Working Methodology Prerequisites For Installation of Any Electro - Mechanical System To Begin

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Working methodology

Prerequisites for installation of any Electro – Mechanical system to begin.

 In order for the electro mechanical ( EM ) works to begin, the structure of the site has to
be ready including roof construction so that the EM Equipment’s won’t be subject to
 All Electro Mechanical work require civil assistance work. In order for EM installation to
begin, the type of ceiling has to be notified and has to be installed together so as to install
them perfectly. And also for the High wall type units the wall has to be incorporated with
the civil Contractor.
 The installation of out door units and Piping system requires a finalized surface which
includes waterproofing and pad installation among others.
 Electrical connections to machines will only begin once all the above activities have been
finalized and the site has provided electrical power line to the location of the controls.

Working methodology for HVAC System installation

 First, all the Outdoor, indoor units and its Piping system Lay out will be drawn on the
wall, and celling.
 Based on the layed actual Drawing the necessary material Bill of quantity will be
 Featured accessories like Copper Tee, Copper Elbow, and Cooper Reducers based on
subsequent size and shape that are appeared on the drawing will be arranged with the
overall contract document.
 Secondary but most relevant accessories like metal fisher, thread rod, nut, Brazing rod,
and etc, will be sorted along with the main items.
 After the main system and its components are transported to site, Technician will be
deployed to the site.
 According to the master schedule the technicians will develop a system to tackle the
installation methodology. Among from the common practice we have been experienced
and executed,
- Technicians will check every civil work based on check list that has been
developed through reach experience of GAST Solar Mechanics for a better
installation procedure to be carried out.
- After a conformance to proceed with the work we start our work by placing all
the mentioned machinery and component on their respective place. I.e placing
the Outdoor unit on the Roof if that is so, or will put the machineries on the
ground floor in using Reinforced concrete Pads.
- Then after we place all the indoor units based on their proposed places. In
here for hundred’s units of electro – mechanical units like fan coil its
drainage, liquid and Gas line pipe’s entry to the rooms chiseling assistance
work is required from the contractor. Because our company specializes in
Electro mechanical works only.
- For final reach, a thermostat controller place for respective High wall mounted
or Cassette type fan coil unit place will be selected and Prepared for
Installation of control cables.
 After this preparation process Project engineers will visit site to make sure the working
methodology were based on the given schedule and working methodology. If additional
compliance is available this Project engineers will clear all the way for best practice in
disusing with the contractors and Consultants.
 Mounting of High wall mounted or Cassette type fan coil unit will be carried out using
threaded rods, metal fishers, Flat Screw, Plastic fisher and nuts.

Working methodology for Indoor Pipe installation

 The main Runner of copper Pipe with its ancillary’s will be welded, meanwhile a purging
of Nitrogen gas is processed to prevent the formation of oxide on the inner liner of the
pipe line.
 Then Brach Copper pipes will follow the Indoor Units and Final connection will be done.
 All of the Pipe will be supported with Pipe clamp and Thread Rod connection.
 Condensed water drain line will be collected using UPVC Pipe Line. The Pipe line will
be installed using the same procedure as of the copper pipe line, But the main deference
on the Pipe installation the pipe have a slight amount of slop. After that all the tip of the
output line will be mixed with Down Pipe.

Working methodology for Outdoor Pipe installation

 Based on the VRF Outdoor layout the copper pipe lines are brought and connected with
the machine Liquid and gas line of the system.

Working methodology for Testing of the installation

 After all the installation has been carried out Vacuum test will be imparted, and loss of
vacuum or – ve Pressure from the system will be analyzed on pressure verse time graph.
And the test complies with the standard both gas and liquid Compressor line Gate valve
will be open to fill the copper pipe line with Refrigerant Gas.
 Once the copper line is filled with gas the system Copper Pipe insulation work will be
 Finally, the overall System will be tested by supplying electrical Power. At this stage a
person with full Know how will be deployed form gast main office to make electrical
connection to the electromechanical equipment’s.

Working methodology for Toilet ventilation work.

 First, all the Outdoor, indoor units and its Ducting system Lay out will be drawn on the
wall, and celling.
 Based on the proposed and actual Drawing the necessary material Bill of quantity will be
 Featured accessories like Duct flanges, metal fisher, thread rod, and bolt and nut based on
subsequent size and shape that are appeared on the drawing will be arranged with the
overall contract document and there working shop drawing will be prepared.
 After the main system and its components are transported to site, Technician will be
deployed to the site.
 According to the master schedule the technicians will develop a system to tackle the
installation methodology. Among from the common practice we have been experienced
and executed,
- Technicians will check every civil work based on check list that has been developed
through reach experience of GAST Solar Mechanics for a better installation
procedure to be carried out.
 After this preparation process Project engineers will visit site to make sure the working
methodology were based on the given schedule and working methodology. If additional
compliance is available this Project engineers will clear all the way for best practice in
disusing with the contractors and Consultants.
 After a conformance to proceed with the work we start our work by placing all the
mentioned machinery and component on their respective place. I.e placing the Outdoor
unit on the Roof if that is so, or will put the machineries on the ground floor in using
Reinforced Concrete Pads and / or Rectangular Hollow Steel.
 Then after we will start to product the ducting system by integrating Duct flanges, corner
angles and Rivet. This activity include drilling of holes on rectangularlly sized galvanized
sheet metal, grinding of the rectangularlly sized galvanized sheet metal on its edge, as
well many activity involved to make the output quality as perfect as it can be.
 Then installation on the main riser and main runner of the ducting system will be carried
out. This class of program involves drilling of reinforced concrete, transporting and
hanging of the ducts and etc.
 For the branch out duct the WC tab center should be located. This mean the WC should
be finalized. Once this being done the installation of the grill points will be carried out
with the installation of ceiling.
 Both the riser, runner and Branch out ducting involve supporting work, sealing work,
Volume control damper installations and some other activity.

Working methodology

Installation methodology for window mounted Fan

1. Direct Power near to the window fan will be supplied by the contractor.
2. Point for On / Off switch near to the entrance door will be placed by the contractor.
3. Center cutting on the window glass being processed according to the window fan size by the
4. Then electrical connection of the fan will be processed based on the installation manual by
the supplier.
5. The fan will be fixed on the window glass.
6. Test of the system will be carried.
7. If the Test is successful commissioning will be the final stage.

Working methodology

Installation methodology for Morgue

1. All the subsequent room size and its wall should have to be constructed first.
2. Floor pad will be constructed.
3. Placing Morgue on the subsequent place.
4. Power will be given and control board will be installed.
5. Finally by running the system test will be finalized and running temperature will be

Working methodology

Installation methodology for Medical Gas System

 First, all the Outdoor, indoor units and its copper Piping system Lay out will be drawn on
the wall, and celling.
 Based on the layed actual Drawing the necessary material Bill of quantity will be
 Featured accessories like Copper Tee, Copper Elbow, and Cooper Reducers based on
subsequent size and shape that are appeared on the drawing will be arranged with the
overall contract document.
 Secondary but most relevant accessories like metal fisher, thread rod, nut, Brazing rod,
and etc, will be sorted along with the main items.
 After the main system and its components are transported to site, Technician will be
deployed to the site.
 This technician start there scope of work by planning and putting the terminal point on
their subsequent places.
 After placing the terminal points they stars to weld copper piping on this terminal point
 Then this terminal point branches will be collected and placed to the runner.
 All this runners are collected and put together with in the riser.
 Finally all the riser points are collected and put forwarded to equipment room.
 On equipment room there are plants like, Compressed air system, Vacuum plant, and
oxygen generator. All this medical equipment’s have their own machine connection
module. Thus based on that all the machineries are connected.

Installation methodology for Medical Gas System indicator.

 First, we select area like nurse station, wards, Intensive care unit ( ICU ), Operation
theaters, and e.t.c to place medical gas indicators.
 Once we have selected this area we place pressure switches relative to the selected
Area alarms or Master area alarms Position.
 Then we started to position both the alarms and pressure switch.
 The Pressure switch will be welded on the copper pipe line. This pressure will identify
the level of pressure range that is available on the Piping system.
Working methodology

Installation methodology for Kitchen Equipment’s

 First, Kitchen area will be prepared based on the required sanitary and electrical
requirement for the kitchen equipment’s.
 When the above work being finalized we start to put the Kitchen equipment’s on kitchen
cabinets, kitchen sinks and so forth. But, when we heavy dish washer, dough mixer,
electrical stoves or gas stoves, bakery and so forth …

Working methodology

Installation methodology for Laundry System.

 First, we prepare this laundry room floor pads.

 Then we place all the laundry machines, like wet – cleaning / washing machine, dry
cleaning / washing machine, dryer machine, Ironing machine, and e.t.c. on their
respective place.
 We then select sanitary point to feed hot water and cold water line. And also we use
steam for most of laundry machine. Therefor we require steam generation plant or boiler
to feed the laundry system.

Working methodology

Installation methodology for Heat Pump.

 First, we prepare pad for placing the heat pump unit, and heat exchanger unit.
 Second, we finalize the pipe connection.
 Then after this two basic units progress we give water line to the Heat exchanger unit,
and electrical connection.
 Finally, we run the system to check whether the system generates Hot water. If so, we
give this hot water to hot water line.

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