Advancement of Liquefaction Assessment in Chinese Building Codes
Advancement of Liquefaction Assessment in Chinese Building Codes
Advancement of Liquefaction Assessment in Chinese Building Codes
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Abstract. China has suffered extensive liquefaction hazards in destructive earthquakes. The
post-earthquake reconnaissance effort in the country largely advances the methodology of
liquefaction assessment distinct from other countries. This paper reviews the evolution of the
specifications regarding liquefaction assessment in the seismic design building code of
mainland China, which first appeared in 1974, came into shape in 1989, and received major
amendments in 2001 and 2010 as a result of accumulated knowledge on liquefaction
phenomenon. The current version of the code requires a detailed assessment of liquefaction
based on in situ test results if liquefaction concern cannot be eliminated by a preliminary
assessment based on descriptive information with respect to site characterization. In addition, a
liquefaction index is evaluated to recognize liquefaction severity, and to choose the most
appropriate engineering measures for liquefaction mitigation at a site being considered.
1. Introduction
Liquefaction often occurs in saturated granular soils due to earthquake shaking, and causes significant
damages on buildings and other urban infrastructure systems as a result of dramatic reduction in
strength of liquefied soils. As one of the most important subjects in the field of geotechnical
earthquake engineering, the phenomenon of liquefaction has attracted intensive studies in the world
after two major earthquakes in 1964 [1]. Liquefaction assessment has become part of seismic design of
any important project located in seismically affected areas prone to liquefaction. Like other
seismically active regions, China has also suffered from several devastating earthquakes with over one
hundred thousand casualties in the past century [2] including 1976 Tangshan earthquake, in which
extensive examples of liquefaction have been observed. With accumulated knowledge on liquefaction,
the specifications related to liquefaction assessment appeared in the national seismic building code in
mainland China in 1974 and received three major amendments according to lessons learnt from
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International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
historical strong earthquakes. Although the blow count of a standard penetration test (SPT) is also
employed in Chinese building codes to feature liquefaction resistance of a site, the detailed procedure
is less acquainted elsewhere in the world and distinct from the simplified procedure originally
proposed by Seed and his colleagues [1, 3, 4]. Chen [5] provided a good review in the local language
on the revolution of the Chinese seismic design code before 2001. Yuan and Sun [6] proposed further
improvement based on an overview of the state of practice of liquefaction assessment specified in the
Chinese building code. However, the readership of their works was confined locally due to language,
and a comprehensive review on the upgrade in the past 15 years remains insufficient. This constitutes
the motivation of this paper.
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
was frequently attacked by strong earthquakes, which prompted advancement in the seismic building
codes particularly regarding liquefaction assessment.
3. Methodology of liquefaction assessment adapted in Chinese seismic codes and its revolution
1910 1930 1950 1970 1990 2010
No. Year Events
1920s The first seismic intensity map
1959 Building Regulations in Seismic Area (draft): the first version of building
regulation at seismic areas in mainland China
1964 Seismic Code of Building (draft): implementing the concept of site ranking,
which paved the way for liquefaction assessment
1974 Seismic Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings (TJ11-74): the first national
seismic code with consideration of liquefaction
1978 Seismic Code for Industrial and Civil Buildings (TJ11-78): revisions after 1976
Tangshan earthquake.
1989 Code for Seismic Design of Buildings (GBJ11-89): usage of liquefaction index
2001 Code of Seismic Design of Buildings (GB50011-2001): extending the depth
limit from 15 m to 20 m in liquefaction assessment
2010 Code of Seismic Design of Buildings (GB50011-2010)
Figure 1. Major amendments of Chinese seismic building codes regarding liquefaction assessment
inspired by destructive earthquakes in mainland China
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
Hydraulic conditions
Site characterization
Site classification
Seismicity Preliminary assessment
No anti-liquefaction
required in design Detailed assessment
Yes Figure 2. The procedure of
Liquefaction severity recognition liquefaction assessment
adapted in the Chinese seismic
Anti-liquefaction design building code
3.2 Amendments
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
Table 2 lists the evolution of site characterization in different versions of the Chinese seismic
building code. Initially, a very rough categorization was used in the 1964 draft of Seismic Code of
Building by considering types of soils underlying the site. The descriptive approach remained in TJ11-
74 (see Table 3) and the site categories were reduced from four to three: rock, soil and soft soil. With
the development of in situ testing tools, a more precise approach based on the shear wave velocity was
proposed in GB50011-2001 for characterizing a site in the quantitative manner (see Table 4). This
approach remains in the latest version GB50011-2010, while the class I is divided into two sub-classes
(i.e., I0 and I1) to further distinguish a site with equivalent shear wave velocity over 800 m/s (see Table
Table 2. Evolved methods for site classification
Code version Method
1964 Draft Descriptive terms (qualitative)
TJ11-74 Descriptive terms (qualitative with more accurate statement)
GBJ11-89 Descriptive terms (qualitative) and consideration of rigidity of soils
and overburden thickness (quantitative)
GB50011-2001 Consideration of equivalent shear wave velocities (quantitative)
GB50011-2010 Consideration of equivalent shear wave velocities in a wide range
Table 3. Qualitative site classification in TJ11-74
Site category Description
I Rocks consisting of strongly cemented rocks.
General soils consisting of gravels, sands, clays soil,
II collapsible loess and other geomaterials excluded in I and
Soft soils consisting of saturated loose sands, high plastic
III light loam, muck and mucky soil, soft soils with high
compressibility, and fills.
Table 4. Quantitative site classification in GB50011-2001
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
Figure 3. Liquefaction preliminary assessment chart (dw and dv are the depth of the underground water
table and thickness of the overburden unliquefiable layer, respectively. Note that this chart is also
applicable to foundations with embedded depth of 2~5 m by replacing dw and dv with corrected values)
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
method was used in local building code of Tianjing City (TBJI-88) [16], and the method based on cone
penetration test (CPT) was also suggested in Code for Investigation of Geotechnical Engineering
Although Eq. (1) has not been changed in the subsequent upgrades since it first appeared in TJ11-
74, the procedure to determine Ncr has been updated several times as summarized in Table 6.
Considering the formula for computing Ncr in TJ11-74 being less reliable for clayey soils, TJ11-89
took the effect of the fine content into account and provided a unified formula for sandy and clayey
soils. Due to increasing demand of deep foundations, the impact depth of liquefaction was extended
from 15 m to 20 m. The formula of Ncr was accordingly modified in GB50011-2001 to manipulate the
liquefaction assessment in deep soils. In the current version GB50011-2010, a unified formula was
developed for an entire depth profile and a corrected factor was introduced to account for the effect
of seismic levels. In general, is equal to 0.80, 0.95 and 1.05 at the first, second and third types of
earthquake, respectively. The type of design earthquake is defined according to Table 7.
Regardless of changes in the formula for computing Ncr, the reference blow count (N0) is always a
necessary parameter related to seismic input, and its suggested values have been changed in
accordance with the evolution of seismic zonation in China. In the earliest version TJ11-74, N0 is
assigned based on seismic intensity at the China scale. The updated version GBJ11-89 suggests
distinguishing different earthquake types (i.e., near-field earthquake and far-field earthquake). Since
2001, the peak ground acceleration has been used as one of the parameters in seismic zonation in
China, and accordingly N0 is assigned based on the peak ground acceleration instead of seismic
intensity. Table 8 provides suggested values of N0 in the latest code GB50011-2010 for the peak
ground acceleration no more than 0.4g, above which GB50011-2010 provides no detailed guidance
Table 6. Formula for calculating Ncr in different versions of national seismic code in China
Code version Formula for the critical SPT blow count * Improvement
Corrected SPT blow count
TJ11-74 according to depth and
ground water table
GBJ11-89 Effect of fine content
Impact depth extended
from 15 m to 20 m
GB50011-2010 A correction factor
Note: ds – SPT depth (m); dw – underground water level (m); N0 – reference SPT blow count; c – fine content
in percentage (c=3 if fine content is less than 3%); – correction factor depending on the seismic level.
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
Value of Value of
0 10 0 10
Depth (m)
Depth (m)
5 5
International Symposium on Geohazards and Geomechanics (ISGG2015) IOP Publishing
IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
4. Summary
This paper reviews major advancement of the specifications on liquefaction assessment in the seismic
design building code in mainland China. The country suffered extensive liquefaction hazards during a
large number of destructive earthquakes in the past century. The post-earthquake reconnaissance
efforts gave birth to a methodology of liquefaction assessment in 1974, which later became mature in
1989 and continuously received amendments after every strong earthquake as a result of increasing
knowledge on liquefaction phenomenon. In the current version of the code, a detailed assessment of
liquefaction potential is required based on SPT blow count without depth correction, if liquefaction
concern cannot be eliminated by a preliminary assessment based on descriptive information collected
in the phase of site characterization. A liquefaction index is evaluated to recognize liquefaction
severity considering an entire profile of the site being considered, and also to filter the most
appropriate engineering measures for liquefaction mitigation.
The authors acknowledge the support from National Nature Science Foundation of China (with grant
No. 41102173), the Ministry of Science and Technology of China (with grant No. SLDRCE 14-B-11),
the Fundamental Research Funds for the Central Universities, and the Scientific Research Foundation
for the Returned Overseas Chinese Scholars, State Education Ministry.
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IOP Conf. Series: Earth and Environmental Science 26 (2015) 012056 doi:10.1088/1755-1315/26/1/012056
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