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In Focus in Focus in Focus in Focus Technically Technically Technically Technically
5th Floor, Crescent Chamber, Tamarind Lane, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India T: +91 22 2265-2626, F: +91 22 2265-1642. PAGE 1
Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010
Global Markets
5th Floor, Crescent Chamber, Tamarind Lane, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India T: +91 22 2265-2626, F: +91 22 2265-1642. PAGE 2
Wednesday, 3rd November, 2010
And finally, before the Fed’s (“all-important”) announcement tomorrow, a puzzle for you to decode
(courtesy the Fed and John Lohman/Zerohedge):
More on it tomorrow!
5th Floor, Crescent Chamber, Tamarind Lane, Fort, Mumbai - 400 001, India T: +91 22 2265-2626, F: +91 22 2265-1642. PAGE 3
Stock Ratings
Positive Ratings
Buy (B) – This rating means that we expect the stock price to move up and achieve our specified price target, if any, over the specified time period.
Buy at Declines (BD) – This rating means that we expect the stock to provide a better (lower) entry price and then move up and achieve our specified price target, if
any, over the specified time period.
Outperform (OP) – This is a relative rating, which means that we expect the stock price to outperform the specified market/sector index over the specified time
Neutral Ratings
Hold (H) – This rating means that we expect no substantial move in the stock price over the specified time period.
Market perform (MP) – This is a relative rating, which means that we expect the stock price to perform in line with the performance of the specified market/sector
index over the specified time period.
Negative Ratings
Sell (S) – This rating means that we expect the stock price to go down and achieve our specified price target, if any, over the specified time period.
Sell into Strength (SS) – This rating means that we expect the stock to provide a better (higher) exit price in the short term, by going up. Thereafter, we expect it to
move down and achieve our specified price target, if any, over the specified time period.
Underperform (UP) – This is a relative rating, which means that we expect the stock price to underperform the specified market/sector index over the specified
time period.
Avoid (A) – This rating means that the valuation concerns and/or the risks and uncertainties related to the stock are such that we do not recommend considering the
stock for investment purposes.
This document has been prepared by Lalkar Securities Pvt. Ltd. This report is the personal information of the authorized recipient and does not construe
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as an official confirmation of any transaction.
We, at Lalkar Securities Pvt. Ltd., have prepared this report based on the data we consider reliable, but we do not vouch it to be accurate or complete, and
it may not be relied upon as such. Lalkar Securities Pvt. Ltd. does not in any way be responsible for any loss or damage that may arise to any person due to the
content in the report. Each recipient of this document should make an independent valuation of their own in the securities referred to in this report.
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Disclosure of Interest
1. The analysts who have prepared the report have in no way received or are expected to receive any compensation from the subject company.
2. The analysts may or may not hold any position in the subject company’s stock, as on the date of release.
3. Neither the company nor an affiliate company Lalkar Securities Pvt. Ltd. has received a mandate from the subject company.
4. Lalkar Securities Pvt. Ltd., or its affiliates do not hold any paid up capital in the company