Plan Luxor 1999 - 001
Plan Luxor 1999 - 001
Plan Luxor 1999 - 001
December 1999
Prepared for
The Ministry of Housing, Utilities
and Urban Communities, Egypt
Prepared by
Abt Associates Inc. Gabriel Abraham
55 Wheeler Street Ashraf Bakr
Cambridge, MA 02138 Jonathan Lane
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
TABLE OF FIGURES.......................................................................................................................................................6
LIST OF TABLES............................................................................................................................................................6
LIST OF A BBREVIATIONS............................................................................................................................................7
1. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.........................................................................................................................................10
1.1 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................................10
1.2 KEY A CTIONS FOR THE OPEN M USEUM AND HERITAGE DIST RICT ..........................................................10
1.3 M ANAGEMENT A REAS WITHIN THE OPEN M USEUM AND HERITAGE DISTRICT ...................................10
1.4 SUPPORTIVE IMPROVEMENTS IN LUXOR CITY ..............................................................................................12
2.0 INTRODUCTION....................................................................................................................................................14
2.1 ORGANIZATION OF THIS REPORT .....................................................................................................................14
2.2 BACKGROUND .......................................................................................................................................................14
2.3 THE INVESTMENT PROJECTS.............................................................................................................................15
Project 1: Restoration of the Avenue of the Sphinxes ..................................................................................16
Project 2: Development of The Destination Resort of El-Toad...................................................................16
Project 3: Development of the New Community of New Luxor...................................................................20
Project 4: Infrastructure Services for New Luxor and El Toad ..................................................................23
Project 5: Establishment of High-Value Agriculture ...................................................................................23
Project 6: Development of the Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City ...............................23
3.0 THE PROJECT........................................................................................................................................................25
3.1 PRECEDENTS FOR THE OPEN M USEUM AND HERITAGE DISTRICT CONCEPT .........................................25
3.2 PROJECT DEVELOPMENT OBJECTIVES.............................................................................................................26
3.2.1 Conserve & Enhance the antiquities and their settings ....................................................................26
3.2.2 Guide sustainable public and private investment in the Luxor City Open Museum and Heritage
District ...................................................................................................................................................................26
3.2.3 Coordinate visitor and tourism services ...............................................................................................27
3.2.4 Improve the urban environment to create a city core which can reflect the aspirations and
needs of current and future residents...............................................................................................................27
3.2.5 Increase municipal and institutional capacity to manage the protection and future
development of the Open Museum and Heritage District.............................................................................27
3.3 PROJECT COMPONENTS......................................................................................................................................28
3.3.1 Coordinate Open Museum and Heritage District Improvements......................................................28
3.2.2 Conserve the antiquities and enhance their settings..........................................................................28
3.2.3 Preservation and Enhancement of the Open Museum and Heritage District’s Old Sections......30
3.2.4 Effectively use public lands and redeveloped private property within the historic district to
accommodate increasing tourism.....................................................................................................................32
3.2.5 Enact Land Use Controls and Development Guidelines to Support................................................34
Preservation and Redevelopment Efforts ........................................................................................................34
3.2.6 Coordinate visitor and touristic services..............................................................................................43
3.2.7 Supportive Transportation Improvements ............................................................................................45
3.2.8 Develop training and assistance programs (in support of building management capacity) .....46
3.3 KEY RELATED PROJECTS...................................................................................................................................46
3.3.1 Planned Development Neighborhoods..................................................................................................46
3.3.3 New Public Facilities and Extended Utilities......................................................................................48
3.3.4 Improved Circulation and Access...........................................................................................................49
3.3.5 Sector Development Support...................................................................................................................52
3.4 PROJECT COSTS & FINANCING...........................................................................................................................52
3.4.1 Cost Elements ............................................................................................................................................52
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
4. IMPLEMENTATION.................................................................................................................................................62
4.1 A DMINISTRATIVE M ECHANISM ........................................................................................................................62
4.1.1 Existing Implementing Processes............................................................................................................62
4.1.2 The Institutional Capacity and Role of the Higher Council for the City of Luxor........................62
4.1.3 Recommended Implementation Entity for the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District.........63
4.2 POTENTIAL FINANCING A PPROACHES............................................................................................................64
4.2.1 Donor Support............................................................................................................................................64
4.2.2 Visitor-Based Revenue..............................................................................................................................64
4.2.3 Other Sources of Revenue.........................................................................................................................65
4.3 RECOMMENDED PROJECT FINANCING A PPROACH ......................................................................................66
ANNEX 1: ILLUSTRATIVE FIGURES ......................................................................................................................71
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
FIGURE 1: AVENUE OF THE S PHINXES AERIAL VIEW ...........................................................................................70
FIGURE 2: AVENUE OF THE S PHINXES GROUND VIEW ........................................................................................71
FIGURE 3: CORNICHE GROUND VIEW .....................................................................................................................72
FIGURE 4: VISITOR CENTER TOWARDS NILE VIEW ............................................................................................73
FIGURE 5: KARNAK TEMPLE PROCESSIONAL ENTRANCE.................................................................................74
TABLE 1: PERMITTED LAND USES IN LUXOR CITY .............................................................................................36
TABLE 2: LUXOR CITY TABLE OF DEVELOPMENT S TANDARDS ......................................................................38
TABLE 5: LUXOR CITY HERITAGE DISTRICT PROJECT COSTS : PRESERVATION........................................55
TABLE 11: PDA REVENUE, BY YEAR ......................................................................................................................66
TABLE 12: PDA COSTS , BY YEAR .............................................................................................................................67
TABLE 13: PDA REVENUE-COST RELATIONSHIPS AND CASH FLOW ..............................................................68
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
List of Abbreviations
Currency Unit: Egyptian Pounds (LE) (as of December, 1999)
LE 1.0 = 100 piasters
LE 1.0 = US$ 0.29
US$ 1.0 = LE 3.41
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
His Excellency Hosni Mubarak
Project Sponsor
The Honorable First Lady Mrs. Suzanne Mubarak
Project Consultants
Abt Associates Inc.
ICON Architecture Inc.
Baraka Trading and Investments.
December, 1999
Proposed Term:
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Tel/fax 011-202-594-3088
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
1. Executive Summary
1.1 Background
The Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District is a cohesive and enhanced historical zone that
will protect resources and accommodate additional tourists. The proposed District will encompass
the area roughly defined between the Winter Palace in the south to the canal 800 meters north of
Karnak Temple, encompassing an area east-west that includes the primary souq east of the
Avenue of the Sphinxes to the Nile on the west. The core of this area is a significant historical
area that is being negatively impacted by a lack of open space, deteriorating infrastructure, and
increasing congestion from ad-hoc development.
1.2 Key Actions for the Open Museum and Heritage District
1. Preservation, and enhancement, of Luxor City’s old neighborhoods in the District, including
traditional market areas.
3. Development of a Visitor Center, with centralized cultural site ticketing, interpretive facilities
and centralized bus parking / tourist shuttle services.
5. Coordination of the Open Museum and Heritage District improvements with the restoration of
the 2,400 meter long Avenue of the Sphinxes through consistent public management of
surrounding redevelopment.
1. Monument Protection Area – this area is defined by Luxor Temple and the Karnak Temple
site, and will include the connecting Avenue of the Sphinxes to be excavated and restored.
Within this area, no private buildings or improvements would be allowed and priority would be
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
given to archeological and preservation efforts. Public improvements would be allowed which
are necessary to accommodate visitors to the monuments, including design of visitor
improvements and facilities which can be sited and designed to positively contribute to the
historic setting.
3. Central Luxor Area – this area consists of the areas immediately to the east and to the west
of the proposed Avenue of the Sphinxes corridor, between the Airport Road and up to the
southerly edge of Luxor Temple. These areas will be the parts of existing Luxor City to be
most transformed by the Plan and the Open Museum District.
To the west side of the Avenue of the Sphinxes, the area is characterized by many public sites
(such as HCLC, the hospital, several schools, and others) that are or will be functionally
obsolete. Many of these uses could be relocated to other regional growth locations such as
New Luxor. The Luxor Museum and Convention Center are two important public uses within
this western area which could be expanded and/or beautified.
Existing substantial hotels in this area would remain, although priority would be given to new
museums, museum expansion, and new parklands to serve a setting for the antiquities.
Limited new hotel and tourist support activities could be encouraged in this precinct, if planned
to insure adequate public access and surrounding green space.
To the east side of the Avenue of Sphinxes, construction of the restored Avenue and the New
Kebash Avenue will require removal of existing structures, enabling rehabilitation and new
infill construction along these edges. The new East Bank Visitor Center would be located in
this area, adjacent to the current inter-city bus station. New infill construction can be
encouraged along the edges of abutting streets for retail uses, tourist developments, and visitor
services. The Avenue project can create an opportunity to create linkages to the traditional
existing souqs as well as expansion of the retail district, as well as venues for expanded tourist
4. Central Corniche Area – along the Open Museum District, the green edge of the existing
Corniche would be maintained. With the availability of the Cruise Ship Port south of the
Luxor Bridge, cruise ship docking should be removed from significant portions of the lower
Corniche, enabling expanded docking for small excursion boats and the development of
additional retail and restaurant uses at the lower level, close to the Nile.
5. North Karnak Development Area – located north and northwest of the Karnak Temple
area, the Sub-area contains two distinct areas. One area is a traditional neighborhood of
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
narrow streets and dense residential buildings. The other area of the Sub-area is undergoing
significant change as former agricultural fields give way to new informal residential
1. Limited New Development – Population growth in Luxor City will be limited to 50,000 new
residents through 2017. Informal settlements within monument areas and along transportation
corridors will be discouraged. Development will be directed into planned areas well-served by
utilities and public facilities. In addition to new residential development in the North Karnak
Development Area of the District that will define the city’s northern edge and protect nearby
antiquity sites, two other planned development neighborhoods are proposed in Luxor City: (a)
East Luxor area - to define the city edge and coordinate with planned city growth to south;
(b) South Luxor area - to define the city edge and coordinate with planned city growth to
2. Improved Circulation & Access – The roadway systems will be improved to reflect the
defined city boundaries and to reinforce the planned new growth areas of the city. New
railroad crossings, vehicular and pedestrian, for better east-west access will be provided.
New arterial roads are recommended as part of the Kebash Avenue project, to relieve
Corniche traffic, and along the eastern perimeter of the city. The street network will be
extended to serve planned new development areas, along with improvements to appearance
and function of major intersections. A new intersection with the inter-city arterial connecting
to the New Luxor development, which would also improve the connection of East Luxor to
South Luxor, will link over the railroad tracks.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
These will include major new District Service Centers, containing a mix of public facilities in
areas north, east, and south of city to serve new and existing residents. Utilities would also be
extended to serve planned development neighborhoods.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
2.0 Introduction
This report is intended to provide officials and potential investors with a complete understanding of
the proposal to create an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City. All pertinent
information, including project objectives, components, and recommended administrative and
financial mechanisms for implementation are included. Annexes include important background
information on issues including Luxor area heritage and tourism resources.
2.2 Background
Luxor (Thebes for the ancient Greeks) is home to a treasure of world-renowned monuments.
Tutankhamun’s Tomb symbolizes Egypt’s Pharaonic past as much as the Pyramids. Nefertari’s
Tomb, the tombs in the Valley of the Kings and in the Valley of the Queens, and the Tombs of the
Nobles contain some of the most accomplished artwork in man’s history. Together with the
Colossi of Memnon, Karnak Temple (the most imposing Pharaonic temple in all of Egypt) and
Luxor Temple, they represent some of the finest examples of mankind’s early civilization and rank
among its greatest cultural achievements.
This unique cultural heritage continues to attract visitors from all over the world in ever-growing
numbers. Ironically, their dedication to viewing these treasures is becoming a threat. In the tombs,
their very presence is becoming detrimental to the quality and preservation of the paintings. There
and in the temples, their increasing number and the virtual lack of any effective crowd
management means waiting and jostling, elements that detract from the cultural experience. At
the same time, the virtual absence of facilities for other tourist activities means very short stays in
the area, lessening the benefits to the local economy, and less flexibility in scheduling visits to the
cultural sites.
Even so, the increasing number of tourists visiting Luxor has also provided the impetus for
accelerated growth in Luxor and its surrounding areas. Growth pressures in turn have resulted in
encroachments on the tombs and monuments, thereby jeopardizing the cultural heritage and
impairing their value as a tourist attraction.
To respond to these trends, the Ministry of Housing, Utilities and Urban Communities and the
UNDP in 1997 sponsored Abt Associates Inc. for the study of a 20-year Comprehensive
Development Plan for the City of Luxor (CDCL). The Structure Plan, Heritage Plan and
Investment Projects produced as components of the project address ways to accommodate the
projected growth in population, tourism and agriculture, while preserving and enhancing the
The objective of the CDCL project is to establish and carry out a work plan for environmentally
sustainable tourism development that also benefits the local population. To reach this objective,
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
the following core themes emerged from a study approach that stressed the active participation of
all major stakeholders:
(1) Preservation of cultural resources protects Egypt’s heritage and promotes economic
(3) Meeting the contemporary needs of local residents is vital to the success of plans.
These core themes in turn identified specific objectives for the Comprehensive Development Plan
for the City of Luxor:
• Contribute to the preservation of the area’s unique cultural heritage by alleviating pressures on
the existing sites through the creation of additional tourist attractions;
• Prevent further urban sprawl and the deleterious effects of unplanned development on the
cultural heritage and on the population’s living conditions; and
To achieve these objectives, the Comprehensive Development Plan for the City of Luxor (CDCL)
incorporates the following elements:
• The creation of a Luxor City Open Museum and Heritage District, preserving the key historic
features and settings in the City’s old sections.
• The restoration of the Avenue of the Sphinxes, linking the major temples of Karnak and
• The development of a tourism zone south of the City of Luxor in the El Toad, comprising
hotels as well as a golf course and facilities for other tourist activities;
• The creation of a planned new community, New Luxor, south of the present city, for a target
population of 200,000 residents by the year 2017; and,
• Introduction of and support for the cultivation of higher-value crops in the agricultural zone
surrounding the City of Luxor.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Over the last 50 years, portions of the Avenue of the Sphinxes (also known as Kebash Avenue)
have been excavated, revealing remnants of the sphinxes and the roadbed. Short segments near
each temple have been fully excavated and are now integral parts of the antiquities settings. Test
excavations at segments along the 2.4-kilometer length of the Avenue have verified its location
and underlined its archaeological potential.
The investment project focuses on the renovation of the Avenue of the Sphinxes to improve the
touristic experience, increase the vitality of the city center, and form the centerpiece of an Open
Museum. The emphasis of the project at all times is on the accommodation of the living needs of
the permanent population (mitigating the effects of congestion in a growing city center) with an
active effort to increase job and entrepreneurial opportunities.
The restoration project comprises several major actions, several of which will require substantial
outlays and demand intensive implementation oversight. These actions summarized below are
explained in detail in Investment Project 1. The total cost of the project is estimated at
approximately US$40,000,000.
(2) Relocation housing for the residents of over a hundred housing units on top of the Avenue of
the Sphinxes;
(3) Phase demolition of housing, commercial buildings, and government and religious buildings
intruding on the Avenue of the Sphinxes;
(4) Excavation to a depth of 2 m: restoration of the sphinx statues and landscaping; provision of
visitor amenities; and
(5) Modification of the adjacent street layout and street crossings of the Avenue of the Sphinxes.
In addition, the project will include measures to protect the setting. Administrative regulations and
enforcement provisions will remove intrusions onto the Avenue of the Sphinxes, prevent future
intrusions, and ensure that adjacent uses are compatible with the historic nature of the Avenue.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The objective of the project is to establish and carry out a work plan for environmentally
sustainable tourism development that also benefits the local population. To reach this objective the
following core themes were identified:
The Need
The creation of a tourism zone outside Luxor City is necessary to serve the future needs of the
rapidly growing regional tourism industry. With tourism in Luxor projected to increase from 1 to 4
million visitors over the next 20 years, the area needs an estimated 6,600 new hotel rooms, in
addition to the 2,280 rooms currently being planned in Luxor City proper.
Existing hotel development areas will not be able to serve future needs. Suitable areas in Luxor
City itself are limited to small infill parcels along the Corniche or lands on the perimeter of the city
that are reserved for agricultural use. Proposed hotel sites in outlying areas, such as New Thebes
and El Khuzam, would add to capacity, but the scale and location of these areas are not ideal for a
major tourism zone. A large area with site amenities and strong regional access is needed as a
major tourism zone for the Luxor region. Such an area not only can provide ample sites to support
new hotel construction but also can support tourist recreational services and amenities which
contemporary tourists expect. The inclusion of diverse activities within this zone is essential to
expanding the range of activities for tourists and provide some alternatives to relieve pressures on
the cultural heritage sites.
On-site with favorable development potential is located in the El Toad area of the region.
Encompassing two large, undeveloped plateaus approximately 9 km south of Luxor City and 2 km
south of New Luxor and also 2 km south of the only Nile River Bridge in the region, El Toad
offers a dramatic setting that can support significant tourism development. North and westward
views from the plateaus take in the Nile River Valley and distant Necropolis. In other directions,
views take in the wadis, agriculture and desert lands that frame the site. Local character is
provided through the nearby villages, the infrequently visited and attractive El Toad Temple site
and commoner tombs.
Existing regional links between El Toad and other East Bank activities include the inter-regional
rail line and Cairo-Aswan Highway that run along the western edge of the site. Its proximity to the
Luxor Bridge provides exceptional access to tourism attractions on the West Bank. The proposed
cruise ship port immediately adjacent to the area will further enhance the value and attractiveness
of El Toad.
The Vision
The El Toad Tourism Zone will include both tourism accommodations and attractions with regional
appeal. Commercial and recreational attractions will make El Toad a major tourism destination,
thereby promoting longer stays in the Luxor region, helping to relieve the visitor volumes at area
monuments, and increasing economic opportunities for local residents. Amenities will include a
golf course, theater, museum, large-scale gardens, tennis, and equestrian facilities. Concentrating
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
hotel development in a well-planned zone will also achieve economies of scale for provision of
superior amenities, maintenance, events planning and security, as hotels can share promotional
programs and facilities.
The Plan for the El Toad Tourism Zone has been developed to create a desirable area of both
attractions and accommodations that serves regional tourists. Its key features include the
• El Toad is located outside agricultural and antiquities lands. Development on the plateau can
be oriented to capture the dramatic views of the Nile River Valley and distant Necropolis.
• Development through the 2017 period should occur on the southern plateau, which can be
strongly linked to the proposed Cruise Ship port. In the more distant future, assuming that
monument capacity constraints are met, there will be the potential for future touristic zone
development on the nearby plateau to the north.
• Approximately 18 hotels, with a total of 4,500 rooms are planned for the twenty-year period.
Accommodations will vary in quality and type, including three, four and five star hotels and
villa complexes.
• The El Toad plan is coordinated with the new cruise ship port development in order to create
an integrated tourism zone that promotes more joint cruise-hotel stays and improved
• Attractions, such as an 18-hole golf course and botanical garden, are incorporated into El
Toad in order to broaden the types of tourism experience possible in the Luxor Region.
• A road between El Toad and New Luxor is eventually developed to provide a direct
connection that bypasses local area settlements.
• Regular shuttle bus service is established to provide convenient access between the cruise
ship port, destinations within El Toad, and regional destinations on the East and West Bank.
• A visitor center with museum interpreting regional local life customs is built along the formal
entrance boulevard to El Toad. The visitor center also serves as a staging point for shuttle
bus service within the El Toad area and tour bus traffic to regional destinations.
A collection of 18 hotels and villas with approximately 4,500 rooms will locate in the El Toad
Tourism Zone. Accommodations will vary in design and scale. Hotels will cluster at the entrance
and along portions of the loop road. The highest quality hotels will likely locate in the northwest
portion of El Toad with views to the Nile and Necropolis. The four hotels that locate in the El
Toad Center at the entrance to El Toad will be integrated with the surrounding shops,
entertainment and services to create an active environment that is distinct from the more secluded
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
hotel developments along the golf course. Additional variety is offered through low-rise villa
developments that locate along attractive narrow roads winding through the lushly landscaped golf
All hotels and villa developments will offer on-site recreation and service amenities that vary in
amount and quality between the three, four and five star developments. Shared resources within
El Toad will include recreation, cultural and entertainment, public facilities and transportation.
Scattered between three areas within the tourism zone are shops, restaurants and cafes.
Commercial uses will be integrated with associated cultural, entertainment and public service
facilities. Upon the completion of the cruise ship port, additional commercial businesses may locate
Transportation Facilities
In order to create an efficient circulation system that provides connections within the tourism zone
and regionally, an intermodal facility will be sited near the intersection of the El Toad entrance
road and the Cairo-Aswan Highway. Adequate parking and staging areas will be provided for the
El Toad shuttle, regional coaches and rental cars. Located adjacent to the new cruise ship port,
the inter-modal facility will also become a good transfer point between water and surface
transport. Easy transfer between buses and shuttles to water taxis, ferries and cruise ships will be
Access from El Toad to attractions in Luxor City and the West Bank will also be convenient.
Travelers to Luxor City will use the Cairo-Aswan highway and the El Awameya Road connecting
to the Corniche, while travelers to the West Bank Necropolis will be well served by the Luxor
Bridge located just two kilometers from El Toad.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Within the El Toad Tourism Zone, circulation will be served through an attractively landscaped
loop road that winds through the development. Shuttle service will be provided along the loop road
to serve traffic going between the cruise ship port, hotels and commercial nodes of activity
throughout the El Toad Zone.
The entry sequence into El Toad would be along an attractively landscaped road running between
the Cruise Ship Port, across the railroad tracks and up a steep grade to the El Toad Center. The
Center’s collection of shops and services includes an information center that also serves as a
shuttle bus transfer point for reaching hotel and villa development areas and nearby attractions,
such as the Commoner Tombs and El Toad Temple.
The formal entry road continues on to another commercial area and golf club where at that point it
branches into a loop road that runs around the perimeter of the golf course to reach hotel
development areas. Villa developments will located on minor roads winding through the golf
The fast growing Luxor region is expected to at least double in population over the next twenty
years. In order to reduce development pressures on the historic Luxor City area and protect the
agricultural zone from encroachment, the Egyptian Government has advocated the development of
new settlements outside the existing urbanized area to absorb the majority of new development
over the next twenty years. One new town, New Thebes, has already been started 15 kilometers
northeast of Luxor City. However, with the recent completion of a Luxor Bridge and the
anticipated nearby expansion of a port for cruise ships south of Luxor City, informal, unplanned
development will favor the southern part of the area. It is already claiming substantial agricultural
lands to the south and east of Luxor City. If a new town is not planned for in the south of Luxor
City, unplanned sprawl in that part of the region is likely to result in negative consequences for the
future prosperity of the region. Timely action to stem this undesirable growth is essential: an
attractive new town is needed to become the magnet for new development in the Luxor region
The Vision
The new city is designed to be a pleasant place to live and work, setting a new standard for
development in the Luxor region with its high-quality infrastructure, open spaces, and public
facilities. With an eventual population of approximately 200,000, New Luxor has the potential to
emerge as the major commercial, governmental and residential location in the region. New
Luxor’s attractive urban environment for an economically diverse mix of residents will make it a
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
magnet for new development, thereby relieving the growth pressures on Luxor City. New Luxor
can become a model for the region to show how planning in advance of development can help to
create a high quality living environment.
The Plan for New Luxor has been developed to achieve a livable and attractive community which
takes advantage of its regional setting, incorporating the following key features:
(1) The community is located east of substantial agricultural lands, insuring an attractive
greenway entry.
(2) Major development is located on three elongated east-west plateaus, linked with major arterial
(3) The City axis and City Center, on the central plateau, is oriented to the Theban Necropolis,
which is the most characteristic landmark in the region and highly visible from this location.
(4) Many City parks and open spaces are located on the wadis between the plateaus, providing an
effective use of land and supporting green spaces to city activities.
(5) Each neighborhood is conceived as a relatively independent unit, with central services, minimal
through traffic, and close proximity to District services centers.
(6) Early connections with New Luxor can be achieved by upgrading existing roadways, while the
long-range connection to Luxor City will be provided through a new arterial boulevard which
lead to the southerly growth area of the existing City.
(7) The northwest corner of the City, in close proximity to agricultural lands and potential
irrigation resources associated with tertiary treatment of the new waste water plant will be
devoted to an agricultural village with nearby agro-processing industries, providing an initial
employment base and investment rationale for the City’s growth.
The Neighborhoods
The neighborhood will be the foundation of the structure of New Luxor. Some 25 neighborhoods
will make up the city, each supporting a population between 8,000-10,000. Although the form and
character of each neighborhood will vary, a number of shared principles will guide development:
(1) Neighborhoods are envisioned as building blocks that can be phased to accommodate gradual
development. Each neighborhood will include housing clusters that are within a 500-meter
radius from a neighborhood service center.
(2) The neighborhoods are envisioned to include a variety of house types and sizes to meet the
needs and preferences of a broad range of residents.
(3) The economies of low-rise construction and the constraints of the desert environment
influence dwelling design to be low in height and dense with respect to ground coverage in
order to provide shade and minimize irrigation. Single -family attached and detached houses
on small lots are proposed for most New Luxor neighborhoods. Average lot sizes based on
income and quality of construction is consistent with new town planning standards in Egypt.
The average lot sizes are only used to roughly estimate residential land area demands for
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
New Luxor; further market study information will be necessary to guide the actual design of
New Luxor’s neighborhoods.
(4) The relatively compact residential areas in New Luxor will allow for safe access by foot or
bicycle to the pedestrian-oriented neighborhood greenways, and from there to the
neighborhood service centers where travel can continue by foot, bicycle or bus to district
service centers.
Open Spaces
A network of lush open spaces through New Luxor will give it the character of an urban oasis on
the edge of the desert. At the city-scale, the plan takes advantage of the surrounding
environmental features. Long linear wadis will become passive open spaces articulating the urban
landscape of New Luxor, a desirable amenity for residents of the new city. These same wadis will
also serve to collect storm drainage during the infrequent rains.
In addition to the passive open space created by the wadis, New Luxor will also contain
landscaped boulevards and greenways, and a system of parks at several scales. These parks,
provided at the neighborhood, district and city level, will serve as centers for active recreation.
Over 150 feddan are allocated to parks and open spaces in the city.
In the city itself, reserving rights-of-way in advance of development will ensure a comprehensive
and integrated street network. Both major and minor streets will be planned to provide for the
adequate circulation of private vehicles, buses, and other transportation modes. Streets in New
Luxor will be classified according to function and designed for each functional classification.
Local streets, designed to provide access to each residence, will have very low traffic volume.
Higher volume neighborhood service streets form loops and provide the principal routes for
deliveries and service to neighborhood centers. Collector streets run through district centers,
intercept traffic from neighborhood streets and feed into the arterial network which runs along the
perimeter of each district center. The arterial streets, forming a continuous network connecting
each district center to the city center as well as regional destinations, provide for the rapid
movement of high volumes of traffic over relatively long distances.
An east-west boulevard will be the major point of entry for traffic from the new road linking New
Luxor to Luxor City. With a right-of-way to accommodate four lanes of traffic, shoulders, and a
linear park, the boulevard will become an attractive entrance to the New Luxor City center.
Buses will run the length of the city center boulevard and provide the major means of public
movement within the center while inter-connecting the city center to other citywide public
transportation routes. The mall-boulevard will become a strong axis through the center of New
Luxor, offering striking views of the West Bank Necropolis. Continuous pedestrian arcades along
the boulevard provide a shaded walking environment adjacent to the mall through the city center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
area. As an open space feature connecting a series of urban spaces in the city center, the central
boulevard has the potential of becoming a promenade for New Luxor residents, similar to the role
of the Corniche in Luxor City.
An exclusive system for pedestrians and cyclists is provided through the local greenways that
connect neighborhood centers. Pedestrian and bicycle traffic is also accommodated along the
collector system roads.
Animal drawn cart traffic is minimized in New Luxor through establishing produce and livestock
market areas in the northwestern portion of the city that intercept traffic from the surrounding
agricultural lands before it enters New Luxor.
This investment project, described in the present document, projects the needs of New Luxor, the
El Toad tourism zone, and the new cruise ship port in terms of infrastructure (water, wastewater,
transportation, energy, and telecommunications). It uses these demand forecasts as basis for
assessing the investment needs in infrastructure facilities, focusing on opportunities in these sector
for private sector participation.
This investment project forecasts the needs of New Luxor, the El Toad tourism zone, and the new
cruise ship port in terms of infrastructure (water, wastewater, transportation, energy, and
telecommunications). It uses these demand forecasts as basis for assessing the investment needs
in infrastructure facilities, focusing on opportunities in these sector for private sector participation.
High-value crop production and are agro-processing industries are key elements in the strategy to
meet contemporary needs of Luxor residents. There is substantial poverty in Luxor, despite the
appearance of wealth because of the tourism industry. The majority of Luxor residents depend on
small agricultural plots (the average plot size is a modest 1.84 feddan) to sustain their families.
These agricultural families have substantial needs to expand agricultural lands to support future
generations and to increase household incomes to improve their standard of living. Reclamation of
substantial lands in Luxor is essential for the growing population. Introduction of high-value
agriculture and agro-processing will provide a means for farmers to improve their futures.
Project 6: Development of the Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The Government of Egypt recognizes that tourism is one of the country's primary engines of
growth, and tourism development is one of its highest priorities. Government economic programs
and plans emphasize the importance of investment in the sector, and Government commitment to
infrastructure improvements and environmental protection is essential in the context of tourism.
Although in the past the Government invested directly in the sector, it has been gradually
retreating from this role, leaving investment in tourism related projects to the private sector. For
example, the Government already has sold much of its interest in hotels and guesthouses and lifted
the monopoly of a tour bus company. The following steps have also been taken:
• The Government has accorded the Higher Council for the City of Luxor (HCLC), as an
authority with a mandate to enforce land use plans, protect and manage the environment, and
coordinate with other Government and private sector entities.
• The Government has declared significant sections of Luxor a protected area with special
• For the tourism sector in Luxor, the Government has assigned three principal ministries
including the MOC/SCA, MHUUC, and the MOT to oversee project implementations,
supervise implementation of tourism policy, propose laws and regulations, approve the
establishment of training centers and set up programs and institutions for their operation, and
establish licensing.
• As a major step toward ensuring proper coordination among MHUUC, SCA, HCLC, MOT,
the private sector and the local population in the development of Luxor, the Government has
established a Steering committee (Fast Track Working Group) with a clear oversight mandate.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
3.1 Precedents for the Open Museum and Heritage District Concept
There are many cities where a special district has been delineated within which government
initiatives have been enacted to accomplish improvements in urban conditions as well as to take
advantage of expanded cultural activities and tourism. However, most of these projects deal with
a limited number of the multiple problems and resource types that are represented in Luxor City,
which includes major antiquity resources, significant archeology, museums, tourism needs,
residential population, and interaction with a functioning central city. In the Medinah of Tunis, as
an example, which is one of the most significant of the 15 such traditional districts on the
UNESCO World Heritage list, the housing in the Hafnia Quarter has been rehabilitated. This
project successfully used public/private partnerships, including World Bank support to arrest
residential deterioration and to achieve rehabilitation of over 9,200 square meters of residential
space and addition of over 400 new housing units. This project emphasized residential elements
somewhat comparable to those found in Luxor. A recent effort that dealt with expansion of
museum and cultural activities is in Bilbao, Spain, where the construction of the new Guggenheim
Museum has created a major tourism magnet. This facility has been so successful that it has been
accompanied by significant revitalization of the central city, including private reinvestment,
changes in traffic to reserve portions of the district for pedestrian use, and overall environmental
The project most comparable to the type of district proposed in Luxor is found in the U.S., with
the improvement of Washington, D.C.’s Pennsylvania Avenue. Pennsylvania Avenue is the
ceremonial boulevard that connects the U.S. Capitol and the White House, location of the
presidential inaugural parade and a significant venue for important public and private institutions
within the United States capital city. This project is similar to the Luxor project in that its spine is
at a ceremonial scale and unites a major historical facility, or anchor, at each end. Additionally, it
supports reuse and revitalization strategies to deal with the area surrounding the
In 1972, the United States Congress created the Pennsylvania Avenue Development Corporation
(PADC) to prepare and implement a plan to improve an historic district that incorporates the
Avenue and numerous public and private properties within the defined district. Comparable in
length to the Avenue of the Sphinxes, Pennsylvania Avenue and its surrounding district had
become deteriorated and required significant public intervention in order to take advantage of its
private investment opportunities and to protect its ceremonial and cultural value to the nation. In
these respects, the definition of the Pennsylvania Avenue district and the assignment of special
powers and capabilities to the PADC are somewhat comparable to what is proposed for the Open
Museum and Heritage District.
The PADC’s role, as defined by its enabling legislation and supported by appropriations from the
U.S. Congress, included public development, public area improvements and historic preservation,
as well as support to land acquisition as required to implement the PADC’s plan. The sources of
PADC’s funds include direct federal appropriations, borrowings from the U.S Treasury, proceeds
from the sale and lease of real estate, and donations. In 1987, when PADC was substantially
engaged in implementation of its 1974 plan, its programs were estimated to require a total net total
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
public investment of $130 million that was projected to attract over $1.7 billion of private
investment. Subsequent to this benchmark, PADC managed the successful public -private
development of the “Federal Triangle” development, a public -private venture that resulted in the
second largest building in Washington, second only to the size of the Pentagon, resulting in
construction of approximately 3 million square feet. The PADC’s projects have included public
parks and spaces, street landscaping, and other public improvements along the entire length of the
The antiquities of Luxor attract visitors from around the world, contributing substantially to the
region’s economy. It is imperative that the strategy for regional growth incorporates realistic
measures to protect these antiquities and their settings from damage, deterioration, and
encroachment. The monuments, including Karnak and Luxor Temple, need a careful assessment
of required improvements and monitoring of patterns of visitation to insure that over-use does not
damage these settings.
Additionally, urban growth in the vicinity of Luxor’s antiquities threatens the integrity and setting
of the historic resources. In the Karnak Temple vicinity informal settlements have developed over
historic sites and urban drainage has caused foundation settlement at the ancient temple columns.
It is important that the plan for the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District incorporates
measures to mitigate and, eventually, eliminate these sources of deterioration to Luxor’s treasures.
Further, tourists and visitors should be encouraged to appreciate the fragility of these enduring
sites and to respect their character.
3.2.2 Guide sustainable public and private investment in the Luxor City Open
Museum and Heritage District
It is not just the antiquities in Luxor that are culturally significant. The old section of Luxor City
has architecture representing different periods in time and winding, quaint streets. The
intermingling of Islamic and Coptic cultures are reflected in the architecture and vibrancy of the
old section. The old section of the City offers a dynamic backdrop for the antiquities. It is also a
transitional area that separates the modern city (with rather mundane architecture) from the
antiquities area.
Improvements to the old section of Luxor City will serve residents, while expanding the total
experience for tourists in Luxor. Preservation actions are needed immediately. The intriguing
charm and character of the old section is threatened as historic buildings are torn down for new
construction and old facades on existing buildings are replaced with non-traditional architecture
incompatible with the older buildings. Physical improvements, including new developments, are
needed to improve the attractiveness of the area. Additionally, visitor information and interpretive
materials area needed for tourists to understand or appreciate the architecture and setting.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Tourism is an important part of Egypt’s economy, representing revenues of LE 10,200 million (US
$3,009 million) in FY 1995/96 and projected to increase substantially as political stability restores
confidence in Egypt as a destination. Tourism is encouraged as a major component in the
Government of Egypt’s (GOE) strategy to alleviate poverty and provide for a population that is
expected to nearly double in 20 years, from 60 million persons to over 100 million persons.
Without economic growth, that corresponds to, or exceeds, population growth, the nation will
become relatively poorer over time and political stability would be threatened. Without political
stability, the world’s access to the valued antiquities in Egypt would be similarly threatened.
Luxor, in particular, has a local economy based primarily on tourism. In planning for the growth of
tourism, it is essential that the City, with assistance from the Government of Egypt and
international entities, create opportunities for tourism facilities and services that will both enhance
the quality of the antiquity sites. This effort should also provide visitors with contemporary
services which are competitive in a world where international interest in cultural tourism is a major
growth factor.
3.2.4 Improve the urban environment to create a city core which can reflect the
aspirations and needs of current and future residents
3.2.5 Increase municipal and institutional capacity to manage the protection and
future development of the Open Museum and Heritage District
The scale of development which will be required to implement the Luxor Plan will offer potential
opportunities in development management, planning, as well as related building and construction
services. Without a cadre of skilled professionals and technicians to manage this long-range
process, its success will be tenuous. To achieve the benefits of an extensive planning process, the
Plan needs to incorporate effective mechanism for implementation. These mechanisms need to
insure that all levels of Government within Egypt and the HCLC act in concert and in response to
the creation of a Open Museum and Heritage District. Additionally, the implementation process
must include explicit and effective measures to fully engage the private sector, which will provide
a significant amount of the capital and energy for implementation. Without these types of
coordination and cooperative mechanisms, the Open Museum and Heritage District Project, no
matter how worthy, will not attract the full support and participation of either the local community
or the international donor agencies.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District contains four areas with common characteristics
and needs. As described in the following sections, the sub-areas provide a focus for the
implementation strategy.
1. Monument Protection Area – this area is defined by Luxor Temple and the Karnak Temple
site, and will include the connecting Avenue of the Sphinxes to be excavated and restored.
2. Neighborhood Preservation Area – this area is located between the Avenue of the
Sphinxes and the Corniche, from Karnak Temple to Pola Hotel Street. The area is a
traditional, active neighborhood with an older main street, mosques, residences, and other
neighborhood services, with relatively few tourist services or uses.
3. Central Luxor Area – this area consists of the districts immediately to the east and to the
west of the proposed Avenue of the Sphinxes corridor, between the Airport Road and up to
the southerly edge of Luxor Temple.
4. Central Corniche Area – encompassing the largely undeveloped section of the Corniche
between the entrance to Karnak Temple in the North and the Winter Palace in the South.
The highest priority for the Monument Protection Area of the Open Museum and Heritage
District is on preserving the antiquities and their settings. Within the Monument Protection Area,
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The proposed Karnak buffer area, as mapped in Figure 3, contains Category 1 and Category 2
important archaeological zones 1 around Karnak and Mut Temples. Because of the significance
of the setting, test excavations should be done to determine the location of artifacts and identify
which structures should be removed.
Immediately east of Karnak Temple is a proposed buffer zone that will not have utility service and
no future development will be permitted. Although large-scale building acquisitions will not occur,
current residents will be offered new housing with utility service in the North Karnak Planned
Development Neighborhoods immediately north of the area as an incentive to relocate. The
existing road running along the north and east side of Karnak Temple should be removed so as to
discourage future development along it. The road corridor should be replaced by a landscape
treatment by an earthen wall to define the immediate edge of Karnak and Mut Temple.
Create a Processional Way between Karnak Temple and the Nile River
The historic linkage of Karnak Temple to the Nile is important to restore as a way to portray the
significance of the relationships between the temples, Nile, and Theban hills.
Early actions to recreate the processional way include moving major parking out of the field of
view, relocating the SCA director’s house and SCA storage lot, and defining areas for visitor
support services, including overview interpretation near the temple entrance. Later actions include
the introduction of historically accurate landscaping and statuary along a 170m long reflecting pool
(quay) that reinforces the axis and view of the Nile. The design of the quay should be inspired by
the design of the ancient canal connection between Karnak Temple and the Nile.
3.2.3 Preservation and Enhancement of the Open Museum and Heritage District’s
Old Sections
Archaeological classifications are the priority protection areas receive under Egyptian law; five categories
for antiquities areas with one being the most significant
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
no defined entranceways to draw tourists into the area. Presently there is also limited protection
from the sun, so tourists are reluctant to shop during hot afternoons. Although shops (bazaars)
stay open late at night, many tourists retire early to meet morning tour schedules.
East of the Avenue, the opportunity should be taken to improve and extend the traditional city
shopping souqs, improving their quality and enlarging pedestrian-preference zones within the city.
These extended souqs should connect, by walkways, across the Avenue of the Sphinxes to link
with shopping within the area between the Kebash and the Corniche. As described in a later
section, vehicular traffic should be managed and limited, emphasizing services to uses within the
area and enhancing a sense of a tourist district oriented to both the Kebash and the Corniche
A number of low-cost improvements and architectural guidelines can significantly improve the
attraction of the traditional souq. These measures will also serve to protect the old section from
modern redevelopment because its value as a traditional area will have been firmly established.
An excellent example of a world famous souq to emulate is Khan El- Khalili in Cairo, including the
adjacent old sections of the city. The Khan Khalili and adjacent areas are very quaint, narrow
streets are sun-screened in permanent and daily retractable awnings, and the building facades
have a traditional flair.
Although the edge of this neighborhood may be somewhat impacted by restoration of the Avenue
of the Sphinxes, the general form and character of the remainder of the neighborhood should be
preserved, with new uses limited to residences and neighborhood support uses of limited height
and of traditional character. This should not evolve into a major hotel or tourist-oriented district.
A number of improvements can be made to insure that the neighborhood is strengthened. Health
and sanitation improvements will be made through the Secondary Cities project. Other
improvements to be made include selected demolition and housing infill, and new public facilities,
including a health clinic, school and park.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• extend utilities to area (as provided through USAID’s Secondary Cities Project)
Located along the northern edge of the city, the North Karnak Development Area is bounded by a
canal on the north, the railroad tracks on the east, agricultural lands on the south and development
on the west. Agricultural lands and older settlements, including a traditional neighborhood
characterize the area. New scattered settlements are beginning to encroach on the northern
border of the Karnak Temple.
The North Karnak Development Area is planned to accommodate approximately 10,000 new
residents by 2017, although the amount of new development may exceed this number if residents
living within the protected area surrounding Karnak Temple elect to relocate to the area.
Through providing utilities, services and open spaces, this neighborhood will be attractive to
residents in areas along the Avenue of the Sphinxes or immediately adjacent to Karnak Temple to
relocate there.
A perimeter road to connect the North Karnak Development Area to the North Corniche Area to
the west and the Airport Road in the east will be built to serve the area. By placing the road just
west of the railroad corridor and just south of a major canal, the road will discourage informal
settlements from occurring in agricultural lands outside the city boundary. Local streets will run
from the perimeter road to housing areas, however, a collector system will not be developed in
order to discourage additional encroachment on the Karnak Temple area.
Create a North Corniche Development Area to accommodate future tourism-oriented
commercial development
The area is presently characterized by a partially undeveloped riverfront along with a collection of
tourism-oriented commercial buildings and vacant parcels along the extended Corniche Road.
Lacking any historic buildings, but offering a prime location close to the historic core of Luxor
City, the sub-area is proposed to accommodate tourism-oriented infill development at a density and
scale greater than in other portions of the Open Museum and Heritage District. The development
area will be mixed-use in character with strong physical and visual connections along the Corniche
towards the Nile and Karnak Temple.
3.2.4 Effectively use public lands and redeveloped private property within the historic
district to accommodate increasing tourism
The restoration of the Avenue of the Sphinxes and increasing tourism activity in the Open
Museum and Heritage District will create a significant opportunity to improve the Luxor setting
between the two temples and the river. As illustrated in Figure 13, the Central Luxor
Development Area will comprise the area on both sides of the Avenue of the Sphinxes corridor,
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
between the Airport Road up to the southerly edge of Luxor Temple . This section of Luxor City is
to be the most transformed by the creation of the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District.
Options for redevelopment of government buildings are varied. For example, the vacant
Government building on Nile Street and adjacent schools, across from the Novotel Hotel and
Winter Palace, is an excellent candidate site for infill commercial development. The HCLC
Headquarters, Hospital, site containing three schools and the General Organization for Roads and
Bridges building, and the Supreme Council on Antiquities compound are all very large sites that
can accommodate museums, and tourism-oriented commercial uses. The Luxor Museum and
Convention Center are two important public uses within this western area which could be
expanded and/or remodeled.
Existing substantial hotels in this area would remain, although priority would be given to new
museums, museum expansion, and new parklands to serve a setting for the antiquities. Limited
new hotel and tourist support activities could be encouraged in this precinct, if planned to insure
adequate public access and surrounding green space.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
3.2.5 Enact Land Use Controls and Development Guidelines to Support Preservation
and Redevelopment Efforts
A strong priority should be placed on enforcing land use controls and development standards to
ensure that new and rehabilitated construction within the District is consistent with the character
of its historical resources. The following paragraphs describe tools by which a Luxor Preservation
and Development Authority (PDA), as described in detail in Section 4.1.3 can guide the
preservation of historic resources and the introduction of new infill buildings of a compatible scale
and finish to the Open Museum and Heritage District.
Tools to guide the preservation and redevelopment of the Open Museum and Heritage District:
• historic preservation standards
• land use controls
• development standards for new construction
• urban design guidelines for construction in designated Open Museum and Heritage District
development areas
Preserving and restoring the architecture that has been developed over the past century in Luxor
City is an investment for tourists and residents alike. In order for this to be accomplished, the
PDA needs to be authorized and directed to implement preservation controls. The controls would
not prohibit redevelopment of selected properties, but would provide that all exterior changes to
existing buildings and new construction conform to guidelines that reinforce the architectural style
of the area, while also ensuring that properties of historic significance are not demolished.
After further developing the guidelines put forward in this report section, the PDA committee
would be responsible for reviewing applications for designation of historically significant
structures. Designation of a property as historically significant would enable the landowner to
receive facade improvement grants with the trade-off being that any changes to the exterior of the
structure would require a permit by the PDA. Any proposed exterior changes, including
alterations and additions to the building facade, the installation of signs, and/or the addition of
awnings and fencing would require approval of the PDA “historic preservation committee.”
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
1. Try to use the building for its original purpose or for a compatible use requiring minimal
2. Retain and preserve original distinguishing features and qualities.
3. Recognize all buildings and structures as products of their own time, avoiding changes that
have no historical basis.
4. Recognize and preserve changes that have occurred over time if they have significance in
their own right.
5. Retain and preserve distinctive stylistic features or examples of skilled craftmanship that
characterize the building or site. Restoration work to historic buildings should be done in
traditional materials and be visually unobtrusive.
6. Repair rather than replace worn architectural features. If replacement is necessary, new
material should match the old in all visual qualities and should be based on factual historic
7. Assure that details, fixtures and materials used for restoration and alteration and
improvements are compatible with the historic or traditional character and materials-
examples include service modifications and additions to traditional neighborhoods and
8. Clean facades using the gentlest means possible. Avoid sandblasting. High water pressure or
other damaging methods should not be permitted.
9. Protect and preserve archaeological resources affected by or adjacent to the historic building.
10. Compatible contemporary additions of alterations are acceptable if:
• they do not destroy significant historical, architectural, or cultural material, and
• the design is compatible with size, scale, color, material, and character of the structure
11. Supervision should ensure that no destruction is caused to historic materials by alteration and
modification projects
12. Visual impact of improvements, restoration and modifications to be as subtle as possible
Guide appropriate land uses in the Open Museum and Heritage District Development
In addition to establishing a historic preservation controls, the PDA should also enact land use
controls and development standards for the Open Museum and Heritage District to ensure that
new construction is compatible with the scale and character of the existing features of the
Proposed land use controls and development standards for all of Luxor City, including the sub-
areas of the Open Museum and Heritage District are identified in Tables 1 and 2. Figure 13
illustrates the boundary of each sub-area.
Across the top row of each table, sub-areas within each jurisdiction are identified. The left
column of each table itemizes land-uses classified into four categories. The first category of
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
residential land uses includes single -family and multi-family dwellings. The second category of
commercial land uses includes offices, services and retail businesses. The third category of public
land uses includes public and cultural facilities, government offices, and open spaces that are
publicly owned and operated. The final category includes other land uses, with most of these land
uses requiring segregation from the other land use categories.
Luxor City land uses are separated into the sub-areas within the Open Museum and Heritage
District and other city areas. Land uses within the six Open Museum and Heritage District sub-
areas are significantly more restrictive than in any other area of study in the Luxor region.
Table 2 describes performance standards for new development in Luxor City, including the sub-
areas of the Open Museum and Heritage District. Only new construction in these areas must
conform to the development standards prescribed. Existing construction is exempted from
meeting the standards, although major rehabilitation to existing structures, defined as investment
over 25% of total property value, shall be reviewed to insure that standards are met, if feasible.
Aspects of development included in the standards are building coverage maximums, open space
minimums, building setbacks from the street and adjacent structures, building heights, minimum
street frontage, and sidewalks. These aspects cover the required specific regulations identified in
MHUUC guidelines.
Architectural and site design standards should be developed from the framework prescribed in
Tables 1 and 2. All of these controls could be organized into a single manual which clearly and
concisely describes both performance standards and review procedures. A supplementary
manual on house design and construction could also be prepared with illustrations and simplified
text to guide the self-help house owner in expanding his dwelling.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Legend: Notes:
O = permitted land use * workshops are small (<100 m2) and used for the production of goods
P = by special permit only land use (handicrafts, carpets, etc.)
X = not-permitted land use ** manufacturing (<1000 m2 and < 50 employees only)
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Legend: Notes:
O = permitted land use * workshops are small (<100 m2) and used for the production of
P = by special permit only land use goods (handicrafts, carpets, etc.)
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
X = not-permitted land use ** manufacturing (<1000 m2 and < 50 employees only)
* Building coverage is total building footprint divided by total lot area. Refer to Structure Plan for requirements for Planned Development Neighborhoodss
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• 3-6 floors residential windows set back residential windows set back residential windows set back
5m from property line; 5m from property line; other 5m from property line; other
other windows setback 3m windows setback 3m windows setback 3m
• 6-10 floors windows setback 5m windows setback 5m windows setback 5m
Building Height privacy for adjoining 13m within 13m of arterial 13m within 13m of arterial 13m within 13m of street,
uses, visual street, with maximum street, with maximum height with maximum height of
compatibility with height of 26m; 13m on of 26m; 13m on non-arterial 26m
surroundings non-arterial streets streets
Minimum Plot Frontage servicing, ventilation 5m 5m 5m
on street
Minimum required safety, recreation, 2m paved with shading 2m paved with shading trees 2m for commercial frontage
width of sidewalks visual trees or canopies or canopies if adequate building frontage
* Building coverage is total building footprint divided by total lot area. Refer to Structure Plan for requirements for Planned Development Neighborhoodss
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• 3-6 floors residential windows set back 5m residential windows set back 5m windows setback 3m residential windows set back
from property line; other from property line; other 5m from property line;
windows setback 3m windows setback 3m other windows setback 3m
• 6-10 floors windows setback 5m windows setback 5m windows setback 5m not applicable (13m height
Building Height privacy for adjoining 13m within 13m of arterial 13m within 13m of arterial 13m within 13m of 13m; mosque minarets and
uses, visual street, with maximum height of street, with maximum height of street, with maximum church steeples may exceed
compatibility with 26m; 13m on non-arterial 26m; 13m on non-arterial height of limit by special permit
surroundings streets streets 26m, except by special
Minimum Plot Frontage servicing, ventilation 5m 5m 15m 5m
Sidewalks, minimum safety, recreation, 2m paved with shading trees or 2m paved with shading trees or 4m paved with shading 2m paved with shading trees
required width visual canopies canopies trees and lighting or canopies
* Building coverage is total building footprint divided by total lot area. Refer to Structure Plan for requirements for Planned Development Neighborhoods
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Urban Design Guidelines for the Open Museum and Heritage District
Although Luxor City’s ancient monuments provide the city’s main identity, the urban character of the city
varies; each area has a specific character and sense of place. As sites are redeveloped, the rich character
of areas that give an “identity” to the city should not be lost. New development should be encouraged to
respect and celebrate unique and traditional elements of Luxor.
In terms of taking action to meet this objective, the PDA should review the contextual impact of new
development in the Open Museum and Heritage District, taking special care with projects that receive
public funding assistance and/or are enabled by PDA actions. Such a review process would complement
PDA efforts to enforce land use controls and development standards. The Central Luxor sub-area of the
Open Museum and Heritage District is particularly in need of urban design oversight in order to ensure
that redeveloped properties reinforce the area’s image and relationship between the Avenue of the
Sphinxes, monuments, and Corniche. It is proposed that all new construction in the Central Luxor sub-
area should undergo review by an “urban design committee” of the PDA.
Expanding upon the following guidelines, the “urban design committee” would be responsible for reviewing
applications in the Central Luxor sub-area. Recommendations would be made to the PDA to approve or
disapprove applications as criteria dictate.
Key urban design objectives for the Open Museum and Heritage District:
New development should also reinforce the overall legibility or “understandibility” of Luxor City,
distinguishing the city’s main districts, heritage and tourism areas, business and commercial zones,
traditional residential and mixed use neighborhoods. Infill development should encourage pedestrian areas
as well as promote pedestrian uses and amenities, reduce impacts of traffic and provide key visual and
physical connections through the city and between the antiquity and agricultural areas.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Improve Circulation
• Improve circulation outside of the Open Museum and Heritage District to relieve congestion and
encourage vehicular traffic to use those routes, bypassing the Open Museum and Heritage District
• Provide coherent and coordinated pedestrian and vehicular signage
• Minimize the number of new streets through the Open Museum and Heritage District
• Provide pedestrian amenities such as benches, open spaces, interpretive waysides and directional
signage throughout the area
• Provide sufficient shuttle bus stops and service between the antiquities
• Provide sufficient sidewalks and shading to encourage pedestrian use of commercial streets in the
commercial and tourism areas
• Provide clear pedestrian links between the Avenue of the Sphinxes and the Corniche
• The Visitor Center should serve as a central point of orientation and an attraction
• The Visitor Center should be strategically located where coordination of tourist support activities can
easily be provided.
• The Visitor Center could be funded by Government, the private sector (under strict guidelines) or a
public-private partnership.
The overall size of the Visitor Center should be between 7,000 and 10,000 square meters, depending on
facilities and services. The space should be large enough to accommodate significant exhibit and media
spaces. Depending on the range of visitor services and attractions, the center could be even larger. The
Visitor Center can provide a point of orientation, information and overall interpretation of Luxor’s cultural
resources and attractions.
The Visitor Center should be located in, or adjacent to, the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District
area and have sufficient land available to develop parking areas to eliminate much of the bus traffic
through the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District. As illustrated in Figure 5, the preferred location is
adjacent to the Avenue of the Sphinxes between Luxor and Karnak Temple The significant amount of
undeveloped land in this area will provide ample areas for tour bus parking, landscaping, and expansion
area. The Visitor Center will be the central staging point for the shuttle system. Components of the
Visitor Center:
• Visitor information on antiquities, other cultural resources, special events and services;
• Interpretative presentations, including media interpretative presentations and exhibits;
• Bus and vehicle parking and shuttle system terminal;
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• Educational programs
• Licensed tour guide services; and
• Visitor services, including comfort facilities, retail shops and food services.
• wayside exhibit signs to explain features and sites, including an overview of their
significance. At key sites, such interpretation should ideally be provided on the site perimeter prior to
entry. For example, Karnak Temple materials should be located in the visitor service zones, while
Luxor Temple information should be in the park area on the north edge of the site, including
information on the Avenue of the Sphinxes.
• site and city maps with associated narratives. The materials could be sold independently as well
as provided with the passport tickets.
• audio cassettes for self-guided tours of the monuments and surrounding city. The content of
these materials could be modeled on those which are sold and/or rented at major museums for key
• coordinated and attractive site and city signage. Street signs, gateways to the souqs, historic
landmark signs should be made that are specific to Luxor and its heritage
• coordinated interpretive exhibits and materials. The Central Visitors Center should offer
architectural models and exhibits that provide an overview and orientation to the historic resources in
Luxor City and surrounding area.
• interpretive activities and events. Heritage conservation should not merely reflect the preservation
of traditional activities, but should also reflect contemporary aspects of Egyptian society. Public art
programs, cultural festivals and local handicraft fairs should be introduced as an integral part of the
conservation plan. These activities will introduce conservation as an aspect of contemporary,
everyday life.
• ongoing workshops and training sessions for tour guides at the tourism vocational school.
Curriculum to include an interpretive prospectus that defines baseline objectives for tour guides to
cover at each site.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Improve traffic circulation in the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District
Increasing tourism and the Avenue of the Sphinxes restoration will pose significant challenges for traffic
circulation, as well as the need to minimize the intrusion of large buses and the interface between traffic
and pedestrians in other major sections of the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District, such as the
Corniche, Karnak Temple area, the old section of Luxor City and the old souq.
As illustrated in Figure 12, proposed circulation improvements in the Open Museum and Heritage District
include three bridges to cross the Avenue of the Sphinxes. North-south circulation on either side of the
Avenue will also be improved with a new road connecting to the Corniche just north of Luxor Temple, and
the upgrading of the street along the eastern edge of the Avenue.
Pedestrian routes within the Open Museum and Heritage District area would, if properly planned and
implemented, enhance the historic setting. Enhanced paving, signage, street furniture and other associated
streetscape improvements should be introduced to create a pedestrian friendly environment. To support
such improvements, the souqs should limit vehicular traffic to only early morning hours to allow for
delivery time. Creating pedestrian-only corridors during the day is in the spirit of many European cities
which have created large vehicular-restricted zones to provide attractive pedestrian precincts in the city
respectful of historic sites and conducive to on-going commercial activities.
Relocating the current East Bank ferry landing is also a priority for action. The current ferry landing in
front of Luxor Temple does not allow transfers for riders to mini-bus and. The current landing is in an area
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
could be put to better use. Moving the ferry landing further south along the Corniche near the Novotel will
allow for easy transfer to mini-bus and allow for the redevelopment of the existing riverfront site for
commercial uses, possibly a café.
3.2.8 Develop training and assistance programs (in support of building management
The scale of development which will be required to implement the Open Museum and Heritage District
project will offer potential opportunities in development management, pla nning, as well as related building
and construction services. The success of the proposed management entity for the District, as described
in detail in Section 4.1.3 will require a cadre of skilled professionals and technicians to guide preservation
and redevelopment efforts. Without such management support, the success of the District’s management
entity will be tenuous. Increasing the skills of staff can be increased through training programs in the
following areas:
• project management
• antiquities
• finance
• engineering
• surveying
• urban development
The development challenge for Luxor City is to redirect the current trends of growth in the city. Informal
settlements encroaching on the City’s heritage resources and surrounding agricultural lands must be
curtailed. A more sustainable pattern of orderly development in areas with adequate facilities and utilities
to support new growth is necessary. The following sections describe the concept of creating three
planned development neighborhoods in Luxor City, as shown in Figure 7.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The following section offers an overview of the neighborhoods , while a detailed discussion of the service
centers is in Section 3.3.3.
Attractive neighborhoods are the primary element of the planned development neighborhoods. A total of
six neighborhoods will be built by 2017. Land areas of each center will be approximately 8 feddan,
adequate to support 8,000-10,000 residents in each neighborhood. Although the form and character of
each neighborhood and its services will vary, a number of shared principles will guide development:
1. Development standards will encourage buildings with a scale and style compatible with the
architecture in adjacent existing urbanized areas.
2. Neighborhoods will be developed in phases that encourage the orderly extension of utilities and
provision of services.
3. Neighborhoods will include a variety of housing types and sizes to meet the needs and preferences of
a broad range of residents. Densities will be highest along the neighborhood edges defined by major
streets. Along these major streets, 4-5 story buildings with a mix of commercial and residential uses
will predominate. Within the neighborhood enclave, 1-3 story attached and detached structures,
primarily residential, should be encouraged in housing clusters centered along open spaces.
4. Neighborhoods will include dedicated pedestrian and bicycle path “greenways” that connect housing
clusters. Access by foot or bicycle will be possible to the pedestrian-oriented neighborhood
greenways, and on to the district service centers
5. Neighborhood housing clusters will offer convenient access to services. All homes will be within a
500-meter radius from a neighborhood service center with public facilities and commercial services.
District service centers with a greater variety of services and facilities will be planned within a 1,000-
meter radius of each home.
Development Concept
The Southern Planned Development Area is planned to accommodate 30,000 new residents by 2017.
Figure 7 illustrates the key features of the plan.
An integrated streets network will provide strong local and regional connections. The Greenbelt Road will
become the primary access between the Southern Development area and regional destinations. Both the
Greenbelt Road and extended Television Street will become the major high-density development spines
linking lower density neighborhood streets.
Television Street will defines the edge of urbanization in the Southern Area. The extension of Television
Street will continue in a north-south direction south of the Greenbelt intersection before aligning in an east-
west direction and connecting with an extension to El Awameya Road. Informal settlements beyond the
extension of Television Street will be limited by the existing canal running parallel along the north-south
portion of the street, and the prohibition of new streets outside the southern side of the street as it runs
east-west. Containing development within Television Street along its east-west orientation will allow for
the establishment of a city boundary just outside the street that will not face development pressures
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
beyond it.
The Southern Area is centered around a District Service Center, located southeast of the intersection of
the Greenbelt and extended Television Street. This Center would build upon the existing mosque and
technical school, also including a full range of new services and recreational facilities.
Within this area, densities will be highest along the Greenbelt Road and extended Television Street where
commercial activity will concentrate. Since the neighborhoods directly north and south of the sectoral
service center do not include existing settlements, an orderly pattern of housing clusters centered along
open spaces should be built. In contrast, the neighborhood west of El Awameya Road will be infill in
character and include densities and street layouts that are compatible with the existing development on the
north and west.
Development Concept
Approximately 10,000 new residents are planned for the Eastern Development Area by 2017. The
proposed new street network, as illustrated in Figure 7, will greatly improve access through the site and
create significant development opportunity. The Greenbelt Road along the eastern edge will provide easy
connections for area residents to points north and south. The extension of New Luxor Highway north of
the Greenbelt Road intersection will become the major spine for high-density development. Running along
the northwestern edge of the planned development neighborhood, the New Luxor Highway extension will
provide a development corridor where the densest new development will be located.
Since existing neighborhoods in the Eastern Area are under-served by public facilities, a District Service
Center is proposed to both accommodate new residents and provide services for existing neighborhoods.
This Center will become the major activity center for Luxor City residents living east of the railroad.
Figure 7 illustrates the form and density of the Eastern Area neighborhood. Mixed-use development will
be encouraged along the extension of the New Luxor Road, but would be limited along the Greenbelt.
Lower density neighborhoods will develop within the major street framework with a form that is
compatible with the existing village architecture and density.
Existing Context
Inadequate public facilities and utility services are serious problems in Luxor City. Existing public facilities
are primarily located in the center of the City with most major facilities located along or near the Corniche.
Basic public services, such as schools, are lacking in new development areas, particularly in areas east of
the railroad tracks that have limited access to other parts of the city. Water services is available to 100%
of the Luxor City population,. but only 25% of the population is served with a wastewater collection
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
facilities and extending utility service. As illustrated in Figure 5, extensions to the water and sanitation
system are proposed in order to serve all city residents except for the settlements in the protected area
immediately surrounding Karnak Temple. New neighborhood and district service centers, as described in
Chapter 4 and identified on Figure 7, are proposed to provide centers for community life in new
development areas and to meet public facility demand.
Proposed areas to locate the local, neighborhood service centers are illustrated in Figure 7. Sites include
areas in the existing urbanized portions of the City as well as areas within the three planned development
neighborhoods. Neighborhood centers in the existing City will be on undeveloped parcels in areas
currently under-served by basic public facilities, such as schools and mosques. In addition to the facilities
described above, it is proposed that each service center within the already developed portions of the city
be located in undeveloped land and be planned to include a recreational park. Other facilities included will
vary substantially between centers, depending upon service inadequacies in the surrounding area.
Neighborhood service centers in the new planned development neighborhoods will be more similar in size
and use than centers in existing neighborhoods. Each center in the planned neighborhoods will have a
relatively standard size and similar collection of facilities. Located on land set aside in each new
neighborhood, each center will have good access to neighborhood streets and a greenway for pedestrian
and bicycle traffic.
A total of three District Centers are proposed, to be located along busy streets that offer public -
transportation connections to existing and new neighborhoods and to include a variety of uses and
landscaped areas for both active and passive recreation.
Each District Center contains a mix of public and commercial uses with parking that are centered around
a park containing recreation facilities. Public facilities in the center will include a large mosque, a cultural
center, and secondary schools. Services, such as health clinics, post offices, and public safety offices will
be clustered along major streets with commercial uses and non-industrial trade workshops. Additional
facilities in the centers will vary by neighborhood demand.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Current Situation
An improved transportation network is needed to serve both residents and visitors in Luxor City. Even if
the city only experience the modest growth estimated in Chapter 4, existing problems will only intensify
with population and visitation increases unless circulation and access improve.
Travel within Luxor City is primarily by foot, bicycle, horse-drawn carriage and mini-bus. Private car
ownership is very low, but will likely increase substantially over the next twenty years. As the number of
cars increase, friction between pedestrian, animal-drawn and vehicular traffic will be an increasing
problem, particularly in the souqs and intersections in the older portions of the City.
Public transportation in Luxor City transit includes local mini-buses that run along important streets and
inter-regional rail and bus traffic. A minibus and taxi terminus located on El Mathan Street handles both
local passenger traffic and inter-urban travel. The main rail station connects villages to the north and
south as well as national service between Cairo and Aswan.
Improving connections between areas of Luxor City is the biggest challenge. Currently, the Corniche is
the only major north-south through route in the City. East-west access is equally limited, with the only
major connection provided between the Corniche and the Airport Road. However, east-west access in
other parts of Luxor City, particularly in the growing areas south and east, is severely constrained by the
railroad lines that bisect the city. The existing grade crossings over the railroad are often congested and
do not adequately link major circulation routes. One railway overpass for pedestrians exists north of the
railroad station, but it is less convenient than the grade several hundred meters south and is infrequently
New Luxor Highway – New Luxor Highway will become the major inter-city connection between
Luxor City and New Luxor, starting just north of the intersection of the proposed Greenbelt. Within the
eastern part of Luxor City, an extension of the roadway will cross relatively undeveloped land, and will
become a dense corridor of mixed-use development.
Extended Television Street – This important commercial corridor in Luxor City will be extended to
connect the existing city to the new southern development area. The street will be continued as a divided
road similar in character to the extended New Luxor Highway. A portion of extended Television Street
will run along a canal that separates new development areas from Bugdadi village to the south. South of
the intersection with the Greenbelt Road, extended Television Street will curve towards the Nile and cross
El Awameya Road. A mix of uses, including commercial and residential, will line the new street and make
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Streets Crossing the Avenue of the Sphinxes – New Kebash Avenue will be a new street along the
eastern perimeter of the Avenue of the Sphinxes restoration area to provide north-south access between
areas immediately east of Luxor Temple and the airport road extension on the southern edge of the
Karnak Temple. Three “cross-over” bridges connecting the Corniche to New Kebash Avenue will
provide a vehicular connection between development on either side of the pedestrian-only Avenue of the
Spot Improvements
Redeveloped Urban Intersections – Figure 8 identifies four intersections in developed portions of
Luxor City that need improvement. Each of the areas already faces considerable congestion. Efforts in
the three areas that intersect the rail lines should be focused on improving at-grade crossings, creating
small parks and green spaces to mark important intersections, and managing traffic conflicts between
pedestrians, vehicles and other traffic. A fourth intersection improvement area is in the southeast portion
of the City. A realignment and widening of the intersection is needed to serve the increased traffic that is
anticipated as commercial development along Television Street intensifies and additional development
occurs in areas to the south.
Major Intersections at Entrances to the City – The major Luxor City entrances are the El Awameya
Road in the south, the Corniche in the north and the Airport Road in the west. An additional major
entrance is proposed at the southeastern edge of the city at the intersection of two major new roads, the
Greenbelt and the New Luxor Highway. The New Luxor Highway entrance should be planned for a
grade separated crossing over the railroad similar to the recently completed Airport Road entrance
intersection area.
The entrances to the city at New Luxor Highway and Airport Road will require careful planning to include
landscaping that helps to create an attractive entrance to the City; informal settlements in the two
intersection areas should be strictly prohibited.
New Railroad Crossings – East-west access in areas bisected by the railroad tracks can be improved
by constructing two additional crossings: (a) an at-grade pedestrian crossing near the city rail station, and
(b) the grade separated automobile and pedestrian crossing in the southern development area at the
intersection of the Luxor City Greenbelt Road and New Luxor Highway.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
A New Bus -Rail Station and Related Improvements – A transit station for inter-regional bus and rail
traffic should be developed at the intersection of New Luxor Highway and Greenbelt Road. As illustrated
in Figure 8, the proposed site offers ample land for parking and bus staging, as well as required related
roadway improvements. South of this site and outside the greenbelt is an area along the rail line that
should be reserved for spur rail lines. Over time, train storage and staging should be relocated and
consolidated in the area along the New Luxor Highway to reduce land devoted to multiple tracks in the
central Luxor City train station area and to facilitate pedestrian and vehicle crossing of the rail corridor
between the east and west sides of Luxor City.
In tandem with infrastructure development, investments would be made for environmental protection and
management in Luxor. The trend in local government worldwide is for local officials to make contractual
or concessionary arrangements with the private sector to provide environmental and maintenance services
for city centers, and this project would maximize that practice. Visitors and residents would receive a high
level of such services, and the local government would shed some of its management burden as a result of
contracting out or selling concessions. Those amenities and services would include:
Watershed management
The proposed project would include the creation of a landscaped corridor adjacent to the Avenue of the
Kebash. This would include planting, existing pathway and pedestrian access improvements; irrigation
system upgrading; graphical informational, and directional signage; and terrace wall and embankment
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The costs are expressed in Egyptian pounds, in current 1999 figures, with no adjustment for inflation, and
have been divided into Tables 3 through 10, corresponding to the major parts of the project. A summary
description of each table is provided below.
Table 3 and Table 4 deal with the immediate sites surrounding Luxor and Karnak Temples, and are
intended to improve the immediate setting of each antiquity. In the case of Luxor Temple, improvements
would be made to the park on the east side of the temple, including lighting and access changes to make
the park more visible and accessible, as well as additional entry points to the Temple compound from the
Kebash Avenue and an improved entry pavilion on the Kebash side. For the Karnak Temple area, the
improvements would include visual improvements to the setting and related access. These
improvements would include piping and covering the drainage ditch around the perimeter (eliminating
current dumping into this depression) and constructing a planted earth mound in this location to control
access and define the edge of the agreed upon monument buffer zone. Further residential encroachment
on the east side of this edge would be discouraged by prohibiting the extension of utility service to the
area. Additionally, the Corniche entry to the monument would be improved by reintroducing a canal-like
pool to recall the former quay and canal that was used for funery processions to the West Bank. These
improvements would also require relocation and reconstruction of the parking area to the front of the
The costs for District-wide improvements within the Open Museum and Open Museum and Heritage
District are shown in Table 3. Capital costs are provided for public spaces, including functional and
aesthetic improvements to the public spaces along the existing and expanded souq which would be
extended to connect to the Kebash Avenue and revitalized uses at its edges. Estimates are provided for
physical improvements streets and public areas in Karnak Village, and would include a program of
assistance to enable housing rehabilitation and new infill housing in this neighborhood. For the entire
district a program of targeted preservation loans and grants would be administered by PDA. These loans
and grants would be made available on a priority basis to qualifying owners in the Open Museum and
Heritage District, with maximum limits for any individual grant or loan to be determined as part of the
PDA’s programs. Typically, grants would be intended to achieve “gap” financing, would be matched by
funding commitments of property owners, and would be for the purpose of rehabilitation in accordance
with Open Museum and Heritage District Guidelines. The loan program would be set at a rate below
commercial lending rates and would be designed to create incentives for reinvestment and property
Table 6 indicates the cost of redevelopment of selected public lands and underutilized private property in
the Open Museum and Heritage District. These lands, identified in concept as part of this plan and to be
further defined in the implementation phase, are critical to improving the quality of the district along main
arterial streets and especially in the area between the Kebash Avenue and the Corniche. Within this area,
although there are many significant buildings, there are also numerous underutilized properties that could
be acquired and redeveloped to improve public open space, increase the density of public activities, and
improve the economic vitality of the district. These properties would be acquired at a fair market value
through action of the PDA, and would be either improved for public use or resold for development for
more appropriate and more intensive private use. Several parcels owned by public agencies would be part
of this land assembly, and the costs assumed in Table 6 include replacement of these uses in other
locations, such as in New Luxor.
Table 7 shows the improvements to create a coordinated visitor and tourist service system, including the
new visitor and information center, as well as district-wide interpretive wayside exhibit signs. Table 8
indicates selected improvements to visitor and local transportation systems.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Table 9 indicates the estimated summary costs of all improvements to the Luxor Open Museum and
Heritage District over the development period, presenting the totals for which itemized estimates were
presented in Tables 3 through 8. To these totals have been added the estimated cost of the Avenue of the
Sphinxes project, as estimated in Investment Project #1, inasmuch as this project is an essential spine for
the entire Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District..
Table 8 indicates the approximate cost of the private development that might be anticipated on the lands
identified for new development. This private development would be substantial, including over 460,000
square meters of building. Based on this scale of construction, it is assumed that a typical developer
would pay at least 25% of the building cost for the land, and that the overall cost for development and land
may approach 1.2 billion Egyptian pounds. This amount of economic activity will create substantial
employment opportunities for local residents, and will also be an important mechanism to provide economic
support for the activities of the PDA.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
new entrances each 25,000 2 50,000 ticket booth, kiosk, model of site
extended from historic west entrance of
pedestrian crossing to Corniche sq m 200 100 20,000 Luxor Temple
modest upgrade; make park usable and
landscape sidewalk
east side park landscaping sq. m 50 15,300 765,000
special lighting around East park
lighting, perimeter(city side) 1 per 10 m 3,000 50 150,000 perimeter, 1 per 10 m
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Monument Preservation
expand exterior lighting of Karnak Temple 1 per 10 m 3,000 84 252,000 light rear and south ends of Temple
Karnak to Nile Processional Way
landscaping between Corniche and River sq m 300 2,500 750,000 former SCA property and French Institute
parking lot relocation sq m 160 10,468 1,674,880 80% asphalt, 20% stone with landscaping
1.5 meter high, 340m long wall, aesthetic
wall screen lin. m 120 510 61,200 materials/facing
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
District-wide Preservation
incentive program/loans - critical areas,
from Nile to souq - (facades,
Loans - to private development allowance 1 30,000,000 rehabilitation, infill)
lighting 1 per 10m 3,000 332 996,000 Along principal souq and connections
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
acquisition sq m 500 30,125 15,062,500 Assume eminent domain for public use
Avenue to Nile Greenway
landscaping, playground equipment,
park development sq m 125 2,041 255,125 benches, fountain, etc.
New Public Facilities
acquisition sq m 500 32,750 16,375,000 Assume eminent domain for public use
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Visitor Center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
bus lot expansion sq m 120 17,100 2,052,000 doubling in size of paved bus lot area
Subtotal, Supportive Improvements 2,847,000
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
4. Implementation
The project will require adequate and sustained guidance from a body charged with proper authority to
• Consensus
• Cooperation and coordination
• Legal enforcement of projects
The unique monuments in the historic sections of Luxor City deserve high quality surroundings.
Without strong administrative mechanisms Luxor’s historic resources will continue to deteriorate and new
development will be ad-hoc with no significant impact in physically improvement the conditions of the city,
and no significant impact on the economic viability of the City. Moreover, Luxor will continue to be a
drain on national resources because with changing tides in tourism, it will grow in spurts, and infrastructure
and services will have to be continuously be supplied in response to differing growing spurts.
Presently major projects are either carried out by the investors or ministries (using govor donor funds).
The most significant agencies involved in project implementation in Luxor City include:
• The HCLC
• Ministry of Culture
• Ministry of Tourism
• Ministry of Housing
• Ministry of Transportation.
4.1.2 The Institutional Capacity and Role of the Higher Council for the City of Luxor
The HCLC was established by Presidential Decree No. 153 in 1989 in response to the increasing need for
control of urban growth in the Luxor area. The HCLC is empowered to prepare, approve, and enforce
land use plans within the area under its authority. Its authority replaces that previously vested in the Qena
Governorate. It is also empowered to implement development projects. However, the HCLC is currently
inadequately staffed to undertake a project such as the creation of a Luxor Open Museum and Heritage
District, much less the complementary projects of the CDCL without significant additional assistance.
The HCLC does not have the resources, the staff, the clear authority or the funds to carry out major
projects on its own. Presently the City council of Luxor is not able to manage and guide projects following
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
a planned approach.
4.1.3 Recommended Implementation Entity for the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage
Improvements to date in Luxor’s historic core have been done in an ad-hoc manner. Because of the
City’s global significance, the importance of a planned and directed development cannot be understated.
While numerous ministries will continue to work in Luxor, there is the need for an independent entity
accountable to both the HCLC and the central government that can create a more effective
implementation mechanism than is now present in Luxor. One such entity is defined below, but other
approaches that would achieve the same ends are also possible.
The recommendation for the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District would be consistent with the
proposals to create a Project Management Unit (PMU) with strong participation from both Central
Government and HCLC to provide direction to the overall implementation of the recommendations of the
CDCL project. The PMU would provide oversight for all proposed Investment Projects of the CDCL,
and would be the entity that would insure Central Government commitment to this sustained effort.
The major public initiatives identified within the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District would be
managed by a new Preservation & Development Authority (PDA) that would report to the PMU. The
Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District PDA will serve as a landlord and manager for all public
properties located within the District. Remaining properties will continue to be owned and operated by
various private interests. All buildings and open land within the District, regardless of ownership, will be
governed by development controls and architectural standards to protect and preserve the traditional
commercial and cultural uses of Luxor’s historic core. Revenues for operating the PDA will be derived
through property management activities, taxes, and donor grants.
The PDA will require a strong board with support from the HCLC and the GoE to guide it through the
major activities. This sponsor would take the form of a Board of Directors. This board would be
composed of senior Ministry and HCLC officials trained in the areas of project management, development
finance, historic preservation, and project implementation. This Board would monitor the PDA’s activities
to ensure a clear vision for the development of Luxor and make sure that the implementation of all actions
in the Open Museum and Heritage District are done in accordance to the vision for Luxor City as stated
by the Comprehensive Development Plan for The City of Luxor. The Board’s chief role would include
project advocacy at a local, national, and international level, assistance in solicitation of funding,
coordination with key ministries, selection of an executive director who would serve as the chief
development coordinator for the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District, and monitoring and oversight
of the PDA’s financial commitments and activities.
The Executive Director should be a senior professional with strong technical, management and inter-
governmental skills with a professional background in urban development, historic preservation and project
implementation. This individual would represent the PDA’s objectives to public and private entities, report
on progress to the Board of Directors, track projects, prioritize resources, and enforce decisions.
The staff of the PDA would include project specific hires but may also include personnel from local and
national agencies assigned to the PDA. Personnel that might comprise the PDA staff could be drawn
from the following disciplines:
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The major functions of the PDA would include the following activities:
• Antiquities, Development Control and Planning, which will be include all land use planning, its
enforcement, zoning, and historic preservation efforts. This unit would require enhanced capability
to administer Preservation Controls and Architectural Guidelines. PDA and HCLC staff would
require training to properly administer the controls and guidelines.
• Project and Facility Development, which will include coordinating the relocation of government
offices, and public facilities and facilitating the subsequent redevelopment. Additionally, the staff
would review water management, solid waste management, and, urban landscaping in the district.
• Tourism Services Development, which would focus on and develop tourism products to create
additional attractions to enhance visitors' experience and motivate them to stay longer at Luxor,
support initiatives in training services for tourism personnel, help promote Luxor, and work closely
with the staff of the SCA and tourism police.
• Increased gate ticket fees to monuments and dedicate this increase for the HCLC towards repaying
preservation loans; this could be called a Preservation Surcharge.
• Increased Hotel Tax and dedicate this increase for the HCLC towards repaying preservation loans;
this could be called a Preservation Tax.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Transportation Taxes
An additional source of visitor-based revenue might be a transportation tax assessed on cruise ships and
airplanes arriving in Luxor City.
Land Sales/Leasing
Cross-subsidies from private sector development is a strategy that is being successfully implemented in
other major Egyptian developments. Luxor also represents opportunities for land sales/leasing that could
achieve surpluses that can be applied to meet development costs for public projects (e.g. museums) in the
Open Museum and Heritage District that have less cost recovery. To be effective, cross-subsidy
structures should be defined in the planning process so that they can be incorporated in any public tenders
for land sales/leasing of private sector development sites. As most of the major Open Museum and
Heritage District redevelopment sites are now owned by Government, there is a distinct potential for
initiating cross-subsidies to provide for local resident and other public concerns. An additional source of
revenue could be a fee imposed on development applications.
Although the BID is a new concept in Egypt, there are many examples in the U.S.. Commercial BIDs in
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
the U.S. are typically located in retail areas and are designed to provide services for merchants. These
areas tend to have very few, if any, residents, and the focus is on increasing clientele by means of higher
sanitation standards, increased security and increased marketing and promotion. Many commercial BIDs
in the U.S. are in downtown areas. One of the largest and most successful BIDs in the country is the
Center City District (CCD) in downtown Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Before the formation of the BID,
area merchants wanted urgently to increase the aesthetic appeal and security of the area. With
insufficient funds to follow-through on large security and aesthetic improvements, property owners banded
together to form a BID. Six years after its inception, the CCD enjoys a drastic decrease in crime and is
significantly more attractive. Re-paved sidewalks, street furniture, regular street cleaning and
maintenance have created a much improved environment.
The Preservation and Development Authority should determine the costs of these impacts. If a
development is proposed for redeveloped public land under the control of the PDA, the impact costs
should be factored into the lease. Private land development impact fees will be assessed by the PDA as
an appropriate percentage of the proposed development total.
1. Designation of the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District as a special Area of national
interest, where an new entity will be enabled to use designated revenues to support the costs
associated with project financing.
2. Establishing the Preservation & Development Authority as a special purpose entity with
oversight powers and the capability to collect certain revenues
3. Allocation of specific revenues from defined sources to support the PDA activities,
establishing a projected income stream that will support desirable terms of finance.
Points (1) and (2), above were reviewed in the preceding portion of Section 4 of this document. Point (3)
will require special legislative initiative to secure sources of financing for the PDA that could underwrite
early “front end” costs of its operations. Alternative approaches to securing project revenue were
reviewed and a basic approach has been identified.
Table 11, Table 12, and Table 13 present the underlying approach that is recommended for project
financing, and illustrate the consequences, benefits, and risks of this approach. These tables indicate the
key costs and revenues over the seventeen years corresponding to the project’s target completion date in
2017. The sources for these computations are provided from the cost tables, as well as from previous
analytical studies performed as part of the CDCL project.
Table 11 indicates the projected PDA revenue over the planning period. Four key sources are shown,
although revenue might be enhanced if international donor contributions were received from additional
• A Preservation District surcharge of 25% on Luxor monument receipts would be directly received by
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
the PDA. This amount would be above and beyond the current charges, and would, thus, not diminish
receipts of SCA or GoE. Computations of this revenue source have been made assuming current
visitor volumes, gradually increasing to a total of 4 million visitor by 2017.
• Payments to acquire lands assembled by the PDA in the Luxor Open Museum and Heritage District,
as described in Table 6, above. As noted above, these amounts are very conservative and could be
substantially higher.
• Repayments of preservation loans from the loan fund described above. The repayments are assumed
to start relatively early in the process of implementing the Plan.
• A dedicated portion of taxes from new developments on the assembled lands identified as part of the
Plan. The amount of such taxes have been assumed to be equivalent to 2% of the total development
cost of such developments, an amount that would be a reduction from conventional taxes
commensurate to the conventional “tax holiday,” but would be assigned to the PDA. It is also possible
that a tax surcharge might be diverted to the PDA on the increment of value created by its work,
although this has not been estimated here.
Table 12 indicates the costs to PDA over the same seventeen years. These costs are drawn from the
foregoing cost tables from Section 3.4 of this document, and have been distributed over the period in
accordance with likely timing of improvements. It is assumed that key preservation and enhancement
improvements to the Luxor and Karnak Temple areas start immediately, accompanied by early
implementation of the preservation loan and grant program. Within the initial five years the visitor
information and service center would be completed, and the work of private investors would have been
initiated. However, given the lead time typical for private financing and the reluctance of the private
sector to fully commit until the project shape is determined, tprivate investments (reflected in the tax
increment in Table 11) would not reach peak until close to the mid-point of the development period.
Table 13 indicates the annual and overall relationship between PDA costs and revenues, using the
assumptions and estimates from Table 11 and Table 12, above. Assuming a cost of financing equal to the
early year deficits, and a relatively robust response from the private sector, the PDA achieves a positive
cash flow by year 5, with a substantial surplus thereafter. Assuming that the PDA’s operations continue
for at least 17 years, the total internal rate of return for its operations would be approximately 26%.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Land Resale 259.29 25.93 25.93 51.86 51.86 51.86 25.93 25.93
Preservation Loan
Repayments 0.86 1.72 2.58 3.44 4.30 5.16 6.02 6.88 7.74 8.60 7.74 6.88 6.02 5.16 4.30 3.44
Tax Increment (2% of
TDC) 20.74 2.07 4.15 6.22 8.30 10.37 12.45 14.52 16.59 18.67 20.74 20.74 20.74 20.74
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
1 Subtotal, Luxor
Temple Area 1,060,000 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21 0.21
2 Subtotal, Karnak
Temple Area 8,910,424 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78 1.78
3 Subtotal, District
Preservation Efforts 32,084,000 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58 4.58
30,000,000 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29 4.29
4 Subtotal,
Efforts 222,485,125 20 30 24.50 24.50 24.50 44.50 44.50 20 10
5 Subtotal, Visitor &
Touristic Services 68,718,000 22.91 22.91 22.91
6 Subtotal,
Improvements 2,847,000 0.95 0.95 0.95
7 Subtotal, Avenue of
the Sphinxes (INV
#1) 134,042,346 7.32 7.32 7.32 28.02 28.02 28.02 28.02
8 Annual Operations
and Capacity-
Building Costs 13,500,000 5.00 5.00 5.00 3.00 3.00 1.50 1.50 1.50 0.50 0.50 0.50 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30 0.30
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Years 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
PDA Annual Surplus
(Deficit) (10.77) (21.27) (35.83) (24.82) (18.95) 20.19 26.06 89.02 84.24 100.10 80.04 84.38 88.53 92.67 94.74 96.81 98.88
PDA Total
Cumulative Surplus
(Deficit) (10.77) (32.04) (67.88) (92.69) ###### (91.45) (65.40) 23.62 107.86 207.97 288.01 372.39 460.92 553.59 648.33 745.14 844.02
Cost of Debt Service
9% (0.97) (2.88) (6.11) (8.34) (10.05) (8.23) (5.89) 2.13
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
A strong north-south axis, established by the juxtaposition of the Luxor and Karnak temples, has been
reinforced over time by the Corniche and by the railway. For centuries Luxor was a relatively small
pharaonic settlement clustered around the two major temples, Luxor and Karnak. However, population
growth has increased dramatically over the past few decades as a result of natural factors and in-
Presently Luxor City is the urbanized area between Al Awamiya in the south to the area north of Karnak
temple in the north. The city is densely populated, with an approximate average density of 35
persons/feddan city-wide and considerably higher densities in older parts of the city. Until recently,
development was contained by the Nile River on the west and the railroad tracks on the east.
Rapid development in Luxor City over the last fifteen years has been towards the south, particularly along
Television Street (also called Awamiya Street). The City is also expanding east, as significant
development has occurred on former agricultural land east of the railroad tracks. To the north edge of the
city, development has been slower, but increasingly, settlements are encroaching on the antiquity sites
surrounding Karnak Temple and adjacent agricultural lands.
As Luxor City grows, agricultural lands and villages are being swallowed up by new urban development.
The resulting urban pattern is reflected in two distinct street patterns. Older areas of the City and once
autonomous villages have narrow, irregular streets while newer development areas are typically strung
along linear corridors that reflect the orientation and parcel size of former agricultural lands. As a result,
the old and new areas of the city are poorly connected by roads and many developing areas are
inadequately served by utilities. Without adequate planning, growth pressures over the next twenty years
will further deteriorate the urban environment and threaten the City’s heritage resources.
Classifying Luxor City’s land uses is nearly impossible as most of the city is mixed use in character.
Commercial, residential, office and workshops are located in nearly all neighborhoods and often within
even the same structure. Commercial activity is concentrated in the central portion of the city, with
tourism-oriented commercial, services and hotels located along the Corniche. Public facilities and utilities
are also concentrated along or near the Corniche. Basic public services, such as schools, are lacking in
new development areas, particularly in areas east of the railroad tracks that have limited access to other
parts of the city. Small parcels of agricultural land remain throughout the urbanized portions of Luxor City,
with larger areas of agricultural land just within the northern and southern edges of the city boundary.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
During the Predynastic Period (4500- 3200 BC) numerous settlements were established to the north and
south of the present-day Qurna. During the Archaic Period (3200-2700 BC), Thebes was one of four
small townships within the confines of the fourth Upper Egyptian nome, the others being Toad, 20 miles to
the southeast, Hermonthis (Armant) opposite Toad across the river, and Madamud, to the north of
Thebes near the eastern desert. Residents of all four settlements observed the cult of the warlike falcon-
headed god Montu, ultimately raising stately temples in his honor.
It is unknown how Thebes or Waset, as the town is referred to in Egyptian, came to outstrip its
companions so vastly, but the beauty of its setting may have been the decisive factor, for the entire land
might be searched in vain for equal magnificence of scenery. The western desert, at no great distance
beyond the fields, is dominated by the massive bluff of the Qurn, beneath whose lofty eminence smaller
hills offer unrivaled opportunity for rock-tombs. To the north, almost facing the temple of Karnak, the long
and narrow gorge of the Valley of the Kings winds into the mountain.
About a mile to the south and separating Qurna and Draa Abu el-Naga the shorter and wider recess
called Deir el-Bahri, after the Coptic monastery which was placed there, leads to a sheer cliff of
indescribable grandeur. On the east bank, a large green expanse of cultivated fields provides a setting for
a distant line of hills behind which the sun rises in all its glory.
In the Old Kingdom, Thebes was the seat of the provincial administration of the entire southern part of
Egypt. Its real rise to prominence came toward the end of the twenty-first century BC, in Dynasty XI,
when, after a period of strife and civil war, the Princes of Thebes once more united the whole of Egypt,
from the Mediterranean in the north to the First Cataract of the Nile at the southern border.
The rulers of Thebes held dominion over the country from their province until the kings of Dynasty XII
moved the capital to Ithet-tawy down river from Thebes. After the Second Intermediate Period, which
saw the domination of the Nile Valley by the Hyksos from Western Asia, it was again a Theban family
which reunited the two Kingdoms, Upper and Lower Egypt, after having defeated the enemy. Now the
seat of power remained at Thebes, and under the Kings of Dynasties XVIII, XIX and XX - the Tuthmosis
and Ramessides - the local god Amun "The Hidden," became the chief deity of Egypt and of the territories
conquered abroad between the Sudan in the south and Anatolia and Mesopotamia to the northeast.
Splendid temples were erected at Thebes, to the glory of Amun and his family (Wife Mut and son
Khonsu) at Luxor and Karnak on the East Bank, and to the memory of the dead rulers on the West
Bank such as Deir el-Bahri, the temple of King Seti I, the Ramesseum and Medinet Habu. All the
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
power and wealth of the far-reaching Egyptian empire were concentrated at Thebes, and some of the
fame the region acquired at that time has lasted over the millennia to this day. The worship of the god
Amun of Thebes, to which the great temple of Karnak owes its existence, and of the other Theban deities
Montu, Khonsu, and Mut, brought with it a flourishing of architecture and the arts of relief and sculpture in
the round unparalleled elsewhere in the Nile Valley. Schools of artisans, and especially of expert stone
sculptors, must have existed there for nearly 2000 years, and generations of faithful followers of the gods
of Thebes deposited in the temple not only figures of their favorite gods, Amun and Osiris, but also statues
of themselves. Statuary include Kings as well as commoners, priests and officials alike.
During the Third Intermediate Period, Thebes had its own dynasty of priest-kings, and when the Kushites
invaded Egypt in the middle of the eighth century BC, the new rulers from the Sudan established their
religious center at Thebes for nearly a hundred years.
After the Assyrians sacked Thebes briefly, it was restored under the Saites (26th dynasty, 664- 525 BC).
Persian kings (525 BC) are said to have destroyed it again, but it greatly benefited from the rule of
Alexander and his successors, the Ptolemies. It is not surprising that soon after the conquest of Egypt by
Alexander the great (332 BC) the building of monumental temples and sanctuaries of the Pharaonic period
was continued. The earliest Ptolemaic structure is that of Philip Arrhidaeus at Karnak, a half-brother of
the great Macedonian, who nominally ruled Egypt from 323 to 317 BC Soon thereafter a number of other
building activities took place, new sanctuaries were erected on both banks of the Nile, and existing
structures, such as the Second Pylon of Karnak, were newly decorated. These construction activities at
Theban temples also continued during the Imperial Period.
The Romans maintained a garrison at Thebes and laid out a large military establishment on both aides of
the Luxor Temple which has given rise to the present name of the town, a Europeanized version of the
Arabic name, al-Qusur, "The Castles.” Today, however, the river road has covered up a good deal of the
Roman installations so that only a few ruins are still visible on the west side of the temple.
Although Herodotus, who visited the Nile Valley in the fifth century BC and described what he saw and
heard, may be called one of the first foreign tourist in Egypt, the stream of curious visitors to Thebes really
began with Diodorus of Sicily who came in 60 BC He was followed, decade after decade, by many
others, among them the Roman Emperor Hadrian. Special attractions at Thebes were the royal tombs in
the Valley of the Kings that were called "Syringes" or "Pan Pipes," due to their parallel entrance corridors.
Another attraction, primarily during the Roman Period, was the so-called Colossi of Memnon because of
its "music of the spheres", which is attested by literary documents and especially by numerous visitors’
graffiti. In the same way, pilgrims in search of healing left their names on several temples , especially in
the sanctuary of Deir el-Bahri. By the second century, Christianity began to spread in Egypt. After AD
392, the practic e of heathen rites was forbidden by threat of severe penalties. In AD 641, the Arabs
brought Islam to Egypt; the mosque of Abu El Hagag is one of Egypt’s first Islamic buildings at Luxor.
Thebes, through its long history, was a great city which occupied a vast area extending for many
kilometers on both sides of the Nile. Thebes was also known as Waset, which means stability, and was
referred to as niout, a word which means “the city” and is no small indication of its enormous prestige.
Also it was mentioned as no or no Amun, city of Amun. Homer, on the other hand, used the epithet
• On the East Bank, there are the temples of Amun, (more than 20 temples), Mut (temples), Khonsu,
Montu and the Open Air Museum at Karnak and the Temple of Luxor at Luxor. Between the
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
temples of Karnak and Luxor is the Avenue of Sphinxes, which has been partially excavated. At a
distance from the center of Luxor, the remains of the Temples of Medamut and Toad are located at
early settlement villages which were part of the region of Thebes. These latter temples contain
remains which date to the earliest Theban periods.
• On the West Bank beyond the green valley, there are the rocky hills containing the Necropolis of
Thebes - the site of the Valley of The Kings (62 tombs ) the Valley of Queens (75 tombs) and many
funerary temples. This hillside fronts the city, dominating the view.
The two parts of the city, on the east and west, are inexorably bound together across the river and the
bond between both sides of the river must never be broken. It is an essential element of the beauty of
Thebes, created by the clear relationship of the city of Thebes, on the eastern bank, to the river and the
green valley stretching away to the Necropolis of Thebes in the hills of the West Bank. This grand and
beautiful regional landscape, an important symbol of beliefs in antiquity and a clearly visible setting Today,
transcends the contemporary settlements and 20th century life of Luxor.2
Visitors should understand the general role of Thebes as a capital of Egypt and seat of culture in
Along with imparting visitors with tangible knowledge regarding the physical landscape’s impact on Luxor,
a primary goal of interpretive efforts in Luxor should be to outline the general role of Thebes as a capital
of Egypt, and as a center of culture in ancient times. The rationale behind this goal is to illustrate the
regional connection Luxor has to the rest of Egypt. Site-specific interpretation can often lead to a
localized understanding of historic places and structures. Presenting visitors with information that explains
how Thebes developed into a capital city and functioned as a center of political and cultural influence will
stimulate visitor interest in other parts of Egypt, and will serve to strengthen their perceptions of
Luxor/Thebes as a historically significant place beyond its immediate vicinity. As just one example, the
role of Montjuhotep II in unifying the monarchy of the Middle Kingdom shortly after 2000 BC, and
installing Theban loyalists as provincial governors, is but one historical episode that could be emphasized to
assist in creating awareness in visitors of Luxor/Thebes influence in greater Egypt.
Visitors should comprehend the span of time over which Luxor has been significant and appreciate
the resulting layering of artifacts from diverse cultures (Pharaonic, Roman, Ptolemaic, Islamic,
Coptic) which is evident within monument settings and the city.
Visitors should grasp the fact that Luxor has been a site of influence and development for well over 4000
years, they should also learn that it has been significant to many cultures. The various layering of artifacts
from a diversity of cultures including Pharaonic, Roman, Ptolemaic, Islamic, Coptic and modern should be
used to instill an appreciation in visitors of the totality of Luxor’s history. The considerable visual impact
of the Pharaonic monuments could easily overshadow the visitors’ perception and understanding of the
meaning and value of the cultural antiquities of both the Coptic and Islamic societies that settled and
developed in Luxor. An interpretive goal of the Heritage Plan should be to ensure that visitors are
exposed to artifacts which represent these cultures and come to understand how they intersect the visually
The story of Luxor is based on a narrative provided by Dr. Mohammed El Saghir, Director of the Upper Egypt,
Supreme Council on Antiquities
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
powerful Pharaonic antiquities. This exposure will convey a sense of the time span Luxor has been
important, as well as the breadth of people to whom it has had significance.
Visitors should comprehend the relationship of individual sites and settings to the breadth of
history and environment which is encompassed by Luxor.
Visitors to Luxor should depart with a comprehension of the relationship of individual sites and settings to
the overall history and environment represented by artifacts of Luxor. Heritage tourism in Luxor should
be structured such that the typical visitor gains some knowledge of where particular sites, and especially
prominent ones, fit into the historical time line of Luxor. For example, a tourist viewing the Temple of
Queen Hatshepsut should be made aware of the fact that Hatshepsut was the granddaughter of the
famous Queen Nefertari, and that Hatshepsut’s temple is part of a complex that was originally started by
the XI Dynasty, some 550 years prior to her reign. This type of contextual knowledge allows visitors to
see individual sites as part of an interconnected system of historic events, rather than as static places
removed from one another.
Visitors should be encouraged to understand, within the time constraints of their length of stay,
specific stories of individuals and groups associated with each monument site.
Current site interpretation provided by guides for tour groups conveys much anecdotal information, based
on explanation of architectural elements, carvings, and sculpture within each site. However, a baseline
body of knowledge for each site should be gathered and presented to visitors in a standardized format.
Personal guides can give unique and valuable interpretations of specific sites, while also attaining varying
levels of historical accuracy. An important goal for long term interpretation would be to develop an
interpretive prospectus that defines “base-line” interpretive objectives for each site. Through various site
specific mechanisms, visitors could be encouraged to internalize this information and utilize it in
comprehending the totality of peoples who have contributed, over time, to the creation of Luxor.
Visitors should appreciate the many types of innovation which were inherent to the culture of the
Egyptian people (architectural, technological, artistic, cultural, etc.) and should be encouraged to
support preservation of the antiquities of Luxor.
A key component of heritage tourism and informing visitors about human development in ancient places
such as Luxor, is the concept of technological innovation. Visitors to the sites at Luxor should be given an
overview of some of the primary technological innovations that have occurred throughout the development
of Luxor. Architectural elements are the most obvious. For example, the central nave at the Temple of
Karnak was started under Amon-Ofis III towards 1375 BC and continued by Seti I, Ramesses II and
completed by Ramesses IV. The architectural style of construction developed over this period of time
evolved so that the introduction of the "claustra," large openwork windows, was possible in the final
composition of the nave. Emphasizing technological innovation such as this will assist in orienting visitors
towards the importance of preserving the antiquities of Luxor. Other innovations, such as the written
hieroglyphic language, papyrus manufacture, mummification, and the decorative arts are well-documented,
but could be strongly linked to this theme.
First-time visitors should leave with the understanding that the story of Luxor is complex and
compelling and should be encouraged to return to enrich their understanding.
Finally, and perhaps most critical in creating a minimum level of understanding for visitors to Luxor, is to
impart an appreciation for the richness and complexity of Luxor’s story. A careful balance must be used
to make visitors aware of this concept. Further curiosity should be fostered to encourage visitors to return
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
again to Luxor, while at the same time avoiding the frustration that can be associated with becoming
aware that a trip or intellectual journey is not entirely complete. Visitors should move beyond the brief
thrill of visits to famous places to realize that they have just begun to gain a true picture of Luxor, ancient
Egypt and the peoples who have lived there. This realization should be framed in a manner that will
encourage them to continue learning more and to return to Luxor and Egypt.
Coptic Monasteries
Historic Mosques
Historic Buildings
Roman Ruins
Mortuary Temples
Temple of Nebjepetre Mentuhotep I
Temple of Hatsepsut
Temple of Seti I
The Ramesseum
Colossi of Memnon
Medinet Habu
Coptic Monasteries
Historic Mosques
Historic Buildings
Roman Ruins
An Overview of the Monuments of Luxor has been included in the Appendix.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
For each of the above resources, a summary description has been provided, along with a highlight of key
resource and visitation characteristics. This information has been developed in cooperation with the Luxor
Office of the Supreme Council on Antiquities.
Important character-defining elements of the Luxor setting, as well as the location of major antiquity sites,
are indicated in Figure 2. The environmental setting of Luxor, characterized by the desert, the Nile, the
East and West Banks of the river, and cultivated agricultural lands, retains many of the characteristics
which must have been present in the early days of Thebes. If a current day visitor stands on the East
Bank of the Nile with his back to the city, facing the necropolis of the West Bank and watching the setting
sun disappear behind the mountains, the environment retains the power and majesty that prompted the
development of a system of beliefs and a way of life thousands of years ago.
The major West Bank viewshed is defined by the edges of the West Bank topography, as viewed from the
key East Bank settings of Karnak and Luxor Temples, as well as from the Corniche and areas between
the two temples. An important character-defining element is the agricultural, cultivated land which is
located along the airport road along the entry to the City, which complements the urban form of the
developed area. Equally, the sharp junction between desert environment and cultivated land, especially
along the West Bank within the prime viewshed, is a strong character-defining element of the landscape.
Key comments on strengths of and threats to the regional historical and cultural setting of Luxor are as
• Viewsheds from the East Bank temples which encompass the Nile, agricultural lands, and prominent
topography of the West Bank necropolis and its desert environment.
• Views of Luxor Temple, the Karnak Temple complex, and the city from the West Bank.
• Agricultural landscapes along the approach road from the airport and from Luxor City to the Luxor
Bridge / West Bank monuments.
• Small vernacular villages which add interest to the West Bank.
• Inappropriate development along West Bank, particularly at ferry landings.
• Docked cruise ships which block views across the river.
• Informal settlements along the East Bank which obscure views of Karnak Temple and the Avenue of
the Sphinxes.
• Contemporary informal settlements that strain area infrastructure and blight the overall environmental
• Figure 3 indicates protected agricultural areas and other lands either owned by or under the jurisdiction
of the Supreme Council on Antiquities.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
East Bank
Major antiquities settings on the East Bank are shown in Figure 4. Luxor and Karnak Temples were, in
the 19th and early 20th century, major monuments surrounded by sparse settlement. Today, these imposing
sites are surrounded by the growing traditional and contemporary districts of Luxor City.
• The Luxor Temple area, including the open character of the site which enable views across the river
from within the grounds.
• Night lighting adds a dramatic presentation
• The defined and separate precinct of Karnak Temple, within the perimeter wall.
• Intermittent views from the Temple complex grounds across to the West Bank.
• Archeological remains in the Karnak vicinity outside the perimeter wall.
• Mut Temple site
• Excavated portions of the Kebash Avenue (Avenue of the Sphinxes), and their relationship to the
Sphinx-lined entrance to Karnak Temple.
• Remaining parcels of open and agricultural lands along the Nile near Karnak Temple and along the
airport entry corridor.
• Approach to the bridge on the east bank and along the monument access route on the West Bank.
• Rehabilitated and well-landscaped portions of the Corniche, which provide excellent views of the West
• Remaining 19th and early 20th century buildings within the City, including the Winter Palace Hotel
(original building) and associated gardens, and historic buildings along segments of the Corniche.
• High quality landscaping in some public open spaces throughout the City, including parks near Karnak
and Luxor, as well as the Corniche.
• Horse carriages which retain a slower pace and can co-exist with automobiles.
• Traditional shopping areas (souqs) which are located nearby to Luxor Temple.
• Encroachment of the contemporary city on eastern and northern edges of Luxor Temple
• Encroachment of informal settlements on all sides of Karnak Temple
• Inadequate definition of the “buffer” space surrounding Karnak Temple
• Commercial uses adjacent to Karnak Temple entry which are visually incompatible with the resource
and its setting.
• Views from entry of Karnak complex to Nile and West Bank which are obstructed by major vehicular
access, parking, overhanging trees, and river edge development.
• Some hotels and contemporary developments along the River between Luxor and Karnak Temples,
which detracting from the sense of connection of these resources to one another and to the river.
• Obstruction of future excavation of the remainder of the Kebash Avenue by contemporary
development, both existing and on-going.
• Future growth in vehicular traffic, which may require additional road widening (to the extent required
vehicular roads encroach upon historic settings.)
• Inadequate provisions for bus parking, forcing loading and unloading in awkward locations that intrude
on the historic setting and diminish the quality of the visitor experience.
West Bank
Major antiquities settings on the West Bank are indicated on Figure 5 (see Appendix). This area is
characterized by the dramatic topography of the necropolis and exhibits sharp transitions between
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
cultivated agricultural land and the harsh landscape of the desert foothills. The West Bank has been
substantially explored, but is so rich in resources that new areas may be discovered at any time, causing
the designation of a Protection Zone (see Figure 3), within which nearly all residences will be relocated
to enable access to tombs which are below sites in the existing villages of Gourna. Key features of the
major antiquity areas within the West Bank include:
• Tombs and their immediate settings in the Valley of the Kings and Valley of the Queens. There are in
excess of 500 known tombs within the West Bank of which slightly less than 10% are open to the
public and only 5% are visited heavily. In general, the site development in the immediate vicinity of
the tombs is well done and in character with the setting.
• Overall quality of approach to Valley of the Kings (winding through the hillside, with actual sites out of
view of the parking)
• Deir El Bahiri Temple and its setting below a distinctive bluff line, visible from across the river, and
associated archeological sites
• Ramesseum, Medinet Habu, and Seti I Temples, within site perimeters - these temple sites are very
impressive and tend to get lower levels of visitation than Luxor and Karnak temples on East Bank.
Additionally, these temples are located on the junction between agricultural land and the barren
necropolis hillside, providing a landscape transition.
• Deir El Medina and Tombs of the Nobles, which are in a well-defined topographic and physical
• Major unexcavated tomb sites, many of which are in several locations which are sites of existing
settlements to be removed. These tomb areas, enumerated in the Appendix, include:
• Visual prominence of Colossi of Memnon on the approach road to the necropolis, serving as an
entrance marker to the West Bank
• Approach to West Bank sites (in general) across agricultural settings with quaint vernacular
agricultural villages
• Views back to East Bank across agricultural settings
• Damage to tombs from existing traditional villages (see list immediately above) from water infiltration,
as well as visually inappropriate commercial development (such as brightly painted commercial uses).
• Confusing road access which conveys a poor sense of entry and orientation to the historic resource
• High humidity from visitors deteriorates the wall paintings.
• Parking, vehicular circulation, and retail structures at Deir El Bahiri, which obstruct the view of the
• Informal and other settlements too close to archeological sites.
• Inappropriate vending and sales at the entry to the Valley of the Queens, which detracts from quality
of entry experience.
• Poorly sited parking too close to Colossi of Memnon, obstructing views.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• Intrusion of large tour busses which obstruct key views, conflict with pedestrian movement, and tend
to “take over” the approaches to key sites.
• General intrusion of parking and vehicular traffic on the necropolis setting.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Visitor Patterns
Information has been provided from the Supreme Council on Antiquities and the Luxor Information and
Decision Support Center regarding tourist visitation in Luxor, overall and by specific site. Partial
information has been provided regarding overall tourist volumes indicating the number of tourists visiting
key sites, by month, for the first six months of 1997.
A summary of key aspects of this information is attached in tabular form at the end of this section. Table
6 through Table 11 indicate the visitor volume at key Luxor sites for the first six months of 1997. These
tables indicate that nearly all visitors to Luxor go to both the Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple.
Table 12 indicates the relative percentage of tourist visitor volume over this period at key sites for which
data were available, setting the Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple at 100% of tourist visitation.
Figure 6 is a graphic representation of relative visitor volumes at the key sites. Key findings and
observations which can be made from this information are as follows:
Nearly all tourists visit both the East and West Banks. This can be concluded because the number
of visitors to the prime sites on each bank (the Valley of the Kings and Karnak Temple) are nearly
identical. However the other sites which they visit (and presumably, the time spent at each) vary
substantially. The Valley of the Kings is visited by nearly all tourists, and its visitation is slightly larger than
that of Karnak Temple. Accordingly, the total visitation to the Valley of the Kings may be assumed to be
an approximation of the total number of tourists visiting Luxor.
The total number of tourists per month (in the first six months of 1997) ranges from a low of 50,000
visitors per month (in June) to a high of 123,000 visitors per month (in April). The high monthly total over
the last number of years has been in excess of 190,000.
Luxor Temple is visited by almost as many people as Karnak Temple , although the patterns of
visitation are somewhat different. If Karnak Temple’s visitation is equal to the total East Bank visitation
(e.g. - 100% of East Bank tourists), then the day visitor volume to Luxor Temple is approximately 68%
that of Karnak Temple, although another 21% visit Luxor Temple at night for a total of 89%. In other
words, nearly all visitors to Luxor enter Luxor Temple, but almost 1/4 of those who do elect to visit at
night, when it is cooler. This leads to the observation that extended night hours for selected sites could
be an effective mechanism to both meet visitor demand and disperse visitors throughout their stay.
Luxor Museum visitation is 21% of the Karnak visitor number. Data was not immediately available for
the recently opened Mummification Museum.
West Bank attraction visitation varies substantially. Compared to visitation at the Valley of the
Kings (defined to be 100% of West Bank visitors), the visitor volume of other West Bank sites is
substantially lower, as follows:
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Ramesseum 15%
Deir El Medina 13%
These percentages are relatively consistent, month-by-month. In other words, there is significant
additional capacity to accommodate visitors at the above sites. This matches on-site observations, which
noted that visitor volumes at Medinet Habu and the Ramesseum were very low, in comparison to those
noted at the other West Bank sites. Better “marketing” and information about these Temple sites
might prove to be effective in dispersing West Bank visitors and reducing impacts on overcrowded sites.
The typical tourist visits approximately 5 “sites,” counting the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of
the Queens as single sites (but including additional tickets for individual tombs separately). Clearly, this
varies with length of stay, although specific data is not available on behaviors of different types of tourists.
The average number of tombs visited in the Valley of the Kings is 3-4, whereas the average number of
tombs visited in the Valley of the Queens is 2.
Visitation to individual tombs varies greatly. Only selective data were available (and it should be
noted that data for the visits to the tombs which are included as part of the ticket to the Valley of the
Kings were not available). Those tombs which are ticketed separately for which data are available
include the following (expressed as a percentage of total West Bank visitation):
This data seems to indicate that visitor choices are quite price sensitive, inasmuch as the Nefertari Tomb
is one of the most expensive, at a price of 100 Egyptian pounds. Additionally, it does appear that if better
data were available about tombs which were available to be visited, it is possible that the capacity of
the Valley of the Kings could be increased, subject to environmental and impact concerns.
Foreign visitors comprise 93%, and Egyptian visitors 7%, of the total visitors to Luxor attractions.
The average revenue per visitor from ticket admissions over the initial six months of 1997 was
approximately 87 Egyptian Pounds. The average visitor buys tickets for approximately 5 sites. Based on
this information, it would appear that a Luxor Passport could be priced competitively to include an
overview presentation as well as the majority of key admissions. Premium tomb admissions might be
priced flexibly, to manage visitor demand.
Some types of information which would be useful, and might be investigated in Phase II, include the ratio
of free and independent to group tourists, the distribution of visitors, by length of stay, and the specific
visitor use patterns, by attraction, by time of day and day of the week.
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• other environmental pollution (from vehicular and industrial emissions) that can damage stone
carvings and exterior decorative elements.
It has been suggested that additional visitor volumes can jeopardize the very quality of Luxor’s resources
and that strict capacity management should be instituted. The most acute areas of risk which have been
noted appear to be the tombs on the West Bank, particularly in the Valley of the Kings, which is subject to
the highest visitation. There are substantial differences of opinion on this matter. Discussions with
representatives of the Supreme Council on Antiquities (SCA) reveal that only 5% of the nearly 500 known
tombs on the West Bank are subject to any significant visitation, and that 37 additional tombs will be
opened by the end of 1998. Potential measures to accommodate additional tourist volumes might include,
individually or severally, expansion of the resources open to the tourist public, ventilation of vulnerable
settings, extension of hours of operation, visitor management, and appropriate resource marketing.
The severity of these latter types of impacts are debatable; some argue that overcrowding would create
an unpleasant experience that would constrain or limit potentials for tourism growth. However, there is
little empirical evidence in the research literature on precise thresholds where tourists or recreation users
feel so uncomfortable that they are discouraged or leave with negative impression. Vehicular intrusions
also are in the eye of the beholder - tour operators and business interests rarely see a definable limit, even
though historic preservation and conservation interests perceive threats to resources.
• In many cases, the hourly capacity of monuments, or types of resources, can be increased by adding
and restoring new areas or sites. In the case of the Karnak Temple complex, for example, several
areas (including the entire Temple of Mut) could increase the area which could accommodate visitors
and meet their interests.
• In other cases, the capacity of areas can be increased by adding additional resources, such as
additional tombs in West Bank areas. In the case of the West Bank, this could be accomplished by
opening new tombs in existing areas (such as the Valley of the Kings or the Valley of the Queens) or
by opening areas which do not now receive visitors (such as the tomb areas which are now
interwoven with the occupied Gourna villages in the areas of Qurmet Murai or Sheikh Abd El-Qurna).
The current inventory of 40 tombs open for visitation could be doubled in a relatively short term (5-10
years) and could be substantially increased beyond this period.
• Extension of visiting hours would dramatically increase capacity. Estimates are offered for expansion
of various sites from 10 hours to 16 hours of operations through illumination. This would dramatically
affect capacity and could also contribute considerably to increase visitor comfort by making resources
available for viewing in evening hours, when temperatures are cooler. The experience of Luxor
Temple is interesting; as over one third of the visitors experience the site at night.
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• In the case of tomb capacity estimates, the hourly and daily figures are based upon SCA best
judgments, taking account of the size, orientation, ventilation, and decorative sensitivity of each tomb.
Additionally, it is assumed that mechanical ventilation would be added as required to protect the
resources within sensitive and highly visited tombs.
Based on the overall visitor patterns to Luxor (as presented in Figure 7) it is evident that the most acute
constraint on overall tourist visitor growth is the capacity of the tombs, inasmuch as existing visitors appear
to most heavily visit the Valley of the Kings and seem to be most uniformly fascinated with the tombs.
Accordingly, several assessments of maximum capacity of the tombs have been prepared, assuming that
adequate ventilation is provided and using the capacity constraints as provided by SCA. Key data of that
analysis are presented in Figures 10-13 and have led to the following observations:
• Figure 10 -- indicates the simple maximum capacity of the tombs on the West Bank, assembling data
provided in the Appendix. The number of tombs which could be open for visitors could be increased
from 40 to 84 within a relatively short time period, nearly doubling the hourly peak tomb visitor
capacity from 1,656 visitors per hour to 2,789 visitors per hour. It is important to note that these
estimates of capacity are conservative - in some cases existing visitor volumes substantially exceed
these capacities in peak months and days. In the long term, the capacity of tombs to accommodate
visitors could be increased to 3,850 visitors per hour, a doubling of existing capacity, by opening
additional tombs, although this number does not include every single tomb on the West Bank.
• Tables 16 and 17 -- provide an assumed model of visitor accumulations and peak visitation to West
Bank tombs, with varying hours of operation. Although this model uses several assumptions which
may require “fine-tuning,” it provides useful insight into probable existing tourist behavior on the West
• Table 16 indicates an assumed pattern of arrival, based on several key assumptions, which seem
reasonable based on examination of typical tourist and visitor patterns: (1) tombs are open from 6:00
to 16:00 hours, a period of ten (10) hours; (2) Typical visitors stay approximately four (4) hours on the
West Bank; (3) Sixty percent (60%) of the daily visitors arrive between the hours of 06:00 and 09:00,
with diminishing percent of arrivals over the hotter hours of the day; (4) The typical West Bank tourist
spends one hour within tombs of the total four hours spent on the West Bank. Accordingly, Table 16
shows that approximately 18% of total West Bank tourists are within tombs at the peak visitor hour,
which is between 09:00 and 10:00. Also in this peak hour, approximately 73% of all daily visitors are
on the West Bank, with associated implications for bus and vehicle parking and needs for visitor
• Table 17 shows comparable visitor assumptions for West Bank tomb visitors over a sixteen (16) hour
day, from 06:00 to 22:00, based on illumination of sites. Several differences are apparent, compared to
the ten hour model, illustrated in Figure 11: (1) the 16 hour model assumes that 25% of tomb
visitors would arrive at 17:00 or after, to take advantage of cooler weather, if illumination were
provided; (2) accordingly, even though the peak tomb visitation would still be at 09:00, this would drop
to 14% of the daily volume, due to an assumed dispersion of visitors in night time hours, allowing for
increased daily volume even though the peak hourly capacity remains constant; (3) the peak visitor
accumulation in the West Bank overall drops to 54% of the daily volume, with a corresponding
diminishing of necessary parking and services, compared to the 10 hour schedule.
It is important to note that Tables 16 and 17 illustrate that the total daily capacity of the tombs cannot be
computed by simply multiplying the hourly capacity by the total hours of operation (most visits are
concentrated in the 8:00am to 12:00am period.) Clearly, the opening hours are not likely to be ‘“full,” and
the closing hours are not likely to be fully utilized, inasmuch as late arrivals realize that their hours for
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
visiting will be curtailed. Based on these assessments, it is believed that the “practical” capacity of the
any given tomb is probably no more than 75% of its “maximum” capacity.
• Table 18 provides an estimate of overall West Bank visitor capacity, using the capacity of all potential
West Bank tombs as the constraining factor. As a cross-check on these computations, the computed
capacity of the Valley of the Kings (under existing and future conditions) is shown, inasmuch as the
visitor volume to this attraction is known by historical data. Several sequential computations are
shown for the Valley of the Kings and all West Bank tombs:
• Existing annual capacity of the Valley of the Kings is approximately 143,700 per month or 1,026,429
per year. This is somewhat higher than peak monthly visitation to this site during the first half of 1997,
but lower than historical visitation during the highest peaks over the last decade.
• The capacity of the Valley of the Kings could be increased to 1,589,000 per year through opening
additional tombs and to in excess of 2.1 million by extending hours through illumination.
• If the number of tombs in the West Bank could be substantially increased by opening additional tombs
and by marketing them to visitors to relieve the most heavily impacted sites, the total annual visitation
could increase to nearly 3 million with current 10 hour operations and over 4 million with extended
hours in the 5-10 year period. Over a longer term, the annual tomb visitation could increase to in
excess of 5 million.
• Any of these increases would assume that illumination and ventilation would be implemented to protect
resources and that additional tomb areas would be marketed to relieve existing areas which are
heavily impacted in the Valley of the Kings and the Valley of the Queens. The work to date indicates
that such marketing might be possible, inasmuch as many of the tombs which have not been opened
are large and have substantial decorative interest.
If these volumes of tomb visitation could be achieved, the likely maximum volumes (e.g. - 21,000 likely
visitors/day to the West Bank) would still be less than the approximate practical capacity of the two
combined Temples (Luxor and Karnak) of the East Bank, which could accommodate, together, in excess
of 25,000 daily visitors.
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The following tables provide insight into visitor use patterns, tourism expenditures, and the relationship of
monument capacity to overall visitation to Luxor’s antiquity sites:
• Table 6:· Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, January 1997
• Table 7:· Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, February 1997
• Table 8: Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, March 1997
• Table 9:· Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, April 1997
• Table 10:· Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, May 1997
• Table 11:· Visitors to Selected Luxor Antiquity Sites, June 1997
• Table 12: 1997 Distribution of Visitors, by Site for East and West Banks
• Table 13: 1997 Monthly Revenues at Antiquity Sites: Total and per Visitor
• Table 14:· Antiquities Resources and Capacities
• Table 15:· Antiquities Resources and Capacities (continued)
• Table 16: West Bank Tomb Capacity
• Table 17: Assumed Pattern of Arrival to Tombs, 10 hours of Operation
• Table 18: Assumed Pattern of Arrival to Tombs, 16 hours of Operation
• Table 19: Estimate of Overall West Bank Visitation, Based on Tomb Capacity and Seasonal
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Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
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Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center
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Average Average
Jan-Jun 1997 Jan-April, June 1997
% % % % % %
West East Others West East Others
Dandara 11.42% 11.35%
Deir El Madina 12.89% 13.22%
El Deir El Bahary 55.40% 31.28%
Habu 17.85% 17.71%
Luxor Museum 20.96% 21.40%
Luxor Temple - Day 68.04% 67.76%
Luxor Temple - Night 14.00% 13.39%
Nefertari Tomb 4.32% 4.53%
Open Museum, Karnak 3.84% 4.51%
Ramesseum 15.07% 14.84%
Seti I Te mple 7.42% 7.54%
Temple of El -Toad 0.05% 0.06%
Temple of Isna 22.66% 26.82%
Temple of Karnak-day 100.00% 100.00%
Tut Ankh Amun Tomb 23.85% 26.82%
Valley of Kings 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
Valley of Queens 26.40% 26.27%
West Bank expressed as percentage of visitors at Valley of the Kings East Bank expressed as percentage of visitors at Karnak
Data shown in second set of columns omits May, 1997 to remove unusually high visitation at Deir El Bahiri, which is atypical of
other months for which data was available
Source: Supreme Council on Antiquities and Luxor Information and Decision Support Center.
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Name of monument Current Potential Average Current Current Maximum Maximum Practical Current Maximum
Visit Visit Daily Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Hours of Hours of
Duration Duration Visits, ‘97 per Hour per Day per Hour per Day Per Day Operation Operation
(minutes) (minutes) note 1 note 5 note 8 per Day per Day
Temple of Luxor 60 90 2,280 500 8,000 750 12,000 9,000 16 16
Temple of Karnak 60 360 3,318 1,000 11,000 1,340 21,500 16,125 11 11
Open Museum of Karnak note 2 note 2 30 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 note 2 11 11
Temple of Toad 60 60 2 NA NA 150 1,650 1,238 11 11
Temple of Madamud: 60 60 0 NA NA 73 800 600 11 11
Valley of the Kings 3,411 958 9,580 1,483 22,600 16,950 10 16
Tombs of the 18 dynasty note 4
Thutmosis III 30 30 note 3 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Queen Hatsepsut NA 30 note 3 0 0 60 960 720 0 16
Amenophis III NA 30 note 3 0 0 70 1,120 840 0 16
Amenophis II 20 20 note 3 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Tutankhamun 10 10 600 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Ay 25 25 note 3 50 500 50 800 600 10 16
Thutmosis IV 30 30 note 3 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Horemheb 30 30 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Tombs of the 19 th dynasty
Ramesses I 20 20 note 3 30 300 30 480 360 10 16
Sethos I (closed) NA 30 NA 0 0 70 1,120 840 0 16
Ramesses II NA 30 NA 0 0 70 1,120 840 0 16
Son of Ramses II NA 30 NA 0 0 80 1,280 960 0 16
Septah 20 20 note 3 75 750 75 1,200 900 10 16
Queen Tawsert/King Setnakh 20 20 note 7 75 750 75 1,200 900 10 16
Sethos II 20 20 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Merneptah 30 30 note 3 70 700 70 1,120 840 10 16
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Name of monument Current Potential Average Current Current Maximum Maximum Practical Current Maximum
Visit Visit Daily Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Hours of Hours of
Duration Duration Visits, ‘97 per Hour per Day per Hour per Day Per Day Operation Operation
(minutes) (minutes) note 1 note 5 note 8 per Day per Day
Tombs of the 20 th dynasty
Ramesses III 20 20 note 3 60 600 75 1,200 900 10 16
Ramesses IV 20 20 note 3 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Ramesses VI 20 20 note 3 75 750 75 1,200 900 10 16
Ramesses VII 20 20 note 4 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Ramesses IX 20 20 note 3 60 600 60 960 720 10 16
Montu Herkhopshef 15 15 note 3 28 280 28 280 210 10 16
Other Tombs (40) NA varies NA 0 0 160 1,600 1,200 10 10
Valley of the Queens 870 208 1,950 363 5,030 3,810 10
Khaemwaset 20 20 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Set-Her-Khopshef 20 20 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Prince Amun -her-Khepshef 20 20 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Queen Tawi NA 20 note 3 0 0 30 480 360 16
Unknown Queen No. 40 NA 20 NA 0 0 45 720 540 10 16
Queen Titi 20 20 NA 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Additional Tombs (10) NA varies NA 0 0 80 800 600 10 10
Nefertari 15 15 178 28 150 28 150 150 6 6
Deir El-Medina 561 10
Tomb of Senenmut 10 10 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Tomb of Inherkhau 10 10 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Pashedu 15 15 note 3 45 450 45 720 540 10 16
Additional Tombs (52) NA varies NA 0 0 varies varies varies
Village and temples 45 45 note 3 120 1,200 120 1,200 1,200 10 10
Qurmet Murai
Additional Tombs -short term NA 60 NA 80 800 80 800 600 10 10
Additional Tombs - long term NA varies NA varies varies 80 800 600 10 10
Sheikh Abd El-Qurna
Existing Open Tombs (10) 20 20 note 3 235 2,350 235 2,350 1,763 10 10
Additional Tombs -short term NA varies NA 0 0 200 2,000 1,500 10 10
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Name of monument Current Potential Average Current Current Maximum Maximum Practical Current Maximum
Visit Visit Daily Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity Hours of Hours of
Duration Duration Visits, ‘97 per Hour per Day per Hour per Day Per Day Operation Operation
(minutes) (minutes) note 1 note 5 note 8 per Day per Day
Additional Tombs - long term NA varies varies varies varies varies varies varies 10 10
Khokha and Asasif 10 10
Existing Tombs (5) 30 30 note 3 120 1,200 120 1,200 900 10 10
Additional Tombs -short term NA varies NA 0 0 250 2,500 1,875 10 10
Additional Tombs - long term NA varies NA 0 0 230 2,300 1,725 10 10
Dra-Abu El Naga
Tombs suitable short term (2) NA varies NA 21 210 21 210 158 10 10
Other Unopened tombs (86) NA varies NA varies varies varies varies varies 10 10
Temple of Nebjepetre 60 60 note 3 70 700 70 700 700 10
Hatsepsut Temple 45 60 1,288 150 1500 200 3,200 3,200 10 16
Temple of Tuthmosis III 45 note 3 10
Temple of Sethos I 45 45 217 65 650 65 1,040 1,040 10 16
The Rammessseum 30 45 427 80 800 80 1,280 1,280 10 16
Colossi at Memnon 10 10 note 3 varies varies varies varies varies 12 12
Temple of Medinet Habu 45 550 2,000 10
Luxor Museum 45 743
Mummification Museum 45 68***
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Number of Tombs Existing Tomb Visit Capacity Short Term Tomb Visit Long Term Tomb Visit Capacity
Area Total Open Total Open Total Open Per Hour Absolute Per Hour Absolute Per Hour Absolute Maximum Per
1997 in 5-10 years in 20 + years Maximum Maximum Day (10 hrs)
Per Day (10 Per Day (10
hrs.) hrs.)
Sheikh Abd El Qurna 10 20 146 235 2,350 435 4,350 640 6,400
Khokha and Asasif 5 10 111 120 1,200 370 3,700 600 6,000
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Total 100% 20% 42% 60% 73% 62% 47% 33% 24% 17% 11%
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Percentage of Total Daily Visitors Present During Each Hour of Tomb Operations
Time % 6:00 7:00 8:00 9:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14:00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00
Total 100% 15% 30% 45% 54% 46% 35% 21% 13% 7% 5% 8% 12% 20% 26% 25% 21%
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Units Assumptions Existing Short Long Term Existing Short Long Term
Term Term
Peak Hour Tomb visitor-hours 958 1,333 1,483 1,656 2,789 3,850
10 Hour Day Maximum Tomb visitor-hours available visit-hours 9,580 13,330 14,830 16,560 27,890 38,500
10 Hour Day Likely Tomb visitor-hours actual visit-hours 75.0% 7,185 9,998 11,123 12,420 20,918 28,875
10 Hour Day Likely WB visitors 1 tomb visit -hour = 4 hour visit 7,185 9,998 11,123 12,420 20,918 28,875
Peak Month Likely WB visitors Peak Day, % of Mo 5.0% 143,700 199,950 222,450 248,400 418,350 577,500
Annual Visitors Site WB visitors Peak Month, % of Yr 14.0% 1,026,429 1,428,214 1,588,929 1,774,286 2,988,214 4,125,000
Increase, Extended Hours WB visitors extend to 16 hours 35.0% 1,385,679 1,928,089 2,145,054 2,395,286 4,034,089 5,568,750
Note 1: assume that West Bank tomb capacity defines overall capacity
Note 2: assume each visitor spends 1 hour inside tomb; 3 tomb-visits at 20 minutes. Therefore, each tomb visit-hour equals 1 West Bank visitor
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Global Tourism
Measures of worldwide tourism indicate a trend of steady growth in the industry in terms of total arrivals,
total receipts and average receipts per arrival. The following two exhibits present data for the period
1992-1998 as compiled by the World Tourism Organization, with a breakdown of tourism into six regions.
Over this period, the world travel volume increased a substantial 26%, equal to an annual average rate of
growth of 4%. Total receipts rose 40% equating to an annual average rise of 5.8%. The main economic
factors underlying this growth trend include rising international trade relationships among nations, rising
personal income levels, falling international airfares [in real terms], a generally peaceful world environment
after the Gulf crisis in 1991, and continuing innovation in the packaging and marketing of international
travel in the key source areas of Europe, the USA and Japan.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Middle East 10.9 11.4 12.8 13.5 14.1 14.8 15.0 1.38
% change 30.5 4.6 12.3 5.5 4.4 5.0 1.4
South Asia 3.6 3.5 3.9 4.2 4.4 4.8 5.0 1.39
% change 9.9 -2.8 11.4 7.7 4.8 9.1 4.2
Source: World Tourism Organization, quoted in Egypt Tourism in Figures 1998 [draft].
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
South Asia 2.8 2.7 3.1 3.5 3.9 4.3 4.3 1.54
% change 19.0 -3.6 14.8 12.9 11.4 10.3 0.0
In this region, Israel is the example of a destination that has had to cope with intermittent outbreaks of
violence causing downturns in tourist arrivals because of security fears. It has managed this problem
through different security and public relations measures and has succeeded in maintaining a general
growth pattern for its tourism industry in past years. Its neighbor Jordan has also emerged as an additional
cultural destination in the region, facilitating surface links to Israel, to Syria and to Egypt to earn a position
along the region’s key touring circuits. The Exhibit below indicates the relative magnitude in terms of
international tourism receipts in selected destinations around the Mediterranean Sea, excluding Italy,
France and Spain. In the near term, once firmly re-established onto a growth path, Egypt might be capable
of overtaking the more mature destination of Greece to capture the second place in revenue generation
after Turkey.
Source: World Tourism Organization, quoted in Egypt Tourism in Figures 1998 [draft].
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Destination Receipts
Turkey 5,962
Tunisia 1,436
Israel 2,800
Greece 3,660
Egypt 3,200
Cyprus 1,670
1998 2nd half 2,560.0 17,408.0 6.8 1,927 753 110.68 -19.3%
It was in 1977 that total arrivals first reached the one million threshold, and it took over a decade more
to meet the 2 million threshold in 1989. Growth accelerated and arrivals reached the 3 million threshold
only 3 years later in 1992, just missing the 4 million mark in 1997, Egypt’s banner year. It is very
significant that despite occasional downturns in arrivals caused by violent incidents and regional tension
Source: 1997 Tourism in Figures, Ministry of Tourism.
Sources: EIU Egypt Quarterly Reports; Egypt Stabilization and Structural Change, The World Bank, January 1999
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
and conflict, the basic trend has been one of clear growth, as Egypt’s tourism diversifies its product line to
expand on a sustainable basis and consolidate its position in the world’s travel marketplace.
The Luxor attack in late 1997 has caused a major downturn in 1998 [arrivals for the nation down 13%,
receipts down 19%] affecting tourism across the country. The year 1999 has been one of rebound in
traffic and some tourism specialists expect the year’s count of arrivals to well exceed 4 million and
possibly exceed the 4.5 million mark. This rebound is evidence of the success of the government’s
remedial security measures and the industry’s success in publicizing the heightened security in the source
The industry represents one of the country’s prime foreign exchange sources, exceeding US$3.6 billion
[26.7% share] in 1997, ahead of other major generators such as oil and workers’ remittances [Exhibit 7].
The economic damage of the industry’s downturn in 1998 is apparent in Exhibit 7 where tourism has
slipped in ranking behind both of these same categories [22% share]. In its banner year of 1997, tourism
earned an average expenditure per tourist of $920. Recent trends in terms of average length of stay and
spending per tourist are less clear since there has been some fluctuation in these measures. There is some
evidence that the average length of stay is declining, having fallen from 7.7 nights in 1990 to 6.7 nights in
1997. However, the levels of expenditure per tourist and per day have undergone strong growth in the
years before the downturn of 1998 [Exhibit 6].
Source: Egypt: Stabilization and Structural Change, January 1999, The World Bank
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
At the core of the lasting popularity of Egypt despite occasional setbacks is its cultural resources lead by
the Pharaonic monuments which are unique in the world. Egypt’s Islamic and Coptic heritage also form
part of the nation’s international appeal. However, it is the monumental heritage of ancient Egypt which
has long been celebrated in western literature and the arts that in the 19th century established the nation’s
image internationally giving it ready worldwide recognition. This positive renown has made it possible for
Egypt to emerge as an economical, successful beach destination offering a seaside resort experience,
available as in many parts of the world, combined with an Arab and ancient Egyptian cultural aspect that
tour operators have found highly marketable. The Western Europe market has responded to this strategy
with rising arrivals and tourist-nights.
International Accessibility
Once the sole international airport in the country, Cairo no longer dominates as the gateway for the
majority of visitors to Egypt. With the opening of land borders in Sinai, and the inception of international
air services into additional points along the Red Sea, in Sinai and in Upper Egypt, the country has greatly
improved access for its different regions from Middle Eastern and European points. In addition, with
improvements in border crossing conditions and ferry services to Jordan, mobility to and from Egypt for
travelers to the region has also improved substantially, helping to de-concentrate the industry from Cairo
and the Nile Valley and spread its benefits to other governorates. Exhibit 9 below presents this geographic
distribution of arrivals by all modes of transport [air, road, rail, and water]. The entry points of the Red
Sea and Sinai make up nearly 40% of arrivals, approaching the share of Cairo. With an 11% share Luxor
clearly serves as the major international gateway for Upper Egypt.
Source: 1997 Tourism in Figures Ministry of Tourism
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The distribution of tourism and its benefits around the country parallels to some extent the distribution of its
lodging capacity and its usage. Exhibit 10 indicates the distribution of Egypt’s 83,000-room hotel capacity
by major zone, and the tremendous stock of 48,000 rooms under construction. The Greater Cairo area as
the nation’s prime gateway and economic center accounts for 24% of capacity [24,000 rooms]. The
nation’s coastal capacity has been approximated by summing the capacities along the Red Sea, in the Sinai
governorates and at Marsa Matrouh and exceeds 34,000 rooms. This stock amounts to 41% of the
national total. Luxor and Aswan together represent only 8.5% of the total, but if the floating hotel capacity
is included, the Upper Egypt share includes nearly 19,000 rooms or almost 23% of capacity. Exhibit 8
shows figures on tourist-nights in hotels, which reveals a pattern that approximately parallels supply.
The country’s real estate developers are rapidly expanding Egypt’s capacity along the country’s Sinai and
Red Sea coasts in order to compete for the seaside holiday market that is operating on a large scale in
nearly all the nations along the Mediterranean Sea. The development of beach resorts along these two
coastlines has enabled Egypt to compete vigorously for mass seaside tourism, which formerly had
bypassed it. Egypt’s emergence as a seaside resort destination is a major success enabling it to scale up
its industry dramatically.
It is significant that some 34,000 rooms are under construction on the coastlines indicating the industry’s
increasing orientation to resort tourism as opposed to cultural tourism. Spatially the industry is becoming
more concentrated on the Red Sea and South Sinai coastlines, while the extent of construction along the
Nile Valley is quite limited [a combined total of 7,383 rooms in Luxor, Aswan and on the floating hotels].
The resort tourism is quite different in nature from cultural tourism and the two are being promoted in
tandem for mutual benefit since many visitors are combining stays along the coast with visits to the Nile
Valley. This high volume of construction along the coasts only indicates the high confidence the
investment community has in the Egyptian government and in the travel trade to double and triple tourist
volume in the coming years. It also is an indication that the current set of tax incentives offered by
source: 1997 Tourism in Figures Ministry of Tourism
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
government is adequate, and that both Egyptian and foreign capital availability is sufficient.
Total 20,002.2
source: Ministry of Tourism, Information Department [with minor corrections]
Source: 1997 Tourism in Figures, Ministry of Tourism
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
There are several main sector issues and government strategies the project will support as well as some
strategic choices that must be made. Tourism continues to be a principal source of foreign currency for
Egypt, playing a vital role in the balance of payments. The government foresees an even stronger role for
tourism with a greater reliance upon the sector as a job creator and foreign exchange earner in the future.
The government is promoting the substantial diversification of supply of facilities in order to equip the
country to compete for new types of tourism having a broad range of interests and activities. This effort is
to be lead by the private sector relying primarily on private investment by a combination of Egyptian and
foreign investors.
The industry must find viable ways to quadruple the volume of national tourism, from a current level of 4
million [1997] to 16 million in 2017 which is the government’s target projection, and which would generate
650,000 new jobs. This pace will require the construction of 315,000 new rooms of lodging capacity at an
investment of about 100 billion Egyptian pounds, and requiring an average annual expansion of 15,750
rooms. This pace appears attainable in view of the current building momentum of 48,200 rooms [Exhibit
10] across the country. The private sector is identifying opportunities and responding to the incentives
offered by the government and this pace of construction appears to be adequate to reach this goal.
Tourism in Luxor
Exhibits 9 to 15 provide various measures of tourist activity at Luxor as contained in the lodging statistics
issued by the Ministry of Tourism. To approximate the economic role of Luxor tourism in generating
foreign currency, one can use different measures to allocate to Luxor a share of total national foreign
exchange earnings from tourism [Exhibit 7]:
The share of hotel capacity is the best measure since it excludes the contribution of floating hotels which
capture a significant part of the foreign air arrivals to Luxor. The occupancy performance of Luxor’s
hotels as a group has largely paralleled the national trend [Exhibit 9] except in 1998 when with Aswan it
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
suffered a severe downturn in occupancy, sinking to 26% versus the 45% national average. The Aswan
performance is the weakest of them all, while the Red Sea and South Sinai averages are clearly the
strongest ones, which is motivating the continued expansion along the coasts.
Average 55 57 63 62 45 63
share earnings
Note: Estimate for floating hotels is derived from Min. of Tourism information.
Source: Ministry of Tourism - Computer Center.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Some additional indicators of tourism to Luxor appear in Exhibit 14 and 15. A flow of approximately
405,000 tourists to Luxor is estimated by this method, which excludes day visitors staying outside the area
and tourists lodged in the floating hotels. If these two groups can be estimated, a total exceeding 1 million
visitors for 1997 may be a reasonable estimate since the allocation of a share of the floating hotel tourism
alone [having over 11,000 rooms] would more than double this amount. These estimates hold that on an
average day in 1997, 1,135 tourists arrived on international flights at Luxor airport, and an average guest
population in the city’s hotels was 5,547 persons. For 1998 the numbers are drastically lower.
Tourist arrivals by air - 1997 1,135 tourists
Occupied rooms -1997, 66% 3,082 rooms
Occupied rooms -1998, 26% 1,120 rooms
Hotel guest count 1997 5,547 guests
Hotel guest count 1998 2,017 guests
1. Average stay assumption is 5 nights.
2. Guests per room assumption is 1.8.
Exhibit 15 below indicates the geographical composition of guests lodged at the hotels in Luxor. It is
notable that visitors from Europe and the Americas make up a 57% share of total resident nights. The
Arab share is only 6.3%. The average length of stay is 5 nights.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The Luxor area fulfills different functions regarding the tourism that it serves. The listed functions
describe the role Luxor currently is playing for Egypt’s tourism; they do not include any potential or
unrealized ones.
• A Prime Destination for Cultural Tourism: Traveling in organized groups or individually, these
tourists use hotels and guest-houses and are motivated by their interest in the Egypt’s past. Luxor
serves as the primary gateway to Upper Egypt.
• A Base for the Cruise Industry: Luxor serves at the main port for Nile cruisers. Nearly all cruises
operate between Luxor and Aswan as the extended cruise between Cairo and Upper Egypt has been
• An Emerging Destination for Long-stay Vacationers: The long-term vacationers favor the
Mövenpicke Hotel on Crocodile Island, and a number of homes and guesthouses located on both
banks of the river. As temporary residents for several weeks or months, their average daily
expenditure is typically much less than the general average for tourists.
• A Prime Destination for Day-long Excursions: Tourists lodged in Cairo, on the Red Sea coast or
in Aswan can easily purchase day-long excursions by bus or airplane to visit Luxor. These generate
the least benefit for the local economy.
The gateway function for Luxor is highly important as Luxor links Upper Egypt with the outside world
through three channels. Firstly, air and rail links to the country’s prime gateway, the capital city Cairo,
form the key domestic travel corridor between Lower and Upper Egypt. Secondly, the road link between
Luxor and the Red Sea coast is growing in importance as the country’s largest concentration of tourist
capacity expands. Finally, international air services into Luxor link Upper Egypt directly with major
metropolitan areas in the Middle East, Europe and Britain with nonstop flights of from 3 to 5 hours, a major
source: 1997 Tourism in Figures, Ministry of Tourism
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
advance in travel efficiency. If conditions remain peaceful, the foreign carriers that canceled scheduled
services after the 1997 attack will reinstate them and provide direct flight connections from cities in North
America and Japan into Luxor.
Aspects characterizing tourism to Luxor representing its strengths and weaknesses are summarized
The enduring popularity of its cultural attractions: Luxor will retain its prominent status in
international promotions and along the main touring circuits for the foreseeable future.
Mild wintertime climate: The climate of Upper Egypt is mild and pleasant throughout the winter season;
the industry regularly increases prices during the peak season.
Excellent Transportation nexus: Luxor functions as a good transport hub for all modes [international &
domestic air, road, cruise and rail] and enjoys easy road proximity to the Red Sea coast.
Factor availability: Labor and land are plentiful and unhindered by binding shortages enabling further
expansion in the scale of tourism in the area as the demand for more services grows.
Low price level: This is true of all parts of Egypt excluding the metropolitan Cairo area. Hotel and
restaurant prices are very competitive internationally during most seasons of the year.
One -dimensional product: The offering of attractions and activities at Luxor is quite limited since it
consists mainly of the extraordinary antiquities and the Egyptian village life with little more. There is an
absence of facilities and activities such as cultural events and performances, sports facilities, meetings and
conferences, language schools or cultural institutes, or health spas.
Substandard service quality: The unfamiliarity of foodservice and hotel staff with international
standards of service results in unsatisfactory service in tourism establishments and dissatisfaction of
Both of these weaknesses have solutions. The second falls in the realm of human resources development
[training]. The first one was identified in interviews with hotel managers and tour operators familiar with
Luxor and Egypt generally. It is the first of these two weaknesses that the El Toad project will address
squarely if it is implemented as recommended in this report.
The CDCL has examined the MOT’s growth target in arrivals and has measured the implications for
tourism to Luxor taking into account a number of factors such as the volume of day visitors, the visitor
capacity at the ancient tombs, and the increase in cruise ship capacity. This plan foresees a need for a
total of 6,600 additional rooms in hotels to be located in the Luxor area. Exhibit 16 below indicates the
ideal allocation of capacity to Luxor City, New Luxor, Other Markhaz [Khuzam and West Bank], and to
the project site at El Toad.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
This increase of 6,600 rooms represents a 127% rise over the 5,206-room level in existing and planned
projects. This increase is far below the 300% rise in total arrivals to Egypt targeted by the MOT because
of the buildup of substantial new capacity along the coastal areas of Sinai and the Red Sea, and also
because of the continued expansion of the floating hotel industry. The distribution of this added capacity
by category is contained in Exhibit 17 below, which depicts the dominance of the four and five star
Source: CDCL Phase II, Draft Structure Plan Report; Table 4.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Totals 7 10 10 27 6,600
A number of factors influencing the economic environment for tourism in Upper Egypt and specifically in
Luxor are discussed below.
Source: CDCL Phase II, Draft Structure Plan Report; Table 5
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
these projects are facing, a situation of over-building and over-supply in the hotel industry does not appear
probable over the short run.
3 Marriott, Egyptian Proposed for site 268 rooms Riverside site adjacent to
General Org. for involving litigation Novotel
Tourism & Hotels
Two other developments in the Luxor area of major importance for tourism to Upper Egypt are described
Source: Ministry of Tourism, Luxor City Office
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
in addition to the club house and 18-hole golf course which is now nearing completion. Its strategy is to
use the golf course to market the other components of the project and it intends to build this resort
community fully up to international standards. This golf club intends to serve as the pioneer golf resort in
Upper Egypt and establish the name of Luxor internationally as a golfing destination. This project
significantly parallels the subject project of this report. It is evidence of the confidence that the private
sector has in the future of tourism to Upper Egypt. Its completion is a major step towards the needed
product diversification for tourism at Luxor that the MOT holds as an objective.
• sufficient land for a well-designed shore base containing all needed facilities
• excellent road access to the berths for vehicles of all sizes
• proximity to the Cairo-Aswan highway in an uncongested environment
• proximity to the West Bank and its ancient sites
• accessibility to Luxor airport in 15 minutes
• space for complementary activities [retail, food outlets, etc]
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Preservation Issues
The monuments are threatened from natural and visitor causes. After restoration, the monuments become
exposed to the elements and require constant maintenance to preserve. Water infiltration from rainwater
and human wastewater affect many monuments. However, the most severe threat to the antiquities is,
ironically, from the very tourists coming to appreciate them. As political stability returns to Egypt, the
growing world tourism is contributing to an even higher escalation of visitors to Egypt. World tourism is
growing at a projected annual rate of 4.5%. In 1996/97, tourist visits to Egypt increased 13.5% and tourist
nights increased 27.3%. The monuments are being overwhelmed with their popularity. This popularity
may be the seeds of their destruction. In Luxor, it is projected that tourist visits will increase from over 1
million in 1996 to over 4 million in 20 years.
The human threat for the Pharaonic tombs is particularly compelling. Noted Egyptologists have predicted
that the Pharaonic tombs in Luxor could deteriorate to ruin in as little as thirty-five years due to tourism
pressures. The Getty Conservation Institute, in the course of their preservation work on Queen
Nefertari’s Tomb, found that twelve people in the tomb for only one hour increases the relative humidity
by five percent. On a peak hour during the high season, an average of 4,500 tourists will visit the
Pharaonic tombs in Luxor. At this time, there could be as much as 1,500 to 2,000 tourists waiting to visit
the three most popular tombs in the Valley of the Kings. The Getty findings also estimated that the full
visitor load (30 visitors entering the tomb for nine hours a day) will increase the relative humidity level in
the tomb to 100 percent before the end of the day. With tourism projected to increase from over 1 million
visitors to Luxor in 1996 to over 4 million visitors annually in 20 years, the pressures from tourism will only
accelerate deterioration of the antiquities.
The Pharaonic tombs are particularly vulnerable to humidity. The Pharaonic artisans covered the walls in
plaster and painted their magnificent hieroglyphics on this surface. Humidity causes the formation of salt
crystals in the plaster and, over time, these salt crystals cause a peeling away of the plaster. Despite
several attempts to save the art work, at least a fifth of the wall paintings have been lost. In the majestic
temples, underground water erodes the column bases and renders them unstable. This underground water
is from the water table rising in human settlements around the monuments and wastewater. Solutions to
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
the underground water problem are expensive. For example, work continues on stabilizing the columns in
Luxor Temple and, to date, to preserve 22 columns, approximately LE 7 million (US $ 2.1) was required.
Human settlements have encroached on even the most popular monuments in Egypt. There are
settlements near the Pyramids, Karnak Temple, Luxor’s Pharaonic tombs and many other of the most
significant monuments. These settlements are built over antiquities and their presence contributes to
deterioration of the buried antiquities. To relocate residents from monument areas is a complicated and
very expensive process. The need for basic survival overrides concern for the unearthed antiquities.
Luxor Antiquities
Luxor is the major antiquities area in Egypt. The Pyramids are near Cairo, but the vast repository of
antiquities in Luxor makes it the most unique and fascinating location to appreciate Pharaonic culture and
art. Luxor contains the world’s most significant Pharaonic temples and buried tombs. The Valley of the
Kings, Valley of the Queens, Tombs of the Nobles, Karnak Temple (the largest Pharaonic temple in
Egypt), Luxor Temple, Queen Nefertari’s Tomb, Tutankhamun’s Tomb, Temple of Hatsepsut, and Colossi
of Memnon represent a partial list of some of the most popular monuments in Luxor. Tutankhamun and
Nefertari are two symbols of Pharaonic culture that are almost as well revered as the Pyramids. There
are many other antiquities in various stages of restoration and many more unexcavated. Of the estimated
over 500 tombs in Luxor, only 40 have been restored. Many foreign archeological missions continue
restoration work in Luxor. However, as indicated above, these missions have no resources to continue to
maintain the restored treasures after their archeological work is completed.
To simply call for Egypt to devote the necessary financial resources to preserve the antiquities, or limit
tourist access to monuments to preserve them, does not address the reality of Egypt’s situation. In fact,
the Government’s budget for antiquities maintenance and operations does not accommodate even modest
plans and programs. Egypt depends in large measure on tourism to improve its economy and, therefore,
will continue to promote tourism to the maximum. The private sector is being called upon increasingly to
finance much of Egypt’s development requirements. There are no direct financial returns for the private
sector investing in antiquities preservation and, consequently, funding for preservation must be raised
internationally from private and government contributor sources.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
extensive media, museum and university attention focused on Egypt’s antiquities and the allure of
preserving some of mankind’s most cherished cultural icons provide a clear opportunity to attract
contributions on a consistent and long-term basis through an International Antiquities Preservation Fund.
There are numerous foreign missions funding archeological projects in Egypt. There are foundations and
donor agencies contributing millions of dollars for specific archeological and restoration projects in Egypt,
but none on a consistent annual basis to meet on-going preservation requirements of restored antiquities .
There are organizations in Egypt attempting to raise funds for cultural projects. For example, the
American Research Center in Egypt (ARCE) has for many years raised funds, at a modest level, for
projects and recently was awarded a sizable endowment from USAID for its role in preservation in Egypt.
ARCE, however, has no international fund-raising campaign and does not have sufficient resources to
conduct the many worthwhile preservation projects on its agenda. Other local efforts are in various stages
of development, e.g. a prominent businessman in Cairo is attempting to create an international fund named
Friends of the Royal Tombs; this organization has small affiliates in Switzerland and Scandinavia. There is
not, however, a prominent voice to give international expression to the need for contributions and to
establish a mechanism through which contributions can be made for antiquities preservation, maintenance
and protection in Egypt.
There are many prestigious institutions worldwide that would endorse efforts to raise funds for
preservation of the antiquities in Egypt, even if they, themselves, could not be major contributors.
Museums, universities and historical societies could contribute their prominence as members of a board-of-
directors. Wealthy persons are searching for causes that have universal appeal, e.g. Ted Turner’s recent
commitment to donate US $1 billion to the United Nations. George Soros has a foundation which
contributes tens of millions of dollars to development in Eastern Europe. Many corporations worldwide
have foundations to contribute to causes of interest to their executives, for example, American Express
contributes US $ 1 million annually to the World Monuments Fund. The recognition of need, the prominent
supporters and the benefits are evident, now the mechanism to channel contributions must emerge to save
Egypt’s antiquities.
An International Antiquities Preservation Fund should be established and a 2-year fund-raising campaign
financed, through an investment by a donor agency, foundation or other source. It will be a non-
governmental organization (NGO), with charitable purposes that should be accorded tax-exempt status in
many nations. The Fund will have affiliates in a number of countries to pursue fund-raising and to sponsor
education, exhibitions and Egyptian antiquities tours in their individual countries.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• Provide funding for measures to accommodate tourism growth that minimizes impacts on
• Provide funding to develop and maintain museums, replicas and other interpretative facilities to
enhance visitor understanding of, and appreciation for, the antiquities;
• Provide funding to develop and conduct education programs to enhance Egyptian understanding
of, and appreciation for, the antiquities;
• Provide funding to develop and conduct training programs to expand the number of qualified
Egyptian Egyptologists, restoration experts and antiquities site managers, maintenance personnel
and guides; and
• Provide funding to develop media, exhibition and other presentations to promote global
understanding of, and appreciation for, the Egyptian antiquities.
The International Antiquities Preservation Fund would be organized with Egyptian and international
sponsorship. The Fund will be a non-profit, non-governmental organization. The Fund will be an umbrella
agency with affiliates in a number of countries, e.g. Egypt, USA, UK, France, Germany, Italy, Greece,
Poland, Spain, Switzerland, Scandinavian countries and Japan. The Fund will be responsible for
programming, and accounting for, applications of the funds raised from global campaigns. Celebrity
spokespersons would be sought to improve visibility.
The investment from a donor agency or foundation would be used to engage an experienced fund
development expert, public relations advisors and legal and accounting advisors to: i) coordinate Fund
organization with appropriate Egyptian authorities and prominent organizations / individuals involved with
preservation activities in Egypt, ii) organize the International Fund and sponsoring affiliates, iii) obtain tax-
exempt status for the Fund and affiliates, iv) prepare an action agenda of projects to be funded and v)
prepare a business plan to sponsor fund-raising campaigns and administer activities in Egypt. This will be
an 18-month effort.
Preliminary Cost Estimate for Phase II: LE 2.55 million (US $750,000) (US $250,000 in year one and
US $500,000 in year two)
Closing Remarks
Accessing some of the annual US$ 50 billion in worldwide donations for worthy causes would provide
significant, continuing and long-term financial resources to augment Egypt’s contributions to maintaining
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
and restoring the antiquities. An International Antiquitie s Preservation Fund would provide the
mechanism to access worldwide donations. Global fascination with Egypt’s antiquities translates into
many individuals, corporations and foundations that would be willing to contribute to the preservation of
the antiquities. Many creative gift-giving campaign can be initiated. Global marketing of Egyptian
antiquity symbols could further revenue generation. Television, movies and other media presentations,
museum collections and special exhibitions and university programs continue to provide free marketing of
antiquities and keep them in consciousness of prospective contributors. Contributors are willing, now only
a vehicle needs to be established to allow them to give expression to their generosity and concern for such
beloved icons of civilization. A relatively small donor investment in establishing an International Antiquities
Preservation Fund would be the impetus for accessing global contributions.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The Government of Egypt's general strategy for the development of Egypt over the coming two decades
calls for a “Comprehensive Development” approach; not only at the sector level but also at the regional
level. This strategy has received specific focus in those regions that have received equitable development
resources. This strategy attempts to transform these regions into “population attracting” ones and also to
achieve a better and balanced population distribution outside the inhabited Nile Valley.
Within the framework of this general strategy, several national projects have been planned and are
currently underway. At the forefront of these is the National Project for the Development of Sinai, the
National Project for the Development of the South of Egypt, the National Plan for Rural Development and
• To boost the private sector’s role in development and to create a favorable environment for
private sector participation;
• Mobilizing Governorates’ resources for effective utilization at both the local and national levels;
• To achieve balanced development for various Governorates and resolve problems resulting from
population and activities centralization;
• To achieve an equitable distribution of investments and services among Governorates; and
• To offer the chance for regional institutions for effective participation in development activities.
Strategic Directions
Ministry of Planning, Summary National Plan for the Development of the South of Egypt to the Year 2017,
February 18, 1996 (in Arabic).
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
lower classroom density in all education levels to about 30 students per class;
6. To develop and upgrade universities, emphasis on scientific research and linkages to community and
development needs.
7. To improve health indicators, emphasis on preventive health;
8. To disperse population outside the inhabited Valley to achieve balance and emphasizing rural
development as one of the bases for national development;
9. To reclaim and cultivate around 2 million feddans;
10. To develop industries at a real growth rate between 10% and 14%;
11. To increase attention given to tourism and tourism infrastructure to reach an overall tourism flow of 15
million in 2012 and around 129 million touristic nights;
12. To increase generated electricity;
13. To upgrade and improve road networks, railroads and telecommunications; and
14. To gradually increase rural citizens’ participation in the development process.
1. South Upper Egypt Region: including the Luxor City, Governorates of Sohag, Qena, Aswan, and the
southern part of the Red Sea Governorate, and
2. Middle Upper Egypt Region (Assiyut Region): including the Governorates of Assiyut and El Wadi El
Gedid (New Valley), in addition to the remainder of Red Sea Governorate.
The overall area of the South of Egypt is slightly more than half the total area of Egypt. However, the
population of the area is no more than 10 million inhabitants, or 17% of total Egypt’s population. Most of
this population is concentrated in the Nile Valley whereas only less than 0.25 million reside in the Red Sea
and El Wadi El Gedid Governorates.
The region encompasses one of the two major areas for out migration; that is, Assiyut, Sohag and Qena
where population density is very high. The Red Sea is the only Governorate positively impacted by
migration. With proposed developments, it is expected that the total population of the South of Egypt
would reach approximately 16.2 million inhabitants by 2017.
The principals and objectives of the National Project for the Development of South of Egypt are
summarized as:
• Improvement locals’ living standards and minimizing economic and social gaps between them and the
rest of Egypt’s population;
• Transforming promising zones of this region into attracting areas for activities and population;
• Exploring new horizons for agriculture, industry and tourism to participate in national development;
• Attracting the private sector to participate and support the development of the region;
• Contribution to the resolution of security problems within the framework of economic and social
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Economic Resources
Tourism represents one of the most important activities in the South of Egypt region. There are two main
types of tourism: cultural tourism in antiquity sites in Luxor and Aswan and resort and water sports tourism
in Hurghada and along the Red Sea shores.
The South of Egypt encompasses some 1.3 million feddans of agriculture land, primarily in the
governorates of Assiyut, Sohag, Qena and Aswan. Agriculture land, on the other hand, is minimal in the
two desert governorates of El Wadi El Gedid and Red Sea. However, these two governorates hold the
largest potential for land reclamation. El Wadi El Gedid governorate, alone, has some 365,000 feddans of
land suitable for reclamation. The other four governorates, between them, hold some 951,000 feddans of
land suitable for reclamation.
The South of Egypt also includes two major fishing grounds, namely Lake Nasser and the Red Sea shores.
The region is also rich in its mineral resources, particularly in the southern parts of the Eastern Desert:
gold, copper, iron, phosphate, zinc, lead and others, in addition to quarries for marble, granite, white sands
and gypsum. El Wadi El Gedid governorate has the richest deposits of phosphate in Abu Tartour.
Although processing industries do not constitute a major element of the region’s economic structure, the
region is not void of some important industries such as sugar in Qena and Aswan, aluminum in Nagaa
Hammady (Qena), cement in Assiyut and fertilizers and chemicals in Aswan.
Human Resources
Governorates of the South of Egypt region enjoy a pool of human resources that can aid in the
establishment and operation of many productive projects, which will lead to considerable social and
economic improvements in the region.
Major Issues
• Importance of diversifying the tourism product.
• Support/Expand Nile tourism.
• Upgrading and landscaping of antiquity sites and environmental preservation.
• Importance of integration and linkages between tourism areas in El Wadi El Gedid, Red Sea and the
Western Desert.
Sector Objectives
• Achieving effective utilization of tourism resources, with emphasis on existing infrastructure and public
• Directing tourism development away from congested, fast growing areas to alleviate environmental
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Tourism Accommodation
Projected new accommodation for the South of Egypt is estimated at 228,000 new rooms, 88% of which in
the Red Sea mainly for resort and recreational tourism and 11% in Aswan and Luxor for historic tourism.
These new rooms are distributed as follows:
• Construction of a Nile docks complex.
• Establishment of a golf course and areas for recreational facilities.
• Construction of a Nile port south of the City.
• Streetscape and paving of city roads.
• Shading areas on the West Bank.
Aswan Governorate:
• Construction of a repair and maintenance center for Nile ships.
• Improvement and upgrading of roads leading to antiquity sites in the cities of Aswan, Kom Ombo,
Esna and Edfu.
• Construction of a new dock in Aswan and repair of existing ones.
• Streetscape of roads leading to hotels.
• Construction of a bridge over the Nile.
• Construction of Kalabsha bridge and Kalabsha Institute.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Assuit Governorate:
• Construction of a cruise ships port and development of docking area.
• Upgrading and landscaping of antiquity areas around Mir area.
• Completion of the Assiyut Wadi road.
• Construction of a bridge on Nagaa Hammady El Sharkeyia.
• Grading and paving of the governorate’s roads.
• Construction of a fence for the touristic project in El Haggameyia.
Sohag Governorate:
• Paving of Akhmim area roads.
• Expansion of El Baliana dockings and completion of the Corniche.
• Completion of Akhmim cafeteria.
Qena Governorate:
• Establishment of a control, communication and rescue center.
• Construction of a cruise ships port.
• Corniche Qena bridge.
• Construction of gates at Qena entrance.
• Construction of gates at Esna City entrance.
• Completion of El Kallabeyia Canal Corniche.
• Development of Denderra Temple area.
The National Plan for the South of Egypt aims to put in place new bases for the urban fabric an structure
so that the Nile would become a major source of water but the only attracting factor influencing the urban
structure. The objective being to re-distribute population in a way that preserves the Valley and allows
use of desert and coastal stretches that have not received their fair share of development.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
The continuation of this pattern will lead to either of two possibilities, or both:
• The South of Egypt will continue to be a rebelling region for population leading to more pressures on
the northern regions, or
• More agricultural lands will be encroached upon for urban development and land holdings will be
further fragmented.
• Creation of two corridors parallel to the Valley at the edge between agriculture and desert serving as
a starting point for attracting growth through environmentally sound plans.
• Creation of west-east corridors in the Eastern Desert linking the Valley to the Red Sea and start
development of new communities along these corridors.
• Development of large cities at the edges of desert; that applies for Assiyut and Qena.
• Preservation of the touristic character of both Luxor and Aswan by absorbing growth in New Aswan
and New Luxor cities and enforcement of laws and regulations that safeguards the protected zones in
these two areas.
• Emphasis on the development of Al Owinat – Kom Ombo – Bernis corridor to become an
international circulation route, and encourage urbanization along it through the development of new
• Urbanizing El Wadi El Gedid and development of most existing settlements and creation of large urban
centers in six main cities: El Farafra, Abu Tartour, Moutt, Shark Al Owinat, Paris and El Kharga.
• Development of the Red Sea coast in an environmentally sound approach. Safaga and Bernis are to
absorb 40% of population. New communities are to be established away from the coast to
accommodate industrial and commercial growth to safeguard the shores.
• Settlements of less than 10,000 inhabitants, in 530 villages all of which in the Nile Valley governorates.
• Settlements of 10,000 to 100,000 inhabitants, mainly urban ones, totaling 289 towns.
• Settlements of more than 100,000 inhabitants. These are eight (8) main cities in the Valley
governorates including Assiyut and Qena (more than 400,000 inhabitants), Sohag and Aswan (250,000
to 400,000 inhabitants) and Luxor, Guerga, Tahta and Akhmim (100,000 to 250,000 inhabitants). This
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
group of settlements will accommodate nearly 12% of the total region’s population, or 10% of the
expected growth.
• Existing settlements to be developed: including 62 towns and villages, 23 of which in the Valley and the
remainder in El Wadi El Gedid and Red Sea. This group will accommodate 2.1 million inhabitants
(13.3% of total population, or 21.4 of the expected growth.
• New agricultural settlements: this group is linked to land reclamation and expected to accommodate
1.35 million inhabitants, primarily in El Wadi El Gedid and Aswan representing 8% of the region’s
population, or 20.7 of expected growth.
• New towns: including 27 new town totaling 2.15 million inhabitants and ranging from 25,000 to 250,000
person/town. This group includes some of the towns that are currently being developed: El Safa in
Assiyut, New Sohag/Akhmim, New Luxor and New Aswan. These towns will accommodate 13% of
the region’s population, or 32 of expected growth.
To accommodate the expected population growth, and to substitute for loss in existing urban stock, nearly
1.69 million new housing units will have to be constructed.
Major Issues
1. Imbalance between cultivated land and population, especially in the governorates of Assiyut, Sohag,
Qena and Aswan.
2. Small agriculture land holdings depriving the sector from large-scale economics.
3. Low productivity per feddan.
4. Decreasing agricultural lands due to all sorts of encroachment.
5. Inefficiency of transportation and storage facilities leading to an increasing loss of crops.
6. Imbalance between livestock and poultry production and population.
7. Minimal fishery production compared to the fast fishing ground available in the region.
8. Minimal available investment resources.
Sector Objectives
• Horizontal expansion in agriculture with the reclamation of nearly 1,25 million feddans.
• Increase economic revenue of available agricultural resources, which will be reflected in an increase
of production and individual’s share of income.
• Increase agricultural production through development and upgrading of current production systems.
• Increase both self-sufficiency ratio of strategic crops and, export of other crops.
• Increase the added value of agricultural production through industrial and agricultural integration,
especially in newly reclaimed lands.
• Creation of more job opportunities.
• Increase the inhabited area of the region/nation through relocation in newly reclaimed lands.
• Building the capacity of the private sector through the establishment of large companies to allow for
optimum utilization of agricultural resources.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
• Construction and development of fishing ports on the Red Sea, improvement of the current fishing
fleet and intensive cultivation of natural and man-made lagoons.
• Establishment and development of incubators for Lake Nasser supply, three incubators in Garf
Hussein, Amada and El Alaqui areas and construction of fishing ports inclusive of ice factories,
refrigerators and services that facilitate handling.
• Fish incubation/cultivation in cages in lagoons and small bays along the Nile and canals is an important
means to increase fish production.
Potable Water
The overall capacity of water plants in the region is 960,000m3/day whereas current needs are estimated
at a total of 1,340,000m3/day – assuming an average consumption rate per individual of 115 liter/day and
190 liter/day for rural and urban residents, respectively.
Water plants are located in Assiyut, Sohag, Qena and Aswan. There are no plants in either the Red Sea
or El Wadi El Gedid governorates; the former depends on pipelines from Suez and El Korimat.
The National Project for the Development of the South of Egypt aims at raising the average consumption
rate to 200 liter/day and 240 liter/day per individual in rural and urban areas, respectively.
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The National Project for the Development of the South of Egypt aims at raising the average rate of
sewerage to approximately 192 liter/individual/day, or nearly 2.9 million m3/day.
Social Services
Strategic Objectives
• Provision of basic facilities to correspond to expected population growth so as to raise the standard of
facilities in the region.
• Meeting the expected needs of settlements in promising areas of the region.
• Achieving an acceptable level of balance in the distribution of facilities and services between rural and
urban areas and between populated and remote areas.
• Raising the standard of quality and improve operation.
Educational Facilities
1. Increase the carrying capacity of primary and secondary schools by increasing number of schools and
classes, which will lead to:
- meeting expected needs,
- lowering class density to 30 students/class,
2. Increase number of teachers and upgrade general and technical education curriculum.
3. Emphasis on women’s education and eradication of illiteracy.
4. Achieving an acceptable balance in distribution of educational facilities between different areas of the
5. Application of new approaches in education that are more suitable to the region’s characteristics and
6. Expansion in one- or two-classes primary schools in rural and remote areas.
7. Move towards community colleges, rather than new universities, as being more suitable to the local
community’s needs.
8. Upgrading of technical and technological institutes in Aswan and transform them into a technological
In light of these, the demand for educational facilities to the year 2017 is estimated as:
• Establishment of nearly 55,300 primary classes (general and Azhar education), 32,500 prep. Classes
and 26,400 secondary classes (general, technical and Azhar).
• Establishment of 20 community colleges in areas not served by university colleges or higher institutes
(2 in Assiyut and Sohag, 4 in Qena, Aswan and El Wadi El Gedid, 3 in Red Sea and 1 in Luxor City).
• Upgrading technical institutes in Aswan and transforming them into a technological university.
• Completion of the South of the Valley University (5 colleges, one of which for Agriculture and one for
tourism and antiquities in Qena).
• Rehabilitation of Assiyut University.
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in El Wadi El Gedid.
Health Facilities
The main objectives for the development of this sector are summed as:
Religious Facilities
The strategy aims to the expansion in provision of these facilities to relatively deprived and new
development areas, in addition to making available the human resources required for these facilities.
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
and the majority of these will be in El Wadi El Gedid (1,670km) and the Red Sea (770km). The plan also
aims to raise the capacity of existing power plants by 750 Mega Watt.
Governorate Nominal
Power Plant Capacity Notes
(Mega watt)
Assiyut El Walideyia Thermal 300 Third expansion
Assiyut Barrage 40 New
Qena Nagaa Hammady 60 New
Hydroelectric 270 New
Nagaa Hammady Thermal
Aswan Diesel Plants (Abu Simbel) 20 Expansion
Red Sea Diesel Plans 60 New
Total 750
• 20 new transformer stations of 500, 2020 and 132 KVolt with a total capacity of 3,825 Mega Volt
• 38 new transformer stations of 66 and 33 KVolt with a total capacity of 2,425 Mega Volt Ampere.
• Power lines of:
- 500, 220 and 132 KVolt at a total length of 3.192km.
- 66 and 33 KVolt at a total length of 979km.
Studies are currently underway to investigate the potential of unconventional and renewable energy
sources such as solar energy, wind and the biomass.
Sector Objectives
• Improve the effectiveness of transportation axis in the Valley with utmost preservation of agricultural
lands through the following means:
- Minimizing intersections between roads and between roads and railroads in as far as feasible.
- Improve the effectiveness of Cairo – Aswan railroad, once doubled, by improving communications
and signals and increasing the speed limit.
- Improve the effectiveness of the Nile navigational channel by dredging, construction of Nile ports
and cruise ship ports together with maintenance and repair facilities for cruise ships.
• Creation of a new corridor parallel to the Valley in the form of a new western desert road to absorb
expected growth in traffic volumes and to encourage urban development, with linkages to the Valley.
• Creation and improvement of perpendicular axis to the Valley as a means of population redistribution:
- Safaga – Qena – El Wadi El Gedid as the prime corridor
- Bernis – Aswan – West Coast of Lake Nasser – Abu Simbel – Shark Al Owinat
• Emphasis on Qena area as the intersection point between the Valley and the new prime corridor.
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Major Issues
Statistics of late 1993 indicate that total number of employees in industry and mining in governorates of the
South of Egypt reached some 82,000, representing about 1.6% of the region’s total population. This
percentage rises to 2% in Qena and Aswan and declines to only 0.8% in El Wadi El Gedid whereas the
national average is 3.9% (7%, 7.4% and 8.3% in Cairo, Alexandria and Damietta, respectively).
It is, therefore, clear that governorates of the South of Egypt require substantial support to increase their
share of industrial and mining activities, especially with their wealth of resources.
Sector Objectives
• Increase growth rates, in general, in the South of Egypt and create more job opportunities.
• Effective use of available resources in each governorate.
• Improve the economic structure in favor of industry and mining and broaden the private sector
participation in the development of this sector.
• Minimize out-migration trends from these governorates and, moreover, to transform them into
attracting centers.
• Raising the technology level and, accompanying that, education, training and scientific research
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In addition to projects that will be established in the designated 11 “Industrial Zone” projects throughout
the South of Egypt.
Major Issues
The major issue in this sector is the lack of infrastructure in most areas of current agreements and those
under negotiations as they are remote, uninhabited areas and, consequently, the substantial expenditures
required for provision of infrastructure.
Sector Objectives
• Production of petroleum and natural gas at rates suitable for both local and export demands without
over-use of reservoirs to maintain national reserves.
• Setting up and implementation of a clear policy for distribution of petroleum products without
• Negotiate and sign more agreements with international companies and the Egyptian private sector to
work at new areas at the borders of these governorates.
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Banking Facilities
Major Issues
• Low density of banking facilities in the region’s governorates.
• Concentration of banking units in the four State-owned banks.
• Low rate of effectiveness in banking units.
• Low saving capacity (average saving/individual is nearly 0.2 of the national average).
• Low role of banking units in credit.
• The total number of job opportunities projected for the South of Egypt to the year 2017 is
estimated at 2.8 million jobs, about 68% of which in agriculture, industry and tourism.
• The corresponding population to these jobs is estimated at 6,3 million, which mean an increase in
the region’s population from 9.9 million in 1994 to about 16.4 million in 2017.
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Investment Cost
LE Billion %
Tourism 52.9 17.3
Agriculture 23.9 7.8
Industry and Petroleum 82.7 27.1
Urban Development & Housing 94.2 30.9
Electricity and Energy 7.3 2.4
Transportation & Communications 18.5 6.1
Potable Water and Sewerage 9.0 3.0
Commercial and Banking 1.9 0.6
Social 14.5 4.8
Total 304.9 100
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The macroeconomic stabilization efforts that Egypt undertook in the early 1990s have been a success, and
longer-term structural reforms are underway. Real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth accelerated
from 1.9 to 5 percent from 1991–92 to 1995–96. GDP per capita has risen to $1,040, categorizing Egypt
as a middle-income country. During the same period, inflation fell from 21.1 percent to 7.2 percent. The
fiscal balance, foreign reserves, and external debt have also improved. With these positive trends now
well established, Egypt appears to be on the brink of a significant period of growth.
Unemployment looms as a crucial challenge. Solving the employment problem through growth is critical
not only for the economy, but also for social stability. Current estimates place unemployment at between 9
to 13 percent, and the labor force is growing at around 3 percent annually.
Egypt is progressing with privatization, with reducing tariff and other trade barriers, and with streamlining
legal aspects of investment and commercial activities. It is promoting the Egyptian stock market, creating
a more equitable and transparent tax system, and structuring a financial system that is more responsive to
medium- and long-term credit needs. All of these actions will facilitate the transition to a market economy
and reduce policy impediments to economic development.
Egypt is moving to improve its domestic savings rate in several ways, the most important being
privatization. Above all, the expected gains in savings will come from improved productivity and
efficiency. Other reforms to increase savings include establishing a more efficient pension system, and
further developing capital markets.
The government has begun to identify major areas of legislative reform; eliminate obsolete laws; and deal
with commercial law, investment, leasing, acquisition of property by foreigners, and tax petitions.
The upcoming free trade agreements that Egypt is negotiating with the European Union (EU) and, more
recently, the United States, will bring about major opportunities. With these agreements, Egypt will gain
access to the world’s two largest markets and investors will view Egypt as a manufacturing base for
exports to these markets. The agreements will also accelerate the improvement of trade and investment
procedures in line with best international practices.
Egypt already offers major advantages to investors. With a population of 60 million and a per capita
income of more than $1,000, Egypt represents a large market in its own right. It also has very good
relations with other countries in the Middle East and North Africa, thus offering advantages in exporting to
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the region. And the wage rate of the Egyptian labor force of about $3 per day is highly competitive for
capable, productive workers.
Forests 0 thousands of sq. km
Deforestation 0.0 % change (1990-1995)
Water use 94.5 % of total resources
CO2 emissions 1.7 metric tons per capita
Energy use per capita 638 kg of oil equivalent per capita
Electricity use per capita 924 kWh per capita
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Labor force:
total: 17.4 million (1996 est.)
by occupation:
agriculture 40%,
services, including government 38%,
Industry 22% (1990 est.)
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Total value: $5.1 billion (f.o.b., FY96/97 est.)
Commodities: crude oil and petroleum products, cotton yarn,
raw cotton, textiles, metal products, chemicals
Partners: EU, US, Japan
Total value: $15.5 billion (c.i.f., FY96/97 est.)
Commodities: machinery and equipment, foods, fertilizers,
wood products, durable consumer goods, capital
Partners: US, EU, Japan
Economic aid:
Recipient: ODA, $1.713 billion (1993)
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Domestic prices
(% change)
1976 1986 1996 1997
Consumer prices .. .. 8.3 4.6
Implicit GDP deflator 12.5 12.8 9.0 6.2
Government finance
(% of GDP, includes current grants)
Current revenue .. 21.3 25.1 23.7
Current budget balance .. -14.2 2.5 2.9
Overall surplus/deficit .. -23.1 -1.3 -0.9
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(US$ millions)
1976 1986 1996 1997
Exports of goods and services 3,319 6,494 15,245 15,644
Imports of goods and services 5,182 11,825 17,541 20,342
Resource balance -1,863 -5,331 -2,296 -4,698
Net income -342 -1,021 539 253
Net current transfers 842 2,995 2,842 4,146
Current account balance -1,363 -3,357 1,085 -299
Financing items (net) 1,049 3,533 -515 2,211
Changes in net reserves 314 -176 -570 -1,912
Reserves including gold (US$ millions) .. 1,780 17,867 19,657
Conversion rate (DEC, local/US$) 0.5 1.1 3.4 3.4
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Land boundaries
Total 2,689 km
border countries Gaza Strip 11 km, Israel 255 km, Libya 1,150 km, Sudan 1,273 km
Maritime claims
contiguous zone 24 NM
continental shelf 200-m depth or to the depth of exploitation
exclusive economic zone 200 NM
territorial sea 12 NM
Elevation extremes
lowest point Qattara Depression -133 m
highest point Mount Catherine 2,629 m
Natural resources petroleum, natural gas, iron ore, phosphates, manganese, limestone,
gypsum, talc, asbestos, lead, zinc
Land use
arable land 2%
permanent crops 0%
permanent pastures 0%
forests and woodland 0%
Other 98% (1993 est.)
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Geography—note Controls Sinai Peninsula, only land bridge between Africa and
remainder of Eastern Hemisphere; controls Suez Canal, shortest
sea link between Indian Ocean and Mediterranean Sea; size, and
juxtaposition to Israel, establish its major role in Middle Eastern
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Legal system Based on English common law, Islamic law, and Napoleonic codes;
judicial review by Supreme Court and Council of State (oversees
validity of administrative decisions); accepts compulsory ICJ
jurisdiction, with reservations
Executive branch
Chief of state President Mohammed Hosni MUBARAK (since 14 October 1981)
Head of government Prime Minister Kamal Ahmed El-GANZOURI (since 4 January
Cabinet Cabinet appointed by the president
Elections President nominated by the People's Assembly for a six-year term,
the nomination must then be validated by a national, popular
referendum; national referendum last held 4 October 1993 (next to
be held NA October 1999); prime minister appointed by the
Legislative branch Bicameral system consists of the People's Assembly or Majlis al-Sha'b
(454 seats; 444 elected by popular vote, 10 appointed by the president;
members serve five-year terms) and the Advisory Council or Majlis al-
Shura—which functions only in a consultative role (264 seats; 176 elected
by popular vote, 88 appointed by the president; members serve NA-year
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Political parties and leaders National Democratic Party (NDP), President Mohammed Hosni
MUBARAK, leader, is the dominant party;
Legal opposition parties
Khalid MUHI AL-DIN; Socialist Liberal Party, Mustafa Kamal
MURAD; Democratic Unionist Party, Mohammed 'Abd-al-Mun'im
TURK; Umma Party, Ahmad al-SABAHI; Misr al-Fatah Party
(Young Egypt Party), leader NA; Nasserist Arab Democratic
Party, Dia' al-din DAWUD; Democratic Peoples' Party, Anwar
AFIFI; The Greens Party, Kamal KIRAH; Social Justice Party,
Muhammad 'ABDAL-'AL
Telephone system Large system by Third World standards but inadequate for present
requirements and undergoing extensive upgrading
Domestic Principal centers at Alexandria, Cairo, Al Mansurah, Ismailia, Suez, are
connected by coaxial cable and microwave radio relay
International satellite earth stations—2 Intelsat (Atlantic Ocean and Indian
Ocean), 1 Arabsat, and 1 Inmarsat; 5 coaxial submarine cables;
tropospheric scatter to Sudan; microwave radio relay to Israel;
participant in Medarabtel
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Total 4,751 km
Standard gauge 4,751 km 1,435-m gauge (42 km electrified; 951 km double track)
Total 64,000 km
Paved 49,984 km
Unpaved 14,016 km (1996 est.)
Waterways 3,500 km (including the Nile, Lake Nasser, Alexandria -Cairo
Waterway, and numerous smaller canals in the delta); Suez Canal,
193.5 km long (including approaches), used by oceangoing vessels
drawing up to 16.1 m of water
Pipelines Crude oil 1,171 km; petroleum products 596 km; natural gas 460
Ports and harbors Alexandria, Al Ghardaqah, Aswan, Asyut, Bur Safajah, Damietta,
Marsa Matruh, Port Said, and Suez
Merchant marine
Total 161 ships (1,000 GRT or over) totaling 1,225,989 GRT/1,899,818
Ships by type Bulk 24, cargo 60, liquefied gas tanker 1, oil tanker 15, passenger
42, refrigerated cargo 1, roll-on/roll-off cargo 15, short-sea
passenger 3 (1997 Est.)
Airports—with unpaved
Total 19
2,438 to 3,047 m 2
1,524 to 2,437 m 2
914 to 1,523 m 6
Under 914 m 9 (1997 est.)
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Military branches Army, Navy, Air Force, and Air Defense Command
Military age 20 years of age
Military manpower—
Males age 15-49 17,350,925 (1998 est.)
Military manpower—fit for
military service
Males 11,247,896 (1998 est.)
Military manpower—
reaching military age
Males 683,868 (1998 est.)
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
23. Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority, 1994, Extracts from Annual Civil Aviation Report, (Arabic),
Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority, Cairo, Egypt
24. Egyptian Civil Aviation Authority, 1995, Extracts from Annual Civil Aviation Report, (Arabic),
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27. Egypt Official Newsletter, 1997, Extracts from Egypt Official Newsletter, (Arabic), Egypt Official
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28. Egyptian Geological Survey and Mining Authority (EGSMA), 1997, Geological & Land Use Study of
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
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Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
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Population Council Cairo, Egypt
73. OECD, 1996, Shaping the 21st Century The contribution of Development Cooperation, (English)
74. Plan Graph, 1994, City of Cambridge GIS Needs, (English), USA
75. Weeks, Kent Dr., 1993, Conserving Egypt's cultural Heritage, (English), USA
76. Donor, 1996, Chapter from Donor Annual Report, (English), Internet, Internet, USA
77. Donor, 1996, Trends in Developing Economies, (English), USA
78. Yassin, Mahmoud, N / A, Avenue of Sphinxes Papers, (Arabic), Cairo, Egypt
79. Yehia, Ahmed, N / A, Public Participation in the conservation, (English), Cairo, Egypt
Creation of an Open Museum and Heritage District in Luxor City, Egypt
Prepared by:
Ministry of Housing Utilities and Urban Communities/ Research and Studies Organization
United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)
Abt Associates Inc.
ICON Architecture
Baraka Trading and Investments
Baraka Trading and Investments staff who worked on the project included: