Bathochromic Displacements and Other Steric Effects in Electronic Spectra

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310 H E L V E T I C A C H I M I C A ACTA.

38. Bathochromic Displacements and Other Steric Effects

in Electronic Spectra
by W. F. Forbes.
(25. VI. 57.)

In a recent paper, Heilbronner G Gerdi12) discuss the electronic spectra of

azulene aldehydes and azulene ketones with particular reference to classifica-
tion of steric effects in electronic spectra, and conclude from their observations
that some of the assumptions implied in a previous classification of steric
effects into two types3) are unwarranted. In particular it is deduced that the
occurrence of bathochromic shifts in substituted azulenes, due to steric effects,
invalidates the proposed mechanism of the classification due to Braude3) and
his colleagues, since Braude’s classification is interpreted to mean that if a
wavelength shift occurs because of steric inhibition of resonance, the correspond-
ing energy change must always be positive.
Now although in some of the review references cited, particularly those
where reference is made to special examples such as diphenyls or aceto-
phenones3), the wording may be interpreted in the sense as proposed by
Heilbroianer C Gerdi12), examination of the original paper shows that the
general classification of steric effects proposed by Braude ef aL3) is as follows:
(1)Steric effects which only cause a change in the absorption intensity of the
band characteristic of the whole chromophoric system, with no unusual
change in wavelength; and (2) Steric effects which cause a change4) in both
wavelength and absorption intensity. It is added that ‘steric inhibition of
electronic interaction normally4) raises the energy level of the excited state
more than that of the ground state’, which however is surely not the same as
proposing an inevitable hypsochromic shift.
Braude’s ad hoc hypotheses concern two generalisations, both of them well
borne out by the experimental data. The first of these is that steric interactions
sometimes give rise to changes in the absorption intensity only, and that this is a
different type of steric effect from the second type, which causes also wavelength
changes. This follows, partly because one substituent may in one series of
compounds cause only an intensity change, whereas in another series of com-
l)Laut besonderem Beschluss des Redaktionskomitees veroffentlicht.
2,E. HeiZbronner G. R . Gerdil, Helv. 39, 1996 (1956).
8 ) E. A . Braude, F . Sondheilner & W . F . Forbes, Nature 173, 117 (1954); cf. also
E. A . Braude, Experientia 11, 457 (1955); E . A . Bvaude G. E . S . Waight, ,The Relation-
ship Between the Sterochemistry and Spectroscopic Properties of Organic Compounds‘
in: W . KZyne, Progress in Stereochemistry, Vol. I, p. 148, London 1954; B. A . Braude,
Ultraviolet and Visible Light Absorption in: E . A . Braude & F . C. Nachod, Determination
of Organic Structures by Physical Methods, p . 131, New York 1955.
4, Our italics.
Volumen XLI, Fasciculus I (1958) - No. 38. 311

pounds a wavelength shift also occurs. Further, the frequent occurrence of the
first type of steric effect points against this being merely a special case of the
second type. Some examples are listed in the Table. The mechanism underlying
the two types of steric effects is believed to be different, and it should therefore
frequently prove possible to predict the type of steric effect which will occur in
a particular example.
Steric Effects of Type I.

Hindered Compound

Reference Compound &
__ 3eferencs
Pivalophenone . . 236 8100 Acetophenone . . . 238 13,040 n-Hep-
acid . . . . . . . 242 9600 p-Toluic acid . . . . 241, 14,400 PH 3b)
3 :4-Dihydroxybenzoic
acid. . . . . . . 251 7800 p-Hydroxybenzoic acic 251 12,500 pH 7b3c
2 :4-Dimethoxy-
benzoic acid . . . 246 8500 p-Anisic acid . . . . 247 14,000 p H llb)
3-Amino-4-hydroxy- p-Hydroxybenzoic
benzoic acid . . . 280 9200 acid . . . . . . . 280 16,300 p H llb)
3 :4-Dihydroxyaceto- p-Hydroxyaceto-
phenone . . . . . 274 9900 phenone . . . . . 275 14,300 ).lNHCI
2 :4-Dihydroxyhenzal- p-Hydroxybenzal-
dehyde . . . . . 331 20,301 dehyde . . . . . 330 27,900 p H llb)
nitrobenzene . . . 265 3900 m-Chloronitrobenzene 264 7100 Waterb)
2 : 5-Dimethoxynitro-
benzene . . . . . 273 3300 m-Nitroanisole . 27 3, 6000 Waterb)
2 :4 :6 -Trimethylsty-
rene. . . . . . . 245 7000 Styrene . . . . . 244 14,000 Ethanol
~ __ __
a) G. D. Hedden 6 W . G. Bxown, 1. Amer. chem. SOC.75. 3 14 (1‘ 3).
b, L. Doub & J . M . Vandenbelt, -J. Amer. chem. SOC.77; 4535 (1955); 71, 2414
(1949); 69, 2714 (1947).
c, Value for p-Hydroxybenzoic acid in 95% ethanol, C. Moser 15A . I . Koh-
Zenberg, J. chem. SOC.1951, 804.
d, K . C. Bryant, G. T. Kennedy 6 E. M . Tanner, J . chem. SOC.1949, 2389,
and E. A . Braude, Experientia 11, 457 (1955).

I t may be noted that the Table includes the value of 2:4:6-trimethylstyrene

which on the basis of Heilbronner G Gerdil’s unified theory2) is predicted to
show a large hypsochromic shift compared to styrene. Although a number of
differing data are found in the literature5), it appears that together with other
bands, a band a t 244.5 & 0.5 mp occurs for both the above-mentioned com-
pounds. Further, Braude’s hypotheses, like other similar hypotheses, are of
course not intended to provide a rigid theoretical interpretation, but rather
serve as a starting point for further work. This may be illustrated by one

5) Cf. E . A . Braude & F . Sondheimer, J. chem. SOC.1955, 3773.


development which discusses the relative contributions of s-cis and s-trans

conformations to the observed absorption intensitiess).
Apart from questioning the existence of a special type of steric effect in
the electronic spectra of organic compounds (which gives rise to intensity
changes only), Heilbronner & Gerdi12) also criticise Braude's hypotheses for
their supposed failure to account for the occurrence of bathochromic shifts
because of steric interactions. This possibility, however, as has already been
pointed out, is not excluded in the paper criticised by Heilbronner C Gerdil'),
and has in fact also been more fully discussed in a recent papers), which itself
is based on a number of well known experimental datas).
Finally, the following point may be briefly mentioned:- Braude and his
colleagueslo) do not propose the use of the usual van der Waals radii as a
measure of interference. The values suggested by them-but perhaps mis-
leadingly named van der Waals radii by Heilbronner & Gerdi12)-are about
half the usual van der Waals radii. Although slightly larger values have been
suggested in a more recent paperll), this does not invalidate the basic argument
of Braude that the usual van der Waals radii are generally not satisfactory for
relating steric interactions in ultraviolet absorption spectra.

A recently proposed unified theory of steric effects in the electronic spectra
of organic compounds is criticised on the grounds that steric effects of that
type normally fall into at least two distinct patterns. It is proposed that these
two types of steric effects can be better understood by being treated in-
dependently. A brief survey of the relevant data is given.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada.

6)W . F . Forbes & W . A . Muellev, Canad. J. Chemistry 34, 1347 (1956).

7)E. Heilbronner & R. Gerdil, loc. cit. and particularly the SUMMARY of that paper.
8 ) W . F . Forbes & W . A . Mueller, Canad. J. Chemistry 35, 488 (1957).
9) See for example W . M . Schubert & W . A . Sweeney, J. Amer. chem. SOC.77, 2297
(1955); 0. H . Wheeler, ibid. 78, 3216 (1956).
lo) I?. A . Braude & F . Sondheimer, J. chem. SOC.1955, 3754.
11) W . F . Forbes G. W . A . Mueller, Canad. J. Chemistry 34, 1542 (1956).

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