Bibliography: Books

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 Kotler Philip, "Marketing Management", Pearson Education 2 nd ed.
 G.Schiffman Leon, Consumer Behavior, Prentice-Hall India 8th ed.
 Kotler Philip & Kevin Lane Keller, “Marketing Management”.
 D. Perreault William, Jr.& E. McCarth Jerome , “Basic Marketing – A Global Managerial

Journals and Research Paper:-

Lee, Ki‐Hoon, and In‐Mo Cheong. "Measuring a carbon footprint and environmental practice:
the case of Hyundai Motors Co.(HMC)." Industrial Management & Data Systems (2011).

Kim, Linsu. "Crisis construction and organizational learning: Capability building in catching-up
at Hyundai Motor." Organization science 9.4 (1998): 506-521.

Bhamu, Jaiprakash, and Kuldip Singh Sangwan. "Lean manufacturing: literature review and
research issues." International Journal of Operations & Production Management (2014).

Lee, B-H., and H-J. Jo. "The mutation of the Toyota production system: adapting the TPS at
Hyundai Motor Company." International Journal of Production Research 45.16 (2007): 3665-

Netland, Torbjørn H., and Arild Aspelund. "Multi-plant improvement programmes: a literature
review and research agenda." International Journal of Operations & Production
Management (2014).

Stone, Kyle B. "Four decades of lean: a systematic literature review." International Journal of
Lean Six Sigma (2012).

Dube, A., and R. Gawand. "Green Supply Chain management–A literature review." International
Journal of Computer Applications 975 (2011): 8887.
Lee, Ki-Hoon. "Integrating carbon footprint into supply chain management: the case of Hyundai
Motor Company (HMC) in the automobile industry." Journal of cleaner production 19.11 (2011):

Zvezdov, Dimitar, and Stefan Schaltegger. "Decision support through carbon management
accounting—A framework-based literature review." Corporate carbon and climate accounting.
Springer, Cham, 2015. 27-44.

Wright, Christopher, Chung-Sok Suh, and Christopher Leggett. "If at first you don't succeed:
globalized production and organizational learning at the Hyundai Motor Company." Asia Pacific
business review 15.2 (2009): 163-180.

Wolfram, Paul, and Nic Lutsey. "Electric vehicles: Literature review of technology costs and
carbon emissions." The International Council on Clean Transportation: Washington, DC,
USA (2016): 1-23.

Das, Chiranjit, and Sanjay Jharkharia. "Low carbon supply chain: a state-of-the-art literature
review." Journal of Manufacturing Technology Management (2018).

Park, Jongsoo. "Korean perspective on FDI in India: Hyundai Motors' industrial

cluster." Economic and Political Weekly (2004): 3551-3555.

McDowall, Will. "Endogenous technology learning for hydrogen and fuel cell technology in
UKSHEC II: Literature review, research questions and data." UCL Energy Institute, University
College London (2012).

Zou, Mimi, and Russell D. Lansbury. "Multinational corporations and employment relations in
the People's Republic of China: the case of Beijing Hyundai Motor Company." The International
Journal of Human Resource Management 20.11 (2009): 2349-23
Lansbury, Russell D., Seung-Ho Kwon, and Chung-Sok Suh. "Globalization and employment
relations in the Korean auto industry: The case of the Hyundai Motor Company in Korea,
Canada and India." Asia Pacific business review 12.2 (2006): 131-147.

Newspapers, Journals & Magazines:-

 Business World
 The Economist
 Economic Times
 Auto car India


Dear Sir/Madam
I am a MBA student ᴏf Panipat Institute of Engineering and Technology, Samalkha and
presently doing a winter project in “Marketing analysis of Hyundai motors company”. I
requested you tᴏ kindly fill the questionnaire below and I assure you that the data generated shall
be kept confidental.

Personal Details

Name: ______________________________________________

Qualification: _________________________________________

Marital Status:  Married  Unmarried

Gender:  Male  Female

Age group: (a) Under 30 (B) 30 tᴏ 45 years (C) 40 above


1.) Which car do you own?

a) Maruti zen
b) Santro zing
c) Tata indica
d) Fiat palio
2.) Why did you buy this car?
a) Reduce the risk of accident
b) Increase in the income
c) To get comfort
d) Change in the lifestyle and personality
e) Family need
f) To cover distance in less time.

3.) Why did you purchase this car?

a) Advance technology
b) After sale service
c) Company name
d) Number of service station
e) Value of money
f) Easy availability of spare parts.

4.) Source of finance of your existing car is?

a) Own resource
b) Bank loan
c) Company loan
d) Financial institute

5.) From where you gathered information about the car?

a) Newspaper and TV ads
b) Words of mouth
c) Dealers
d) Promotional campaign
6.) Quality assurance?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor

7.) How many people like this car for their mileage?
a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor

8.) What more do you expect from your dealer?

a) Information about new cars
b) Information about service and mileage
c) Assistance regarding loans and insurance
d) Understanding customer needs

9.) What’s your opinion on the price list of Hyundai cars?

a) Affordable by common man.
b) Affordable only by rich man.
c) Can’t say.

10.) Hyundai Streeting?

a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor
11.) Hyundai among family people?
a) Yes
b) No

12.) Marketing strategy of Hyundai motor?

a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor

13.) Dealer attending properly/

a) Excellent
b) Very good
c) Good
d) Average
e) Poor

14.) Dealer price?

a) Yes
b) No

15.) Color choice?

a) White
b) Silver
c) Red wine
d) Black
e) Beige
16.) Hyundai personality car?
a) Yes
b) No

17.) Income group of people who buy Hyundai?

a) 25000-30000
b) 30000-35000
c) 35000-40000

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