Higg FEM 3.0 Assessment Questions Final - Nov - 17 PDF
Higg FEM 3.0 Assessment Questions Final - Nov - 17 PDF
Higg FEM 3.0 Assessment Questions Final - Nov - 17 PDF
Assessment Questions
Version 3.0
Released November 2017
The Higg FEM Chemicals Management section is a joint effort among the Sustainable
Apparel Coalition (SAC), the Outdoor Industry Association (OIA), and the Zero
Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals (ZDHC) Programme to converge their respective
chemicals tools into one assessment questionnaire.
Higg FEM replaces the standalone OIA Chemicals Management Module Facilities
Indicators. OIA recommends that all its members utilize the Higg FEM as one holistic
tool in its entirety, and as their primary source of benchmarking and measurement for
chemicals management best practices at the facility level.
Higg FEM replaces the ZDHC Audit Protocol V.2.0, which is no longer supported by
ZDHC. ZDHC Contributors are encouraged to access and utilize Higg FEM as a critical
part of the ZDHC system of tools for management and improvement of chemical
management. Further, ZDHC requests that Contributors accept Higg FEM assessments
and verifications as indicators of chemical management performance.
Through the process of convergence, ZDHC, OIA, and the SAC intend to reach
thousands of facilities to harmonize chemical management assessments and reduce
duplicative efforts, while also increasing assessment quality and enabling data sharing.
General Information and Structure of FEM 3.0
Facility Profile
1. Environmental Management System (EMS)
2. Energy & GHG
3. Water
4. Wastewater
5. Waste
6. Air Emissions
7. Chemicals Management
In the module on Higg.org, each section has an introduction and guidance, and all questions in FEM 3.0
have the following additional information and context provided, which provides substantial guidance on:
- Scoring rules
- What is the intent of the question?
- How does this question help a facility drive improvement?
- Technical guidance
- How this will be verified
- Other references
In addition to the in-tool information and guidance given, the Higg FEM has a so-called ‘How to Higg’
guide, which is a comprehensive guidance document that contains additional background information,
guidance and references to aid facilities and guide them through the completion of the Higg Module. For
further information and to access the How to Higg guide, visit howtohigg.org.
Applicability Test
Some sections in FEM 3.0 have an applicability test, which means that users are asked to fill out several
questions regarding each topic. Questions are used to determine whether your facility is, for example, a
heavy water user or a light water user, which subsequently determines which questions in that section
apply and do not apply to your facility and hence do not contribute to your FEM score.
The sections that have an applicability test are: Water, Wastewater, Air Emissions and Chemicals
Industry Sector
Select all that apply:
• Apparel
• Footwear
• Home Textiles (includes bed linens, tablecloths, towels, cloth napkins and similar products)
• Accessories (includes handbags, jewelry, belts and similar products)
• Home Furnishings
• Hard Goods (includes bikes, tents, backpacks, luggage, electronics, coolers, climbing gear,
watercraft, and and other equipment made of metal, plastic, or wood)
• Other
Facility Type
Select all that apply:
• Sewing or Final Product Assembly
• Printing or Dyeing
• Materials Supplier
• Trim
• Chemical
• Packaging
Facility Processes:
Sewing Spinning
Washing Vulcanization
Welding Washing
Printing Weaving
Operating Days:
Total number of days per year the facility operates
Quantity: number
• Unit (piece or pair)
• Square Yard
• Meter
• Kilogram
Does your facility site use pre-treatment for freshwater prior to entering the manufacturing process?
Suggested Upload: Schematics or permits
• Yes
• No
• Not applicable
If yes, please select what type: (include option to upload pre-treatment flow chart, not required)
• Screening/Seaving
• Equalization tank/Homogenization tank
• Grit chambers (only Spanish version)
• pH Neutralization
Primary Treatment
• Coagulation -flocculation
• Primary clarifier
• Dissolved air flotation
• Lamellar settling
Biological Treatment
• Activated sludge
• Sequential batch reactor (SBR)(only Spanish version)
• Trickling filters
• Rotating biological contactors
• Submerged aerated filters
• Aerated biofilters
• Fluidized Bed
• Anaerobic digestion
Secondary Treatment
• Sand filtration
• Adsorption with activated carbon
• Fenton reactions
• Ozonization
• Membrane filtration and reverse osmosis
• Ion exchange
• Advanced Oxidation Processes (AOPs)
• Electrocoagulation-Electroflocculation (only Spanish version)
• Evaporation
Sludge Treatments
• Sludge thickening
• Sludge dehydration technologies
• Please upload your facility’s pre-treatment flow chart, if you have one
• Need definitions: http://www.wateractionplan.com/en/web/gestion-del-agua/training#panel_2
The purpose of this section is to determine your compliance status with relevant environmental permits. Please
include adherence to any rules or regulations your facility is required to follow such as permits, authorizations,
licenses, registrations, certificates or other compliance documentation. Examples of non-permit requirements to
include are annual required government reports and required registration of specific chemicals.
Please note that this section is NOT SCORED. This means that you do not get points for being in compliance.
However, you must be in compliance to earn any points in the Facility Environmental Module. If you answer "No"
to “Does your factory site have a valid operating license?”, you will score ZERO for the entire module. This is
because a valid operating license is required to score points in the Facility Environmental Module.
1. Does your factory site have a valid operating license, if required by law?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Not applicable, not required by law.
Scoring: If the facility answers "No" to PER-1.1, they will score ZERO for the entire module. If "No or unknown"
is selected for PER-1.1 a pop-up will appear. “A valid operating license is required to use the Facility
Environmental Module - you will be able to proceed but will score ZERO points for this assessment."
2. Did your facility receive any government-issued environmental violation records in 2017?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
If yes, please describe the violation and your site's action plan to improve
Does your facility currently have any records in the Institute of Public & Environmental Affairs (IPE)
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
If yes, has your facility supplied enterprise feedback to the database and/or taken steps to remove the
record(s) from the database?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
3. Please complete the following questions to provide details on your facility’s environmental permits
requirements and compliance status
Please note that licenses/permits for hazardous waste contractors will be requested in the Waste section.
Permit / Required for Name of the Effective Is there an What is your Upload a Provide
Agreement Type your site? regulatory Date expiration Compliance copy of any
If yes, all agency issuing (MM/YYYY) date Status for this your additional
columns must the permit or (MM/YYYY) permit? permit notes
be complete to agreement
move on from
this page.
Is a permit required Required Open text MM/YYYY Yes / No In compliance Upload Open text
for water use? Not Required If yes, Not in
MM/YYYY compliance
Is a permit required
for water
Is a permit required
for wastewater
Are permits
required for
Are permits
required for air
Is a permit required
for solid waste
EMS – Level 1
1. Are one or more employees at your facility responsible for coordinating your facility’s environmental
management activities?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you have any full-time, half-time, part-time, seasonal or contract employees working on
environmental management in your facility.
If yes, provide details below. Click the "+Add" button to provide details on up to five employees. If you wish to
provide details on more than five employees, please upload these details in a document.
2. Does your facility have a company environmental management strategy that guides long-term
decision-making on environmental management?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you have a documented environmental strategy in place that sets forth environmental
priorities, goals, and actions for 3+ years. A good environmental strategy should: 1) address your facility’s
significant environmental impacts and compliance obligations as prioritized in your environmental impact
assessment; 2) be supported by factory leadership; and 3) be communicated to all employees. To ensure
environmental objectives are carried out, your strategy should include plans for achievement that detail: what
will be done, what resources will be required, who will be responsible, when it will be completed, and how
results will be evaluated (reference: ISO 14001). If you have an environmental strategy that aligns with
requirements in ISO 14001, you may answer Yes to this question.
3. Has your facility identified the significant environmental impacts associated with current operations
within the factory premises?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if you have an environmental impact assessment that shows significant environmental
impacts from current factory operations.
Upload: a) Environmental impact analysis and aspect evaluation; b) Latest local government environmental
assessment report (if applicable)
4. Does your site have a program or system in place to review and monitor environmental permit status
and renewal (where appropriate) and ensure compliance?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Upload: a) List of required permits needed for facility to operate; b) Documentation of program or system in
place to review and monitor environmental permit status and renewal and ensure are meeting the law
5. Does your facility maintain a documented system to identify, monitor and periodically verify all laws,
regulations, standards, codes and other legislative and regulatory requirements for your significant
environmental impacts?
Suggested Upload: Calendar for regular meetings with representatives from relevant organizations.
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Are the findings used to set an improvement plan that is regularly reviewed?
Upload: Documentation of your system to identify, monitor, and periodically verify all laws, regulations,
standards, codes, and other legislative and regulatory requirements for your significant environmental impacts
Please upload documentation if available
6. Does your facility have a process and schedule to maintain all equipment?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you maintain all equipment as this is important for managing emissions to air, energy
efficiency, water efficiency, and other environmental impacts.
Upload: a) Documentation of your process to maintain all equipment on your facility site; b) Maintenance
EMS – Level 2
7. Does your facility review the environmental management strategy with your facility’s managers each
calendar year?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if you have evidence of management reviews conducted in 2017.
Upload: a) Internal communication plan showing yearly training schedule for communicating the facility
environmental strategy with factory management; b) Training material for most recent environmental
management strategy training conducted
8. Do employees at your facility responsible for environmental management have the technical
competence required to do their job?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you can explain how you ensure environmental employees: a) have technical
competence, b) are provided with trainings or certifications as needed, and c) are evaluated for competence on
an annual basis. If you can demonstrate employee competence but do not yet have a process for annual
performance review, please answer Partial Yes.
Suggested Upload: Qualifications (including certifications) for individuals responsible for environmental
Upload: a) List of individuals that are responsible for environmental related issues; b) Job descriptions for the
list of individuals that are responsible for environmental related issues; c) Procedure to cross reference the
individuals listed have the technical competence required to do their job
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Workers play a major role in how much energy and water is used, how much waste is generated, and can also
help identify improvements for air and wastewater impacts. Please answer Yes if you can demonstrate how
your environmental strategies have been communicated to workers. If you are in the process of developing a
communication plan, you may answer Partial Yes.
10. Does your facility monitor, evaluate, and/or engage with your subcontractors on their environmental
performance using the Higg Index?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please upload documentation if available
Please answer Yes if you engaged subcontractors in environmental assessment using Higg. If you have a plan
to engage subcontractors, please answer Partial Yes. If you do not have subcontractors, select "Not
Upload: a) List of all subcontractors that your facility conducts business with and identify which ones have been
engaged using Higg; b) Proof of Higg Index engagement: e.g., show Higg.org Module share or other
documentation of their Module results such as an emailed export of results.
EMS – Level 3
11. Does your facility engage in environmental improvement in your local context?
• Yes
• No
Please answer Yes if you have engaged in your local context (e.g., your community, your river basin, your
region) and can show improvements and lists of stakeholders that you worked with.
Suggested Upload: a) Evidence of environmental improvement in your local context (e.g., community, river
basin, etc.); b) List of local stakeholders and dates of engagement
Tech: for each of these, ask them to select the environmental topic and describe.
12. Does your facility monitor, evaluate, and/or engage with your upstream suppliers using the Higg
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
For each, describe your engagement activities and environmental benefit that has resulted.
Please answer Yes if you can show Module shares, Higg.org invitations, or Module exports from your upstream
suppliers. If you cannot yet show results but can demonstrate your plan for an upcoming Higg.org roll-out,
please answer Partial Yes.
Suggested uploads: a) List of ALL upstream suppliers facility conducts business with; b) Proof of Higg Index
engagement: e.g., emailed registration invitations, communications / requests for completion, Higg.org
connection or Module share, or documentation of their Module results.
You will receive full points if you are completely tracking all sources of energy that your facility uses. You will
receive partial points if you are completely tracking at least one of your energy sources, but are not yet tracking
all of your energy sources.
Suggested Upload: a) Copies of utility bills (or meter readings) for all energy sources listed covering the full
calendar year; b)
Picture of the energy meters used to monitor the consumption of the main energy sources.
Select all sources of energy Does your What quantity of Which What was the Provide any
for your facility facility energy was used method was frequency of additional
track its by this source in used to measurement? comments
energy use 2017? track this
from this energy
source? source?
Chilled Water
The most common practice is to
generate your own chilled water
by chilling with purchased
electricity, but in some areas
you purchase chilled water from
a centralized system - must
track for Scope 1
Electricity (purchased)
Fuel Oil
Natural Gas
Solar Photovoltaic
Steam (purchased)
2: Has your facility set baselines for energy use? If yes, select all sources of energy for which your
facility has set a baseline.
In order to demonstrate improvements or reductions, it’s important to know what your starting point is. A
“baseline” is a starting point or benchmark that you can use to compare yourself against over time. For
example, if your facility used 80 MJ of natural gas per 10,000 fabric meters in 2016, you will be able to compare
your performance against this amount in years to come. In this example, “80 MJ of natural gas per 10,000
fabric meters in 2016” is an example of a normalized baseline.
Suggested Upload: A full year's worth of energy consumption data that is used for setting energy reduction
Energy Is the baseline What is the baseline quantity? Enter the How was Was the
Source (fills absolute or If you are reporting a normalized baseline your baseline baseline
from source normalized? baseline, it must be normalized by the year calculated? verified?
selections production unit you specified in the Site
above) Info section. Please make sure your
normalization calculation reflects your
production volumes from your baseline
year, not from 2017.
Source Normalized Enter Quantity: ______ Dropdown Open text If yes, tell us
Absolute Numerator Unit: of years date and
• g auditing
• kg party. Not
• lb
• oz
• ton (metric)
• ton (short)
• kWh
• MJ
• mmBTU
• Joule
• cu ft
• cu yard
• liter
• m3
• gal
3. Does your facility know what facility processes or operations use the most energy?
• Yes
• No
Upload the methodology for identifying the highest energy use factors
It is important to understand what influences energy use the most in your facility. This allows you to
strategically target those factors in order to improve energy efficiency and/or greenhouse gas emissions.
Please answer Yes only if you have documented records and methodology to identify the highest factors of
energy use on-site (e.g., processes, machines, etc.).
Suggested Upload: a) Ranking of processes or services that consume the most energy (with energy
consumption values); b) Copy of an energy audit conducted by an energy management specialist (if available)
4. Has your facility set targets for improving energy use or GHG emissions? If yes, select all sources of
energy for which your facility has set an energy or GHG reduction target.
You will receive full points if you set targets for energy sources that make up 80% or more of your total energy
use. You will receive partial points if you set targets for energy sources that make up 50-79% or more of your
total energy use. This is to reward you for aiming to improve your most significant sources of energy use which
will maximize environmental impact.
5. Does your facility have an implementation plan to improve energy use and/or GHG Emissions?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Improvements may be made by reducing energy use or improving GHG emissions by replacing existing energy
sources with renewable sources. Please answer Yes if you have an implementation plan in place that
demonstrates you are taking action to achieve your targeted reductions. Please choose Partial Yes if you have
a plan but have not started on all action items. You may download a sample implementation plan here:
https://www.dropbox.com/s/fm2ilfjcqnw93ew/Template_Implementation Plan.xlsx?dl=0
6. Has your facility improved energy consumption compared with its baseline? If yes, select all sources
of energy that have been improved.
You will receive full points if you made reductions for energy sources that make up 80% or more of your total
energy use. You will receive partial points if you made reductions for energy sources that make up 50-79% or
more of your total energy use. This is to reward you for reducing your greatest sources of energy use which will
maximize environmental impact.
We recommend that you show normalized reductions such as “electricity used per fabric meter was reduced by
2% in 2017.” This is because normalized metrics show real improvement rather than reductions from business
changes such as reduced production.
Suggested Upload: Relevant utility bills or record of the consumption for 2017 and relevant utility bills for the
calendar years that are compared to the baseline.
7. Were your facility’s annual Scope 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions calculated in 2017? (This
question is not scored.)
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
The GHG Protocol categorizes these emissions into three broad scopes:
Scope 1: All direct GHG emissions. (this was covered in Level 1 energy tracking)
Scope 2: Indirect GHG emissions from consumption of purchased electricity, heat or steam. (this was covered
in Level 1 energy tracking)
Scope 3: Other indirect emissions, such as the extraction and production of purchased materials and fuels,
transport-related activities in vehicles not owned or controlled by the reporting entity, electricity-related activities
(e.g. T&D losses) not covered in Scope 2, outsourced activities, waste disposal, etc. (Source:
Calculating Scope 3 emissions for your facility or business is an advanced practice that can be noted in this
question. However, this question is unscored because Higg only gives Level 3 points for taking action that
improves environmental impact directly. Calculating Scope 3 emissions can provide useful insights and/or
support reporting, but it does not guarantee any environmental improvement has occurred.
Suggested Upload: Scope 3 Emissions Inventory including boundaries and methodology applied.
1. How many days per year does your facility operate? This information will be used to auto-calculate
average daily water use to determine applicability.
2. Is your facility location rated “high” or “very high” for overall water risk using either of these
o WRI Aqueduct Tool
o WWF Water Risk Filter
1. Select all water sources used by your facility (see table below)
If you are unable to tell us the amount of water used from a source, the method being used to track it, and the
frequency of measurement; please select No or Unknown as your answer option for the question: Does your
facility track its water use from this source?
You will receive full points if you are completely tracking the quantity of water that your facility withdraws from
all sources. You will receive partial points if you are completely tracking at least one of your sources, but are
not yet tracking all of your sources.
Suggested uploads: Utility bills or water meter readings for the full calendar year
APPLICABILITY NOTE: This information will be used to auto-calculate average daily water use to determine
• If your facility site uses more than 35 m3/day, you are a HEAVY WATER USER
• If your facility site uses less than or equal to 35 m3/day, you are a LIGHT WATER USER
Does your What quantity of Which method What was the Provide any
facility track water from this was used to frequency of additional
water use from source was used in track water use measurement? comments
this source? 2017? from this
Municipal Water
Wastewater from
Total Water
2. Has your facility set baselines for water use? If yes, select all water sources for which your facility
has set a baseline.
If you are unable to tell us your baseline year and normalized quantity for a source; please select No or
Unknown as your answer option for that source.
In order to demonstrate improvements or reductions, it's important to know what your starting point is. A
"baseline" is a starting point or benchmark that you can use to compare yourself against over time. For
example, if your factory used 80 m3 of water per 10,000 fabric meters in 2016, you will be able to compare your
performance against this amount in years to come. In this example, "80 m3 of water per 10,000 fabric meters in
2016" is an example of a normalized baseline.
Water Source Is the What is the baseline quantity? (#) Enter the How was Was the
(fills from source baseline If you are reporting a normalized baseline, baseline year your baseline
selections absolute or it must be normalized by the production baseline verified?
above) normalized? unit you specified in the Site Info section. calculated?
Please make sure your normalization
calculation reflects your production
volumes from your baseline year, not from
Fresh Surface Normalized Enter Quantity: _____ Dropdown of Open Text Yes
Water Absolute Select Numerator Units: years No
• CCF Unknown
• cu ft
• cu yard
• gal
• liter
• m3
• Ml
Municipal Water
Brackish Surface
Water / Seawater
Total Water
3. Does your facility know what facility processes or operations use the most water?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Upload the methodology for identifying the highest water use factors OR If you do not have a document to
upload, describe your methodology here:
It is important to understand what influences water withdrawal the most in your facility. This allows you to
strategically target those factors in order to reduce water withdrawal. Please answer Yes only if you have
documented incoming water, water loss and outgoing water in a water pipeline drawing/diagram/flowchart that
is complete with meter locations.
Suggested uploads: ranking of processes or services that consume the most water (with water consumption
4. Has your facility set targets for reducing water use? If yes, select all sources of water for which your
facility has set a reduction target.
If you are unable to tell us your target amount, year and whether it is absolute or normalized for a source;
please select No or Unknown as your answer option for that source.
You will receive full points if you set targets for water sources that make up 80% or more of your total water
use. You will receive partial points if you set targets for water sources that make up 50-79% or more of your
total water use. This is to reward you for aiming to reduce your greatest sources of water withdrawal which will
maximize environmental impact.
We recommend that you set normalized targets such as “reduce total water use by 30% by 2020”. This is
because normalized metrics show real improvement rather than reductions from business changes such as
reduced production. For example, if your baseline was “80 m3 per 10,000 fabric meters in 2016” then a good
normalized target might be: “Reduce total water use by 30% per fabric meter by 2020”.
Please upload:
Documentation describing the targets in place to reduce the water withdrawal
Evidence of the site’s actions towards meeting the targets or, if targets are newly established, documentation of
the review structure and responsibility delegation to achieve results
Enter a negative
percentage for a
reduction target,
and a positive
percentage for
an increase
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you have an implementation plan in place that demonstrates you are taking action to
achieve your targeted reductions.
Suggested uploads: Please upload the water use reduction plan showing specific actions designed to achieve
targeted reductions in water consumption.
6. Has your facility reduced water withdrawal, compared with your baseline? Select all water sources
that have been reduced.
If you have entered a baseline for each of your sources, your reductions will be auto-calculated below. If you
have not entered a baseline, you have the option to manually enter your reductions below. If you have no
reductions or are unable to state what your reductions are for a source, please select No as your answer option
for that source.
You will receive full points if you made reductions for water sources that make up 80% or more of your total
water use. You will receive partial points if you made reductions for water sources that make up 50-79% or
more of your total water use. This is to reward you for reducing your greatest sources of water withdrawal which
will maximize environmental impact.
Select source that was Select Indicate your facility's change in Describe the strategies used to
reduced baseline water use from this source achieve this improvement.
year Enter a negative number for a reduction,
and a positive number for an increase
7. Has your facility implemented a water balance or another analysis to evaluate the traceability of
water intake vs. usage (i.e. which processes) and output (i.e. to wastewater treatment plant)?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if your facility has fully implemented a water balance to fully understand the traceability of
water intake vs. usage and outputs in the facility. A complete water balance must include the below information.
Please answer Partial Yes if you have completed a partial water balance, but have an action plan to complete
all requirements.
The incoming water in the facility: amount and water sources.
The quantity of water used during the production process
The quantity of water recycled/reused in the facility
The quality of wastewater generated
The wastewater generated in the facility
The volume of water discharged after the own treatment
The frequency which the water balance is updated
Applicability Test
6. Where is your industrial (or industrial and domestic combined) wastewater treated?
• Treated onsite only = INDUSTRIAL ONSITE
• Treated offsite only = INDUSTRIAL OFFSITE
• Treated onsite and offsite = INDUSTRIAL ONSITE + OFFSITE
• Not treated = STOP
Questions for Industrial Wastewater Categories: These questions will apply to all factories that have both
industrial / domestic wastewater or zero liquid discharge systems.
Questions for Domestic-Only Wastewater Categories: These questions will apply to all factories that do not
have industrial wastewater and only have domestic wastewater.
1. Does your facility track its industrial and/or domestic wastewater volume?
Wastewater generated includes water that is either discharged, reclaimed/recycled or reused at your site.
Please include all manufacturing and/or commercial activities within your facility site’s wastewater generation,
including domestic use, as well as wastewater/effluent from dormitories, bathrooms, showers, and kitchens.
Suggested Upload: Annual wastewater production monitoring record (quality and quantity)
What was the final discharge point for your Offsite Wastewater Offsite Wastewater Offsite Wastewater
facility’s industrial wastewater? Treatment Plant Treatment Plant Treatment Plant
Septic or Lagoon Septic or Lagoon Septic or Lagoon
Environment: Land Environment: Land Environment: Land
Environment: Water Environment: Water Environment: Water
Recycled / reused in Recycled / reused in Recycled / reused in
the facility the facility the facility
For each guideline, provide detailed information on any detections found, including action plans for
improvement. If you are reporting to a wastewater guideline you will receive additional points for achieving
higher levels of wastewater performance. Please see How to Higg for more detailed information on wastewater
If Permit is selected:
• Is your facility in compliance with its permit and/or contractual agreements?
E.g. with the offsite wastewater treatment plant
• If yes, upload a copy of the permit
• If yes, upload test results
• If no, list detections and describe action plan.
Have you tested and met all parameters specified in the standard?
• Yes
• No - I have tested and did not meet one or more parameter limits
Have you tested and met all parameters specified in the guideline?
• No - I have tested and did not meet one or more parameter limits
• Yes – I have tested and MET at least the FOUNDATIONAL limits for all
parameters listed in Table 1 Conventional Parameters in ZDHC Wastewater
• If yes, upload test results
Which level did your facility meet for conventional parameters in 2017, based on
the ZDHC Wastewater Guidelines?
• Foundational = partial points in Level 2 (12.5 points)
• Progressive = full points in Level 2 (25 points)
• Aspirational = full points in Level 3 (33.33 points)
Does your test result also show no detection of parameters in Table 2A-N
Chemical Groups?
Detections Tables
Select Indicate Units Indicate Units How long Upload your action
parameters the the limit have you plan for the substance
which were not quantity had this detected / If you don't
met detected problem? have a document to
upload, describe your
Wastewater Standard:
Select parameters Indicate Units Indicate Units Indicate ZDHC Upload your action
which were not the the limit Level, if plan for the
met quantity applicable substance detected /
detected If you don't have a
document to upload,
describe your plan
3. What is the name and contact information of the offsite wastewater treatment plant?
• Name:
• Address:
• Ownership:
• Do you have a copy of the contract with the wastewater treatment plant?
o Please upload documentation if available
o If you cannot upload the documents, please describe here:
This information is important because environmental contamination from improper treatment must be
addressed regardless of where the problem originates. This information can help your factory, the community,
and local businesses prevent or cleanup accidental environmental contamination in the case of a failure.
You will receive full points if you know your wastewater treatment plant and are able to upload a contract.
Please note that a contract will be required during verification for all factories in China.
Upload: a) Signed contract with the offsite wastewater treatment plant; b) A permit for your facility to show that
they are allowed to discharge into the offsite wastewater treatment plant
4. Does your facility have a back-up plan if there is an emergency situation related to wastewater?
Select all strategies included in your facility's back-up plan for wastewater
It is critical that your facility have a backup plan in the event of a wastewater treatment failure in order to
prevent untreated effluent from being discharged to the local environment. If you do not have a backup process
that can handle your average daily capacity, you cannot score points or complete Level 1.
Upload: Documented back-up process that is sufficient to treat the average daily amount of wastewater
discharged by the facility site.
If you have hazardous sludge it must be disposed of through a licensed hazardous waste contractor or
through incineration under properly controlled conditions. Non-hazardous sludge can be disposed of through
any method though you must provide documented evidence that your facility’s sludge is not hazardous.
Suggested Upload: a) Sludge analysis or test results (if non-hazardous is selected); b) permits or manifests
for proper disposal or land application.
Septic wastewater needs to be treated and disposed of properly to avoid contaminating the environment.
Suggested Upload: a) Documentation that your facility treats septic wastewater before it is discharged; b)
Plan to upgrade your septic tank to a more modern wastewater treatment approach.
How does your site unload your septic tank once full?
Do you have a plan to upgrade your septic tank to a more modern wastewater treatment approach?
Your facility should begin planning to upgrade your septic system to a more modern form of treatment in
order to properly contain pollutants long-term. You will be awarded partial points if you are properly treating
and disposing of septic wastewater, but do not yet have a plan to upgrade to a modern treatment system.
Wastewater/Effluent – Level 2
7. Have you requested wastewater quality test results from the offsite wastewater treatment plant?
It is important to be aware of any wastewater quality violations at the wastewater treatment plant in the event
that your facility is contributing to environmental contamination. Although your facility does not have authority
over the offsite wastewater treatment plant, please provide evidence of your request for wastewater quality
results, even if quality results were not provided. This question is intended to provide you with more information
in case you are able to take any action to assist the wastewater treatment plan in proper treatment and
discharge to the environment.
Upload: a) Documentation of your request to offsite wastewater treatment plant for wastewater quality records;
b) Offsite wastewater treatment plant quality records (if provided)
Wastewater/Effluent – Level 3
8. Does your facility reuse and/or recycle process wastewater as process water (closed loop)?
Enter the percentage of wastewater treated and recycled back into your production processes
Please describe
Please answer Yes if you have wastewater treatment in place to recycle 50% or more of your production
wastewater back into production processes. The recycled water must be used in production processes - other
uses like irrigation, toilets are excluded. Treatment may be chemical or biological such as membrane filtration
or Zero Liquid Discharge.
Suggested Upload: a) Records demonstrating closed-loop recycling (process water to process water); b) List of
water reduction achievement(s) according to the location where water is captured for recycling OR the location
where recycled water is used.
Section 5. Waste
Waste – Level 1
1. Which non-hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply:
Includes production and domestic waste. You will receive full points if you are completely tracking the quantity
of all waste streams that your facility generates. You will receive partial points if you are completely tracking at
least one of your waste sources, but are not yet tracking all of your sources.
It is important to also specify how each waste stream is being disposed of in order to identify opportunities to
increase your use of preferred disposal methods (e.g., reuse, recycling, properly controlled energy recovery,
incineration, and biological/chemical treatment) and reduce landfilling and/or uncontrolled incineration.
Please What quantity of non- Quantity Which method How was this waste Provide Any
specify hazardous waste was Unit of was used to disposed of? Additional
material type generated by this Measure track this waste Comments
source in 2017? source?
2. Which hazardous waste streams does your site produce? Select all that apply:
Production Waste
• Empty chemical drums and containers
• Film and Printing Frame
• Wastewater treatment sludge (industrial / domestic)
• Expired / unused / used chemicals (waste oil, solvents, reactants, etc…)
• Compressed Gas Cylinders (refrigerants, etc.)
• Contaminated materials (please specify)
• Other (please specify)
Domestic Waste
• Batteries
• Fluorescent light bulb
• Ink cartridges
• Waste oil and grease (from cooking)
• Empty containers (cleaning, sanitizing, pesticides, etc...)
• Electronic Waste
• Coal combustion residuals (fly ash and bottom ash/coal slag)
• Other (please specify)
Hint: You will receive full points if you are completely tracking all hazardous waste sources AND are disposing
of hazardous wastes through a licensed and permitted hazardous waste contractor. Please refer to the
guidance documents for information on reporting on drums or barrels.
Source What quantity of Which How was this waste Are all hazardous Describe your
hazardous method was disposed of? waste transporters, waste
waste was used to track treatment, and management and
generated by this waste disposal facilities disposal
this source in source? licensed and processes for this
2017? permitted? source
If there are no legal
regulations for
hazardous waste in
your area, choose
"Not Applicable"
• Physical-
• Other (please
Add new
row +
3. Does your facility segregate all waste streams into non-hazardous and hazardous waste, and store
them separately?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you segregate hazardous and non-hazardous waste for appropriate management.
4. Does your facility have well-marked, designated hazardous waste storage areas?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Hazardous wastes pose a greater risk to the environment and human health than non-hazardous wastes and
thus require a stricter control regime. It’s important to segregate hazardous wastes and secure storage areas
and containers to eliminate risk to workers and the environment.
The hazardous waste storage area is ventilated, dry and protected from the weather, and fire risk.
• Yes
• No
The hazardous waste storage area is protected from unauthorized employees (i.e. locked).
• Yes
• No
Storage containers are in good condition, appropriate for their contents, closed and clearly labeled with their
• Yes
• No
Where liquid wastes are stored, the floor is solid and non-porous, containers have lids, there are no water
drains that the liquid could spill into, and there is no evidence of spilled liquid.
• Yes
• No
Flammable substances are kept away from sources of heat or ignition, including the use of grounding and
explosion-proof lighting.
• Yes
• No
5. Does your facility have well-marked, designated non-hazardous waste storage areas?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Non-hazardous wastes can pose contamination risks (e.g., pollution, waste being dispersed by the wind, food
waste leachate) and risks to workers (e.g., fire, sharp objects).
The non-hazardous waste storage area is ventilated, dry and protected from the weather, and fire risk.
• Yes
• No
The non-hazardous waste storage area is protected from unauthorized employees (i.e. locked).
• Yes
• No
Storage containers are in good condition, appropriate for their contents, closed and clearly labeled with their
• Yes
• No
Where liquid wastes are stored, the floor is solid and non-porous, containers have lids, there are no water
drains that the liquid could spill into, and there is no evidence of spilled liquid.
• Yes
• No
Flammable substances are kept away from sources of heat or ignition, including the use of grounding and
explosion-proof lighting.
• Yes
• No
If open burning is not forbidden, please describe the technology used and how you control air emissions
If open dumping is not forbidden, please describe the technology used and how you control air emissions
Burning waste on facility premises (inside or outside) with no air emissions control equipment and without
special authorization from your environmental legal agency should be forbidden. If you do incinerate on-site,
please explain the technology, the approval process, and how you control air emissions in the comment field
7. Does your site provide training to all employees whose work involves hazardous waste handling
(such as maintenance and custodial staff)?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
You will be awarded full points if all topics were included in your training. If some, but not all, topics were
included you will be awarded partial points
Suggested Upload: List of trained individuals, training materials (including calendar), certifications
8. Has your facility set a baseline for solid waste? If yes, select all sources of waste for which your
facility has set a baseline:
In order to demonstrate improvements or reductions, it’s important to know what your starting point is. A
“baseline” is a starting point or benchmark that you can use to compare yourself against over time. For
example, if your factory produced 15 kg of domestic waste per product in 2016, you will be able to compare
your performance against this amount in years to come. In this example, “15 kg of domestic waste per product
in 2016” is an example of a normalized baseline. Please note that you may need to set separate baselines for
total amount of waste generated and disposal method.
Waste Source Is the baseline What is the baseline quantity? Enter the How was Was the
(fills from absolute or If you are reporting a normalized baseline your baseline baseline
source normalized? baseline, it must be normalized by the year calculated? verified?
selections production unit you specified in the Site
above) Info section. Please make sure your
normalization calculation reflects your
production volumes from your baseline
year, not from 2017.
Did you set a baseline for waste disposal methods for your facility's overall waste?
• Yes
• No
Waste Source (fills What is the baseline quantity? Enter the How was your Was the baseline
from source Enter the percentage of your baseline year baseline verified?
selections above) facility's waste source that was calculated?
disposed using this method
Select all sources of waste for which your facility has set a quantity or improvement target.
You will receive full points if you set targets for waste streams that make up 80% or more of your total waste
generated. You will receive partial points if you set targets for waste sources that make up 50-79% or more of
your total waste generated. This is to reward you for aiming to reduce your greatest sources of waste
generation which will maximize environmental impact.
Did you set a target for improving waste disposal methods for your facility's overall waste?
• Yes
• No
Examples of improvements to disposal methods include: Eliminate or reduce waste generation at the source;
Reuse waste (without any modification of the waste); Increase quantity of waste recycling; Use another
treatment that has lower impact on the environment (e.g., energy recovery)
10. Does your facility have an implementation plan to reduce waste quantity or improve type of
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if you have an implementation plan in place that demonstrates you are taking action to
achieve your targeted reductions or improvements. Please choose Partial Yes if you have a plan but have not
started on all action items. You may download a sample implementation plan here:
This should be a waste reduction plan showing specific actions designed to achieve targeted reductions in
waste consumption
11. Has your facility reduced waste quantity or improve type of treatment, compared with the
established baseline, in 2017?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
You will receive full points if you made reductions for waste sources that make up 80% or more of your total
waste generated. You will receive partial points if you made reductions for waste sources that make up 50-79%
or more of your total waste generated. This is to reward you for reducing your greatest sources of waste which
will maximize environmental impact.
We recommend that you show normalized reductions such as “hazardous waste per product was reduced by
80% in 2017”. This is because normalized metrics show real improvement rather than reductions from business
changes such as reduced production.
Select all sources of waste for which your facility made improvements.
Waste – Level 3
12. Does your facility validate the final disposal and treatment of all hazardous wastes?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Describe how you work with your facility’s waste contractors to ensure appropriate disposal during the
waste treatment.
Hazardous waste poses serious risk to the environment when improperly treated and disposed of. It is
considered leading practice for a facility to take extra steps to confirm that their waste contractors are properly
transporting, storing, treating and disposing of hazardous wastes from your facility site. Facilities should screen,
validate and check contractors every three years.
13. Has your factory diverted at least 90 percent of all discarded materials from landfills, incinerators
and the environment?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Zero waste to landfill is defined as diverting 90% of all discarded materials from landfills, incinerators and the
environment. If you can demonstrate that you divert 90% or more of all waste please answer Yes to this
Suggested Upload: Waste inventory and waste manifests showing >90% diversion from landfills/incinerators
14. Does your facility upcycle some of its waste or insert its waste into a circular economy system?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Suggested Upload: Pictures or process flows, showing type and amounts of waste that are recycled into
products of the same or higher value
To determine whether you need to complete the questions in the Air Emissions section, we must evaluate
whether your factory has relevant sources of air emissions. Air emissions can be from materials processing
equipment AND/OR boilers that generate steam for operations.
o Boiler
o If selected, tell us size:
§ Small: less than 50 MW
§ Medium: 50 MW - 300 MW
§ Large: more than 300 MW
o Generators
o Engines
o Ovens
o Heating and ventilation
o Refrigerant device
o Air conditioning
o Other sources of known air emissions from facility operations
If any of the above are selected: Has Operating emissions - proceed to applicability question 2.
Refrigerants will have own table.
1. Does your factory have any air emissions from facility operations that:
• Are not regulated by a permit?
o Yes
o No
• Are regulated by a permit, but you are not in compliance.
o Yes
o No
Select all sources of air emissions relevant to your facility's operations that are not regulated by a
permit, or for which your facility is not in compliance with its permit
Since you demonstrated compliance with your air permit in the Permits section, please only enter data for
emissions that are not tracked by a permit or that are not in compliance with a permit. This question excludes
emissions from production processes.
Source What What Reason What Is this If yes, If your If your If you
equipme pollutant for quantity source of what is facility is facility is cannot
nt is this s are reportin of air emission the out of out of upload
source present g emission s complian complian complian a copy,
linked that are pollutant s were regulated ce status ce, how ce, please
to? not emitted by a of the long have upload descri
regulated by this governme source? you had the action be the
by a source in nt this plan for action
permit or 2017? agency? problem? the plan:
have substanc
been e
found to detected
be out of
ce with a
es (ODS)
toxic air
2. Select all sources of air emissions that result from production processes
This question tracks the presence of indoor air quality emissions from production processes. This includes
fugitive sources from production processes (sources without a chimney that emit into the building outside
through windows, doors, etc.).
Permit compliance does not apply to this question, as indoor air quality emissions are infrequently regulated.
Source (Refrigerant What pollutants What quantity of air What method was Provide any
Type) are known or emissions were emitted by used to track additional
likely to be this source in 2017? emissions from this comments
present? source?
3. Did your facility add additional refrigerants to any existing equipment in 2017?
Hint: Having to add refrigerants to existing equipment indicates the system has a leak. If CFC-based
refrigerants are maintained in the building, you must reduce annual leakage to 5% or less and reduce the total
leakage over the remaining life of the equipment to less than 30% of its refrigerant charge.
This question will contribute to your GHG-emissions calculation so it’s important for you to enter accurate data
about leak quantities. Please note that your GHG result is intended to provide directional insight into your
opportunities to improve, but is not a formal GHG calculation to be used for public reporting.
Select Refrigerant Quantity of Refrigerant Added to What method was used to What is your
Existing track emissions from this plan for fixing
Equipment in 2017 (exclude source? this leak?
refrigerant added to newly
purchased equipment for the first
time) Units:
R-12 (CFC)
R-12B1 (H)
R-12B2 (H)
R-13 (CFC)
R-13B1 (H)
R-14 (PFC)
R-20 (HCC)
R-21 (HCFC)
R-22 (HCFC)
R-22B1 (H)
R-23 (HFC)
R-30 (HCC)
R-31 (HCFC)
R-32 (HFC)
R-40 (HCC)
R-41 (HFC)
R-50 (HC)
R-110 (PCC)
R-111 (CFC)
R-112 (CFC)
R-112a (CFC)
R-113 (CFC)
R-113a (CFC)
R-114 (CFC)
R-114a (CFC)
R-114B2 (H)
R-115 (CFC)
R-116 (PFC)
R-120 (HCC)
R-121 (HCFC)
R-121a (HCFC)
R-122 (HCFC)
R-122a (HCFC)
R-122b (HCFC)
R-123 (HCFC)
R-123a (HCFC)
R-123b (HCFC)
R-124 (HCFC)
R-124a (HCFC)
R-125 (HFC)
R-E125 (HFC)
R-130 (HCC)
R-130a (HCC)
R-131 (HCFC)
R-131a (HCFC)
R-131b (HCFC)
R-132 (HCFC)
R-132a (HCFC)
R-132b (HCFC)
R-132c (HCFC)
R-132bB2 (H)
R-133 (HCFC)
R-133a (HCFC)
R-133b (HCFC)
R-134 (HFC)
R-134a (HFC)
R-E134 (HFC)
R-140 (HCC)
R-140a (HCC)
R-141 (HCFC)
R-141B2 (H)
R-141a (HCFC)
R-141b (HCFC)
R-142 (HCFC)
R-142a (HCFC)
R-142b (HCFC)
R-143 (HFC)
R-143a (HFC)
R-143m (HFC)
R-E143a (HFC)
R-150 (HCC)
R-150a (HCC)
R-151 (HCFC)
R-151a (HCFC)
R-152 (HFC)
R-152a (HFC)
R-160 (HCC)
R-161 (HFC)
R-170 (HC)
R-E170 (HC)
R-211 (CFC)
R-212 (CFC)
R-213 (CFC)
R-214 (CFC)
R-215 (CFC)
R-216 (CFC)
R-216ca (CFC)
R-217 (CFC)
R-217ba (CFC)
R-218 (PFC)
R-221 (HCFC)
R-222 (HCFC)
R-222c (HCFC)
R-223 (HCFC)
R-223ca (HCFC)
R-223cb (HCFC)
R-224 (HCFC)
R-224ca (HCFC)
R-224cb (HCFC)
R-224cc (HCFC)
R-225 (HCFC)
R-225aa (HCFC)
R-225ba (HCFC)
R-225bb (HCFC)
R-225ca (HCFC)
R-225cb (HCFC)
R-225cc (HCFC)
R-225da (HCFC)
R-225ea (HCFC)
R-225eb (HCFC)
R-226 (HCFC)
R-226ba (HCFC)
R-226ca (HCFC)
R-226cb (HCFC)
R-226da (HCFC)
R-226ea (HCFC)
R-227ca (HFC)
R-227ca2 (HFC)
R-227ea (HFC)
R-227me (HFC)
R-231 (HCFC)
R-232 (HCFC)
R-232ca (HCFC)
R-232cb (HCFC)
R-233 (HCFC)
R-233ca (HCFC)
R-233cb (HCFC)
R-233cc (HCFC)
R-234 (HCFC)
R-234aa (HCFC)
R-234ab (HCFC)
R-234ba (HCFC)
R-234bb (HCFC)
R-234bc (HCFC)
R-234ca (HCFC)
R-234cb (HCFC)
R-234cc (HCFC)
R-234cd (HCFC)
R-234da (HCFC)
R-234fa (HCFC)
R-234fb (HCFC)
R-235 (HCFC)
R-235ca (HCFC)
R-235cb (HCFC)
R-235cc (HCFC)
R-235da (HCFC)
R-235fa (HCFC)
R-236cb (HFC)
R-236ea (HFC)
R-236fa (HFC)
R-236me (HFC)
R-FE-36 (HFC)
R-241 (HCFC)
R-242 (HCFC)
R-243 (HCFC)
R-243ca (HCFC)
R-243cb (HCFC)
R-243cc (HCFC)
R-243da (HCFC)
R-243ea (HCFC)
R-243ec (HCFC)
R-244 (HCFC)
R-244ba (HCFC)
R-244bb (HCFC)
R-244ca (HCFC)
R-244cb (HCFC)
R-244cc (HCFC)
R-244da (HCFC)
R-244db (HCFC)
R-244ea (HCFC)
R-244eb (HCFC)
R-244ec (HCFC)
R-244fa (HCFC)
R-244fb (HCFC)
R-245ca (HFC)
R-245cb (HFC)
R-245ea (HFC)
R-245eb (HFC)
R-245fa (HFC)
R-245mc (HFC)
R-245mf (HFC)
R-245qc (HFC)
R-251 (HCFC)
R-252 (HCFC)
R-252ca (HCFC)
R-252cb (HCFC)
R-252dc (HCFC)
R-252ec (HCFC)
R-253 (HCFC)
R-253ba (HCFC)
R-253bb (HCFC)
R-253ca (HCFC)
R-253cb (HCFC)
R-253ea (HCFC)
R-253eb (HCFC)
R-253ec (HCFC)
R-253fa (HCFC)
R-253fb (HCFC)
R-253fc (HCFC)
R-254cb (HFC)
R-254pc (HFC)
R-261 (HCFC)
R-261ba (HCFC)
R-262 (HCFC)
R-262ca (HCFC)
R-262fa (HCFC)
R-262fb (HCFC)
R-263 (HFC)
R-271 (HCFC)
R-271b (HCFC)
R-271d (HCFC)
R-271fb (HCFC)
R-272 (HFC)
R-281 (HFC)
R-290 (HC)
R-C316 (CFC)
R-C317 (CFC)
R-C318 (PFC)
R-3-1-10 (PFC)
R-329ccb (HFC)
R-338eea (HFC)
R-347ccd (HFC)
R-347mcc (HFC)
R-365mfc (HFC)
R-4-1-12 (PFC)
R-5-1-14 (PFC)
R-400 (CFC)
R-401A (HCFC)
R-401B (HCFC)
R-401C (HCFC)
R-402A (HCFC)
R-402B (HCFC)
R-403A (HCFC)
R-403B (HCFC)
R-404A (HFC)
R-405A (HCFC)
R-406A (HCFC)
R-406B (HCFC)
R-407A (HFC)
R-407B (HFC)
R-407C (HFC)
R-407D (HFC)
R-407E (HFC)
R-407F (HFC)
R-408A (HCFC)
R-409A (HCFC)
R-409B (HCFC)
R-410A (HFC)
R-410B (HFC)
R-411A (HCFO)
R-411B (HCFO)
R-411C (HCFO)
R-412A (HCFC)
R-413A (HFC)
R-414A (HCFC)
R-414B (HCFC)
R-415A (HCFC)
R-415B (HCFC)
R-416A (HCFC)
R-417A (HFC)
R-417B (HFC)
R-418A (HCFC)
R-419A (HFC)
R-420A (HCFC)
R-421A (HFC)
R-421B (HFC)
R-422A (HFC)
R-422B (HFC)
R-422C (HFC)
R-422D (HFC)
R-423A (HFC)
R-424A (HFC)
R-425A (HFC)
R-426A (HFC)
R-427A (HFC)
R-428A (HFC)
R-429A (HFC)
R-430A (HFC)
R-431A (HFC)
R-432A (HO)
R-433A (HO)
R-433B (HO)
R-433C (HO)
R-434A (HFC)
R-435A (HFC)
R-436A (HC)
R-436B (HC)
R-437A (HFC)
R-438A (HFC)
R-439A (HFC)
R-440A (HFC)
R-441A (HC)
R-500 (HCFC)
R-501 (HCFC)
R-502 (CFC)
R-503 (HCFC)
R-504 (HCFC)
R-505 (HCFC)
R-506 (HCFC)
R-507[A] (HFC)
R-508[A] (HFC)
R-508B (HFC)
R-509[A] (HCFC)
R-510[A] (HC)
R-511[A] (HC)
R-600 (HC)
R-600a (HC)
R-601 (HC)
R-601a (HC)
R-610 (HC)
R-611 (HC)
R-1112a (CFO)
R-1113 (CFO)
R-1114 (PFO)
R-1120 (HCO)
R-1130 (HCO)
R-1132a (HFO)
R-1140 (HCO)
R-1141 (HFO)
R-1150 (HO)
R-1216 (PFO)
R-1218 (PFO)
R-1234yf (HFO)
R-1234ze (HFO)
R-1270 (HO)
4. Does your facility have control devices or abatement processes for on-site emissions to air? If yes,
select all sources of emissions that have abatement processes.
Please answer Yes only if you have control device(s) installed and in operation. If you have evidence of plans
to install control devices, please choose Partial Yes. This question does not include controls for indoor air
quality emissions from production processes.
Suggested Upload: Emission testing records from control devices or abatement processes.
Source What control device, abatement process, or What was the Provide any
safety equipment was used for this source of air frequency of additional
emissions? monitoring? comments
5. Does your facility have control devices or abatement processes for indoor air quality issues from
production processes? If yes, select all sources of air quality issues that have abatement processes.
Please answer Yes only if you have control device(s) installed and in operation. If you have evidence of plans
to install control devices, please choose Partial Yes.
Suggested Upload: Emission testing records from control devices or abatement processes.
Source What control device, abatement process, What was the Provide any
or safety equipment was used for this frequency of additional
source of air emissions? monitoring? comments
6. Has your facility gone beyond permit requirements to achieve a higher level of air performance in
Nitrogen Oxides (NOx), Sulfur Oxides (SOx), and Particulate Matter (PM)?
• Yes
• No
• Level 1: Foundational
• Level 2: Strategic
• Level 3: Aspirational
Please refer to the air standard in the guidance document to determine if you’ve met a foundational, strategic,
or aspirational level of air emissions performance.
7. Do you have a process for implementing modernized equipment to reduce or eliminate air emissions
and indoor air quality issues at your facility?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please select Yes if you have a documented plan to upgrade machinery or if all machinery has been upgraded
to the most modern version as that is one of the best ways to control pollutants and achieve a higher level of air
• Yes
• No
If any are selected, you are a facility that uses chemicals in production processes.
If none are selected, you are a facility that uses chemicals in facility tooling and/or operations only
1. Does your facility keep an inventory of chemicals used and the X X (NA for non-
suppliers of each chemical product? tooling)
2. Does your facility make Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available to X X (NA for non-
employees for all chemicals used? tooling)
3. Does your facility train all employees who use chemicals on chemical X X
hazards, risk, proper handling, and what to do in case of emergency or
4. Does your facility have a chemical spill and emergency response plan X X (NA (for non-
that is practiced periodically? tooling)
5. Does your facility have appropriate and operable protective and safety X X
equipment, as recommended by the Global Harmonization System
compliant (or equivalent) Safety Data Sheet, in all areas where chemicals
are stored and used?
6. Does your facility have chemical hazard signage and safe handling X X
equipment in the areas of the facility where chemicals are used?
9. Does your facility have well marked, designated chemical storage and X X
temporary storage areas?
10. Does your facility train employees responsible for the chemical X
management system on Restricted Substance Lists (RSLs) and
Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists (MRSLs)?
13. Can all of your production chemicals be traced from the manufacturing X
process back to chemical inventory?
15. Does your facility have an implementation plan to reduce the use of X X
hazardous chemicals beyond chemicals specified by regulations and/or
Restricted Substance Lists / Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists?
17. Does your facility collaborate with brands and/or chemical suppliers to X X
select chemicals for alternatives assessment?
18. Can your manufacturing process chemicals be traced from product lot X
number back to chemical lot number?
19. Does your facility contribute a chemical analysis against human and X
environmental hazard criteria (e.g., persistent, bio-accumulative, and
toxic) to this alternatives process?
23. Does your facility have documented business goals, processes and X
actions showing commitment (e.g., equipment, process, choice of
substitute chemicals) to new sustainable chemistry innovation?
1. Does your facility keep an inventory of chemicals used and the suppliers of each chemical product?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Not Applicable
A complete chemical inventory includes: chemical name and type, supplier/vendor name and type, Safety Data
Sheet (SDS) date of issuance, function, hazard classification, location used, storage conditions and location,
quantities, CAS number(s), lot numbers, MRSL compliance, purchase date, and expiration dates (if applicable).
You will be awarded full points if you have a complete inventory for all applicable chemicals in your facility. If
you track all chemicals in a partial inventory, you will be awarded partial points. Similarly, if you have a detailed
inventory but do not yet track all applicable chemicals, you will be awarded partial points.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: You should inventory all chemicals that are related to the
manufacturing processes and tooling/equipment category, including spot cleaners, machine grease/lubricants,
and effluent treatment plant chemicals. For facilities with only tooling/operations chemicals, If you do not have
any chemicals that may touch product (e.g. cleaning products) and/or do not use chemicals to maintain or
lubricate machines, you may select “not applicable”.
Upload: a) Chemical Inventory List; b) Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Global Harmonization System (GHS)
compliant or equivalent; c) Permits where applicable for certain sensitive chemicals to be stored or used (e.g.
explosive materials); d) List of purchased chemicals and corresponding purchase records for the past full year.
1b. Does your facility's chemical inventory include chemical identification data? Check all that apply:
1c. Does your facility’s chemical inventory include the following data? Select all that apply:
• Lot numbers
• MRSL compliance
• Purchase date
• Expiration dates (if applicable)
For data not included in your facility’s chemical inventory, is there an action plan for obtaining this
• Yes
• No
Not all information needs to be in one single document, but it needs to be easily accessible in relevant
documents (e.g., first in first out documentation)
CM-1a Applicability (these tables do not contain new scoring information, but are intended to provide a visual of
the applicability and yes/partial arrangements)
Chem in Production Chem in Tooling /
Operations Only
CM-1b: X X X X
2. Does your facility make Safety Data Sheets (SDS) available to employees for all chemicals used?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Not Applicable
Are Safety Data Sheets posted where hazardous chemicals are stored?
• Yes
• No
Are Safety Data Sheets available in languages workers understand (at least sections directly related to
operational worker safety and storage requirements, such as first aid, hazard, and flammability
• Yes
• No
Safety Data Sheets must be Global Harmonization System (GHS) compliant. Please select “partial yes” if you
meet Safety Data Sheet requirements, but they are not yet GHS-compliant.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: Safety Data Sheets are required for all chemicals that are
related to the manufacturing processes and tooling/equipment category, including spot cleaners, machine
grease/lubricants, and effluent treatment plant chemicals. If you do not have any chemicals that may touch
product (e.g. cleaning products) and/or do not use chemicals to maintain or lubricate machines, you may select
“not applicable”.
Upload: a) Chemical inventory list (skip if previously uploaded); b) Safety Data Sheet (SDS), Global
Harmonization System (GHS) compliant or equivalent (skip if previously uploaded); c) Globally Harmonized
System - Classification, Labelling and Packaging (GHS CLP); d) Emergency Response Plans; e)
Documentation of Spill Control/Containment equipment; f) Documentation of Appropriate PPE being utilized by
the workforce; g) Training documentation
3. Does your facility train all employees who use chemicals on chemical hazards, risk, proper handling,
and what to do in case of emergency or spill?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
4. Does your facility have a chemical spill and emergency response plan that is practiced periodically?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Does your facility keep records of all employee and environmental incidents related to chemical spills
and emergency response?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Chemical spill and emergency response plans must meet detailed requirements as specified in guidance, and
all workers must participate in a practice drill twice a year. Please select Partial Yes if you have a chemical spill
and emergency response plan, but that does not yet meet all requirements or you do not have practice drills.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: Answer Yes if you meet requirements for chemicals and
spill response plans, however twice-annual practice drills are not required.
5. Does your facility have appropriate and operable protective and safety equipment, as recommended
by the Global Harmonization System compliant (or equivalent) Safety Data Sheet, in all areas where
chemicals are stored and used?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Protective and safety equipment may include spill response kits (size, type and location appropriately adapted
for the chemical), showers and eyewash tested regularly, fire extinguishers maintained regularly, adapted
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) appropriate for the chemical (based on MSDS/SDS) such as appropriate
gloves, protective masks, long handle scoops, etc.
Equipment should follow specifications in the GHS-compliant or equivalent Safety Data Sheet, be clearly visible
for all relevant workers (e.g., not stored in a storage cupboard with locks; and in close proximity to the relevant
area), well-maintained, and checked regularly for functionality by relevant staff. There is no Partial Yes option
for this question.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: This applies to all chemicals that are related to the
manufacturing processes, tooling/equipment category, and operating chemicals that do not touch product.
Upload: a) Schedule for internal checks/audit for chemical safety that covers relevant chemical exposure risks
and safety equipment, with clear designation of responsibilities and outcome of the checks/audits; b) Inventory
list of PPEs and safety equipment with schedules of stock replenishments, equipment maintenance or
replacements, where applicable (skip if previously uploaded).
6. Does your facility have chemical hazard signage and safe handling equipment in the areas of the
facility where chemicals are used?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Your facility should post signage at all areas where chemicals are stored or used. Signage should depict the
hazard classification(s) of chemicals. The most critical areas for signage include: receiving and delivery,
chemical storage areas (centralized warehouse and temporary storage areas), chemical process areas,
manufacturing/production areas, waste chemicals storage (including chemical residues and expired chemicals),
and laboratories, toolshop, maintenance areas. Handling equipment should be available at relevant locations
and correspond with the safety requirement and hazard communication/signage for each particular chemical.
There is no Partial Yes option for this question.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: This applies to all tooling and operations chemicals in
your factory.
Upload: Schedule for internal checks/audit for chemical safety that covers relevant chemical exposure risks and
communication (signage placement and updates), with clear designation of responsibilities and outcome of the
checks/audits (skip if previously uploaded)
7. Does your facility select and purchase chemicals based on their hazards and MRSL / RSL
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
If yes, do all chemicals purchased and used in production meet the facility's chemical purchasing
• Yes
• No
If no, do you have a process or plan for eliminating chemicals that do not meet the facility's chemical
purchasing policy?
• Yes
• No
MRSL is a Manufacturing Restricted Substance List. Facilities typically are aware of Restricted Substance Lists
(RSL); however, the industry has recently evolved to focus on Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists
(MRSL) to further environmentally-friendly chemical use in addition to Restricted Substance Lists. MRSL is
important because a facility that uses compliant chemicals, in accordance with technical specification
directions, has better environmental outcomes for the various facility discharges as well as more consistent
RSL material compliance.
Please answer Yes only if all chemicals purchased meet RSL/MRSL purchasing requirements and you have
documentation to support this. Please select Partial Yes if you purchased chemical(s) that do not meet
MRSL/RSL requirements, but you have a documented plan for eliminating these chemicals next year.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: All purchased chemicals must meet these requirements
with documentation available that includes certificates of analysis for the composition and MSDS / SDS and
technical data sheets where applicable. RSL should be included in your facility’s purchasing to prevent
violations from accidentally occurring, and it also relieves you from having to demonstrate a full RSL-
compliance program in Higg.
8. Does your facility have an environmental and occupational health and safety program specific to
chemicals management?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Chemicals health and safety programs must have a designated person or team, meet legal health and safety
requirements, and have written procedures for chemical storage, handling, usage, disposal, and environmental
controls for waste or discharge to the environment. Please select Partial Yes if your chemicals health and
safety program is complete, but not yet documented in writing.
Upload: a) Letter of appointment, job description, organization chart; b) Curriculum Vitae of responsible
person/team; c) Environmental Health and Safety procedures related to chemical storage, handling, usage, and
disposal ; d)
Chemical Inventory with identified hazards with MSDS, technical sheets available to and used by
Environmental Health and Safety personnel (skip if previously uploaded); e) Permits with operating limits and
relevant laws governing health and safety requirement for chemical storage, operations, and disposal (skip if
previously uploaded); f) Chemical accident and spill records (skip if previously uploaded); g) Health and Safety
Log (First Aid and health station)
9. Does your facility have well marked, designated chemical storage and temporary storage areas?
• Yes, it has both chemical storage and temporary storage areas
• Yes, it only has chemical storage areas
• No
• Unknown
Proper chemical storage is as important to safety as proper chemical handling. Often, seemingly logical storage
ideas, such as placing chemicals in alphabetical order, may cause incompatible chemicals to be stored
together. Facilities must demonstrate that all storage areas are well-marked and properly managed to prevent
contamination and safety risks. Temporary storage happens at the point of work where chemicals are applied,
such as a screen-printing station. Temporary storage questions only apply to factories that use chemicals in
production processes.
You will be awarded full points if you meet all storage criteria. Partial points will be awarded if you meet half of
all storage criteria.
Upload: a) Facility drawing or emergency response plan with local authorities where applicable (skip if
previously uploaded); b) Storage/usage permit with restrictions (if applicable); c) Local fire codes
MSDS/SDS and technical sheets in local language (skip if previously uploaded); d) Chemical labeling on
chemical containers (original labeling, no handwritten labels); e) Floor plan of chemical storage areas,
specifying categorization and placements of different types of chemicals; f) Storage in/out log, FIFO records, for
each chemical specifying date of arrival at storage, lot number, chemical expiration dates, date of dispatch to
production, etc. (skip if previously uploaded); g) Management audits/inspections checklists of chemical storage
areas; h) Standard operating procedures for proper chemical storage.
Storage Temporary
The chemical storage area is ventilated, dry and protected from the weather, and fire risk. X X
The chemical storage area has easy entry and exit in case of any emergencies. X X
Storage containers are in good condition, appropriate for their contents, closed and clearly X X
labeled with their contents.
Floor in storage area is solid and non-porous, there are no water drains that the liquid could X X
spill into, and there is no evidence of spilled liquid.
Secondary containment is available for solid and liquid chemicals in tanks, drums, and X X
temporary containers (where applicable) to ensure no unintended releases occur
Incompatible substances (such as strong acids and strong bases) are stored separately. X X
Flammable substances are kept away from sources of heat or ignition, including the use of X X
grounding and explosion-proof lighting.
Temporary storage containers are closed and labeled with contents, lot, and hazard class. X
Temporary waste containers are closed, labeled with contents, and hazard class. X
10. Does your facility train employees responsible for the chemical management system on Restricted
Substance Lists (RSLs) and Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists (MRSLs)?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please describe the RSL and MRSL trainings conducted in the last calendar year
MRSL and RSL trainings must be conducted by a knowledgeable employee and come with documentation
showing who, when, where, and how they were trained on MRSL and RSL. Please select Partial Yes if training
has been provided but is not yet well-documented.
Upload: a) Job Descriptions (skip if previously uploaded); b) MRSL/RSL training record(s) with names, date,
topic of training, brief description of what was trained
11. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically identify, monitor and verify
compliance with all product Restricted Substance Lists (RSLs)?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Facilities must incorporate an industry standard such as an AFIRM, AAFA, or major customer RSL(s) into their
business practices. Please answer Yes if you can verify RSL compliance by providing evidence of your RSL
review process and technical data sheets, inventories that meet RSL requirements, and by providing Letters of
RSL Conformance, material composition analyses, and/or product test results. If you can prove RSL
conformance but do not yet have an internal review process to systematically monitor RSL, please answer
Partial Yes.
Upload: a) Technical Data/Specification sheets (TDS) for all chemicals; b) Recipes for processes where
chemicals are used; c) Purchased materials list with Letter of Compliance to RSL for all chemicals; d) Chemical
inventory - verify all chemicals are covered and checked for RSL compliance at least on annual basis, check
the dates of previous check.
12. Does your facility have a documented process to systematically monitor, update and demonstrate
compliance with Manufacturing Restricted Substance Lists (MRSLs)?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Does your facility require its washing and printing subcontractors to do the same?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
• Not Applicable
Facilities must incorporate an MRSL into their business practices. Establishing an effective MRSL program is
complicated and may take several years to fully implement in your factory. Please refer to the guidance
documents for more information.
Upload: a) Chemical Inventory (skip if previously uploaded); b) Chemical review policy and process flow; c) List
of non-conforming chemicals; d) Phase out plan for non-conforming chemicals, if any; e) MRSLs applicable to
the facility e.g. own MRSL, customers’ MRSL, or ZDHC MRSL; f) Positive lists from chemical suppliers (skip if
previously uploaded); g) Email communication or communication trail between facility and its chemical
suppliers and subcontractors (if any) regarding MRSL compliance; h) Letter of compliance to MRSL with
chemical name, date of issuance, and test reports; i) Documented periodical screening process against ZDHC
Chemical Gateway (where applicable) and the Level of Conformance of each chemical screened. Dated
records of previous screenings and schedule of future screening.
13. Can all of your production chemicals be traced from the manufacturing process back to chemical
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Chemicals traceability is necessary so that a facility can trace the source of a RSL and/or MRSL failure and
take action. Please answer Yes only if your facility can trace all chemicals in production recipes back to the
chemical inventory. If only some of the chemicals in production recipes can be traced back to the chemical
inventory, please choose Partial Yes.
Upload: a) Recipe cards, chemical formulation sheets, and process instructions (where applicable), containing
all traceable information (i.e. chemical name and available quantity); b) Chemical Inventory (skip if previously
uploaded); c) Chemical mixing process log, lab records (e.g. color lab, washing lab, etc.)
14. Does your facility have an implementation plan to improve your chemicals management program?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
We recognize that it may take many factories years to fully complete all Level 1 requirements for a robust
chemicals management program. If you have a plan for achieving full completion of Level 1 requirements,
please upload it here.
Upload: Documented plan for achieving full completion of Level 1 requirements. This plan should include: a)
Which questions were not fully achieved why; b) People responsible and a targeted date for achieving
requirements for those questions which were not met.
15. Does your facility have an implementation plan to reduce the use of hazardous chemicals beyond
chemicals specified by regulations and/or Restricted Substance Lists / Manufacturing Restricted
Substance Lists?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Having hazardous chemicals does not mean that you have violated RSL or MRSL; your facility may have
hazardous chemicals that are permitted on-site but that must be handled appropriately and eventually phased
out. Please refer to the guidance documents for more information.
Upload: a) A hazardous chemical(s) list with an action plan with assigned responsibilities and a timeframe for
action; b) Alternative chemical trials in laboratory or pilot facility documents with conclusions to proceed or
16. Does your facility source already-approved or preferred chemicals from a positives list beyond
chemicals specified by regulations and/or Restricted Substance Lists / Manufacturing Restricted
Substance Lists?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if more than 10% of the chemical formulations in the chemical inventory (% based on
the number of chemicals, not the volume) are sourced from a positive list such as ZDHC Chemical Gateway,
bluesign, GOTS, and/or Oeko-Tex. If you have chemicals from a positives list that make up less than 10% of
your inventory, please choose Partial Yes.
For facilities that do not use chemicals in production: Please answer Yes only if more than 50% of the chemical
formulations in the chemical inventory (% based on the number of chemicals, not the volume) are sourced from
a positive list such as ZDHC Chemical Gateway, bluesign, GOTS, and/or Oeko-Tex. If you have chemicals
from a positives list that make up less than 50% of your inventory, please choose Partial Yes.
Upload: a) Demonstrate access to a positive list (example: bluesign bluefinder licence); b) Chemical inventory
listing the chemical formulations and the corresponding chemical supplier - chemicals sourced from a positive
list should be identified in the chemical inventory (skip if previously uploaded); c) Purchasing support
documents (skip if previously uploaded); d) Purchasing contract language to support sourcing chemicals from
positive lists (skip if previously uploaded); e) Process documentation to identify internal and external
responsibilities (skip if previously uploaded)
17. Does your facility collaborate with brands and/or chemical suppliers to select chemicals for
alternatives assessment?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
It’s critical that value chain partners work together on alternatives in order to prevent a regrettable substitution
that results in a product failure or non-compliance. You will be awarded partial points if you are collaborating on
alternatives for all categories of chemicals. You will be awarded partial points if you are only prioritizing
alternatives for some categories of chemicals.
Upload: a) Prioritized list of alternatives for chemicals; b) MRSL/RSL, substances of concern list, REACH
SVHC List (skip if previously uploaded); c) Minutes from collaborative meeting between facility, customers, and
chemical suppliers regarding alternatives.
18. Can your manufacturing process chemicals be traced from product lot number back to chemical lot
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if ALL chemicals used in processes or in mixtures can be traced to the
temporary/working storage and main warehouse where consistent records are available and maintained to the
lot number. If you can trace some but not all chemicals back to the lot number, please answer Partial Yes.
Suggested Upload: a) Product batch card including batch number, dates and production quantity; b) Recipe
cards, formulation sheets, process instructions (where applicable), containing all traceable information i.e.
chemical name, lot number, and quantity; c) Chemical mixing/blending process log, lab records (e.g. color lab,
washing lab, etc.), including relevant information e.g. chemical name and quantity used in mixtures; d)
Chemical storage log, including temporary/working storage and main warehouse with consistent records i.e.
storage in/out log with chemical lot number, quantity, and dates (stored and dispatched for usage).
19. Does your facility contribute a chemical analysis against human and environmental hazard criteria
(e.g., persistent, bio-accumulative, and toxic) to this alternatives process?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes if a hazardous chemicals assessment has been conducted in the facility and you are using
this information to prioritize action and encourage chemical use towards safer alternatives. The assessment
must include an evaluation of the hazard associated with an hazardous substance and an assessment of the
exposure. Answer Partial Yes if you have conducted an assessment but have not prioritized further action.
Suggested Upload: a) Hazardous Chemicals assessment report; b) Evidence the facility has evaluated the
alternatives against hazard criteria.
20. Does your facility contribute an analysis of lifecycle impacts to this alternatives process
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Your facility should optimize chemicals used, manufacturing processes, and machinery to reduce energy and
water consumption associated with a production step. An example would be choosing a different dyestuff in
order to reduce water consumption during a dyeing process. Please answer Yes if you have evaluated the
environmental impacts (e.g., impacts on water usage, energy usage, waste, wastewater, and disposal) of
replacing chemicals in your factory.
21. Does your facility have a documented Quality Assurance (QA) Program that includes performance
of chemicals?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if you have a process in place to randomly select and verify a chemical’s compliance
to a known standard such as an MRSL or RSL via an organoleptic and chemical analysis on at least an annual
basis. This QA program should include: 1) the evaluation of the quality and performance efficacy of each
chemical formulation used, 2) ensuring the process recipes of how each chemical formulation are to be used
are strictly followed, 3) process controls are strictly followed, and 4) ongoing assessment of production quality
with supporting records. Answer Partial Yes if your facility utilizes customer testing reports traceable to work
orders and recipes to verify chemical supplier conformance.
Suggested Upload: a) Quality department with associated records such as customer test reports, analytical
laboratory test reports by chemical by lot; b) Chemical supplier analytical test report; c) SOP for purchasing
chemicals from qualified suppliers (skip if previously uploaded); d) Quality reports to senior management; e) In-
house records of the analysis performed during last season; f) Test reports records from external labs of the
analysis performed during last season and check that they are in accordance with MRSL requirements; g)
Analysis results traceable to their corresponding internal orders and finished good batch.
Please select Yes if your facility has a system in place that requires all contractors and subcontractors to have
a preferred chemicals list and verify its use. You may choose Partial Yes if you have an action plan to engage
suppliers by requesting the selection of chemicals from a positive list.
Suggested Upload: a) Description of the procedures; b) Communications with the suppliers and subcontractors
showing confirming the practice of sourcing chemicals from positive lists; c) Higg verification report from
suppliers / subcontractors showing that they meet the criteria.
23. Does your facility have documented business goals, processes and actions showing commitment
(e.g., equipment, process, choice of substitute chemicals) to new sustainable chemistry innovation?
• Yes
• Partial Yes
• No
• Unknown
Does your facility communicate its goals, processes and actions to Brands and Suppliers?
• Yes
• No
• Unknown
Please answer Yes only if you can demonstrate that business decisions take responsible chemical
management and innovation into consideration by incorporating responsible chemicals into its own business
agreements and documented business goals. You may choose Partial Yes if you can otherwise demonstrate
that business decisions take responsible chemical management and innovation into consideration.