595 05-Notes PDF
595 05-Notes PDF
595 05-Notes PDF
Reda Taha
Masonry arches have been used for about 5000 years beginning with the
Chinese and passing through the Babylonians, Egyptians, Greeks, Romans and
Normans to modern times. The ubiquitous presence of the masonry arch in vaulted
roofs, aqueducts, and bridges attests to its inherent strength, tolerance of movement,
and ease of construction. Many examples, ancient, medieval and relatively modern, exist
in many areas of the world.
The arch is a natural structural solution that is besides being aesthetically pleasing is a
robust system with excellent observed functionality. The versatility of the arch can be
seen in the many shapes and sizes seen over time. For example Roman semicircular,
Norman pointed, Tudor and segmental arches all have distinct, differing shapes. Hence
engineers should be able to design an arch to satisfy architectural needs. It is very
unfortunate therefore that modern structural education typically emphasizes rectangular
frames and space structures with beams and columns. The masonry arch has declined
rapidly as a form of construction in the last few decades. This is in part due to perceived
cost of initial construction, but also in part because of the lack of education in arch
design. This lecture highlights the main considerations in design of masonry arches.
The robust performance of an arch is attributed to the fact that an arch optimally utilizes
the property of its constituent materials by making use of the strong compressive
strength of masonry and transmits through its geometry the non-favourable tension
stresses into compression stresses. An arch bridge can be easily integrated into the
environment and always meets public approval and acceptance.
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Crown Keystone
Rise ( f )
Span (L)
1- Downward loads create thrust in the arch from the keystone to the abutment. If
this thrust line coincides with the centre of the arch, the arch ring will be under uniform
compressive stresses.
2- If the line of thrust deviates from the centre of the arch as shown if Figure [3] , the
arch will be subjected to stresses governed by equation [1]
P Pe
σ = ± [1]
where P is the thrust force, e is eccentricity of the force from the centre of the arch, A is
the arch cross section area and Z is the section modulus.
Arch centre
Line of thrust
Fig. [3]: The line of thrust and its location in the arch
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3- Even if the thrust line deviates from the centre line of the arch, the arch section
will stay under compression if the line of thrust stays in the kern distance (zone). Figure
[4] shows the kern distance (zone) for a rectangular cross section.
H/3 H
4- When the line of thrust goes out of the kern, this means tensile stresses will be
developed in the arch, but it does not mean the arch will collapse.
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Failure Mechanism
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Case 1
For a 12 m span semi circular arch bridge, suggest a suitable arch dimension.
The rise (f) can be assumed to be 6 metre. The thickness of the arch h can be estimated
from the following
h = 663 mm (Rankine), h = 539 mm (Hurst), h = 712 mm (Troutwine), h = 692 mm
(Depuit) or h = 670 mm (Sejourne).
An average value of h = 650 - 700 mm may be a useful start for a design assumptions.
f Arch
The optimal geometry of the arch can be obtained if we assume the arch is a
statically determinate simply supported beam of a similar span. The maximum moment
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of the beam is denoted Mkey An arch geometry that matches equation [8] will result in a
minimum or zero bending moment dependent on the arch end conditions being fixed or
y( x ) = M( x ) [8]
where f is the arch rise, M(x) is the bending moment at any point at distance (x) from the
abutment and y(x) is the y coordinate of the same point at distance (x) from the
abutment as shown in Figure [6]. Equation [8] represents a parabolic geometry as both f
and Mkey are constants for a specific arch and M(x) is a parabola.
3-Pin Arch
As shown in Figure [7a], a 3-pin arch is a statically determinate structure. Force
equilibrium equations at the pins can determine all unknowns.
2-Pin Arch
As shown in Figure [7b], a 2-pin arch is a statically indeterminate structure. For
the structure shown with both abutments at the same level, force equilibrium equations
at the pins can determine the vertical components. The horizontal force H can be
determined using Castigliano’s theorem (neglecting shear and axial deformation) as
presented in equation [9].
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− ∫ MP y
H= EI [9]
∫ y EI
Mp is the moment effect at a general point P on the arch profile due to the loading
between the abutment and P, y is the y coordinate of the point P and (ds/EI) is the rate
of change of the arch length to its stiffness. Further explanation of this equation will be
presented for the case of fixed end masonry arches.
M 0
Figure [8]: A fixed end symmetrical arch with an infinitely rigid arm joining the
abutment A to the elastic centroid (Origin of coordinates x and y)
A fixed end arch can be analyzed using the configuration shown in Figure [8]. An
infinitely rigid arm is assumed to connect the left hand abutment “A” to the elastic centre,
“the centroid” of the arch. The three load actions at the centroid are then defined by
equations [10] to [12]
∫ MP
M= EI [10]
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P x
V = [11]
2 ds
∫ x EI
− ∫ MP y
H= EI [12]
∫ y EI
The formulae are accurate as long as axial and shear deformations can be ignored. If
the axial deformation is included, equation [12] will be re-written as equation [13].
− ∫ MP y
H= [13]
2 ds L
∫ y EI + E AM
* note that axial deformation is important for flat arches
E is the modulus of elasticity of masonry, I is the moment of inertia of the arch cross
section and A is the arch cross sectional area. Mp is the moment effect at a general
point P on the arch profile due to the loading between A and P. The elastic centroid is
determined using the integration in equation [14].
ds '
y0 = EI [14]
where in this case, y’ is a coordinate system defined from any point on the line through
the springing points. A different horizontal line could be used (e.g. through the crown)
with yo then defining the distance from that line to the level of the elastic centre.
1- Graphical Analysis
The graphical method is similar to the graphical method you learned in analysis
of trusses. The arch is analyzed as a series of rods joined by pins where loads are
applied. The method is an inversion of the “funicular polygon” used for cable analysis.
Further details of this method can be found in structural masonry design manuals.
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left springing point as the origin of the (x’,y’) axes. The first part of the spreadsheet can
then be established with ∆x’ and ∆y’ (the increment in x’ and y’ coordinates for each
segment) required as input. A sample spreadsheet is presented in the appendix. ∆x’ and
∆y’ can be calculated from the arch equation if the shape can be expressed
mathematically, with input therefore being just the span-rise and shape of the arch.
The increment in arc length is ∆ s = ( ∆ x ' ) 2 + ( ∆ y ' ) 2 , h0 is the arch thickness which
may vary around the arch. Varying h will imply varying I, required for the calculations of
∆s/EI. y’ is the location of the centre of the segment in the vertical direction. For some
masonry arches the change of arch section may be assumed to follow equation [15]
which assumes that the section varies such that ∆s/EI = ∆x/EIo. An example masonry
arch bridge of cross sectional change similar to that described in equation [15] is
presented in Figure [9]
h = h0 3 [15]
The dead weight should include the weight of the masonry plus the weight of any fill
above that segment of the arch. Summations are performed on the ∆s/EI and y’∆s/EI
columns. The latter sum divided by the former provides the required value of y0 as in
equation [14]. An example spread sheet is given with Example 1. Considering x and y
are now the coordinates of the centres of the segments defined in the coordinate system
with the elastic centre as origin. Mp the moment effect at the nth segment centroid due to
the loading between A and that centroid, is given by equation [16]. In simpler words, Mp
is the moment at point P due to ALL loads acting on the arch between the left hand
abutment and point P. Thus the moments will not be symmetrical in terms of Mp as the
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moments on the right hand half will be greater compared to the left hand half for
equivalent points P. A schematic representation explaining this fact is presented in
Figure [10].
q (n − 1) ∆x +
2 n
MP = + ∑ ( D. L.) i * ( x centroid
n − x centroid i )
2 i =1
where q is the uniformly distributed live load. It is clear that the first part of equation [16]
depends on the load case being analyzed. In the spreadsheet, the following columns are
summed: y2 (∆s/EI), x2 (∆s/EI), Mp (∆s/EI), Mpy(∆s/EI), and Mpx(∆s/EI). Values of M, V
and H at the elastic centroid are then determined according to equations [10,11 and 12]
presented earlier but in the summation form. As M, V, and H are determined at the
elastic centroid, the moment at the left-hand abutment can be determined using equation
y' y'
x' x'
M A = M + V x A − H y A − M PA [17]
where MpA is zero in this case (no moment between A and A). In the mean time, as no
loads are acting on the rigid arm both H and V are actually acting at the left hand
abutment. Therefore, the straining actions at the left hand abutment are determined and
the straining actions at the right hand abutment can be determined from equilibrium
equations. A simple check can be done for a symmetrically loaded arch, V should be half
the total vertical force. H can be checked against the value obtained by assuming the
arch is 3-pin. The moment at any point of the arch can be found from equation [18]
M ( x i ) = M + V xi − H y i − M P i [18]
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The current program allows two cases of live loading: uniformly distributed load on either
the full arch span or on half the span. If super imposed dead load above the self-weight
exists (e.g. spandrel walls) the program can include these loads as well. The program
also allows the user to incorporate earth pressure loads directly applied to the arch in
conjunction with any surcharge loads. If the arch is exposed to external wind loads the
program can also consider these loads. The effect of axial deformation is also
considered in the program. Once calculations are complete, the bending moment
diagram and the line of thrust are plotted. The line of thrust is shown with respect to the
kern distance of the arch section and the stress distribution of the top and bottom fibres
of the arch are also provided. The advantage of the MathCad® analysis can be seen in
its accurate calculations and visual aids.
Example 1
Using the three methods of analysis described above: Determine the reactions for a 16
m span with 4 m rise parabolic arch. For one metre width of the arch the live load is 12
kN/m, the weight density of the masonry is 23 kN/m3, and the arch thickness at the
crown (h0) is 0.4 m. The section of the arch is to change according to the following
equation (∆s/EI)=(∆x/EI0) where EI0 is constant.
The described arch is analyzed by the three methods, first by using the spread sheet,
second by using the MathCad® program and finally by using a FE commercial program.
The end reactions under self-weight as well as the uniform live load at the abutment
using the three methods are presented in Table [1]. In the spread sheet as well as the
FE methods the arch was divided into 16 segments. The calculations are given in the
Appendix. The location of the line of thrust with respect to the kern as provided by the
Mathcad® program is given in Figure [11].
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The large difference between the FE method and the other methods is attributed to the
very rough FE model assumed here. If a finer model with larger number of elements is
chosen for analysis the FE model will give a value close to that of the Mathcad®. The
difference between the Mathcad® program and the spreadsheet program is also
attributed to the small number of elements used in the spreadsheet. Larger number of
elements should yield better results. To examine the error in each method, the three
methods can be used to find the arch reactions under a unit uniform distributed load (1
kN/m). In doing so the MathCad ® program was found to be the most accurate.
h(x )
y( x ) +
h(x ) 0
y( x ) −
y( x ) + e( x )
− 3m
8 6 4 2 0 2 4 6 8
−L x L
2 2
Figure [11]: The line of thrust with respect to thef Th
b t li it
Example 2
Figure [12]: Proposed geometry for the University of Calgary on campus walkway.
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Design procedure
Masonry arches can be designed using software programs available for PCs,
providing both numerical and graphical information. Careful analysis of selected points
on the arch can be performed. Arch geometry can be assessed through repeated
analysis until a suitable design is obtained for the loading expected. An arch bridge is a
structure that is built to stay in service as a durable and pleasing structure.
Curtin, W. G., Shaw, G., Beck, J. K., amd Bray, W. A., “Structural Masonry Designers’
Manual” Granada Publishing, London, 1982, 498 pp.
Favre, R. and De Castro, San Roman, J, 2001, “The arch: enduring and endearing”,
Structural Concrete, Vol. 2, No. 4, pp. 187-200.
Gebara, J. M. and Austin, D. P., 1994, “Finite Block Analysis of Masonry Arches”, TMS
Journal,, August 1994, pp. 57-69.
Hendry, A. W., Sinha, B. P., and Davis, S. R., “An Introduction to Load Bearing Masonry
Brickwork Design”, Ellis Horwood Ltd, John Wiley and Sons, 1981, 184 pp.
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Shrive, N. G., Reda Taha, M. M. and Huizer, A., 2000, “Simple Design Procedures for
Masonry Arches”, 12th International Brick/Block Masonry Conference, Madrid, Spain, pp.
Timoshenko, S. P. and Young, D. H., 1965, Theory of Structures, 2nd Edition, McGraw-
Hill Book Company, NY, USA (Chapter 8 – Arches and Frames).
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