Fomu Ya Maombi Ya Leseni Ya Blasiiara (Business Licencl : Application Form)
Fomu Ya Maombi Ya Leseni Ya Blasiiara (Business Licencl : Application Form)
Fomu Ya Maombi Ya Leseni Ya Blasiiara (Business Licencl : Application Form)
Imetole\\a na kjrungu cha II (I) cha Sheria ya leseni za Biashara Na. 25 ya 1972 - (Issued under section I I( I) or Business licencing
Act No. 25 of 1972).
(i) .Jaza fomumbili (2) kwa maombi ya leseni kundi . A' na Il)mu moja ( I) kwa kundi ' B' ruta isiyohusika kila kwenye alama
yfl nyota (*) (FiU in two (2) fllrl11Sfl)r licences in schedule "A" and one. (I) Illr schedule "13").
(ii) Maombi yanayorudiwa yapelekwe moja kwa moja kwa Olisa mtoaji Ieseni anayehusika (angalia makundi "A" na "13"
ukurasa wa 3-/1) kwa uamuzi baada ya kujazwa na m\\ombaji. (applications Il)l' renewal should be sent directly to relevant
licensing officer - (see schedule "A" nnd "13" page 3 and 4).
(iii) Maombi mapya yanayopitia ngazi zote za mwanzo (Tazama kirungu ( 1,1) ni yale ya kundi "13" pekee (Item No. 14 (iH ii)
applieS to ne\\ licences in schedule "13" only).
(i\) leseni itakayotolewa hila kukamilika ngazi zinazoihusu haitatambuli\\<l ku\\a Iescni halali. (Any Licence irissued without
under gping the prescribed procedures is ilkgal).
(v) Mwomhaji atakayetoa maelezo ya uongo atashitakiwa nal au llmhi lake kukataliwa. (an applicant who gives false
intlJrlnation may be sued or his application may be rejected).
(vi) Viwango V) a ada ya leseni vitarekebishwa mara kwa mara kulingana na kifungu cha 8(2) cha Sheri a ya Ieseni za Biashara
Na. 25 ya mwaka 1972. (Licence fee will be reviewed from time to time as per section 8(2) orAct 25 or 1972).
(viii) Maombi ya Ieseni yasih~lsishwe na ulipaji wa michango aumalipo mengineyo yo yote yasiyohusu Sheria hii. isipokuwa
ada ya leseni ya biashara. faini au adhabu pale inapohusika chini ya Sheri a hii. (Compulsory CoUection of tees!
contrihutions from applicant other than those prescribed in the schedule to Act. 25 or 1972 and in the current finance Act
are iUegal).
Mtaa( Street) " " " " " " .. " "" " ..
6. Namba ya kiwanja cha bjashara (Business Premises) Plot No Block.. .
9. Jina la "Mkurugenzi au Meneja (Director's! Manager's name)
(Tazama baadhi ya makundi ya aina za biashara kwenye fl)mU hii uk. 3-4 (see some of Business categories/lines in this thnn page 3-4).
kama aina ya leseni unayoomba haipo katika orodha. iandike (if the line not listed-simply \\Tite it).
II. Iki\va leseni inayoombwa ni kwa ajili ya tawi (branch) la biashara yako basi e1eza: (state whether it is Branchl Subsidiary Licence).
Saini ya Mwombaji au Mkurugenzi kwa niabaya Kampuni iliyo "Limited" (Applicantl Director's Signature) .., .
Maombi yapelekwe Wiznra ya Viwanda na Biashara ambayo pia itapokea malipo ya ada na kutoa leseni
(to be sent to licencing ot1icerl Committee at the Mini~try of Industry and Trade. which will also collect the licence fees and issue
the licence).
I. Umilikil ujenzi majengol Wakala wa mali (Estate Agent, Estate Developer, Property Managements. Real Estate Agent).
7. Biashara za kitalii (Tourist Hotels. Lodges. Camps. Tour Operators. Hunting Sataris. Travel Agent. Car Hiring or Renting. Tllurist
photographic and Tourist promotion).
8. Benki na Hu<\uma za Fedha (Banking and Financial Institutions. Capital Market and Credit eard Management. Stock e,change and
stock e,change Brokers).
12. Huduma za mawasiliano. (Fa,. Tele" E-Mail. Internet Services Provider. Internet cate. Internet Surring. Telecoml11unication
Services and Sales of Telecommunications Equipments).
35. Biashara yo yote ambayo haikutajwa yenye sura ya kitaifa au kimataifa au inayoongozwa na sera. (Any business of National
or International nature or Governed by policy).
Maombi yapelekwe Halmashauri ya Wilayal Mji/ Manispaal Jijl ambayo pia itapokea ada na kutoa leseni (to be sent
to licencing otlicer of Districtl Townl Municipal or City Council who will also collect the licencing Fees and issue the
2. Mgahawa, Hotel za kawaida. Nyumba za kulala wageni (Restaurants and Ordinary Hotels and guest Houses).
3, Mnada (Auctioneer).
II. Uchapish~ii vitabu na Magazeti (Printing and Publishing of Books and News papers).
17. Biashara yo yote ambayo haikut~iwa na ambayo haina sura ya kitaifa au kimataifa na isiyoongozwa na sera (any other business which
is not of National/ International nature or not governed/ proceded by policy).
I. Photocopy ya Certificate oflncorporation au Registration. kama ni jina la biashara. (Attach photocopy ofCertitic,lte oflncorporation
(in case of a company) or certificate of Registration in case of Business Name and Extract).
2.l<ama ni kampuni. ·'Memorandum. and Articles of Association" ambazo zitaonyesha kuwa Kampuni imeruhusiwa kufanya biashara
anayoiomba (Memorandum and Article of Association showing ampng other things. that objectives of the company allows it to do the
business whic~ is being applied) ..
3. Uraia:Photocopy ya passport ya Tanzania au cheti cha kuzaliwa au Hati ya kiapo (atlidavit) kuonyesha kuwa ni Mtanzania. na kama
mgenia1ete Hatiya kuishi nchini dar~ia la "A" (Residence permit class "A") inayomruhllsu kuwekeza katika biashara hiyo. (Proofof
Tanzania citizenship e.g photocopy of passport) birth certificate or in case of non-citizen. Residence Permit CI<\ss "A"-showing the
holder to be investor in that company/ business).
4. Endapo wenye hisa wote wa kampllni wapo nje Ya nchi itabidi maombi yaambatane na hati ya kiwakili (powers of attorney). (In case
the shareholders of the company are non-residents. Powers of Attorney to a citizen/Resident should be submitted/attached).
5. Alete ushahidi wa maandishi kuwa ana mahali pa kufanyia biashara (Proofby the applicant having a suitable business premises tor the
business applied. (the following can be submitted as a proof. a copy of title deed. Tenancy agreements. Receipts of Rent or Property
6. Hati ya kujiandikisha kama mlipa Kodi TRA (Tax payer Identification Number (TIN).
7. Leseni ya Wakala wa Forodha (Customs Agency Licences) kwa Biashara ya Clearing and Forwarding tu.
(Customs Agency licence (CAL) for those applying clearing and torwarding licences).
8. Tourism Agency licence (TALA) kwa biashara za. utalii tu mfano mahoteli ya kitalii. Travel Agency (Wakala wa llsafiri). Tour
operators n.k. (Tourist Agency licence (TALA)-for those applying licences related to tourist promotions e.g. tourists Hotels, Travel
Agents. Tour operators. hunting etc.
9. Mati ya utaalam (Professional Certificates)· kwa biashara zote za kitaalam-mfano leseni za kuendesha Hospitali. Zahanuti. Udaktari.
Sheria, Ujenzi. Uhandisi. Urllbani wa Ndege, Captain wa meli n.k (Professional certiticates/ Authority tix all Protessional Businesses,
e.g Running Hospitals, Dispensaries, Advocates. Pilots, Ship Captains ~tc.).
10-. Hati zinazohusu chombo kufanya kazi ya uchukuzi (Air Worthiness kwa ndege na Sea Worthiness kwa meli) (Certiticate to authorize
aircraft to tly (Air worthiness) or ship to sail (Sea Worthiness).