Dental Need and Demand

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Lec : 11 Community ‫محمد‬.


Dental need and demand

Need: It is an important concept in public health. It is used in the

planning and management of health services including health
improvement, resources allocation and equity.

Need for care is defined as the quantity of dental treatment which should
be available over a time period for people to be certified dentally healthy.

There are various definition of need. There are four categories of need:

1-Normative need (defined by the professional)

Is that which the professional defines as need in any given situation

2-Felt need (Perceived need)

This reflects the individual own assessment of his or her requirement for
health care. It is equated with want.

3-Expressed need (demand):

This is felt need is converted in to action by seeking care

Demand: is the expression by a patient or the public of desire to receive

health care related to the perceived needs.

4-Coparative need, which is assessed by comparing care received by

different people with similar characteristics.
The methods of assessment of treatment need has been through:

1-Clinical examination

2-Measuring patient demand for treatment.

3-Survey system to determine oral health status of the population

Utilization: is the actual attendance by members of the public at dental

treatment facilities to receive dental care.

Factors affecting dental demands:

1-Age: Utilization are lowest in children < 5 years and in person >65

2-Gender: female more than male but in some age and education, male=

3-Education: Utilization increased with increasing the level of education.

4-Socioeconomic status: higher social class more than low social class.
This is because higher social class often related to high income and good
educational level.

5-Occupation: Persons in professional occupation visit their dentist more

than nonskilled manual worker.

6-Residence: Urban area more than rural area.

The larger community the greater the utilization rate for dental services.
Dental manpower:

Manpower: defined as individual with a kind of knowledge, skill and

attitude need to achieve predetermined health target and ultimately health
status objective.

Dental health manpower planning: has been defined as the process of

estimating the number of persons and the kind of knowledge and skills
the need to achieve predetermined dental health targets and optimal
improvements in dental health of the population.

Dental health manpower planning involves:

1-Analysis and projections of dental health needs and demands for

population which obtained from epidemiological surveys and treatment

2-Assessment of present dental health manpower availability and its

pattern of utilization.

3-Formulation of policy.

4-Estimation of future manpower requirements.

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