School Management System

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Education system forms the backbone of every nation. And hence it is

important to provide a strong educational foundation to the young generation
to ensure the development of open-minded global citizens securing the future
for everyone. Advanced technology available today can play a crucial role in
streamlining education-related processes to promote solidarity among
students, teachers, parents and the school staff.
School Management System consists of tasks such as registering students,
attendance record keeping controlling absentees, producing report cards,
producing official transcript, preparing timetable and producing different
reports for teachers and parents.
The appearance of your student records says a lot about the quality of your
school. Other educators and registrars make judgments based on student
records that can permanently affect a student's life. SMS capabilities include
the basics such as transcripts, report cards, attendance, and discipline as well
as many other specialized capabilities, including parental access to real time
student grades on the Internet. This means that not only administrators but also
parents, teachers, and students have access to real-time data.

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1.1 Existing System
In the current system we need to keep a number of records related to the
student and want to enter the details of the student and the marks
manually. In this system only the teacher or the school authority views
the mark of the student and they want to enter the details of the student.
This is time consuming and has much cost.
Teachers may want to associate a student with his parent or emergency
persons for disciplinary measures which need searching of the student’s
record in the record office. It has been difficult to search a record from
thousands of such records and observed that students can take any person
claiming that he/she is their parent or emergency person which creates
problem in control of students.
With traditional reporting methods parents may not find out how their
student is performing in school until the end of the quarter or semester --
usually too late to correct a problem situation. SMS allows parents to know
how their student is doing on a continual basis by using the internet. SMS
can even send electronic progress reports to parents via email on a weekly,
monthly, or even daily basis.

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1.2 Need for System
In our proposed system we have the provision for adding the details of
the students by themselves. So the overhead of the school authorities and
the teachers is become less. Another advantage of the system is that it is
very easy to edit the details of the student and delete a student when it
found unnecessary. The marks of the student are added in the database
and so students can also view the marks whenever they want.

1.3 Our proposed system has several advantages:

 User friendly interface

 Fast access to database

 Less error

 More Storage Capacity

 Search facility

 Look and Feel Environment

You operate a quality program—NOW you can be sure your records

communicate that quality. Here realizes the need for an effective school
management system and that is exactly what we are striving for!

The School Management System (SMS) will replace the paper-based data
collection and information exchange system among the various
departments of a particular school.
The School Management System provides an innovative solution for
Today’s school record-keeping challenges. This school management
software will give you room to handle your responsibilities whether
you’re just starting or are an experienced professional.
School Management System opens a universe of opportunities to
automate the laborious paperwork involved in proper school
management. With our proposed record-keeping software, the
management can more effectively interact with the students as they
develop skills and character for success. They will not only have more
time to spend with them, but it will be quality time because they will have
up-to-date student information to facilitate them.

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1.4 Purpose
The purpose of any new technology is to make people life easier. This
project is database used to manage the school and allows the
administrators to register the daily required information of Students,
Teachers & office staff.

1.5 Scope
School Management System will organize work inside school
and proposed system will do the following tasks:
 Insert student’s information such as student name, student number,
address etc.

 Insert employee’s information such as employee name, number,

address etc.

 Insert section’s information such as section name etc.

 Insert marks for each student in each subject he/she taken.

 View data about certain student and can edit it like adding or
removing a student.

 View data about certain employee and can edit it like adding or
removing an employee.

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1.6 Process Model

A process model for software engineering is chosen based on the nature of

the project and application, the methods and tools to be used, and the
controls and deliverables that are required.
The model is used to build the “School Management SYSTEM”
software is “The Prototyping Model”. The prototyping paradigm is: -
“Water fall model”

Water fall Model

The water fall model is a software development model in which a systems

development is viewed as flowing downwards through the phases of the
system development process. The
waterfall methodology is powerful, précised, and thorough. It has a number
of phases that have to be implemented in a sequential manner.
The phases which come under the waterfall model are as follows: -

 Requirement Analysis
 Design
 Implementation
 Testing
 Maintenance

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1.6.1 Advantages:

 Good for large projects

 Waterfall suits a principled approach to design
 Waterfall divides the project into manageable areas
 Waterfall separates the logical and physical

1.7 Overview

The remainder of this document identifies the actors, use-cases, use-case

scenarios, activity diagrams, assumptions and dependencies needed for
the analysis and design of the School Management System software
package. The rest of the document contains the overall description of the
system, requirements, data model and behavioral description of the
system and project planning.

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2.1 The Proposed Student Information Management System

2.1.1 Physical System

The proposed physical system will be the same as the current system.

2.1.2 Logical System

The proposed logical system will keep the information centralized on a

single machine while allowing users (admin) to access that information
from their own workstations. There will be an optimized database on the
server and an improved user interface on each client machine.

2.2 Student Admission management using the system

More than 1200 students attend the entrance test every year.

 Sales of application form, billing, entrance registration and keying

in the details of students could be done simultaneously with the
 Filtering the students is very simple and easy using the system.

2.3 Management of Fee Collection using the system

Every month on parent’s visitor’s day, about six hundred parents visits
to pay the fee. Fee collection time is from 8’O clock to 5’O clock.
With this software:
 Manual time table framing for such a case, may take many weeks with
the effort of several staff members. With our system a single person
completes the job in closes the account by preparing all the accounts
notes and clearing of the cashes and cheques
 The school has many other hassles like scholarship, individual discounts,
advance fee payment by parents, extra fees like medical fee, club fee,
store fee, mess fee, deduction for absentees etc. related to fee collection.
The school is now enabled to do any kind of adjustments related to fee
collection with no extra effort using the system.

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2.4 Accounts Management using the system
 The transactions which include fee collection of 3000 students, salary
payment for 300 staff members every month, expenditure of hostel with
1500 students, a lot of other expenses, advances and loans, sums up to a
substantial amount and requires a lot of effort and attention from both
management and staff to make it accurate and effective.
 With this software, even without qualified personnel in accounting, the
staffs are very much able to handle the accounts without almost any effort
and keep every record up to date at every point in time.

2.5 Objective and Description

 It is designed for better interaction between students, teachers, parents &
management. This management software very gracefully handles all the
requirements for easy school management.
 The school management system being desktop based application
software, which enables the students, teachers, parents & the management
be in touch with each other at all times.

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2.6 Components of making software are

 System and software requirements analysis

 Design and implementation of software
 Ensuring, verifying and maintaining software integrity

2.7 System and software requirements analysis

System analysis is an activity that encompasses most of the tasks that are
collectively called Computer System Engineering.

2.8 System analysis is conducted with following objectives:

 Identify the customer’s need

 Evaluate the system concept for feasibility
 Perform economic and technical analysis
 Allocate functions to hardware, software, people, database and other
system elements
 Establish cost and schedule constraints
 Create a system definition that forms the foundation for all the subsequent
engineering work.


 It describes desired features and operations in detail, including screen

layouts, business rules, process diagrams, pseudo code and other
 The most creative and challenging phase of the software development life
cycle is software design. The term design describes final software and the
process by which it is developed.

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2.10 Ensuring, verifying and maintaining software integrity

 The degree to which the software makes optimal use of system resources
as indicated by the following sub attributes: time behavior, resource
behavior. The efficiency is the amount of computing resources and code
required by a program to perform its functions.
 A design should clearly be very verifiable, complete (implements all the
specification), and traceable (all design elements can be traced to some
requirements). However, the two most important properties that
concerned designers are efficiency and simplicity.
 The Term “Code Optimization” refers to techniques a compiler can
employ in an attempt to produce a better object language program than
the most obvious for a given source program.
 Verification and validation (V & V) is the generic name given to the
checking processes which ensure that software conforms to its
specification and meets the need of the software customer.
 Verification and validation i.e. starts with requirements reviews and
continues through design and code reviews to product testing.

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2.11 Maintenance:
The term Maintenance is a little strange when applied to software. In
common speech, it means fixing things that break or wear out. In
software nothing wears out; it is either wring from beginning, or we
decode later that we want to do something different. It is a very broad
activity that includes error corrections, enhancements of capabilities,
deletion of obsolete capabilities, and optimization.

There are three major categories of software maintenance:

 Corrective Maintenance:
It means repairing processing or performances failures or
making changes because of the previously uncorrected problems.

 Adaptive Maintenance:
It includes modifying the software to match changes in the ever-
changing environment.

 Perfective Maintenance:
It means improving processing efficiency or performance, or restructuring
the software to improve changeability.


 Security involves both policies and mechanism to protect data and ensure
that it is not accessed, altered or deleted without proper authorization.
 Integrity implies that any properly authorized access, alteration or
deletion of the data in the database does not change the validity of the
 Database security policies are guidelines for present and future designers
regarding the maintenance of the data base security.

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2.13 Architecture of a System

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2.14 In Normal Interactive Mode (Admin)

Admin will be able to see the system, see the details of the School System

View Campus

View Class


View Student

View Fee


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 Admin: Only admin have the access to login to this software.

 Campus: Admin have to access to view campus information of all


 Class: Admin have the access to view the details of all class information
of the students.

 Student: Admin have the rights to add, delete or update the record of a
student of a student.

 Fee: Admin need to make the fee slip or challan form and should give to
a student. And when student pay the fees, admin then have to update the
fees record of a student.

 Grade: When teacher give result to the admin staff then teacher also
give grade of pass or fail marks to the student and teachers have to write
everything regarding the student details and when it’s done it should give
to a admin staff properly.

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2.15 In Normal Interactive Mode: (Student)

Student will be able to see the details of his/her marks, class, subject, fee
and bank slip.

View Marks Detail

View Class


View Subject

View Fee

Bank Slip

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 Student: Student has no rights to access to this software. Only admin
have the access, students only have to view about his details of his career.

 Marks Details: Student have only view the details of his marks, he/her
has no right to edit change or delete the result or marks.

 Class Information: Student has to talk to the admin staff to get the
details of his/her class and it should talk should talk to change the class
from different group.
 Subject Information: Student has the right to view its subjects
through the admin staff.
 Fee Information: Student has to give the fee slip. And it should be
given all the detail to where he/her have to submit the fees.

 Bank Slip: Bank or challan slip should be given to a student, so student

have to pay the fees in the school or in a bank.

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2.16 In Normal Interactive Mode: (Teacher)

View job

View Subject


View Class

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 Teacher: Teacher has to no access to login to the software of school
system, only admin have the access to give details to the teacher.

 Subject: Teacher has to view its subject information through the admin

 Class: Teacher has to view its class information that should be given by
the management through the admin staff.

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3.1 Specific Requirements
3.2 Technology Used
3.2.1 Microsoft Visual Studio 2010
Visual Studio is a complete set of development tools for
Building ASP.NET Web applications, XML Web Services,
Desktop applications and mobile applications. Visual
Basic, Visual C#, and Visual C++ all use the same integrated
Development environment (IDE), which enables tool sharing
And eases the creation of mixed-language solutions. In
Addition, these languages use the functionality of the .NET
Framework, which provides access to key technologies that
Simplify the development of ASP Web applications and XML
Web Services.

3.2.2 Microsoft SQL Server 2008

Microsoft SQL Server Studio Management is a relational database
management system developed by Microsoft. As a database server, it is
a software product with the primary function of storing and retrieving
data as requested by other software applications—which may run either
on the same computer or on another computer across a network
(including the Internet).

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3.2.3 Crystal Reports

Crystal Reports is a popular Windows-based report writer (report

generation program) that allows a programmer to create reports from a
variety of data sources with a minimum of written code. Developed by
Seagate Software, Crystal Reports can access data from most widely-used
databases and can integrate data from multiple databases within one
report using Open Database Connectivity ( ODBC ).

Crystal Reports uses an ActiveX control called Crystal Report to establish

a connection with another program. A programmer can set properties of
the Crystal Report control during design time or at run time.

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3.3 Functional Requirements
 School management system shall be network base.
 Admin shall login.
 Admin shall add new student, teacher, and class and modify them.
 Admin shall update school news.
 Admin shall access all the data about student related.
 Admin shall manage the school activity.
 Admin shall generate time table.

3.4 Non Functional Requirements

 The system should be easy to use.
 The system should be available 24 hours.
 The system should response at the time
 System should provide specific information to specific user.
 The system should not fail.
 Right information is available to right student and teacher at right

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The system will be used to keep information the following types of

 Students

 Instructors

 Classes

 Test scores

 Grades

 Course registration

 Fee record

The system will also generate printable reports for use by admin

 Class List

 Class Counts

 Maximum test scores by quarter and level

 Final grade report

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3.5 Hardware requirements

 Processor
 Ram
 Hard disk
 Internet Connection

3.6 Software requirements

 Operating System (Windows)
 Database Server (SQL)

3.7 User Interfaces

The system must provide a user interface for all types of users (admin,
student, and teachers) that are available through all desktop pc.

3.8 Hardware Interfaces

There are no hardware interfaces to this software system. The only
interfaces are through a computer system.

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3.9 Performance Requirements
The system is expected to have reasonable short time response. The admin
should be able to login and should be able to get response for his requests in
2-3 second. The system’s performance is different according to its mode.

3.10 Security Requirements

The data transaction between admin and server must be encrypted using
firewall device. All the passwords that are generated or accepted must be
stored in database in an encrypted form. To prevent attacks, the system
should generate random word and ask the user to enter it correctly for
multiple trying.

3.11 Safety Requirements

To prevent data loss in case of system failure, the result of students that are
have to be saved in database. In case Admin detects any security problem in
the system, he should be able to shut down the system and prevent all
connection to the server immediately to preserve already school details. The
system should be able to recover itself from previous crashes and continue
the school process.

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The chart shows clearly that the project consists of the activities of Analysis,
design, front-end coding, back-end coding and report generation.

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3.13 Reliability
In admin Mode: The system should be 99% reliable. In Normal Interactive
Mode: Since it may need some maintenance or preparation for the School
Days, the system does not need to be reliable every time. So, 80%
reliability is enough.

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4.1Entity Relation Diagram (ER Diagram)
The admin runs on desktop application that is enabled to handle server. It
uses a relational database to keep track of the polls, which it connects
through standard database connectivity interfaces. In order to run the
setup software, the environment needs to have a fast machine running on

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4.2 Context Level Diagram

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4.3First Level Data Flow Diagram

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4.3.1 First Level Data Flow Diagram

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4.3.2 First Level Data Flow Diagram

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4.4 Second Level Data Flow Diagram

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4.4.1 Second Level Data Flow Diagram

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4.5 System Sequence Diagram

Login Option Login Detail Login Validation Succeed







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4.5.1 System Sequence Diagram

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4.6 Complete Data Model Class Diagram

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4.7 Use Case Diagram
A use case is a methodology used in system analysis to identify, clarify,
and organize system requirements. The use case is made up of a set of
possible sequences of interactions between systems and users in a
particular environment and related to a particular goal. It consists of a
group of elements (for example, classes and interfaces) that can be used
together in a way that will have an effect larger than the sum of the
separate elements combined. The use case should contain all system
activities that have significance to the users. A use case can be thought of
as a collection of possible scenarios related to a particular goal, indeed,
the use case and goal are sometimes considered to be synonymous .

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Use Case Diagram

Registration Student



Report card
Admin Teacher

Report Attendance

Update Record Teacher

Generate Attendance

View Reports

Student Teacher
Generate Result

View Result

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4.8 Table Design
4.8.1 Username
Column Name Data Type Null
LoginID int No
LoginName varchar(10) No
Password varchar(10) No
FullName Varchar(50) Yes
Designation Varchar(50) Yes
Block Bit Yes
FyearID Numeric(9,0) Yes
locationId Int Yes
Createdby Varchar(50) No
CreationDatetime Varchar(50) No
Modifyby Varchar(50) Yes
ModificationDate Datetime Yes
Terminal Varchar(50) Yes
Windowlogin Varchar(50) yes

4.8.2 Campus
Column Name Data Type Null
UserCampusID Numeric(9,0) No
UserId Numeric(9,0) Yes
CampusId Numeric(9,0) yes

4.8.3 User Action

Column Name Data Type Null
ActionID Int No
ActionName Varchar(50) No
UserAction Bit No
ParentId Int yes

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4.8.4 Student
Column Name Data Type Null
CampusID Numeric(9,0) Yes
StudentID Numeric(9,0) No
ClassId Numeric(9,0) Yes
SectionId Numeric(9,0) Yes
RollNo Varchar(20) Yes
StudentCode Numeric(9,0) No
StudentName Varchar(250) Yes
AdmissionNo Varchar(100) No
AdmissionDate datetime Yes
Relation Varchar(100) yes

4.8.5 Student Fee

Column Name Data Type Null

StudentFeeId Numeric(9,0) No
ClassId Numeric(9,0) Yes
ClassFeeID Numeric(9,0) Yes
CampusId Numeric(9,0) Yes
FyearID Numeric(9,0) Yes
StudentID Numeric(9,0) Yes
Percentange Int Yes
CreatedBy Varchar(50) Yes
CreationDate Datetime Yes
ModifyBy Varchar(50) Yes
ModificationDate Varchar(50) Yes
FeeDate Datetime Yes
StudentSectionID Numeric(9,0) Yes
IsCurrent Int No

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4.8.6 Class
Column Name Data Type Null
ClassID numeric(9,0) No
ClassCode numeric(9,0) No
ClassTitle varchar(250) No
CampusID numeric(9,0) No
CategoryId Numeric(9.0) No
Createdby Varchar(50) Yes
CreationDate Datetime Yes
Modifyby Varchar(50) Yes
ModificationDate Datetime Yes
InsertTerminal Varchar(50) Yes
UpdateTerminal Varchar(50) yes

4.8.7 Attendance
ColumnName DataType Null
AttendanceId Int No
AttnDate Smalldatetime No
CampusID Numeric(9,0) No
StudentID Numeric(9,0) No
SectionId Numeric(9,0) Yes
LeaveId Int Yes
Createdby Varchar(30) Yes
CreationDate Smalldatetime Yes
Modifyby Varchar(30) Yes
ModificationDate Smalldatetime Yes
UpdateTerminalInfo Varchar(50) Yes
InsertTerminalInfo Varchar(50) Yes

4.8.8 Subjects

Column Name Data Type Null

CampusId Numeric(9,0) Yes
SubjectID Numeric(9,0) No
SubjectCode Numeric(9,0) No
SubjectTitle Varchar(250) No
PassingMarks Int No
TotalMarks Int No
CreatedBy Varchar(50) Yes
ModifyBy Varchar(50) Yes
ModificationDate Datetime Yes
CreationDate Datetime Yes
InsertTerminal Varchar(50) Yes
Updateterminal Varchar(50) Yes

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4.8.9 Teacher

Column Name Data Type Null

CampusId Numeric(9,0) No
TeacherId Numeric(9,0) No
TeacherCode Numeric(9,0) No
TeacherName Varchar(50) No
Fname Varchar(50) Yes
PresentAddress Varchar(100) Yes
PhoneNumber Varchar(50) Yes
PermanentAddress Varchar(50) Yes
MobileNumber Varchar(50) Yes
AgreedPay Money Yes
HireDate Datetime Yes
ResignedDate Bit Yes
ResignDate Datetime Yes
Qulaification Varchar(200) Yes
Experience Varchar(100) Yes
Remarks Varchar(100) Yes
SpecialSubject Smallint Yes
DateofBirth Datetime Yes
Status Varchar(50) Yes
NICNo Varchar(50) Yes
EmpType Varchar(50) Yes
Email Varchar(100) Yes
EActivity Varchar(50) Yes
DesignationID Numeric(9,0) No
Createdby Varchar(50) Yes
ModifyBy Varchar(50) Yes
ModificationDate Datetime Yes
InsertTerminalInfo Varchar(50) Yes
UpdateTerminalInfo Varchar(50) Yes

4.8.10 Voucher
Column Name Data Type Null
VtypeId Numeric(9,0) No
Vtitle Varchar(250) Yes

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5.1 Login Screen

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5.2 Home Screen

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5.3 Setup/Campus

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5.4 Setup/Class Information

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5.5 Setup/Subject Information

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5.6 Setup/Fee Information

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5.7 Setup/Attendance Report

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5.8 Student Regristration

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5.9 Student Information

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5.10 Teacher Information

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5.11 Student Promotion

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5.12 All Student Fee Information

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5.13 Fee Challan Slip

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5.14 Fee Receipt Voucher

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5.15 Student Bank Payment

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5.16 Student Registration Report

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5.17 Student General Report

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5.18 Details of New Admission

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5.19 Student Conformation Slip

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5.20 Ledger Reports

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5.21 Benevolence Report

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Software project management comprises of a number of activities, which
contains planning of project, deciding scope of software product, estimation
of cost in various terms, scheduling of tasks and events, and resource
management. Project management activities may include:

 Project Planning
 Scope Management

 Project Estimation

6.1 Project Planning

Software project planning is task, which is performed before the
production of software actually starts. It is there for the software
production but involves no concrete activity that has any direction
connection with software production; rather it is a set of multiple
processes, which facilitates software production. Project planning may
include the following:

6.2 Scope Management

It defines the scope of project; this includes all the activities, process need to be
done in order to make a deliverable software product. Scope management is
essential because it creates boundaries of the project by clearly defining what
would be done in the project and what would not be done. This makes project to
contain limited and quantifiable tasks, which can easily be documented and in
turn avoids cost and time overrun.

6.2.1 During Project Scope management, it is necessary to -

 Define the scope

 Decide its verification and control
 Divide the project into various smaller parts for ease of management.
 Verify the scope
 Control the scope by incorporating changes to the scope
6.3 Project Estimation
For an effective management accurate estimation of various measures is a must.
With correct estimation managers can manage and control the project more
efficiently and effectively.

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6.3.1 Project estimation may involve the following:
 Software size estimation
Software size may be estimated either in terms of KLOC (Kilo Line of
Code) or by calculating number of function points in the software. Lines
of code depend upon coding practices and Function points vary according
to the user or software requirement.

 Effort estimation
The managers estimate efforts in terms of personnel requirement and man-
hour required to produce the software. For effort estimation software size
should be known. This can either be derived by managers’ experience,
organization’s historical data or software size can be converted into efforts
by using some standard formulae.

 Time estimation
Once size and efforts are estimated, the time required to produce the
software can be estimated. Efforts required is segregated into sub
categories as per the requirement specifications and interdependency of
various components of software. Software tasks are divided into smaller
tasks, activities or events by Work Breakthrough Structure (WBS). The
tasks are scheduled on day-to-day basis or in calendar months.

The sum of time required to complete all tasks in hours or days is the total
time invested to complete the project.

 Cost estimation
This might be considered as the most difficult of all because it depends on
more elements than any of the previous ones. For estimating project cost,
it is required to consider -

 Size of software
 Software quality
 Hardware
 Additional software or tools, licenses etc.
 Skilled personnel with task-specific skills
 Travel involved
 Communication
 Training and support
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6.4 Project Estimation Techniques
We discussed various parameters involving project estimation such as size,
effort, time and cost.

Project manager can estimate the listed factors using two broadly
recognized techniques –

6.5 Team Structure

The team is composed of two students of Computer Science at
Imperial University.

Rana Rizwan A 132401 C

Zain Basit A 132404 C

Awais Munir A 132402 C

Work Time Schedule


Initial Design Report May 28, 2017

Software Design Description Prototype June 16, 2017

Prototype July 1, 2017

Implementations August 6, 2017

Testing August 20 2017

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6.6 Process Model

Since our requirements are defined properly and will not be object to
big changes, we will use Waterfall process model throughout our
system development.

6.7 Testing and validation

Supply references to the following item documentation:
 Requirements specification,
 Design specification,
 Users guide,
 Operations guide,
 Installation guide,
 Features (availability, response time),
 Defect removal procedures, and
 Verification and validation plans.

(Identify all software features and combinations of software features to be

tested. Identify the test design specifications associated with each feature and
each combination of features.)

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A- Pre- phase:
 Manage admin
 Manage setup
 Manage Transaction
 Manage vouchers
B- Report phase
 Submit Report
C- Result phase
 View results
 Generate reports

Performance testing:

 Identify performance acceptance criteria

 Identify key scenarios
 Create a workload model
 Identify the target load levels
 Design specific tests
 Run tests
 Analyze the results
 Data server stress tool will be used

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