The Financial Sector in Papua New Guinea - A Good Case of Reform

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The financial sector in Papua New

Guinea — A good case of reform

Peter Biggs 1

This paper contains a review of the institutions, markets and regulation involved in the financial
sector in PNG. An assessment is made of recent reform in the sector and some conclusions are
drawn from this case regarding further reform in public policy.

These conclusions note the success in PNG in improving the financial sector: business has
been revitalised with restored trust, profits and increasing services. Furthermore reforms are
continuing in the sector.

There appears much to learn from the reforms of the PNG financial sector, from its genesis in
crisis, the comprehensive approach to reform, and the Government setting down clear rules and
roles for players, and delegating responsibility to a regulator.

Publicly available information about the sector is improving. This article is based on published
material and information on websites of the Bank of Papua New Guinea and of commercial
businesses in the sector.

1 The author is from Pacific and Assistance Division, the Australian Treasury. This article has
benefited from comments and suggestions provided by Satish Chand, Glen Maher,
Steve Morling, Neil Motteram, Andrew Oaeke, Rob Stewart and Greg Taylor. The views in
this article are those of the author and not necessarily those of the Australian Treasury.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

‘The financial markets of the Pacific are underdeveloped and do not provide support
for the private sector’, Swimming Against the Tide, ADB 2004. 2

Papua New Guinea’s financial sector plays a key role in people’s lives as they save for
major expenses such as education, health or retirement or as they strive to expand their
incomes and businesses. More generally a sound financial sector is an essential
foundation for a market economy, such as PNG, to prosper in good times and
overcome bad times.

Recent years have seen profound changes in PNG’s financial markets. This article
discusses those changes and what could be learned from them. Relative to the rest of
the economy, the financial sector contributes less than 4 per cent of GDP, however
reform in the sector is bringing encouraging results.

This article reviews the institutions, markets and regulation involved in the financial
sector. An assessment is made of recent reform in the sector and some conclusions are
drawn from this regarding further public policy reforms.

Institutions 3
The Bank of Papua New Guinea (BPNG) regulates commercial banks, finance
companies, merchant banks, savings and loan societies, superannuation funds, life
insurance companies and other licensed institutions in PNG. There are also general
insurers and a stock exchange.

Commercial banks are the largest part of the financial sector. However, the BPNG
reports that non-bank financial intermediaries have assets as big as commercial banks
and contribute to the growth in private sector credit in PNG. 4 The BPNG is expanding
its financial sector survey to include these institutions.

Banking and credit

There are four commercial banks in the PNG financial sector: Bank South Pacific
Limited (BSP), Australia and New Zealand Banking Group (PNG) Ltd, Westpac Bank
(PNG) Limited and Maybank (PNG) Limited. The largest of these — BSP — has

2 See report by Holden, Bale and Holden.

3 Information for this section has been obtained from,,,,,, and
4 Bank of Papua New Guinea, Quarterly Economic Bulletin, June 2006.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

around 40 branches throughout PNG, and a branch in Niue and has recently acquired
other banks in Fiji and Solomon Islands. ANZ and Westpac, subsidiaries of Australian
banks, operate some nine and 15 branches respectively in PNG. Maybank, a subsidiary
of a Malaysian bank, has two branches in PNG.

Table 1: PNG commercial banks’ measures of size, October 2006

Service points:
Assets Deposits Lending branches and
Commercial banks per cent of total per cent of total per cent of total ATMs (no.)
BSP 53 53 48 52
ANZ 29 30 32 13
Westpac 16 15 19 19
Maybank 2 1 1 2
Total Kina million 7,172 5,054 2,348 -
Source: BPNG, Statistics Update, Volume 6 No. 24.

Other deposit-taking institutions include 21 savings and loan societies and 10 licensed
financial institutions. Savings and loan societies are mainly linked to groups of
employees, or are regionally based. Licensed financial institutions include credit
providers that also provide limited deposit facilities such as term deposits and some
microfinance entities.

There are also some very small microfinance groups that are not presently covered by
the prudential regulator.

While not a licensed deposit-taking institution, PNG Government’s Rural

Development Bank lends to rural and regional borrowers from capital provided by the

Regulation of banking is done under the Banks and Financial Institutions Act 2000 and
the Savings and Loan Societies Act 1995. The BPNG — the central bank and major
PNG financial regulator — is established under the Central Banking Act 2000 as an
independent agency with defined statutory roles so that it operates independently
from the day-to-day influences of government. 5

5 For the advantage of the people of Papua New Guinea, the objectives of the Central Bank are:
(a) to formulate and implement monetary policy with a view to achieving and maintaining
price stability;
(b) to formulate financial regulation and prudential standards to ensure stability of the
financial system in Papua New Guinea;
(c) to promote an efficient national and international payments system; and
(d) subject to the above, to promote macro-economic stability and economic growth in Papua
New Guinea.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Box 1: Bank reconstruction

A major bank reconstruction in PNG followed unsound conditions in a

government-owned bank and a nationally owned commercial bank in the late 1990s
and early 2000s. Attempts to recapitalise the nationally owned Bank South Pacific
(BSP) had not brought success and the larger recently government corporatised
Papua New Guinea Banking Corporation of (PNGBC) was in poor shape. The
central bank removed its board in 2001 and the Government offered 51 per cent of
the ownership of PNGBC to private buyers. This privatisation led to a domestic
consortium of financial institutions amalgamating BSP and PNGBC to form a
publicly listed BSP on the Port Moresby Stock Exchange with a minority
Government holding of almost 25 per cent of the shares. The Government’s motor
vehicle insurance company (MVIL) owns a further 12 per cent.

The bank reconstruction occurred when the regulations empowering the central
bank as the banking regulator had been reformed to give it clear roles as an
independent authority. This reform, the reform of the superannuation legislation
and the establishment of the stock exchange created conditions that facilitated the
bank reconstruction.

In the reformed environment the BSP emerged as a bank with a sound governance
structure operating under the prudential oversight of an independent regulator
away from the political pressures of the day. The new board and managers of the
bank are required to meet the ‘fit and proper person’ test and to meet the prudential
standards of the banking regulations in their daily operations. Furthermore the bank
has to meet the public reporting requirements of the stock exchange on its financial
activities and its shareholding structure. The bank’s dealings are thus open to direct
scrutiny by the public and its shareholders, away from the damaging directions that
a government can impose on banks. 6

At the time BSP was listed on the Stock Exchange, the Government was putting in
place a fiscal strategy to limit the growth of its debt and its need to borrow.
Implementing this has led to a more stable economic policy environment in PNG
and, with favourable commodity prices, BSP has prospered. At the end of 2005 it
had total assets of K2.95 billion and has gained a credit rating of B+ Stable from
Standard and Poors. As a sound bank, BSP is using its position to lend more to
support private business growth in PNG and to increase the access that it provides
to depositors. The BSP has now started to expand its operations in PNG, has
invested in PNG Microfinance Limited and owns and operates banks in Niue, Fiji
and Solomon Islands.

6 For information on the record of government failure in banking see the World Bank’s report
on Finance for Growth.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

PNG has 10 authorised superannuation funds, 10 licensed trustees, 2 licensed
investment managers, and 7 licensed fund administrators. The Public Officers
Superannuation Fund 7 (POSF), and the National Superannuation Fund (NASFUND)
are the two largest authorised funds with over 86,000 members each and net assets of
K1.517 and K851 million respectively at the end of 2006. Regulation of superannuation
is done by the BPNG under the Superannuation (General Provisions) Act 2000 and the
Superannuation Regulation 2002.

Life insurance
There are five licensed life insurance companies: Kwila Insurance Corporation Ltd,
Life Insurance Corporation (PNG) Ltd, Workers Mutual Insurance (PNG) Ltd, Pacific
MMI Insurance Limited, and Capital Life Insurance Company Limited, formerly Pan
Asia Pacific Assurance (PNG) Ltd.

Regulation of life insurance by the BPNG is done under the Life Insurance Act 2000.

General insurance
The general insurance industry includes 12 insurers, 6 brokers, 5 loss adjusters and
1 reinsurance company. Companies providing general insurance in PNG include QBE
Insurance (PNG) Limited, American Home Assurance Co, Tower Insurance Limited,
Pacific MMI Insurance Ltd, Mitsui Sumitomo Insurance Co Ltd and the
Government-owned Motor Vehicle Insurance Limited (MVIL) which provides
compulsory third party motor vehicle insurance. For 2005 the net worth of the general
insurance industry was reported as K292 million with total premiums of K201 million. 8

Regulation of general insurance is done by the Insurance Commissioner under the

Insurance Act 1995.

7 In June 2007 the name of the POSF was changed to Nambawan Super Limited.
8 Details of the general insurance industry have been released recently by the Independent
Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC).

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Box 2: National Provident Fund restructure

The National Provident Fund (NPF) was established in 1982 under the National
Provident Fund Act 1982 to provide mandatory retirement savings for employees in
companies with more than 20 employees. The NPF Board included representatives
of the government and was subject to ministerial investment guidelines. The NPF
was required to report annually to the Parliament and was subject to audit by the
Auditor-General’s office, but was not subject to formal supervision. By the late 1990s
concerns were being raised about the NPF’s exposure to the PNG government, real
estate and mineral sectors. 9

During 1996–97, the NPF approved large illegal borrowings from foreign and
domestic commercial banks to finance acquisition of equity (mostly in mining
companies), a land purchase, and the construction of a large commercial building.
With adverse economic conditions NPF became overburdened by its debt with
estimated cumulated losses of K153 million, and a restructure package was
legislated in the National Provident Fund (Financial Reconstruction) Act 2000. This
involved :

• member account balances being written down by 15 per cent;

• a quarterly government grant to NPF of K1 million, indexed to the CPI, until

2016; and

• an additional employer levy of 2 per cent (ceased 31 July 2004).

Also, interest credited to member accounts in 1998 was reversed as the profit and
loss statement for that year was found to be incorrect so that the average effective
write-down on members’ accounts was about 18 per cent.

The National Provident Fund (Financial Reconstruction) Act 2000 also provided
retrospective authority for state borrowings from the NPF through nominee
borrowers and conversion of those borrowings into inscribed stock (long-term
bonds) issued to the NPF. In May 2002 the renamed NPF — as the National
Superannuation Fund (NASFUND) — became the first superannuation fund to
comply with the new superannuation legislation.

9 Further details about the NPF’s investments are presented in BPNG’s Money and Banking in

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Box 2: National Provident Fund restructure (continued)

Building on the reforms begun in mid-1999, the restructure package, and

wide-ranging improvements in governance, NASFUND returned to profitability.
The resulting turnaround in financial performance between 2000 and 2003 was
impressive. Outstanding debt was eliminated, and net assets grew from
K223 million in 2000 by an average of 26 per cent a year, while net after-tax profits
jumped from K16 million in 2001 to K53 million in 2003, enabling a rebuilding of
reserves and a resumption of interest credits to member accounts. 10 NASFUND
membership has increased and net assets have continued to grow to reach
K851 million by December 2006.

Financial markets in PNG have been evolving from the structure common in the
Pacific where Australian commercial banks predominate. 11 Not only is domestic
banking dominated by a PNG-owned bank but other developments are occurring so
that non-banking institutions provide financial services covering savings, lending,
securities, foreign exchange, money transfer, funds management, insurance and

Financial institutions supply a range of savings services in PNG.

The commercial banks offer transaction and savings accounts and these provide for the
bulk, over 90 per cent, of reported deposits by depository institutions. Savings and
loan societies account for almost 4 per cent of reported deposits and micro finance less
than 1 per cent. Finance companies and merchant banks offer term deposits and
non-bank account services in which they hold almost 3 per cent and 2 per cent of
reported deposits respectively. Deposits in the banking institutions have grown in
recent years as the state of the economy has improved, with a rise in the level of
deposits from 23 per cent of GDP in deposit accounts in 2003 to a level of 35 per cent in
late 2006. However, this level remains below that of other Pacific countries such as Fiji,
Samoa and Vanuatu.

The BPNG reported that weighted average deposit interest rates paid by commercial
banks averaged 1.1 per cent in the third quarter of 2006 per annum, ranging from

10 In 2004 the IMF provided a comprehensive assessment of PNG’s financial reform of pension
11 Holden, Bale and Holden characterise financial markets in the Pacific in this way.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

0.43 per cent for cheque accounts to 7.9 per cent for term deposits longer than one year.
Since the latter part of 1999 interest rates have generally trended downwards, although
182-day Treasury Bill rates spiked markedly in 2003 (see Chart 1). Savings and deposit
rates are all low historically and in comparison with the central bank’s indicator, the
Kina Facility rate of 6 per cent. Interest rates have shown some reflection of the
Treasury Bill rates during the last 10 years.

Chart 1: PNG selected interest rates

Per cent Per cent
30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Savings Deposit Lending Treasury Bill

Source: International Financial Statistics.

The PNG superannuation funds provide another major repository for savings. These
funds now hold over K2 billion in accumulated savings for their members from largely
mandatory superannuation contributions and earnings. This amount is about
40 per cent of the value of deposits in depository institutions. The superannuation
funds POSF and NASFUND credited their members’ accounts with an average
nominal return of 14.6 per cent annual for each of the five years 2001 to 2005. 12

Competition by the PNG financial sector for savings can occur among the banks
savings and loan societies, and those licensed financial institutions such as
microfinance groups that take deposits. Less directly it can also occur among the above
group and the super funds and the securities markets for those savers who can access
such other forms of licensed financial services.

12 PNG superannuation funds operate accumulation funds for their members with the
accumulated savings being paid out as a lump sum on termination of membership; they do
not generally offer pensions to their members. Some funds administer grandfathered
government pension schemes for a limited group of public officers.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Box 3: Microfinance in PNG

There have been various initiatives to increase access to both saving and lending
services to people in PNG who have difficulties in accessing other financial services.
Initiatives taken several years ago are discussed in the BPNG book Money and
Banking in Papua New Guinea.

More recent initiatives include the establishment of two licensed institutions, PNG
Microfinance Ltd and Wau Microfinance. The former is a 60 per cent owned
subsidiary of PNG Sustainable Development Program Limited in which BSP owns
40 per cent. It operates five branches and an agency in two provinces with over
46,000 deposit accounts in total. Wau Microfinance operates in Wau and Lae and
was developed with support from the Asian Development Bank, the Australian
Government and commercial banks in Papua New Guinea.

One of these microfinance institutions now reports to the BPNG and by

December 2006 its assets of had grown to K31 million from just under K6 million in
May 2005.

Other initiatives to expand access to microfinance services include support for

‘grassroots microfinance initiatives’ in Bougainville with support from the
Australian Government.

For savers in PNG, improving regulation and restructuring financial institutions in

banking and superannuation have restored soundness to much of the financial sector
and its capacity to increase financial services across PNG. Such soundness has restored
business confidence in PNG’s financial institutions, which is essential for the sector to
operate effectively.

The financial sector reforms and those in competition policy are bringing more
publicly available information about financial institutions and products to savers and
investors in the financial sector. This helps them make sound choices about where to
save and invest.

New entrants such as the Nasfund Contributors Savings and Loans Society,
established by NASFUND, and PNG Microfinance Ltd, established by PNG
Sustainable Development Program Limited, are examples of legitimate competition to
increase the range of options open to savers.

‘Fast money’ schemes and other scams of various forms are not part of the financial
sector in PNG. Under the reformed legislation, the BPNG provides information and

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

takes action to drive out such schemes so as to help savers avoid losing their money, as
some have already done. 13

The stock exchange is run by a private company Port Moresby Stock Exchange Limited
(POMSoX) and lists public companies some of which are also listed on the Australian
Stock Exchange. There are two share brokers who are members of the exchange and in
2005 some 15 companies were listed. The stock exchange operates under the
Companies Act 1997 and Securities Act 1997 and its rules are used under licence from
the Australian Stock Exchange.

The market for government securities is operated by the BPNG. In 2005 Treasury Bills
to the value of K1.94 billion were on issue as were inscribed stock (government bonds)
of maturities up to 10 years to the value of K1.57 billion. Information on this market is
made available on the Government’s Treasury website and by the BPNG through its
website. The market has been restricted largely to wholesale activity. PNG financial
institutions are holders of a large proportion, around 85 per cent of the government
securities on issue domestically.

The market was described in the PNG 2007 Budget in the following terms, ‘PNG has a
rudimentary primary market for Treasury Bills and Inscribed Stock, with weekly
competitive auctions of Treasury Bills and Central Bank Bills, and monthly competitive
auctions of Inscribed Stock. However, there is almost no secondary market, and no
effective repo market.’ 14

There are some moves being considered to expand the domestic government debt
market as explained in the PNG 2007 Budget, including a pilot listing of some
Government debts on the Port Moresby Stock Exchange.

There has been an increase in lending during the last two years along with growth in
the economy and more stable macro policy conditions (see Chart 3). However, as
deposits have been growing more rapidly there is a capacity for lending to increase
more rapidly. The ratio of domestic credit (provided by the financial sector) to GDP
has been around 22 to 24 per cent of GDP in recent years. Other Pacific countries such

13 As BPNG pointed out in October 2006, it behoves others also to take a stand against such
14 The 2007 Budget Volume I also reports the establishment of a Treasury/BPNG project team
to implement improvements to develop the market for inscribed stock.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

as Fiji and Vanuatu have ratios almost double that of PNG, and New Zealand and
Australia have ratios twice as high again.

Interest rates on lending declined in 2005 and fell further in late 2006 to reach a
weighted average level of 10.4 per cent in the third quarter (see Chart 1). Consistent
with this, the BPNG reports the annualised growth in largely private domestic credit in
the 12 months to September 2006 being 35.4 per cent.

Chart 2: PNG selected interest rate margins

Per cent Per cent
30 30

25 25

20 20

15 15

10 10

5 5

0 0
Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1 Q1
1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006
Lending: savings margin Lending: deposit margin T Bill: savings margin

Source: IMF International Financial Statistics.

Margins between lending rates on the one hand, and rates paid for funds in savings
accounts and term deposits on the other, are lower than they were in the late 1990s (see
Chart 2). However, these margins are still above the levels achieved earlier in the
1990s. This suggests there is still scope to improve the performance in the financial
sector, particularly in the competitiveness of savings and loan products. 15

In the last few years we see low rates for Treasury Bill, savings and deposit rates below
the Kina Facility rate, which have been associated with a low margin between the
Treasury Bill rate and the interest rates offered for savings. Commercial banks are the
major holders of Treasury Bills and maintaining competitive access to the Treasury Bill
market will be important in keeping this margin low if Treasury Bill rates increase to
the Kina Facility rate. The BPNG announcement on 13 April 2007 to reduce the

15 Conditions for business may have to be more conducive to new entrants and business
expansion for this to occur; see for example Faal or Kavanamur, Yala and Clements.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

minimum bid in Treasury Bill and Inscribed Stock auctions from K1 million to
K100,000 should help foster this competition.

Foreign exchange
Under the floating exchange rate, the value of the Kina against the US dollar is set by
the activity of commercial and retail buyers and sellers of foreign exchange. The BPNG
uses market operations to provide some stability to the Kina exchange rate, and under
the current exchange control regulations PNG banks are authorised dealers for foreign
currencies in PNG. Exchange controls were liberalised in 2005 to provide exemptions
from central bank approval for a range of transactions.

As noted in the PNG 2007 Budget the foreign currency market is relatively illiquid,
and there are no currency swaps or other sophisticated financial instruments available
that can be used to hedge financial risks.

The margins between the buy and sell rates for the Kina appear high relative to those
offered for other currencies, which is consistent with a thinly traded market for foreign

The volume of trade in the foreign exchange market may well be limited by
arrangements for payment of mineral and petroleum taxes in US dollars rather than in

As can be seen from the above, there are relatively few organisations supplying
financial services in the PNG financial sector. In this environment it is likely that the
competitive pressure is relatively light. Retail foreign exchange rates show that the
margins in that market are high relative to the margins on rates elsewhere, suggesting
limited competition in that market. Similarly, the margins between lending and
deposit rates are higher than they have been in earlier periods and these could be
expected to decline as increased competition occurs in the markets for deposits and for

The Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) is currently

conducting a review of the general insurance industry in Papua New Guinea. The
involvement of this organisation in the financial sector could be an important influence
in helping to encourage a regulatory climate that not only ensures prudential
soundness, but also fosters competition to ensure the financial industry operates and
develops efficiently.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Regulation and reform 16

Major reform of the financial sector was prompted by the financial crisis and near
collapse of some major financial institutions in the 1990s. Many people lost wealth and
their trust in the financial system. This, combined with a depreciated currency, rising
public debt and low levels of foreign reserves, led to demands for reform.

Ministerial leadership in the PNG Government commenced the structural reform,

drove it through parliamentary processes and marshalled PNG resources and other
assistance to develop and implement detailed policy changes. In its resolve to reform
the regulatory structure the Government was supported with finance and technical
assistance from external lenders and donors.

There were three key areas of reform: (i) the central bank’s role; (ii) government fiscal
policy; and (iii) superannuation legislation and restructuring. 17

Central bank role

The reform of the central bank’s legislation gave it an independent role as the
monetary policy authority and financial regulator. Importantly, with its unambiguous
role as financial regulator it used its authority to improve the governance and
performance of the PNGBC (see Box 1) and savings and loan societies. The central
bank was also in a strong position as monetary policy authority which helped it to
establish a sound macroeconomic environment. Furthermore the limitations on its role
as lender to the government helped improve fiscal policy.

Fiscal policy
Government policy to adopt a medium-term fiscal strategy, to limit the increase in
government debt and to insert borrowing restrictions in the Central Banking Act 2000
through a limit of K100 million on a temporary advance facility and preclude central
bank financing of government budget deficits, reduced the scope for excessive
borrowings. It also set the basis for an improved public debt management strategy and
the creation of a broader market in longer term public debt securities. The improved
fiscal policy of government and the central bank’s monetary policy created a more

16 While the BPNG is the predominant regulatory agency in the financial sector, the Insurance
Commissioner and his office have a role in regulating general insurance, and other
regulators such as the Independent Consumer and Competition Commission and the
Investment Promotion Authority can also impact on the establishment and operations of
businesses in the financial sector.
17 Satish Chand, in his 2007 paper on governance for growth, notes government initiatives that
had a critical role in the recuperation of the financial sector.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

stable macroeconomic environment to increase trust in financial assets and the

business environment for the financial sector.

Superannuation reform
The general reforms of superannuation legislation and the restructuring packages of
the NPF (see Box 2) reinvigorated the superannuation industry and set it in a new

At the end of the 1990s PNG’s compulsory pension and retirement savings schemes
were suffering from mismanagement at both the government level and the fund
management level. A broad reform was begun to bring in general superannuation
legislation to cover such schemes. This legislation set down principles for continuing
mandatory superannuation for employees (with some exceptions) with these
principles applying across all funds and to public and private employers. The key
features of the superannuation legislation are that it requires:

• mandatory participation in licensed corporate accumulation funds by employers

and employees;

• that these funds are to be managed by trustee companies which are responsible
for proper appointment of investment managers and fund administrators; and

• that the funds be under the prudential supervision of a superannuation regulator,

the central bank — the BPNG.

– The BPNG authorises the establishment of new funds and issue of annually
renewable licences for trustees, fund administrators, and investment
managers. It also has the power to obtain any information about the affairs
of the funds, intervene in the management of the funds in cases of
wrong-doing, and enforce sanctions and penalties.

– In its authorisation the BPNG applies a ‘fit and proper person’ test to
members of a fund’s board and management.

The requirement that only corporate entities can be licensed under the Act and the
separation between, and outsourcing of, investment management and fund
administration have erected barriers against political interference, and thereby provide
better protection of members’ funds.

Under this legislation and supervision members of the fund have a separately
identifiable interest in the fund. The funds are required to report publicly their
operations and details of their assets and liabilities and to follow proper business
principles in their dealings. With these arrangements and some competition between

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

the funds for members, there are incentives for funds to behave in the interest of the

Commenting in 2004 on superannuation reforms, the IMF concluded that:

The main reasons for the sharp deterioration in the financial performance of the
main pension funds in the late 1990s were bad governance and inadequate
supervision. Flaws in the original architecture of the pension system and
excessive government influence also contributed. The near collapse of the NPF,
the formation of a new government in mid-1999, and the public deliberations of
the Commissions of Enquiry provided both the impetus and rationale for
fundamental and far-reaching reforms. The introduction of comprehensive
legislation emphasizing a strict division of labour between trustees, fund
administrators, and investment managers, combined with strong and
independent regulatory and supervisory powers of the BPNG, helped reduce
the scope for inappropriate government intervention and fostered dramatic
improvements in governance. As a result, performance improved quickly and
sharply. The implications for reforms in other areas of the public sector are
obvious. 18

Consequent reform
These three areas of reform were fundamental to restructure of the local banks,
improving superannuation governance and reinvigorating the financial sector more
generally. These changes combined to bring about a greater separation between the
government on the one hand and the central bank and the financial sector on the other.
This has improved the quality of government debt instruments through limiting the
scope for irregular borrowings from not only the central bank but also superannuation

Positive changes in the financial sector occurred as business conditions improved, with
very favourable prices for several of the commodities PNG produces and a more
general improvement in the macro policy settings in PNG. Consequently, the financial
performance of the banks and superannuation funds and the values of listed
companies on the stock exchange have shown a general improvement over the last few

In the 2007 Budget the Government noted that regulatory supervision in the financial
sector continues to be fine-tuned, especially in the superannuation industry. In late
2006, the Government decided on implementation of the recommendations of the Joint

18 Further comment on the reforms can be found in the IMF 2004 report.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Superannuation Task Force, to improve and strengthen the effectiveness of the

prudential regulation and administration of the superannuation industry. Some of the
recommendations adopted are directed at improving prudential supervision. Others,
with wider community implications, are about enforcement of employers’ obligations,
withdrawals of members’ contributions to finance housing and requirements for
superannuation funds to make annual reports and disclosures to members. Legislation
to implement these changes is reported to have passed Parliament on 19 April 2007.

The Government announced that the Department of Treasury and the Bank of Papua
New Guinea will further review several related issues, including extension of
superannuation coverage to the self-employed and the informal sector, group cover
life insurance, and the three-month waiting period for mandatory contributions.

Reform in insurance has led to prudential regulation of life insurance being done by
the BPNG. A reform initiative has begun through the Insurance Commissioner to
introduce legislation on general insurance contracts. However, the split responsibility
can mean that one entity offering both general insurance and life insurance is covered
by two regulators.

The PNG Government announced in the 2007 Budget an inquiry concerning

competition and premium levels in fire and general insurance and foreshadowed the
potential for undertaking regulatory reform in fire and general insurance. In
March 2007 the ICCC, as part of consultations for developing reform proposals,
released its review of the general insurance industry in Papua New Guinea and issues
for discussion.

Other financial sector reforms have been initiated by the BPNG to improve the
performance of the savings and loans societies (S&L societies). The BPNG reports that
dormant S&L societies have been liquidated and their numbers have fallen from 101 in
the year 2000 to 22 in 2006 while over the same time their total assets have increased
from K126 million to K356 million.

Reforms that were mentioned as part of the way forward by the Governor of the BPNG
in October 2006 included broadening of the foreign exchange markets to allow licensed
financial institutions (non banks) to operate as foreign exchange dealers, ongoing
review of the remaining foreign exchange controls and review of the Savings and
Loans Societies Act 1995.

With hindsight, carrying through the financial sector reforms can be seen to be less
ambitious than was originally planned; for example the restructure of the PNGBC did
not involve a 100 per cent privatisation. However, the process did allow for an
evolution of an acceptable reform, which in the example of the bank led to a
domestically owned and publicly listed bank that is operating successfully. The

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

evolution of the reform in superannuation was fostered by the statutory establishment

of a taskforce that consulted publicly and worked with industry, government and the
regulator to bring about a necessary regulatory change. In both cases of reform the
participants had an interest in seeing the reforms through and the Government had
taken a stance that did not prevent, but encouraged, evolutionary change consistent
with generally accepted principles that apply to an open economy like that of PNG. 19
As economic conditions remained unfavourable to PNG a strong financial imperative
also kept the pressure on moving reforms ahead.

Banking sector performance since recent reforms

PNG’s banking sector has been improving its performance, as data from the BPNG
show (see Chart 3). The health of the sector improved as non performing loans were
reduced to less than five per cent of total lending and the capital adequacy ratio rose
well above the minimum requirement of 12 per cent set out in the prudential
guidelines by the BPNG. This performance is favourable to those reported for other
small countries such as those in the Caribbean. 20

Chart 3: Status of Papua New Guinea’s banking sector(a)

Kina million Kina million & per cent
8,000 300


4,000 150


0 0
1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 Jun-06

NPL (Kina million) (b) CAR (Per cent) (c) Assets (LHS)
Loans (LHS) Deposits (LHS)
(a) Source: Bank of Papua New Guinea, 19 October 2006.
(b) Non-performing loans.
(c) CAR: Capital adequacy ratio, which is capital divided by risk-weighted assets.

19 PNG has a floating currency, depends on exports of commodities and on average has
relatively low trade barriers against imports of goods.
20 See Jingqing Chai’s report.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

The PNG finance sector has recently increased its level of lending to the private sector,
however it remains heavily involved in financing government debt. Concerns about
crowding out of private lending by the government were raised in 1998 and with
holdings of government debt in 2006 being a higher share of depository corporation
assets than lending to the private sector, there is still scope for government to take a
part in addressing such concerns. 21

Access to banking services has been limited in PNG and was described in 2002 along
the following lines:

85 per cent of the population of Papua New Guineans who live in rural areas
have access to basic and intermittent banking services. In the urban areas,
queues at banking outlets extend to hundreds on paydays. The PNG banking
sector, as of 1997, accounted for a relatively low proportion of domestic credit
provided. These observations are symptomatic of communities being deprived
of competitively priced banking services. 22

Attempts have been made to expand access and competition in the banking sector
including through a government sponsored initiative. In cooperation with some
commercial banks and Post PNG, the PNG Government implemented a District
Treasury/Finance Office Rollout Scheme that aimed to bring basic services including
banking, postal and finance office access to over 80 rural districts throughout Papua
New Guinea. Some 42 such offices have been opened.

There has also been expansion of banking facilities from existing institutions such as
through new branches, agencies, ATMs, electronic funds transfer at point of sale and
microfinance initiatives (see Box 3).

PNG financial markets have developed well from their pre-reform situation. The sector
is profitable and beginning to expand its services across the country and the Pacific.
Securities markets are developing and the Government and the financial regulator are
working to further reforms to improve the sector’s performance.

21 This concern is raised in the BPNG book Money and Banking in PNG.
22 These comments are summarised from Satish Chand’s paper, and suggest a greater level of
access in rural areas than what may currently prevail.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Efficiency in the sector can be expected to increase if the good governance under
existing and new regulations continues in the positive direction that has been
followed. While more is to be done, regulatory reforms in the sector alone will not be
the only factors impacting on its performance. As can be seen from the impact of the
Government’s fiscal strategy reforms, continued sound fiscal policy can be expected to
be a key to the future evolution of the financial sector.

In view of the small size of PNG financial markets, ensuring strong competition to
drive innovation and increase efficiency is a challenge facing the BPNG as prudential
regulator and the Government when setting market access policies. Modern
telecommunications are an integral part of the financial sector as can be seen from the
use of ATMs, EFTPOS, credit cards, money transfer services, Internet banking,
transferring market information, security and so on. The growth of the PNG financial
sector is thus likely to be closely linked to developments in the country’s
telecommunications as well as general economic policy and conditions.

When the opportunity for reform was grasped, major advances were initiated in
PNG’s financial sector. This augurs well for future reforms where similar conditions
exist. In this regard it is worth recalling certain points:

• The financial crisis that preceded and gave impulse to the reforms of the PNG
financial sector was a high-cost genesis that might be better avoided in other
situations. There may be a lesson here for reforming before a crisis arises.

• Reform by government clearly benefits from ministerial leadership. Carrying

through reform also depends on the leadership and the skills of departmental
policy and administrative officers. This was the case in PNG where leaders took
action to reform, with assistance where they needed it.

• A well-structured and sequenced process of reform is essential. This can be seen,

for example, from the initial reform of the powers of the central bank and
regulator and the setting down of the main pillars of superannuation reform with
a taskforce to develop the more detailed provisions in consultation with

• The scope of the reform was comprehensive in as much as it covered the role of
the central bank, the financial regulator and specific financial business, such as
banking, superannuation and life insurance. Moreover, it extended to reforms in
competition policy, fiscal policy and financial responsibility. This coverage has
been sufficient to set the financial sector in a sound direction. There remains,
however, the challenge of more reforms that are needed to increase further the
performance and competitiveness of the PNG financial sector.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

• Financial sector reform shows the benefits of clear governance structures in terms
of roles and responsibilities. It is important to establish in legislation, in
regulations, in government strategies and behaviour, a clear delineation and
separation of the roles and responsibilities of government and other participants
in industry.

– This point of government setting down clear rules and roles for players and
delegating responsibility to a regulator might equally be applied to other
sectors of an economy such as telecommunications.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

Bank of Papua New Guinea 1998, Money and Banking in Papua New Guinea, Bank of
Papua New Guinea, Port Moresby.

Bank of Papua New Guinea 2006, Presentation to the Savings & Loan Societies’ Credit
Union Day, Theme ‘Credit Union making a World of Difference’, ‘Overview of
Financial Sector & Savings & Loan societies’ Legislative Framework’.

Chand, S 2002, ‘Financial sector development and economic growth in Pacific island
countries’, Pacific Economic Bulletin, vol 17, no. 2.

Chand, S 2007, ‘Governance for growth: Priorities for a reform-minded Papua New
Guinea government’, Pacific Economic Bulletin , vol 22, no. 1.

Faal, E 2006, ‘Growth and Productivity in Papua New Guinea’, IMF working paper
number, WP/06/113, Washington DC.

Holden, P, Bale, M and Holden, S 2004, Swimming Against the tide? An assessment of the
Private Sector in the Pacific, Asian Development Bank, Manila.

Independent Consumer and Competition Commission (ICCC) 2007, ‘Review of the

General Insurance Industry in Papua New Guinea’, Issues Paper, Port Moresby.

IMF 2004, Country Report No. 04/356, ‘Papua New Guinea: Selected Issues and
Statistical Appendix’, International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.

IMF, International Financial Statistics, Yearbook 2006, Washington DC.

Jingqing Chai 2006, ‘The Eastern Caribbean Currency Union Banking System, in A
Time of Fiscal Challenge’ in The Caribbean from Vulnerability to Sustained Growth,
International Monetary Fund, Washington DC.

Kavanamur, D, Yala, C and Clements, Q editors 2003, Building a Nation in Papua New
Guinea, views of the post–independence generation, Pandanus Books, Australian National
University, Canberra.

PNG 2007 National Budget, Volume I, Economic and Development Policies,

Wilson Kamit, Governor, Bank of Papua New Guinea 2006, Monetary and Financial
Sector Reforms in Papua New Guinea, a presentation at the Australian National
University Economic and Policy Update Port Moresby.

The financial sector in Papua New Guinea — A good case of reform

World Bank 2001, Finance for Growth, policy choices in a volatile world, World Bank and
Oxford University Press, Washington DC.

Minister for Treasury, Rt Hon Sir Rabbie L, Namaliu CSM KCMG MP 2006, Opening
Speech, Seminar on introduction of insurance contracts law for Papua New Guinea,


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