Questions To Client Replies / Comments UK Replies / Comments US
Questions To Client Replies / Comments UK Replies / Comments US
Questions To Client Replies / Comments UK Replies / Comments US
What types of customers do you have? Cash and credit customers Distributors, end users and other GE companies
How do you group your customers for credit limits/credit checks? we don’t group them N/A
How do you group your customers for statements? alphabetical N/A
How do you group your customers for interest charges for late
payments? don't charge currently We do not charge interest charges
How do you group your customers for payment rules? as per our credit terms N/A
How many customers do you have? 300/340 3500
Autoinvoice to be scheduled ???
what are they?
Do you amortize
adjustments made in the
prior period over the
remaining useful life of the
asset or do you expense
the catch- up depreciation expense catch up in current Expense catch-up in
in the current period? period current month
Do you want your fixed
assets automatically added
from your feeder Accounts
Payable system? yes Yes
What Accounts Payable
system do you use? 4th shift 4th Shift
Do you ever retire fixed
assets in the same period
they were purchased? no No
How often do you perform
physical inventories of your
fixed assets? annually Once every 5 years
Do you cycle count your
assets? no No
Bullet Points /
Notes Gaps (Prima faci)
1. Items
1.1. Approximately, how many inventory items do you have?
1.2. Describe how you categorize items.
1.3. What basic information do you record about items:
1.3.1. description?
1.3.2. unit of measure?
1.3.3. category?
1.3.4. serial number?
1.3.5. lot and shelf life control?
1.3.6. receiving location?
1.3.7. inspection required flag?
1.3.8. shipping and order entry information?
1.3.9. purchasing information?
1.3.10. other?
1.4. Is there anything you track about items that might be considered out of
1.5. Describe how you record and track item revisions (change control).
1.6. Describe how you record cost information on items:
1.6.1. unburdened standard cost,
1.6.2. average cost,
1.6.3. material burden rate,
1.6.4. burdened standard cost,
1.6.5. estimated cost,
1.6.6. alternate costs,
1.6.7. pending costs.
1.7. How do you specify the cost of sales account for inventory transactions
1.8. Do you use cross-references with items? For what purpose?
1.8.1. old item number?
1.8.2. vendor part number?
1.8.3. other?
2. Transactions
2.1. What types of inventory transactions do you perform:
2.1.1. receive material from a vendor?
2.1.2. return material to a vendor?
2.1.3. receive customer returns (return material authorizations)?
2.1.4. release from receiving inspection?
2.1.5. transfer material between warehouses, manufacturing facilities or bra
2.1.6. transfer material between inventory subdivisions?
2.1.7. track material in-transit?
2.1.8. account issue and receipt?
2.1.9. unit of measure conversions?
2.1.10. view on-hand and available-to-transact quantities for a given item d
2.1.11. other?
2.2. How do you project availability for an item at any future point in time? (
3. Replenishment Planning
3.1. Describe what item planning methods you use:
3.1.1. master production schedule (MPS) planning?
3.1.2. material requirements planning (MRP)?
3.1.3. min-max planning (minimum quantity at which to reorder and maximu
3.1.4. reorder point planning?
3.1.5. other?
3.2. Do you use safety stock in any of your planning calculations?
3.3. How do you keep track of lead time required to procure or manufacture
3.4. Do you use a time fence to prevent items from being ordered before th
3.5. Do you keep track of order costs and carrying costs for items?
3.6. Are purchase requisitions automatically generated to maintain optimal
4. Forecasting
4.1. Describe how you forecast future demand for items.
4.2. How do you calculate demand history based on past transactions to pe
4.3. Do you use a statistical algorithm to generate a forecast based on any
4.3.1. service level (probability that an order can be filled immediately from
4.3.2. alpha factor (to smooth demand across periods)?
4.3.3. trend model (smooth on upward or downward trend in demand based
4.3.4. seasonality model (based on seasonal adjustments)?
5. Accuracy
5.1. How frequently do you perform a physical inventory?
5.2. Describe how you perform a physical inventory. Do you use physical in
5.3. Do you use cycle counting for inventory items? How do you decide wh
5.4. Do you assign ABC (activity based costing) classes to inventory items?
5.5. Describe how adjustments to quantity and value are made as the resu
6. Warehouse
6.1. Describe the structure of your organization. How many warehouses, re
6.2. Where are these units located?
6.3. Are the contents of each warehouse divided into subinventories?
6.4. Do you track items at the stock locator level (row, shelf, bin)?
7. Inquiries
7.1. What types of on-line inquiries do you require:
7.1.1. transaction inquiries – view all transactions made against inventory it
7.1.2. item inquiries – on-hand, planning, status, cycle count?
7.1.3. control inquiries – inventory valuation and cost information?
7.1.4. on-hand inquiries – view item quantities in subinventories, locators, i
7.1.5. other?
8. Reports
8.1. What types of reports do you require:
8.1.1. transaction reports?
8.1.2. management reports (on-hand, planning, accuracy, status)?
8.1.3. control reports (value your inventory and adjust costs)?
8.1.4. other?
8.2. Any special reporting requirements?
9. Interfaces
9.1. What internal systems are interfaced with inventory:
9.1.1. order entry?
9.1.2. distribution requirements planning?
9.1.3. barcoding?
9.1.4. purchasing?
9.1.5. receivables?
9.1.6. revenue recognition?
9.1.7. work in process?
9.1.8. engineering?
9.1.9. materials requirements planning?
9.1.10. bills of material?
9.1.11. accounts payable?
9.1.12. fixed assets?
9.1.13. general ledger?
9.1.14. human resources?
9.1.15. other?
9.2. Are there interfaces with any external systems:
9.2.1. EDI (vendor, freight partner, advanced shipping notice, customs)?
9.2.2. other?
10. Security
10.1. Describe duty separation requirements.
10.2. Are there any restrictions on inventory transactions by user or organiz
11. Other
11.1. List up to five best features of current system.
11.2. List up to five deficiencies of current system.
11.3. Are they any other special requirements that have not been discusse
12. Volumes
12.1. How many inventory items do you hold?
12.2. How many receiving transactions do you perform on average monthly
12.3. How many issue transactions do you perform on average monthly?
12.4. How many inventory organizations and warehouses do you have?
age or value)?