Indiana Voter Registration Form
Indiana Voter Registration Form
Indiana Voter Registration Form
You can use this application to: Apply to register to vote Box 4: Residence Address Print the address where you Acknowledgment Notice: You will be sent a notice from
in Indiana or change your name and address on your live. If your address is a rural route, include the box number. your county voter registration office acknowledging receipt
record or transfer your registration if you move out of your If your residence has no address or street number, write a of your application. The notice informs you whether your
precinct. short description of its location in Box 4 or attach a map. application was approved by the county voter registration
To register you must: Be a citizen of the United States; be Boxes 10 or 11: If you check “no” in response to either office. If your application is incomplete, you will be asked
at least 18 years old on the day of the next general or question in Boxes 10 or 11, do not complete this to provide additional information. If you do not receive a
municipal election; have lived in your precinct for at least application. notice within 30 days of filing this application, contact your
30 days before the next election; and not currently be Box 12: Voter Identification Number: You are required county voter registration office.
imprisoned after being convicted of a crime. to provide your Indiana driver’s license number as issued
If you are registering to vote in Indiana for the first time, and by the Indiana Bureau of Motor Vehicles. If you do not Indiana Election Division
send this application by mail, you must provide additional have an Indiana driver’s license, provide the last four 302 West Washington Street, Room E204
residence documentation before voting. If the county is digits of your social security number. If you do not have Indianapolis, IN 46204-2743
able to match your driver’s license number or social security an Indiana driver’s license number, or a social security Telephone: (317) 232-3939
number with an existing Indiana identification record number, you must indicate “None”. Toll-free (Indiana only): (800) 622-4941
bearing the same number, name and date of birth you
Box 14: This application cannot be processed without
provide on the application, you have met the requirement. the voter’s original signature in this section.
You can also meet this requirement by submitting proof of Registration Deadline: This application must be
residence with this application or anytime up until election APPLICANT’S RECEIPT FROM INDIVIDUAL ACCEPTING
postmarked or hand delivered to your county voter CUSTODY OF A COMPLETED VOTER REGISTRATION FORM
day. Proof of residence can be met by submitting either: registration office no later than 29 days before the next
(1) a COPY of your current and valid photo identification or (not a receipt from the county for voter registration purposes)
election. If you miss this deadline, your application will be
(2) a current utility bill, bank statement, government check, processed when registration reopens.
paycheck, or government document that shows your name NOTE: If you accept a completed form from another person, in order
Box 15: If you or the Indiana Election Division do not file to submit his or her registration for consideration, you must submit
and address at the address you provided on this
this application with the county voter registration office, the completed form to the county voter registration office or Indiana
application. Please do not send originals. Cover any
the person who accepts custody of the application (with Election Division by noon 10 days after receipt or the registration
account information with a permanent marker.
the exception of a member of the same household) must deadline, whichever occurs first.
FILL IN ALL APPLICABLE BOXES IN BLUE OR BLACK INK. complete this certification before filing the application with
DO NOT FAX OR EMAIL FORM AFTER COMPLETING IT. the county voter registration office or the Indiana Election I accepted custody of this completed application on ___/____/20___.
Mail or hand deliver the completed application to your Division by noon 10 days after receipt or the registration
county registration office (addresses on reverse side) or deadline, whichever occurs first.
the Indiana Election Division. _______________________________________________________
Printed Name
Residence Address
Please detach and give the receipt above to the applicant if you are accepting custody of a completed application.
New registration Indiana county where you live: Date processed Township / precinct County tracking number
Check boxes COUNTY USE
1 that apply:
Address change (See Box 6) 2
Name change (See Box 13) ONLY
Gender Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix
3 Female Jr. Sr. II III IV
Residence Address (No Post Office Boxes) if no address, write short description or attach map. Apartment Number City / Town State ZIP Code
4 IN
Mailing Address, if different from Box 4, if same, print “SAME” Apartment Number City / Town State ZIP Code
Previous Voter Registration Address County Apartment Number City / Town State ZIP Code
Date of Birth (mm/dd/yy) Telephone number (Optional) E-mail (Optional)
7 8 9
Are you a citizen of the Will you be at least 18 years of age Establish a Voter Identification Number—Applicant must provide a number or indicate “None”.
United States of America? on or before election day? Provide your 10-digit Indiana issued driver’s Indiana Driver’s License Number or Bureau of Motor Vehicles ID Card Number
license number. If you do not possess an Last 4 Digits of Social Security Number
10 Yes No 11 Yes No 12 Indiana driver’s license, then provide the last 4 None
digits of your social security number here. If you
have none of these, check “None”.
If you changed your name, what was your Last Name First Name Middle Name or Initial Suffix
13 name before you changed it? If you have not Jr. Sr. II III IV
changed your name, skip this question.
I authorize my voter registration at any other address to be cancelled. I swear or affirm that: CERTIFIED STATEMENT OF ACCEPTANCE
I am a citizen of the United States. To be completed by a person who accepts custody of the completed application
I will be at least 18 years of age at the next general or municipal election. before filing with a county voter registration office or Indiana Election Division.
I will have lived in my precinct for at least 30 days before the next election. Does not apply to a person accepting a form from member of household.
I am not currently in prison after being convicted of a crime.
All the above information and all other statements on this form are true. I affirm under the penalties for perjury that I accepted custody of this completed
I understand that if I sign this statement knowing that it is not true I am committing perjury and can be fined application from the applicant on (insert date): ____/_____/20___.
14 up to $10,000, jailed for up to three years or both. 15
Signature of Applicant Date (mm/dd/yy) ____________________________________________________________________
Printed Name
If applicant is unable to sign the application due to a disability, the person who wrote the applicant’s name on the line ____________________________________________________________________
above at the applicant’s request, must provide his/her name and address below. Residence Address
Name Address Telephone number (Optional)
If you accept a completed form from another person, you must submit it to the county voter registration office or Indiana Election Division by noon 10 days after receipt or the registration deadline, whichever occurs first. 50504
Indiana County Voter Registration Offices
Sign and Mail this Completed Voter Registration Application to the county where you live or to the Indiana Election Division.
Adams County Circuit Court Clerk Dubois Co. Circuit Court Clerk Jay Co. Circuit Court Clerk Noble Co. Circuit Court Clerk Starke County Election
112 S 2nd St Rm A One Courthouse Square 120 North Court Street, Ste. 209 101 North Orange Street 53 East Washington Street, P.O. Box 395
Decatur, IN 46733-1618 Jasper, IN 47546-3058 Portland, IN 47371 Albion, IN 46701-1092 Knox, IN 46534-1197
(260) 724-5300 ext. 2104 (812) 481-7035 (260) 726-4951 (260) 636-2736 ext. 1806 (574) 772-9160