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2 247 (3.21)
CH4 + H2O ⇌ CO + 3H2 206 (3.22)
Autothermal reforming In excess of methane, heat from
CH4 combustion:
CH4 + 2O2 ⇌ CO2 + 2H2O -880 (3.23)
Combination of SRM, DRM and
Accompanying and side reactions:
Water Gas Shift (WGS) H2O + CO ⇌ CO2 + H2 -41 (3.24)
Reverse Water Gas Shift (RWGS) H2 + CO2 ⇌ H2O + CO 41 (3.25)
Boudouard reaction 2CO ⇌ C + CO2 -172 (3.26)
CH4 decomposition CH4 ⇌C + 2H2 75 (3.27)
Oxidation of methane (OM) CH4 + 2O2 ⇌ CO2 + 2H2O -802 (3.28)
In the view of chemical CO2 utilization, DRM reaction is the most interesting one.
However, due to the deactivation of catalysts via formation of coke and sintering of active material,
combinations of reforming reactions are applied: (i) combination of SRM and DRM to reduce
formation of catalytic coke by oxidation of carbon deposits via WGS reaction in the presence of
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
water, (ii) autothermal reforming, i.e. the combination of exothermic POM and endothermic
reforming process (DRM or SRM), in order to modify H2/CO molar ratio and decrease amount of
energy required to power the reforming reaction, (iii) tri-reforming of methane (TRM), with the
combination of SRM, DRM and POM reactions [30].
Tri-reforming process may directly produce synthesis gas with a desired H2/CO molar ratio
by modification of feed gas composition, i.e. H2O/CO2/O2/CH4 ratios. The process is especially
interesting, as it could directly use flue gas from a power station, without the necessity of energy-
intensive and expensive CO2 separation stage [35, 36]. Since in the flue gases from power stations
O2 and H2O are present, the TRM process is affected also by WGS reaction and methane oxidation,
which makes TRM a very complex chemical process.
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
Though methanol synthesis has a huge potential as one of the CCU technologies, it should
be stressed that the source of hydrogen for the process is a very important issue. Peters et. al [29]
analysed different hydrogen sources in the CO2/H2 methanol production taking into account: (1)
conventional methanol synthesis with H2 production via steam reforming of natural gas,
(2) methanol synthesis from CO2/H2 mixture with H2 obtained from natural gas, (3) H2 from the
electrolysis of water, whereby the electricity was produced in the 2011 German power plant mix,
and (4) H2 from electrolysis of water using hydroelectric power. Only in the latter case, the
implementation of methanol production from CO2/H2 mixture resulted in the net decrease of CO2
emissions (Table 3.5).
Table 3.5 CO2 emissions associated with methanol synthesis (adapted from [29])
Scenario of H2 CO2 emissions associated with H2 CO2 fixed (t) CO2 released (t)
production and MeOH production
(1) 0.24 - +0.24
(2) 1.91 1.38 +0.53
(3) 5.67 1.38 +4.29
(4) - 1.38 -1.38
Methanol finds applications in the various areas of industry. The worldwide demand was
estimated at 30 million tonnes in 2011 [29]. Methanol and its derivatives can be widely used in the
fuel sector of economy, as a fuel itself or its derivatives, e.g. dimethyl ether (DME). The methyl tetr-
butyl ether (MTBE), which is obtained from MeOH conversion, is used as an anti-knocking additive
for combustion engine fuels. Fatty Acid Methyl Ethers (FAMEs), used as biodiesel, are obtained in
transesterification of fats with methanol. Moreover, the methanol-to-gasoline (MTG) process is
another option to obtain synthetic fuels from methanol. Thus, the CO2 based synthesis of methanol
could address the needs of petrochemical industry and transportation sector.
The fixation of CO2 into fuels via methanol production and its derivatives is not a long-
term solution, as CO2 is released during combustion process. However, it can be treated as one of
the methods of energy transport and storage. The possibility of a long-term CO2-fixation is
connected to the production of formaldehyde via oxidation of methanol, which can be further
converted into aminoplasts or thermoplasts via polymerization. Another, long-term solution is the
methanol-to-olefins process (MTO) in which the starting chemicals for polymerization process –
alkenes – are obtained [29].
The commercialized plant of methanol synthesis from CO2/H2 mixture are already in use,
in e.g. Carbon Recycling International plant in Iceland [37] or Mitsui Chemicals plant in Singapore.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
It is generally expected that the market of methanol production from CO2 will rapidly grow in the
coming years [20].
An alternative way for DME production is to apply a CO2/H2 mixture (eq. 3.33). Similarly
as in methanol production this method may help to mitigate CO2. However, the source of H2 used
in the process is an important issue. The reaction proceeds also on bifunctional Cu-based catalysts
The research in this area is mainly concentrated in Germany in e.g. Audi e-gas process for
production of CH4 for automotive use [20]. In the past, the methanation technologies were used
mainly for purification purposes, in e.g. to remove CO in ammonia synthesis plants or in refineries
to obtain pure stream of H2. Nowadays, the application of methanation technology has changed
course and the process is considered as a method of fuel production and as a method of energy
storage for excess of electrical energy from renewable sources [39].
Chapter 3. Chemical CO2 Utilization
research on this process is focused on developing active and stable catalysts, but also on the process
design (reactor design, process parameters etc.).
The studied catalytic systems for these process are based on conventional FT catalysts,
mostly on Co and Fe. The Co-based catalytic systems with CO2/H2 mixture yields high selectivities
to methane. The low selectivity towards higher hydrocarbons can be explained by low activity of
Co catalyst in RWGS reaction. On the other hand, high selectivity to higher hydrocarbons was
observed for Fe-based catalytic systems [41].
4 Dry Reforming of Methane
Worldwide natural gas consumption increases. In 2014 world natural gas consumption
was equal to 12.9 Gtoe, which was 22.5% higher with the respect to year 2004. Only to the last year
an increase of 0.9% in natural gas consumption was observed [42]. This trend is predicted to
develop even faster as natural gas is the cheapest fossil fuel and possesses the highest H/C ratio,
which contributes to lower CO2 emissions with respect to other fossil fuels [43]. At the same time
CO2 emissions connected with the consumption of natural gas were equal to ca. 6.9 Gt in 2013,
which accounted for ca. 22% of total CO2 emissions [5]. Whence, natural gas and carbon dioxide
are closely connected. Finding an appropriate solution to ease an environmental impact of these
two gases is crucial for sustainable development towards low-carbon economy and can be realized
via dry reforming of methane process.
The first investigations concerning converting CO2 and CH4 into synthesis gas were
reported in 1888. The process was further investigated by Fischer and Tropsch in 1928 [44]. Thus
DRM process is not a new concept. Nowadays, dry reforming reaction has again gained much
attention due to the possibility of utilizing two greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide and methane) and
the production of a very valuable mixture of H2 and CO – a building block for the production of
liquid fuels and chemicals. Moreover, DRM can utilize natural gas fields which contain high amounts
of CO2 and are currently economically unprofitable to be extracted. Such gas fields often contain,
apart from hydrocarbons, also carbon dioxide, whose concentration can vary from a few percent
up to even 70%, as reported e.g. for Natuna natural gas field in Indonesia [45]. Studies carried out
by Suhartanto et al. [45] confirmed possible application of DRM technology for this field, which, as
confirmed, contains ca. 1302 billion cubic meters of gaseous hydrocarbons.
Synthesis gas can be produced from methane through different routes such as steam
reforming of methane (SRM), DRM, partial methane oxidation (POM), autothermal reforming or tri-
reforming process (Chapter 3.3.8, Table 3.4). The obtained H2/CO molar ratio varies depending on
the type of oxidant applied in a given process. The commercialization of DRM would be beneficial
not only from the environmental perspective, but also because DRM could become a good
alternative for other syngas producing reactions.
Steam reforming has been developed on the industrial scale in 1930s, and since then was
strongly developed, becoming nowadays the main technology of syngas production which operates
at or near its theoretical limits [46, 47]. SRM process gives the highest H2/CO molar ratio around 3,
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
making it a suitable method for hydrogen production via water gas shift WGS. In this way e.g. H2
for ammonia synthesis plants is produced. However, WGS reaction produces high amounts of CO2.
On the other hand, such high H2/CO molar ratio makes syngas from SRM unsuitable for other
chemical process, such as synthesis of organic oxygenated compounds (methanol, acetic acid) or
hydrocarbons. In Fischer-Tropsch (FT) synthesis high H2/CO ratios limit carbon chain growth [46]. In
this way DRM reaction, which gives H2/CO molar ratio around unity, can be considered more
suitable for FT synthesis for production of long chain hydrocarbons or valuable oxygenated
SRM and DRM reactions are both endothermic and thus require high energy inputs, which
are currently supplied for SRM process by the combustion of fossil fuels, contributing in this way to
the growth of CO2 emissions [48]. The generally accepted solution, in order to contribute to CO2
emissions reduction, is to power DRM process by either renewables or nuclear energy. Moreover,
SRM process is considered rather expensive, as it operates at high pressures (higher than DRM [49])
and requires high-temperature steam, which generates additional costs. Er-rbib et al. [49]
compared SRM and DRM processes in terms of energy balance and CO2 emissions for the
production of synthesis gas and further H2 production via WGS reaction (Table 4.1). Their studies
clearly show, that DRM can contribute to reduction of CO2 emissions while producing synthesis gas.
On the other hand, DRM is rather not suitable for H2 production, as production of 1kg of H2 via DRM
requires ca. 1.5 times more energy than SRM. At the same time application of DRM is connected to
lower or negative CO2 emissions with respect to SRM for both syngas and H2 production. Although
both processes give synthesis gas, the composition of the obtained product differs. Thus SRM and
DRM can be used to supply syngas for different chemical processes and markets.
Table 4.1 Energy and CO2 balances of steam and dry reforming of methane processes (adapted from [49])
Syngas can be also produced via partial methane oxidation, which was first investigated
in the 1930’s and 1940’s [46]. POM is an exothermic process, and thus does not require such high
energy inputs as SRM and DRM. On the other hand, the process requires pure stream of O2, which
generates additional costs. The performance of POM process in the stream of air, is considered not
beneficial due to the high content of balance N2. Moreover, high exothermicity of the reaction can
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
generate additional problems, such as hot spots in catalysts, and thus make process control difficult.
At the same time, it is very important to control POM, as CH4 and O2 can form an explosive mixture
[46]. The process gives H2/CO molar ratio around 2, making it suitable for the market competition
with DRM.
In order to eliminate high energy demand for SRM and DRM reactions, the concept of
autothermal reforming (ATR) was developed. ATR technology is a combination of POM and SRM,
or POM and DRM, so it includes both exothermic and endothermic reactions. The energy released
in POM is consumed by the endothermic reaction, making the process autothermal. The feed gas
composition influences the obtained H2/CO molar ratio. Typically, the values of H2/CO between 1
and 2 are obtained. The main drawback of ATR process is high cost of oxygen separation [50].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
DRM at high pressures was performed by Chien et al. [57]. Shamsi et al. [58] reported
thermodynamic data of two carbon-forming reactions in DRM process: CH4 decomposition and
Boudouard reaction. Sun et al. [59] analysed the thermodynamics of steam and dry reforming in a
view of their solar thermal applications. Soria et al. [60] and Ozkara-Aydinoglu [61] carried out the
thermodynamic analysis of combined SRM-DRM systems. Propane dry reforming was analysed by
Wang et al. [62].
Table 4.2 presents the list of possible reactions which may occur in DRM process. The
reactions (or group of reactions) are [43, 54, 55, 58, 59, 61]:
Reverse water gas shift – RWGS (eq. 4.2) – accompanies DRM reaction in whole
temperature range
The influence of each reaction presented in Table 4.2 on the overall DRM process is
different. In general, as the main side reactions are considered RWGS (eq. 4.2), CH4 decomposition
(eq. 4.3) and disproportionation of CO (eq. 4.4). The influence of other reactions is rather
insignificant [54, 55]. However, they still need to be taken into account, as e.g. reforming reactions
(eq. 4.16-4.22) can contribute to the syngas production. The temperature ranges in which the main
DRM side reactions are favoured are presented in Fig. 4.1.
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
Table 4.2 The main reactions which may occur during dry reforming of methane (adapted and modified from [54])
Reaction ∆H0298
number (kJ/mol)
Dry reforming
4.1 CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2 +247
Reverse Water Gas Shift
4.2 CO2 + H2 ⇌ CO + H2O +41
Carbon forming reactions
4.3 CH4 ⇌ C + 2H2 74.9
4.4 2CO ⇌ C + CO2 -172.4
4.5 CO2 + 2H2 ⇌ C +2H2O -90
4.6 CO + H2 ⇌ C + H2O -131.3
Oxidative coupling of methane
4.7 2CH4 + CO2 ⇌ C2H6 + CO + H2O +106
4.8 2CH4 + 2CO2 ⇌ C2H4 + 2CO + 2H2O +284
4.9 C2H6 ⇌ C2H4 + H2 +136
Hydrogenation of CO and CO2
4.10 CO + 2H2 ⇌ CH3OH -90.6
4.11 CO2 + 3H2 ⇌ CH3OH + H2O -49.1
4.12 CO2 + H2 ⇌ HCOOH 15
4.13 CO2 + 4H2 ⇌ CH4 + 2H2O -165
4.14 CO + 3H2 ⇌ CH4 + H2O -206.2
4.15 2CH3OH ⇌ CH3OCH3 + H2O -37
4.16 CH3OCH3 + CO2 ⇌ 3CO + 3H2 +258.4
4.17 C2H6 + 2H2O ⇌ 2CO + 5H2 +350
4.18 C2H6 + 2CO2 ⇌ 4CO + 3H2 +430
4.19 C2H4 + 2CO2 ⇌ 4CO + 2 H2 +290
4.20 C2H4 +2H2O ⇌ 2CO + 4H2 +210
4.21 CH3OCH3 + 3H2O ⇌ 2CO2 + 6H2 +136
4.22 CH3OCH3 + H2O ⇌ 2CO + 4H2 +204.8
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 4.1 Temperature ranges in which the main side reactions during DRM process are favourable
Considerable conversions of both CH4 and CO2 and H2/CO molar ratios around
unity can be reached at temperatures higher than 700°C and atmospheric
pressure. (DRM is thermodynamically favourable above 700°C).
The above remarks are very general. The high temperatures of reaction promote DRM
route and inhibit side reactions. However, from the economic and technical perspective it would
be more beneficial to perform DRM process at temperatures lower than 700°C. In order to do that,
active, stable and selective catalysts needs to be introduced into the DRM reaction system, which
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
can promote a kinetic inhibition of carbon formation and shift selectivity of the process towards
Carbon dioxide is a stable molecule, thus its chemical activation requires highly active
metal catalysts, as discussed in Chapter 3.3.1. The catalytic performance of the material may be
affected by numerous variables, such as active material, support, promoter, calcination
temperature and conditions, reducing environment, preparation method, particle size, shape, and
reactor selection.
During last decades great efforts have been undertaken to develop of highly active and
stable DRM catalysts. The deactivation of DRM catalysts is mainly caused by: (i) the formation of
catalytic coke, which may result in the blockage of pores and active sites, (ii) sintering of active
material, as DRM is carried out rather at high temperatures, or (iii) oxidation of metallic active sites.
The application of different types of materials, preparation methods and application of promoters
may lead to overcoming these problems. The following subchapter discusses the literature
information on the influence of these variables on catalytic activity of materials tested in DRM
It has been reported that in general transition metals of 8, 9 and 10 groups of periodic
table (VIII group metals in old classification) are active materials for DRM reaction i.e. iron, cobalt,
nickel, ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium and platinum (Fig. 4.2). There are no
reports regarding Os-based catalyst. Table 4.3 lists different sequences of catalytic activity in DRM
reaction reported for these transition metals. Moreover, it is important to stress, that the selection
of active phase in catalysts affects, besides activity, also catalyst selectivity and stability, which can
be more critical properties where commercialization of catalytic process is concerned.
Solymosi et al. [63] investigated the catalytic activity of noble metals supported on
alumina (Pt, Pd, Rh, Ru, Ir), which, in terms of turnover numbers, followed the sequence:
Ru>Pd>Rh>Pt>Ir. This sequence was the same as the ability of noble metals to dissociate CO2. The
largest amount of coke deposits was observed for Rh and Pt catalysts and the least for Pd-containing
one. The authors found that methane alone showed little reactivity towards supported noble
metals. Their conclusion was that activity of noble metals in DRM reaction was associated with their
ability to dissociate CO2 to adsorbed CO and O species, which in turn, can promote dissociation of
methane to adsorbed CHx and H species, and thus DRM reaction. Ashcroft et al. [64] compared
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
activity of noble metals with non-noble nickel supported on alumina. The highest activity towards
DRM was observed for Ir- and Rh-based catalysts, which did not exhibit the formation of coke
deposits during 200h tests, and showed conversions of CH4 and CO2 equal to almost 90% at 777°C.
The high conversions of CH4 and CO2 over Ni/Al2O3 catalyst (higher than for Pd and Ru) were
observed due to the higher loading of active phase. However, Ni-based catalyst showed the highest
amount of coke deposits after catalytic tests. Similar effect was observed by Barama et al. [65] and
Hou et al. [66].
Fig. 4.2 The metals which showed catalytic activity in dry reforming reaction
CO2 reforming of methane over Pt, Rh, Rd, Ir, Pd and Ni supported magnesia catalysts was
examined by Rostrup-Nielsen et al. [67]. The catalytic performance of prepared materials was
compared in SRM and DRM reaction. The obtained results showed that Rh- and Ru-based catalysts
were the most active ones in DRM reaction, with high reaction rates and no carbon deposition.
A similar catalytic activity was registered by Ni, Pt and Pd catalysts. However, Ni-based catalysts
exhibited high amounts of carbon whiskers-like deposits. The authors showed that passivation of
Ni-based catalyst by sulphur could enhanced its resistance to coke formation, but in order to obtain
high reaction rates higher temperatures than those for Rh- and Ru-based catalysts were required.
Tsyganok et al. [68] proposed an efficient method of introducing precious metals (Ru, Rh,
Ir, Pt, Pd, Au) into the structure of hydrotalcite-derived Mg(Al)O mixed-oxides. Ru or Rh containing
catalysts showed the highest conversions of CH4 and CO2. Over these two catalysts conversions of
CO2 were a few percent higher than those of CH4, pointing to the occurrence of RWGS. The highest
catalytic activity and resistance to coke formation was observed for Ru-based catalyst which was
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
additionally tested over 50h timer on stream (TOS). The good performance was ascribed to high
dispersion of very small (under 1.5 nm) Ru crystallites on the catalyst surface. Pt-containing catalyst
showed much lower activity and the activity of Pd catalyst was suppressed by heavy formation of
coke deposits. Au turned out to be practically inactive in DRM.
The performance in DRM reaction of Fe, Co and Ni supported on ceria was compared by
Asami et al. [69]. The highest activity at 850°C was observed for Ni/CeO2 catalysts. As over 20h on
stream, no change in CO2 and CH4 conversions, as well as H2/CO molar ratios close to unity were
observed. It was stated that Ni/CeO2 catalyst did not undergo deactivation. This was ascribed to
strong metal-support interactions. However, at 700°C deactivation of Ni/CeO2 catalyst was
observed. Co-based catalyst also showed good conversion of CH4 and CO2. However, the initial
values of CH4 conversion were low, due to incomplete reduction of cobalt species. Fe/CeO2 catalyst
had the lowest activity and poor selectivity, caused by the deactivation of catalyst.
It must be mentioned, however, that the direct comparison of activity of transition metals
in DRM reaction as reported in literature [63-69, 71, 72], is rather difficult as the reported catalysts
(Table 4.3) were tested under different reaction conditions (temperature, contact time, feed gas
composition), as well as different supports were used, which may influence metal-support
interactions. Thus only general conclusions may be withdrawn. The noble metal-based catalysts
show good activity and selectivity in DRM reaction. Among noble metals, Rh- and Ru-based catalysts
are the most active ones [63, 65-67, 70], but the better chances of industrial applications the latter,
as ruthenium is cheaper than rhodium [70].
Table 4.3 The influence of the type of metal on catalysts activity in DRM. Catalytic tests carried out in fixed-bed reactor at atmospheric pressure.
1wt.% Pd, Ru, Rh, Ir, Ni*; Temp. 777°C; mcat=50mg; [64,
Al2O3 Ir > Rh > Ni > Pd > Ru 71,
IMP CH4/CO2=1/1; GHSV=40000h-1
0.9-1.4 wt% Ni, Ru, Rh, Pd, Ir, Pt MgO-Al2O3alumina-stabilized Temp. 500, 650°C; mcat = 10-50mg; Ru > 16 wt.% Ni/MgAl2O4 > Rh ≈ [67]
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
3, 5 and 10 wt.% Ni, Rh, Pd, Ce; Temp. 650°C; CH4/CO2/He=1/1/8; 3% Rh ≈ 10%Ni >>Pd >> 3%Ni
Al-pillared montmorillonites [65]
IMP mcat=500mg; flow 12 dcm3/h; >> Ce
Temp. 800°C
Hydrotalcite-derived Mg(Al)O
2 wt.% Ru, Rh, Ir, Pt, Pd, Au, CH4/CO2/N2=23/23/35; Ru ≈ Rh > Ir > Pt >> Pd >> Au [68]
Flow/Weight = 92727 cm3/gcath
*Ni-based commercial steam reforming catalyst from British Gas (ca. 63 wt.%Ni – calculated from [72])
IMP – metals introduced on the support via incipient wetness impregnation method
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
From non-noble metals, only nickel-based catalysts showed similar activities and
selectivities to those reported for noble metals. Activity of nickel-based catalyst may be enhanced
by introduction of higher loadings of active phase than noble metals [65-67]. On the other hand,
non-noble metals show tendency to promote carbon-forming reactions which can cause catalyst
deactivation and reactor plugging. In general high resistance of noble metals to coke formation can
be explained by the fact that that they do not dissolve carbon to such high extent as in e.g. Ni, which
is responsible for the formation of carbon deposits, in the latter case.
Noble metals are usually introduced onto catalyst support in small amounts, due to their
high price, and thus form small crystallites which promotes carbon-free operation [73, 74].
Nickel was found to be the most suitable non-noble catalyst in DRM reaction. The
research on nickel-based catalyst is currently focused mainly on increasing catalysts stability. The
high endothermicity of dry reforming of methane requires high reaction temperatures. This
unavoidably leads to the sintering of nickel particles, as its Tammann temperature is equal to 600°C
[75]. Moreover, it also accelerates the deactivation via carbon deposition, as carbon-forming
reactions proceed more easily on large nickel crystallites [73]. Therefore, several approaches have
been proposed in order to increase stability of Ni-based catalysts, such as [76]:
Using metal oxides with strong Lewis basicity as supports or promoters, as basic
sites enhance CO2 adsorption. Metal oxides can promote oxidation of carbon
deposits (reverse Boudouard reaction), but, on the other hand, supports which
exhibit Lewis acidity enhance formation of coke deposits.
The addition of second metal, i.e. noble metal, which can enhance the transport
of hydrogen and/or oxygen between active site and support by spillover, and can
influence the mechanism of coke formation.
Sulphur passivation of Ni catalysts, which blocks the step edge sites where coke
build-up is initiated.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
In this subchapter an overview of the research for Ni-based catalyst carried out during ca
last 20 years is presented. More general reviews of catalysts for dry methane reforming were
discussed by Edwards and Maitra [77], Wang and Lu [78], Bradford and Vannice [44], Hu and
Ruckenstein [73], Fan et al. [79], Lavoie [43] and recently by Usman et al. [80].
Table 4.4 Catalytic activity of Ni-based catalysts in DRM reaction. Effect of the support.
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
nd-no data
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Alumina – Al2O3
Alumina is one of the most commonly studied supports for nickel catalysts [73, 74]. It is
relatively cheap and possesses high specific surface area, basic character and α-Al2O3 phase
possesses high thermal stability. However, the catalytic properties of Ni/Al2O3 catalyst in DRM
reaction and its resistance to carbon formation depends on the catalyst structure, composition,
calcination conditions and preparation method. Beccera et al. [81] studied the influence of
calcination temperature on activity of impregnated Ni/Al2O3 catalysts. With increase of calcination
temperature higher amounts of NiAl2O4 spinel phase were formed, which suppressed catalytic
activity at low temperatures (below 700°C). At reaction temperatures higher than 700°C this effect
was not so evident, as calcination temperature did not influence the activity of Ni/Al2O3 catalyst. At
the same time, the formation of spinel phase increased catalyst resistance to coke formation. As
explained by Hu et al. [73] this was the result of strengthening of the Ni-O bond in NiAl2O4 with
respect to NiO crystal, thus increasing the difficulty of Ni2+ reduction to Ni0, and resulting in the
formation of smaller nickel crystallites on the surface. Similar results were reported by Chen and
Ren [83]. Bhattacharyya and Chang [84] also reported that NiAl2O4 catalysts prepared via co-
precipitation exhibited higher activity and much more stable performance than Ni/Al2O3 prepared
by physically mixing of NiO and α-Al2O3 powders.
A different approach was applied by Baktash et al. [85], who prepared so called ‘inverse
catalyst’. Aiming at stabilizing the structure and inhibiting sintering of active Ni crystallites, they
coated NiO nanopowder with a thin layer (around few nm) of porous alumina via atomic layer
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
deposition technique. NiO powder covered with alumina layers showed stable CH4 conversion of
ca. 80%. at 800°C up to 12h TOS. However, catalytic activity decreased with the increase of alumina
layer thickness. Additionally, alumina coating prevented sintering of active phase and lead to
decreased coking with respect to uncoated catalyst.
Magnesia – MgO
Magnesia was another commonly studied support for DRM nickel-based catalysts. The
high Lewis basicity of MgO has beneficial effect, as CO2 adsorption is enhanced on basic supports,
therefore accelerating reaction between CO2 and deposited carbon species. Another advantage of
MgO as a support in DRM arises from the possibility of formation of NiO-MgO solid solution at any
molar ratio because of similar anion radii (Mg2+ 0.065nm, Ni2+ 0.072nm [92]) and lattice parameters.
This in turn increases metal-support interactions, and thus prevents catalysts deactivation via
The effect of nickel loading on (111) magnesia nano-sheets supported catalyst prepared
via impregnation was studied by Lin et al. [88]. The stability and activity was reported to be closely
related to Ni loadings. The catalytic activity in DRM was increasing with Ni loading up to 10wt.%
and then decreased with further increase of Ni content to 20wt.%. Stability for the catalyst with
loading higher than 50wt.% was poor. Similar results were reported by Zanganeh et al. [90, 91]. In
both studies, the best performance was registered for 10wt.%Ni/MgO catalysts, which was
attributed to high basicity of the studied materials and the formation of small nickel crystallites,
due to the strong metal-support interactions. It must be mentioned, however, that in both studies
the most active catalysts still exhibited the presence of carbon deposits after reaction. The catalysts
with low nickel loading (2wt.%) showed decrease in CH4 and CO2 conversions which was ascribed
to sintering of active nickel phase or oxidation of Ni species. At the same time insignificant amount
of catalytic coke was present on the catalyst surface after reaction. In terms of catalyst stability and
activity Jafarbegloo et al. [92] also stated that the catalyst loaded with 10wt.% Ni on MgO prepared
via one-pot sol-gel/evaporation technique exhibited the best performance with respect to catalysts
loaded with higher or smaller amount of Ni. The studies presented in ref. [88, 90-92] showed that
CO2 conversion were always higher than CH4 conversions in tested temperature range, pointing to
the occurrence of RWGS reaction, which decreases H2/CO molar ratio in the products, over Ni/MgO
catalyst. However, only in studies carried out by Jafarbegloo et al. [92] the excess of H2 in the
products of the reaction was observed, which clearly indicates that the method of catalyst
preparation influences the occurrence of side reaction and thus the distribution of the obtained
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The formation of Mg(Al)O supported-nickel catalyst may be also realized via thermal
decomposition of hydrotalcite-like compounds. These types of catalysts were reported to be very
active and stable in DRM reaction [118-134] and will be discussed in details in Chapter 5.
Ceria – CeO2
Ceria is well known for its high oxygen storage capacity associated with electron
transformation between Ce3+ and Ce4+ [94, 107]. Therefore, the application of ceria support in DRM
reaction may be beneficial, due to easier removal of carbon deposits via oxidation by oxygen anions.
Moreover, nickel can dissolve in fluorite structure of CeO2. The Ni-O-Ce bond is stronger than Ni-O
bond in NiO crystal, thus leading to increased metal-support interactions of ceria-supported Ni,
resulting in the formation of small Ni particles. The solubility of nickel in CeO2 is limited to 10-12
mol.% due to the structure limitations, and Ni loadings higher than the solubility limit may result in
the loss of its coke-resistance properties, as reported by Yu et al. [94]. The other important factor
is morphology of ceria support, as different morphologies are characterized by different oxygen
mobility and intensity of interactions with active metal particles. Du et al. [95] compared the DRM
performance of ceria nanorods (NR) and nanopolyhedra (NP) structures with that of commercial
CeO2 support. Both nanomaterials exhibited enhanced catalytic activity and stability in comparison
to commercial CeO2. The best catalytic performance was shown by Ni/CeO2-NR catalyst, which was
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
attributed to concentration of surface Ce3+ species higher than that for Ni/CeO2-NP catalyst. Ce3+
species were associated with the amount of oxygen vacancies and influenced the type of Ni species
present on the catalyst surface, pointing to the importance of oxygen mobility.
Another tested support for DRM catalysts was ceria-zirconia. The increase in the number
of oxygen vacancies in ceria may be realized via introduction of ZrO2 into its structure [107].
Zirconia stabilizes ceria by the formation of ceria-zirconia solid solution in the whole composition
range. Moreover, ceria-zirconia possesses higher basicity, improved textural features and thermal
stability with respect to CeO2 [108]. However, catalytic activity for zirconia supported Ni catalyst
[97, 116] was lower than that reported for Ni/alumina. The effect of Ni loading on Ce0.62Zr0.38O2 was
studied by Radlik et al. [107]. The highest conversions of CH4 and CO2 and H2/CO molar ratio close
to unity were observed for the catalyst with 10 wt.% Ni loading. However, this sample exhibited the
highest weight loss during TG experiment after reaction, suggesting the lowest resistance to coke
formation, which was explained by the largest size of Ni particles on the ceria-zirconia surface.
Therefore, it may be beneficial to use lower Ni loadings than 10 wt.%.
Kambolis et al. studied ceria-zirconia binary oxides prepared via co-precipitation with
different zirconia content. Mixed CeO2-ZrO2 exhibited better performance than CeO2 and ZrO2
alone. The catalytic activity and resistance to the formation of carbonaceous deposits increased
with zirconia content and was the highest for the sample with 28 mol % of ceria. As explained by
authors, in the presence of Zr4+ cations ceria lattice undergoes extensive distortion, which results
in the increase of both oxygen mobility and anion vacancies on the surface of binary oxide. The
latter may be the active sites for the dissociative adsorption of CO2 molecule and thus with the
introduction of ZrO2 into ceria structure, the number of DRM active sites increases.
Silica – SiO2
Silica is another material used typically in catalysis as a support. Huang et al. [98] studied
the effect of the preparation conditions of silica support on its catalytic activity in DRM reaction at
700°C. Silica supports prepared via sol-gel method exhibited various types of morphologies and
texture such as: yielded sphere, shell-like shape and peanut-like shape. The best activity and
resistance to coking was registered for shell-type silica structure. This type of silica carrier exhibited
the highest dispersion and the lowest size of Ni particles, as Ni crystallite size depended primarily
on the pore size of silica support. It must be mentioned, however, that although the shell-like
catalyst showed high conversions of CH4 and CO2 (Table 4.4), a huge amount of carbon deposits was
present on the catalyst surface after reaction, as spent catalyst exhibited around 60% weight loss.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The type of carbon deposits formed on the catalyst surface also depended on silica morphology.
Similar results were reported by Zhang and Li [99], who studied core-shell type Ni catalyst in DRM
reaction. According to their studies, the micro- and mesopores present in amorphous silica and
formed upon material calcination, served as channels through which gas molecules diffused and
silica shell structure (narrow pores) suppressed carbon filament growth.
The catalytic activity of nickel supported on ordered mesoporous silica (SBA-15) prepared
via impregnation, precipitation and ascorbic acid-assisted precipitation methods was studied by
Galvez et al. [117]. The application of ascorbic acid as a reducing agent, resulted in the formation
of a catalyst where Ni species were present in the mesopores of SBA-15, and thus enhanced catalyst
activity and stability.
Titania – TiO2
Titania was also reported as a good support for DRM reaction [102], due to its ability to
suppress carbon deposition. TiOx species, which are formed during reduction with H2 can migrate
to nickel particles and create new active site of Ni-O-Ti3+. These new active sites formed at the
boundary between active phase and support increase metal-support interactions and promote
oxidation of the deposited carbon to CO. Ni/TiO2 was examined in DRM reaction by Bradford et al.
[135] and Ni supported on mixed CeO2-TiO2 systems by Kim et al. [102]. The latter catalyst exhibited
enhanced performance as compared to Ni/CeO2 and TiO2, due to its redox characteristics and
higher dispersion of nickel species.
Zeolites and natural clays which can be considered a 2D zeolite-like relatively cheap
materials, were also studied. Their properties, such as acid-basic properties and thermal stability,
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
can be tailored to some extent by different chemical and physical treatments [114]. Therefore, their
application as adsorbents, catalysts or catalysts supports has gained much attention in recent years.
Clinoptilolite is most abundant naturally occurring zeolite. The effect of Ni loading on its catalytic
properties has been studied by Nimwattanakul et al. [111]. The catalyst with 8 wt.% Ni showed the
highest catalytic activity and considerable stability in DRM reaction at 700°C. Jabbour et al. [112]
reported that Ni supported on diatomite was a promising cheap catalyst for DRM reaction.
However, the presented results showed that catalyst exhibited slight deactivation during 12h tests,
and thus authors suggested that application of promoters might increase catalyst stability. The acid
treated, expanded and raw vermiculites were examined by Liu et al. [113]. The best catalytic
performance, which authors attributed to its interlayer structure, was registered for expanded
vermiculite with 12wt.% Ni. It is worth mentioning that the authors carried out catalytic test in the
presence of oxygen, and thus the enhanced stability of materials may be explained by in-situ
removal of carbon deposits via combustion.
Carbon materials
Catalytic activity of nickel loaded carbon materials, activated carbon (AC) and carbon
nanotubes (CNs), in DRM reaction was examined by Ma et al. [115]. Ni/AC catalyst had lower
activity than Ni/CNs, which the authors explained by the collapse of activated carbon structure
during the reaction. From the two studied NCs-based catalysts, better performance was shown by
the sample into which nickel was introduced inside carbon nanotubes when compared to the
sample with nickel crystallites present on the outside surfaces of carbon nanotubes. This was
explained by differences in electric density difference between interior and exterior surfaces of CNs
and the confinement effect of CNs. The introduction of nickel on and into CNs influenced also the
type of carbon deposits present after reaction. Amorphous carbon and graphitic carbon were
found, respectively, for the former and the latter catalyst.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
formation of coke. This is why articles describing tests carried out under the same conditions over
different supports for Ni-based catalyst in DRM reaction are presented in Table 4.5.
Tomishige et al. [136] studied the effect of preparation methods (impregnation and co-
precipitation) on the performance of Ni/MgO and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts. The higher activity was
registered for the catalyst supported on magnesia. The best catalyst turned out to be co-
precipitated Ni/MgO, which showed the highest conversions of methane and carbon dioxide, and
no carbon deposition on the catalyst surface after DRM reaction. The resistance to carbon
formation followed the same sequence as that for catalytic activity and was related to the surface
basicity and nickel particle size.
Kang et al. [137] compared the performance of nickel supported on alumina and mixed
magnesia-alumina. The addition of magnesia to alumina had a beneficial effect on the stability of
the catalyst. The authors stated that the formation of carbon deposits during DRM reaction caused
fluctuations of CH4 and CO2 conversions. The addition of magnesia increased catalyst stability and
no fluctuation in CH4 and CO2 conversions were observed up to 150h TOS. As reported earlier [103],
nickel supported on magnesia or alumina alone was very strongly bonded to the support, due to
the formation of NiO-MgO solid solution and NiAl2O4 spinel phase, respectively, which resulted in
lower activity of the catalysts. The addition of appropriate amount of magnesia resulted in the
formation of MgAl2O4 spinel phase, and thus weakened the interaction between the support and
active phase leading to the increase of activity. At the same time, basicity also increased, which
improved the resistance to coke formation and thus enhanced catalyst stability.
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
Table 4.5 The effect of support on the catalytic activity of different Ni-based catalyst. Catalytic tests carried out in a
fixed-bed reactor and at atmospheric pressure.
Ni content/ Activity
Support Reaction conditions Ref.
preparation1 sequence
Temp. 850°C, mcat=100mg,
3 mol.%/CP and > Ni/MgO
Al2O3, MgO CH4/CO2=1/1, W/F=1.2gcath/mol; [136]
IMP (IMP) > NiO-
Reduction: in H2 at 850°C for 0.5h
Al2O3 (CP)
10 wt.%/CP- Al2O3, Temp. 700-800°C, mcat=100mg MgO-Al2O3 >
MBSL MgO-Al2O3 CH4/CO2/He=1/1/1, Al2O3
Temp. 550-850°C, mvat=100mg,
Al2O3 >
CeO2, Al2O3, CH4/CO2=1/1, GHSV=24dm3/gh
nd/ IMP Clinoptilolite > [138]
clinoptilolite Reduction: in H2/N2=1/9 at 700°C
for 1h
ca. 1.3 wt.% for Temp. 400-550°C, mcat=5-50mg
MgO, TiO2, TiO2 >
TiO2; 8 wt.% for
SiO2, CH4/CO2/He=1/1/1.8, activated [135,
SiO2 and AC; 10
activated GHSV=10000-2000 h-1 carbon > SiO2 139]
wt.% for MgO
carbon Reduction: in H2 at 500°C for 1h3 > MgO4
Temp. 550°C, mcat=100mg,
α-Al2O3, γ- CH4/CO2=1, W/F=0.55gcath/mol; γ-Al2O3 > α-
10 wt.%/IMP Al2O3, CeO2, Al2O3 > ZrO2 > [140]
Reduction: in H2 at 327°C for 2.5h
La2O3, ZrO2 CeO2 > La2O3
Temp. 650°C, mcat=50mg, MgAl2O4>
CH4/CO2/N2=1/1/3, ZrO2-Al2O3 ≈
4 wt.%/IMP SiO2-Al2O3, [141]
Reduction: in H2/N2 at 550°C for 1h δ,θ-Al2O3 >>
SiO2, MgO,
Temp. 750°C, mcat=100mg, Al2O3-MgO >
TiO2, ZrO2,
MgO > SiO2 >
8 wt.%/IMP Al2O3, MgO CH4/CO2=1/1, [142]
Al2O3 > ZrO2 >>
Al2O3-MgO Reduction: in H2/N2 at 700°C for 1h TiO2
zeolite A,
Temp. 700°C, mcat=200mg Zeolite Y ≈
zeolite X,
ZSM-5 >
7 wt.%/IMP zeolite Y, CH4/CO2=1/1, GHSV=30000 [110]
zeolite X >>
ZSM-5 Reduction: in H2 at 600°C for 1h zeolite A
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Nickel supported on SiO2, TiO2, MgO and activated carbon was investigated by Bradford
et al. [135, 139]. The initial activity of tested catalyst expressed as turnover frequency (TOF),
followed the sequence: TiO2 > activated carbon > SiO2 > MgO. The catalytic activity of tested
materials also followed the ability of the catalysts to activate C-H bond cleavage in methane via
electron donation to anti-bonding orbitals in methane. However, only Ni/MgO catalyst, although
the least active, did not show deactivation up to 44h TOS. For Ni/TiO2 deactivation was attributed
to the formation of TiOx species which migrated to nickel crystallites and may have caused blockage
of DRM active sites. At the same time, the blockage of active sites by carbon deposits and sintering
of nickel species were found responsible for the loss of catalytic activity for Ni/TiO2, Ni/AC and
Ni/SiO2 catalyst. The authors concluded that the type of support strongly influenced the properties
of the catalysts in e.g. electron-donating ability, basicity, metal-support interactions, and thus can
suppress carbon-forming reactions. The carbon formation resistivity over the tested catalysts
followed the sequence: Ni/MgO > Ni/TiO2 >> Ni/SiO2. The low amount of carbon deposits formed
on MgO and TiO2 was attributed, among others, to strong metal support interactions. The high
amount of whisker-type carbon deposits was observed over Ni/SiO2 catalyst, with no metal-support
interactions. Ni/MgO catalyst formed NiO-MgO solid solution, thus stabilizing surface Ni-Ni bonds
and preventing carbon diffusion into nickel particles, which is believed to be the first stage of
whisker-type carbon deposits formation. The authors showed that the type of the support
influenced the stabilization of different CHx intermediates formed via dissociative methane
adsorption. The reported values of CHx were equal to CH2.7 for Ni/MgO, CH2.4 for Ni/Al2O3, CH1.9 for
Ni/TiO2 and CH1 for Ni/SiO2 [143], which follows the sequence of the catalyst resistance to coke
The catalytic activity of Ni supported on alumina and alumina mixed with MgO, ZrO2 and
SiO2 prepared via plasma method was investigated by Damyanova et al. [141]. The most beneficial
in DRM reaction was the application of MgAl2O4 support, which exhibited the highest conversions
of CH4 and CO2 equal, respectively, to 75 and 81%, as well as values of H2/CO molar ratio closest to
unity. The mixed ZrO2-Al2O3 catalyst showed performance similar to that of the alumina-supported
catalyst, while the lowest conversions were observed for SiO2-Al2O3 support. However, only
Ni/MgAl2O4 catalyst was stable. Catalytic activity followed the same sequence as catalyst resistance
to coke formation. The best performance of MgAl2O4 catalyst was ascribed to the high number of
exposed metal sites, as the catalysts exhibited the smallest Ni particles (ca. 5.1nm) and the highest
dispersion. Additionally, according to the H2-TPR profiles, the applied catalyst reduction conditions
were most probably insufficient for the complete reduction of NiO to metallic nickel for these
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
catalysts. Thus, the coexistence of Ni2+ and Ni0 species on the catalyst surface might have facilitated
the activation of CH4 and CO2, and further enhanced the activity and coke resistance.
Similar observations were reported by Zhang et al. [142], who recently compared catalytic
activity of Ni supported on MgO, Al2O3, MgO-Al2O3, ZrO2, SiO2 and TiO2 in DRM reaction. The highest
conversions and stable performance was observed only for Ni supported on a mixed alumina-
magnesia catalyst. Ni/SiO2 catalyst, which exhibited the highest metal dispersion and the highest
specific surface area, lost its high initial activity due to the sintering of active phase. The lowest
conversions were observed for Ni/TiO2 catalyst, while other tested samples showed significant
decrease in activity with TOS.
In general, all authors stated that the type of applied support has a significant influence
on the state of nickel species on the catalyst surface. The strong interactions between support and
active phase may result in the formation of inactive phases in DRM reaction, such as NiAl2O4 or
MgO-NiO solid solution. On the other hand, too weak interactions between nickel species and their
carrier promoted deactivation via sintering and formation of carbon deposits. From, discussed
articles it may be concluded that the most beneficial effect on the catalyst activity is connected to
mixed Al2O3-MgO support, which shows interactions between Ni phase and support of moderate
strength and is characterized by high basicity.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
reaction, the application of different types of promoters is usually aimed at increasing catalyst
stability rather than its activity. In general, the promoters in DRM reaction may be divided into
three groups: (I) alkali or alkaline earth metals, such as K, Li, Mg, Ca, Ba, (ii) rare earth metals, such
as Ce, Zr, La and (III) other metals, such as Au, Ag, Sn, Bi, As, Pb and Cu.
Alkali or alkaline earth metals are applied because of their basic properties, which
enhance catalyst affinity towards CO2, and thus can help to oxidize carbon deposits. Moreover, they
can form solid solution with NiO, increasing in this way the interactions between the support and
active phase, and thus resulting in the formation of small nickel crystallites upon reduction with H2,
as well as suppresses coking. Rare earth metal oxides (e.g. CeO2 or ZrO2) on the other hand, exhibit
redox properties, and thus also promote oxidation of carbon deposits. Other metals can be also
added to the catalyst and their role is to either modify existing active sites or to create new active
sites, and form in this way a bimetallic catalyst. The role of promoter can differ depending on the
amount applied, type of support and method of a promoter introduction. Large amounts of
promoters usually decrease catalytic activity due to the coverage of active sites [87]. Tables 4.6 and
4.7 present short review of different promoters applied in DRM reaction over Ni-based catalysts.
Table 4.6 The effect of alkali and rare earth metal promoters on Ni-based catalysts in dry methane reforming.
Loading Support Ni
Promoter Effect of promoter addition Ref.
(wt.%) (wt.%)
Divides Ni surface into smaller ensembles; [144]
K 1, 5, 10 γ-Al2O3 20
supress carbon deposition;
Partially blocks Ni active sites, Promotes [145]
K 0.2-5 γ-Al2O3 10
coke gasification; Decreases activity
Supress dissolution of carbon atoms in Ni [89]
K 0.125 MgO nd crystallites; Decreases activity; Increases
Improves stability, decreases activity and [140]
K, Li 0.5 CeO2 10 H2/CO molar ratio; K can block Ni active
sites; K catalyses C gasification
5, 10, Increases basicity of support; increases [105]
Mg 3 γ-Al2O3
15, 20 stability of the catalysts
Increased Ni dispersion; Decreased activity [146]
towards CH4
2.5, 5 Al2O3 15
Increased Ni dispersion; Increased activity;
Improved stability
Ca 102 γ-Al2O3 17 Increases activity and stability [147]
Improves reducibility of Ni; Inhibits [148]
Ba nd Al2O3 10 formation of NiAl2O4 spinel
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
Loading Support Ni
Promoter Effect of promoter addition Ref.
(wt.%) (wt.%)
Improves Ni dispersion, Improves stability, [93]
Ce 7 MgO 10
increases activity
Increases activity towards CH4, Improves [87]
Ce 1, 5, 10 Al2O3 5
Improved dispersion of Ni particles; [149]
Ce 3 Al2O3 11.5
Decreased activity;
montmo [114]
Ce 3, 5, 10 rmolonit 10 Increases activity and stability
Ce 6 SBA-15 5 Improved catalyst activity [150]
CeO2- Improves stability, decreases activity [100,
10 SBA-15 10
ZrO2 towards CO2 151]
1, 2, 3, clinopti [111]
Zr 8 Improves stability
4, 5, 6 olite
Promotes gasification of carbon deposits; [152]
Zr 1 α-Al2O3 2
Improves stability
Enhanced reducibility; Improved catalytic [153]
Zr 5 SiO2 10
Increased dispersion of Ni; Improved [154]
La 0.25-15 SiO2 10 interactions between Ni and SiO2;
Improved stability and activity
2 mol %
nd – no data
Osaki et al. [144] studied the effect of potassium addition into Ni/Al2O3 catalyst. The
studies revealed that K+, due to its basic character, enhances adsorption of CO2. However, the rate
of CO2 dissociation into CO and oxygen was not affected, suggesting that the increased stability of
the catalyst was not caused by oxidation of carbon deposits through enhanced CO2 adsorption. The
obtained results showed that potassium was present on the nickel crystallites and divided them
into smaller ensembles, thus nickel crystallites were too small to catalyse carbon-forming reactions.
The coverage of nickel crystallites by potassium resulted also in decreased activity due to the
blockage of active sites. Similar conclusions were drawn by Juan-Juan et al. [145] and Frusteri et al.
[89], who investigated K-promoted Ni/MgO catalyst. Their studies showed that K addition resulted
in electronic enrichment on the active sites and led to stronger interactions between Ni atoms and
electron-acceptor oxygen intermediates adsorbed on the catalyst surface. This prevented
dissolution of C atoms and as a consequence their nucleation and formation of carbon deposits.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The addition of potassium decreased catalytic activity but largely improved catalyst stability. Such
effect was also observed for both K and Li promoted Ni/CeO2 catalyst [140].
Magnesia was tested as a promoter for nickel supported on alumina by several authors
[105, 146, 149, 155]. Generally, small additions of magnesium had double promotion effect. Firstly,
it modified Ni-particles arrangement, due to the formation of MgAl2O4 spinel phase and the
suppressed formation of inactive NiAl2O4. This can be ascribed to the fact that basic MgO is
preferably reacting with acidic Al2O3, thereby inhibiting the reaction between NiO and alumina.
Secondly, magnesia inhibited agglomeration of coke deposits by an effective CO2 gasification. Both
effects resulted in increased catalyst stability. However, the initial activity of catalyst was reported
to be lower than for the unpromoted catalyst.
Sengupta et al. [146] compared Ni/Al2O3 catalyst promoted with Mg and Ca. The addition
of Ca was more beneficial than Mg promotion, as the catalytic activity towards CO2 and CH4 and
catalyst stability were improved for Ca-promoted material with respect to Mg-promoted and
unpromoted catalysts. Catalysts characterization revealed that the Ca addition resulted in the
formation of new active sites able to adsorb H2 and CO2. At the same time Mg had negative effect
on CO2 and CH4 conversion. The beneficial effect of Ca addition into Ni/Al2O3 catalyst were also
observed by Zhang et al. [147].
CeO2 is one of the commonly used promoters in DRM reaction. Wang et al. [87] tested
Ni/Al2O3 catalyst promoted with 1 to 10 wt.% Ce. The addition of Ce improved catalyst stability
regardless of Ce content with respect to unpromoted catalyst, as with increasing content of Ce Ni
dispersion increased as well. Similar observation was made by Yan et al. [149]. Moreover, the
addition of CeO2 prevented the formation of inactive NiAl2O4 phase and enhanced reducibility of
the catalyst. The results of TG experiments after reaction revealed that the catalyst resistance to
coking was increasing with the increasing content of ceria. Nevertheless, the authors stated that
the optimal content of Ce addition should be between 2-5%, as some blockage of active sites could
occur. Similar results were reported for Ni/MgO catalyst [93].
Studies carried out by Kaydouh et al. [150] showed the importance of the preparation
method on the catalyst activity. The effect of order of Ni and Ce introduction into SBA-15 by
impregnation method was investigated. When Ce was impregnated prior to Ni, the catalyst showed
much better performance than in case when nickel was deposited first. The increased activity of
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
the catalyst prepared by the former procedure was ascribed to the formation of smaller Ni
Table 4.7 The effect of introduction of a second metal to Ni-based catalyst in DRM reaction.
Loading Support Ni
Promoter Effect of promoter addition Ref.
(wt.%) (wt.%)
Improved stability by formation of easily [76]
Co 4 CeO2 8
oxidized carbon deposits
Increased activity and selectivity; Inhibits [156]
Co 3.75 CeO2 3.75
formation of carbon
Improved activity and selectivity; Inhibited [157]
Co 3.5 ZSM-5 3.5
formation of carbon
Increased catalytic activity and stability. [158]
Cu 1 SiO2 8 Stabilized Ni active sites; Inhibited
deactivation by CH4 decomposition;
CeO2- Increased activity; Catalyst quickly [159]
Fe 2 3
ZrO2 deactivated
Lowered activity of Ni surfaces; promotes [94]
0.3, 0.6,
Ag CeO2 10* RWGS; Accelerated combustion of coke
Improved catalytic activity, selectivity and [160]
Pt 0.3 MgO 5
Pt 0.4 Al2O3 10 Increased activity [161]
Improved activity and selectivity; Inhibited [162]
Pt 1 Al2O3 6
formation of carbon whisker-like deposits
CeO2- [159]
Rh 0.5 4.5 Increased activity and stability;
*mol %
Nd – no data
Zirconia addition onto various Ni supported catalyst has been studied [111, 152, 163].
In general, it has been reported that zirconia addition enhances reducibility of nickel species,
leading to higher activity of the catalyst [111, 152, 153]. Promotion by Zr had also a positive effect
on catalyst stability for nickel supported on alumina and clinoptolite catalysts. On the other hand,
Yao et al. [153] observed monotonic decrease in catalyst activity over Zr-promoted Ni/SiO2 catalyst,
which was caused by deposition of carbon deposits. The deactivation of catalyst was more evident
at lower temperatures.
Albarazi et al. [100, 151] promoted Ni/SBA-15 catalyst with ceria-zirconia, which was well
dispersed inside pores of the support, creating in this way a micro-mesoporous catalytic system
with a beneficial effect on DRM reaction. The promoted catalyst exhibited higher activity towards
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4, and its stability was also enhanced. However, the activity towards CO2 was slightly lower than
for the unpromoted catalyst.
Zhu et al. [154] studied addition of La, Mg, Zn and Co into Ni/SiO2 catalyst. The best
performance was observed for 5wt.% La promoted catalyst, which exhibited excellent stability in
DRM reaction within 30h. Similar stability was shown by Zn promoted catalyst. The high activity and
stability for the former were attributed to high dispersion of small nickel crystallites on the support
surface. Mg and Co addition did not improve catalyst stability significantly. The authors also
observed that Mg and La addition decreased the contribution of RWGS reaction, increasing H2/CO
molar ratio.
Ay and Uner [76] investigated Ni, Co and Ni-Co ceria supported catalysts in DRM. Their
results showed no beneficial influence of Co incorporation into Ni/CeO2 in terms of CH4 and CO2
conversions. Both Ni/CeO2 and Ni-Co/CeO2 catalysts showed very similar activity. The loss in CH4
and CO2 conversions was observed at the beginning of the reaction. It was attributed to the
deactivation of catalysts by carbon-forming reactions. However, the addition of Co into Ni/CeO2
resulted in formation of less stable carbon deposits (lower temperature of oxidation of carbon
deposits). It should be added that Co/CeO2 sample exhibited very low activity compared to Ni and
Ni-Co containing catalysts. The authors explained it by general lower activity of Co towards DRM
and strong interactions of Co with the support. A thin layer of ceria over active metal crystallites
was observed on TEM images, pointing to the blockage of active centres of DRM reaction for both
active catalysts. On the other hand, increased catalytic activity in DRM was observed by Luisetto et
al. [156] for Ni-Co bimetallic catalyst. Their research showed that Co-Ni alloy was formed on the
catalyst surface. It modified catalytic properties of the material, and thus increased activity,
selectivity and stability. Beneficial effect on catalytic activity of Co-Ni bimetallic catalyst supported
on ZSM-5 zeolite was observed also by Estephane et al. [157]. The bimetallic catalyst showed higher
activity and was more stable than monometallic nickel catalyst. It was attributed to a synergetic
effect of cobalt on nickel species, and Co played a role of oxidation catalyst for the removal of
catalytic coke.
Chen et al. [158] reported that the addition of Cu into Ni/SiO2 catalyst significantly
increased its stability. The copper addition stabilized the structure of active nickel sites on the
catalyst surface, thus preventing the loss of catalytic activity by sintering of nickel species.
Moreover, Cu inhibited deactivation arising from CH4 decomposition reaction. Cu-Ni species which
were formed on the catalyst surface, suppressed the formation of inactive carbon deposits during
DRM reaction.
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
Yu et al. [94] studied the promotion of Ni/CeO2 catalyst with Ag. This addition decreased
the activity of the catalyst due to the partial blockage of Ni active sites, but significantly increased
stability within 100h catalytic tests. The characterization of the catalyst showed that Ag species
were present on the step sites on Ni surface and a part of Ag species was bonded with ceria support.
The promotion with Ag also changed the type of catalytic coke from graphitic or whisker carbon to
amorphous carbonaceous deposits, which may play an active role in DRM reaction and are easier
to oxidize than graphitic carbon.
Small additions of Pt were reported to have a very beneficial effect on the performance
of Ni-based catalyst in DRM reaction [160-162]. Ni-Pt catalysts supported on MgO or Al2O3 exhibited
improved catalytic performance, higher selectivity towards H2/CO molar ratio and minimal
deposition of carbon deposits. Gould et al. [162] observed that no whiskers-type of carbon deposits
were formed for the Pt-Ni catalyst supported on Al2O3 which was prepared by atomic layer
deposition method. The enhanced catalytic performance of bimetallic catalyst was attributed to
the fact that Ni-Pt surfaces formed Ni-terminated surfaces which were associated with higher DRM
rates than Pt-terminated surfaces. Presence of Pt on the edges of Ni crystallites inhibited carbon
diffusion and thus resulted in higher resistance for coking.
Koubaissy et al. [159] reported that Rh addition into Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 catalyst enhanced its
stability and catalytic activity. However, carbon deposits were still present on the catalyst surface
after DRM catalytic test. Thermogravimetric experiments revealed that the addition of Rh had
influenced the type of carbon deposits formed during DRM reaction and resulted in the formation
of amorphous active carbon, which did not decrease conversions of CH4 and CO2.
Effects of the different promoters on the similar nickel supported catalysts were tested
by several authors in order to find out the best promoter [164-166]. Choi et al. [164] investigated
the effect of 2wt.% Co, Cu, Zr, Mn, Mo, Ti, Ag or Sn on catalytic activity of nickel supported on
commercial ICI 46-1 material composed of 13wt.% CaO, 6.5% K2O, 12% MgO and Al2O3. The carrier
contained high amounts of alkali oxides, and thus exhibited high basicity. The catalytic activity of
the tested materials followed the sequence for promoters: Co, Cu, Zr > unpromoted catalyst > Mn
> Ti > Mo > Ag > Sn. Although the catalysts promoted by Co, Cu and Zr exhibited higher activity, high
amounts of carbon were formed during the DRM reaction. On the other hand, the addition of Mn,
Mo and Ag resulted in good resistance to coking. It must be mentioned, however, that only in case
of the Mn-promoted sample registered conversions of CH4 and CO2 were similar to those for
unpromoted catalyst. This is why the authors stated that the best promotion effect was obtained
for manganese.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Castro Luna et al. [165] studied Ni/Al2O3 catalysts promoted by 0.5wt.% of K, Ca, Mn or
Sn. The DRM tests carried out at 750°C for 30h showed that the addition of promoters decreased
catalytic activity with respect to the unpromoted sample. Moreover, only for the catalysts doped
with K or Ca stable values of CH4 and CO2 conversions were registered, suggesting that samples did
not exhibit deactivation. The performance of the tested catalysts followed the sequence:
unpromoted catalyst > K > Ca > Sn > Mn.
The effect of Co, Ca, K, Ba, La, Mn or Ce promotion of Ni/MgO-ZrO2 catalyst was studied
by Fan et al. [166]. The activity of the prepared materials tested in DRM reaction at 750°C decreased
in the order Ni-Co > Ni-La ≈ Ni-Ce > Ni-Ba > Ni-Mn > Ni-K > Ni-Ca. The best performance of Ni-Co
catalyst was attributed to the Ni-Co solid solution which reduced coke formation and improved
catalytic conversion. Ni-La and Ni-Ce catalysts showed similar performance. The activity of Ni-Ba
and Ni-Mn catalyst dropped within 40h TOS. On the other hand, a fairly stable performance was
shown by Ni-K and Ni-Ca catalysts. The activity sequence followed that of metal dispersion. Carbon
deposits were present on all catalysts after 40h catalytic tests and the highest amount was
registered for Ni-Mn catalyst. Conclusions
The presented review of nickel based catalysts showed that the catalytic performance of
materials in DRM reaction is dependent on a number of factors. It is rather hard to establish the
best support and promoter, as reported materials were tested under different conditions, with
different loadings of metals and were prepared by different methods. Nevertheless, general trends
in catalysts for DRM process can be established.
Researchers are focusing on preparing materials with high dispersion and small size nickel
particles, which can be achieved by increasing interactions between nickel species and support. On
the other hand, too strong interactions can significantly decrease reducibility of nickel species, and
thus have negative effect on activity. Moderate interactions between Ni and support with high
dispersion of stable nickel species were reported for MgO-Al2O3 support (Table 4.4, 4.5).
The addition of promoters can drastically change catalytic properties of a material. The
positive effect of basic oxides and materials with high oxygen storage capacity is stressed in
literature. Another concept is to introduce a second metal into catalytic systems, in order to create
synergetic effect between Ni and other metal species, and inhibit in this way coking, as well as
increase material activity. However, the effect of promotor addition is dependent on the used
support, preparation method and promoter loading (Table 4.6, 4.7).
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
The mechanism of dry reforming of methane have been studied by a number of research
groups [97, 139, 167-175]. The earliest proposal of reaction mechanism was published in the 60s of
last century [44]. DRM mechanism was proposed to be similar to that of steam reforming, as water
is also present in DRM reaction (formed via RWGS) and operating conditions are similar. Since this
time the number of papers on DRM reaction mechanism based on theoretical calculations and
experimental analysis has increased significantly.
In general, two reaction paths are proposed, which include Eley-Rideal or Langmuir-
Hinshelwood mechanism (Table 4. 8). The mechanisms presented in Table 4.8 show general
reactions steps and do not consider formation of various other intermediate species. In Eley-Rideal
mechanism one reactant (CH4 or CO2) is assumed to be associatively adsorbed on the catalyst
surface. The species formed via dissociative adsorption of first reactant are subsequently reacting
with second reactant from the gas phase, leading directly to products. The latter is considered as a
rate-determining step [174].
The Eley-Rideal model of the reaction mechanism is less popular than Langmuir-
Hinshelwood mechanism, and there is a larger number of papers based on the latter. In the
Langmuir-Hinshelwood mechanism, adsorbed CH4 molecules are decomposed to CHx species and
hydrogen. CO2 adsorbed on the catalyst surface undergoes dissociation producing CO and adsorbed
oxygen species. Oxygen species can react with CHx species leading to H2 and CO.
Density functional theory (DFT) method has been used by many authors in order to
establish the mechanism of CO2 reforming of methane on Ni(111) planes [169-171, 173]. The
schematic representation of the resulting mechanism is presented in Fig. 4.3. First methane is
adsorbed on Ni active sites, and then it undergoes sequential dissociation into surface CHx species
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
(CH4 ⇌ CH3 ⇌ CH2 ⇌ CH) and surface H atoms. At the same time, CO2 undergoes dissociation on
the catalyst surface into CO and surface O species. In the next step, adsorbed CHx species can be
oxidized to CHxO. Moreover, the calculations confirmed that oxidation is more favoured than
dissociation into C and H. Oxidized CHxO species subsequently decompose to CO and surface H.
Mobile H atoms on the catalyst surface can form H2.
Fig. 4.3 Mechanism for dry reforming of methane on Ni catalyst proposed by Zhu et al. [173] (with the
permission of Elsevier).
Theoretical studies performed by Wang et al. revealed that in DRM reaction on Ni(111)
surfaces CO species are strongly adsorbed, which results in the accumulation of CO on the catalyst
surface and hinders subsequent reactions, and thus promotes the formation of carbon deposits via
Boudouard reaction. It may be therefore concluded that the research on the DRM catalyst should
be focused on the promotion of CO desorption.
The stability of a catalyst in the proposed mechanism is also dependent on the presence
of surface H and O atoms, which can help to eliminate carbon deposition. Surface H atoms are more
active than O species, which can explain why lower amounts of catalytic coke are formed during
SRM than DRM process. Wang et al. [170, 171] additionally proposed that the rate-limiting step in
DRM mechanism on Ni(111) surfaces is CH4 dissociation into CHx species. On the other hand,
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
calculations carried out by Zhu et al. [173] showed, that this is the case only at low temperatures,
at high temperatures the rate-determining step is oxidation of CHx species. The formation of CH3OH
and HCOOH was proven to be less favourable than H2 and CO, which explains high selectivities for
syngas obtained over nickel-based catalysts.
Although DFT studies provide very useful information about reaction mechanism, they do
not show the complete picture. Reported results showed that carbon and water formation is not
favourable on Ni(111) surfaces [170, 171], while in real reaction conditions these reactions proceed
easily on other Ni planes, resulting in catalyst deactivation. CH4 decomposition was reported to be
surface sensitive and proceed more easily on Ni(100) and Ni(110) surfaces [73, 169]. Water, on the
other hand, is formed via RWGS which accompanies DRM reaction [88, 91, 138, 140]. Moreover, in
theoretical studies the effect of the support is not included. Ferreira-Aparicio et al. [172] showed
that the mechanism of DRM reaction over Ru/Al2O3 is highly influenced by the presence of alumina
surface hydroxyl groups. Thus, experimental investigations of reaction mechanism provide more
accurate results.
Kroll et al. [168] investigated DRM mechanism on Ni/SiO2 catalyst. Their results showed
that during the first step of reaction, CH4 was decomposed on the Ni surface to C and H2. The C
atoms formed with nickel species carbide-like monomer, which created new active sites for DRM
reaction. The accumulation of this carbide-like active species resulted in the formation of carbon
whiskers or carbon veils. Methane dissociation proceeded fairly fast. The rate-limiting step was
oxidation of adsorbed surface carbon by oxygen atoms, the latter formed via dissociation of CO2.
This reaction requires migration of surface O and C atoms and surface diffusion was expected to be
unflavoured at high temperatures. Adsorbed H and O atoms might produce water.
Based on the literature review of the experimental data [97, 139, 168, 174-176], the
mechanism of DRM reaction over Ni catalyst, based on Langmuir-Hinshelwood model can be
described by four consecutive steps:
Step 1. Adsorption of methane on the Ni active site and its dissociation to produce
surface hydrogen and hydro-carbonate species. This step is considered a relevant
kinetic step.
Step 2. Adsorption of CO2 on nickel active site or basic support surface to form
carbonate (CO32-) and/or bicarbonate (HCO2-) species, which is followed by direct
CO2 dissociation to CO and O. The produced O surface atoms can combine with H
to form OH groups. The dissociation of CO2 can be assisted by H surface atoms
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Step 3. The surface hydroxyl groups of the support react with adsorbed CHx
species and formate-type intermediate species are produced. CHxO species are
subsequently decomposed to H2 and CO. A support may play a very important
role in this reaction step as it can be considered a sink for hydroxyl surface groups.
Therefore active site for the formation and decomposition of CHxO species may
be at the metal-support interface.
Step 4. CHxO intermediates can be also formed via reaction of surface O atoms
originating from CO2 dissociation and CHx species.
The rate-determining step in the proposed general mechanism of DRM reaction can differ
depending on the nature of a catalyst and reaction conditions. Generally there is no single rate-
determining step in methane reforming. The review on the DRM kinetics prepared by Kathiraser et
al. [174], showed that in the proposed mechanism of DRM reaction the following elementary steps
were considered as rate limiting: surface activation of methane on Ni species, surface reaction
between O or OH, surface reaction between O and CHx, carbon oxidation, reverse Boudouard
reaction or CO2 dissociation.
The industrial applications of dry reforming process are so far limited to a combination of
steam reforming and dry reforming reactions. The addition of CO2 into a feed allows to control
distribution of obtained products, i.e. H2/CO molar ratio. Depending on the subsequent application
of obtained synthesis gas, processes differ in operating parameters and feed composition. The
comparison of different large-scale reforming processes which apply CO2-rich gas is compared in
Table 4.9 [177].
Table 4.9 Comparison of full size monoreactor pilot experiments (HOU) and industrial plants (referenced with the country where they were constructed) of CO2 rich reforming with different
catalysts under different conditions. (adapted from [177]).
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The two most often mentioned in literature large-scale reforming technologies, which
apply DRM reaction, are CALCOR and SPARG processes [34].
In CALCOR process carbon monoxide is obtained by steam reforming of natural gas mixed
with recycled CO2 at high temperatures and high pressures in the presence of an undisclosed
catalyst. It is believed, that high resistance to coking in CALCOR process is obtained via application
of a few catalysts with various activities and shapes, which are placed in a different parts of
reformer tubes. The process requires highly cleaned feed in order to protect the catalysts from
sulphur poisoning. Usually in standard CALCOR process syngas with H2/CO molar ratio around 0.42
is obtained [179]. The required heat comes from the combustion of fossil fuels and tail gas from CO
purification units. It should be mentioned, however, that the application of DRM reaction in
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
CALCOR process does not result in CO2 emissions reduction. The analysis showed that for every ton
of CO produced, ca. 1.8 tons of CO2 is emitted to the atmosphere.
So far several concept of this CETS system has been considered for industrial application.
The most advanced developments have been made in the nuclear ADAM-EVA process [167]. The
application of DRM reaction is CETS systems has a huge potential. McCrary et al. [181] and Chubb
[182] proposed SOLCHEM technology. In this concept, reversible closed-cycle chemical reactions
are carried out in order to transport solar energy from solar collectors to a central station, where
the energy could be released in case of increased demand. The process investigated CO2 reforming-
methanation cycle, in which a mixture of CH4 and CO2 underwent dry reforming reaction at
temperatures higher than 700°C, giving H2 and CO. The energy for the DRM reaction was supplied
from the solar collectors. Obtained syngas can be transported and subsequently undergoes
methanation at temperatures below 600°C, to form methane and carbon dioxide. The stored
energy is released in this exothermic reaction. Although, the SOLCHEM concept has not been
developed on the industrial scale, it proposes an alternative way to use DRM reaction as an energy
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 4.4 The scheme of chemical energy transmission system (CETS) for transport and storage of energy
Ross et al. [48] analysed CO2 mitigation connected with potential future applications of
DRM reaction as the means of producing hydrocarbons via FT synthesis, methanol and carbon (via
reduction of CO). The results presented in Table 4.10, showed that the combination of DRM and
SRM could attribute to the reduction of CO2 emissions, if powered by non-fossil fuel energy source.
The application DRM process alone might be thus even more beneficial.
The main problem limiting the application of DRM reaction is the formation of carbon
deposits on the catalyst surface. Therefore, the commercialization of DRM reaction on industrial
scale is depended on the offer of new stable and active catalyst and price of ton of CO2 (around
8€ nowadays).
Chapter 4. Dry Reforming of Methane
Table 4.10 The comparison of different concepts of CO2 conversion to varied products, implementing DRM reaction
(adapted from [48])
Moles of CO2
Route mitigated per mole Conclusions
of CO2 consumed
CH4 to higher hydrocarbons (HC)
A net reduction of This is an effective method of CO2
CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2
0.95 moles of CO2 mitigation
CH4 + H2O ⇌ CO + 3H2
6CO + 13H2 ⇌ C6H12 + H2O
CH4 to methanol
Provides a trap for some CO2. The
methanol production by combined
A net reduction of
CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2 SRM-DRM process will contribute
0.66 moles of CO2
CH4 + H2O ⇌ CO + 3H2 only to small global CO2 emissions
CO + 2H2 ⇌ CH3OH
CH4 to carbon
Reactions: Offers an energy efficient means of
A net reduction of
CO2 mitigation. Carbon can be used
CH4 + CO2 ⇌ 2CO + 2H2 1 mole of CO2
as adsorbent or as catalyst support.
2CO + 2H2 ⇌ 2C + 2H2O
5 Hydrotalcites and hydrotalcite-derived materials
Layered/lamellar materials thanks to their specific properties and bi-dimensional
structure found applications in catalytic and adsorption technologies. The first hydrocracking
process developed over 90 years ago was based on acid-treated clays [183]. Since then, research
on these type of materials has been largely developed and resulted in a large spectrum of textural,
compositional and structural modifications of layered materials. Thanks to such modifications it is
possible to tailor properties of these materials, which makes them very interesting for catalysis.
All lamellar solids may be divided into three groups depending on the charge of the layers
[183, 184]:
This chapter is focused on the anionic clays, layered double hydroxides (LDHs) or
hydrotalcite-like materials (HTs), methods of their synthesis and modifications, their physico-
chemical and catalytic properties, and, especially, activity of LDHs-derived materials in DRM
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Table 5.1 Minerals from hydrotalcite and manasseite group. (Data adapted from [185, 186])
where: M2+, M3+ - di- and tri-valent cations, A – interlayer anions, x – mole fraction of trivalent
cations, the part [M2+1-xM3+x(OH)]2 describes the composition of brucite-like layers and the part
[(An-x/n)·mH2O] describes composition of interlayer spaces.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
can replace Mg2+ and Al3+ need to have ionic radii similar to those of magnesium and aluminium.
The ionic radii of cations which can be introduced into hydrotalcite structure are presented in Table
5.2. Secondly, the molar ratio between di- and tri-valent cations, described by mol fraction of tri-
valent cations x, needs to be appropriate. In general, it has been reported that x values between
0.2 and 0.33 guarantee the synthesis of pure hydrotalcite structure. However, successful synthesis
of hydrotalcite with x in the range of 0.1-0.5 has also been reported [185]. The nature of cations
introduced into brucite-like layers is another important factor. Excess of some cation can cause the
formation of additional phase e.g. separate hydroxide. Cations such as Cu2+, Ni3+ or Mn3+, when
introduced in high amounts, will form separate phases of carbonates or hydroxides thanks to Jahn-
Teller effect, which involves the distortion of octaherda. Kannan et al. [189] reported that for
Cu/Mg/Al-containing hydrotalcites, it is possible to obtain LDHs phase only when Cu2+/Mg2+ is equal
or lower than 1. The excess of Mg2+ stabilizes copper cations in an octahedral coordination of HTs
lattice. In cases of Cu2+/Mg2+ molar ratios higher than unity Jahn-Teller distortion causes formation
of CuCO3 phase.
Generally, di- and tri-valent cations are placed in the brucite-like layers of hydrotalcite.
However, it is possible to introduce mono-valent and tetra-valent cations into the layers. To
mention some examples, Pavel et al. [190] reported a successful synthesis of Li/Al hydrotalcite,
Tichtit et al. [191] introduced Zr4+ and Velu et al. [192] Sn4+ cations into brucite-like layers.
Table 5.2 Ionic radii of different cations, which can be placed in hydrotalcite brucite-like layers (adapted from [185].
Mg2+ Cu2+ Ni2+ Co2+ Zn2+ Fe2+ Mn2+
0.065 0.069 0.072 0.074 0.074 0.076 0.080
Al3+ Ga3+ Ni3+ Co3+ Fe3+ Mn3+ Cr3+ V3+ Ti3+
0.050 0.062 0.062 0.063 0.064 0.066 0.069 0.074 0.076
Ti4+ Sn4+ Zr4+
0.068 0.071 0.080
There is practically no limitation when it comes to the type of anions present in the HTs
interlayer spaces. The most common anions present in the interlayer spaces are carbonates, which
can be exchanged for other type of anions. This gives an opportunity of obtaining a variety of
compositions for the interlayer domains. The following families of anions can be found in HDTs
structure [185-188]:
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Non-metal oxoanions (BO33-, CO32-, NO3-, Si2O52-, HPO42-, SO42-, ClO4-, AsO43-, SeO42-
, BrO4- etc.),
Anionic polymers.
The presence of different types of anions in the interlayer spaces influences the distance
between brucite-like layers, which may be described by parameter c of hydrotalcite unit cell or c’
(c’=c/3). The values of some c’ parameters characteristic for the presence of some inorganic anions
in hydrotalcite structure are presented in Table 5.3 [185].
Table 5.3 Values of c' for some hydrotalcites (adapted from [185])
It can be seen from Table 5.3 that in case of halides (monovalent) anions basal spacing
increases with increasing anionic radius. On the other hand, the low distance reported for CO32-
(less than the CO2 diameter) suggests a very strong interaction between layers and anions, which is
caused by strong hydrogen bond in carbonate containing hydrotalcites. The low value of c’ reported
for OH- is related to the strong hydrogen bridges between OH- of the brucite-like layers and water.
Therefore, the hydrotalcite-like materials with CO32- and OH- anions exhibit the best close-packed
arrangement [185].
The type of anions present in the interlayer spaces determines chemical properties of
hydrotalcite and availability of internal surface area for other species in chemical reaction. In
general, organic anions are considered to favour ion-exchange, and thus it is easier to replace them
in e.g. with anionic polymers. On the other hand, introduction of oxometallate anions or anionic
complexes of transition metals allows to increase the composition of hydrotalcite by metals which
cannot be introduced to brucite-like layers.
5.2 Properties
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
unique structure, exhibit some common features e.g. basic character or memory effect. One of the
most important properties of hydrotalcite-like materials is the possibility of formation of
homogenous mixtures containing well-dispersed elements in both layer and interlayer domains
Water and gaseous products of anion decomposition, upon release from hydrotalcite
structure, may create channels in brucite-like layers, leading to the formation of additional porosity
and mesoporous structure. Thus, mixed-oxides obtained during hydrotalcite calcination usually are
characterized by higher specific surface area than the parental materials [185].
Upon further heating, the periclase-like structure of mixed oxides may undergo structural
changes, leading to the formation of stable spinel phase. This phenomenon is dependent on
material composition and usually takes place at high temperature (above 700°C). However, e.g. the
formation of MgFe2O4 spinel was reported for Mg-Fe-CO3 hydrotalcite already upon heating at
350°C [186].
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
(usually below 550°C). Calcination at higher temperatures leads to the formation of stable spinel
phase, and thus the material loses its ability to reconstruct layered structure [185-188].
Fig. 5.3 The simplified representation of the reconstruction of hydrotalcite structure – ‘memory effect’
Hydrotalcites and hydrotalcite-derived materials are generally basic, as HTs possess basic
surface hydroxyl groups. The basicity of the material depends strongly on the chemical composition
of brucite-like layers, i.e. the nature and molar fraction of metal cations. The acidic-basic properties
of hydrotalcites may be to some extent tailored e.g. by substitution of some cations by others with
higher basicity, as for carbonate-containing hydrotalcites basicity is related to the electronegativity
of the cations in brucite-like layers [188]. Another possibility, in which acid-base properties of HTs
may be tailored, is the introduction of different species with acidic character into interlayers spaces.
The materials obtained upon hydrotalcite calcination show even more developed acidic-
basic character. Typically, three types of basic sites may be distinguished on the surface of
hydrotalcite-derived materials: (i) weak Brønsted basic sites – surface hydroxyl groups, (ii)
intermediate-strength Lewis metal-oxygen pairs and (iii) strong basic sites – low coordinated O2-
anions, as confirmed by FTIR experiments of adsorbed CO2 molecule [184, 196, 197] (Fig. 5.4).
Additionally, acidic Mn+ sites may also be distinguished.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 5.4 Adsorption of CO2 on basic sites of hydrotalcite-derived material (adapted from [196, 197])
𝑥 105
𝐴𝐶𝐸 = (eq. 5.2)
Anion exchange capacity of hydrotalcites is usually higher than that shown by cationic
clays, and ranges between 200-400 cmol/kg. The values of ACE for selected hydrotalcite materials
are presented in Table 5.4 [186].
Table 5.4 The values of anion-ecxchange capacity for selected hydrotalcites (adapted from [186])
The anion exchange properties depend strongly on the type of anion present in the
interlayer spaces. E.g. carbonate-containing hydrotalcite exhibits strong interactions between CO32-
and brucite-like layers which results in close-packed arrangement, as discussed in Chapter 5.1 and
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
that is why it is difficult to exchange carbonate anions with others. In general, monovalent anions
are more easily exchangeable than divalent anions.
5.3.1 Co-precipitation
The co-precipitation method has been proven to give hydrotalcite-like materials which
exhibit high crystallinity, small particle size, high specific surface area and high average pore
diameter, making these materials suitable for industrial applications [186].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 5.5 The scheme of the decomposition of urea in aqueous solution (adapted from [204])
The urea method was reported to give hydrotalcite-like materials with very high
crystallinity, large crystallites (in the range of μm) and very homogenous particle size. The method
was also reported to be suitable for obtaining hydrotalcites with hexagonal shape [186].
The sol-gel method involves in the first step the formation of a mobile colloidal suspension
(sol), which is subsequently gelling through internal cross-linking. The hydrotalcite-like materials
are formed through hydrolysis and subsequent condensation of a solution which typically contains
alkoxides and/or acetylacetonates [188]. The materials prepared by sol-gel method exhibit higher
thermal stability (up to 550°C), higher specific surface area due to the increase in mesopore volume
with respect to co-precipitated samples. On the other hand, co-precipitation results in the
formation of materials with higher crystallinity. It has been also reported that sol-gel technique may
result in the materials with increased basicity due to the difference in texture and morphology of
prepared hydrotalcites [186].
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Salt oxide method involves a reaction between metal oxide, such as MgO, ZnO or CuO and
metal salts, typically nitrates or chlorides, such as AlCl3, CrCl3. Metal oxides are progressively
dissolved, resulting in co-precipitation of hydrotalcite-like materials. This process can be expressed
by reaction 5.4 [186, 188]:
5.3.5 Reconstruction
The reconstruction technique has its limitations. It has been reported that repeated
calcination/rehydration cycles result in the decrease of the content of interlayer carbonate anions
and an increase in the extraction of Al3+ from brucite-like layers. Moreover, not all M2+-M3+
combinations can undergo reconstruction. E.g. the reconstruction of Fe3+ hydrotalcites is limited
due to the formation of MgFe2O4 spinel phase upon calcination even at low temperatures [186].
5.3.6 Anion-exchange
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The orders presented in Table 5.5 prove a very strong affinity of carbonate anions to
hydrotalcite structure. Therefore, similarly as in the reconstruction method, it is important to carry
out anion exchange under CO2-free atmosphere. It can be also seen that in general the affinity for
divalent anions is higher than for monovalent anions. Thus, the best precursors for anion exchange
modification are nitrate- and chloride-containing hydrotalcites [185, 186].
Monovalent anions
OH > F- > Cl- > Br- > NO3- > I-
Divalent anions
CO32- > C10H4N2O8S2- > SO42-
Divalent oxoanions
HPO42-, HAsO42- > CrO42- > SO42- > MoO42-
Divalent and monovalent anions
CO32- >> SO42- > Cl- > ClO4- > NO3- > CH3COO-
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Hydrotalcite-like materials and products of their thermal decomposition have found very
broad applications in various fields thanks to their exceptional properties. Current applications of
hydrotalcite materials are shown in Fig. 5.6. The following subchapter is focused mostly on
applications of HTs and its derivatives in catalysis and as CO2 adsorbents.
Because of their basic character hydrotalcites have been studied as potential adsorbents
of CO2. Special attention has been paid to its application as adsorbents in separation of CO2 from
flue gases in fossil fuel-based power plants [207, 208] or in in-situ separation of CO2 from reaction
chambers [209-211], so called sorption-enhanced reaction processes (SERP), where carbon dioxide
is considered as a by-product. The former offers benefits of in-plant utilization of CO2 as a feedstock
for further catalytic processes, e.g. dry reforming of methane. SERP can be used in steam reforming
of methane technology, resulting in the increase of hydrogen production by shifting equilibrium
according to Le Chatelier’s principle, and in higher H2 purity [211, 212]. Both concepts contribute
to carbon dioxide mitigation and address the problem of CO2 emissions.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
interlayer spaces, the water content/presence of steam and the presence of promoters [210, 212].
Adsorption capacities of various hydrotalcites reported in literature is presented are Table 5.6.
Table 5.6 CO2 adsorption capacities of main HTs reported in literature (adapted from [212])
Cations in brucite-like layers possess different basicities, and thus the affinity of CO2
towards them also differs. Yong et al. [210] reported that at 25°C adsorption of CO2 on different
hydrotalcites decreased in the order: NiAl > MgAl > CoAl > ZnAl > CuAl, while at 300°C the highest
adsorption capacity was exhibited by CoAl hydrotalcite. The M2+/M3+ may also modify CO2
adsorption capacities of HTs. E.g. in case of Al3+-containing hydrotalcites, the density of the layer
charge increases with increasing content of alumina, which favours adsorption of CO2. On the other
hand, with the increasing alumina content, the decrease in the interlayer spacing is observed, which
results in decrease of high strength carbon dioxide adsorption sites. Similarly, the presence of
different types of anions influences the basal spacing between hydrotalcite layers, and thus its
adsorption capacity [210]. Ding et al. [207, 209] and Oliveira et al. [211] reported enhanced CO2
adsorption capacities for alkali metals (K, Cs) promoted hydrotalcites.
The presence of water or steam was proven to increase CO2 adsorption capacity of HTs
[207, 210-212]. H2O may have double effect on CO2 adsorption of hydrotalcites [210]: (i) increase
potential energy and (ii) activate adsorption sites by maintaining the hydroxyl concentration of the
surface, and preventing site poisoning by carbonates or coke deposition. Moreover, as reported by
Ding et al. [207], purging adsorbent with steam facilitates recovery of CO2.
In contrast to other materials tested for CO2 adsorption, such as carbonaceous materials,
zeolites, metal organic frameworks, amine sorbents, carbonates or silica, hydrotalcite-like materials
show good stability in the presence of water and in cyclic operation [212].
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
5.4.2 Catalysis
Fig. 5.7 A simplified representation of main routes leading to obtaining supported metal catalysts from hydrotalcite
precursors (adapted from [184]).
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Table 5.7 Hydrotalcite-derived catalysts used in various catalytic processes reported in literature
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
the second route, initial hydrotalcite undergoes ion exchange with anionic metal precursor
containing desired metal. Third route involves the deposition of inorganic or organometallic
precursors of metals on the calcined hydrotalcite material and the subsequent reconstruction of
hydrotalcite structure. All preparation routes in the final stage involve calcination and/or reduction
resulting in the final supported metal catalyst.
As reported in Chapter 4, the promising catalysts for dry reforming reaction are nickel-
based ones supported on mixed magnesia-alumina. These supports guarantee intermediate-
strength interactions between nickel active sites and their carrier, preventing in this way sintering
of active material and the formation of inactive phases (NiAl2O4 or NiO-MgO solid solution).
Moreover, the industrial processes which apply DRM reaction combined with SRM are based on
similar catalytic systems. Thus, hydrotalcite-like materials seem to be very promising catalysts
precursors for DRM reaction, as it is possible to design material composed of Ni, MgO and Al 2O3
with very good homogeneity. Additionally, by precursor modification via anion exchange or
reconstruction methods it is possible to introduce various promoters into catalytic system. The
following chapter summarizes the studies on catalytic performance of nickel-based hydrotalcite-
derived materials in the DRM reaction reported so far in literature.
The substitution of a part or all of Mg2+ cations by Ni2+ in the Mg,Al-CO3 hydrotalcite
structure results in the simplest catalytic systems which can be applied in dry reforming reaction.
The materials based on Ni/Mg/Al and Ni/Al hydrotalcites tested in DRM and reported in literature
are presented in Table 5.8.
Bhattacharyya et al. [118], as one of the first, tested hydrotalcite-derived Ni/Al and
Ni/Mg/Al mixed oxides catalysts in the combined dry/steam reforming reactions and compared
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
their catalytic activity to the commercial NiO supported catalysts. Their studies showed that both
Ni/Al and Ni/Mg/Al catalysts exhibit very good activity at the similar level to the commercial
material. Hydrotalcite-derived samples turned out to be more active under more severe reaction
conditions (higher GHSV, and lower H2O/CH4 feed gas composition) and more resistant to coke
formation, indicating that the hydrotalcite-derived catalysts are promising materials for dry
reforming reaction. This research was continued by several researchers and the comparison of Ni/Al
and Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-derived materials tested in dry reforming reaction is summarized in
Table 5.8.
The influence of Mg/Al molar ratio in Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcites was examined by Zhu et al.
[120]. The authors varied Mg/Al molar ratio from 1/5 to 5. The results of catalytic tests showed that
the performance of hydrotalcite-derived materials was dependent on the Mg/Al molar ratio, and
was increasing with increasing Mg/Al, pointing to the strong influence of magnesia content on the
DRM reaction. Moreover, the sample with the highest magnesium content exhibited also the
highest resistance to coke formation. However, it is important to stress, that high Mg/Al ratios
resulted in the formation, beside hydrotalcite structure, of Mg5(CO3)4(OH)2·3H2O phase, thus
catalytic activity of the sample with the highest Mg/Al ratio may have been affected by the presence
of MgO phase.
Touahra et al. [121] studied hydrotalcite derived Ni/Al mixed oxides with varying Ni/Al
molar ratio (2, 3, 5, 8, 10) in DRM in the temperature range of 400-700°C. The samples calcined at
800°C exhibited the presence of NiAl2O4 spinel phase, which was explained as the main reason for
the high stability of the catalysts tested in DRM. The best catalytic performance was shown by NiAl-
HT sample with Ni/Al ratio equal to 2, pointing to the influence of Ni/Al molar ratio on the Ni particle
size, and stability of the material. Thouahra et al. [121] examined also the influence of calcination
temperature on the performance of Ni/Al catalysts showing that temperature below 500°C is not
affecting the catalytic activity.
Table 5.8 The summary of Ni/Mg/Al and Ni/Al hydrotalcite-based catalytic systems tested in dry reforming of methane.
NiAl and Co-precipitation Ni2+, 1, 0.2 2, 3 nd 815 1.25 720 250 70 52 1.0 [118]
NiMgAl HTs at constant pH Mg2+, Al3+
Co-precipitation Ni2+, 1/2 3 94 nd nd [119]
NiMgAl HTs; Ni 650 and
at constant pH Mg2+, Al3+
supported on 850°C for 800 1/13) 54000 6
MgAl HT Impregnation of 2+ 3+ 1) 14h in air
Mg , Al 25.1 3 92 nd nd
Ni2+ on MgAl HT
NiMgAl HTs Co-precipitation Ni2+, 1/5, 6, 4, 2, 500°C for 800 1/1 80000 30 82 88 nd [120]
at constant pH Mg2+, Al3+ 1/3, 1 2/3,2/5 10h in air
300, 400, [121]
Co-precipitation 2, 3, 5, 500, 600,
NiAl HTs Ni2+, Al3+ - 700 1/13) nd 10 88 88 1.0
at constant pH 8, 10 700, 800°C
for 6h
Co-precipitation Ni2+, 0.5, 1, 0.4, 0.9, 400, 600, 45000 [122]
NiMgAl HTs 800°C for 6h 650 1/23) 4) nd 83 38 1.2
at constant pH Mg2+, Al3+ 2, 5 2
in air
Ni supported on Co-precipitation Ni2+, 1, 3, 5, nd 900°C for 5h 750 1/1 50000 10 85 96 0.9 [123]
MgAl HTs at constant pH Mg2+, Al3+ 10, 151)
Ni2+, 4, 15, 500, 650°C 2.94· [124]
NiMgAl HTs Sol-gel method nd 800 1/13) 8 96 94 nd
Mg2+, Al3+ 191) for 5h 10-5,5)
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Table 5.8 continuation
Ni introduced Anion exchange Mg2+, Al3+ 1/11 3.3 500°C for 97 95 1.0
800 1/13) nd 6
into MgAl HTs 16h in air
Reconstruction Mg2+, Al3+ 1/11 3.6 97 94 1.0
Surfactant- [128]
Ni2+, 1)
NiMgAl HTs assisted co- 10 3 700°C for 6h 800 1/1 60000 35 47 62 nd
Mg2+, Al3+
Table 5.8 continuation
Ni2+, [133]
1.125 2 93 95 1.0
NiMgAl and Co-precipitation Mg2+, Al3+ 800°C for 6h 300
750 1/13) 8
NiAl HTs at constant pH in air 000
Ni2+, Al3+ - 2 68 90 0.7
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
On the other hand, temperatures above 500°C could modify catalytic properties of the
samples due to the formation of spinel phases, which increased interactions between the support
and active material. Similar results were obtained by Perez-Lopez et al. [122] who studied the effect
of composition and calcination temperature of Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with varying
MII/MIII and Ni/Mg molar ratios on their catalytic activity in DRM reaction. They observed that
catalytic performance of Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcites was mostly affected by MII/MIII molar ratio rather
than Ni/Mg ratio, being the most efficient for catalysts with Ni/Mg ratio between 1-5 and fixed
MII/MIII ratio around 2, calcined at 600°C and reduced at 700°C.
Gonzalez et al. [124] studied Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides with 4, 15 and
19wt.% of nickel prepared by sol-gel method. They also checked the influence of moderate
calcination temperatures (500-650°C) in order to avoid the formation of spinel structures. The
prepared catalysts were affected by side reactions CH4 decomposition, Boudouard reaction and
RWGS. The best catalytic performance was shown by the catalyst with 15% nickel loading, calcined
at 650°C, as it gave high conversions of CH4 and CO2 and, at the same time, produced the lowest
amounts of carbon and H2O. The amount of carbon formed during reaction was influenced by the
calcination temperature of hydrotalcite precursor and was decreasing with increase in
The effect of nickel loading within the range of 3-18 wt.% for Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite
derived mixed oxides was investigated by Lin et. al. [125]. The authors found that both CH4 and CO2
conversions increased with increasing Ni loading. However, the influence of side reactions, namely
CH4 decomposition and CO disproportionation, was more evident at low temperatures for the
catalysts with high nickel content. The 30h tests carried out at 600 and 750°C showed that the
stability of the catalysts was dependent on reaction temperature and nickel content. At 750°C it
was increasing with increasing nickel content. The opposite trend was observed at 600°C. The coke
deposition over the catalysts tested at 600°C was increasing with Ni loading, as a result of the
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
sintering of nickel particles, and thus promotion of carbon-forming reactions. On the other hand,
at 750°C the amount of coke deposits was decreasing with increasing Ni content.
Tan et al. [128] studied Ni/Mg/Al mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcites, which were
synthesized via surfactant-assisted co-precipitation method. The authors used 3 different
surfactants at the co-precipitation stage in order to modify catalysts properties (texture,
reducibility, structure and nickel distribution on the catalysts surface). The DRM catalytic tests
showed that the surfactants significantly affected the catalytic performance of materials, especially
the co-precipitation in the presence of tetrapropylammonium hydroxide (TPAOH) resulted in the
increase of CH4 and CO2 conversions. The charge properties and coordination abilities towards
metal ions of different surfactants may influence the growth of specific crystal planes. The authors
showed that the catalytic performance in DRM reaction was strongly affected by the exposure of
Ni(200) plane. The improved catalytic performance of the sample synthesized in the presence of
TPAOH was explained by the increase in the exposure of Ni(200) plane. Nevertheless, all tested
catalysts showed a decrease in catalytic activity at 800°C over 40h tests.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
5.5.2 Ce promotion
The addition of cerium to Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcites was widely studied by Daza et al., who
investigated the effect of the method of cerium introduction [233], of Ce loading [234-236] and
hydrotalcite preparation method [237]. The authors compared DRM catalytic performance of
Ni/Mg/Al co-precipitated material with Ce-promoted samples (5 wt.% of Ce) prepared via co-
precipitation in solutions of Na2CO3, [Ni(EDTA)]2- and [Ce(EDTA)]- [233]. In all cases, ceria-promoted
samples exhibited higher activity than unpromoted catalyst. The promoting effect of ceria was
attributed to the increase of reducibility of nickel species without simultaneous reduction in the
size of the formed Ni particles. The best catalytic performance was observed for the catalyst
obtained by conventional co-precipitation in Na2CO3, with average CH4 and CO2 conversions after
200h TOS equal to ca. 78% and 87%, respectively. Moreover, it was observed that the sample
loaded with a small amount of Ni (prepared via co-precipitation in solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2-
complexes) exhibited similar performance to the samples loaded with much higher Ni content,
which was attributed to the formation of very small nickel crystallites (smaller than 5nm).
Daza et al. [234] also studied the influence of Ce content in Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-derived
catalysts. Ceria was introduced into hydrotalcite structure by reconstruction method with
[Ce(EDTA)]- complexes and nominal loading of Ce was equal to 0, 1, 3, 5 or 10 wt.%. Ce-promoted
materials exhibited an increase in total basicity after calcination and reduction in the stream of H2
with the increasing ceria content. The authors confirmed the coexistence of Ce2O3 and CeO2 on the
catalyst surface. CO2 during DRM may be adsorbed on the redox centres of Ce2O3, producing CO
and CeO2 in a redox cycle. CeO2 may further react with deposited carbon, giving Ce2O3 and CO2. This
proposed mechanism may explain the increase in total basicity and the increased stability of Ce-
promoted catalysts. In general, higher conversions of CH4 than CO2 were observed for ceria
containing samples, which may be explained by the conversion of methane into light hydrocarbons
or by the CH4 decomposition. The amount of Ce introduced did not have significant influence on
CH4 and CO2 conversions and H2/CO molar ratio. However, it influenced the formation of carbon
deposits. The smallest amounts of catalytic coke were formed on the samples loaded with small
amount of Ce, between 1-3 wt.%. Thus, the authors stated that the optimal nominal value of Ce
promotion is 3 wt.% [235]. Similar conclusions were driven in another study of these authors, where
ceria was introduced into hydrotalcite catalytic system at the co-precipitation stage and samples
with different Al/Ce molar ratios were studied [236]. The reducibility of the catalysts was increasing
with the increasing ceria content, i.e. decreasing Al/Ce ratios, which resulted in the formation of
bigger Ni crystallites, and thus had negative effect on the catalysts stability.
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
The same authors also compared the performance of Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcites synthesized
via co-precipitation and self-combustion in glycine methods [237]. Mixed oxides obtained by
calcination of resulting hydrotalcites underwent additionally reconstruction in solution of
[Ce(EDTA)]- complexes. Much better performance was shown by the sample derived from self-
combusted hydrotalcite, and this catalyst exhibited higher value of specific surface area, pore
volumes and total basicity.
Table 5.9 Methods of ceria introduction into Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite derived mixed oxides tested in DRM
Method of Ce Ce
Method of hydrotalcite Ni/ Calcination
introduction into HT content Ref.
synthesis Mg conditions
structure (wt.%)
Co-precipitation in solution At co-precipitation
500°C for 16h in
of Na2CO3, [Ce(EDTA)]- or stage in form of Ce3+ 1/2 5 [233]
[Ni(EDTA)]2- cations or [Ce(EDTA)]-
Co-precipitation at 0, 1, 3, 500°C for 16h in
method with solution 2 [234]
constant pH 5, 10 air
of [Ce(EDTA)]-
Co-precipitation at 0, 1, 3, 500°C for 16h in
method with solution 2 [235]
constant pH 10 air
of [Ce(EDTA)]-
At co-precipiatation
Co-precipitation at 24, 9, 4, 500°C for 16h in
stage in form of Ce3+ 2 [236]
constant pH 1,51) air
Co-precipitation at Reconstruction
500°C for 16h in
constant pH and self- method with solution 2 3 [237]
combustion method of [Ce(EDTA)]-
At co-precipitation
Co-precipitation at stage in form of Ce3+
202) 1-101) 500°C for 4h [238]
constant pH cations and by
1) Al/Ce molar ratio
2) weight % of Ni
Recently, Ni/Mg/Al promoted hydrotalcites were also studied by Ren et al. [238], who
investigated DRM reaction at high pressure (0.5 MPa). The results confirmed anti-coking benefits
of ceria addition. However, the effect of Ce-promotion depended on the amount and the method
of ceria introduction. The Ce-impregnated samples were more effective in the inhibition of coke
deposits formation than co-precipitated ones, which was explained by the higher content of Ce3+
on the catalyst surface and more lattice defects of CeO2 in case of the former samples. The samples
were very active in pressurized DRM reaction and showed initial CH4 conversion at 750°C close to
equilibrium limit. However, carbon deposition was observed over catalyst surface. The deactivation
of catalyst followed the sequence of ceria content and was increasing with the increase of Ce
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
loading. These results are in agreement with those reported by Daza et al. [234], that high additions
of ceria may have negative effect on catalyst stability due to enhanced reducibility of nickel species,
and thus formation of bigger crystallites on catalyst surface.
The effect of various promoters, other than cerium, on the performance of NiMgAl
hydrotalcite-derived catalysts is presented in Table 5.10.
Table 5.10 The effect of promoters on the performance of NiMgAl hydrotalcite derived catalysts in DRM.
Promoter loading
Promoter Catalyst Effect of addition Ref.
Increased stability and
La NiMgAl-HT 0, 0.04, 0.11, 0.182)/CP [239]
Increased stability and [240,
La NiMgAl-HT 1.1, 2/CP
decreased activity 241]
La 10 wt.% Ni 10/IMP Increased reducibility of Ni;
impregnated on Promotes carbon [242]
Rh MgAl-HT 1/IMP formation
Increased catalyst activity;
CeZrO2 NiMoMgAl-HT 0, 5, 10, 15, 20/CP [243]
Promotes reducibility of Ni
5 wt.% Ni Inhibits sintering;
Ru supported on 0.1/RE Increased activity and [244]
MgAl-HT stability
NiMgAl and Increased activity and
Co 1, 43)/CP [245]
NiCoMgAl-HTs stability
Co NiCoMgAl-HTs 2.76-12.9/CP nd4) [246]
1) Preparation methods: IMP – Impregnation; CP – Co-precipitation; RE-reconstruction in the solution of
[Mn+(EDTA)](4-n)- chelates
2) nominal La/Al molar ratio
4) nd- no data, since performance of catalyst was not compared to reference Ni-based sample
Yu et al. [239] investigated La addition into NiMgAl hydrotalcites. The effect of lanthanum
was positive on both catalyst stability and activity in the temperature range of 600-700°C. La-
addition increased total basicity and surface Ni content of the catalyst, resulting in the suppression
of coking. The best catalytic performance was registered for the sample with nominal La/Al molar
ratio of 0.11, with CH4 and CO2 conversions at 700°C equal to 76 and 72%, respectively. Similar
positive effect of lanthanum addition in terms of catalyst stability was observed by Serrano-Lotina
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
et al. [240, 241]. However, the loss in catalytic activity was observed, which could be contributed
to the decrease in crystallinity for La-promoted catalyst.
Catalytic activity of NiMgAl and Ru-promoted catalyst was compared by Tsyganok et al.
[244]. The addition of small amounts of Ru into catalyst structure by reconstruction method had a
highly positive effect on the catalyst performance. Ru-promotion inhibited sintering of Ni
crystallites, thus promoting higher activity and stability in comparison to the unpromoted sample.
Moreover, the authors showed that a better performance of both catalysts was achieved when
hydrotalcite samples were calcined/reduced in situ, and concluded that calcination prior to the
reaction may result in sintering of NiO.
Li et al. [243] used Ce and Zr promoters for Ni-Mo/Mg(Al)O hydrotalcite derived catalysts.
They observed increase in CH4 conversions for samples with ceria-zirconia content below 20 wt.%.
On the other hand, addition of ceria-zirconia had negative effect on CO2 conversions. The obtained
values of H2/CO molar ratio were decreasing with the increasing content of ceria-zirconia, pointing
to the promotion of RWGS reaction at 800°C. The authors confirmed the formation of a complex
support of Ce0.8Zr0.2-Mg(Al)O which was beneficial in increasing catalyst activity. The presence of
ceria-zirconia allowed the conclusion that the circulation of Ce4+/Ce3+ can help to eliminate the
formation of coke and oxidation of carbon deposits on catalysts surface at temperatures higher
than 900°C.
Long et al. [245] investigated Ni-Co bimetallic hydrotalcite-derived catalysts in DRM. The
results showed that the addition of Co in an appropriate amount had a positive effect on catalyst
performance. The sample with Ni/Co molar ratio equal to 4 showed the highest conversions of CO2
and CH4 and a stable performance in DRM at 700°C up to 100h TOS. This was explained by synergetic
interactions between Ni and Co, which resulted in the formation of highly dispersed small Ni
crystallites. On the contrary, Zhang et al. [246] reported the best performance of Ni-Co hydrotalcite-
derived catalysts for Ni/Co molar ratios close to unity. The authors, however, noted that the amount
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
of metals had also effect on the catalyst performance, and catalysts with low content of Ni (1.83-
3.61 wt.%) and Co (2.76-4.43 wt.%) showed better performance.
The direct comparison of catalysts presented in Fig. 5.8 is not possible, as the samples
were tested in various reaction conditions. However, it is possible to conclude from Fig. 5.8, that
catalysts based on hydrotalcite-like materials give higher conversions of CH4 and CO2 at the same
reaction temperature than conventional Ni-based catalysts. The former also give similar level of
conversions of CH4 and CO2 than the latter at lower temperatures. This clearly points to the fact
that hydrotalcite-derived nickel-containing materials are promising catalysts for dry reforming of
methane, as they show very high activity and stable performance. This is why, the research on these
types of materials is important and may contribute to the commercialization of DRM process.
testing materials with fixed Ni content or fixed Ni/Mg molar ratio [119, 126, 128-
134], evaluation of different methods of nickel introduction,
To the best of my knowledge, the effects of wide range of nickel content with fixed ratio
of M2+/M3+ (Table 5.8), zirconia promotion (Table 5.9 and 5.10) and new introduction methods of
Ni, Ce and Zr species have not yet been reported. Thus, the research presented in this PhD thesis
was aiming at filling that gap. The results of research on novel catalysts for chemical utilization of
CO2 via reaction of dry methane reforming is presented in the following Chapters.
Chapter 5. Hydrotalcites
100 NiMgAl-HT5
90 Ni/Al O
2 3
70 Ni/SBA-15 Ni/clinoptiolite
Ni/MgO Ni/SiO2
Ni/Al O Ni/MgO
2 3
50 Ni/AC
40 NiMgAl-HT6
Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 Ni/CeO2
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Temperature (°C)
NiMgAl-HT3 Ni/Al O -1; NiMgAl-HT4
2 3
90 Ni/SBA-15 NiMgAl-HT1
NiAl-HT Ni/MgO-Al2O3
Ni/MgO-2 Ni/SiO2
CO2 conversion (%)
70 Ni/MgO-1
Ni/Al O -2
60 2 3
50 NiMgAl-HT6
NiMgAl-HT7 Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 NiMgAl-HT2
450 500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 5.8 Catalytic activity map of nickel-based catalysts in dry reforming of methane reaction:
(A) CH4 conversions and (B) CO2 conversions as a function of temperature;
Green symbols – catalyst Ni/support: Ni/Al2O3-1 [81], Ni/Al2O3-2 [82], Ni/MgO-1 [88], Ni/MgO-2 [92], Ni/MgO-Al2O3
[103], Ni/CeO2 [96], Ni/ZrO2 [116], Ni/CeO2-ZrO2 [107], Ni/SiO2 [75], Ni/SBA-15 [117], Ni/clinoptiolite [111], Ni/AC [115];
Blue symbols – hydrotalcite derived catalysts: NiMgAl-HT1 [120], NiMgAl-HT2 [122], NiMgAl-HT3 [123],
NiMgAl-HT4 [124], NiMgAl-HT5 [127], NiMgAl-HT6 [125], NiMgAl-HT7 [236], NiMgAl-HT8 [235], NiAl-HT [121];
6 Experimental
The possible reactants in the DRM reaction, which were taken into account during
analysis, were: Ar(g), CH4(g), C2H2(g), C2H4(g), C2H6(g), CO(g), CO2(g), H2(g), CH3OH(g), CH3OCH3(g), C(s) and
H2O(g). Ar(g), CH4(g) and CO2(g) were introduced into the system as the substrates, while other
reactants were considered as possible products of DRM and side reactions (Table 4.2, Chapter
The main goal of this part was to establish the influence of temperature, pressure, and
feed gas composition on the equilibrium concentrations of possible reactants, and to compare the
obtained results to literature. It is important to stress that the results of thermodynamic
calculations presented in Chapter 7 were obtained assuming a closed system. Therefore, the results
must be treated with caution when applied to a continuously fed system and can be seen only as
an indication of the amounts of products which will be formed.
The catalysts tested in this work were based on hydrotalcites. The general procedure
applied to synthesize the materials involved co-precipitation, followed, in case of selected samples,
by adsorption of transition metal species from aqueous solution of [Mn+(EDTA)](4-n)- chelates,
calcination and finally reduction/activation in the stream of hydrogen in order to obtain metallic
nickel supported catalyst. The schematic procedure of the catalyst preparation is presented in Fig.
Since the discussion of results of catalytic tests is divided into three chapters: (i) effect of
nickel introduction into hydrotalcite-derived catalytic systems, (ii) effect of nickel content in
brucite-like layers, and (iii) effect of promoters (Ce and/or Zr), described respectively in Chapters 8,
9 and 10, the description of the preparation procedure follows the same division. The modification
procedures applied in this study are described in this chapter and the preparation details and
designation of the prepared catalysts are presented in Table 6.1.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Chapter 6. Experimental
Table 6.1 The preparation details and designation of the prepared catalysts.
Name of Method of Ni Cations in Ni2+/ M2+/ with solution Promoter
sample introduction1) HT layers Mg2+ M3+ of /content
[M (EDTA)]2-
Reference catalysts
1 HT-MgAl - Mg2+, Al3+ - 3 - -
2 Ni/Al2O3 IMP - - - - -
Influence of nickel introduction method (Chapter 8)
Ni2+, Mg2+,
3 HNi-TR CP 1/19 3 - -
4 HNi-IMP IMP Mg2+, Al3+ - 3 - -
5 HNi-AD AD Mg2+, Al3+ - 3 -
CP in solution
6 HNi-CP of Mg2+, Al3+ - 3 - -
Influence of Ni loading in brucite-like layers (Chapter 9)
Ni2+, Mg2+,
7 HNi5 CP 1/19 3 - -
Ni2+, Mg2+,
8 HNi15 CP 1/5.6 3 - -
Ni2+, Mg2+,
9 HNi25 CP 1/3 3 - -
Ni2+, Mg2+,
10 HNi50 CP 1 3 - -
Ni2+, Mg2+,
11 HNi75 CP 3 3 - -
12 HNi100 CP Ni2+, Al3+ - 3 - -
Influence of promoters (Chapter 10)
Ni2+, Mg2+, +
13 HNi25-Ce CP 1/3 3 Ce/3 wt.%
Al3+ [Ce(EDTA)]-
Ni2+, Mg2+, +
14 HNi100-Ce CP - 3 Ce/3 wt.%
Al3+ [Ce(EDTA)]-
Ni2+, Mg2+,
15 HNi25-Zr CP 1/3 3 - Zr/92)
Al3+, Zr4+
Ni2+, Mg2+, + Ce/3 wt.%
16 HNi25-ZrCe CP 1/3 3
Al3+, Zr4+ [Ce(EDTA)]- Zr/92)
1) CP: co-precipitation, IMP: impregnation, AD: adsorption,
2) zirconia content expressed as Al/Zr molar ratio
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
6.2.1 Co-precipitation
In order to compare catalytic activity of different materials tested in this study and their
physicochemical properties, two reference materials were synthesized. The first was magnesium-
aluminium hydrotalcite-like material, which possessed the same chemical composition as naturally
occurring hydrotalcite: Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3·4H2O and was prepared by co-precipitation method at
constant pH (sample HT-MgAl, Table 6.1).
The second reference material was nickel supported on alumina. The carrier was prepared
by calcination of commercially available bohemite (SASOL) at 550°C for 4h in the stream of air. The
obtained Al2O3 was subsequently loaded with 10 wt.% Ni by incipient wetness impregnation
(sample Ni/Al2O3, Table 6.1).
Nickel was introduced into brucite-like layers at the co-precipitation stage (sample HNi-
TR). The amount of Ni was appropriate in order to substitute 5% of Mg2+ with respect to naturally
occurring Mg/Al hydrotalcite mineral.
Chapter 6. Experimental
Nickel was introduced into HNi-AD sample via adsorption method. The solution of
[Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes was prepared by the addition of appropriate amount of nickel nitrate
solution to the solution of EDTA disodium salt. The final concentration of Ni2+ was calculated to
support HT-MgAl hydrotalcite powder with 5 wt.% of Ni. The pH of aqueous solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2-
complexes was adjusted to 10.5 by the addition of 1M NaOH. So prepared solution of nickel chelates
was stirred with HT-MgAl hydrotalcite powder in a closed flask for 24h at room temperature,
resulting in HNi-AD sample. The obtained material was filtered, washed with distilled water, dried
overnight at 80°C and ground into fine powder.
The HNi-CP sample was prepared via co-precipitation method. In contrast to traditional
co-precipitation, instead of Na2CO3 solution, precipitation was carried out in the solution of
[Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes, prepared in the same way, as in the case of HNi-AD sample.
Materials with different content of nickel in the brucite-like layers were prepared. Nickel
was introduced into hydrotalcite structure at the co-precipitation stage. The obtained nickel-
containing hydrotalcites possessed fixed value of M2+/M3+ equal to 3. The nickel content was
changed by the substitution of 5, 15, 25, 50, 75 or 100% of magnesium cations by nickel cations in
the brucite-like layers, with respect to naturally occurring Mg/Al hydrotalcite
(Mg6Al2(OH)16CO34H2O). In this way, the samples designated as HNix were prepared, where x
represents the percentage of Mg2+ cations, which were substituted by Ni2+.
The effect of Ce and or Zr was examined. Ce3+ cations were introduced into hydrotalcite-
structure via adsorption method (similarly as in the case of sample HNi-AD). The amount of Ce3+
corresponded to 3 wt.% of the weight of the HT-MgAl hydrotalcite powder.
Zirconium species were introduced into brucite-like layers at the co-precipitation stage. The
molar ratio of Al3+/Zr4+ was equal to 9, while molar ratio of M2+/M3+ was equal to 3.
6.2.6 Calcination
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Prior to each catalytic test, the catalyst sample was reduced in situ in the stream of
5% (vol/vol) H2 in Ar. The total flow of gases was equal to 100cm3/min. A catalyst sample was heated
from room temperature to 900°C and then kept at this temperature for 1h. Subsequently,
the catalyst sample was cooled down to the desired reaction temperature.
The hydrotalcite precursors, the catalysts obtained upon their calcination and the samples
after catalytic tests were characterized by means of XRD experiments. The diffractograms were
recorded in 2θ range from 8 to 90° on Empyrean diffractometer from PANalytical, equipped with a
CuKα radiation source (λ=0.154059 nm).
The XRD measurements allowed to examine the structure and phase composition of the
prepared samples. In case of high temperature XRD measurements, additional information
concerning structure changes as a function of temperature were obtained.
The average crystal size of Ni0, mixed-oxides of periclase-like structure, and MgNi3 were
estimated using the Scherrer equation:
𝐷ℎ𝑘𝑙 = 𝛽 (eq. 6.1)
ℎ𝑘𝑙 𝑐𝑜𝑠𝜃
where λ is the radiation wavelength, βhkl is the half-width of the reflection and Θ is the Bragg
diffraction angle.
Chapter 6. Experimental
The applied technique allowed to examine the structure of the obtained materials by the
observation of characteristic absorption bands. Moreover, it allowed to confirm the introduction of
transition metal species into hydrotalcites via adsorption method.
The textural properties of the catalysts were determined from adsorption isotherms
obtained during low temperature N2 sorption experiments carried out on Belsorp Mini II apparatus
from BEL Japan. Prior to each measurement, mixed-oxide powders were degassed under vacuum
for 3 h at 110°C.
The specific surface areas of materials were calculated using BET (Brunauer-Emmett-
Teller) method. The pore size distribution, mean pore diameter and volume of pores were
examined by BJH (Barrett-Joyner-Halenda) analysis.
The catalyst elemental composition was determined by two techniques. The inductively
coupled plasma mass spectrometry (ICP-MS) measurements were carried out by “SCU du CERN”.
The ICP-MS technique was used to examine selected samples. The second method applied in order
to determine chemical composition of the tested materials was X-ray fluorescence (XRF). The
measurements were carried out in an energy dispersive XEPOS spectrometer from Spectro Ametek.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The BELCAT-M apparatus from BEL Japan was used to evaluate basicity of the materials
by Temperature Programmed Desorption of CO2 (CO2-TPD). The measurements were performed
for calcined and reduced samples. The materials (60mg) were first degassed for 2h at 500°C and
then cooled to 80°C. A mixture of 10% (vol/vol) CO2/He was then introduced for 1h in order to
adsorb CO2. A flow of He was subsequently fed for 15 minutes to desorb weakly physically adsorbed
CO2. The samples were further heated up to 800°C under He flow at heating rate 10°C/min, while
the evolution of CO2 was measured with the aid of TC detector.
The total basicity of the prepared materials was calculated by means of the integration of
the overall desorption profile, which was well deconvoluted into three Gaussian contributions
corresponding to weak, intermediate and strong basic sites.
Scanning electron microscopy (SEM) analysis was carried out with the aid of JEOL JSM-
7500F microscope coupled with INCAPentaFetx3 EDS system. The secondary electron detector
provided SEM images and back-scattered electron detector provided BSE(COMPO) micrographs.
The samples were coated with 20 nm Cr layer.
Recorded SEM images allowed to study morphology of the calcined and reduced
materials, as well as the catalysts after DRM reaction. The EDS analysis was used to check
homogeneity of the tested materials.
The catalysts before and after the DRM reaction were examined by Transmission Electron
Microscopy (TEM, JOEL JEM-100CXII, acceleration voltage of 100keV). Based on the analysis of the
obtained images, the distribution of nickel crystallite size was discussed. The analysis of particle size
distribution involved the analysis of at least 300 Ni crystals. The measurements of Ni particle size
was performed by ImageJ software.
Carbon formation during the DRM reaction was quantified using thermogravimetric
analysis under air atmosphere. The experiments were carried out with a SDT Q600 apparatus (TA
Instruments), under air flow of 100cm3/min with heating from ambient temperature to 900°C at a
rate of 10°C/min.
Chapter 6. Experimental
The activity of the studied catalysts towards methane dry reforming was evaluated in a
catalytic setup presented in Fig. 6.2.
A mixture of gases (CH4/CO2/Ar) was fed into U-shape reactor. The total flow was equal
to 100cm3/min and was adjusted with the aid of several mass flow controllers (BROOKS). A catalyst
was placed in a quartz U-shaped reactor (Fig. 6.3). The catalyst bed was supported on quartz wool.
The mass of the catalyst was chosen so to work with constant value of gas hourly space velocity
(GHSV) equal to 20 000h-1. The reactor was placed in the resistance oven. Temperature in the oven
and in the catalyst bed was controlled with the aid of thermocouples and a temperature
programmer. The gaseous products of DRM reaction were passed through a water trap and
subsequently analyzed by a CPi 490 Varian micro gas chromatograph equipped with COX column
and a thermal conductivity detector.
The feed gas composition in most of the tests was equimolar. However, selected samples
were also tested with other feed gas compositions. Additionally, some catalysts were also examined
in CH4 decomposition reaction. The catalytic set up and reaction conditions were the same for all
experiments. The feed gas composition was the only parameter that changed for CH4
decomposition and catalytic tests carried out with varied CH4/CO2/Ar ratio. The composition of feed
gas for the different types of experiments are presented in Table 6.2.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Table 6.2 The conditions of dry reforming reaction applied in the present study
Feed gas
Total flow Temperature GHSV
Process composition
(cm3/min) (°C) (h-1)
Fig. 6.3 The scheme of U-shaped quartz reactor used in DRM catalytic tests
Chapter 6. Experimental
Conversions of CH4 and CO2 and the yield of the products, given as H2/CO molar ratio
during DRM and methane decomposition reaction, were calculated as:
𝐹𝐶𝐻4,𝑖𝑛 −𝐹𝐶𝐻4,𝑜𝑢𝑡
%𝐶𝐻4 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = 𝐹𝐶𝐻4,𝑖𝑛
∙ 100% (eq. 6.2)
𝐹𝐶𝑂2,𝑖𝑛 −𝐹𝐶𝑂2,𝑜𝑢𝑡
%𝐶𝑂2 𝑐𝑜𝑛𝑣𝑒𝑟𝑠𝑖𝑜𝑛 = ∙ 100% (eq. 6.3)
𝐻2 𝐹𝐻2 ,𝑜𝑢𝑡
𝑚𝑜𝑙𝑎𝑟 𝑟𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑜 = 𝐹𝐶𝑂,𝑜𝑢𝑡
(eq. 6.4)
where Fin/out corresponds to the flow rate of each component in the feed or effluent.
Typically, two types of experiments were carried out, showed schematically in Fig. 6.4. In
the first type (Fig. 6.4 A), a sample was first reduced in situ in the stream of H2 in Ar. Then the
catalyst bed was washed for 20 minutes with Ar and at the same time it was cooled to 850°C. The
feed gas was introduced into the reactor and DRM was carried out for 30 min. Then the sample was
cooled by 50°C, and the reaction was again carried out for the same duration. Such steps were
repeated up to 550°C.
In the second type of experiments, DRM reaction was carried out at constant
temperature. The catalyst bed, after reduction, was purged with Ar and cooled down to 550, 650
or 750°C. In a typical experiment, the catalysts were tested for 5h at 550°C. Selected catalysts were
also examined at 650 and 750°C. The most active samples were additionally studied in 24h stability
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
900 cooling rate
800°C 3.3°C/min
heating rate
700 10°C/min
Temperature (°C)
300 stream of Ar
stream of 5% H in Ar stream of feed gas CH4/CO2/Ar
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
TOS (min)
cooling rate
800 10°C/min
heating rate
700 10°C/min
Temperature (°C)
stream of Ar
stream of 5% H2 in Ar stream of feed gas CH4/CO2/Ar
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
TOS (min)
Fig. 6.4 The temperature programs used during DRM catalytic tests:
(A) experiments at various temperatures (B) experiments at constant temperature
7 Thermodynamic analysis
CH4 conversion was increasing with temperature and reached ca. 100% at 800°C. CO2
conversion decreased with temperature till it reached minimum in the temperature range 500-
600°C and then an increase in conversion was observed. CO2 conversions reached ca. 100% at
temperatures higher than 950°C. In the whole temperature range CH4 conversions were higher than
for CO2, especially in the low temperature range. This clearly indicates that both methane and
carbon dioxide are involved in side reactions. It is reflected also in the excess of produced H2,
especially at low temperature as illustrated by Fig. 7.1 B, where the values of H2/CO molar ratio
reached unity above 850°C. Apart from the products of DRM reaction, H2 and CO, carbon and water
were formed. The concentration of other chemical compounds that were included in the study,
such as CH3OH, C2H6, C2H4, CH3OCH3, HCOOH, were observed at the level of ca. 1·10-3 -1·10-4 moles
for C2 hydrocarbons, and were even lower for the other considered chemicals, and thus the
influence of reactions involving these chemicals on DRM process may be neglected and will not be
discussed further.
The equilibrium water content was decreasing with the increase of temperature and only
negligible amounts of water were present in the system at temperatures higher than 900°C. Water
can be formed in RWGS reaction (eq. 4.2, Chapter 4.2), reduction of CO and CO2 with hydrogen (eq.
4.5, 4.6), OCM (eq. 4.7, 4.8, Chapter 4.2) and methanation processes (eq. 4.13, 4.14, Chapter 4.2).
It is most probable that in the low temperature range RWGS contributes the most to the water
formation. The same conclusion was reported by Soria et. al [60], who observed that in the
combined SRM-DRM process, RWGS reaction was thermodynamically most favoured at 550°C.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
2.0 300
CH4/CO2/Ar 5
1/2/7 1/2/7
CH4 3 2/1/7
200 1.5/1/7.5
CO2 2/1/7
1.0 150
C 0
600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C)
0.0 0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
100 100
CO2 equilibrium conversion (%)
CH4 equilibrium conversion (%)
70 60
CH4/CO2/Ar CH4/CO2/Ar
1/2/7 50 1/2/7
60 1/1.5/7.5 1/1.5/7.5
1/1/8 40 1/1/8
50 1.5/1/7.5
2/1/7 30 2/1/7
40 20
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
4.0 3.0
CH4/CO2/Ar CH4/CO2/Ar
3.5 1/2/7 1/2/7
Equilibrium moles of CO (mol)
Equilibrium moles of H2 (mol)
2.0 1.5
0.0 0.0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 7.1 The influence of temperature on the equilibrium concentration of reactants during DRM.
Temperature range 300-1200°C. Atmospheric pressure.
(A) equilibrium conversions of reactants for CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; (B) equilibrium H2/CO molar ratio;
(C) CH4 equilibrium conversion; (D) CO2 equilibrium conversion;
(E) Equilibrium moles of H2; (F) equilibrium moles of CO;
Chapter 7. Thermodynamic analysis
2.0 1.6
CH4/CO2/Ar CH4/CO2/Ar
1/2/7 1.4 1/2/7
1.5/1/7.5 1.5/1/7.5
2/1/7 2/1/7
1.0 0.8
0.5 0.4
0.0 0.0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 7.2 Equilibrium moles of carbon (A) and water (B) as a function of temperature during DRM.
Temperature range 300-1200°C. Atmospheric pressure.
Equilibrium carbon content was decreasing with the increase of temperature and almost
no carbon formation may be observed at temperatures higher than 900°C (cp. Fig. 7.1 A and Fig.
7.2 A). Up to 550°C the amount of carbon deposits decreased slowly, and above 550°C the decrease
was rapid. As is reported in literature [57-59], carbon formation at low temperatures may be mainly
associated with the disproportionation of CO (eq. 4.4, Chapter 4.2). The reverse reaction is highly
endothermic, and thus promoted at high temperatures, which can contribute to the oxidation of
carbon deposits and results in the decrease of equilibrium carbon content. On the other hand,
endothermic direct CH4 decomposition is responsible for carbon formation at high temperatures.
The obtained values of H2/CO ratio showed an excess of hydrogen in the system (Fig. 7.1
B, E, F), which is decreasing with the increase of temperature. This effect may be explained by the
occurrence of direct methane decomposition and SRM reactions. As reported by Ozkara-Adinoglu
[61] for the combined SRM-DRM process, CH4 reacts more easily with water than CO2, since the
latter is a very stable molecule. Additionally, in the low temperature range exothermic water gas
shift (WGS) can influence DRM process and contribute to H2 production.
The results of thermodynamic calculations with various compositions of feed gas for DRM
process are presented in Fig. 7.1 B-F and Fig. 7.2. The CH4 conversions increased with increasing
content of CO2 in the feed gas, indicating that CO2 gas as a mild oxidant has a positive effect on CH4
conversion. For CH4/CO2 > 1 ratios, CO2 acts as a limiting reactant and cannot convert CH4
completely. This results agrees with Le Chatelier’s principle. The difference in CH4 conversion is
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
mostly evident in the low temperature range, while above 900°C CH4 conversions are at the same
level, regardless of CH4/CO2 molar ratio.
CO2 conversions follow the opposite trend and decrease with the increasing CO2 content.
This can be explained by the fact that as CH4/CO2 ratio increases, CH4 becomes the limiting agent
and cannot convert CO2 completely. For CH4/CO2 ratios ≥, 1 CO2 conversion reached ca. 100% at
temperatures above 900°C. When the excess of CO2 was present in the feed gas, CO2 conversions
reached maximum values at the level of 75 and 88%, respectively for feed gas compositions of
CH4/CO2/Ar=1/2/7 and 1/1.5/7.5.
The trends for CH4 and CO2 conversions are reflected directly in the amount of obtained
products. H2 production was increasing with the increasing CH4/CO2 molar ratio in the gas feed, as
the excess of CH4, which did not undergo conversion in DRM reaction, was consumed by CH4
decomposition, with the formation of H2 (Fig. 7.1 C) and carbon (Fig. 7.2 A). Equilibrium moles of
CO content were increasing with decreasing the CH4/CO2 ratio (Fig. 7.1 D). For CH4/CO ratio ≥ 1
almost no difference in CO equilibrium moles was observed. When the excess of CO2 was present
in the feed gas, CO production increased, due to RWGS reaction. This is directly reflected in the
equilibrium concentration of water (Fig. 7.2 B). The values of H2/CO molar ratio showed the increase
of H2 excess in the products of DRM process with increasing CH4/CO2 ratio, which may be explained
by the occurrence of carbon-forming reactions, mainly CH4 decomposition.
The formation of carbon deposits was decreasing with the increasing content of CO2 in
feed gas. The excess of CO2 over stoichiometric value resulted in no carbon formation at
temperatures higher than 700°C. On the other hand, with the excess of CH4 in the feed gas carbon
was observed in the whole temperature range.
The presented results of thermodynamic analysis are in agreement with those reported
by Nikoo et al. [54], Li et. al [56], Shamsi et al [58], Sun et al. [59] and Ozkara-Aydinoglu [61].
The possible applications of synthesis gas obtained in DRM process are FT synthesis of
long chain hydrocarbons, DME or methanol synthesis. These chemical processes are carried out at
high pressures (higher than 10 bar) [61], and thus the production of synthesis gas via DRM reaction
at high pressures could be beneficial from the economic point of view.
Chapter 7. Thermodynamic analysis
100 100
0.5 bar 70 0.5 bar
1 bar 1 bar
2 bar 2 bar
70 60
5 bar 5 bar
10 bar 10 bar
20 bar 50 20 bar
60 50 bar
50 bar
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
0.5 bar 1.2
5 0.5 bar
1 bar 0.5 bar 1 bar
100 2 bar
1 bar
1.0 2 bar
Equilibrium H2/CO molar ratio
2 bar
Equilibrium H2/CO molar ratio
5 bar 5 bar
5 bar
10 bar Carbon deposition (mol)
80 10 bar 20 bar 10 bar
3 50 bar 0.8
20 bar 20 bar
50 bar 50 bar
60 2
40 0.4
600 800 1000 1200
Temperature (°C)
20 0.2
0 0.0
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
0.5 bar
1 bar
Equilibrium moles of water (mol)
2 bar
5 bar
0.8 10 bar
20 bar
50 bar
300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 1200
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 7.3 Equilibrium amounts of reactants during DRM as a function of temperature at different pressures.
Temperature range 300-1200°C. CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8.
(A) CH4 equilibrium concentration; (B) CO2 equilibrium concentration; (C) H2/CO molar ratio;
(D) carbon deposition; (E) water amount;
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
increase. At very high pressures (20, 50 bars) minimum CH4 conversion was reached between 300-
550°C and for such pressures, 100% conversion was not reached even at temperatures as high as
1200°C. The effect of pressure on CO2 conversion may be considered in two temperature regions.
Between 300-550°C increasing pressure positively affected CO2 conversion. At higher temperatures
a negative effect of pressure on CO2 conversion was observed, similarly as for CH4 (Fig. 7.3 B). At
the same time, differences between CH4 and CO2 conversions become smaller as the pressure
Pressure also affected the distribution of the obtained products (Fig. 7.3 C). The excess of
H2 in the products of the reaction was observed when pressure increased. It may have been caused
by CH4 decomposition reaction, as at the same time the increase in carbon formation was observed
with increase in pressure (Fig. 7.3 D). In the temperature range of 300-550°C high pressure can
inhibit the formation of carbon, which is directly reflected in increased CO2 conversion in the same
temperature region. As reported by Shamsi et al. [58] the effect of pressure on two carbon forming
reactions (CH4 decomposition and Boudouard reaction) is different. Boudouard reaction is favoured
by high pressures, while CH4 decomposition is favourable at low pressures. At the same time CO2
conversion may have been enhanced by RWGS, as water content in DRM process system was
growing with increasing pressure (Fig. 7.3 E).
In general, high pressures have a negative effect on DRM reaction, as CH4 and CO2
conversions decrease and H2/CO molar ratio, carbon deposition and a water concentration,
increase with the increase in pressure. The presented results are in good agreement with those
reported by Chein et al. [57], Shamsi et al. [58] and Sun et al. [59].
The equilibrium conversions of CH4 and CO2 and H2/CO molar ratio relevant for the study
presented in the following chapters is presented in Table 7.1.
Table 7.1 The thermodynamic limits of CH4 and CO2 conversions and H2/CO molar ratio for selected temperatures at 1
bar with feed gas composition CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8.
550°C 600°C 650°C 700°C 750°C 800°C 850°C
CH4 conversion(%) 87 91 94 96 97 98 99
CO2 conversion (%) 45 53 67 81 90 96 98
H2/CO molar ratio (-) 3.5 2.2 1.5 1.2 1.1 1.0 1.0
8 Effect of nickel introduction
There are few reports in literature concerning different methods of nickel introduction
into hydrotalcite structure as catalyst precursor for dry methane reforming [126, 127, 233]. In this
study, four catalyst precursors were prepared with nickel introduced: into hydrotalcite brucite-like
layers (HNi-TR), on catalyst surface by impregnation method (HNi-IMP), on catalyst surface by
adsorption from solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes (HNi-AD) and into hydrotalcite interlayer spaces
by co-precipitation in the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- chelates (HNi-CP). The preparation procedures for
samples HNi-TR, HNi-IMP and HNi-CP were previously reported in literature [126, 127, 233].
A new method of incorporation of nickel was proposed for sample HNi-AD. Commonly,
nickel is introduced into interlayer spaces of hydrotalcite by reconstruction method in the presence
of [Ni(EDTA)]2- as reported by Tsyganok et al. [127] and Daza et al. [233]. In the presented research,
steps of calcination followed by reconstruction were omitted in order to simplify the preparation
procedure, which may in future have a beneficial effect from economic standpoint. As CO32- anions
exhibit high affinity to brucite-like layers, the treatment of hydrotalcite powder in the solution of
[Ni(EDTA)]2- chelates would not result in the introduction of nickel species into interlayer spaces.
However, small amounts of nickel species could be expected on the catalyst surface.
In this way, the comparison of different methods of nickel introduction with respect to
the new proposed one and its influence on the catalysts activity in DRM was investigated.
The XRD diffractograms recorded for fresh catalyst precursors, calcined and reduced
samples are presented in Fig. 8.1.
(006) (009)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Intensity (a.u.)
(311) (222)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 8.1 The XRD diffractograms registered for freshly prepared catalyst precursors (A), calcined (B) and reduced
catalysts (C). Phase composition: ○ hydrotalcite, ■MgO (periclase like structure), ■ NiO, ▲ NiAl2O4 (spinel),□ MgAl2O4
(spinel),), ● metallic nickel, △MgNi3
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
The co-precipitation of sample HNi-CP was carried out under air. Therefore one may
expect that, due to the presence of CO2 in air and water, an additional phase of hydrotalcite with
carbonate anions present in the interlayer spaces will be observed in XRD pattern. No such phase
was registered, pointing to the successful incorporation of [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes into interlayer
spaces of hydrotalcite.
All samples exhibited rhombohedral symmetry, thus parameter c of unit cell may be
calculated from the position of the first reflection (eq. 8.1) or by averaging the positions of the first
three reflections (eq. 8.2) [193]:
where: d(hkl) – basal spacing calculated from the position of appropriate reflections.
In 3R symmetry, the unit cell of hydrotalcite is built of three layers, thus parameter c’ describing
basal spacing between two neighbouring layers was calculated. The values for all synthesized
hydrotalcites are presented in Table 8.1. For, the reference and HNi-TR, HNi-IMP, HNi-AD samples
c’ was between 7.76-7.84 Å, which is close to the value 7.65 Å reported for carbonate-containing
hydrotalcites [185]. A small increase in the values of parameter c’ may suggest that the synthesized
materials might, partially, also contain nitrate anions (c’ characteristic for NO3- = 8.79 Å). As
expected, the preparation procedure of sample HNi-AD did not result in the exchange of carbonate
anions with [Ni(EDTA)]2-, and no shift in the reflections and no increase in c’ parameter were
observed. Additionally, samples HNi-AD and HNi-IMP, where nickel was introduced onto the surface
of hydrotalcite, did not show any reflections arising from nickel compounds, pointing to either
introduction of very small amounts of Ni or high dispersion of Ni species, making them undetectable
by XRD analysis.
Table 8.1 The unit cell parameters and anions present in the interlayer spaces of synthesized hydrotalcites
The position of the first reflection from the doublet registered close to 60° 2θ was used
to calculate parameter a of the unit cell (eq. 8.3, Table 8.1), which describes average cation-cation
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
distance in brucite-like layers. All samples exhibited values of a equal to 3.06 Å, indicating that no
changes in the hydrotalcite structure had occurred, regardless of the preparation method.
All materials after calcination in air for 4h at 550°C exhibited reflections at 2θ equal to ca.
43 and 62.5°, characteristic for periclase-like structure of mixed oxides formed via thermal
decomposition of HTs (ICOD 00-045-0946). No additional phases were registered for samples HT-
MgAl, HNi-TR and HNi-CP. On the other hand, samples HNi-IMP and HNi-AD exhibited additionally
small intensity reflections arising from hydrotalcite, suggesting an incomplete decomposition of
lamellar hydrotalcite structure. As for these two samples nickel was introduced onto the surface of
hydrotalcite, it may be concluded that it resulted in the stabilization of lamellar structure. Thus
higher temperature of calcination or longer calcination time should be applied in order to obtain
pure phase of mixed nano-oxides.
Nickel oxide possesses the same structure as MgO, thus the main reflections in XRD
patterns of these phases have the same positions. The XRD diffractograms of these oxides differ
only in the position of the reflection arising from the X-ray diffraction on (111) planes, which
appears at ca. 36° for MgO (ICOD 00-045-0946) and 37.5° 2θ for NiO (ICOD 01-073-1519). The
additional reflection at 37.5° 2θ was observed for samples HNi-IMP and HNi-CP, pointing to the
formation of separate NiO phase on catalysts surface.
Ni Mg Al Ni/Mg M2+/M3+
(wt.%)1) (wt.%)1) (wt.%)1) molar ratio2) molar ratio2)
HT-MgAl - 37.4 14.15 - 2.98 (3.0)
HNi-TR 2.8 37.9 15.2 0.03 (0.05) 2.94 (3.0)
HNi-IMP 7.3 31.1 11.7 - 2.98 (3.0)
HNi-AD 0.8 21.7 8.4 -3) 2.92 (3.0)
HNi-CP 7.7 18.4 7.1 - 2.90 (3.0)
1) determined by XRF experiments
2) inparenthesis nominal values are given
3) nickel is present in the catalyst outside brucite-like layers of hydrotalcite
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
content of Ni equal to ca. 7-8%. The incorporation of Ni species into brucite-like layers resulted in
the sample with ca. 3 wt.% of Ni.
The calculated value of M2+/M3+ molar ratio for sample HT-MgAl (the parental material
for samples HNi-IMP and HNi-AD) was very close to the nominal one. A small decrease in the value
of this parameter was observed for smple HNi-AD, suggesting that during adsorption procedure
with the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes, partial leaching of divalent cations may have occurred.
Nevertheless, for all samples the real values of M2+/M3+ molar ratios, as well as the value of
Ni2+/Mg2+ in case of sample HNi-TR, were very close to the nominal ones assumed at the step of
materials preparation, proving that the composition of hydrotalcites and hydrotalcite-derived
materials may be strictly controlled.
The FTIR spectra recorded for freshly prepared hydrotalcites are presented in Fig. 8.3. All
samples exhibited a number of common absorption bands observed at 3550, 3000, 1650, 1370 and
870cm-1. The broad band at 3550 cm-1 arises from the stretching vibration of structural OH- groups
in the metal hydroxide layer. The position of the maximum of this absorption band may be shifted
to higher wavenumber values, depending on the value of x i.e. the molar ratio of tri-valent cations.
E.g. for high values of x (x = ca. 0.4), this absorption band was observed at 3700cm-1 [185]. A small
shoulder at ca. 3000cm-1 may be attributed to a second type of OH- stretching vibrations of
interlayer hydrogen bonding with carbonate groups. The weak band at 1650cm-1 was ascribed to
interlayer water molecules. The strong band at 1370cm-1 and weak band at 870cm-1, were
attributed to the stretching vibration and out-of-plane bending vibration of CO32-, respectively
[189]. The bands in the range of 450-700cm-1 are typical of the frameworks of HTs, and indicate M-
O-M stretching, which further confirms that the catalysts precursors are ordered hydrotalcites
The samples HNi-AD and HNi-CP exhibited additionally absorption bands associated with
EDTA molecules. The band at 2930 and 2850cm-1 are ascribed to asymmetric and symmetric C-H
stretching of methylene groups. The absorption of infrared radiation by asymmetric stretching of
coordinated and uncoordinated COO- groups may be attributed to the bands at 2850 and
1600cm-1, respectively, while band at 1110cm-1 to the vibration of C-N single bonds [126, 128]. The
spectra of other samples did not exhibit these adsorption bands, pointing to the fact, that
[Ni(EDTA)]2- species were present only in the HNi-AD and HNi-CP samples. These results stay in line
with the XRD measurements which confirmed the presence of nickel-EDTA chelates between
brucite-like layers for sample HNi-CP. In case of sample HNi-AD, the [Ni(EDTA)]2- species were most
probably deposited on the external surfaces of hydrotalcite crystals.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
In the spectra of samples HNi-TR, HNi-IMP and HNi-AD a small adsorption band at ca.
1376cm-1 was observed. This band, which is indicating the presence of NO3- anions [247], is in good
agreement with the values of c’ parameters calculated from XRD measurements.
Intensity (a.u.)
4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 1500 1250 1000 750 500
Wavenumber (cm )
The textural features of the hydrotalcite-derived catalysts are summarized in Table 8.3.
Fig. 8.3 shows the pore size distribution and N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms of the prepared
materials. The obtained isotherms, with the exception of sample HNi-CP, may be classified as type
IV according to IUPAC, which is typical for mesoporous materials. All four samples exhibited also H3
type hysteresis loop, ascribed to solids consisting of aggregates or agglomerates of particles forming
slit-shaped pores with nonuniform size and shape [248, 249].
The samples exhibited specific surface areas between 100-230 m2/g, in agreement with
the data reported in literature for similar hydrotalcite-derived oxides [127, 185]. The values of SBET
for samples HNi-IMP and HNi-AD are close to the one measured for their parental material – sample
HTMg-Al, suggesting that the modification via adsorption method and impregnation of nickel
species did not significantly influence specific surface area of the materials. On the other hand, a
small decrease in both mean pore diameter and total pore volume was observed. The substitution
of a small part of Mg2+ by Ni2+ in hydrotalcite brucite-like layers for sample HNi-TR, resulted in the
increase of SBET and the decrease of pore volume and size.
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
600 0.05
Va (cm3 (STP)/g)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
600 0.05
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
600 0.05
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
600 0.05
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
600 0.12
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
400 0.08
200 0.04
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40 50
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
Fig. 8.3 N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms and pore diameter distribution of the studied catalysts:
HT-MgAl, HNi-TR, HNi-IMP, HNi-AD and HNi-CP
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Sample HNi-CP exhibited the highest value of specific surface area, which was caused by
the substitution of carbonate anions by [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes, resulting in the increase of basal
spacing between hydrotalcite layers. The shape of N2 adsorption isotherm and the distribution of
pores measured for sample HNi-CP also differed from other materials. Narrow pores and the shape
of adsorption/desorption isotherm suggest the formation of microporous material. Moreover, the
observed hysteresis loop was of type H4, pointing to uniform distribution of slit shaped pores [248,
249]. This clearly indicates that the type of anions present in the interlayer spaces of hydrotalcite
has a strong influence on textural properties of the studied materials.
Fig. 8.4 The TEM images recorded for samples HNi-TR (A and B), HNi-IMP (C) and HNi-AD (D)
TEM images recorded for selected samples are presented in Fig. 8.4. Samples HNi-TR, HNi-
AD and HNi-IMP showed the same type of morphology, typical for hydrotalcite-derived mixed
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
oxides. The plate/flake-like shaped particles oriented in different directions were observed. The
high resolution images (Fig. 8.4 B) confirmed the lamellar structure of hydrotalcite with average
planar distance around 5-6 Å. The TEM and EDX analysis showed that the samples were well
crystallized and homogenous. No separate phase of nickel oxide was observed for HNi-TR sample,
indicating that nickel species after calcination were incorporated into the structure of Mg(Ni,Al)O
periclase-like oxides.
Selected samples (HT-MgAl and HNi-AD) were studied in situ in XRD experiments
performed with the increase in temperature in the range of 25-1000°C, in order to determine the
influence of calcination temperature on their phase composition. The registered diffractograms are
presented in Fig. 8.5.
Additional reflections originating from the spinel phase of MgAl2O4 were observed at XRD
diffractograms for both samples at 900 and 1000°C. They were registered at 2θ of ca. 37, 44, 59 and
65°, and are attributed to the diffraction of X-rays on (311), (400), (511) and (440) planes. Other
reflections originating from MgAl2O4 were also observed at higher values of 2θ (ICOD 01-077-1193),
however, as the quality of diffractograms registered in high temperature program was lower than
the ones registered at room temperature, they are not well visible on Fig. 8.5. The obtained results
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
indicate the co-existence of two phases at 900 and 1000°C i.e. spinel and periclase-like mixed
oxides. The crystallinity of both increases with the increase in temperature.
Intensity (a.u.)
600 e
t ur
500 ra
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°C)
Intensity (a.u.)
600 re
500 atu
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 8.5 The XRD diffractograms registered for samples HT-MgAl (A) and HNi-AD (B) in the temperature range of 25-
1000°C; ― hydrotalcite structure, ― periclase-like structure of Mg(Al)O oxides; ― coexistence of spinel phase and
Mg(Al)O periclase-like oxides
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
The XRD diffractograms registered above 100°C for both tested samples exhibited also
reflections indicating the presence of alumina. HTs, while heated, may lose up to 40% wt.% of their
initial weight, which is also connected with the decrease of the powder volume. Since HTs powders
studied in the high-temperature XRD experiments were placed in a holder made from Al2O3, the
reflections arising from alumina phase were expected. As it was reported in literature [190, 231],
upon heating of pure hydrotalcite material, no separate phase of alumina should be formed. Thus
reflections arising from the holder material were not taken into account, while analysing thermal
behaviour of the studied powders.
Basing on the reflection arising from Ni(200) planes the size of nickel crystallites was
calculated for samples HNi-TR, HNi-IMP and HNi-CP, which were equal to 5, 12 and 12nm,
Fig. 8.6 shows the TEM micrographs and distribution of nickel particle size obtained for
two selected samples (HNi-TR and HNi-IMP) after treatment with H2 at 900°C. Upon reduction nickel
species were extracted from periclase-like phase and formed small crystallites of nickel on the
surface of Mg(Al)O oxides in case of sample HNi-TR. The introduction of nickel species via
impregnation method resulted in the formation of larger nickel crystallites in comparison to HNi-
TR sample, with an average size of 12-13nm. These results are in agreement with XRD analysis.
SEM images acquired for reduced samples HNi-IMP, HNi-AD and HNi-CP are presented in
Fig. 8.7. On the recorded images, plate/flake-like shaped particles may be distinguished. Small and
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
bright particles appear on the surface of such flakes. It seems that the amount and distribution of
these particles is dependent on the material preparation method.
Fig. 8.6 TEM images and the corresponding histograms for the catalysts: (A) HNi-TR and (B) HNi-IMP
Fig. 8.7 SEM micrographs for reduced samples HT-IMP (A), HNi-AD (B) and HNi-CP (C and D)
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
The H2-TPR profiles obtained for the calcined hydrotalcite-derived catalysts are presented
in Fig. 8.8. The reference HT-MgAl sample did not exhibit any reduction peaks, due to the lack of
nickel species. For all nickel-containing samples, the reduction peak temperatures ranged from 388
to 890°C, suggesting various types of interaction between NiO species and the mesoporous Mg(Al)O
support. According to literature, pure NiO phase is reduced at the temperature range of 220-420°C.
Li et al. [250] showed one reduction peak of bulk NiO centered at 220°C. Mile et al. [251] reported
that bulk NiO gave two reduction peaks: (i) at 250°C arising from reduction of Ni3+ species and (ii)
at 400°C ascribed to the reduction of Ni2+ species. The data reported by Kadkhodayan et al. [252]
and Daza et al. [233] showed, respectively, a doublet of peaks and one peak at the temperature
range of 300-400°C for bulk NiO. Thus, it can be stated that the reduction peaks centred at 388, 420
and 480°C and recorded for samples HNi-IMP, HNi-TR and HNi-CD were associated with the
reduction of bulk NiO particles weakly interacting with catalysts surface [233, 251, 252].
480°C 820°C
H2 consumption (a.u.)
HNi-CP 685°C
420°C 890°C
388°C 548°C
Fig. 8.8 H2-Temperature Programmed Reduction (TPR) profiles recorded for calcined hydrotalcite-derived materials.
The most intense reduction peaks for all catalysts were observed at the temperature
range of 600-900°C, indicating strong interactions between nickel species and the support. These
peaks may be thus attributed to the reduction of Ni2+ in NiO-MgO solid solution or NiAl2O4 spinel
phase [128]. The highest temperatures of reduction were observed for the samples synthesized by
adsorption and impregnation methods. The XRD profiles for reduced samples HNi-IMP and HNi-AD
did not show the formation of spinel phase, thus, most probably, NiO particles distributed on
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
catalyst surface formed a solid solution with MgO. Such high temperature of reduction indicated
also high dispersion of nickel species on catalysts surfaces.
The reduction peak cantered at 785°C observed for sample HNi-CP may be ascribed to the
reduction of nickel species from NiAl2O4 spinel phase, which was confirmed by XRD results (Fig. 8.1.
C). Nickel was introduced into brucite-like layers of hydrotalcite in case of sample HNi-TR. As
claimed by Daza et al. [236], the reduction of Ni2+ species becomes only possible in Ni-O-Ni species
and not in Ni-O-Mg species, which indicates that Ni needs to be first extracted from the solid
solution and then reduced to Ni0. The content of Ni in sample HNi-TR was at a level of ca. 3 wt.%,
which means that Ni species were well distributed in the framework of Mg(Ni,Al)O, and most
probably were surrounded by magnesium species, forming in this way mostly Mg-O-Ni species, and
thus high temperature of reduction was required.
The study of H2-TPR profiles of the prepared catalysts showed that reducibility varied
depending on the method of nickel introduction into hydrotalcite-based catalytic systems and
increased in the following sequence: HNi-IMP > HNi-AD > HNi-TR > HNi-CP.
The basicity of the prepared catalysts was investigated by CO2-TPD experiments, and the
results are presented in Fig. 8.9 and Table 8.3. As reported in literature, the basicity of hydrotalcite-
derived materials depends on the composition of the catalyst precursor (layer composition and
type of anions present between layers) [199, 201]. Di Cosimo et al. [197] reported, based on the IR
and CO2-TPD data, that hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides exhibit typically three overlapping
desorption peaks: (i) the first one observed between 100-150°C is attributed to the desorption of
CO2 from weak Brønsted OH- groups, (ii) the second observed at ca. 190°C is assigned to the
formation of bidentate carbonates formed on metal-oxygen pairs (Lewis acid-base pairs) and (iii)
the third ascribed to strong basic sites observed at ca. 280°C, originating from the desorption of
CO2 bonded with low-coordination oxygen anions (cp. Chapter 5.2.3, Fig. 5.4). The calcined and
reduced catalysts exhibited one asymmetric desorption peak formed by superposition of these
three peaks (Fig. 8.9).
The total basicity of the calcined materials was in the range of 180-250μmol/g and
decreased in the sequence: HNi-TR > HT-MgAl (reference sample) > HNi-CP > HNi-IMP > HNi-AD.
The method of nickel introduction influenced strongly the basicity of materials. Sample HNi-TR
exhibited higher amount of basic sites than sample HT-MgAl, indicating that the substitution of
Mg2+ by Ni2+ increases basicity of HTs-derived mixed oxides. On the other hand, the samples, into
which nickel was introduced onto hydrotalcite surface (HNi-IMP and HNi-AD), showed the lowest
amount of basic sites, indicating some blockage of basic sites, most probably by the blockage of
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
pores, in good agreement with N2 sorption results. The distribution of weak, medium and strong
basic sites, calculated by the Gaussian deconvolution of CO2-TPD profiles (Table 8.4), showed that
the samples did not differ in this distribution and exhibited ca. 20, 30 and 50% of weak, intermediate
and strong basic sites, respectively.
desorption peak desorption peak
weak basic sites weak basic sites
medium basic sites medium basic sites
strong basic sites strong basic sites
CO2 desorption (a.u.)
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 8.9 The CO2-TPD profiles recorded for calcined catalysts (A)
and catalysts after activation in the stream of hydrogen (B)
Table 8.4 The total basicity of calcined and reduced hydrotalcite-derived catalysts and the distribution of basic sites
For all calcined samples one additional desorption peak was registered at the temperature
range of 600-800°C (results not shown), which might be attributed to the completion of
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
dehydroxylation processes and decomposition of carbonate anions, which were not completely
removed during calcination [253, 254].
The shape of CO2-TPD profiles and the distribution of basic sites drastically changed after
activation of catalysts in the stream of 5%H2 in Ar (Fig. 8.9B, Table 8.3). In general, the shift of the
peaks ascribed to intermediate and strong basic sites to higher temperatures was observed, in good
agreement with the results presented by Abello et al. [253]. Moreover, total basicity of the
materials decreased by one order of magnitude and formed a the sequence: HT-MgAl > HNi-IMP >
HNi-CP > HNi-TR > HNi-AD. Samples HT-MgAl, HNi-TR and HNi-AD showed similar distribution of
basic sites, while samples HNi-CP and HNi-IMP exhibited the highest distribution of basic sites
associated with O2- anions with respect to other catalysts.
Fig. 8.10 presents the results of the DRM catalytic experiments measured under steady-
state conditions and carried out at the temperature range of 550-850°C and in the presence of
different catalysts. CH4 and CO2 conversions increased with temperature, due to high
endothermicity of DRM reaction. Samples HNi-IMP, HNi-AD and HNi-CP showed very similar
performance, especially at temperatures above 700°C. The activity in the view of both CH4 and CO2
conversions followed the sequence: HNi-IMP > HNi-AD > HNi-CP >> HNi-TR. The obtained values of
H2/CO molar ratio (Fig. 8.10 C) were lower than unity and were increasing with the increase of
temperature. The differences between samples were visible at temperatures lower than 700°C.
These results indicate that the DRM process was influenced by reverse water gas shift (RGWS)
reaction. The obtained values of CO2 conversions were higher than CH4 conversions for all tested
catalysts, which also confirms the influence of RWGS on the overall process.
The lowest activity was exhibited by the sample into which nickel was introduced into
brucite-like layers. Considerable conversions of CH4 and CO2 for this sample were observed above
800°C. Similar materials were reported to be very efficient catalysts in DRM reaction [120, 125],
however, the reported materials were loaded with higher amounts of nickel. Thus, most probably
the lowest activity of sample HNi-TR was caused by low nickel content. The nickel species were well
dispersed in the Mg(Ni,Al)O solid solution, making them hard to reduce and thus inactive in DRM.
Surprisingly, the HNi-AD sample, loaded with less than 1 wt.% of Ni, showed comparable
performance to catalysts with 7 times higher nickel content (samples HNi-IMP and HNi-CP). This
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
high activity may be attributed to the fact that the introduction of nickel species by adsorption of
[Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes resulted in the formation of separated and very small (undetectable by XRD)
aggregates on catalyst surface. This stays in line with H2-TPR results, as this sample exhibited the
highest reduction temperature, indicating the presence of small well dispersed nickel species.
Therefore, it can be stated that sample HNi-AD showed the highest activity per gram of active
material in DRM reaction.
The highest activity per gram of catalyst was shown by impregnated HNi-IMP sample,
which reached thermodynamic limit of CO2 conversion at 850°C. The high activity of the catalyst
may be attributed to the highest total basicity with respect to other materials. The HNi-IMP sample
exhibited also the highest distribution of strong basic sites (low coordination O2-anions), which
facilitate activation of CO2, especially at low reaction temperatures. Sample HNi-IMP showed also
(together with sample HNi-CP) the largest size of Ni crystallites around 12 nm, confirmed by XRD
and TEM analysis. Thus it is possible that high activity in terms of CH4 and CO2 conversions was
enhanced by the occurrence of side reactions, i.e. carbon forming reactions, such as CH4
decomposition and disproportionation of CO, which proceed more easily on big crystallites of Ni
Sample HNi-CP showed slightly lower conversions of CH4 and CO2 than sample HNi-IMP.
Both samples exhibited similar mean size of nickel crystallites around 13 nm. However, contrary to
sample HNi-IMP, in the XRD pattern of reduced HNI-CP sample additional phase of NiAl2O4 was
observed. As it was reported in literature, the formation of spinel phase may block reduction of
nickel species, due to the strong metal-support interactions, and thus limit the formation of active
centres for DRM.
As catalysts may have underwent some structural changes upon reaction in the
temperature range of 550-850°C, the XRD experiments for catalyst after reaction were performed
(Fig. 8.11). In comparison to XRD diffractograms recorded for the samples after activation in H2 (Fig.
8.1 C), some phase transformation may be observed for all samples. In general, all catalysts
exhibited the increase in intensity of reflections attributed to the periclase-like structure of mixed
oxides, pointing to the increase of crystallinity of this phase. This was confirmed by the estimation
of Mg(Al)O crystal size and increase of crystal size from ca. 2-3nm to 4-5nm observed for all
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
60 HNi-AD
550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Temperature (°C)
80 HNi-CP
CO2 conversion (%)
550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Temperature (°C)
1.4 HNi-IMP
1.2 HNi-CP
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
550 600 650 700 750 800 850
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 8.10 The results of catalytic tests carried out in temperature range 550-850°C: (A) CH4 conversion,
(B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; GHSV=20000h-1, total flow 100cm3/min, CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
The Ni crystallite sizes calculated for the reduced and spent catalysts are presented in
Table 8.4. The sintering of nickel particles was observed for the most active catalyst (HNi-IMP),
which may cause deactivation of catalyst in long-term catalytic tests. On the other hand, for the
HNi-CP catalyst the decrease in Ni crystallite size was observed. This phenomenon is rather difficult
to explain, and additional research should be carried out in order to clearly understand it. One
possible explanation is, that during reaction at high temperatures, nickel species react with support
resulting in the formation of a new phase e.g. NiAl2O4, which separates Ni crystallites. As spinel
phase is inactive in DRM reaction, this could explain why the activity of the sample in terms of CO2
conversion was slightly higher than the one observed for HNi-AD catalyst at 850 and 800°C.
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 8.11 The XRD diffractograms recorded for catalysts after DRM tests at the temperature range 550-850°C:
■ periclase-like phase of Mg(Al)O mixed oxides, ● metallic nickel, □ MgAl2O4 spinel phase, △ MgNi3 ▼ graphitic carbon
Table 8.5 The Ni crystallite size estimated for the reduced catalysts and those after catalytic tests carried out at the
temperature range of 550-850° and at 550°C
The catalytic activity of the prepared DRM catalysts was also examined during isothermal
5h-catalytic tests at 550°C (Fig. 8.12). At temperature as low as 550°C, the different Ni-containing
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
hydrotalcite-derived materials showed good catalytic performance. The activity in terms of CH4 and
CO2 conversion decreased in order: HNi-IMP > HNi-CP > HNi-TR > HNi-AD and followed nickel
content and total basicity of tested catalysts. With the exception of the HNi-AD sample, the
catalysts did not show any deactivation during 5h catalytic tests, pointing to, either the formation
of non-poisonous carbon deposits, or no carbon formation. Similarly as in case of catalytic tests
carried out at the temperature range 550-850°C, the obtained conversions of CO2 were higher than
those of CH4, indicating the occurrence of RWGS, which is directly reflected in the obtained values
of H2/CO molar ratio below unity.
Again the most active catalyst turned out to be the impregnated one. Similar performance
was shown by sample HNi-CP. The characterization of the prepared materials revealed that these
two catalysts exhibited very similar properties, such as nickel content, Ni particle size and total
basicity. In terms of catalytic activity, the high basicity of materials seems to be the main driving
factor for their good performance. Both catalysts showed similar basicity after activation in H2 equal
to ca. 70μmol/g and more importantly, in comparison to other catalysts they were characterized
by the highest distribution of strong basic sites of around 30%. The highest amount of strong basic
sites seems to enhance catalytic activity. The activity of HNi-CP catalyst lower than for HNi-IMP may
be explained by the formation of inactive NiAl2O4 spinel phase in case of the former.
The constant decrease in CH4 and CO2 conversions was observed in case of sample HNi-
AD. As material exhibited very strong interactions between nickel active phase and support
(confirmed by H2-TPR) sintering of nickel species was probably not the main cause of catalyst
deactivation. The decreasing values of H2/CO molar ratio suggest that RWGS reaction affected the
overall DRM process to more extent with the growing TOS.
It is worth mentioning that the results presented in Fig. 8.12 differed from the ones
registered under temperature programmed conditions i.e. starting at 850°C and followed by cooling
down to consecutive temperatures until 550°C (cp. Fig. 8.10). The recorded values of CH4 and CO2
conversions were much higher during isothermal experiments than in temperature-programmed
catalytic tests. The activity sequence was also different, which indicates some structural and phase
changes in the materials, induced by their initial heating at 850°C, e.g. the formation of spinel
phases or sintering of Ni crystallites. In order to investigate this issue, XRD diffractograms of
catalysts after isothermal tests (Fig. 8.13) were recorded and compared to the ones obtained after
temperature programmed conditions. Based on the obtained results Ni particle sizes were also
estimated (Table 8.5).
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
35 HNi-CP
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
20 HNi-TR
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 8.12 The results of isothermal DRM catalytic tests carried out at 550°C: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion,
(C) H2/CO molar ratio; GHSV=20000h-1, total flow 100cm3/min, CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The additional reflection at 2θ equal to ca. 26° was registered for sample HNi-IMP,
indicating the presence of graphitic carbon on the catalyst surface. The formation of carbon
deposits was most probably the result of sintering of Ni crystallites, as C-forming reactions proceed
more easily on big Ni particles. This reflection was not observed in XRD patterns of any other
sample, suggesting that no graphitic carbon was formed on their surface upon DRM reaction.
However, the formation of amorphous carbon deposits cannot be excluded.
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 8.13 The XRD diffractograms recorded for catalysts after DRM tests at 550°C: ■ periclase-like phase of Mg(Al)O
mixed oxides, ● metallic nickel, ○ meixnerite (hydrotalcite) △ MgNi3 ▼ graphitic carbon
Interestingly, in case of sample HNi-TR, the reflections at 2θ equal to 11, 23 and 35° were
registered, characteristic for layered hydrotalcite structure. It was mentioned before that HTs
possess the ability of reconstructing their layered structure in the presence of aqueous
environment. Thus, most probably water formed in RWGS reaction allowed sample HNi-TR to form
meixnerite phase (a mineral in the group of hydrotalcites with OH- anions present in the interlayer
Chapter 8. Effect of nickel introduction
spaces; ICOD 00-050-01684). This is in agreement with low values of H2/CO obtained over HNi-TR
8.5 Conclusions
The hydrotalcite-derived materials were synthesized and tested in DRM reaction. Nickel
species were introduced into the HT-based catalytic systems via four methods: (i) co-precipitation
in the solution of Na2CO3 leading to Ni species introduced into brucite-like layers, (ii) impregnation
method leading to Ni species introduced on HT surface, (iii) adsorption from the solution of
[Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes leading to Ni specie introduced on HT surface and (iv) co-precipitation in the
solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- species leading to Ni species introduced into interlayer spaces of
hydrotalcite. The physico-chemical characterization of the prepared materials showed that all
catalysts were successfully loaded with Ni and that their properties were dependent on the method
of nickel introduction.
The temperature programmed and isothermal catalytic tests revealed that the highest
activity was shown by the impregnated sample, which was most probably attributed to high
dispersion of nickel species, and strong interactions between active phase and support. The
catalytic activity of the prepared catalysts was also dependent on the conditions of catalytic test,
as the results obtained at temperature 550°C for temperature-programmed and isothermal runs
differed. This was indicating that some structural changes in the prepared materials occurred during
temperature-programmed catalytic tests, e.g. the formation of inactive spinel phase, which
resulted in lower conversions registered at 550°C for temperature-programmed tests than the
values observed during isothermal runs at the same temperature. All catalysts exhibited the excess
of CO in the products of the reaction, suggesting the occurrence of RWGS. The lowest activity was
exhibited by the sample into which nickel was introduced into brucite-like layers. However, this
catalyst was loaded with relatively low amount of nickel, and thus this method of nickel
introduction may result in a very active catalyst when higher amount of Ni2+ species will be
introduced into hydrotalcite layers. The highest activity per gram of active material was shown by
catalyst loaded with only 0.8wt.% of Ni and prepared via adsorption method. Such high activity,
comparable to samples HNi-IMP and HNi-CP loaded with ca. 7wt.%Ni, may be attributed to the
formation of small crystallites or aggregates of nickel oxide on catalyst surface. Therefore, the
adsorption technique may be used to produce highly active catalyst with very low nickel content,
which is very beneficial from the economic standpoint.
All catalysts showed stable performance in DRM reaction at 550°C carried out for 5h.
Moreover, all catalysts showed considerable activity at such low temperature, clearly indicating
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
that Ni-containing, hydrotalcite-derived materials are promising catalysts for dry refroming
9 The effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
The Ni/Mg/Al and Ni/Al hydrotalcite-like materials with nickel species present in the
brucite-like layers have been extensively studied as catalysts precursors for DRM reaction over last
30 years (Chapter 5.5.1, Table 5.8). Recently a number of new publications regarding these type of
materials have been published (years 2014-2016) [103, 120, 121, 125, 128, 130-132]. The reported
research was focused mainly on the materials with either relatively low (below 20 wt.%) [103, 120,
123, 124, 129, 130] or high (above 50 wt.%) [121, 122, 131, 132] content of nickel. Materials with
fixed values of M2+/M3+ and Ni2+/Mg2+ molar ratios have also been tested [103, 119, 128-134]. The
activity of a wide range of hydrotalcite-derived materials with a varied content of nickel in brucite
like layers has not yet been reported. Thus, the studies presented in this Chapter were focused on
filling this gap.
The XRD diffractograms acquired for different prepared hydrotalcites are presented in
Fig. 9.1 A. All materials exhibited reflections at 2θ ca. 11.5, 23.5, and 35°, originating from
diffraction of X-rays on (003), (006) and (009) planes which are typical for 3R rhombohedral layered
structure [185, 186, 193]. Irrespective of Ni content, no additional phases were observed, pointing
to the successful incorporation of nickel cations into the brucite-like layers. The parameter a of
hydrotalcite unit cell was equal to 3.06Å (Table 9.1), indicating no structural changes with the
incorporation of different amounts of nickel. The values of the c parameter of unit cell (Table 9.1) ,
indicated the presence of carbonate anions, and possibly nitrate anions between hydrotalcite layers
[185]. The intensity of the reflections arising from hydrotalcite structure was decreasing with the
increasing nickel content, pointing to a decrease in crystallinity of hydrotalcite-like materials with
increasing Ni loading.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 9.1 The XRD diffractograms registered for: (A) freshly prepared hydrotalcites, (B) calcined materials;
○ hydrotalcite, ■ MgO periclase-like structure of mixed oxides; ■ NiO
The XRD patterns of calcined catalysts, shown in Fig. 9.1 B, exhibited two main reflections
at around 42.5 and 63° 2θ, which may be assigned to periclase-like structure of Mg(Ni,Al)O mixed
oxides [193]. This is typical for the thermal decomposition of hydrotalcite-like materials occurring
upon calcination. The intensity of the reflection at 2θ equal to 35° was increasing with the increasing
nickel content, and was shifted to a value of 37° 2θ for sample HNi100. Such shift was expected, as
with the decreasing content of magnesium in the Mg(Ni,Al)O oxides, the synthesized mixed oxides
were forming structure of NiO. No additional phase was observed for the calcined materials,
indicating that calcination temperature was insufficient to cause the formation of phases inactive
in DRM, such as NiAl2O4 spinel phase.
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
Table 9.1 Unit cell parameters of synthesized hydrotalcites with varied nickel content in brucite-like layers
The FTIR spectra recorded for freshly prepared hydrotalcites (Fig. 9.2), also confirmed the
successful synthesis of hydrotalcite-like materials. All samples exhibited absorption bands typical
for LDHs, which are listed in Table 9.2. The only difference between the samples was the difference
in intensity of absorption band at ca. 670cm-1, which was decreasing with the increasing content of
nickel. As reported by Cavani et al. [185], carbonate anions in a symmetric environment are
characterized by three IR active absorption bands observed at 1350-1380 cm-1, 850-880cm-1 and
670-690cm-1. The observed decrease of intensity of the band at 670cm-1 was thus most probably
caused by lowering the symmetry, thus suggesting different interactions of carbonate anions and
brucite-like layers with the increasing nickel content. Moreover, with the increasing magnesium
content the intensity of absorption band at 1650cm-1 increased, suggesting higher content of
interlayer water for the samples with low content of nickel.
Table 9.2 The assignment of absorption bands in FTIR spectra of hydrotalcite-like materials [128, 189, 247]
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Inensity (a.u.)
4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500
Wavenumber (cm-1)
Fig. 9.2 FTIR spectra recorded for freshly synthesized hydrotalcites with different content of nickel in brucite-like layers
Table 9.3 The chemical composition of hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with nickel cations in brucite-like layers
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
The low temperature N2 sorption experiments showed that all samples exhibited type IV
isotherm, which is characteristic for mesoporous materials. Interestingly, the shape of hysteresis
loop, which indicates shapes of pores, changed with the nickel content. The catalysts with high
content of nickel (HNi100, HNi75, HNi50 and HNi25) exhibited the H2 hysteresis loop, indicating the
presence of cylindrical channel pores with nonuniform size and shape. On the other hand, samples
HNi15 and HNi5 (with low content of nickel) exhibited H3 hysteresis loop, indicating the slit shaped
pores with nonuniform size and shape [248, 249].
The character of pores and distribution of pore size changed with the increasing nickel
content, pointing that substituting magnesium cations by Ni2+ influences the texture properties of
hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides.
The values of specific surface area, SBET, of nickel containing hydrotalcites, derived from
the corresponding N2 adsorption isotherms through the application of the BET method, ranged
between 120 and 190 m2/g (Table 9.4) and were typical for such materials. For the samples, which
were obtained by exchanging 25, 50, 75 or 100% of magnesium cations by Ni 2+, the values of
textural parameters were in the same range. The increase in SBET and Vtot was observed for HNi15
and HNi5 samples. This was most probably caused by some structural rearrangements, as
confirmed by the analysis of the shape of isotherms and hysteresis loops (Fig. 9.3).
Table 9.4 The values of textural parameters obtained for hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with nickel in brucite-like layers
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
120 0.04
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
80 0.02
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
100 0.02
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
HNi15 HNi15
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
600 0.04
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
Fig. 9.3 The N2 adsorption/desorption isotherms registered for hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides and the
corresponding distribution of pores
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
H2-TPR profiles of the prepared catalysts are presented in Fig. 9.4. In general, all catalysts
showed one wide asymmetric reduction peak arising from the reduction of nickel oxide. The
maximum temperature of reduction (Tmax) was shifted to higher temperatures with the decreasing
nickel content (with the exception of sample HNi5). The nickel loading influenced both the shape
and Tmax of the reduction peak. It was reported in literature, that nickel oxide forms MgO-NiO solid
solution with magnesia in all molar ratios, which increases the interactions between active material
and support [93, 233, 255]. Moreover, as reported by Hu [255] and Daza et al. [236], reduction of
Ni2+ is only possible in Ni-O-Ni and not possible in Ni-O-Mg species. With the decreasing amount of
nickel, the dilution of Ni in the solid solution of oxides increases, and thus the probability of finding
Ni-O-Ni species is lower, and, in consequence, the reduction of NiO occurs at higher temperatures.
Moreover, as Ni species needed to be extracted from the Mg(Ni,Al)O framework in order to form
metallic nickel crystallites on the support surface, it may be stated that with the decreasing content
of nickel the nickel crystallite size was decreasing and dispersion of Ni species was increasing. In
case of HNi100 sample an additional low intensity peak was observed at 420°C which is related to
the reduction of surface nickel oxide [256, 257]. The lack of this reduction peak in the case of other
studied catalysts may be explained by the interactions of NiO with magnesia.
H2 consumption (a.u.)
HNi15 820°C
Fig. 9.4 The H2-TPR profiles of calcined hydrotalcite-derived materials with nickel introduced into brucite-like layers
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The basicity of the catalysts is an important factor in DRM reaction, as CO2 adsorption is
facilitated on the basic sites. Thus, high basicity of the catalyst can influence its activity, as shown
e.g. by high concentration of strong basic sites enhancing catalytic activity of samples HNi-IMP and
HNi-CP in comparison to other catalysts described in Chapter 8. Moreover, high basicity can help to
oxidize carbon deposits formed during DRM process via Boudouard reaction. On the other hand,
acidic catalysts favour the formation of carbon deposits. As total basicity of calcined and reduced
hydrotalcite-derived materials is influenced by the composition of brucite-like layers, the CO2-TPD
experiments were applied to establish the effect of nickel content on basic properties of HTs-based
catalysts. The obtained CO2-TPD desorption profiles are depicted in Fig. 9.5. All calcined catalysts
(Fig. 9.5 A) evidence a wide and asymmetric CO2 desorption peak, centred at temperatures around
130-150°C, together with two shoulders at ca. 180-200 and 270-300°C. The profiles correspond to
adsorption on weak (100-150°C), medium (ca. 190°C) and strong (ca. 280°C) basic sites of
hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides.
The total basicity was calculated by means of the integration of the overall desorption
profile, which was deconvoluted into three Gaussian contributions corresponding to each type of
basic sites (Table 9.6). For the calcined catalysts, the total basicity decreased with the increasing Ni
content. This may be ascribed to the decreasing MgO content in the mixed oxide phase, since its
presence may favour CO2 adsorption, e.g. through the enhanced formation of stable carbonate
Table 9.5 The integration and deconvolution of CO2-TPD profiles for the calcined and the reduced catalysts: W (weak), M
(medium-strength) and S (strong) basic sites, and total basicity (μmol CO2/g)
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
desorption peak desorption peak
weak basic sites weak basic sites
medium basic sites medium basic sites
strong basic sites strong basic sites
CO2 desorption (a.u.)
100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)
Fig. 9.5 CO2-TPD profiles registered for: calcined (A) and reduced (B) hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with nickel
introduced into brucite-like layers
The distribution of weak, medium and strong basic sites remained similar for all calcined
materials, with a higher contribution of strong basic sites, as could be expected from CO2 adsorption
on a mixed oxide phase. An additional desorption peak was observed above 600°C (results not
shown), which can be attributed to the completion of dehydroxylation process and decomposition
of carbonate anions formed upon CO2 adsorption [253].
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
catalysts with the highest content of strong basic sites. Thus, one can expect high activity in DRM
for sample HNi25. Moreover, a shift to higher desorption temperatures was observed for the peaks
corresponding to medium and strong basic sites. The increasing presence of MgO species with the
decreasing Ni-content may partially explain these facts. However, different types of CO2
chemisorption on Ni(111), Ni(100) and Ni(110) surfaces was reported in literature [258]. The
presence of different Ni planes may be controlled by crystal size and, ultimately, by Ni content, and
thus may as well contribute to the dissimilarities observed in terms of basicity among different
reduced catalysts.
Electron microscopies (SEM and TEM) were used to study the morphology of selected
calcined and reduced catalysts.
Fig. 9.6 The SEM micrographs registered for calcined HNi100 (A), calcined HNi25 (B),
reduced HNi100 (C) and reduced HNi25 (D) catalysts
The SEM images recorded for calcined and reduced catalysts are presented in Fig. 9.6.
Upon calcination of hydrotalcites at moderate temperatures (500-600°C), the layered structure
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
collapse and mixed oxides with nano-sphere morphology are formed. Most commonly these mixed
oxides exhibit plate/flake-like shaped structure. The shape of mixed oxides nano-particles can be
influenced by the calcination conditions, aging etc [124]. The recorded images showed that the
obtained materials were composed of irregular particles of flake-like shape with sizes between 2-
50μm. These particles were composed of a group of layers characteristic for the layered aggregates
of periclase phase.
Fig. 9.7 TEM micrographs registered for calcined catalysts: HNi100 (A), HNi75 (B),
HNi50 (C), HNi25 (D), Hni15 (E) and HNi5 (F)
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 9.8 TEM images and the corresponding histograms of nickel particle size distribution registered for the reduced
catalysts: HNi100 (A), HNi75 (B), HNi50 (C), HNi25 (D), HNi15 (E) and HNi5 (F)
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
The TEM images for the calcined materials (Fig. 9.7) also confirmed the presence of nano-
structure arrays of flake-like particles. The size of the observed aggregates was influenced by nickel
content, and was decreasing with increasing Ni loading. Moreover, no separate Ni-phase was
distinguished, in agreement with XRD analysis (Fig. 9.1B), indicating that Ni oxides were present in
the form of a mixed oxide solution (periclase) together with Mg and Al oxides. Furthermore, the
lamellar structure of hydrotalcites was well conserved in the materials after calcination. The
presence of carbonates, probably formed upon the-exposure of the calcined catalysts to ambient
air, was confirmed by the existence of crystalline planes of average planar distance around 5-6Å.
The electron microscopies confirmed additionally that the materials were homogenous and well
crystallized. The EDX analysis performed in various zones of the materials together with TEM and
SEM experiments revealed a uniform materials composition.
Table 9.6 The Ni crystallite size calculated basing on TEM and XRD analysis and relative intensity of Ni(200) reflection with
respect to Ni(111) reflection
After reduction in 5%H2 in Ar at 900°C for 1h, some morphological changes become visible
in SEM images. In general, on the surface of flake-like shaped particles, smaller aggregates were
located (Fig. 9.6 C and D). The coverage of the support surface and the amount of such small
particles was increasing with the decreasing content of nickel. As confirmed by EDX and XRD
analysis, the calcined materials contained only one phase. Thus during reduction of the catalysts,
the surface and bulk NiO was segregated from the periclase structure of Mg(Ni,Al)O oxides, causing
the destruction of the periclase surface phase and the formation of cauliflower-like aggregates on
the surface.
TEM micrographs obtained for the reduced catalysts and the distribution of nickel
particles are shown in Fig 9.8. In order to determine an average particle size, between 300-400
particles were measured. In all micrographs dark spots were observed, which were ascribed to the
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Ni0 particles, with interplanar spacing of 2Å, dispersed on the support, as confirmed by the
diffraction analysis. All catalysts exhibited homogenous distribution of nickel particles. The size of
nickel particles was dependent on the nickel loading, and as expected, decreased with the
decreasing nickel content (Table 9.6). For the whole set of hydrotalcite-derived catalysts Ni particle
size decreased from 19nm (sample HNi100) to 5nm (sample HNi5).
The XRD patterns of the catalysts after activation in 5%H2/Ar are presented in Fig. 9.9. All
catalysts showed reflections at 2θ equal to ca. 44, 51 and 76° characteristic for cubic metallic nickel
structure (ICOD 01-087-0712). The intensity of these reflections was increasing with increasing
content of nickel, clearly suggesting the increase of nickel crystallite size with the increasing loading
of Ni, in agreement with TEM results. The estimated values of Ni crystallite size, calculated using
the position of Ni(200) reflection and Scherrer equation, are presented in Table 9.6. Basing on the
obtained XRD patterns of the reduced catalysts relative intensity of Ni(200) reflection with respect
to Ni(111) reflection was also calculated. It has been reported in literature [73] that the side
reactions accompanying DRM, i.e. carbon-forming reactions, are structure sensitive and tend to
occur on Ni(200) and Ni(220), rather than Ni(111) planes. The calculated values of this parameter
were increasing with the increasing Ni content, suggesting that carbon forming reactions would
proceed more easily on the catalysts with high content of nickel (HNi100, HNi75, HNi50), as these
samples exhibited large size of Ni crystals and relatively high intensity of Ni(200) reflection.
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 9.9 The XRD diffractograms registered for catalysts reduced in 5%H2/Ar at 900°C;
Detected phases: ●metallic nickel, ■ Mg(Ni,Al)O with periclase-like structure, ▲ NiAl2O4, △ MgNi3;
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
The reflections characteristic for periclase-like structure of mixed oxides (2θ equal to ca.
43 and 63°) are also present in Fig.9.9. Contrary to the reflections originating from metallic nickel,
the intensity of these reflections was decreasing with the increasing nickel content and they were
absent for sample HNi100. Upon reduction nickel species are extracted from the framework of
periclase-like mixed oxides. The obtained results suggest that with the increasing nickel content,
the crystallinity of mixed oxide phase decreases.
Additional phases were also observed for the reduced catalysts. Samples HNi5 and HNi15
showed the presence of NiAl2O4 spinel phase. Moreover, MgNi3 phase was observed for reduced
HNi5, HNi15 and HNi25 catalysts.
Figures 9.10 A and B depict the CH4 and CO2 conversions measured during the DRM
experiments performed at 550°C over different hydrotalcite-derived catalysts and, for comparison,
Ni/Al2O3 catalyst (10 wt.%). CH4 conversion was increasing with the increasing loading of nickel,
with the exception of sample HNi75, which showed the highest conversion of methane after ca. 70
minutes of reaction. The activity towards methane conversion formed a sequence: HNi75 > HNi100
> HNi50 > HNi25 >> HNi15 ≈ Ni/Al2O3 > HNi5. No decrease in catalytic activity towards CH4
conversion was observed during 5h TOS.
CO2 conversions did not depend so strongly on the nickel content, as all catalysts showed
very similar activity towards DRM reaction. However, the significant decrease in CO2 conversion
was observed during first 60-80 minutes of the catalytic runs till CO2 conversions reached stable
values (for HNi100, HNi75, HNi50 and HNi25 catalysts). This may have been caused by the
deposition of catalytic coke on the catalysts surface, which influenced their activity. The highest
CO2 conversion was measured for HNi25 sample.
CH4 conversions were higher than CO2 conversions for samples HNi75 and HNi100. The
opposite tendency was observed for HNi5, HNi15 and Ni/Al2O3 catalysts and for sample HNi25
during first 60-80 minutes of the reaction. This indicates a strong influence of different side
reactions. Higher conversions of CH4 with respect to CO2 were most probably caused by the
occurrence of CH4 decomposition. On the other hand, CO2 conversions higher than those of CH4,
suggest the occurrence of reverse water gas shift reaction (RWGS). These results stay in line with
the registered values of H2/CO molar ratio, as the excess of H2 or CO was observed in the products
of the reaction, respectively.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
45 37
100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
HNi5 HNi15 HNi25
HNi50 HNi75 HNi100 Ni/Al2O3
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 9.10 The results of catalytic tests in DRM reaction carried out at 550°C over hydrotalcite-derived catalysts:
(A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio;
GHSV=20000h-1, CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8, total flow 100cm3/min
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
The performance of the tested catalysts in DRM reaction may be divided into two groups.
The samples with high and medium content of nickel, obtained by substitution of 100, 75, 50 or
25% of Mg2+ by Ni2+, showed higher conversions of CH4 than those of carbon dioxide, and thus the
excess of hydrogen in the products of the reaction was registered (Fig. 9.10 C). The ratio of H 2/CO
was strongly affected by the nickel content, and the excess of H2 in the obtained products was more
evident with the increasing nickel content. On the other hand, the catalysts with low loading of
nickel (HNi5 and HNi15) exhibited higher conversions of CO2 than of CH4, as well as the excess of
carbon monoxide in the products of the reaction. Sample HNi5 turned out to be the least active of
all testes catalysts. Such high differences in the distribution of the obtained products strongly
suggest the occurrence of side reactions.
The reference catalyst, 10wt.% Ni/Al2O3, showed very similar performance to sample
HNi15 in terms of methane conversion. However, a constant decrease was observed for the former
catalyst, pointing to its deactivation. CO2 conversion registered for the Ni/Al2O3 were similar to that
observed for HNi100 sample, after ca. 150 min TOS. However, the CO2 conversions of most tested
catalysts were at a similar level. The comparison of the performance of the reference catalyst with
the hydrotalcite-derived ones, showed the advantages of the latter. Higher activity of samples
HNi100, HNi75, HNi50 and HNi25 may be explained by the higher nickel loading.
The XRD patterns recorded for the spent catalysts after 5h DRM reaction are depicted in
Fig. 9.11. All catalysts exhibited reflections originating from metallic nickel phase (ICOD 01-087-
0712) and Mg(Ni,Al)O nano mixed oxides with periclase like structure (reflections at 2θ: 43, 62.5°;
ICOD 01-087-0652), with the exception of sample HNi100, which showed the presence of cubic
Al2O3 (reflections at 2θ: 37, 45 and 68°; ICOD 00-001-1308). The presence of alumina phase
indicates, that upon DRM reaction nickel species are separated from the Ni(Al)O phase of periclase
forming in this way phases of metallic nickel and Al2O3 in case of sample HNi100. The other samples
still exhibited periclase-like phase of mixed oxides, pointing to a stabilization of mixed oxide
structure in the presence of magnesium. Moreover, the intensity and width of the reflections
originating from the mixed oxide phase were decreasing with the increasing nickel content, in
agreement with average values of Mg(Ni,Al)O size (Table 9.7). The opposite trend was observed for
the reflections arising from Ni0 structure. It is expected that with the increasing content of nickel,
the Ni0 crystallite size increases and the size of Mg(Ni,AlO) mixed oxides crystallites decreases. This
was confirmed by the estimation of Ni0 and mixed-oxides crystallite size basing on Scherrer
equation (Table 9.7). Crystal sizes for Ni0 practically corresponded to the mean particle sizes
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 9.11 The XRD diffractograms registered for the catalysts after DRM reaction at 550°C;
Detected phases: ●metallic nickel, ■ periclase-like mixed oxides, ▲ NiAl2O4, △ MgNi3, ▼ graphitic carbon, ▽ Al2O3
In case of almost all catalysts (with the exception of HT-5Ni), an additional reflection at 2θ
ca. 26°, originating from the graphitic carbon, was observed. The intensity of this reflection was
decreasing with the decreasing content of nickel, further confirming the hypothesis that large Ni
particles are more active towards direct methane decomposition, which leads to the formation of
carbon deposits [73, 259, 260]. The occurrence of CH4 decomposition also explains the excess of H2
in the products of DRM reaction observed for catalysts with high Ni loadings (Fig 9.10 C).
Table 9.7 The nickel and periclase-like mixed oxides crystallite sizes estimated for the reduced and spent catalysts after
5h DRM reaction at 550°C, based on XRD and TEM analysis
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
Fig. 9.12 TEM images and corresponding distribution of nickel particles registered for the spent catalysts after 5h DRM
reaction at 550°C: (A) HNi100, (B) HNi75, (C) HNi50, (D) HNi25, (E) HNI15 and (F) HNi5
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
For the two catalysts prepared with the lowest Ni-content, HNi15 and HNi5, the presence
of additional reflections at 2θ: 42, 49 and 71.5° points to the presence of a magnesium nickel alloy
MgNi3 (ICOD 04-016-6336), formed upon DRM reaction. Moreover, some reflections corresponding
to an hydrotalcite-like structure of meixnerite (2θ: 11, 23 and 35°; ICOD 00-050-1684) were
registered, suggesting that over HNi15 and HNi5 catalysts the RWGS reaction, resulting in the
production of water and CO, may be especially activated, causing the reconstruction of the layered
structure due to the memory effect. These results are in good agreement with low H2/CO ratios
measured for HNi15 and HNi5 catalysts during DRM reaction (Fig. 9.10 C).
The TEM (Fig. 9.12) and SEM images (Fig. 9.13) recorded for the spent catalysts clearly
evidence the changes in samples morphology and the formation of carbon structures. Whisker-like
carbon filaments, i.e. fishbone type [76], having a diameter around 13-80nm, were visible in TEM
and SEM micrographs acquired for all catalysts. The diameter and amount of these whisker-shaped
multiwall carbon nano-tubes were decreasing with the decreasing nickel loading.
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
On the top of carbon whiskers Ni particles were observed. Such effect has already been
reported in literature [76, 125]. It is considered that the carbon atoms originating from dissociative
adsorption of CH4 on nickel crystallites may dissolve in the nickel crystallites, and then diffuse
through nickel, and subsequently nucleate and precipitate at the rear end of the crystallite. This
leads to the formation of carbon multiwall nanotubes of whisker-like shape and, as a result, nickel
crystallite is lifted from the catalyst surface.
Fig. 9.12 additionally presents the distribution of Ni particle size. For all catalysts the most
frequent values of Ni particle size are in agreement with the ones estimated by XRD analysis
(Table 9.7). It is important to stress that with the increasing content of nickel, the distribution of
particle size became wider, and in case of samples HNi100, HNi75 and HNi50 a wide range of nickel
crystallite sizes was registered. Nevertheless, the mean values of Ni0 phase, as compared for to
those observed for the reduced catalysts (Fig. 9.8), did not directly evidence sintering of active
phase. However, the distributions of nickel particle sizes were much wider for the spent catalysts,
which may have been the result of sintering. As Ni particles were lifted from the support by carbon
whiskers, the interaction between active material and support grew weaker and, as a result,
sintering of nickel particles may have been favoured. The TEM micrographs also confirmed the
presence of amorphous carbonaceous species on the catalysts surface.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
deposits (two exothermic peaks). According to literature [103, 147], the carbonaceous species of
the first temperature region are amorphous and may participate in the syngas formation via
gasification with CO2 or H2O, while the carbon deposits of the higher temperature region (iii) are
mainly inactive graphitic coke which does not affect the DRM activity. On the other hand, Zhang et
al. [147] reported that carbonaceous species of graphitic form that were oxidized at temperatures
higher than 600°C may also participate in CO formation. As in DTG profiles mainly two peaks in the
temperature region of 450-650°C were observed, it may be stated that the graphitic coke formed
during 5h DRM reaction at 550°C was not poisonous.
100 1.2
40 HNi100 0.4
HNi25 0.2
10 HNi5
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 9.14 The TGA profiles for the temperature programmed oxidation of the carbon deposits in the spent catalysts:
(A) weight loss, (B) dTGA signal vs. temperature
Table 9.8 The results of thermogravimetric oxidative analysis of the spent catalysts after 5h DRM reaction at 550°C
The peak observed around 350°C for HNi5 sample may be assigned to the desorption of
adsorbed water, i.e. responsible of the regeneration of the hydrotalcite layered-structure, as
suggested by XRD pattern of the appropriate catalyst (Fig. 9.11).
The results of low temperature N2 sorption measurements carried out for the samples
after 5h-catalytic tests in DRM at 550°C are presented in Table 9.9. All samples exhibited the
decrease in the values of SBET and Vtot with respect to the values obtained for the catalysts before
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
reaction. The highest decrease of textural parameters was observed for the catalysts with high Ni
loading (HNi100, HNi75 and HNi50), which corresponds to the formation of the highest amount of
carbonaceous deposits on catalysts surface, which caused the blockage of pores. These results are
in good agreement with XRD and TG results obtained for the spent catalysts. The lowest decrease
of textural parameters was observed for sample HNi25, which also showed the highest conversions
of CO2.
The results of catalytic tests (Fig. 9.10) showed that the catalysts exhibited stable
performance, with no decrease of CH4 and CO2 conversions during 5h isothermal tests at 550°C. On
the other hand, the characterization of the spent catalysts showed that carbon deposits were
formed on all samples. The amount and type of these deposits was dependent on the nickel
content, and was increasing with the increase of Ni loading. This may be explained by the fact that
Ni particles were lifted from the surface of the catalysts by carbon nanotubes, and thus the contact
to DRM nickel active centres was not blocked. However, such lifting of nickel particles decreases
interactions between active phase and support, which may lead to sintering of Ni species and
catalyst deactivation during catalytic runs longer than 5h.
Table 9.9 Textural properties of the studied catalysts before and after DRM at 500°C for 5h
The results of DRM isothermal catalytic tests at 550°C revealed that the samples with high
loadings of Ni led to an excess of H2 in the products stream and CH4 conversions higher than those
of CO2, in agreement with thermodynamics (cp. Chapter 7), since CH4 decomposition is favoured at
low temperatures. Moreover, CO2 conversions for these catalysts were decreasing during ca. first
150 minutes of the reaction. All catalysts (with the exception of HNi5 sample) exhibited the
presence of graphitic carbon on the surface, pointing to the occurrence of side carbon-forming
reactions, as confirmed by TEM, SEM, TG and XRD experiments. It has been reported in literature
[262-264], that hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with high nickel loading in brucite-like layers are
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
active in methane decomposition. Additionally, Ashok et al. [262] observed that the main product
of CH4 decomposition over Ni/Cu/Al hydrotalcite-derived catalysts was graphitic carbon. In order
to check the activation of this key carbon-forming reaction, methane decomposition experiments
were performed at 550°C in the presence of different HT-derived catalysts.
HNi5 HNi15 HNi25
HNi50 HNi75 HNi100
CH4 conversion (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 9.15 CH4 decomposition over hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with different content of nickel in brucite-like layers;
CH4/Ar=2/8, total flow 100cm3/min, GHSV=20000h-1;
The results of CH4 decomposition catalytic tests are depicted in Fig. 9.15. Methane
conversions registered are generally lower than those measured during the DRM runs. However,
all studied catalysts showed considerable activity in direct methane decomposition. The CH4
conversions followed the same pattern as methane conversions in dry reforming reaction and
increased with the increasing loading of Ni. The highest observed conversion was equal to ca. 35%
for HNi75 catalyst after approximately 250 minutes. The initial conversions of methane increased
with the increasing nickel content. All samples (with the exception of HNi5 and HNi15 catalysts)
exhibited during ca. first 70-80 minutes of the reaction an increase in CH4 conversion, resulting in
the formation of carbon deposits on the catalysts surface, as confirmed by XRD experiments (results
not shown). This may explain the initial loss of activity towards CO2 during DRM process over these
catalysts. The activity in CH4 decomposition of HNi15 and HNi5 catalysts was much lower in
comparison to other materials, again similarly as in DRM reaction. Sample HNi5 turned out to
practically inactive in CH4 decomposition reaction. Coming back to the results of the physico-
chemical characterization of the reduced catalysts (TEM Fig. 9.8, XRD Fig. 9.9) , increasing Ni content
was found to result in larger Ni particle sizes upon reduction under 5%H2/Ar for 1h. Moreover, with
decreasing nickel content the relative intensity of Ni(200) reflection decreased. As previously
reported [73, 259, 260, 262], Ni crystal sizes were found to play an important role in carbon
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
formation through CH4 decomposition and on the type of carbon deposited on the catalyst surface.
The obtained results (Fig. 9.15) further confirm this fact. Thus, the activity of hydrotalcite-derived
catalysts towards methane decomposition at low temperatures may be controlled through tailoring
of Ni particle/crystal size, which in turn depends on the amount of nickel incorporated in the
brucite-like layers of hydrotalcite structure.
The obtained results of CH4 decomposition showed that this reaction strongly influences
the DRM process, when HT-derived catalysts with high nickel content are applied, and is responsible
for the obtained H2/CO molar ratios higher than unity by increasing CH4 conversions.
The methane conversion in dry reforming process over the catalysts tested at 550°C was
mainly influenced by direct methane decomposition reaction, as discussed in the previous
subchapter. On the other hand, the CO2 conversions of the prepared catalysts were mainly
influenced by their basic properties, as illustrated in Fig. 9.16, which depicts average conversions of
CH4, CO2 and average H2/CO molar ratios registered during 5h tests at 550°C for different
hydrotalcite-based catalysts. It may be observed that the sample HNi25, which exhibited the
highest CO2 conversion, showed also the highest basicity. With respect to other catalysts, sample
HNi25 had also the highest amount of strong basic sites, which according to literature, are
associated with low coordinated O2- anions [196, 197]. The presence of strong Lewis basic sites
facilitates the adsorption of CO2 and thus may enhance conversion of carbon dioxide and promote
oxidation of carbon deposits via Boudouard reaction.
55 1.8
HNi75 40
HNi25 HNi75
50 HNi100 HNi50
HNi75 1.6 HNi100
Average H2/CO molar ratio (-)
Average CO2 conversion (%)
Average CH4 conversion (%)
HNi50 HNi100
45 HNi15
HNi25 36
40 HNi50
35 HNi25
HNi15 1.0
30 0.8
25 HNi15
Total basicity of the reduced samples (mol/g) Total basicity of the reduced samples (mol/g) Total basicity of the reduced samples (mol/g)
Fig. 9.16 Average conversions of methane (A), carbon dioxide (B) and H2/CO molar ratio (C)
registered during 5h DRM catalytic tests at 550°C as a function of catalysts basicity
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The obtained results (Fig. 9.16) clearly indicate that catalytic activity of hydrotalcite-
derived catalysts with nickel introduced into brucite-like layers of catalyst precursors is a function
of basicity. The basicity of the materials, and especially the content of strong basic sites (Table 9.5),
influenced the catalyst activity. Basing on the obtained results it can be stated that by exchanging
25% of Mg2+ by Ni2+ with respect to naturally occurring Mg/Al hydrotalcite, it is possible to obtain a
catalyst with the optimal composition for DRM reaction.
Two catalysts, which showed the highest average conversions of CH4 and CO2, samples
HNi100 and HNi25, containing ca. 58 and 19 wt.% of Ni, respectively, were selected for isothermal
5h DRM tests at 650 and 750°C. Fig 9.17 presents the evolution of CH4 and CO2 conversions,
together with the H2/CO molar ratio at temperatures from 550 to 750°C. For both catalysts activity
increased with temperature, due to the endothermic nature of dry methane reforming. For HNi100
catalyst CH4 conversions were higher than those of CO2 at all three tested temperatures. However,
the difference between CH4 and CO2 conversion decreased with temperature. The opposite trend
was observed for HNi25 catalyst, which exhibited higher conversions of CO2 than those of CH4 at
650 and 750°C. As shown in Fig. 9.17 C, the values of H2/CO ratio for both catalysts at 550°C were
well below the ones predicted by thermodynamics (as discussed in Chapter 7), and decreased with
the increasing reaction temperature to finally reach the desired H2/CO ratios close to 1, at 650-
750°C. Both CH4 conversions and H2/CO ratios are considerably higher for HNi100 than HNi25
catalyst, pointing to a strong influence of Ni-content on the activation of H2-producing reactions at
low temperatures, i.e. CH4 decomposition. According to thermodynamic calculations
(cp. Chapter 7), carbon-forming reactions, such as direct methane decomposition, are favoured at
low temperatures i.e. 550°C. Methane decomposition is thus bound to happen over a catalyst with
high Ni content, as reported in Chapter 9.2.2. However, the influence of this reaction seems to be
decreasing with the increase of temperature, as it is reflected with decreasing H2/CO ratios. On the
other hand, it seems that HNi25 catalyst was mostly affected by the occurrence of RWGS reaction,
which resulted in H2/CO molar ratios below unity at 650 and 750°C.
The equilibrium conversions of CH4 and CO2 in the tested reaction conditions are equal to
ca. 64 and 43%, respectively, and equilibrium value of H2/CO ratio is equal to ca. 3.5 at 550°C. In
case of both studied catalysts CH4 conversions were much lower than the ones predicted by
thermodynamics, suggesting that although CH4 decomposition reaction was well developed at
550°C, the catalysts strongly influenced the selectivity of the process towards dry reforming.
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
CH4 conversion (%)
50 HNi100
40 Equilibrium conversion
CO2 conversion (%)
50 HNi100
Equilibrium conversion
1.6 HT-25Ni
1.4 H2/CO molar ratio
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
550 600 650 700 750
Temperature °C
Fig. 9.17 The results of DRM catalytic tests over HNi100 and HNi25 catalysts carried out at 550, 650 and
750°C: (A) average CH4 conversion, (B) average CO2 conversion and (C) average H2/CO molar ratios registered during 5h
TOS as a function of temperature; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8, total flow 100cm3/min, GHSV=20000h-1
The average values of CH4 conversions were approaching equilibrium ones with increase in
temperature. CO2 conversions reached thermodynamic equilibrium values at 650 and 750°C for
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
both catalysts. The experimental average values of CO2 conversion higher than equilibrium ones
presented in Fig. 9.17B may be explained by the fact that they were within experimental error range
or may have arisen from the fact that thermodynamic analysis was performed considering the
closed system and not a flow reactor.
The two selected catalysts were also tested at 550 and 750°C in DRM reaction with
different feed gas compositions. The experiments with the excess of methane, excess of CO2 and
lower dilution with Ar (with respect to catalytic tests reported in the previous chapters) were
performed and the results of these tests are summarized in Table 9.10 and presented in Fig. 9.18,
9.19 and 9.20 for sample HNi100 tested at 550°C and HNi25 tested at 550 and 750°C, respectively.
Table 9.10 The average CH4, CO2 conversions and H2/CO ratios registered over 5h DRM catalytic tests over HNi100 and
HNi25 catalysts with different feed gas compositions
According to thermodynamics, the excess of methane in the feed gas should result in
decreased conversion of CH4 and increased CO2 conversion and higher H2/CO ratios. Moreover, the
carbon-forming reactions should be favoured with respect to equimolar CH4/CO2 feed gas
composition. On the other hand, the opposite trend should be expected in catalytic tests in the
excess of CO2, i.e. increased CH4 conversion, decreased CO2 conversion, H2/CO molar ratios close to
unity and decreased formation of carbon deposits at temperatures above 600°C, as discussed in
Chapter 7.
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
30 CH4/CO2/Ar:
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
20 1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
2/0/8 CH4 decomposition
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
30 CH4/CO2/Ar:
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
2.2 CH4/CO2/Ar:
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 9.18 The results of catalytic tests carried out over HNi100 catalyst in DRM reaction at 550°C for different
compositions of feed gas: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; total flow 100cm3/min,
The HNi100 catalyst tested at 550°C showed (Fig. 9.18), as expected, increased conversion
of CH4 and CO2 with the excess of methane and carbon dioxide in feed gas, respectively. The
obtained values of H2/CO ratio also followed trends predicted by thermodynamics. It was expected,
that the excess of CO2 in feed gas will enhance the amount of CH4 converted to CO and H2, resulting
in the increase of CH4 conversion. This observation further confirmed that CO2 as an mild oxidant
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
had a positive effect on CH4 conversion. On the other hand, the increase in CH4/CO2 feed ratio could
increase carbon deposition on the surface of the catalyst as a result of CH4 decomposition, which
stays in line with observed higher values of H2/CO ratios.
The introduction of both methane and carbon dioxide in the higher amount resulted in
the decrease of both conversions by ca. 10%. The observed H2/CO values were not affected when
the CH4/CO2/Ar ratios were increased from 1/1/8 to 1.5/1.5/7, and were equal in both cases to ca.
1.6. Thus, the decrease in feed gas dilution by argon had a negative effect on catalyst activity
towards CH4 and CO2, but did not influence the distribution of the obtained products.
The results of catalytic tests with different feed ratios at 550 and 750°C over HNi25
catalyst are presented in Fig. 9.19 and 9.20, respectively. The tests carried out in excess of CH4
resulted in decreased conversions of methane. However, the test at 550°C showed that CH4
conversion was increasing with TOS, pointing to enhanced direct CH4 decomposition. On the other
hand, the test at 750°C showed a constant decrease in CH4 conversions after ca. 100 minutes TOS,
indicating a faster rate of catalyst deactivation. The increase in CH4/CO2 ratio did not affect CO2
conversions at 550°C, but a small increase in CO2 conversion was registered at 750°C. It may be
explained by the disproportionation reaction, in accordance with the La Chatelier’s principle. At
both temperatures an evident rise in H2 formation was observed, which clearly points to the
development of direct methane decomposition reaction with the increase in CH4/CO2 feed ratio.
The excess of CO2 in the feed gas had no effect on CO2 conversion at 550°C, while at 750°C
it resulted in the rise of carbon dioxide conversion. At the same time, the product distribution
revealed an excess of CO in comparison to the tests with equimolar CH4/CO2 feed ratios, suggesting
that the excess of CO2 promotes RWGS reaction, especially at 750°C. The increase in CH4/CO2/Ar
ratio from 1/1/8 to 1.5/1.5/7, similarly as in case of sample HNi100, caused a decrease in CH4 and
CO2 conversions and H2/CO ratios in catalytic tests carried out both at 550 and 750°C. This indicates
that with the increased concentrations of both CH4 and CO2, there is most probably not enough
active centres able to convert substrates into CO and H2.
In general, the feed ratio of CH4/CO2/Ar had a significant influence on the catalysts activity
towards CO2 and CH4. The excess of methane in the feed ratio enhanced decomposition of methane
and thus, the formation of carbon deposits. On the other hand, the excess of CO2 caused the
decrease in H2/CO molar ratios. Moreover, the performed catalytic tests revealed different
selectivities of tested HNi100 and HNi25 samples towards DRM.
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
25 CH4/CO2/Ar:
20 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
15 1.5/1.5/7
2/0/8 CH4 decomposition
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
25 CH4/CO2/Ar:
20 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
15 1.5/1.5/7.5
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
1.8 1/1/8
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 9.19 The results of catalytic tests carried out over HNi25 catalyst in DRM reaction at 550°C for different
compositions of feed gas: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; total flow 100cm3/min,
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
70 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
70 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.10 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 9.20 The results of catalytic tests carried out over HNi25 catalyst in DRM reaction at 750°C for different
compositions of feed gas: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; total flow 100cm3/min,
The catalyst HNi25 was selected for 24h stability tests at 550, 650 and 750°C (Fig. 9.21).
At 550°C the catalyst showed unstable performance. Methane conversion increased during the first
6h TOS followed by a short-time stabilization, and further decreased after ca. 16h TOS. As already
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
commented before, the increase in CH4 conversion may be assigned to the occurrence of direct
methane decomposition resulting in the formation of carbon deposits that finally end up
passivating the catalyst surface. Moreover, the formed carbon nanotubes lifted nickel crystallites
from the support, decreasing in this way the interaction between active phase and support and
promoting sintering of Ni particles, as well as CH4 decomposition. The CO2 conversions became
stable after ca. 2.5h TOS.
80 DRM at 750°C
Conversion (%)
DRM at 650°C
DRM at 550°C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TOS (h)
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
550°C 650°C 750°C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TOS (h)
Fig. 9.21 The results of stability tests carried out over HNi25 catalyst for 24h at 550, 650 and 750°C: (A) CH4 and CO2
conversions, (B) H2/CO molar ratios; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; total flow 100cm3/min; GHSV=20000h-1
As temperature increased, the DRM reaction gained importance over direct methane
decomposition and other side reactions, i.e. it became thermodynamically favoured. At 750°C both
methane and CO2 conversions remained completely stable over 24h tests, reaching high values
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
around 89 and 92%, respectively. The values of H2/CO ratio registered at 750°C were constant and
slightly below expected value of 1, i.e. equimolar H2/CO mixture resulting from DRM.
9.3 Conclusions
Upon calcination of hydrotalcites, Ni was found to form a mixed oxide solid solution,
together with Mg and Al, forming in this way the periclase-like structure of MgO. Reduction under
5%H2/Ar at 900°C caused the segregation of the separated Ni-phase, resulting in the formation of
isolated Ni/NiOx particles. The size of these particles increased with the increasing Ni-content.
Catalysts basicity was substantially modified as a consequence of the reduction pre-treatment and
depended strongly on the Ni content. The highest content of basic sites was registered for the
catalyst which was synthesized by substitution of 25% magnesium cations by Ni2+, which resulted
in Ni loading close to 20wt.%. This catalyst showed also the highest content of strong basic sites
associated with O2- anions.
Both the DRM and the direct methane decomposition experiments evidenced increasing
methane conversion with the increasing Ni content, as a consequence of increasing Ni particle size,
pointing that catalyst activity towards CH4 was dependent mainly on Ni particle size. The CO2
conversions measured during DRM runs at 550°C did not depend that strongly on Ni-content. They
were found to approximately meet the values predicted by thermodynamics at tests carried out at
650 and 750°C. The highest conversion of CO2 was registered for the catalyst which exhibited the
highest basicity. The product distribution, i.e. H2/CO molar ratios, obtained at 550°C was higher
than the stoichiometric expected value of 1, especially for the samples with high nickel loading, but
always lower than the thermodynamic limit, equal at 550°C to approximately 3.5. The physico-
chemical characterization of the catalysts after reaction further confirmed these facts and showed
increasing carbon deposition with the increase in Ni loading. The activity of Ni-containing
hydrotalcite-derived catalysts with nickel in the brucite-like layers towards CH4 decomposition, the
key-carbon-forming reaction, may be controlled through the reduction of Ni content, which results
in smaller Ni particles. However, the Ni content in brucite-like layers influenced significantly also
the basicity of the obtained catalysts, and thus CO2 conversions. Therefore, based on the obtained
results of the materials characterization and catalytic tests, it may be stated that the optimal
Chapter 9. Effect of nickel content in brucite-like layers
content of nickel for the hydrotalcite-derived catalyst with nickel introduced into brucite-like layers
should be equal or similar to this shown by sample HNi25, i.e. around 20wt.%, as this catalyst
proved to be efficient during 24h stability tests carried out at relatively low temperatures 650 and
10 Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
The Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite derived materials have been thoroughly studied in DRM
reaction, as reported in previous two Chapters. In this section the work was focused on
investigating the effect of ceria and/or zirconia promotion on the catalytic activity of HTs-based
catalysts in dry reforming of methane.
It has been reported elsewhere [152, 233-235, 237, 238], that catalytic activity and
thermal stability of Ni-based catalysts may be improved by adding promoters, such as CeO2 and/or
ZrO2 (Chapter and Chapter 5.5.2). The addition of Ce-species into the catalytic hydrotalcite-
based structure was found to improve the reducibility of the nickel species and resulted in the
introduction of new basic sites, which increases the CO2 adsorption capacity of the catalysts.
Moreover, ZrO2 may increase the content in oxygen vacancies on the catalyst surface, which are of
key importance for the dissociative adsorption of CO2. Additionally, zirconia is known to improve
materials thermal stability [159, 265].
As already mentioned in Chapter 5.5.2, the effect of ceria promotion on the catalytic
activity of Ni-containing hydrotalcite-based materials in DRM has already been studied by Daza et
al [114, 233-237], who introduced nickel into the hydrotalcite catalytic system either at co-
precipitation stage, via reconstruction method or self-combustion method. Therefore, in this study
the adsorption technique, which was already proven to be suitable for the introduction of small
amounts of Ni species in case of sample HNi-AD (Chapter 8), was applied to promote HNi25 and
HNi100 catalysts with ceria. These two samples were chosen because of their highest registered
conversions of CO2 and CH4 (Chapter 9). Moreover, sample HNi25 showed the highest basicity, and
exhibited much more stable performance in DRM reaction at 550°C than HNi100 catalyst, as
confirmed by the characterization of the spent catalyst.
The XRD patterns acquired for the fresh hydrotalcites, as well as the calcined and reduced
HT-derived catalysts are depicted in Fig 10.1 A, B and C, respectively. Before calcination (Fig. 10.1 A)
all materials showed the typical layered structure of hydrotalcite. The absence of any other
additional crystalline phase in the diffractograms, indicates the successful incorporation of nickel
and zirconium cations into the brucite like-layers. Moreover, as expected, the adsorption of
[Ce(EDTA)]- species resulted in the introduction of small amounts of ceria, which was well
distributed on the catalyst surface and thus was not detectable by XRD. The unit cell parameters
calculated for obtained hydrotalcites (Table 10.1) showed that no significant increase was observed
for basal spacing between hydrotalcite-layers (values of parameter c and c’), indicating that
adsorption of [Ce(EDTA)]- species did not result in ion-exchange, and cerium species were most
probably deposited on the external surfaces of crystallites. At the same time all values of c and c’
were within the range of values typical for CO32- (7.65Å) and NO3- (8.79Å) [185]. On the other hand,
a small increase in the values of parameter a of unit cell was registered for two zirconium containing
samples. The parameter a of the unit cell describes the average cation-cation distances in brucite-
like layers. Since Zr4+ cations have higher ionic radii than Al3+, Ni2+ and Mg2+, the increase in the
values of a further confirms the successful incorporation of Zr4+ cations into hydrotalcite layers.
The XRD diffractograms registered for the calcined materials (Fig. 10.1 B), show two main
reflection peaks at 43 and 64° 2θ, ascribed to periclase-like structure of Mg(Ni,Al)O mixed oxides
formed upon thermal decomposition of hydrotalcite materials. For Ce or Zr-promoted catalysts
low-intensity reflections observed at ca 28 and 37° 2θ were also registered, pointing to the presence
of cubic fluorite-like structure of CeO2 (ICOD 00-023-1048) or ZrO2 (01-081-1550), as both
compounds give the highest intensity reflection at 2θ equal to ca. 30°. The intensity of these
reflections was the highest for sample HNi25-Ce, suggesting that the higher amount of ceria species
was introduced to the sample with lower nickel content, when HNi25-Ce and HNi100-Ce were
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 10.1 The XRD diffractograms registered for ceria and/zirconia promoted catalysts: (A) hydrotalcites, (B)
calcined materials, (C) reduced materials; ○ hydrotalcite;■ MgO periclase-like structure of mixed oxides; ■ NiO; ●
metallic nickel; ◆ CeO2 or ZrO2; △ MgNi3; green line - ceria promoted catalysts;
blue line - zirconia promoted catalysts; dark yellow line - Ce and Zr promoted catalysts;
The XRD diffractograms recorded for the catalysts activated in the stream of 5%H2 in Ar
at 900°C for 1h are presented in Fig. 10.1 C. The two samples with the highest content of nickel,
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
HNi100 and HNi100-Ce, showed the presence of reflections ascribed to metallic nickel. Similarly as
for the calcined materials, small reflections arising from CeO2 were distinguished in the XRD pattern
of HNi100-Ce catalyst. The samples obtained by the promotion of HNi25 sample with ceria and/or
zirconia exhibited much more complicated XRD diffractograms, pointing to the fact that the
presence of different promoters had an essential influence on the phase composition of the
reduced catalysts (Fig. 10.1 C).
Table 10.1 The unit cell parameters and type of anions present in the interlayer spaces of hydrotalcites promoted with
ceria and/or zirconia (uncalcined samples)
The HNi25-Zr sample exhibited the highest intensity reflections arising from MgNi3 alloy.
The presence of this phase was also observed in XRD diffractograms of other HNi25-derived
catalysts. However, Ce-promoted catalysts exhibited the lowest intensity of the reflections
originating from MgNi3 phase of all studied samples, suggesting that the presence of Zr promotes
the formation of the latter, while the presence of Ce increases reducibility of nickel species, and
thus inhibits the formation of MgNi3. These statements are in good agreement with Ni crystallite
sizes (estimated basing on XRD results) for HNi25, HNi25-Ce, HNi25-Zr and HNi25-ZrCe catalysts,
which were equal to 6, 8, 6 and 7nm, respectively.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
The Ce content in HNi100-Ce, HNi25-Ce and HNi25-ZrCe catalysts was between 1.4 to
4.7wt.%, and was higher for the samples with lower loading of nickel. Zr contents of 2.5 and 2.74
wt.% were measured for samples HNi25-Zr and HNi25-ZrCe, respectively.
Table 10.2 The results of elemental analysis obtained for ceria and/or zirconia promoted catalysts
HNi100 58.66 - 8.92 - - - -
HNi100- 3.05
59.03 - 8.91 1.41 - - -
Ce (3.0)
0.34 3.02
HNi25 19.57 23.85 11.76 - - -
(0.33) (3.0)
HNi25- 0.34 2.96
17.85 21.45 10.83 3.73 - -
Ce (0.33) (3.0)
HNi25- 0.30 3.33 13.05
17.33 24.04 9.66 - 2.50
Zr (0.33) (3.0) (9.0)
HNi25- (0.28) 3.28 14.16
19.36 28.37 11.48 4.74 2.74
ZrCe (0.33) (3.0) (9.0)
1) determined by ICP-MS technique
2) in parenthesis nominal values are given
The FTIR spectra of uncalcined samples (Fig. 10.2) show, similarly as for the samples
without Ce or Zr species studied in Chapters 8 and 9, absorption bands common to all synthesized
hydrotalcites. The range of 1000-1800cm-1 is considered a main absorption region related to
absorption of infrared radiation by anions present in the interlayer spaces. Typically for carbonate
anions, absorption bands at 1370, 870 and 670cm-1 were present [185]. A small shoulder at ca.
1376cm-1 indicates that, apart from carbonate anions, the nitrate ions were also present between
brucite-like layers of synthesized hydrotalcites. For the samples loaded with cerium species
(HNi100-Ce, HNi25-Ce and HNi25-ZrCe) an additional absorption band present at 1600cm-1, which
arises from stretching vibrations of COO- from EDTA [185, 233]. This indicates that cerium-EDTA
complexes were not introduced into the spaces between brucite-like layers, since the FTIR and XRD
confirmed the presence of carbonate and nitrate anions. However, the fact that FTIR results showed
that EDTA complexes were present in the catalytic system, leads to a conclusion that most probably
the [Ce(EDTA)]- complexes were deposited on the external surfaces of crystallites.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Intensity (a.u.)
4000 3750 3500 3250 3000 2750 1750 1500 1250 1000 750 500
Wavenumber (cm )
Fig. 10.2 The FTIR spectra registered for Ce and/or Zr promoted hydrotalcite-derived catalysts; green line - ceria
promoted catalysts; blue line - zirconia promoted catalysts; dark yellow line - Ce and Zr promoted catalysts; black line -
parental materials
The values of specific surface area, SBET, total pore volume, Vtot, and mean pore size,
derived from the N2 adsorption isotherms (Fig. 10.3) for different HT-derived catalysts promoted
with Ce and/or Zr are presented in Table 10.3. All values of textural parameters are typical for
mesoporous hydrotalcite derived mixed-oxides [185, 186, 196]. Zr-doping resulted in HT-derived
mixed oxides of higher specific surface area, i.e. SBET increased from 114 to 229m2/g, due to the
creation of smaller pores of mean pore diameter around 2nm (Fig. 10.3). The simultaneous
presence of Ce and Zr species in HNi25-ZrCe sample resulted in the material, with surface area of
SBET=158m2/g, and intermediate pore sizes, i.e. 7nm.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
400 0.01
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
HNi25-Zr HNi25-Zr
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
200 0.01
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
HNi25-Ce HNi25-Ce
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
dVp/drp 0.02
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
HNi25 HNi25
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
200 HNi100-Ce
Va (cm3(STP)/g)
150 0.04
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
0 0.00
0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 0 10 20 30 40
p/p0 (-) Pore diameter - rp (nm)
Fig. 10.3 The adsorption/desorption isotherms recorded for Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts and corresponding
distribution of pores; black line - parental samples (unpromoted catalysts); green line - ceria promoted catalysts;
blue line - zirconia promoted catalysts; dark yellow line - Ce and Zr promoted catalysts;
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The values of textural parameters measured for the samples doped only with ceria species
(HNi100-Ce and HNi25-Ce) were at a similar level as for their parental materials, indicating that
ceria addition did not result in a significant blockage of pores. On the other hand, such effect was
observed for the sample promoted with both Ce and Zr, so the catalyst into which the highest
amount of ceria was introduced, as confirmed by XRF experiments. Moreover, it seems that when
Ce was introduced into HNi25-ZrCe sample, it not only caused the blockage of narrow pores of the
parental material (HNi25-Zr sample), but also introduced additional porosity, which could explain
the decrease in SBET and Vtot and increase in pore size (Fig. 10.3).
The H2-TPR profiles acquired for the catalysts doped with either Ce and/or Zr species are
compared to the parental materials in Fig. 10.4. The catalysts showed one asymmetric reduction
peak centred between 400-800°C for the samples with high nickel loading and 600-900°C for the
samples derived from HNi25. The amount of nickel has an influence on the shape and maximum
reduction temperature of the reduction peaks. The shift to higher reduction temperatures occurred
for the samples with lower Ni-loading. This may be explained by the formation of smaller nickel
crystallites with stronger interactions between active phase and the support.
HNi25-ZrCe 810°C
H2 consumption (a.u.)
HNi25-Ce 835°C
HNi100-Ce /3
HNi100 420°C /3
Fig. 10.4 H2-TPR profiles of Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts; green line - ceria promoted catalysts;
blue line - zirconia promoted catalysts; dark yellow line - Ce and Zr promoted catalysts;
The position of maximum temperature of reduction (Tmax) was dependent on the presence
of the promoters. For the ceria promoted sample with the high nickel loading the Tmax was shifted
to higher temperature, indicating the decrease in catalyst reducibility after the small ceria addition.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
The opposite effect, was observed for HNi25-Ce and HNi25-ZrCe samples, as Tmax was shifted from
835 to 810 and 820°C, respectively, when compared to HNi25 catalyst. These results are in good
agreement with those reported in literature [233-235]. They also strongly suggest that the presence
of magnesium in the sample affects the reducibility of ceria promoted Ni/Al and Ni/Mg/Al
hydrotalcite-derived catalysts. The addition of zirconia, on the other hand, resulted in shift of Tmax
to higher temperatures.
The Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts exhibited also small reduction peaks centred at ca.
250, 300, 415 and 600°C. The explanation of the reduction process is quite complicated as the
processes of the reduction of NiO and ceria may be overlapping. The reduction of CeO2 occurs in
three stages: (i) the reduction of surface oxygen or oxygen capping species (250-300°C) [266], (ii)
the reduction of surface lattice oxygen (450-600°C) [236] and total bulk reduction up to 900°C [233].
As ceria species were introduced in small amounts via adsorption method, they are most probably
deposited over Mg(Ni,Al)O mixed oxides phase, and thus the additional reduction peaks may be
explained by the reduction of Ce4+ to Ce3+.
The CO2 desorption profiles recorded for the reduced catalysts are presented in Fig. 10.5
and the corresponding total basicity of materials and distribution of weak, medium and strong basic
sites are summarized in Table 10.4. CO2 desorption at different temperatures allowed the
determination of the basicity of each catalyst (Table 10.4), which was substantially modified by the
presence of the Ce and/or Zr promoters.
Table 10.4 The total basicity of reduced Ce and/or Zr promoted hydrotalcite-derived catalysts and corresponding
distribution of basic sites
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
desorption peak
weak basic sites
medium basic sites
strong basic sites
CO2 desorption (a.u.)
Fig. 10.5 The CO2-TPD profiles recorded for the reduced hydrotalcite-derived catalysts promoted with Ce and/or Zr
The Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts exhibited total basicity between 48-97 μmol/g. The
effect of the Ce addition was dependent on the nickel content in the parental material. HNi100-Ce
sample exhibited higher total basicity than HNi100 catalyst. The opposite trend was shown by Ce-
doped catalysts derived from HNi25 material. These results may be explained by the presence of
magnesia in HNi25-Ce and HNi25-ZrCe catalysts. However, regardless of the decrease in total
basicity observed for HNi25-derived catalysts, the addition of ceria resulted in the formation of
higher amount of medium and strong basic sites. The presence of zirconia substantially hindered
the adsorption of CO2, especially due to the lower number of strong basic sites (low-coordinated
The SEM micrographs acquired for the calcined samples promoted with cerium species
(HNi100-Ce and HNi25-Ce) are shown in Fig. 10.6. The prepared materials showed the same
morphology as the unpromoted catalysts (cp. Chapter 8.1 and Chapter 9.1.7), and exhibited
irregular shape particles. It is important to stress that no changes in catalysts morphology were
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
observed after the introduction of cerium species, suggesting a high dispersion and homogenous
distribution of Ce on the catalyst surfaces. The EDX analysis performed in different zones of the
materials, confirmed that Ce species were distributed uniformly on the surface (Fig. 10.6).
Fig. 10.6 SEM micrographs and results of EDX analysis performed for ceria promoted catalysts:
(A) HNi100-Ce and (B) HNi25-Ce
Fig. 10.7 SEM micrographs and EDX analysis acquired for reduced Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts:
(A) HNi25-Ce, (B) HNi25-Zr and (C) HNi25-ZrCe
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 10.8 TEM micrographs and corresponding distribution of Ni particle size acquired for Ce and/or Zr promoted
catalysts: (A) HNi25-ZrCe, (B) HNi25-Zr, (C) HNi25-Ce, (D) HNi25, (E) HNi100-Ce and (F) HNi100
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
The reduced Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts derived from sample HNi25 were also
analysed by SEM technique (Fig.10.7). Again, similarly as for unpromoted catalysts (cp. Chapter 8.2
and Chapter 9.1.7), the structural changes of the materials were observed upon reduction in 5%H2
in Ar at 900°C for 1h. The surface of the particles of the reduced catalysts were covered in a
cauliflower-like shape aggregates. Very small aggregates were present on the surface of the Zr
promoted catalysts, clearly visible in SEM images acquired for the reduced HNi25-ZrCe catalyst. The
EDX analysis of different zones of materials evidenced the uniform composition of the prepared
The TEM analysis of registered images proved that the application of Ce and/or Zr
promoters influenced the Ni particle size (Fig. 10.8). The size of Ni particles was also dependent on
the Ni content. The distribution of Ni particles for Ce promoted catalysts derived from HNi25 sample
(HNi25-Ce and HNi25-ZrCe), were wider and mean particle sizes were larger than those recorded
for their parental material. On the other hand, the HNi100-Ce sample showed lower values of Ni
particle size than HNi100 catalyst. This indicates that ceria addition promotes reducibility of Ni
species to an extent depending on the presence of magnesia, as well as Ni content, which is in good
agreement with the results of H2-TPR experiments and the data reported in literature [114, 233-
235]. The addition of Zr did not affect the distribution of nickel particle size, as shown in Fig. 10.8.
The mean values of Ni crystallites measured basing on the recorded TEM images are in good
agreement with those estimated based on XRD results are were equal to 19, 18, 7, 9, 7 and 8nm for
HNi100, HNi100-Ce, HNi25, HNi25-Ce, HNi25-Zr and HNi25-ZrCe, respectively.
The effect of ceria promotion was evaluated for HNi100-Ce and HNi25-Ce catalysts during
isothermal DRM runs at 550°C. The results of catalytic tests of ceria-promoted catalysts, in
comparison to the parental materials, are presented in Fig. 10.9. The effect of the small addition of
cerium species was dependent on nickel content in the catalysts and the presence of magnesia. The
Ce-promoted sample derived from Ni/Al hydrotalcite-like material exhibited increased conversion
of CH4, but lower conversion of CO2 with respect to HNi100 sample. The conversions of CH4 higher
than those of CO2 resulted also in the excess of H2 in the products of the reaction with respect to
the parental material. On the other hand, the opposite trend was observed for Ni/Mg/Al
hydrotalcite-derived material. The ceria promotion resulted in decreased conversions of CH4 but
higher conversions of CO2 in comparison to HNi25 catalyst.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
30 HNi25-Ce
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
1.8 HNi100-Ce
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
TOS (min)
Fig. 10.9 The results of DRM runs at 550°C over Ce-promoted catalysts: (A) CH4 conversion (%), (B) CO2 conversion, (C)
H2/CO molar ratio; GHSV=20000h-1; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8, total flow 100cm3/min
In case of both catalysts the decrease in CO2 conversion was observed during the first 100
minutes of reaction, which may account, to a certain extent, for catalysts deactivation and loss of
selectivity towards DRM. However, the positive effect of ceria promotion on stability of catalysts
may be clearly observed, as CO2 conversions for both HNi25-Ce and HNi100-Ce catalysts stabilized
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
within shorter period of time, and in case of the former, also reached higher values than for the
unpromoted samples. According to Daza et al. [236], the promoting effect of ceria is due to the Mg
and Ce synergetic effect on CO2 adsorption capacity. As confirmed by CO2-TPD experiments, the
HNi100-Ce catalyst exhibited one of the lowest total basicities (cp. Chapter 10.6.1), which was
caused, among others, by the absence of magnesia in the catalyst structure. Therefore, the
different effect of ceria promotion for HNi100-Ce catalyst may be explained by the lack of synergetic
effect between Ce and Mg, which enhances materials basicity.
For all tested catalysts H2/CO ratios increased with TOS. In case of HNi25-Ce sample the
H2/CO ratio were the closest to unity from all tested catalysts, suggesting, that in this case, ceria
addition shifted the selectivity of the process towards DRM. The increased basicity resulting in the
increasing CO2 adsorption capacity, together with the interaction of ceria with the carbon deposits
and their gasification by the reverse Boudouard reaction, may have been the main reasons for the
observed improvement in catalytic performance.
In order to understand the effect of ceria addition to Ni/Al and Ni/Mg/Al HT-derived
catalyst in more detail, additional tests of direct methane decomposition were performed (Fig.
10.10). In both cases, the CH4 conversions were lower with respect to the parental materials,
indicating that ceria addition inhibits methane decomposition and the following coke formation.
This effect was more evident for HNi25-Ce catalyst, as the constant decrease in CH4 conversion was
observed after around 80 minutes TOS. In case of HNi100-Ce catalysts, although Ce promotion also
caused the loss of activity towards CH4 decomposition, the CH4 conversions were increasing with
TOS, suggesting sintering of Ni particles, and thus promotion of CH4 decomposition with TOS.
CH4 conversion (%)
20 HNi100-Ce
18 HNi25-Ce
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 10.10 The results of CH4 decomposition carried out over Ce-promoted HT-derived catalysts; Temperature 550°C;
GHSV=20000h-1; CH4/Ar=2/8; total flow 100cm3/min
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
50 HNi25
40 HNi25-Ce
550 600 650 700 750
Temperature (°C)
90 HNi25
80 HNi25-Ce
CO2 conversion (%)
550 600 650 700 750
Temperature (°C)
Fig. 10.11 The results of catalytic tests carried out over Ce-promoted catalysts at 550, 650 and 750°C. The
average values of CH4 (A) and CO2 conversions (B) and H2/CO molar ratio (C) registered during isothermal 5h TOS DRM
runs; GHSV=20000h-1; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; total flow 100cm3/min
The Ce-promoted samples were tested also in DRM reaction during isothermal 5h tests at
650 and 750°C. The comparison of the catalysts performance, given as average CH4, CO2 conversions
and H2/CO molar ratio as a function of temperature, is presented in Fig. 10.11. The effect of ceria
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
addition was the same for 650 and 750°C. It resulted in decreased conversions of CH4 and an
increase in CO2 conversions with respect to the unpromoted catalysts. Moreover, at 750°C the
product distribution, i.e. the values of H2/CO molar ratio, were the same for Ce-promoted and
unpromoted catalysts. The effect of ceria promotion was more evident for sample HNi25-Ce, which
was loaded with higher ceria content than HNi100-Ce sample. The H2/CO molar ratio decreased
with comparison to the parental material and the differences between unpromoted and promoted
catalysts were decreasing with the increase in temperature. Over the tested temperature range CH4
conversions were higher than CO2 conversions for Ni/Al derived catalyst, as well as for HNi25
sample at 550 and 650°C. Only for the HNi25-Ce catalyst the registered values of CO2 conversion
were higher than those of CH4 at all three tested temperatures, suggesting that Ce addition to
HNi25 sample resulted in the promotion of RWGS reaction, influencing in this way the distribution
of the obtained products.
The results of TG experiments performed for the catalysts after 5h isothermal DRM runs
at 550°C are depicted in Fig. 10.12. The obtained results revealed that although ceria promotion
resulted in decreased activity towards carbon forming reaction – methane decomposition (Fig.
10.10) – the Ce-promoted samples, exhibited higher mass loss than the unpromoted catalysts.
These results indicate that Ce addition promoted other side reactions resulting in the formation of
carbonaceous deposits. It was most probably CO2 reduction with H2, resulting in C and water. This
could also explain the increase in CO2 conversion observed for HNi25-Ce catalyst (Fig. 10.9). On the
other hand, the decrease in CO2 conversion and higher deposition of coke observed for HNi100-Ce
sample, with respect to HNi100 catalyst may be explained by disproportionation of CO.
1.2 HNi100
Derivative TGD (d(%wt.)/dT(°C))
80 1.0 HNi25-Ce
Weight (%)
40 0.4
20 HNi100-Ce
HNi25 0.0
0 -0.2
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 10.12 The results of TG experiments performed for Ce-promoted catalysts after DRM tests carried out at 550°C
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
It is worth mentioning, that the addition of ceria for both catalysts led to a shift of DTG
peaks to lower temperatures, indicating that ceria promoted oxidation of carbon deposits. The DTG
peaks observed for all catalysts were centred at temperatures between 550-650°C, suggesting the
formation of graphitic carbon during DRM reaction at 550°C. These results were confirmed by XRD
measurements acquired for the spent catalysts after isothermal DRM tests at 550, 650 and 750°C
(Fig. 10.14). All samples after the tests at 550°C exhibited a reflection at 2θ equal to 26°
characteristic for graphitic carbon (ICOD 03-065-6212). It was present for samples HNi100 and
HNi100-Ce also after the tests at 650 and 750°C and its intensity was decreasing with the increase
in temperature, pointing to the decrease in the C formation. The intensity of the reflection arising
from graphitic carbon was also decreasing with the increase in temperature for HNi25 and HNi25-
Ce catalysts and no graphitic carbon was registered after the tests at 750°C. Moreover, the Ce-
promoted catalyst showed lower intensity of this reflection than HNi25 sample, indicating that ceria
addition resulted either in the inhibition of the formation of graphitic carbon or its faster removal
in situ due to a side reaction (reverse Boudouard reaction). This type of carbon is considered to be
inactive in DRM and hard to oxidize. Therefore, although Ce-promotion resulted in the formation
of higher amounts of coke deposits, it also influenced the type of carbonaceous species formed on
the catalyst surface, and, as a final result, had a positive effect on the catalyst performance.
Interestingly, the HNi25-Ce catalyst after the tests at 750°C showed the presence of reflections
characteristic for the hydrotalcite structure, pointing to the occurrence of ‘memory effect’, which
suggests that RWGS reaction was well developed over the catalyst tested at 750°C.
Table 10.5 The Ni particle size estimated for the reduced catalysts and the spent samples after DRM runs at 550, 650 and
The nickel particle sizes of the reduced and spent catalysts were estimated using Scherrer
equation and are presented in Table 10.5, together with the values calculated basing on TEM
images of the reduced catalysts and the spent samples after the tests at 550°C. The HNi100 and
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
HNi100-Ce catalysts did not show considerable differences in Ni particle size after tests at 550°C.
For HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalysts the increase of Ni particle size was observed, suggesting the
sintering of Ni particles. On the other hand, the values calculated for the spent catalysts after the
tests carried out at 650 and 750°C, suggest that the ceria addition most probably prevents Ni
species from sintering, since Ni crystallite size was smaller for Ce promoted samples with respect
to HNi25 and HNi100 catalysts.
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 10.13 The XRD patterns recorded for the spent catalysts after DRM rans at 550, 650 and 750°C
for Ce-promoted catalysts and their parental materials;
●metallic nickel, ■ periclase-like mixed oxides, ▼ graphitic carbon, ▽ Al2O3, ○ hydrotalcite
The two Ce-promoted catalysts were also tested in DRM at 550°C with different
compositions of feed gas, i.e. excess of CH4, excess of CO2 and higher concentration of CH4 and CO2
in comparison to the tests carried out for CH4/CO2/Ar ratio of 1/1/8 (Fig. 10.14 and 10.15).
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
20 1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
2/0/8 CH4 decomposition
TOS (min)
55 1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
50 1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
CO2 conversion (%)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
2.4 CH4/CO2/Ar
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
2.2 1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.5 Excess of CO2
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 10.14 The results of catalytic tests carried out over HNi100-Ce catalyst in DRM reaction at 550°C for different
compositions of feed gas: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; total flow 100cm3/min,
The results of the tests carried out for HNi100-Ce catalyst (Fig. 10.14) showed that excess
of CH4 in the feed gas had a positive effect on CO2 conversion, negative effect on CH4 conversion
and led to higher formation of H2 with respect to the tests carried out with equimolar feed gas
composition, which is in good agreement with thermodynamics (cp. Chapter 7.1). On the other
hand, the tests carried out in the excess of CO2 caused a decrease in both CH4 and CO2 conversions.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
The distribution of the obtained products was also strongly affected by the feed gas composition
and decreased with TOS for DRM runs carried out in the excess of CO2 and increased with TOS for
tests performed in the excess of CH4.
40 CH4/CO2/Ar
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
CH4 conversion (%)
1/1.5/7.7 Excess of CO2
2/0/8 CH4 decomposition
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
CO2 conversion (%)
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
1/1.5/7.7 Excess of CO2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0.90 CH4/CO2/Ar
1/1/8 1.5/1.5/7
1.5/1/7.5 Excess of CH4
0.80 1/1.5/7.7 Excess of CO2
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 10.15 The results of catalytic tests carried out over HNi25-Ce catalyst in DRM reaction at 550°C for different
compositions of feed gas: (A) CH4 conversion, (B) CO2 conversion, (C) H2/CO molar ratio; total flow 100cm3/min,
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Similar tests carried out for HNi100 sample (cp. Chapter 9.2.5) revealed that the excess of
CO2 in the feed gas led to the promotion of CH4 decomposition and thus increased CH4 conversions.
The Ce addition clearly inhibited CH4 decomposition and thus increased the selectivity of the
process towards DRM, which is reflected in the registered values of H2/CO close to unity for the
tests carried out in the excess of CO2.
The results of the tests performed for HNi25-Ce catalyst are depicted in Fig. 10.15. As in
the case of HNi100-Ce, the excess of CH4 in the feed also had a negative effect on CH4 conversion.
It, however, barely affected CO2 conversions, which after around 100 minutes TOS were at a similar
level as for the tests carried out with the equimolar feed gas composition of CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8.
Similarly as for HNi100-Ce sample, the presence of the excess of CO2 caused a decrease of both CO2
and CH4 conversions and lowered also the values of H2/CO. It is important to mention, that the
HNi25-Ce catalyst showed the most stable performance when the excess of CO2 was introduced to
the reactor. According to thermodynamics (cp. Chapter 7.1), the application of the excess of CO2
should have a positive effect on catalyst stability, as lower formation of carbon deposits should be
expected. Additionally, Ce-promotion may help to oxidize deposited coke via reverse Boudouard
reaction. These two facts may explain the most stable performance of HNi25-Ce catalyst in the tests
carried out with the feed gas composition of CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1.5/7.5.
The change from feed gas composition CH4/CO2/Ar of 1/1/8 to 1.5/1.5/7 led to the
decrease in CH4, CO2 conversions and H2/CO ratios for all samples. For sample HNi100-Ce, the CH4
and CO2 conversions and product distribution followed the same trends as in the tests carried out
with CH4/CO2/Ar ratios of 1/1/8. Thus, the increasing concentration of methane and CO2 in the feed
gas had a negative effect on the performance of HNi100-Ce catalyst. On the other hand, the test
performed for HNi25-Ce sample showed that the increase in the concentrations of CO2 and CH4 in
the feed resulted in a more stable work of the catalyst, as no changes in CH4, CO2 conversions and
H2/CO ratios were observed during 5h TOS.
Fig. 10.16 depicts 24h-tests carried out for HNi100-Ce and HNi25-Ce catalysts at 550, 650
and 750°C. Both catalysts evidenced an increase in CO2 and CH4 conversions with the increase in
temperature, due to the endothermic nature of methane dry reforming. The observed changes in
CH4 conversions exhibited for HNi100-Ce catalyst at all three tested temperatures may be explained
by the occurrence of direct CH4 decomposition, which results in the formation of carbon deposits
and thus the blockage of DRM active centres. This is in agreement with literature [263, 264], which
reported that Ni/Al mixed oxides derived from hydrotalcites showed the highest activity in CH4
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
decomposition in the temperature range of 600-700°C. Thus, it can explain the highest decrease in
activity towards CH4 for HNi100-Ce catalyst at 650°C.
The 24h-stability tests showed more stable performance for Ce-promoted sample derived
from HNi25 catalyst than for HNi100-Ce sample. Moreover, the performance of this sample was
very similar to that of the catalyst loaded with higher amount of nickel, especially at 750°C.
CH4 conversion (%)
HNi100-Ce at 550°C HNi25-Ce at 550°C
30 HNi100-Ce at 650°C HNi25-Ce at 650°C
HNi100-Ce at 750°C HNi25-Ce at 750°C
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TOS (h)
CO2 conversion (%)
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TOS (h)
Fig. 10.16 The results of 24h stability tests carried out over HNi100-Ce and HNi25-Ce catalysts: (A) CH4 conversion, (B)
CO2 conversion and (C) H2/CO molar ratio; Temperature 550, 650 and 750°C; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; GHSV=20000h-1; total
flow 100cm3/min
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 10.17 presents the CH4 and CO2 conversions, together with the H2/CO molar ratios,
registered during DRM experiments at 550°C, in the presence of Ce and/or Zr promoted
hydrotalcite-derived catalysts. Even at this low reaction temperature the catalysts were notably
active towards methane dry reforming and did not exhibit any significant evidence of deactivation.
Although some differences between HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalyst were observed and discussed in
Chapter 10.2, both catalysts showed a very similar performance. Both CH4 and CO2 conversions
reached comparable values (around 40%) with slightly higher conversion of CH4 observed for HNi25.
The lower methane conversion measured for HNi25-Ce catalyst together with the values of H2/CO
close to unity, point to a positive effect of Ce promotion, which may be ascribed to the decreased
rate of the direct CH4 decomposition. The promoting effect of Ce is widely known and had been
ascribed to its large oxygen storage capacity, which may be favouring the oxidation of carbon
deposits formed upon DRM. It is worth mentioning that the thermodynamic analysis of the DRM
reaction (cp. Chapter 7) predicts the CO2 and CH4 conversions around 43% and 83%, respectively,
resulting in high H2/CO ratios around 4.
When zirconium was introduced into the catalytic system, both CH4 and CO2 conversions
were considerably lower, i.e. 25% and 30%, respectively, after 5h TOS for HNi25-ZrCe catalyst. In
fact, the values of CO2 conversion were somewhat higher than those of CH4, during the whole
experiment for these Zr-containing catalysts, in contrast to the thermodynamically forecasted
trends. This was directly reflected in the obtained values of H2/CO ratios measured during the DRM
runs, which were considerably lower for Zr-promoted catalysts than for HNi25 and HNi25-Ce. As a
result, zirconia addition modified the selectivity of the catalysts resulting in an excess of CO in the
syngas mixture. The results of the catalytic tests with CH4/Ar mixture in the feed (Fig. 10.18)
revealed that the Zr addition drastically changed catalyst activity towards methane decomposition.
It was even more evident for the catalyst doubly promoted with ceria and zirconia. In this case
methane decomposition reaction was substantially inhibited in the presence of Zr-promoted
catalysts, as no excess of H2 was registered. At the same time, the other side reactions, such as
direct or reverse Boudouard reaction may have been be significantly favoured.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
55 HNi25-Ce
50 HNi25-Zr
10 HNi25-Zr
5 HNi25-ZrCe
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
1.2 HNi25-Ce
1.1 HNi25-ZrCe
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
Fig. 10.17 The results of catalytic tests performed for Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts at 550°C;
GHSV=20000h-1; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; total flow 100cm3/min
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
CH4 conversion (%)
5 HNi25-Ce
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
TOS (min)
Fig. 10.18 CH4 decomposition over Ce and/or Zr promoted hydrotalcite-derived catalysts; CH4/Ar=2/8; GHSV=20000h-1,
total flow 100cm3/min
The average values of CH4 and CO2 conversions and H2/CO molar ratio registered during
5h isothermal tests carried out over different Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts at 550, 650 and
750°C are depicted in Fig. 10.19. Similarly as at 550°C, the Zr-promoted catalysts exhibited
conversions of CH4 and CO2 lower than HNi25 and HNi25-Ce. However, the differences between Zr-
promoted catalysts and other samples were decreasing with the increase in reaction temperature.
At 750°C all catalysts showed similar level of CH4 and CO2 conversion equal to ca. 85 and 90%,
respectively, and H2/CO ratios around 0.93. Both CH4 and CO2 conversions were increasing with the
increase in reaction temperature, and the latter reached equilibrium values at 650 and 750°C.
The distribution of the obtained products (Fig. 10.19 C) clearly shows that the Zr-addition
changed the catalyst selectivity towards DRM. All samples exhibited similar performance at 750°C.
However, the presence of promoters affected on the obtained H2/CO ratios. Zr-promoted samples
exhibited increasing values of H2/CO ratios with the increase in reaction temperature, indicating
the influence of CO forming reactions, especially at low temperature. On the other hand, HNi25 and
HNi25-Ce catalysts exhibited decreasing values of H2/CO ratio with the increase in temperature,
pointing to the importance of H2 forming reactions.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
20 HNi25-Ce
550 600 650 700 750
Temperature (°C)
CO2 conversion (%)
550 600 650 700 750
Temperature (°C)
1.4 HNi25-Ce
1.3 HNi25-Zr
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
1.2 Equilibrium
Fig. 10.19 The average values of CH4 conversion (A), CO2 conversion (B) and H2/CO molar ratio (C), registered during
isothermal 5h tests carried out at 550, 650 and 750°C; GHSV=20000h1; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; total flow 100cm3/min
The activity tests towards DRM process (Fig. 10.17-10.19) proved that the competitive
side reactions, such as CH4 decomposition or Boudouard reaction, may influence the overall process
to a certain extent in the presence of the different Ce and/or Zr promoted hydrotalcite-derived
catalysts. The study and quantification of the carbon deposits formed upon reaction was helpful in
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Fig. 10.20 The TEM images acquired for: (A) HNi25-ZrCe, (B) HNi25-Zr, (C) HNi25-Ce and (D) HNi25 catalysts after 5h
DRM at 550°C together with the corresponding distributions of Ni particle size.
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
On the other hand, such fibre structures are completely absent on the spent Zr-containing
catalysts. Carbon formations resembling multi and even single wall carbon nanotubes are present
on the surface and growing out of the catalysts surface. These carbon filaments are composed of
only 1 to 4 graphite planar layers and sometimes form bamboo-like structures. It is important to
stress, that the thickness of such structures is much lower than in case of fishbone/whisker fibres
present on the surfaces of HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalysts. For HNi25-ZrCe catalyst some fishbone
structures were found, but in insignificant amount as compared to HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalysts.
Thus it may be concluded that the presence of Zr had a significant influence on the type of carbon
deposits formed on the catalysts surface. The TEM images confirmed that Zr addition substantially
inhibited the formation of carbon deposits in the direct methane decomposition.
Fig. 10.21 presents the results of thermogravimetric measurements registered for the
spent Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts after 5h DRM reaction at 550°C.
100 1.00
90 HNi25-Ce
Derivative TGD (d(%wt.)/dT(°C))
80 HNi25-ZrCe
Weight (%)
20 HNi25-Ce
10 HNi25-ZrCe 0.00
0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 0 100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900
Fig. 10.21 The thermogravimetric oxidation of carbon deposits in the spent Ce and/or Zr promoted HT-derived catalysts:
(A) mass loss and (B) derivative of mass loss as a function of temperature
It can be clearly observed, that for HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalysts higher amounts of
carbon deposits were formed during 5h DRM reaction at 550°C. As confirmed by TEM images, both
catalysts exhibited fishbone-like fibres on the surface. These carbon deposits were oxidized at lower
temperatures in the presence of Ce, and the difference between Tmax of the peaks registered for
both catalysts (Fig. 10.21) was equal to ca. 25°C.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
and Zr with respect to other catalysts, proving the beneficial effect of the addition of these two
The XRD patterns registered for the promoted catalysts after 5h DRM runs at 550°C are
compared in Fig. 10.22. The obtained results are in a good agreement with the TEM and TG
experiments. The Zr-promoted catalysts showed no reflection arising from graphitic carbon (2θ
around 26°), in contrast to HNi25 and HNi25-Ce catalysts. When Ce was added to the catalyst,
however, the reflection from graphitic carbon was of much lower intensity than for HNi25.
Moreover, Zr-promoted samples showed much lower intensity of reflections arising from the
metallic nickel structure (2θ around 44, 51 and 76°). These results are in good agreement with the
values measured basing on TEM images (Fig. 10.20). The Zr addition resulted in the formation of
small nickel crystallites around 4nm, which led to the inhibition of carbon forming reactions and
thus, to the increased catalysts stability. It may be concluded, that the Zr promotion modified the
selectivity of DRM catalysts by activating the DRM route and, to some extent, the Boudouard
reaction with a simultaneous almost complete inhibition of direct methane decomposition.
Therefore, the application of Zr as a promoter in the HT-derived catalysts seems to guarantee high
catalyst stability.
Intensity (a.u.)
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90
2 Theta (°)
Fig. 10.22 The XRD diffractograms registered for spent Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts after 5h TOS DRM catalytic tests
at 550°C; ●metallic nickel, ■ periclase-like mixed oxides, △ MgNi3, ▼ graphitic carbon
The explanation of such high resistance to coke formation in case of Zr-promoted samples
may be explained on the basis of physico-chemical characterization of these materials. As
confirmed by low temperature N2 sorption experiments (Fig. 10.3, Table 10.3), HNi25-Zr catalyst
exhibited the narrowest distribution of pores and the highest specific surface area in comparison
to other Ce and/or Zr promoted catalysts. This increase in the value of SBET and the favoured
presence of narrower pores may explain a higher resistance towards deactivation due to a limited
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
growth of carbon fibers. However, this does not explain lower activity of Zr-containing samples. The
XRD and TEM experiments proved that the presence of Zr had a positive effect on the Ni particle
size, and resulted in the formation of smaller crystallites of Ni in comparison to other catalysts.
Taking into account, that, as reported in literature, large Ni crystallites promote direct methane
decomposition, it may explain lower activity towards methane of Zr-containing samples. Moreover,
CO2 adsorption is enhanced on small metal particles [246], which would favour reverse Boudouard
reaction, resulting in an increased CO formation. This is in good agreement with the low values of
H2/CO molar ratio registered for Zr-promoted catalysts (Fig. 10.19 C). Moreover, the H2-TPR
experiments confirmed that Ce addition to HNi25 catalyst resulted in the increase of catalyst
reducibility, while Zr addition had an opposite effect, in complete agreement with TEM and XRD
observation. The CO2-TPD experiments showed that Zr promotion hinders the adsorption of CO2 on
the strong basic sites, while Ce addition seemed to favour strong basicity. The obtained results
revealed that the presence of Zr affected CO2 adsorption pattern that, in turn, modified the reaction
The sample HNi25-ZrCe, which showed the lowest amount of carbon deposits after 5h
DRM catalytic tests at 550°C was chosen for 24h stability tests carried out at 550, 650 and 750°C.
The results of these tests are depicted in Fig. 10.23. At all three tested temperatures the CO2
conversions were higher than those of CH4, which resulted in the excess of CO in the products of
the reaction and suggests the occurrence of RWGS reaction. The difference between CO2 and CH4
conversions were the highest at 650°C and for this temperature the lowest values of H2/CO ratios
were registered. The catalyst showed constant slow decrease in conversions of both CO2 and CH4
at tested temperatures, indicating the deactivation of catalyst with TOS. This effect was decreasing
with the increase in temperature and may have been caused by the formation of carbon deposits
which blocked narrow pores of the catalyst.
The characterization of the catalysts studied in this Chapter revealed that the lowest
amount of carbon deposits was formed over HNi25-ZrCe catalyst. However, as the material showed
slow deactivation with TOS, further tests and research should be carried out in order to improve
the stability of Zr and Ce promoted catalysts, including the evaluation of the influence of the molar
Ce/Zr ratio on the catalytic behaviour.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Coversion (%)
CH4 conversion CO2 conversion
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
TOS (h)
H2/CO molar ratio (-)
Fig. 10.23 The results of 24h stability tests over HNi25-ZrCe catalyst carried out at 550, 650 and 750°C;
GHSV=20000h-1; CH4/CO2/Ar=1/1/8; total flow 100cm3/min
10.4 Conclusions
The Ni/Mg/Al and Ni/Al hydrotalcite-derived materials were synthesized in the presence
of either Ce and/or Zr and applied as catalysts for syngas production through dry reforming of
methane at 550, 650 and 750°C. The characterization of the materials showed that Ce species were
present as a separate phase on the materials surface, while Zr4+ cations were successfully
incorporated into the brucite-like layers of catalysts precursors. The presence of the promoters was
found to strongly determine both the activity and the selectivity of these catalysts. The addition of
Ce-species into the catalytic hydrotalcite-based structure resulted in an increased reducibility of the
nickel species for HNi25 derived catalyst, and in the introduction of new strong (O2-) and
intermediate strength (Lewis acid-basic pairs) basic sites, which increased the CO2 adsorption
capacity of the prepared materials. The characterization of the spent catalysts showed that Ce
addition led to the formation of higher amount of carbon deposits with respect to the unpromoted
samples. However, the type of carbon deposits changed, and lower amounts of undesired graphitic
Chapter 10. Influence of promoters (Ce, Zr)
11 Conclusions
The presented PhD Thesis was focused on the application of hydrotalcite-derived catalysts
for dry reforming of methane, which is one of the methods of chemical CO2 utilization. The analysis
of literature concerning the means of valorisation of carbon dioxide presented in Chapter 3, proved
that DRM may become an important industrial process to produce synthesis gas. It is an alternative
to steam reforming or partial methane oxidation processes. Another important future application
of DRM will be in Chemical Energy Transmission and/or Storage systems (CETS). The
commercialization of the process is, however, limited until a low-cost, active and stable catalyst is
offered to industry.
A number of different materials have been tested as catalysts for DRM reaction. Current
research is focused on Ni-based materials supported on single oxides (Al2O3, MgO, SiO2, CeO2, TiO2,
ZrO2), mixed oxides (MgO-Al2O3, CeO2-ZrO2), natural clays, zeolites or carbon materials (activated
carbon, carbon nanotubes), as presented in Chapter 4. Some of these materials positively affect the
catalyst performance, such as e.g. increased interactions between nickel active phase and support
resulting in the inhibition of sintering of Ni species and thus in the increase in the resistance to coke
formation. Mixed alumina-magnesia has been reported to show these beneficial effects.
stability upon DRM reaction). The characterized catalysts were evaluated in the reaction of dry
methane reforming.
The research was divided into three main parts: (i) the evaluation of the effect of nickel
introduction method into hydrotalcite structure, (ii) the investigation of catalytic properties of HTs-
derived catalysts with different nickel content introduced into HTs brucite-like layers and (iii) the
effect of ceria and/or zirconia promoters on the catalytic properties in DRM.
FTIR spectra of the synthesized materials exhibited absorption bands typical for
hydrotalcites. Additionally, FTIR analysis confirmed the presence of different
[Mn+(EDTA)](4-n)— species in the catalytic systems modified by adsorption method.
The evaluation of textural properties showed that all samples exhibited values of
SBET and Vtot characteristic for mesoporous hydrotalcite-derived materials. The
introduction of Zr resulted in the increase of SBET due to the formation of narrow
pores in comparison to other materials. When nickel was introduced onto the
catalyst surface as was the case for the introduction of Ni via adsorption and
impregnation methods, it had no significant influence on the values of textural
parameters. On the other hand, the addition of ceria caused partial blockage of
pores but, in the same time, led additionally to the formation of a new type of
The analysis of materials basicity (CO2-TPD) showed that all catalysts had three
types of basic sites: (i) weak basic sites associated with Brønsted OH- groups, (ii)
intermediate strength basic sites (metal-oxygen Lewis acid-base pairs) and (iii)
strong basic sites (low coordinated O2- anions, Lewis base). The total basicity of
Chapter 11. Conclusions
the prepared materials and distribution of weak, medium and strong centres was
dependent on the method of nickel introduction, nickel content and presence of
H2-TPR profiles recorded for the investigated catalysts showed that nickel
introduced into hydrotalcite-based catalytic system exhibited strong interactions
with the support and thus was reduced at temperatures above 600°C. The type
and strength of the nickel interactions with the support was also dependent on
the method of nickel introduction, content of magnesia and application of Ce
and/or Zr promoters.
The analysis of XRD patterns of the calcined materials showed that the applied
conditions of hydrotalcite thermal decomposition were sufficient to completely
destroy the layered structure and obtain Mg(Ni,Al)O, Ni(Al)O or Mg(Ni,Al,Zr)O
nano mixed-oxides with periclase-like structure.
SEM and TEM analysis confirmed the successful preparation of well crystalized
hydrotalcite-derived mixed oxides with a homogenous composition. The calcined
materials exhibited flake-like shaped particles. The separate phase of NiO was not
observed, confirming the successful incorporation of Ni into Mg(Al)O periclase-
like mixed oxides. The morphology of the samples changed upon reduction, as
nickel species were extracted from the structure of mixed oxides and deposited
on their surface creating in this way cauliflower-like aggregates on the support.
The analysis of TEM pictures of the resulting catalysts allowed to evaluate the
distribution of Ni particle size, which was strongly dependent on the method of
nickel introduction, the nickel content in brucite-like layers and presence of Ce
and/or Zr promoters.
The evaluation of the effect of the method of nickel introduction into hydrotalcite
structure (Chapter 8) on catalytic performance in DRM process was carried out by the comparison
of four HTs-derived catalysts into which nickel was introduced by: (i) co-precipitation in the solution
of Na2CO3, (ii) impregnation method, (iii) co-precipitation in the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes
and (iv) adsorption from the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2—chelates, resulting in the nickel species
introduced into brucite-like layers, onto hydrotalcite surface, into interlayer spaces and onto HT
surface, respectively. The samples were tested in DRM reaction in temperature-programmed and
isothermal experiments carried out at 550°C. The obtained results of catalytic tests allow to draw
the following conclusions:
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The catalyst with nickel introduced via impregnation method exhibited the
highest CO2 and CH4 conversions during both temperature-programmed and
isothermal tests. The high activity of this catalyst may be attributed to the
presence of well dispersed nickel species on the catalyst surface. However, the
sintering of Ni crystallites was observed in the catalyst after DRM runs.
The highest activity per gram of active phase was exhibited by the sample into
which nickel was introduced by adsorption method, which resulted in less than
1wt.% Ni loading. This catalyst exhibited at high temperatures (above 700°C) the
performance similar to that registered for the samples loaded with ca. 7wt.% Ni.
Such high activity of the catalyst was attributed to the formation of very small
(non-detectable by XRD) Ni particles, well dispersed on the catalyst surface. This
sample showed very high temperature of reduction of NiO (results of H2-TPR).
The obtained values of H2/CO ratios were below unity for all catalysts, which
suggests the occurrence of RWGS reaction. This was confirmed by XRD
characterization of the spent co-precipitated sample with nickel species present
in brucite-like layers, as upon DRM reaction the partial reconstruction of layered
structure occurred.
Low activity in DRM was observed for co-precipitated sample with nickel in
brucite-like layers. This was caused by the low Ni content. The performance of
this type of catalyst may be thus improved by increasing Ni loading.
The effect of the nickel content in brucite-like layers was studied by the preparation of
catalysts in which 5, 15, 25, 50, 75 or 100% of Mg2+ in brucite-like layers was substituted by Ni2+
cations, with respect to naturally occurring hydrotalcite mineral Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3·4H2O. Such
substitution resulted in the materials with Ni loading between 3 and 60wt%. All prepared catalysts
were tested in the isothermal tests at 550°C, and two most active catalysts were selected for
additional tests at higher temperatures (650 and 750°) and with different feed gas compositions.
The following conclusions may be drawn from this study:
Chapter 11. Conclusions
The activity towards methane conversion in DRM of the prepared catalysts was
decreasing with the decrease in nickel content and was dependent on the Ni
particle size, which followed the same trend, as observed in XRD and TEM
experiments. Thus CH4 conversions were strongly affected by the occurrence of
direct CH4 decomposition, which proceeds more easily on large Ni crystallites. The
highest CH4 conversions were registered for HNi75 sample (ca. 50wt%Ni).
The CO2 conversions were at a similar level for the samples with medium and high
nickel content. The relation between activity towards CO2 and catalyst basicity
(especially concentration of strong basic sites) was observed. The highest
conversions of CO2 were observed for HNi25 catalyst (ca. 20wt.%Ni).
The catalytic tests for selected samples (HNi25 and HNi100) showed that
equilibrium conversions of CO2 were reached for both catalysts at 650 and 750°C.
The tests with different feed gas compositions showed that adjusting CH4/CO2
ratio in the feed strongly affects catalytic performance. However, the extent to
which the feed composition influenced the DRM results was dependent the nickel
content and the presence of magnesia.
Basing on the obtained results it was concluded that the optimal ratio of Ni2+/Mg2+
in hydrotalcite precursor with Ni present in brucite-like layers is equal to 1/3, as
HNi25 catalyst exhibited the highest activity and stable performance during 24h
stability tests carried out at 550, 650 and 750°C.
The effect of Ce and/or Zr promoters was investigated by promotion of two catalysts with
Ni introduced into brucite-like layers which showed the highest catalytic performance in DRM at
550°C i.e. HNi100 and HNi25. The cerium species were introduced into hydrotalcite by adsorption
from the solution of [Ce(EDTA)]- chelates. Zirconium species were introduced into brucite-like layers
at the co-precipitation stage. The proposed method of introduction of Ce species into hydrotalcite-
like catalytic systems for DRM and effect of Zr promotion has not yet been reported in literature.
The conclusions from the this part of the studies are:
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The tests with CH4/CO2/Ar feed of 2/0/8 showed that Ce addition partly
suppressed direct CH4 decomposition over the tested, Ce promoted catalysts. This
effect was even more evident for zirconia promoted catalyst.
The addition of zirconia resulted in the formation of very small nickel particles
around 4nm, which did not undergo sintering upon 5h of DRM reaction at 550°C.
Such small nickel crystallites explained low activity of the catalysts towards direct
CH4 decomposition. Additionally, the small nickel crystallites favoured reverse
Boudouard reaction.
The decrease of activity towards CH4 and CO2 was observed for Zr-promoted
catalysts in comparison to the unpromoted or only Ce-promoted samples.
However, minimal formation of carbon deposits was observed for the Zr-
promoted materials with respect to other samples, pointing to a very beneficial
effect of Zr addition on catalysts stability.
The results presented in this PhD studies confirmed that catalytic properties of
hydrotalcite-derived catalysts may be tailored by implementation of :
The prepared catalysts showed very good catalytic performance in DRM process. The
studies on the methods of nickel introduction showed that appropriate technique may result in a
Chapter 11. Conclusions
very active catalyst with very low Ni loading (below 1wt.%). The investigation on Ni content in
brucite-like layers proved that the best catalytic performance was exhibited by the sample obtained
by the substitution of 25% of Mg2+ by Ni2+ (Ni loading around 20wt.%). The stability and resistance
towards the formation of coke deposits for this catalyst may be additionally enhanced by the
promotion by Ce and Zr. Zr seems to be the guarantee for the stable hydrotalcite-derived catalyst
for DRM. Further research in this area will allow to develop even more active, selective and stable
catalyst for dry reforming of methane, allowing in this way a future commercialization of the
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Murata, J.E.M.S. Nabel, S. Nakaoka, Y. Nojiri, K. O'Brien, A. Olsen, T. Ono, F.F. Pérez, B. Pfeil, D.
Pierrot, B. Poulter, G. Rehder, C. Rödenbeck, S. Saito, U. Schuster, J. Schwinger, R. Séférian, T.
Steinhoff, B.D. Stocker, A.J. Sutton, T. Takahashi, B. Tilbrook, I.T. van der Laan-Luijkx, G.R. van der
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Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
The growing emissions of carbon dioxide forced implementation of different CO2
emissions reduction strategies, which may be divided into two main groups: (i) carbon capture and
storage (CCS) and (ii) carbon capture and utilization (CCU) technologies. The latter approach allows
to convert CO2 into added-value products, creating in this way a carbon cycle. It is predicted that in
the near future, due to the implementation of technologies applying CO2 as a chemical feedstock,
a new carbon dioxide-based economy will be created. One of the processes that converts CO2 into
added-value products is dry reforming of methane (DRM). The process produces industrially
important mixture of H2 and CO and may be considered as an attractive route for syngas production,
alternative to the currently applied steam reforming reaction. DRM possesses a number of
advantages, such as: (i) it yields syngas with lower H2/CO ratio, suitable for Fischer-Tropsch
synthesis and production of oxygenated organic compounds, (ii) it supports the idea of sustainable
development via recycling of CO2 and (iii) it may be applied in Chemical Energy Transmission and/or
Storage systems (CETS) for transport and storage of energy. It should be mentioned, however, that
DRM process has not yet been commercialized due to the low price of CO2, high endothermicity of
the reaction and lack of cheap, active and stable catalysts.
The literature study revealed that the most efficient catalytic systems applied for DRM
process should be based on nickel as an active phase and mixed magnesia-alumina supports. The
beneficial application of Ni comes from the fact that it is the most active metal in DRM reaction,
which may be applied on the industrial scale. Although the noble-metal based catalysts showed
higher activity in DRM, their application in large-scale DRM plants is limited due to high price and
low availability. However, nickel based catalytic systems suffer deactivation upon DRM due to the
formation of carbon deposits and sintering of active phase. Different strategies were proposed in
literature to increase the stability of Ni-based catalytic systems. The most common ones include
the application of supports and/or promoters with high basicity in order to increase CO2 adsorption
capacity, as well as to improve oxidation of carbonaceous species via reverse Boudouard reaction.
Another approach is to increase interactions between nickel active phase and support and thus
inhibit sintering. The application of mixed magnesia and alumina supports allows to introduce two
necessary properties, as MgO possesses basic character and Ni is strongly bonded with MgO and
Al2O3 due to the formation of NiO-MgO solid solution and/or NiAl2O4 spinel phase, respectively.
The materials which have beneficial properties in DRM reaction and may include desired
catalysts components i.e. Ni, MgO and Al2O3 are hydrotalcites. The literature studies on nickel-
containing hydrotalcite-derived materials for DRM have shown that such materials are very active
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
and stable. Therefore, the main goal of this PhD thesis was to evaluate catalytic performance of
different hydrotalcite-based catalytic systems containing nickel in methane dry reforming process.
Literature review showed that there are several areas of research concerning application of HTs-
derived materials in DRM which has not yet been studied. The work carried for this PhD was thus
aimed at filling these gaps, and was divided into three parts: (i) the comparison of the influence of
nickel introduction into HTs-based catalytic system, (ii) the evaluation of wide range of nickel
content in hydrotalcite brucite-like layers on materials catalytic properties and (iii) the evaluation
of the effect of Ce and/or Zr promoters. In order to address these issues a number of different
hydrotalcite-based catalysts was synthesized by co-precipitation method. The physico-chemical
properties of the prepared materials were evaluated by means of elemental analysis (XRF or ICP-
MS), XRD, FTIR, low temperature N2 sorption, H2-TPR, CO2-TPD, TEM, SEM and TG experiments. The
materials were subsequently tested in the DRM reaction. Most of catalytic tests were carried out
at 550°C, which is considered low temperature for this process, but higher temperatures (650 and
750°C) were also studied. It should be mentioned that, the application of low reaction temperatures
is beneficial from an economic standpoint.
The effect of nickel introduction method was evaluated by the comparison of catalytic
performance of four hydrotalcite derived catalysts into which nickel was introduced by: (i) co-
precipitation in the solution of Na2CO3, aimed at the introduction of nickel species into brucite-like
layers, (ii) impregnation method resulting in the introduction of Ni species onto hydrotalcite
surface, (iii) co-precipitation in the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2- complexes, aimed at the introduction of
Ni chelates into hydrotalcite interlayer spaces and (iv) adsorption from the solution of [Ni(EDTA)]2-
complexes, aimed at introducing Ni species onto the HT surface. The latter technique of the catalyst
preparation has not been reported in the literature concerning DRM reaction. The characterization
of the prepared materials revealed that the desired hydrotalcite precursors were successfully
synthesized. The nickel content in the prepared samples varied from 0.8 to ca. 8wt.%. The physico-
chemical properties of the catalysts were dependent on the nickel introduction method. The
highest activity in DRM reaction was shown by the sample prepared by impregnation method,
which exhibited CO2 and CH4 conversions over 90% at 750°C. This was attributed to a high
dispersion of nickel species. However, the highest activity per gram of active material was exhibited
by the sample into which nickel was introduced via adsorption technique, due to the formation of
highly dispersed very small nickel crystallites/aggregates on the catalyst surface strongly bonded
with the support.
The influence of nickel content was investigated by the preparation of catalyst precursors
with nickel present in brucite-like layers. Different catalysts were synthesized by substitution of 5,
15, 25, 50, 75 or 100% of Mg2+ in brucite-like layers by Ni2+ with the respect to naturally occurring
hydrotalcite mineral Mg6Al2(OH)16CO3·4H2O. The characterization of the prepared materials
confirmed the successful synthesis of hydrotalcite-like materials with a desired content of nickel,
which varied from ca. 3 to 59wt.%. The properties of the materials, such as reducibility, basicity,
Ni/NiO particle size or SBET, were dependent on the nickel content. The CH4 conversions exhibited
by the prepared materials were found to be strongly influenced by the Ni particle size, and thus by
the occurrence of direct methane decomposition. On the other hand, CO2 conversions were mostly
affected by the basicity of the materials, especially the concentration of strong basic sites. The best
catalytic performance was shown by the sample which was obtained by the substitution of 25% of
Mg2+ by Ni2+, as this catalyst showed the highest conversions of CO2, reaching the equilibrium values
at 650 and 750°C as well as high conversions of methane. Moreover, this catalyst showed a stable
performance during 24h-stability tests. Therefore, it may be concluded that the optimal
composition of Ni/Mg/Al hydrotalcite-derived catalyst containing nickel in brucite-like layers is
around 20wt.% of Ni for the fixed M2+/M3+ ratio of 3.
Streszczenie pracy
Wzrastająca z roku na rok emisja ditlenku węgla wymusiła wprowadzenie nowych strategii
mających na celu ograniczenie ilości CO2 wprowadzanego do atmosfery. Zaproponowane
rozwiązania można podzielić na metody sekwestracji lub utylizacji ditlenku węgla. Metody
chemicznej utylizacji CO2 pozwalają na jego konwersję do pożądanych produktów chemicznych np.
paliw syntetycznych., dzięki czemu, zgodnie z przewidywaniami, w najbliższej przyszłości powstanie
nowa gospodarka bazująca na ditlenku węgla. Jednym z procesów, dzięki któremu możliwa jest
konwersja CO2 do innych związków chemicznych jest proces suchego reformingu metanu. W
procesie tym otrzymywany jest gaz syntezowy (mieszanina H2 i CO), który znajduje zastosowanie w
wielu technologiach przemysłu chemicznego. W porównaniu do reformingu parowego, który jest
konwencjonalną metodą otrzymywania gazu syntezowego, w wyniku suchego reformingu metanu
otrzymuje się równo-molową mieszaninę wodoru i CO. Jest to istotne ponieważ gaz syntezowy o
takim składzie może być bezpośrednio wykorzystany np. w procesie Fischera-Tropscha do
otrzymywania paliw ciekłych. Dodatkowo wprowadzenie procesu suchego reformingu metanu na
skalę przemysłową, a przez to zmniejszenie emisji CO2 do atmosfery, jest zgodne z ideą
zrównoważonego rozwoju. Kolejną zaletą procesu jest możliwość wykorzystania go do transportu i
magazynowania energii. Pomimo wielu zalet, proces suchego reformingu metanu nie został jeszcze
wprowadzony na skalę przemysłową. Główną przyczyną ograniczonych możliwości komercjalizacji
procesu suchego reformingu jest brak odpowiedniego katalizatora charakteryzującego się wysoką
aktywnością i odpornością na tworzenie depozytów węglowych.
Streszczenie pracy
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Wybrane próbki katalizatorów promowano związkami ceru i/lub cyrkonu. Cer został
wprowadzony do układów hydrotalkitowych poprzez adsorpcję z roztworu [Ce(EDTA)]-. Cyrkon
natomiast wprowadzono w warstwy brucytowe hydrotalkitu, na etapie współstrącania, poprzez
częściową substytucję kationów Al3+. Obydwa promotory pozytywnie wpłynęły na pracę
katalizatora. Wpływ związków ceru był zależny od zawartości niklu w próbce oraz obecności tlenku
magnezu. Generalnie, wprowadzenie ceru skutkowało zmniejszeniem temperatury redukcji tlenku
niklu, co miało wpływ na wielkość krystalitów Ni oraz typ depozytów węglowych powstałych na
powierzchni katalizatora podczas reakcji. Zwiększona stabilność próbek była spowodowana przez
inhibicję reakcji rozkładu metanu oraz utlenianie depozytów węglowych w reakcji Boudouarda.
Wprowadzenie związków cyrkonu skutkowało wprawdzie obniżeniem stopni konwersji CO2 i CH4.,
ale równocześnie znacznie zwiększyło selektywność procesu względem DRM. Związki cyrkonu
spowodowały praktycznie całkowitą eliminację rozkładu metanu. Dodatkowo charakterystyka
katalizatorów promowanych cyrkonem po reakcji, wykazała minimalną ilość depozytów
węglowych. 24 godzinne testy stabilności próbki promowanej podwójnie związkami ceru i cyrkonu
wykazały powolny spadek aktywności w temperaturach 550, 650 i 750°C, jednoznacznie sugerując,
że badania w kierunku materiałów hydrotalkitowych zawierających nikiel i promowanych cyrkonem
powinny być kontynuowane w celu optymalizacji składu katalizatora, np. stosunku Ce/Zr.
Przeprowadzone badania wskazują na bardzo pozytywny wpływ związków cyrkonu na stabilną
pracę katalizatora.
Résumé de Thèse
L'augmentation des émissions de dioxyde de carbone force l'implémentation de
différentes stratégies de réduction des émissions de CO2 qui peuvent être divisées en deux groupes
principaux: (i) Le captage du carbone et stockage (CCS) and (ii) le captage du carbone et utilisation
(CCU). Cette dernière approche permet la conversion du CO2 en un produit à valeur ajoutée créant
ainsi un cycle carbone. Il est prédit que dans un future proche, de par l'implémentation des
technologies utilisant le CO2 comme matière première, une nouvelle économie basée sur le dioxyde
de carbone sera susceptible de se développer. Un des procédés convertissant le CO2 en un produit
à valeur ajoutée est le reformage à sec du méthane (DRM). Ce procédé produit une quantité
importante de H2 et CO et peut être considéré comme une source attractive pour la production de
« syngas », alternative au vaporeformage du méthane. Le DRM possède de nombreux avantages,
tel que: (i) la production de syngas avec un rapport H2/CO plus faible, (ii) il est adapté au procédé
Fischer-Tropsch et à la production de composés organiques oxygénés, (iii) il supporte l'idée d’un
développement durable par le recyclage du CO2, (iv) il peut être appliqué pour le transport et le
stockage de l'énergie dans un système CETS (Chemical Energy Transmission and/or Storage).
Cependant le procédé de DRM n'a pas été commercialisé en raison des taxes « carbone » encore
peu dissuasives, de la forte endothermicité de la réaction et par manque de catalyseur actif, stable
et bon marché à ce jour.
L'étude de la bibliographie révèle que les systèmes catalytiques les plus efficaces
appliqués pour le procédé de DRM doivent être basés sur le nickel comme phase active avec un
support mixte composé de magnésium et d'alumininum. Le bénéfice de l'utilisation du Ni vient du
fait qu'il s'agit du métal le plus actif dans les réactions de DRM utilisable à l'échelle industrielle. Les
catalyseurs basés sur les métaux nobles ont montré une plus forte activité, cependant leur
application à grande échelle est limitée en raison de leur prix élevé et faible disponibilité. Par
ailleurs, les systèmes catalytiques à base de nickel subissent une désactivation lors de DRM en
raison de la formation de dépôt de carbone et par le frittage de la phase active. Dans la
bibliographie, différentes stratégies sont proposées afin d'accroitre la stabilité de ces systèmes. Les
plus courantes comprennent l'application de supports et/ou de promoteurs à forte basicité afin
d'augmenter la capacité d'adsorption du CO2 et donc l'oxydation des espèces carbonées par
réaction inverse de Boudouard, ou en augmentant les interactions entre la phase active de nickel
et le support, inhibant ainsi le frittage.
fortement lié : à MgO par la formation d'une solution solide de MgO-NiO, et à Al2O3 dans la phase
spinelle NiAl2O4.
Les matériaux possédant des propriétés bénéfiques pour la réaction de DRM et pouvant
inclure les composants catalyseurs désirés à savoir Ni, MgO et Al2O3 sont les hydrotalcites. Les
études récentes sur les dérivés de composés hydrotalcites contenant du nickel pour DRM ont
montré que ces matériaux sont des catalyseurs très actifs et stables. Par conséquent, l'objectif
principal de cette thèse est d'évaluer la performance catalytique de différents systèmes
catalytiques à base d'hydrotalcite contenant du nickel lors du reformage à sec du méthane. Une
revue de la littérature a montré qu'il existe certains domaines de recherche dans lesquels
l'application de dérivés hydrotalcites au reformage du méthane n'avait pas encore été bien étudiée.
Le travail effectué pour cette thèse vise donc à combler ces lacunes et celle-dernière a été divisée
en trois parties:
Afin de répondre à ces problématiques, plusieurs catalyseurs à base d'hydrotalcite ont été
synthétisés par la méthode de co-précipitation. Les propriétés physico-chimiques des matériaux
préparés ont été évalués au moyen d'analyse élémentaire (XRF ou ICP-MS), XRD, FTIR, N2-sorption
à basse température, H2-TPR, CO2-DPT, TEM, expériences SEM et TG. Les matériaux ont ensuite été
testés dans la réaction de DRM. La plupart des tests catalytiques ont été effectués à 550°C, ce qui
est considéré comme une température plutôt basse pour ce processus, toutefois, l'application de
basses températures de réaction est bénéfique sur le plan économique.
Les effets des méthodes d'introduction du nickel ont été évaluées par comparaison de la
performance catalytique de quatre catalyseurs dans lequel le nickel a été introduit de manière
Resume de These
Cette dernière technique de préparation du catalyseur pour le DRM n'a jamais été
rapportée dans la littérature. La caractérisation des matériaux préparés a révélé que les précurseurs
désirés de l'hydrotalcite avaient bien été synthétisés avec succès. La teneur en nickel des
échantillons préparés varie de 0,8 à environ 8wt.%. Les propriétés physico-chimiques des
catalyseurs dépendent de la méthode d'introduction de nickel. L'activité la plus élevée dans la
réaction de DRM a été observée avec l'échantillon préparé par la méthode d'imprégnation, celui-ci
présente des conversions de CO2 et de CH4 de plus de 90% à 750°C. La plus grande activité de ce
catalyseur peut être attribuée à la forte dispersion des espèces de nickel. Toutefois, la plus haute
activité par gramme de matériaux actif a été exposée par l'échantillon dans lequel le nickel est
introduit par la technique d'adsorption, ce qui peut être attribuée à la formation à la surface du
catalyseur de très petits cristallites/agrégats de nickel, très dispersés et fortement liés au support.
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
positive sur la performance des catalyseurs. Les effets de l'ajout de Ce dépendent de la teneur en
nickel et de la présence de magnésie dans le catalyseur. De manière général, l'utilisation d'un
promoteur Ce a eu une influence sur la réductibilité des espèces de nickel, et ainsi sur la taille des
particules de nickel, le type de dépôts de carbone formés lors de la réaction et donc sur la stabilité
du catalyseur. La stabilité accrue du matériau a été attribuée à l'inhibition de la réaction de
décomposition directe du méthane et l'oxydation des dépôts de carbone par la réaction inverse de
Boudouard. L'utilisation d'un promoteur Zr conduit à une diminution l'activité des catalyseurs.
Cependant, elle augmente fortement la sélectivité des catalyseurs envers le DRM par inhibition de
la décomposition directe du CH4. De plus, après utilisation, ces catalyseurs présentaient une
formation de dépôts de coke minime. Les tests de stabilité sur 24h d'un catalyseur avec promoteur
Zr et Ce ont montré une légère diminution de l'activité avec le TOS à 550, 650 et 750°C, ce qui
indique qu'il est nécessaire de poursuivre la recherche dans ce domaine afin d'optimiser la
composition du catalyseur, par exemple le ratio Ce/Zr. Néanmoins, il semble que le promoteur Zr
garantisse un catalyseur dérivé d'hydrotalcite actif et stable pour le DRM.
Academic achievements of the author
Publications concerning PhD Thesis
The results presented in this PhD Thesis were partially published in the following
international journals with Impact Factor:
Chapters in monographs:
Academic achievements of the author
Novel catalysts for chemical CO2 utilization
Academic achievements of the author
Annex I. Thermodynamics – Gibbs free energy minimization
Thermodynamic analysis of chemical process involves determination of phase and
equilibrium composition of studied system at specific operating conditions. The equilibrium
composition of chemical process can be determined by Gibbs free energy minimization method,
which was reported to be effective for complex chemical equilibrium problems. The method is
based on a fact that the system is thermodynamically favourable when its total Gibbs free energy
is at its minimum value and its differential is zero for a given temperature and pressure.
The total Gibbs free energy of the system can be expressed as sum of multiplication
products of number of moles of species i times chemical potential of species i:
𝐺 𝑡 = ∑𝑁
𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 𝜇𝑖 (2)
where: Gt – total Gibbs free energy; N – total number of species in the reaction system
𝜇𝑖 = ∆𝐺𝑓0𝑖 + 𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛 (𝑓0𝑖 ) (3)
where: ΔG0fi – standard Gibbs free energy of formation of species i; R – molar gas constant; T –
temperature of the system; fi – fugacity of pure species i; f0i – fugacity of pure species i at the
standard state.
Combinations of equations (2) and (3) results in the expression (4) for total fee energy of
the system, which can be minimized for specified temperature, pressure and composition of the
𝐺 𝑡 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 ∆𝐺𝑖0 = ∑𝑛𝑖=1 𝑛𝑖 𝑅𝑇𝑙𝑛 (𝑓0𝑖 ) (4)