Practice Test 4

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Part 1

You are going to read a magazine article about travel writing. For questions 1-8, choose the answer (A, B, C or D)
which you think fits best according to the text.

If my memory serves me well, even in primary in the kind of people who travel. If in the past only
school, I had a vivid imagination and would often the wealthy could consider travelling for pleasure,
come up with entertaining short stories. Certainly today, the typical tourist may be anyone from
by the time I entered high school, I had begun the millionaire on his yacht to the back-packing
toying with the idea of going into journalism. student. This means that guidebooks now supply
Ironically, although I took journalism at university, a much broader range of details and information
I fell into travel writing quite by accident. I was the to satisfy the needs of the ever-increasing variety
chief editor of the student newspaper at the time. of travellers.
Somebody came up with the bright idea of doing
The more I read, the more I realised that in order to
a travel feature and I was offered free rail tickets
succeed I had to find a niche – my own particular
in Europe for the summer in return for a series of
area of expertise – in this huge market. Gradually,
articles on the places I visited. The pieces I wrote
I became aware of the increasing number of
actually won me an award for best student travel
“specialty” travel writers, who focused on specific
writer of the year! And from that point on, there
groups of tourists and their particular interests and
was no looking back.
needs. I’ve always been a bit of an adventurer and
The early acclaim my articles had received gave me loved the idea of exploring out-of-the-way places.
confidence. What quickly became clear, however, I began to write articles aimed at the seasoned
was the gap between writing a few articles as a traveller who has seen the best-known tourist
student and making ends meet as a travel writer. sights and is looking for a novel experience off the
Like most budding travel writers, I earned next to beaten track. Slowly but surely, I found my own
nothing in my first year. Despite what one might voice as a writer, and my new articles were greeted
call the perks of the profession – an occasional with enthusiasm.
offer of free accommodation or a meal on the
Today, I can safely say that I find my career
house (the latter being frowned upon by publishers
rewarding. But it’s definitely not for everyone.
because declaring yourself as a travel writer
Those of you who see travel writing as glamorous
invites favourable treatment) – the fact is that until
may be disappointed. A travel writer must be
you have established yourself and found interested
prepared to spend days of relentless sightseeing –
publishers, you spend far more than you earn. I
far more than any normal tourist would take on,
had to eat into my savings to cover expenses.
and not all of it interesting. Copying down rail and
My initial attempts at having my articles published bus itineraries is essential, but hardly inspiring.
were unsuccessful. Luckily, after rejecting yet Finally, at the end of an exhausting day, you have
another piece of mine, one kind publisher gave to sit down and write an organised and informative
me some sound advice. “Take a look at what’s account of your experiences – which may take
happening in travel writing,” he said. “Your articles you into the early hours of the morning. In fact,
are just too old-fashioned.” Curious as to what he systematic writing is the key to success – you have
meant, I threw out my old guidebooks and began to sit down and write at least 2,000 words a day to
line 37 reading all the latest travel blogs, Internet sites perfect your technique. And if you’re willing to
and travel magazines I could get my hands on. He take on that kind of commitment, travel writing
was right – my writing style was hopelessly out can be very fulfilling. I have been at it for six years
of touch. now, and wouldn’t trade it for a nine-to-five desk
job, no matter how well-paid!
Travel writing had changed dramatically and I
hadn’t kept track. It probably started with the shift

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PAPER 1: READING Part 1 (Questions 1-8)

1 When the writer says she began ‘toying with the idea of’ going into journalism, she means
A she didn’t consider journalism a serious career.
B that being a journalist was a childhood ambition.
C she was considering journalism as a possibility.
D she used to daydream about being a journalist.
2 What surprised the writer about her new career as a travel writer?
A She was not able to earn a living.
B She was forbidden to reveal her identity.
C She didn’t have to pay for hotels or meals.
D It was a year before she got anything published.
3 The writer gives the example of travel blogs (line 37) to illustrate
A a typical Internet travel site.
B how travel writing had developed.
C the inspiration for her first book.
D a good source of travel information.
4 One reason for the recent developments in travel writing was
A the greater number of well-to-do travellers.
B the different forms of transport now available.
C the increase in the number of tourists.
D the growing diversity of tourists.
5 According to the writer, which event influenced her choice of career most?
A discovering her ability as a child
B winning a travel writing award
C the advice of a publisher
D realising she was adventurous
6 What did the writer learn after doing her research?
A facts about unusual destinations
B how exciting travel writing was
C where her particular talents lay
D what modern tourists are looking for
7 In appealing to travel writers, the main purpose of the last paragraph is to
A warn them that such exciting jobs involve long hours.
B recommend that they do as much touring as possible.
C remind writers to include lots of practical details.
D emphasise the importance of the quality of their writing.
8 Which best sums up the writer’s attitude towards her profession?
A It requires years of training to become a professional.
B Financially it is more rewarding than an office job.
C Despite the problems, it is well worth pursuing it.
D Few people are actually suited to this type of work.

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PAPER 1: READING Part 2 (Questions 9-15)

Part 2

You are going to read an article about puzzles. Seven sentences have been removed from the article. Choose from the
sentences A-H the one which fits each gap (9-15). There is one extra sentence which you do not need to use.

Give Us a Clue!

Crossword puzzles were first invented around 90 years bandwagon. A company called Simon and Schuster
ago by American Arthur Wayne, whose first puzzle was brought out the first book of puzzles.                        Such
published in a U.S. daily newspaper in 1913. His intention fears were unfounded though; it became the first of a
was to provide a new and interesting variation on familiar series of best-sellers.
word games for holiday entertainment. Crossword puzzles
While American crosswords used straightforward
continued to appear in newspapers and as they became
definitions as clues, on the other side of the Atlantic,
better known, their popularity grew.
the British preferred riddles, puns or allusions.
Yet, incredibly, crosswords were considered by some For example, “an important city in Czechoslovakia” with
doctors of the day to be unhealthy and even dangerous! four letters could not be found on any map. But a
However, a Broadway musical satirised these fears with a closer inspection of the clue itself – the word
scene set in the “Crossword Puzzle Sanatorium”, a place Czechoslovakia – reveals the answer: Oslo – capital city
for people who had gone mad trying to do crosswords! of Norway. Interestingly, during World War II,
crosswords did become “dangerous” – to the enemy.
Despite all the health warnings, by the 1920s, the
Secret information could easily be contained within the
public’s passion for crosswords had really taken hold.
cryptic clues.
People couldn’t get enough of them, and puzzles began
to appear in the most unusual places. For example, Crossword puzzles are still going strong today, but
railway companies provided passengers with crosswords they have evolved to suit a society of couch potatoes,
on the back of menus in the dining car.                        slumped in front of the small screen for hours every day.
10 14
One clothes company supplied a free booklet of It started in America, but Britain, France and Australia
crosswords with every dress it sold. Successfully are just three of the many countries which have
completing a puzzle guaranteed the buyer a discount on developed their own version of this extremely popular
future purchases. Songwriters even wrote songs about crossword-based TV game.
crossword puzzles!
Today’s newspapers and magazines often give small cash
Sometimes solving crossword puzzles led to rather prizes to people who successfully solve their puzzles.
11 15
bizarre situations.                        His reaction at being It’s all a far cry from the intentions of the inventor of
sentenced to 10 days in jail surprised everyone. He the crossword puzzle. Yet, if he were alive today and
claimed to be very happy that he would have so much confronted with a gigantic crossword on the TV screen, I
time to solve puzzles. rather think he’d be delighted, firstly by modern
technology and secondly by the fact that his game is as
Some time later the publishing trade jumped on the
popular as ever.

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PAPER 1: READING Part 2 (Questions 9-15)

A As time passed, jewellery designers made pins E Television, on the other hand, has turned them
and brooches with crossword motifs. into media spectaculars with huge cash prizes
at stake.
B These were referred to as “cryptic” clues, whose
meaning was not immediately apparent. F For many people, this family game show is the
highlight of the week.
C A man who was arrested for refusing to leave a
restaurant at closing time offered the excuse that G Reluctant to reveal its origins in case the idea
he was in the middle of a puzzle that he just had failed, they launched it under an alias.
to finish.
H You’ve possibly seen, or at least heard of, a
D Psychologists feared that the frustration of television game show called The Wheel of
trying to solve such puzzles would cause mental Fortune.
problems and even insomnia.

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PAPER 1: READING Part 3 (Questions 16-30)

Part 3

You are going to read a magazine article about going to a job centre. For questions 16-30, choose from the people
(A-D). The people may be chosen more than once.

Which person

A Heather Talbot
B Jill Spenser
C Claudia Geraldo
D Anne Gordon

was surprised how much she enjoyed working outdoors? 16

couldn’t see how they would get the necessary information? 17

understands that she should have been more open-minded about jobs? 18

just hopes she’ll get what she deserves eventually? 19

had no free time at all for a while, but feels it was worth it? 20

finds it ironic that lack of knowledge started her on a new career? 21

couldn’t afford to spend time travelling to work? 22

felt the suggestions were surprising considering they knew her personal situation? 23

got an idea of what the work would involve? 24

is glad she has justified their confidence in her abilities? 25

is not sure why she failed the interview? 26

admits that the work brought out talents she’d never suspected she had? 27

decided that she couldn’t devote all her time to learning new skills? 28

has learned that advisors are far better trained than she thought? 29

believes it was her previous experience that got her the job? 30

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PAPER 1: READING Part 3 (Questions 16-30)

Looking for a Job

Luke Davies spoke to four people who describe their search for employment.

Getting a good job isn’t as easy as one might imagine, the question. I wasn’t optimistic about finding anything
especially if you’ve been out of the workforce for a while. exciting, so I’m eternally grateful to the advisor who got
“You can expect changes in the job market. You may have me thinking about an alternative direction for my talents.
a lot of new things to learn,” says Heather Talbot. “The She asked me whether I had seen the advertisement for
same applies when you change jobs, either voluntarily or a window dresser at the department store and suggested
because you’ve been made redundant.” Guidance from that I try my luck there because my background would
professionals can be very helpful, and that’s where the give me the edge over other applicants. She was right.”
Job Centre comes in. Trained experts match people with The store manager took Jill on for a six-month trial
the right qualifications and experience to jobs available period, and neither of them has had cause to regret it.
in the market.
A less common challenge for a Centre is finding a job
“After I’d been working for the local authority for four for someone who has moved from another country. When
years, two municipalities amalgamated and left me her husband was promoted to the English branch of his
without a job,” continued Heather. “I had no idea what I company, Claudia Geraldo from Rome was delighted.
wanted to do, so the obvious place to start my search was
“I’d had enough of being stuck behind a desk in an
the Job Centre.
office,” she says. “I was ready for a change. I knew that
At the first meeting, I filled in forms, did some not having fluent English would be a drawback, but I was
psychometric tests and had a personal interview with the a bit taken aback when the advisor suggested I take a job
advisor. The psychometric tests reminded me of school. I at a plant nursery. Still, it was worth a try. The job turned
couldn’t imagine how an examiner could learn anything out to be more than just looking after plants. We often
about me from the way I completed numbers in a series advise clients about the layout of lawns and flowerbeds,
or identified items that didn’t belong in a group. At least and I discovered I have an eye for it. In the meantime, my
the personal interview gave me an opportunity to express English improved, and I’m now well on my way through
myself. a course in Landscape Architecture.”
At the second meeting, I realised I’d underestimated The Job Centre isn’t the answer for everyone, though.
the advisor. She’d put her finger on my talents for Anne Gordon had been an assistant librarian for years
organisation and dealing with people.” and was disappointed when she was passed over for the
post of head librarian. “Knowing that the Centre
Heather’s advisor suggested taking a course in hotel
would be discreet, I went for an interview,” she says.
management, saying, “There’s a part-time job going as
After making a careful assessment, the advisor had four
a night clerk at the new hotel. You won’t have a minute
suggestions. “Because of my financial commitments,
to yourself, but you’ll get a bit of hands-on experience
which I had made clear to them, I had to reject three jobs
while you study.” Heather took her advice, and has never
that involved either full-time retraining or an appreciable
looked back.
drop in salary.” Anne applied for the fourth one, a book
Women who take years off work to bring up their children shop position, but didn’t get it. “Reluctantly, I decided to
often worry about getting back into the job market. Jill keep my library job, at least for the time being, but to be
Spenser was a dress designer before her two children frank, I don’t feel that the Job Centre has lived up to my
were born. “Unfortunately,” says Jill, “there are no expectations.”
fashion houses near our home and commuting is out of

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PAPER 2: WRITING Part 1 (Question 1)

Part 1

You must answer this question. Write your answer in 120-150 words in an appropriate style.

1 You have received a letter from your English-speaking friend Alex, about working abroad. Read the letter and the
notes you have made. Then write a letter to Alex, using all your notes.

My brother has worked at a summer camp in Italy, teaching English

to 7-12-year-olds. He helped organise games for the kids too. I know
No, because …
you’ve done this – is it hard work?

Best of all, when he wasn’t speaking English, he was practising the

Italian he learned at camp and he speaks fluently now!

Apparently, there’s a camp in your country too – in the north. What’s

it like there?

The camp provides food and accommodation, and some social

activities too. You know me, I love being outdoors, whether it’s on Give details
the beach or at a live concert. Are there summer events?

I’m not sure I could cope with the language. What do you think? Give opinion

Write soon,


Write your letter. Do not write any postal addresses. You must use grammatically correct sentences with
accurate spelling and punctuation in a style appropriate for the situation.

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PAPER 2: WRITING Part 2 (Questions 2-4)

Part 2

Write an answer to one of the questions 2-4 in this part. Write your answer in 120-180 words in an appropriate style.

2 You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

Film Reviews Wanted!

We all love films, but which ones are worth seeing? If you’ve been to the cinema lately,
please write us a film review. Include information on the type of film, plot, acting,
photography or special effects. Tell us whether or not you recommend seeing the film.

The best reviews will be published next month.

Write your review.

3 A new shopping centre has been built in your town. The editor of your school magazine has asked you
to prepare a report on it, answering some of the following questions:
• Is the shopping centre easy to reach? • What facilities does the centre offer?
• What is the overall design like? • Are there any negative aspects of the centre?
Write your report.

4 You have seen this announcement in an international magazine.

An Important Person in My Life

Write an article telling us about an important person in your life –
a parent, a friend, a relative or a neighbour!
Describe the person and explain why this person is so important to you.
We will publish the best articles next month.

Write your article.

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PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 1 (Questions 1-12)

Part 1

For questions 1-12, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap. There is an example
at the beginning (0).


0 A occasion B time C celebration D season

0 A B C D

At one (0) ..... or another, most of us have seen brightly coloured UNICEF greeting cards. They are often on (1) ..... in
shops, particularly at Christmas and New Year. The simple, cheerful designs that (2) ..... your eye are often the work of
children. Yet only a few people are aware of the fact that buying UNICEF cards helps to (3) ..... money for a very worthy
(4) ..... , namely children in need. The cards started with a 7-year-old girl named Jitka Samkova, who painted a picture to
thank UNICEF for the help her village (5) ..... . The painting was later used on the first UNICEF greeting card.

When the United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund was first established in 1946, its (6) ..... objective
was to help children whose parents had died in the Second World War. With time, however, its function has changed and
today UNICEF (7) ..... itself with the basic (8) ..... rights of children everywhere, including the right to sufficient food,
a home, health care and education. Today, UNICEF takes a special (9) ..... in adolescents, whom it (10) ..... as people
aged 10-19.

So the next time you need a card and can’t make up your (11) ..... which one to choose, buy a UNICEF card. You can
(12) ..... a real difference to the lives of young people who need your help, as well as protecting your rights and theirs.

1 A demand B sales C display D hand

2 A keep B catch C open D meet
3 A raise B earn C gain D acquire
4 A fact B plan C cause D reason
5 A received B provided C accepted D appealed
6 A big B proper C large D main
7 A engages B troubles C concerns D bothers
8 A human B personal C individual D civil
9 A care B interest C attention D issue
10 A categories B characterises C measures D defines
11 A decision B opinion C mind D thought
12 A cause B create C bring D make

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PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 2 (Questions 13-24)

Part 2

For questions 13-24, read the text below and think of the word which best fits each gap. Use only one word in each
gap. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Example: 0 M U S T

Protecting Wildlife

In order to help endangered species of animals, zoologists (0) ..................... learn as much as possible about their

natural habitat and be able to get to them quickly, (13) ..................... necessary. A new technique, called telemetry, has

(14) ..................... it possible for zoologists to keep track of the movements of wild animals, (15) ..................... ever

leaving the laboratory. In cooperation (16) ..................... engineers, zoologists have developed a small transmitter, a

telemeter, which can be attached to an animal, (17) ..................... its size and shape.

Thanks to this new technology, the location of the animal is monitored at (18) ..................... times. If it appears to

(19) ..................... in danger, the animal can be located immediately. If a transmitter stops sending signals, it means there

is a problem with either the transmitter or the animal, and scientists will go at (20) ..................... to check. For instance,

biologists (21) ..................... not have known that a rare Siberian tiger had died, leaving her baby cubs unprotected, had

the signals (22) ..................... stopped coming from the telemeter. Fortunately, they arrived (23) ..................... time to

rescue the cubs.

While scientists have encountered certain problems with the telemeter, on the (24) ..................... , this device has allowed

conservationists to ensure a longer and safer life for many endangered species.

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PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 3 (Questions 25-34)

Part 3

For questions 25-34, read the text below. Use the word given in capitals at the end of some of the lines to form a word
that fits in the gap in the same line. There is an example at the beginning (0).

Write your answers IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

Example: 0 C O N S I D E R E D

The History of the Doughnut

Although doughnuts are sold in many countries across the globe,

more often than not, they are (0) .......................... to be a CONSIDER

(25) .......................... American food. In fact, many people make the TYPICAL

mistaken assumption that doughnuts (26) .......................... came ORIGIN

from America, (27) .......................... of the fact that they are cooked REGARD

and eaten in over 21 different countries round the world.

Doughnuts have a disputed history. According to one theory, they

are a Dutch (28) .......................... – Oliebollen – or oil cakes because INVENT

they were deep-fried in oil. Popular in Holland in the 16th century,

they were brought to America by Dutch (29) .......................... . MIGRATE

In the (30) .......................... Dutch recipe, doughnuts were dipped in TRADITION

sugar. However, over time, several (31) .......................... have emerged. VARY

Today, doughnuts are served with toppings such as icing and chocolate,

and often have a hole in the middle. The hole appeared in 1847, when

sea captain Hanson Gregory made the (32) .......................... that his DISCOVER

mother’s doughnuts not only tasted far (33) .......................... with a hole GOOD

in the middle, but that this new shape would (34) .......................... the SURE

doughnut was cooked right through and not still raw in the centre.

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PAPER 3: USE OF ENGLISH Part 4 (Questions 35-42)

Part 4

For questions 35-42, complete the second sentence so that it has a similar meaning to the first sentence, using the word
given. Do not change the word given. You must use between two and five words, including the word given. Here is
an example (0).

0 Their pace isn’t slow enough for me.
They are .................................................................................................................................................... for me.

The gap can be filled by the words ‘walking too fast’ so you write:

Example: 0 W A L K I N G T O O F A S T

Write only the missing words IN CAPITAL LETTERS.

35 I get the impression that I’ve annoyed you.

You ................................................................................................................................................................... me.

36 Is there any chance of staying with you next weekend?

Do you think you ............................................................................................................................ next weekend?

37 This test is no easier than the last one.

This test is just ..................................................................................................................................... the last one.

38 His first book was published when he was 16 years old.

He published his first book ........................................................................................................................ sixteen.

39 How did the turtle die?

What ....................................................................................................................................................... the turtle?

40 Jack is sorry he ate so much last night.

Jack ........................................................................................................................................... so much last night.

41 Everyone is very excited about your wedding.

We ................................................................................................................................................... your wedding.

42 For two days they didn’t have gas or electricity.

They ................................................................................................................................................... for two days.

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PAPER 4: LISTENING Parts 1 & 2 (Questions 1-18)

Part 1

You will hear people talking in eight different situations. For questions 1-8, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

1 You hear a woman talking about crocodiles. 5 You hear a man being interviewed.
What does she say about them? Which period did he enjoy most in his life?
A They are more dangerous in the water. A childhood
B Their jaws are the most dangerous. 1
B adolescence 5
C They are slow animals on land. C university days

2 You hear two people talking about a 6 You overhear a girl talking on the telephone.
photographic exhibition. What does she decide to do with her hair?
What do they feel is wrong with it? A change the colour
A There are not enough photographs. B keep it long 6
B It was too crowded. C have it short
C The opening hours are inconvenient.
7 You hear this on the radio.
3 You hear a woman talking to her friend. What is it?
What does she want him to do? A part of an advertisement
A drive her to the airport B part of a news programme 7
B collect her car from the airport 3 C part of an interview
C order a taxi to the airport
8 You hear a woman talking on the phone.
4 You overhear a couple talking about a Who is she talking to?
meal they have just had. A the airport
What are they most unhappy about? B the airline 8
A the food C the travel agent
B the service 4
C the bill

Part 2

You will hear an interview with a radio presenter who is talking about events for children. For questions 9-18,
complete the sentences.


Penny is a TV 9 .
The new animal at the zoo is a baby 10 .
The circus is unusual because there are 11 .
The circus is in town for 12 .
In Covent Garden, children can have fun at the 13 .
By the river, families can enjoy a 14 .
The number of groups performing is 15 .
The cost of a family ticket is 16 .
At the Science Museum, children can make 17 .
It is necessary to pay and 18 at the Science Museum.

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PAPER 4: LISTENING Parts 3 & 4 (Questions 19-30)

Part 3

You will hear five different people talking about birthdays. For questions 19-23, choose from the list (A-F) what each
speaker says. Use the letters only once. There is one extra letter which you do not need to use.

A I spent my last birthday alone. Speaker 1 19

B My date of birth is unusual.

Speaker 2 20
C I never celebrate my birthday.
Speaker 3 21
D I don’t like getting older.
Speaker 4 22
E I didn’t enjoy my party.

F I had a surprise party. Speaker 5 23

Part 4

You will hear an interview with a professional footballer. For questions 24-30, choose the best answer (A, B or C).

24 When discussing Andy’s house, the interviewer expresses surprise at

A the size of the property.
B the location Andy chose. 24
C the age of the building.
25 Why do members of staff at the house only work part-time?
A The property requires minimal maintenance.
B The couple have to travel around a lot. 25
C Andy can’t relax with people working near him.
26 Andy has lived in this particular property
A since his early childhood.
B since he joined the football club. 26
C only for a short amount of time.
27 On the council estate, how did parents feel about letting their children play outside?
A They were concerned about the number of accidents in the playground.
B They were worried that the lifts were always out of order. 27
C They were afraid that they couldn’t control their children’s behaviour.
28 How did Andy feel about living in the village of Bramhall?
A He found the neighbours very annoying.
B He loved the greenery and the gardens. 28
C He enjoyed the nightlife and restaurants.
29 Why did Andy sell his property in Spain?
A It didn’t turn out to be a good investment.
B He hardly ever had the time to go there. 29
C He couldn’t retire and live abroad then.
30 What was Andy’s main reason for buying his present home?
A He appreciated its historical character.
B It was convenient for flights to Europe. 30
C It offered him privacy from the press.

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