Updated Prometic Dental Exam 2018: Important Notices

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Updated Prometic Dental Exam 2018

Important Notices
It’s important to understand that this is a reference source and it’s based on
people’s experience and referred to some sources for verification none the less …
we are human and we can do mistakes… but this is the best we can do – OziDent
We cannot guarantee Success but we are the best possible choice with the highest
success rate.

• Written By. Mouttaz
• Edited by Dr. Mohsen S. Ozaibi (OziDent.com)

Please contact me at mail@ozident.com for further information or correction

visit our website

Good luck

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1- Which sedative has the least vomiting and nausea side effect :
A) Ketamine
B) Nitrous oxide
C) propofol **

2- Which sedative has the least laryngeal spasm :

A) Succinylcholine**
B) Ketamine
C) Nitrous oxide

3- Pt eats a large amount of food in a short amount of time then vomit :

A) Anorexia
B) Bulimia nervosa**

4- Case about perforation while finding canals what to do :

A) Put mta then continue searching the canals**
B) Find the canals then put mta
C) Complete obturation then treat the perforation

5- glomerular filtration rate stops when blood pressure is :

A) 40mmhg**
B) 80mmhg
C) 140mmhg
D) 160mmhg

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6- When calcification starts per weeks : 14 w
NOTE: Around 4 months in Utero..Max and Man molar are the first to begin calcification
7- Case scenario about Pierre Robin syndrome:
Cleft palate**
Glossoptosis **
8- Adult pt was taking 8-20mg of fluoride for years :
A) Osteoflorosis
B) Skeletal fluorosis
C) Crippling**

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9- Pt was treated by radiation , after year he got trauma in mandible and the bone was
exposed and very painful for days , diagnosis :
A) Osteoradionecrosis**
B) Another options I don’t remember

10- Case About pacifier habit what will happen to her :

A) Anterior open bite with posterior crossbite**
B) Anterior open bite with increased maxillary width
C) Anterior movement of anterior
11- What is the most factor affecting thumb sucking habit :
A) Frequency
B) Duration**
C) Magnitude

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short term‫علي‬frequency ‫ال‬
‫ اشمل‬duration ‫اعتقد‬Duration long term
12- Na F varnish conc.:
A) 5% **
B) 2%
Another options

13- Children less than 3years , fluoridated tooth pastes :

A) Recommended**

14- 5ys child , water 0.3-0.6 , taking 0.5 fluoride what type of florosis he has:
A) Questionable**
B) Mild
C) Moderate
D) Severe

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15- A pic about implant mask and asked what type of this mask :
A) Implant
B) Gingival**
C) Siliconized

16- About QLF ( quantitative light_induced florescence ) advantage :

A) Assess the activity of a lesson**
B) Show enamel and dentin carries
C) Another options I don’t remember
DEPTH‫أيضاييقيسيال‬,‫ يكونيأصح‬A+B‫لويفيخيارييشمل‬:‫مالحظة‬

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17- Periodontal probe used in furcation :
A) Nabers**
B) Who

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18- Pt cannot elevate his right eyelid , cannot move his lips and so on in the right side
which site of facial nerve is affected :
A) Upper part
B) After chorda tempanai**
C) In the parotid

19- Doctor asked pt to turn his kneck to right to explore which muscle :
A) Right sternocleidomastoid
B) Left sternocleidomastoid**
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20- Case scenario about hypophosphatasia in children:
Oral manifestations characteristic of various forms of hypophosphatasia can include earl
y loss of deciduous teeth, severe dental caries, and alveolar bone loss, Mobile teeth, An
d deficient tissue nonspecific alkaline phosphatase (TNAP) enzymatic activity
21- Child had lost all his anterior deciduous anteriors and decresed level of alkaline
phosphatase enzyme :
A) Papillon le fevre syndrome
B) Hypophosphatasia**

22- About sodium reabsorbing in glomerular filtration what is the technique :

A) Na+ k+ ATPase**
B) Na+ Cl- Co transfer
C) Na+ k+ Cl- Co transfer
D) Another option I don’t remember

23- Case about upper six with large amalgam restoration and pt feel dull pain , you used
all vitality test and cannot find any useful results what test will you do :
A) Anesthesia test
B) Preparation test**

24- A pic showing deep class five caries and choices was :
A) Erosion
B) Abrasion
C) Attrition
D) Root caries**

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25- After cementation of right side bridge from lower five to seven pt feel high spot on
buccal cusp of right seven , so the obstacle is in :
A) Working side occlusion**
B) Non working side occlusion

26- Upper central with proximal restoration and incisal chipping and severe stains ttt is :
A) Veneer
B) All ceramic crown**

27- A pic of a palate with a big hole including the left ridge area after the canine and
asked after excision of a malignant lesion the obturator space should be :
A) Excision should include one tooth mesial to the space**
B) Palatal side should be something I don’t remember but I think A is the correct

28- Mcspadden disadvantage : difficult in curved canals

29- Another Q about Mcspadden tech. Is called thermo something
30- A question about pt coming with fractured tooth and he has the fractured part what
to do :
A) Cement the fractured with resin**
B) Don’t cement it and do Composite
C) Don’t remember

31- Root caries :

B) Conventional GI

32- A pic showing attrition in lower anteriors but he said that the patient has posterior
restoratios and maxillary PFM crowns ( did not said ant. Or post.) Diagnosis :
A) Attrition
B) Abrasion
C) Abfraction
D) Erosion

33- Many questions about high and low risk caries patients ( you classify if high or low )

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34- Straight forward case about cherubism:Bilateral submandibular lymph node swollen

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35- Case scenario about child has missed upper left first and second primary molars and
anteriors did not erupt yet what space maintainer to do :
A) Distal shoe**
B) Band and loop
C) Nance
D) Lingual arch
UNILATERAL loss of UPPER 1st primary molar?
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band and loop

BILATERAL loss of UPPER 1st primary molars?

Nance appliance - wire button

UNILATERAL loss of UPPER 2nd primary molar with FULLY erupted 6 year molar...
-band and loop
-Nance appliance

UNILATERAL loss of UPPER 2nd primary molar with PARTIALLY erupted 6 year mo
-reverse band and loop (until 1st primary molars lost)
-transpalatal arch (bilateral space maintainer)

BILATERAL loss of UPPER 2nd primary molars with FULLY erupted 6 year molars
Nance appliance - wire button

UNILATERAL loss of LOWER 1st primary molar...?

-band and loop

BILATERAL loss of LOWER 1st primary molars - BEFORE permanent incisors...?

-bilateral bands and loops
-can NOT do a Nance like you can in maxillary

BILATERAL loss of LOWER 1st primary molars - AFTER permanent incisors erupt?
lingual holding arch

UNILATERAL loss of LOWER 2nd primary molars...?

-band and loop
-lingual holding arch (after 4 incisors come in)

BILATERAL loss of LOWER 2nd primary molars - AFTER eruption of permanent inc
lingual holding arch

BILATERAL loss of LOWER 2nd primary molars - BEFORE eruption of permanent i

ncisors and molars - treatment options...
-reverse bands and loops
-distal shoes
-removable appliances
‫ ملخصيلحاالت‬space maintain

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36- E fecialis predominantly present in :
A) Periapical abscess**
B) Acute periapical periodontitis

37- What can kill E fecialis in 15 days :

A) CHX**
B) NaOCh

38- Main disadvantage vof CHX is : stains

39- Many Ortho case scenarios with given numbers and ask about diagnosis‫ي‬:
Cephalometric analysis divided into
1/ skeletal maocclusion
2/dental maocclusion
1/skeletal malocclusion determine it by ANB
Normal ANB from 0:2 >>>> class 1
If more than 2 >>> class 2
If less than 0 >>> class 3
‫ياالمتحانيوبيبقييفيزواياييتانيهيوىه‬ ‫ودهيبيكونيواضحيف‬SNA ‫ودىيبتحدديىليوضعيال‬maxilla
SNA 82 >> normal
If more than 82 >> maxillary protrusion
If less than 82 >> maxillary retruction
‫وفيزاويهيال‬SNB ‫ودىيالليبتحددييوضعيال‬mandible
SNB 80 >> normal
If more than 80 >> mandibular protrusion
If less than 80 >> mandibular retrusion

2/ dental malocclusion
Determine by relation of upper and lower cusps of first molar
Class 1 >> mesiobuccal cusp of upper 6 in buccal groove of lower 6
Class 2 >> MB cusp of upper 6 mesial to buccal groove of lower 6
Class 3 >> MB cusp of upper 6 distal to buccal groove of lower 6

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40- 10 y child with 4mm diastema And high frenum attachment after x Ray we found
supernumerary tooth what is ttt :
A) Extraction of supernumerary then frenectomy*
B) Extraction of supernumerary and Wait the canines to erupt**
C) Don’t remember

41- 10 y child with diastema 2mm what is ttt :

A) PPhysiological**
B) Don’t remember

42- Diameter of pulp arteriole in microns :

A) 50**
B) 20
C) 80

43- Ortho case scenario of a child with anterior crowding , all the first primary molars are
lost and 2nd primary molars are about to shed , the ttt of the crowding is :
A) Lingual arch
B) Extraction of 2nd primary molars**

44- Hemophiliac patient with lower E uncomfort feeling , x Ray showed the mesial root is
resorbed but the distal root is completely unresorped what to do :
A) Extract
B) No intervention**

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45- What is the morphine antagonist ?
46- Q about prilocaine color : yellow
47- Pt had a problem in plasma what type of anesthesia to give : amide
48- What is the beta blocker drug from following : atenolol
49- Pt with stain in central , at what age did he take tetracycline : 1
50- What is the most sign for HCV :
A) Yellowish skin and whitening of eyes**
B) Loss of appetite (the choice was ranued appetite something like this )
51- Ttt of carcinoid tumer :
A) Calcitonin
B) Histamine
C) Cyproheptadine**
D) Don’t remember

52- Too many Q about pemphigus vulgaris , C3 , neckolesky sign , pemphigoid

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53- Pt hypertensive and has HCV virus , stressed , histological feature of saw teeth rete
pegs ,has oral ulcers , diagnosis:
A) Lichen planus**
B) Lueokoplakia
C) Aphthous

54- Pt with history of transplantation surgery comes with shagy frayed ulcer in tongue
A) Hairy leukoplakia**
B) Candidiasis

55- Renal dialysis extraction : after 1 day

56- Pt with history of Shamma chewing she stopped it five years ago coming with oral lesion
most likely diagnosis:
A) Carcinoma in situ**
B) Ep. dys., keratosis
C) Mild dys. , Keratosis
D) Severe dys , keratosis

57- A pic of a lesion on lower lip with history of sun exposure : keratoacanthoma

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58- The aim from negative reinforcement :
A) Decrease the frequency of a bad behavior**
B) Enhance a good behavior
C) Don’t remember

59- Empathy definition: to feel what the patient is going through ( something like that )
60- When to report about child abuse :
A) Young pregnant female girl
B) Parents treating mentally retarded child bad
C) Both**

61- Q about the difference between the governmental and private work :
A) Private work is more income**
B) Don’t remember

62- St. Mutans transfer from mother to child : vertical parent

63- Minimum curing range of light induced halogen :
A) 100mw/mm3
B) 300**
C) 800*
D) 1000

64- Classical conditioning of a phobia :

A) Generalization**
B) Opertal conditioning ( or something like that)
C) Don’t remember:
‫ انيلقيتياختارها‬counter conditioning

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65- During classical conditioning of a normal stimulus the patient fears this normal stimulus
this will develop :
A) A phobia**
B) An unconditioned situation ( or something like that)

66- Most important ethical factor in Liberal countries :

A) Autonomy**
B) Beneficence
C) Non maleficence
D) Fairness

67- If dentist refused to treat an HCV patient what ethical factor did he violate :
A) Fairness**
B) Autonomy
C) Beneficence
D) Non maleficence

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68- In school a program for teaching the kids how to brush their teeth with verbal and
theoretical teaching so they can brush by themselves what is that type of teaching :
A) Demonstration**
B) Lecture*
C) Seminar

69- Pt Want his x Ray’s to give to new dentist :

A) Give x Ray’s**
B) Don’t give
C) Give if he pay his account

70- The famous Q about the rich man pt ,dentist made him restoration by 240 SR instead of
85 SR :
A) Ethical
B) Unethical**

71- The famous Q of the pregnant women asking about taking fluoride : no evidence if
fluoride is helpful during pregnancy or not

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72- Pt want to remove good amalgam restoration because she heard that it is cancerous in
TV :
A) Remove
B) Make her sign a consent then remove**
C) Don’t remove

73- Heparin antagonist : protamine sulphate

74- A dentist is treating a pediatric pt. What to do:
A) Tell parents first then do
B) Tell parents and do what they want
C) Tell parents and take their opinion in mind**

75- Best alloy for major connector strength :

A) Co-Cr**
B) Gold palladium
C) Pure gold

76- Making the rest seat angle with minor connector more than 90 what will happen :
A) Rest fracture**
B) Caries of abutment*
C) Affect retention
D) Affect stability

77- An old women with a set of complete denture , she said that many dentists told her that
her ridge has a defect will make the prosthesis unfavorable , she give a history of falling
of her teeth after mobility , what is likely the type of her defected ridge :
A) Flat**
B) Flabby
C) Undercut
D) Knife edged

78- The worst ridge type :

A) Flat**
B) Flabby
C) Irregular
D) Knife edged

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79- Advantage of immersion of denture for disinfection tech. :
A) Disinfectant will reach all denture surfaces**
B) Don’t remember

80- To send a fractured denture to the lab :

A) Dentist and lab should have mutual decontamination program**
B) The receiver should be responsible for disinfection
C) Don’t remember

81- How to check sterilization :

A) Monitoring sterilization**
B) Something like presenting the instrument to all types of microbes

82- Pt with upper denture and lower anteriors what type of ridge will he has :
A) Flabby**
B) Flat
C) Knife edged
83- Enalapril ( I think ) is used in ttt of congestive heart failure what is it’s action :
A) Increase fluids loss**
B) Don’t remember but you have to read about CHF ttt

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84- Fastest conduction :
A) A-V Node**
B) A-V Bundles
C) Ventricles
D) Don’t remember

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85- The famous Q about what to do with epilepsy in clinic : put pt. In supine position

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86- Ttt of status epilepsy if developed seizures in clinic :
A) Lorazepam**
B) Dilantin
C) Don’t remember

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87- Vertical ramus fracture best x-ray view :
B) Oblique**
C) Don’t remember
88- Medial condylar displacement best x-ray view :
A) PA**
B) Revers town
C) Lateral oblique

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89- Pt with denture is falling and become loose , and bowed bone : Paget’s dx
Note: Paget Bow leg Hypercementosis Ankylosis Cotton wool ( RO LINES) jigsaw puzzle
Moasic increase kso4
90- Pt with hard bony lesion in mandible extending from premolar area to angle of
mandible , histological result is osteoma ttt is :
A) CT on skull
B) Follow up
C) Removal**

91- Pt with sialoleth sensitive to iodine :

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C) Scintigraphy**
92- Shape of mucous cell : flat nuclei
93- A case scenario about submandibular sialoleth
94- Intestinal polyps is in :
A) Paget’s
B) Gardener**
C) Pierre Robin
Note: Gardner If he told e polyp Peutz jogers
95- Ep. Rest of serres : dental lamina
96- Hyperapnea :
A) Increased depth and rate**
B) Increased depth
C) Increased rate
D) Kussamal breathing

97- Centre of growth : condylar cartridge

note: All intramembranous Except condyle Cartilagenous
98- A case scenario about TMJ pt waking up with pain in TMJ area , popping on opening
mouth , mandible deviate to one side while opening , diagnosis:
A) Rheumatoid arthritis
B) Osteoarthritis**
C) Synovial chondrodosis ( or something like that)
Lipping + new osteophytes formation

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99- A dental student coming to your clinic complaining from pain in TMJ after wake up , he
told you he is in exams period and stressed , masseter is painful on palpation , ttt :
A) Analgesics and muscles relaxant for a week**
B) Reassure him and no ttt due to stress
100- Fluoride conc. In mouth wash :
A) 0.2%**
B) 5%
C) 2%*

101- What decrease the plaque accumulation in toothpaste :

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A) Fluoride
B) Another ingradients I don’t remember
C) Sodium pryphorate**

102- What is responsible for desensitization in toothpaste :

A) Pottasium salphate ( I think )**
B) Don’t rL

103- Pt came with fractured palatal cusp with no caries but fracture is small to be
restored , pt feel sharp pain upon application of cold, pulp sutuation:
A) Reversible pulpitis**
B) Normal uninflamed

104- A case scenario about CEOT ( calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor ) , young
child with upper 6 impacted with RL , the margin of radiolucency is on the occlusal of the
6 , RL contains RO deposits which upon histological. Study appears to be enamel and
dentin flecks and also containing epithelial cells , diagnosis :
D) Dentigerous cyst

105- Site of parakeratine :

A) Attached gingiva**
B) Don’t remember

106- Case about avulsed tooth after 45 min. , Ttt:

A) Replant and splint**
B) Endo then replant
C) Replant then put calcium hydroxide

107- Case with gingivitis and loss of attachment , diagnosis :

A)chronic gingivitis
B) periodontitis**

108- Gengivitis with pocket depth 4-6mm without loss of attachment diagnosis :

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A) Severe gingivitis
B) Chronic gingivitis
C) Periodontitis**

109- Aggressive periodontitis bacteria : actinomicetum comitans

110- A case of upper central with post and core and crown but substandard Endo ttt ,
pt feel pain , what to do :
A) Rettt then surgery**
B) Surgery

111- Pt came with RCT in Upper 5 with no final restoration for 3 months , pt feel pain ,
ttt :
A) Post and core then crown
B) Rettt then crown**

112- Long story about implant with , 5 mm pocket , pain on percussion , what to do :
A) Extraction**
B) Follow protocol ttt
‫وفيالجروبيجاوبوه‬Re .mean extraction‫متجاوبيفيدنتليديكس‬
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113- Facebow main function :
A) Relate the maxillary cast to the lower part of articulator**
B) Relate the maxillary cast to the upper part of articulator
C) Relate the maxillary part of articulator to the lower part of articulator

114- Pt restless on the chair and looking everywhere what type of pts :
A) Anxious**
B) Don’t remember

115- TMG innervation : auriculotemporal n.

116- Blood supply of TMJ :
A) Inferior alveolar artery
B) ECA** External carotid artery

117- Ptyregomandibular ganglion is anatomically related to :

A) Maxillary n.**
B) Mandibular n.
C) Facial n.
D) Ophthalmic n.

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118- Branch of lingual nerve is :
A) Maxillary
B) Mandibular**
C) Facial
D) Trigeminal

119- Q I don’t remember about venous plexus related to what sinus :

A) Sigmoid
B) Cavernous**
C) Don’t remember

120- Sloughing of tissues is because :

A) Prolonged application of topical anesthesia**
B) Ischemia due to VC

121- During extraction of upper 6 , upon removal of palatal root , 4mm oroantral
fistula happened what to do :
A) Leave
B) Interrupted suture
C) Figure of eight suture and gel foam**
D) Flap
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122- Case scenario about dental dysplasia , rootless teeth and bluish teeth ,
obliterated Chambers

123- What appears shiny in histo. : Sclerotic dentin

124- Pulp Pain caused by VD , which region initiate VD :

A) Cell free zone**
B) Cell rich zone
‫ اختاروهيعلطول‬Pulp core‫ي ولويفاالختيارات‬:‫مالحظة‬

125- After giving IANB and gow gates , anesthesia is still insufficient due to local
factors what to do :
A) Akinosi tech.

126- Common cause of trismus :

A) Infection **
B) Trauma to muscles and veins

127- Most common in diabetes :

A) Periodontal abscess
B) Gingival recession**
128- Bacteria in chronic abscess :
A) Aerobes
B) Anaerobes
C) Mixed*
D) Facultative bacteria
Aerobic, anaerobic, facultative anaerobic‫لوفيالكلينختاره‬
129- Akinosi needle :
A) 25 G long*
B) 25 G short
C) 30 G long
D) 30 G short

130- Time of fluoride application :

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A) 2 min.
B) 4 min.**
C) 6 min.
D) 8 min.

131- Copper percent remove gamma 2 phase : 13%

132- Amalgam used in retrograde filling : zinc free
133- Established gingivitis : 14-21 days
134- Many Q about Supra and sub gingival curettes
135- Pt extracted lower wisdom , after 4 months he came with pain and swelling ,
A) Dry socket
B) Osteomyelitis
C) Subperiosteal abscess**

136- Base of the pocket in relation to bony crest : coronal‫ ي‬apically

137- Microbes killed with sterilization only :
A) Fungal spores , endobacterial spores, prions**
B) Fungal spores, mycobacteria
C) TB , prions
D) Don’t remember

138- Voids in the cast after pouring additional silicone impression , cause :
A) Realease of H gas**
B) Impression and pouring material incompatible
C) Don’t remember
imprision materials :
_Highest stiffness:polyether
_Highest dimention stability: polyvinyle siloxan then polyether then polysulfide
_Highest wettability: hydrocolloids then polyeyher
_ Condensation silicon:should be poured after half an hour to allow a tress relaxa
_adition silicon (polyvinyle):should be poured after h a lf an hour as it release hy
drogen gas which will cause voids in the cast
_addition silicon (polyvinyle):can be poured several times for 7 days
_ polysulfide: should be poured within 1 hour as it releas water so dimention inst
_ polyether: has open ring polymerization, stable if poured after 24 hour

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_plaster of paris : mucostatic imprision record tisue at rest(flappy ridge and wiry
-znoE:function imprision
139- After multiple extraction : interrupted suture
140- Sequence of multiple extractions :
A) From post. To ant.**
B) From ant. To post.

141- Pt with pain under denture ,after relief pt came again complaining from same
problem but in another site : uneven occlusion
142- A pic of panorama for pt. With loss lower incisors and moderate bone level ,
what type of connectors to use :
A) Lingual bar**
B) Lingual plate
C) Labial bar
D) Don’t remember

143- A case about pt. With lost 4s and 7s want to restore them by partial denture , pt.
Has no 8s , only anterior teeth is present , how to mount the occlusion :
A) By hand
B) Wax rim of posteriors in centric relation
C) Wax rim of posteriors in maximum intercuspation**
D) Siliconized rubber bite

144- COC ( calcifying odontogenic cyst ) significant feature :

A) Ghost cell

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145- Function of smear layer :
A) Prevent toxins to reach pulp

146- Endo case scenario about pt. Came to you with short Endo , after removing GP
file don’t proceed to apix what is most likely the problem :
A) Ledge**
B) Perforation

147- Cardiac child prophylaxis :

A) Amoxicillin 50mg/kg**
B) Ampicillin 20mg/kg
C) Don’t remember
Note: If allergic take clindamycin 20 mg /kg for child

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148- Pt. Allergic to penicillin give : clindamycin
149- Postitive and negative correction And positive and negative error definition

Positive error

-too steep
-larger angle on articulator than in patient
-more separation during eccentric movement
-crown cusps will be too long --> cause
-posterior discussion
-good for dentures


Negative error

-too shallow

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-smaller angle on articulator than in patient
-less separation during eccentric movements (safety factor)
-crown cusps are too low
-good for fixed cases for canine guidance

150- Missed canines classification :

A) Class I
B) Class II
C) Class III**mod1
D) Class IV

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151- Upper central and 8 are missed how to mount : by hand
152- Most dangerous form of sugar :
A) Glucose
B) Sucrose**
C) Lactose
Note: Sucrose ..most dengrous
Xylitol .... most benifit
manitol sorbitol All alcohol sugar are anti cariogenic
153- Gothic arch point refers to :
A) Centric relation**
B) Centric occlusion

154- Hyper reactive pt. Feel pain due to :

A) Decreased pain threshold*
B) Increased pain perception**

155- 1st pharyngeal arch is :

A) Mandibular

156- After extraction pt. Came with pain after 3 days with history mouth washing the
day of extraction, diagnosis:
A) Dry socket**
B) Osteomyelitis
C) Infected socket
Note: Dry socket come after 2-4 of extraction
157- GV black cutting instrument :
A) First
B) Second

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C) Third
D) Fourth

158- Difficulty in insertion of St. St. Crown is due to :

A) Cervical bulge**
B) Don’t remember

159- Overwedging will cause :

A) Gingival irritation**
B) Food impaction
C) Don’t remember

160- Lateral movement of mandible to right side , this done by contraction of :

A) Right lateral
B) Left lateral**
C) Right medial
D) Left medial

161- Cholinergic release from preganglionic nerves :

A) Adrenalin
B) Nor adrenalin
C) Acetylcholine**
D) Don’t remember

162- A pic of two implants unparallel , pt complain lower denture was retentive then
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became loose after 2 weeks ,cause :
A) Breackage of metal balls
B) Fast damage of rubber bands**

163- Instrument used to remove half of a root after faractured : root tip picker

Type of forceps and elevator
• #1, #99-C = Anterior
• #150 = PMs, conical shaped molars; root fragments, sectioned molars
• #150A = specifically PM
• #150S = primary teeth
• #88R/L, 89, 90 = 1st and 2nd Molars (trifurcated roots); can be used w/ excessive carie
s or large restorations
• #53R/L = 1st and 2nd Molars (trifurcated roots); pointed beak, don’t use w/ excessive
caries, large restoration, brittle endo teeth

• #210S = 3rd molars; shorter beaks than #53 cuz 3rds are usually shorter
• #286 = Root fragments

• #74, 74-N, 74-extra-N = incisors and root tips aka ASH
• #151 = PMs and root tips; can be used for anteriors and 3rds too
• #151A = specifically PM
• #151S = primary teeth
• #203 = similar to 151(A), thinner beaks; better than 151 for incisors, root tips
• #23 (Cowhorn) = most popular; “squeeze molar out of socket”; buccal-lingual moveme
• #17 = bifurcated 1st and 2nd molars; will NOT adapt to conical-rooted molars
• #222 = 3rds, conical shaped 2nds

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• Inclined plane and Wheel & Axle
o displacement, wheel/axle, lever action
displacement = insert into PDL space to dislodge root tip
• do NOT do in close proximity to MX sinus

• Purchase Point
o #41 - Crane Pick
handiest, and most dangerous
usually used w/ Purchase point

• Very small root tips

o Apex elevator
o displacement

• Root tips adjacent empty socket

o #30-31 Cryer
fxn w/ or w/out Purchase point
ex: after md 1st molar after distal root has been extracted
must stay sharp

• Larger root fragments by displacement effect

o #34-S or #46 (looks like a larger #301)
possibly most commonly used elevator
#34S is WIDER than #46
main use = displacement of single roots
• sometimes lever action

• Small root tips, intial luxation when larger elevator too big
o #301, 302, 303
like 34s and 46 but smaller
used for smaller roots
• sometimes lever action

• #73/74 (Miller), Potts elevator

o impacted 3rd molars
o placed at cervical line of MB and forced toward palate
o Potts
has the t-bar for increased force
o wheel/axle

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164- Class II deficient composite proximally , to prevent we use :
1. circumferential band and wedge
2. ,: Segmental matrix and wedge**
Note: Circumfrential for MOD cavity. Sectional for class 2
165- Under mind enamel proximally to remove : enamel hatchet
166- Class II partial denture with last abutment is 5 with undercut mesially type of
clasp :
A) Wrought wire clasp with round crossection**
B) Casted clasp with round crossection
C) Wrought wire clasp with half round crossection
D) Casted clasp with half round crossection

167- Cause of overhang : no wdge use

168- Pt with bad oral hygiene and clenching habit and caries class I and weak
functional cusp , ttt :
A) Amalgam
B) Composite
C) Composite onlay**
D) Ceramic onlay

169- What to do before pits and fissure sealing :

A) Polishing **
B) Fissure reshaping with stone
What is done before fissurotomy
A polish
B fissure reshaping with small diameter bure***
C polish disk
poli‫ بأييحاجهيبسيبعملها‬fissure ‫ ودهيمبلمسش‬pit and fissure seal‫السؤالياالوليبتاعكميكانتيالحاله‬
bure‫ي‬329 ‫ ودهيبنعمهايب‬fissure ‫ يعنيهتفتحيفي‬fissurotomy ‫الحالهيبتاعهيسؤاليبيقولكيهتعمل‬
170- Obturating material for pulpectomy : ZnOE

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171- A child doing restoration , while working he started developing rash ,running
nose, eye secretions after dentist put his hand on his cheek , diagnosis : latex allergy
172- Why we put denture in water :
A) For hygiene
B) Dimensional stability**

173- Asthma ttt :

A) 0.1mg adrenaline IM**
B) 200mg hydrocortisone
C) Salbutamol spray

174- Supragingival blade angle to the shank : 90. From(45-90)

175- If you did two holes of rubber dam too close what will happen :
A) Difficulty of putting dam interdentally
B) Stretching of dam will happen and subsequent leakage**

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176- Many Q about internal resorption: caoh
177- Single tufted brush best use when :
A) No papilla interdentally**
B) Recession and root appearance

178- Most factor affecting time of onset of LA :

A) Tissue diffusability**
C) Lipid solubility
D) Protein binding

179- Protein fix calcium and phosph. In oral cavity :

A) Lactoferrin**
B) Don’t remember

180- Main cell responsible for periodontal remodeling during Ortho ttt :
A) Fibroblast**
B) Ostoblast
C) Osteoclast

181- Most irritant cement to pulp :

A) Zinc phosphate**
B) Polycarboxylate
C) ZnoE

182- Euogenol effect on gingiva :

A) Gingival burning **
B) Don’t remember

183- If surgeon become had infected two patients a year how many workers will have
HIV ( something like that ) :
A) 2
B) 6
C) One to one million**
D) Don’t remember

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184- Dentin hypoplasia most affecting :
A) Dentinal tubules
B) Odontoblastic process**
C) Dentin near pulp
D) Von ebnar lamellae

185- Small pox pt. Stage affected : histodifferentiation

186- Q about peptidoglycans :

A) Penicillin prevent them to bind
B) Bacteria use it ( something like that)**
C) Don’t remember
187- APC in pulp : dendritic cells
188- Removal of epulis fissuratum :Allis or allison's
189- Candida is : opportunistic
190- Safest exploration for pregnant woman : ultrasound
191- Associated with pain and inflammation : prostaglandin
Note: Pain and infestation >> prostaglandin
Pain and anesthesia > adrinaline
192- Scenario about galvanism : change restoration
193- Thyroglossal duct cysts:
a. Are only found in the posterior tongue.
b. Clinically present in the lateral neck tissue.
c. May be found anywhere along the pathway of the embryonic thyroglossal duct. **
d. Are sometimes called lympho-epithelial cysts
In mid line
Extend from foramen caecum To isthmus of thyroid 7 mm Surgical removal with part of
hyoid bone.
194- HBV remains in a room : at least month
195- Unvaccinated dentist while ttt of hcv pt. He accidentally Peirce himself with
infected needle what to do : Vaccine from beginning and Ig
196- Pt cannot see light , pupil don’t react : oculomotor
197- How to make premolar narrower : narrowing of MF and DF line angle

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198- Best media for avulsed tooth :
A) Cool milk**
B) Room temperature milk

199- Child take glucagon , he is :

A) Type I diabetes**
B) Type II diabetes
C) Non diabetic

200- Deep bite ttt : anterior bite block

👉🏻anterior bite block treats overbite
👉🏻posterior bite block treats unilateral posterior crossbite and anterior cross bite with
out overbite
201- How to get curve of spee :
A) Posterior sheet of plate**
B) Anterior sheet or plate
C) 2X4 utility intrusion arch
D) Don’t remember

202- The most significant feature( the q came like this without any details :D ) :
A) Bleeding**
B) Recession
C) Bruxism
Note: if there is Increase GCF choose it

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203- Most prominent cell in synovial fluid of TMJ ? Fibroblast
204- Slowest growth cell of periodontium :
A) Alveolar bone**
B) Pdl
C) Gingiva
Note: true is Cementum then bone

205- Electric pulp test act on what :

A) Neurolitic cell in the pulp**
B) Bloody supply
C) Collagen fiber of pulp

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Note: Electric pulp testing
works on the premise that electrical stimuli cause an ionic change across the neu
ral membrane, thereby inducing an action potential with a rapid hopping action
at the nodes of Ranvier in myelinated nerves
206- A long case about Ortho pt. While trimming the wire there is long wire causing
laceration what to do :
A) Wrap wax around wire**
B) Put gauze around teeth
C) Calm pt.
D) Ask pt. To rinse

207- To decrease pain during anesthesia :

A) Give it faster
B) Avoid nerve block
C) Explain procedure to pt.**
D) Put your hand on pt. Eyes

208- External radicular infection cause :

A) Acute abscess*
B) Chronic abscess**
C) Condensing ostetis

209- Intercalated cells are : H cells( Helacyton gartleri)

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210- Most steep cusp is in :
A) Upper fisrt premolar**
B) Don’t remember

211- Site of smooth surface caries most likely to have caries :

A) Maxillary buccal**
B) Maxillary palatal
C) Mandibular buccal
D) Anterior labial

212- Pt come withpain with long wire make laceration and many ulcer in her check
what you do
A) A clip wire
B) b put wax *
C) d refer to orthodontist

213- Pt come with long wire and when u clip wire pt cab sollow what u make
a) a calm pt
b) b. Put wax
c) C put gauze**

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