Periodo Colonial
Periodo Colonial
Periodo Colonial
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Modern Humanities Research Association and Brill are collaborating with JSTOR to digitize,
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i. General
A. W. Ashhurst, La literatura hispanoamericana en la critica espanola, M,
Gredos, 1980, 643 pp., offers a fair coverage of the colonial era and
suggests a general reluctance on the part of Spanish critics to
recognize the separate identity of Spanish-American authors. Les
Cultures iberiques en devenir. Essaispublies en hommage a la memoire de Marcel
Bataillon (iSg^-igjj), Paris, Singer-Polignac, 1979, 783 pp., contains
important contributions on Las Casas and his times, the structure of
Lopez de Gomara's Historia general, autografos of Sor Juana and the
Relation of Pedro Pizarro. C. O. Stoetzer, 'Historia intelectual del
periodo colonial', RIAB, 29, 1979:171-96, lists works in many cases
relevant to the literary history of the period, and S. C. Mohler, ib., 28,
1978:259-73, presents a survey of colonial publishing. See alsoj. D.
Maciel etaL, *La literatura virreinal: antologia, BA, Centro Editor, 1979,
122 pp.
2. Pre-Columbian
T. D. Rebolledo discusses the Nahuatl poetry of Macuilxochitl,
'probably the only known woman poet of the pre-Columbian era', in
RIAB, 28, 1978:283-89. There are the following important recent
editions of codices: Codex en cruz, ed. C. E. Dibble, Salt Lake City,
Utah U.P., 148 pp., comprising a volume of texts of Aztec MSS and
an atlas; The Codex Perez and the Book of Chilam Balam of Manx, transl.
and ed. E. R. Craine and R. C. Reindorp, Norman, Oklahoma U.P.,
1979, xxi 4- 207 pp., a useful but not definitive English version of
Yucatecan documents; Cddice Tudela, ed. J. Tudela de la Orden, 2
vols, M, Cultura Hispanica, 1980, which lists and evaluates Mexican
codices in general and publishes a facsimile edition of this text; and El
cddice vindobonensis, ed. J. L. Melgarejo Vivanco, Xalapa, Veracruz
U.P., 1980, 156 pp. Note also E. Bendezu Ay bar, Literatura quechua,
Caracas, Ayacucho, 1980, 450 pp.
3. Historians
F. Pease, 'Felipe Guaman Poma de Ayala: mitos andinos e historia
occidental', Caravelle, 37:19-33, is a detailed analysis of the interac
tion of these elements in the Nueva coronica. The latter is carefully
interpreted as a demonstration to the Spanish Crown of the benefits,
4. Poetry
R. Lagos seeks to prove that the non-American and the sentimental
episodes of La araucana form an integral part of the poem as a result of
5. Prose
J. G. Johnson briefly traces picaresque elements in Sigiienza y
Gongora's Los infortunios de Alonso Ramirez, in HisC, 64:60-67.
6. Drama
CM. Suarez Radillo, El teatro barroco hispanoamericano. Ensayo de una
historia critico-antoldgica, 3 vols, M, Porrua Turanzas, describes the
distinctive features of the baroque throughout the regions of Spanish
America, comments on selected texts and displays the results of years
of dedication to the theatre and its study. J. Concha sets Alarcon's La
cueva de Salamanca against social and political conflicts of the times, in
Revlb, 114-15:69-81. Note also O. Arroniz, * Teatro de evangelization en
Nueva Espana, Mexico, UNAM, 1980, 255 pp.