First Grade Syllabus

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First Grade Syllabus

Ms. Ballew 2020/2021

Below is an anticipated syllabus for the completion of our curriculum.. 
Although curriculum is paced as follows, given the present circumstance I will 
prioritize quality of instruction rather than quantity. Meaning, if students 
demonstrate that they need stronger instruction in any given concept, I will 
rearrange my syllabus to make time for students to understand concepts. That 
being said, this syllabus is to be considered tentative and as a guideline for the 
following year. I will lead my instruction based on students’ needs rather than being 
“on time”.  
Language Arts: Wonders 
This year we will be piloting our new ELA curriculum- Wonders! I am so excited to be 
trying out this new curriculum and offering students a more extensive and 
diversified learning experience. Wonders offers 6 units with stories, anthologies, and 
reading/writing companions that emphasizes whole-student learning.  
Quarter 1: ​Unit 1- Gettings to Know Us, thinking about what makes us special by 
getting students to ask and answer questions about their lives and worlds. Unit 2- 
Our Community, finding out what makes a community. This unit goes in tandem 
with first grade social studies standards about community. Students will explore 
jobs, workers and helpers, and extend outside the community. 
Quarter 2​: Unit 3- Changed Over Time, thinking about what can change over time? 
This unit will emphasize time and growth. From plants, to people; students think 
about change in their world. 
Quarter 3:​ Unit 4- Animals Everywhere, thinking about what animals you know 
about and what are they like? This unit will tie into our animal science unit and get 
students to explore nonfiction texts. Unit 5- Figure it Out, making sense of the world 
around us. Students will focus on observing the world around them and solving 
Quarter 4: ​Unit 6- Together We Can, thinking about how teamwork helps us. In this 
unit, students will be asked to consider those around them and what they mean to 
you. Students will learn and discuss why it is important to help others and why we 
appreciate those who help us.  
Math: EnvisionMATH 
We will be using EnvisionMath for our math curriculum. Envision is Common Core 
based and focuses on students meeting state and country wide standards. The 
curriculum is broken up into 16 Topics (chapters) and emphasizes Operations and 
Algebraic Thinking, Number and Operations in Base Ten, Measurement and Data, and 
Quarter 1​: Topics 1-3- Developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and 
strategies for addition and subtraction within 20. 
Quarter 2:​ Topics 4-6- Developing understanding of addition, subtraction, and 
strategies for addition and subtraction within 20. 
Quarter 3: ​Topics 7-11- Developing understanding of whole number relationships and 
place value, including grouping into tens and ones. 
Quarter 4:​ Topics 12-16 Developing understanding of measurement, recording and 
analyzing data, and geometry. 
Social Studies: Scott Foresman- All Together 
First grade social studies emphasizes community, routines, and American symbolism 
in social studies. In this curriculum students get to learn about not only their lives, 
but the lives of different kinds of people throughout time. Students make 
connections to their lives, different cultures, and history throughout this curriculum. 
Quarter 1:​ Units 1 & 2- Time for School and In My Community 
Quarter 2: ​Unit 3- Work! Work! Work!  
Quarter 3:​ Units 4 & 5- Our Earth, Our Resources and This is Our Country 
Quarter 4: ​Unit 6- Our Country, Our World 
Science: Inspire Science 
Inspire Science curriculum aligns with NGSS (Next Generation Science Standards). 
These standards encourage students to use their observational and analytical skills 
to learn about science. Students will engage in science experiments that allow them 
to be curious and find answers for themselves. The standards for first grade science 
are plants and plant cycles, animals and their offspring, observing the sky, and light 
and shadows. 
Quarter 1​: Unit 1- All About Plants 
Quarter 2: ​Light and Shadows 
Quarter 3:​ Animals and how they Communicate 
Quarter 4: ​Sky Patterns 

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