Bibliography: Books
Bibliography: Books
Bibliography: Books
Kotler Philip, "Marketing Management", Pearson Education 2 nd ed.
G.Schiffman Leon, Consumer Behavior, Prentice-Hall India 8th ed.
Kotler Philip & Kevin Lane Keller, “Marketing Management”.
D. Perreault William, Jr.& E. McCarth Jerome , “Basic Marketing – A Global Managerial
Lee, Ki‐Hoon, and In‐Mo Cheong. "Measuring a carbon footprint and environmental practice:
the case of Hyundai Motors Co.(HMC)." Industrial Management & Data Systems (2011).
Kim, Linsu. "Crisis construction and organizational learning: Capability building in catching-up
at Hyundai Motor." Organization science 9.4 (1998): 506-521.
Bhamu, Jaiprakash, and Kuldip Singh Sangwan. "Lean manufacturing: literature review and
research issues." International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2014).
Lee, B-H., and H-J. Jo. "The mutation of the Toyota production system: adapting the TPS at
Hyundai Motor Company." International Journal of Production Research 45.16 (2007): 3665-
Netland, Torbjørn H., and Arild Aspelund. "Multi-plant improvement programmes: a literature
review and research agenda." International Journal of Operations & Production
Management (2014).
Stone, Kyle B. "Four decades of lean: a systematic literature review." International Journal of
Lean Six Sigma (2012).
Dube, A., and R. Gawand. "Green Supply Chain management–A literature review." International
Journal of Computer Applications 975 (2011): 8887.
Lee, Ki-Hoon. "Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai
Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry." Journal of cleaner production 19.11 (2011):
Zvezdov, Dimitar, and Stefan Schaltegger. "Decision support through carbon management
accounting—A framework-based literature review." Corporate carbon and climate accounting.
Springer, Cham, 2015. 27-44.
Wright, Christopher, Chung-Sok Suh, and Christopher Leggett. "If at first you don't succeed:
globalized production and organizational learning at the Hyundai Motor Company." Asia Pacific
business review 15.2 (2009): 163-180.
Wolfram, Paul, and Nic Lutsey. "Electric vehicles: Literature review of technology costs and
carbon emissions." The International Council on Clean Transportation: Washington, DC,
USA (2016): 1-23.
Das, Chiranjit, and Sanjay Jharkharia. "Low carbon supply chain: a state-of-the-art literature
review." Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (2018).
McDowall, Will. "Endogenous technology learning for hydrogen and fuel cell technology in
UKSHEC II: Literature review, research questions and data." UCL Energy Institute, University
College London (2012).
Zou, Mimi, and Russell D. Lansbury. "Multinational corporations and employment relations in
the People's Republic of China: the case of Beijing Hyundai Motor Company." The International
Journal of Human Resource Management 20.11 (2009): 2349-23
Lansbury, Russell D., Seung-Ho Kwon, and Chung-Sok Suh. "Globalization and employment
relations in the Korean auto industry: The case of the Hyundai Motor Company in Korea,
Canada and India." Asia Pacific business review 12.2 (2006): 131-147.
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7.) How many people like this car for their mileage?
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d) Average
e) Poor