Anesthetizing children is an increasingly safe undertak- the risk of a motor vehicle collision on the way to the
ing. When discussing the risks and benefits of a child’s hospital or surgery center is greater than the risk of death
operation with his or her family, surgeons should feel under anesthesia. However, risks of mortality and mor-
confident that their anesthesiology colleagues can provide bidity are increased in neonates and infants less than one
an anesthetic that facilitates the procedure while ensuring year of age, those who are ASA (American Society of
the child’s safety. Providing optimal perioperative care for Anesthesiologists) status 3 or greater, and those who
children requires close collaboration between the surgeon require emergency surgery.5
and anesthesiologist on issues both large and small. This
chapter is designed to inform surgeons about the consid-
erations important to anesthesiologists. PREOPERATIVE ANESTHESIA
RISKS OF ANESTHESIA All patients presenting for operations under anesthesia
benefit greatly from a thorough preanesthetic/preopera-
In an effort to reduce patient complications, anesthesi- tive assessment and targeted preparation to optimize any
ologists have carefully analyzed anesthetic morbidity coexisting medical conditions. The ASA physical status
and mortality over the past generation. Whereas anesthe- (PS) score is a means of communicating the condition of
sia was historically considered a dangerous enterprise, the patient. The PS is not intended to represent operative
serious anesthesia-related complications are now rela- risk and serves primarily as a common means of commu-
tively rare, especially in healthy patients. The reasons for nication among care providers (Table 3-1). Any child with
this improvement include advances in pharmacology, an ASA classification of 3 or greater should be seen by an
improved monitoring technology, increased rigor of sub- anesthesiologist prior to the day of surgery. This may be
specialty training, and the ability to target problems using modified in cases of hardship due to the distance from the
an analysis strategy. surgical venue or when the patient is well known to the
Quantifying the risk of pediatric anesthesia is difficult anesthesia service, and the child’s health is unchanged.
due to the difficulty in determining whether complica- Finally, outstanding and unresolved medical issues may be
tions are attributable to the anesthetic, and if so, to what significant enough to warrant cancellation of the proce-
degree. The risk of cardiac arrest for children undergoing dure for optimization of anesthesia and/or further diag-
anesthesia was estimated in the 1990s to be 1 : 10,000.1,2 nostic workup.
However, these studies did not take patient co-morbidity
or the surgical condition into consideration. The risk of
a healthy child suffering cardiac arrest during myrin-
Criteria for Ambulatory Surgery
gotomy tube placement is significantly less than the like- Ambulatory surgery comprises 70% or more of the
lihood of a child with complex cardiac disease arresting caseload in most pediatric centers. Multiple factors
during a complex cardiac repair.3 should be considered when evaluating whether a child is
A recent review of cardiac arrests in anesthetized chil- suitable for outpatient surgery. Some states regulate the
dren compared 193 events from 1998–2004 to 150 events minimum age allowed in an ambulatory surgical center.
from 1994–1997.4 A reduction in medication-caused For example, the minimum age in Pennsylvania is six
arrests from 37% to 18% was identified, and was attrib- months. In most cases, the child should be free of severe
uted to the decline in halothane use (that causes myocar- systemic disease (ASA PS 1 or 2). Other factors that may
dial depression) and the advent of using sevoflurane (that determine the suitability of a child for outpatient surgery
is not associated with myocardial depression). There was are family and social dynamics. Some institutions utilize
also a reduction in unrecognized esophageal intubation a telephone screening evaluation process to determine
as a cause of arrest, due in large part to the advent of whether a patient can have their full anesthesia history
end-tidal carbon dioxide (ETCO2) monitoring, pulse oxi- and physical on the day of surgery rather than being
metry, and an increased awareness of the problem. evaluated in a preoperative evaluation clinic prior to
Recent large single center reports yield a current esti- surgery.6
mate of anesthesia-related mortality of 1 : 250,000 in Well-controlled systemic illnesses do not necessarily
healthy children. To put this into perspective for parents, preclude outpatient surgery, but any concerns must be
3 Anesthetic Considerations for Pediatric Surgical Conditions 35
Although serum electrolytes are not routinely screened, the scheduled surgery. These economic and social con-
electrolytes may be helpful in patients on diuretics. Pre- siderations deserve respectful attention. Symptoms that
operative glucose should be monitored in insulin- would tip the scales toward cancellation include the
dependent diabetic patients, and also in any patient who severity of illness, as measured by an intractable or pro-
has been receiving parenteral nutrition or intravenous ductive cough, bronchospasm, malaise, fever, or hypoxia
(IV) fluids with a dextrose concentration greater than 5% on pulse oximetry. In contrast, clear rhinorrhea with a
prior to surgery. simple cough is usually not sufficient grounds for cancel-
Routine screening for pregnancy in all females who lation, provided the family understands the very small
have passed menarche is strongly recommended. An age- chance of needing postoperative supplemental oxygen
based guideline (at our institution, any female 11 years of and bronchodilator therapy.
age or older) may be preferable. Although it is easiest to
perform a urine test for human chorionic gonadotropin The Former Preterm Infant
(hCG), if a patient cannot provide a urine sample, blood
can be drawn for serum hCG testing. Institutional policy Infants born prematurely (<37 weeks gestation) may
may allow the attending anesthesiologist to waive preg- exhibit sequelae such as bronchopulmonary dysplasia
nancy testing at their discretion. (BPD), gastroesophageal reflux, intraventricular hemor-
Certain medications, particularly anticonvulsants, rhage/hypoxic–ischemic encephalopathy (IVH/HIE), or
should be individually assessed regarding the need for laryngo/tracheomalacia or stenosis. Preterm infants are
preoperative blood levels. The nature of the planned also at increased risk for postoperative apnea after expo-
operation may also require additional studies. sure to anesthetic and analgesic agents.
chemoreceptors with blunted responses to hypoxia and dysfunction may, or may not, be present. However, the
hypercapnia, even without the additional burden of absence of signs and symptoms does not preclude the
anesthetic/opioid-induced respiratory depression. In possibility of life-threatening collapse of the airway or
addition, anesthetic agents decrease muscle tone in the cardiovascular obstruction upon induction of anesthesia.
upper airway, chest wall, and diaphragm, thereby further Patients presenting with anterior mediastinal masses
depressing the ventilatory response to hypoxia and hyper- (e.g., lymphoma) are at particularly high risk of airway
capnia. In the immediate neonatal period, immaturity of compromise and cardiovascular collapse with the induc-
the diaphragmatic musculature causes early fatigability, tion of general anesthesia due to compression of the
which may also contribute to apnea.12 Although postanes- trachea or great vessels when intrinsic muscle tone is lost
thetic apnea may be brief and resolve either spontane- and spontaneous respiration ceases.15–17 When this occurs,
ously or with minor stimulation, in ex-premature infants there may not be airway compromise, but rather obstruc-
even brief apnea may result in significant hypoxia. tion of vascular inflow to the right atrium and/or outflow
Although most apneic episodes occur within the first two tract obstruction from the right or left ventricle.
hours after anesthesia, apnea can be seen up to 18 hours Preoperative evaluation should begin with a careful
postoperatively. history to elicit any respiratory symptoms. Common
This increased risk of apnea affects the postanesthetic symptoms of tracheal compression and tracheomalacia
care of infants born prematurely, mandating that those include cough, dyspnea, wheezing, chest pain, dysphagia,
at risk be admitted for cardiorespiratory monitoring. orthopnea, and recurrent pulmonary infections. Cardio-
Despite numerous studies on this issue, the postnatal age vascular symptoms may result from infiltration of the
at which this increased risk of apnea disappears is still pericardium and myocardium or compression of the
being debated. The results of a meta-analysis of pertinent pulmonary artery or superior vena cava. The diagnostic
studies indicated that a significant reduction occurred in evaluation includes chest radiographs and/or computed
the incidence of apnea at 52 to 54 weeks’ postconceptual tomography (CT) scans. Echocardiography may be useful
age.13 A hematocrit less than 30% was identified as an to assess the pericardial status, myocardial contractility,
independent risk factor, and it was recommended that and compression of the cardiac chambers and major
ex-premature infants with this degree of anemia be hos- vessels. Flow-volume loops and fluoroscopy can provide
pitalized postoperatively for observation regardless of the a dynamic assessment of airway compression that other
postconceptual age. However, conclusions drawn from tests cannot assess. Chest CT is helpful in planning the
this meta-analysis have been challenged. Moreover, the anesthetic technique and in evaluating the potential for
sample size of this study may not have been large enough airway compromise during anesthesia. Tumor-associated
to draw valid conclusions.14 superior vena cava syndrome develops rapidly and is
Until more patients are systematically studied, the poorly tolerated.
choice of when a former preterm infant can undergo an Premedication is inadvisable in most patients with an
outpatient operation is up to the discretion and personal anterior mediastinal mass as any loss of airway muscle
bias of the anesthesiologist and surgeon. Institutional tone may upset the balance between negative intratho-
policies most commonly mention ages of 44 weeks for racic pressure and gravity, resulting in airway collapse.
infants born at term (>37 weeks), and from 52 weeks to Once the decision is made to sedate or anesthetize the
60 weeks postconceptual age for infants born at <37weeks. child, maintenance of spontaneous respiration, regardless
Legal issues direct these practices in many institutions, of induction technique, is paramount. It is essential to
but regardless of the postconceptual age at the time of avoid the use of muscle relaxants because the subsequent
surgery, an infant should be hospitalized if any safety airway collapse can be fatal.
concerns arise during the operative or recovery period. Positioning the child is an important part of the anes-
Although the risk of apnea can be decreased with thetic plan for these patients. The sitting position favors
regional anesthesia and/or caffeine, our practice is to gravitational pull of the tumor toward the abdomen
admit all at-risk patients (those with a postconceptual age rather than allowing the tumor to fall posteriorly onto
of younger than 60 weeks), regardless of the anesthetic the airway and major vessels as occurs in the supine posi-
technique used, to monitored, high-surveillance inpatient tion. However, the sitting position makes intubation
units for 23 hours after anesthesia and operation. Simi- challenging. Thus, positioning the symptomatic child in
larly, infants born at term must be at least 1 month of age the lateral decubitus position is recommended. Turning
to be candidates for outpatient surgery because postanes- the child lateral or prone, or lifting the sternum, have
thetic apnea has been reported in full-term infants up to been shown to alleviate acute deterioration in ventilation
44 weeks postconceptual age.13 Figure 3-1 shows an algo- or cardiovascular collapse secondary to tumor compres-
rithm useful for decision making regarding eligibility for sion.18,19 In any patient with an increased potential for
day surgery in young infants. such obstruction, provision should be made for the avail-
ability of a rigid bronchoscope, the ability to move the
Anterior Mediastinal Mass operating room table to effect position changes, and the
ability to institute cardiopulmonary bypass or extracor-
It has long been recognized that the anesthetic manage- poreal membrane oxygenation (ECMO). Compression of
ment of the child with an anterior mediastinal mass is greater than 50% of the cross-sectional area of the trachea
very challenging and fraught with the risk of sudden on CT imaging has been suggested to identify a popula-
airway and cardiovascular collapse. Signs and symptoms tion at risk of airway collapse during induction of general
of positional airway compression and cardiovascular anesthesia.20
3 Anesthetic Considerations for Pediatric Surgical Conditions 39
Premature birth?
<37 weeks
Yes No
Yes No Yes No
FIGURE 3-1 ■ This algorithm is useful for decision making regarding eligibility for outpatient surgery.
When possible, percutaneous biopsy of the mass using Preoperative Preparation and Evaluation
local anesthesia with or without judicious doses of seda-
tive medication is often ideal and poses the least risk to The spectrum of congenital and acquired cardiac lesions
the patient. In patients who have additional tissue sites is so varied that formulating one set of rules for evalua-
from which a biopsy can be obtained (e.g., cervical, axil- tion and perioperative care is nearly impossible. Children
lary, or inguinal lymph nodes), it may be safer to proceed with unrepaired or palliated heart disease, children
with the patient in a semi-sitting position using local requiring operation as a result of their cardiac disease,
anesthesia and carefully titrating sedation so that sponta- and children undergoing emergency surgery tend to be
neous ventilation is preserved. Recently, ketamine and more critically ill and require more intensive preopera-
dexmedetomidine have been shown to provide good tive preparation and assessment.
sedation with preservation of airway patency and sponta- Patients with CHD may be receiving antithrombotic
neous respiration in this setting.21 If progression to therapy for a variety of reasons, including the presence
general anesthesia is required and airway and/or vascular of systemic-to-pulmonary shunts, mechanical or biologi-
compression exists, standby ECMO capability is strongly cal prosthetic heart valves, a history of thrombosis involv-
recommended. ing a conduit or a shunt, recent transcatheter interventions
The inherent conflict between the need to obtain an or device placement, treatment of Kawasaki disease, and
accurate and timely tissue diagnosis and the very real the presence of risk factors for thromboembolic events
concern regarding the safe conduct of the anesthetic including Fontan physiology. No specific pediatric guide-
requires an open dialogue between the anesthesiologist, lines exist for the discontinuation of antithrombotic
surgeon, and oncologist to reach an agreement on strate- medications prior to an elective operation, and manage-
gies to achieve these goals. Many experts recommend ment strategies ideally should be coordinated between
the development and utilization of an algorithm for the child’s cardiologist, surgeon, and anesthesiologist.
anesthetic management of the child with an anterior An emergency operation presents additional manage-
mediastinal mass (Fig. 3-2). The algorithm addresses ment issues and often adds risk in several areas. There
assessment of signs and symptoms, evaluation of cardio may be little time preoperatively to optimize the patient’s
pulmonary compromise, and treatment options.18,22,23 cardiac condition, along with difficulty in quickly obtain-
ing complete cardiology and surgical records. In these
cases, the anesthetic preoperative evaluation is distilled
Patients with Congenital Heart Disease into the most important factors, including the nature and
Each year in the U.S., nearly 32,000 children are born duration of the present illness, the child’s underlying
with CHD. Extracardiac anomalies are seen in up to 30% cardiac disease, baseline status, and medications. Patients
of infants with CHD,24,25 and may necessitate operative with cyanosis, or those who depend on shunts for pulmo-
intervention in the neonatal period prior to repair nary blood flow (PBF), or those with single ventricle
or palliation of the cardiac lesion. Although physiologi- physiology who have undergone total cavopulmonary
cally well-compensated patients may undergo noncardiac anastomosis (Fontan procedure) require intravenous
surgery with minimal risk, certain patient groups hydration prior to induction of anesthesia if they are
have been identified as high risk: children less than 1 year hypovolemic. Based on the child’s condition and the
of age, especially premature infants; patients with nature of the emergency, a decision can be made as to
severe cyanosis, poorly compensated congestive failure whether to proceed with the case with no further workup
or pulmonary hypertension; patients requiring emer- or a review of available old records, or whether new
gency surgery and patients with multiple coexisting consultations and studies should be obtained prior to
diseases.26 surgery.
40 SECTION I General
Chest radiograph
History and physical exam
Negative Positive
or 50% 50% None
FIGURE 3-2 ■ This algorithm describes management of the patient with a large anterior mediastinal mass. GA, general anesthesia.
SVCS, superior vena cava syndrome. (Adapted from Cheung S, Lerman J. Mediastinal masses and anesthesia in children. In: Riazi J,
editor. The Difficult Pediatric Airway. Anesthesiol Clin North Am 1998;16:893–910.)
Endocarditis Prophylaxis prophylaxis for any other form of CHD. For a more
comprehensive discussion, the reader is referred to the
The most recent American Heart Association (AHA) original publications.31,32
guidelines for perioperative antibiotic prophylaxis
emphasize evidence-based practice. Current opinion
reflects the view that endocarditis is more likely to Special Issues in Patients with CHD
result from frequent exposure to bacteremias occurring
Pulmonary Hypertension
as a consequence of activities of daily living than those
due to dental, gastrointestinal, or genitourinary tract Prolonged exposure of the pulmonary vascular bed to
procedures.27–30 Except for the conditions listed in Box high flows secondary to left-to-right shunting, pulmo-
3-4, the AHA no longer recommends routine antibiotic nary venous obstruction, or high left atrial pressures can
3 Anesthetic Considerations for Pediatric Surgical Conditions 41
postoperative interrogation of permanent pacemakers.41 from the heart. However, systemic hypertension is fre-
All patients with an ICD should undergo preoperative quently seen in these children. At 18 months to 3 years
device interrogation with disabling of defibrillation capa- of age, a total cavopulmonary anastomosis, or Fontan
bility intraoperatively and resumption in the postopera- procedure, is performed. Surgeons usually choose to
tive period. Bipolar electrocautery should be utilized place a fenestration in the atrial baffle allowing right-to-
whenever possible in the patient with a pacemaker or left shunting to occur, and these patients often have
ICD. If monopolar electrocautery is used, the electrocau- hemoglobin-oxygen saturation of 80–90%. The presence
tery return pad should be placed as far away from the of aorto-pulmonary collaterals or baffle leaks may also
pacing generator as possible, and the pacemaker result in decreased systemic oxygen saturation.
generator/leads axis should not be located between the It is clear that the patient’s volume status must be
operative site and the grounding pad. If the pacemaker assessed preoperatively. Patients with dehydration should
cannot be placed in an asynchronous mode and electro- have an IV placed and adequate hydration assured prior
cautery adversely affects it, cautery current should be to induction of anesthesia. Care should be taken to avoid
applied for not more than 1 second at a time, with 10 hypovolemia as PBF is dependent on preload. Normal
seconds between burses of current, to allow for mainte- sinus rhythm should be maintained if possible. Control-
nance of CO.42,43 led ventilation is appropriate for most procedures as long
as excessive airway pressures are avoided, and physiologic
levels of PEEP may be used to avoid atelectasis without
Single Ventricle Physiology
impairing PBF.
A brief review of the anatomy and physiology of patients Although many children with SV physiology may
with single ventricle (SV) abnormalities is essential to appear well, they are uniquely susceptible to physiologic
understanding the consequences of anesthesia in this perturbations, especially hypovolemia. Laparoscopic pro-
population. The anatomy of patients classified as having cedures, while presenting many advantages, should be
SV physiology may include any lesion or group of lesions carefully undertaken in these patients
in which a two-ventricle cardiac repair is not feasible.
Generally, either both AV valves enter a single ventricular
chamber, or there is atresia of an AV or semilunar valve.
The Difficult Pediatric Airway
Intracardiac mixing of systemic and pulmonary venous The patient with a ‘difficult airway’ may require advanced
blood flow occurs, and the SV output is shared between airway management techniques in order to secure his/her
the pulmonary and systemic circulations. Patients with airway including the lighted stylet, the fiberoptic intubat-
relative hypoplasia of one ventricle, such as an unbal- ing stylet, the flexible fiberoptic bronchoscope, direct
anced AV canal defect or severe Ebstein anomaly, may laryngoscopy with intubating stylet, fiberoptic rigid
also undergo SV palliation operations. laryngoscopy, an anterior commissure scope, the laryn-
A series of three separate staged palliative cardiac sur- geal mask airway, cricothyrotomy, and tracheostomy.
geries are generally performed for most children with SV Anesthesiologists and facilities do not need availability of
physiology. After initial stage I palliation, patients are all of the listed techniques. When a difficult airway is
dependent on either a modified systemic-to-pulmonary anticipated, it is important to have all necessary airway
shunt or an RV to PA conduit to provide PBF. The ratio equipment present in the operating room (OR) before
of pulmonary to systemic blood flow is then dependent induction of anesthesia, as well as communication of the
on the balance between systemic vascular resistance difficult airway potential to all members of the OR team.
(SVR) and PVR, with patients vulnerable to perturba- Indirect intubation methods should be utilized rather
tions in PO2, PCO2, acid–base status, temperature, and than repeated attempts at direct laryngoscopy because
volume status. Oxygen saturations greater than 85% airway edema and bleeding increase with each attempt,
indicate pulmonary overcirculation and patients may decreasing the likelihood of success with subsequent indi-
exhibit symptoms of congestive heart failure (CHF). rect methods.44
Once the patient is anesthetized and mechanically venti- Patients that require additional approaches to obtain
lated, their oxygen saturation often increases, requiring an airway require additional OR time and, in certain
the adjustment of the FiO2 and PCO2 to target oxygen cases, continuation of intubation postoperatively may be
saturations between 75–85%. An acute drop in oxygen necessary, mandating ICU admission. Most difficult
saturation along with the absence of a murmur indicates airways in the pediatric age group can be anticipated.
loss of shunt flow and is catastrophic. Immediate echocar- Unlike in adults, it is rare to encounter an unanticipated
diographic confirmation of shunt flow is crucial, with difficult airway in a normal-appearing child. Some con-
rapid institution of ECMO if necessary. genital syndromes associated with difficult airway man-
Patients usually undergo a second stage procedure, or agement are listed in Table 3-2.
bidirectional cavopulmonary anastomosis, at 3 to 6 The ASA has developed practice guidelines and an
months of age, with the anastomosis of the superior vena algorithm for management of the difficult airway. This
cava to the pulmonary circulation replacing the systemic- guideline and algorithm are continually updated and well
to-pulmonary shunt created during the first stage surgery. known to anesthesiologists.44 Although the guidelines
Oxygen saturations will continue to range from 75–85% and algorithm are intended for use in adult patients, their
as patients are still mixing oxygenated and deoxygenated emphasis on the importance of having a clear primary
blood for ejection from the SV. Ventricular function is plan with multiple back-up contingency plans is equally
generally improved as the volume load has been removed applicable to infants and children.
3 Anesthetic Considerations for Pediatric Surgical Conditions 43
and patient position. In the supine or Trendelenburg duration of the insufflation. These factors should be con-
position, the venous return is less impaired when the sidered along with any pre-existing preoperative respira-
intra-abdominal pressure is kept below 15 mmHg. The tory or cardiovascular compromise in planning the
position preferred for upper abdominal procedures is operation and anesthetic management. The magnitude of
reverse-Trendelenburg or supine. The head-up position the physiologic changes induced by either one-lung or
reduces venous return and CO.55 Several pediatric studies two-lung ventilation with insufflation is impacted by the
have utilized echocardiography (supine),56 impedance patient’s age, underlying co-morbid conditions, and anes-
cardiography (15° head-down),57 and continuous esopha- thetic agents utilized.
geal aortic blood flow echo-Doppler (supine)58 to assess Many thoracic procedures require lung deflation and
hemodynamic changes during laparoscopic surgery. minimal lung excursion on the operative side while ven-
These studies demonstrated significant reductions in tilating the contralateral lung. OLV is useful if the
stroke volume and cardiac index (CI), along with a sig- surgeon requires additional exposure. In the pediatric
nificant increase in SVR. Pneumoperitoneum was found patient, there are several options for attaining unilateral
to be associated with significant increases in left ventricu- lung isolation (Fig. 3-3).61
lar end-diastolic volume, left ventricular end-systolic Complications related to anesthetic management are
volume, and left ventricular end-systolic wall stress.56 All usually related to mechanical factors such as airway injury
three studies demonstrated a decrease in cardiac per- and malposition of the ETT. Additional problems related
formance and an increase in vascular resistance in healthy to physiologic alterations include hypoxemia and hyper-
patients undergoing laparoscopy for lower abdominal capnia. An unusual complication was reported during
procedures. The cardiovascular changes seen with attempted thoracoscopic resection of a congenital cystic
pneumoperitoneum (Box 3-5) occur immediately with adenomatoid malformation in a 3.5 kg infant.62 During
creation of the pneumoperitoneum and resolve on CO2 insufflation, there was a sharp rise in ETCO2 accom-
desufflation. panied by severe hypoxemia and bradycardia. This was
due to occlusion of the ETT by blood. After immediate
conversion, it was discovered that there had been direct
Thoracoscopy insufflation into the cyst and that the cyst communicated
Thoracoscopy has advantages over open thoracotomy, directly with the tracheobronchial tree.
including reduced postoperative pain, decreased dura- Blood obstructing the ETT is a common occurrence
tion of hospitalization, improved cosmetic results, and during thoracic procedures, whether open or thoraco-
decreased incidence of chest wall deformity.59,60 An scopic, especially in infants in whom the ETT inner
optimal anesthetic plan considers potential respiratory diameter is so small and therefore at high risk for
derangements including ventilation-perfusion mismatch obstruction. Ventilatory parameters, such as increasing
which may result from positioning, CO2 insufflation into airway pressure during volume ventilation or decreasing
the pleural cavity, and single-lung ventilation. In addi- tidal volume during pressure ventilation, may precede
tion, much like insufflation during laparoscopy, hemody- desaturation and an increase in ETCO2 due to compro-
namic changes during chest insufflation can compromise mised ventilation associated with ETT obstruction.
preload, stroke volume, CI, and blood pressure.60 ETT suctioning, and if necessary, ETT lavage may be
In a study of 50 pediatric patients undergoing thora- required during the procedure to remove blood and/or
coscopy for a variety of operations, systolic and diastolic secretions.
blood pressures were significantly lower, and ETCO2 It is important to try to maintain a reasonable range
was significantly higher during thoracoscopy.60 After of elevated CO2 in neonates undergoing thoracoscopic
intrapleural CO2 insufflation, there was a statistically sig- procedures. Mukhtar and colleagues reported that per-
nificant increase in ETCO2 during one-lung ventilation missive hypercapnia with ETCO2 50–70 mmHg was
(OLV) compared with two-lung ventilation. On the other associated with improved cardiac output and arterial
hand, two-lung ventilation with CO2 insufflation was oxygen tension in neonates undergoing thoracoscopic
associated with a lower systolic and diastolic pressure ligation of patent ductus arteriosus.63 A case series in
than OLV. The increase in ETCO2 correlated with the which high-frequency oscillating ventilation (HFOV)
was used in neonates undergoing thoracoscopic proce-
dures has been reported.64 HFOV enables better CO2
elimination while optimizing the visualization for the
Physiologic Effects of Creation of a surgeons.
BOX 3-5
↑ Systemic vascular resistance POSTANESTHESIA CARE
↑ Pulmonary vascular resistance
↓ Stroke volume The recovery period for infants and children may be
↓ Cardiac index more crucial than for adult patients with 3–4% of infants
↑ PCO2
and children developing major complications in the
↓ Functional residual capacity
↓ pH recovery period, compared to only 0.5% of adults. Most
↓ PO2 of these complications occur in the youngest children
↓ Venous return (head up) (<2 years of age) and are most commonly respiratory
in nature.65
3 Anesthetic Considerations for Pediatric Surgical Conditions 45
FIGURE 3-3 ■ There are several methods available for single-lung ventilation in infants and children. (A) The most common method
is to use a conventional single-lumen endotracheal tube to intubate a main-stem bronchus. (B) Another technique is to position the
endotracheal tube in the trachea followed by insertion of a balloon-tipped bronchial blocker that is passed along the endotracheal
tube and occludes the ipsilateral main-stem bronchus. The position of the bronchial blocker is usually confirmed using fiberoptic
many textbooks of pediatric anesthesiology and pain history of gastric ulcers. As NSAIDs such as ketorolac
management.81 Patients receiving PCA should be con- and ibuprofen affect platelet aggregation and adhesive-
tinuously monitored for cardiorespiratory depression by ness, their use is limited in many patients that are at risk
monitoring the echocardiogram, respiratory rate, and for postoperative bleeding, particularly children who
pulse oximetry.85 have undergone tonsillectomy.93,97 In addition, many
When PCA devices are not used, the intermittent orthopedic surgeons forbid the use of NSAIDS during
bolus administration of morphine to opioid-naive chil- and after operations in which new bone formation is
dren should be started at 0.05–0.1 mg/kg every two to important (fractures, spine fusions) because NSAIDS
four hours. If the treatment of pain is initiated in the have been shown to impair osteoblastic activity.98 The
PACU or intensive care setting, similar doses may be extent to which this effect is clinically important is
administered every five to ten minutes until the child is unclear.99,100
Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid that usually has a rela- Regional and Local Anesthetic Techniques
tively short duration of action as a result of its rapid
distribution into fat and muscle due to its high lipid solu- As general anesthesia is nearly universal in children, pure
bility. With repeated dosing, the duration of action regional anesthesia is less common than in adults.
appears to increase.86 When compared with morphine, However, pediatric patients, including outpatients, are
fentanyl is about 100 times more potent. (Fentanyl excellent candidates for a host of regional blocks.101–103
dosages are calculated in micrograms rather than milli- Some blocks require specialized equipment like a nerve
grams.) In controlled comparisons with equipotent stimulator or ultrasound, but others such as an ilioin-
dosages, morphine is generally found to provide guinal block can be performed by landmarks alone. Local
better, more long-lasting analgesia than fentanyl, but infiltration by the surgeon is encouraged when a neurax-
with more side effects such as pruritus, nausea, and ial or peripheral block is not performed.
vomiting.87–89 Opioids with short half-lives like fentanyl Regional anesthetic techniques used concomitantly
may also demonstrate the development of much more with general anesthesia have had resurgence in both adult
rapid tolerance to its analgesic effects than morphine or and pediatric patients. These techniques include periph-
hydromorphone. eral nerve blocks, and caudal, epidural, or spinal blocks.
Hydromorphone is a well-tolerated alternative to These blocks include the rectus sheath block for umbili-
morphine and fentanyl, and is felt to cause less pruritus cal procedures, ilioinguinal block for inguinal procedures,
and sedation than morphine, with the few adult studies and the transversus abdominis plane block for lower
that exist suggesting equivalence rather than superior- abdominal procedures.104–106
ity.90 It is five to seven times more potent than morphine, Clonidine has gained favor as an adjunct in regional
and its duration of action is similar to morphine, and anesthesia. A centrally acting alpha-2 agonist with anti-
longer than fentanyl. emetic and mild sedative effects, clonidine confers an
analgesic benefit as well. It has been shown to increase
the analgesic duration of caudal blocks to as long as 18
Nonsteroidal Anti-Inflammatory
hours.107 Clonidine has also been used effectively in epi-
Drugs (NSAIDs)
dural infusions. Moreover, rather than causing nausea or
As more and more pediatric operations are being per- pruritus, clonidine actually decreases the incidence of
formed on an outpatient basis, and with the goal of mini- postoperative nausea. In higher doses (≥2 µg/kg) given
mizing opioid dosing to reduce adverse effects, significant epidurally, clonidine may cause sedation, with some
interest has developed in the role of nonopioid analgesics authors recommending that children receiving this dose
for management of postoperative pain. Acetaminophen is be admitted for observation. Clonidine is not recom-
an effective analgesic for mild to moderate pain, and can mended for use in infants under 6 months of age.
be administered rectally in the perioperative period, In selected cases, peripheral nerve blocks appear to be
especially to infants. Rectal absorption is variable and a superior pain control modality. They offer the benefit
bioavailability is lower, mandating a higher initial dose of no systemic side effects (nausea, pruritus, sedation,
(30–40 mg/kg) than that administered orally (10–15 mg/ urinary retention) and often allow for faster recovery. It
kg).91,92 A rectal dose of 30 mg/kg of acetaminophen has is increasingly common for these blocks to be performed
proved to have analgesic properties similar to 1 mg/kg of under ultrasound guidance, which confers increased
ketorolac.93 In 2011, intravenous acetaminophen was accuracy of placement, which in turn allows the use of
approved for use in adults and children older than 2 years reduced local anesthetic volume, greater efficacy, and
of age in the U.S. improved efficiency. For orthopedic extremity surgery,
Ketorolac is an oral and parenteral NSAID shown to some children are being discharged home with peripheral
have excellent pain control characteristics unassociated nerve catheters which are removed at home by the parents
with PONV, or respiratory depression.94–96 Dosage rec- two days postoperatively.108
ommendations are 0.5 mg/kg intravenously (maximum
dose 30 mg) every 6 to 8 hours for 48 hours. Due to its Prescribing Discharge Analgesics
effects on renal blood flow and tubular function, ketoro-
lac is contraindicated in patients with pre-existing impair- The surgeon or surgeon’s designee must take seriously
ment of renal function. Likewise, it should not be the responsibility of prescribing pain medications to be
administered to patients at risk for coagulopathy or a administered by the parents at home after discharge. This
48 SECTION I General
is important for all patients, but especially for ambulatory Criteria for Discharge Home from
surgery patients because of the rapid transition from BOX 3-6
the Postanesthesia Care Unit
PACU to home. It is imperative to clearly communicate
with the parent/guardian regarding the nature of the Return to preoperative level of consciousness
medications prescribed, assessment of pain, and realistic Normothermia (≥35.5°C)
expectations for the course of pain in the days after No oxygen requirement (or return to baseline oxygen
surgery. It is important to emphasize the same issues that requirement)
are of concern when giving analgesics in the hospital: Return to preoperative level of motor function (excepting
right drug, right dose, right time. expected effects of nerve block)
Numerous studies looking at parental home analgesic Acceptable pain control
No ongoing vomiting, minimal nausea
administration after surgery have shown that parents Absence of surgical bleeding
commonly do not understand that some children may At least 30 minutes after last administration of opioid
become withdrawn and immobile in response to pain Discharge acceptable to surgeon
instead of crying.109 In addition, many parents fail to Oral intake (if required by surgeon)
administer prescribed pain medication even when they
recognize their child is having pain, in part because of
lack of specific instructions or because of fear of adverse
effects, including misperceptions about the potential for
‘addiction’.110,111 Care must be taken to avoid advising
time-contingent (especially around the clock) dosing of
In general, children should be comfortable, awake, and
opioids because of the increased risk of nausea, vomiting,
stable, on room air or back to baseline oxygen supple-
constipation, but most importantly somnolence and res-
mentation, have age-appropriate vital signs, and be well
piratory depression.112
hydrated before discharge from outpatient surgery. These
With regard to choice of opioid, prescribers should be
variables have been quantified with the modified Aldrete
knowledgeable about recommended dosage and formula-
score (Table 3-4), which lists the important factors taken
tions available for various oral opioids. The most com-
into consideration for discharge. Most institutions require
monly prescribed opioid in children has been codeine
a modified Aldrete score of 9 or greater for discharge to
(more specifically acetaminophen with codeine). A recent
floor, but criteria for discharge home should be stricter,
publication has noted concerns about a number adverse
comprising the elements listed in Box 3-6.
effects of codeine administration.113 These include lack
of analgesic efficacy in approximately 5–10% of the pop-
ulation in whom low CYP2D6 activity leads to low or no
conversion of codeine to morphine in the body, which is
required for analgesia.114 More worrisome is the fact that
Many children who present for surgery are frightened
up to a third of individuals (depending on their ethnic
and uncomfortable. It is the pediatric surgeon’s and
origin) are ultrarapid metabolizers because of increased
anesthesiologist’s privilege to help calm and comfort
CYP2D6 activity. Codeine administration in these indi-
these children and their families in addition to providing
viduals results in high plasma levels of morphine which
the best possible anesthetic experience. Guiding the child
can cause respiratory depression, which is especially wor-
through an operation safely, with provision for analgesia
risome in children and especially in children with OSA.
and amnesia, are goals shared by both the anesthesiolo-
The risk of codeine administration to children who may
gist and surgeon alike. Open communication between
be unidentified ultrarapid metabolizers led the U.S. Food
surgical and anesthesia services from the time of schedul-
and Drug Administration to issue a safety alert in August,
ing through the peri- and postoperative periods facilitates
2012 regarding the risk of adverse events or death in
the achievement of these goals, and helps to ensure the
children given codeine after tonsillectomy and/or
best possible outcome for patients and their families.
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