Microwave Solid Antennas 267-322

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Microwave Antenna Systems

Systems and Applications

Over the past decade microwave
links have proven a popular
solution for the telecommuni-
cation industry. The relative ease
and economy of installation has
been them deployed in an
increasing number of
point-to-point applications –
from communications backbones
(blue), to branch links (white) and
distribution networks (light blue),
not to mention applications in
the broadcast industry and
private enterprises.
With the rise of new cellular
operators and technologies,

overall microwave network
density is undeniably escalating.
Backbone systems are built country wide in a majority Minimizing Interference by antenna design
of case using a ring structure. In the very seldom case The radiated power of a microwave antenna apart the
that a link is down the service will remain full main beam at 0 deg is significant up to 90 deg from
operational. The frequencies in use are below 10 GHz the main beam. It is these side lobes that can cause
allowing link distances up to 50 km with antennas up
interference with adjacent point-to-point links, and it
to 4.5m diameter. is theses side lobes that must be minimized through
Branch links are connected to the backbone towers careful antenna design and installation.
providing the signal to main areas and towns. The -90 deg
0 dB
frequencies in use are up to 20 GHz providing links -60 deg
up to 20 km with medium size antennas. -10 dB

Distribution links using frequencies above 22 GHz

-20 dB
with small antennas are completing the network. -30 deg

-30 dB
Yet this intensification of microwave communications
brings added challenge. The greater the number of
-40 dB
point-to-point links in a given area, the greater the
potential for these to interact with one another and 0 deg
cause interference. Since any distortion of the signal
reduces the quality of service, controlling interferences
is now the mandate of any radio network operator side lobes

and national authority. The key issue for consideration

30 deg
is the design and location of the source of the signal –
the antenna.

60 deg

90 deg

RFS is taking care on this fact using advanced

antenna designs and extensive quality control during
In addition the antenna mounts as well as fine
adjustments means provide an easy and quick antenna

Microwave Antenna Systems
Systems and Applications
Radio Link Applications
In the field of telecommunications, recent years have
been marked by the rapid construction of radio link
networks for different applications.

Radio Link Backbone Systems

Backbone or back haul systems have been built for
mobile operators who want to be independent from
Telcos and fixed wire operators. It saves cost for
leasing a fixed line and allows a simple upgrade of
the network if higher capacity is required.
In addition traditional and new telcom's, utilities as
well as broadcast organizations are upgrading their
networks to offer higher capacities to clients or to
upgrade their system from analogue to digital service.
Backbone systems usually use large size antennas in

frequency bands below 10 GHz.


Due to the distance from the antenna to the radio a

flexible elliptical waveguide is used for connection.
RFS antennas plus FLEXWELL® Elliptical waveguides
match perfectly the needs.

4 Radio link systems for base station connectivity

Mobile operators use microwave in about 70% of
cases for the connection of base station to base
station and base station to switching centers. A very
quick and cost effective deployment is mandatory to
be successful in a rapidly growing market.
This construction process is still a long way from
completion. The central issues are higher and more
secure network coverage as well as expansion of
Radio link stations can be erected in a large variety of
locations, and these all have specific structural and
electrical requirements which must be fulfilled by the
antenna/waveguide system.
It is now common practice to install new base stations
on existing radio link towers for backhaul applications
to share the cost of a site. Maximum use is made of
existing infrastructure. The disadvantage in such cases
is the high level of radiated interference caused by
existing telecommunication equipment.
These problems can however be overcome by careful
frequency planning together with the use of antennas
with high side lobe suppression and high cross-
polarization discrimination.

Microwave Antenna Systems
Systems and Applications
The number of A way of reducing the
available radio link cost for erecting new
towers is no way near towers is the use of high-
enough to achieve voltage masts. Large
satisfactory network numbers of these masts
coverage for mobile and pylons already exist
applications, as the and providing the
distance between necessary height. The
adjacent towers can be disadvantage here is that
20 to 50 km depending it is not possible to
on the frequency range switch-off the high-
in use. For this reason voltage supply in order to
network operators are undertake repairs and
forced to use other sites maintenance or to replace the transmission equipment.
in unusual locations. It follows therefore that the radio equipment can only
be mounted on the mast at a point below the high-
On account of their height industrial chimneys can be
voltage cables. RFS low attenuation FLEXWELL®
ideal. However large concentration of emitted gases,

Elliptical waveguide can be used for transferring the

which are caused by turbulence and are potentially

RF signal to and from the antenna. In frequency bands
highly corrosive, are encountered in such locations.
above 10 GHz RFS overmoded FLEXWELL® Elliptical
This means that the antenna system must be
waveguide provides an extremely low attenuation. This
manufactured from corrosion-resistant materials.
could lead to the use of a smaller antenna size on top
Furthermore, any combination of different materials
of the mast or to a reduced power of the radio which
must also be able to resist corrosion.
is enlarging the lifetime of the electronic equipment.
In urban environments radio links can be installed on 4
In locations where there is no possibility of installing
multi-story buildings. This however does not always
the antenna on an existing structure, it will be
have a positive effect on the overall visual impression
necessary to erect a new tower. In order to keep the
created by the building. The number of installation
size and associated costs of the new tower within
options is restricted, especially if preservation orders
manageable proportions, the antennas should offer
have to be taken into account as well. In such cases
minimum wind loading while at the same time
the planner's work can be made easier by incorpo-
assuring high mechanical stability. Simple and fast
rating antennas which either blend with the
installation is also a standard requirement.
background or are at least to a large degree
inconspicuous. Especially RFS small and medium size antennas with
their advanced casting mounts meet these
RFS CompactLine® and Lens antennas meet perfectly
requirements perfectly.
these requirements offering a very small shape.

Microwave Antenna Systems
Systems and Applications
Antennas with waveguide installation
Small antennas (1 and 2 ft) operating in the
frequency range above 10 GHz are, as a rule,
connected directly to the transmission equipment.
Special mechanical and electrical matching ensures
that the RF signal passes directly into the radio
equipment with the minimum loss.
It is not always possible to integrate the antenna and
radio equipment due to structural restrictions at the
installation site. In this case, as with larger antennas,
use is made of flexible waveguide. Long connections
lead to increased losses. These losses can only be
offset in the overall link calculations by using larger
antennas or additional amplifier stages in the
transmission equipment.
An alternative solution is the use of overmoded

waveguide. The attenuation with this type of


waveguide is particularly low, as it no longer operates

in the single-moded frequency range.
High order modes are suppressed by means of
appropriate filter units in the waveguide connectors.

4 There are significant advantages to be gained by using

overmoded waveguide whenever a frequency range
above 18 GHz is used in a mobile communication

RFS end-to-end philosophy

RFS offers for all installation scenarios the right
Radio integrated with antenna
The radio unit is directly mounted onto the back of
the antenna. This is a very common type of instal- Antenna integrated with ODU
lation providing a quick and cost effective solution.
RFS is providing a variety of integrated antennas in
different sizes. All interfaces meet highest electrical as
well as mechanical specification to secure a stable
operation in the field.
Please contact RFS for more detail.
Radio near to the antenna
In cases where the radio can not be attached directly
to the antenna, an additional section of a Twistflex
waveguide provides the connection to the radio. The
radio is installed on the pipe or tower near to the
Twistflex waveguides are also used to connect
antennas to waveguide runs providing the necessary
flexibility during installation.
RFS provides Twistflex waveguides in all frequency
bands with different lengths. Necessary fixing
Antenna with Twistflex installation
hardware can be ordered separately.

Microwave Antenna Systems
Systems and Applications
Radio in a shelter
In traditional backbone systems as well as in configu- Mechanical features are outstanding to secure the
rations where quick and easy maintenance is required, radio link even under severe environmental conditions.
the radio is installed in a shelter at ground level. In
such cases FLEXWELL® Elliptical Waveguide provides Small size antennas are offered with a very small
a low-loss connection to the antenna. shape to minimize the environmental impact. This is
required in rural areas to get the permission for a radio
RFS is providing all necessary tools and accessories to link much easier.
install the antenna/waveguide system with best
electrical and mechanical performance. This includes Electrical characteristics comply and even exceed with
hoisting stockings, flanging tools, bending tools and national and international standards to minimize
fast earthing components. interference and to simplify network planning.

As waveguide runs have to be filled with dry air, Low-Loss waveguides and simple means of
suitable equipment for manual as well as automatic dehydrating short waveguide runs make planning and
dehydration is part of the RFS product portfolio. maintenance easier.
Optimized logistic and state-of-the-art manufacturing
The bottom line
respond to the request for short delivery times.

RFS antenna/waveguide systems provide a high

mechanical stability and corrosion resistance and are
easy to install. Antennas and waveguides are matched
offering highest system performance and stability.



Waveguide Hangers


Grounding kits
for waveguides

Feed through

Microwave Antenna Systems
Properties and Definitions
Half Power Beam Width (HPBW) Return loss / voltage-standing-wave-ratio (VSWR)
The angle, relative to the main beam axis, between The stated values are guaranteed across the frequency
the two directions at which the co-polar pattern is band of operation.
3 dB below the value on the main beam axis. The
Radiation pattern
values are nominal and stated as the minimum for
the frequency band. A diagram relating power flux density at a constant
distance from an antenna to direction relative to the
Half-power beamwidth (3 dB-width) antenna main beam axis.
–3.0 dB
a.) Copolar Pattern and RPE

–180 –150 –120 –90 –60 –30 0 30 60 90 120 150 180

The ratio of the radiation intensity, in the main beam

axis to the radiation intensity that would be obtained


if the power accepted by the antenna were radiated

isotropically. Value measured in dBi. The values are
stated for the three frequencies at mid-band as well
as at bottom and top of the frequency band.
The tolerance for antenna gain is ± 0.2 dB for single 0 deg Azimuth 0 deg Elevation
4 polarized antennas. In the case of dual polarized
antennas, tolerance is also ± 0.2 dB for the average
value of both ports and ± 0.3 dB for each port alone.

Front-to-back-ratio (F/B)
b.) Cross polar Pattern and RPE
Denotes the highest level of radiation relative to the
main beam in an angular zone of 180° ± 40° for all
antennas. Tolerance on stated values is 2 dB.

Cross-polar discrimination (XPD)

The difference in dB between the co-polarized main
beam gain and the cross-polarized signal measured
within an angular zone in azimuth of twice the
maximum half power beam width of the
frequency band.
The value is 30 dB minimum for all antennas except
where noted.

Antenna inter-port isolation (IPI)

0 deg Elevation
Denotes the ratio in dB of the power level applied 0 deg Azimuth
to one port of a dual polarized antenna to the
power level received in the other input port of
the same antenna.
The value is 35 dB minimum for all antennas
(40 dB respectively 45 dB for UXA antennas).

Microwave Antenna Systems
Properties and Definitions
Radiation pattern envelopes (RPE’s) Mechanical Properties and Definitions
The envelope represent the worst values of In addition to the electrical performance RFS designs
measurements taken on the pattern test range at the antennas with outstanding mechanical features. This
three frequencies mid-band, bottom and top of the assures a high link stability as well as a long lifetime.
band, in both copolar and cross polar condition,
Key mechanical features are Survival and Operational
horizontal and vertical polarized, over the full 360° of
Since the envelope is drawn over the highest peaks Survival windspeed
out of all measurements actual interference radiation The antenna sub-system will survive the specified
in an operation system will be generally smaller than survival windspeed without any permanent
calculated from the RPE. Tolerance on given values is deformation or changes of shape. The value is 250
3 dB in an angular region of ±100° and 2 dB from km/h (70 m/sec) for the 1 ft and 2 ft antennas and 200
100° to 180°. km/h (56 m/sec) for all other antennas.
An additional load of an ice layer of 30 mm radial ice
is taken into account. Special ‘Windload kits’ are
available to improve the survival windspeed of all

antennas up to 250 km/h.

Operational windspeed
The antenna axis deflection is less than one third of
the half power beam width at the highest frequency
which occurs. The drop in signal is only approximately
1 dB; the radio link will therefore continue to operate.
The value is 190 km/h (53 m/sec) for all antennas.
Antennas with windload kit offer an operational
windspeed of 200 km/h all types.

Microwave Antenna Systems
Mechanical Design
All RFS designs are based on advanced methods of
calculation (Finite Element Method) providing state of
the art results. In addition there are numerous
possibilities for simulation based on recognized
standards and regulations. Results have been approved
by independent stress analysts.
The proof of mechanical stability is determined on the
basis of EIA Standards RS-195-* and RS-222-* which
are recognized world-wide.
* Current Version
2ft M-Mount Complete
These standards prescribe the wind resistance coeffi-
cients (Cw values) to be used for calculating the
equivalent forces caused by wind loading. The values
are the result of numerous trials in a wind tunnel and
calculations of aerodynamic properties. Amongst other
things they also take into account the physical shape

of the antenna, e.g. reflector only (standard antenna)

or reflector with shroud and radome (high
performance antenna).
A wind force Fwind acting on the antenna leads to a
load on the mounting pipe. This load can be divided
into an axial force FAT, a lateral force FST and a 4ft Ring
4 torque (turning moment) Mt.
4ft Reflector with
Sway Bar

0 deg

F Wind

270 deg 90 deg


Mounting pipe
180 deg

Microwave Antenna Systems
Mechanical Tests
In addition to calculation RFS has proven the design
with extensive physical testing. Small size antennas
have been put on a shock and vibration test facility.
The applied test conditions exceed the requirement of
the European standard EN 300 019, class 4M5.

Shock Test

Wind tunnel tests including 4 ft (1.2m) antennas and

equivalent windload tests complete the mechanical
testing. Windspeeds have been applied exceeding the
mechanical design wind speeds to prove the design Vibration Test
even under extreme conditions.

2 ft antenna on a rot table 4 ft antenna with sway bar for 250 km/h
survival wind speed
Microwave Antenna Systems
Mechanical Tests
Large size antennas are difficult to be tested in a The contour of the antenna is checked with a template
standard wind tunnel due to a missing rigid mounting before and after the load is applied. According to the
structure. Therefore RFS has designed an equivalent definition of survival windspeed no permanent
windload test rig. deformation or changes of shape has to occur on the
antenna sub-system.
The job of the test rig is to apply different forces to
the antenna in such a way that it simulates the wind Dial gauges register the flexible change of shape of the
force, split into an axial component Fa, a lateral antenna and the mast mounting during the test.
component Fs and the torque Mv that develops in the
This system enables antennas with a diameter of up to
vertex of the antenna.
4.5 m to be measured at a wind load of up to 250
For this purpose the test rig has different independent km/h. Forces acting on the mounting pipe can be up to
hydraulic systems, which employ hydraulic cylinders 150 kN axially and 40 kN laterally, together with a
and a band to apply forces to the antenna. torque of 90 kNm. The hydraulic pressure required to
create these measurement conditions is approx. 65 bar.

Equivalent Windload Test

Bottom Line: RFS antennas provide secure operations under all standard environmental conditions. This is
assured by the use of corrosion resistant materials as well as selected material combinations. Continuous proving
in environmental chambers and salt fog spray test facilities guarantee an outstanding long lifetime.

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Introduction and Antenna Descriptions
Radio Frequency Systems High Performance Antennas
offers the most compre- High Performance Antennas are similar to Ultra High
hensive line of highest Performance Antennas in construction. They are
quality microwave ideally suited for systems where a good level of side
antennas in the lobe suppression is required.
industry. Antennas are HIGH PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS
available in all the Single polarized DA series
common frequency Dual polarized DAX series
bands ranging from
Ultra High Performance Antennas
3GHz to 60GHz. They are
available in diameters from Ultra High Performance Antennas are the optimum
1 ft (0.3 m) to 15 ft (4.60 m). choice for systems where a high level of pattern
System design becomes easy and efficient with such a performance is required because of high local radio
comprehensive antenna offering. congestion. The antennas are supplied with low VSWR
feed, planar radome, tower mount and shroud with RF
The antennas are available in four performance classes absorber.
offering complete flexibility when designing a

network. Single polarized UA series

The antennas meet the pattern requirements according Dual polarized UDA series
to EN 300 631, EN 300 833 and FCC depending on the
frequency range. High Cross Polar Discrimination Antennas
In addition to the different electrical classes of UXA series of antennas are based on Ultra High
antennas Radio Frequency Systems offers the system Performance Antennas. These antennas offer high side
design engineers different options of survival wind lobe suppression. In addition UXA antennas offer 4
speeds. This allows the use of antennas in areas where extremely high cross-polar discrimination. They are
extreme wind conditions are normal. therefore ideally suited for very high capacity systems
utilizing extensive frequency reuse in highly
Standard Performance Antennas congested environments. This outstanding
Standard Performance Antennas are economical performance is achieved by use of a special
solutions for systems where side lobe suppression is of corrugated illuminator, a rigid torsion box back
less importance. The antennas consist of a reflector, structure which ensures the reflector maintains its
feed and tower mount. Low VSWR versions are shape in the field and strict quality control during
available for low echo distortion. manufacture.
STANDARD PERFORMANCE ANTENNAS The cross-polar characteristics for radiation angles
Single polarized PA & PAL series close to bore sight meet the highest XPD requirements
Single polarized, spread spectrum PSF series according to EN 300 833 and FCC.
Dual polarized PAX series
High cross-polar discrimination antennas are available
for frequencies from 4 GHz to 23 GHz.
Improved Performance Antennas
Improved Performance Antennas are
Dual Polarized UXA series
unshrouded and offer an economic
solution for systems requiring good
radiation performance particularly in
the back region. The improved F/B
ratio is achieved by use of an
efficient feed design together with a
deep dish reflector. These features
result in an improved front to back
ratio, and were specially designed to
meet FCC category A standards.


Single polarized PAD series
Example of a cross polar contour
Dual polarized PADX series

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Introduction and Antenna Descriptions
Antennas with
diameters up to 10ft
(3.0m) are supplied with
reflectors in one piece.
Antennas with
diameters 12ft (3.7m)
are supplied with a two
piece reflector (except
UXA-types). Antennas with diameters of 15ft (4.6m)
are supplied with a 3 piece reflector.
8ft and 10ft antennas are available in 2 pieces
optional for easy transportation.
The CompactLine series of antennas use a special feed
system which results in a reduced shroud length and
Standard color for consequently a lower profile antenna. These antennas
RFS Microwave

are lighter in weight than standard antennas for


Antennas is white. reduced tower loading and shipping costs.

Custom colors are Furthermore CompactLine antennas up to 2ft (0.6m)
available upon diameter are very rugged, with a wind loading rating
request. of 250 km/h (155mph). Their type designation is SB
Molded fiberglass for single polarization and SBX for dual polarization.
radomes are white. CompactLine antennas are available in 1ft (0.3 m),
4 High Performance, 2 ft (0.6 m), 3ft (0.9 m) and 4ft (1.2 m) diameters.
Ultra High
Performance and
High Cross
antenna are supplied with planar white radomes.
Custom colors are available upon request.

SlimLine and CompactLine Antennas

Radio Frequency Systems recognizes that mobile
operators and private microwave users have
requirements for cost effective solutions for their
microwave antenna systems. These needs include
products, which are easy and quick to install while
maintaining good electrical performance. In response RFS COMPACTLINE® ANTENNAS
to these needs Radio Frequency Systems developed the Single polarized Ultra High Performance SB
SlimLine and CompactLine series of antennas. Dual Polarized Ultra High Performance SBX

The SlimLine series of antennas utilize a conventional

feed system and are available in Standard, High and 1ft and 2 ft antennas consist of an
Ultra High performance versions. The SlimLine series integrated reflector/shroud system
of antennas are available in diameters from 1ft (0.3 m) avoiding any RF-leakage. This is a
to 6 ft (1.8 m). further contribution offering
excellent radiation performance
especially in the back direction.
Single polarized Standard SP
Standard, non-pressurized SPF
High performance SD
Ultra High Performance SU
Dual Polarized Standard SPX
High performance SDX
Ultra High Performance SUX
Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Lens Antennas
RFS lens antennas are an economical solution for
short haul radio links. The antennas are based on
conventional horn antenna design. A dielectric lens is
used to correct the phase difference at the aperture,
which occurs due to the large ratio of wavelength to
aperture diameter. Lens antennas have no metallic
parts blocking the radiating aperture. This results in a
very high antenna efficiency of nearly 70%.
An additional advantage is the visual impression. To a
certain extent a lens antenna looks like a lamp. This
solution is highly suited to installations where
environmental restrictions limit the choice of antenna
type, such as in the proximity of listed buildings or
Lens antennas are available with a diameter of 0.5ft
(0.15m) offering an ultra high radiation performance.


Single polarized Ultra High Performance LA

Customized Antennas
RFS SlimLine® and especially RFS CompactLine®
antennas can be provided with a custom designed
adaption for the outdoor unit of the radio equipment.
This allows the outdoor unit of the radio to be
mounted directly the antenna, removing the need for
an additional twistflex or elliptical waveguide
connection between the radio and the antenna. The
antenna is normally mounted to a vertical pole. The
equipment box can be replaced without the need for a
realignment the antenna system. RFS is taken special
care to meet highest electrical as well as mechanical
requirements of the interface. In addition to wind
tunnel tests, shock and vibration tests with radios as
well as water spray tests are performed demonstrating
a leakage free interface.
RFS is continuously increasing the product portfolio Rain Test
of customized antennas. For more details please
contact RFS.

Integrated Antennas with Multi purpose mount

2ft Ceragon 2ft Alcatel 1ft NEC 2ft Siemens

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Antenna Types, Overview
Single polarized, Single polarized Single polarized
standard, (FCC part
101, category “A"


Dual polarized, Dual polarized Dual polarized
standard, (FCC part
101, category “A”

Single polarized Dual polarized,
PAL high XPD
Single polarized,

low VSWR

Dual polarized CompactLine,
single polarized

Single polarized, CompactLine,
non-pressurized, dual polarized
Spread Spectrum

single polarized

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Antenna Selection Guide
Frequency, RFS single single single dual single dual single single dual single dual dual single dual single
2.3-2.5 23 2-6ft
3.4-3.6 35 4-8ft 1-2ft
3.6-4.2 36 6-15ft 6-15ft 6-15ft 8-15ft 6-12ft 6ft 8-15ft
4.4-5.0 44 6-15ft 6-15ft 6-15ft 6-15ft 6-12ft 6ft 8-15ft 2ft
5.25-5.85 52 2-6ft 4-6ft
5.725-5.85 57 4-12ft 8-12ft 4-12ft
5.725-6.875 W57 4-12ft 6-8ft 4-12ft
5.925-6.425 59 4-6ft 8-15ft 6-15ft 6-10ft 6-10ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 4-12ft 6ft 6-15ft
5.925-6.875 W59 8-12ft 6-10ft 10ft 8-12ft 10-12ft
6.425-7.125 65 4-6ft 8-15ft 4-15ft 6-10ft 6-10ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 4-12ft 4-6ft 6-15ft
7.125-7.75 71 2-6ft 8-15ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 2-12ft 4-6ft 4-15ft
7.125-8.5 W71 2-6ft 8-15ft 4-15ft 2-15ft 4-15ft 2-12ft 4-15ft 4ft
7.725-8.275 77 4-15ft 6-15ft
7.75-8.5 78 2-6ft 8-15ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 4-15ft 2-12ft 4-6ft 6-15ft
10.3-10.7 103 2-6ft 8-12ft 4-12ft 2-12ft 4-12ft 2-12ft 4-6ft 4-12ft 2ft
10.5-10.7 105 6-8ft 6-8ft 4-12ft 4-8ft 4-8ft 2-3ft

10.7-11.7 107 2-6ft 8-12ft 4-12ft 6-10ft 6-10ft 2-12ft 4-12ft 2-12ft 4-6ft 4-12ft 2-4ft

12.2-13.25 122 2-10ft 6-10ft 2-10ft 2-10ft
12.7-13.25 127 2-6ft 8-10ft 2-10ft 2-10ft 2-10ft 2-10ft 2-6ft 4-10ft 1-4ft 2ft
14.2-15.35 142 2-6ft 8ft 2-8ft 8ft 2-8ft 2-6ft 2-8ft 1-4ft 1-2ft
17.7-19.7 190 2-6ft 2-6ft 3-6ft 1-6ft 2-6ft 1-4ft 1-2ft
21.2-23.6 220 2-6ft 2-6ft 3-6ft 1-6ft 2-6ft 1-4ft 1-2ft 0.5ft
24.25-26.5 250 3-4ft 1-4ft 1-4ft 1-2ft
27.3-28.5 270 1-2ft
27.5-29.5 280 1-2ft 1-2ft
29.5-31.5 300 1-2ft
31.0-33.4 320 1-2ft 1-2ft
37.0-39.5 380 1-2ft 1-2ft 1-2ft 0.5ft
51.4-52.6 520 1ft
54.25-59.0 550 1ft

Flange Selection Guide

B PBR-flange
C CPR-flange
D PDR-flange
E EIA-flange
G Cover gasket
J N-male connector with Jumper
K WR75 contact flange
M CMR flange
N N-female connector
O UAR-flange
P PAR-flange
U UG Cover-flange
V UDR-flange
W UBR-flange
Y CBR flange
Z UG Choke-flange

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Ordering Information & Antenna Options
In order to easily identify an antenna model RFS utilizes As an example DA 12 - 59 A C
a model numbering system which clearly identifies the
antenna type, diameter, frequency, revision and antenna Antenna Type DA see page 280
Antenna Diameter 12 12ft (3.7m) diameter
In addition to the standard products Radio Frequency Frequency Band 59 5.925 - 6.425GHz.
Systems offers, products with increased wind rating,
Design Revision A
improved environmental ratings, planar radome colors
and radome types. For these options please contact your Input Flange C CPR
local RFS sales office.

Different flange types are available for the whole
antenna range. The flange sizes, -profiles and dimensions

are in accordance with specifications 154 IEC and EIA


(Electronic Industry Association) which classifies the

flange types in the following coding systems:

1st digit pressurizable
4 etc.
2nd digit flange type-A, B, D etc.
3rd digit waveguide profile, rectangular, etc.
secondary numbers Waveguide size according to 154-IEC

Type Flange Profile
A Round
B Square
D Rectangular

Typical coding examples

P D R 70
waveguide size 70
type D, flange profile rectangular

U B R 140
waveguide size 140
type B, flange profile square

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
EIA Flange Identification
CPRG Flanges Cover Flanges
CPRG, pressurizable contact Cover flanges are flat faced without
flanges, are flat faced with a any choke or gasket grooves, and
gasket groove and secured with have clear bolt holes for mating to a
nuts and bolts. One full choke or cover flange. A conductive Cover Flanges
thickness gasket is used when CPR G Flange gasket is required when mating two
mating two CPRG flanges. cover flanges. One O-ring is used
when mating a cover flange to a
cover/gasket flange.
Choke Flanges
Choke flanges include a choke Cover/Gasket
groove, gasket groove and
threaded bolt holes for mating to Cover/gasket flanges are flat faced
a cover flange. One O-ring is with a gasket groove only, and have
used when mating a choke clear bolt holes for mating with a
flange to a cover flange without Choke Flanges choke, cover, or cover/gasket flange.
gasket groove. Use an O-ring One O-ring and a half gasket are

used when mating two cover/gasket Cover/Gasket

and half gasket when mating a
choke flange to a cover/gasket flanges or when mating a
flange. Two choke flanges cover/gasket flange to a choke
cannot be mated. flange. One O-ring is used when
mating a cover/gasket flange to a
cover flange without gasket groove.


Flange Size/type
CPR90G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR112G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR137G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR159G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR187G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR229G Comes with CPR G Connector Comes with CPR F Connector
(Use Full gasket) (Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR90F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR112F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR137F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR159F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR187F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)
CPR229F Comes with CPR G Connector Mates (Not Pressurizable)
(Use 1/2 gasket)

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Mounting Information
Multi-purpose mount (M-mount) for 1 and 2 ft
The mounting hardware – called the M-mount – has
been especially designed for the installation of small
antennas (1 and 2 ft).
The M-mount provides ± 30 deg fine adjustment of
both azimuth and elevation.
This is especially important for small antennas used in
short radio links.
The mount is made primarily from cast aluminum
parts, which provide outstanding stability together
with a very low weight.
The basic material of the mount is seawater-resistant
aluminum alloy.

The M-mount enables small antennas (1 and 2 ft) to


be mounted on pipe diameters of 48-114 mm (2-4.5 in).

The mount is standard for all 2 ft antennas. It can be
ordered optional for 1 ft antennas.

Oversized Mounting Hardware

4 The Oversized Mounting Hardware has been specially 1ft M-Mount, optional
designed for the installation of small antennas on
larger diameter pipes which are already in place on
radio link towers. These pipes are often larger than the
standard 114 mm. Therefore RFS has designed an
alternative mounting bracket which makes it
unnecessary for the installation team to provide a
special mechanical interface.
The Oversized Mounting Hardware enables small
antennas to be mounted on pipe diameters of 120-219
mm (4.8-9 in).
The easy and fast installation saves time and cost
because no additional steel work has to be prepared.
In addition the Oversized Mounting Hardware provides
more flexibility and higher stability to secure the link.
For more details contact RFS.

2ft M-Mount

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Antenna Options
Increased Wind Load Kit
Large RFS antennas, 6 to 12 ft (1.8 to 3.7m) diameter,
already incorporate a strong back ring structure to
support the reflector. The hot dip galvanized steel
mount is fixed to the back ring.
This configuration allows a simple upgrade of one of
the antenna’s most important mechanical features.
The Increased Wind Load Kit consists of additional
struts for mounting between the back ring and the
reflector rim. Thus enables the wind forces to be
directed to the most rigid part of the antenna mount.
The 3 and 4 ft antennas can simply be upgraded by
an additional side strut due to basic strong casting
The kit can be installed on site before lifting the

antenna onto the tower.

Antennas with a wind load kit provide a survival
wind speed of 250 km/h (155mph), 200 km/h
(125mph) without kit, and an operational wind speed
of 200 km/h (125mph), 190 km/h (118mph) without
Sway Bars
For protection against antenna shifting and deflection,
6, 8, 10 and 12 ft (1.8, 2.4, 3.0 and 3.7m) antennas
contain one sway bar and 15 ft (4.6m) antennas have
four (4) sway bars. Additional sway bars are available
as an option for all 6ft (1.8 m) to 12ft (3.7m)

Harsh Environment Antennas

For increased protection within extreme corrosive 4 ft wind load kit
and humid environments, harsh environment antennas
±25 deg
are offered as an option. These antennas come with
special corrosion resistant components and finishes,
and are designed to withstand corrosive weathering
environments typical of industrial, shoreline and
offshore environments.

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Wind and Installation Kits Overview
250 Km/h Windkit
3 ft 4 ft
Std. Mount T-Mount



6 ft 8 ft 10 ft 12 ft


Additional Swaybar Kits

6 to 12 ft


Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Molded Radomes
Optional molded radomes are available for Standard
Performance antennas 2 to 12 ft. The radomes are
made of fiberglass reinforced polyester resin covered
with a gel coat. The 2 ft radome is manufactured from
ABS material.
The shape minimizes the influence of the radome
upon antenna gain, return loss and radiation charac-
Radomes with a special flat shape are available for all
4 and 6 ft antennas above 5.6 GHz. These radomes
provide reduced packing volume and therefore are
ideal for transportation. The radomes are identified by
'SH' in the model name.
Moulded radomes protect against the accumulation

of snow, ice and dirt, and reduce windload. The

surface is protected against ultraviolet degradation.
The standard colour is white.


MODEL NUMBER ft (m) 6 GHz 8 GHz 11 GHz 13 GHz 15 GHz 18 GHz 22 GHz 6 to 9 GHz 10 to 16 GHz >17 GHz
Radome_2 2 (0.6) NA 0.5 0.9 1.1 1.3 2 2.4 0.03 0.04 0.05 4
Radome_4 4 (1.2) 0.3 0.5 1 1.3 1.5 2 2.4 0.03 0.04 0.05
Radome_4SH 4 (1.2) 0.3 0.5 1 1.3 1.5 2 2.4 0.03 0.04 0.05
Radome_6 6 (1.8) 0.4 0.6 1 1.4 1.5 2 2.5 0.03 0.04 0.05
Radome_6SH 6 (1.8) 0.4 0.6 1 1.4 1.5 2.1 2.5 0.03 0.04 0.05
Radome_8 8 (2.4) 0.5 0.6 1.1 1.6 1.8 NA NA 0.03 0.04 NA
Radome_10 10 (3.0) 0.8 1 1.5 1.9 NA NA NA 0.03 0.04 NA
Radome_12 12 (3.7) 0.9 1.1 1.6 NA NA NA NA 0.03 0.04 NA

Flexible Planar Radomes

Flexible Planar radomes manufactured from Complan
are supplied with all shrouded antennas > 2ft with the
exception of 3 and 4 ft CompactLine antennas. For
Teflon coated fiberglass radomes please contact RFS.

Replacement Planar Radomes

Replacement radomes are available. Please contact

Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 2.3 - 2.5 GHz
Antenna Input1 – N Male
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
SlimLine Standard Performance, Non-Pressurized, Single Polarized
SPF2-23A 2 (0.6) 13.8 20.1 20.5 20.9 30 25 1.50/13.98 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 10 (22) –
SPF3-23A 3 (0.9) 9.2 23.8 24.2 24.5 33 25 1.50/13.98 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) –
SPF4-23A 4 (1.2) 6.9 26.7 27.1 27.4 36 25 1.50/13.98 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (52.8) –
SPF6-23A 6 (1.8) 4.6 30.2 30.6 31.0 39 25 1.50/13.98 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 70 (154) –

3.6 - 4.2 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 40
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL6-36B 6 (1.8) 3 34.3 34.8 35.5 42 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
PAL8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.6 37.3 37.9 44 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1

PAL10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.5 39.2 39.8 47 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1

PAL12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40.1 40.8 41.4 50 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
PAL15-36A 15 (4.6) 1.1 42 42.7 43.3 52 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) B Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX6-36B 6 (1.8) 3 34.2 34.7 35.4 42 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
PAX8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.5 37.2 37.8 44 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.4 39.1 39.7 46 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40 40.7 41.3 49 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
4 PAX15-36A 15 (4.6) 1.1 42 42.7 43.3 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) B Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA6-36B 6 (1.8) 3 33.7 34.4 35 56 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DA8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.5 37.2 37.8 60 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DA10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.4 39.1 39.7 62 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DA12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40 40.7 41.3 63 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) B Range 1, class 2
DA15-36A 15 (4.6) 1.1 42 42.7 43.3 65 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) B Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.5 37.2 37.8 60 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.4 39.1 39.7 62 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40 40.7 41.3 63 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) B Range 1, class 2
DAX15-36A 15 (4.6) 1.1 42 42.7 43.3 65 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) B Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA6-36B 6 (1.8) 3 33.7 34.4 35 60 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
UA8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.5 37.2 37.8 64 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UA10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.4 39.1 39.7 66 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) B Range 1, class 3
UA12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40 40.7 41.3 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) B Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
UDA6-36B 6 (1.8) 3 33.5 34.2 34.8 60 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA8-36A 8 (2.4) 2.3 36.5 37.2 37.8 66 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-36A 10 (3.0) 1.8 38.4 39.1 39.7 67 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) B Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-36A 12 (3.7) 1.5 40 40.7 41.3 70 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-36A 15 (4.6) 1.1 42 42.7 43.3 72 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) B Range 1, class 3, XPD

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 4.4 - 5.0 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 48, UG-148/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.9 36.5 37 45 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
PAL8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.5 39.1 39.6 46 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAL10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.4 41 41.5 50 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAL12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 42 42.6 43.1 51 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAL15-44A 15 (4.6) 0.9 43.7 44.3 44.8 52 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.6 36.2 36.7 45 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
PAX8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.2 38.8 39.3 46 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.1 40.7 41.2 50 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 41.7 42.3 42.8 51 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAX15-44A 15 (4.6) 0.9 43.7 44.3 44.8 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.9 36.5 37 62 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DA8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.5 39.1 39.6 65 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DA10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.4 41 41.5 67 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DA12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 42 42.6 43.1 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2

DA15-44A 15 (4.6) 0.9 43.7 44.3 44.8 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2

High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.6 36.2 36.7 60 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DAX8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.2 38.8 39.6 64 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.1 40.7 41.2 66 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 41.7 42.3 42.8 67 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-44A 15 (4.6) 0.9 43.7 44.3 44.8 67 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.9 36.5 37 64 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3 4
UA8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.5 39.1 39.6 66 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UA10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.4 41 41.5 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UA12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 42 42.6 43.1 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
UDA6-44B 6 (1.8) 2.4 35.6 36.2 36.7 62 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA8-44A 8 (2.4) 1.8 38.2 38.8 39.6 66 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-44A 10 (3.0) 1.5 40.1 40.7 41.2 68 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-44A 12 (3.7) 1.2 41.7 42.3 42.8 69 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-44A 15 (4.6) 0.9 43.7 44.3 44.8 71 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 3, XPD
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB2-44B 2 (0.6) 5.9 25.6 26.6 27.6 42 30 1.30/17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 1, class 1

5.25 - 5.85 GHz

Antenna Input1 – N Female
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
SlimLine Standard Performance, Non-Pressurized, Single Polarized
SPF2-52B 2 (0.6) 5.8 27.8 28.5 29.1 43 30 1.50 / 13.98 200 (125) 10 (22)
SPF3-52B 3 (0.9) 3.9 31.3 32.0 32.6 45 30 1.50 / 13.98 200 (125) 16 (35.2)
SPF4-52B 4 (1.2) 3.0 33.9 34.4 34.9 48 30 1.50 / 13.98 200 (125) 24 (52.8)
SPF6-52B 6 (1.8) 2.0 37.6 38.1 38.6 50 30 1.50 / 13.98 200 (125) 70 (154)
SlimLine High Performance, Non-Pressurized, Single Polarized
SDF3-52B 3 (0.9) 3.9 31.3 32.0 32.6 55 30 1.50 / 13.98 200 (125) 16 (35.2)
SDF4-52B 4 (1.2) 3.0 33.9 34.4 34.9 58 30 1.50 / 14.0 200 (125) 24 (52.8)
SDF6-52B 6 (1.8) 2.0 37.6 38.1 38.6 61 30 1.50 / 14.0 200 (125) 70 (154)

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 5.725 - 5.85 GHz
Antenna Input1 – N Female, 154 IEC-PDR70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Single Polarized
PA4-57A 4 (1.2) 3.1 34.7 34.8 34.9 42 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 48 (105) - Range 1, class 1
PA6-57B 6 (1.8) 2.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 46 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) - Range 1, class 1
PA8-57A 8 (2.4) 1.5 40.7 40.8 40.9 48 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) - Range 1, class 1
PA10-57A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.6 42.7 42.8 51 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) - Range 1, class 1
PA12-57A 12 (3.7) 1 44.2 44.3 44.4 52 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) - Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Non-Pressurized, Single Polarized
PSF8-57A 8 (2.4) 1.7 40.3 40.4 40.5 46 25 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) -
PSF10-57A 10 (3.0) 1.4 42.2 42.7 42.4 49 25 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) -
PSF12-57A 12 (3.7) 1.2 43.8 43.9 44.0 50 25 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 364 (800) -
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-57A 4 (1.2) 3.1 34.7 34.8 34.9 55 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 63 (140) - Range 1, class 2
DA6-57B 6 (1.8) 2.1 38.2 38.3 38.4 64 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) - Range 1, class 2
DA8-57A 8 (2.4) 1.5 40.7 40.8 40.9 68 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) - Range 1, class 2
DA10-57A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.6 42.7 42.8 70 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) - Range 1, class 2
DA12-57A 12 (3.7) 1 44.2 44.3 44.4 71 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) - Range 1, class 2

5.725 - 6.875 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
4 Standard Performance, Single Polarized
PA4-W57A 4 (1.2) 2.8 34.7 35.5 36.3 42 28 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 48 (105) - Range 1, class 1
PA6-W57B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.2 39.0 39.8 46 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) - Range 1, class 1
PA8-W57A 8 (2.4) 1.4 40.7 41.5 42.3 48 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) - Range 1, class 1
PA10-W57A 10 (3.0) 1.1 42.6 43.5 44.2 51 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) - Range 1, class 1
PA12-W57A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.2 45.1 45.8 52 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) - Range 1, class 1
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-W57A 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.1 38.9 39.7 55 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PAD8-W57A 8 (2.4) 1.4 40.6 41.4 42.2 57 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-W57A 4 (1.2) 2.8 34.7 35.5 36.3 55 28 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 63 (140) - Range 1, class 2
DA6-W57B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.2 39.0 39.8 64 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) - Range 1, class 2
DA8-W57A 8 (2.4) 1.4 40.7 41.5 42.3 68 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) - Range 1, class 2
DA10-W57A 10 (3.0) 1.1 42.6 43.5 44.2 70 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) - Range 1, class 2
DA12-W57A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.2 45.1 45.8 71 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) - Range 1, class 2

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 5.925 - 6.425 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 41.2 41.6 42 48 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAL10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 43 43.4 43.7 51 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAL12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.8 45.1 45.4 52 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
PAL15-59A 15 (4.6) 0.8 46.3 46.6 47 54 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 40.9 41.3 41.7 48 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAX10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.9 43.2 43.5 51 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAX12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.6 44.8 45.2 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
PAX15-59A 15 (4.6) 0.8 46.3 46.6 47 54 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) B Range 1, class 1
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-59A 6 (1.8) 1.8 38.4 38.7 39.1 55 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PAD8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.4 40.9 41.3 41.6 57 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
PAD10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.8 43.2 43.5 61 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
Improved Performance, Dual Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PADX6-59A 6 (1.8) 1.8 38.2 38.5 38.9 55 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PADX8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.4 40.7 41.1 41.4 57 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A

PADX10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.7 43.1 43.4 61 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A

High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-59A 4 (1.2) 2.8 34.9 35.3 35.6 58 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DA6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.5 39 39.3 62 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DA8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 41.2 41.6 42 66 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 43 43.4 43.7 69 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DA12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.8 45.1 45.4 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
DA15-59A 15 (4.6) 0.8 46.3 46.6 47 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) B Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized 4
DAX4-59A 4 (1.2) 2.8 34.1 34.5 34.8 56 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.3 38.7 39 64 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DAX8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 40.9 41.3 41.7 67 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.9 43.2 43.5 69 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DAX12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.6 44.8 45.2 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
DAX15-59A 15 (4.6) 0.8 46.3 46.6 47 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.5 39 39.3 67 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
UA8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 41.2 41.6 42 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3
UA10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 43 43.4 43.7 72 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
UA12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.8 45.1 45.4 74 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.3 38.7 39 69 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-59A 8 (2.4) 1.5 40.9 41.3 41.7 71 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-59A 10 (3.0) 1.2 42.9 43.2 43.5 74 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-59A 12 (3.7) 0.9 44.6 44.8 45.2 76 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-59A 15 (4.6) 0.8 46.3 46.6 47 77 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP4-59A 4 (1.2) 2.8 34.9 35.3 35.6 42 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SP6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.5 39 39.6 46 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.3 38.8 39.1 46 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.3 38.8 39.1 64 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX6-59B 6 (1.8) 1.9 38.1 38.6 38.9 64 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 5.925 - 6.875 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-W59A 8 (2.4) 1.3 40.9 41.7 42.5 49 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-W59A 10 (3.0) 1 42.9 43.6 44.4 51 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-W59A 12 (3.7) 0.8 44.6 45.2 46 52 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-W59B 6 (1.8) 1.7 38.4 39.1 39.7 55 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) A
PAD8-W59A 8 (2.4) 1.3 40.9 41.6 42.2 57 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
PAD10-W59A 10 (3.0) 1.1 42.7 43.4 44.0 61 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
Improved Performance, Dual Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PADX10-W59A 10 (3.0) 1.1 42.7 43.4 44.0 59 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX8-W59A 8 (2.4) 1.3 40.9 41.5 42.1 63 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-W59A 10 (3.0) 1 42.9 43.5 44.1 66 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-W59A 12 (3.7) 0.8 44.6 45.1 45.7 68 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-W59A 15 (4.6) 0.7 46.3 46.9 47.6 70 30 35 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA10-W59A 10 (3.0) 1 42.9 43.5 44.1 73 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3, XPD

UXA12-W59A 12 (3.7) 0.8 44.6 45.1 45.7 75 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3, XPD

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 6.425 - 7.125 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 42 42.4 42.9 49 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAL10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.7 44.1 44.6 52 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAL12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.3 45.8 46.2 53 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
PAL15-65A 15 (4.6) 0.7 47 47.5 47.9 55 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) B Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 41.8 42.2 42.7 51 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAX10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.5 43.9 44.4 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAX12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.1 45.6 46 53 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
PAX15-65A 15 (4.6) 0.7 47 47.5 47.9 55 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) B Range 1, class 1
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-65A 6 (1.8) 1.6 39.1 39.6 40.0 57 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PAD8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.2 41.6 42.1 42.5 59 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
PAD10-65A 10 (3.0) 1.1 43.5 43.9 44.3 63 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
Improved Performance, Dual Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PADX6-65A 6 (1.8) 1.6 38.9 39.4 39.8 57 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PADX8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.2 41.4 41.9 42.3 59 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A

PADX10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.6 43.9 44.4 63 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A

High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 35.6 36 36.5 58 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DA6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.4 39.8 40.2 64 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DA8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 41.9 42.3 42.8 66 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.7 44.1 44.6 69 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DA12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.3 45.8 46.2 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
DA15-65A 15 (4.6) 0.7 47 47.5 47.9 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized 4
DAX4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 34.8 35.3 35.7 58 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.2 39.7 40.1 64 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DAX8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 41.8 42.2 42.7 68 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.5 43.9 44.4 70 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DAX12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.1 45.6 46 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
DAX15-65A 15 (4.6) 0.7 47 47.5 47.9 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 35.6 36 36.5 63 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
UA6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.4 39.8 40.2 67 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
UA8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 41.9 42.3 42.8 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3
UA10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.7 44.1 44.6 72 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
UA12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.3 45.8 46.2 74 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
UDA10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.5 43.9 44.4 73 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UDA12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.1 45.6 46 75 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.2 39.7 40.1 69 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-65A 8 (2.4) 1.3 41.8 42.2 42.7 71 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-65A 10 (3.0) 1 43.5 43.9 44.4 74 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-65A 12 (3.7) 0.8 45.1 45.6 46 76 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-65A 15 (4.6) 0.7 47 47.5 47.9 77 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 35.9 36.4 36.8 43 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SP6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.4 39.9 40.3 47 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 35.3 35.8 36.2 43 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.2 39.7 40.1 47 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 35.6 36 36.5 61 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SU6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39.2 39.7 40.1 65 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-65A 4 (1.2) 2.5 34.8 35.3 35.7 61 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SUX6-65B 6 (1.8) 1.7 39 39.5 39.9 65 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 7.125 - 7.75 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 70, CPR137G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43 43.3 50 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAL10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 44.9 45.3 52 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAL12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 46.6 47 54 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAL15-71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 56 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 42.8 43.1 50 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 44.7 45.1 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.4 46.8 54 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAX15-71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 56 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.6 37 37.3 62 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DA6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.1 40.5 40.8 66 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DA8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43 43.3 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DA10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 44.9 45.3 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DA12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 46.6 47 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DA15-71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 72 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2

High Performance, Dual Polarized


DAX4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.2 36.6 36.9 61 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.3 40.6 65 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DAX8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 42.8 43.1 68 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 44.7 45.1 70 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.4 46.8 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 72 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
4 UA8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43 43.3 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UA10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 44.9 45.3 73 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UA12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 46.6 47 74 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA4-71A 4 (1.2) 1.5 35.7 36.1 36.4 62 40 40 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.3 40.6 68 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 42.8 43.1 72 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 44.7 45.1 74 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.4 46.8 76 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.3 48.6 77 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 3, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-71B 2 (0.6) 4.6 30.6 31 31.3 40 30 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.3 36.6 37 37.3 46 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SP6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.2 40.6 40.9 48 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.3 36.3 36.7 37.0 46 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40 40.4 40.7 48 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-71B 2 (0.6) 4.6 30.2 30.6 30.9 55 30 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SU4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.3 36.2 36.6 36.9 62 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SU6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.3 40.6 66 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-71A 4 (1.2) 2.3 35.7 36.1 36.4 62 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SUX6-71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.3 40.6 66 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 7.125 - 8.5 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 84, CPR112G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43.3 44.0 50 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAL10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 45.3 46.0 52 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAL12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 47.0 47.7 54 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAL15-W71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.7 49.4 56 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 43.1 43.9 50 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 45.1 45.9 52 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.7 47.5 54 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAX15-W71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.7 48.6 49.4 56 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA2-W71B 2 (0.6) 4.3 30.8 31.3 31.7 52 30 1.19 / 21.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
DA4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.6 37.3 38.1 62 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DA6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.1 40.8 41.6 66 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DA8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43.3 44.1 68 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DA10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 45.3 46.1 70 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DA12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 47.0 47.7 71 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2

DA15-W71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.9 48.7 49.4 72 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2

High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.2 36.9 37.7 61 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.6 41.4 65 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DAX8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 43.1 43.9 68 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 45.1 45.9 70 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.7 47.5 71 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-W71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.7 48.6 49.4 72 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized 4
UA8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.6 43.3 44.1 71 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UA10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.6 45.3 46.1 73 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UA12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.2 47.0 47.7 74 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
UDA8-W71A 8 (2.4) 1.1 42.4 43.1 43.9 71 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UDA10-W71A 10 (3.0) 0.9 44.4 45.1 45.9 73 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UDA12-W71A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46 46.7 47.5 74 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
UDA15-W71A 15 (4.6) 0.6 47.7 48.6 49.4 76 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-W71B 2 (0.6) 4.3 30.8 31.3 31.9 40 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.6 37.3 38 45 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SP6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.1 40.8 41.6 48 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.2 36.9 37.6 45 30 35 1.19 / 21.2 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.9 40.6 41.4 48 30 35 1.19 / 21.2 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-W71B 2 (0.6) 4.3 30.8 31.3 31.9 55 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SU3-W71A 3 (0.9) 2.6 33.7 34.4 35.3 58 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 3
SU4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.2 36.9 37.6 63 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SU6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40 40.8 41.6 67 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.2 36.1 36.8 37.5 63 30 35 1.19 / 21.2 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SUX6-W71B 6 (1.8) 1.5 39.8 40.6 41.4 67 30 35 1.19 / 21.2 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB4-W71A 4 (1.2) 2.3 36.2 36.9 37.6 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 39 (86) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 7.725 - 8.275 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 84
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX4-77A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37.1 37.4 37.7 58 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-77B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.5 40.8 41.1 63 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DAX8-77A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.1 43.4 43.7 65 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-77A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45 45.3 45.6 67 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-77A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.6 46.9 47.2 69 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-77A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.3 48.6 48.9 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA6-77B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.5 40.8 41.1 70 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-77A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43 43.3 43.6 73 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-77A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45 45.3 45.6 76 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-77A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.6 46.9 47.2 77 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA15-77A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.3 48.6 48.9 78 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 3, XPD

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 7.75 - 8.5 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 84, CPR112G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.3 43.8 44.1 51 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAL10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.3 45.7 46.1 53 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAL12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.9 47.3 47.7 54 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAL15-78A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.6 49 49.4 57 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.1 43.6 43.9 51 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 1, class 1
PAX10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.1 45.5 45.9 52 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) Range 1, class 1
PAX12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.7 47.1 47.5 54 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) Range 1, class 1
PAX15-78A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.6 49 49.4 56 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 570 (1254) Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37.3 37.7 38.1 63 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DA6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.8 41.3 41.6 67 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DA8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.3 43.8 44.1 68 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DA10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.3 45.7 46.1 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DA12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.9 47.3 47.7 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DA15-78A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.6 49 49.4 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2

High Performance, Dual Polarized

DAX4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37.1 37.5 37.9 58 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 2
DAX6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.6 41.1 41.4 63 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
DAX8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.1 43.6 43.9 65 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 2
DAX10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.1 45.5 45.9 67 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 2
DAX12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.7 47.1 47.5 69 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 2
DAX15-78A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.6 49 49.4 71 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.3 43.8 44.1 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3 4
UA10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.3 45.7 46.1 73 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UA12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.9 47.3 47.7 75 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.6 41.1 41.4 70 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
UXA8-78A 8 (2.4) 1.1 43.1 43.6 43.9 73 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 1, class 3
UXA10-78A 10 (3.0) 0.9 45.1 45.5 45.9 76 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) Range 1, class 3
UXA12-78A 12 (3.7) 0.7 46.7 47.1 47.5 77 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) Range 1, class 3
UXA15-78A 15 (4.6) 0.6 48.6 49 49.4 78 38 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 750 (1650) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-78B 2 (0.6) 4.3 31.4 31.7 32.1 41 30 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37.3 37.7 38.1 45 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SP6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 41 41.4 41.8 49 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37.2 37.6 38 45 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 30 (66) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.6 41.1 41.4 49 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-78B 2 (0.6) 4.3 31.1 31.4 31.8 55 30 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SU4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 37 37.4 37.8 63 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SU6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.8 41.3 41.6 68 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-78A 4 (1.2) 2.1 36.8 37.2 37.6 63 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 45 (99) Range 1, class 3
SUX6-78B 6 (1.8) 1.5 40.6 41.1 41.4 68 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 10.3 - 10.7 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 100, 154 IEC-PBR 100
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.7 45.9 46 52 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAL10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.6 47.8 47.9 54 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAL12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49 49.2 49.3 56 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.6 45.8 45.9 52 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAX10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.5 47.7 47.8 54 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAX12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 48.9 49.1 49.2 56 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.7 45.9 46 68 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.6 47.8 47.9 70 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DA12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49 49.2 49.3 71 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.6 45.8 45.9 68 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.5 47.7 47.8 70 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DAX12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 48.9 49.1 49.2 71 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized

UA8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.7 45.9 46 72 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3

UA10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.6 47.8 47.9 74 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
UA12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49 49.2 49.3 76 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.7 39.5 39.7 39.8 69 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.1 43.3 43.4 73 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-103A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.6 45.8 45.9 76 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-103A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.5 47.7 47.8 78 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
4 UXA12-103A 12 (3.7) 0.5 48.9 49.1 49.2 78 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-103B 2 (0.6) 3.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 40 28 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP3-103A 3 (0.9) 2.2 36.9 37.1 37.2 44 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) Range 1, class 1
SP4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.6 39.8 39.9 46 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) Range 1, class 1
SP6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.2 43.4 43.5 50 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.5 39.7 39.8 46 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.1 43.3 43.4 50 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 1, class 1
SlimLine High Performance, Single Polarized
SD2-103B 2 (0.6) 3.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 54 28 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SD3-103A 3 (0.9) 2.2 36.9 37.1 37.2 58 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 1, class 2
SD4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.6 39.8 39.9 60 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 2
SD6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.2 43.4 43.5 64 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
SlimLine High Performance, Dual Polarized
SDX4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.5 39.7 39.8 60 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 1, class 2
SDX6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.1 43.3 43.4 64 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-103B 2 (0.6) 3.2 33.4 33.6 33.8 59 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 3
SU3-103A 3 (0.9) 2.2 36.9 37.1 37.2 63 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 1, class 3
SU4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.6 39.8 39.9 65 32 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 3
SU6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.2 43.4 43.5 70 32 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-103A 4 (1.2) 1.6 39.5 39.7 39.8 65 32 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 1, class 3
SUX6-103B 6 (1.8) 1 43.1 43.3 43.4 70 32 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB2-103B 2 (0.6) 3.1 34.3 34.5 34.7 60 30 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 1, class 3
SB3-103A 3 (0.9) 2.1 37.3 37,5 37,7 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 10.5 - 10.7 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR100 (except CompactLine), CPR90G
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-105A 6 (1.8) 1 43.4 43.5 43.5 60 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 70 (154) A
PAD8-105A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.8 45.9 46.0 62 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 127 (280) A
Improved Performance, Dual Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PADX6-105A 6 (1.8) 1 43.3 43.4 43.4 60 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 70 (154) A
PADX8-105A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.7 45.8 45.9 62 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 127 (280) A
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA4-105A 4 (1.2) 1.7 39.7 39.8 39.9 61 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 2
DA6-105B 6 (1.8) 1.1 43.5 43.6 43.7 68 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DA8-105A 8 (2.4) 0.85 45.9 46.0 46.1 69 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 200 (440) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-105A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.8 47.9 48.0 70 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 360 (792) A Range 1, class 2
DA12-105A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.2 49.2 49.3 71 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX4-105A 4 (1.2) 1.7 40.0 40.1 40.2 64 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 2
DAX6-105B 6 (1.8) 1.1 43.5 43.6 43.7 68 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DAX8-105A 8 (2.4) 0.85 45.9 46 46.1 69 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 200 (440) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized

UXA4-105A 4 (1.2) 1.7 40.0 40.1 40.2 69 40 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) A Range 1, class 3, XPD

UXA6-105B 6 (1.8) 1.1 43.5 43.6 43.7 75 40 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) * A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-105A 8 (2.4) 0.85 45.9 46.0 46.1 79 40 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 200 (440) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB2-105B 2 (0.6) 3.1 34.5 34.6 34.7 60 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 1, class 3
SB3-105A 3 (0.9) 2.1 37.5 37.6 37.7 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 10.7 - 11.7 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 100, 154 IEC-PBR 100, CPR90G, UG40B/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 46.1 46.4 46.9 53 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAL10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 48 48.4 48.6 55 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAL12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.4 49.8 50 56 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.9 46.2 46.7 53 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) B Range 1, class 1
PAX10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.8 48.2 48.4 55 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) B Range 1, class 1
PAX12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.2 49.6 49.9 56 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 310 (682) B Range 1, class 1
Improved Performance, Single Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PAD6-107A 6 (1.8) 1.0 43.5 43.9 44.3 60 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PAD8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.7 46.0 46.4 46.8 62 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
PAD10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.9 48.3 48.5 64 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
Improved Performance, Dual Polarized (FCC Part 101, category A compliant)
PADX6-107A 6 (1.8) 1.0 43.4 43.8 44.2 60 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 84 (185) A
PADX8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.7 45.9 46.3 46.7 62 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 130 (285) A
PADX10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.9 48.3 48.5 64 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 264 (580) A
High Performance, Single Polarized

DA8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 46.1 46.4 46.9 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2

DA10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 48 48.4 48.6 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DA12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.4 49.8 50 71 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.9 46.2 46.7 69 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.8 48.2 48.4 70 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
DAX12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.2 49.6 49.9 72 30 35 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
4 UA8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 46.1 46.4 46.9 74 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3
UA10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 48 48.4 48.6 75 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
UA12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.4 49.8 50 76 30 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) B Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40 40.4 40.8 70 40 45 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.5 43.8 44.3 73 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA8-107A 8 (2.4) 0.8 45.9 46.2 46.7 75 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA10-107A 10 (3.0) 0.7 47.8 48.2 48.4 77 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
UXA12-107A 12 (3.7) 0.5 49.2 49.6 49.9 78 40 45 1.06 / 30.7 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 420 (924) A Range 1, class 3, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-107B 2 (0.6) 3.1 33.8 34.2 34.6 41 28 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP3-107A 3 (0.9) 2 37.2 37.6 38 44 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) B Range 1, class 1
SP4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40.1 40.5 40.9 47 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 1, class 1
SP6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.7 44 44.5 51 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 1, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40 40.4 40.8 47 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) Range 1, class 1
SPX6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.6 43.9 44.4 51 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 1, class 1
SlimLine High Performance, Single Polarized
SD2-107B 2 (0.6) 3.1 33.8 34.2 34.6 55 28 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SD3-107A 3 (0.9) 2 37.2 37.6 38 58 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) B Range 1, class 2
SD4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40.1 40.5 40.9 61 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 2
SD6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.7 44 44.5 65 30 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
SlimLine High Performance, Dual Polarized
SDX4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40 40.4 40.8 61 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 2
SDX6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.6 43.9 44.4 65 30 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-107B 2 (0.6) 3.1 33.8 34.2 34.6 60 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SU3-107A 3 (0.9) 2 37.2 37.6 38 63 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) B Range 1, class 2
SU3-107F 3 (0.9) 2.2 36.6 37.5 38.1 63 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A
SU4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40.1 40.5 40.9 66 32 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 3
SU6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.7 44 44.5 70 32 1.15 / 23.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3

continued on next page

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 10.7 - 11.7 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 100, 154 IEC-PBR 100, CPR90G, UG40B/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX4-107A 4 (1.2) 1.5 40 40.4 40.8 66 32 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 3
SUX6-107B 6 (1.8) 1 43.6 43.9 44.4 70 32 35 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB2-107C 2 (0.6) 3.0 34.8 35.1 35.4 60 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) B Range 1, class 3
SB4-107B 4 (1.2) 1.5 40.0 40.4 40.8 67 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 3
SB3-107A 3 (0.9) 2 37.9 38.4 38.8 64 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) B Range 1, class 3

12.2 - 13.25 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 120, WR75 CHOKE
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI

Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard

Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL2-122B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.2 35.5 35.8 42 30 1.13 / 24.3 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
PAL4-122A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.6 41.9 48 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 30 (66) B Range 1, class 1
PAL6-122B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.8 45.2 45.5 52 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) A Range 1, class 1
PAL8-122A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.3 47.6 47.9 54 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) A Range 1, class 1
PAL10-122A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49 49.4 49.7 57 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) A Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX6-122B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.6 45 45.3 52 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) A Range 1, class 1 4
PAX8-122A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.1 47.4 47.7 54 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) A Range 1, class 1
PAX10-122A 10 (3.0) 0.6 48.8 49.2 49.5 57 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) A Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA2-122B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.2 35.5 35.8 56 30 1.13 / 24.3 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
DA4-122A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.6 41.9 62 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) B Range 1, class 2
DA6-122B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.8 45.2 45.5 67 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DA8-122A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.3 47.6 47.9 70 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-122A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49 49.4 49.7 71 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX2-122B 2 (0.6) 2.7 34.9 35.2 35.5 56 30 35 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
DAX4-122A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41 41.3 41.6 62 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) B Range 1, class 2
DAX6-122B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.6 45 45.3 67 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 2
DAX8-122A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.1 47.4 47.7 70 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-122A 10 (3.0) 0.6 48.8 49.2 49.5 71 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 12.7 - 13.25 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PDR 120 (except CompactLine), 154 IEC-PBR 120
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Low VSWR, Single Polarized
PAL8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.6 47.7 47.9 54 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) A Range 1, class 1
PAL10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.4 49.5 49.7 57 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) A Range 1, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.4 47.5 47.7 54 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) A Range 1, class 1
PAX10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.2 49.3 49.5 57 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 215 (473) A Range 1, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.6 47.7 47.9 71 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DA10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.4 49.5 49.7 71 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
High Performance, Dual Polarized
DAX8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.4 47.5 47.7 70 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 2
DAX10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.2 49.3 49.5 71 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 2
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.6 47.7 47.9 74 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3
UA10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.4 49.5 49.7 76 30 1.08 / 28.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.4 41.6 67 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) B Range 1, class 3

UXA6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 45 45.1 45.3 73 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3

UXA8-127A 8 (2.4) 0.7 47.4 47.5 47.7 75 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) A Range 1, class 3
UXA10-127A 10 (3.0) 0.6 49.2 49.3 49.5 76 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 290 (638) A Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.3 35.5 35.7 44 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SP3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.7 38.9 39.1 46 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) Range 1, class 1
SP4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.5 41.7 41.9 48 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 1, class 1
SP6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 45.1 45.3 45.5 54 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 1, class 1
4 SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.1 35.3 35.5 44 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 1, class 1
SPX3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.6 38.8 39 46 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) Range 1, class 1
SPX4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.5 41.7 48 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 1, class 1
SPX6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.8 45 45.2 54 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 1, class 1
SlimLine High Performance, Single Polarized
SD2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.3 35.5 35.7 56 30 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SD3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.7 38.9 39.1 60 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 2
SD4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.5 41.7 41.9 62 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 1, class 2
SD6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 45.1 45.3 45.5 66 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
SlimLine High Performance, Dual Polarized
SDX2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.1 35.3 35.5 56 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 2
SDX3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.6 38.8 39 60 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 2
SDX4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.5 41.7 62 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 1, class 2
SDX6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.8 45 45.2 66 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 1, class 2
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.2 35.4 35.6 62 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 3
SU3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.6 38.8 39 64 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 3
SU4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.5 41.7 67 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) B Range 1, class 3
SU6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.9 45.1 45.3 72 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX2-127B 2 (0.6) 2.7 35.1 35.3 35.5 65 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 1, class 3
SUX3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 38.6 38.8 39 64 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 1, class 3
SUX4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.3 41.5 41.7 67 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) B Range 1, class 3
SUX6-127B 6 (1.8) 0.9 44.8 45 45.2 72 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 1, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-127B 1 (0.3) 4.5 30.6 31.0 31.4 56 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 1, class 3
SB2-127C 2 (0.6) 2.7 36.4 36.7 37 62 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 1, class 3
SB3-127A 3 (0.9) 1.8 39.2 39.5 39.8 65 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 1, class 3
SB4-127A 4 (1.2) 1.4 41.2 41.5 41.8 67 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 1, class 3
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX2-127C 2 (0.6) 2.7 36.2 36.5 36.8 62 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 1, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 14.2 - 15.35 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 140, UG-541/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Standard Performance, Single Polarized
PA8-142A 8 (2.4) 0.6 48.3 48.5 48.8 56 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 2, class 1
Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
PAX8-142A 8 (2.4) 0.6 48.3 48.5 48.8 56 30 35 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 120 (264) Range 2, class 1
High Performance, Single Polarized
DA8-142A 8 (2.4) 0.6 48.3 48.5 48.8 70 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 2, class 1
Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
UA8-142A 8 (2.4) 0.6 48.3 48.5 48.8 73 30 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 2, class 3
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA2-142C 2 (0.6) 2.3 36.3 36.5 36.8 64 40 45 1.13 / 24.3 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 2, class 2
UXA4-142B 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.3 42.5 42.8 70 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) Range 2, class 2
UXA6-142C 6 (1.8) 0.8 45.8 46 46.3 75 40 45 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 2, class 2
UXA8-142A 8 (2.4) 0.6 48.3 48.5 48.8 76 38 40 1.10 / 26.4 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 180 (396) Range 2, class 2
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-142B 2 (0.6) 2.3 36.2 36.5 36.8 43 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 2, class 1
SP3-142A 3 (0.9) 1.6 39.6 40 40.3 47 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) Range 2, class 1
SP4-142A 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.2 42.5 42.8 49 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) Range 2, class 1

SP6-142B 6 (1.8) 0.8 45.7 46 46.3 53 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 2, class 1

SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX2-142B 2 (0.6) 2.3 36.1 36.4 36.7 43 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 2, class 1
SPX3-142A 3 (0.9) 1.6 39.5 39.9 40.2 47 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) Range 2, class 1
SPX4-142A 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.1 42.4 42.7 49 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) Range 2, class 1
SPX6-142B 6 (1.8) 0.8 45.7 45.9 46.2 53 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) Range 2, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU2-142B 2 (0.6) 2.3 36.2 36.5 36.8 62 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 2, class 2
SU3-142A 3 (0.9) 1.6 39.6 40 40.3 67 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 2, class 2 4
SU4-142A 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.2 42.5 42.8 70 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 2, class 2
SU6-142B 6 (1.8) 0.8 45.7 46 46.3 73 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 2, class 2
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX2-142B 2 (0.6) 2.3 36.1 36.4 36.7 65 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 2, class 3
SUX3-142A 3 (0.9) 1.6 39.5 39.9 40.2 64 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 2, class 2
SUX4-142A 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.1 42.4 42.7 70 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 2, class 2
SUX6-142B 6 (1.8) 0.8 45.6 45.9 46.2 74 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 2, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-142B 1 (0.3) 4.2 31.9 32.0 32.1 53 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 2, class 2
SB2-142C 2 (0.6) 2.1 37.1 37.3 37.5 66 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 2, class 3
SB3-142A 3 (0.9) 1.5 40.2 40.4 40.6 68 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 2, class 3
SB4-142A 4 (1.2) 1.2 42.2 42.5 42.8 72 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) Range 2, class 3
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-142B 1 (0.3) 4.3 31.7 31.8 31.9 53 30 35 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 2, class 2
SBX2-142C 2 (0.6) 2.1 36.9 37.1 37.3 66 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 2, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 17.7 - 19.7 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 220, UG-596/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA2-190C 2 (0.6) 1.9 37.8 38.3 38.7 66 40 45 1.13 / 24.3 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) A Range 2, class 3
UXA4-190B 4 (1.2) 0.9 44 44.5 44.9 72 40 45 1.13 / 24.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) A Range 2, class 3
UXA6-190B 6 (1.8) 0.7 47.5 48 48.4 76 36 40 1.13 / 24.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 2, class 3
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-190B 2 (0.6) 1.9 38.2 38.7 39.2 48 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 2, class 1
SP3-190A 3 (0.9) 1.3 41.6 42.1 42.6 50 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) B Range 2, class 1
SP4-190A 4 (1.2) 0.9 44.2 44.7 45.2 54 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 2, class 1
SP6-190B 6 (1.8) 0.7 47.7 48.2 48.7 57 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 2, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX2-190B 2 (0.6) 1.9 38 38.5 39 48 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 2, class 1
SPX3-190A 3 (0.9) 1.3 41.5 42 42.5 50 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) B Range 2, class 1
SPX4-190A 4 (1.2) 0.9 44 44.5 45 54 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 2, class 1
SPX6-190B 6 (1.8) 0.7 47.4 47.9 48.4 57 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 2, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU3-190A 3 (0.9) 1.3 41.6 42.1 42.6 63 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 2, class 2
SU4-190A 4 (1.2) 0.9 44.1 44.6 45.1 71 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 2, class 2

SU6-190B 6 (1.8) 0.7 47.5 48 48.5 75 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 2, class 3

SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized

SUX1-190A 1 (0.3) 3.4 32.5 33 33.5 58 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 5 (11) Range 2, class 2
SUX2-190B 2 (0.6) 1.9 38 38.5 39 62 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 2, class 2
SUX3-190A 3 (0.9) 1.3 41.5 42 42.5 63 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 2, class 2
SUX4-190A 4 (1.2) 0.9 44 44.5 45 67 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 2, class 2
SUX6-190B 6 (1.8) 0.7 47.4 47.9 48.4 76 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 2, class 3
CompactLine, Single Polarized
4 SB1-190B 1 (0.3) 3.4 33.5 34 34.4 55 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 2, class 2
SB2-190C 2 (0.6) 1.8 38.5 39.0 39.5 70 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 2, class 3
SB3-190A 3 (0.9) 1.3 41.6 42.1 42.6 70 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 2, class 3
SB4-190A 4 (1.2) 0.9 43.7 44.5 45.2 72 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 2, class 3
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-190B 1 (0.3) 3.4 33.3 33.8 34.2 55 30 35 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ±25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 2, class 2
SBX2-190C 2 (0.6) 1.8 38.3 38.8 39.3 70 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 2, class 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 21.2 - 23.6 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 220, 154 IEC-UBR220 (only Lens Antenna), UG-596/U
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
Ultra High Performance, High Crosspolar Discrimination, Dual Polarized
UXA2-220C 2 (0.6) 1.6 39.5 40 40.5 66 40 45 1.15 / 23.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) Range 3, class 2, XPD
UXA4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.5 46 46.4 72 36 40 1.13 / 24.3 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 40 (88) Range 3, class 3, XPD
UXA6-220B 6 (1.8) 0.5 49 49.5 49.9 76 36 40 1.13 / 24.3 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) Range 3, class 2, XPD
SlimLine Standard Performance, Single Polarized
SP2-220B 2 (0.6) 1.6 39.7 40.2 40.7 52 32 1.20 / 20.8 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) Range 3, class 1
SP3-220A 3 (0.9) 1.1 43.1 43.6 44.1 53 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) B
SP4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.8 46.3 46.8 58 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B
SP6-220B 6 (1.8) 0.5 49.2 49.7 50.2 61 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) B Range 3, class 1
SlimLine Standard Performance, Dual Polarized
SPX2-220B 2 (0.6) 1.6 39.5 40 40.5 52 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 10 (22) B Range 3, class 1
SPX3-220A 3 (0.9) 1.1 43 43.5 44 53 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 16 (35.2) B
SPX4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.5 46 46.5 58 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 24 (53) B Range 3, class 1
SPX6-220B 6 (1.8) 0.5 48.9 49.4 49.9 61 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 50 (110) A Range 3, class 1
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU3-220A 3 (0.9) 1.1 43.1 43.6 44.1 70 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 3, class 2
SU4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.6 46.1 46.6 72 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 3, class 3

SU6-220B 6 (1.8) 0.5 49 49.5 50 75 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 3, class 2

SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX1-220A 1 (0.3) 2.8 34.1 34.6 35.1 61 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 5 (11) Range 3, class 2
SUX2-220B 2 (0.6) 1.6 39.5 40 40.5 66 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) B Range 3, class 2
SUX3-220A 3 (0.9) 1.1 43 43.5 44 68 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 3, class 3
SUX4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.5 46 46.5 72 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 3, class 3
SUX6-220B 6 (1.8) 0.5 48.9 49.4 49.9 75 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ±5 200 (125) 95 (209) A Range 3, class 2
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-220B 1 (0.3) 2.7 35.3 35.6 35.9 61 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) B Range 3, class 3 4
SB2-220C 2 (0.6) 1.5 40.5 41 41.5 66 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 3, class 3
SB3-220A 3 (0.9) 1.1 43.1 43.6 44.1 70 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 3, class 3
SB4-220A 4 (1.2) 0.8 45.5 46.1 46.6 74 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 33 (73) A Range 3, class 3
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-220B 1 (0.3) 2.7 35.1 35.4 35.7 61 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 3, class 3
SBX2-220C 2 (0.6) 1.6 40.3 40.8 41.3 66 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 3, class 3
Lens Antenna
LA05-220B 0.5 (0.15) 6 28.3 28.8 29.3 45 30 1.15 / 23.1 250 (156) 2 (4.4) Range 3, class 1

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 24.25 - 26.5 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 220
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Single Polarized
SU3-250A 3 (0.9) 0.9 44.2 44.6 45 70 30 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) A Range 4, class 2
SU4-250A 4 (1.2) 0.7 46.8 47.2 47.6 73 32 1.20 / 20.8 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 4, class 2
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX1-250A 1 (0.3) 2.5 35.3 35.7 36.1 62 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 5 (11) Range 4, class 2
SUX2-250B 2 (0.6) 1.4 40.5 40.8 41.3 67 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) B Range 4, class 2
SUX3-250A 3 (0.9) 0.9 44 44.4 44.8 70 30 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 15 200 (125) 23 (50.5) Range 4, class 2
SUX4-250A 4 (1.2) 0.7 46.7 47.1 47.5 73 32 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 35 (77) A Range 4, class 2
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-250B 1 (0.3) 2.4 36 36.4 36.8 62 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4, class 2
SB2-250C 2 (0.6) 1.3 41.3 41.8 42.3 70 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 4, class 2
SB4-250A 4 (1.2) 0.7 46.8 47.2 47.6 73 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 10 200 (125) 33 (73) A Range 4, class 2
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-250B 1 (0.3) 2.4 35.8 36.2 36.6 62 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4, class 2
SBX2-250C 2 (0.6) 1.3 41.1 41.6 42.1 70 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 4, class 2

27.3 - 28.5 GHz


Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320

Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
4 SB1-270A 1 (0.3) 2.2 36.6 36.9 37.2 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4, class 2
SB2-270B 2 (0.6) 1.3 41.6 41.9 42.2 68 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 4, class 2

27.5 - 29.5 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-280B 1 (0.3) 2.2 37.0 37.2 37.4 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4, class 2
SB2-280C 2 (0.6) 1.3 42.0 42.4 42.8 69 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 4, class 2
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-280B 1 (0.3) 2.2 36.8 37.0 37.2 63 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4, class 2
SBX2-280C 2 (0.6) 1.3 41.8 42.2 42.6 69 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 4, class 2

29.5 - 31.5 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-300A 1 (0.3) 2.2 37.3 37.6 37.8 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 4 and 5, class 2
SB2-300B 2 (0.6) 1.3 42.5 42.8 43.1 68 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 4 and 5, class 2

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Parabolic Point to Point Antennas 31.0 - 33.4 GHz
Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-320B 1 (0.3) 2.1 37.7 38 38.3 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 5, class 3a
SB2-320C 2 (0.6) 1.2 42.9 43.2 43.5 68 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 5, class 3a
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-320B 1 (0.3) 2.1 37.5 37.8 38.1 63 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 5, class 3a
SBX2-320C 2 (0.6) 1.2 42.7 43.1 43.3 68 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) Range 5, class 3a

37.0 - 39.5 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320, 154 IEC-UBR 320 (only lens antenna)
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
SlimLine Ultra High Performance, Dual Polarized
SUX1-380A 1 (0.3) 1.7 39 39.3 39.6 58 28 35 1.25 / 19.1 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 5 (11) B Range 5, class 2

SUX2-380B 2 (0.6) 1 44.1 44.4 44.7 63 28 35 1.25 / 19.1 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 15 (33) A Range 5, class 2

Lens Antenna
LA05-380B 0.5 (0.15) 3.6 33.4 33.7 34.0 44 28 1.15 / 23.1 250 (156) 2 (4.4) Range 5, class 2

37.0 - 40.0 GHz

Antenna Input1 – 154 IEC-PBR 320
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-380B 1 (0.3) 1.6 39.7 40 40.3 60 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) A Range 5, class 3b
SB2-380C 2 (0.6) 0.9 44.7 45 45.3 67 30 1.30 / 17.7 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 5, class 3b
CompactLine, Dual Polarized
SBX1-380B 1 (0.3) 1.7 39.5 39.8 40.1 60 28 35 1.28 / 18.2 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) A Range 5, class 3b
SBX2-380C 2 (0.6) 0.9 44.5 44.8 45.1 65 30 35 1.28 / 18.2 ± 30 ± 30 250 (156) 12 (26.5) A Range 5, class 3b

51.4 - 52.6 GHz

Antenna Input1 – UG 383
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-520A 1 (0.3) 1.2 41.7 41.8 41.9 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 6, class 2 and 3

54.25 - 59.0 GHz

Antenna Input1 – UG 383
Model Diameter 3 dB-BW Gain (dBi) F/B Ratio XPD IPI VSWR/ Fine Adjustment Windspeed Weight FCC ETSI
Number ft (m) (deg) Low Mid High (dB) (dB) (dB) R L (dB) Az (deg) Elev (deg) km/h (mph) kg (lb) Standard Standard
CompactLine, Single Polarized
SB1-550A 1 (0.3) 1.1 42.1 42.5 42.9 63 30 1.30 / 17.7 ±5 ± 25 250 (156) 4 (8.8) Range 6, class 2 and 3

1To specify antenna input at the time of order, insert the appropriate antenna input code, from page 281, after the revision letter in the model
Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Forces and Twisting Moments Due to Wind

Pipe Diameter Pipe Diameter Pipe Diameter

51 mm 114 mm 219 mm
Wind Speed Wind Speed Wind Speed
Antenna Antenna Forces 110 km/h 200 km/h 110 km/h 200 km/h 110 km/h 200 km/h
Diameter Type Moments (68mph) (125mph) (68mph) (125mph) (68mph) (125mph)
.5ft (0.15m) LA FAT max N (lb) 8 (1.8) 27 (6)
FST max N (lb) 11 (2.5) 39 (8.7)

MT max Nm (ft lb) 2 (1.5) 7 5.2)


1ft (0.3m) SB, SBX FAT max N (lb) 90 (20) 280 (62) 90 (20) 280 (62)
FST max N (lb) 30 (6.7) 90 (20) 30 (6.7) 90 (20)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 25 (18.6) 80 (60) 25 (18.6) 80 (60)
1ft (0.3m) SUX FAT max N (lb) 90 (20) 280 (63) 90 (20) 280 (62)
FST max N (lb) 40 (9) 140 (31) 40 (9) 140 (31)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 25 (18.6) 80 (60) 25 (18.6) 80 (60)
4 2ft (0.6m) SB, SBX FAT max N (lb) 275 (61) 905 (200) 275 (61) 905 (200)
FST max N (lb) 105 (24) 330 (73) 105 (24) 330 (73)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 95 (69) 305 (221) 105 (76) 340 (247)
2ft (0.6m) SD, SDX, SU, SUX FAT max N (lb) 275 (61) 905 (200) 275 (61) 905 (200)
DA, UXA FST max N (lb) 135 (30) 450 (100) 135 (30) 450 (100)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 95 (69) 305 (221) 105 (76) 340 (247)
2ft (0.6m) SP, SPX FAT max N (lb) 360 (80) 1195 (264) 360 (80) 1195 (264)
PAL, PAX FST max N (lb) 105 (24) 350 (78) 105 (24) 350 (78)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 130 (95) 430 (312) 145 (105) 475 (344)
3ft (0.9m) SB FAT max N (lb) 540 (120) 1800(403)
FST max N(lb) 210 (47) 685 (155)
Mtmax NM (ft lb) 160 (119) 530 (344)
3ft (0.9m) SD, SDX, SU, SUX FAT max N (lb) 540 (120) 1800 (403)
FST max N (lb) 270 (60) 890 (200)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 160 (119) 530 (344)
3ft (0.9m) SP, SPX FAT max N (lb) 720 (161) 2380 (533)
FST max N (lb) 210 (47) 700 (157)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 230 (171) 530 (392)
4ft (1.2m) SB FAT max N (lb) 1000 (225) 3290 (740)
FST max N (lb) 415 (93) 1360 (306)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 320 (238) 1055 (784)
4ft (1.2m) SD, SDX, SU, SUX FAT max N (lb) 1000 (224) 3290 (737)
DA, DAX, UA, UXA FST max N (lb) 500 (112) 1630 (365)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 320 (238) 1055 (784)
4ft (1.2m) PAL, PAX, SP, SPX FAT max N (lb) 1310 (293) 4345 (973)
FST max N (lb) 390 (87) 1280 (286)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 460 (342) 1500 (1120)

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Forces and Twisting Moments Due to Wind
Pipe Diameter Pipe Diameter Pipe Diameter
51 mm 114 mm 219 mm
Wind Speed Wind Speed Wind Speed
Antenna Antenna Forces 110 km/h 200 km/h 110 km/h 200 km/h 110 km/h 200 km/h
Diameter Type Moments (68mph) (125mph) (68mph) (125mph) (68mph) (125mph)
6ft (1.8m) SD, SDX, SU, SUX FAT max N (lb) 2270 (508) 7500 (1680)
DA, DAX, FST max N (lb) 1125 (252) 3715 (832)
UA, UDA, UXA MT max Nm (ft lb) 860 (640) 2835 (2100)
6ft (1.8m) PAL, PAX, SP, SPX FAT max N (lb) 2995 (670) 9900 (2217)
FST max N (lb) 880(197) 2910 (651)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 925 (690) 3055 (2270)
8ft (2.4m) PAL, PAX FAT max N (lb) 5120 (1147) 16940 (3795)
FST max N (lb) 1500 (336) 4980 (1115)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 1960 (1450) 6470 (4800)
8ft (2.4m) DA, DAX, UA, FAT max N (lb) 3880 (870) 12380 (2773)
UDA, UXA FST max N (lb) 1920 (430) 6350 (1422)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 1800 (1340) 5960 (4400)
10ft (3.0m) PAL, PAX FAT max N (lb) 7730 (1730) 25570 (5728)
UDA, UXA FST max N (lb) 2270 (508) 7520 (1684)

MT max Nm (ft lb) 3410 (2523) 11260 (8400)

10ft (3.0m) DA, DAX, UA, FAT max N (lb) 5860 (1312) 19370 (4340)
UDA, UXA FST max N (lb) 2900 (650) 9590 (2148)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 3100 (2300) 10240 (7600)
12ft (3.7m) PAL , PAX FAT max N (lb) 11050 (2475) 36530 (8182)
FST max N (lb) 3250 (728) 10740 (2405)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 5580 (4129) 18450 (13700)
12ft (3.7m) DA, DAX, UA, FAT max N (lb) 8370 (1875) 27670 (6200)
UDA, UXA FST max N (lb) 4150 (930) 13710 (3071) 4
MT max Nm (ft lb) 5040 (3750) 16650 (12400)
15ft (4.6m) PAL, PAX FAT max N (lb) 5600 (1255) 16940 (3795)
FST max N (lb) 4980(1115) 16460 (3690)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 10940 (8095) 36160 (26758)
15ft (4.6m) DA, DAX FAT max N (lb) 12830 (2874) 42430 (9504)
UDA, UXA FST max N (lb) 6360 (1425) 21000 (4704)
MT max Nm (ft lb) 9910 (7333) 32750 (24235)

Antenna Mount Outlines

0.5 ft Lens Antenna



Ø 49-114 mm
All dimensions in mm (inch) Mounting Pipe

4 A B C DØ49 DØ89 DØ114 E F

160(6.3) 126(5.0) 100(3.9) 134(5.3) 154(6.1) 167(6.6) 40(1.6) 110(4.3)

Antenna Mount Outlines

1 ft Antenna with Standard Mount


All dimensions in mm (inch)
SB, SBX 380(15) 170(6.7) 85(3.3) 287(11.3) 242(9.5) 133(5.2)
SUX 380(15) 250 (9.8) 85(3.3) 287(11.3) 242(9.5) 133(5.2)

1 ft Antenna with M-mount, optional

Ø 51-114 mm
All dimensions in mm (inch) Mounting Pipe
SB, SBX 380(15) 170(6.7) 85(3.3) 321(12.6) 306(12.0) 282(11.1) 96(3.8) 140(5.5)
SUX 380(15) 250(9.8) 85(3.3) 321(12.6) 306(12.0) 282(11.1) 96(3.8) 140(5.5)

Antenna Mount Outlines

2 ft Antenna


Ø 51-114 mm
E Mounting Pipe

Ø 51-114 mm
All dimensions in mm (inch) Mounting Pipe
SDX, SU, SUX 700(28) 389(15.4) 114(4.5) 371(14.6) 357(14.1) 333(13.1) 99(3.9) 146(5.7)
PAL, PAX, SP, SPX 700(28) 114(4.5) 371(14.6) 357(14.1) 333(13.1) 99(3.9) 146(5.7)
SB, SBX 700(28) 289(11.5) 114(4.5) 371(14.6) 357(14.1) 333(13.1) 99(3.9) 146(5.7)

Antenna Mount Outlines

3 ft Antenna







All dimensions in mm (inch)

SD, SDX, SU, SUX 970(38.3) 620(24.5) 165(6.5) 273(10.8) 67(2.6) 350(13.8)
SP, SPX 970(38.3) 165(6.5) 273(10.8) 67(2.6) 350(13.8)
SB 970(38.3) 500(19.8) 170(6.8) 273(10.8) 65(2.5) 350(13.8)

Antenna Mount Outlines

4 ft Antenna





4 All dimensions in mm (inch)

Single Pol. (All frequencies) 1313(51.7) 746(29.4) 248(9.8) 291(11.5) 95(3.8) 451(17.8)
Dual Pol. (>10GHz) 1313(51.7) 746(29.4) 248(9.8) 291(11.5) 95(3.8) 451(17.8)
Dual Pol. (<10GHz) 1313(51.7) 810(31.8) 230(9.1) 144(5.7) 229(9.0) 590(23.2)




All dimensions in mm (inch)

Single Pol. (All frequencies) 1262(49.9) – 211(8.3) 291(11.5) 95(3.8) 451(17.8)
Dual Pol. (>10GHz) 1262(49.9) – 211(8.3) 291(11.5) 95(3.8) 451(17.8)
Dual Pol. (<10GHz) 1262(49.9) – 230(9.1) 144(5.7) 229(9.0) 590(23.2)

Antenna Mount Outlines

CompactLine® 4 ft Antenna




All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C DØ114 E F
1262(49.7) 631(24.9) 248(9.8) 291(11.5) 82(3.2) 451(17.8)

Antenna Mount Outlines

6 ft Antenna





All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C D Ø114 E F
2000(79) 1242(48.9)* 364(14.3) 175(6.9) 283(11.1) 590(23.2)
*3.6-4.2 GHz = 1342(52.8)

Antenna Mount Outlines

8 ft Antenna



All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C D Ø114 E F
2616(103.4) 1455(57.5)* 465(18.4) 190(7.5) 310(12.3) 1125(44.5)
*3.6-4.2 GHz = 1645(65)

Antenna Mount Outlines

10 ft Antenna


All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C D Ø114 E F
3170(125.3) 1645(65)* 550(21.7) 190(7.5) 370(14.6) 1440(56.9)
*3.6-4.2 GHz = 1845(72.9)

Antenna Mount Outlines

12 ft Antenna B
UXA with non split reflector


All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C D Ø114 E F
3800(150) 1880(74.3)* 670(26.5) 190(7.5) 410(16.2) 1580(62.5)
*3.6-4.2 GHz = 2070(81.8) 4

12 ft Antenna

All dimensions in mm (inch)

A B C D Ø114 E F
3840(151.8) P-type - 670(26.5) 190(7.5) 410(16.2) 1580(62.5)

Antenna Mount Outlines

15 ft Antenna




All dimensions in mm (inch)

4757(188) 2360(93.3)* 855(33.8) 294(11.6) 455(17.9) 1690(66.8)
*3.6-4.2 GHz = 2600(103)

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Packing Information
1 ft SU-SUX 1 43x39x40 0.07 5/5 Cardboard
18 132x82x134 1.45 100/134 Cardboard + pallet
1 45x41x41 0.07 5/7 Laidflat
1 ft SB-SBX 1 43x39x30 0.05 4/5 Cardboard
24 132x82x126 1.36 96/138 Cardboard + pallet
1 45x41x41 0.07 4/6 Laidflat
2 ft PAL-PAX-SP-SPX 1 72x72x33 0.17 10/12 Cardboard
16 147x147x147 3.18 160/220 Cardboard + pallet
1 72x72x33 0.17 10/15 Laidflat
2 ft DA-UXA-SD-SDX-SU-SUX 1 72x72x53 0.27 15/17 Cardboard
12 147x147x173 3.74 180/230 Cardboard + pallet
2 ft SB-SBX 1 72x72x44 0.23 12/15 Cardboard
12 147x147x58 3.22 150/200 Cardboard + pallet
1 75x75x58 0.33 12/20 Laidflat
3 ft SP-SPX 1 100x100x44 0.44 16/20 Cardboard
6 200x100x134 2.68 96/150 Cardboard + pallet
1 100x100x50 0.50 16/30 Laidflat

3 ft SD-SDX-SU-SUX 1 100x100x54 0.54 23/30 Cardboard

4 200x100x122 2.44 92/150 Cardboard + pallet
6 200x100x176 3.52 138/210 Cardboard + pallet
1 100x100x65 0.65 23/35 Laidflat
3 ft SB-SBX 1 100x100x44 0.44 16/20 Cardboard
4 ft PAL-PAX-SP-SPX 1 135x135x52 0.95 24/70 Laidflat
PAX (f<10 GHz) 1 135x135x81 1.47 24/90 Laidflat
4 ft All types 2 145x145x100 2.10 70/315 Open-work 4
3 145x145x130 2.73 105/360 Open-work
4 145x145x160 3.36 140/410 Open-work
4 ft DA-DAX-UA-UXA-SU-SUX 1 135x135x64 1.17 35/80 Laidflat
DAX-UXA (f<10 GHz) 1 135x135x81 1.47 45/105 Laidflat
4 ft All types 2 145x145x145 3.05 90/360 Open-work
3 145x145x205 4.31 135/470 Open-work
4 280x145x145 5.89 180/530 Open-work
4 ft SB 1 135x115x87 1.35 35/68 Laidflat
6 ft PAL-PAX-SP-SPX 1 198x198x80 3.14 70/210 Laidflat
2 270x212x90 5.15 140/396 Open-work
6 ft PAX (f<10 GHz) 1 198x198x102 4.00 70/220 Laidflat
2 270x212x120 6.87 140/360 Open-work
6 ft DA-DAX-UA-UXA-SU-SUX 1 198x198x80 3.14 110/255 Laidflat
2 300x212x120 7.63 220/460 Open-work
6 ft DAX-UXA (f<10 GHz) 1 198x198x102 4.00 190/300 Laidflat
2 300x212x135 8.59 220/580 Open-work
6 ft Windkit SMA-WK-6 1 20x100x30 0.06 30 Cardboard

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: The standard packing can vary slightly depending on the manufacturing location and antenna
configuration. Please confirm final packing with RFS.

Solid Parabolic Microwave Antennas
Packing Information
8 ft PAL-PAX 1 274x225x190 11.71 120/380 Open-work
2 274x225x200 12.33 240/510 Open-work
1, split refl. 275x217x103 6.14 120/420 Open-work
2, split refl. 300x175x160 8.40 240/610 Open-work
8 ft DA-DAX-UA-UXA 1 274x225x190 11.71 180/555 Open-work
2 335x225x200 15.07 360/735 Open-work
1, split refl. 335x180x150 9.04 180/540 Open-work
2, split refl. 300x225x190 12.82 180/550 Open-work
8 ft Windkit SMA-WK-8 1 18x90x40 0.06 10 Cardboard
10 ft PAL-PAX 1 334x240x260 20.84 215/665 Open-work
2 334x240x265 21.24 430/1170 Open-work
1, split refl. 330x225x113 8.39 215/500 Open-work
2, split refl. 334x225x145 10.90 430/750 Open-work
10 ft DA-DAX-UA-UXA 1 334x240x260 20.84 290/835 Open-work
2 400x240x265 25.44 580/1320 Open-work
1, split refl. 357x225x137 11.00 290/575 Open-work
2, split refl. 445x225x185 18.52 580/1100 Open-work

10 ft Windkit SMA-WK-10 1 20x125x40 0.10 20 Cardboard


12 ft PAL-PAX 1, split refl. 394x225x133 11.79 310/630 Open-work

2, split refl. 400x225x180 16.20 620/900 Open-work
1 400x240x340 32.64 310/950 Open-work
2 450x240x345 37.26 620/1478 Open-work
12 ft DA-DAX-UA-UXA 1, split refl. 447x225x167 16.80 420/830 Open-work
2, split refl. 500x225x200 22.50 840/1200 Open-work
4 1 400x240x340 32.64 420/1050 Open-work
2 480x240x345 39.74 740/1700 Open-work
12 ft Windkit SMA-WK-12 1 20x125x40 0.10 35 Cardboard
15 ft PAL-PAX 1, split refl. 500x224x282 33.84 570/1650 Open-work
2, split refl. 500x240x318 38.16 1140/2500 Open-work
15 ft DA-DAX-UXA 1, split refl. 500x240x282 33.84 750/1750 Open-work
2, split refl. 520x240x318 39.69 900/2120 Open-work

IMPORTANT PLEASE NOTE: The standard packing can vary slightly depending on the manufacturing location and antenna
configuration. Please confirm final packing with RFS.

1 ft 2 ft 3 ft 4 ft

Cardboard Laid flat Cardboard Laid flat Cardboard Laid flat

Laid flat

Cardboard & Pallet Bottom Cardboard & Pallet Bottom Cardboard & Pallet Bottom

6 ft 8 ft 10/12/15 ft

• Crossbars

Laid flat Open-work


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