Configuration and Design

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Configuration and design.

The aircraft features the regular aerodynamic configuration and is an

all-metal high-wing monoplane with a trapezoid wing, twin tails, all-moving empennage,
retractable tricycle landing gear and two engines mounted in the rear of the airframe. The
primary materials used in designing the airframe are VNS-2, VNS-4 and VNS-5 steel alloys
making up 80% of the airframe, titanium alloys
(8%) and D-19T heat-resistant aluminium alloy.
    The semi-monocoque fuselage has no
maintenance breaks with its main load-carrying
compartment is the integral fuel tank. The airframe is divided into the following bays: front bay
(up to frame 1), cockpit (between frames 1 and 2), aft-cockpit bay (between frames 2 and 3),
side-mounted air intakes (between frames 2-6), fuel tanks' bay (between 3 and 12), tail bay
(between frames 12 and 14) and tail cone (behind frame 14). The fuselage nose section mounts
the radar antenna cone casing covering radar and IR seeker units. The pressurised cockpit is
fitted with the canopy whose hinged part is opened rightwards. The cockpit transparency is made
of heat-resistant glass 20 mm (windscreen) and 12 mm (hinged part) thick. 
    The lower part of the slanted frame mounts ejection seat and nosewheel strut fixtures. The
KM-1M ejection seat is effective at any altitude at a minimal speed of 130 km/h. The pressurised
and heat-proof upper part of the aft-cockpit bay houses various avionics systems while the lower
part houses the nosewheel well.
    The fuel tanks' bay is the main airframe structural element carrying the loading of the wing,
empennage and landing gear. It is made of VNS-2, VNS-4, VNS-5 and SN-3 steels through the
argon welding. Inside the bay, there are six fuel tanks: tanks 1and 2 between frames 3 and 6, tank
3 between frames 6 and 7, tanks 4 and 5 between frames 7 and 11, tank 6 between frames 11 and
12. The area between frames 6 and 9 houses main landing gear wells with the gear strut fixtures
being mounted on frame 8/ The airframe rear section houses the bays holding the engines,
gearboxes and stabiliser actuators. To mount and maintain engines, there have been hatches
between frames 9 and 13 provided for. The engine nacelles' lower surfaces mount ventral fins
and two spoilers. The fuselage spine fairing near the nozzles turns smoothly into the drag chute
The aircraft features side-mounted horizontal-ramp scoop-type rectangular variable air intakes.
The lower part of the air intakes is made as a door which can
take three positions. Three boundary layer suction channels are
situated on the airframe surface above the air intakes. There are
boundary layer drain slots between the air intake sides and
airframe sides to drain the air into the engine compartment. 
    The tapered wing has a leading edge sweep angle of 42.5
degrees in the root and 41 degrees in the tip with the trailing
edge sweep angle of 9.5 degrees, dihedral of -5 degrees and
setting angle of 2 degrees. The wing airfoil is 3.7% thick in the
root and 4.76% thick in the tip. The main elements of the wing
are three longerons and two auxiliary beams. There are integral
fuel tanks inside the wing with two cells housed by each wing
panel. Each wing panel is attached to the airframe by five
fixtures. The trailing edge mounts ailerons and flaps. The
leading edge slats are detachable for the ease of access to the
hydraulic and fuel systems' pipelines. The wingtips carry antiflutter loads. The air-to-air missile
launch pylons are mounted under the wing, two at each wing panel. There are fences mounted on
the upper surface of each wing panel right above the pylons.
    The empennage is all-moving and differentially-deflectable to control the banking. The
stabiliser's leading edge has a sweep angle of 50.3 degrees. The stabiliser's deflection angle is
32/-13 degrees during take-off and landing and 12.5/-5 degrees in flight at s max speed.
    The aircraft is fitted with two rudder-equipped tails and underbelly fins. The fins' leading edge
sweep angle is 54 degrees while the tails are outwardly canted at 8 degrees. The tails are of
three-spar design. Their rudders deflect at +/-25 degrees.
    The landing gear is retractable, and tricycle-type. The nosewheel strut is fitted with two KT-
112 700-by-200 mm breaking wheels and a mudguard and retracts forward. The main struts
fitted with KT-111 1,300-by-360 mm breaking wheels are fixed to the airframe and retract in it.
The aircraft is equipped with a drag chute of two 50 sq.m canopies. The left ventral fin houses a
extendable probe that extends during the landing and touches the runway, thus activating the
automatic drag chute deployment. 
Powerplant. It comprises two R-15B-300 engines with a thrust of 10,210-kgf in afterburner.
14,570 litres of the T-6 avgas are carried in six fuselage and four wing tanks. The aircraft
systems include the main and auxiliary hydraulic systems, pneumatic system, power supply
system, air conditioning system, fire suppressant system, etc.
Avionics. The MiG-25P sighting system
comprises the Smerch-A radar and Smerch-AV
computer. The aircraft also carries the Lazur-M
radio command system. 
    The Polyot-1I navigation suite incorporates
the RSBN-6s short-range radio navigation
system, SKV-2N attitude and heading reference
system and SVS-PN-5 air data computer system,
ARK-10 radio compass, RV-4 and RV-UM
radio altimeters, MPR-56P marker receiver, SO-
63B transponder and SAU-155P autopilot and flight director automatic control system. 
    Communication between the crew and ground control as well as between the crew and other
aircraft is performed via the R-832M or R-802V (RSIU-5) VHF radio and R-847RM short-wave
Weapons suite. It comprises missiles only, which are attached to four underwing hardpoints and
include the R-40RD or R-40TD medium-range air-to-air missiles. The missiles can be carried in
the following configurations: 2 R-40RDs and two R-40TDs; 4 R-40RDs.

Design Mikoyan EDB
Type MiG-25P
NATO code name FoxBat-A
Function interceptor
First flight 9 September 1964
Into the inventory 13 April 1972
Crew 1
Dimensions & Weight
Length, m 22,3
Overall height, m 5,14
Wing Span, m 14,02
with 4хРR-40 36720
Take-off weight, kg
without missiles 34920
Internal fuel, kg 14570
Engines 2 Turbojet R-15B-300
max 7500 (73,5)
Thrust, kgf (kN)
in afterburner 10210 (100,1)
Range, km 1250
Max. speed at altitude, km/h (M=) 3000 (2,83)
Practical ceiling, m 24300
Time to climb 19000 m, min 6,6
Max g-load 5
R-40R/R-40T 2/2
Missiles AA
R-40R 4

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