Raleigh City Manager Ruffin Hall's Retirement Letter

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Raleigh ‘August 42020 ear Mayor and Counc “The ity of Raleigh and our organtzation has witnessed temendous success over the past several years. Our ‘community has grown, cur orgenzation has bean reshaped tt a mare sophistiated and lager city, nd ‘ur Cy taf has develoed into one of the mest well respected and competent inal local government \When ative inthe ty of aleigh neatly Seven years ago, challenged our organization to evolve from a mal big ity.” With your help, wehave accomplished much of that change andthe ‘organizations ready to move forward tothe nest level of success and progress, “big mal town" toa “Thus, Believe now ie the right ime to make a leadership transition. Ihave decde tortie from the Cty of Raleigh effectwe December 31, 2020 ‘Asyou can appreciate, theres never an eaey te to make a transi Ike tls. Working in the publ sector rely affords an opportunity ta serve without challenges. Our community stil has much work todo as we cllectively ry to manage through the COVID-19 ess and address our ongoing sues of race ad social inequity. My intent in making this decison now isto provide enough time to support the City organization “and the Mayor and Counel trough this ledership transition before the end ofthe yer. Iwant to ensure ‘that our organization in the best pesition possibe to addres the ongoing crisis and our regular City tusiness movingfrward think’ the right tne fora change ~the organization is read for someone ee to ass leadership and continue our success moving forward Since taking on the role of ty Manager in November of 2013, we have successfully completed many notable accomplishments together, Looking back aver the past seven yeas, there isso much tobe thankful for and ‘the list of organizational achievernents soo long to name, !am deeply thankful forthe support and ‘opportunity to work with athe former and current members ofthe Raleigh City Counc. | have enjoyed and ‘ald the partnerships and working relationships without community members and key stakeholders. And | tm extremely proud of the unending har work commitment, and detarminatio fam ou iy employes Coletvey, we hae redefined what pull service mean for aur growing and trving community and the advancements we've made wil havea positive and lstng impact on our iy for years to come. (on professional note, Fn dy to pursue other interests setitement and continue my journey ofesring and growth, Twenty-Wve yeas in acl government ia longtime an seven yeas in November withthe Cty ‘of Raleigh hasbeen a wonderful experience. 1am proud of our sucess together and appreciate everyone in the Cty of Raleigh. ii better for the City to have the Mayor and Council select the nest Cy Manager prior tomext you's budget proces and the October 2021 Counc election ‘on personal note | plant spend some tie with my family before determining what comes next. My family and Nove Raleigh and we have no plans toleave. A you can imagine, serving as the Cy Manage is {an intense an time-consuming jb kei for many of you}. 1am blassd to have three active chikren and {fe who has always been thera to support me, na mater how many unanticipated working weekend, ‘missed family dinners, or skipped school events may have chosen todo In suppor of te ob. | as have ® brother and mother that don't see enough. After twenty-five years, idlike to spend some time supporting ry family fora change before those opportunities lp aay. 50, t0the Mayor and Coun members, want oy thank you. | appredate your commitment to public sevice and the hard work you putin every day. thope you wl continue to support allo our Cy employees ‘a we move through this transition, especialy the execute and leadership teamsin cur rganzation. We have recruited and developed some ofthe best andthe brightest peopl in local goverment management the country right here inthe Cty of Raleigh Throw you wll do everyting you can to support them as they ‘continue ta provide service to our residents and implement the policy rection provided by the Mayor and Coune In dosing, would ik to share with you the Athenian Oath —astaterent of civic itu that Ihave tried to ‘uphold through my career inlcal government. I hope yu find tas enightening a do: "We wil never bring disgrace on this ou ly by an acto dishonesty or cowordie. We wil fight forthe ieals ‘and Socred Things ofthe Cty both alone and with many. We wllevere ad obey the Cy’ laws ad wi do cour best to incite a ike reverence and respect i those above us who are prone to onnul them ore them at hough. We wl strive unceasing to quicken the publ’ sense of vc duty. Thus, nal these ways, we wil tuansmit this Cy not ony, ot less, bu greater and more beoutful than it ws tronsmited tows." ‘Best wishes to yu and thie great community forthe future. Thankyou for your service tothe Cy of Raleigh sincerely, final alegn Ly manager

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