Standardization of Growbag Media With Nutriseed 4

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6(3) 449-457 (2018) 452

pots in entire experimental set up was randomized different growbag media with varying composition
and maintained under matric suction irrigation. Two under matric suction irrigation by Nutriseed Pack
plants were maintained per pot. fertilization was found to be different in terms of crop
growth and yield in the cropping period.
As per the design for matric suction irrigation the pots
were arranged on the platforms of the green house Initial Characteristics of Experimental Media
(Figure 2). The water trays at bottom were connected The different growbag media used for the greenhouse
by tubes for maintaining continuous supply of water experiment were collected from different places and
from the constant level water tub. Pots were placed its physico-chemical properties viz., pH and EC and
over the tray for getting continuous irrigation by total N, P, K were analyzed and given in Table 1.
matric suction. In the Nutriseed Pack, fertilizers viz.,
Urea, DAP, SSP and MOP were mixed to contribute Plant Growth Parameters
NPK as per plant requirement (4000:5000:2500 mg Growth parameters such as plant height, number
pot-1 N, P2O5 and K2O). of main branches per plant, number of lateral
branches per main branches and number of
The experiment was carried with 15 treatment leaves per lateral branch were observed during
combinations (as given below), replicating three vegetative, first flowering, first fruit setting stages
times in a completely randomized design. The tomato of the crop. In all the three stages the plant growth
crop (cv. Co TH3) was sown on 1st February, 2016 parameters were highest for the media containing
and was harvested on 5th June, 2016 Cocopeat: Vermicompost: Pressmud in 1:1:1 ratio
with Nutriseed Pack (T5).
The results of analysis of plant growth and yield
parameters of crops were subjected to analysis of The growth parameters for first fruit setting stage are
variance to find out the performance of tomato crop given in Table 2. The plant height of 114.5 cm was
on different treatments.4 observed in the media Cocopeat: Vermicompost:
Pressmud in 1:1:1 ratio with Nutriseed Pack (T5)
Results and the lowest plant height (66.5 cm) was recorded
The performance of tomato crop evaluated for for control (T15), which was at par growbag media

Table 1: Initial growbag media characteristics of greenhouse experiment

S. No. Treatment pH EC Total N Total P Total K

(dsm-1) (%) (%) (%)

1 Cocopeat 6.64 0.21 0.27 0.06 1.24

2 Vermicompost 7.68 0.62 1.1 0.22 0.4
3 Vermiculite 8.66 0.05 0.16 1.82 0.9
4 Fly ash 7.37 0.03 0.05 0.23 0.43
5 Press mud 7.09 0.23 1.3 2.25 1.45
6 Rice husk 5.88 0.2 0.6 0.38 1.28
7 Groundnut shell 6.2 0.37 1.42 0.1 0.13
8 Recycle media 7.78 0.43 1.14 0.42 0.1
9 Saw dust 5.71 0.09 0.3 0.1 0.8
10 Municipal compost 8.6 0.7 1.48 0.43 0.66
11 Charcoal 8.4 0.22 1.45 0.15 0.48
12 Soil 8.58 0.05 0.19 0.21 0.01
13 Sand 7.4 0 0.02 0.06 0
14 FYM 7.61 0.42 0.5 0.2 0.5

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