Financial Services Bulletin
Financial Services Bulletin
Financial Services Bulletin
In this issue
• EU Supervision Package
• Securities Law Directive
• Settlement finality and financial collateral arrangements Consultation
On 26 July 2010, the Treasury published the • a strong independent consumer protection and
consultation document, A new approach to financial markets authority (CPMA).
regulation: judgement, focus and stability. It sets
out the Government’s proposals to reform the UK’s The Government will abolish the tripartite structure
financial regulatory framework. These proposals will and the Financial Services Authority (FSA) will cease to
fulfil the Coalition Government’s commitment to exist in its current form. The Government intends to
provide the Bank of England with control of macro- complete the process of transition to the new regime
prudential regulation and oversight of micro-prudential by the end of 2012.
At the launch of the consultation, the Financial
The new system will be designed to challenge practices Secretary to the Treasury, Mark Hoban MP, said: “We
that may threaten the stability of our economy, while want to create a new supervisory approach that takes
bringing a greater level of protection for consumers. In into account the lessons of the past but that is also
brief, the Government intends to create: designed for the future – a future in which supervisors
should have greater discretion to use their own
• a Financial Policy Committee (FPC) in the Bank judgement, and to take a more risk-based approach to
of England; their work.”
Live consultations
A new approach to financial regulation: judgement, focus and