Running Head: Operating System and Preferences 1

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Running head: Operating System and Preferences 1

Operating System and Preferences

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Operating System and Preferences 2

What is your Operating System (OS) ?

System is running on Windows 10 operating system

Why is it important to know the OS of your computer?

An operating system is most important program on a computer and it performs wide

variety of functions. Most important of all is it determines what kind of software can be installed

in the computer (McDowell, 2010)

How much memory (RAM) does your current system have?

Currently the system has installed RAM of 8GB

Why is it important to ensure you have enough RAM?

RAM is one of the most important part of a computer. RAM along with CPU determines

how fast the system works. RAM is basically used to process information readily. If the system

does not have enough RAM to support software requirements then the software may simply not

work at all or have very slow running speed (Villinger,2019)

What is the processor speed on your computer?

The computer has Intel I5 processor with clock speed of 1.6GHz to 1.8GHz
Operating System and Preferences 3

Why would you need a faster processor?

CPU is most one of the most important part of computer. It enables all the parts of system

that is Hardware and Software to work together. Processor type and clock speed determines the

amount of data that can be retrieved and processed on the computer. In simple words more the

processing power faster the system works

What is the plan for upgrading the software in the office computers?

Entire procedure of upgrade can be divided broadly in 5 stage as mentioned below

Categorize and Set Priorities Set Dependencies Roll Out-Phased Keep it Scalable
First step is to identify potential software upgrades that is required than prioritization is to be

done on the basis of cost to benefit. Dependencies needs to be tracked and upgrade underlying

requirements first. Next step is to roll out the upgrades in Phased manner so that if any technical

error occurs then all systems are not affected. All this is to be obtained by causing least

disruption to the functioning of organization and leaving room for any further expansion.


How would you go about training the users in the use of the new software?

Following steps would be involved in training and adaptation of new software (Bleich,n.d)

 Knowledgeable trainer to support employees in adaptation of new software

 Dedicated schedule to be carved out for group training session to make employee realize

benefit of the new upgrade

 Setting realistic and clear deadlines for the rollout of the upgrade so that transition is

Operating System and Preferences 4

 Incentivize the early adopters by giving them priority support or verbal appreciation
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Mindi McDowell, (2010). Understanding your computer: operating systems. Retrieved from

Sandro Villinger, (2019). What is RAM and Why is it Important? Retrieved from

Deb Shinder, (2005). Putting together an upgrade plan Retrieved from

Corey Bleich, (n.d). How to train employees on a new System or Technology: 5 Tips

Retrieved from


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