IES 2003 EE Conventional Paper02

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I.E.S-(Conv.) - 2003


Time Allowed: 3 Hours Maximum Marks: 200
Candidates should attempt FIVE questions in all, including Question No. 1 which is compulsory. The remaining
FOUR questions are to be attempted by selecting at least ONE question from each of the Sections A, B, C and D.
Assume suitable data, if necessary and indicate them clearly.

Q. No. 1 is compulsory. Tick out the correct answer.
1. (A) (a) A fault current of 2000 A is passing on the primary side of a 400/5 C, T. On the secondary
side of the CT., an Inverse-time over current relay is connected whose plug setting is set at
50%. The plug setting multiplier will be
(i) 25 (ii) 50 (iii) 10 (iv) 30
(b) An alternator (star connected) is connected to Delta- Star transformer with star neutral
earthed. On the star side of the transformer a single line-to-ground fault occurs. This is
equivalent to
(i) A line-to-ground fault on the generator side of the transformer.
(ii) A line-to-line fault on the generator side of the transformer.
(iii) A 3-phase fault on the generator side of the transformer.
(iv) A single-line-to-ground fault on the generator side of the transformer.
(c) YBUS as used in load flow study, and Z5 as used for short circuit study are
(i) the same
(ii) inverse of each other
(iii) are not related to each other
(d) The low voltage winding of a 400/230 V single phase 50 Hz transformer is to be connected to
a 25 Hz supply. In order to keep the magnetization current at the same level in both the cases
the voltage at 25 Hz should be
(i) 230 V (ii) 460 V (iii) 115 V (iv) 65 V
(e) A 3-phase induction motor draws 1000 kVA at a p.f. of 0.8 lag. A synchronous condenser is
connected in parallel to draw an additional 750 WA at a p.f. of 0.6 lead. The p.f. of the total
load supplied by the mains is:
(i) Unity (ii) 0.707 lead (iii) 0.6 lag (iv) zero
(f) A 3-phase synchronous motor has
(i) High starting torque
(ii) No starting torque
(Hi) Low starting current
(iv) Low starting torque

A voltage source VAB = 4 sin wt, is applied across the terminals A and B of the circuit above.
The diodes are assumed to be ideal. The impedance offered by the circuit across the terminals
A and, B in kilo ohms is:
(i) 5 (ii) 20 (iii) 10 (iv) 100

The magnitude of the gain in the inverting operational amplifier circuit shown above is Y,
with the switch open. When the switch is closed the magnitude of the gain is
(i) -Y
(ii) Y/2
(iii) 2Y
(iv) -2Y
(i) The binary representation of 100 110 is numerically equivalent to
(i) The decimal representation of 46
(ii) The octal representation of 46
(iii) The octal representation of 26
(iv) The decimal representation of 26
(j) In H.V.D.C. Converter station equipment using thyristors it is necessary to use a large
number of thyristors in series because
(i) Current rating of thyristors are low
(ii) Voltage rating of thyristors are low
(iii) Thyristors always fail to an internal open circuit
(iv) None of the above
(B) Explain the following with necessary diagrams
(a) Synchronous impedance of an alternator
(b) A 3-phase static var compensator
(c) A triac-diac device used for a stepless fan regulator
(d) A directional over current relay used for parallel feeder protection.

2. (a) Find the synchronous impedance and reactance of a single-phase alternator in which a given
field current produces an armature current of 250 A, on short circuit and a generated e.m.f. of
1500 V on open circuit. The armature resistance is 2.0 ohms. Calculate the terminal potential
difference when a load of 250 A at 6.6 kV at a lagging p.f. of 0.8 is switched off.
(b) A series motor of resistance 1.0 ohm between the terminals runs at 1000 r.p.m. at 220 V with
a current of 15 A. Find the speed at which it will run when connected in series with a 4.5
ohms resistance and taking a current of 10 A at the same supply voltage. Assume linear
magnetization characteristic.
(c) Discuss briefly the different methods used for electrical braking of d.c. motors.
3. (a) A 100 kVA transformer has its maximum efficiency of 98% at full load and unity p.f. During
the day it is loaded as follows
12 hrs —20 kW at a p.f. of 0.5 lag
6 hrs —20 kW at a p.f. of 0.9 lag
6 hrs —20 kW at a p.f. of 0.8 lag.
Calculate the “all day efficiency of the transformer.
(b) A 1200 V, 50 Hz star connected induction motor has a star connected slipring rotor with a
transformation ratio of 3.75. The rotor resistance per phase is 0.016 ohm and leakage
inductance of 0.8 mH/Phase. Neglect stator impedance. Find:
(i) rotor starting current per phase with slip ring short circuited,
(ii) the rotor p.f. at starting,
(iii) the external resistance per phase required to obtain a starting current of 125 An the
(iv) the rotor current of 4% slip and
(v) the rotor p.f. at 4% slip.
(c) Discuss the relative merits and demerits of single cage and double cage induction motors.
4. (a) (i) Discuss the general principle of operation of a generator differential protection
scheme. Give the 3-phase connection of the biased scheme.
(ii) The scheme shown below is used for protection of the generator winding by an
ordinary differential relay, having a minimum pick up current of 100 mA. The C.T.S.
on the grounded neutral and the live ends have actual ratios of 79 and 91 respectively
though their nominal ratios are same. Show that the differential relay will trop even
when the generator is delivering, full load current of (400 + j0.0) A, to the bus and
there is no fault in the differential zone.

(iii) To overcome the defect in the question 4 (a) (ii) a percentage differential relay having
the same minimum pick-up current of 100.mA and 20% slope was used. Drawing the
slope characteristic of the relay show that the undesired tripping has been avoided.
(b) A 20 MVA, 33 kV, 3-phase alternator is subjected to different types of short circuits and the
following are the value of fault current:
3 phase short circuit —319 A
single line-to-ground fault —659 A
line-to-line fault —435 A.
Determine the positive, negative and zero sequence reactance’s of the generator in per unit
and in ohms. Neglect resistive part.
(c) Discuss the merits and demerits of a vacuum circuit breaker for low voltage applications.
5. (a) Give a neat sketch of a 12-pulse Bipolar HVDC station indicating the position of various
equipment. Give the uses and limitations of each equipment.
(b) Two 200 MVA alternators operate in parallel. The frequency drops in the first marching from
50 Hz at no load to 48 Hz at full load, whereas in case of the other machine, the frequency
drops from 50 Hz to 47 Hz under the same conditions
(i) How the two machines will share a total load of 300 MW?
(ii) Determine the maximum load at unity power factor which can be delivered by the two
machines without overloading any of them.
(c) The fuel inputs of plants 1 and 2 are given as
F1  0.2 p12  40 P1  120 Rs/hr.
F1  0.2 p22  30 P2  150 Rs/hr.
Determine the economic operating schedule and the corresponding cost of generation
if the maximum and minimum loading of each machine is 100 MW and 25 MW, the demand
is 180 MW and transmission losses are neglected. If the load is equally shared by both units,
determine the saving obtained by loading the units as per incremental cost.
6. (a) Draw the programming model of an Intel 8085 microprocessor and explain its different parts.
Explain why address bus is time multiplexed? Explain allow why ‘ALE’ signals is used?
How the microprocessor communicates with slow speed peripherals with the help of the
‘Ready’ signal?
(b) Write down the Addressing modes of the following instructions
(i) ACI 20 H
(ii) CMA
(iii) STA 2500 H
(iv) LXI H, 2005 H
(v) XCHG

(vi) MOV E, L
(c) How would you implement the following Fortran program in 8085 assembly level language:
60 IF(X - Y)45,50,52
45 GO TO 90
50 Y=Y-1
GO TO 60
52 X=X-2
GO TO 60
90 END.
Assume the statement to be an Arithmetic ‘IF’ statement. X and V are eight bit binary
numbers stored in memory locations 2000 H, 2001 H respectively.
(d) Determine in each case the final values in Accumulator and Carry flags after the following
instructions are executed:
Accumulator Carry
Initial stage
95H 1
(i) RAL,
(ii) RRC,
(iii) XRI A5 H,
(iv) CPI A 9H,
(v) ORI C9 H,
(vi) ANI 33 H.
In each case it may be assumed to start with the same initial values of Accumulator and Carry flags.
7. (a) Develop a voltage follower circuit using JFET. Bring out the distinctions between the
constructional and operational feature of a JFET and MOSFET.
(b) Make a distinction between the “voltage” feedback and “current” feedback in amplifier
circuits. Discuss the merits in each case and derive the expression for the net output
impedance in each case.
(c) Draw the logic symbols and explain the operations of a D-type and a T-type flip-flop.
(d) The operational amplifier circuitry is given below. Determine its gain and indicate its

8. (a) Explain the operation of a Schmitt trigger circuit using an operational amplifier. Discuss the
effect of hysteresis in such a circuit.
(b) Explain briefly the functions of “De-multiplexer” and ‘Multiplexer”. Explain with necessary
diagram the operation of a 4 to 1 line Multiplexer.
(c) Explain with diagram the principle of operation of an ND converter based on “successive
approximation method” How is it better than an AD converter based on “Counter type”?
(d) Discuss how counters are used for measurement of frequency 2 Give a typical block diagram
used for precise measurement of frequency.
9. (a) What are the frequency range of the following bands:-
(i) MF (ii) H.F. (iii) VHF (iv) UHF (v) Microwave, (vi) Optical range.
Mention a typical application for each.
(b) What is a GTO? Discuss its advantages over a normal thyristor. Discuss the advantages of a
GTO over a bipolar transistor in low power applications.
(c) What is a d.c. chopper? Discuss with necessary circuit diagrams the principle of operation of
(i) step down chopper,
(ii) step-up chopper.
Give comments on chopping frequency.
(d) What is an Unijunction transistor? Draw a basic UJT pulse trigger circuit with typical
waveforms and explain its operation.
10. (a) Define Amplitude modulation” and “Modulation Index”. Write down the equations for the
(i) amplitude and
(ii) the instantaneous voltage of the amplitude modulated wave.
Sketch the graph of an amplitude modulated wave.
(b) The antenna current of an AM transmitter is 7.5 A; when only the carrier is sent, but it
increases to 8.65 A, when the carrier is sinusoidally modulated. Find the percentage
modulation. Determine the antenna current when the depth of modulation is 0.75.
(c) A 20 MHz carrier is modulated by a 450 Hz audio sine wave. If the carrier voltage is 4.5 V
and the maximum deviation is 10 kHz, write down the equation of this modulated wave for
(i) F.M., and (ii) P.M. If the modulated frequency is only changed to 1.8 kHz, all else
remaining constant, write down the new equations for (iii) F.M. and (iv) P.M.

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