Technical Specifications For Cobalt-60 Teletherapy Machine (Includes The Supply, Delivery, Installation and Commissioning of Unit)

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(Includes the supply, delivery, installation
and commissioning of unit)


Radiation therapy/radiation oncology - external beam therapy

Standard Composition

• Gantry
• Head Assembly
• Control Console
• Treatment Couch/Patient Support Assembly
• Machine Interlock System
• Control Mechanism
• Beam Stopper (optional)
• Machine Installation
• Power Requirement
• Accessories
• Other Requirements
• Other Terms and Conditions

Technical Specifications

To be
Gantry Rotation 0°-360° in either clockwise or counter
clockwise direction at a variable speed
with the possibility of a small angle of
movement using mechanical interlocks
and manual controls. Motorized with
isocentric set-up.,
Precision Within ±1°
Rotation and direction Can be controlled from the pendant
Head Assembly Shutter system Mechanically reliable and fail-safe shutter
system (fail-safe source drive)
Swiveling Not less than ±180° away from the
isocenter by a motor drive
With swing movement
of source head
Radiation source Loading capacity: not less than 8000 R/hr
at 1 m
Diameter: not greater than 2 cm
Output: not less than 130 R/min at 1 m
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Technical Specifications continued . . .

check if
Head Assembly Protective source Beam control mechanism “OFF” position:
housing • maximum exposure rate from leakage
(as per Sec. 29 of PNRI CPR radiation at one meter from the source:
Part 12 and ICRP 33) 10 mR/hr
• average exposure rate from leakage
radiation at one meter from the source: 2
Beam control mechanism “ON” position:
• exposure rate from leakage radiation at
one meter from the source shall not
exceed 1 R/hr or 0.1% of the useful
beam exposure rate
Collimation system Manually driven
Field size: square or rectangular treatment
field of at least 5 cm x 5 cm or smaller to a
maximum of 30 cm x 30 cm or bigger at the
center of rotation in centimeter scale indicator
Equipped with an optical field light indicator for
visual indication of field size
Equipped with manual distance and optical
distance indicator for source-skin distance
(SSD) up to 60-120 cm that projects an
illumination scale on the patient skin and 80
cm source axis distance (SAD), isocentric with
accuracy within ±2 mm
Transmitted exposure rate from defining
apparatus must not exceed 5% of the
attenuated beam
Collimator rotation: preferably manual with
rotational range minimum of 180° (±90°) about
the beam axis at a continuously variable
speed. If motorized, availability of manual
operation in case of motor failure
Source drawer With a motor drive mechanism that provides
mechanism “ON” and “OFF” motions of source position
With signal lamps in both the source head and
the main control station to indicate that the
source is in the “ON” position
With capability to draw back automatically into
“OFF” position by a spring force in the event of
electrical power failure and to stay om the
“OFF” position until reactivated from the
control panel
With manual retraction capability when the
source return mechanism fails
Control Console Dual timer
Power ON-OFF switch key operated
Digital timer display Either in minutes in scale of 0.01
and set treatment time Must automatically terminate the exposure
display after a preset time
Reset switch to restart
Emergency stop button Shuts down treatment at any time

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Technical Specifications continued . . .

check if
Control Console Treatment technique • Fixed therapy
selector switch for • Rotation arc therapy
Ready for irradiation light
Irradiation start switch
Indicators for Fault light
Door interlocks
With capability to reset all
interlocks prior to
energizing the machine
Gantry angle display
Pilot lamps for Beam ON position
Beam OFF position
Source in transit
With independent 220 VAC, 60 Hz
battery in case of
power failure for timer
display only
Treatment Couch/ Movement Vertical (motorized control)
Patient Support Lateral (manual control)
Assembly Longitudinal (manual control)
With variable speed and corresponding
brakes for each movement
Hand-controlled and
capable of manual
operation in the extent of
motor failure with
electromagnetic locking
Table top rotation ±180°
Manually operated with index marks used to
indicate when table top is in central position
Provided with speed control
Isocentric rotation ±180°
Must have no rails for
posterior oblique field
Must have removable
plates with clear view for
posterior field
In case of power failure Couch shall automatically lock on its
current settings (not be free wheeling)
Machine Interlock Locking device during Gantry
System radiation treatment for Collimator
Field size
Patient support assembly
Inclusion of external
interlocks, door switches,
warning lights and
emergency shut-offs in the
treatment room

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Technical Specifications continued . . .

check if
Control Mechanism In the “ON” position The source and beam collimating device
must be accurately aligned
Must be capable of acting
in any orientation of the
When the door to the The beam control mechanism must
treatment room is open automatically and rapidly return to the “OFF”
position where it shall remain “OFF” until the
door is again closed and the machine is
manually reactivated from the control panel
It shall not be possible to
switch the beam control
mechanism to the “ON”
position from inside the
treatment room
Source will remain in the
“OFF” position or return to
“OFF” position if any
emergency control
switches are operated.
This is accompanied by
an audible alarm both
inside and outside the
treatment room
Beam Stopper Retractable (option)

Machine Installation Warning lights Automatically switch “ON” when radiation is

being produced or even when the machine
controls have just been set to produce
Designed into a fail safe circuit that is tied into
the interlock system so that radiation cannot
be produced if any of the warning lights have
burned out
Power Requirement 220 VAC, 60 Hz
Accessories Shielding (lead) blocks/ All sizes and shapes including lung and kidney
beam shaping blocks blocks, 5 cm thick with insert screws and nuts
Wedge filter 15°, 30°, 45°, 60° for all field sizes
available for the above indicated angles
Table tray and shadow
tray including attachments
Patient arm and leg support
Penumbra trimmer
Mechanical front and
back pointers
One set cassette holder Stand type or post assembly
Isodose curves data For various SADs and field sizes, open
and charts fields and with various wedge angles
Light localizing device Ceiling/sagittal and 2 side/lateral lights;
(isocentric lights) accuracy within ±1 mm
Water phantoms
Closed circuit TV monitor With radio intercom
Mechanical and optical
distance indicator
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Technical Specifications continued . . .
check if
Accessories Three (3) radiation pen for cobalt-60 gamma rays energy
Radiation level monitor Wall-mounted
With visual alarm and back-up battery
One (1) survey meter With range 0 to not less than 1000 mR/hr
With audible alarm
Radiotherapy dosemeter With 0.60cc ionization chamber
With strontium-90 check source
Standard spare parts for 5 pcs collimator bulb
five (5) years of: 5 pcs distance indicator bulb
5 pcs microswitch spring
One (1) pc aneroid barometer
One (1) pc mercury 0-50°C
thermometer in 1°C increment
One (1) pc caliper Parallel, sliding arm
With 1 cm graduation approximately 40 cm long
Patient immobilizing strap Complete with clamps
Tangential breast
device and breast cone
Accessory attachment
Head rest Fixed and adjustable
Other Requirements air-conditioning unit split-typr
3-ton capacity
220 VAC, 60 Hz
with automatic voltage stabilizer, 60 Hz,
170-260 V voltage range
Automatic voltage 60 Hz, 170-260 V voltage range for the
stabilizer whole cobalt-60 machine
dehumidifier one unit
Two sets each of operation and instruction manuals
service and installation manuals
maintenance manuals
wiring and schematic diagrams
parts listing

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To be
Other Terms and Conditions checked by
the bidder
The supplier will be responsible for delivery, installation and commissioning of the
new cobalt-60 machine and for rehabilitation of the room. They must also
coordinate with the hospital for the electrical power supply needs of this machine.
Source Replacement and Maintenance:
• Certification that unit manufacturer also manufactures replacement
sources for the bidded cobalt-60 unit.
• Certification that the unit supplier has the capability to replace and
install new source including disposal of old Co-60 source. Disposal
shall be at no cost to the user.
• Certification that the supplier has the capability for corrective and
preventive maintenance of the unit
• Certificate/s of training for engineers/maintenance service personnel
in model offered
• Certification of availability of replacement parts and repair services for
the next twenty (20) years
The supplier must have a license to distribute and sell radioactive materials for
medical use from the Philippine Nuclear Research Institute (PNRI).
Equipment must pass the acceptance testing of the RHS, DOH as provided in the
DOH AO No. 21, s. 1996 dated 04 June 1996
Full payment must be done only after passing the acceptance testing of the
Radiation Health Service (RHS), Department of Health (DOH)
Five (5) years warranty for parts and service after passing the acceptance testing
of the Radiation Health Service (RHS), Department of Health (DOH)
Must comply with the applicable requirements for licensing by PNRI.
Bid offer is in Philippine peso to include taxes and duties; transportation to site,
delivery, installation and testing/commissioning expenses on site (hospital)
The supplier must provide orientation training for users and maintenance
personnel of the hospital
Certificate of sole distributorship from the unit manufacturer mentioning the name
of the Philippine representative
Certification of manufacturer guaranteeing delivery of equipment and all
Delivery together with the cobalt-60 unit of the following:
• One (1) pc circuit breaker
• One (1) pc extension board for troubleshooting
The unit should conform to the International Electrotechnical Commission (IEC)
standards or its equivalent.
Certificate of Philippine Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) registration
The supplier must submit the original brochure.
Inventory of spare parts for the unit/model offered duly signed by the principal
Certification of guaranteed uptime for the equipment offered
Supplier to submit cost of service contract for parts and service after the warranty
Supplier must be accredited as a supplier of x-ray equipment by the DOH
Accreditation Committee for Medical Equipment.


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