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A heat exchanger is a device that is used to transfer thermal energy (enthalpy)

between two or more fluids, between a solid surface and a fluid, or between solid
particulates and a fluid, at different temperatures and in thermal contact. In heat
exchangers, there are usually no external heat and work interactions. Typical
applications involve heating or cooling of a fluid stream of concern and evaporation or
condensation of single- or multicomponent fluid streams. In other applications, the
objective may be to recover or reject heat, or sterilize, pasteurize, fractionate, distill,
concentrate, crystallize, or control a process fluid. In a few heat exchangers, the fluids
exchanging heat are in direct contact.

In most heat exchangers, heat transfer between fluids takes place through a
separating wall or into and out of a wall in a transient manner. In many heat
exchangers, the fluids are separated by a heat transfer surface, and ideally they do not
mix or leak. Such exchangers are referred to as direct transfer type, or simply
respirators. In contrast, exchangers in which there is intermittent heat exchange
between the hot and cold fluids—via thermal energy storage and release through the
exchanger surface or matrix— are referred to as indirect transfer type, or simply
regenerators. Such exchangers usually have fluid leakage from one fluid stream to the
other, due to pressure differences and matrix rotation/valve switching. Common
examples of heat exchangers are shell-and tube exchangers, automobile radiators,
condensers, evaporators, air preheaters, and cooling towers.
If no phase change occurs in any of the fluids in the exchanger, it is sometimes
referred to as a sensible heat exchanger. There could be internal thermal energy
sources in the exchangers, such as in electric heaters and nuclear fuel elements.
Combustion and chemical reaction may take place within the exchanger, such as in
boilers, fired heaters, and fluidized-bed exchangers. Mechanical devices may be used
in some exchanges such as in scraped surface exchangers, agitated vessels, and stirred
tank reactors. Heat transfer in the separating wall of a remunerator generally takes
place by conduction. However, in a heat pipe heat exchanger, the heat pipe not only
acts as a separating wall, but also facilitates the transfer of heat by condensation,
evaporation, and conduction of the working fluid inside the heat pipe. In general, if the
fluids are immiscible, the separating wall may be eliminated, and the interface
between the fluids replaces a heat transfer surface, as in a direct-contact heat

A heat exchanger consists of heat transfer elements such as a core or matrix

containing the heat transfer surface, and fluid distribution elements such as headers,
manifolds, tanks, inlet and outlet nozzles or pipes, or seals. Usually, there are no
moving parts in a heat exchanger; however, there are exceptions, such as a rotary
regenerative exchanger (in which the matrix is mechanically driven to rotate at some
design speed) or a scraped surface heat exchanger. The heat transfer surface is a
surface of the exchanger core that is in direct contact with fluids and through which
heat is transferred by conduction. That portion of the surface that is in direct contact
with both the hot and cold fluids and transfers heat between them

is referred to as the primary or direct surface.

To increase the heat transfer area, appendages may be intimately connected to

the primary surface to provide an extended, secondary, or indirect surface. The
extended surface elements are referred to as fins. Thus, heat is conducted through the

fin and convected (and/or radiated) from the fin (through the surface area) to the
surrounding fluid, or vice versa, depending on whether the fin is being cooled or
heated. As a result, the addition of fins to the primary surface reduces the thermal
resistance on that side and thereby increases the total heat transfer from the surface for
the same temperature difference. Fins may form flow passages for the individual
fluids but do not separate the two (or more) fluids of the exchanger. These secondary
surfaces or fins may also be introduced primarily for structural strength purposes or to
provide thorough mixing of a highly viscous liquid. Not only are heat exchangers
often used in the process, power, petroleum, transportation, air-conditioning,
refrigeration, cryogenic, heat recovery, alternative fuel, and manufacturing industries,
they also serve as key components of many industrial products available in the
marketplace. These exchangers can be classified in many different ways.

We will classify them according to transfer processes, number of fluids, and

heat transfer mechanisms. Conventional heat exchangers are further classified
according to construction type and flow arrangements. Another arbitrary classification
can be made, based on the heat transfer surface area/volume ratio, into compact and
non-compact heat exchangers.

To increase the heat transfer area, appendages may be intimately connected to the
primary surface to provide an extended or indirect surface. Thus, heat is conducted
through the fin and convected (and/or radiated) from the fin (through the surface area)
to the surrounding fluid, or depending on whether the fin is being cooled or heated.

As a result, the addition of fins to the primary surface reduces the thermal
resistance on that side and thereby increases the total heat transfer from the surface for
the same temperature difference. We will classify them according to transfer
processes, number of fluids, and heat transfer mechanisms.


Fig 1.1.classification of heat exchangers

1.2.1 Based on transfer processes

Heat exchangers are classified according to transfer processes into indirect- and
direct contact types. Indirect-Contact Heat Exchangers

In an indirect-contact heat exchanger, the fluid streams remain separate and the
heat transfers continuously through an impervious dividing wall or into and out of a
wall in a transient manner. Thus, ideally, there is no direct contact between thermally
interacting fluids. This type of heat exchanger, also referred to as a surface heat
exchanger, can be further classified into direct-transfer type, storage type, and
fluidized-bed exchangers.

4 Direct-Transfer Type Exchangers

In this type, heat transfers continuously from the hot fluid to the cold fluid

Through a dividing wall. Although a simultaneous flow of two (or more) fluids is
required in the exchanger, there is no direct mixing of the two (or more) fluids because
each fluid flows in separate fluid passages. In general, there are no moving parts in
most such heat exchangers. This type of exchanger is designated as a recuperative heat
exchanger or simply as a recuperate. Some examples of direct transfer type heat
exchangers are tubular, plate-type, and extended surface exchangers.

1.2.2. Based on construction

Heat exchangers are frequently characterized by construction features. Four

major construction types are tubular, plate-type, extended surface, and regenerative
exchangers. Heat exchangers with other constructions are also available, such as
scraped surface exchanger, tank heater, cooler cartridge exchanger, and others
(Walker, 1990). Some of these may be classified as tubular exchangers, but they have
some unique features compared to conventional tubular exchangers. Although the "-
NTU and MTD methods) are identical for tubular, plate-type, and extended-surface
exchangers, the influence of the following factors must be taken into account in
exchanger design: corrections due to leakage and bypass streams in a shell-and-tube
exchanger, effects due to a few plates in a plate exchanger, and fin efficiency in an
extended-surface exchanger. Similarly, the "-NTU method must be modified to take
into account the heat capacity of the matrix in a regenerator.

5 Heat Exchangers

These exchangers are generally built of circular tubes, although elliptical,

rectangular, or round/flat twisted tubes have also been used in some applications.
There is considerable flexibility in the design because the core geometry can be varied
easily by changing the tube diameter, length, and arrangement. Tubular exchangers
can be designed for high pressures relative to the environment and high-pressure
differences between the fluids. Tubular exchangers are used primarily for liquid-to-
liquid and liquid-to-phase change (condensing or evaporating) heat transfer
applications. They are used for gas-to-liquid and gas-to- gas heat transfer applications
primarily when the operating temperature and/ or pressure is very high or fouling is a
severe problem on at least one fluid side and no other types of exchangers would
work. These exchangers may be classified as shell-and tube, double-pipe, and spiral
tube exchangers. They are all prime surface exchangers except for exchangers having
fins outside/inside tubes

Fig 1.2.Tubular heat exchanger

6 Exchangers.

This exchanger, is generally built of a bundle of round tubes mounted in a

Cylindrical shell with the tube axis parallel to that of the shell. One fluid flows inside
the tubes, the other flows across and along the tubes. The major components of this
exchanger are tubes (or tube bundle), shell, frontend head, rear-end head, baffles, and
tube sheets, and are described briefly later in this subsection. A variety of different
internal constructions is used in shell-and-tube exchangers, depending on the desired
heat transfer and pressure drop performance and the methods employed to reduce
thermal stresses, to prevent leakages, to provide for ease of cleaning, to contain
operating pressures and temperatures, to control corrosion, to accommodate highly
asymmetric flows, and so on.

Shell-and-tube exchangers are classified and constructed in accordance with

the widely used TEMA (Tubular Exchanger Manufacturers Association) standards

(TEMA, 1999), DIN and other standards in Europe and elsewhere, and ASME
(American Society of Mechanical Engineers) boiler and pressure vessel codes. TEMA
has developed a notation system to designate major types of shell-and-tube
exchangers. In this system, each exchanger is designated by a three-letter combination,
the first letter indicating the front-end head type, the second the shell type, and the
third the rear-end head type. These are identified in Some common shell-and-tube
exchangers are AES, BEM, AEP, CFU, AKT, and AJW. It should be emphasized that
there are other special types of shell-and-tube exchangers commercially available that
have front- and rear-end heads different. Those exchangers may not be identifiable by
the TEMA letter designation.

Fig and tube heat exchanger Helical coil heat exchanger

Although double-pipe heat exchangers are the simplest to design, the better
choice in the following cases would be the helical-coil heat exchanger (HCHE).The
main advantage of the HCHE, like that for the SHE, is its highly efficient use of
space, especially when it’s limited and not enough straight pipe can be laid. Under
conditions of low flow rates (or laminar flow), such that that the typical shell-and-tube
exchangers have low heat-transfer coefficients and becoming uneconomical. When
there is low pressure in one of the fluids, usually from accumulated pressure drops in
other process equipment. When one of the fluids has components in multiple phases
(solids, liquids, and gases), which tends to create mechanical problems during
operations, such as plugging of small-diameter tubes. Cleaning of helical coils for
these multiple-phase fluids can prove to be more difficult than its shell and tube
counterpart; however the helical coil unit would require cleaning less often. These
have been used in the nuclear industry as a method for exchanging heat in a sodium
system for large liquid metal fast breeder reactors since the early 1970s, using an
HCHE device invented by Charles E. Boardman and John H. Germer. There are
several simple methods for designing HCHE for all types of manufacturing industries,

such as using the Ramachandra K. Patil (et al.) method from India and the Scott S.
Haraburda method from the United States.

However, these are based upon assumptions of estimating inside heat transfer
coefficient, predicting flow around the outside of the coil, and upon constant heat flux.
Yet, recent experimental data revealed that the empirical correlations are quite in
agreement for designing circular and square pattern HCHEs. During studies published
in 2015, several researchers found that the

Fig 1.4.Helical heat exchanger

boundary conditions of the outer wall of exchangers were essentially constant heat
flux conditions in power plant boilers, condensers and evaporators; while convective
heat transfer conditions were more appropriate in food, automobile and process

1.2.3. Based on flow: Parallel and Counter flow

Although ordinary heat exchangers may be extremely different in design and

construction and may be of the single- or two-phase type, their modes of operation and
effectiveness are largely determined by the direction of the fluid flow within the

The most common arrangements for flow paths within a heat exchanger are
counter-flow and parallel flow. A counter-flow heat exchanger is one in which the
direction of the flow of one of the working fluids is opposite to the direction to the
flow of the other fluid. In a parallel flow exchanger, both fluids in the heat exchanger
flow in the same direction. The directions of fluid flow in the parallel and counter-
flow exchangers. Under comparable conditions, more heat is transferred in a counter-
flow arrangement than in a parallel flow heat exchanger. The temperature profiles of
the two heat exchangers indicate two major disadvantages in the parallel-flow design.
First, the large temperature difference at the ends causes large thermal stresses. The
opposing expansion and contraction of the construction materials due to diverse fluid
temperatures can lead to eventual material failure. Second, the temperature of the cold
fluid exiting the heat exchanger never exceeds the lowest temperature of the hot fluid.
This relationship is a distinct disadvantage if the design purpose is to raise the
temperature of the cold fluid.

The design of a parallel flow heat exchanger is advantageous when two fluids
are required to be brought to nearly the same temperature. The counter-flow heat
exchanger has three significant advantages over the parallel flow design. First, the
more uniform temperature difference between the two fluids minimizes the thermal
stresses throughout the exchanger. Second, the outlet temperature of the cold fluid can
approach the highest temperature of the hot fluid (the inlet temperature). Third, the

more uniform temperature difference produces a more uniform rate of heat transfer
throughout the heat exchanger.

Whether parallel or counter-flow, heat transfer within the heat exchanger

involves both conduction and convection. One fluid (hot) convectively transfers heat
to the tube wall where conduction takes place across the tube to the opposite wall. The
heat is then convectively transferred to the second fluid. Because this process takes
place over the entire length of the exchanger, the temperature of the fluids as they flow
through the exchanger is not generally constant, but varies over the entire length. The
rate of heat transfer varies along the length of the exchanger tubes because its value
depends upon the temperature difference between the hot and the cold fluid at the
point being viewed.



Heat transfer is the exchange of thermal energy between physical systems. The
rate of heat transfer is dependent on the temperatures of the systems and the properties
of the intervening medium through which the heat is transferred. The three
fundamental modes of heat transfer are conduction, convection and radiation.
Heat transfer, the flow of energy in the form of heat, is a process by which a
system changes its internal energy, hence is of vital use in applications of the First
Law of Thermodynamics. Conduction is also known as diffusion, not to be confused
with diffusion related to the mixing of constituents of a fluid.
The direction of heat transfer is from a region of high temperature to another
region of lower temperature, and is governed by the Second Law of Thermodynamics.
Heat transfer changes the internal energy of the systems from which and to which the
energy is transferred. Heat transfer will occur in a direction that increases the entropy
of the collection of systems. Thermal equilibrium is reached when all involved bodies
and the surroundings reach the same temperature. Thermal expansion is the tendency
of matter to change in volume in response to a change in temperature.

1.3.1. Convection:

The flow of fluid may be forced by external processes, or sometimes (in

gravitational fields) by buoyancy forces caused when thermal energy expands the
fluid (for example in a fire plume), thus influencing its own transfer. The latter
process is often called “natural convection”. All convective processes also move heat
partly by diffusion, as well. Another form of convection is forced convection. In this
case the fluid is forced to flow by use of a pump, fan or other mechanical means.
Convective heat transfer, or convection, is the transfer of heat from one place to
another by the movement of fluids, a process that is essentially the transfer of heat via

mass transfer. Bulk motion of fluid enhances heat transfer in many physical situations,
such as (for example) between a solid surface and the fluid. Convection is usually the
dominant form of heat transfer in liquids and gases. Although sometimes discussed as
a third method of heat transfer, convection is usually used to describe the combined
effects of heat conduction within the fluid (diffusion) and heat transference by bulk
fluid flow streaming. The process of transport by fluid streaming is known as
advection, but pure advection is a term that is generally associated only with mass
transport in fluids, such as advection of pebbles in a river. In the case of heat transfer
in fluids, where transport by advection in a fluid is always also accompanied by
transport via heat diffusion (also known as heat conduction) the process of heat
convection is understood to refer to the sum of heat transport by advection and
diffusion/conduction. Free, or natural, convection occurs when bulk fluid motions
(streams and currents) are caused by buoyancy forces that result from density
variations due to variations of temperature in the fluid.


1.3.2. Conduction:

On a microscopic scale, heat conduction occurs as hot, rapidly moving or

vibrating atoms and molecules interact with neighboring atoms and molecules,
transferring some of their energy (heat) to these neighboring particles. In other words,
heat is transferred by conduction when adjacent atoms vibrate against one another, or
as electrons move from one atom to another. Conduction is the most significant means
of heat transfer within a solid or between solid objects in thermal contact. Fluids—
especially gases—are less conductive. Thermal contact conductance is the study of
heat conduction between solid bodies in contact. Steady state conduction is a form of
conduction that happens when the temperature difference driving the conduction is
constant, so that after an equilibration time, the spatial distribution of temperatures in
the conducting object does not change any further. In steady state conduction, the
amount of heat entering a section is equal to amount of heat coming out. Transient
conduction (see Heat equation) occurs when the temperature within an object changes
as a function of time. Analysis of transient systems is more complex and often calls
for the application of approximation theories or numerical analysis by computer.


1.3.3. Radiation:

Thermal radiation occurs through a vacuum or any transparent medium (solid or

fluid). It is the transfer of energy by means of photons in electromagnetic waves
governed by the same laws. Earth’s radiation balance depends on the incoming and
the outgoing thermal radiation, Earth’s energy budget. Anthropogenic perturbations in
the climate system are responsible for a positive radiative forcing which reduces the
net long wave radiation loss to space. Thermal radiation is energy emitted by matter as
electromagnetic waves, due to the pool of thermal energy in all matter with a
temperature above absolute zero. Thermal radiation propagates without the presence
of matter through the vacuum of space] Thermal radiation is a direct result of the
random movements of atoms and molecules in matter. Since these atoms and
molecules are composed of charged particles (protons and electrons), their movement
results in the emission of electromagnetic radiation, which carries energy away from
the surface.



1. Milk chillers of pasteurizing plant

2. Oil coolers of heat engines
3. Automobile radiators
4. Regenerators
5. Condensers and evaporators in refrigeration plants
6. Condensers and boilers in steam plants
7. Intercoolers and preheaters


Nano fluids are suspensions of metallic or nonmetallic Nano powders in base

liquid and can be employed to increase heat transfer rate in various applications. In
this work laminar flow forced convection heat transfer of Al2O3/water Nano fluid
inside a circular tube with constant wall temperature was investigated experimentally.


As the convection heat transfer rate is increased with increasing the

nanoparticle volume fraction of the Nano fluids. Therefore, Nano fluids are the
potential candidate to increase the heat transfer rate of the heat exchangers.
Application of nanoparticles provides an effective way of improving heat transfer
characteristics of fluids. By suspending nanoparticles in heating or cooling fluids, the
heat transfer performance of the fluid can be significantly improved due to: (a) the
nanoparticles increase the surface area, heat capacity and thermal conductivity of the
fluids; (b) the interaction and collision among particles, fluid, flow passage surface,
mixing fluctuation and turbulence of the fluid are intensified; (c) the dispersion of
nanoparticles flattens the transverse temperature gradient of the fluid.


Nano fluids with volume concentrations of 0.5%, 1% and 1.5% were prepared
by dissolving a calculated amount of Al2O3 nanoparticles in the base fluid namely
water. With the goal of obtaining harmonized dispersion and steady suspension
throughout which regulates the final properties of Nano fluids these were undertaken
with the help of a magnetic stirrer and an ultrasonic vibrator capable of producing
ultrasonic pulses of around 100 W. Thermal properties of Al2O3–water Nano fluid By
assuming that Al2O3 nanoparticles (qp = 3600 kg m_3 and Cp = 773 J/kg K) are well
mixed within the base fluids(distilled water& ethylene glycol).

Fig 1.9 Preparation of Nano Fluid


CREO is a powerful program used to create complex design with a great

precision. The design intent of any 3-D model or an assembly is defined by its
specification and its use. The powerful tools of CREO are to capture the design intent
of any complex model by incorporating intelligence into the design.
To make the designing process simple and quick, this software package has
divided the steps of designing into different modules. This means each step of
designing is completed in a different module. For, example generally a design process
consists of the following steps.
1. Sketching using the basic sketch entities.
2. Converting the sketch features and paths.
3. Assembling different parts and analyzing them.Documentation of parts and the
assembly in terms of drawing views.
4. Manufacturing the final part and assembling.

The parametric nature of CREO enhances the design intent lf a model with
tremendous ease. CREO as solid modeler powered by featured-based, associative
and parametric based. It also allows to work in a 3-d environment and calculate the
mass properties directly from the created geometry and to switch on to different
display modes like wire frame, shaded, hidden and no hidden at any time with ease
as it only changes the appearance of the model.


Fig 1.10 model of heat exchanger drawn in creo

Today computer technology helps solving most complex problems. It is
effectively used not only for structural analysis but also for a wide range of
phenomenon such as static(structural ,creep ,fatigue ,fracture), dynamic(linear and
non-linear), vibration and noise, heat transfer, fluid flow ;in addition to manufacturing
processes such as injection molding and metal forming.
As CAD/CAM/CAE technology is much advanced, ANSYS, evolved as the
most popular and complete CAE package with its highly powerful capabilities to
help us understand the real world functionality of a design


CFD software were performed for the heat transfer enhancement in Helical Coil
Type Heat Exchanger and comparison with other types of heat exchanger and factors
or parameters affecting the performance of helical coil. The specification of a constant
temperature or constant heat flux boundary condition for an actual heat exchanger
does not yield proper modelling. Hence, the heat exchanger is analyzed considering
conjugate heat transfer and temperature dependent properties of heat transport media.
An experimental setup is fabricated for the estimation of the heat transfer
characteristics. The experimental results are compared with the CFD calculation
results using the CFD package FLUENT. Based on the experimental results a
correlation is developed to calculate the inner heat transfer coefficient of the helical
coil. The mathematical model is developed to analyze the data obtained from CFD and
experimental results to account for the effects of different functional dependent
variables such as gap between the concentric coil, tube diameter and coil diameter
which affects the heat transfer.

Optimization is done using Numerical Technique and it is found that the new
correlation for heat transfer coefficient developed in this investigation provides an
accurate fit to the experimental results within an error band of 3–4%.


CFD is useful in a wide variety of applications and here we note a few to

give you an idea of its use in industry. The simulations shown below have been
performed using the FLUENT software. CFD can be used to simulate the flow over a
vehicle. For instance, it can be used to study the interaction of propellers or rotors
with the aircraft fuselage The following figure shows the prediction of the pressure
field induced by the interaction of the rotor with a helicopter fuselage in forward
flight. Rotors and propellers can be represented with models of varying complexity.
The temperature distribution obtained from a CFD analysis of a mixing
manifold is shown below. This mixing manifold is part of the passenger cabin
ventilation system on the Boeing 767. The CFD analysis showed the effectiveness of a
simpler manifold design without the need for field testing.

Fig 1.11 example for CFD



1. Xiang-Qi Wang, Arun S. Mujumdar (2015)- “Heat transfer characteristics of

Nano fluid

This paper presents an overview of the recent developments in the study on

heat transfer using Nano fluids. Many important, complex and interesting phenomena
involving Nano fluids have been reported in the literature. Researchers investigate
have given much attention on the thermal conductivity rather than the heat transfer
characteristics. The use of Nano fluids in a wide range of applications appears
promising, but the development of the field faces several challenges: (i) the lack of
agreement between experimental results from different groups; (ii) the often poor
performance of suspensions; and lack of theoretical understanding of the mechanisms.
Further theoretical and experimental research investigations are needed to understand
the heat transfer characteristics of Nano fluids and identify new and unique
applications for these fields.

2. Mohammed Saad Kamel and Abdul Hussein (2016) ―“Heat Transfer

Enhancement Using Nano fluids”

where they presented a review about the enhancement of heat transfer by using
Nano fluids .they concluded that Heat transfer rate is directly proportional to the
Reynolds number and peclet number of Nano fluid. Increasing volume Concentration
of nanoparticles increases the pressure drop of Nano fluids.

The fine grade of Nanoparticles increases the heat transfer rate but it’s having
poor stability. Increasing size of nanoparticles (diameter of NP) led to decreasing in
heat transfer because area per unit volume decreases.

3. Anurag S.Hatwar and V.M.Kriplani, (March 2014) of “A Review on Heat

Transfer Enhancement With Nano fluid”

The experimentation related to the heat transfer enhancement by using oxide

form Nano fluid such as CuO,Al2O3,TiO2, ZnO. Amongst all Al2O3 and CuO are
frequently used due to the ease of suspension in the base fluid. The use of proper
ultrasonic mixer is essential for the uniform mixing of the nanoparticles. Proper care
has to be taken while handling the nanoparticles in order to avoid the oxidation. The
use of the Nano fluid with higher concentration provides considerably higher thermal
performance for all Reynolds number.

4. Deepali Gaikwad,Kundlik Mali,(2014),“Heat Transfer Enhancement for Double

Pipe Heat Exchanger Using Twisted Wire Brush Inserts”
Conducted experiment to investigate the heat transfer performance and friction
factor characteristics for laminar flow through a tube by means of twisted wire brush
inserts. The mass flow rates in inner tube and in annulus were varied during
experimentation. Air to water heat transfer study is performed and tested for counter
flow configuration. Effect of inlet fluid temperature and relevant parameters on heat
transfer characteristics and friction factor are considered. The study revealed that the
twisted wire brush inserts provided significant enhancement of heat transfer with the
corresponding increase in friction factor, however the pressure drop also slightly

Due to the turbulence created and swirl flow generated, the convective heat
transfer obtained from the tube with twisted wire brush inserts is higher than that with
the plain tube without twisted wire brush inserts.

5. B.Kirubadurai et al, (2015) “Heat Transfer Enhancement Using Nano fluids –A


Concludes heat transfer rate increases with increasing concentration of

nanoparticle. Heat transfer rate is directly proportional to the Reynolds number and
peclet number of Nano fluid. The fine grade of Nano particles increases the heat
transfer rate but it’s having poor stability. Clustering and collision of nanoparticles is
main factor to affect the heat transfer rate of Nano fluid. Concentration of
nanoparticles increases the pressure drop of Nano fluid. Spherical shaped
nanoparticles increases the heat transfer rate of Nano fluid compared with other
shaped nanoparticles. Boiling was to reduce the enhancement of heat transfer rate.
Spiral pipe having higher heat transfer rate compared with the circular plain tube.
Inclined tube possess the low pressure drop compared with horizontal tube.

6. Dr. N. K. Saikhedkar, IRJET (2016), Computational Fluid Dynamic Analysis for

Optimization of Helical Coil Heat Exchanger:

He was found that the concept of helical coils and their enhanced heat transfer
characteristics have better heat and mass transfer than straight tubes. In most of the
literature, a CFD modeling is used to investigate the heat transfer through helical
tubes. In this work, the optimization of helical coil heat exchanger takes place. We
have taken only one variable or parameter to optimize the helical coil heat exchanger
i.e. helical coil pitch.Entail setup cost may approximately 45 Lakh Indian rupees. Due
to this reason, we cannot fabricate this setup but instead of this, we simulate the
experiment with CFD software. In this experiment, the helical coil heat exchanger has
a constant coil pitch i.e. 30 mm coil pitch. Due to high cost, we can’t modify this
experimental setup but instead of this, we use the CFD simulation and change only
one parameter i.e. coil pitch of 20 mm. We can easily simulate the parameters of
helical coil heat exchanger in CFD software without any modification in experimental
setup. Although the application of CFD in the thermal based industries and power
plants will benefit the understanding of the dynamics and physics of a thermal
analysis operation and thus aid in the optimization and design of existing equipment,
constraints are the requirement for faster, easier and less expensive CFD techniques.
In CFD software development will turn automatic design and optimization in realities
and the development of web based CFD will allow more people to access the
technology. All these developments will contribute CFD to becoming a mature
discipline and a powerful engineering tool. As a result, more widespread and rapid
adoption of the use of CFD in the thermal engineering will take place in future.

7. S. F.A.Talib, W.H. Azmi, Irnie Zakaria, WANW. Mohamed, A.M.I. Mamat,

H. Ismail, W.R.W. Daud, ScienceDirect (2015) Thermophysical Properties of

Silicon Dioxide (SiO2) :

The thermal conductivity of SiO2 nano fluids. The thermal conductivity of .1%
SiO2 nano particles dispersed in various EG concentrations to water is plotted. The
increment of EG concentration in base fluid exhibits lower thermal conductivity of
SiO2 nanofluid. It demonstrates the comparison of experimental value with Hamilton
and Crosser model. The model fairly predict the actual thermal conductivity of SiO2.
It can be deduced that the thermal conductivity of the solution is sensitive to the EG
concentration and the dispersion volume of the nanoparticles. Higher volume
dispersion yields higher thermal conductivity while greater EG concentrations reduces

the thermal conductivity. An average reduction of 10% to 15% were registered as the
EG concentration increases from 40% to 60%. It also observed similar pattern of
thermal conductivity of 0.1% Al2O3 dispersed in base fluids.




Type Shell & Tube with coil form

Shell material Mild steel

Shell Diameter 50mm

Length 1000mm

Shell thickness 0.4 cm

Tube material Copper

Tube length 3500mm

Outer Diameter of Tube 6mm

Tube Thickness 0.1 cm

No of coil 20

Diameter of coil 40mm

Capacity of Shell 1.55 kg


1. Outer casing Mild steel

2. Inner pipe Copper tube



1. Melting point 1356oC

2. Boiling point 2868oC

3. Density 8.96 kg/m3

4. Relative atomic mass 63.546 (no unit)

5. Thermal conductivity 400 W/m.k

6. Heat of vaporization 3630 J/g

7. Heat of sublimation 3730 J/g

Thermal conductivity 0.42 W/mk

Viscosity (at 40o C) 1.9 mPa.s

Electrical conductivity 10 µS/cm



The typical modeling process is performed by the creo. We are using the design
modeler workbench for modeling of any geometry in ANSYS 15.0.There are two
different parts in the assembly of helical heat exchanger in which one is cylindrical
wall with inlet and outlet opening for cold fluid and other one consists of helical steel
coil in which cold fluid flows.

Fig 4.1 boundary condition in double pipe heat exchanger

Boundary condition in double pipe heat shows that the

A Cold fluid IN
B cold fluid OUT
C hot fluid IN
D hot fluid OUT


Meshing is the initial step in doing analysis for any geomentry after doing the
meshing analysis is done in ansys CFD. The mesh defines the model for analysis.
Simulation CFD automatic mesher chooses element sizes based on local curvature and
edge length for all values. Here fig 4.2 shows the meshing in this heat exchanger.

Fig 4.2 meshing of double pipe heat exchanger


Velocity is a vector expression of the displacement that an object or particle

undergoes with respect to is the speed of something in given direction standard
unit of velocity is meter per second. Alternatively, centimeter per second is used. Here
shows the fig 4.3 velocity of the fluid flows by the given value 1.007 m/s.

Fig 4.3 velocity in the double pipe heat exchanger


Pressure is an continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by

something contact in is the amount of force applied perpendicular to the
surface of an object per unit area or force exerted on the given area. Presser is on
expression on a force exerted on a surface per unit area. The standard unit pressure is
Pascal equivalent to one newton per meter square. Fig 4.4 shows the pressure during
water as coolant in the double pipe heat exchanger.

Fig 4.4 preesure in the water double pipe heat exchanger


Temperature is a measure the warmth or coldness of an object or sustsnce with

reference to some standard value. The temperature of two system is the same when the
system are in thermal equilibrium the thermo dynamics definition of the temperature
is due to kelvin the degree are intensity of a heat present in a substance or object
especisly as expressed according to the comparative scale and shown by thermometer
or perceived by touch. Here fig 4.1shows the temperature distribution in water as
coolant in double pipe heat exchanger.

Fig 4.5 temperature in the water double pipe heat exchanger


Pressure is a continuous physical force exerted on or against an object by

something contact in is the amount of force applied perpendicular to the
surface of an object per unit area or force exerted on the given area. Presser is on
expression on a force exerted on a surface per unit area. The standard unit pressure is
Pascal equivalent to one newton per meter square. Fig 4.6 shows the pressure during
silicon oxide as coolant in the double pipe heat exchanger.

Fig 4.6 pressure in water-sio2 double pipe heat exchanger


Temperature is a measure the warmth or coldness of an object or substance with

reference to some standard value. The temperature of two systems is the same when
the system is in thermal equilibrium the thermo dynamics definition of the
temperature is due to kelvin the degree is intensity of a heat present in a substance or
object especially as expressed according to the comparative scale and shown by
thermometer or perceived by touch. Here fig 4.7 shows the temperature distribution in
silicon oxide as coolant in double pipe heat exchanger.

Fig 4.7 temperature in in water-sio2 double pipe heat exchange


The temperature distributions of hot and cold fluid and the tank for constant
mass flow rates are recorded in the first experiment with flow rate and the inlet
temperature of the hot water was kept 70-75 °C and the atmospheric temperature is
320C. 


Temperature of water at inlet, T1 = 353 k

Temperature of water at outlet, T2 = 320 k
average temperature (Tmean):
𝑇1 +𝑇2

=336 k
area of helical pipe (a):
a = ∗ d2
= ∗ (0.04)2

=0.00125 m2
inner size of helical pipe ( A ):
A = πdLρ
= π ∗ 0.04 ∗ 3.5 ∗ 8.96
= 3.940 m2

mass flow rate ( m ):
= 0.00125 ∗ 1.007 ∗ 8.96
= 0.112 kg/s
heat transfer rate ( Q ):
Q = m ∗ cP ∗ ∆T
= 0.0112 ∗ 2.008 ∗ 33
= 0.742 Kw

coeffeciant of heat transfer ( hi ):

hi =
A∗(Taverage of wall −Tmean )
=0.047 Kw/m2k


Temperature of silicon oxide at inlet, T1 = 353 k

Temperature of silicon oxide at outlet, T2 = 300 k
average temperature (Tmean):
𝑇1 +𝑇2

=326.5 k

area of helical pipe (a):
a = ∗ d2
= ∗ (0.04)2

=0.00125 m2
inner size of helical pipe ( A ):
A = πdLρ
= π ∗ 0.04 ∗ 3.5 ∗ 8.96
= 3.940 m2
mass flow rate ( m ):
= 0.00125 ∗ 1.007 ∗ 8.96
= 0.112 kg/s

heat transfer rate ( Q ):

Q = m ∗ cP ∗ ∆T
= 0.0112 ∗ 2.008 ∗ 33
= 1.223 kW

coeffeciant of heat transfer ( hi ):

hi =
A∗(Taverage of wall −Tmean )


=0.84 Kw/m2k



From the literature review, it was found that the concept of helical coils and
their enhanced heat transfer characteristics have better heat and mass transfer than
straight tubes. In most of the literature, a CFD modeling is used to investigate the heat
transfer through helical tubes.
In this work, the optimization of helical coil heat exchanger takes place. We
have taken only one variable or parameter to optimize the helical coil heat exchanger
i.e. helical coil with nanofluid. Due to the high cost for fabricating heat exchanger
setup , we simulate the experiment with CFD software. In this experiment, the helical
coil heat exchanger has a constant coil pitch i.e. 30 mm coil pitch. We found that the
heat transfer rate is higher in water with nano fluid than water alone.
Although the application of CFD in the thermal based industries and power
plants will benefit the understanding of the dynamics and physics of a thermal
analysis operation and thus aid in the optimization and design of existing equipment,
constraints are the requirement for faster, easier and less expensive CFD techniques.
In CFD software development will turn automatic design and optimization in realities
and the development of web based CFD will allow more people to access the
technology. All these developments will contribute CFD to becoming a mature
discipline and a powerful engineering tool. As a result, more widespread and rapid
adoption of the use of CFD in future.


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