Remedial Law Review 2 Notes
Remedial Law Review 2 Notes
Remedial Law Review 2 Notes
Requisites of Trial in Absentia (Article III Section 14, par 2, last sentence) - Rule 119 Section 9 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure
o Can be a ground for dismissal and such dismissal amounts
- However after arraignment, trial may proceed notwithstanding the
to an acquittal and subject to double jeopardy (not
absence of the accused: Provided that he has been duly notified and
his failure to appear is unjustifiable
o In other words: IX. RIGHT TO SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES (Article III Section 16 of 1987
Accused must have been arraigned Constitution)
Accused must be absent for trial
- All persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of cases
Accused must have been notified of such trial and
Accused’s absence must have been unjustifiable
o All judicial
o or Administrative bodies AND ASPIRATIONS (Article III Section 18(1) of 1987 Constitution)
- Factors to determine delay (Infringement of the right of speedy
- No person shall be detained solely by reason of his political beliefs
disposition of cases)
or aspirations
o Duration of the Delay
o Reason of the Delay XII. RIGHT AGAINST INVOLUNTARY SERVITUDE (Article III Section 18(2)
o Assertion or failure to assert the right of 1987 Constitution)
o Prejudice caused by the delay (Mari v. Gonzales GR. No.
- No involuntary servitude in any form shall exist as a punishment for
a crime where the party shall have been duly convicted
Section 19 of 1987 Constitution)
(Section 16)
- Excessive Fines shall not be imposed, nor cruel, degrading, or
Is a Statutory Right and a Is a Constitutional Right and inhuman punishment inflicted. Neither shall death penalty be
Criminal law concept applicable to all cases imposed unless, for compelling reasons involving heinous crimes,
the congress hereinafter provides for it.
Available only to the accused Applicable to all proceedings and - Any death penalty already imposed shall be reduced to reclusion
extends to all persons perpetua
- The employment of physical, psychological, or degrading
punishment against any prisoner or detainee or the use of
substandard or inadequate penal facilities under subhuman
conditions shall be dealt with by law.
- No person shall be compelled to be a witness against himself
Rule 115 Section 1 on Self Incrimination III Section 20 of 1987 Constitution)
- “To exempt him from being compelled to be a witness against - No persons shall be imprisoned for non-payment of debt or a poll
himself.” tax
Rule 132 Section 3(4) on Self Incrimination XV. RIGHT AGAINST DOUBLE JEOPARDY (Article III Section 21 of 1987
- “Right of the witness not to give an answer which will tend to
subject him to a penalty for an offense unless otherwise provided by - No persons shall be put twice in jeopardy of punishment for the
law.” same offense. If an act is punished by a law or an ordinance,
conviction or acquittal under either shall constitute a bar to another
*The privilege of the right of Self Incrimination applies only to evidence prosecution for the same act.
which requires testimonial compulsion.
Instances wherein dismissal of a criminal action results into double jeopardy
- Rule 119 Section 9 of the Rules of Court - a legislative act which inflicts punishment without judicial trial. If
o Dismissal in violation of the accused’s right to a speedy trial the punishment be less than death, the act is termed a bill of pains
- Rule 119 Sections 17 and 18 of the Rules of Court and penalties. (Cummings v. Missouri)
o Discharge of one or more accused as a state witness
- Rule 119 Section 23 of the Rules of Court
o Grant of a Demurrer of evidence of an accused
1987 Constitution)
- Rule 117 Section 3(i) of the Rules of Court
o Grant of a Motion to Quash on the ground that the accused - A Senator or Member of the House of Representatives shall, in all
has been previously convicted or acquitted or the case offenses punishable by not more than 6 years of imprisonment, be
against him was dismissed or otherwise terminated without privileged from arrest while congress is in session.
his express consent - No Member shall be questioned nor be held liable in any other
place for any speech or debate in the Congress or in any committee
Requisites of Double Jeopardy (FVS)
- The First Jeopardy has attached to the accused (ICAA)
o Provided that there is a valid INDICTMENT
JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT (Article VI Section 30 of the 1987
o in a COMPETENT COURT Constitution)
o wherein the accused was validly ARRAIGNED and entered
his plea - No law shall be passed increasing the appellate jurisdiction of the
o that the accused has been previously ACQUITTED or Supreme Court as provided in this Constitution without its advice
CONVICTED or the case against him was dismissed or and concurrence
otherwise terminated without his express consent Direct appeal to the Supreme Court from the decision of the Ombudsman
- The same was VALIDLY TERMINATED under Section 27 of RA 6770 was held unconstitutional (Fabian v. Desierto,
- There is a SECOND JEOPARDY attached which involves the same 356 SCRA 787)
offense in the first.
(Article III Section 22 of 1987 Constitution) HABEAS CORPUS (Article VIII Section 18 of the 1987 Constitution)
- No ex post facto law or bill of attainder shall be enacted - The Supreme Court in the exercise of its power of review shall
Ex Post Facto Law defined perform the following:
o Review, in an appropriate proceeding filed by any citizen,
- A law that makes illegal an act that was legal when committed, the sufficiency of the factual basis of the proclamation of
increases the penalties for an infraction after it has been martial law or the suspension of the privilege of the writ or
committed, or changes the rules of evidence to make conviction extension thereof and
easier. o Promulgate its decision thereon within 30 days from its
Bill of Attainder defined filing
XX. EXPANDED DEFINITION OF JUDICIAL POWER AND ITS COVERAGE o provide for a simplified and inexpensive procedure for the
(Article VIII Section 5 of the 1987 Constitution) speedy disposition of cases
o shall be uniform in all courts of the same grade
- Judicial power shall be vested in:
o and shall not diminish, increase or modify substantive rights
o one SUPREME COURT (1987 Constitution)
- The Rules of procedure of special courts and quasi-judicial bodies
o and in such lower courts as may be established by law
shall remain effective unless disapproved by the Supreme Court
Court of Appeals (BP 129)
as further amended by RA 10660) FINAL ORDERS (Article VIII Section 14 of 1987 Constitution)
Court of Tax Appeals (RA 1125 as amended by RA
- No court shall render a decision without stating clearly and
distinctly the facts and law on which it is based
Regional Trial Courts (BP 129)
- No petition for review or motion for reconsideration of a decision of
Family Courts (RA 8369)
the court shall be refused due course without stating the legal basis
Sharia District Courts (PD 1083)
Metropolitan Trial Courts (BP 129)
Municipal Trial Courts (BP 129) Requirements of a Judgment under Rule 120 Section 1
Municipal Circuit Trial Courts (BP 129)
Sharia Circuit Courts (PD 1083) - Judgment is the adjudication by the court that the accused is guilty
or not guilty of the offense charged and the imposition on him of
Judicial Power Defined the proper penalty and civil liability
- It must be: (WPC)
- The power and authority of the court to:
o Written in the official language
o Settle actual controversies involving rights which are legally
o Personally and directly prepared by the judge and signed by
demandable and enforceable
o To determine whether or not there has been a grave abuse him
o Shall contain Clearly and Distinctly a statement of the facts
of discretion amounting to lack or excess of jurisdiction on
any part of any branch or instrumentality of government and the law upon which it is based
XXII. RULE MAKING POWER OF THE SUPREME COURT (Article VIII Section 5 Contents of a Judgment as stated in Rule 120 Section 2 of the Rules of
par. 5 of the 1987 Constitution) Court?
- The Supreme court in the exercise of its rule making power shall - If the judgement is of CONVICTION it shall state: (QPPC)
promulgate rules concerning: (RAIL) o The legal QUALIFICATION of the offense constituted by the
o The protection and enforcement of constitutional rights, acts committed by the accused and the aggravating or
pleadings, practice, and procedure in all courts; mitigating circumstances which attended its commission
o The admission to the practice of law o the PARTICIPATION of the accused in the offense whether
o The Integrated bar as a:
Principal (Article 17 of the Revised Penal Code)
o and Legal assistance to the underprivileged
Accomplice (Article 18 of the Revised Penal Code)
- Such rules however shall: (SUD)
Accessory (Article 19 of the Revised Penal Code) o File upon verified complaint, or on its own initiative,
o the PENALTY imposed upon the accused petition in court, for the inclusion or exclusion of voters
o the CIVIL LIABILITY or damages caused by his wrongful act o Investigate, and where appropriate, prosecute cases of
or omission to be recovered from the accused by the violation of election laws including acts or omissions
offended party if there is any. constituting frauds, offenses and malpractices
- If the judgment is of ACQUITTAL it shall state: (AMC)
Section 265 of the Omnibus Election Code (BP 881) further provides:
o that the evidence of the prosecution absolutely failed to
prove the guilt of the accused - The Commission shall, through its duly authorized legal officers:
o or that the prosecution merely failed to prove his guilt o Have the exclusive power to conduct preliminary
beyond reasonable doubt investigation of all election offenses punishable under this
o In either case, the judgment shall determine if the act or Code,
omission from which the civil liability might arise did not o And to prosecute the same
exist - The Commission may avail of the assistance of other prosecuting
arms of the government PROVIDED however:
o That in the event the Commission fails to act on any
COMMISSIONS (Article IX-A Section 7 of 1987 Constitution)
complaint within four months from his filing, the
- Unless, the Constitution or the law otherwise provides, decisions of complainant may file the complaint with the office of the
the constitutional commissions shall be reviewed by the Supreme fiscal or with the Ministry of Justice for proper investigation
Court by way of a petition for certiorari within 30 days from the and prosecution if warranted
receipt thereon
*Preliminary investigation of election offenses for the purpose of
o Review power of Supreme Court over decisions of the
determining whether or not there is probable cause to believe that the
Constitutional Commissions such as:
accused is guilty of the offense charged and, therefore, should be subjected
to trial is the function of the COMELEC (COMELEC vs. Espanol 417 SCRA 554)
Commission on Audit
*This Constitutional Provision is further embodied in Rule 64 of the Rules of
pars. 1 and 3 of the 1987 Constitution)
Court which states:
- The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following powers in
- A judgement or final order or resolution of the Commission on
criminal cases:
Elections and the Commission on Audit may be brought by the
o Investigate on its own or on complaint by any person, any
aggrieved party to the Supreme Court on certiorari under Rule 65,
act or omission of any public official, employee, office or
except as herein provided.
agency, when such act or omission appears to be illegal,
XXV. POWERS AND FUNCTIONS OF THE COMELEC (Article IX-C Section 2, unjust, improper, or inefficient.
par.6 of 1987 Constitution) o Direct the officer concerned to take appropriate action
against public official or employee at fault, and recommend
- The Commission on Elections shall exercise the following powers
his removal, or suspension, demotion, fine, censure, or
and functions
prosecution and ensure compliance therewith
Section 15 of RA 6770 further provides: Powers and Functions (Article XIII Section 18 of the 1987 Constitution)
- The Office of the Ombudsman shall have the following powers, - The Commission on Human Rights shall have the following powers
functions and duties: and functions: (FCLG)
o Investigate and prosecute on its own or on complaint by any o Investigate on its own or on complaint by any party, all
person, any act or mission of any public officer or employee, forms of human rights violations involving civil and political
office or agency, when such act or omission appears to be rights
illegal, unjust, improper, or inefficient. o Adopt its operational guidelines and rules of procedure and
o It has primary jurisdiction over the cases cognizable by the cite in contempt violations thereof in accordance with the
Sandiganbayan and in the exercise of this primary Rules of Court
jurisdiction it may take over, at any stage, from any o Provide appropriate legal measures for the protection of
investigatory agency of Government, the investigation of human rights of all persons within the Philippines, as well as
such cases Filipinos residing abroad, and provide for preventive
measures and legal aid services to the unprivileged whose
Section 21 of RA 6770 further provides:
human rights have been violated or need protection
- The Ombudsman shall have disciplinary authority over all ELECTIVE o Grant immunity from prosecution to any person whose
AND APPOINTIVE OFFICIALS OF: testimony or whose possession of documents or other
o The Government evidence is necessary or convenient to determine the truth
o Its Subdivisions, Instrumentalities, and Agencies in any investigation conducted by it or under its authority
o Including members of the Cabinet, local government,
*Power of the Commission on Human Rights is to Investigate and not
government-owned or controlled corporations and
- EXCEPT - CHR is a fact finding body and its findings and results thereto are
o Over officials who may be removed by Impeachment (as merely recommendatory and not binding on Courts
provided in Article XI Section 2 of the 1987 Constitution)
The President
Vice-President - the power of the court to hear and decide cases (Herrera vs.
Members of the Supreme Court Barreto 25 Phil 33)
Members of Constitutional Commissions
Criminal Jurisdiction defined
The Ombudsman
o Members of Congress - Is the authority to hear and try a particular offense and impose the
o And the Judiciary punishment for it (People vs. Mariano, L-40527)
XXVII CREATION OF THE COMMISSION OF HUMAN RIGHTS (Article XIII Power of Congress to Prescribe Jurisdiction (Basis: Article VIII Section 2 of
Section 17 of the 1987 Constitution) 1987 Constitution)
- There is hereby created an independent office called the - The Congress shall have the power to:
Commission on Human Rights
o Prescribe, define, and apportion the jurisdiction of various o Should commit an offense while on a Philippine ship or
courts airship
- But may not deprive the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction o Should forge or counterfeit any coin or currency note of the
enumerated in Section 5 hereof Philippine Islands or obligations and securities issued by the
- No law shall be passed reorganizing the Judiciary when IT Government of the Philippine Islands
UNDERMINES THE SECURITY OF TENURE OF ITS MEMBERS o Should be liable for acts connected with the introduction
into these islands of the obligations and securities
Rules on Venue in Criminal Cases?
mentioned in the preceding number
- Venue is jurisdictional. A court cannot exercise jurisdiction over a o While being public officers or employees, should commit an
person charged with an offense committed outside its limited offense in the exercise of their functions
territory o Should commit any of the crimes against the national
security and the law of nations defined in Title One of Book
Section 15 Rule 110 of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure Provides:
Two of this Code.
- Subject to existing laws, the criminal action shall be instituted and
Distinctions between Venue in Criminal Cases vs. Venue in Civil Cases
tried in the court of the municipality or territory where the offense
was committed or where any of its essential ingredients occurred VENUE IN CRIMINAL CASES VENUE IN CIVIL CASES
- Where an offense is committed in a train, aircraft or other public or Venue is jurisdictional Venue is only procedural
private vehicle in the course of its trip, the criminal action shall be
instituted and tried in the court of any municipality or territory
where such train, aircraft, or other vehicle passed during its trip, Venue is conferred by provision of Venue may be agreed upon by the
including the place of its departure and arrival law parties
- Where an offense is committed on board a vessel in the course of its
voyage, the criminal action shall be instituted and tried in the court Improper venue is a ground for Improper venue in civil cases can be
of the first port entry or of any municipality or territory where the Motion to Quash the complaint or subject of a motion to dismiss based
vessel passed during such voyage, subject to the generally and information on the ground of lack of on improper venue (Section 1(c) Rule
accepted principles of international law jurisdiction over the offense charged 16)
- Crimes committed outside the Philippines but punishable under (Section 3(b) Rule 117)
In case of the denial of a motion to In case of the denial of the motion to
Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code shall be cognizable by the court
quash on the ground of lack of dismiss on the ground of improper
where the criminal action is first filed
jurisdiction over the offense charged, venue, the remedy is to file the
Article 2 of the Revised Penal Code on the principle of territoriality the remedy is to proceed to answer with the remaining balance
arraignment, pretrial, present of the period to file a responsive
- Except as provided in the treaties and laws of preferential evidence, and in case of adverse pleading, but in no less than five days
application, the provisions of this code shall be enforced not only decision, appeal the judgement and and raise the ground as an
within the Philippine Archipelago including its atmosphere, its raised as one of the errors the denial affirmative defenses proceed with
interior waters and maritime zone, but also outside of its of the motion to quash, unless the the trial and in case of an adverse
jurisdiction against those who: denial is tainted with grave abuse of decision, appeal the same
discretion amounting to lack or
excess of jurisdiction, Rule 65 is the o power of the court to take judicial cognizance of a case
remedy therefore instituted for judicial action for the first time under the
conditions provided by law
Requisites in order for the Court to Assume Jurisdiction over Criminal
o power of the court to adjudicate a cases or proceeding to
Cases (SAP)
the exclusion of all other courts at that stage
- The court must be clothed with proper jurisdiction over the - EXCLUSIVE and ORIGINAL
SUBJECT MATTER of the offense charged. o power of the court to take judicial cognizance of a case
o Not doing so is a ground for a Motion to Quash under Rule instituted for judicial action for the first time under the
117 Section 3b of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure conditions provided by law and to the exclusion of other all
- The court must have validly acquired jurisdiction over the person of courts
o Not doing so is a ground for Motion to Quash under Rule o power and authority conferred upon a superior court to
117 Section 3c of the Revised Rules of Criminal Procedure rehear and determine the causes which have been tried in
- The court must have jurisdiction over the PLACE or TERRITORY lower courts
where the crime was committed. - TERRITORIAL
o A court is deemed to have jurisdiction over the territory o refers to the geographical area within which its powers can
where the offense was committed if the offense is be exercise
committed or any of its essential ingredients should have - CONCURRENT/CONFLUENT/COORDINATE
taken place within the territorial jurisdiction of the court o power conferred upon different courts whether of the same
(Rule 110 Section 15a of the Revised Rules on Criminal or different ranks to take cognizance at the same stage of
Procedure) the same case in the same or different judicial territories
o power of the court to adjudicate and determine matters
incidental to the exercise of its primary jurisdiction of an
Types/Classes of Jurisdiction:
o this also refers to jurisdictions of the courts to issue
- GENERAL JURISDICTION ancillary writs provided in Rules 57 to 61 of the Rules of
o power of the court to adjudicate all controversies EXCEPT Court on Provisional Remedies
OF THE COURT Preliminary Attachment (Rule 57)
- SPECIAL or LIMITED Preliminary Injunction (Rule 58)
o One which restricts the court’s jurisdiction only to particular Receivership (Rule 59)
cases and subject to such limitations as may be provided by Replevin (Rule 60)
law Support Pendente Lite (Rule 61)
o See Rule 61 Section 6 for Support o Writ of Kalikasan
Pendente lite in Criminal Cases
Concurrent (with the Court of Appeals, Sandiganbayan and the Regional
Trial Court)
o refers to the power of the Metropolitan Trial Court to take
cognizance, hear, and determine land and cadastral cases - petitions for: (CPMHAD)
which are normally under the jurisdiction of the Regional o Certiorari
trial court provided: o Prohibition
that the lot in issue is not subject of a controversy o Mandamus
or when it is subject of a controversy, the value of o Habeas Corpus
the lot does not exceed P100,000 o Writ of Amparo
Doctrine of Hierarchy of Courts o Habeas Data
- Doctrine which requires respect for the hierarchy of courts. This was Appellate
created by the court to ensure that every level of the judiciary - Decisions, Final Orders or Resolutions by: (CSCSR)
performs its designated roles in an effective and efficient manner o Court of Appeals
Doctrine of Primary Jurisdiction o Sandiganbayan
o Court of Tax Appeals en banc
- The Doctrine that states that courts will not determine a o Sharriah Appellate Courts
controversy involving a question within the jurisdiction of the o Regional Trial Courts (when only an error of question of law
administrative tribunal where the question demands the exercise of
is involved)
sound administrative discretion requiring special knowledge and
- Constitutional Basis of the power of the Supreme Court to Review
expertise of said administrative tribunal to determine technical and
decisions of the lower courts
intricate matters of fact.
o Section 5 par. 2 Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution:
I. JURISDICTION OF THE SUPREME COURT Review, revise, reverse, modify, or affirm on appeal
or certiorari, as the law or the Rules of Court may
BASIS: Section 5 par. 1 of Article VIII of the 1987 Constitution provide, final judgments and orders of lower courts
Original in:
All cases in which the constitutionality or
- Cases involving ambassadors, public ministers and consuls validity of any treaty, international or
- Over petitions for: CPMQHD executive agreement, law, presidential
o Certiorari (Rule 65) decree, proclamation, order, instruction,
o Prohibition (Rule 65) ordinance, or regulation is in question.
o Mandamus (Rule 65) (TILOPPIOR)
o Quo Warranto (Rule 66) All cases involving the legality of any tax,
o Habeas Corpus (Rule 102) impost, assessment, or toll, or any penalty
o Habeas Data imposed in relation thereto. (TIAT)
All cases in which the jurisdiction of any - Petitions for: CPMHADF
lower court is in issue. o Certiorari
All criminal cases in which the penalty o Prohibition
imposed is reclusion perpetua or higher. o Mandamus
All cases in which only an error or question o Habeas Corpus
of law is involved. o Amparo
- Procedural Basis is Rule 45 under the Rules of Court (Petition for o Habeas Data
Review on Certiorari) o Freeze Orders on any monetary instrument, property, or
o On Purely Questions of Law proceeds relating to or involving any unlawful activity under
Questions of law exists when there is doubt or Section 3j of RA 9160 as amended by RA 9194 (Anti-Money
controversy as to what the law is on a certain state Laundering Act)
of facts.
Question of fact exists when the doubt or Concurrent (with the Supreme Court, Sandiganbayan, Regional trial
controversy arises as to the truth or falsity of the Courts)
alleged facts - Over petitions for: CPMHAD
Ancilliary o Certiorari
o Prohibition
- the Supreme Court can issue ancillary writs mentioned in Rules 57- o Mandamus
61 in relation to Rule 127 of the Rules of Court. o Habeas Corpus
o Amparo
- is primarily designed as an appellate court that reviews the - By Ordinary Appeal (Section 3a, Rule 122 of the Revised Rules of
determination of facts and law made by trial courts Criminal Procedure)
o Relevant Rules are the following o Decisions and final orders of the Regional Trial Courts in the
Rule 124 (Sections 1-18) exercise of its original jurisdiction except those appealable
Rule 122 (Section 3a, 3b, 3c) to the Supreme Court, or the Sandiganbayan or the Court of
Rule 43 (Appeal of decisions of Quasi-Judicial Tax Appeals
Bodies) Appeal is taken by filing a Notice of Appeal with the
Rule 44 (Sections 1-15) court that which rendered the judgement or final
Rule 42 (Sections 1-9, regarding appeal of the order appealed from
decision of the RTC in the exercise of its appellate And by serving a copy thereof to the adverse party
jurisdiction) The Court of Appeals however takes an appeal by
way of Automatic Review if the penalty imposed is
Original (BASIS: Section 9 of BP 129)
Reclusion Perpetua or higher. (Rule 122, Section 3c treasurers, assessors, engineers, and other
of the Revised Rules on Criminal Procedure.) provincial department heads:
o And Take note of RULE 43 of the RULES OF COURT
- By Petition for Review "(b) City mayors, vice-mayors, members of the
o Decisions and final orders rendered by the Regional Trial sangguniang panlungsod, city treasurers, assessors,
engineers, and other city department heads;
Court in the exercise of its appellate jurisdiction can be
appealed to the Court of Appeals by Petition for Review
"(c) Officials of the diplomatic service occupying the
under Rule 122, Section 3b in relation to Rule 42 of the
position of consul and higher;
Rules of Court
III. SANDIGANBAYAN "(d) Philippine army and air force colonels, naval
captains, and all officers of higher rank;
Nature (BASIS: Section 1 of PD 1606 as amended by the ff. (RA
7975/RA8249/RA10660) "(e) Officers of the Philippine National Police while
occupying the position of provincial director and
- It is a Special Court of the same level as the Court of Appeals those holding the rank of senior superintendent and
- Composed of 1 presiding justice and 8 associate justices who are all higher;
appointed by the President
"(f) City and provincial prosecutors and their
Exclusive Original (Section 4 of RA 8249 as amended by RA 10660)
assistants, and officials and prosecutors in the Office
of the Ombudsman and special prosecutor;
"SEC. 4. Jurisdiction. – The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive original
jurisdiction in all cases involving:
"(g) Presidents, directors or trustees, or managers
of government-owned or controlled corporations,
"a. Violations of Republic Act No. 3019, as amended, otherwise
state universities or educational institutions or
known as the Anti-Graft and Corrupt Practices Act, Republic Act No.
1379, and Chapter II, Section 2, Title VII, Book II of the Revised Penal
Code, where one or more of the accused are officials occupying the
"(2) Members of Congress and officials thereof classified as
following positions in the government, whether in a permanent,
Grade ’27’ and higher under the Compensation and Position
acting or interim capacity, at the time of the commission of the
Classification Act of 1989;
"(3) Members of the judiciary without prejudice to the
"(1) Officials of the executive branch occupying the
provisions of the Constitution;
positions of regional director and higher, otherwise
classified as Grade ’27’ and higher, of the Compensation
"(4) Chairmen and members of the Constitutional
and Position Classification Act of 1989 (Republic Act No.
Commissions, without prejudice to the provisions of the
6758), specifically including:
Constitution; and
"(a) Provincial governors, vice-governors, members
of the sangguniang panlalawigan, and provincial
"(5) All other national and local officials classified as Grade under Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986: Provided, That
’27’ and higher under the Compensation and Position the jurisdiction over these petitions shall not be exclusive of the Supreme
Classification Act of 1989. Court”
"b. Other offenses or felonies whether simple or complexed with Original/Concurrent (with the Supreme Court and the Court of Appeals)
other crimes committed by the public officials and employees
mentioned in subsection a. of this section in relation to their office. - Petitions for (CPMHIAD)
"c. Civil and criminal cases filed pursuant to and in connection with o Certiorari
Executive Order Nos. 1, 2, 14 and 14-A, issued in 1986.
o Prohibition
"Provided, That the Regional Trial Court shall have exclusive original
jurisdiction where the information: (a) does not allege any damage to the o Mandamus
government or any bribery; or (b) alleges damage to the government or
bribery arising from the same or closely related transactions or acts in an o Habeas Corpus
amount not exceeding One million pesos (P1,000,000.00).
o Injunctive writs in aid of its appellate jurisdiction in cases
"Subject to the rules promulgated by the Supreme Court, the cases falling involving EOs 1, 2, 14, and 14-A)
under the jurisdiction of the Regional Trial Court under this section shall be
tried in a judicial region other than where the official holds office. o Writ of Amparo
"In cases where none of the accused are occupying positions corresponding o Habeas Data
to Salary Grade ’27’ or higher, as prescribed in the said Republic Act No.
6758, or military and PNP officers mentioned above, exclusive original
Concurrent (With the Supreme Court, Court of Appeals and Regional Trial
jurisdiction thereof shall be vested in the proper regional trial court,
metropolitan trial court, municipal trial court, and municipal circuit trial
court, as the case may be, pursuant to their respective jurisdictions as
- Petitions for: AHCPM
provided in Batas Pambansa Blg. 129, as amended.
o Amparo
"The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction over final
judgments, resolutions or orders of regional trial courts whether in the
exercise of their own original jurisdiction or of their appellate jurisdiction as o Habeas Data
herein provided.
In relation to public data files of government offices
"The Sandiganbayan shall have exclusive original jurisdiction over petitions
for the issuance of the writs of mandamus, prohibition, certiorari, habeas o Certiorari
corpus, injunctions, and other ancillary writs and processes in aid of its
appellate jurisdiction and over petitions of similar nature, including quo o Prohibition
warranto, arising or that may arise in cases filed or which may be filed
o Mandamus Cases Within the Jurisdiction of the Court En Banc
In Relation to an act or omission of a Municipal Trial SEC. 2. Cases within the jurisdiction of the Court en banc. – The Court en
Court, Corporation, Board, officer, or Person banc shall exercise exclusive appellate jurisdiction to review by appeal the
- Criminal cases wherein the penalty provided is only a fine that - over decisions and final orders of the
exceeds the amount of P4000 o Metropolitan Trial Court
o Municipal Trial Court
- Jurisdiction over Complex Crimes o Municipal Circuit Trial Court
- Illegal Recruitment Cases (RA 8042 as amended by RA 10022) Special Jurisdiction (Basis: Section 23 of BP 129)
Special Jurisdiction of the MTC/MCTC/MeTC Judges in Criminal Cases - Referral of the case to the barangay for conciliation and mediation
(Basis: Section 35 of BP 129) (RA 7160) and issuance of Barangay Protection Order (RA 9262)
- Arrest without warrant (Rule 113 Section 5)
- In the absence of RTC Judges in a province of City, the MTC, MeTC,
- Custodial Investigation (RA 7438)
MCTC Judge may hear and decide the following:
- Inquest Proceedings (2008 Manual of Prosecutors)
o Petitions for Habeas Corpus
- Preliminary Investigation (Rule 112)
o Applications for Bail (Rule 114) in criminal cases
- Posting of Bail (Rule 114)
VIII. SHARIÁH CIRCUIT COURTS - Application of the accused before the Department of Justice as a
State Witness (RA 6981)
Jurisdiction in Criminal Cases (Art. 155 of PD 1083) - Application for Search Warrant (Rule 126 Section 4)
- All cases involving offenses defined and punished under this code I. BARANGGAY CONCILIATION (RA 7160)
Non-Applicability of the RPC on Bigamy (Art. 180 of PD 1083) General Rule on Referral to Barangay (Section 412(a) of RA 7160)
- The Provisions of the RPC relative to the crime of bigamy shall not - No complaint, petition, action or proceedings involving any matter
apply to a person married in accordance with the provisions of this within the authority of the Lupon shall be filed or instituted directly
Code or, before its effectivity, under, Muslim law. or indirectly in court or in any other government office for
Offenses falling under the jurisdiction of the Shari’ah Circuit Courts in adjudication, unless there has been a confrontation between the
Criminal Cases parties before the Lupon chairman or the pangkat and that no
conciliation or settlement has been reached as certified by the
- Illegal solemnization of marriage (Art. 181) Lupon Secretary as attested to by the Lupon or pangkat chairman or
- Marriage before the expiration of ‘idda (Art. 182) unless the settlement has been repudiated by the parties therein.
- Offenses relative to subsequent marriage, divorce, and revocation
of divorce (Art. 183) Adm. Circ. No. 14-93
- Failure to report for registration (Art. 184) - All disputes are subject to Baranggay conciliation pursuant to the
- Neglect of duty by registrars (Art. 185) revised Katarungang Pambaranggay Law and prior recourse thereto
is a precondition before filing a complaint in court or any other
government offices
d.) Offenses where there is no private offended party c.) Disputes where urgent legal action is necessary to prevent
injustice from being committed or further continued, specifically the
e.) Where the dispute involves real properties located in different
cities or municipalities unless the parties thereto agree to submit their
differences to amicable settlement by an appropriate Lupon c.1) Criminal Cases where the accused is under police
custody or detention
f.) Disputes involving parties who actually reside in barangays of
different cities or municipalities, except where such barangay units adjoin c.2) Petition for habeas corpus by a person illegally deprived
each other and the parties thereto agree to submit their differences to of his right to custody over another or a person illegally deprived of
amicable settlement by an appropriate lupon his liberty or one acting in his behalf
g.) Such other classes of disputes which the President may d.) Actions coupled with provisional remedies such as preliminary
determine in the interest of justice or upon the recommendation of the injunction, attachment, delivery of personal property and support during
Secretary of Justice the pendency of the action
2.) Section 412(b), RA 7160 e.) Actions which may be barred by the Statute of Limitations
Parties may go directly to court in the following instances: Venue of Baranggay Conciliation (Section 409 of RA 7160) (relate this to
the provision of RA 9262 with regards the application for a Barangay
1.) Where the accused is under detention
protection Order)
2.) Where a person has otherwise been deprived of personal liberty
- The rules on venue as prescribed by the above provision of the law
calling for habeas corpus (Rule 102) proceedings
shall be as follows:
3.) Where the actions are coupled with provisional remedies (Rules o Disputes between or among persons actually residing in the
57-61 of the Rules of Court) such as preliminary injunction, attachment, same barangay shall be brought for amicable settlement
delivery of personal property (replevin) and support pendente lite. before the Lupon of said barangay.
o Those involving actual residents of different barangays
4.) Where the action may otherwise be barred by the statute of
within the same city or municipality shall be brought in the
barangay where the respondent or any of the respondents
3.) Adm. Circ. No. 14-93 actually resides, at the election of the complainant
o All disputes which involve real property or any interest
Other cases enumerated in Adm Circ 14-93 are as follows: therein shall brought in the barangay where the real
property or any part thereof is situated
o Those arising at the workplace where the contending of the certification to file action issued by the lupon or pangkat
parties are employed or at the institution where such secretary: Provided, however, That such interruption shall not
parties are enrolled for study, shall be brought in the exceed sixty (60) days from the filing of the complaint with the
barangay where such workplace or institution is located punong barangay.
Section 410. Procedure for Amicable Settlement. – (d) Issuance of summons; hearing; grounds for disqualification –
Who may initiate the proceeding? 1.) The pangkat shall convene not later than three (3) days from its
constitution, on the day and hour set by the lupon chairman,
(a) Who may initiate proceeding - Upon payment of the appropriate
filing fee, any individual who has a cause of action against another 2.) to hear both parties and their witnesses,
individual involving any matter within the authority of the lupon
may complain, orally or in writing, to the lupon chairman of the 3.) simplify issues, and
4.) explore all possibilities for amicable settlement.
Duties of the Lupon Chairman upon the receipt of the complaint:
Powers of the Pangkat:
(b) Mediation by lupon chairman - Upon receipt of the complaint,
the lupon chairman shall within the next working day summon the For this purpose, the pangkat may:
respondent(s), with notice to the complainant(s) for them and their
witnesses to appear before him for a mediation of their conflicting 1.) issue summons for the personal appearance of parties and
interests. If he fails in his mediation effort within fifteen (15) days witnesses before it.
from the first meeting of the parties before him, he shall forthwith
set a date for the constitution of the pangkat in accordance with the 2.) In the event that a party moves to disqualify any member of the
provisions of this Chapter. pangkat by reason of relationship, bias, interest, or any other similar
grounds discovered after the constitution of the pangkat, the matter
Effect of the pendency of the mediation, conciliation, or arbitration: shall be resolved by the affirmative vote of the majority of the
pangkat whose decision shall be final.
(c) Suspension of prescriptive period of offenses - While the dispute
is under mediation, conciliation, or arbitration, the prescriptive Effect in case the disqualification is decided favorably
periods for offenses and cause of action under existing laws shall be
interrupted upon filing the complaint with the punong barangay. Should disqualification be decided upon, the resulting vacancy shall
be filled as herein provided for.
Resumption of the Prescriptive Period:
Action of the Court In case of Non Compliance with the Conciliation - Any arty to the dispute within ten (10) days from the date of the
Proceedings/Effect of Non-Referral of the Case With the Barangay settlement, repudiate the same by filing with the lupon chairman a
statement to that effect sworn to before him, where the consent is
In civil cases vitiated by fraud, violence, or intimidation.
- dismissal on the ground of failure to comply with a condition - Such repudiation shall be sufficient basis for the issuance of the
precedent certification for filing a complaint.
In criminal cases
- dismissal on the ground of PREMATURITY II. ARREST WITHOUT WARRANT (Rule 113 Section 5)
Nature and Effect of Amicable Settlement And Arbitration Award (Section - The taking of a person into custody in order that he may be bound
416 of RA 7160) to answer for the commission of an offense
- The Amicable settlement and arbitration award shall have the force Manner And Method of Arrest (Section 2 of Rule 113 of the Rules on
and effect of a final judgment of a court upon the expiration of ten Criminal Procedure)
(10) days from the date thereof, unless repudiation of the - An Arrest is made by an actual restraint of a person to be arrested,
settlement has been made of a petition to nullify the award has or,
been filed before the proper city or municipal court - by his submission to the custody of the person making the arrest.
- However this provision shall not apply to court cases settled by the
lupon under the last paragraph of Section 408 of this Code, in which
Limitations on making an arrest (Section 2, par, 2 of Rule 113 of the Rules officer was not in Marikina during the buy
on Criminal Procedure) bust operation
- If a person lawfully arrested escapes or is rescued, any person may o Every person so summoned by an officer shall assist him in
immediately pursue or retake him without a warrant at any time effecting the arrest when he can render such assistance
and in any place within the Philippines without detriment to himself
Officers authorized to effect arrest: Right of the Officer to Break Into the Building or Enclosure to Effect
Warrantless Arrest (Section 11 of Rule 113)
- Officers and Members of the Philippine National Police
- Members of the National Bureau of Investigation - An Officer in order to make an arrest by virtue of a warrant or
- Secret Service Agents WITHOUT A WARRANT as provided in section 5, may break into any
- All peace officers authorized by law or ordinance, mayors, barangay building or enclosure where the person to be arrested is or is
captains and his agents reasonably believed to be, provided:
- Custom Officers and agents o if he is refused admittance thereto and,
- Internal Revenue Officers and Agents o after announcing his authority and purpose
- Officers of the Bureau of Post in accordance with their authority
under the law Right of the Officer to Break Out From The Building (Section 12 of Rule
- Secret Marshall 113)
Citizen’s Arrest Without Warrant/Method of Arrest made by a Private - Whenever an officer has entered the building or enclosure in
Person (Section 9, Rule 113) accordance with the preceding section, he may break out therefrom
when necessary to liberate himself
Arrest for Violation of RA 9372 (Anti-Terrorism Law) Immediately after taking custody of a person charged with or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit
Arrest and delivery of the person committing violation of RA 9372 (Section terrorism, the police or law enforcement personnel shall notify in
18 of RA 9372) writing the judge of the court nearest the place of apprehension or
arrest: Provided ,That where the arrest is made during Saturdays,
“SEC. 18. Period of Detention Without Judicial Warrant of Arrest. - Sundays, holidays or after office hours, the written notice shall be
The provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code to the served at the residence of the judge nearest the place where the
contrary notwithstanding, any police or law enforcement personnel, accused was arrested.
who, having been duly authorized in writing by the Anti-Terrorism
Council has taken custody of a person charged with or suspected of The penalty of ten (10) years and one day to twelve (12) years of
the crime of terrorism or the crime of conspiracy to commit imprisonment shall be imposed upon the police or law enforcement
terrorism shall, without incurring any criminal liability for delay in personnel who fails to notify and judge as Provided in the preceding
the delivery of detained persons to the proper judicial authorities, paragraph.”
deliver said charged or suspected person to the proper judicial
authority within a period of three days counted from the moment Requirements for Detention In Case of Actual or Imminent Terrorist Attack
the said charged or suspected person has been apprehended or (Section 19 of RA 9372)
arrested, detained, and taken into custody by the said police, or law
enforcement personnel: Provided, That the arrest of those “SEC. 19. Period of Detention in the Event of an Actual or
suspected of the crime of terrorism or conspiracy to commit Imminent Terrorist Attack. - In the event of an actual or imminent
terrorism must result from the surveillance under Section 7 and terrorist attack, suspects may not be detained for more than three
examination of bank deposits under Section 27 of this Act. days without the written approval of a municipal, city, provincial or
regional official of a Human Rights Commission or judge of the
The police or law enforcement personnel concerned shall, before municipal, regional trial court, the Sandiganbayan or a justice of the
detaining the person suspected of the crime of terrorism, present Court of Appeals nearest the place of the arrest. If the arrest is
him or her before any judge at the latter's residence or office made during Saturdays, Sundays, holidays or after office hours, the
nearest the place where the arrest took place at any time of the day arresting police or law enforcement personnel shall bring the
or night. It shall be the duty of the judge, among other things, to person thus arrested to the residence of any of the officials
ascertain the identity of the police or law enforcement personnel mentioned above that is nearest the place where the accused was
and the person or persons they have arrested and presented before arrested. The approval in writing of any of the said officials shall be
him or her, to inquire of them the reasons why they have arrested secured by the police or law enforcement personnel concerned
the person and determine by questioning and personal observation within five days after the date of the detention of the persons
whether or not the suspect has been subjected to any physical, concerned: Provided, however, That within three days after the
moral or psychological torture by whom and why. The judge shall detention the suspects, whose connection with the terror attack or
then submit a written report of what he/she had observed when the threat is not established, shall be released immediately.”
subject was brought before him to the proper court that has
jurisdiction over the case of the person thus arrested. The judge Bail Not Bar to Objections On Illegal Arrest, Lack of or Irregular Preliminary
shall forthwith submit his/her report within three calendar days Investigation (Section 26 of Rule 114) (Another Remedy before
from the time the suspect was brought to his/her residence or Arraignment)
- An application for admission to bail shall not bar the accused from Children below the Age of Criminal Responsibility (Section 20 of RA 9344
challenging the validity of arrest or the legality of the warrant of as amended by RA 10630)
arrest issued therefor, or assailing the irregularity or questioning the
absence of preliminary investigation of the charge against him, "SEC. 20. Children Below the Age of Criminal Responsibility. – If it
provided he raised them before entering his plea. The Court shall has been determined that the child taken into custody is fifteen (15)
resolve the matter as early as practicable but not later than the start years old or below, the authority which will have an initial contact
with the child, in consultation with the local social welfare and
of the trial of the case
development officer, has the duty to immediately release the child
Arrest of The Accused Out On Bail Without Warrant (Section 23 of Rule to the custody of his/her parents or guardian, or in the absence
114) thereof, the child’s nearest relative. The child shall be subjected to a
community-based intervention program supervised by the local
- An Accused released on bail may be re-arrested without the social welfare and development officer, unless the best interest of
necessity of a warrant if he attempts to depart from the Philippines the child requires the referral of the child to a youth care facility or
without prior permission of the court where the case is pending. ‘Bahay Pag-asa’ managed by LGUs or licensed and/or accredited
NGOs monitored by the DSWD.
Arrest under RA 10630 (Act strengthening the Juvenile Justice System In
The Philippines) "The local social welfare and development officer shall determine
Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility (Section 6 of RA 10630) the appropriate programs for the child who has been released, in
consultation with the child and the person having custody over the
child. If the parents, guardians or nearest relatives cannot be
"SEC. 6. Minimum Age of Criminal Responsibility. – A child fifteen
located, or if they refuse to take custody, the child may be released
(15) years of age or under at the time of the commission of the
to any of the following:
offense shall be exempt from criminal liability. However, the child
shall be subjected to an intervention program pursuant to Section
"(a) A duly registered nongovernmental or religious organization;
20 of this Act.
"(b) A barangay official or a member of the Barangay Council for the
"A child is deemed to be fifteen (15) years of age on the day of the
Protection of Children (BCPC);
fifteenth anniversary of his/her birthdate.
"(c) A local social welfare and development officer; or, when and
"A child above fifteen (15) years but below eighteen (18) years of
where appropriate, the DSWD.
age shall likewise be exempt from criminal liability and be subjected
to an intervention program, unless he/she has acted with
"If the child has been found by the local social welfare and
discernment, in which case, such child shall be subjected to the
development officer to be dependent, abandoned, neglected or
appropriate proceedings in accordance with this Act.
abused by his/her parents and the best interest of the child requires
that he/she be placed in a youth care facility or ‘Bahay Pag-asa’, the
"The exemption from criminal liability herein established does not
child’s parents or guardians shall execute a written authorization for
include exemption from civil liability, which shall be enforced in
the voluntary commitment of the child: Provided, That if the child
accordance with existing laws."
has no parents or guardians or if they refuse or fail to execute the
written authorization for voluntary commitment, the proper
petition for involuntary commitment shall be immediately filed by against him. Secret detention places, solitary,
the DSWD or the Local Social Welfare and Development Office incommunicado, or other similar forms of detention are
(LSWDO) pursuant to Presidential Decree No. 603, as amended, prohibited.
otherwise known as ‘The Child and Youth Welfare Code’ and the o Any confession or admission obtained in violation of this or
Supreme Court rule on commitment of children: Provided, further, Section 17 hereof shall be inadmissible in evidence against
That the minimum age for children committed to a youth care
facility or ‘Bahay Pag-asa’ shall be twelve (12) years old."
o The law shall provide for penal and civil sanctions for
violations of this section as well as compensation to the
rehabilitation of the victims of torture or similar practices
Custodial Investigation defined Coverage of Custodial Investigation (Section 2 of RA 7438)
- Refers to any questioning initiated by law enforcement officers after - As used in the Act, ‘custodial investigation’ shall include the practice
a person has been taken into custody or otherwise deprived of his of issuing an invitation to a person who is investigated in connection
freedom of action in any significant way (Jesalva v. People, G.R. No. with an offense he is suspected to have committed, without
187725, January 19, 2011) prejudice to the liability of the inviting officer for any violation of
Constitutional Basis
- Custodial Investigation begins when the police investigation is no
- Section 12 of Article III of the 1987 Constitution longer a general inquiry into an unsolved crime but has begun to
- Any person under investigation for the commission of a criminal focus on a particular suspect taken into custody by the police who
offense shall have: (SCTIP) carries out a process of interrogation that lends itself to elicit
o The right to be informed of his right to be silent incriminating statements (People v. Sunga, 399 SCRA 624 (2003))
o To have a competent and impartial counsel preferably of his - This is the stage where the accused invokes his Miranda Rights.
own choice. If the person cannot afford the services of
counsel, he shall be provided with one (in rel with Rule 122
Sec. 13 and Rule 124 Sec. 2). These rights cannot be waived
except in writing and in presence of counsel.
Distinguish Custodial Investigation (RA 7438) from Preliminary
Right to Counsel as further explained in RA 7438
Investigation (Rule 112)
extends to all stages of proceedings
It is more than just the presence of a lawyer in the CUSTODIAL INVESTIGATION PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION
courtroom or the mere propounding of standard Refers to any questioning initiated Is an inquiry or proceeding to
questions and objections. It means an efficient and by law enforcement officers after a determine whether there is
decisive legal assistance and a simple perfunctory person has been taken into custody sufficient ground to engender a
function (People v. Sunga, 399 SCRA 624) or otherwise deprived of his well-founded belief that a crime
o No torture, force, violence, threat, intimidation or any freedom of action in any significant has been committed and the
manner which would vitiate the consent shall be used way respondent is probably guilty
thereof and should be held for trial
Custodial Investigation is Preliminary investigation is any person for the commission of an offense shall inform
conducted by the law enforcement conducted by the investigating the latter, in a language known to and understood by him,
officer prosecutor or persons mentioned of his rights to remain silent and to have competent and
in Section 2 of Rule 112 independent counsel, preferably of his own choice, who
shall at all times be allowed to confer privately with the
Custodial Investigation is Preliminary Investigation is person arrested, detained or under custodial investigation.
conducted for the purpose of conducted to determine whether If such person cannot afford the services of his own counsel,
eliciting information or a there is sufficient ground to he must be provided with a competent and independent
confession from the person engender a well-founded belief counsel by the investigating officer.lawphi1Ÿ
arrested who committed a crime that a crime has been committed
and the respondent is probably (c) The custodial investigation report shall be reduced to
guilty thereof, and should be held writing by the investigating officer, provided that before
for trial. such report is signed, or thumbmarked if the person
arrested or detained does not know how to read and write,
Visitation Rights and Right to Counsel (Section 14 of Rule 113 of the Rules it shall be read and adequately explained to him by his
counsel or by the assisting counsel provided by the
On Criminal Procedure)
investigating officer in the language or dialect known to
- Any member of the Philippine Bar shall, at the request of the person such arrested or detained person, otherwise, such
arrested or of another acting in his behalf, have the right to visit and investigation report shall be null and void and of no effect
confer privately with such person in the jail or any other place of whatsoever.
custody at any hour of the day or night.
- Subject to reasonable regulations, a relative of the person arrested (d) Any extrajudicial confession made by a person arrested,
detained or under custodial investigation shall be in writing
can also exercise the same right.
and signed by such person in the presence of his counsel or
in the latter's absence, upon a valid waiver, and in the
presence of any of the parents, elder brothers and sisters,
his spouse, the municipal mayor, the municipal judge,
district school supervisor, or priest or minister of the gospel
as chosen by him; otherwise, such extrajudicial confession
Rights of the Person Detained and Arrested Under RA 7438 (Section 2) shall be inadmissible as evidence in any proceeding.
Section 2. Rights of Persons Arrested, Detained or Under Custodial (e) Any waiver by a person arrested or detained under the
Investigation; Duties of Public Officers.– provisions of Article 125 of the Revised Penal Code, or
under custodial investigation, shall be in writing and signed
(a) Any person arrested detained or under custodial by such person in the presence of his counsel; otherwise the
investigation shall at all times be assisted by counsel. waiver shall be null and void and of no effect.
(b) Any public officer or employee, or anyone acting under Requisites of valid waiver under Article 125 of the
his order or his place, who arrests, detains or investigates Revised Penal Code:
The Requirements of a valid waiver under 1.) The confession must involve an express and categorical
Article 125 of the RPC are as follows: acknowledgement of guilt
o It must be in writing;
2.) The facts admitted must be constitutive of a criminal offense
o Signed by the said person in the
presence of his counsel, otherwise 3.) The Confession must have been given voluntarily and intelligently
it will be null and void and has no
4.) There must be no violation of the constitutional rights of the accused
legal effect
under Section 12, Article III of the Constitution
(f) Any person arrested or detained or under custodial (Relate this provision with Section 12 of Article III, and Section 17 of Article
investigation shall be allowed visits by or conferences with III)
any member of his immediate family, or any medical doctor
or priest or religious minister chosen by him or by any Principle of Interlocking Confession (People v. Reyes, GR no. 178300)
member of his immediate family or by his counsel, or by any
- “It is also to be noted that appellants’ extrajudicial confessions were
national non-governmental organization duly accredited by
the Commission on Human Rights of by any international independently made without collusion, are identical with each other
non-governmental organization duly accredited by the in their material respects and confirmatory of the other. They are,
Office of the President. The person's "immediate family" therefore also admissible as circumstantial evidence against their
shall include his or her spouse, fiancé or fiancée, parent or co-accused implicated therein to show the probability of the latter’s
child, brother or sister, grandparent or grandchild, uncle or actual participation in the commission of the crime.
aunt, nephew or niece, and guardian or ward. - They are also admissible as corroborative evidence against others, it
being clear from the other facts and circumstances presented in the
As used in this Act, "custodial investigation" shall include the commission of the crime charged and proved. This is what is known
practice of issuing an "invitation" to a person who is investigated in commonly as interlocking confession and such is an exception to the
connection with an offense he is suspected to have committed, rule that Extrajudicial admissions/confessions are admissible in
without prejudice to the liability of the "inviting" officer for any evidence only against the declarant thereof.
violation of law.
Requisites for a valid extrajudicial confession executed during custodial
Extrajudicial Confession (Section 3 of Rule 133 of the Rules of Evidence) - Any extrajudicial confession made by a person arrested, detained or
under custodial investigation shall be:
- An extrajudicial confession made by an accused shall not be
o In writing
sufficient ground for conviction unless corroborated by evidence of
o Signed by such person in the presence of his counsel or in
corpus delicti
the latter’s absence, upon a valid waiver and in the
What is Corpus Delicti? presence of any of the parents, elder brothers and sisters,
his spouse, the municipal mayor, the municipal judge,
- It is the body of the crime
district school supervisor or priest or minister of the gospel
Requisites of Extrajudical Confession in order to be admissible? (ECVC) as chosen by him.
Failure to comply; Effect "The taking of the statement of the child shall be conducted in the
presence of the following: (1) child’s counsel of choice or in the
- Non-compliance with the aforementioned requirements shall absence thereof, a lawyer from the Public Attorney’s Office; (2) the
render such extrajudicial confession shall be inadmissible as child’s parents, guardian, or nearest relative, as the case may be;
evidence in any proceeding and (3) the local social welfare and development officer. In the
absence of the child’s parents, guardian, or nearest relative, and the
Rights of Visitation of the person arrested and detained:
local social welfare and development officer, the investigation shall
- Any person arrested or detained or under custodial investigation be conducted in the presence of a representative of an NGO,
shall be allowed visits by or conferences with: religious group, or member of the BCPC.
o any member of his immediate family, or
"The social worker shall conduct an initial assessment to determine
o any medical doctor or priest or religious minister chosen by
the appropriate interventions and whether the child acted with
him or
discernment, using the discernment assessment tools developed by
o any member of his immediate family or by his counsel, or the DSWD. The initial assessment shall be without prejudice to the
o any national non-governmental organization duly preparation of a more comprehensive case study report. The local
accredited by the Commission on Human Rights of by any social worker shall do either of the following:
international non-governmental organization duly
accredited by the Office of the President. "(a) Proceed in accordance with Section 20 if the child is
- The person's "immediate family" shall include his or her spouse, fifteen (15) years or below or above fifteen (15) but below
fiancé or fiancée, parent or child, brother or sister, grandparent or eighteen (18) years old, who acted without discernment;
grandchild, uncle or aunt, nephew or niece, and guardian or ward and
Person arrested by virtue of a warrant of arrest not covered by criminal "(b) If the child is above fifteen (15) years old but below
investigation; Exceptions eighteen (18) and who acted with discernment, proceed to
diversion under the following chapter."
- As a general rule, a person arrested by virtue of warrant of arrest is
not covered by criminal investigation and must not be placed under
custodial interrogation for the obvious reason that he is already
being held accountable to that particular crime before a court of IV. INQUEST PROCEEDINGS
Inquest defined
Custodial Investigation under RA 10630
- is an informal and summary investigation conducted by a public
Duties during Initial Investigation (Section 22 of RA 9344) prosecutor in criminal cases involving persons arrested and
detained without the benefit of a warrant of arrest issued by the
"SEC. 22. Duties During Initial Investigation. – The law enforcement court for the purpose of determining whether or not said persons
officer shall, in his/her investigation, determine where the case should remain under the custody and correspondingly be charged
involving the child in conflict with the law should be referred.
before the court.
Persons arrested without a warrant (Relate inquest to Section 5 of Rule purpose of conducted to purpose of eliciting
113 as discussed earlier and to the provision mentioned below): determining whether determine whether information or a
or not said persons there is sufficient confession from the
Section 7 of Rule 112 should remain under ground to engender a person arrested who
- When a person is lawfully arrested without a warrant involving an custody and well-founded belief committed a crime
correspondingly be that a crime has been
offense which requires a preliminary investigation, the complaint of
charged before the committed and the
information may be filed by a prosecutor without need of such
court respondent is
investigation provided an inquest has been conducted in probably guilty
accordance with the existing Rules. thereof, and should be
- In the absence or unavailability of an inquest prosecutor, the held for trial.
complaint may be filed by the offended party or a peace officer
directly with the proper court on the basis of the affidavit of the
offended party or the arresting officer or person Coverage of Inquest Proceedings:
Distinguish Inquest/Preliminary Investigation/Custodial Investigation - All offenses covered under the Revised Penal Code, special laws,
rules and regulations
INQUEST PRELIMINARY CUSTODIAN - Where the respondent is a minor (below 18 years old) the inquest
INVESTIGATION INVESTIGATION shall cover only offenses punishable by imprisonment of not less
A summary inquiry Is an inquiry or Refers to any than six years and 1 day, provided that no inquest investigation shall
conducted by a proceeding to questioning initiated be conducted unless the child- respondent shall have first
prosecutor for the determine whether by law enforcement
undergone requisite proceedings before the Local Social Welfare
purpose of there is sufficient officers after a person
Development Office pursuant to the Rules on Inquest With Respect
determining whether ground to engender a has been taken into
to Children in Conflict with the Law (CICL)
the warrantless arrest well-founded belief custody or otherwise
of a person was based that a crime has been deprived of his
on probable cause committed and the freedom of action in
respondent is any significant way Designation of An Inquest Prosecutor
probably guilty thereof
and should be held for - The Chief State Prosecutor of the Provincial Prosecutor shall
trial designate the prosecutors assigned to inquest duties and shall
Inquest is conducted Preliminary Custodial Investigation furnish the PNP a list of their names and their schedule of
by the inquest Investigation is is conducted by the assignments. If, however there is one prosecutor in the area, all
prosecutor conducted by the law enforcement inquest cases shall be referred to him for appropriate action
Investigating officer
Venue of Inquest Cases
Prosecutor or the
persons mentioned in - The venue is at the police stations headquarters of the PNP
Section 2 of Rule 112 or at the Office of the inquest prosecutor
Inquest proceedings is Preliminary Custodial Investigation
conducted for the Investigation is is conducted for the Date and time of the Conduct of the inquest
- Inquest may be conducted at any time of the week - For this purpose, the inquest officer may summarily examine the
- however where an inquest falls on a: arresting officers on the circumstances surrounding the arrest or
o non-working day, apprehension of the detained person
o Sunday, and
Meaning of probable cause in inquest
o holiday,
o and a prosecutor is not available - it is the actual belief or reasonable grounds of suspicion that the
- The inquest proceedings shall be conducted on the first office day person to be arrested is about to commit or is attempting to commit
following the arrest. a crime or is in the act of committing a crime, or has committed a
crime, either in the presence of without the presence of the
Commencement of Inquest
arresting officer.
- The inquest proceedings shall be considered as commenced upon
Where arrest of the detained person was not properly effected: Remedies
the receipt by the inquest prosecutor of the following documents:
o The investigation Report - Recommend the Release of the person arrested or detained
o The Sworn statements of the complainant/s and the - prepare a resolution indicating the reasons for the action taken
witness/es - forward the same together with the record of the case, to the Chief
o other supporting pieces of evidence gathered by the police State or Provincial Prosecutor for appropriate action
in the course of the latter’s investigation of the criminal Inquest Proper
incident involving the arrested or detained person
- Inquest will commence where the detained person does not opt for
Instances where the Presence of the Detainee may be dispensed with a preliminary Investigation or otherwise refuses to execute the
- If he is confined in a hospital required waiver, notwithstanding the absence of a counsel, by
- If he is detained in a place under maximum security examining the sworn statements/affidavits of the complainant and
the witnesses and other supporting evidence submitted.
Rule 126 Section 4 and Section 2 of Article III Of the Constitution Side by Object of a search warrant (Section 3 of Rule 126)
- A Search warrant may be issued for the search and seizure of
Rule 126 Section 4 Article III Section 2 (1987 Consti) personal property:
No Search Warrant Shall Issue except: o Subject of the offense
Upon Probable Cause Upon Probable Cause o Stolen or embezzled and other proceeds, or, fruits of the
In Connection with one Specific To be determined personally by the offense
Offense judge o Used or intended to be used as the means of committing
To be personally determined by the After examination under oath or the offense
judge affirmation of the complainant and
the witnesses he may produce Requisites under Rule 126 Section 4 for a valid Search Warrant to issue
After examination under oath or Particularly describing the place to - A search warrant shall not issue except:
affirmation of the complainant and be searched or the person or thing o Upon Probable Cause
the witnesses he may produce to be seized o In connection with one Specific Offense
o To be personally determined by the judge
Particularly describing the place to o After examination under oath or affirmation of the
be searched and the things to be complainant and the witnesses he may produce
seized which may be anywhere in o particularly describing the place to be searched and the
the Philippines things to be seized which may be anywhere in the
Duty of the Officer to Deliver the Seized Properties to The Court (Section General Rule: Search and Seizure must be with Judicial Warrant*
12 of Rule 126)
Instances of a Warrantless Search (Exception to the General Rule above)
- Duty of the officer after the search (IPVESSCAC)
o The officer must forthwith deliver the property seized to the
- Searches Incidental to a Lawful Arrest (Section 13, Rule 126)
judge who issued the warrant together with a true
- Plainview Doctrine (Seizure of evidence in plainview)
inventory thereof duly verified under oath
- Search of a moving vehicle
- Duties of the judge after the search
- Consented Warrantless Searches
o 10 days after the issuance of the search warrant, the issuing
- Customs Search
judge shall
- Stop and Frisk
Ascertain if the return has been made; and
- Exigent and Emergency Searches
- Airport Search
- COMELEC Checkpoints
- Search done for Security Reasons o Motion to Suppress Evidence to be filed with the Court
trying the case by virtue of said search warrant
(Di ako sure dun sa last 3 pero yan yung naaalala ko from Dean Tan’s
o Petition for Certiorari under Rule 65 if the court issuing the
same has no jurisdiction which acted with grave abuse of
Quashal of the Search Warrant or to Suppress Evidence (Section 14 of Rule discretion amounting to lack or in excess of jurisdiction
126) o He may file a criminal complaint against the implementing
officer (Article 129 of the Revised Penal Code)
- A motion to quash a search warrant and/or to suppress evidence
o Complaint for Replevin under Rule 60 of the Rules of Court
obtained thereby may be filed in and acted upon only by:
in case the personalities seized are legally possessed by a
o The court where the action has been instituted. If no
person against whom the search was made, filed with the
criminal action has been instituted, the motion may be filed
same court which issued the search warrant of if the thing is
in and resolved by the court that issued the search warrant
unlawfully seized
o If such court failed to resolve the motion and a criminal case
o Complaint for Interpleader under Rule 62 if there is no
is subsequently filed in another court, the motion shall be
criminal case filed after the implementation of the search
resolved by the latter court.
warrant, and there are other persons claiming rights over
Grounds for the quashal of a search warrant (GSPSL) the property seized
o Institution of an Ordinary Civil action by any interested
- When the search warrant is in the nature of a GENERAL WARRANT
party if there is no criminal case filed after the
without specific description of the place to be searched and the
implementation of the search warrant, and there are other
things to be seized in violation of Section 2 of Article III of the
persons claiming rights over the property seized
- Failure to conduct SEARCHING QUESTIONS AND ANSWER before the
issuance of the search warrant by the issuing judge E. PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION (RULE 112 OF THE REVISED RULES ON
- The search warrant was issued based not on personal knowledge or CRIMINAL PROCEDURE)
Basic Concepts on Preliminary Investigation
- The search warrant is a SCATTER-SHOT WARRANT or a search
warrant for more than one offense in violation of Section 4 of Rule Institution of the Criminal Action (Section 1 of Rule 110)
- Criminal actions shall be instituted in the following manner:
- When the thing ordered seized are legally in possession of a person
- For offenses where a preliminary investigation is required pursuant
Available remedies under the rules in case of issuance and
to Section 1 of Rule 112, by filing the complaint with the proper
implementation of a search warrant
officer for the purpose of conducting the requisite preliminary
- The following are the available remedies for a person against whom investigation.
the search warrant was issued and implemented
- For all other offenses, by filing the complaint of information
o Motion to Quash (Rule 126, Section 14) to be filed with the
directly with the Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial
court which issued the search warrant
Courts, or the complaint with the office of the prosecutor. In Manila
and other Chartered cities, the complaint shall be filed with the When Preliminary Investigation is required:
office of the prosecutor unless otherwise provided in their charters
- Except as provided in Section 7 of this Rule, a preliminary
- The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the period of investigation is required to be conducted before the filing of a
prescription of the offense charged unless otherwise provided in special complaint or information for an offense where the penalty
laws prescribed by law is at least 4 years, 2 months, and 1 day without
regard as to fine.
Section 1 of Rule 110 of the Rules of Criminal Procedure does not apply in
offenses which fall under the Rules of Summary Procedure* Rationale of Preliminary Investigation:
- In case of conflict, the Rules on Summary Procedure as a special law - To protect the accused from inconvenience, expense and burden of
prevails over Section 1 of Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal defending himself in a formal trial unless the reasonable probability
Procedure; Rule 110 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure must yield of his guilt shall have been first ascertained in a fairly summary
to Act No. 3326 (Zaldivia v Reyes, 211 SCRA 277) proceeding conducted by a competent officer. (Tandoc v. Resultan
175 SCRA 37, 42, July 5, 1989)
Criminal Prosecution may not be restrained; Exceptions (Brocka v. Enrile)
(AFFPPPOIJJ) Purpose of Preliminary Investigation
- To afford ADEQUATE PROTECTION to the constitutional rights of - The purpose of a preliminary investigation is to secure the innocent
the accused against hasty, malicious and oppressive prosecution and to protect
- When it is necessary FOR THE ORDERLY ADMINISTRATION OF him from an open and public accusation of a crime, from the
JUSTICE OR TO AVOID OPPRESSION OR MULTIPLICITY OF ACTIONS trouble, expenses and anxiety of a public trial. (Duterte v.
- When the charges are manifestly FALSE and motivated by the lust Sandiganbayan, 289 SCRA 721, 738-739 (1998))
for vengeance
- When there is a PREJUDICIAL QUESTION which is subjudice
Distinguish Preliminary Investigation and Inquest Proceedings
- Where it is a case of PERSECUTION rather than prosecution
a motion to quash on that ground has been denied A summary inquiry conducted by a Is an inquiry or proceeding to
- When the acts of the OFFICER are without or in excess of authority prosecutor for the purpose of determine whether there is
- Where the prosecution is under an INVALID LAW OR ORDINANCE determining whether the sufficient ground to engender a
- When DOUBLE JEOPARDY is clearly apparent warrantless arrest of a person was well-founded belief that a crime
- Where the court has no JURISDICTION OVER THE OFFENSE based on probable cause has been committed and the
respondent is probably guilty
Preliminary Investigation defined (Section 1 of Rule 112 of the Rules on thereof and should be held for
Criminal Procedure) trial
Inquest is conducted by the Preliminary Investigation is
- Preliminary investigation is an inquiry or proceedings to determine inquest prosecutor conducted by the Investigating
whether there is sufficient ground to engender a well-founded Prosecutor or the persons
belief that a crime has been committed and the respondent is mentioned in Section 2 of Rule
probably guilty thereof and should be held for trial. 112
Inquest proceedings is conducted Preliminary Investigation is - Facts as are sufficient to engender a well-founded belief that a
for the purpose of determining conducted to determine crime has been committed and the respondent is guilty thereof, and
whether or not said persons whether there is sufficient should be held for trial. (As established by numerous Supreme Court
should remain under custody and ground to engender a well- Pronouncements)
correspondingly be charged founded belief that a crime has
before the court been committed and the
respondent is probably guilty
Kinds of Determination of Probable Cause (De Los Santos-Dio v. CA, G.R.
thereof, and should be held for
trial. No. 178947, 2013)
- Executive Determination
Distinguish Preliminary Investigation vs. Preliminary Inquiry o made by the public prosecutor, during a preliminary
investigation, where he is given broad discretion to
PRELIMINARY INVESTIGATION PRELIMINARY INQUIRY determine whether probable cause exists for the purpose of
Is an inquiry or proceeding to Is an inquiry to determines the filing a criminal information in Court
determine whether there is probable cause for the issuance of - Judicial Determination
sufficient ground to engender a a warrant of arrest o made by the judge to ascertain whether a warrant of arrest
well-founded belief that a crime
should be issued against the accused
has been committed and the
NOTE: A motion for judicial determination of
respondent is probably guilty
thereof and should be held for trial probable cause has been already declared as a
Investigating Prosecutor The Judge determines probable prohibited motion under the CONTINUOUS TRIAL
determines probable cause cause in this case RULE
- The institution of the criminal action shall interrupt the running *An information need not be signed by the offended party
period of the prescription of the offense charged unless otherwise
Persons Who Must Prosecute the Criminal Action (Section 5 of Rule 110)
provided in special laws (Section 1, Rule 110 last paragraph)
o This rule shall likewise apply to special penal laws - PUBLIC PROSECUTOR AS A GENERAL RULE HAS CONTROL OF
(Panaguiton v. DOJ, GR No. 167571, 2008) PROSECUTION OF CRIMINAL ACTIONS
o All criminal actions either commenced by complaint or by
Formal Requirements (Section 2 of Rule 110)
information shall be prosecuted under the direction and
- The complaint or information shall be: control of a public prosecutor.
o In writing, - EXCEPTIONS:
o In the name of the People of the Philippines; and o In case of heavy work schedule of the public prosecutor or
People of the Philippines is an indispensable party o In the event of lack of public prosecutors,
in a criminal case; non-inclusion shall warrant nullity the private prosecutor may be authorized in writing
of judgement (Vda. de Manguerra v. Risos, GR No. by the Chief of the Prosecution Office or the
152643) Regional State Prosecutor to prosecute the case
o Against all who appear to be responsible for the offense subject to the approval of the court. Once so
involved authorized to prosecute the criminal action, the
private prosecutor shall continue to prosecute the
Complaint Defined (Section 3 of Rule 110)
case up to end of the trial even in the absence of a
- A complaint is a sworn written statement charging a person with an public prosecutor, unless the authority is revoked or
offense, subscribed to by the offended party, any peace officer, or otherwise withdrawn (As amended by A.M. No. 02-
other public officer charged with the enforcement of the law 2-07-SC, May 1, 2002)
Information Defined (Section 4 of Rule 110) o The crimes of adultery and concubinage shall not be
- An information is an accusation in writing charging a person with an prosecuted except upon a complaint filed by the offended
offense, subscribed to by the prosecutor and filed in court spouse.
Actions for Rescission of Contract is not prejudicial to the violation of BP *Voiding of construction agreement not a prejudicial question for violation
22 (Reyes v. Rossi, GR No. 159823, 2013) of BP22 (Dreamwork Construction v. Janiola, GR. No. 184861)
RESCISSION OF CONTRACT VIOLATION OF BP22 *An Independent Civil Action Cannot Give Rise to A Prejudicial Question
Based on a Cause of action for the The mere issuance of a bouncing (Consing v. People of the Philippines, GR. No. 161075)
action to commence and be due check is the basis for the action of
- Cases falling under Articles 32, 33, 34, and 2176 of the New Civil
and demandable BP22. Scrutiny of the contract is
Rule on Precedence in case of prejudicial question (in relation to Section 2
Action for specific performance is a prejudicial question in criminal case of Rule 111) – Exception
for violation of Section 25 of PD 957 (HLURB Cases) - When the civil action is a prejudicial question, the rule on
- The action for specific performance in the HLURB would determine precedence of criminal action does not apply (Aberia v. Mendoza,
whether or not San Miguel Properties was legally entitled to 83 Phil. 427)
demand the delivery of the remaining 20 TCTs, while the criminal - Prejudicial question is an exception to precedence of criminal case
action would decide whether or not BF Homes’ director and officers, (Benitez v. Concepcion, 2 SCRA 178)
were criminally liable for withholding the 20 TCTs. Rationale of prejudicial question (Philippine Agila Satellite Inc. v. Lichauco,
- The resolution of the former must obviously precede that of the GR. No. 134887)
latter, for should the HLURB hold San Miguel Properties to be not
entitled to the delivery of the 20 TCTs because Atty. Orendain did
- The rationale for the principle of prejudicial question is that Section 6 and 7 of Rule 111 must be related to Section 11 of Rule 116 for a
although it does not conclusively resolve the guilt or innocence of prejudicial question is another ground for a suspension of arraignment:
the accused, it tests the sufficiency of the allegations in the
- Section 11 of Rule 116 of the Rules on Criminal Procedure provide:
complaint or information in order to sustain the further prosecution
o Upon motion by the proper party, the arraignment shall be
of the criminal case. Hence the need for its prior resolution before
suspended in the following cases
further proceedings in the criminal action may be had.
Instances where a prejudicial question is not allowed: There exists a prejudicial question
- In a bigamy case, filed by the first wife against the husband, the civil
action for the annulment of the marriage brought by the second H. PROVISIONAL REMEDIES IN CRIMINAL PROCEEDINGS (RULE 127 OF THE
wife against the husband on the ground of intimidation employed RULES ON CRIMINAL PROCEDURE)
by the husband against the second wife, does not constitute a
Provisional Remedy defined:
prejudicial question which will justify the suspension of the bigamy
case. The accused cannot use his own wrong as a shield against his - Temporary, auxiliary, and ancillary remedies resorted to by litigants
own prosecution. (People v. Aragon, 94 Phil. 357) A person should to preserve and protect their rights or interests while the main
not benefit from his own wrong. action is pending, to secure the judgment, to preserve status quo, or
- In a prosecution for bigamy brought by the first wife, it was held to preserve the subject matter of the action
that an action for the annulment of marriage brought by the second
wife with a third-party complaint thereon brought by the husband Meaning of the term “Provisional”
against the first wife to annul the first marriage on the ground of - The term “provisional” means temporary, preliminary or tentative
intimidation, is not a prejudicial question. A party cannot judge for (Tan v. Adre, 450 SCRA 145)
himself the validity of his own marriage for in doing so, he runs the
risk of prosecution for bigamy by contracting a second marriage Purpose of Provisional Remedies
(Mercado v. Tan, 337 SCRA 122) - To preserve or protect the rights or interests of the parties while the
- In a prosecution for bigamy, the defense of the accused that the main action is pending
marriage is simulated does not constitute a prejudicial question as - To secure judgment
the same may be decided, using that a defense, in the said criminal - To preserve status quo
case (Republic v. Villasor, 63 OG, 5731) - To preserve the subject matter of the action
- A civil action for cancellation of copyright is not prejudicial to the
criminal prosecution for infringement of copyright (Ocampo v. Provisional Remedies are Available in Criminal Actions (Section 1 of Rule
Cochingyan, 96 Phil 459) 127)
- An action for annulment of marriage is not a prejudicial question in
- The provisional remedies in civil actions insofar as they are
the prosecution of the accused for the crime of concubinage
applicable, may be availed of in connection with the civil action
(Marbella-Bobis v. Bobis, 336 SCRA 747)
deemed instituted with the criminal action
- A civil action for the annulment of a deed of sale is not prejudicial to
the criminal action for estafa or violation of BP 22 for the issuance
of bouncing check in payment of sale (Umali v. IAC, 186 SCRA 680)
*Rules 57-61 of the Rules on Civil Procedure (rules on Provisional - A provisional remedy issued upon order of the court where the
Remedies) are available, as stated in the above provision, in connection action is pending, to be levied upon the property or properties of
with the civil action deemed instituted with the criminal action the defendant therein, the same to be held thereafter by the sheriff
as a security for the satisfaction of whatever judgment might be
- The following are the Provisional Remedies under the Rules of
rendered in said action in favor of the attaching creditor against the
Court available in connection with the civil action deemed instituted
defendant. (Virata v. Aquino, GR No. L-35027)
with the criminal action
Nature of attachment:
- Preliminary Attachment (Rule 57)
- Purely Statutory and must be strictly construed (7 Phil. 708)
- Preliminary Injunction (Rule 58)
- When the court is satisfied, upon proof of oath, that a material Prejudical Question defined: (Marbella-Bobis v. Bobis, 336 SCRA 747)
witness will not testify when required, it may, upon motion of either
- A question which arises in a case the resolution of which is a logical
party: (OC)
antecedent of the issue involved in the same case and the
o Order the witness to post bail in such sum as may be
cognizance of which pertains to another tribunal
deemed proper
o Upon refusal to post bail, the court shall commit him to Reason for the principle of prejudicial question: (Te v. Court of Appeals,
prison until he complies or is legally discharged after his 346 SCRA 327)
testimony has been taken.
- The rationale behind the principle of suspending a criminal case in
V. SUSPENSION OF ARRAIGNMENT view of a prejudicial question is to avoid two conflict decisions
- At any time before entering his plea, the accused , may move to
quash the complaint or information
II. MOTION TO QUASH o Exception (People v. Givera, 349 SCRA 513)
Meaning of the word “Quash” A motion to quash may be made at any time before
arraignment and plea.
- Means to annul, vacate, or overthrow (Wilson v. Commonwealth,
162 S.E. 1(1932)) Forms and Contents of a Motion To Quash (Section 2 of Rule 117)
Former Conviction or Acquittal; Double Jeopardy; Exceptions (Section 7 of Instances wherein dismissal of a criminal action results into double
Rule 117) jeopardy:
Nature of Arraignment
- Is a vital stage in criminal proceedings in which the accused are Its records transmitted to the judge to whom the
formally informed of the charges against them case was raffled within three (3) days from the filing
- It is an integral part of due process. of the information or complaint.
The accused shall be arraigned within ten (10) days
Arraignment and Plea How Made (Section 1 of Rule 116)
from the date of the raffle.
- HOW ARRAIGNMENT IS MADE: The pre-trial conference of his case shall be held
o (a) The accused must be arraigned: (FOGW) within ten (10) days after arraignment. (n)
Before the court where the complaint or - RULE ON THE APPEARANCE OF THE PRIVATE PARTY:
information was filed or assigned for trial. o (f) The private offended party shall be required to appear at
The arraignment shall be made in open court by the the arraignment for purposes of: (PDO)
judge or clerk by furnishing the accused with a o Plea bargaining,
copy of the complaint or information, reading the o Determination of civil liability, and
same in the language or dialect known to him, and o Other matters requiring his presence.
Asking him whether he pleads guilty or not guilty. - EFFECT OF FAILURE OF PRIVATE OFFENDED PARTY TO APPEAR:
The prosecution may call at the trial witnesses o In case of failure of the offended party to appear despite
other than those named in the complaint or due notice, the court may allow the accused to enter a plea
information. of guilty to a lesser offense which is necessarily included in
- PRESENCE OF ACCUSED ON ARRAIGNMENT; RULE the offense charged with the conformity of the trial
o (b) The accused must be present at the arraignment and prosecutor alone.
must personally enter his plea. Both arraignment and plea - WHEN TO CONDUCT ARRAIGNMENT
shall be made of record, but failure to do so shall not affect o (g) Unless a shorter period is provided by special law or
the validity of the proceedings. Supreme Court circular, the arraignment shall be held
- EFFECT OF REFUSAL OF THE ACCUSED TO ENTER A PLEA: within thirty (30) days from the date the court acquires
o (c) When the accused refuses to plead or makes a jurisdiction over the person of the accused. The time of the
conditional plea, a plea of not guilty shall be entered for pendency of a motion to quash or for a bill of particulars or
him. other causes justifying suspension of the arraignment shall
- RULE IF ACCUSED PRESENTS AN EXCULPATORY DEFENSE: be excluded in computing the period.
o (d) When the accused pleads guilty but presents o Effect of Late Arraignment (86 Phil. 576)
exculpatory evidence, his plea shall be deemed withdrawn Arraignment may still be made after the
and a plea of not guilty shall be entered for him. prosecution has rested its case as long as the
o In case of exculpatory evidence, plea of not guilty will be accused had been given the opportunity to be
entered for him (People v. baetiong, 2 Phil. 126) heard, such arraignment after trial is valid.
Arraignment under Rules on Summary Procedure (Section 13 of the 1991
o (e) When the accused is under preventive detention:
Rules on Summary Procedure)
o Should the court, upon a consideration of the complaint or o After arraignment but before trial, the accused may still be
information and the affidavits submitted by both parties, allowed to plead guilty to said lesser offense after
find that: withdrawing his plea of not guilty.
No cause or ground to hold the accused for trial, it - RULE ON AMENDMENT AFTER PLEA TO A LESSER OFFENSE WAS
shall order the dismissal of the case; MADE:
Otherwise, the court shall set the case for o No amendment of the complaint or information is
arraignment and trial. necessary.
If the accused is in custody for the crime charged,
Plea defined
he shall be immediately arraigned and if he enters a
plea of guilty, he shall forthwith be sentenced. - The formal answer of the defendant in common law pleading
o It is the legal duty of the accused to plead guilty or not
No such thing as “CONDITIONAL ARRAIGNMENT” (People v. Espinosa, GR
No.s 153714-20, 2003) guilty for it is only after his plea had been entered, that the
issues are joined and trial can begin (US v. Kelly, 35 Phil.
- The Revised Internal Rules of the Sandiganbayan, promulgated by 194)
this Court, do not mention any conditional arraignment. Neither do
the regular Rules of Court. Effect of plea to a lesser offense if without the consent of the prosecutor
- Arraignment is an indispensable requirement of due process. It and offended party (People v. De Luna, 174 SCRA 204)
consists of the judges or the clerk of courts reading of the criminal - The conviction of the accused to a lesser offense is not a bar to
complaint or information to the defendant. At this stage, the another prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the
accused is granted, for the first time, the opportunity to be officially offense charged in the former information, when the plea is made
informed of the nature and the cause of the accusation. Thus, without the consent of the prosecutor and the offended party.
arraignment cannot be regarded lightly or brushed aside
peremptorily. In relation to Section 27 of Rule 130 of the Rules on Evidence
- Espinosa pleaded simply and unconditionally on April 22, 1999. No - An unaccepted plea of guilty to a lesser offense, is not admissible in
unusual ceremony punctuated his arraignment. The SBN itself found evidence against the accused who made the plea or offer.
this simple process inconsistent with its studied manner of
conditionally arraigning the accused pending reinvestigation in Plea of Guilty to a Capital Offense (Section 3 of Rule 116) (In relation to
other cases Section 6 of Rule 114)
Plea Of Guilty to a Lesser Offense (Section 2 of Rule 116) - DUTY OF THE COURT IF ACCUSED PLEADS GUILTY TO A CAPITAL
- PLEA GUILTY TO A LESSER OFFENSE HOW AND WHEN MADE: o When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the
o At arraignment, the accused, with the consent of the court shall: (CRA)
offended party and the prosecutor, may be allowed by the Conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness
trial court to plead guilty to a lesser offense which is and full comprehension of the consequences of his
necessarily included in the offense charged. plea, and
Require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the - Plea of guilty may be considered as mitigating circumstance-
precise degree of culpability. when? Decision based on irregular plea may be considered if
The accused may present evidence in his behalf supported by other evidence
o A plea of guilty may only be considered as mitigating when
Definition of a Capital Offense (Section 6 of Rule 114)
seasonably interjected, that is before the prosecution
o A capital offense is an offense which under the law existing presents its evidence (People v. Dubduban, 310 SCRA 168)
at the time of its commission and of the application for - Relate this with Section 27 of Rule 130 on the Rules of Evidence
admission to bail, may be punished by death o A plea of guilty later withdrawn is not admissible in
o RATIONALE Behind the Rule (People v. Uso et. al. GR No. evidence against the accused who made the plea
Duty of the Court to Inform Accused of his Right To Counsel (Section 6 of
Courts must proceed with more care where the
possible punishment is in its severest form, namely
death, for the reason that the execution of such a
sentence is irreversible - DUTIES OF THE JUDGE BEFORE ARRAIGNMENT:
o Before arraignment, the court shall: (IDH)
Plea of Guilty to a Non-Capital Offense (Section 4 of Rule 116)
Inform the accused of his right to counsel and
- RULE IF ACCUSED PLEADS GUILTY TO A NON CAPITAL OFFENSE: Ask him if he desires to have one.
o When the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense, the Unless the accused is allowed to defend himself in
court may receive evidence from the parties to determine person or has employed a counsel of his choice, the
the penalty to be imposed. court must assign a counsel de officio to defend
- NOTE: Plea has no effect if it does not constitute a crime (People v. him.
Velasco (89 Phil. 512)
Appointment of Counsel de Officio (Section 7 of Rule 116)
- Factors to be considered by the court in the exercise of discretion
in case of plea of guilty: - WHO MAY BE APPOINTED AS COUNSEL DE OFICIO:
o The gravity of the offense charged and the probability that o The court, considering the gravity of the offense and the
the accused did not understand fully the meaning of his difficulty of the questions that may arise, shall: (BA)
plea and the consequences thereof. (People v. Acosta, 98 Appoint as counsel de oficio only such members of
Phil. 642) the bar in good standing who, by reason of their
experience and ability, can competently defend
Withdrawal of Improvident Plea of Guilty; When Made (Section 5 of Rule
the accused.
But in localities where such members of the bar are
- RULE ON IMPROVIDENT PLEA LATER WITHDRAWN: not available, the court may appoint any person,
o At any time before the judgment of conviction becomes resident of the province and of good repute for
final, the court may permit an improvident plea of guilty to probity and ability, to defend the accused.
be withdrawn and be substituted by a plea of not guilty - Lawyer appointed by the judge cannot refuse the appointment;
Exception (Ledesma v. Climaco, 57 SCRA 473)
o The lawyer appointed by the judge as counsel de oficio Distinguish between Motion for a Bill of Particulars in Civil Cases (Rule 12)
cannot decline the appointment except only for serious and and Motion for a Bill of Particulars in Criminal Cases (Rule 116)
sufficient causes.
- Duration of the right of the accused to be represented by Counsel
de Oficio (People v. Rio, 201 SCRA 702)
Must be filed before the filing of a Must be filed before arraignment
o The right of an accused to a counsel de oficio does not responsive pleading or in case of a
cease upon his conviction by the trial court. The court’s duty reply, within 10 days from the
to appoint a counsel de oficio subsists where the accused receipt thereof
intends or desires to appeal from the judgment of Is directed against a pleading Is directed against a criminal
conviction. complaint
In case of denial of the motion for In case of denial of the motion for
Preparation For Arraignment of Counsel de Oficio (Section 8 of Rule 116)
the bill of particulars under Rule bill of particulars under Rule 116,
- PRIVILEGE OF COUNSEL DE OFICIO: 12, the moving party may file his the accused may proceed with the
o Whenever a counsel de oficio is appointed by the court to responsive pleading within the arraignment and enter his plea,
period he is entitled to but in no unless the denial is tainted with
defend the accused at the arraignment, he shall be given a
case less than five (5) days, unless grave abuse of discretion, the party
reasonable time to consult with the accused as to his plea
the denial is tainted with grave may file a petition for certiorari
before proceeding with the arraignment.
abuse of discretion hence, petition
Bill of Particulars (Section 9 of Rule 116) for certiorari
Right to Speedy Disposition of Cases (Article III Section 16 of 1987 - When the accused pleads guilty to the offense during arraignment
Constitution) under Rule 116 (Arraignment and Plea)
- Plea bargaining during arraignment or pre-trial conference (Rule
- All persons shall have the right to a speedy disposition of cases
116, Section 2 and Rule 118, Sections 1-4)
- When the motion to quash is grounded on the ground of double
o All judicial
jeopardy or prescription of action or liability is granted. (Rule 117
o Quasi-judicial
Sections 3(g) and 3(i))
o or Administrative bodies - When there is provisional dismissal (Rule 117, Section 8)
- Factors to determine delay (Infringement of the right of speedy - When there is failure of the prosecution to bright the accused to
disposition of cases) trial within the time prescribed under the rules (Rule 119, Section 9)
o Duration of the Delay - When the case was dismissed die to the grant of the motion for
o Reason of the Delay judicial determination of probable cause*
o Assertion or failure to assert the right o already a prohibited motion under the continuous trial rule.
o Prejudice caused by the delay (Mari v. Gonzales GR. No.
187728) Kinds of Trial
*Right to Speedy Trial available during reinvestigation (Abardo v. - Evidence offered by a defendant to attack the rebuttal evidence
Sandiganbayan) Memorandum defined:
Order of Trial (Section 11 of Rule 119) - It is an instrument embodying the statements and arguments of
- ORDER OF TRIAL IN CRIMINAL CASES: counsel in support of his client’s cause (Cabiling v. Cabiling, 39541-
o The trial shall proceed in the following order: R, 1973)
(a) The prosecution shall present evidence to prove Application For Examination of Witness For Accused Before Trial
the charge and, in the proper case, the civil liability. (Section 12 of Rule 119)
(b) The accused may present evidence to prove his
defense, and damages, if any, arising from the - WHEN WITNESS FOR THE ACCUSED BE EXAMINED FOR TRIAL:
issuance of a provisional remedy in the case. o When the accused has been held to answer for an offense,
(c) The prosecution and the defense may, in that he may, upon motion with notice to the other parties, have
order, present rebuttal and sur-rebuttal evidence witnesses conditionally examined in his behalf. The motion
unless the court, in furtherance of justice, permits shall state: (NSI
them to present additional evidence bearing upon (a) the name and residence of the witness;
the main issue. (b) the substance of his testimony; and
(d) Upon admission of the evidence of the parties, (c) that the witness is sick or infirm as to afford
the case shall be deemed submitted for decision reasonable ground for believing that he will not be
unless the court directs them to argue orally or to able to attend the trial, or resides more than one
submit written memoranda. hundred (100) kilometers from the place of trial and
(e) When the accused admits the act or omission has no means to attend the same, or
charged in the complaint or information but that other similar circumstances exist that would
interposes a lawful defense, the order of trial may make him unavailable or prevent him from
be modified (INVERTED TRIAL) attending the trial. The motion shall be supported
Inverted trial is merely permissive as this by an affidavit of the accused and such other
can be seen with the use of the word “may” evidence as the court may require.
(People v. SPO1 Gutierrez Jr. GR No. Examination of Defense Witness (Section 13 of Rule 119)
Rebuttal Evidence defined:
o If the court is satisfied that the examination of a witness for A witness for the prosecution is too sick or infirm to
the accused is necessary, an order will be made directing appear at the trial as directed by the order of the
that the witness be examined at a specified date, time and court, or
place and that a copy of the order be served on the Has to leave the Philippines with no definite date of
prosecutor at least three (3) days before the scheduled returning, he may forthwith be conditionally
examination. examined before the court where the case is
o The examination shall be taken before: (JBI) - REQUIREMENTS FOR THE EXAMINATION OF THE PROSECUTION
A judge, or, WITNESS:
If not practicable, a member of the Bar in good o Such examination shall be done: (PN)
standing so designated by the judge in the order, or In the presence of the accused, or
If the order be made by a court of superior In his absence after reasonable notice to attend the
jurisdiction, before an inferior court to be examination has been served on him, shall be
designated therein. conducted in the same manner as an examination
o The examination shall proceed notwithstanding the absence - EFFECT OF FAILURE TO APPEAR DURING EXAMINATION:
of the prosecutor provided he was duly notified of the o Failure or refusal of the accused to attend the examination
hearing. A written record of the testimony shall be taken. after notice shall be considered a waiver. The statement
Examination of witness in open court; Conditional taken may be admitted in behalf of or against the accused.
examination or use of deposition allowed by the - Conditional examination of the witness in criminal proceedings is
Rules of Court (Ngo v. People GR No. 185527) allowed, but Rule 23 on Depositions (Civil Procedure) is no longer
Bail to Secure the Appearance of Material Witness (Section 14 of Rule 119)
o The Court ruled in Vda de Manguerra that criminal
- When the court is satisfied, upon proof of oath, that a material proceedings are primarily governed by the Rules on Criminal
witness will not testify when required, it may, upon motion of either procedure (Ngo v. People supra)
party: (OC)
o Order the witness to post bail in such sum as may be Trial of Several Accused (Section 16 of Rule 119)
deemed proper
- When two or more accused are jointly charged with any offense,
o Upon refusal to post bail, the court shall commit him to
they shall be tried jointly unless the court, in its discretion and upon
prison until he complies or is legally discharged after his
motion of the prosecutor or any accused, orders separate trial for
testimony has been taken.
one or more accused.
Examination of the Witness for the Prosecution (Section 15 of Rule 119)
Discharge of the Accused as a State Witness (Section 17 of Rule 119)
o When it satisfactorily appears that: (SL) WITNESS UNDER THE RULES OF COURT:
o When two or more persons are jointly charged with the offended party and with leave of court in compliance with
commission of any offense, upon motion of the prosecution Section 14 of Rule 110 on Amendment/Substitution.
before resting its case, the court may direct one or more of (Soberano v. People, GR No. 154629)
the accused to be discharged with their consent so that
Distinguish Section 17 of Rule 119 and RA 6981
they may be witnesses for the state when, after requiring
the prosecution to present evidence and the sworn Section 17 of Rule 119 Republic Act 6981
statement of each proposed state witness at a hearing in Immunity is granted by the Court Immunity is granted by the DOJ
support of the discharge, the court is satisfied that: No qualification of the offenses Offenses involved are grave
(ANSMM) involved offenses
(a) There is absolute necessity for the testimony of Contemplates a situation where Contemplates a situation wherein
the accused whose discharge is requested; the information has been filed and the accused has not yet been
Absolute Necessity defined: exists when the the accused had been arraigned arraigned and the case is not
accused alone has knowledge of the crime and the case is undergoing trial undergoing trial
(Jimenez v. People, GR no. 209195) Judicial in character Executive in Character
- More than 1 accused can be discharged (People v. Baesa, 104 Phil.
(b) The is no other direct evidence available for the
proper prosecution of the offense committed,
o Rationale:
except the testimony of said accused;
(c) The testimony of said accused can be Where no other prosecution witness could
substantially corroborated in its material points; substantially corroborate the testimony of the
(d) Said accused does not appear to be the most discharged witness, two are discharged to meet the
guilty; and requirement of substantial corroboration (People v.
(e) Said accused has not at any time been convicted Peralta, 343 SCRA 221)
of any offense involving moral turpitude. o Purpose of discharging more than 1 accused
- NATURE OF EVIDENCE PRESENTED DURING THE APPLICATION: To curtail miscarriage of justice (People v. Ibanez,
o Evidence adduced in support of the discharge shall 92 Phil 933)
automatically form part of the trial. If the court denies the Discharge of the Accused operates as an Acquittal (Section 18 of Rule 119)
motion for discharge of the accused as state witness, his
sworn statement shall be inadmissible in evidence - EFFECT OF THE DISCHARGE OF THE ACCUSED:
- This rule however does not apply in conspiracies (EXAM o The order indicated in the preceding section shall amount
QUESTION) to an acquittal of the discharged accused and shall be a
o Discharge is not proper in case accused is a co-conspirator bar to future prosecution for the same offense, unless: (FR)
(People v. Ramirez, 169 SCRA 711) The accused fails testify or
- Section 17: Amendment of the information in relation to discharge Refuses to testify against his co-accused in
of the witness; Requirements; Discharge an executive function; accordance with his sworn statement constituting
o An amendment of the information made before plea which the basis for the discharge
excludes some or one of the accused must be made only
upon motion by the prosecution, with the notice to the
When mistake Has Been made in Charging the Proper Offense (Section 19 - WHEN CONSOLIDATION OF TRIALS PROPER:
of Rule 119) o Charges for offenses founded on the same facts or forming
part of a series of offenses of similar character may be tried
jointly at the discretion of the court.
o When it becomes manifest at any time before judgment
- Joint Trial, when allowed (Neri v. Sandiganbayan, GR No. 202243)
that a mistake has been made in charging the proper
o Where the actions arise from the same act, event, or
offense and the accused cannot be convicted of the offense
transaction, involve the same or like issues, and depend
charged or any other offense necessarily included therein:
largely or substantially on the same evidence provided, that
The accused shall not be discharged if there appears
the court has jurisdiction over the cases to be consolidated
good cause to detain him.
and that a joint trial will not give one party an undue
In such case, the court shall commit the accused to
advantage or prejudice the substantial rights of the parties.
answer for the proper offense and dismiss the
- Joint Trial; When Automatic; Exception: (People v. Navarro, 63
original case upon the filing of the proper
SCRA 264)
o However, when 2 or more defendants are jointly charged
with an offense joint trial as a rule is automatic without the
need of a court order
Appointment of Acting Prosecutor (Section 20 of Rule 119) unless the court in its sound discretion upon motion
of the prosecutor or any defendant, orders a
- When a prosecutor, his assistant or deputy is disqualified to act due separate trial for one or more of the accused
to any of the grounds stated in section 1 of Rule 137 or for any o Joint trial of the several accused is discretionary with the
other reasons, the judge or the prosecutor shall communicate with court (People v. Go, 88 Phil. 203)
the Secretary of Justice in order that the latter may appoint an
acting prosecutor. Demurrer to Evidence (Section 23 of Rule 119)
Exclusion to the Public (Section 21 of Rule 119) - RULE ON DEMURRER TO EVIDENCE: 2 WAYS OF INITIATING IT:
o After the prosecution rests its case, the court may dismiss
- RULE ON EXCLUSION OF PUBLIC: the action on the ground of insufficiency of evidence:
o The judge may, motu proprio, exclude the public from the (1) on its own initiative after giving the prosecution
courtroom if: the opportunity to be heard or
The evidence to be produced during the trial is (2) upon demurrer to evidence filed by the accused
offensive to decency or public morals. with or without leave of court.
He may also, on motion of the accused, exclude the - REMEDY IF THE COURT DENIES THE DEMURRER:
public from the trial, except court personnel and o If made with leave of court
the counsel of the parties If the court denies the demurrer to evidence filed
with leave of court, the accused may adduce
Consolidation of Trials and Related Offenses (Section 22 of Rule 119) evidence in his defense.
o If made without leave of court
When the demurrer to evidence is filed without - The grant of a demurrer to evidence amounts to an acquittal and
leave of court, the accused waives the right to cannot be appealed because it would place the accused in double
present evidence and submits the case for jeopardy.
judgment on the basis of the evidence for the - The order is reviewable only by certiorari under Rule 65 of the Rules
prosecution. of Court, it was issued with grave abuse of discretion amounting to
- REQUIREMENTS ON THE FILNG OF THE MOTION FOR LEAVE OF lack or excess of jurisdiction.
COURT TO FILE DEMURRER: - Remedy would be (Salazar v. People, GR NO. 151931)
o The motion for leave of court to file demurrer to evidence o The accused has the right to adduce evidence on the civil
shall: (G5O) aspect of the case unless the court also declares that the act
Specifically state its grounds and or omission from which the civil liability may rise did not
Shall be filed within a non-extendible period of five exist. (by way of appeal)
(5) days after the prosecution rests its case.
The prosecution may oppose the motion within a Distinctions between Demurrer to Evidence (Section 23 of Rule 119) vs.
non-extendible period of five (5) days from its Motion to Quash (Section 3 of Rule 117)
o If leave of court is granted, the accused shall file the Filed after the prosecution rested Filed before the accused enters his
demurrer to evidence within a non-extendible period of ten its case plea
(10) days from notice. The prosecution may oppose the Is a litigated motion Is a litigated and an omnibus
demurrer to evidence within a similar period from its motion
receipt. Can be filed with or without leave Must be filed with leave of court
o The order denying the motion for leave of court to file Is based on insufficiency of Is based on the grounds set forth in
demurrer to evidence or the demurrer itself shall not be evidence presented by the Section 3 of Rule 117
reviewable by appeal or by certiorari before judgment. prosecution
Accused may present evidence if it Accused may proceed with the
Demurrer to Evidence defined is filed with leave of court or arraignment unless the denial is
appeal the judgment if filed tainted with grave abuse of
- is an objection by one of the parties in an action, to the effect that without leave of court discretion. A petition for certiorari
the evidence which his adversary produced is insufficient in point of under Rule 65 is an available
law, whether true or not, to make out a case or sustain the issue remedy
(People v. Go, GR. No. 191015) Results into the dismissal of the Results into the amendment of the
action and acquittal of the accused complaint or information, or
Effect of Grant of Demurrer (People v. Go, GR No. 191015) and the remedy of the prosecution dismissal of the action if it is
is to appeal the civil liability or grounded upon extinction of the
certiorari under Rule 65 criminal action or liability, or
double jeopardy.
Made by either the initiative of the Made upon the motion of the
court or upon motion of the accused. M. JUDGMENT
Judgement defined (Section 1 of Rule 120)
Distinctions between Demurrer to Evidence in Criminal cases (Section 23 o Judgment is the adjudication by the court that the accused
of Rule 119) and Demurrer to Evidence in Civil cases (Rule 33) is guilty or not guilty of the offense charged and the
imposition on him of the proper penalty and civil liability, if
(RULE 119, SECTION 23) 33)
Is tantamount to an acquittal and Is an adjudication on the merits - REQUIREMENTS OF A VALID JUDGEMENT IN CRIMINAL CASES:
the dismissal order may not be which is definitely subject of an (WSL)
appealed because this would place appeal. o It must be written in the official language,
the accused in double jeopardy. o Personally and directly prepared by the judge and signed by
Although the dismissal order is not him and
subject to appeal, it is still o Shall contain clearly and distinctly a statement of the facts
reviewable only by certiorari under and the law upon which it is based
Rule 65
The court may motu proprio The court may not motu proprio (in Constitutional basis of a Final Judgment: (Article VIII Section 14 of 1987
dismiss the case. its own initiative) dismiss the case. Constitution)
May be filed with or without leave May simply be filed without leave
- No court shall render a decision without stating clearly and
of court. If the court denies the of court but the denial thereof will
demurrer to evidence filed with still allow the defendant to present distinctly the facts and law on which it is based
leave of court, the accused may his evidence Distinguish between a Final Order and an Interlocutory Order
adduce evidence in his defense.
When the demurrer to evidence is FINAL ORDER INTERLOCUTORY ORDER
filed without leave of court, the An order issued by the court An order which does not finally
accused waives the right to present which disposes of the subject dispose of the case and does not
evidence and submits the case for matter in its entirety or terminates end the Court’s task of adjudicating
judgment on the basis of the a particular proceeding or action, the parties’ contentions and
evidence for the prosecution. leaving nothing more to be done determining their rights and
except to enforce by execution liabilities as regards each other, but
Reopening of the case (Section 24 of Rule 119) what the court has determined. obviously indicates other things
(Alma Jose v. Javellana, GR. No. remain to be done by the Court.
- At any time before finality of the judgment of conviction, the judge 158239) (Caliwan v. Ocampo GR. No. 183270)
may, motu proprio or upon motion, with hearing in either case, Remedy against a final order is Remedy against an Interlocutory
reopen the proceedings to avoid a miscarrage of justice. The appeal. order is a special civil action of
proceedings shall be terminated within thirty (30) days from the certiorari under Rule 65
order granting it.
Contents of judgment (Section 2 of Rule 120)
- If the judgement is of CONVICTION it shall state: (QPPC) Convict him of as many offenses as are charged and
o The legal QUALIFICATION of the offense constituted by the proved, and
acts committed by the accused and the aggravating or Impose on him the penalty for each offense, setting
mitigating circumstances which attended its commission out separately the findings of fact and law in each
o the PARTICIPATION of the accused in the offense whether offense.
as a: o Accused may be convicted for two different crimes
Principal (Article 17 of the Revised Penal Code) penalized by two different laws (People v. Saulo, 344 SCRA
Accomplice (Article 18 of the Revised Penal Code) 605)
Accessory (Article 19 of the Revised Penal Code) A person may be charged and convicted for both
o the PENALTY imposed upon the accused illegal recruitment and estafa, the reason being that
o the CIVIL LIABILITY or damages caused by his wrongful act illegal recruitment Is a malum prohibitum, whereas
or omission to be recovered from the accused by the estafa is malum in se
offended party if there is any. o Relate this to Section 13 of Rule 110 (Rule on Multiple
- If the judgment is of ACQUITTAL it shall state: (AMC) offenses charged in an information) and Section 3 of Rule
o FIRST KIND OF ACQUITTAL: 117 (Motion to Quash)
that the evidence of the prosecution absolutely
Variance Doctrine (Section 4 of Rule 120)
failed to prove the guilt of the accused
Civil liability is extinguished in this form of acquittal - RULE ON VARIANCE DOCTRINE:
because he is not the author of the act complained o When there is variance between the offense charged in the
of. complaint or information and that proved, and the offense
o SECOND KIND OF ACQUITTAL as charged is included in or necessarily includes the offense
or that the prosecution merely failed to prove his proved, the accused shall be:
guilt beyond reasonable doubt’ Convicted of the offense proved which is included in
accused is not exempt from civil liability which may the offense charged, or
be proved by preponderance of evidence only Of the offense charged which is included in the
o In either case, the judgment shall determine if the act or offense proved.
omission from which the civil liability might arise did not o Application of this however hinges on WHAT IS
Judgment for 2 or more offenses (Section 3 of Rule 120) When an Offense Includes or is Included In Another (Section 5 of Rule 120)
TWO OR MORE OFFENSES IN THE COMPLAINT OR INFORMATION; o An offense charged necessarily includes the offense proved
o When two or more offenses are charged in a single when some of the essential elements or ingredients of the
complaint or information but the accused fails to object to it former, as alleged in the complaint or information,
before trial, the court may: (CI) constitute the latter.
o An offense charged is necessarily included in the offense o The court promulgating the judgment shall have authority
proved, when the essential ingredients of the former to: (AB)
constitute or form a part of those constituting the latter Accept the notice of appeal and
Rape of minor and Sexual Abuse under RA 7610 is To approve the bail bond pending appeal;
exclusive of each other as ruled by the Court in - WHERE TO FILE WHEN THE NATURE OF THE OFFENSE WAS
Accused cannot be convicted of any offense not o Provided, that if the decision of the trial court convicting the
charged in the information (People v. Bayya, 327 accused changed the nature of the offense from non-
SCRA 771) bailable to bailable, the application for bail can only be
filed and resolved by the appellate court.
Promulgation of Judgment (Section 6 of Rule 120)
- HOW JUDGEMENT IS PROMULGATED: o The proper clerk of court shall:
o The judgment is promulgated: (RPC) Give notice to the accused personally or through his
By reading it in the presence of the accused and any bondsman or warden and counsel,
judge of the court in which it was rendered. Requiring him to be present at the promulgation of
However, if the conviction is for a light offense, the the decision.
judgment may be pronounced in the presence of his If the accused tried in absentia because he jumped
counsel or representative. bail or escaped from prison, the notice to him shall
When the judge is absent or outside of the province be served at his last known address.
or city, the judgment may be promulgated by the - HOW JUDGMENT PROMULGATED IF ACCUSED FAILED TO APPEAR:
clerk of court. o In case the accused fails to appear at the scheduled date of
Personal appearance of the accused is promulgation of judgment despite notice, the promulgation
required during promulgation except where shall be made by: (RS)
the conviction is for a light offense Recording the judgment in the criminal docket and
(Florendo v. Ceballos, 239 SCRA 235) Serving him a copy thereof at his last known
o If the accused is confined or detained in another province or PROMULGATION OF JUDGMENT OF CONVICTION:
city, the judgment may be promulgated by the executive o If the judgment is for conviction and the failure of the
judge of the Regional Trial Court having jurisdiction over the accused to appear was without justifiable cause, he shall:
place of confinement or detention upon request of the (LA)
court which rendered the judgment. Lose the remedies available in these rules against
The judgment must be promulgated during the the judgment and
incumbency of the judge (Jimenez v. Republic, 22 The court shall order his arrest.
SCRA 622) NOTE: Non-appearance of the accused
- AUTHORITY OF THE COURT PROMULGATING THE JUDGMENT; without justifiable cause, in the
promulgation of judgment of conviction
forfeits his right to avail of remedies under When the accused has applied for probation.
Rule 121 (New Trial/Reconsideration), Rule
122 (Appeal) and PD 1606 (Jaylo v. Post-Conviction DNA Testing If Favorable Would Result to Modification of
Sandiganbayan, GR Nos. 183152-54, 2015) Judgment (Section 6 of DNA Evidence Rule (AM No. 06-11-5-SC, October
o Within fifteen (15) days from promulgation of judgment, - WHEN TO AVAIL A POST-CONVICTION DNA TESTING;
however, the accused may: (SF)
o Post-conviction DNA testing may be available, without need
Surrender and
File a motion for leave of court to avail of these of prior court order, to the prosecution or any person
remedies. convicted by final and executory judgment provided that:
ABSENCE: (a) a biological sample exists,
o He shall state the reasons for his absence at the scheduled (b) such sample is relevant to the case, and
(c) the testing would probably result in the reversal
promulgation and if he proves that his absence was for a
or modification of the judgment of conviction.
justifiable cause, he shall be allowed to avail of said
remedies within fifteen (15) days from notice
Post-Conviction DNA Testing; Remedy if Results are Favorable to the
Convict (Section 10 of DNA Evidence Rule (AM No. 06-11-5-SC, October 15,
o Promulgation of judgment cannot take place until the clerk
receives it and enters it into the criminal docket
Modification of Judgment (Section 7 of Rule 120)
o The convict or the prosecution may file a petition for a writ
of habeas corpus in the court of origin if the results of the
o A judgment of conviction may, upon motion of the accused,
post-conviction DNA testing are favorable to the convict.
be modified or set aside: (FP)
Before it becomes final or
Before appeal is perfected.
o In the case the court, after due hearing finds the petition to
be meritorious, if shall reverse or modify the judgment of
o Except where the death penalty is imposed, a judgment
conviction and order the release of the convict, unless
becomes final: (LSWP)
continued detention is justified for a lawful cause.
After the lapse of the period for perfecting an
o A similar petition may be filed either in the Court of Appeals
appeal, or
or the Supreme Court, or with any member of said courts,
When the sentence has been partially or totally
which may conduct a hearing thereon or remand the
satisfied or served, or
petition to the court of origin and issue the appropriate
When the accused has waived in writing his right to
appeal, or
Entry of Judgment (Section 8 of Rule 120) - Probation (PD 968)*
- After a judgment has become final, it shall be entered in accordance I. MOTION FOR A NEW TRIAL/RECONSIDERATION (Rule 121 of the Rules of
with Rule 36 Court
- Finality of judgment different from its entry (Munnez v. CA, GR No.
L-46040) New Trial defined: (People v. Tamayo, 86 Phil. 213)
o Delay in the latter does not affect the effectivity of the
- a proceeding whereby errors of law or irregularities are expunged
former which is counted from the expiration of the right to
from the record or new evidence is introduced or both steps taken
- Effects of Final Judgment (Videogram Regulatory Board v. CA, 265
New Trial: When is it available? (Section 1 of Rule 121)
SCRA 50)
o After a judgment has become final, vested rights are - At any time before a judgment of conviction becomes final, the
acquired by the winning party. If the proper losing party has court may upon motion of the accused or at its own instance but
the right to file an appeal within the prescribed period, then with the consent of the accused, grant a new trial or
the former has the correlative right to enjoy the finality of reconsideration.
the judgment from the resolution of the case. - Relate this to Section 7 of Rule 120 (When Judgment becomes
- Illegal arrest not a ground for setting aside of valid judgment final)
(People v. San Pedro, 224 SCRA 93) o Except where the death penalty is imposed, a judgment
o The illegal arrest of an accused is not a sufficient cause for becomes final: (LSWP)
setting aside a valid judgment rendered upon a sufficient After the lapse of the period for perfecting an
complaint after trial free from error. appeal, or
When the sentence has been partially or totally
Existing provisions governing suspension of sentence, probation and
satisfied or served, or
parole (Section 9 of Rule 120)
When the accused has waived in writing his right to
appeal, or
- Nothing in this rule shall affect any existing provisions in the laws
When the accused has applied for probation
governing suspension of sentence, probation, or parole.
Purpose of a New Trial?
II. APPEALS (RULES 122, 123, 124,125 in relation to RULES 40,41,42,43,,45) - Renders the judgment of the court final and executory
Appeal defined: New Issues cannot be raised on appeal; Parties cannot change his theory
of the case on appeal; reasons
- The elevation by an aggrieved party of any decision, order, or award
of a lower body to a higher body, by means of a document which - The rule rests on the fundamental tenets of justice and fair-play
includes the assignment of errors, memorandum of arguments in (Mon v. Court of Appeals GR No. 118292)
support thereof, and the reliefs prayed for.
*Appeal and Certiorari, are mutually exclusive of each other (Laurel v.
Appellant defined: Abrogar (GR No. 155076)
- The party in a litigation that seeks to have a judgment in a lower *Appellate court cannot impose higher penalty in on appealed cases,
court reviewed in whole or in part otherwise double jeopardy applies (Phil Rabbit Bus Lines v. People, GR
No. 157703)
Who may Appeal (Section 1 of Rule 122)
- The parties in the old appeal of felony
- Any party may appeal from a judgment or final order, unless the
Nature of Right to appeal: (Yu v. Samson-Tatad, GR NO. 170979) accused will be placed in double jeopardy
o Instances wherein dismissal of a criminal action results into
- It is a statutory privilege, therefore available only if granted or as double jeopardy
provided by statutes Rule 119 Section 9 of the Rules of Court
- In criminal cases, appeal throws the whole case open for review and Dismissal in violation of the accused’s right
it is the duty of the appellate court to correct, cite, and appreciate to a speedy trial
errors in the appealed judgment whether they are assigned or Rule 119 Sections 17 and 18 of the Rules of Court
unassigned (Cruz v. People, GR No. 177191) Discharge of one or more accused as a state
Rule 119 Section 23 of the Rules of Court - the judgment is based on misapprehension of facts and the findings
Grant of a Demurrer of evidence of an of fact of the Sandiganbayan are premised on the absence of
accused evidence and are contradicted by the evidence on record
Rule 117 Section 3(i) of the Rules of Court
Grant of a Motion to Quash on the ground Where Appeal may be Taken (Section 2 of Rule 122)
that the accused has been previously
- The appeal may be taken as follows:
convicted or acquitted or the case against
him was dismissed or otherwise terminated
without his express consent EXERCISE OF ITS ORIGINAL JURISDICTION (In relation to
Rule 41)
Requisites of Double Jeopardy (FVS) (a) To the Regional Trial Court, in cases decided by
the Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court
- The First Jeopardy has attached to the accused (ICAA)
in Cities, Municipal Trial Court, or Municipal Circuit
o Provided that there is a valid INDICTMENT
Trial Court;
o wherein the accused was validly ARRAIGNED and entered
his plea
o that the accused has been previously ACQUITTED or
o (b) To the Court of Appeals or to the Supreme Court in the
CONVICTED or the case against him was dismissed or
proper cases provided by law, in cases decided by the
otherwise terminated without his express consent
Regional Trial Court; and
o There is a SECOND JEOPARDY attached which involves the
DECIDED BY THE COURT OF APPEALS (In relation to Rule 45)
same offense in the first.S o (c) To the Supreme Court, in cases decided by the Court of
When Certiorari (Rule 65) available: As an Exception to Double Jeopardy
- When the court committed grave abuse of discretion amounting to RA 10660, Section 2)
lack or excess of jurisdiction in dismissing the criminal action o The Sandiganbayan shall exercise exclusive appellate
jurisdiction over final judgments, resolutions or orders of
Factual findings of the lower court conclusive and must be respected; regional trial courts whether in the exercise of their own
Factual errors not subject of Certiorari; Exceptions: (Guadines v. original jurisdiction or of their appellate jurisdiction as
Sandiganbayan, GR No. 164891) (SIGM) herein provided (in relation to Rule 41 and Rule 42)
- the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on speculation, How Appeal May Be Taken (Section 3 of Rule 122)*
surmise, and conjectures (pursuant to the amendment made in AM-00-5-03 SC)
- the inference is manifestly mistaken
- there is grave abuse of discretion
- APPEAL FROM CASES DECIDED BY THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT IN with the court which rendered the judgment or final
THE EXERCISE OF ITS ORIGINAL JURISDICTION (In relation to Rule order appealed from and by serving a copy thereof
41): upon the adverse party.
o (a) The appeal to the Regional Trial Court, or to the Court of o Automatic review is not with the SUPREME COURT
Appeals in cases decided by the Regional Trial Court in the anymore as this was the principle of the ruling made in
exercise of its original jurisdiction, shall be by notice of People v. Mateo (GR No. 147678-87, 2004)
appeal filed with the court which rendered the judgment or - *(d) No notice of appeal is necessary in cases where the Regional
final order appealed from and by serving a copy thereof Trial Court imposed the death penalty. The Court of Appeals shall
upon the adverse party. automatically review the judgment as provided in Section 10 of this
- APPEAL FROM CASES DECIDED BY THE REGIONAL TRIAL COURT IN Rule. (3a) (Death penalty is suspended)
42) o (e) Except as provided in the last paragraph of section 13,
o (b) The appeal to the Court of Appeals in cases decided by Rule 124, all other appeals to the Supreme Court shall be by
the Regional Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate petition for review on certiorari under Rule 45
jurisdiction shall be by petition for review under Rule 42.
Petition for review defined: Service of Notice of Appeal (Section 4 of Rule 122)
Mode of appeal taken within the period for
appeal from the decision by the Regional - If personal service of the copy of the notice of appeal cannot be
Trial Court in the exercise of its appellate made upon the adverse party or his counsel, service may be done
jurisdiction in cases originating in the by registered mail or by substituted service pursuant to sections 7
municipal and metropolitan trial courts and 8 of rule 13
(Garcia v. Lazatin Consolidated Corp, SP- o In short: Order of Preference
08871, 1986) Personal service
Waiver of Notice (Section 5 of Rule 122)
o (c) The appeal in cases where the penalty imposed by the
Regional Trial Court is: - The appellee may waive his right to a notice that an appeal has been
reclusion perpetua, taken. The appellate court may, in its discretion entertain an appeal
life imprisonment or notwithstanding failure to five such notice if the interests of justice
where a lesser penalty is imposed for offenses so require
committed on the same occasion or which arose out
of the same occurrence that gave rise to the more, When an Appeal may be taken (Section 6 of Rule 122)
serious offense for which the penalty of death,
reclusion perpetua, or life imprisonment is imposed, - APPEAL; WHEN TAKEN:
o Shall be by notice of appeal to the Court of Appeals in
accordance with paragraph (a) of this Rule.
o An appeal must be taken within fifteen (15) days from notes shall be granted except by the Supreme Court and
promulgation of the judgment or from notice of the final only upon justifiable grounds.
order appealed from.
- WHEN APPEAL DEEMED PERFECTED: Transmission of Papers To Appellate Court Upon Appeal (Section 8 of Rule
o This period for perfecting an appeal shall be suspended 122)
from the time a motion for new trial or reconsideration is
filed until notice of the order overruling the motion shall
o Within five (5) days from the filing of the notice of appeal,
have been served upon the accused or his counsel at which
the clerk of the court with whom the notice of appeal was
time the balance of the period begins to run.
filed must: (TTT)
- Fresh Period rule applicable in criminal cases (Yu v. Samson-Tatad)
Transmit to the clerk of court of the appellate court
o Neypes rule applies as well in criminal cases under Rule 122
the complete record of the case, together with said
of the Rules of Court
Transcribing and Filing Notes of Stenographic Reporter Upon Appeal The original and three copies of the transcript of
(Section 7 of Rule 122) stenographic notes, together with the records, shall
also be transmitted to the clerk of the appellate
o When notice of appeal is: The other copy of the transcript shall remain in the
Filed by the accused, lower court
the trial court shall direct the stenographic
reporter to transcribe his notes of the Appeal to the Regional Trial Court (Section 9 of Rule 122)
When filed by the People of the Philippines,
o (a) Within five (5) days from perfection of the appeal, the
the trial court shall direct the stenographic
clerk of court shall transmit the original record to the
reporter to transcribe such portion of his
appropriate Regional Trial Court.
notes of the proceedings as the court, upon
motion, shall specify in writing.
o The stenographic reporter shall certify to the correctness of
o (b) Upon receipt of the complete record of the case,
the notes and the transcript thereof, which shall consist of
transcripts and exhibits, the clerk of court of the Regional
the original and four copies, and shall file the original and
Trial Court shall notify the parties of such fact.
four copies with the clerk without unnecessary delay.
o (c) Within fifteen (15) days from receipt of the said notice,
o If death penalty is imposed, the stenographic reporter shall,
the parties may submit memoranda or briefs, or may be
within thirty (30) days from promulgation of the sentence,
required by the Regional Trial Court to do so. After the
file with the clerk original and four copies of the duly
submission of such memoranda or briefs, or upon the
certified transcript of his notes of the proceedings. No
expiration of the period to file the same, the Regional Trial
extension of time for filing of said transcript of stenographic
Court shall decide the case on the basis of the entire record o Notwithstanding the perfection of the appeal, the Regional
of the case and of such memoranda or briefs as may have Trial Court, Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court
been filed. in Cities, Municipal Trial Court, or Municipal Circuit Trial
Court, as the case may be, may allow the appellant to
Transmission of Records in Case of Death penalty (Section 10 of Rule 122 withdraw his appeal:
as amended by AM 00-5-03) Before the record has been forwarded by the clerk
of court to the proper appellate court as provided in
- In all cases where the death penalty is imposed by the trial court,
section 8, in which case the judgment shall become
the records shall be forwarded to the Court of Appeals for
automatic review and judgment within twenty days but not earlier
The Regional Trial Court may also, in its discretion,
than fifteen days from the promulgation of the judgment or notice
allow the appellant from the judgment of a
of denial of a motion for new trial or reconsideration. The transcript
Metropolitan Trial Court, Municipal Trial Court in
shall also be forwarded within ten days after the filing thereof by
Cities, Municipal Trial Court, or Municipal Circuit
the stenographic reporter.
Trial Court to withdraw his appeal, provided a
motion to that effect is filed before rendition of the
Effect of Appeal by Several Accused (Section 11 of Rule 122)
judgment in the case on appeal, in which case the
- EFFECT OF APPEAL BY ONE OR SEVERAL ACCUSED: judgment of the court of origin shall become final
o (a) An appeal taken by one or more of several accused shall and the case shall be remanded to the latter court
not affect those who did not appeal, except insofar as the for execution of the judgment.
judgment of the appellate court is favorable and applicable - EFFECT OF WITHDRAWAL OF APPEAL
to the latter; o Conviction becomes final and executory (People v. De Lara,
As ruled in the case of People v. Escano (402 Phil 399 Phil. 756)
Appointment of Counsel de Officio for Accused on Appeal (Section 13 of
Judgment on appeal favorable to the
Rule 122)
accused applies to others
o (b) The appeal of the offended party from the civil aspect o It shall be the duty of the clerk of the trial court, upon filing
shall not affect the criminal aspect of the judgment or order of a notice of appeal, to ascertain from the appellant, if
appealed from. confined in prison, whether he desires the Regional Trial
- EFFECT OF PERFECTION OF APPEAL: Court, Court of Appeals or the Supreme Court to appoint a
o (c) Upon perfection of the appeal, the execution of the counsel de oficio to defend him and to transmit with the
judgment or final order appealed from shall be stayed as to record on a form to be prepared by the clerk of court of the
the appealing party. appellate court, a certificate of compliance with this duty
and of the response of the appellant to his inquiry.
Withdrawal of Appeal; Effect (Section 12 of Rule 122)
Procedure in Municipal Trial Courts: Uniform Procedure (Section 1 of Rule - REQUIREMENTS FOR APPELLANT IN FILING HIS APPELLANTS BRIEF:
123) o Within thirty (30) days from receipt by the appellant or his
counsel of the notice from the clerk of court of the Court of
- The procedure to be observed in the Metropolitan Trial Courts, Appeals that the evidence, oral and documentary, is already
Municipal Trial Courts and Municipal Circuit Trial Courts shall be the attached to the record, the appellant shall file seven (7)
same as in the Regional Trial Courts, except: (PS) copies of his brief with the clerk of court which shall be
o Where a particular provision applies only to either of said accompanied by proof of service of two (2) copies thereof
courts and upon the appellee
o In criminal cases governed by the Revised Rule on Summary
Procedure When to file Appellee’s Brief; Reply Brief of The Appellant (Section 4 of
Rule 124)
Procedure in the Court of Appeals (Section 1 of Rule 124)
- PARTIES ON APPEAL BEFORE THE COURT OF APPEALS: o Within thirty (30) days from the receipt of the brief of the
o In all criminal cases appealed to the Court of Appeals:, appellant, the appellee shall file seven (7) copies of the brief
The party appealing the case shall be called the of the appellee with the clerk of court which shall be
"appellant" and accompanied by proof of service of two (2) copies thereof
The adverse party the "appellee," but the title of upon the appellant.
the case shall remain as it was in the court of origin. - WHEN TO FILE REPLY BRIEF:
o Within twenty (20) days from receipt of the brief of the
Appointment of Counsel de Officio (Section 2 of Rule 124) appellee, the appellant may file a reply brief traversing
matters raised in the former but not covered in the brief of
the appellant
o If it appears from the record of the case as transmitted that: Extension for filing Briefs (Section 5 of Rule 124)
(a) the accused is confined in prison,
(b) is without counsel de parte on appeal, or - Extension of time for the filing of briefs will not be allowed except:
(c) has signed the notice of appeal himself, (GE)
o the clerk of court of the Court of Appeals shall designate a o For good and sufficient cause and
counsel de oficio. o Only if the motion for extension is filed before the
- RULE IF THE ACCUSED IS NOT CONFINED IN PRISON: expiration of the time sought to be extended
o An appellant who is not confined in prison may, upon
request, be assigned a counsel de oficio within ten (10) days Form of Briefs (Section 6 of Rule 124)
from receipt of the notice to file brief and he establishes his
right thereto. - Briefs shall either be printed, encoded, or typewritten in double
space on legal size good quality unglazed paper, 330 mm. in length
When Brief for Appellant be Filed (Section 3 of Rule 124) by 216 mm. in width
Contents of Briefs (Section 7 of Rule 124) adduced by the parties, is of the opinion that error was committed
which injuriously affected the substantial rights of the appellant.
- The briefs in criminal cases shall have the same contents as
provided in sections 13 and 14 of Rule 44. A certified true copy of Scope of Judgment (Section 11 of Rule 124)
the decision or final order appealed from shall be appended to the
brief of the appellant. - The Court of Appeals may reverse, affirm, or modify the judgment
and increase or reduce the penalty imposed by the trial court,
Dismissal of Appeal for Abandonment to Prosecute (Section 8 of Rule 124) remand the case to the Regional Trial Court for new trial or retrial,
or dismiss the case.
- EFFECT IF APPELLANT FAILS TO FILE HIS BRIEF: o Power of the appellate court to review and revise findings
o The Court of Appeals may, upon motion of the appellee or of the trial court: (People v. Abana, 76 Phil. 1)
motu proprio and with notice to the appellant in either The appellate court has the duty to review and
case, dismiss the appeal if the appellant fails to file his brief revise the findings of facts of the trial court and to
within the time prescribed by this Rule, except where the render its own fair judgment accordingly, when the
appellant is represented by a counsel de officio. evidence which may tilt the balance of justice has
o The Court of Appeals may also, upon motion of the appellee Power to Receive Evidence (Section 12 of Rule 124, as amended by AM No.
or motu proprio, dismiss the appeal if the appellant escapes 00-5-03-sc)
from prison or confinement, jumps bail or flees to a foreign
country during the pendency of the appeal. - POWERS OF THE COURT OF APPEALS:
o The Court of Appeals shall have the power to try cases and
Prompt Disposition of Appeals (Section 9 of Rule 124) conduct hearings, receive evidence and perform all acts
necessary to resolve factual issues raised in cases:
- RULE ON THE DISPOSITION OF THE APPEAL IF THE ACCUSED IS Falling within its original and appellate jurisdiction,
UNDER DETENTION: including the power to grant and conduct new trials
o Appeals of accused who are under detention shall be given or further proceedings.
precedence in their disposition over other appeals. The Trials or hearings in the Court of Appeals must be
Court of Appeals shall hear and decide the appeal at the continuous and must be completed within three
earliest practicable time with due regard to the rights of the months, unless extended by the Chief Justice.
parties. The accused need not be present in court during In relation to Section 1(g) of Rule 116 in
the hearing of the appeal. terms of period of trial
Judgment need not be Reversed or Modified Except for Substantial Error Certification of the Appeal to the Supreme Court (Section 13 of Rule 124)
(Section 10 of Rule 124)
- No judgment shall be reversed or modified unless the Court of PENALTY OF DEATH SHOULD BE IMPOSED:
Appeals, after an examination of the record and of the evidence
o (a) Whenever the Court of Appeals finds that the penalty of - WHEN TO FILE FOR A RECONSIDERATION:
death should be imposed, the court shall render judgment o A motion for reconsideration shall be filed within fifteen
but refrain from making an entry of judgment and forthwith (15) days after from notice of the decision or final order of
certify the case and elevate its entire record to the Supreme the Court of Appeals, with copies served upon the adverse
Court for review. party, setting forth the grounds in support thereof. The
o (b) Where the judgment also imposes a lesser penalty for mittimus shall be stayed during the pendency of the motion
offenses committed on the same occasion or which arose for reconsideration. No party shall be allowed a second
out of the same occurrence that gave rise to the more motion for reconsideration of a judgment or final order.
severe offense for which the penalty of death is imposed, o Mittimus Defined:
and the accused appeals, the appeal shall be included in the is a process issued by the court to carry out a final
case certified for review to, the Supreme Court. judgment (In Re: Capturo, 11 Phil 241)
OF RECLUSION PERPETUA Distinguish Motion for A New Trial/Reconsideration under Rule 121 and
o (c) In cases where the Court of Appeals imposes reclusion Motion for A New Trial/Reconsideration under Rule 124
perpetua, life imprisonment or a lesser penalty, it shall RULE 121 (Sections 1-3) RULE 124 (14-16)
render and enter judgment imposing such penalty. The Filed with the first level courts, Filed with the Court of Appeal.
judgment may be appealed to the Supreme Court by notice upon motion of the accused or at
of appeal filed with the Court of Appeals. its on instance, with the consent of
the accused
Filed at any time before a judgment In case of a Motion for a New Trial,
of conviction becomes final. it is filed after the appeal from the
Motion for new Trial (Section 14 of Rule 124) lower court has been perfected
and before the judgment of the
- WHEN TO FILE FOR A NEW TRIAL: Court of Appeals convicting the
o At any time after the appeal from the lower court has been Appellant becomes final.
perfected and before the judgment of the Court of Appeals In case of a Motion for
convicting the appellant becomes final, the latter may Reconsideration, it shall be filed
move for a new trial on the ground of newly-discovered within fifteen (15) days after from
evidence material to his defense. The motion shall conform notice of the decision or final order
with the provisions of section 4, Rule 121. of the Court of Appeals, with
copies served upon the adverse
When New Trial Conducted (Section 15 of Rule 124) party, setting forth the grounds in
support thereof
- When a new trial is granted, the Court of Appeals may conduct the Grounds for a New Trial under Rule Grounds for a new Trial under Rule
hearing and receive evidence as provided in Section 12 of This Rule 121 are as follows: 124 are:
or refer the trial to the court of origin - That errors of law or - Newly discovered evidence
irregularities prejudicial to material to his defense
Reconsideration (Section 16 of Rule 124) the substantial rights of the
accused have been the conclusion is a finding grounded entirely on
committed during trial speculation, surmise, and conjectures
- Newly discovered evidence the inference is manifestly mistaken
there is grave abuse of discretion
Judgment Transmitted and Filed In Court (Section 17 of Rule 124) the judgment is based on misapprehension of facts
said findings of facts are conclusions without
- When the entry of judgment of the Court of Appeals is issued, a
citation of specific evidence on which they are
certified true copy of the judgment shall be attached to the original
record which shall be remanded to the clerk of the court from which
the findings of fact of the Sandiganbayan are
the appeal was taken.
premised on the absence of evidence on record
Application of Certain Rules In Civil Procedure to Criminal Cases (Section
Decision If Opinion Equally Divided (Section 3 of Rule 125)
18 of Rule 124)
- When the Supreme Court en banc is equally divided in opinion or
- The provisions of Rules 42, 44 to 46 and 48 to 56 relating to
the necessary majority cannot be had on whether to acquit the
procedure in the Court of Appeals and in the Supreme Court in
appellant, the case shall again be deliberated upon and if no
original and appealed civil cases shall be applied to criminal cases
decision is reached after re-deliberation, the judgment of conviction
insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with the
of the lower court shall be reversed and the accused acquitted.
provisions of this Rule.
- No court shall render a decision without stating clearly and - MANDATORY JUDICIAL NOTICE:
distinctly the facts and law on which it is based o A court shall take judicial notice, without the introduction of
evidence of: (EPFLACALMG)
The existence and territorial extent of states,
Their political history,
Forms of government and symbols of nationality, o The issue involved is one of fact and not of law;
The law of nations, o The foreign law must be proved like any other fact
The admiralty and maritime courts of the world and Exception (AU)
their seals, When the court has actual knowledge of
The political constitution and history of the foreign laws
Philippines, When the court has already ruled upon in a
The official acts of legislative, executive and judicial case involving said foreign law
departments of the Philippines,
The geographical divisions. o In the case of Metropolitan Trial Courts/Municipal Trial
o Other matters that the court should take judicial notice of Courts/Municipal Circuit Trial Courts
mandatorily They are required to take judicial notice of the laws
Amendment to the Rules of Court and the ordinances of the city or municipality where
Decisions of the Supreme Court they sit
Official acts or declarations of the President o In the case of Regional Trial Courts
Banking practices They are mandatorily required to take judicial
Financial status of the government notice of laws of the land
Powers of the President In case of ordinances, the Regional Trial Courts are
Court records not mandatorily required to take judicial notice of
such except in the following instances: (RAU)
When Judicial Notice is Discretionary (Section 2 of Rule 129)
When it is required by law or statute
- DISCRETIONARY JUDICIAL NOTICE: (PUJ) In case of appeal involving the ordinance
o A court may take judicial notice of: In case of issue of facts which are of
matters which are of public knowledge, or unquestionable demonstration
are capable to unquestionable demonstration, or
ought to be known to judges because of their When Hearing necessary in Judicial Notice (Section 3 of Rule 129)
Doctrine of Presumed Identity Approach (Processual Presumption) NOTICE:
- When a foreign law is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not proved, During the trial, the court, on its own initiative, or
the presumption is that foreign law is the same as ours (ATCI on request of a party, may announce its intention to
Overseas Corporation v. Echin, GR No. 178551, 2010) take judicial notice of any matter and allow the
parties to be heard thereon.
- Requirements in order for the court to take judicial notice of o AFTER TRIAL BUT BEFORE JUDGMENT
foreign laws: (FP)
After the trial, and before judgment or on appeal, Distinctions between Judicial Admission and Judicial Confession
the proper court, on its own initiative or on request
of a party, may take judicial notice of any matter
An admission, verbal or written, An acknowledgement of one’s guilt
and allow the parties to be heard thereon if such
made by a party in the course of in the same case
matter is decisive of a material issue in the case.
the proceedings in the same case
Judicial Admissions (Section 4 of Rule 129) Does not result into liability Connotes the admission of one’s
- JUDICIAL ADMISSION DEFINED May be express or implied Must be always express or tacit
o An admission, verbal or written, made by the party in the Is more of a broader scope which Is only limited to a confession of a
course of the proceedings in the same case, does not includes judicial confession person
require proof. Made by any party Can only be made by the accused in
o The admission may be contradicted only by showing that it a criminal proceeding
was made through palpable mistake or that no such
admission was made. Distinctions between Judicial Admission and Extra-Judicial Admission
o Requisites for a valid judicial admission: (Republic v.
Definite Made in the same case Made in another case or out of
Certain court admission
Unequivocal Need not be proven by the party Needs to be alleged and proven
- Purpose of admission; It cannot be contradicted except through being conclusive on the part of the like any other fact
admitter, unless it was made
palpable mistake; Liberality in application (Republic v. Cojuangco,
through palpable mistake or when
GR No. 180702)
there is no admission made
o Although acts or facts admitted do not require proof and
cannot be contradicted, however, evidence aliunde can be
presented to show that the admission was made through Instances where judicial admissions can be made
palpable mistake
- Admissions made:
Mere denial for lack of knowledge is insufficient
o in the pleadings
because admission in the answer can only be
o during pre-trial conference
contradicted by palpable mistake (Equitable v.
o in motions filed before the court
Capistrano (GR No. 180157)
o The rule is always in favor of liberality in construction of o by the witnesses on the witness stand
pleadings so that the real matter in dispute may be o in the answer in the written interrogatories
submitted to the judgment of the court o in open court during trial
- Extrajudicial confession made by a conspirator becomes judicial o on testimonies, deposition and affidavits
admission of he repeats the same in court (People v. Janjalani, GR - Agreement of facts by the parties
No. 188314) Hypothetical Admission Rule (Rule 16 of the Rules of Court)
- When a motion to dismiss is filed, the material allegations of the - Limitations on the “Implied Admission Rule”?
complaint are deemed to be hypothetically admitted. o The redundant and unnecessarily vexatious nature of
- This hypothetical admission, extends not only from the relevant and petitioner’s request for admission rendered it to be
material facts well pleaded in the complaint, but also to inferences ineffectual, futile and irrelevant so as to proscribe the
that may be fairly deduced from them (Municipality of Hagonoy operation of the implied admission rule. There being no
Bulcan v. Dumdum Jr., GR No. 168289) implied admission attributable to respondents’ failure to
respond, the argument that a preliminary hearing is
Implied Admission in Case of a Request for Admission By Adverse Party
imperative loses its point (Limos v. Spouses Odones, GR no.
(Section 2 of Rule 26 of the Rules on Civil Procedure)
- WHAT ARE THE ACTIONS THAT CAN BE MADE BY THE PARTY A - Admissions in Case of Judgment on the Pleadings
WRITTEN FOR REQUEST FOR ADMISSION IS SERVED?: o A motion for judgement on the pleadings admits the truth
o Each of the matters of which an admission is requested shall of all the material and relevant allegations of the opposing
be deemed admitted unless, within a period designated in party and the judgment must rest on those allegations
the request, which shall not be less than fifteen (15) days taken together with such other allegations as are admitted
after service thereof, or within such further time as the in the pleadings (Municipality of Tiwi v. Betito, GR No.
court may allow on motion, the party to whom the request 171873)
is directed:
Implied Judicial Admission in case of Offer of Compromise (Section 27 of
Files and serves upon the party requesting the
Rule 130)
admission a sworn statement either denying
specifically the matters of which an admission is Offer of Compromise defined
requested or setting forth in detail the reasons why
- an offer to settle a dispute or difference amicably for the purpose of
he cannot truthfully either admit or deny those
avoiding a lawsuit and without admitting liability (Black’s Law
- Objections to any request for admission shall be submitted to the
court by the party requested within the period for and prior to the
filing of his sworn statement as contemplated in the preceding
o In criminal cases,an offer of compromised by the accused
paragraph and his compliance therewith shall be deferred until such
objections are resolved, which resolution shall be made as early as may be received in evidence as an implied admission of
practicable. guilt.
- What is the implied admission Rule? (Manzano v. Despabiladeras, o Except:
GR no. 148786) those involving quasi-offenses (criminal negligence)
o The rule states that the silence of the defendant on the or
plaintiff’s request for admission amounts to an implied those allowed by law to be compromised:
acceptance of the facts set forth therein with the effect that Section 284 of National Internal Revenue
plaintiff’s claim stood undisputed Code (Offer of Compromise on internal
- Remedy of the person making an implied admission: revenue taxes)
o Motion to be Relieved of Implied Admission Offer of marriage in case of rape
Criminal negligence cases under Article 365 Conduct a searching inquiry into the voluntariness
of the Revised Penal Code and full comprehension of the consequences of his
plea, and
Plea Of Guilty to a Lesser Offense (Section 2 of Rule 116)
Require the prosecution to prove his guilt and the
- PLEA GUILTY TO A LESSER OFFENSE HOW AND WHEN MADE: precise degree of culpability.
o At arraignment, the accused, with the consent of the The accused may present evidence in his behalf
offended party and the prosecutor, may be allowed by the
Plea of Guilty to a Non-Capital Offense (Section 4 of Rule 116)
trial court to plead guilty to a lesser offense which is
necessarily included in the offense charged. - RULE IF ACCUSED PLEADS GUILTY TO A NON CAPITAL OFFENSE:
- CHANGE OF PLEA OF NOT GUILTY TO A PLEA TO A LESSER o When the accused pleads guilty to a non-capital offense, the
OFFENSE; WHEN ALLOWED: court may receive evidence from the parties to determine
o After arraignment but before trial, the accused may still be the penalty to be imposed.
allowed to plead guilty to said lesser offense after - NOTE: Plea has no effect if it does not constitute a crime (People v.
withdrawing his plea of not guilty. Velasco (89 Phil. 512)
- RULE ON AMENDMENT AFTER PLEA TO A LESSER OFFENSE WAS - Factors to be considered by the court in the exercise of discretion
MADE: in case of plea of guilty:
o No amendment of the complaint or information is o The gravity of the offense charged and the probability that
necessary. the accused did not understand fully the meaning of his
plea and the consequences thereof. (People v. Acosta, 98
Effect of plea to a lesser offense if without the consent of the prosecutor
Phil. 642)
and offended party (People v. De Luna, 174 SCRA 204)
- The conviction of the accused to a lesser offense is not a bar to
another prosecution for an offense which necessarily includes the
offense charged in the former information, when the plea is made Burden of Proof defined (Section 1 of Rule 131)
without the consent of the prosecutor and the offended party.
- Burden of proof is the duty of a party to present evidence on the
In relation to Section 27 of Rule 130 of the Rules on Evidence facts in issue necessary to establish his claim or defense by the
amount of evidence required by law.
- An unaccepted plea of guilty to a lesser offense, is not admissible in
evidence against the accused who made the plea or offer. Burden of Evidence defined
Plea of Guilty to a Capital Offense (Section 3 of Rule 116) (In relation to - The logical necessity which rests upon a party at any particular time
Section 6 of Rule 114) during the trial to create a prima facie case in his favor or to
overthrow one created against him.
OFFENSE Distinguish Burden of Proof vs. Burden of Evidence
o When the accused pleads guilty to a capital offense, the
court shall: (CRA)
Does not shift as it remains Shifts from party to party
throughout the trial with the party depending on the exigencies of the (a) Whenever a party has, by his own
upon whom it is imposed case declaration, act, or omission, intentionally
Determined by the pleadings filed Determined by the developments in and deliberately led to another to believe a
by the party trial or by the provisions of particular thing true, and to act upon such
substantive law or procedural rules belief, he cannot, in any litigation arising
which may relieve the party from out of such declaration, act or omission, be
presenting evidence of the fact
permitted to falsify it:
(b) The tenant is not permitted to deny the
Who has the Burden of Proof in the Following Cases: title of his landlord at the time of
commencement of the relation of landlord
- Criminal cases – Prosecution
and tenant between them
- Civil Cases – the party who asserts affirmative allegations
- Any other proceeding – the party who would be defeated if no
The judgment or order of the court when
evidence were given on either side
declared by the court to be conclusive
Presumption Defined KNOWLEDGE OF THE LAW (Article 3 New Civil
- Logical inference of the truth or falsity at a point in dispute This knowledge is presumed and its
Presumption in Law defined ignorance is not a defense for violation
- An inference as to the existence of a fact not actually known, arising Disputable Presumptions (Section 3 of Rule 131)
from its usual connection with another which is known KUNG MASYADONG MADAMI YAN ETO ANG EASY 10 DISPUTABLE
Kinds of Presumptions under the Rules PRESUMPTIONS!!! (Eto lang tandaan niyo okay na)*
Distinguish Section 6 of Rule 130 vs. Rule 27 (Production and inspection of Rule on Parol Evidence: What is it?
RULE 130, SECTION 6 (Document RULE 27 (Production and o When the terms of an agreement have been reduced to
under the control of the adverse Inspection of documents as a writing, it is considered as containing all the terms agreed
party) mode of discovery) upon and there can be, between the parties and their
Production of the original Production of the document, being successors in interest, no evidence of such terms other than
document is obtained by mere a mode of discovery is by way of a the contents of the written agreement.
notice to the adverse party motion filed before the court - EXCEPTIONS
Presupposes that proponent is Contemplates a scenario where the o However, a party may present evidence to modify, explain
presumed to have knowledge of movant has no prior knowledge of
or add to the terms of written agreement if he puts in issue
the contents of the document the contents of the document to be
in his pleading: (IFVE)
(a) An intrinsic ambiguity, mistake or imperfection
Requirement of notice must be The party seeking production of
complied with as a condition said documents is not sufficiently in the written agreement;
precedent for the presentation of informed of the contents of the (b) The failure of the written agreement to express
secondary evidence document the true intent and agreement of the parties
Purpose is the presentation of Purpose is for the copying, thereto;
secondary evidence in lieu of the inspecting, photographing of (c) The validity of the written agreement; or
original documents (d) The existence of other terms agreed to by the
parties or their successors in interest after the
execution of the written agreement.
Rule in case the Original is Public Record (Section 7 of Rule 130)
- The term "agreement" includes wills.
- When the original of document is in the custody of public officer or
Rationale for Parol Evidence Rule
is recorded in a public office, its contents may be proved by a
certified copy issued by the public officer in custody thereof. - When the parties have reduced their agreement in writing, it is
presumed that they made such writing as the repository of all the
Party Calling for the Document not Bound to Offer it (Section 8 of Rule
terms of the agreement and whatever is not found in the said
writing must be considered waived and abandoned
- A party who calls for the production of a document and inspects the
Ambiguity Defined; Kinds of Ambiguity; Lord Bacon Rule:
same is not obliged to offer it as evidence.
Parol Evidence Rule (Section 9 of Rule 130)
- The fact that a word or a phrase or the general sense of a document
Parol Evidence defined:
or part of it, could equally apply to more than one things or event
Kinds of Ambiguity (Lord Bacon Rule) OF RULE 130) OF RULE 130)
The original of the document is The original of the document is not
- Latent Ambiguity available in court available in court
o When the writing on its face is clear and unambiguous, but Prohibits the varying of the terms Prohibits the introduction of
there are collateral matters or circumstances which makes of the written agreement substitutionary or secondary
the meaning uncertain or the writing admits of 2 evidence
constructions Controversies is between the Involves any parties to the action
- Patent or Extrinsic Ambiguity parties to the written agreement
o When the ambiguity is apparent on the face of the writing
itself and requires something to be added in order to
*Sections 10-19 Interpretation of Documents (Sabi ni Dean Tan walang
ascertain the meaning of the word
tinatanong sa Bar dun kaya deretso natayo sa Testimonial Evidence mga
- Intermediate Ambiguity
o When the words in the writing are all sensible and have
settled meaning, but admit of 2 interpretations according to
subject matter in contemplation of the parties.
Rule on Falsa Demonstration Non Nocet: (Myers v. Ladd, 26III, 515, 417)
Testimonial Evidence defined
- It is a rule which states that where there are 2 descriptions in a
- Oral evidence given by the witness on the witness stand or in any
deed, the one as it were, super added to the other, and one
description being complete and sufficient in itself, and the other
which is subordinate and super added is incorrect, the incorrect Witness Defined
description or feature or circumstance of the description is rejected
as a surplusage, and the complete and correct description is allowed - A person called in a judicial proceeding or similar proceeding to give
to stand alone testimony under oath
- Evidence of a person’s moral standing in the community based on SPEEDY TRIAL (Section 14) SPEEDY DISPOSITION OF CASES
reputation (Section 16)
- It is the elicitation of information in a court by question and answer Trial vis-à-vis Hearing
of the witness.
- Hearing is more broader in scope as it includes pre-trial conference,
Trial Defined (Acosta v. People, 5 SCRA 774) hearing on the motion, and trial; while trial is limited only to the
presentation of evidence and witnesses before the court.
- A judicial process of investigating and determining the legal
controversies, starting with the production of evidence by the Necessity of Trial to Secure a Judgment: General Rule
plaintiff and ending with his closing arguments
- Trial is necessary if there are legal and factual issues involved in the
Nature of Trial case which requires presentation of evidence and witnesses.
- Adversarial in character which requires the presentation of evidence When trial is no longer necessary:
and examination of witnesses before the court
- When the accused pleads guilty to the offense during arraignment o a complete retrial of the case after judgment has been
under Rule 116 (Arraignment and Plea) rendered based on the grounds specified under Section 1 of
- Plea bargaining during arraignment or pre-trial conference (Rule Rule 37
116, Section 2 and Rule 118, Sections 1-4) - Public trial
- When the motion to quash is grounded on the ground of double o A trial held in public, in the presence of the public, or in a
jeopardy or prescription of action or liability is granted. (Rule 117 place accessible and open to the attendance of the public at
Sections 3(g) and 3(i)) large
- When there is provisional dismissal (Rule 117, Section 8) - Speedy trial
- When there is failure of the prosecution to bright the accused to o A trial conducted according to the law of criminal procedure
trial within the time prescribed under the rules (Rule 119, Section 9) and the rules and regulations free from vexatious and
- When the case was dismissed die to the grant of the motion for capricious delays.
judicial determination of probable cause* - Joint and Consolidated trial
o already a prohibited motion under the continuous trial rule. o When actions involving a common question of law or fact
are pending before the court, it may order a joint hearing or
Kinds of Trial
trial of any or all the matters in issue in the actions; it may
- Trial on the merits order all the actions consolidated, and it may make such
o Trial of substantive issues in a case orders concerning proceedings therein as may tend to avoid
- Inverted trial unnecessary costs or delay.
o Section 11(e) of Rule 119 defines inverted trial as: - Separate Trial
When the accused admits the act or omission o The court, in furtherance of convenience or to avoid
charged in the complaint or information but prejudice, may order a separate trial of any claim, cross-
interposes a lawful defense, the order of trial may claim, counterclaim, or third-party complaint, or of any
be modified. separate issue or of any number of claims, cross-claims,
- Trial in absentia counterclaims, third-party complaints or issues
o a kind of trial conducted after the accused has been - Trial by Commissioner
arraigned and he was duly notified of the trial and his failure o By written consent of both parties, the court may order any
to appear thereat is unjustified or all of the issues in a case to be referred to a
- Consented Trial in absentia commissioner to be agreed upon by the parties or to be
o Trial in absentia allows the accused to be absent at the trial appointed by the court. As used in these Rules, the word
but not at certain states of the proceedings: "commissioner" includes a referee, an auditor and an
at arraignment and plea whether of innocence of or examiner.
guilt (Rule 116) - Impartial Trial
during trial whenever necessary for identification o a trial conducted by a disinterested judge without favoring
purposes (Rule 119) any party
at the promulgation of judgment (Rule 120)
Rule on Examination of Witnesses done In Open Court (Section 1 of Rule
- New Trial/Trial de novo
- HOW EXAMINATION IS DONE (2) Not to be detained longer than the interests of
o The examination of witnesses presented in a trial or hearing justice require;
shall be done: (3) Not to be examined except only as to matters
Tn open court, and pertinent to the issue;
Under oath or affirmation. (4) Not to give an answer which will tend to subject
The answers of the witness shall be given orally. him to a penalty for an offense unless otherwise
Unless the witness is incapacitated to provided by law;* (THIS IS THE RIGHT AGAINST SELF
the questions calls for a different mode of SECTION 17 OF ARTICLE III OF THE CONSTITUTION)
answer or
(The rule is the same in examination of child (5) Not to give an answer which will tend to degrade
witnesses) his reputation, unless it to be the very fact at issue
or to a fact from which the fact in issue would be
Proceedings to be Recorded (Section 2 of Rule 132) presumed. But a witness must answer to the fact of
- HOW PROCEEDINGS ARE RECORDED: his previous final conviction for an offense.
o The entire proceedings of a trial or hearing, including the Order of Examination (Section 4 of Rule 132)
questions propounded to a witness and his answers
thereto, the statements made by the judge or any of the - ORDER OF EXAMINATION OF AN INDIVIDUAL WITNESS:
parties, counsel, or witnesses with reference to the case, o The order in which the individual witness may be examined
shall be recorded by means of shorthand or stenotype or by is as follows;
other means of recording found suitable by the court. (a) Direct examination by the proponent;
- NATURE OF THE TRANSCRIPT OF RECORDS OF PROCEEDINGS: (b) Cross-examination by the opponent;
o A transcript of the record of the proceedings made by the (c) Re-direct examination by the proponent;
official stenographer, stenotypist or recorder and certified (d) Re-cross-examination by the opponent.
as correct by him shall be deemed prima facie a correct - ONE DAY EXAMINATION RULE
statement of such proceedings. o The one-day examination of Witness rule states that a
witness has to be fully examined in one (1) day only. It shall
Rights and Obligations of a Witness (Section 3 of Rule 132) be strictly adhered to subject to the court’s discretion
- RIGHTS AND OBLIGATIONS OF A WITNESS DURING THE TAKING OF during trial on whether or not to extend the direct and/or
TESTIMONY cross-examination for justifiable reasons
o A witness must answer questions, although his answer may - MOST IMPORTANT WITNESS RULE
tend to establish a claim against him. However, it is the o Determines the most important witnesses to be heard and
right of a witness: (IDEPR) limit the number of witnesses (Most Important Witness
(1) To be protected from irrelevant, improper, or Rule). The facts to be proven by each witness and the
insulting questions, and from harsh or insulting approximate number of hours per witness shall be fized
demeanor; Direct Examination (Section 5 of Rule 132)
- Direct examination is the examination-in-chief of a witness by the - HOW RE-CROSS EXAMINATION IS CONDUCTED:
party presenting him on the facts relevant to the issue o Upon the conclusion of the re-direct examination, the
o In relation to the JUDICIAL AFFIDAVIT RULE (AM No. 12-8-8- adverse party may re-cross-examine the witness on:
sc) Matters stated in his re-direct examination, and
Also on such other matters as may be allowed by
Cross-Examination (Section 6 of Rule 132)
the court in its discretion.
Recalling of Witness (Section 9 of Rule 132)
o Upon the termination of the direct examination, the witness
may be cross-examined by the adverse party: - RULE ON RECALLING OF A WITNESS:
as to many matters stated in the direct o After the examination of a witness by both sides has been
examination, or concluded, the witness cannot be recalled without leave of
matters connected therewith, the court. The court will grant or withhold leave in its
- PURPOSE OF CROSS EXAMINATION discretion, as the interests of justice may require.
o to test his accuracy with sufficient fullness and freedom and
Leading and Misleading Questions (Section 10 of Rule 132)
truthfulness and freedom from interest or bias, or the
o to elicit all important facts bearing upon the issue. o A question which suggests to the witness the answer which
- OBJECT OF CROSS EXAMINATION the examining party desires is a leading question. It is not
o To test the credibility of the witness allowed,
believability of the witness - EXCEPTION: (CPDUA)
o To test the credibility of the testimony o (a) On cross examination;
believability of the testimony o (b) On preliminary matters;
o (c) When there is a difficulty is getting direct and intelligible
Redirect Examination (Section 7 of Rule 132)
answers from a witness who is ignorant, or a child of tender
- HOW REDIRECT EXAMINATION IS CONDUCTED years, or is of feeble mind, or a deaf-mute;
o After the cross-examination of the witness has been o (d) Of an unwilling or hostile witness; or
concluded, he may be re-examined by the party calling him, o (e) Of a witness who is an adverse party or an officer,
to explain or supplement his answers given during the director, or managing agent of a public or private
cross-examination. corporation or of a partnership or association which is an
o On re-direct-examination, questions on matters not dealt o A misleading question is one which assumes as true a fact
with during the cross-examination, may be allowed by the not yet testified to by the witness, or contrary to that which
court in its discretion. he has previously stated. It is not allowed.
Re-Cross Examination (Section 8 of Rule 132) Impeachment of Adverse Party’s witness (Section 11 of Rule 132)
- IMPEACHMENT OF ADVERSE PARTY’S WITNESS: HOW partnership or association which is an
o A witness may be impeached by the party against whom he adverse party
Contradictory evidence, by o A witness may be considered as unwilling or hostile only if
Contradictory evidence refers to other so declared by the court upon:
testimony of the same witness or other Adequate showing of his adverse interest,
evidence presented by him in the same Unjustified reluctance to testify, or
case, but not the testimony if another His having misled the party into calling him to the
witness witness stand.
Evidence that his general reputation for truth, - MAY ANUNWILLING OR HOSTILE WITNESS BE IMPEACHED BY THE
honestly, or integrity is bad, or PARTY PRESENTING HIM: RULE
By evidence that he has made at other times o The unwilling or hostile witness so declared, or the witness
statements inconsistent with his present, who is an adverse party, may be impeached by the party
testimony, presenting him in all respects as if he had been called by the
Prior inconsistent statement refers to adverse party,
statements, oral or documentary made by o EXCEPTION
the witness sought to be impeached on Except by evidence of his bad character.
occasion other than the trial in which he is - RULE ON IMPEACHING OR CROSS-EXAMINING A WITNESS OF THE
testifying ADVERSE PARTY:
o But not by evidence of particular wrongful acts, except that o He may also be impeached and cross-examined by the
it may be shown by the examination of the witness, or the adverse party,
record of the judgment, that he has been convicted of an o LIMITATIONS:
offense. but such cross-examination must only be on the
subject matter of his examination-in-chief.
Party May Not Impeach his Own Witness: Exceptions (Section 12 of Rule
132) Impeachment by Prior Inconsistent Statements; Doctrine of Laying the
Predicate; (Section 13 of Rule 132)
o The party producing a witness is not allowed to impeach his - HOW WITNESS CAN BE IMPEACHED BY EVIDENCE OF PRIOR
o EXCEPTION: o Before a witness can be impeached by evidence that he has
Except with respect to the following: made at other times statements inconsistent with his
Unwilling or hostile witness present testimony it must be shown that: (RMW)
Of a witness who is an adverse party or an The statements must be related to him, with the
officer, director, or managing agent of a circumstances of the times and places and the
public or private corporation or of a persons present, and
He must be asked whether he made such He is able to swear that the writing or record
statements, and if so, allowed to explain them. correctly stated the transaction when made; but
If the statements be in writing they must be shown such evidence must be received with caution.
to the witness before any question is put to him
Part of Transaction, Writing or Record Given in Evidence, The Remainder
concerning them.
Admissible; Doctrine of Incomplete Testimony (Section 17 of Rule 132)
Evidence of Good Character of Witness (Section 14 of Rule 132)
- Evidence of the good character of a witness is not admissible until OF THE TRANSACTION, WRITING OR RECORD IS GIVEN IN
such character has been impeached. EVIDENCE:
o When part of an act, declaration, conversation, writing or
Exclusion and Separation of Witnesses (Section 15 of Rule 132)
record is given in evidence by one party, the whole of the
- RULE ON EXCLUSION AND SEPARATION OF WITNESSES: same subject may be inquired into by the other, and
o On any trial or hearing, the judge may: - RULE WHEN A DETACHED ACT, DECLARATION, CONVERSATION,
Exclude from the court any witness not at the time WRITING OR RECORD IS GIVEN IN EVIDENCE:
under examination, so that he may not hear the o When a detached act, declaration, conversation, writing or
testimony of other witnesses. record is given in evidence, any other act, declaration,
The judge may also cause witnesses to be kept conversation, writing or record necessary to its
separate and to be prevented from conversing with understanding may also be given in evidence.
one another until all shall have been examined.
Right to Inspect Writing (Section 18 of Rule 132)
Reference to a Memorandum of a Witness (Section 16 of Rule 132)
- Whenever a writing is shown to a witness it may be inspected by
o A witness may be allowed to refresh his memory respecting
a fact, by:
Anything written or recorded by himself or under II. AUTHENTICATION AND PROOF OF DOCUMENTS
his direction at the time when the fact occurred, or
Classes of Documents (Section 19 of Rule 132)
immediately thereafter, or at any other time when
the fact was fresh in his memory and knew that the - CLASSIFICATION OF DOCUMENTS:
same was correctly written or recorded; o For the purpose of their presentation evidence, documents
But in such case the writing or record must be are either public or private.
produced and may be inspected by the adverse o Public documents are: (WNP)
party, who may, if he chooses, cross examine the (a) The written official acts, or records of the official
witness upon it, and may read it in evidence. acts of the sovereign authority, official bodies and
- RULE ON REVIVAL OF PAST RECOLLECTION tribunals, and public officers, whether of the
o So, also, a witness may testify from such writing or record, Philippines, or of a foreign country;
though he retain no recollection of the particular facts, if:
(b) Documents acknowledge before a notary public o When a foreign law is not pleaded or, even if pleaded, is not
except last wills and testaments; and proved, the presumption is that foreign law is the same as
(c) Public records, kept in the Philippines, of private ours (ATCI Overseas Corporation v. Echin, GR No. 178551,
documents required by law to the entered therein. 2010)
o All other writings are private. o Presumed that the wordings of the foreign law are the same
o Proof of Electronically Notarized Documents (Section 3 of as local laws
Rule 5 of Electronic Evidence Rule)
When Evidence of Private Document Not Necessary (Section 21 of Rule
A document electronically notarized in accordance
with the rules promulgated by the Supreme Court
shall be considered as a public document and - ANCIENT DOCUMENT RULE: CONCEPT
proved as a notarial document under the Rules of o Where a private document is:
Court. More than thirty years old,
Is produced from the custody in which it would
Proof of Private Documents (Section 20 of Rule 132)
naturally be found if genuine, and
- HOW TO PROVE DUE EXECUTION AND AUTHENTICITY OF A is unblemished by any alterations or circumstances
PRIVATE DOCUMENT of suspicion,
o Before any private document offered as authentic is o No other evidence of its authenticity need be given.
received in evidence, its due execution and authenticity
Manner of Proving Genuineness of Handwriting (Section 22 of Rule 130)
must be proved either: (EGD)
By anyone who saw the document executed or - RULE ON PROVING GENUINENESS OF HANDWRITING:
written; or o The handwriting of a person may be proved by any witness
By evidence of the genuineness of the signature or who:
handwriting of the maker. Believes it to be the handwriting of such person
Any other private document need only be identified because he has seen the person write, or
as that which it is claimed to be. He has seen writing purporting to be his upon which
- PRIVATE DOCUMENT DEFINED the witness has acted or been charged, and has
o Any other writing, deed, or instrument executed by a thus acquired knowledge of the handwriting of such
private person without the intervention of a notary or other person.
person legally authorized by which some disposition or Evidence respecting the handwriting may also be
agreement is proved or set forth. (Patula v. People, G.R. no. given by a comparison, made by the witness or the
164457) court, with writings admitted or treated as genuine
- HOW TO PROVE FOREIGN LAWS by the party against whom the evidence is offered,
o Publication of the said foreign laws or proved to be genuine to the satisfaction of the
o By a copy duly attested by the officer in custody therefor judge.
- Doctrine of Presumed Identity Approach (Processual Presumption) o Comparison of Specimen Signatures is allowed and not
violative of this section (Section 22 of Rule 130) as ruled by
the Supreme Court in Bernales v. Heirs of Sambaan (GR No. o This is known as the Red Ribbon Document (Certified by a
163721) foreign agency embassy)
Public Documents as Evidence (Section 23 of Rule 132) Rule on Attestation Clause in a Document (Section 25 of Rule 132)
o Documents consisting of entries in public records made in DOCUMENT
the performance of a duty by a public officer are prima o Whenever a copy of a document or record is attested for
facie evidence of the facts therein stated. the purpose of evidence, the attestation must state, in
o All other public documents are evidence, even against a The copy is a correct copy of the original, or a
third person, of the fact which gave rise to their execution specific part thereof, as the case may be.
and of the date of the latter. The attestation must be under the official seal of
the attesting officer, if there be any, or if he be the
Official Record as Evidence (Section 24 of Rule 132)
clerk of a court having a seal, under the seal of such
o The record of public documents referred to in paragraph (a)
Rule on the Irremovability of Public Record (Section 26 of Rule 132)
of Section 19, when admissible for any purpose, may be
An official publication thereof or o Any public record, an official copy of which is admissible in
By a copy attested by the officer having the legal evidence, must not be removed from the office in which it is
custody of the record, or by his deputy, and kept,
accompanied, if the record is not kept in the - EXCEPTION:
Philippines, with a certificate that such officer has o Except upon order of a court where the inspection of the
the custody. record is essential to the just determination of a pending
Rule on Public Record of a Private Document (Section 27 of Rule 132)
o If the office in which the record is kept is in foreign country,
the certificate may be made by: - HOW TO PROVE PUBLIC RECORD OF A PRIVATE DOCUMENT:
A secretary of the embassy or legation, o An authorized public record of a private document may be
Consul general, consul, proved by:
Vice consul, or The original record, or
Consular agent or By a copy thereof, attested by the legal custodian of
By any officer in the foreign service of the the record, with an appropriate certificate that such
Philippines stationed in the foreign country in which officer has the custody.
the record is kept, and authenticated by the seal of
his office. Rule on Proof of Lack of Record (Section 28 of Rule 132)
- RULE ON PROVING LACK OF RECORD: HOW MADE o Every instrument duly acknowledged or proved and
o In case that the office has no record or entry of an official certified as provided by law, may be:
record, it can be proved subject to the following Presented in evidence without further proof,
requirements: The certificate of acknowledgment being prima
A written statement signed by an officer having the facie evidence of the execution of the instrument or
custody of an official record or by his deputy that document involved.
after diligent search no record or entry of a o Notarized document enjoys presumption of regularity but
specified tenor is found to exist in the records of his not to its validity
office, and While notarized documents enjoys the presumption
Accompanied by a certificate as above provided, of regularity, the fact that a deed is notarized is not
guarantee of the validity of its contents (San Juan v,
Impeachment of Judicial Record (Section 29 of Rule 132)
Offril, GR No. 154609)
- JUDICIAL RECORD: HOW IMPEACHED o Improperly notarized document not a public document; No
o Any judicial record may be impeached by evidence of: presumption of regularity (Dela Rama v. Papa, GR No.
(a) want of jurisdiction in the court or judicial 142309)
Rule on Alteration in the Document (Section 31 of Rule 132)
(b) collusion between the parties, or
(c) fraud in the party offering the record, in respect - RULE IN CASE OF ALTERATION IN A DOCUMENT: WHEN
to the proceedings ADMISSIBLE
o EXTRINSIC FRAUD DEFINED: o The party producing a document as genuine which has been
Refers to any fraudulent act of the prevailing party altered and appears to have been altered after its
in the litigation which is committed outside of the execution, in a part material to the question in dispute,
trial of the case whereby the unsuccessful party has must:
been prevented from exhibiting fully his case, by Account for the alteration.
fraud or deception practiced on him by his He may show that the alteration was made by
opponent (Philippine Tourism Authority v. another, without his concurrence, or was made
Philippine Golf Development and Equipment Inc., with the consent of the parties affected by it, or was
GR No. 176628) otherwise properly or innocent made, or that the
o REMEDY IN CASE OF FRAUD alteration did not change the meaning or language
Action to annul a judgment on the ground of of the instrument.
extrinsic or collateral fraud under Rule 47 of the - EFFECT OF FAILURE TO ACCOUNT FOR THE ALTERATION:
Rules on Civil Procedure o If the party fails to account for the alteration, the document
shall not be admissible in evidence.
Rule on Proof of Notarial Record (Section 30 of Rule 132)
Rule on Seal (Section 32 of Rule 132)
- There shall be no difference between sealed and unsealed private MULTIPLE ADMISSIBILITY or may be admissible for
documents insofar as their admissibility as evidence concerned one purpose and not for another, otherwise the
adverse party cannot interpose the proper
Rule on Documentary Evidence in an Unofficial Language (Section 33 of
objection. Evidence submitted for one purpose may
Rule 132)
not be considered for any other purpose (People v.
WHEN WILL IT BE ADMISSIBLE - EXCEPTION: (Star Two Inc. v. Ko, GR No. 185454)
o Documents written in an unofficial language shall not be o Where the evidence has been identified by testimony duly
admitted as evidence, unless accompanied with a recorded and that it has been incorporated
translation into English or Filipino.
When to make an Offer of Evidence (Section 35 of Rule 132)
o To avoid interruption of proceedings, parties or their - OFFER OF TESTIMONY: RULE
attorneys are directed to have such translation prepared o As regards the testimony of a witness, the offer must be
before trial. made at the time the witness is called to testify.
o Documentary and object evidence shall be offered after the
presentation of a party's testimonial evidence.
o Such offer shall be done orally unless allowed by the court
Offer of Evidence defined
to be done in writing.
- It is the presentation or introduction of evidence (People v.
Rules on Objection (Section 36 of Rule 132)
Whipkey, 12590-CR, February 6, 1973)
Objection defined
o Objection to evidence offered orally must be made
- It is an argument presented against an act of the adverse party or immediately after the offer is made.
his counsel, or against the determination by the court in the course - OBJECTION TO A QUESTION PROPOUNDED IN TRIAL: HOW MADE
of the trial o Objection to a question propounded in the course of the
oral examination of a witness shall be made as soon as the
Rule on the Offer of Evidence (Section 34 of Rule 132)
grounds therefor shall become reasonably apparent.
o The court shall consider no evidence which has not been o An offer of evidence in writing shall be objected to within
formally offered. The purpose for which the evidence is three (3) days after notice of the unless a different period is
offered must be specified. allowed by the court.
Purpose for which the evidence is offered must be - In any case, the grounds for the objections must be specified.
specified because such evidence may be admissible - Objections not made deemed waived
for several purposes under the doctrine of
o It is a rule of evidence that any objection against the o Objection which is denied by the court
admission of any piece of evidence must be made at the - Sustained Objections
proper time and that if not so made it will be understood to o Objection which is granted by the court
have been waived (People v. Del Rosario, GR No. 189580) - Noted and deferred Objections
o objection which the ruling by the court is reserved
Kinds of Objection:
As to Specific grounds relied upon (Some)
As to Form
- Sections 3, 9, 20-24, 36, of Rule 130
- Oral objection
- Incompetency, Irrelevancy, Immateriality
o objection made orally
- Violation of Section 3 of Rule 128
- Written objection
o objection which is made in writing Rule on Continuing Objection (Section 37 of Rule 132)
- Objections as to exhibits or documents or objects Ruling of the Court on Objection (Section 38 of Rule 132)
o Objections to the documentary evidence or object evidence
being offered orally or in writing o The ruling of the court must be given:
- Objection as to question asked by the proponent in trial
Immediately after the objection is made,
o objection during the taking of the testimony of the witness
Unless the court desires to take a reasonable time
As to the number of Objections to inform itself on the question presented; but the
ruling shall always be made during the trial and at
- Seasonable Objection such time as will give the party against whom it is
o Objection which is raised every opportune time on every made an opportunity to meet the situation
question propounded when the circumstances call for it presented by the ruling.
o When repetition on the line of questioning is unnecessary o The Court making a ruling on the objection may state:
As to the actions taken by the court on the objection raised The reason for sustaining or overruling an objection
need not be stated.
- Overruled Objections
However, if the objection is based on two or more o If documents or things offered in evidence are excluded by
grounds, a ruling sustaining the objection on one or the court, the offeror may have the same attached to or
some of them must specify the ground or grounds made part of the record.
relied upon. o If the evidence excluded is oral, the offeror may state for
- EFFECTS IF NO RULING OF THE COURT IS MADE DURING TRIAL the record the name and other personal circumstances of
o Counsel would have no means of knowing whether or not the witness and the substance of the proposed testimony.
he would be compelled to meet any evidence at all, hence it As ruled further in Catacutan v. People (GR no.
would prejudice the substantial rights of his client (Lopez v. 175991)
Valdez, 32 Phil. 644)
o The failure of the court to make such ruling should be
brought to its attention, failing in which the case cannot be
reopened for a new trial on that ground (People v. Singh, 45
Phil. 676)
Tavera, 47 Phil. 645)
B. SETTLEMENT OF THE ESTATE OF THE DECEASED PERSON - Extra Judicial Settlement of Estate (Section 1 of Rule 74)
- Summary Settlement of Estates of Small Value (Section 2 of Rule 74)
o This can either be Intestate or Probate proceedings
I. VENUE AND PROCESS - Probate Proceedings (Rule 76 of the Rules of Court)
- Intestate Proceedings (Rule 78 of the Rules of Court)
Settlement of Estate Defined:
Venue and Process of Settlement of Estate (Section 1 of Rule 73)
- a conciliation proceeding where the property of the deceased would
be distributed either according to the provisions of law or the will of - RULE IF DECEDENT IS A RESIDENT OF THE PHILIPPINES AT THE TIME
the decedent/testator OF HIS DEATH
o If the decedents is an inhabitant of the Philippines at the
Estate defined time of his death, whether a citizen or an alien, his will shall
- is an artificial being created by operation of law which will be proved, or letters of administration granted, and his
undertake distribution of properties left by the deceased. estate settled, in the Court of First Instance in the province
- being a juridical being, it can sue and be sued as provided by law. in which he resides at the time of his death, and
Court who has Jurisdiction over the Settlement of the Estate of the o If he is an inhabitant of a foreign country, the Court of First
Deceased (BP 129 as amended by RA 7691) Instance of any province in which he had estate.
- It would depend on the gross value of the estate of the decedent
o The court first taking cognizance of the settlement of the
and where such is situated
estate of a decedent, shall exercise jurisdiction to the
GROSS VALUE LOCATION OF COURT WHICH HAS exclusion of all other courts. The jurisdiction assumed by a
OF ESTATE OF THE PROPERTY JURISDICTION OVER court, so far as it depends on the place of residence of the
DECEASED SETTLEMENT CASE decedent, or of the location of his estate, shall not be
Less than Php Outside Metro Metropolitan Trial Court contested in a suit or proceeding, except in an appeal from
300,000 Manila that court, in the original case, or when the want of
Greater than Outside Metro Regional Trial Court jurisdiction appears on the record.
Php 300,000 Manila
- POWERS OF THE PROBATE COURT (A court with limited
Less than Php In Metro Manila Metropolitan Trial Court
o To determine the heirs of the decedent
o To make a just and legal distribution of the estate jurisdiction, it may issue a warrant for the
o AS A GENERAL RULE: apprehension and imprisonment of such person
The probate court has no power to adjudicate on until he performs such order or judgment, or is
the issue of ownership of the property of the released. (Relate to Section 4 and 5 of Rule 75)
decedent in settlement proceedings
Presumption of Death (Section 4 of Rule 73)
When there is consent from all the parties involved - RULE ON PRESUMPTION OF DEATH:
For the purposes of Collation o For purposes of settlement of his estate, a person shall be
- VENUE IS WAIVABLE presumed dead if absent and unheard from for the periods
fixed in the Civil Code.
Settlement of the Estate upon Dissolution of Marriage (Section 2 of Rule
o But if such person proves to be alive, he shall be entitled to
- RULE IF MARRIAGE IS DISSOLVED BY DEATH OF ONE OF THE the balance of his estate after payment of all his debts. The
SPOUSES: balance may be recovered by motion in the same
o When the marriage is dissolved by the death of the husband proceeding.
or wife:,
Presumption of death for purposes of succession (Pertinent Civil Code
The community property shall be inventoried,
administered, and liquidated, and
The debts thereof paid, - Article 390. After an absence of seven years, it being unknown
o in the testate or intestate proceedings of the deceased whether or not the absentee still lives, he shall be presumed dead
spouse. for all purposes, except for those of succession.
- RULE OF BOTH SPOUSES DIED - The absentee shall not be presumed dead for the purpose of
o If both spouses have died, the conjugal partnership shall be opening his succession till after an absence of ten years. If he
liquidated in the testate or intestate proceedings of either. disappeared after the age of seventy-five years, an absence of five
years shall be sufficient in order that his succession may be opened.
Power of the Probate Court to Issue Warrants and Processes (Section 3 of
Rule 73)
- Article 391. The following shall be presumed dead for all purposes,
- POWER OF THE PROBATE COURT TO ISSUE WARRANTS: SCOPE: including the division of the estate among the heirs:
o In the exercise of probate jurisdiction, Courts of First - (1) A person on board a vessel lost during a sea voyage, or an
Instance may: aeroplane which is missing, who has not been heard of for four
Issue warrants and process necessary to compel the years since the loss of the vessel or aeroplane;
attendance of witnesses or - (2) A person in the armed forces who has taken part in war, and has
To carry into effect their orders and judgments, and been missing for four years;
all other powers granted them by law. - (3) A person who has been in danger of death under other
If a person does not perform an order or judgment circumstances and his existence has not been known for four years.
rendered by a court in the exercise of its probate (n)
- Article 392. If the absentee appears, or without appearing his o It shall be presumed that the decedent left no debts if no
existence is proved, he shall recover his property in the condition in creditor files a petition for letters of administration within
which it may be found, and the price of any property that may have two (2) years after the death of the decedent.
been alienated or the property acquired therewith; but he cannot o The fact of the extrajudicial settlement or administration
claim either fruits or rents. (194) shall be published in a newspaper of general circulation in
the manner provided in the nest succeeding section; but no
extrajudicial settlement shall be binding upon any person
II. SUMMARY SETTLEMENT OF ESTATES who has not participated therein or had no notice thereof.
Extrajudicial Settlement of Estate (Section 1 of Rule 74)
o Decedent died intestate
- EXTRAJUDICIAL SETTLEMENT BY AGREEMENT: o There are no outstanding debts at time of settlement
o If the decedent left no will and no debts and o Heirs are all of legal age or minors represented by judicial
o The heirs are all of age, or the minors are represented by guardians or legal representative
their judicial or legal representatives duly authorized for the o The settlement is made in a public instrument or by means
purpose, of affidavit in case of a sole heir, duly filed with the registry
o The parties may without securing letters of administration, of deeds
divide the estate among themselves as they see fit by Extrajudicial Settlement if multiple heirs agree
means of a public instrument filed in the office of the Affidavit of Sole Heirship if there is only one heir
register of deeds, and should they disagree, they may do so o Publication of the extrajudicial settlement in a newspaper of
in an ordinary action of partition. general circulation in the province once a week for 3
o If there is only one heir, he may adjudicate to himself the consecutive weeks
entire estate by means of an affidavit filled in the office of o Filing of a bond equivalent to value of personal property
the register of deeds. posted with the Registry of deeds
o The parties to an extrajudicial settlement, whether by public
Summary Settlement of Estates of Small Value (Section 2 of Rule 74)
instrument or by stipulation in a pending action for
partition, or the sole heir who adjudicates the entire estate - RULE ON SUMMARY SETTLEMENT OF SMALL VALUE:
to himself by means of an affidavit shall file, simultaneously o Whenever the gross value of the estate of a deceased
with and as a condition precedent to the filing of the public person, whether he died testate or intestate, does not
instrument, or stipulation in the action for partition, or of exceed ten thousand pesos, and that fact is made to appear
the affidavit in the office of the register of deeds, a bond to the Court of First Instance having jurisdiction of the
with the said register of deeds, in an amount equivalent to estate by the petition of an interested person and upon
the value of the personal property involved as certified to hearing, which shall be held not less than one (1) month nor
under oath by the parties concerned and conditioned upon more than three (3) months from the date of the last
the payment of any just claim that may be filed under publication of a notice which shall be published once a week
section 4 of this rule. for three (3) consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general
circulation in the province, and after such other notice to
interest persons as the court may direct, the court may succession intestate succession
proceed summarily, without the appointment of an There must be no outstanding Available even if there are debts; it
executor or administrator, and without delay, to grant, if debts at the time of the settlement is the court which will make a
proper, allowance of the will, if any there be, to determine of the estate provision for its payment
who are the persons legally entitled to participate in the Resorted to at the instance of and May be instituted by any interested
estate, and to apportion and divide it among them after the by agreement of all heirs party, even a creditor of the estate
payment of such debts of the estate as the court shall then without the consent of all heirs
find to be due; and such persons, in their own right, if they Amount of Bond is equivalent to Amount of bond is to be
the value of personal property determined by the Court
are of lawful age and legal capacity, or by their guardians or
trustees legally appointed and qualified, if otherwise, shall
thereupon be entitled to receive and enter into the Bond filed by distributes (Section 3 of Rule 74)
possession of the portions of the estate so awarded to them
o The court shall make such order as may be just respecting o The court, before allowing a partition in accordance with
the provisions of the preceding section, my require the
the costs of the proceedings, and all orders and judgments
distributees, if property other than real is to be distributed,
made or rendered in the course thereof shall be recorded in
to file a bond in an amount to be fixed by court, conditioned
the office of the clerk, and the order of partition or award, if
for the payment of any just claim which may be filed under
it involves real estate, shall be recorded in the proper
the next succeeding section.
register's office.
- REQUISITES OF SUMMARY SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OF SMALL Liability of distributes and estate (Section 4 of Rule 74)
VALUE: (10k, BH)
o The complaint must allege that the gross value of the estate - REMEDY OF THE AGGRIEVED PARTY AFTER THE EXTRAJUDICIAL
of the deceased does not exceed P10,000 SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE OR SUMMARY SETTLEMENT OF ESTATE:
o A bond has been duly filed in an amount fixed by the court o If it shall appear at any time within two (2) years after the
o A proper hearing is held not less than one month nor more settlement and distribution of an estate in accordance with
than 3 months the provisions of either of the first two sections of this rule,
Distinguish Extrajudicial Settlement vs. Summary Settlement of Estate of An heir or other person has been unduly deprived
Small Value of his lawful participation in the estate, such heir or
such other person may compel the settlement of
the estate in the courts in the manner hereinafter
(SECTION 2 OF RULE 74) provided for the purpose of satisfying such lawful
No court intervention is required Judicial adjudication is required participation.
although summary And if within the same time of two (2) years, it shall
Value of estate is immaterial Gross value must not exceed Php appear that there are debts outstanding against the
10,000 estate which have not been paid, or that an heir
Allowed only in intestate Allowed in both testate and
or other person has been unduly deprived of his Allowance of Wills (Section 1 of Rule 75)
lawful participation payable in money,
o the court having jurisdiction of the estate may, by order for
o No will shall pass either real or personal estate unless it is
that purpose, after hearing, settle the amount of such
proved and allowed in the proper court. Subject to the right
debts or lawful participation and order how much and in
of appeal, such allowance of the will shall be conclusive as
what manner each distributee shall contribute in the
to its due execution.
payment thereof, and may issue execution, if
circumstances require, against the bond provided in the
preceding section or against the real estate belonging to the
o In rem, because it binds the whole world by virtue of the
deceased, or both. Such bond and such real estate shall
remain charged with a liability to creditors, heirs, or other publication of the petition
persons for the full period of two (2) years after such - EFFECT OF PROBATE:
distribution, notwithstanding any transfers of real estate o Once a will is allowed, res judicata applies.
that may have been made. o After the finality of the allowance of a will, the issue as to
the voluntariness of its execution cannot be raised anymore
Period for claim of Minor or Incapacitated Person (Section 5 of Rule 74) (Gallanosa v. Arcangel, GR No. L- 29300)
- If on the date of the expiration of the period of two (2) years Duties of both Custodian and Executor (Sections 2 and 3 of Rule 75)
prescribed in the preceding section the person authorized to file a
claim is a minor or mentally incapacitated, or is in prison or outside - DUTY OF THE CUSTODIAN TO DELIVER THE WILL: TIMEFRAME
the Philippines, he may present his claim within one (1) year after (Section 2)
such disability is removed. o The person who has custody of a will shall, within twenty
(20) days after he knows of the death of the testator,
deliver the will to the court having jurisdiction, or to the
III. PRODUCTION OF WILL executor named in the will.
Will defined REFUSAL (Section 3)
o A person named as executor in a will shall, within twenty
- a species of conveyance whereby a person is permitted with the
(20) days after he knows of the death of the testate, or
formalities prescribed by law to control to a certain degree the
within twenty (20) days after he knows that he is named
disposition of his estate after his death.
executor if he obtained such knowledge after the death of
Kinds of Wills the testator:,
Present such will to the court having jurisdiction,
- Notarial Will
unless the will has reached the court in any other
o A will which must comply with the formalities provided in
the pertinent provisions of the New Civil Code
and shall, within such period, signify to the court in
- Holographic
writing his acceptance of the trust or his refusal to
o A will written, dated, and signed entirely by the testator
accept it.
Penalties Imposed on Custodian and Executor (Section 4 of Rule 75) Jurisdictional facts are as follows: (DREDV)
o Death of the testator
- A person who neglects any of the duties required in the two last
o Residence of the testator at the
preceding sections without excused satisfactory to the court shall
time of his death
be fined not exceeding two thousand pesos.
o Place where testator left his estate
A Person retaining the Will may Be Committed: (Section 5 of Rule 75) o That the will has been delivered to
the court and is in the possession
- A person having custody of a will after the death of the testator who
thereof, unless not yet delivered
neglects without reasonable cause to deliver the same, when
o Value of the Estate to determine
ordered so to do, to the court having jurisdiction, may be
the court with jurisdiction
committed to prison and there kept until he delivers the will.
(b) The names, ages, and residences of the heirs,
legatees, and devisees of the testator or decedent;
(c) The probable value and character of the
property of the estate;
Probate defined (d) The name of the person for whom letters are
- a judicial act whereby an instrument is adjudged valid and is (e) If the will has not been delivered to the court,
ordered to be recorded the name of the person having custody of it.
Who may file for probate (Section 1 of Rule 76) o But no defect in the petition shall render void the allowance
of the will, or the issuance of letters testamentary or of
- WHO MAY FILE: 2 TYPES OF PROBATE: administration with the will annexed.
Any executor, devisee, or legatee named in a will, or Court to Appoint time for Proving Will (Section 3 of Rule 76)
any other person interested in the estate, may, at - WHEN COURT SHALL FIX TIME FOR PROVING WILL:
any time after the death of the testator, petition the o When a will is delivered to, or a petition for the allowance
court having jurisdiction to have the will allowed,
of a will is filed in, the court having jurisdiction,
whether the same be in his possession or not, or is
lost or destroyed.
o Such court shall fix a time and place for proving the will
when all concerned may appear to contest the allowance
o The testator himself may, during his lifetime, petition the
thereof, and
court for the allowance of his will.
o Shall cause notice of such time and place to be published
Contents of the Petition (Section 2 of Rule 76) three (3) weeks successively, previous to the time
appointed, in a newspaper of general circulation in the
o A petition for the allowance of a will must show, so far as o But no newspaper publication shall be made where the
known to the petitioner: petition for probate has been filed by the testator himself.
(a) The jurisdictional facts;
- HOW PROBATE COURT ACQUIRES JURISDICTION OVER THE o If no person appears to contest the allowance of the will,
SETTLEMENT PROCEEDINGS: the court may grant allowance thereof on the testimony of
o By attachment of the will to the petition or one of the subscribing witnesses only, if such witness
o By delivery of the will to the court testify that the will was executed as is required by law.
Notification to Heirs, Devisees, Legatees and Executors (Section 4 of Rule
o In the case of a holographic will, it shall be necessary that at
least one witness who knows the handwriting and
- NOTICE TO HEIRS, DEVISEES, LEGATEES, AND EXECUTORS: signature of the testator explicitly declare that the will and
PERSONAL SERVICE OR SERVICE BY MAIL: HOW MADE the signature are in the handwriting of the testator.
o The court shall also cause copies of the notice of the time o RULE IF COMPETENT WITNESS IS ABSENT (HOLOGRAPHIC
and place fixed for proving the will to be addressed to the WILL):
designated or other known heirs, legatees, and devisees of In the absence of any such competent witness, and
the testator resident in the Philippines at their places of if the court deem it necessary, expert testimony
residence, and deposited in the post office with the postage may be resorted to.
thereon prepaid at least twenty (20) days before the
Proof of Lost or Destroyed Will (Section 6 of Rule 76) (Relate this with
hearing, if such places of residence be known.
Section 3 of Rule 130, BEST EVIDENCE RULE)
o A copy of the notice must in like manner be mailed to the - HOW TO PROVE LOST OR DESTROYED WILL?
person named as executor, if he be not the petitioner; also, o No will shall be proved as a lost or destroyed will unless:
to any person named as co-executor not petitioning, if their The execution and validity of the same be
places of residence be known. Personal service of copies of established, and
the notice at lest (10) days before the day of hearing shall The will is proved to have been in existence at the
be equivalent to mailing. time of the death of the testator, or
- RULE IF IT IS THE TESTATOR HIMSELF WHO ASKS FOR ALLOWANCE Is shown to have been fraudulently or accidentally
OF HIS WILL destroyed in the lifetime of the testator without his
o If the testator asks for the allowance of his own will, notice knowledge, nor unless its provisions are clearly and
shall be sent only to his compulsory heirs. distinctly proved by at least two (2) credible
Proof if Either Notarial or Holographic Will is Uncontested (Section 5 of
o When a lost will is proved, the provisions thereof must be
Rule 76)
distinctly stated and certified by the judge, under the seal of
- PROOF NEEDED IF NOTARIAL WILL IS UNCONTESTED the court, and the certificate must be filed and recorded as
o At the hearing compliance with the provisions of the last other wills are filed and recorded.
two preceding sections must be shown before the - THIS IS AN EXCEPTION TO THE BEST EVIDENCE RULE UNDER
introduction of testimony in support of the will. SECTION 3 OF RULE 130
o All such testimony shall be taken under oath and reduced to o GENERAL RULE OF BEST EVIDENCE RULE:
When the subject of inquiry is the contents of a Rule if the Will is Contested (Section 11 of Rule 76)
document, no evidence shall be admissible other
than the original document itself
o If the will is contested,
Rule When Witness does not reside in the Province: Deposition (Section 7 All the subscribing witnesses, and
of Rule 76) The notary in the case of wills executed under the
Civil Code of the Philippines, if present in the
Philippines and not insane, must be produced and
o If it appears at the time fixed for the hearing that none of
examined, and the death, absence, or insanity of
the subscribing witnesses resides in the province, but that
any of them must be satisfactorily shown to the
the deposition of one or more of them can be taken
o the court may, on motion, direct it to be taken, and may
authorize a photographic copy of the will to be made and to
If all or some of such witnesses are present in the
be presented to the witness on his examination,
Philippines but outside the province where the will
o Who may be asked the same questions with respect to it,
has been filed, their deposition must be taken.
and to the handwriting of the testator and others, as would
be pertinent and competent if the original will were
- The rule is that when the witness does not reside in the same
If any or all of them testify against the due
province as the testator, his deposition may be taken on motion
execution of the will, or do not remember having
o Provided that a photographic copy of the will be made and
attested to it, or are otherwise of doubtful
presented to the witness on his examination.
credibility, the will may nevertheless, be allowed if
Proof When Witneesses is dead or insane or do not reside in the the court is satisfied from the testimony of other
Philippines (Section 8 of Rule 76) witnesses and from all the evidence presented that
the will was executed and attested in the manner
o If the appears at the time fixed for the hearing that the o If a holographic will is contested, the same shall be allowed
subscribing witnesses are dead or insane, or that none of if at least three (3) witnesses who know the handwriting of
them resides in the Philippines, the court may: the testator explicitly declare that the will and the signature
Admit the testimony of other witnesses to prove are in the handwriting of the testator;
The due execution of the will; and CASE:
As evidence of the execution of the will, it may o In the absence of any competent witnesses, and if the court
admit proof of the handwriting of the testator and deem it necessary, expert testimony may be resorted to.
of the subscribing witnesses, or of any of them.
Proof Where Testator Himself petitions for allowance of Holographic Will - Anyone appearing to contest the will must state in writing his
(Section 12 of Rule 76) grounds for opposing its allowance, and serve a copy thereof on the
petitioner and other parties interested in the estate.
PETITIONS FOR IT: Rule When the Will is admitted to Probate (Section 13 of Rule 76)
o Where the testator himself petitions for the probate of his
holographic will and no contest is filed:
o If the court is satisfied, upon proof taken and filed, that the
The fact that he affirms that the holographic will
will was duly executed, and that the testator at the time of
and the signature are in his own handwriting, shall
its execution was of sound and disposing mind, and not
be sufficient evidence of the genuineness and due
acting under duress, menace, and undue influence, or fraud:
execution thereof.
A certificate of its allowance,
o If the holographic will is contested,
signed by the judge, and
The burden of disproving the genuineness and due
attested by the seal of the court
execution thereof shall be on the contestant. The
Shall be attached to the will and the will and
testator to rebut the evidence for the contestant.
certificate filed and recorded by the clerk.
Grounds for Disallowance of the Will (Section 9 of Rule 76) Attested copies of the will devising real estate and
of certificate of allowance thereof, shall be
- The will shall be disallowed in any of the following cases:
recorded in the register of deeds of the province in
which the lands lie.
(a) If not executed and attested as required by law;
o LACK OF TESTAMENTARY CAPACITY Rule on Reprobate (Sections 1-4 of Rule 77)
(b) If the testator was insane, or otherwise mentally
- Wills proved and allowed in a foreign country, according to the laws
incapable to make a will, at the time of its
of such country, may be allowed, filed, and recorded by the proper
Court of First Instance in the Philippines.
(c) If it was executed under duress, or the influence
- When a copy of such will and of the order or decree of the
of fear, or threats;
allowance thereof, both duly authenticated, are filed with a petition
(d) If it was procured by undue and improper
for allowance in the Philippines, by the executor or other person
pressure and influence, on the part of the
interested, in the court having jurisdiction, such court shall fix a time
beneficiary, or of some other person for his benefit;
and place for the hearing, and cause notice thereof to be given as in
(e) If the signature of the testator was procured by
case of an original will presented for allowance.
fraud or trick, and he did not intend that the
instrument should be his will at the time of fixing his
- If it appears at the hearing that the will should be allowed in the
signature thereto.
Philippines, the court shall so allow it, and a certificate of its
Contestant to file the Ground of Contest (Section 10 of Rule 76) allowance, signed by the judge, and attested by the seal of the
court, to which shall be attached a copy of the will, shall be filed and
recorded by the clerk, and the will shall have the same effect as if - a person appointed by the court of probate to administer and settle
originally proves and allowed in such court. intestate estates and such testate estates where no executor is
- When a will is thus allowed, the court shall grant letters
Administrator with will Annexed
testamentary, or letters of administration with the will annexed,
and such letters testamentary or of administration, shall extend to - a person appointed by the court of probate to administer and settle
all the estate of the testator in the Philippines. Such estate, after the intestate estates and such testate estates where the executor
payment of just debts and expenses of administration, shall be named is incompetent, refuses the trust or fails to give a bond
disposed of according to such will, so far as such will may operate
upon it; and the residue, if any shall be disposed of as is provided by Distinctions between Executor and Administrator
law in cases of estates in the Philippines belonging to persons who EXECUTOR ADMINISTRATOR
are inhabitants of another state or country. HOW APPOINTED Nominated by the Appointed by the
testator and court in the following
appointed by the court instances:
must present evidence of the following before the reprobate of appoint an executor
the will: (FDAPL) (Vda de Perez v. Tolete, GR No. 76714) 2.) The executor
o Due execution of the will in accordance with the foreign appointed in the will is
laws incompetent, refused
the appointment, or
o Testator had his domicile in the foreign country and not the
failed to give a bond
3.) The will was
o The Will has Been admitted to probate in such country disallowed
o The foreign tribunal is a probate court 4.) The deceased died
o The laws of a foreign country on procedure and allowance intestate
of Wills OBLIGATION TO Executor is required to No such requirement
PRESENT THE WILL IN present the will to the
ADMINISTRATORS after the knowledge of
Executor defined the testator’s death or
after he knows that he
- a person nominated by a testator in his will to carry out his direction was appointed as
and request thereof and to dispose of the property according to his executor
testamentary provisions after his death. BOND Testator may direct Always required to file
that the executor a bond
Administrator defined serve without bond or
with only is individual
bond conditioned only
to pay the testator’s - The Executor of an executor shall not as such administer the estate
debts; but the court of the first testator
may require the
executor to execute a Rule on Married Women as Executor (Section 3 of Rule 78)
bond in case of a - A married woman may serve as executrix or administratrix, and the
change in
marriage of a single woman shall not affect her authority so to serve
circumstance for other
under a previous appointment.
sufficient cause
AMOUNT OF If the testator makes a Amount is fixed by Letters Testamentary: When Issued (Section 4 of Rule 78)
COMPENSATION provision in the will for Rule 85 Section 7
the compensation of - When a will has been proved and allowed, the court shall issue
his executor, that letters testamentary thereon to the person named as executor
provision shall be a full therein:
satisfaction for his o if he is competent,
services, unless he o accepts the trust,
renounces by a written o and gives bond as required by these rules.
instrument all the
- If he refuses the trust, is incompetent or does not give the bond
claim to the
required by the rules then Administration with will annexed will
compensation as
provided in the will begin (May iaappoint na administrator)
Section 6. When allowed money paid as cost. — The amount paid by an Section 8. When executor or administrator to render account. — Every
executor or administrator for costs awarded against him shall be allowed in executor or administrator shall render an account of his administration
his administration account, unless it appears that the action or proceeding within one (1) year from the time of receiving letters testamentary or of
in which the costs are taxed was prosecuted or resisted without just cause, administration, unless the court otherwise directs because of extensions of
and not in good faith. time for presenting claims against, or paying the debts of, the estate, or for
disposing of the estate; and he shall render such further accounts as the
Section 7. What expenses and fees allowed executor or administrator. Not court may require until the estate is wholly settled.
to charge for services as attorney. Compensation provided by will controls
unless renounced. — An executor or administrator shall be allowed the Section 9. Examinations on oath with respect to account — The court may
necessary expenses the care, management, and settlement of the estate, examine the executor or administrator upon oath with respect to every
matter relating to any account rendered by him, and shall so examine him
as to the correctness of his account before the same is allowed, except
when no objection is made to the allowance of the account and its Time Within which the claim should be filed: Rule on Statute of Non-
correctness is satisfactorily established by competent proof. The heirs, Claims (Section 2 of Rule 86)
legatees, distributees, and creditors of the estate shall have the same
privilege as the executor or administrator of being examined on oath on any
o In the notice provided in the preceding section, the court
matter relating to an administration account.
shall state the time for the filing of claims against the estate,
Section 10. Account to be settled on notice. — Before the account of an which shall not be more than twelve (12) not less than six
executor or administrator is allowed, notice shall be given to persons (6) months after the date of the first publication of the
interested of the time and place of examining and allowing the same; and notice.
such notice may be given personally to such persons interested or by o Rule on Statute of Non-Claims
advertisement in a newspaper or newspapers, or both, as the court directs. The period fixed by the probate court must not be
less than six months nor more than 12 months from
Section 11. Surety on bond may be party to accounting. — Upon the the date of first publication of the notice
settlement of the account of an executor or administrator, a person liable as Such period once fixed by the court is mandatory
surety in respect to such account may, upon application, be admitted as and it cannot be shortened
party to such accounting. The statute of non-claims supersedes the statute of
VI. CLAIMS AGAINST THE ESTATE o However, at any time before an order of distribution is
entered, on application of a creditor who has failed to file
Notice to creditors to be issued by the Court (Section 1 of Rule 86) his claim within the previously limited, the court may, for
- DUTY OF THE COURT TO ISSUE NOTICE: cause shown and on such terms as are equitable, allow such
o Immediately after granting letters testamentary or of claim to be filed within a time not exceeding one (1) month.
administration, the court shall: o The creditor set up his claim as a counter claim in an action
Issue a notice requiring all persons having money filed by the executor or administrator against him in
claims against the decedent accordance with Rule 86 Section 5
To file them in the office of the clerk of said court. Publication of Notice (Section 3 of Rule 86)
o Purpose of presenting claims against the estate:
To protect the estate of the deceased persons - DUTY OF THE EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR TO POST NOTICE
(Estate of Olave v. Reyes (GR No. L-29407) o Every executor or administrator shall, immediately after the
o Type of claims that can be filed: notice to creditors is issued:
Only money claims against the decedent are Cause the same to be published three (3) weeks
allowed, particularly only those contracted before successively in a newspaper of general circulation in
the decedent’s death the province, and
To be posted for the same period in four public provided, and mutual claims may be set off against each
places in the province and in two public places in other in such action; and if final judgment is rendered in
the municipality where the decedent last resided. favor of the defendant, the amount so determined shall be
considered the true balance against the estate, as though
Filing of Printed Copy of Notice (Section 4 of Rule 86)
the claim had been presented directly before the court in
NOTICE: o Claims not yet due, or contingent, may be approved at their
o Within ten (10) days after the notice has been published present value.
and posted in accordance with the preceding section, the
Solidary Obligations of the Decedent (Section 6 of Rule 86)
executor or administrator shall:
File or cause to be filed in the court a printed copy - RULE IF OBLIGATION OF THE DECEDENT IS SOLIDARY WITH
of the notice ANOTHER DEBTOR:
Accompanied with an affidavit setting forth the o Where the obligation of the decedent is solidary with
dates of the first and last publication thereof and another debtor:
The name of the newspaper in which the same is The claim shall be filed against the decedent as if he
printed. were the only debtor, without prejudice to the right
of the estate to recover contribution from the
Statute of Non-Claims: General Rule; Exceptions (Section 5 of Rule 86)
- GENERAL RULE OF STATUTE OF NON-CLAIMS o In a joint obligation of the decedent, the claim shall be
o All claims for money against the decent, arising from confined to the portion belonging to him.
contract, express or implied, whether the same be due, not
Mortgage debt due from Estate (Section 7 of Rule 86)
due, or
o Contingent, all claims for funeral expenses and expense for - REMEDIES OF A CREDITOR HOLDING A CLAIM AGAINST THE
the last sickness of the decedent, and DECEASED SECURED BY A MORTGAGE:
o Judgment for money against the decent, must be filed o A creditor holding a claim against the deceased secured by
within the time limited in the notice; otherwise they are mortgage or other collateral security:,
barred forever May abandon the security and prosecute his claim
- EXCEPTION in the manner provided in this rule, and share in the
o Except that they may be set forth as counterclaims in any general distribution of the assets of the estate; or
action that the executor or administrator may bring against He may foreclose his mortgage or realize upon his
the claimants. security, by action in court, making the executor or
o Where an executor or administrator commences an action, administrator a party defendant, and if there is a
or prosecutes an action already commenced by the judgment for a deficiency, after the sale of the
deceased in his lifetime, the debtor may set forth by answer mortgaged premises, or the property pledged, in
the claims he has against the decedent, instead of the foreclosure or other proceeding to realize upon
presenting them independently to the court as herein the security, he may claim his deficiency judgment
in the manner provided in the preceding section or Give notice thereof, in writing, to the court, and
he may rely upon his mortgage or other security The court shall appoint a special administrator, who
alone, shall, in the adjustment of such claim, have the
Foreclosure the same at any time within the period same power and be subject to the same liability as
of the statute of limitations, and in that event he the general administrator or executor in the
shall not be admitted as a creditor, and shall receive settlement of other claims.
no share in the distribution of the other assets of The court may order the executor or administrator
estate; to pay to the special administrator necessary funds
o But nothing herein contained shall prohibit the executor or to defend such claim.
administrator from redeeming the property mortgaged or
Procedure in Filing a Claim (Section 9 of Rule 86)
pledged, by paying the debt for which it is held as security,
under the direction of the court, if the court shall adjudge it - HOW TO FILE A CLAIM; CONTENTS THEREOF; NOTICE TO
to be for the best interest of the estate that such EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR:
redemption shall be made. o A claim may be filed by:
o REMEDIES OF A CREDITOR SIMPLIFIED: (Relate this with Delivering the same with the necessary vouchers to
Rule 68 on Foreclosure of Mortgage) the clerk of court and
Abandon the security and prosecute his claim By serving a copy thereof on the executor or
against the estate and share in the general administrator.
distribution of the assets If the claim be founded on a bond, bill, note, or any
Foreclose his mortgage or realize upon his security other instrument, the original need not be filed, but
by action in court, making the executor or a copy thereof with all indorsements shall be
administrator a party defendant and if there is attached to the claim and filed therewith.
judgment for deficiency, he may file a contingent On demand, however, of the executor or
claim against the estate within the statute of non- administrator, or by order of the court or judge, the
claims original shall be exhibited, unless it be list or
Rely solely on his mortgage and foreclose the same destroyed, in which case the claimant must
at any time within the period of statute of accompany his claim with affidavit or affidavits
limitations but he cannot be admitted as creditor containing a copy or particular description of the
and shall not receive in the distribution of the other instrument and stating its loss or destruction.
assets of the estate When the claim is due, it must be supported by
- affidavit stating:
The amount justly due,
Claim of executor or administrator against an estate (Section 8 of Rule 86)
That no payments have been made thereon
ESTATE: That there are no offsets to the same, to
o If the executor or administrator has a claim against the the knowledge of the affiant.
estate he represents, he shall:
If the claim is not due, or is contingent, when filed, o Any claim admitted entirely by the executor or
it must also be supported by affidavits stating the administrator shall immediately be submitted by the clerk
particulars thereof. to the court who may approve the same without hearing;
When the affidavit is made by a person other than but the court, in its discretion, before approving the claim,
the claimant, he must set forth therein the reason may:
why it is not made by the claimant. Order that known heirs, legatees, or devisees be
The claim once filed shall be attached to the record notified and heard.
of the case in which the letters testamentary or of If upon hearing, an heir, legatees, or devisee
administration were issued, although the court, in opposes the claim, the court may, in its discretion,
its discretion, and as a matter of convenience, may allow him fifteen (15) days to file an answer to the
order all the claims to be collected in a separate claim in the manner prescribed in the preceding
folder. section.
Answer of Executor or Administrator: Offsets (Section 10 of Rule 86) Trial of Contested Claims (Section 12 of Rule 86)
o Within fifteen (15) days after service of a copy of the claim o Upon the filing of an answer to a claim, or
on the executor or administrator, he shall: o Upon the expiration of the time for such filing,
File his answer admitting or denying the claim The clerk of court shall set the claim for trial with
specifically, and notice to both parties. The court may refer the
Set forth the admission or denial. claim to a commissioner.
If he has no knowledge sufficient to enable him to
admit or deny specifically, he shall state such want Judgment Appealable (Section 13 of Rule 86)
o The executor or administrator in his answer shall allege in A CLAIM APPEALABLE? PROCEDURE ON APPEAL
offset any claim which the decedent before death had o The judgment of the court approving or disapproving a
against the claimant, and his failure to do so shall bar the claim, shall be filed with the record of the administration
claim forever. proceedings with notice to both parties, and is appealable
o A copy of the answer shall be served by the executor or as in ordinary cases.
administrator on the claimant. The court in its discretion o A judgment against the executor or administrator shall be
may extend the time for filing such answer. that he pay, in due course of administration, the amount
Disposition of Admitted Claim (Section 11 of Rule 86) ascertained to be due, and it shall not create any lien upon
the property of the estate, or give to the judgment creditor
Costs (Section 14 of Rule 86)
- COSTS TO BE PAID BY THE EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR: defend, in the right of deceased, actions for causes which
o When the executor or administrator, in his answer: survive.
Admits and offers to pay part of a claim, and
Heir may not sue until share assigned (Section 3 of Rule 87)
The claimant refuses to accept the amount offered
in satisfaction of his claim, - When an executor or administrator is appointed and assumes the
If he fails to obtain a more favorable judgment, he trust, no action to recover the title or possession of lands or for
cannot recover costs, but must pay to the executor damages done to such lands shall be maintained against him by an
or administrator costs from the time of the offer. heir or devisee until there is an order of the court assigning such
o Where an action commenced against the deceased for lands to such heir or devisee or until the time allowed for paying
money has been discontinued and the claim embraced debts has expired.
therein presented as in this rule provided, the prevailing
Executors or administrator may compound with debtor (Section 4 of Rule
party shall be allowed the costs of his action up to the time
of its discontinuance.
- Within the approval of the court, an executor or administrator may:
o Compound with the debtor of the deceased for a debt due,
Actions by and Against the Executors and Administrators (Rule 87) and
o May give a discharge of such debt on receiving a just
Actions Which May Survive the Death of the Testator (Section 1 of Rule 87)
dividend of the estate of the debtor.
Mortgage due estate may be foreclosed (Section 5 of Rule 87)
o No action upon a claim for the recovery of money or debt or - A mortgage belonging to the estate of a deceased person, as
interest thereon shall be commenced against the executor mortgagee or assignee of the right or a mortgage, may be
or administrator; foreclosed by the executor or administrator.
Proceedings when property is concealed, embezzled or fraudulently
conveyed. (Section 6 of Rule 87)
o Actions to recover real or personal property, or
o Actions to recover an interest therein, from the estate, or - If an executor or administrator, heir, legatee, creditor or other
o Actions to enforce a lien thereon, and individual interested in the estate of the deceased, complains to the
o Actions to recover damages for an injury to person or court having jurisdiction of the estate that a person is suspected of
property, real or personal, may be commenced against him. having concealed, embezzled, or conveyed away any of the money,
goods, or chattels of the deceased, or
Executors or administrator may bring or defend actions which survive
- That such person has in his possession or has knowledge of any
(Section 2 of Rule 87)
deed, conveyance, bond, contract, or other writing which contains
- ACTIONS TO BE TAKEN BY THE EXECUTORS OR ADMINISTRATOR evidence of or tends or discloses the right, title, interest, or claim of
o For the recovery or protection of the property or rights of the deceased,
the deceased, an executor or administrator may bring or
- The court may cite such suspected person to appear before it any of the property sold, embezzled, or alienated, to be
may examine him on oath on the matter of such complaint; and if recovered for the benefit of such estate.
the person so cited refuses to appear, or to answer on such
Property fraudulently conveyed by deceased may be recovered. When
examination or such interrogatories as are put to him, the court
executor or administrator must bring action (Section 9 of Rule 87)
may punish him for contempt, and may commit him to prison until
he submits to the order of the court. The interrogatories put any - WHEN ACTION FOR RECOVERY OF PROPERTY MAY BE
such person, and his answers thereto, shall be in writing and shall COMMENCED BY EXECUTOR OR ADMINISTRATOR:
be filed in the clerk's office. o When there is a deficiency of assets in the hands of an
executor or administrator for the payment of debts and
Person Entrusted with the Estate Compelled to Render Account (Section 7
expenses of administration, and:
of Rule 87)
The deceased in his lifetime had conveyed real or
- DUTY OF THE PERSON ENTRUSTED WITH THE ESTATE: personal property, or a right or interest therein, or
o The court, on complaint of an executor or administrator, an debt or credit,
may: With intent to defraud his creditors or to
Cite a person entrusted by an executor or avoid any right, debt, or duty; or
administrator with any part of the estate of the Had so conveyed such property, right,
deceased to appear before it, and interest, debt or credit that by law the
May require such person to render a full account, conveyance would be void as against his
on oath, of the money, goods, chattels, bonds, creditors, and
account, or other papers belonging to such estate The subject of the attempted conveyance
as came to his possession in trust for such executor would be liable to attachment by any of
or administrator, and of his proceedings thereon; them in his lifetime,
and o The executor or administrator may commence and
If the person so cited refuses to appear to render prosecute to final judgment an action for the recovery of
such account, the court may punish him for such property, right, interest, debt, or credit for the benefit
contempt as having disobeyed a lawful order of the of the creditors;
court. o But he shall not be bound to commence the action unless
on application of the creditors of the deceased, not unless
Embezzlement before Letters Issued (Section 8 of Rule 87)
the creditors making the application pay such part of the
- RULE IF PERSON EMBEZZLES THE PROPERTY OF THE DECEDENT costs and expenses, or give security therefor to the
BEFORE ISSUANCE OF LETTERS: (Double Value Rule) executor or administrator, as the court deems equitable.
o If a person, before the granting of letters testamentary or of
When creditor may bring action. Lien for costs (Section 10 of Rule 87)
administration on the estate of the deceased, embezzles or
alienates any of the money, goods, chattels, or effects of - RULE ON WHEN CREDITOR MAY BRING ACTION:
such deceased, such person: o When there is such a deficiency of assets,
Shall be liable to an action in favor of the executor
or administrator of the estate for double the value
o And the deceased in his lifetime had made or attempted (2) It appears that there are sufficient assets to pay the debts
such a conveyance, as is stated in the last preceding section,
and Executor/administrator shall pay the same within the time limited for that
o The executor or administrator has not commenced the purpose. [Rule 88 Sec 1]
action therein provided for, any creditor of the estate may,
with the permission of the court, commence and prosecute
The probate court may hold in abeyance intestate proceedings pending
to final judgment, in the name of the executor or
determination of a civil case against the administrator.
administrator, a like action for the recovery of the subject of
the conveyance or attempted conveyance for the benefit of
the creditors. The heirs of the estate may not demand the closing of an intestate
o But the action shall not be commenced until the creditor proceeding at anytime where there is a pending case against the
has filed in a court a bond executed to the executor or administrator of the estate. The court can rightfully hold in abeyance until
administrator, in an amount approved by the judge, the civil case is settled. [Dinglasan v. Chia, (1956)]
conditioned to indemnify the executor or administrator
Part of Estate from Which Debt Paid (in order of preference)
against the costs and expenses incurred by reason of such
o Such creditor shall have a lien upon any judgment THEN
recovered by him in the action for such costs and other
expenses incurred therein as the court deems equitable. (1) Real property
Where the conveyance or attempted conveyance had been
made by the deceased in his lifetime in favor of the IF TESTATOR DESIGNATES IN HIS WILL PORTION OF ESTATE FOR PAYMENT
executor or administrator, the action which a credit may OF DEBT, EXPENSES OF ADMINISTRATION, OR FAMILY EXPENSES, THEY
bring shall be in the name of all the creditors, and SHALL BE
permission of the court and filing of bond as above
prescribed, are not necessary. PAID ACCORDING TO SUCH PROVISIONS;
(Di masyadong diniscuss ni Dean to sa Lectures and di din tinanong sa GENERAL RULE: PERSONAL ESTATE NOT DISPOSED OF BY WILL SHALL BE
recit. Di din masyadong tinatanong sa Bar kaya di na kailangan magfocus FIRST CHARGEABLE
dito. (Rules 88 and 89 pala to mga pards))
Debts Paid in Full if Estate Sufficient (1) Not sufficient for the purpose; or
(2) Its sale will redound to the detriment of the participants for the estate
(1) After all money claims heard and ascertained; and
Court to Fix Contributive Shares Where Devisees, Legates, or Heirs Have
(1) The whole of the real estate not disposed of by will, or so much thereof
Been in Possession
as is necessary, may be sold, mortgaged, or otherwise encumbered for
The Court shall
(2) Court approval must be obtained first, and
- Hear and settle the amount of their several liabilities
(3) Any deficiency shall be met by contributions in accordance with the
- Order how much and in what manner each shall contribute
provisions of Sec. 6 of this rule.(contributive shares of devises, legatees
- May issue execution as circumstances require. [Rule 88 Sec 6]
and heirs in possession) [Rule 88 sec 3]
But the benefit of this and the preceding sections shall not be extended to When an order is made for the distribution of assets among creditors, the
the creditors in another country if the property of such deceased person executor or administrator shall, as soon as the time of payment arrives, pay
there found is not equally apportioned to the creditors residing in the the creditors the amounts of their claims, or the dividend thereon, in
Philippines and the other creditor, according to accordance with the terms of such order. [Rule
Order for Payment of Debts Time for paying debts and legacies
Before the expiration of the time limited for the payment of the debts the
court shall order the payment thereof, and the distribution of the assets General Rule: Not exceeding 1 year in the first instance
received by the executor/administrator for that purpose among the
creditors, as the circumstances of the estate require and in accordance
Exception: Court may extend the period, after hearing and notice, on the
with the provisions of this rule [Rule 88 Sec 11]
following conditions:
(1) Extension must not exceed 6 months for a single extension; and
If Appeal Taken From a Decision of the Court Concerning the Claim
(2) The whole period allowed shall not exceed 2 years.
The court may:
(1) Suspend the order for payment or order the distribution among
creditors whose claims are definitely allowed
[RULE 88 SEC 15] 1. To satisfy the distributive shares of devisees, legatees, and heirs in
possession of the decedent’s assets.
Grounds for Extension
2. To enforce payment of expenses of the partition.
(1) Original executor/administrator dies 3. To satisfy the costs when a person is cited for
(2) New administrator appointed examination in probate proceedings [FESTIN]
Proper procedure for payment of debts
(1) Executor/administrator must apply.
(1) Motion of administrator for sale;
(2) Notice of the time and place of hearing.
(2) Written notice to all heirs, legatees, devisees residing
(3) Court must hear the application.
in the Philippines;
(3) Court orders sale of personal property or sale or mortgage of real
Personal property may, upon order, be sold:
(1) To pay debts, expenses, legacies (Sec. 1, Rule 89) (4) Proceeds of such sale shall be used to pay debts and expenses.
(2) If it appears necessary for the preservation of the property (Sec. 1, Rule
(3) If sale will be beneficial to the heirs, devisees, legatees and other
interested persons and is not inconsistent with the Order of Sale of personalty
provisions of the will (Sec. 4, Rule 89)
The court upon the application of the executor or administrator, and on
written notice to the heirs and other persons interested, may order the
Real property may, upon order, be sold, mortgaged, encumbered to pay whole or a part of the personal estate to be sold, if it appears necessary for
debts when: the purpose of paying
(1) Personal estate is insufficient to pay the debts (1) debts, expenses of administration, or legacies, or
(2) Sale of personal estate may injure the business of persons interested in (2) expenses for the preservation of the property. [Rule 89 Sec 1]
the estate
(3) Property appropriated by testator in his will is insufficient to pay debts
When court may authorize sale, mortgage or encumbrance of realty
(Sec. 2, Rule 89)
A. Though personalty not exhausted:
Writ of Execution
General Rule: The probate court does not have the power to issue writs of
execution. A writ of execution is not the proper procedure for the payment
(1) If sale of personal estate may injure the business or such other
of claims against the estate. [Aldamiz v. Judge of CFI-Mindoro (1949)]
interests of those interested in the estate and where testator has not
Exceptions: otherwise made sufficient provision for payment of debts, expenses
legacies; [Rule 89 Sec 2] B. Others: Regulations for granting authority to sell, mortgage or otherwise encumber
(2) Where sale is beneficial to interested persons, although not necessary
(1) The executor/administrator shall file a written petition setting forth the
to pay debts, expenses, or legacies [Rule 89 Sec 4]
(3) To pay for debts, expenses or legacies of estate of deceased in foreign
a. Debts due from the deceased, the expenses for administration,
country [Rule 89 Sec 5]
the legacies;
(4) If deceased was in his lifetime under contract, binding in law, to deed
b. Value of the personal estate;
real property or interest therein [Rule 89 Sec 8]
c. Situation of the estate to be sold, mortgaged, encumbered; and
(5) Where deceased held real property in trust for another person [Rule 89
d. Such other facts showing sale etc., is necessary or beneficial;
Sec 9]
(2) The court will fix a time and place for hearing such petition and cause
notice to be given personally or by mail to persons interested, and
In (1) and (2), sale of real property may be done in lieu of personal
publication if deem proper;
property of estate if it clearly appears that such sale etc., would be
(3) The court may require executor/administrator to give additional bond
beneficial to persons interested.
conditioned on accounting for proceeds of sale etc.;
(4) The court may authorize sale to be public or private;
In (3) the sale shall be authorized if not inconsistent with provisions of the (5) If estate is to be sold at auction, the mode of giving notice shall be
will and proceeds of the sale shall be assigned to persons entitled to the governed by provisions concerning notice of execution sale;
estate in the proper proportions. (6) Certified copy of the order of the court, plus deed of the executor or
administrator for real estate sold, mortgaged, or encumbered shall be
In (5), conveyance would not be authorized if assets in the hands of the registered in registry of deeds where property is located;[Rule 89 Sec 7]
executor or administrator will be reduced as to prevent creditor from
receiving debt or diminish his dividend. Deed for sale, mortgaged or encumbrance The deed executed by the
executor or administrator shall be valid as of executed by deceased in his
lifetime [Rule 89 Sec 7, 8]
Persons interested may prevent such sale, etc. by giving bond
Who may claim on the bond: Such bond shall be for the security of the (2) Collation and Declaration of heirs - to determine to whom the residue of
creditors, as well as of the executor or administrator, and may be the estate should be distributed.
prosecuted for the benefit of either. [Rule 89 Sec 3]
- Determination the right of a natural child
- Determination of proportionate shares of distributes. The executor/administrator has no duty to prepare and present the same
under the Rules. The court may, however, require him to present such
Afterwards, the residue may be distributed and delivered to the heirs.
project to better inform itself of the condition of the estate. [3 Moran 541,
1980 Ed.]
Powers of the court in distribution and partition of estate:
(1) Collate;
It is the court that makes that distribution of the estate and determines the
(2) Determine the heirs; and persons entitled thereto:
(3) Determine the share of each heirs. (1) On application of executor/administrator or person interested in
the estate
Court may determine questions as to advancement made by decedent
(2) Notice
Advancements made or alleged to have been made to heirs by decedent
may be determined by court having jurisdiction of estate; and the final (3) Hearing
order of the court shall be binding on person raising the questions and on
Court shall assign the residue of the estate to the persons entitled to the
the heir.
same, naming them and the proportions, or parts, to which each is entitled.
[Rule 90 Sec 2]
Such persons may demand and recover their respective shares from the
executor/administrator, or any other person having the same in his
If there is a controversy as to who are heirs or shares such shall be heard
General Rule: Before an order of distribution or assignment, it must be and decided as in ordinary cases. [Rule 90 Sec 1]
shown that the “debts, funeral expenses and expenses of administration,
allowances, taxes, etc., chargeable to the estate” have been paid. Effect of Final Decree of Distribution
Exception: If the distributees give a bond conditioned on the payment of (1) In rem and binding against the whole world.
above obligations [Rule 90 Sec 1]
(2) All persons having interest in the subject matter involved, whether they
The part distributed must not be subject to any controversy or appeal. are notified or not, are equally bound. [Philippine Savings Bank v. Lantin
[Rule 109 Sec 2] (1983)]
B. PROJECT OF PARTITION (3) The court acquires jurisdiction over all persons interested, through the
publication of the notice prescribed and any order that may be entered
A project of partition is merely a proposal for the distribution of the therein is binding against all of them. [Ramon v. Ortuzar (1951)]
hereditary estate which the court may accept or reject. [Solivio v. CA,
(1990)] The only instance where a party interested in a probate proceeding may
have a final liquidation set aside is when he is left out by reason of
circumstances beyond his control or through mistake or inadvertence not
imputable to negligence. [Vda. De Alberto v. CA (1989)] It is an incident or attribute of sovereignty and rests on the principle of
ultimate ownership by the state of all property within its jurisdiction.
The better practice for the heir who has not received his share is to:
Three instances of Escheats:
(1) Demand his share through a proper motion in the same probate or (1) When a person dies intestate leaving property in the Philippines but
administrative proceedings, or leaving no heir [Rule 91 Sec 1]
(2) Reversion proceedings in alienations in violation of Constitution or
(2) Motion for reopening of the probate or administrative proceedings if it
other statute [Rule 91 Sec 5]
had already been closed, and not through an independent action. [Guilas v.
(3) Unclaimed Balances Act (Act No. 3936 as amended by PD 679) –
Judge of the CFI of Pampanga, (1972)]
dormant accounts for 10 years shall be escheated.
Where to file:
General Rule: Writ of Execution is not allowed in probate proceedings [Vda
(1) If Resident – RTC of the province where the deceased last resided;
de Valera v. Ofilada, 59 SCRA 96]
(2) If Non-resident – RTC of the pace where his estate is located. [Rule 91
Exceptions: Sec 1]
(1) To satisfy the contributive shares of devisees, legatees and heirs in
possession of the decedent’s assets (Sec. 6, Rule 88) B. REQUISITES FOR FILING OF PETITION
(1) A person died intestate
(2) To enforce payment of expenses of partition; [Rule 90 Sec 3] and (2) He left no heirs or persons by law entitled to the same
(3) Deceased left properties [City of Manila v. Archbishop of Manila, 36
(3) To satisfy the costs when a person is cited for examination in probate
Phil. 815; Rule 91, Sec.1]
proceedings [Rule 142 Sec 13]
When does a probate court lose jurisdiction of an estate under Escheat proceedings must be initiated by the Government through the
administration? Solicitor General.
The probate court loses jurisdiction of an estate under administration only
after payment of all debts, and the remaining estate delivered to the heirs The Court must fix a date and place for hearing, which shall not be more
entitled to receive the same. [Guilas v. Judge of CFI of Pampanga] than 6 months after the entry of the order
[Rule 91 Sec 4]
Effect of claim
Possession and title to the estate shall be given. If estate has already been
sold, then the city/municipality shall be accountable for the proceeds, less Basis: Parens Patriae
reasonable charges for care of the estate.
It is the State’s duty to protect the rights of persons/individuals who
Distinguish Escheat from Expropriation Proceedings because of age/incapacity are in an unfavorable position vis-à-vis other
parties [Nery v. Lorenzo (1972)].
No payment of just compensation Payment of just compensation is
required Kinds of Guardians
Taking is not for a public purpose Taking of property is for a public
purpose (1) Legal Guardian – deemed as guardian by provision of law, without need
Is found under Rule 91 of the Rules Is found under Rule 67 of the Rules of court appointment (Art. 225, FC)
of Court and is a Special of Court and is a Special Civil (2) Guardian ad Litem – appointed by the court to prosecute or defend a
Proceeding Action minor, insane or person declared to be incompetent, in a court action
(3) Judicial Guardian – appointed by the court in pursuance to law, as
guardians for insane persons, prodigals, minor heirs of deceased war
veterans and other incompetent persons.
a. Guardian over the person
Rules 92-97 are now only applicable to guardianship over incompetent b. Guardian of the property
persons who are not minors. c. General guardian (both person and property) [REGALADO]
Guardianship over minors is governed by A.M. No. 03-02-05 SC or Rule on
Guardianship Procedure
The power of protective authority given by law and imposed on an Filing of Petition
individual who is free and in the enjoyment of his rights, over one whose
weakness on account of his age or other infirmity renders him unable to Court issues order setting time for hearing
protect himself.
[HERRERA] Notice to the incompetent and persons mentioned in the
Guardian Publication only if incompetent is a nonresident
A person lawfully invested with power and charged with the duty of taking
care of a person who for some peculiarity or status or defect of age, Hearing (alleged incompetent must be present if able to attend)
understanding or self-control is considered incapable of administering his
own affairs. If granted, service of judgment to the Local Civil Registrar and payment of
[HERRERA] bond of the guardian.
(b) Annually, and
GENERAL POWERS AND DUTIES OF GUARDIANS (c) Whenever required upon the application of an interested
(1) Care and custody of the person of his ward and management of his person. [Rule 96 Sec 7]
property; or (8) To report to the court any property of the ward not included in the
inventory which is discovered, or succeeded to, or acquired by the
(2) Management of his property only;
ward within 3 months after such discovery, succession, or acquisition
(3) Management of property within the Philippines (in case of non-resident
[Rule 96 Sec 7]
ward). [Rule 96 Sec 1]
(9) To render to the court for its approval an accounting of the property:
Specific duties
(a) One year from his appointment
(1) To pay the just debts of the ward out of: (b) Every year thereafter, and
(a) Personal property and the income of the real property of (c) As often as may be required. [Rule
the ward, if the same is sufficient 96 Secs 7 & 8]
(b) Real property of the ward upon obtaining an order for its
Reimbursement of Reasonable Expenses The court may authorize
sale or encumbrance. [Rule 96 Sec 2]
reimbursement to the guardian, other than a parent, of reasonable
(2) To settle all accounts of his ward [Rule 96 Sec 3]
expenses incurred in the execution of his trust.
(3) To demand, sue for, receive all debts due him, or, with the approval of
the court, compound for the same and give discharges to the debtor on [Rule 96 Sec 8]
receiving a fair and just dividend of the property and effects [Rule 96
Sec 3]
Payment of Compensation
(4) To appear for and represent the ward in all actions and special
proceedings, unless another person is appointed for that purpose [Rule Court may order payment of reasonable compensation not exceeding 15%
96 Sec 3] of the net
(5) To manage the property of the ward frugally and without waste, and
income of the ward. [Rule 96 Sec 8]
apply the income and profits thereon, insofar as may be necessary, to
the comfortable and suitable maintenance of the ward. If such income
and profits be insufficient for that purpose, to sell or encumber the real Embezzlement, Concealment, or Conveyance of
or personal property, upon being authorized by the court to do so [Rule
Ward’s Properties
96 Sec 4]
(6) To consent to a partition of real or personal property owned by the
ward jointly or in common with others, upon: Upon complaint by the:
(a) Authority granted by the court after hearing
(1) The guardian or ward, or
(b) Notice to relatives of the ward, and
(2) Any person having actual or prospective interest in the property of the
(c) A careful investigation as to the necessity and propriety
of the proposed action. [Rule 96 Sec 5]
(7) To submit to the court a verified inventory of the property of the ward:
The court may cite the suspected person to appear for examination and
(a) Within three months after his appointment
make such orders for the security of the estate. [Rule 96 Sec 6]
Duration of Order of Sale or Encumbrance No order of sale granted in
General Rule: Purpose of the proceeding is to secure evidence from pursuance of this section shall continue in force for more than 1 year after
persons suspected of embezzling, concealing or conveying any property of granting of the same, without a sale being had. [Rule 95 Sec 4]
the ward so as to enable the guardian to institute the appropriate action to
obtain the possession of and secure title to said property. [Cui v. Piccio
Investment of Proceeds and Management of Property
The court may authorize and require the guardian to invest the proceeds of
sales or encumbrances, and any other money of his ward in his hands, in
Exception: Court may direct delivery of property to the guardian only in
real or personal property, for the best interests of the ward.
extreme cases, where property clearly belongs to the ward or where his
title thereto has already been judicially decided. [Cui v. Piccio (1952)] The court may make such other orders for the management, investment,
and disposition of the property and effects, as circumstances may warrant.
[Rule 95 Sec 5]
Selling and Encumbering the Property of the Ward
Court may order that his personal or real property or any part thereof be
sold, mortgaged or otherwise encumbered, and the proceeds invested in
safe and productive security, or in the improvement or security of other (Applicable for both Guardianship of Minors and incompetents)
real property (1) To make and return to the court, within three months after the
Grounds issuance of his letters of guardianship, a true and complete inventory of
all the real and personal property of his ward which shall come to his
(1) When the income of a property under guardianship is insufficient to possession or knowledge or to the possession or knowledge of any
maintain the ward and his family; or other person in his behalf;
(2) When it is for the benefit of the ward [Rule 95 Sec 1] (2) To faithfully execute the duties of his trust, to manage and dispose the
property according to this rule for the best interests of the ward, and to
Sale must first be confirmed by the court and that until such confirmation, provide for his proper care, custody and education;
not even equitable title passes. [HERRERA] (3) To render a true and just account of all the property of the ward in his
hands, and of all proceeds or interest derived from them, and of the
Order for Sale or Encumbrance Contents: management and disposition of the same, at the time designated by
this rule and such other times as the court directs and at the expiration
(1) Causes why sale or encumbrance is necessary or beneficial; of his trust, to settle his accounts with the court and deliver and pay
(2) Manner of sale (public or private); over all the property, effects, and monies remaining in his hands, or
(3) Time and manner of payment; due from him on such settlement, to the person lawfully entitled
(4) Security, if payment deferred; thereto;
(5) Additional bond from guardian, if required. [Rule 95 Sec 4] (4) To perform all orders of the court and such other duties as may be
required by law. [Rule 94 Sec 1; Sec. 14 AM 03-02-05]
B. RULE IN GUARDIANSHIP OVER MINOR (A.M. NO. 03-02-05-SC) Grounds for filing
General Rule: The father and the mother shall jointly exercise legal (1) Death, continued absence, or incapacity of his parents;
guardianship over the property of their unemancipated common child
(2) Suspension, deprivation or termination of parental authority;
without the necessity of a court appointment. [Sec. 3; also Art. 225, FC]
(3) Remarriage of his surviving parent, if the latter is found unsuitable to
In case of disagreement, the father’s decision shall prevail, unless there is a
exercise parental authority; or
judicial order to the contrary. [Art. 225, FC]
(4) When the best interests of the minor so require. [Sec 4]
However, if the market value of the property or the annual Income of the
child exceeds P50,000.00, the parent concerned shall furnish a bond. Qualifications of Guardians
Petition for Appointment of Guardian The court shall consider the guardian’s:
(b) Other person on behalf of a minor; or (4) Relationship of trust with the minor;
(c) The minor himself, if 14 years of age or over; or (5) Availability to exercise the powers and duties of a guardian for the full
period of the guardianship;
(d) The Secretary of DSWD or the Secretary of DOH, in the case of an
insane minor who needs to be hospitalized. [Sec. 2] (6) Lack of conflict of interest with the minor;
(2) Non-resident minor who has property in the Philippines: (7) Ability to manage the property of the minor.
[Sec 5]
(a) Any relative or friend of such minor; or
(b) Anyone interested in his property, in expectancy or otherwise. [Sec. Grounds are not exhaustive. [HERRERA]
Order of Preference in Appointment (in default of parents or a court-
Where to file approved guardian)
Resident minor - Family Court of the province or city where the minor (1) The surviving grandparent. In case several grandparents survive, the
actually resides. court shall select any of them taking into account all relevant
Non-resident minor - Family Court of the province or city where his
property or any part thereof is situated [Sec. 3] (2) The oldest brother or sister of the minor over 21 years of age, unless
unfit or disqualified.
(3) The actual custodian of the minor over 21 years of age, unless unfit or (1) Majority of the minor;
(2) Unsuitability of the person for whom letters are prayed. [Sec. 10]
(4) Any other person, who in the sound discretion of the court, would
serve the best interests of the minor. [Sec 6] Contents of petition
Filing of petition.
(1) Jurisdictional facts;
(2) Name, age and residence of the prospective ward;
Court shall fix a time and place for hearing.
(3) Ground rendering the appointment necessary or convenient;
(5) Remarriage of the minor’s surviving parent; Court shall cause reasonable notice to be given
(6) Names, ages, and residences of relatives within the 4th civil degree
of the minor, and of persons having him in their care and custody; The persons mentioned in the petition
(7) Probable value, character and location of the property of the The minor, if he is 14 years of age or
minor; over
(8) Name, age and residence of the person for whom letters of - For non-resident minors, notice shall
be given to the minor by
guardianship are prayed. [Sec 7]
publication or any other means as
the court may deem proper.
The petition shall be verified and accompanied by a certification against
The court may also direct other general or
forum shopping. No defect in the petition or verification shall render void
special notice to be given.
the issuance of letters of guardianship. [Sec 7
(1) Any interested person by written opposition [Sec. 10] Case Study Report
(2) The social worker ordered to make the case study report, may Court shall order a social worker to conduct a case study of the minor and
all the prospective guardians and submit his report and recommendation
intervene on behalf of the minor if he finds that the petition for
to the court for its guidance before the scheduled hearing.
guardianship should be denied [Sec. 9]
(2) Upon verified motion of any person allowed to file a petition for Order of hearing by the court
The guardian shall notify the court of the fact of coming of age or death of Child and home study reports by the social worker
the ward within 10 days of its occurrence. [Sec. 25]
• Adoption is a juridical act which created between two persons a relation Supervised trial custody
similar to that which results from legitimate filiation. [Prasnick v.
• Adoption is a privilege — not innate or fundamental, but rather a Adoption decree issued by the court
right created by statute. It is a privilege which is governed by the state’s
determination of what is for the best welfare of the child. [Lahum v.
Sibulo (2003)]
1) The child’s best interest is the paramount consideration in the child’s • Residency and certification requirements on alien may be waived
care/custody/adoption. for:
2) The State shall provide alternative protection and assistance to
foundlings, neglected, orphaned and abandoned children. a former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative within the
4th degree of consanguinity/affinity;
QUALIFIED ADOPTERS [Sec. 4, Rule on (2) one who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his Filipino
Adoption] spouse;
(3) one who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks to adopt
jointly with his spouse a relative within the 4th degree of
1) Any Filipino citizen:
consanguinity/affinity of the Filipino spouse.
a) of legal age;
3) The guardian with respect to the ward, after the termination of the
b) in possession of full civil capacity and legal
guardianship and clearance of his financial accountabilities.
• If petition rule:forHusbanda)andChild's
also prays wiferegistered
shall jointly
name PETITION’S ANNEXES [Sec. 11, Rule on Adoption]
change of name b) Aliases or other names by 1) Birth/baptismal/foundling certificate and
which the child has been
• Exception: known
school records, showing adoptee’s name, age
1) If one spouse c) seeks to byadopt
The full name which thethe and
legitimate child of child
the isother
to be known
spouse; residence;
2) If one spouse seeks to adopt his own
2) Affidavit of consent of:
If petition for rectification of child;
a) That provided the other
it is an application for
simulated birth
spouse consented; rectification of a simulated a) The adoptee, if 10 years of age or over;
b) The child’s biological parents or legal
3) If the spouses are legally separated.
guardian, child-placement/child-caring
• If the spouses jointly adopt or one spouse
agency or proper government agency;
adopts the illegitimate child of the other, joint
parental authority shall be exercised by the
c) The adopter’s and the adoptee’s legitimate and adopted children 5) Directive to the social worker to prepare and submit child and home
who are 10 years of age or over; study reports before the hearing, if such reports were not attached
d) The adopter’s illegitimate children living with him who are 10 years to the petition due to
of age or over; unavailability at the time of the filing; and
e) The adopter’s and the adoptee’s spouses.
6) Directive to the social worker to conduct counseling sessions with
3) Child study report on the adoptee and his biological parents; the biological parents and to submit a report before the hearing.
4) If petitioner is an alien, certification by his diplomatic/consular office • Court has discretion to furnish copies of the order to OSG, DSWD and
that he has the legal capacity to adopt in his country and that his the adoptee’s biological parents.
government allows the adoptee to enter his country as his own adopted • If a change in the adoptee’s name is prayed for, notice to OSG is
child unless exempted under Sec.4(2); mandatory.
5) Home study report on the adopters. If the adopter is an alien or residing
abroad but qualified to adopt, the home study report by a foreign CHILD AND HOME STUDY REPORTS [Sec. 13, Rule on Adoption]
adoption agency duly accredited by the Inter-Country Adoption Board;
• The social worker shall verify with the Civil Registry the adoptee’s real
6) Decree of annulment, nullity or legal separation of the adopter and of
identity and registered name. If the adoptee’s birth was not registered,
the adoptee’s biological parents, if any.
the social worker shall register the adoptee and secure a certificate of
foundling or late registration.
ORDER OF HEARING [Sec. 12, Rule on Adoption]
• The social worker shall establish that:
1) the child is legally available for adoption;
• If the petition and attachments are sufficient in form and
2) the documents in support thereof are valid and authentic;
substance, the court shall issue an order.
3) that the adopter has sincere intentions;
• Order’s contents:
4) that the adoption shall inure to the child’s best interests.
1) Adoptee’s registered name in the birth certificate,
and the names by which the adoptee has been known • If the adopter is an alien, the home study report must show:
(to be stated in the caption); 1) his legal capacity to adopt;
2) Petition’s purpose; 2) that his government allows the adoptee to enter his country as his
3) Complete name which the adoptee will use if the adopted child in the absence of the certification required under Sec.
petition is granted; 7(b), RA 8552.
4) Hearing’s date and place of hearing (within 6 months • If the social worker finds that there are grounds to deny the petition, he
from the date of the order’s issuance) shall make the proper recommendation to the court, with copy
• Copy of the order shall be published at least once a week for 3 furnished the petitioner.
successive weeks before the hearing, in a newspaper of general
circulation in the province/city where the court is situated. HEARING [Sec. 14, Rule on Adoption]
• If the application is for change of name, the hearing shall not be
within 4 months after the last publication of the notice nor • Upon satisfactory proof of publication and jurisdiction, the court shall
within 30 days prior to an election. hear the petition.
The petitioner and the adoptee must personally appear. The petitioner 3) One who is married to a Filipino citizen and seeks to adopt
must testify. jointly with his spouse the latter’s relative within the 4th
• The court shall verify from the social worker to:
• If the child is below 7 years of age and is placed with the prospective
1) determine WON the biological parent was properly counseled
adopter through a DSWD pre-adoption placement authority, the court
against making hasty decisions caused by strain/anxiety to give up shall order that the prospective adopter shall enjoy all the benefits to
the child; which the biological parent is entitled from the date the adoptee is
2) ensure that all measures to strengthen the family have been placed with him.
exhausted; • The social worker shall submit to the court a report on the result of the
3) ascertain if any prolonged stay of the child in his own home will be trial custody within 2 weeks after its termination.
inimical to his welfare and interest.
ADOPTION DECREE [Sec. 16, Rule on Adoption]
SUPERVISED TRIAL CUSTODY [Sec. 15, Rule on Adoption]
• If the supervised trial custody is satisfactory to the parties, the court is
• Before issuance of the adoption decree, the court shall give the adopter convinced from the trial custody report and the evidence that the
trial custody of the adoptee for at least 6 months. Within this period, adoption shall redound to the adoptee’s best interests, an adoption
the parties are expected to adjust psychologically and emotionally to decree shall be issued.
each other and establish a bonding relationship. • The adoption decree shall take effect as of the date the original petition
• The trial custody shall be monitored by the social worker who submitted was filed, even if the petitioners die before its issuance.
and prepared the case studies.
• During the period, temporary parental authority shall be vested in the ADOPTION DECREE’S CONTENTS
• Where the trial custody had not yet begun or had already been 1) Name by which the child is to be known and registered;
completed at the time of a quasi-delict committed by the child to be 2) Order for the COC to issue to the adopter a certificate of finality upon
adopted, the adopting parents cannot assume any liability therefor. expiration of the 15day reglementary period for appeal;
Accordingly, his natural parents should be joined as indispensable 3) Order for the adopter to submit a certified true copy of the adoption
parties to the suit for damages. [Tamargo v. CA (1992)] decree and the certificate of finality to the Civil Registrar where the
• The court may reduce the period or exempt the parties if it finds that child was originally registered, within 30 days from receipt of the
the same shall be for the adoptee’s best interests. certificate of finality. In case of change of name, the decree shall be
• General rule: An alien adopter must complete the 6-month trial submitted to the Civil Registrar where the issuing court is situated.
custody. 4) Order for the Civil Registrar of the place where the adoptee was
• Exception: registered:
1) A former Filipino citizen who seeks to adopt a relative within a) to annotate on the adoptee’s original birth certificate the adoption
the 4th degree; decree, within 30 days from receipt of the certificate of finality;
2) One who seeks to adopt the legitimate child of his Filipino b) to issue a birth certificate which shall not bear any notation that it is
spouse; a new/amended certificate;
c) to seal the original birth certificate in the civil registry records,
which can be opened only upon order of the court which issued the WHO MAY FILE THE PETITION FOR RESCISSION
adoption decree; [Sec. 19, Rule on Adoption]
d) to submit to the court issuing the adoption decree proof of • The adoptee who is over 18 years of age.
compliance within 30 days from receipt of the decree; • With the assistance of:
e) If the adoptee is a foundling, to annotate the adoption decree on 1) DSWD, if he is a minor;
the foundling certificate. 2) His guardian/counsel, if he is over 18 years of age but is
[Sec. 21, Rule on Adoption] • Within 5 years:
• After compliance with jurisdictional requirements, all adoption hearings 1) After reaching the age of majority, if the adoptee is incapacitated;
shall be confidential and shall not be open to the public. All related 2) After recovery from incompetency, if the adoptee is incompetent.
records shall be kept strictly confidential.
• If the court finds that disclosure to a 3rd person is necessary for security ORDER TO ANSWER [Sec. 22, Rule on Adoption]
reasons or for purposes connected with or arising out of the adoption • The court shall order the adverse party to answer the petition within
and will be for the adoptee’s best interests, the court may order the 15 days from receipt of a copy thereof.
necessary information to be released, restricting the purposes for which
it may be used. JUDGMENT [Sec. 23, Rule on Adoption]
• If the court finds that the petition’s allegations are true, it shall order
the rescission of adoption.
• The court shall order that:
• Adoption may not be rescinded by the adopter; but he may disinherit
1) The biological parents’ parental authority, or the DSWD’s legal
the adoptee under Art. 919, CC. [Sec. 19, Rule on Adoption]
custody, shall be restored if the adoptee is still a
• Rationale: Adoption is for the child’s best interests. minor/incapacitated.
2) The reciprocal rights and obligations of the adopter and the
adoptee shall be extinguished.
COMMITTED BY THE ADOPTER [Sec. 19, Rule on Adoption]
3) The successional rights shall revert to its status prior to adoption,
1) repeated physical and verbal maltreatment despite having undergone
as of the date of judgment of judicial rescission. Vested rights
counseling; acquired prior to judicial rescission shall be respected.
2) attempt on the adoptee’s life;
4) The adoptee shall use the name stated in his original
3) sexual assault/violence; birth/foundling certificate.
4) abandonment or failure to comply with parental obligations. 5) The Civil Registrar where the adoption decree was registered shall
cancel the new birth certificate of the adoptee and reinstate his
VENUE [Sec. 20, Rule on Adoption] original birth/foundling certificate.
• Family Court of the city/province where the adoptee resides.
• A certified true copy of the judgment and a certificate of finality shall
be served by the petitioner upon the Civil Registrar within 30 days PETITION’S CONTENTS [Sec. 30, Rule on Adoption]
from receipt of the certificate of finality. The Civil Registrar shall enter 1) Age of the petitioner and of the child to be adopted, showing that
the rescission decree in the register and submit proof of compliance to petitioner is at least 27 years of age and at least 16 years older than the
the court within 30 days from receipt of the decree. child at the time of application;
• Exception: If the petitioner is the child’s biological parent or the
B. INTER-COUNTRY ADOPTION spouse of such parent.
2) If petitioner is married, the name of the spouse who must be joined as
SCOPE AND APPLICABILITY [Sec. 26, Rule on Adoption] co-petitioner;
• Exception: If the adoptee is the spouse’s legitimate child.
• RA 8043 (Inter-Country Adoption Act) governs the adoption of Filipino 3) Petitioner’s capacity to act and assume all rights and responsibilities of
children by: 1) Foreign nationals; parental authority under his national laws, and that he has undergone
2) Filipino citizens permanently residing abroad. the appropriate counseling from an accredited counselor in his country;
4) Non-conviction of crimes involving moral turpitude;
OBJECTIVES [Sec. 27, Rule on Adoption] 5) Eligibility to adopt under his national law;
6) That he can provide the proper care and support and instill the
1) To consider inter-country adoption as an alternative means of child necessary moral values and example to all his children, including the
care, if the child cannot be placed in a foster/adoptive family or cannot child to be adopted;
be cared for in the Philippines; 7) That he agrees to uphold the basic rights of the child;
2) To ensure that the child enjoys the same protection accorded to 8) That he comes from a country with which the Philippines has diplomatic
children in domestic adoption; relations and whose government maintains a similarly authorized and
3) To ensure that the placement does not result in improper financial gain accredited agency; and that adoption of a Filipino child is allowed under
for those involved. his national laws;
9) That he possesses all the qualifications and none of the disqualifications
QUALIFIED ADOPTEES [Sec. 29, Rule on Adoption] provided in this Rule, in RA 8043 and other Philippine laws.
8) Full body postcard-size pictures of the petitioner and his immediate (a) That the person in whose behalf the application is made is
family taken at least 6 months before the filing of the petition. imprisoned or restrained on his liberty;
COURT’S DUTY (b) The officer or name of the person by whom he is so imprisoned
or restrained; or, if both are unknown or uncertain, such officer or
person may be described by an assumed appellation, and the
• If the court finds that petition is sufficient in form and substance and
person who is served with the writ shall be deemed the person
that there is a proper case for inter-country adoption, it shall transmit
the petition to the Inter-Country Adoption Board. [Sec. 32, Rule on
(c) The place where he is so imprisoned or restrained, if known;
• An adoption created under the law of a foreign country is entitled to
registration in the corresponding civil register of the Philippines. The (d) A copy of the commitment or cause of detention of such person,
effects of such adoption shall be governed by the law of the Philippines. if it can be procured without impairing the efficiency of the remedy;
[Marcaida v. Aglubat (1967)] or, if the imprisonment or restraint is without any legal authority,
such fact shall appear.
F. SPECIAL WRITS (HABEAS CORPUS/AMPARO/HABEAS DATA) Section 4. When writ not allowed or discharge authorized. — If it appears
that the person alleged to be restrained of his liberty is in the custody of an
I. HABEAS CORPUS officer under process issued by a court or judge or by virtue of a judgment
or order of a court of record, and that the court or judge had jurisdiction to
Section 1. To what habeas corpus extends. — Except as otherwise expressly issue the process, render the judgment, or make the order, the writ shall
provided by law, the writ of habeas corpus shall extend to all cases of illegal not be allowed; or if the jurisdiction appears after the writ is allowed, the
confinement or detention by which any person is deprived of his liberty, or person shall not be discharged by reason of any informality or defect in the
by which the rightful custody of any person is withheld from the person process, judgment, or order. Not shall anything in this rule be held to
entitled thereto. authorize the discharge of a person charged with or convicted of an offense
in the Philippines, or of a person suffering imprisonment under lawful
Section 2. Who may grant the writ. — The writ of habeas corpus may be judgment.
granted by the Supreme Court, or any member thereof in the instances
authorized by law, and if so granted it shall be enforceable anywhere in the Section 5. When the writ must be granted and issued. — A court or judge
Philippines, and may be made returnable before the court or any member authorized to grant the writ must, when a petition therefor is presented and
thereof, or before a Court of First Instance, or any judge thereof for the it appears that the writ ought to issue, grant the same forthwith, and
hearing and decision on the merits. It may also be granted by a Court of First immediately thereupon the clerk of the court shall issue the writ under the
seal of the court; or in case of emergency, the judge may issue the writ Section 10. Contents of return. — When the person to be produced is
under his own hand, and may depute any officer or person to serve it. imprisoned or restrained by an officer, the person who makes the return
shall state therein, and in other cases the person in whose custody the
Section 6. To whom writ directed, and what to require. — In case of prisoner is found shall state, in writing to the court or judge before whom
imprisonment or restraint by an officer, the writ shall be directed to him, the writ is returnable, plainly and unequivocably:
and shall command him to have the body of the person restrained of his
liberty before the court or judge designated in the writ at the time and place (a) Whether he has or has not the party in his custody or power, or
therein specified. In case of imprisonment or restraint by a person not an under restraint;
officer, the writ shall be directed to an officer, and shall command him to
take and have the body of the person restrained of his liberty before the (b) If he has the party in his custody or power, or under restraint,
court or judge designated in the writ at the time and place therein specified, the authority and the true and whole cause thereof, set forth at
and to summon the person by whom he is restrained then and there to large, with a copy of the writ, order execution, or other process, if
appear before said court or judge to show the cause of the imprisonment or any, upon which the party is held;
(c) If the party is in his custody or power or is restrained by him, and
Section 7. How prisoner designated and writ served. — The person to be is not produced, particularly the nature and gravity of the sickness
produced should be designated in the writ by his name, if known, but if his or infirmity of such party by reason of which he cannot, without
name is not known he may be otherwise described or identified. The writ danger, be bought before the court or judge;
may be served in any province by the sheriff or other proper officer, or by a
person deputed by the court or judge. Service of the writ shall be made by (d) If he has had the party in his custody or power, or under
leaving the original with the person to whom it is directed and preserving a restraint, and has transferred such custody or restraint to another,
copy on which to make return or service. If that person cannot be found, or particularly to whom, at what time, for what cause, and by what
has not the prisoner in his custody, then the service shall be made on any authority such transfer was made.
other person having or exercising such custody.
Section 11. Return to be signed and sworn to. — The return or statement
Section 8. How writ executed and returned. — The officer to whom the writ shall be signed by the person who makes it; and shall also be sworn by him
is directed shall convey the person so imprisoned or restrained, and named if the prisoner is not produced, and in all other cases unless the return is
in the writ, before the judge allowing the writ, or in case of his absence or made and signed by a sworn public officer in his official capacity.
disability, before some other judge of the same court, on the day specified
in the writ, unless, from sickness or infirmity of the person directed to be Section 12. Hearing on return. Adjournments. — When the writ is returned
produced, such person cannot, without danger, be bought before the court before one judge, at a time when the court is in session, he may forthwith
or judge; and the officer shall make due return of the writ, together with the adjourn the case into the court, there to be heard and determined. The
day and the cause of the caption and restraint of such person according to court or judge before whom the writ is returned or adjourned must
the command thereof. immediately proceed to hear and examine the return, and such other
matters as are properly submitted for consideration, unless for good cause
Section 9. Defect of form. — No writ of habeas corpus can be disobeyed for shown the hearing is adjourned, in which event the court or judge shall
defect of form, if it sufficiently appears therefrom in whose custody or make such order for the safekeeping of the person imprisoned or restrained
under whose restraint the party imprisoned or restrained is held and the as the nature of the case requires. If the person imprisoned or restrained is
court or judge before whom he is to be bought. not produced because of his alleged sickness or infirmity, the court or judge
must be satisfied that it is so grave that such person cannot be produced refuses to obey or make return of the same according to the command
without danger, before proceeding to hear and dispose of the matter. On thereof, or makes false return thereof, or who, upon demand made by or on
the hearing the court or judge shall disregard matters of form and behalf of the prisoner, refuses to deliver to the person demanding, within
technicalities in respect to any warrant or order of commitment of a court six (6) hours after the demand therefor, a true copy of the warrant or order
or officer authorized to commit by law. of commitment, shall forfeit to the party aggrieved the sum of one thousand
pesos, to be recorded in a proper action, and may also be punished by the
Section 13. When the return evidence, and when only a plea. — If it appears court or judge as for contempt.
that the prisoner is in custody under a warrant of commitment in pursuance
of law, the return shall be considered prima facie evidence of the cause of Section 17. Person discharged not to be again imprisoned. — A person who
restraint, but if he is restrained of his liberty by any alleged private is set at liberty upon a writ of habeas corpus shall not be again imprisoned
authority, the return shall be considered only as a plea of the facts therein for the same offense unless by the lawful order or process of a court having
set forth, and the party claiming the custody must prove such facts. jurisdiction of the cause or offense; and a person who knowingly, contrary
to the provisions of this rule, recommits or imprisons, or causes to be
Section 14. When person lawfully imprisoned recommitted, and when let to committed or imprisoned, for the same offense, or pretended offense, any
bail. — If it appears that the prisoner was lawfully committed, and is plainly person so set at liberty, or knowingly aids or assists therein, shall forfeit to
and specifically charged in the warrant of commitment with an offense the party aggrieved the sum of one thousand pesos, to be recovered in a
punishable by death, he shall not be released, discharged, or bailed. If he is proper action, notwithstanding any colorable pretense or variation in the
lawfully imprisoned or restrained on a charge of having committed an warrant of commitment, and may also be punished by the court or judge
offense not so punishable, he may be recommitted to imprisonment or granting the writ as for contempt.
admitted to bail in the discretion of the court or judge. If he be admitted to
bail, he shall forthwith file a bond in such sum as the court or judge deems Section 18. When prisoner may be removed from one custody to another. —
reasonable, considering the circumstances of the prisoner and the nature of A person committed to prison, or in custody of an officer, for any criminal
the offense charged, conditioned for his appearance before the court where matter, shall not be removed therefrom into the custody of another unless
the offense is properly cognizable to abide its order of judgment; and the by legal process, or the prisoner be delivered to an inferior officer to carry
court or judge shall certify the proceedings, together with the bond, to jail, or, by order of the proper court or judge, be removed from one place
forthwith to the proper court. If such bond is not so filed, the prisoner shall to another within the Philippines for trial, or in case of fire epidemic,
be recommitted to confinement. insurrection, or other necessity or public calamity; and a person who, after
such commitment, makes signs, or counter-signs any order for such removal
Section 15. When prisoner discharged if no appeal. — When the court or contrary to this section, shall forfeit to the party aggrieved the sum of one
judge has examined into the cause of caption and restraint of the prisoner, thousand pesos, to be recovered in a proper action.
and is satisfied that he is unlawfully imprisoned or restrained, he shall
forthwith order his discharge from confinement, but such discharge shall Section 19. Record of writ, fees and costs. — The proceedings upon a writ
not be effective until a copy of the order has been served on the officer or of habeas corpus shall be recorded by the clerk of the court, and upon the
person detaining the prisoner. If the officer or person detaining the prisoner final disposition of such proceedings the court or judge shall make such
does not desire to appeal, the prisoner shall be forthwith released. order as to costs as the case requires. The fees of officers and witnesses
shall be included in the costs taxed, but no officer or person shall have the
Section 16. Penalty for refusing to issue writ, or for disobeying the same. — right to demand payment in advance of any fees to which he is entitled by
A clerk of a court who refuses to issue the writ after allowance thereof and virtue of the proceedings. When a person confined under color of
demand therefor, or a person to whom a writ is directed, who neglects or proceedings in a criminal case is discharged, the costs shall be taxed against
the Republic of the Philippines, and paid out of its Treasury; when a person
in custody by virtue or under color of proceedings in a civil case is the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court, or any justice of such courts. The
discharged, the costs shall be taxed against him, or against the person who writ shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines.
signed the application for the writ, or both, as the court shall direct.
When issued by a Regional Trial Court or any judge thereof, the writ shall be
returnable before such court or judge.
II. WRIT OF AMPARO When issued by the Sandiganbayan or the Court of Appeals or any of their
justices, it may be returnable before such court or any justice thereof, or to
SECTION 1. Petition. – The petition for a writ of amparo is a remedy any Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission was
available to any person whose right to life, liberty and security is violated or committed or any of its elements occurred.
threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of a public official
or employee, or of a private individual or entity. When issued by the Supreme Court or any of its justices, it may be
returnable before such Court or any justice thereof, or before the
The writ shall cover extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or Sandiganbayan or the Court of Appeals or any of their justices, or to any
threats thereof. Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission was
committed or any of its elements occurred.
SEC. 2. Who May File. – The petition may be filed by the aggrieved party or
by any qualified person or entity in the following order: SEC. 4. No Docket Fees. – The petitioner shall be exempted from the
payment of the docket and other lawful fees when filing the petition. The
a. Any member of the immediate family, namely: the spouse, children court, justice or judge shall docket the petition and act upon it immediately.
and parents of the aggrieved party;
SEC. 5. Contents of Petition. – The petition shall be signed and verified and
b. Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved shall allege the following:
party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in
default of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or a. The personal circumstances of the petitioner;
c. Any concerned citizen, organization, association or institution, if b. The name and personal circumstances of the respondent
there is no known member of the immediate family or relative of responsible for the threat, act or omission, or, if the name is
the aggrieved party. unknown or uncertain, the respondent may be described by an
assumed appellation;
The filing of a petition by the aggrieved party suspends the right of all other
authorized parties to file similar petitions. Likewise, the filing of the petition c. The right to life, liberty and security of the aggrieved party violated
by an authorized party on behalf of the aggrieved party suspends the right or threatened with violation by an unlawful act or omission of the
of all others, observing the order established herein. respondent, and how such threat or violation is committed with the
attendant circumstances detailed in supporting affidavits;
SEC. 3. Where to File. – The petition may be filed on any day and at any time
with the Regional Trial Court of the place where the threat, act or omission d. The investigation conducted, if any, specifying the names, personal
was committed or any of its elements occurred, or with the Sandiganbayan, circumstances, and addresses of the investigating authority or
individuals, as well as the manner and conduct of the investigation, a. The lawful defenses to show that the respondent did not violate or
together with any report; threaten with violation the right to life, liberty and security of the
aggrieved party, through any act or omission;
e. The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to determine the
fate or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the identity of the b. The steps or actions taken by the respondent to determine the fate
person responsible for the threat, act or omission; and or whereabouts of the aggrieved party and the person or persons
responsible for the threat, act or omission;
f. The relief prayed for.
c. All relevant information in the possession of the respondent
The petition may include a general prayer for other just and equitable pertaining to the threat, act or omission against the aggrieved party;
reliefs. and
SEC. 6. Issuance of the Writ. – Upon the filing of the petition, the court, d. If the respondent is a public official or employee, the return shall
justice or judge shall immediately order the issuance of the writ if on its face further state the actions that have been or will still be taken:
it ought to issue. The clerk of court shall issue the writ under the seal of the
court; or in case of urgent necessity, the justice or the judge may issue the i. to verify the identity of the aggrieved party;
writ under his or her own hand, and may deputize any officer or person to
serve it. ii. to recover and preserve evidence related to the death or
disappearance of the person identified in the petition which
The writ shall also set the date and time for summary hearing of the petition may aid in the prosecution of the person or persons
which shall not be later than seven (7) days from the date of its issuance. responsible;
SEC. 7. Penalty for Refusing to Issue or Serve the Writ. – A clerk of court iii. to identify witnesses and obtain statements from them
who refuses to issue the writ after its allowance, or a deputized person who concerning the death or disappearance;
refuses to serve the same, shall be punished by the court, justice or judge
for contempt without prejudice to other disciplinary actions. iv. to determine the cause, manner, location and time of death
or disappearance as well as any pattern or practice that may
SEC. 8. How the Writ is Served. – The writ shall be served upon the have brought about the death or disappearance;
respondent by a judicial officer or by a person deputized by the court,
justice or judge who shall retain a copy on which to make a return of v. to identify and apprehend the person or persons involved in
service. In case the writ cannot be served personally on the respondent, the the death or disappearance; and
rules on substituted service shall apply.
vi. to bring the suspected offenders before a competent court.
SEC. 9. Return; Contents. – Within seventy-two (72) hours after service of
the writ, the respondent shall file a verified written return together with The return shall also state other matters relevant to the investigation, its
supporting affidavits which shall, among other things, contain the following: resolution and the prosecution of the case.
SEC. 11. Prohibited Pleadings and Motions. – The following pleadings and The hearing shall be from day to day until completed and given the same
motions are prohibited: priority as petitions for habeas corpus.
a. Motion to dismiss; SEC. 14. Interim Reliefs. — Upon filing of the petition or at anytime before
final judgment, the court, justice or judge may grant any of the following
b. Motion for extension of time to file return, opposition, affidavit, reliefs:
position paper and other pleadings;
(a) Temporary Protection Order. – The court, justice or judge, upon
c. Dilatory motion for postponement; motion or motu proprio, may order that the petitioner or the
aggrieved party and any member of the immediate family be
d. Motion for a bill of particulars; protected in a government agency or by an accredited person or
private institution capable of keeping and securing their safety. If
e. Counterclaim or cross-claim; the petitioner is an organization, association or institution referred
to in Section 3(c) of this Rule, the protection may be extended to
f. Third-party complaint; the officers involved.
g. Reply; The Supreme Court shall accredit the persons and private
institutions that shall extend temporary protection to the petitioner
h. Motion to declare respondent in default; or the aggrieved party and any member of the immediate family, in
accordance with guidelines which it shall issue.
i. Intervention;
The accredited persons and private institutions shall comply with
j. Memorandum; the rules and conditions that may be imposed by the court, justice
or judge.
k. Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory orders or interim relief
orders; and (b) Inspection Order. — The court, justice or judge, upon verified
motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession
l. Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any or control of a designated land or other property, to permit entry
interlocutory order. for the purpose of inspecting, measuring, surveying, or
photographing the property or any relevant object or operation
SEC. 12. Effect of Failure to File Return. — In case the respondent fails to thereon.
file a return, the court, justice or judge shall proceed to hear the petition ex
parte. The motion shall state in detail the place or places to be inspected.
It shall be supported by affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having
SEC. 13. Summary Hearing. — The hearing on the petition shall be personal knowledge of the enforced disappearance or whereabouts
summary. However, the court, justice or judge may call for a preliminary of the aggrieved party.
If the motion is opposed on the ground of national security or of the The court, justice or judge may also refer the witnesses to other
privileged nature of the information, the court, justice or judge may government agencies, or to accredited persons or private
conduct a hearing in chambers to determine the merit of the institutions capable of keeping and securing their safety.
SEC. 15. Availability of Interim Reliefs to Respondent. – Upon verified
The movant must show that the inspection order is necessary to motion of the respondent and after due hearing, the court, justice or judge
establish the right of the aggrieved party alleged to be threatened may issue an inspection order or production order under paragraphs (b) and
or violated. (c) of the preceding section.
The inspection order shall specify the person or persons authorized A motion for inspection order under this section shall be supported by
to make the inspection and the date, time, place and manner of affidavits or testimonies of witnesses having personal knowledge of the
making the inspection and may prescribe other conditions to defenses of the respondent.
protect the constitutional rights of all parties. The order shall expire
five (5) days after the date of its issuance, unless extended for SEC. 16. Contempt. – The court, justice or judge may order the respondent
justifiable reasons. who refuses to make a return, or who makes a false return, or any person
who otherwise disobeys or resists a lawful process or order of the court to
(c) Production Order. – The court, justice or judge, upon verified be punished for contempt. The contemnor may be imprisoned or imposed a
motion and after due hearing, may order any person in possession, fine.
custody or control of any designated documents, papers, books,
accounts, letters, photographs, objects or tangible things, or objects SEC. 17. Burden of Proof and Standard of Diligence Required. – The parties
in digitized or electronic form, which constitute or contain evidence shall establish their claims by substantial evidence.
relevant to the petition or the return, to produce and permit their
inspection, copying or photographing by or on behalf of the movant. The respondent who is a private individual or entity must prove that
ordinary diligence as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations was
The motion may be opposed on the ground of national security or observed in the performance of duty.
of the privileged nature of the information, in which case the court,
justice or judge may conduct a hearing in chambers to determine The respondent who is a public official or employee must prove that
the merit of the opposition. extraordinary diligence as required by applicable laws, rules and regulations
was observed in the performance of duty.
The court, justice or judge shall prescribe other conditions to
protect the constitutional rights of all the parties. The respondent public official or employee cannot invoke the presumption
that official duty has been regularly performed to evade responsibility or
(d) Witness Protection Order. – The court, justice or judge, upon liability.
motion or motu proprio, may refer the witnesses to the Department
of Justice for admission to the Witness Protection, Security and SEC. 18. Judgment. — The court shall render judgment within ten (10) days
Benefit Program, pursuant to Republic Act No. 6981. from the time the petition is submitted for decision. If the allegations in the
petition are proven by substantial evidence, the court shall grant the
privilege of the writ and such reliefs as may be proper and appropriate;
otherwise, the privilege shall be denied.
SEC. 19. Appeal. – Any party may appeal from the final judgment or order to When a criminal action and a separate civil action are filed subsequent to a
the Supreme Court under Rule 45. The appeal may raise questions of fact or petition for a writ of amparo, the latter shall be consolidated with the
law or both. criminal action.
The period of appeal shall be five (5) working days from the date of notice of After consolidation, the procedure under this Rule shall continue to apply to
the adverse judgment. the disposition of the reliefs in the petition.
The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas corpus cases. SEC. 24. Substantive Rights. — This Rule shall not diminish, increase or
modify substantive rights recognized and protected by the Constitution.
SEC. 20. Archiving and Revival of Cases. – The court shall not dismiss the
petition, but shall archive it, if upon its determination it cannot proceed for SEC. 25. Suppletory Application of the Rules of Court. – The Rules of Court
a valid cause such as the failure of petitioner or witnesses to appear due to shall apply suppletorily insofar as it is not inconsistent with this Rule.
threats on their lives.
SEC. 26. Applicability to Pending Cases. – This Rule shall govern cases
A periodic review of the archived cases shall be made by the amparo court involving extralegal killings and enforced disappearances or threats thereof
that shall, motu proprio or upon motion by any party, order their revival pending in the trial and appellate courts.
when ready for further proceedings. The petition shall be dismissed with
prejudice upon failure to prosecute the case after the lapse of two (2) years SEC. 27. Effectivity. – This Rule shall take effect on October 24, 2007,
from notice to the petitioner of the order archiving the case. following its publication in three (3) newspapers of general circulation.
The clerks of court shall submit to the Office of the Court Administrator a
consolidated list of archived cases under this Rule not later than the first
week of January of every year. III. WRIT OF HABEAS DATA
SEC. 21. Institution of Separate Actions. — This Rule shall not preclude the SECTION 1. Habeas Data. - The writ of habeas data is a remedy available to
filing of separate criminal, civil or administrative actions. any person whose right to privacy in life, liberty or security is violated or
threatened by an unlawful act or omission of a public official or employee,
SEC. 22. Effect of Filing of a Criminal Action. – When a criminal action has or of a private individual or entity engaged in the gathering, collecting or
been commenced, no separate petition for the writ shall be filed. The reliefs storing of data or information regarding the person, family, home and
under the writ shall be available by motion in the criminal case. correspondence of the aggrieved party.
The procedure under this Rule shall govern the disposition of the reliefs SEC. 2. Who May File. - Any aggrieved party may file a petition for the writ
available under the writ of amparo. of habeas data. However, in cases of extralegal killings and enforced
disappearances, the petition may be filed by:
SEC. 23. Consolidation. – When a criminal action is filed subsequent to the
filing of a petition for the writ, the latter shall be consolidated with the (a) Any member of the immediate family of the aggrieved party,
criminal action. namely: the spouse, children and parents; or
(b) Any ascendant, descendant or collateral relative of the aggrieved SEC. 6. Petition. - A verified written petition for a writ of habeas data should
party within the fourth civil degree of consanguinity or affinity, in contain:
default of those mentioned in the preceding paragraph; or
(a) The personal circumstances of the petitioner and the
SEC. 3. Where to File. - The petition may be filed with the Regional Trial respondent;
Court where the petitioner or respondent resides, or that which has
jurisdiction over the place where the data or information is gathered, (b) The manner the right to privacy is violated or threatened and
collected or stored, at the option of the petitioner. how it affects the right to life, liberty or security of the aggrieved
The petition may also be filed with the Supreme Court or the Court of
Appeals or the Sandiganbayan when the action concerns public data files of (c) The actions and recourses taken by the petitioner to secure the
government offices. data or information;
SEC. 4. Where Returnable; Enforceable. - When the writ is issued by a (d) The location of the files, registers or databases, the government
Regional Trial Court or any judge thereof, it shall be returnable before such office, and the person in charge, in possession or in control of the
court or judge. data or information, if known;
When issued by the Court of Appeals or the Sandiganbayan or any of its (e) The reliefs prayed for, which may include the updating,
justices, it may be returnable before such court or any justice thereof, or to rectification, suppression or destruction of the database or
any Regional Trial Court of the place where the petitioner or respondent information or files kept by the respondent.
resides, or that which has jurisdiction over the place where the data or
information is gathered, collected or stored. In case of threats, the relief may include a prayer for an order
enjoining the act complained of; and
When issued by the Supreme Court or any of its justices, it may be
returnable before such Court or any justice thereof, or before the Court of (f) Such other relevant reliefs as are just and equitable.
Appeals or the Sandiganbayan or any of its justices, or to any Regional Trial
Court of the place where the petitioner or respondent resides, or that which SEC. 7. Issuance of the Writ. - Upon the filing of the petition, the court,
has jurisdiction over the place where the data or information is gathered, justice or judge shall immediately order the issuance of the writ if on its face
collected or stored. it ought to issue. The clerk of court shall issue the writ under the seal of the
court and cause it to be served within three (3) days from the issuance; or,
The writ of habeas data shall be enforceable anywhere in the Philippines. in case of urgent necessity, the justice or judge may issue the writ under his
or her own hand, and may deputize any officer or person serve it.
Sec. 5. Docket Fees. - No docket and other lawful fees shall be required
from an indigent petitioner. The petition of the indigent shall be docked and The writ shall also set the date and time for summary hearing of the petition
acted upon immediately, without prejudice to subsequent submission of which shall not be later than ten (10) work days from the date of its
proof of indigency not later than fifteen (15) days from the filing of the issuance.
SEC. 8. Penalty for Refusing to Issue or Serve the Writ. - A clerk of court
who refuses to issue the writ after its allowance, or a deputized person who
refuses to serve the same, shall be punished by the court, justice or judge false return, or refusing to make a return; or any person who otherwise
for contempt without prejudice to other disciplinary actions. disobeys or resist a lawful process or order of the court.
SEC. 9. How the Writ is Served. - The writ shall be served upon the SEC. 12. When Defenses May be Heard in Chambers. - A hearing in
respondent by a judicial officer or by a person deputized by the court, chambers may be conducted where the respondent invokes the defense
justice or judge who shall retain a copy on which to make a return of that the release of the data or information in question shall compromise
service. In case the writ cannot be served personally on the respondent, the national security or state secrets, or when the data or information cannot
rules on substituted service shall apply. be divulged to the public due to its nature or privileged character.
SEC. 10. Return; Contents. - The respondent shall file a verified written Sec. 13. Prohibited Pleadings and Motions. - The following pleadings and
return together with supporting affidavits within five (5) working days from motions are prohibited:
service of the writ, which period may be reasonably extended by the Court
for justifiable reasons. The return shall, among other things, contain the (a) Motion to dismiss;
(b) Motion for extension of time to file return, opposition, affidavit,
(a) The lawful defenses such as national security, state secrets, position paper and other pleadings;
privileged communications, confidentiality of the source of
information of media and others; (c) Dilatory motion for postponement;
(b) In case of respondent in charge, in possession or in control of the (d) Motion for a bill of particulars;
data or information subject of the petition;
(e) Counterclaim or cross-claim;
(i) a disclosure of the data or information about the
petitioner, the nature of such data or information, and the (f) Third-party complaint;
purpose for its collection;
(g) Reply;
(ii) the steps or actions taken by the respondent to ensure
the security and confidentiality of the data or information; (h) Motion to declare respondent in default;
(i) Intervention;
(iii) the currency and accuracy of the data or information
held; and, (j) Memorandum;
(c) Other allegations relevant to the resolution of the proceeding. (k) Motion for reconsideration of interlocutory orders or interim
relief orders; and
A general denial of the allegations in the petition shall not be allowed.
(l) Petition for certiorari, mandamus or prohibition against any
SEC. 11. Contempt. - The court, justice or judge may punish with interlocutory order.
imprisonment or fine a respondent who commits contempt by making a
SEC. 14. Return; Filing. - In case the respondent fails to file a return, the The period of appeal shall be five (5) working days from the date of notice of
court, justice or judge shall proceed to hear the petition ex parte, granting the judgment or final order.
the petitioner such relief as the petition may warrant unless the court in its
discretion requires the petitioner to submit evidence. The appeal shall be given the same priority as in habeas
corpus and amparo cases.
SEC. 15. Summary Hearing. - The hearing on the petition shall be summary.
However, the court, justice or judge may call for a preliminary conference to SEC. 20. Institution of Separate Actions. - The filing of a petition for the writ
simplify the issues and determine the possibility of obtaining stipulations of habeas data shall not preclude the filing of separate criminal, civil or
and admissions from the parties. administrative actions.
SEC. 16. Judgment. - The court shall render judgment within ten (10) days SEC. 21. Consolidation. - When a criminal action is filed subsequent to the
from the time the petition is submitted for decision. If the allegations in the filing of a petition for the writ, the latter shall be consolidated with the
petition are proven by substantial evidence, the court shall enjoin the act criminal action.
complained of, or order the deletion, destruction, or rectification of the
erroneous data or information and grant other relevant reliefs as may be When a criminal action and a separate civil action are filed subsequent to a
just and equitable; otherwise, the privilege of the writ shall be denied. petition for a writ of habeas data, the petition shall be consolidated with
the criminal action.
Upon its finality, the judgment shall be enforced by the sheriff or any lawful
officers as may be designated by the court, justice or judge within five (5) After consolidation, the procedure under this Rule shall continue to govern
working days. the disposition of the reliefs in the petition.
SEC. 17. Return of Service. - The officer who executed the final judgment SEC. 22. Effect of Filing of a Criminal Action. - When a criminal action has
shall, within three (3) days from its enforcement, make a verified return to been commenced, no separate petition for the writ shall be filed. The relief
the court. The return shall contain a full statement of the proceedings under under the writ shall be available to an aggrieved party by motion in the
the writ and a complete inventory of the database or information, or criminal case.
documents and articles inspected, updated, rectified, or deleted, with
copies served on the petitioner and the respondent. The procedure under this Rule shall govern the disposition of the reliefs
available under the writ of habeas data.
The officer shall state in the return how the judgment was enforced and
complied with by the respondent, as well as all objections of the parties SEC. 23. Substantive Rights. - This Rule shall not diminish, increase or
regarding the manner and regularity of the service of the writ. modify substantive rights.
SEC. 18. Hearing on Officer’s Return. - The court shall set the return for SEC. 24. Suppletory Application of the Rules of Court. - The Rules of Court
hearing with due notice to the parties and act accordingly. shall apply suppletorily insofar as it is not inconsistent with this Rule.
SEC. 19. Appeal. - Any party may appeal from the final judgment or order to SEC. 25. Effectivity. - This Rule shall take effect on February 2, 2008,
the Supreme Court under Rule 45. The appeal may raise questions of fact or following its publication in three (3) newspapers of general circulation.
law or both.
ENTRIES (RULE 103, 108, AND RA 9048)
All aliases of the applicant must be set forth in the petition’s title. Such
DISTINCTIONS BETWEEN THE RULES (103, 108, R.A. 9048) See Annex B. defect is fatal, even if said aliases are contained in the body of the petition.
GROUNDS FOR CHANGE OF NAME [Republic v. Hernandez (1996)] Secan Kok v. Republic (1973)
Valid Grounds for Change of Name A change of name granted by the court affects only a petitioner. A separate
petition for change of name must be filed for his/her spouse and children.
(1) The name is ridiculous, tainted with dishonor or extremely difficult to
write or pronounce. Silverio v. Republic (2007)
(2) Change results as a legal consequence of legitimation A person’s first name cannot be changed on the ground of sex
(3) The change will avoid confusion. reassignment. RA 9048 does not sanction a change of first name on the
(4) A sincere desire to adopt a Filipino name to erase signs of former ground of sex reassignment. Before a person can legally change his given
alienage [Ang Chay v. Republic, 1970] name, he must present proper or reasonable cause or any compelling
(5) Having continuously used and been known since childhood by a reason justifying such change. In addition, he must show that he will be
Filipino name, having been unaware of alien parentage [Uy v.Republic, prejudiced by the use of his true and official name. Silverio failed to show,
1965] or even allege, any prejudice that he might suffer as a result of using his
true and official name. Rather than avoiding confusion, changing
Laperal v. Republic (1962) petitioner’s first name may only create grave complications in the civil
registry and the public interest.
Legal separation is not a ground for the female spouse to apply for a
change of name under Rule 103. No law allows the change of entry in the birth certificate as to sex on the
ground of sex reassignment. RA 9048 only allows correction of clerical or
No Yao Siong v. Republic (1966) The name that can be changed is the name
typographical errors. A correction in the civil registry involving the change
that appears in the civil register, and not in the baptismal certificate or that
of sex is not a mere clerical or typographical error. The birth certificate of
which the person is known in the community.
petitioner contained no error. All entries therein, including
those corresponding to his first name and sex, were all correct. No
Ong Huan Tin v. Republic (1967) An alien may petition for change of name correction is necessary.
but he must be domiciled in the Philippines.
People v. Cagandahan (2008)
Oshito v. Republic (1967)
Intersexuality is a valid ground for change of name and change of entry of
Verification is a formal, not a jurisdictional, requirement. The lack of sex in the civil registry. Where the person is biologically or naturally
verification is not a ground for dismissing the petition. However, before intersex the determining factor in his gender classification would be what
setting the petition for hearing, the court should have required the the individual, having reached the age of majority, with good reason, thinks
petitioner to have the petition verified. of his sex. Sexual development in cases of intersex persons makes the
gender classification at birth inconclusive. It is at maturity that the gender
of such persons is fixed.
Failure to implead the local civil registrar as well as all persons who have or
(1) Births
claim any interest did not render the petition fatally defective. Cagandahan
(2) Marriage
furnished the local civil registrar a copy of the petition, the order to publish,
(3) Deaths
and all pleadings, orders or processes in the course of the proceedings.
There was therefore substantial compliance of the provisions of Rules 103 (4) Legal separations
and 108 of the Rules of (5) Judgments of annulments of marriage
(6) Judgments declaring marriages void from the beginning
(7) Legitimations
(8) Adoptions
Court Procedure: (9) Acknowledgments of natural children
(1) Petition for Change of Name (10)Naturalization
(2) Court order fixing the date and place of hearing (11)Election, loss or recovery of citizenship
(3) Publication of the court order fixing the date and place of hearing, at (12)Civil interdiction
least once a week for 3 consecutive weeks in a newspaper of general (13)Judicial determination of filiation
circulation. (14)Voluntary emancipation of a minor (15) Changes of name [Rule 108,
(4) Hearing on the petition Sec.2]
(5) Judgment granting/denying the change of name. Copy of the judgment
shall be served upon the civil registrar, who shall annotate the same. Such changes have public interest implications and must only be made
upon approval of the
affected are made parties [Rule 108, Sec. 3] (1) Is harmless and innocuous.
(2) Is visible to the eyes or obvious to the understanding (Patent)
(3) Can be corrected or changed only by reference to other existing record
Notice and publication – Reasonable notice to be given to the persons
or records
named in the petition, and publication once a week for 3 consecutive
(4) Does not involve the change of nationality, age, status or sex of the
weeks [Rule 108, Sec. 4]
petitioner. [Sec. 2(3), RA 9048, as amended]
The procedure recited in Rule 103 regarding change of name and in Rule
Period to file:15 days from notice of petition, or from last date of
108 concerning the cancellation or correction of entries in civil registry are
publication of notice [Rule 108, Sec. 5]
separate and distinct. They may not be substituted one for the other. If
both reliefs are to be sought in the same proceedings all the requirements
May be filed by: of Rule 103 and 108 must be complied with. [Republic v. Valencia (1986))
(1) Clerical or typographical errors and Notice and publication of the notice of hearing
(2) Change of first name or nickname, the day and month in the date of
birth or sex of a person where it is patently clear that there was a
Hearing and appointment of administrator/trustee
clerical or typographical error or mistake in the entry, which can be
corrected or changed by the concerned city or municipal civil registrar
or consul general in accordance with the provisions of this Act and its Termination of administration/trusteeship
implementing rules and regulations.
[Sec. 1, RA 9048, as amended]
1) After 2 years:
• Anyone appearing to contest the petition shall state his grounds in
a) from the disappearance and without any news about the absentee; writing, and serve a copy on the other interested parties on or before
or the hearing. [Rule 107, Sec. 5]
b) since the receipt of the last news about him; • Upon proof of notice, publication and the petition’s allegations, the
2) After 5 years, if he left an administrator of his property. court shall grant the petition and appointing the absentee’s
representative/trustee/administrator. [Rule 107, Sec. 6]
WHO MAY PETITION [Rule 107, Sec. 2; Art. 385,CC] • The court shall safeguard the absentee’s rights and interests and shall
specify the representative/trustee/administrator’s powers, obligations
1.) Spouse present; and remuneration, regulating them by the rules on guardians. [Rule
107, Sec. 6; Art. 382, CC]
• Declaration of absence takes effect 6 months after its publication in a
newspaper of general circulation and in the OG. [Rule 107, Sec. 6; Art.
386, CC]