Production Process in Hyundai Motors: M.Gernjit Darnish MR - Rohan Kumar

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International Journal of Management, IT & Engineering

Vol. 7 Issue 12, December 2017,

ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119
Journal Homepage:, Email:
Double-Blind Peer Reviewed Refereed Open Access International Journal - Included in the International Serial
Directories Indexed & Listed at: Ulrich's Periodicals Directory ©, U.S.A., Open J-Gage as well as in Cabell’s
Directories of Publishing Opportunities, U.S.A


This research is based on the HYUNDAI MOTORS Company built up a creation framework
portrayed by: Modularisation, Automation, Just-in-Sequence, Supply Chain Management, and
Flexible Manufacturing Systems. In light of writing and documental survey, this paper talks
about basic episodes and key highlights that formed the Hyundai Production System (HPS). The
paper sequentially portrays the basic occurrences distinguished, and investigations the
endeavours to present distinctive highlights in this framework, considering these occasions. As
fundamental outcome, the impact of relevant highlights and verifiable occasions on the choices
made by the HMC are investigated, looking to give better comprehension about the advancement
of HPS.

BBA LLB (HONS) student, Saveetha school of law , Saveetha University Chennai
Assistant Professor Of history, Saveetha School Of Law , Saveetha University Chennai.

1 International journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Email:
ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119

The production procedure is worried about changing a scope of contributions to those yields that
are required by the market.

This includes two principle sets of assets - The changing assets, and the changed assets.

The changing assets incorporate the structures, hardware, PCs, and individuals that do the
changing procedures. The changed assets are the crude materials and parts that are changed into
finished results.

Any creation procedure includes a progression of connections in a generation chain. At each

stage esteem is included the course of generation. Including esteem includes making an item
more alluring to a buyer with the goal that they will pay more for it. Including esteem
consequently is not just about assembling, but rather incorporates the showcasing procedure
including publicising, advancement and appropriation that make the last item more alluring.

It is imperative for organisations to recognise the procedures that include esteem, with the goal
that they can improve these procedures to the continuous advantage of the business

1. To analyse the production process of Hyundaimotors
2. To know the process in production sector.

This research is the systematic investigation into study of material and sources in order to
establish fact and reach new conclusions.Its purpose is to find answer to question through the
applicants of method.It Pursuit of the track with the help of the study and observation

The scope of study is to know how the Hyundai motors cars are manufactured and exported
to foreign countries from Sriperumbudur factory

2 International journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Email:
ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119

History of Hyundai Cars
Hyundai Motor India Limited (HMIL) is an entirely possessed auxiliary of Hyundai Motor
Company (HMC). HMIL is the biggest traveler auto exporter and the second biggest auto
producer in India. It as of now has ten auto models crosswise over portions – Eon, Grand i10,
Elite i20, Active i20, Xcent, Verna, Creta, Elantra and Tucson. HMIL's completely coordinated
best in class fabricating plant close Chennai brags propelled generation, quality and testing

HMIL frames a basic piece of HMC's worldwide fare center point. It as of now fares to around
87 nations crosswise over Africa, Middle East, Latin America, Australia and the Asia Pacific.
HMIL has been India's main exporter throughout the previous 10 years sequentially. To help its
development and extension designs, HMIL right now has 475 merchants and more than 1,226
administration focuses crosswise over India. In its sense of duty regarding furnish clients with
front line worldwide innovation, Hyundai has a cutting edge multi-million dollar R&D office in
Hyderabad. The R&D focus attempts to be a focal point of perfection in vehicle
designing.Hyundai motor company deals with

Hyundai Motor Company deals with;

Sales Planning,

Product Planning

System Expansion and Development ll

Dealer Management System

3 International journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Email:
ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119

From the factory - The Hyundai Motor India Chennai plant

A visit around one of the biggest vehicle plants in the nation is exceptional. We visit the Hyundai
industrial facility in Sriperumbudur close Chennai to know the procedure of auto making
live. Hyundai Motors is intending to decrease vitality utilization between 3-4% yearly. Vitality
proficient T5 lights and engines are utilized as a part of creation shops to monitor vitality. Web
based checking and programmed turn off framework for electrical hardware, sun based water
warming framework, sun oriented light pipes for office lighting and LED lights for road lighting
are some different practices for vitality utilization. To spare propane utilization, warm
recuperation framework has additionally been introduced. For every one of the endeavors, HMIL
has been granted the Green Award in the Large Industries class for the year 2011-2012 by the
Tamil Nadu government.

HMIL has two assembling plants in Sriperumbudur, Kanchipuram locale, Tamil Nadu.HMIL's
assembling plant close Chennai cases to have the most progressive generation, quality and
testing abilities in the country.To take into account rising interest, HMIL authorised its second
plant in February 2008, which delivers an extra 300,000 units for each annum, raising HMIL's
aggregate creation ability to 600,000 units for every annum. Current Production Capacity with
these 2 plants in Sriperumpudur,Kancheepuram expanded to 7,00,000 autos every year.In the
production process, every one of the boards of the auto are squeezed at the Press shop and
welded together at the Body shop for the most part controlled by robots making the human
intercession less and to guarantee predictable form quality. The completed body at that point
goes to the Paint shop where condition inviting water based process is utilised.

Manufactured Cars
The following cars are manufactured in this factory

1. Hyundai Eon (Launched 2011)

2. Hyundai Grand i10 Facelift (Launched Feb-2017)
3. Hyundai XcentFacelift (Launched April-2017)
4. Hyundai Elite i20 (Launched 2014)

4 International journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Email:
ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119

5. Hyundai i20 Active(Launched 2015)

6. Hyundai Elantra(Launched 2016)
7. Hyundai Creta (Launched 2015)
8. Hyundai Tucson(Launched 2016)
9. Hyundai 3rd Gen-Verna (Launched 2017)

1. Hyundai Santa Fe Third Generation (Launched 2014)

1. Hyundai Santro(1998–2003)
2. Hyundai Santro Xing(2003-2014)
3. Hyundai Accent GTX (1999–2002)
4. Hyundai Sonata Gold (2001–2005)
5. Hyundai Sonata(Launched 2012)
6. Hyundai Accent Viva (2002–2004)
7. Hyundai Accent CRDi(2002–2006)
8. Hyundai Terracan (2003-2007)
9. Hyundai Getz(2004–2007)
10. Hyundai Accent GLS(2004–2005)
11. Hyundai Sonata Embera (2005–2009)
12. Hyundai Accent GLE(2006–2011)
13. Hyundai Verna (2006–2010)
14. Hyundai Getz Prime(2007–2010)
15. Hyundai i10(2007-2010)
16. Hyundai Verna Transform(2010-2011)
17. Hyundai Elantra(2004–2010)
18. Hyundai Tucson(2005–2010)
19. Hyundai Sonata Transform (2010–2011)
20. Hyundai Santa Fe Second Generation (2010-2013)
21. Hyundai Accent Executive(2011-2013)

5 International journal of Management, IT and Engineering, Email:
ISSN: 2249-0558 Impact Factor: 7.119

22. Hyundai i20(2008-2014)

23. Hyundai Verna (2011-2015)
24. Hyundai Elantra (2012-2016)
25. Hyundai i10 (2010-2016)
26. Hyundai Grand i10 (2013-2017)
27. Hyundai 4S Fluidic Verna(2015-2017)


HMIL has 475 merchants and more than 1,226 administration focuses crosswise over
India.HMIL additionally works its own dealerships known as Hyundai Motor Plazas in vast
metros crosswise over India. HMIL has the second biggest deals and administration organise in
India after Maruti Suzuki.

The production and operation management plays a vital role in manufacturing a product in a
company. In Hyundai motor company the system being followed is to reduce the waste being
produced in the process of producing the products in the company. The Hyundai motors plays a
vital role in the production of automobiles.This System has helped the company to grow to
higher extent by satisfying the needs of the customer. This system followed by the Hyundai
motor company led the company to produce a car within 13 hours which is consider to be one of
the best methods through which quality is being obtained in the production. The Production and
Operation Management being carried out in the company gives satisfaction both to the workers
as well as customers


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