The Molecular Scattering of Light: S C V. R
The Molecular Scattering of Light: S C V. R
The Molecular Scattering of Light: S C V. R
In the history of science, we often find that the study of some natural phe-
nomenon has been the starting-point in the development of a new branch of
knowledge. We have an instance of this in the colour of skylight, which has
inspired numerous optical investigations, and the explanation of which, pro-
posed by the late Lord Rayleigh, and subsequently verified by observation,
forms the beginning of our knowledge of the subject of this lecture. Even
more striking, though not so familiar to all, is the colour exhibited by oce-
anic waters. A voyage to Europe in the summer of 1921 gave me the first
opportunity of observing the wonderful blue opalescence of the Mediter-
ranean Sea. It seemed not unlikely that the phenomenon owed its origin to
the scattering of sunlight by the molecules of the water. To test this explana-
tion, it appeared desirable to ascertain the laws governing the diffusion of
light in liquids, and experiments with this object were started immediately
on my return to Calcutta in September, 1921. It soon became evident, how-
ever, that the subject possessed a significance extending far beyond the special
purpose for which the work was undertaken, and that it offered unlimited
scope for research. It seemed indeed that the study of light-scattering might
carry one into the deepest problems of physics and chemistry, and it was this
belief which led to the subject becoming the main theme of our activities at
Calcutta from that time onwards.
From the work of the first few months, it became clear that the molecular
scattering of light was a very general phenomenon which could be studied
not only in gases and vapours but also in liquids and in crystalline and
amorphous solids, and that it was primarily an effect arising from molecular
disarray in the medium and consequent local fluctuations in its optical den-
sity. Except in amorphous solids, such molecular disarray could presumably
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The investigations referred to above were in the main guided by the classical
electromagnetic theory of light, the application of which to the problems of
light-scattering is chiefly associated with the names of Rayleigh and of Ein-
stein. Nevertheless, the possibility that the corpuscular nature of light might
come into evidence in scattering was not overlooked and was in fact elab-
orately discussed in the essay of February 1922 which was published at least
a year before the well-known discoveries of Compton on X-ray scattering.
While our experiments in the main appeared to support the electromagnetic
theory of light, evidence came to hand at a very early stage of the investiga-
tions of the existence of a phenomenon which seemed to stand outside the
classical scheme of thought. The scattering of light in transparent fluids is
extremely feeble, much weaker in fact than the Tyndall effect usually ob-
served in turbid media. It was experimentally discovered that associated with
the Rayleigh-Einstein type of molecular scattering, was another and still
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feebler type of secondary radiation, the intensity of which was of the order
of magnitude of a few hundredths of the classical scattering, and differed
from it in not having the same wavelength as the primary or incident radia-
tion. The first observation of this phenomenon was made at Calcutta in
April 1923 by Ramanathan who was led to it in attempting to explain why
in certain liquids (water, ether, methyl and ethyl alcohols), the depolariza-
tion of scattered light varied with the wavelength of the incident radiation.
Ramanathan found that after exhaustive chemical purification and repeated
slow distillation of the liquid in vacuum, the new radiation persisted un-
diminished in intensity, showing that it was a characteristic property of the
substance studied and not due to any fluorescent impurity. Krishnan ob-
served a similar effect in many other liquids in 1924, and a somewhat more
conspicuous phenomenon was observed by me in ice and in optical glasses.
The origin of this puzzling phenomenon naturally interested us, and in the
summer of 1925, Venkateswaran attempted to investigate it by photograph-
ing the spectrum of the scattered light from liquids, using sunlight filtered
through colour screens, but was unable to report any decisive results. Ra-
makrishna Rao in his studies on the depolarization of scattering during 1926
and 1927 looked carefully for a similar phenomenon in gases and vapours,
but without success. This problem was taken up again by Krishnan towards
the end of 1927. While his work was in progress, the first indication of the
true nature of the phenomenon came to hand from a different quarter. One
of the problems interesting us at this time was the behaviour in light-scatter-
ing of highly viscous organic liquids which were capable of passing over into
the glassy state. Venkateswaran undertook to study this question, and re-
ported the highly interesting result that the colour of sunlight scattered in a
highly purified sample of glycerine was a brilliant green instead of the usual
blue. The phenomenon appeared to be similar to that discovered by Rama-
nathan in water and the alcohols, but of much greater intensity, and, there-
fore, more easily studied. No time was lost in following up the matter. Tests
were made with a series of filters transmitting narrow regions of the solar
spectrum and placed in the path of the incident beam, which showed that in
every case the colour of the scattered light was different from that of the in-
cident light, and was displaced from it towards the red. The radiations were
also strongly polarized. These facts indicated a clear analogy between the
empirical characters of the phenomenon and the Compton effect. The work
of Compton had made familiar the idea that the wavelength of radiation
could be degraded in the process of scattering, and the observations with
glycerine suggested to me that the phenomenon which had puzzled us ever
since 1923 was in fact the optical analogue of the Compton effect. This idea
naturally stimulated further investigation with other substances.
The chief difficulty which had hitherto oppressed us in the study of the
new phenomenon was its extreme feebleness in general. This was overcome
by using a 7-inch refracting telescope in combination with a short-focus lens
to condense sunlight into a pencil of very great intensity. With these ar-
rangements and using complementary light-filters in the path of the inci-
dent and scattered beams, as was done by Ramanathan in 1923, to isolate the
modified radiations, it was found that they could be readily observed in a
great many liquids, and that in many cases they were strongly polarized.
Krishnan, who very materially assisted me in these investigations, found at
the same time that the phenomenon could be observed in several organic
vapours, and even succeeded in visually determining the state of polarization
of the modified radiations from them. Compressed gases such as CO, and
N2O, crystalline ice, and optical glasses also were found to exhibit the mod-
ified radiations. These observations left little doubt that the phenomenon
was really a species of light-scattering analogous to the Compton effect.
With these arrangements the spectrum of the scattered light from a variety of
liquids and solids was visually examined, and the startling observation was
made that the spectrum generally included a number of sharp lines or bands
on a diffuse background which were not present in the light of the mercury
tain a real insight into the actual phenomena. The classical theory of light-
scattering tells us that if a molecule scatters light while it is moving, rotating
or vibrating, the scattered radiations may include certain frequencies, differ-
ent from those of the incident waves. This classical picture, in many respects,
is surprisingly like what we actually observe in the experiments. It explains
why the frequency shifts observed fall into three classes, translational, rota-
tional and vibrational, of different orders of magnitude. It explains the ob-
served selection rules, as for instance, why the frequencies of vibration de-
duced from scattered light include only the fundamentals and not the over-
tones and combinations which are so conspicuous in emission and absorption
spectra. The classical theory can even go further and give us a rough indica-
tion of the intensity and polarization of the radiations of altered frequency.
Nevertheless, the classical picture has to be modified in essential respects to
give even a qualitative description of the phenomena, and we have, there-
fore, to invoke the aid of quantum principles. The work of Kramers and
Heisenberg, and the newer developments in quantum mechanics which have
their root in Bohr’s correspondence principle seem to offer a promising way
of approach towards an understanding of the experimental results. But un-
til we know much more than we do at present regarding the structure of
molecules, and have sufficient quantitative experimental knowledge of the
effect, it would be rash to suggest that they afford a complete explanation
of it.
From a physical point of view, the quantitative study of the effect with the
simplest molecules holds out the largest hope of fundamental advances. The
beautiful work of McLennan with liquefied gases, and of R. W. Wood and
Rasetti are pioneer investigations in this field which command the highest
admiration. The quantitative study of the effect with crystals of the simplest
possible chemical constitution is naturally of great importance. The case of
the diamond, which has been investigated by Ramaswamy, Robertson, and
Fox, and with especial completeness by Bhagavantam, is of special interest.
Very surprising results have been obtained with this substance, which may
be the pathway to a fuller understanding of the nature of the crystalline state.
I should also like to draw attention to the work of Krishnamurti, who has
traced a remarkable dependence of the intensity of the spectral lines observed
in scattering on the nature of the chemical bond, and followed the transition
from the homopolar to the heteropolar type of chemical combination. Krish-
namurti’s observation that the paramagnetism of crystals apparently influ-
ences the observed intensity of the displaced lines is one of the most remark-
able ever made in this new field of research.