Bathochromic Displacements and Other Steric Effects in Electronic Spectra
Bathochromic Displacements and Other Steric Effects in Electronic Spectra
Bathochromic Displacements and Other Steric Effects in Electronic Spectra
pounds a wavelength shift also occurs. Further, the frequent occurrence of the
first type of steric effect points against this being merely a special case of the
second type. Some examples are listed in the Table. The mechanism underlying
the two types of steric effects is believed to be different, and it should therefore
frequently prove possible to predict the type of steric effect which will occur in
a particular example.
Steric Effects of Type I.
Hindered Compound
Reference Compound &
__ 3eferencs
Pivalophenone . . 236 8100 Acetophenone . . . 238 13,040 n-Hep-
acid . . . . . . . 242 9600 p-Toluic acid . . . . 241, 14,400 PH 3b)
3 :4-Dihydroxybenzoic
acid. . . . . . . 251 7800 p-Hydroxybenzoic acic 251 12,500 pH 7b3c
2 :4-Dimethoxy-
benzoic acid . . . 246 8500 p-Anisic acid . . . . 247 14,000 p H llb)
3-Amino-4-hydroxy- p-Hydroxybenzoic
benzoic acid . . . 280 9200 acid . . . . . . . 280 16,300 p H llb)
3 :4-Dihydroxyaceto- p-Hydroxyaceto-
phenone . . . . . 274 9900 phenone . . . . . 275 14,300 ).lNHCI
2 :4-Dihydroxyhenzal- p-Hydroxybenzal-
dehyde . . . . . 331 20,301 dehyde . . . . . 330 27,900 p H llb)
nitrobenzene . . . 265 3900 m-Chloronitrobenzene 264 7100 Waterb)
2 : 5-Dimethoxynitro-
benzene . . . . . 273 3300 m-Nitroanisole . 27 3, 6000 Waterb)
2 :4 :6 -Trimethylsty-
rene. . . . . . . 245 7000 Styrene . . . . . 244 14,000 Ethanol
~ __ __
a) G. D. Hedden 6 W . G. Bxown, 1. Amer. chem. SOC.75. 3 14 (1‘ 3).
b, L. Doub & J . M . Vandenbelt, -J. Amer. chem. SOC.77; 4535 (1955); 71, 2414
(1949); 69, 2714 (1947).
c, Value for p-Hydroxybenzoic acid in 95% ethanol, C. Moser 15A . I . Koh-
Zenberg, J. chem. SOC.1951, 804.
d, K . C. Bryant, G. T. Kennedy 6 E. M . Tanner, J . chem. SOC.1949, 2389,
and E. A . Braude, Experientia 11, 457 (1955).
A recently proposed unified theory of steric effects in the electronic spectra
of organic compounds is criticised on the grounds that steric effects of that
type normally fall into at least two distinct patterns. It is proposed that these
two types of steric effects can be better understood by being treated in-
dependently. A brief survey of the relevant data is given.
Memorial University of Newfoundland, St. John's,
Newfoundland, Canada.