Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria The World Brain Death Project
Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria The World Brain Death Project
Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria The World Brain Death Project
IMPORTANCE There are inconsistencies in concept, criteria, practice, and documentation of Audio and Video and
brain death/death by neurologic criteria (BD/DNC) both internationally and within countries. Supplemental content
EVIDENCE SYNTHESIS Based on review of the literature and consensus from a large
multidisciplinary, international panel, minimum clinical criteria needed to determine BD/DNC
in various circumstances were developed.
RECOMMENDATIONS Prior to evaluating a patient for BD/DNC, the patient should have an
established neurologic diagnosis that can lead to the complete and irreversible loss of all brain
function, and conditions that may confound the clinical examination and diseases that may
mimic BD/DNC should be excluded. Determination of BD/DNC can be done with a clinical
examination that demonstrates coma, brainstem areflexia, and apnea. This is seen when
(1) there is no evidence of arousal or awareness to maximal external stimulation, including
noxious visual, auditory, and tactile stimulation; (2) pupils are fixed in a midsize or dilated
position and are nonreactive to light; (3) corneal, oculocephalic, and oculovestibular reflexes
are absent; (4) there is no facial movement to noxious stimulation; (5) the gag reflex is absent
to bilateral posterior pharyngeal stimulation; (6) the cough reflex is absent to deep tracheal
suctioning; (7) there is no brain-mediated motor response to noxious stimulation of the limbs;
and (8) spontaneous respirations are not observed when apnea test targets reach pH <7.30
and PaCO2 ⱖ60 mm Hg. If the clinical examination cannot be completed, ancillary testing may
be considered with blood flow studies or electrophysiologic testing. Special consideration is
needed for children, for persons receiving extracorporeal membrane oxygenation, and for
those receiving therapeutic hypothermia, as well as for factors such as religious, societal, and
cultural perspectives; legal requirements; and resource availability.
CONCLUSIONS AND RELEVANCE This report provides recommendations for the minimum
clinical standards for determination of brain death/death by neurologic criteria in adults and
children with clear guidance for various clinical circumstances. The recommendations have
Author Affiliations: Author
widespread international society endorsement and can serve to guide professional societies affiliations are listed at the end of this
and countries in the revision or development of protocols and procedures for determination article.
of brain death/death by neurologic criteria, leading to greater consistency within and Corresponding Author: Gene
between countries. Sung, MD, MPH, University of
Southern California, 2051 Marengo
JAMA. doi:10.1001/jama.2020.11586 St, IPT A4E111, Los Angeles, CA
Published online August 3, 2020. 90033 (
(Reprinted) E1
© 2020 American Medical Association. All rights reserved.
he concepts of life and death have always been compli- cautionary, conservative approach, to prevent premature or erro-
cated, but ever more so as medical and technological ad- neous determinations of death (false-positives).
vances continue to extend the limits to saving life and pro- Conditional or weak recommendations (indicated as “It is sug-
longing physiological function. For previous generations, gested that”) were generated when there were potentially differ-
cardiorespiratory death was the sole clinical definition of death, of- ent options and the best action may differ depending on circum-
ten without any standard criteria, leading to the risk of misdiagno- stances, patients, resources, or societal values, or where there is a
sis. As resuscitation techniques and mechanical ventilation devel- need for further evidence or discussion among clinicians and inter-
oped, a new definition of death was needed. ested parties.
The idea of brain death/death by neurologic criteria (BD/DNC) For topics in which evidence was insufficient and the balance
was first recognized in 1959 as “coma depassé”1 and subsequently of benefits vs harms was neutral, no recommendations were made.
described as “brain death” with the first published clinical defini- The findings of the literature review and preliminary recommen-
tion in 1968, commonly known as the Harvard Brain Death Criteria.2 dations were presented and discussed at an open pre-conference fo-
Since then, many other guidelines and protocols have been pub- rum of the World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care 2017 meet-
lished, adopted, and revised throughout the world with general ac- ing in Brazil, and then again at a plenary session of that conference.
ceptance of the concept of BD/DNC among medical groups, major The text and recommendations for all sections were then reviewed
religions, and governments.3 by the steering committee members who provided the primary au-
However, there continues to be confusion and dilemmas that thors with comments and recommended revisions, and then distrib-
arise regarding BD/DNC. The wide variance in practice reflects this uted to the entire writing/review committee for comments and con-
confusion and numerous other challenges. Inconsistencies in con- tent consensus. The final draft was sent to international societies for
cept, criteria, practice, and documentation exist internationally and final review and endorsement prior to submission for publication. The
within countries.3,4 Difficulties in conducting randomized clinical federations and societies that endorsed this project are listed at the
trials and large-scale studies on BD/DNC have resulted in a lack of end of the article under Additional Information.
robust data from which to develop evidence-based recommenda-
tions. Challenges to the validity of BD/DNC continue to promote con-
troversy. These factors initiated this project to harmonize practice
Issues Addressed
and improve the rigor of BD/DNC determination.
This Special Communication provides the minimum standards for
brain death/death by neurologic criteria (BD/DNC) and is intended
to provide guidance to professional societies and countries in the
development of their own protocols and procedures. See Box 1 for
With the assistance of international professional societies including an explanation of terms used throughout this document.
the World Federation of Intensive and Critical Care, World Federa- More in-depth reports on the different sections and other is-
tion of Pediatric Intensive and Critical Care Societies, World Federa- sues are included in the online supplement in the following appen-
tion of Neurology, World Federation of Neurosurgery, and the World dixes: Worldwide Variance in Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Cri-
Federation of Critical Care Nurses, experts in BD/DNC were re- teria (Supplement 1); The Science of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic
cruited to develop and review recommendations on BD/DNC (n = 45). Criteria (Supplement 2); The Concept of Brain Death/Death by Neu-
A topic list was created (n = 13) and section leaders (n = 18) were so- rologic Criteria (Supplement 3); Minimum Clinical Criteria for Deter-
licited from the writing committee to review the literature and draft mination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supple-
recommendations on each topic. Section leaders were the primary ment 4); Beyond Minimum Clinical Determination of Brain Death/
authors for each topic. Those who did not wish to be section leaders Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supplement 5); Pediatric and Neonatal
reviewed the drafts at multiple points of development. Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supplement 6); Deter-
Authors conducted literature searches of the Cochrane, Embase, mination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria in Patients on
and MEDLINE databases to identify relevant articles published be- Extracorporeal Support: ECMO (Supplement 7); Determination of
tween January 1, 1992, and July 2017. Subsequent searches were per- Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria after Treatment with Tar-
formed to identify relevant articles published between July 2017 and geted Temperature Management (Supplement 8); Documentation
April 2020. In total, more than 700 articles were identified and re- of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supplement 9); Quali-
viewed for the basis of recommendations and the supplements. fication for and Education on Determination of Brain Death/Death
It was recognized that in this area, there is a lack of high- by Neurologic Criteria (Supplement 10); Somatic Support after Brain
quality data from randomized clinical trials or large studies, so GRADE Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria for Organ Donation and Other
evaluation of the evidence was not performed. However, evidence Special Circumstances (Supplement 11); Religion and Brain Death/
was reviewed and recommendations were generated according to Death by Neurologic Criteria: Managing Requests to Forego a Brain
the following criteria. Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria Evaluation or Continue So-
Strong recommendations (indicated as “It is recommended that”) matic Support after Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria
were based on expert consensus that clinicians should follow the rec- (Supplement 12); Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria and the
ommendation unless a clear and compelling rationale for an alter- Law (Supplement 13); Flow Diagram for Determination of Brain
native approach was present, and were used when actions could be Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supplement 14); A Checklist for
adopted as policy. Even though most evidence in this area is lim- Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (Supple-
ited and of low quality, strong recommendations were made as a pre- ment 15); Abbreviations Used in the Summary Document and
BN/DNC terminology differs from country to country and it is not within Clinical test
the scope of this work to standardize terminology globally; however, to A bedside test typically based on physical examination of the patient,
ensure consistency across documents, the following terms and but may include the use of a stethoscope and vital signs monitors
definitions have been adopted.
CNS depressing medications
Ancillary test Any medication, including but not limited to sedatives, anxiolytics,
An alternative test to one that otherwise, for any reason, cannot be analgesics, and anesthetic agents, that may cause a depression of
conducted or is unreliable neurologic function and contribute to or exacerbate the level of
coma. These medications may be associated with the primary cause
of brain injury, eg, opiate overdose, or be used during the course of
The cerebrum, brainstem, and cerebellum
hospital treatment
Brain function vs brain activity
The term brain function refers to the more macro phenomena that are
Prolonged absence of wakefulness, awareness, and the capacity for
measurable on bedside neurological examination, that are also referred
sensory perception or responsiveness to the external environment
to as “signs.” In contrast, the term brain activity refers to neuronal
cellular micro phenomena recordable by technology. Thus, when Confirmatory test
discussing signs detectable on neurologic examination, the term A test performed to confirm a previously conducted test
function is used, whereas when discussing neuronal cellular
Confounding conditions
measurements, the term activity is used
Circumstances during which a diagnostic test or clinical evaluation
Brain blood flow may become unreliable and require repetition over time or
Blood flow to the cerebrum, brainstem and cerebellum. Also variably application of an alternative test
referred to as intracranial blood flow or cerebral blood flow
Consciousness—loss of capacity for
Brain death/death by neurologic criteria Lack of current or any future potential for awareness, wakefulness,
BD/DNC is defined as the complete and permanent loss of brain function interaction, and capacity for sensory perception of or
as defined by an unresponsive coma with loss of capacity for responsiveness to the external environment
consciousness, brainstem reflexes, and the ability to breathe
Craniovascular impedance
independently. This may result from permanent cessation of oxygenated
An expression of the opposition to pulsatile blood flow in a cranial
circulation to the brain and/or after devastating brain injury. Persistence
artery and includes the effects of elasticity, inertia, and viscosity in
of cellular-level neuronal and neuroendocrine activity does not preclude
the vessels beyond
the determination. In the context of death determination, “permanent”
refers to loss of function that cannot resume spontaneously and will not Critical closing pressure
be restored through intervention. “Brain death” is the traditional term The internal pressure at which a blood vessel collapses and closes
adopted by both the public and health care professionals, but it is completely. If blood pressure falls below critical closing pressure,
synonymous with “brain arrest,” “brain circulatory arrest,” “cerebral then the vessels collapse
arrest,” “cerebral circulatory arrest,” “cerebral death,” “coma depassé,”
“irreversible coma,” “neurologic death,” “death by neurologic criteria,” Death declaration
“death of the brain,” “neurological determination of death” and “death by The point at which a health professional, having determined that an
brain criteria.” The term “death by neurologic criteria” describes the individual is dead, formally states this finding
mode of determining death. To promote use of “death by neurologic
Death determination
criteria,” which is more accurate terminology, while recognizing that it
Processes and tests required to diagnose death in accordance with
will be unwise to completely abandon the traditional terminology, this
established criteria
document uses the combined term BD/DNC
Devastating brain injury
Brain death/death by neurologic criteria, determination of
Brain injury in which there is an immediate threat to life, no effective
The process of establishing, through neurologic criteria (clinical
treatments of disease remain, and early limitation of support is
examination with or without ancillary testing) that a person is dead
considered in favor of emphasis on end-of-life care and comfort
Brainstem death measures. Etiologies of devastating brain injury leading to brain
Diagnosis and confirmation of death based on the irreversible cessation death include, but are not limited to, traumatic brain injury, ischemic
of brainstem function or hemorrhagic stroke, and hypoxic-ischemic injury
5. It is suggested that if an assessment for BD/DNC is being made in a vice, thermal mattress, warmed fluids, and/or warmed oxy-
region that equates “whole brain death” with BD/DNC, in the set- gen as needed,
ting of an isolated brainstem lesion or posterior circulation vascu- b. Adults should have a systolic blood pressure of at least 100
lar lesion, ancillary testing should be performed. In these circum- mm Hg, or a mean arterial pressure of at least 60 mm Hg, and
stances, it is suggested that BD/DNC should not be diagnosed until there be age-appropriate targets in pediatrics, with use of vas-
supratentorial and infratentorial blood flow is lost, even if the clini- cular volume, vasopressors, and/or inotropes as needed.
cal examination and apnea test are suggestive of BD/DNC. 6. It is recommended that the following confounders be elimi-
nated before an evaluation for determination of BD/DNC is per-
a. Pharmacologic paralysis must be excluded through use of a
Minimum Clinical Criteria for Determination train-of-four stimulator if available, or assessment of the pres-
of BD/DNC ence of deep tendon reflexes if a train-of-four stimulator is not
See Supplement 4 for details about minimum clinical criteria for de-
b. The influence of central nervous system (CNS) depressing
termination of BD/DNC.
medications including toxins, taking into consideration the
elimination half-life that may be prolonged by organ dysfunc-
tion and/or hypothermia, be excluded by:
The determination of BD/DNC is a clinical diagnosis, and given the
I. use of a toxicology screen if there is concern for a toxic ex-
implications and consequences of this diagnosis, a conservative ap-
posure, and
proach and criteria are recommended. Initially, determination of
II. serially measuring drug levels to ensure they do not ex-
BD/DNC must begin by establishing that (1) the clinical history, eti-
ceed the therapeutic range, and, even if within the thera-
ology, and neuroimaging demonstrate that the person has experi-
peutic range, are not thought to confound the clinical ex-
enced an irreversible devastating brain injury leading to loss of all
amination, or
brain functions, and thus is compatible with BD/DNC; and (2) there
III. allowing 5 elimination half-lives to pass before an evalua-
are no confounders (circumstances during which a diagnostic test
tion for BD/DNC be made (assuming normal hepatic and
or clinical evaluation may become unreliable and require repetition
kidney function), or
over time or application of an alternative test) that could make the
IV. performing ancillary testing in addition to the complete
person appear to have irreversible brain injury, when, in fact, this is
clinical examination and apnea test if there is concern about
not the case. There have been several reports of reversible mimics
prolonged or unknown drug elimination.
of BD/DNC14-28 and situations in which drug, metabolic, and hemo-
c. If alcohol intoxication is suspected or confirmed, the alcohol
dynamic derangements falsely suggest BD/DNC (eg, patients with
blood level must be 80 mg/dL or lower.
residual sedation or treatment with hypothermia).29-33
d. Severe metabolic, acid-base, and endocrine derangements
that could affect the examination must be corrected. If these
Recommendations and Suggestions
derangements cannot be corrected and are judged to be po-
1. It is recommended that pathological conditions, confounders, tentially contributing to the loss of brain function while find-
and/or reversible conditions that may mimic BD/DNC be ex- ings of the complete clinical examination and apnea test are
cluded prior to commencing a determination of BD/DNC. consistent with BD/DNC, ancillary testing should be per-
2. It is recommended that, prior to commencing a determination formed to confirm this determination.
of BD/DNC, it must be demonstrated that the person has an es- 7. It is recognized that interventions to decrease intracranial pres-
tablished neurologic diagnosis, the nature and severity of which sure, such as hyperosmolar therapy, ventricular drainage, and de-
is capable of resulting in the irreversible loss of the capacity for compressive craniectomy, should be applied when clinically in-
consciousness, the irreversible loss of all brainstem reflexes, and dicated during therapeutic phases of care. It is recommended that
the irreversible loss of the ability to spontaneously breathe in the if these types of interventions are not indicated for the treat-
face of a carbon dioxide and acidosis challenge. ment of devastating brain injury, they should not be performed
3. It is suggested that prior to making a determination of BD/DNC, simply for the purpose of demonstrating irreversibility of the clini-
there be cal state.
a. neuroimaging evidence of intracranial hypertension (severe 8. It is recommended that an adequate observation period take
cerebral edema and herniation), or place prior to clinical testing for BD/DNC.
b. intracranial pressure measurements that equal or exceed the a. A minimum of 24 hours is recommended specifically for an-
mean arterial pressure. oxic brain injury after resuscitated cardiac arrest. (See the sec-
4. It is suggested that in the absence of herniation on neuroimag- tion on Determination of BD/DNC After Treatment With Tar-
ing, caution be taken when considering an evaluation for BD/DNC. geted Temperature Management.)
5. It is suggested that the following prerequisites be met before an b. The period for other brain injuries has not been established
evaluation for determination of BD/DNC is performed: and should be determined on a case-by-case basis. As a gen-
a. The person should have a minimum core temperature of 36 °C, eral rule, clinicians should be cautious, and if there is uncer-
as defined by esophageal, bladder, rectal, or central venous tainty about the potential reversibility of the clinical state, for
or arterial catheter temperature measurements, with use of any reason, the observation time should be the time thought
a warming blanket, automated temperature regulation de- necessary to exclude reversibility without any doubt.
Box 2. Clinical Examination for Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria (BD/DNC)
13. It is suggested that while aborting the apnea test because of car- 3. It is suggested that ancillary testing may be used to promote un-
diorespiratory instability, an arterial blood gas be sent for test- derstanding of the clinical determination to families who ex-
ing. If the PaCO2 target is met, the apnea test can be considered press resistance or uncertainty.
positive (consistent with BD/DNC). 4. It is recommended that the following brain blood flow–based
14. It is suggested that if the apnea test has been aborted because methods be used for BD/DNC ancillary testing:
spontaneous respirations are witnessed during testing, apnea a. Digital subtraction angiography (conventional 4-vessel cere-
testing should be repeated after 24 hours if the clinical evalua- bral angiography). It is recommended that if 4-vessel cere-
tion otherwise remains consistent with BD/DNC. bral angiography is performed, the study demonstrates ab-
15. If the apnea test is aborted and cannot be repeated safely, it is sent filling at the points where the internal carotid and
suggested that either an ancillary test be performed, or apnea vertebral arteries enter the skull base, with a patent exter-
testing be attempted after preapnea recruitment maneuvers, nal carotid circulation, in order to make a declaration of
induction of hypercarbia with CO2 or carbogen before discon- BD/DNC.
necting from the ventilator, or utilizing CPAP to maintain oxy- b. Radionuclide studies. It is suggested that if scintigraphic tech-
genation. niques are used as an alternative to digital subtraction angi-
Number of Examinations I. diffusible radiopharmaceuticals be used preferentially,
The number of clinical examinations required to pronounce BD/DNC II. SPECT (single-photon emission computed tomography)
varies according to age, hospital, state, or country and generally be chosen over planar imaging,
ranges from 1 through 3.4,5,38 III. perfusion scintigraphy with anterior and lateral planar
imaging be used, with appropriate time intervals to dem-
Recommendations and Suggestions onstrate static filling of the posterior fossa, if SPECT is not
1. It is suggested that a single examination, including apnea test- IV. the study illustrates absence of intracranial isotope in or-
ing, is the minimum standard for determination of BD/DNC for der to make a determination of BD/DNC.
adults. c. Transcranial Doppler ultrasonography. It is suggested that if
2. If 2 evaluations are performed transcranial Doppler is used as an alternative to conven-
a. it is suggested that an intervening period is unnecessary be- tional 4-vessel cerebral angiography or scintigraphy:
cause if the prerequisite of irreversibility (which includes an I. 2 examinations be performed at least 30 minutes apart,
observation period prior to initiating testing) has been satis- • Note that 10% of patients have no acoustic windows. Cir-
fied, a second observation period is redundant, culatory arrest can only be established in the presence of
b. it is suggested that the examinations be performed by 2 sepa- some preceding signal on earlier examination that indi-
rate examiners, cated flow, establishing the presence of an adequate win-
c. it is suggested that only 1 positive apnea test be performed in dow. Consequently, 2 examinations are normally re-
adults. quired to make a diagnosis of cerebral circulatory arrest
with transcranial Doppler.
Beyond Minimum Clinical Determination of BD/DNC II. the examinations be performed bilaterally, anteriorly, and
Confounders (such as certain medications, metabolic abnormali- posteriorly to include both internal carotid arteries as well
ties, or cardiopulmonary instability) may interfere with either comple- as the vertebrobasilar circulation,
tion or interpretation of the clinical examination for BD/DNC. Tests III. the examinations illustrate biphasic oscillating flow and
to assess for absence of brain blood flow or electrical activity may systolic spikes with reversal of flow in diastole in order to
be necessary if the clinical examination (including the apnea test) make a declaration of BD/DNC,
cannot be completed. In some cases, these tests are mandated; a IV. transcranial Doppler should not be used in pediatrics in the
review from 2015 found that 22 of 70 countries with national pro- absence of validation studies.
tocols for the diagnosis of BD/DNC required the use of an ancillary 5. It is recommended that when ancillary testing is performed and
test.5 There are advantages and disadvantages to all ancillary tests demonstrates the presence of brain blood flow, BD/DNC can-
(see Table 1 and Table 2 and Supplement 5 ).41-73 not be declared at that time.
a. It is suggested that repeat examinations be conducted at
Recommendations and Suggestions another time if the clinical examination and apnea test con-
Ancillary Testing tinue to be consistent with BD/DNC, or that alternative end-
1. It is recommended that ancillary testing is required in the fol- of-life care be considered.
lowing circumstances: 6. It is suggested that electrophysiologic testing with electroen-
a. inability to complete all aspects of the minimum clinical ex- cephalography (EEG) no longer be used routinely as an ancil-
amination, including the apnea test, lary test in adults, but that
b. confounding conditions that cannot be resolved, a. it may be required if mandated by regional laws or policy, or
c. uncertainty regarding interpretation of possible spinally me- craniovascular impedance has been affected by an open skull
diated movements. fracture, decompressive craniectomy, or an open fontanelle/
2. It is recommended that the clinical examination be completed sutures in infants,
to the fullest extent possible prior to conducting an ancillary test.
b. if performed as an ancillary test, EEG should be used in con- 10. It is suggested that validation of new ancillary techniques will re-
junction with somatosensory and brainstem auditory evoked quire assessment in patients fulfilling full and unconfounded clini-
potentials given the limitations of EEG for evaluating brain- cal criteria for BD/DNC, as well as non–brain-dead patients as con-
stem function, trols, and should include circumstances of infancy, craniovascular
c. it be interpreted in accordance with regional criteria. In the decompression, persistence of CNS depressing medications or in-
absence of regional criteria, guidance from the following may toxication, and hypothermia. Standardized methods of interpre-
be considered: American Clinical Neurophysiology Society,74 tation for each new technique should be developed, founded on
Bleck,75 Korean Society of Clinical Neurophysiology,76 or So- principles of monitoring the whole brain, encompassing supra-
ciété de Neurophysiologie Clinique de Langue Française.77 tentorial and infratentorial integrity, flow, and function.
7. It is suggested that CTA (computed tomography angiography) 11. It is suggested that some priority be given to the further valida-
and MRA (magnetic resonance angiography) not be used to sup- tion of CTA, given its increasing prevalence and usage. Integra-
port a diagnosis of cerebral circulatory arrest at present, pend- tion with CT perfusion may prove valuable, given recent ad-
ing further research into the sensitivity and specificity of these vances in CT technology.
8. It is recommended that no other modalities be used to support Pediatric/Neonatal BD/DNC
a diagnosis of cerebral circulatory arrest at present, pending fur- For the purposes of this article, the age of a neonate ranges from 36
ther research. weeks’ gestation to 30 days of age.78-84 The upper age limit for a
9. It is suggested that conventional 4-vessel cerebral angiogra- pediatric person may range from 14 to 18 years of age depending on
phy remain the reference standard of ancillary testing, and that pediatric intensive care unit (ICU) admission criteria and the mecha-
it be used for initial validation or research of newer techniques. nism of injury, eg, trauma.78,79
The definition of BD/DNC is the same for adults and children. BD/ 5. It is recommended that those in the pediatric population be ob-
DNC is a clinical diagnosis based on the coexistence of unresponsive served for unresponsive coma for a minimum of 24 hours prior to
coma (loss of brain function), complete loss of brainstem reflexes, and initial testing following birth asphyxia, resuscitation from cardiac
apnea in a person with a known brain injury resulting in an irrevers- arrest, and after rewarming from therapeutic hypothermia.
iblecondition.78-82 Mostcountriesusewholebraindeathcriteria(brain 6. It is suggested that clinical criteria for determination of BD/DNC
and brainstem) to determine death in infants and children.78-82 An- in newborns include the sucking and rooting reflexes.
cillary studies are not usually mandatory,78-84 but some protocols rec- 7. It is suggested that recommendations for apnea testing tar-
ommend them as they may be helpful when components of the physi- gets in pediatrics are the same as in adults.
cal examination or apnea test cannot be completed.78-82 Criteria to 8. It is recommended that tracheal insufflation should not be used
determine BD/DNC are generally consistent across the age spec- for apnea testing in newborns, infants, and young children.
trum for children. However, because there is less evidence for deter- 9. It is suggested there are no pediatric-specific distinctions related
mination of BD/DNC in the very young, a cautious approach is advo- to performing the apnea test during extracorporeal support.
cated when evaluating infants and younger children, resulting in 10. It is recommended that ancillary studies are not routinely re-
variable age-based recommendations that often require serial exami- quired to determine BD/DNC in the pediatric population.
nations including apnea testing (Supplement 6).78-84 11. It is recommended that indications for ancillary testing are the
same as in adults.
Recommendations and Suggestions 12. It is recommended that, similar to adults, radionuclide cerebral
blood flow study is an accepted and preferred ancillary study.
1. It is recommended that the minimum criteria for a determina- 13. It is suggested at present that EEG, performed and interpreted
tion of BD/DNC in all pediatric age groups be the same as in in accordance with published guidelines, is also considered a valid
adults, with an assessment of prerequisites, elimination of con- ancillary study in infants and children and can be used in cer-
founders, and performance of a clinical examination including tain jurisdictions.
apnea testing. Age-appropriate prerequisite hemodynamic tar- 14. It is recommended that transcranial Doppler ultrasonography
gets should be applied. should not be used as an ancillary study in pediatrics until more
2. It is suggested that BD/DNC can be determined in newborns as studies determine the validity of this study in this population.
defined by age at least 36 weeks’ gestation. 15. It is suggested that in a person with chronic hypoxemia due to
3. It is suggested that there is insufficient supporting evidence to cyanotic heart disease, apnea testing not be performed and in-
accurately determine BD/DNC in newborns less than 36 weeks’ stead an ancillary study be conducted to assist with determina-
gestation. tion of BD/DNC.
4. It is recommended that 2 examinations, including apnea test- 16. It is recommended that experienced pediatric clinicians with
ing, represent the minimum standard for determination of training and qualifications in pediatric critical care, neonatol-
BD/DNC in the pediatric population. A cautious approach with ogy, pediatric neurology, pediatric neurointensive care, neuro-
serial examinations and consideration of an observation pe- surgery, or traumatology perform testing to determine BD/DNC
riod is recommended to minimize the risk of diagnostic error. in pediatrics.
17. It is recommended that standardized checklists be incorpo- • In cases of veno-arterial ECMO with intrinsic cardiac output,
rated into the practice of determining neurologic death in pe- blood gases should be measured simultaneously from the
diatrics to reduce operator variability and diagnostic error. distal arterial line and postoxygenator ECMO circuit. The
apnea tests targets for both sampling sites should be pH
Determination of BD/DNC in Patients Requiring less than 7.30 and PaCO2 of at least 60 mm Hg (20 mm Hg
Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation above the patient’s baseline PaCO2 for persons with preex-
Patients requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation (ECMO) isting hypercapnia).
and other forms of extracorporeal support are at high risk of com- b. maintaining oxygen in the membrane lung at 100% through-
plications leading to brain injury and BD/DNC. Brain-based deter- out the duration of the testing,
minations of death are increasingly relevant when circulatory sup- c. titrating the sweep gas flow rate to 0.5-1.0 L/min while main-
port prevents arrest of circulation. taining oxygenation,
Performing an apnea test in persons receiving ECMO d. assessing for spontaneous breathing while targeting tradi-
requires adherence to the same principles as in those not receiv- tional apnea test targets via serial blood gases (as described
ing ECMO, but it can sometimes be more challenging in this popu- in the Minimum Clinical Criteria for Determination of
lation, particularly because there is a lack of consistent guidance BD/DNC section), keeping in mind that achieving a pH less
on how the test should be performed under these conditions than 7.30 and PaCO2 of at least 60 mm Hg (20 mm Hg above
(Supplement 7). the patient’s baseline PaCO2 for persons with preexisting
hypercapnia) may take longer than in a person without
Recommendations and Suggestions ECMO support,
e. terminating the test immediately if the person exhibits any kind
1. It is recommended that the same fundamentals of the BD/DNC of spontaneous respiratory movements or becomes un-
concept—etiology, prerequisites, minimum clinical criteria, apnea stable as described in the Minimum Clinical Criteria for Deter-
testing targets, and indications for ancillary testing—be applied mination of BD/DNC section,
to adults and children receiving ECMO. f. restarting mechanical ventilation and returning to the prior
2. It is recommended that performance of an apnea test be part of ECMO sweep gas flow rate when the pH reaches less than 7.30
BD/DNC testing in persons receiving veno-venous or veno- and PaCO2 reaches 60 mm Hg (20 mm Hg above their base-
arterial ECMO, unless contraindicated due to cardiopulmonary line PaCO2 if there is premorbid hypercapnia).
instability. 6. As described in the Minimum Clinical Criteria for Determina-
3. In persons receiving veno-arterial ECMO for circulatory and re- tion of BD/DNC section, it is suggested that if the apnea test
spiratory support, it is recommended that the extracorporeal cannot be safely conducted or completed, an ancillary test be
blood flow be maintained during the clinical evaluation and ap- considered.
nea test in order to prevent hemodynamic instability and main-
tain a mean arterial pressure of at least 60 mm Hg in adults and
Determination of BD/DNC After Treatment With Targeted
age-appropriate targets in pediatrics. Veno-arterial ECMO flow
Temperature Management
rates may be increased to support the MAP if required before or
It can be challenging to identify BD/DNC after treatment with
during testing.
targeted temperature management (TTM). TTM is an evolving
4. It is recommended that prior to apnea testing, a period of pre-
field and can mean different temperature goals for different
oxygenation be provided for all persons receiving ECMO by ad-
situations; as regards to being a confounder of BD determination,
ministering 100% inspired oxygen via the mechanical ventilator
this is specifically referring to therapeutic hypothermia because
and increasing the O2 in the membrane lung from the ECMO ma-
hypothermia can temporarily blunt brainstem reflexes. 85,86
chine to 100% for at least 10 minutes.
This effect is particularly pronounced in persons treated with
5. It is recommended that apnea testing in persons receiving ECMO
sedation prior to, or concurrent with, therapeutic hypothermia,
be conducted by
due to altered pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics result-
a. delivering 100% oxygen to the lungs via CPAP on the me-
ing in delayed drug elimination.35,87-91 However, there is no stan-
chanical ventilator, a resuscitation bag with a functioning PEEP
dard on how long it is necessary to wait after treatment with
valve, or oxygen flow via a tracheal cannula,
therapeutic hypothermia before BD/DNC can be determined
• Similar to apnea testing in general, the application of posi-
(Supplement 8).7,35,78,92
tive airway pressure with the use of CPAP/PEEP may pre-
vent derecruitment.
Recommendations and Suggestions
• It is recognized that some patients may not be mechani-
cally ventilated during ECMO and suspected BD/DNC. Un- 1. It is recommended that practitioners be educated about the ef-
der these conditions, while an apnea test can still be con- fects of hypothermia on both elimination of medications and de-
ducted, maintaining oxygenation during the apnea test may termination of BD/DNC.
be challenging due to the inability to deliver oxygen to the 2. If, after rewarming a person who was treated with TTM, the find-
lower airway. Oxygenation will depend on providing 100% ings of their examination appear consistent with BD/DNC, it is rec-
oxygen in the sweep gas. If oxygenation cannot be main- ommended that neuroimaging be obtained to assess for both se-
tained appropriately, the test will need to be aborted and an- vere cerebral edema and brainstem herniation consistent with
cillary testing will be required. severe intracranial hypertension.
Figure. Flow Diagram for Determination of Brain Death/Death by Neurologic Criteria in Persons Treated
With Therapeutic Hypothermia
Severe cerebral
edema and brainstem No Do not perform determination of brain
herniation present on death/death by neurologic criteria; continue
neuroimaging? to monitor
Identify a time to delay the determination of Perform clinical examination and apnea test for
brain death/death by neurologic criteria based determination of brain death/death by neurologic
on drug levels or drug half-lives in consideration Or criteria AND a blood flow study
of renal/hepatic dysfunction (≥5 half-lives for
all CNS-depressing medications)
3. If there are neuroimaging findings consistent with severe intra- 5. It is recommended that if an imaging study shows evidence of se-
cranial hypertension 24 hours after rewarming to at least 36 °C, vere cerebral edema and brainstem herniation consistent with
it is recommended that an assessment for recent administra- intracranial hypertension and no CNS depressing medications
tion of CNS depressing medications or other confounders should were recently administered and there are no other confound-
be performed. ers, an examination for determination for BD/DNC be made 24
4. If CNS depressing medications were recently administered to a hours after temperature reaches at least 36 °C.
person who (1) was treated with TTM, (2) has a examination re- 6. It is recommended that, if an imaging study does not show
sults that appear consistent with BD/DNC, and (3) has neuroim- evidence of severe cerebral edema and brainstem herniation
aging evidence of severe intracranial hypertension, it is recom- consistent with intracranial hypertension, a determination
mended that for BD/DNC should not be performed because the injury may
a. the clinical examination be delayed until at least 5 elimina- be reversible.
tion half-lives of the drug administered with the longest half- The Figure provides a flow diagram for determination of BD/DNC
life pass before performing an evaluation for BD/DNC, taking in persons treated with therapeutic hypothermia.
into consideration that drug metabolism can be delayed in the
setting of hepatic/kidney dysfunction, or Documentation of BD/DNC
b. drug levels be obtained to ensure they are less than or equal Despite the fact that declaration and time of death have both
to therapeutic levels before performing an evaluation for significant medical (eg, organ/tissue donation) and nonmedical
BD/DNC, or consequences, such as the initiation of mourning, estate ad-
c. an ancillary brain blood flow study be performed in addition ministration and taxes, and preparation for burial, 93 multiple
to the clinical evaluation and apnea test to make a determi- studies have shown documentation of BD/DNC is often incom-
nation of BD/DNC. plete or inaccurate.94-100 Improving documentation of BD/DNC
determination may reduce any complications surrounding the lies at the patient’s end of life and have experience in the man-
nonmedical consequences of death and may also be used as a agement of devastating brain injury.
tool to help minimize the variations and inaccuracies of BD/DNC 2. It is suggested that practitioners be periodically certified in de-
determination itself (Supplement 9). termination of BD/DNC.
3. It is recommended that trainees in fields that manage patients
Recommendations and Suggestions with devastating brain injuries be educated about BD/DNC and
Documentation Required for Determination of BD/DNC counseling families in end-of-life care.
1. It is recommended that all phases of BD/DNC determination be 4. It is suggested that students in all health care fields be educated
clearly documented in the medical record, including: about BD/DNC.
• etiology of the coma, 5. It is recommended that education about BD/DNC be compre-
• absence of confounders, hensive and include a discussion of prerequisites for testing, clini-
• full details of clinical testing performed and results, including cal testing procedures, indications for and performance of ancil-
apnea testing and laboratory values, lary testing, management of complications, and techniques for
• neuroimaging results and timing in relation to clinical testing, effective communication with families/surrogates and religious
• reason for and type of ancillary testing performed and results, and cultural viewpoints about death.
if necessary,
• time of death, Somatic Support After BD/DNC for Organ Donation
• identity of practitioner(s) performing the evaluation. and Other Special Circumstances
2. It is recommended that a standardized checklist be used for death After declaration of BD/DNC, somatic support (also called
determination and its documentation. physiological or organ support) should be discontinued unless (1)
3. It is suggested that the time of death be noted in accordance with organ donation is planned, (2) the decedent is pregnant and the
regional legislation. If regional legislation does not dictate a stan- decision is made to continue support for the sake of the fetus, or
dard for determining time of death, it is suggested that (3) the family requests continuation of somatic support after
a. in cases in which BD/DNC can be determined with a neuro- BD/DNC due to religious or moral beliefs or other concerns about
logic examination and ancillary testing is not needed, the time the use of neurologic criteria to declare death, and the hospital
of death be documented as the time the arterial PaCO2 reaches c o m p l i e s w i t h t h i s r e q u e st fo r l e g a l o r s o c i a l r e a s o n s
the target during the apnea test as reported by the labora- (Supplement 11).109-111
b. if ancillary testing is performed, the time of death be docu- Recommendations and Suggestions
mented as the time that the ancillary test results are formally
interpreted and documented by the attending physician, 1. It is recommended that the decision of whether to continue so-
c. if 2 examinations are required to declare death, the time of matic support after BD/DNC for the purposes of organ donation
death be the time that the second examination is com- be made based on discussion between a local organ procure-
pleted. ment representative and the family of the decedent, taking into
Supplement 15 contains a checklist for BD/DNC. consideration the decedent’s known or presumed wishes about
2. It is recommended that the decision of whether to continue so-
Qualifications for and Education on Determination
matic support after BD/DNC in a pregnant decedent be made af-
ter a multidisciplinary discussion with the decedent’s family about
Qualifications for performing a determination of BD/DNC vary around
potential fetal outcome, taking into consideration the dece-
the world in terms of clinician specialty and length of time in prac-
dent’s advanced medical directives or expressed wishes and lo-
tice. Determinations should be made by clinicians who are both li-
cal laws on continuation/discontinuation of support in this
censed to practice medicine and trained in evaluation of BD/DNC.
There are various training methods to educate practitioners about
3. It is recommended that the decision of whether to continue so-
determination of BD/DNC, including online training videos and
matic support to accommodate an objection to the use of neu-
courses produced by academic institutions and simulation-based
rologic criteria to declare death or discontinuation of somatic sup-
training.101-107 Additionally, the Neurocritical Care Society offers a
port be made in accordance with local guidelines, as discussed
toolkit to teach both clinicians and the public about determination
in the section on Religion and Brain Death: Managing Requests
of BD/DNC.108
to Forgo a BD/DNC Evaluation or Continue Somatic Support Af-
Clinicians should be educated during training and reeducated
ter BD/DNC.
when they are in practice to ensure determinations are up-to-date
4. If organ support is being continued after BD/DNC for the pur-
with the latest medical standards (Supplement 10).
poses of organ donation, if a decedent is pregnant, or to accom-
modate an objection to the use of neurologic criteria to declare
Recommendations and Suggestions
death or discontinuation of somatic support,
1. It is recommended that BD/DNC determinations be performed a. In an effort to prevent and manage arrhythmias after BD/DNC,
by practitioners who have completed training and are licensed it is suggested that
to independently practice medicine. These practitioners should I. hypokalemia and hypomagnesemia be avoided/
be trained in determination of BD/DNC and in counseling fami- corrected,
II. amiodarone or lidocaine be used to treat ventricular ar- III. aggressive suctioning, corticosteroids, PEEP, nebulizers,
rhythmias, prone positioning, recruitment maneuvers, or high-
III. amiodarone be used to treat supraventricular arrhythmias, frequency oscillation be considered to improve
IV. atropine not be used to treat bradyarrhythmias because the oxygenation,
vagus nerve is nonfunctional after BD/DNC, IV. diuretics may be considered to treat pulmonary edema if
V. dopamine, dobutamine, epinephrine, or isoproterenol be the patient is hemodynamically stable.
used to treat bradyarrhythmias in the setting of de- e. In an effort to prevent and manage endocrine complications
creased cardiac output, after BD/DNC, it is suggested that
VI. pacing be considered to manage bradyarrhythmias in the I. urine output, serum sodium, and urine specific gravity be
setting of organ donor management or pregnancy, but not closely monitored for evidence of diabetes insipidus,
in the setting of requests to provide somatic support due II. vasopressin be used if a decedent with diabetes insipidus
to objection to the declaration of BD/DNC, is hypotensive, or desmopressin be used to treat diabetes
VII. the health care team and decedent’s family discuss the insipidus in the absence of hypotension,
potential for cardiopulmonary arrest and the use of car- III. thyroid hormone replacement and/or steroids be consid-
diopulmonary resuscitation if/when cardiac arrest ered in the setting of hemodynamic instability,
occurs. IV. insulin and dextrose be given as needed to target
b. In an effort to prevent and manage perfusion derangements euglycemia.
after BD/DNC, it is suggested that f. In an effort to prevent and manage hematologic complica-
I. traditional measures of hemodynamic function and car- tions after BD/DNC, it is suggested that
diac output be monitored, I. an INR (international normalized ratio) and platelet goal be
II. blood pressure be targeted based on individual pa- established based on the clinical situation,
tient characteristics to maintain adequate organ II. red blood cells be transfused as needed in the setting of
perfusion, active bleeding or symptomatic anemia, such as in the set-
III. boluses of fluid and maintenance fluid be started immedi- ting of hypotension.
ately after BD/DNC to target euvolemia, 5. When the decision is made to continue somatic support for a brain
IV. crystalloids and/or colloids be used to achieve volume goals, dead pregnant decedent, it is recommended that
but hydroxyethyl starch be avoided, a. a multidisciplinary team of intensivists, obstetricians, and neo-
V. vasopressin be used to treat hypotension in the setting of natologists be involved,
diabetes insipidus, b. medications be selected based on their safety profile in
VI. dopamine, norepinephrine, or phenylephrine be started pregnancy,
at the lowest dose necessary to maintain hemodynamic c. the fetus be monitored routinely with at least daily heart rate
stability if a decedent remains hypotensive despite checks and nonstress testing, weekly ultrasounds, and
fluids, monthly biophysical profiles, as well as performance of am-
VII. if cardiopulmonary instability is refractory to the above in- niocentesis on an as-needed basis, given that fetal health may
terventions, initiation of ECMO or placement of an intra- affect decision-making regarding continuation of somatic
aortic balloon pump be considered in the setting of donor support,
management or pregnancy, but not in the setting of re- d. antenatal corticosteroids be administered to facilitate lung
quests to provide somatic support due to objection to the maturation,
declaration of BD/DNC, e. tocolytics (preference for calcium channel blockers and pros-
VIII. short-acting medications such as nicardipine, labetalol, or taglandin inhibitors over β-mimetic agents) be utilized as
esmolol be used to treat hypertension. needed to prevent preterm uterine contractions,
c. In an effort to maintain normothermia after BD/DNC, it is sug- f. preparations be made for cesarean delivery between 26 and
gested that 33 weeks when fetal lung maturity is reached, with the un-
I. room temperature be kept at least 24 °C, derstanding that it may be necessary to perform a delivery
II. warming blankets, automated temperature regulation earlier in the setting of maternal somatic instability or fetal
devices, thermal mattresses, warmed fluids, and/or distress,
warmed oxygen be used, but heat lamps, immersion in g. nutritional requirements be calculated based on maternal se-
hot water, or infusion of warm fluids into the bladder, rum alimentary values, maternal weight and growth of the fe-
stomach, pleural, or peritoneal cavity not be used to tus, and nutrition be provided enterally if the decedent is able
treat hypothermia, to tolerate tube feeds, or parenterally if they are not,
III. cooling blankets or automated temperature regulation de- h. a tracheostomy be placed if long-term ventilation is
vices be used to treat hyperthermia. anticipated,
d. In an effort to prevent and manage respiratory complica- i. infection prevention practices be rigorous, and infections be
tions after BD/DNC, it is suggested that treated aggressively,
I. ventilator settings be adjusted as needed to provide the j. precautions be taken to prevent catheter-associated urinary
minimum ventilator support to achieve normal pH, eucap- tract infections, corneal abrasions, deep vein thrombosis, line
nia, and normoxemia, infections, skin ulceration, and ventilator-associated
II. a tidal volume of 6 to 8 mL/kg be targeted, pneumonia.
Religion and BD/DNC: Managing Requests to Forgo a BD/DNC e. health care organizations proactively create guidance on the
Evaluation or Continue Somatic Support After BD/DNC management of requests for accommodation, including indi-
Although BD/DNC is accepted throughout much of the world,5-7 cations for provision of accommodation and notation of spe-
when a person is declared brain dead, or when a BD/DNC evalua- cific interventions that can be initiated, continued, or with-
tion is planned, families sometimes object and request to either forgo heldafterbraindeathinthesettingofaccommodationrequests,
a BD/DNC examination and await cardiopulmonary death or con- f. families should be provided with support and education be-
tinue somatic support after declaration of BD/DNC (for an indica- fore, during, and after discontinuation of somatic support,
tion other than organ donation or maintenance of support for a fe- g. families be invited to observe the BD/DNC determination.
tus). These requests affect individual persons, their families, health 2. It is recommended that reasonable efforts should be made to
care teams, and other critically ill patients who require admission to notify a person’s next-of-kin before performing a BD/DNC de-
an ICU.109,112 Two surveys of health care professionals involved in termination.
BD/DNC declaration in the US found these requests are made for a 3. It is recommended that there is no need for consent for perfor-
variety of reasons, including belief that a person who is brain dead mance of the clinical evaluation, apnea testing, or ancillary test-
could regain neurologic function, desire to await arrival of addi- ing for determination of BD/DNC.
tional family members prior to discontinuation of support, and lack 4. It is recommended that health care teams seek guidance and
of acceptance that a person can be dead if their heart is beating.109,112 support from their local ethics and legal teams and hospital ad-
Religious objections, however, are the foundation for the majority ministration if a family requests to either forgo a BD/DNC ex-
of these requests.113-128 BD/DNC is generally accepted in most reli- amination or continue somatic support after declaration of
gions, but the frequency of this acceptance varies both between and BD/DNC.
within religions(Table 3 and Supplement 12).129-142 5. It is recommended that attempts should be made to handle re-
quests to either forgo a BD/DNC examination or continue so-
Recommendations and Suggestions
matic support after declaration of BD/DNC within a given hos-
1. In an effort to preemptively avoid conflict with families regard- pital system before turning to the legal system.
ing determination and declaration of BD/DNC, it is suggested that 6. It is suggested that, while it is reasonable to continue somatic
a. hospitals work with local religious and cultural leaders to learn support after BD/DNC for a finite period of time, assuming that
about their communities and proactively discuss the man- the specific time frame for doing so is brief and uniform, and that
agement of decedents with BD/DNC, a family is informed of the time frame in advance, this should
b. health care teams be trained in cultural sensitivity and com- ordinarily should not be done for a period greater than 48 hours,
munication, and treat all persons and families with respect, and policies should clearly stipulate the time that support will
c. family support and education be provided when it is sus- be continued, rather than using a phrase such as “a reasonable
pected that a person with devastating brain injury may prog- amount of time.”
ress to BD/DNC, 7. It is suggested that if BD/DNC has been declared, but a family
d. a multidisciplinary support team (ethics, nursing, social work, voices religious objection to this declaration, the family should
palliative care, spiritual care, religious officials) be included be informed that escalation of existing levels of treatment, in-
in discussions about BD/DNC, cluding cardiopulmonary resuscitation, will not be provided.
8. It is suggested that if only one physician was involved in deter- ployed when making a determination of BD/DNC while allowing
mination of BD/DNC, an additional clinician in the hospital should latitude for future versions of such criteria generated by the medi-
provide the family with a second opinion regarding determina- cal community.
tion of BD/DNC if it is thought that this may assist the family in 6. It is suggested that legislation, regulations, judicial formula-
accepting the decedent’s death. tions, executive orders, decrees, or legal guidelines about BD/DNC
9. It is suggested that, in the setting of a request to either forgo a address management of objections to use of neurologic criteria
BD/DNC examination or continue somatic support after decla- to declare death.
ration of BD/DNC, a family should be provided with a finite pe- 7. It is suggested that legislation, regulations, judicial formula-
riod of time to seek to arrange transfer to another facility (should tions, executive orders, decrees, or legal guidelines about BD/DNC
they wish to do so) and the health care team should speak to a indicate that there is no need for consent for performance of the
potential accepting institution if requested to do so. clinical evaluation, apnea testing, or ancillary testing for deter-
10. It is suggested that, even in the setting of requests to continue mination of BD/DNC.
somatic support after declaration of BD/DNC, support should 8. It is suggested that legislation, regulations, judicial formula-
be discontinued if a hospital bed is required for a living patient tions, executive orders, decrees, or legal guidelines indicate that
and no other bed is available. once BD/DNC has been confirmed in accordance with regional
medical criteria, consent should not be required for the discon-
BD/DNC and the Law tinuation of somatic support.
In 1968, expert committees from Harvard and the 22nd World Medi-
cal Assembly published reports stating that advances in resuscita-
tive and supportive measures necessitated the ability to deter- Discussion
mine the death of a person based on identification of a permanently
nonfunctioning brain.2,143 Changing the requirements for death, how- This is the first international consensus document that reviews the
ever, was not straightforward, as it is well acknowledged that dec- basic and complex clinical aspects and the social and legal aspects
laration of death has personal and societal consequences such as ini- of BD/DNC determination. Although countries or professional so-
tiation of mourning, preparation for burial, estate administration, cieties may choose to adopt stricter criteria for BD/DNC, the crite-
taxes, and criminal prosecution. Because of this, the US President’s ria outlined herein are the minimum criteria as determined by ex-
Commission for the Study of Ethical Problems in Medicine and Bio- pert consensus and endorsed by 5 world federations and a number
medical and Behavioral Research determined that death must be de- of national and regional professional societies.
fined by law, both to ensure public acceptance of determination of One important limitation to this consensus document is that a
BD/DNC and to protect practitioners from being prosecuted for dis- lack of high-quality data from randomized clinical trials or large stud-
continuing somatic support after BD/DNC.144 This report became ies prevented the use of GRADE, AGREE, or other formal analytic
the basis for the Uniform Determination of Death Act, which pro- techniques. While the authors have attempted to make the recom-
vided a legal determination of brain death and was adopted by most mendations as pragmatic as possible and applicable to all types of
of the US. In the 50 years since the Harvard and World Medical As- hospitals, not all nations will necessarily be able to adopt these rec-
sembly reports, many countries have established a definition of death ommendations in total. In some cases, economic, technological, or
through legislation, regulation, judicial formulation, executive or- personnel constraints may result in limited ancillary testing choices;
der, decree, or legal guidelines (Supplement 13). in other circumstances, existing laws may restrict adoption of all rec-
ommendations. The determination of BD/DNC will always be influ-
Recommendations and Suggestions enced by local factors including, but not limited to, religious, soci-
etal, and cultural perspectives, legal requirements, and resource
1. It is recommended that all countries recognize BD/DNC as legal availability. Another limitation is that these recommendations were
death. developed without inclusion of patient partners, and with sensitiv-
2. It is recommended that practitioners be protected from legal ac- ity to, but without direct input from, diverse social/religious groups.
tion for making determinations of BD/DNC. Questions about BD/DNC still remain. Because of this, a list of
3. It is recommended that it should be legally stipulated that while questions was generated for each topic that was addressed to in-
practitioners involved in determination of BD/DNC can be in- form a research agenda (Supplement 17).
volved in provision of somatic support of potential organ do-
nors, they should not be involved in organ procurement or trans-
4. It is suggested that it should be legally stipulated that when there
are multiple practitioners who are qualified to determine BD/DNC This report provides recommendations for the minimum clinical stan-
and care for potential transplantation recipients, the practition- dards for determination of brain death/death by neurologic criteria
er(s) involved in determination of BD/DNC not concurrently be in adults and children with clear guidance for various clinical circum-
involved in the care of a potential transplantation recipient. stances. The recommendations have widespread international soci-
5. It is suggested that legislation, regulations, judicial formula- ety endorsement and can serve to guide professional societies and
tions, executive orders, decrees, or legal guidelines about BD/DNC countries in the revision or development of protocols and proce-
specify the locally accepted medical criteria written by experts dures for determination of brain death/death by neurologic criteria,
involved in the process of determination of BD/DNC to be em- leading to greater consistency within and between all countries.
ARTICLE INFORMATION Acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data: All Critical Care Medicine (ISCCM); 12. Intensive Care
Accepted for Publication: June 15, 2020. authors. Society (ICS), UK; 13. Intensive Care Society of
Drafting of the manuscript: Greer, Shemie, Lewis, Ireland; 14. International Pan Arab Critical Care
Published Online: August 3, 2020. Torrance, Sung, Alexandrov, Goldenberg, Pope, Medicine Society (IPACCMS); 15. International
doi:10.1001/jama.2020.11586 Baldisseri, Hoppe, Silvester, Bernat, Jacobe, Souter, Society for Donation and Procurement (ISODP); 16.
Author Affiliations: Boston University School of Bleck, Thomson, Citerio, Manara, Topcuoglu, Japanese Society of Intensive Care Medicine
Medicine, Boston, Massachusetts (Greer); McGill Quayum, Dawson, Nakagawa, Varelas. (JSICM); 17. Korean Neurocritical Care Society
University, Montreal Children’s Hospital, Montreal, Critical revision of the manuscript for important (KNCS); 18. Latin American Brain Injury Consortium
Canada (Shemie); Canadian Blood Services, Ottawa, intellectual content: All authors. (LABIC) ; 19. National Association of Specialists in
Canada (Shemie, Torrance, Dawson); NYU Langone Administrative, technical, or material support: Sung, Neuroanesthesia and Neurocritical Care, Russia; 20.
Medical Center, New York, New York (Lewis); Greer, Shemie, Lewis, Torrance. Nepalese Society of Critical Care Medicine
Albany Medical College, Albany, New York (Varelas); Supervision: Sung, Greer, Shemie, Lewis, Torrance. (NSCCM); 21. Neurocritical Care Society (NCS); 22.
University of Chicago, Chicago, Illinois Conflict of Interest Disclosures: Dr Shemie Sociedad Argentina de Terapia Intensiva
(Goldenberg); Geisel School of Medicine at reported being the medical advisor for deceased (SATI-Argentine Society of Intensive Care); 23.
Dartmouth, Hanover, New Hampshire (Bernat); donation at Canadian Blood Services, a Sociedad Española de Anestesiología, Reanimación
University of Washington, Seattle (Souter); government-funded nonprofit organization tasked y Terapéutica del Dolor (SEDAR); 24. Sociedad
Department of Neurology, Hacettepe University, with producing clinical practice guidelines for death Española de Neurocirugía (SENEC-Spanish Society
Ankara, Turkey (Topcuoglu); College of Nursing, determination and organ donation in Canada. of Neurosurgery); 25. Sociedad Española de
University of Tennessee Health Science Center, Dr Varelas reported receiving a grant from the Gift Neurologia (SEN-Spanish Society of Neurology); 26.
Memphis (Alexandrov); University of Pittsburgh of Life of Michigan Foundation for Brain Death Society for Neuroscience in Anesthesiology and
Medical Center, Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania Simulation courses. Dr Souter reported receiving Critical Care (SNACC); 27. Society of Critical Care
(Baldisseri); Northwestern University Feinberg funding from Lifecenter Northwest outside the Medicine (SCCM). The following societies reserve
School of Medicine, Chicago, Illinois (Bleck); submitted work. Dr Nakagawa reported receiving the term endorsement only for those guidelines
University Milano-Bicocca, Milano-Bicocca, Italy royalties from Wolters Kluwer and UpToDate. that adhere to clinical practice guideline
(Citerio); Clínica Alemana, Universidad del Dr Timmons reported current and past leadership methodologies such as GRADE/AGREE; for
Desarrollo, Santiago, Chile (Hoppe); University of positions in several neurosurgical societies/ guidelines that are evidence-based
Sydney and Children’s Hospital of Westmead, organizations, including the American Association consensus-driven, other terminology are used. “The
Westmead, Australia (Jacobe); Southmead of Neurological Surgeons (AANS) and the Joint American Academy of Neurology has affirmed the
Hospital, Bristol, United Kingdom (Manara); Section of Neurotrauma and Critical Care of the value of this statement as an educational tool for
University of Florida, Jacksonville (Nakagawa); AANS and Congress of Neurological Surgeons. She neurologists.” “The American Association of
Mitchell Hamline School of Law, Saint Paul, did not participate in these organizations' review of Neurological Surgeons/Congress of Neurosurgical
Minnesota (Pope); University of Melbourne, the manuscript for endorsement of educational Surgeons Joint Section for Neurotrauma and Critical
Melbourne, Australia (Silvester); University content, as part of our normal recusal processes. Care affirms the educational benefit of this
of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa (Thomson); Authors are debarred from participating in reviews. document.” “Although the Canadian Critical Care
Dubai Hospital, Dubai, United Arab Emirates (Al No other disclosures were reported. Society reserves societal endorsement for clinical
Rahma); Hospital Clinic Universitari, University of practice guidelines that have been developed
Valencia, Valencia, Spain (Badenes); St. Michael’s Additional Information: This project has been through comprehensive guideline methodology (1)
Hospital, Unity Health Toronto and University of endorsed by the following world federations: World such as GRADE, the CCCS, the CCCS recognizes the
Toronto, Toronto, Canada (Baker); J.E. Purkinje Federation of Critical Care Nurses (WFCCN); World importance of this document and looks forward to
University, Masaryk Hospital, Usti nad Labem, Federation of Intensive and Critical Care (WFICC); working with local, provincial, and national bodies
Czech Republic (Cerny); Queen’s Medical Center, World Federation of Neurology (WFN); World to adapt the concepts that are presented in the
Honolulu, Hawaii (C. Chang); The University of Federation of Neurosurgical Societies (WFNS); World Brain Death Document to our national
Texas Health Science Center at Houston, Houston World Federation of Pediatric Intensive and Critical context.”
(T. R. Chang); Research Center of Neurology, Care Societies (WFPICCS). This project has been
Moscow, Russia (Gnedovskaya, Piradov); Seoul endorsed by the following medical societies: 1. REFERENCES
National University Bundang Hospital, Seoul, Bangladesh Society of Critical Care Medicine
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