Islam - The True History and False Beliefs PDF
Islam - The True History and False Beliefs PDF
Islam - The True History and False Beliefs PDF
APRIL 2006
ISBN 0-9758851-0-5
11. THE
Universe, nourishing and taking care of all things for what they are
meant to be, just as a mother's womb nourishes the embryo to
completion without any returns.
['Rahm' in 'Rahman' and 'Raheem' includes all the meanings
Numerous books have been written in the name of History of Islam during
the last one thousand years. But to be accurate, they have been the
Histories of Muslims. The difference between the two seems nothing or
insignificant, but it is of paramount importance. Like almost all books on
histories of nations, the Muslim Histories have revolved around the rulers
and their ways. The first ever such "History of Islam" was written by
"Imam" Tabari on hearsay alone about 280 years after the exalted Prophet.
Historians after him have been blindly following him and repeating him with
"The True History of Early Islam" is probably the first ever work that will
attempt to trace the History of Islam. Based on research on numerous well-
known to nearly extinct works, it promises to bring to the reader the
spellbinding truths for the first time ever. We will attempt to track the
journey of Islam and try to see why, how, when, and by whom was the
Pristine Al-Islam as revealed to the exalted Prophet Muhammad, converted
into the Man-made, Counterfeit, Ritualistic, Alien or Ajami Islam of today.
Various great minds have named this degenerate Islam variously. Sir Syed
Ahmed Khan of India (1817-1898) called it Invented Islam in 1885. Syed
Jamaluddin Afghani (d.1897) dubbed it as The Fatalistic Religion. The
celebrated Egyptian scholar Mufti Muhammad Abde Rabbuhu (d.1905) gave
it the name Deen-il-Ghareeb (The Strange Religion) around 1900. Allama Sir
Muhammad Iqbal (d.1938) termed it Ajami (Alien) Islam around 1918. Allama
Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi (d.1965) called it Maulvi Ka Ghalat Mazhab
(The Mullah's Wrong Religion) in the 1940s. Going by the modern trends, I
have chosen to call it The Number Two Islam in keeping with the name
given to the counterfeit medicines.
The respected reader should get prepared for a bumpy ride discovering
shocking truths in a very unusual format especially as the book
progresses. This book will be written with special attention to brevity and
clarity. Much of it will particularly focus on the widely accepted 'wrongs' in
random paragraphs.
I think the best way to achieve the objective of sorting out myth from
reality, and fiction from fact will be to build the book around the most
famous story of "Islamic History", i.e. the Story of Karbala. The reader will
probably agree with this approach in the end.
AH in this book will indicate Al-Hijrah, the Calendar that begins with the
Migration of Muhammad (S) from Makkah to Madinah on July 16, 622 CE.
CE will mean The Common Era. Sall-Allahu alayihi Wasallam will be
represented by (S), the special salutations for the exalted Messenger.
Sahaba means the companions of the Prophet (S). Sahabi is singular.
Hadith indicates a reported saying of the Prophet. Sunnah pertains to his
personal life-style. Hadith and Sunnah are almost invariably found mixed
together in the books without a clear dividing line. The token of respect for
any Prophet or Sahabi will be Hazrat (Plural, Hazraat, meaning
'honorables'). 'Salutations upon him' will be denoted by a. s.
('Alayihissalam) and 'Allah is pleased with him or her, by r. a. (Radhi-
Allahu-'anh or 'anha).
Let us examine the personal confessions of some of the most ancient and
foremost "Imams" ('Canonical' authorities) who narrated History, Hadith,
laid down Fiqh (Islamic Jurisprudence) and did Tafseer (explanation) of the
Allama Masriqi writes: “Imam Razi, after writing his 300 volumes of the
great exposition, TAFSEER-E-KABEER, happened to be so sensitive in this
matter that he frankly admitted the following in couplets. Here are those
couplets.” (Translated by Allama Mashriqi).
The most important thing to understand is that in the Deen of Hazrat Umar,
a poet and philosopher like Rumi and an exponent of the Quran like Razi
hardly had a place. Their mountains of pages failed to motivate a single
Muslim. In fact, Muslims became disenchanted with these Imams’ so-called
Allah’s Deen. Imam Razi, after writing his exposition in 300 volumes,
(Tafseer-e-Kabeer) became so nervous and paranoid that he exposed in the
following poetry what he truly felt:
had learned from the exalted Prophet?
Tabari's Tareekhil Umam Wal Mulook (The History of Nations and Kings)
popularly called "Mother of All Histories" is the first ever "History of Islam"
written by 'Imam' Tabari at the junction of the third and fourth century AH.
He died in 310 AH, 3 centuries after the Prophet (S). What were his
sources? Not a scrap of paper! "He told me this who heard it from him who
heard it from so and so," and so on. By compiling his 13 volume History
and his 30 volume Exposition of the Qur’an under royal patronage, he
became the Super Imam. The later historians until this day have persisted
in following the trails of the Super Imam.
Had Ibn Jareer Tabari not recorded the strange reports, I would never have
done so. (Tafseer Ibn Katheer, Khilaafat-e-Mu'awiya-o-Yazeed, Mahmood
Ahmed Abbasi)
Allama Shibli Nomani, on page 27 of his Seeratun Nabi has given a startling
quote of Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal (780-855 CE, d. 241 AH), "Three kinds of
books are absolutely unfounded, Maghazi, Malahem and Tafseer.” (The
exalted Prophet's Battles, Dreams, and Expositions of the Qur’an).
SHAH ABDUL AZIZ DEHLAVI’S CRITIQUE: [1745-1823 CE] Six pages of Ibn
Khaldun's History have been deliberately removed since the earliest times.
These pages had questioned the most critical juncture of Islamic history
i.e. the Emirate of Yazeed and the fiction of Karbala. [Even the modern
editions admit in the side-notes that those pages have been mysteriously
missing from the ancient original book. Khilaafat-e-Mu'awiya-o-Yazeed,
Mahmood Ahmed Abbasi]
"The True History of Early Islam" by Shabbir Ahmed, M.D. has been
compiled by carefully sifting through scores of ancient books. The author's
Criterion of the Right and Wrong has been what it must be, and that is the
Authentic Qur’an. Hence, I have accepted only those accounts of History
and Hadith that are in harmony with this Noble and Unassailable Criterion,
the Book of Allah. Thanks to my respected readers around the world, I have
had the advantage of having access to numerous hard to find or concealed
Like all other humble works of mine, this book is based on research by a
life-long, fallible student, Shabbir Ahmed. It has taken much time and labor
as the discerning reader can tell. While the author assures the reader of his
intellectual honesty, he is always liable to make mistakes and projects no
claims whatsoever. The strength of this work may indeed dwell in the fact
that it leaves plenty of room for the reader's own research, rationale and
judgment to accept or dismiss any statements made by this author or the
ancient "authorities" quoted here. Criticism from any quarters will always
be welcome and appreciated, and any errors will be corrected in the next
edition with sincere gratitude.
Imam Shariq Alawi Mu'tazali of Palestine (407-457) - hanged.
Imam Raghib Al-Isphahani of Persia (1027-1109) - beheaded.
Imam Abdullah Zanjani of Arabia (459-610) – crucified.
Jamaluddin Afghani of Iran/Afhanistan (1830 to 1899)
Mufti Muhammad Abduh of Egypt (1849 to 1906)
Sir Syed Ahmed Khan (1817 to 1898)
Allama Iqbal (1877 to 1938)
Allama Muhammad Asad of Austria/Gibraltar (1900-1992)
Dr. Maurice Buccaille (Abus Salam) of France (1911-1989)
Allama Inayatullah Mashriqi of indo-Pak (1888-1965)
Imam Mufti Vehbi Ismael of Albania (1917-2006)
Mujtahid Imam Al-Husseini of Iran (1919-?)
Allama Ubaidullah Sindhi of India (1865-1935)
Allama Tamanna Imadi of Indo-Pak (1895-1961)
Allama Habib-ur-Rahman Kandhalwi of Indo-Pak (1887-1957)
Allama Aslam Jairajpuri of Indo-Pak (1890-1955)
Fazil Uloom Dinyah Masooduddin Usmani of Indo-Pak (19013-1986)
Fazil Diniyaat Ghulam Jeelani Barq of Indo-Pak (1901-1983)
Allama G.A. Parwaiz of Indo-Pak (1903-1985)
Allama Rasheed Ridha of Iran (1887-1941)
[Note: The dates given are likely to be inaccurate in some cases]
570 CE : Muhammad, the exalted, born in Makkah. His father, Abdullah dies
before the Prophet is born.
576 : Mother Amena dies. Grandfather Abdul Muttalib becomes the
578 : Grandfather dies. Abu Talib, a paternal uncle, assumes
582 : First trading journey to Syria with Abu Talib.
595 : Marriage to Khadijah r.a.
605 : Muhammad (S) helps rebuild Ka'bah after a flood.
610 : Angel Gabriel visits Muhammad (S) - The First Revelation
613 : The Message of Islam begins reaching the community. Persecution
of Muslims begins.
615 : The Prophet orders some Muslims to migrate to Ethiopia-Abyssinia.
617 : Persecution increases. The Prophet (S) and his followers are
boycotted by Makkans. Many people of the far away town (210 miles
North) Madinah embrace Islam and invite the Prophet and his
followers to live among them.
619 : Khadijah and Abu Talib die.
622 : The Prophet migrates to Madinah. Islamic State established. New
Constitution declared.
622 : The Prophet (S) marries Ayesha r.a.
624 : The Battle of Badr - The Turning Point
626 : The Battle of Uhud
627 : The Battle of the Trench or Clans (Khandaq or Ahzab)
628 : The Treaty of Hudaibiyah
628 : Invitation to Emperors
630 : Conquest of Makkah
632 : Last pilgrimage to Makkah and the Farewell Address
632 : The greatest man departs
Muhammad (S), the greatest man ever to set foot on earth, was born in
Makkah in the year 570 CE commonly referred to as 'Aam-il-Fil (Year of the
Elephant). He belonged to Quresh that were the most honored tribe of
Arabia for being the custodians of Ka'bah, the holiest shrine in the land.
Note: Scholars have agreed that even after the most diligent research, it is
almost impossible to determine the exact days and dates of events during
Muhammad's (S) lifetime.
Muhammad (S), like all Arabs, belonged to the progeny of Ismail a.s.
Ibrahim a.s. on Allah's Command, had settled his elder son, teenager Ismail
a.s. (Ishmael) to reside permanently in Makkah along with his mother
Haajirah. Contrary to the Biblical statement, Hagar was not a bondwoman.
She was the daughter of the Egyptian king. Abraham kept traveling
between his second wife Haajirah (Hagar) in Makkah and first wife Sarah in
Can'aan (Syria-Palestine). Ismail married a woman from the Qahtani Tribe
of Jurham and became the ancestor of Musta Ribah (Arabianized Tribes or
the Arabs.)
The “Wilderness of Beer-Sheba” of Genesis 21:14, embraces Southern
Palestine and Hijaz (roughly, the land between and around Makkah and
Madinah). Therefore, the Bible and the Qur’an are in agreement concerning
where Hazrat Ismail and his mother Haajirah had settled after moving from
This history also explains why the Qur’an repeatedly asserts that the Arabs
had not received any Scripture before the Qur’an. Obviously, the Arabs
became a community long after their ancestor, Ishmael had passed on.
In Yemen had collapsed in 115 B.C. They were overtaken by the Himairis
who ruled until 300 CE when other tribes overtook the control of Yemen.
They were in turn defeated by the Christian Kingdom of Ethipoia-Abyssinia
when they invaded Yemen in 525 CE. The kingdom appointed Abrahah as
the Viceroy of Yemen.
The Roman and the Abyssinian Christians longed for converting the
idolaters of Arabia to Christianity. They also sought control of the trade
routes between Arabia, Syria, Persia and the Western Roman Empire. They
saw Ka’bah in Makkah as a hindrance to their imperialistic and religious
designs. Abrahah, the Viceroy of Yemen, made a smart move. Between 550
and 555 CE he built a gorgeous cathedral Ekklesia in San’aa, Yemen and
invited his people and neighboring nations to come for pilgrimage there
instead of going to Makkah. But Ekklesia remained unpopular and Abrahah
decided to invade Makkah to demolish the Ka’bah and its surroundings.
Anticipating the presence of hostile tribes en route, he came up with a
60,000 strong army aided by thousands of horses, camels and thirteen
I agree with the research of Hamiduddin Farahi, 'Maulana' Amin Ahsan
Islahi and Allama G.A. Parwez on what eventually happened. As Abrahah’s
army approached Makkah, the Makkans who had been alerted by some
travelers beforehand, saw flocks of birds that normally fly over caravans in
search for food. The Makkans mounted the hills around and threw stones
on the troops. The elephants, and in turn, other rides panicked and
trampled the soldiers. This incident took place in 570 CE, the year when the
exalted Messenger was born. The event carried such significance that the
Arabs marked “Year of the Elephant” (‘Aam-il-Fil) as a point of reference in
A few elite were extremely wealthy while the vast majority lived in abject
poverty and humiliation. These rich people were ruthless in their behavior
to the poor. Slavery was rampant therefore, those in power owned slaves
and concubines. The laboring slaves were beaten with whips for little or no
reason. No one cared for their welfare or emancipation.
Women were primarily the objects of pleasure and subservience and they
were exempted from all human rights. The concubines served their masters
and were sexually molested frequently. The free women were expected to
obey men, be objects of sensual pleasure for them and pour wine in their
company, labor within and outside the home and bear children. Some
Arabs respected women especially those who had born children, and
possessed knitting, weaving and cooking skills. Some women were hired
or forced to sing and dance in public and in social gatherings. The birth of
a girl was considered a matter of disgrace so much so that some Arabs
buried their daughters alive. Men and women both were immodest.
Disrobing in public was considered fashionable and they circled around
the Ka'bah naked. As an exception, the wives of tribal leaders enjoyed a
high status in the society and their jewelry, garment design, hairstyle, and
mode of conduct became a fashion only to be dreamed by the poor
majority. These "noble wives" wielded significant influence on their
husbands, families and their own tribe. A tribe would be proud of a
beautiful, smart, fashionable and artistic woman and she was seen as a
prized potential booty by the adversary tribes.
life. One who avoided alcohol and gambling was labeled a berm, meaning
outcast. No person would befriend a berm. Men would put their wives as
stakes in gambling and betting. If a person lost in gambling or could not
pay his debt, he became a slave often along with the women of his family.
A vast majority of the Arabs were pagans. The society as a whole was
ridden with superstition. They believed in good and bad omens, wild
interpretation of dreams, magic, clairvoyance, evil spirits, demons and
witches, evil eye, arrows of good and bad luck, lucky and ominous stars,
stones, days and numbers. Each family and tribe had their own special
"gods". The fear of unseen creatures was common. Poets, fortune-tellers,
soothsayers, diviners, and religious leaders easily exploited them.
Raising herds of livestock, camels, goats, sheep, cows, owning date palm
trees and orchards, vineyards, parts of oasis, and looting were the
common ways of making a living. Barter and trade were popular but
honesty was unknown. Usury was rampant making the rich richer and the
poor poorer. Big businessmen sent trade caravans to distant lands. The
trade caravans were frequently looted. The proud rich wasted a lot of
resources. They would kill their camels in competition. If one killed some
camels the other would slay twice as many just to impress others.
followers of Deen-e-Hanif (Strict Monotheists that followed the remnants of
Hazraat Ibrahim and Ismail's teachings).
Muhammad, the Ideal Prophet, was born in Makkah on 20th April 570 CE.
Makkah is a town in today's western Saudi Arabia. Bani Hashim, a branch
of the Quresh tribe, were a noble and honored people among whom he was
born. His grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was the chief of his tribe and the
chief of Makkah as well. Abdul Muttalib was in charge of the Ka'bah which
is the symbolic First House of Monotheism. It was built by Prophet Ibrahim
and his son Ismail, about 2000 BC.
The chief, Abdul Muttalib had 10 sons. Abdullah was the youngest. The
family arranged his marriage to a beautiful, gentle, and intelligent young
lady. Her name was Amena bint Wahab. Abdullah means the servant of
Allah and Amena means someone who is at peace and provides peace.
Both were about 20 years old at the time of their marriage. Soon after,
Abdullah went to a business trip to Syria. While returning home, he became
ill and died in Madinah at the home of his maternal grandparents. Amena
was devastated, but she had excellent support from her illustrious
husband's family.
Muhammad was born after his father's untimely death. His mother and
family members took very good care of him. But another misfortune struck
when he was only 6 years old. His loving mother died of a brief febrile
illness, possibly sun-stroke. She was in the middle of Madinah and Makkah
returning with Abdul Muttalib after visiting her deceased husband's grave
in Madinah. Prophet Muhammad was at a great disadvantage from the
beginning. Fortunately, his grandfather, Abdul Muttalib, was a very kind
and caring personality.
In Makkah, there were no schools in those days. The young boy had no
siblings and few like-minded youngsters. We may wonder how such a
smart child spent his time! The summers were too hot with outdoors
temperature in the desert rising as high as 116, and it got feezing cold in
winters. Mud and wood houses and big shady trees afforded the only
respite from harsh weather. There was no library, no mode of learning or
teaching. Only 23 people in Makkah knew how to read or write.
Older nations had wheel-carts three to four thousand years before the
Prophet's time. The people of Egypt and the Indus Valley (now in Pakistan)
used wheelbarrows, bullock carts, chariots and horse carriages. In Arabia,
however, no one had a vehicle. People used donkeys, ponies, horses,
mules and camels for traveling. Of course, there were no media. Poetry,
stories, and gossip were the sole means of communication. It is hard to
conceive, but people of Arabia did not use any sort of lamps at night.
It was in this environment that the Prophet (S) was learning about life. The
smart, peaceful child created his own resources and never wasted his time.
Some may wonder why the little boy Muhammad is called Prophet. The
reason is that all prophets were born as such although commissioned to
the Divine Office later. The Qur’an states that they were chosen individuals,
hence, none can become a prophet by striving to do so. Muhammad (S)
was commissioned to prophethood and received the first Message from
Allah in his 40th year but he was a prophet by birth.
The young, bright, orphan boy was raised in Makkah and in the desert
around the town. Very early in his life, he learned to ride the bareback
ponies, mules, horses and camels. There were no swimming pools in those
days but rainwater did collect in natural ponds. So the little boy learned
how to swim. He also kept busy by taking the sheep and goats of his family
and neighbors out for grazing. He also liked to play with his bow and arrow
in the safety of the desert. Running after the arrows, herding animals,
riding and swimming, all kept him very fit. Herding livestock made him feel
very responsible. No one at that time had the faintest idea that this brilliant,
lovely child would one day become the greatest leader of mankind.
As he grew, the clear days and nights of the desert offered a vast view of
Nature. Allah teaches us through the Qur’an but we also learn from His
other Book - the Universe around us. Muhammad closely observed the
wonders of Nature around him. He understood that there is great discipline
in the Universe. The sun rose in the East and set in the West everyday. The
moon and the stars appeared at night. Seasons changed in regular
sequence. Seeds grew into plants. He knew in his heart that there could be
only One Creator and Sustainer to keep such remarkable order and
discipline in the Universe. He was surrounded by adults and children who
worshipped the sun, the moon, the stars, rocks, idols and trees. There were
hundreds of idols in the Ka'bah. They thought that the angels were the
daughters of God. Jews and Christians in Arabia assigned children to God
such as Osiris and Jesus, respectively. Even as a child, Muhammad never
worshipped any of these false gods.
When others wasted their time in vain talk and senseless play, Muhammad
the exalted, was helping people. He helped the elderly, the sick and the
widows with their needs. He even milked their cows and goats and fed any
hungry animals. He always did his own chores and even repaired his own
shoes. Everyone in town loved him. They called him Ameen (Trustworthy)
and Sadiq (Truthful).
The grand old man of Makkah, Abdul Muttalib died at the age of 82.
Muhammad (S) was about 8 years old at that time. A son of Abdul Muttalib,
Abu Talib raised Muhammad (S) from then on.
When the exalted Prophet was born, he was named Muhammad by his
celebrated grandfather. This was a very special name since no one ever
had this name before. People asked Abdul Muttalib, "Why a brand new
name?" He responded, "I want this child to be praiseworthy." Muhammad
means the praised one.
When Muhammad (S) was 12 years old his uncle Abu Talib, started taking
him with trade caravans to Syria. Makkah was an important business center
in those days. Camel and horse caravans frequented between Yemen,
Makkah, Madinah and Syria.
Even when the Ideal Prophet was very young, he had exceptional qualities.
He respected elders and was very kind to children. He realized that time
made up life, so he never wasted it. Rather, he was learning new skills
everyday. Later on he would remark, "One whose two successive days go
in an identical state has lost worthy opportunities." Unlike other
youngsters, he did not indulge in vain sport or talk. He would rather serve
the community day and night. There were no banks or safe deposits in
those days. People of Makkah deposited their valuables with the teenager
Muhammad because he was trustworthy. They knew him as a young man
of life upright. He shunned intoxicants, gambling, violence, and bad
When he was about 25 years old, Muhammad, the exalted, helped formulate
a very important document. He sat down with the influential leaders of the
town. Keeping in mind the insecurity of that society, they reached the
following conclusions:-
It is interesting to note that 1000 years later the United Kingdom adopted
this historical document. In the 16th century Britain, any person becoming
a knight had to pledge his allegiance to the above mentioned four rules.
[“Islamic Review” – Lord Allanson Headley]
During Muhammad's (S) youth, the Ka'bah was damaged by a flood. The
local chiefs helped repair it. Now, the 'sacred' black stone had to be placed
in its corner. Traditionally, this black stone is a meteorite. It had been used
as a mark for pilgrims to walk around the Ka'bah. Every tribe wanted the
honor of fixing it. Heated arguments took place and violence was about to
break out. Then one of the leaders suggested finding a judge to resolve the
matter. It was decided that whoever entered the Ka'bah first thing in the
morning would be the judge. The next morning, the first man to enter
happened to be none else but Muhammad (S). The leaders screamed with
joy, "Here is Ameen, here is Sadiq!" Muhammad (S) peacefully obviated a
sure bloody feud. He laid his shawl on the floor, placed the black stone in
the middle, and then he asked the chief of each tribe to hold the shawl at
and between each corner. They walked together to the assigned corner
thus. Muhammad (S) then lifted the black stone and placed it where it
belonged. A bloody and highly destructive battle had been avoided to the
joy of all.
Like other prophets, Muhammad, the exalted, was chosen by God. The time
was right. The place was perfect.
Human beings had advanced in learning through the ages, and civilizations
had developed with time. The earlier prophets were given messages for
their times and their nations. Then, humanity grew up enough to receive
the Final Message - The Final Word of God, for all, for all times. The time
was so right that it could not have been more suitable. The Message to the
Last Prophet could now be preserved, every word of it. This Word would
remain modern for all times. Books and writings could be easily saved on
parchment and widely published in the 7th century.
No place could be better than Makkah to receive the Last Word of God. The
city of Makkah was a center of trade caravans. It already had the widely
revered First Symbolic House of Monotheism. The Ka'bah had been built by
Prophet Ibrahim 2,500 years before. Being the loftiest and earliest Symbol
of True Monotheism, it is a constant reminder to people that all humankind
is One Community just as their Creator is One. The people of Makkah were
respected in Arabia because they took care of the Sacred House. Makkah in
the vast desert expanse was far removed from other civilizations. The
people of the town were rugged and shrewd since they had to survive in
very formidable natural and lawless environment. Very importantly, they
had never been ruled by foreign powers, and therefore, they had all the
qualities of a free nation. They were bold, strong and straightforward. They
always kept their word and would lay down their lives for it. If a tribe
violated the amnesty given to someone by the other, one shout could fetch
them to the battlefield. Dying in bed was a matter of shame for them while
giving life in battle was highly regarded.
Only a few people in Makkah knew how to read and write. So, they relied on
their memory for history and knowledge. Consequently, they had very
sharp memories. It appears that according to Divine Plan, they had been
grooming and perfecting their Arabic language making it fit to receive
Allah's Final Revelation. Poets, story-tellers, genealogists, and good
narrators enjoyed special distinction in the Arab society. Many of these
qualities made Makkah the best place in the world to receive the Final
We have briefly examined the good and the bad in Arabian society. Prophet
Muhammad (S) knew that his society needed a drastic change. He used to
do a lot of thinking about it never knowing until the Day of Revelation that
the Noble Task would be eventually assigned to him.
29:48 For, (O Prophet) you were never able to read a book or Scripture
before this (Qur’an), nor could you write anything with your own hand. Or
else, they who try to disprove the Truth might have some cause to doubt it.
Sometimes, he went out of the town to find solitude. Until this day, there
exists the Mountain of Light (Jabl-in-Noor), a few miles from Makkah. This
mountain has a little cave called Hira. It is about 12 feet long and 6 feet
wide. The Prophet (S) used to spend an occasional day there, contemplated
and prayed for guidance. He would then come back to town, and continue
business as usual. He helped his community more than ever. The Qur’an
keeps the legend in proper perspective by stating that Allah found him
searching for Guidance and He granted it.
93:7 And He found you looking for guidance, and showed you the way.
It can be stated without exaggeration that April 16th, 610 CE was the most
significant day in all human history. He was still under 40 on that epoch
making day of 25th Ramadhan, April 16th, 610 CE. On this day, the unseen
Angel Gabriel came to the Prophet with the first Message from Allah. As
soon as he shared his experience with his noble wife, Khadijah, she
immediately accepted the Revelation. She said from her heart, "You are
loyal to your family, truthful and trustworthy. You always help the poor and
needy, take care of the widows and orphans, are hospitable to your guest
and comfort the grieved. Allah will never let you be unsuccessful."
It is worth noting here that, contrary to popular reports, the Qur’an was
revealed to the exalted Prophet in the exact order as we see it today. The
entire Book was, so to speak, down-loaded on his heart but came to his
tongue and was conveyed to people in stages over a period of 22 plus
years. It was written down by honored scribes on well-scored parchment
complete with vowels and punctuation. All reports that a particular Surah
(Chapter) or verse was revealed as demanded by a certain situation
(Shaan-e-Nuzool) are totally false. All claims that the Book was arranged in
the currently available order by the Prophet (S) are unsupported by the
internal evidence. It was revealed in the arranged form by Allah. That is
why a discerning mind can notice a perfect sequence not only between
verses but also in the Surahs. Similar is the situation with conspiracies that
the Qur’an was initially written on stones, waste leather, bones, tree-barks
and leaves, and that it was compiled by the third Caliph, Hazrat Uthman.
The Qur’an was indeed very much present, written on parchment and in
book form right in the lifetime of the exalted Prophet. The Qur’an states,
"Zaalik-al-Kitaab" (This is the Book), in the very beginning.
2:174 Those who conceal the Book of God, and barter it away for a
trifling gain, they eat into their bellies nothing but fire. God will not
even address them on the Day of Resurrection, nor will He make
their own ‘self’ grow. Theirs will be an awful suffering.
[Those who conceal the Book = The ones who start making their own
lists of the lawful and unlawful, and thus, usurp the Divine Right of
law-making. Also note that this verse clearly mentions the ongoing
growth and evolution of the ‘self’ in the Hereafter. Tazkiah from Zaku
= Growth = Purity from vice = Development of the ‘self’ = Self-
2:175 It is those who take error in exchange for guidance, and torment in
exchange for the protection of forgiveness. How steadfast are they in their
pursuit of the fire!
2:176 This is so, because God has revealed the Book in absolute truth. And
those who seek disputes in the Book, are in open schism and vehemently
oppose each other.
[4:82, 25:30. Shaqq and derivatives = To split = Fall apart = Schism = Fall
into disputes = Opposition = Oppose one another = Splitting of personality
= Break apart the unity = Enmity]
4:82 Will they not then, try to understand this Qur’an? If it were from other
than God they would have found in it much contradiction and
The Book has more than 6000 verses on extremely diverse subjects such
as history, commands, laws, science, the future, personalities, humanity,
the universe, psychology, animate and inanimate objects, bad and good
societies, good and evil, human behavior, pragmatism (do this and this will
happen - always), oceans and land, planets, rocks, trees, origin of life,
evolution, water-cycle, animals, guidance, the permanent laws of rise and
fall of nations, life and death, the Hereafter, the law of recompense,
success vs failure, and much more. Yet, we find not a single error or
contradiction in the Qur'an as it claims. I tried very hard to find just one
error or contradiction but failed. And I read the Book closely at least 25
Those who know the Quranic Arabic, marvel at the Book for its style,
eloquence, choice of words, the beautiful rhythm and the noble guidance
practicable for all times. It is the only text that is neither prose nor poetry,
sounds an impossible proposition but true it is.
10:38 Or, do they say, “He has invented it”? Tell them, "Bring one Surah
like this and call for help everyone you can besides God, if you are
truthful.” [2:23, 11:13. One chapter like this in beauty, eloquence and
wisdom - And “besides God” would mean, without copying phrases and
sentences from the Qur’an]
way from your mind to your heart. And you will soon notice, as you
proceed, that this Scripture leaves no lingering doubts in a sincere,
seeking heart. If you remember that this is a Book of Guidance, and hence,
consult with it as such, the glittering reality will dawn upon you that this is
a Beacon of Light! It is a Guide for all those who wish to journey through
life in true honor and security. [Recorded on parchment by honorable
scribes appointed by the Messenger - The Almighty Himself guarantees the
Truth of this Revelation, its explanation and its preservation. And you will
find it free of contradictions. ‘Al-Qur’an’ = The Lecture or Monograph that
finds its own way to sincere hearts, becoming ‘Az-Zikr’ = The Reminder.
4:82, 10:37, 15:9, 29:48-49, 32:2, 52:2-3, 75:17-19, 80:13-16]
This meant that in the Muslim Empire, the life, honor and property of all
citizens would be safe. It promised peace and rule of law in the society
beginning with discipline in the hearts. The exalted Prophet achieved this
lofty mission in his lifetime! Sall-Allahu-'Alaiyhe-Wasallam
Family and friends know us best. The first ones to accept the message
were his family and friends:-
Others to soon follow suit were: Hazraat Uthman bin Affan, Zubair bin
Awam, Abdur Rahman bin Awf, Sa'd bin Abi Waqas, Talha bin Ubaidullah,
Abu Ubaida bin Jarrah, Abu Salma, Arqam Mahzoomi, Ubaida bin Harith,
Sa'eed bin Zayd along with his wife Fatima bint Khattab.
In Makkah there were men of great power and wealth. An average leader
had about 7 wives, 10 concubines and 15 slaves. On the average, there
were five slaves to one free man.
The Makkan leadership and people under their control vehemently opposed
the exalted Prophet. It is easily conceivable why they opposed him. Well,
he proclaimed strict Monotheism dismissing their pagan gods. But for the
highly intelligent leaders, there was another much bigger consequential
reason as well that struck at their vested interests. He taught that just as
God is One, humans are one. Every human being is born honorable (Laqad
Karramna Bani Adam). Honor is a birthright of every person regardless of
any man-made distinctions, and thus all men and women are equal. The
only criterion of superiority would be one's conduct. Color, job, lineage,
ethnicity, national affiliations, wealth, power, family and tribe would impart
distinction to none. There is no master and no slave. The only True Master
is Allah, the One True God.
Among the enemy leaders, the most prominent were: Abu Lahab (the
Prophet's paternal uncle who was the chief priest of Ka'bah), Abu Lahab's
wife Umm Jamil, Abu Sufiyan, Umar bin Hasham (Abu Jahl), Umayya bin
Khalaf, Waleed bin Mugheera, Atbah bin Rabee', Suhail bin Umro, Aqaba
bin Mu'eet and Aas bin Waael. People like these tried their best to block the
Noble Mission. They threatened the Prophet, mocked him, and severely
persecuted him and his companions in every possible way.
The leaders of Makkah contrived a plan. They went to Muhammad (S) and
said, "O Muhammad! We will accept you as the King of Arabia. We will
grant you all the wealth you desire. We will find the most charming,
honorable, and beautiful queen for you. Just stop conveying your message
to people." But, the exalted Prophet knew the Way of Life that makes
everyone feel like a king or queen. He said, "No, thank you!" to them. He
was conveying the Message of God following His Command. So, how could
he stop!
Leaders of the tribes now decided on another tactic. They went to the
Prophet's uncle, Abu Talib, with threats. The old man feared that the
powerful leaders might harm his beloved nephew. The exalted Prophet
responded, "My dear uncle! Even if they place the sun on my right hand
and the moon on my left hand, I will not give up my Mission. By Allah!
Either I will succeed or lose my life in pursuing my Mission." Abu Talib got
struck with his determination and promised undaunting support.
One day, the exalted Prophet climbed Mount Safa and called people. When
they assembled, he asked, "My dear fellows, I am standing on the peak of
this mountain. If I tell you that an army is on the way to attack you, will you
believe me?" The people replied, "Of course, you are truthful and
trustworthy." The Prophet (S) then said, "You know (from where I am
standing) I can see what you don't. Similarly, by the Revelation of Allah I
see what you do not - The Way of Life that can grant you Paradise in this
life and in the next." Upon the instigation of Abu Lahab, people dispersed
Madinah is a town about 210 miles north of Makkah on the western coast of
today's Saudi Arabia. The Prophet (S) had advised some Makkans to
migrate to Ethiopia (615 CE) and later to Madinah. Ethiopia's Christian King
Negus (Najashi) was a kind-hearted man. He saw the common grounds,
sheltered Muslims and soon embraced Islam. During the past 12 plus
years, some people of Madinah also had embraced Islam. The Muslims of
Madinah had been inviting the exalted Prophet to move to their town. It was
in the year 622 CE when Muhammad (S) made his move to Madinah. This
was the most influential migration in history since it was to change the
future of humanity. Traveling 210 miles on camel back usually took about 2
weeks. The exalted Prophet rode to Madinah on camel back with Hazrat
Abu Bakr as his companion. The people of Madinah welcomed the Prophet
with great joy. Men, women and children all were extremely delighted. The
Day of Hijrah or Migration marks the beginning of the lunar (Islamic)
calendar. The exalted Prophet brought peace to Madinah. He ended tribal
warfare and signed peace treaties with the local tribes, the Jews and other
groups. The previous name of this blessed township was Yathrib. From
this point on, it came to be known as Madinah-tun-Nabi (Town of the
It must be noted that all battles during the lifetime of the exalted Prophet
took place within a radius of 80 miles of Madinah. Makkah, the center of the
arch-enemies was 210 miles away. This fact proves beyond doubt that they
were fought in self-defense. Ghazwah Hunain is the only exception in that it
was fought in the Valley of Hunain between Taaif and Makkah (Feb 630).
The peaceful Muslims were attacked by opponents when the Prophet (S)
and the Sahaba Kiraam were returning from the conquest of Makkah.
which he did not personally participate) the total loss of life was minimal
with 259 Muslims and 759 opponents getting slain, a total of 1,018. Not a
single non-combatant was killed or harmed in these 82 battles.
Much detail, usually irrational, can be found in history books about these
battles. Please recall Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal's confession: "Three kinds
of books are absolutely unfounded, Maghazi, Malaham and Tafseer"
(Battles in which the exalted Prophet was present, Squirmishes and
Expositions of the Qur’an). The above well-researched paragraph on the
Battles sums up the basics. Any reports contradicting these basics have
been found to be non-Qur’anic and, therefore, fabricated. We can save
much valuable time here by briefly describing only some of these important
Apparently a minor event, the Battle of Badr, turned the tide of human
history for all times to come. It was the second year after Hijrah (2 AH = 624
CE). The pagans in Makkah knew that Islam was conquering hearts and
minds in the state of Madinah. They were afraid that the revolution would
eventually reach them, so, they decided to nip it in the bud and came to
attack Madinah with over 1,000 well-equipped warriors aided by plenty of
cavalry of horses and camels. The exalted Prophet decided to meet them at
a small oasis, Al-Badr, 80 miles southwest of Madinah. The mere 313 poorly
equipped Muslims included the old and the young, most of them being foot
soldiers. The "soldiers" were in fact civilians and their armoury was scant
and clumsy. Within a few hours, the weak and out-numbered Muslims
stunned the mighty enemy and won the battle decisively. Most of the
powerful leaders of Makkah were slain. Muslims treated the captives with
great care and kindness. They were fed and dressed better than the victors.
Many of them accepted Islam. The rest were very soon set free to go back
to their hometown.
Shortly after Badr, the people of Makkah raided Madinah with a much
bigger army of 3,000 in 626 CE. The Battle took place just outside Madinah.
Uhud, still standing, is the name of the famous mountain where the two
forces met. The Muslims were greatly outnumbered, only 700, and under-
equipped. Yet they were about to achieve another swift victory. Seeing this,
50 archers left their positions rather prematurely and there was a
temporary setback for Muslims when the fleeing Makkans returned and
counter-attacked. Finally, with nearly equal amount of casualties on both
sides, the Makkans turned back.
In 627 CE, the Quraysh Tribe of Makkah amassed 24,000 strong troops.
This force included Jews and several tribes and clans from Madinah and
suburbs, the groups that had broken peace treaties with Muslims. After due
consultation with his companions, the Prophet (S) decided to meet the
enemy outside of the town. Women that were unfit for combat were
secured in a guarded fort along with children. While the enemy laid siege
around the Muslim army of about 2,000 for 25 days, the Muslims remained
vigilant and resorted to patient waiting. The sandstorm season was fast
approaching and soon the weather became very hostile with storm winds
uprooting the enemy tents and overturning their utensils, water tanks and
fire-places. The enemy got demoralized, packed up their tents, lifted the
seige and turned back. The traitors of Madinah and the tribes around who
had violated the peace treaties were exiled. Madinah was never again
In the 6th year of Hijrah (June 628 CE), a truce was signed between the
Muslims of Madinah and the non-believers of Makkah. This truce was called
the Treaty of Hudaibiyah. Although the treaty, in detail, was apparently
unfavorable for the Muslims, the exalted Prophet accepted it. This truce
proved to be a blessing for Muslims and Islam. The people of Makkah and
Madinah started meeting freely. Everyone could see and experience the
truth and beauty of Islam established as a System of Life. More and more
people kept embracing Islam.
The Magians of Persia and Christians of Byzantium (the Eastern Roman
Empire) were oppressed by their rulers. They constantly requested the
blessed State of Madinah to help liberate them. The Qur’an says that
Muhammad, the exalted is "A Mercy for the Worlds." Therefore, his
message is for all times and all people. Seizing advantage of the relative
peace, the Prophet (S) invited kings and rulers of that time to accept Islam.
He sent special ambassadors with brief yet effective letters.
Kisra, (Khusro Parwaiz) the Magian King of Persia, was the most powerful
emperor of the time. He became enraged and tore the sacred invitation
apart. The letter from the Prophet contained a touchy quotation, "Mend
your ways of tyranny. Learn about Islamic justice before the plight of your
own people befalls you." The Prophet, with his God-given insight, predicted
that Khusro's Empire would tear apart just as he tore apart the letter. Soon,
the prediction came to pass as we shall see in a chapter to follow.
Muqooqus, the pagan ruler of Egypt, received the Islamic ambassador with
great hospitality. He went into deep thought and deferred his decision. The
reports of his sending two concubines to the exalted Prophet are obviously
fabricated. Everyone knew that he was emancipating slaves in the State of
Among those Makkans, there were people who had driven Muhammad (S)
and his family and companions out of their homes. There were those who
had looted their property and killed many Muslims. They had severely
persecuted the Prophet and Muslim men and women. They had tried their
utmost to destroy Islam and Muslims. Yet the merciful Prophet tells them,
"This day there is no blame on you. You are free to go about." All of human
history will fail to cite one example of clemency like this.
In a few days, the Muslims led by Muhammad (S), returned to Madinah. The
unexpected Battle of Hunayn on the way back has been mentioned earlier.
However, in the following few months most of the tribes, clans, and people
in the Arabian Peninsula had embraced Islam. Since "No Compulsion in
Religion" is the Law, most of the Jews, Christians and some Idolaters stuck
to their old ways. The State of Madinah became a peaceful pluralistic
society with a beautiful example of unity in diversity. A young beautiful
woman laden in jewelry could travel anywhere in the State and she had no
fear but the fear of Allah. The Lord's Kingdom had been established on
earth for the first time ever.
In the year 632 CE (tenth year of Hijrah), the exalted Prophet came back to
Makkah for the Final Pilgrimage. People had kept joinining the Noble
Caravan on its way to Makkah and there was a congregation of 140,000
people whom the Prophet (S) addressed from a mountaintop:
Remember, your blood (life), your property and your honor is sacred unto
each other. Very soon you will have to explain your actions before Allah.
Treat those under your care equitably. Be kind to your servants. Feed them
what you eat and clothe them as you clothe.
This day, the ways of the Jahiliyyah (the Age of Ignorance) are trampled
under my feet. All bloodshed of the Jahiliyyah is declared null and void.
This day, I revoke all previous warfare, contention, bloodshed, and chain
revenge. I am the first one to forgive the murder committed against my
family, that of Rabee'ah bin Harith.
All usury (interest on money) of Jahiliyyah is null and void from this day
on. First of all, I revoke the interest owed to my family on behalf of my
uncle Abbas bin Muttalib.
Just as you honor this month, this day and this place, likewise your blood
and property is inviolable unto one another. All believers are brothers and
sisters unto another. Nothing from a believer is permissible unto another
unless it is given with cheerful consent.
O People! I am leaving behind one thing among you. If you hold it fast, you
will never go astray. What is that thing? - The Book of Allah.
O Mankind! No prophet will come after me. And there is no Ummah (an
Ideology-based Community) after you.
It is incumbent upon you to convey this Message of mine unto those who
are not present here. Allah will ask you about me on the Day of
Resurrection. Tell me, what you will say. The noble companions and the
congregation repeating after a Sahabi's voice proclaimed, "We witness that
you have conveyed the Message of Allah and fulfilled your Trust."
On hearing this, the Prophet (S) raised his hands and said, "O Allah! Be
witness. O Allah! Be witness. O Allah! Be witness."
At this point, Allah revealed again part of a verse to the exalted Prophet, 5:3
----- This Day I have perfected your DEEN for you, completed My favor upon
you, and chosen for you Al-Islam as the System of Life. ----.
There are three versions from the Last Sermon of the exalted Prophet.
(Three versions of one sentence in the Sermon.)
01). I leave with you the Qur’an and my Sunnah. Muwatta, 46/3
02). I leave with you the Qur’an and Ahl al-bayt. Muslim 44/4, Number
2408; Ibn Hanbal 04/366; Darimi 23/1, Number 3319.
03). I leave for you the Qur’an alone, you shall uphold it. Muslim 15/19,
Number 1218; Ibn Majah 25/84, Abu Dawud 11/56.
So... Qur’an & Ahl ul Bayt 1 out of 3. Qur’an & Sunnah 1 out of 3. Qur’an 3
out of 3. That should speak to the issue. But will it?
The Prophet (S) returned home to Madinah. Only a few months later, he
breathed his last, in peace. Chest pain and high fever in his last few days
point to possible Pneumonia as the terminal illness. He had nominated
Abu Bakr r. a. as his successor and the Caliph would get the vote of
confidence from the masses.
Thus, we become the lesser companions. When we live according to His
Laws, we figuratively join hands with Him, thereby creating Paradise on the
earth and inheriting it in the Hereafter.
Physically yes, but his Noble Mission is marching on. In this sense, he is
living. The Qur’an foretells more than once that its Noble Message will
prevail over all religion and ways of life. Just as the Creator is One,
mankind is One Community.
The first ever Islamic State had been established during the Prophet's (S)
lifetime on greater than one million sq. miles of land. The Ideological State
maintained that no human has the right to rule over another human.
12:40 " All ruling belongs to Allah alone. He has commanded that you
serve none but Him. That is the Right Way of Life but most people
know not."
Since Allah does not walk in our midst, His obedience will mean obeying
His Laws enshrined in the Qur’an. This is the only way total freedom can be
18:26 "They have no guardian apart from Him and He allots no one a share
in His Rule."
During the blessed life of the Prophet, following were, then, the basic
principles of the government.
Anyone could propose names for the office-bearers who must accept the
nomination freely. They had to get a vote of confidence (allegiance) from
the people of their respective townships. Candidacy, self-promotion or
coveting an office would automatically debar an individual from
government service. One possessing special skills that are unknown to
public might propose one's own name. So, there was no such thing as
campaigning for elections.
4:59 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Obey Allah and obey
the Messenger (the Central Authority of the Divine System) and those
whom the System has appointed as office-bearers. If you have a dispute
concerning any matter, refer it to the Central Authority. If you truly believe
in Allah and the Last Day this is the best approach for you, and more
seemly in the end.
42:38 And who respond to their Lord, and establish the Divine System and
who conduct their affairs by mutual consultation. ----.
05. Rule of Law. All people in the State were equal and had equal rights.
06. The Right to Trial. Everyone considered innocent unless proven
07. Protection against external threat or attack.
08. Economic Justice and Equity.
09. All slaves were emancipated since the only Master is Allah.
10. Very shortly, the following seven basic needs were guaranteed by
State to all citizens: Food - Shelter - Clothing - Employment - Tools -
Transportation to and back from work - Free Medical Care.
The State of Madinah during the Prophet's (S) life encompassed the entire
Arabian Peninsula with its capital as Madinah. There were seven provinces
each managed by a governor (Waali) nominated by the federation and
accepted by the local population through the system of allegiance. Any
dissension was addressed according to 4:59 quoted above. The exalted
Prophet was the Head of the State, Commander-in-Chief and Chief Justice
of the Supreme Court. Each province had its local governor who was also
the commander of the forces. The governor would nominate officials and
judges in consultation with the local Shura. The potential office-bearers
would, in turn, seek vote of confidence.
Nothing that was allowed for men was forbidden for women. However, they
did have an extraordinary advantage. Working a job or doing business was
entirely their choice. The bread-winners for the family had to be men.
4:34 Men are the protectors and maintainers of women. They shall take full
care of women with what they spend of their wealth. Allah has made men to
excel in some areas and women to excel in some areas. Men must see to it
that women are provided for, and that they are able to stand on their feet in
the society.
2:219 --- And they ask you what they should give. Say, "All that is surplus."
Contrary to popular reports, there was no Zakaat tax or Jizyah tax in the
State of Madinah. The truly Islamic government gives Zakaat and does not
receive it from her people. Other than the product of labor and the produce
of land, the only other means of income was the compensation of war from
the agrresors.
22:41 Those who, if We give them power in the land, establish Salaat - the
Divine System - set up the Just Economic Order of Zakaat (in which wealth
circulates freely to nourish every member of the society, and the basic
needs of all individuals are taken care of). Their rule ensures that the Divine
Moral Values are promoted, and what the Qur’an forbids, is discouraged.
And in their governance all affairs are decided according to Allah's decrees
(in the Qur’an 5:44).
One thing that instantly facilitated efficient governance in the Islamic State
was a wide network of Masjids serving as government centers. From the
very first year of Hijrah, Muslims had been building mosques in their
localities. The Federal, provincial and township governments oversaw that
mosques were built in proper locations in every neighborhood.
One call from the Muazzin (caller of Azaan), "As-Salaatil Jami'ah" used to
be sufficient to assemble men and women to the Masjid. Citizens knew that
they were being called for important business. There was no clergy or
"Imams" to run and manage these Masjids or conduct congregations.
Before the proceedings started, men and women would make Wudhu and
pray together only one unit, standing, similar to today’s funeral prayer. The
government official of each area was the leader of the area mosque. He led
the congregation and recited Surah Fatiha alone. Wudhu and one unit
standing prayer were intended to mentally prepare everyone for the noble
task ahead.
RUKOO’ (Bowing on the knees) was understood allegorically as bowing
before the commands of Allah.
Recall that all creation knows their Salaat and Tasbeeh. How would the
heavens and earth, mountains, animals, birds, fish and trees physically
bow and prostrate! Therefore Salaat cannot mean Namaaz or ritual prayers.
The Masjid was not a temple of worship. It was the School, the Assembly,
the Municipality, the Parliament and the Government House. The respective
leader would discuss real issues about the community, entertain
questions, present bills, announce decisions of the Shura (Counsel) and
the Assembly would legislate. People came up with their ideas for
betterment of the society and devised plans for social welfare. Every citizen
remained informed of the condition of the needy, the orphans, the sick, the
disabled, the widows and about the condition of the State affairs. People
brought up news of any socio-economic problems facing any families and
they were immediately addressed.
Masjid was also the place where the leaders and officials were elected,
ambassadors received, and defense matters decided. What a convenient
and ready-made infrastructure for the government and public!
Later on, a Hadith was invented that it was Haraam to discuss "wordly
matters" in the mosque. Alas! With this single stroke of pen, by the third
century Hijrah, the Masjid had been reduced to what we see today, a temple
of worship with empty rituals.
We have carefully and briefly presented only a few salient but well-
researched features of the exalted Prophet's lifetime.
Khilaafat-e-Raashida (The Rightly Guided Caliphate) is the usual name
given to the rule of the first four successors of the exalted Prophet, Hazraat
Abu Bakr ibn Abu Qahafa, Umar bin Khattab, Uthman bin 'Affan, and Ali ibn
Abi Talib. But in the same breath, our historians begin to malign and
dishonor the Sahaba Kiraam in blind following of "Imam" Tabari and in
frank violation of the Qur’an. Their pens become more and more poisonous
with the fifth Caliph, Hazrat Mu'awiya. The Qur’an extols all Sahaba Kiraam
in superlative terms, as we shall see in the coming pages.
Hazrat Abu Bakr was the Khalifa (Caliph) between 632-634, Hazrat Umar
634-644, Hazrat Uthman 644-656, Hazrat Ali 656 to 661, Hazrat Mu'awiyah
661-680 CE. Much of the important accounts of their times will be found in
the Story of Karbala that follows next.
[The author has benefited from numerous ancient and modern books in
writing the first ten chapters. The brief chapters have required an incredible
amount of sifting the truth from falsehood. Some of the sources are named
here with gratitude to their authors. Seeratun Nabi, Farooq Azam, Allama
Shibli Na'amani. Ralmatallil 'Aalameen, Qazi Sulaiman Mansoorpuri.
"Mother of All Histories", Tareekh Umam Wal-Mulook, Imam Jareer bin
Rustam Tabari. Biography of the Prophet by Ibn Hisham. Tareekh Ibn Athir.
Muslim History, Dr. Akram Zahoor, D.Sc. Tareekhil Ummat, Allama Aslam
Jairajpuri. Tazkarah, Hadith-il-Qur’an, Maulvi Ka Ghalat Mazhab, Allama
Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi. Shahkar-e-Risaalat, Me'raaj-e-Insaaniat,
Allama G.A. Perwez. Tareekh-e-Islam, Dr. Hameeduddin. Sahah Sittah (The
Six Right Ones on Hadith). Tibbe Nabawi, Imam Ibnil Qayyam, Masnad,
Ahmad bin Hanbal, Hujjatullahil Baaligha, Shah Waliullah. Kimyae Sa'adat,
Ehyaul 'Uloom, Imam Abu Hamid Ghazali. Muzakkarah, Hur bin Abdur
Rahman, Meezanul Faris, Hujjatullah A.Q. Moosvi. Fitnatul Kubra, Taha
Husain, Ajaaib-it-Tareekh, Yaqoot Hamdi, Kitab Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna
Muhammad, Abdul Jabbar Fatimi, Tasweer Ka Doosra Rukh, Intizar-e-
Mahdi-o-Maseeh, Muhaddithul Asr Allama Tamanna Imadi. Mazhabi
Dastanain Aur Unki Haqeeqat, Allama Habibur Rahman Kandhalvi, Tarikh-e-
Islam, Dr. Abdul Hameed, Professor of Harvard University, Sham-e-
Haqeeqat, Qazi Muhammad Ali, Hundred Great Muslims, K.J. Ahmad]
The Umayyad Caliphate was overthrown in 134 AH (661- 750 CE) and the
Abbasid Dynasty ruled between (750-1258 CE)
1. Despotism: At the time of the advent of Islam in 610 CE, kings and
tyrants were ruling countries, nations and tribes. There was no idea of
human liberty and rule of law, no concept of people having any say in the
government. Islam's was the first voice against that universal exploitation
of the masses.
Now look at the recent history. Isn't the world moving away from
despotism, kingdoms and autocracies?
It may not be out of place to mention here that mutual counsel in today's
democracies will soon take one more vital step; all legislation would take
place in the Light of Divine Guidance. Whichever country takes that vital
step will formulate a truly Islamic government and become a model state
for the rest of the world. Other nations will follow suit. This is no utopia.
Please see the conviction in Al-Qur’an 2:213, 9:32-33, 10:19.
3. Human worship: The exalted Messenger broke the idols of personalities.
The greatest man who ever walked this earth kept repeating,
“I am the son of an ordinary Quraishi woman who used to (save and) eat
dry meat.”
Further, Muhammad (S) said, "One who loves people to keep standing
before him, should seek his abode in hellfire."
We observe that since the exalted Messenger's advent human worship has
been dwindling throughout the world. (Ironically again, today it is mostly
Muslims who are prostrating before religious people, before their
ancestors' graves or humbling themselves in front of those in power and
Now let us think. Is not the world moving away from racism? At least open
expression of racial bias has become condemnable in most parts of the
5. Human Rights: Here I suggest that the reader examine three most
celebrated documents on human rights:
- The British Magna Carta
- The American Constitution
- The United Nations Charter of Human Rights.
Then study only the brief "Farewell Sermon" of Messenger Muhammad, the
exalted, and compare. The intelligently written human documents seem to
fade away and pale in comparison to just one sermon of Muhammad (S)!
Please see Robert Briffault's quote at the beginning of this chapter.
Haven't human rights become a vital issue at the international scene? True,
the world including Muslims have to go a long way. But, Islam is on the
march. The Qur’an had declared in the 7th century, "Now, indeed, We have
conferred dignity on all children of Adam (as their birth-right)." (17:70)
History stands witness to the blessings of the Qur’anic Way of Life. In the
truly Qur’anic era of Islam, the (emancipated) black slave of Ethiopia, Bilal,
the poor laborer of Rome, Suhaib, and the lonely wanderer of Persia,
Salman, were equal to, and had the same rights as, the most powerful man
of the time. Umar Farooq the Great (RA) the second Caliph of Islam used to
address Bilal, "O My master!" He requested that Suhaib lead the Caliph's
funeral. And the exalted Messenger had himself honored Salman by calling
him a member of his own household.
A brief resume of human rights given in the Qur’an will now be given.
These points also reflect the Moral Code of Islam.
6. The Caste System: The exalted Messenger declared and established
human brotherhood and equality by personal example. He belonged to the
noblest of tribes and families. Yet, he humbly repeated "I am a human just
like you." He further advised his closest family members that being a
relative of Muhammad will be of no avail to them. Last, he established that
the only criterion of superiority among men and women is their conduct.
Color, creed, family, gender, wealth would not impart honor to any
Now which way is the world moving? India, which has been the chief
cradle of the detestable caste system, is trying to get rid of this curse of
humanity. The Untouchables are being called “Harijan”, ‘the bearers of
Divine Spirit’. And India is just one example. Remember what happened to
apartheid in South Africa?
The Qur’an announced that Allah is the only Knower of the Unseen (72:26).
There is no medium between man and God because He is “closer to him
than the Vena Cava" (50:16). Now we see that humanity has been gaining
freedom from priesthood the world over. (Ironically once again, Muslims,
not currently heeding the Qur’an, are lagging behind even in this arena.)
9. Womens' Rights: In the times when the woman was considered the
property of the man and was treated worse than slaves; when "Eve" and
"evil" were thought to be synonymous and woman was a "shameful load of
sin", when she spent her life in bondage first to her father, then to her
brothers and eventually to her husband; when Christian conferences were
discussing questions such as
- Does the woman have a soul?
- Is she human?
- Will she be resurrected?
The Qur’an thundered that Allah has created people males and females.
"Women have rights unto you as you have rights unto them." (2:187)
"Every person will be rewarded according to one's actions; male or
female." (4:32)
And the "Mercy for the Worlds" Muhammad, the exalted taught:
"The best among you is the one who is best to his wife."
On the other hand, Michael Hart notes that the New Testament still
teaches: "Let the woman learn in silence . . . She is to keep silent . . .
Adam was not deceived but the woman was deceived and became a
transgressor. Yet woman will be saved through bearing children (Timothy
2:11-15). "The head of every man is Christ, the head of a woman is her
husband . . . for if a woman will not veil herself then she should have her
head shaved . . . woman [was created] for man" (Corinthians 11:3-10).
Now, look back with an open mind. Which way has the mankind moved in
the last 1400 years? Surely, Islam is on the march! It may also be of
interest to note here that in the USA women gained the right to vote in
1920. When did Muslim women attain it? In the 7th century!
10. Science: While Europe was struggling through the Dark Ages, Muslims
were performing scientific miracles under the Qur’anic teaching that
natural laws had been made subservient to man. (This topic of the Qur’an
and Science will be further discussed in a later chapter). Here is an
example of the scientific guidance in the Qur’an: Until recently, the sun was
thought to be stationary in the center of the solar system. The Qur’an had,
however, revealed 1400 years ago, "The sun is moving along toward its
appointed destination."(36:38) The great Russian philosopher, astronomer
and scientist, P.D. Ouspensky, maintained that any science that
contradicted the Qur’an would turn out to be false. Then, during
Ouspensky's lifetime, it was discovered that the sun is moving toward a
specific destination at 12 miles per second i.e. 43,200 miles per hour! This
destination has even been assigned names, the Solar Apex, the
Constellation of Hercules. Guess what Ouspensky did! He embraced Islam.
“Roger Bacon owed his illumination to the Muslim Moors of Spain. The
great figures of European Renaissance could see further because they
stood on the shoulders of the giants of the Muslim world. -- Those
achievements represent what the Muslim world has been in the past. They
also point to what it could become in the future.” (Richard Nixon - Nixon's
Ten Commandments)
11. Nationalism: Arnold Toynbee in his 1952 work, The World and the West,
called nationalism a form idol worship. In his writing and lectures he
repeatedly urged the world leadership to break this idol. After all, who is
unaware of the devastation caused to our planet by the World Wars I and II.
Nationalism was the obvious root cause of this massive trauma to
Years before Toynbee, Sir Iqbal, on the authority of the Qur’an, called
nationalism "the modern idol which the humanity has sculpted". The
Qur’an ordained all mankind to be one nation and declared that all
believers in the Final Revelation, regardless of where and when they live,
are tied in the sacred bond of brotherhood and sisterhood (49:10). That
announcement left no room for manmade geographical boundaries.
17:36 And you shall not follow blindly any information of which you have
no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception)
you must verify it for yourself. In the Court of your Lord, you will be held
accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning.
“The Renaissance of Europe did not take place in the 15th century. Rather
it began when Europe learned from the culture of the Arabs. The cradle of
European awakening is not Italy. It is the Muslim Spain.” (Robert Briffault,
The Making of Humanity)
For the sake of brevity, our list has been kept very incomplete.
Nothing tells us better than this most famous story about how and why our
historians have played with the true history and distorted Islam beyond
recognition. The reader will become well-acquainted with the joint tactics of
the so-called "Imams" of history and Hadith coupled with the ruling elite.
The research-oriented reader may examine the conspiracies of the
conspirators in their own writings. Plenty of references will be given to that
effect. My comments will be given within brackets [ ]
Earnestly needs the world that true Mahdi
Quakes whose vision the realm of thought!
- Allama Iqbal
any more. The exalted Muhammad (570-632 CE) was the last apostle-
prophet-messenger of God. He passed on after establishing a model State
and delivering to all mankind the Supreme and Final Divine Message."
- The Istanbul address of 1889, The Weekly Caliphate Center
Besides being a dynamic orator, the late Afghani was a man of action. The
19th century, Sudan was under occupation by the British imperialism but a
great patriot, Muhammad Ahmad, was carrying the banner of freedom. The
greatest hindrance in his way was the rampant belief among the masses
that the revival of Muslims was not possible unless the mythical "Imam"
Mahdi appeared on the world scene.
Continuing his sermon, Jamaluddin Afghani said, "Folks! Your Mahdi has
arrived. He is no other than Muhammad Ahmad standing by my side! His
supernatural power is that he is a man of resolve, character and action.
Strengthen his hands and he will give you freedom!" No sooner than the
sermon was over did the Jami'a Masjid vibrated with chants of "Mahdi
Sudani, Mahdi Sudani!" The congregation right away acknowledged the
virtuous Muhammad Ahmad, as their leader and commander. Men from
Khartoum and suburbs rallied around Muhammad Ahmad.
On behalf of the British, the Muslim clergy in Sudan and Egypt piled up
religious verdicts (Fatawa) - That Ahmad was not from the progeny of
Prophet Muhammad; he had neither emerged from the Cave of Samera nor
did he proclaim himself in the Ka'ba. How could he be the Mahdi? Indeed,
he was an apostate! Fortunately, in those days, the Grand Mufti of Egypt
was a very enlightened man, Sheikh Muhammad Abde-Rabbuhu, popularly
known as Sheikh 'Abduh (1849-1905). He was an ardent student of the great
Syed Afghani. The Grand Mufti annulled all edicts by the clergy.
Watch the descent of God on the tower of your heart
Rid now yourself of the wait for Mahdi and Jesus!
- Allama Iqbal
Soon, the Sudanese masses that had been afflicted with the Mullah
orthodoxy (just as the Muslims everywhere are today) sprung back to life.
The Mahdi of Sudan declared, "While Mullahs wait in their homes for the
Mahdi and Messiah, and Sufis wait in their shrines, I have picked up the
banner of freedom. I am the Mahdi of the times!"
During 1881 and 1885, this great freedom fighter and his comrades routed
the British and captured Khartoum, the capital of Sudan. At lightning speed
did they achieve liberty! Years later, the British Lord Kitchener went to
Sudan, exhumed Muhammad Ahmad's remains and burned them! Such
was the legacy of the Mahdi of Sudan! Was he not a true Mahdi, leader,
commander and guide? Incidentally, the powerful British official, Lord
Kitchner got drowned in a shipwreck. Rumor came by that he had survived
but Allama Iqbal dispelled the rumor with humor, "Yea, he might have come
back as fish liver oil."
(PART- 02)
Ah! Mahdi Sudani - such are the true Mahdis. No cobwebs of myths or
superstition surround them. They rise from the arena of real life and fulfill
their mission for all to see and then face their Creator with flying colors.
Contrast this with how irrationally Mahdi is characterized in religious
mythology. The tale begins mysteriously. I have picked only a few
specimens and have simplified the account to a great extent.
All excerpts in this chapter have been taken from an authoritative, widely
acclaimed and esteemed Shi'a book titled Ahsanul Maqal (The Best of
Expressions.) The compiler of the book is “The Most Veracious Reporter of
Traditions, Hazrat ‘Maulana’ Sheikh Abbas of Qum". The translator is
Honorable ‘Maulana’ Syed Safdar Husain Najafi.
1. "I am Lady Maleka, daughter of the son of Kaiser, the King of Rome. My
mother's name is Shamoun who is from the genealogy of Jesus Christ.
[Jesus Christ was her ancestor!] Some time back, Prophet Muhammad met
my great-grandfather, Jesus Christ son of Mary. The Prophet asked the
hand of Jesus' daughter (me, Maleka) to be given in marriage to his son,
Hasan Askari [d 874 CE. Hasan Askari was the eleventh Imam of the Twelve
Imami or Athna 'Ashri Shias]
Jesus Christ agreed. The ceremonial address (Khutba) of our wedding was
recited by Prophet Muhammad [241 yrs after he passed on] I had become
emaciated hiding my love for Hasan Askari. The Prophet's daughter,
Fatimah [d 632 CE] came one day, hugged me and made me her daughter-
in-law [in the 9th century] Ever since then not a night has passed without
us drinking the honey of our love and consummating our marriage!”
One day Hasan Askari said, “Mahdi is going to be born today.” A woman
from the household said, "There are no visible signs of Narjis being
pregnant". Ali said, “We saints and prophets are born from the thighs of
our mothers so that we are not soiled." Imam Hasan [d 670] also came.
Those present saw a splendid radiance in Narjis. Hasan saw that the Master
of Times had been born and ever since his birth, had been in prostration
facing the Qibla in Makkah. The newborn was pointing his index finger at
the sky and reciting Kalima. Virgin Mary was in attendance with a thousand
houris (heavenly beauties). The observant ones observed that the Imam
Mahdi was already circumcised. They sought Allah's blessings for all
Imams. There was illumination all around. The palace was flocked by white
birds. Ali commanded a bird to take the baby away and to bring it back in
40 days. [Please remind yourself that the events are taking place 212 years
after Imam Ali's passing away in 661. Mythology is such fun! Now follows
an even more weird account]
After 40 days the bird brought back the baby who was now two years old!
Then the bird took the baby away and brought it back in 40 days. Imam
Mahdi by then had grown into a man. [We are not told how he grew up into
a man in 80 days and how a bird picked up a grown up man by its beak!
We are also not told where the palace was located!]
ever heeded]
4. The Imam read all scriptures of the past prophets in their native
Scriptures of Adam, Idrees, Noah, Hud, Saleh, Abraham, Moses,
Christ, and the Qur’an of Prophet Muhammad.
5. Soon after birth, the Imam sneezed. The next night he enunciated a
tenet that whoever sneezed, would not die for three days. [Science
insult to human intelligence?]
6. The angels clamored, "Who will avenge Husain, O Allah?” "I will,
the Established One”, answered God. [How will He avenge? Please
for the next chapter]
7. The Words in the Qur’an, "Who can bring back water if Allah takes
away?” in effect pertain to the Master of Powers i.e. who can bring
back if Allah takes him away.
8. Imam Mahdi is from the seed of the Kaiser of Rome from the
side and of Muhammad (the exalted) from the father's side. [We are
told how from Kaiser. And, didn’t he, if at all he was born, descend
Abu Talib and Hazrat Ali? [Hazrat Fatima was the daughter of
Muhammad (S) and the wife of Ali r. a. but genealogies are traced
through paternity]
10. He will ride the thunder and make a round of the seven heavens
the seven earths. [He will not be electrocuted] Shady clouds will
keep him cool. [But there will be no sun!] Swords for his use will
from the heavens.
11. Countless palaces and treasuries are at his disposal. Those who
had a visit with him in the past centuries speak of the unparalleled
magnificence of his palace. [No one knows where any of those
12. He performs Hajj every year but no one can recognize him [Cannot
recognize the one whose splendor lights up the whole world!]
13. At every Eid when people rejoice, God refreshes the sorrow of
Muhammad's progeny, since their due right, the world supremacy,
is in
the possession of others. [It is in the White House these days]
14. Hazrat Ali mourns to this day. He has been seen reading the Book
Jafar [for over 1300 years] Jafar is the “Science” of dreams,
and disasters.
15. Whenever a Mu’min (Shia believer) falls ill, the Amir (Commander)
of the
Mumins, Ali, is also taken ill. [Among the believers, hundreds of
thousands must be ailing at any given time. When does the Amir
16. Whoever waits for the Imam of the Times, will be seated in his
tent. The best action of a believer is to wait for the Imam. [The
has now become a tent!]
17. A sure panacea: On a piece of paper write a message for the Imam
the Times. Place it in a grave or throw it into a deep well. The
is sure to reach him and the problems will be instantly resolved.
18. Among the 73 sects of Muslims, only those waiting for the Mahdi
will go to Paradise.
[There are strong historical records that the 11th Imam Hasan
Askari had died in his youth leaving behind no children. On that account,
Askari's real brother Ja'far bin Naqi had grabbed all his inheritance through
due course of law. Ref. Shama'-e-Haqeeqat by Qazi Muhammad Ali]
Imam Mahdi bin Hasan Askari, was born in the year 255 or 256 A.H. [if he
was born at all! Shi'a scholars are unable to decide which year it really
was!] In 260 AH at the age of about five years, and just ten days before the
demise of his father, he disappeared and hid in the nearby cave called
Samara or Saraman Rai. With him he took away the entire Qur’an
consisting of 40 (not 30) parts and 17000 (not 6200+) verses. He also took
with him all the Scriptures of the prophets of old, the Book of Ali, the Book
of Fatima, the Science of Jafar, all miracles of the prophets, the staff of
Moses, the shirt of Adam, and the ring of Solomon.
He will reappear before the Dooms Day. He will exhume and resurrect Abu
Bakr and Umar from their graves. In the course of one day and night he will
execute both of them a thousand times after bringing them back to life
each time. According to some accounts, he will dispense the same
prescription to Uthman. (Hablullah No.6, P.32)
He will stone to death the mother of believers, Ayesha for adultery. [Recall
Bukhari et el fabricating a slander against the Mother of Believers and
Hazrat Ali advising the exalted Messenger to divorce her! Surah Noor does
not at all name the lady that was slandered]
[Hold your breath!] The first one to tender submission to Imam Mahdi will
be Prophet Muhammad. (Basair Darajat P. 213)
The Mahdi will resurrect people and send them off to heaven or hell.
(Miratul Anwaar P.68)
The Occult Imam Mahdi will appear and bring forth a new Book and a new
Faith (Faslul- Khitab P. 283 and Anwaar Na'mania by Syed Naimatullah
Muhaddis Aljazairee).
Only Mahdi will bring the genuine Qur’an. For the time being, fill in with the
present one. (Faslul Khatab, ref. Hazrat Ali)
Mahdi will battle with Gog and Magog. (Ref. Many books of Ahadith,
Masnad-e-Ahmad, Al-Kafi, etc). Who are Gog and Magog? Muslims have
been labeling many different peoples as Gog Magog. Many Jews and
Christians consider Russia, China and the Muslims as Gog Magog!
Ahsanul Maqal states that Imam Mahdi son of Hasan Askari will appear at
the very end of this world. He will be around only for seven years. He will
uphold equity and justice and then there will be the Great World War,
Armageddon. [So, that will be it. He that was so anxiously awaited for
centuries came and heralded the end of the world! Happy waiting! - to the
1. The real culprit of the murder of Husain was Yazeed son of Mua’awia.
2. After Yazeed the second culprit was son of Marjanah, Ubaidullah Ibn-e-
Ziyad. He was hand and glove with Yazeed.
3. The third person directly responsible was Umar bin Sa'd bin Abi Waqas.
These people used to claim that the world and its goodies were everlasting,
and so they would never die.
[Many scholars claim that this Tabari was a Shi’a. The esteemed Allama
Jaam-e-ul Uloom Tamanna Imadi proves that the so-called "Imam" Tabari
was in fact a Zoroastrian]
Mazahim bin Hareeth said, "I follow Uthman's faith”. Nafe' replied, "It
means you follow the creed of Satan."
No one knows who fathered Ubaidullah son of Ziyad, the Governor of
Basra and Kufah.
The historian Imam Tabari has written that Imam Husain's cousin
Muslim bin Aqeel ventured towards Kufa for battle, without informing
his comrades. [Why would he go alone for battle?]
Not even 10 people had stayed on with the exalted Prophet in the
Battle of Uhud. On the other hand, 54 people turned out ready for
sacrificing their lives for Husain son of Ali. [What is the point they
are trying to make?]
From Makkah, Madinah, Taif, Yemen, Basra, Yamama and anywhere
else, there was NOT a single shout, "O Grandson of the Prophet! We
are here to help you." [Why not]
Fifty five petitions, two bagfuls of letters, and seven couriers reached
Makkah from Kufa promising to defend Imam Husain by all means.
Imam Husain said to Abdullah ibn Zubair, “I know that someone in
Makkah will be slaughtered like a lamb. I absolutely do not want to be
that lamb. But I swear that even if I hide in a snake hole, people will
pull me out of there."
Muslim bin Aqeel reached a spring belonging to the tribe of Bani Tai.
He saw a hunter shooting a deer with an arrow. Hazrat Muslim said,
“This is a good omen. We shall likewise triumph over our enemies.”
[But they capitulated]
Muslim bin Aqeel reached Kufa on the fifth of Shawwal, 60 AH and
stayed at the house of Honorable Mukhtar bin Ubaidullah Saqafi.
In Kufa, 18,000 people pledged allegiance to Muslim bin Aqeel. Then,
he wrote a letter to Imam Husain inviting him to come to Kufa.
Someone wearing a black turban entered Kufa. He had his face
covered with a cloth. Sheikh Mufeed says, “Because of this guise
people knew he was Husain." [Imam Husain would not cover his
face like a bandit]
Like Hazrat Ali, Imam Husain also knew about all future events in the
entire universe. He would say to people, “Ask me things before you
do not find me amongst you.” An Imam never says La Adri (I do not
know). According to the narrators, all other Imams used to make the
same claim. [So, they had the knowledge of the Unseen, which,
according to the Qur’an, rests with Allah alone]
It is written in Usool-e-Kafi that the true Imam (from Ali to Mahdi)
would never say, “I don’t know! He is full of knowledge, past, present
and future." [After this, the Mujtahid Ash-Shaikh Muhammad Husain,
author of Sa’adatud Darain gives some examples of the tremendous
knowledge of Imam Husain]
Umro bin Al-'Aas asked, "Why do our moustache gray before
yours?” Husain answered, “Because your women have foul breath.”
Umro bin Al-'Aas then asked, "Why do your beards grow thick but
ours don’t?" Imam Husain replied, “A pure land produces good
vegetation, and an impure land produces bad vegetation."
Having heard such insightful answers, Mu’awiya yelled, “Umro! Keep quiet.
Don't you know you are debating with Ali's son?”
'Aashura, Muharram 10, AH 61 - Oct 12, 680 CE
Thus, journeying by stages he reached Madinah on Friday the 6th of
Sha'ban 60 AH.
In an offensive, Muslim bin Aqeel packed to hell forty-one in Kufa.
Then he commenced displaying his valor in the streets and the
bazars. [But, there are reports that he had gone there solely as an
emissary of Imam Husain]
Muslim bin Aqeel was beheaded and his head was sent to
Damascus. Yazeed hanged it at the city's main gate.
Abdullah ibn Abbas inquired, "Why are you taking women and
children along?" "Allah wills to see them in the enemy captivity ",
replied Imam Husain. [Allah, the Most Merciful]
There is a serious controversy regarding the number of stages
between Makkah and Karbala. (Sheikh Muhammad, the Mujtahid)
The Imam told the poet Farzooq and Bashar bin Ghalib that Allah
does what He wills. [Allah is not a tyrant. He is Omnipotent and uses
His Power with Wisdom and Compassion]
"Banu Umayyah have instilled fright in me”, said Husain. [This is
another insult to the Imam]
He said to Siddiqa Sughra, "O My sister! Whatever has to happen
must happen." [So there should be no effort]
The Imam knew the end beforehand.
He said, "I swear by Allah, my murder by the insurgent pack is
inevitable. There can be no resistance before Allah.” [Was Allah
siding with the insurgents?]
"In a dream I saw some dogs biting me. Most ferocious among them
was one with white spots.” Mujtahid Allama Muhammad Husain
writes that that description of the dog points to Shamar bin Joshan
who had Leucoderma i.e. white spots. [The exalted Prophet had
admonished against relating sad dreams. This cannot be the
language of the most decent and courageous Imam Husain]
As early as at twelfth stage of the journey, Imam Husain and his
companions had donned their turbans and were wielding their
swords. [Why would the Imam assume an aggressive posture?]
At the fifteenth stage of the journey he said: I had dozed off on my
horse. In a dream I saw a rider saying, "These people are proceeding
and their death is proceeding towards them." Now I know that we
have been foretold of death. [Earlier on, it was stated that he always
knew it]
A gentle commander of Yazeed's troops, Hur bin Yazeed Ryahi came
along at the head of a thousand troops. He said, "I beg you in the
name of Allah to take pity on yourself. You will be martyred if you
fight." However, the Imam refused to yield.
Majma' bin Abdullah said, "The dignitaries of Kufa are against you.
Although common folk are disposed in your favor, yet tomorrow
their swords will be drawn against you.” And still the Imam did not
At the next stage of the journey Imam Husain asked Hur, "What is the
name of this place?" He said, "Karbala." The Supreme Martyr spoke
with tears in his eyes,"O Allah! We seek refuge with You against
anguish and tribulation." [Karbala = Karb + Bala = Anguish and
tribulation. Why was this prayer not granted? What an insult that the
tally of Hazrat Husain’s rejected prayers is being repeatedly
increased and highlighted by these Mullahs!]
[At this juncture please make a note that the entire tale of Karbala has been
narrated by the so-called Imam Tabari bin Rustam, the Zoroastrian, 239
years after the supposed event. Time and again he begins with, "Abu
Mukhnif said this and Abu Mukhnif said that …" Renowned scholars like
Shah Abdul Aziz, Allama Tamanna Imadi and 'Maulana' Habibur Rahman
Kandhalwi have conducted in-depth research and are of the opinion that
Abu Mukhnif is a fictitious character. Other scholars have established that
even if such a person existed in flesh and blood, he had died more than
fifty years before Tabari was born. It was Tabari who wrote Maqtal Husain
in the name of Abu Mukhnif. Moreover, Tabari does not once claim that he
ever met Abu Mukhnif. This being the state of affairs, it becomes obvious
that the myth of Karbala is the product of Tabari’s own imagination. Some
said Tabari was a Shia, others contend that he was a Sunni. In fact he had
changed his name from Tabari bin Rustam to Tabari bin Yazeed for
deceiving the masses. Tabari ascribes all atrocities to Yazeed, yet, he
associates his own name with Yazeed, a shameless attempt to get some
but invented characters. Tabari, Waqidi, Mas'oodi, Sayyuti pasted any
reports they got hands to. (Khilaafat-e-Mu'awiya Wa Yazeed, Mahmood
Ahmed Abbasi) [And if Yazeed was such a culprit, why would the progeny
of Hazraat Husain and Hasan enter in wedlock relationships with his
relatives, and why would prominent figures, even caliphs, after his time be
named Yazeed?]
- Imam Husain gathered his kith and kin. He cast an eye on the enemy
throngs and broke down in tears. He prayed in all tenderness, "O Allah! We
are the Prophet’s kin. Please grant us victory over the tyrants."
HOW NUMEROUS WAS THE ENEMIES? Aqai Darbandi says the (opposing)
cavalry in Karbala numbered 600,000 and the infantry assembled for the
battle numbered 20 million! [Even the entire population of Arabia and Iraq
at the time would not total twenty million! No empire could possibly
assemble a force of this size]
[We can virtually hear Allama Iqbal: Listen to the music of delight in the
mansions of Europe - And watch too the readiness for chest-beating in
Immensely curse the murderers of Husain and his kin. Repeat the
chanting at least a thousand times, "O Allah! Let thy curse fall on the
assassins of Husain and his companions."
Absolutely refrain from hilarity, lavish food and nice clothes.
Undo shirt buttons and roll up the sleeves up.
Throw dust or ashes on your head and rub your forehead with it.
According to Allama Mujtahid (Revivalist) Muhammad, here is a
controversy again. Abi Faris says they were 1,000 (Sharhe Shafia). Sheikh
Mufeed says their total number was 72 (32 horsemen and 40 foot soldiers).
But Imam Baqir reports they were 145.
Ibn Ziyad said to the Imam, "I will not lay my head on a soft pillow
nor taste good food until I slay you.” The Imam replied, "The people
of your city Kufah had written to me, so I came. If you dislike my
coming, I must go back.” Then he also requested Umar bin Sa'd, "Let
me leave since earth is vast", but he did not get the leave.
[According to the Mujtahid writer, Imam Husain was there for Jihad. Why,
then, would he ask to leave? Persians bore a special grudge against Hazrat
Sa'd bin Abi Waqas because he had conquered Persia half a century
earlier. So, the name of his son, Umar bin Sa'd was tagged here although
he was commanding troops in Syria at that time. Ref. Al-Milil Wanhil by
Imam Sheristani]
On the Ashura Day (10th Muharram) Imam Husain said, "Yazeed the
bastard, son of a bastard has forced me to choose between death
and disgrace." [But the Imam had willfully decided to come to Kufah
against strong advice of many outstanding personalities. Only 4 of
his 15 brothers accompanied him while the rest tried to stop him.
Also, could this be the language used by the noble Imam Husain?]
Three days before the martyrdom of Husain, Umar bin Sa'd put a 500
strong guard at the river Euphrates to completely deny the Imam and
his companions any access to water. The Imam delivered a speech
saying, “Think! Who my father, my mother and grandmother were
and whose brother and whose grandson I am!" Voices were heard
from the enemy camp, "We know all this, yet we must kill you in the
state of thirst."
The Imam, nevertheless, demonstrated a miracle near his tent. He
slightly dug the earth with a spade. All of a sudden a fountain of cool
and sweet water gushed forth from the dry desert soil. All of them
drank to their fill and filled up their water-skins [Lo and behold! The
water problem is watered down]
From those tyrants the Imam sought respite for one night. This was
the Ashura night. The Imam and his companions spent the night in
prayers, supplication and repentance and pleadings to Allah for
mercy. They wailed and chanted over their rosary beads. There were
sounds from the tents like the humming of bees from a beehive.
[Such earnest prayers of the most pious ones were not heard! What
are our theologians trying to accomplish? - Mock and insult them]
Many people left the Imam and sneaked away into the darkness of
the night. To those who were left with him, he gestured to look up at
the sky. That is when every one of the companions beheld his abode
in Paradise. [According to the Qur’an, the Paradise encompasses the
heavens and the earth. Imam Husain would not contradict the
Imam Zainul Abidin relates that when Imam Husain uttered some
couplets about his death, Zain's paternal aunt, Hazrat Zainab started
beating her face and rent her clothes. She then fainted. Imam Husain
said, "My sister! I serve an oath on you. Please keep my oath. After I
am gone, neither tear up your clothes, nor scratch your face, nor do
the least bit of wailing." But no one including Zainab complied with
the Imam's advice and last will. [So it is today]
On the other side there was an army of hundreds of thousands. Yet,
the exalted Imam arrayed his small force thoroughly for battle
including the right flank, the left flank and the flag bearer. Aqai
Darbandi writes that the opposing army comprised 600,000
horsemen and 20 million infantry.
stricken with thirst, Tamim fell off his horse by the Euphrates bank
and his horse trampled him to death.
[With Imam Husain being so readily accepted in his prayers, why could he
not ward off Karb and Bala (anguish and calamity)? The highly
exaggerated, contradictory and superstitious accounts betray conjecture
and fabrications by the historians. Hazrat Husain wouldn't have even
dreamed such nonsense. In fact, the then governor of Iraq, Hazrat Husain
was assassinated by Jaban bin Hormuzan in the governor house of Kufah
as we see later]
[Dear reader! Only a few excerpts have been picked out cautiously for the
sake of brevity. But I have not restricted the account to merely ten or
twenty points from various voluminous books in order to convey to you
what has been written in them about the illustrious Imam. "Too much
reverence breeds insult", (Akbar Ilahadi). The books from which the
excerpts have been taken are so numerous that several pages are needed
just to record the list of their long titles. Below are given only a few titles as
PRINCE: Ali Akbar desired to have grapes. Imam Husain raised his hand to
the pillar of the mosque and [out of thin air] grabbed a bunch of grapes for
the prince. [The historians maintain that Hazrat Husain had taken up arms
to destroy monarchy. Yet, they call his offspring princes and princesses]
the enemy troops. The barbarians shredded him into pieces with
their swords. [That treacherous horse must have an effigy made and
flogged in the Ta'zia processions]
Many authors accept one criterion for the authenticity of the events
of Karbala: If an event is found in any of the books of Ulama, so did it
happen, period. [Wow!]
The books are replete with reports that the Lord of Martyrs broke
down in tears at the killing of a certain person or at such and such
happening. [The exalted Prophet had said, "The true patience is that
which is resorted to at the time of misfortune." Suggesting that the
valiant Imam Hussein broke down time and again is an insult to him]
At the martyrdom of Prince Ali Akbar, sounds of wailing came from
the tents. Imam Husain says, "My daughter Sakeena! Don't you fear
Allah?" [Crying, wailing, and chest beating displease Him]
The five or six remnants of Abu Talib's progeny launched a ferocious
attack on the army of thousands.
Prince Qasim son of Imam Hasan came out of the tent on his way to
the battlefield. The uncle, Husain and the nephew embraced each
other and wept so much that both fell unconscious.
Allah dispensed an extraordinary punishment upon the one who had
killed Muhammad bin Ali bin Abi Talib. He drank so much water that
his belly burst open to his demise. (Wow!)
Abdullah bin Hasan was eleven years old. He courageously
addressed one of the enemies, "O Son of a loose woman!"
Abbas son of Ali was called the 'moon' of the (tribe of) Banu Hashim.
He was so well-built that when he rode a horse his feet would touch
the ground. [OK]
Abbas launched such fierce attacks that the right wing of the enemy
turned upon the left wing and the left turned upon the right.
Excellent portrayal by Mir Anees:
Zahra is the title of Hazrat Fatima, the mother of Hazrat Husain whose title
is Shabbir.
In the meanwhile God sent down a bird that fluttered its wings over
Imam Husain‘s head. The bird said, "Allah says that if you wish, He
shall grant you victory over the adversary." This was Allah's help.
Then 4,000 angels came on to the Karbala battlefield with shouts of
support. However, the Lord of the Martyrs did not allow them to take
part in Jihad.
Then countless Jinns came to offer their services, but the Imam did
not accept their offer.
The Imam brought the suckling infant Prince Ali Asghar out of the
tent. He requested the enemy water for the infant. But some
barbarian shot an arrow as a response to the request for a sip of
water. The little prince breathed his last in the Imam’s arms. The
blood that gushed forth, the Imam caught in his palm and threw up to
the sky. Not a drop of this sacred blood came back down.
In the tents, Imam Husain bade good-bye to Sakeena, Fatima, Zainab
and Um Kulsoom. Sakeena said, "Baba! Have you prepared yourself
for death?" Imam answered, "What can a friendless, helpless person
do but accept death?”
[On the authority of the Qur’an, Allah was pleased with the Prophet's
companions and they were pleased with Him. Obviously, unrealistic
reverence carried beyond limits becomes SHIRK and insult]
All the references for this chapter can be looked up in Mustatab Saadat-ud-
Darain fi Qatlil Husain by Allama Sarkar Ash-Sheikh Muhammad Husain,
printer Maktabah As-Sibtain.
Out came Shabbir of the tent door
As a gloomy funeral leaves the house
Mirza Dabeer
[Could the lion-hearted Imam proceed to fight for his martyrdom like a man
who dies before dying?]
Four Thousand archers were showering arrows but the son of the
'Lion of Allah' killed 1,950 rascals. [And that under a shower of
arrows. The 'Lion of Allah' refers to Hazrat Ali]
To get a drink of water, the Imam spurred his horse towards the
Euphrates. The arrow of a cursed one pierced the Imam's throat.
Blood filled his palms and he tossed the blood upwards. The horse
of the Lord of Martyrs lowered its head to drink water. The Imam
said, "O Steed! Even you are thirsty. I will not drink until you do." But
the loyal steed raised back its head. The Imam came back to the
tents. He warned his family to get ready for trials and tribulations.
Then, he went back to the battlefield with the arrow still stuck in his
throat and started killing the enemy rank upon rank. The enemy had
to re-arrange the troops. So many arrows were shot at the Imam that
his Naazneen (femininely delicate) body became like that of a
porcupine. Yet, the Imam kept launching his counterattacks. [Re-
arranging the troops against one man]
Battling the enemy, the Imam reached a place called Zulkifl about
twelve miles away with his body as that of a porcupine.
The wounds received so far were counted and they were 1,950. [We
are not told who counted them and how]
One of the tyrants hurled a stone at his forehead. Then he plunged a
three-pronged arrow that pierced the Imam's body and went through
the pure chest that bore no malice. The Imam unsuccessfully tried to
pull out the arrow.
Then spears, arrows and swords started striking him from all
directions. His condition was failing due to thirst. Again and again he
was asking for water but the enemy was advancing towards him in
droves. [What more could the swords, spears and arrows do to a
body already like that of a porcupine?]
The Imam could not pull out from the front the three-pronged arrow
piercing his body, so he bent down and pulled it out from the back.
Blood spurted like a waterfall. He cupped the blood in his hands and
tossed it skywards. Not a single drop came back down. [OK]
One of the tormenters struck him in the back with a spear with such
force that the Imam could not stay up on his saddle and landed on
his right cheek. But he stood up and walked quite a distance to the
place destined for his slaying.
Hasseen Tameemi shot an arrow into his mouth. Abu Ayyub shot at
his throat. Zara'a bin Shareek struck a blow with the sword at his left
arm. Another cursed one struck the right shoulder with a sword.
Sanan bin Anas struck a spear at the collarbone that made the Imam
fall face downwards. Then he got up and pulled out the arrow from
his throat.
Now the enemy surrounded him and they set about to kill him. [What
more had they to do for killing him? It appears that the narrators
would not pronounce anybody dead until his head was still on the
shoulders. Had Imam Husain not been struck fatal blows already? If
his surviving all that was due to some immunity as an Imam, why
had Hazrat Ali died of the blow from Ibn Maljam and Imam Hasan
from poisoning, as reported?]
Now Her Excellency Zainab came to the tent door. She addressed the
entire force of the enemy requesting them not to kill the Imam. But,
alas! The Bibi could not save her brother's life.
With the Imam squatting on the ground, Malik bin Nasr struck a
sword on his head. The cap underneath his turban got cut up.
The honored head was split. The cap was filled with blood. The Imam
took the cap off. Then he bandaged his head. Quite a while had gone
by since his fall to the ground from the horse but no one had the
courage to slay him.
Now Shimar-Al-Joshan came forward. This accursed one had
leucoderma. [The narrators seem to have forgotten that earlier they
had described him as a leper]
The accursed Shimar sat down in an indescribably insulant fashion.
The Lord of the Martyrs looked toward him and said, "The Prophet
was right that he was witnessing a dog with white spots dipping its
snout in his family’s blood."
That heartless man struck twelve times with a blunt sword and
severed the head of the Rasool’s grandson from the hind side of his
neck. Ah, even a goat is slaughtered from the front of the neck! [Our
narrators counted those twelve blows and saw the scene centuries
mention of Karabala.
758 CE: Imam Malik in his book makes no mention of Karbala.
860 CE: Hadith books start appearing making no mention of Karbala.
900 CE: Tabari imagines and writes a detailed Karbala Documentary with
not a scrap of paper before him!
910 CE ON: The story perpetuates to this day with new colors added in
every decade, and by every blind follower of the Zoroastrian “Imam”
Can anyone show us a book before Tabari with even a hint to the supposed
Tragedy? The baseless story makes a mockery of religion in the most
humiliating form when millions of Shiites turn out on streets with chest
beating and bleeding themselves with knives every year in the month of
Muharram. For them this is the second most important worship. What is the
best form of worship? - Waiting for the emergence of Imam Mahdi from the
Cave of Samera in Iraq.
[The contents of this chapter have been taken from many books.
References are given at appropriate places]
[This narration is an obvious insult to Imam Husain, his mother Fatima (R)
and to the exalted Prophet. It ridicules common sense, reason, Laws of
Nature and insults human intelligence]
When Imam Husain was born, Allah ordered houris to enhance their
beautification and the angels to increase glorifying Allah (Bahaarul
never sat in shade. (Muntakhibut Tawareekh)
Reliable books describe only five wives of Imam Husain - Shahrbano,
Laila, Rubab, Umm-e-Ishaq, Qadh'iyah. He had others in addition.
(Muntakhibut Tawareekh) ["Reliable books" mention two hundred
wives of Imam Hasan]
Imam Husain had four sons and two daughters. The sons were
Zainul Abedin, Ali Akbar, Ali Asghar and Ja'far and the daughters
were Fatima and Sakeena.
Ali Akbar and Ali Asghar were martyred in Karbala. Ja'far's fate could
not be determined. Descendants to Imam Husain came only through
Zainil Abedin. Today Husain's progeny outnumbers the stars but
there is no trace of Yazeed's descendants. [No verification given]
Quoting from Muntakhibut Tawareekh the Mujtahid writes that the
above statement is the gist of Surah Al-Kauthar. In other words, the
Surah is addressing Imam Husain that Allah will give him abundance.
From the daughters, the lineage proceeded through Fatima Sughra
who was the wife of Hasan Muthanna son of Imam Hasan.
[The Qur’an had done away with distinctions of lineage, color, and caste
and the exalted Prophet had trampled them under his feet. Is it appropriate
to make distinctions on that basis?]
Mohsin Bhopali is around, alive and kicking. May Allah grant him
happiness and success! He is a good poet. He wrote a couplet which has
become immensely popular since it resonates with the Ummah's line of
thinking. Translation:
someone who seeks it. So, these God-conscious honorables could never
covet power and rule (Khilaafat). Nor could the Rasool (S) authorize
hierarchy. According to the Qur’an, character can be the only measure of a
person's superiority.
Muhammad Ali Bab of Iran who launched the Bahai creed in the Nineteenth
century was a descendant of the exalted Prophet. Father of (late) King
Husain of Jordan, the Sharif of Makka, was a descendant of the Prophet as
well. But he joined hands with Lawrence of Arabia for pitting Arabs against
the Turks?
If the criterion of esteem is the ancestry or race, all Muslims should accept
Prince Kareem Agha Khan as the Imam and unite under his leadership
since he is a descendant of the exalted Messenger. And yes, the drunkard
poet, Josh Maleehabadi of "Yadon Ki Barat" also claimed to be a
descendant of the Rasool (S)]
and Ibn Rustam Tabari recorded it as history 280 years after these
Sahaba Kiraam]
Mu'awiya seized the access to river Euphrates and stopped the
supply of water to Ali r.a. Then, Hazrat Ali's forces snatched the
riverbank but did not deny water to the enemy. This happened during
the Battle of Saffain in which seventy thousand (mostly Sahaba
Kiraam) perished. [This story is an invention of the so-called Imam
Shahab Zahri Toosi (not Madani, d. 124 AH) and written by "Imam"
Jareer bin Rustam Tabari. It is fascinating to note the Mullah-in-Chief
of the 20th century, "Maulana" Syed Abul A'la Maududi (Our Master,
Owner, Father of the Most Glorious, Maududi) saying, "If we do not
believe in such stories, what will be left with us?”]
In the Battle of Saffain (37 AH) Abu Musa Ash'ari said to Umro bin Al-
’Aas, "You are a dog”. Umro responded, "You are an ass.” [Could the
people groomed by the Rasool (S) behave like this?]
However, in 38 AH, Hazrat Ali had to battle with the Khawarij (Those
who broke away). It is called the Battle of Nahrawan. The Khawarij,
who were on Hazrat Ali’s side in the Battle of Saffain became
estranged because of his negotiating a truce with Mu'awiya.
Thousands were killed in the Battle of Nahrawan as well. (Tabari)
Mu'awiya the Governor of Syria, occupied Egypt and started a
guerilla war against Hazrat Ali's army. (Tabari).
The Amir Ali used to say, "I wish that Mu'awiya takes ten men from
me and in return give me just one of his. It would be like exchanging
gold with silver." (Nahjul Balagha, Irshad-e-Mufeed)
[There might be a poison that can split the liver into pieces but it defies
known medical science. According to Mahmood Ahmad Abbasi, Hazrat
Hasan had resigned from politics due to ill health and succumbed to
pulmonary tuberculosis]
Imam Husain sent a forceful letter to Mu'awiya and challenged him to
deny that he had taken a born slave, Ziyad bin Sumaiyya, as brother
(Kitab-e-Irshad). [Again, notice the false standards of slavery and
lineage! The Qur’an had categorically abolished slavery by declaring
that all humans are worthy of honor regardless of where they are
Mu'awiya poisoned Abdur Rahman, son of Hazrat Khalid bin Waleed
through his Jewish physician. That poison rent apart his belly (Kitab-
e-Isti'ab). [We do not know what poison would do that]
(Before that) the chief aid to Hazrat Ali, Malik Ashtar had also been
killed by poisoning (Tabari). His tummy had also split asunder.
Mu'awiya said to Imam Husain, "You are a lamb of sacrifice!”
(Nasikh-ut-Tawarikh = Eraser of All Histories)
When Mu'awiya lost hope of any support from Aisha, he dug a pit
and she fell in that pit to her demise (Kitabei-Awail by Jalaluddin
In 60 AH, after ruling for a full forty years, Amir Mu'awiya died at the
age of 78 or 85 (Tabari and Sa'ada). [A discrepancy of seven years is
nothing. Our smart historians can get away even with a century]
Yazeed was a drunkard, lover of kebabs, and a drug addict. He wore
silk and played on the tambourine (Sa'ada). He used to dress up
monkeys as Ulama and made them dance.
While proceeding to the Battle of Tabuk, the Prophet appointed Ali as
his deputy in Madinah. His companions became sure that he would
appoint Ali as his successor. So, they hatched a plot for killing the
Prophet. While he was on his way back from the Battle, 12 to 14 men
advanced toward him and attempted to assassinate him. Hazrat
Umar was one of the assailants! He once swore to Hazeefa, “By God!
I am of the hypocrites.” (Meezanul E'tidal, by Imam Zahabi)
Hazrat Umar stated, "When at the event of Ghadeer, the Rasool
announced Ali to be the Master (Mun Kuntu Maulahu Fa Ali-yun
Maula) a handsome, fragrant young man happened to be standing
near me. He told me that the Prophet had that day tied a knot that
none but a hypocrite would be able to undo." The Rasool said to
Janab-e-Thani (the second Caliph) Hazrat Umar, "O Umar! This was
Angel Gabriel. You better be careful and never untie that knot."
(Muwaddah, Syed Hamadani).
[Dear reader! Such are the tales concocted in the mythology of religions.
Angels become fragrant young men, walk around and make miracles. For
committing sins, they are suspended in wells and their beloved beauties
are hung in the sky as Venice. Think of the Mullah commentaries of the
Qur’an relating to angels Haroot and Maroot]
In Safar 11 A.H. a few days before he died, the Rasool, held back Ali
and commanded the trio of companions, i.e. Abu Bakr, Umar and
Uthman to leave Madinah and go away for fighting the Romans under
the command of Usama bin Zaid. He wanted them away in order to
prevent them from disputing the Caliphate of Ali. But, they did not
leave. (Al-Milil Wanahil)
[What sort of company had the exalted Prophet selected? The Qur’an calls
him Al-Muzammil = The best selector of companions, and extols the
Sahaba in glorious terms]
THE PAPER EPISODE: In his last days the Rasool wanted to write down a
decree to save Muslims from straying. But the Number Two (Hazrat Umar)
barred him stating, Innarrajul liyahjur (This man is talking delirious).
Hasbuna Kitabullah (Allah’s Book is sufficient for us.) (Muslim, Masnad
Ahmad bin Hanbal etc)
[These very books claim that the companions were not present with the
Rasool at the time of his death. Then, they also say that after this so-called
Paper Episode, the Prophet lived three more days. Could he not write down
the decree later? Could he not give verbal command for others to write?
Why would he leave this Paper pending till the last days of his 22 plus
years old Mission as the Prophet?]
were busy pledging allegiance to Number One. (Tabari and Seera
[The son of the defeated Persia, Rustam's Zoroastrian son Tabari has
woven a yarn from which none of our historians has managed to break
loose. The Qur’an bestows laurels on Sahaba Kiraam in the most luminous
[Such was the blinding magic of Tabari that Allama Shibli Nomani writes in
his 20th century book, Al-Farooq: Considering the fiery temperament of
Hazrat Umar, such behavior was not beyond him]
Number One (Abu Bakr) arranged fire and firewood and Number Two
(Umar) carried this stuff. So, it is not surprising that Shimar raised
his sword against Imam Husain 50 years later.
Mujtahid Muhammad Husain asserts, "It is a settled principle of Islamic
Shari'a that sons and daughters must inherit their father's property.” [He
has not made plain whether he is referring to the Mullah-made Shari'a or it
is a Commandment from the Qur’an. The Qur’an is explicit on this subject.
Making a will is an obligation (2:180), and can be in benefaction of anyone,
whether someone of the kin, or not. The prescribed shares of relatives are
only from the estate leftover after distribution according to the will (if any
[Is not this assertion a grievous insult to the noble lady? Both Hazrat Ali
and Hazrat Fatima had been trained by the exalted Prophet and they were
above and beyond the petty cravings for wealth or power]
[On the other hand, for centuries after the reign of Hazrat Uthman, Islam
advanced like a torrent that no one could hold back]
Imam Ibn-e-Taimiya, Mohyuddin Ibn Arabi, Mullah Ali Qari, Hafiz Ibn-
e-Hajar, Haji Makki, and Imam Ghazali et al have applauded the killing
of Imam Husain! (Sa'adah) [Isn’t it pathetic? Like all others, these big
names will be answerable for their doings]
Imam Hasan had handed over his own Caliphate to Amir Mu'awiya
with the stipulation that after Imam Hasan the Caliphate would return
to Hasan's family. (Isti'aab) [What happened to the Qur’anic
injunction of Shura i.e. Mutual counsel?]
Amir Mu'awiya used to be served a huge variety of dishes, more than
seventy at every meal time. He would exhaust himself of eating and
eating but his stomach never got filled. (Anwarul Lugha)
[Yazeed, the second Bani Umayyad Caliph, was in fact nominated by the
SHURA Council and people confirmed their allegiance to him in Syria,
Palestine, Iraq, Makkah, Madinah, Egypt, Yemen and Faris (Iran), all
provinces that were close enough for communication through camels]
[Here, one speculates that the imagination of our historians has peaked out
Three days and nights in Hijrah 62, Yazeed ransacked Madinah. Ten
thousand people of Madinah were killed and seven hundred
companions of the exalted Prophet were put to death. Hundreds of
women and three hundred virgins were dishonored. He had mules
and donkeys tied in Masjid-e-Nabvi. (Ibid) [Called as the Incidence of
Hurrah, Maududi happily includes this fabrication in his Khilaafat-o-
Imam Zahabi writes, "Due to Yazeed's evil doings, Allah did not
prolong his life and he died in 64 AH at the age of 30 and many of his
daughters were widowed at the ages of five and six. (Meezanul
E'tidaal). No! He lived to be 38. (Tareekhul Khulafa)
[The assumption seems to be that dying young is a sign of vice and dying
old is a sign of virtue! The problem is that many Imams of the Athna Ashri
Shias died young. For example Imam Hasan Askari lived only up to age 28.
On the other hand Amir Mu'awiya was blessed with longevity]
Who would have said prayers if Husain had not sacrificed his head?
Imam Husain took up his Jihad with the purpose of promoting virtue
and stopping evil. (Qumqam) Shah Abdul Aziz Muhaddith Dehlavi
writes that the insurrection by Imam Husain was for liberating the
masses from tyranny. The Mujtahid says that the Imam razed to the
ground the palace of Yazeed. [When did that happen? The actual
objective of Imam Husain's insurgency has remained a matter of
contention between our historians]
It is narrated from Hazrat Ali in Amali Sheikh Suddooq, "I, Fatimah, Hasan
and Husain were with Allah's Messenger. Suddenly he looked at us and
started crying over the atrocities that we were destined to face." Hazrat Ali
broke down so much that tears started trickling down from his beard onto
his chest. [Neither the Messenger of Allah, nor the great Hazrat Ali was
such weakling as to break down in the fashion described. They were the
noble ones who, with resolution, character and valor changed the world
[If you can make today's enlightened generation drink this kind of Islam,
more power to you!]
Nafsil Mahmoom, Aashir Bahaar and other books repeatly claim that
the calamities and tribulations were preordained for Imam Husain
and his household. [But, the Qur’an does not preach fatalism at all.
Layisa lil Insaani illa ma sa'aa (A human deserves that which he
strives for). Man determines his own destiny. And if we accept
predestination then the entire bustle and bother is pointless. Why
keep crying over the spilt milk?]
Imam Husain said, "I have heard from my grandfather (the exalted
Prophet) that Khilafah is contraband for the seed of Abi Sufian."
(Aashir Bihaar and Malhuf) [According to the Qur’an, kinship and
ancestry carry no significance. The only criterion of superiority
among people is character. Hence, the Messenger of Allah could not
have said this]
Before departing from Madinah, Husain saw a dream that made him
cry. He broke down crying at the grave of the exalted Messenger.
Then, he cried after meeting his kin. He prayed, "O Allah! Guide me
to the path that pleases You and Your Messenger. Then, he cried a
great deal. (Maqtal Awalim, Aashir-ud-Damah) [Obvious
contradictions abound in these reports - Predestiny, Approval of
Allah and His Messenger, yet, Husain the son of the Lion of Allah
(Ali), breaking down in tears at each and every step! And that too
when Paradise, the venerated grandfather, parents and kith and kin
were awaiting him in there]
Half-brother of Imam Husain, Muhammad bin Hanfia, did not
accompany him to Karbala from Madinah. The Imam took the
progeny of his paternal grandfather Abu Talib. This included the
Imam's two sisters, Zainab and Umm Kulsoom, brothers and their
sons. For some unknown reason, none from the clan of Banu
Hashim except the descendants of Abu Talib accompanied him. 11
out of Hazrat Husain's 15 brothers stayed away.
The barbarians even stripped off the clothes on the holy body of
Imam Husain, the clothes that were already in tatters. The shirt was
stripped by Ishaq Hadhree, the trousers by Abjar Tameemi, the
turban by Akhnas Hazrami, shoes by Aswad bin Khalid, and the ring
by Bajad Al-Kalibi. He also cut off the finger while doing so. The
Imam's shawl was pulled by Qais bin Ash'ash. Umar bin Sa'd took
away the armor called Tabra and men from the 'Adoo tribe made
away with his sword. This was not the famous sword Zulfiqar since
that happens to be with Imam Mahdi in occultation (Malhuf).
All of the ten horse-riders who trampled Husain's corpse under the
hoofs, proved to be bastards by studies undertaken by Abu Umar
Zahid as recorded in Malhuf. [And this research took place five
hundred years later]
After Imam's martyrdom, his horse toppled forty riders of the enemy
and trampled them to death. (Manaqib Shahr Ashob). No! The
charger reddened its forehead with Imam's blood and started
knocking its head on the earth until it died (Aashir Bahar). Sorry
again! The horse committed suicide in the Imam's grief by drowning
itself in the Euphrates (Nasikhut Tawareekh).
The poet ignites the story-teller thus:
Those left behind after Imam Husain, were the sick Imam Zainul
Abedin bin Husain, a few ladies in purdah, and some children. Those
who plundered goods from them met with a sorry fate. The man that
used the looted saffron got burnt. The henna became ashes and the
camel meat turned poison bitter.
Imam Zainul Abedin was in captivity. Yet, through a miracle, he
personally led the funeral of his father. He became two persons, one
there and one here. (Rijal Kushi)
Then, Imam Zainul Abedin moved a little dust from the grave-site. A
grave was found already well-prepared. The sick Imam lifted his
father’s body all by himself and lowered it into the grave. (Lil-
It is buried in Madinah. (Usool-e-Kafi, Tehzeebil Ahkam)
It is near the grave of Imam Hasan Mujtaba in Madinah. (Khulasat-ul-
No! It is somewhere else in Jannatul Baqee'. (Fatawa Qartabi)
It was buried by the side of Ali the Emir in Najaf Ashraf. (Kaamil-uz-
No again. It is in the Riqqah Mosque. (Abdullah bin Razzaq)
The Prophet himself rose from his tomb and came from Madinah and
by way of a miracle, took away the head from Damascus to Madinah.
All other tales are false. (Qutub Rawindi)
Impossible! The fact is that Yazeed paraded the head in many towns
for public view. People carried it from place to place until it ended up
in Asqalan. The chief of Asqalan buried it there.
Wrong! Yazeed deposited the head in his treasury. When Sulaiman
bin Abdul Malik came to the throne, he learned of the head's
presence in the treasury. He saw the head radiant like polished
silver. After keeping it with him for some time, he wrapped it in a
shroud and got it buried with respects. [The time of this burial is
supposed to be 98 AH i.e. 37 years after the supposed event of
Karbala. The authors of Sawaa'iq and Tehzeeb recorded the events
from the treasury to burial centuries later]
No, No! Umar bin Abdul Aziz buried the head in Karbala during his
reign in 100 AH. (Ibne Qayyim)
Tehzeebul Ahkam records also that when Abbasids came to power in
130 AH (750 CE) they plundered Yazeed's treasury. A soldier caught
sight of a bag. When he untied the bag in an isolated field, he saw
the sacred head wrapped in silk. It had an Arabic writing on it, "This
is the head of Husain bin Ali." Secretly, the soldier dug the ground
with his sword and buried the head. [The soldier had secretly buried
the head but Ibn Hasan Toosi of Tehzeebil Ahkam got wind of it three
hundred years later. One may recall that the same author of the
Tahzeeb had mentioned Sulaiman bin Abdul Malik in this context]
Ibn Jozi rebuts all this. According to him, the Abbasid Caliph
Mansoor found the head in a locked box in the treasury of the
Umayyads. He buried it in Damascus.
Sensing the abundance of the flying tales, another historian named
Maqraizi, flayed all other chroniclers, and brought forth his own
'research'. He writes that in the times of Crusades, for fear of the
Christians, the head was taken from Damascus to Asqalan. It was
then dug up again on the 8th of Jamadiul Awwal, 548 AH and brought
to Cairo. The head gave off the fragrance of musk and was dripping
of fresh blood. That is where it was buried.
The Truth was beheaded in Karbala. Shimar's dagger cut off Imam
Husain's head. (Nafsil Mahmoom). [Earlier, it was said that the sacred
head was severed by twelve blows of Shimar's sword (Nafsil
Mahmum). If the Truth was beheaded, all sacrifice ended in vain]
The head of the Martyr in the Way of Allah was raised up high on a
spear. That was the moment that the truth was decapitated.
Bibi Shahr Bano took her own life by jumping in the Euphrates
(Manaqib, Ibn Shahr Ashob)
(Impossible)! Bibi Shahr Bano had died at the birth of Imam Zainul
Abedin. (Asrarush Shahadat)
According to Kitab-e-Asrar, Bibi Shar Bano rode away to Jabal-e-
Toos on the Imam's steed and her end remains one of the unsolved
mysteries of Nature. [But the Imam's steed had died too]
The caravan of the captives of Karbala consisted of a string of 40
camels carrying Fatima's progeny, some children and some women.
(Ashir Bahar)
Fatima Sughra bint Husain said to a man from Kufah, "Sit you like a
dog, the way your father used to!" (Malhuf) [The author of Malhuf is
presenting this as a specimen of Fatima Junior's eloquence]
Imam Zainul Abedin said to Ibn Ziyad, "No one dies without Allah's
Decree. My father also died by His Decree.” (Maqatilut Taalibin) [With
such firm faith in Allah's will it would not befit him to wail in Ibn
Ziyad's court]
Imam Husain's head was being paraded in the streets of Kufah. The
head was constantly reciting the ayahs, "See that the matter of the
People of Kahf and Raqeem was one of Our unique signs." The
audience spoke out, "O Son of the Prophet! Your case is even more
wondrous!" (Ashir Bahar)
could the Muslim masses celebrate the martyrdom of the exalted
Prophet's grandson?]
One of the fifty people who brought the Imam’s head from Kufah to
Damascus reported that they had a round of drinking around the
sacred head. One dark night it so happened, that the gates of the
heavens were flung open with thunder and lightning. All Messengers
from Adam to Muhammad descended, accompanied by Gabriel and
thousands of other angels. Gabriel lifted the sacred head, embraced
and kissed it. All other Messengers (124,000) then did the same.
Looking at the head of his grandson, the Prophet of Allah wept
profusely. Other Messengers helped him compose himself. (Nafsil
Mahmoom). [Angel Gabriel should have carried the head to the
Ibn Jozi has written in his Tazkarah, "Five hundred years before the
birth of the Prophet, there was a verse etched on a stone in Siryani
language that there would be a people who slay Husain and yet hope
for intercession by his grandfather. [Ibn Jozi does not tell us who
saw the stone and where]
Near a mountain called Joshan, one of Husain’s wives suffered a
miscarriage. There were some people at work nearby. She requested
them some water to drink. They not only rejected her request but
spoke rudely. The lady cursed them. There was a red copper-mine in
that mountain. That mine suddenly exploded (Mo'jamil Baldan). [Why
could her curse not destroy the army of Ibn Ziyad?]
It is reported in Maqtalil Husain, "In the bazaars of Syria, the sacred
head of Husain went on counting beads of a rosary. It was calling
out, "My martyrdom and the mounting of my head on the spear is
more wonderous than the story of Dwellers of the Cave." [The
Mullah takes this yarn as strengthening the faith, whereas the
educated young make fun of their own religion when they hear such
are people who do not mourn our dead. (Tafseer Qummi) [Do we
notice the open contradiction here? For centuries, grieving and
mourning has indeed been an integral part of the lives of these
Mullahs and their followers. Is not the continued 'ceremonial'
weeping and wailing these books so often attribute to the family of
the exalted Prophet demeaning to his household? Isn't it against the
honored Imam's own injunctions? Is there another people in the
world that consider wailing and mourning an integral part of
By Yazeed’s orders the sacred head of Imam Husain was hung at the
gate of his palace and then, for forty days it remained perched on the
minaret of the Jama' Masjid (Nafsil Mahmoom). [Could the thousands
upon thousands of the Muslim masses idly witness the insult?]
A lady of the house, Hind bint Abdullah bin Aamir left the harem of
the Lord of Martyrs and became a wife of Yazeed. (Ashir Bahar)
[What! This is another serious insult to Imam Husain]
No. (AH)
01. Ali ibn Abi-Talib 40 600-661
02. Hasan bin Ali 49 625-670
03. Husain bin of Ali 61 626-680
04. Zainul Abedin bin Husain 95 659-712
05. Muhammad Baqir bin Zain 117 676-731
06. Ja'far Sadiq bin Baqir 148 702-765
07. Musa Kazim bin Ja'far 182 746-799
08. Ali Raza bin Musa Kazim 200 765-818
Muhammad Jawad Taqi bin
09. 220 811-835
10. Ali Hadi Naqi bin Taqi 254 846-868
11. Hasan Askari bin Naqi 260 846-870
Zaman Al-Mahdi (if at all born) - exact year of
birth not known. It was 254 or 255 AH. He
disappeared at age four or five in the Cave of
Samera in Iraq.
Now let us have a look at the chronology of the historians who initially
committed our history to writing, including the Karbala episode. Although
the historians are a different commodity from the Muhaddthin (writers of
Hadith) yet, both groups trespass each other's boundaries whenever they
wish. Therefore, we find history mixed up with Hadith and vice versa. These
massive volumes are loaded with endless amount of contradictions within
themselves and against each other since all these books were based on
word of mouth. "He heard from him who heard from her, and she heard
from so and so who in turn heard it from this and that." Then there is the
description and analyses of the character and credibility of the persons in
the 'chains of narration'. The funny thing is that one narrator who is
trustworthy before ten "scholars" is a fabricating liar before another ten.
Imam Ibn Jareer Tabari 310 AH (923 CE) - The first exponent of the
Qur’an and the first ever historian)
Sheikh Muhammad Bin Yaqoob Bin Ishaq Al-Kaleeni 329 (941 CE)
Sheikh Saddooq Abu Ja'far bin Ali Tabrasi 381 (993 CE)
Sheikh Abu Ja'far Muhammad Ibn-e-Hasan Toosi 460 (1071 CE)
(The only Shi’a Imam of Fiqh was Ja’far Sadiq, d.145 A.H.)
The revered Mullah Jalaluddin Rumi wrote correctly about the Imams of
These were the names of the gurus of our history and tradition. Here it is
noteworthy that first history of Muslims was written by Tabari, about 280
years after the exalted Prophet and 240 years after the supposed incident
of Karbala. And he had nothing in his hands to refer to. In fact, he admits in
the very beginning of his "Mother of all Histories" that he was writing only
that which others were narrating. The narrators, therefore, should be held
responsible for any and all errors.
From the Shiite standpoint, history was first recorded by Imam Kaleeni
later than Tabari, at the start of the fourth century AH or about 250 years
after the supposed Karbala. Tabari and Kaleeni both built their fancies on
hearsay. "He heard from so and so who heard from so and so, and so on."
scandal that should put us to shame is the so-called "Science" of Men's
Names (Asma-ur-Rijaal). The Mullah thumps his breast claiming that
Muslims have preserved the names of their 500,000 self-proclaimed
narrators/scholars. Dr. James Gibbs of Great Britain has correctly assailed
Muslims over this spectacle, "The Muslims possess a living Book but,
sitting in their mosques, madrasahs and monasteries, they continue
playing with obsolete accounts of history. These five hundred thousand
phantom players are responsible for sectarianism amongst the Muslims."
Two Tabaris? Just as Imam Abu Yusuf, a disciple of Imam Abu Hanifa had
become the royal court jurist (Faqeeh) of Umayyad Dynasty similarly Tabari
dug heels in the court of Khalifa Mo'tamid in 270 AH. Imam Ibn Jareer bin
Yazeed Tabari, (the name adopted by him) graciously submitted to the
whims of Khalifa Al-Muqtadar Billah. In many accounts the "Imam's" real
name is given as Ibn Jareer bin Rustam Ibn Tabari disclosing him being a
Parsi. (For example, Kitabul Istaqama, P.137) Today there are confusing
reports about him whether he was a Shi'a or a Sunni, Khariji or Rafizi or
Zoroastrian (Yaqoot Hamdi’s Muajjamil Adaba 302 AH). Legend also has it
that Imam Tabari bin Yazeed and Imam Tabari bin Rustam were two
different persons, although both were born on the same day, both were
historians, lived in the same town, and died on the same day. Both of them
looked the same and dressed the same. [Impossible for a co-incidence]
Well, it is amazing to know that all the six so-called Sunni Muhadditheen of
Sahah Sitta (the Six Right Ones - the six 'canonical' books of Hadith),
Bukhari, Muslim, Abu Daood, Ibn-e-Maja, Tirmizi and Nasai hailed from the
defeated Persian Empire. Likewise, the three Shi'a Muhadditheen Sheikh
Saddooq, Ja'far Toosi and Abu Ali Tabrasi (writers of the four 'canonical'
Shi'a books of Hadith) were of Persian origin. Not one of these nine was an
Like Imam Zainul Abedin, his son Imam Baqir and after him his son Imam
Ja'far Sadiq had altogether quit the political arena. Luckily for Abu Muslim
Khorasani, Marwan the Second, son of Marwan bin Hakam turned out to be
a very incapable ruler. Abu Muslim found the ground all to himself. Imam
Muhammad bin Ali died in 126 AH and his followers declared his son
Ibrahim as Imam. Abu Muslim Khorasani talked Imam Ibrahim into killing all
Arabs in Khorasan, a Persian dominated province. But, the plot was
exposed. Marwan-2 imprisoned Imam Ibrahim and then got him killed. His
brother succeeded Imam Ibrahim as Imam Abul Abbas. Abu Muslim's
mission was to prevent the consolidation of a central authority among the
ruling Arabs, indeed among the Muslims in general. Finally, in 132 AH the
combined armies of Abu Muslim and Imam Abul Abbas destroyed the
Umayyad regime. There are reports that the ruling Umyyads were killed
deceptively under the pretext of a dinner party. Marwan II was killed. All but
the women and children of Banu Umayya were annihilated. Only a prince
named Abdur Rahman managed to escape to Andalusia (Spain). With a
significant Muslim population in Spain since its conquest by Musa bin
Nusair and Tariq bin Ziyad, Prince Abdur Rahman set up the glorious
Umayyad Dynasty in Spain.
Fearful of Abu Muslim's rise to power, Abul Abbas got him assassinated.
Still, the Persians remained very powerful in the early reign of the
Abbassids. In fact, from 129 to 132 AH the Persians directly ruled the
Muslim empire. (Tareekh-e-Islam by Dr. Hameeduddin)
The Umayyad Dynasty lasted until 132 AH. During much of the first 100
years, SAHABA KIRAAM were alive and the System of Government was
very close to KHILAAFAT-e-RASHIDA. In fact, during the times of Umar bin
Abdul Aziz (99-101) no one could find a single person willing to accept
charity in 1/3rd of the then known world under Islamic Rule! Monarchy
really began during the Abbasid Dynasty.
The Persian Baramika family had ascended to immense power within the
Caliphate as Haroon's viziers. Most historians acknowledge that in 187 AH
Haroon had a golden opportunity for easy conquest of the present-day
Cyprus and Turkey, including Constantinople (Istanbul), the gateway to
Europe. That action would have obviated the horrible Crusades in the
future. However, the Zoroastrian Baramikas kept him occupied with the
Arabian Nights Tales and in fun and merriment.
Haroon's ministers Khalid, Yahya, Fazal and Ja'far were all Baramikas.
They replaced Arabic with Persian as the court language. It is astonishing
to note that it was in Haroon's reign that the celebration of the Magian
festival of Nawroze started in great gusto replacing the customary Muslim
How were people like Tabari, Kaleeni, Zahri, Ibn Ishaq, Tirmizi, Saddooq,
Ibn-e-Sa'd and Waqidi et al gain so much power? Not only did they enjoy
privileges from the rulers, but they also had monopoly over penmanship. In
return they used to proclaim the king as God's shadow on earth and would
fabricate history, Hadith and interpretations of the Qur’an that would
endorse despotic kingship, palaces, harems and all kinds of royal
Shah Abdul Aziz of Dehli, (d. 1229 AH) gave an example of this chaos. One
day Khalifa Mahdi Abbassi was flying pigeons. Ghias bin Maimoon
Muhaddith saw this and uttered, "The Rasool (S) has said that archery,
horse racing, and flying pigeons are a believer’s grandeur.” The reported
Hadith mentions camel racing instead of flying pigeons.
Khalifa Haroon Rasheed had the most magnificent kingdom and possessed
the strongest army of the times. He could easily have subdued Byzantine,
indeed the entire Roman Empire. Had he accomplished that task, there
would have been no Crusades in later years and Islam could have claimed
the entire Europe with its strength and benevolence.
In his book "Imam Zahri and Imam Tabari, the Other Side of the Picture",
Allama Tamanna Imadi states that Zahri's role features prominently in all
the differences between the Shi'a and Sunni sects to this day.
the Khawarij were creations of the scheming mind of Zahri and
expanded by Tabari. In fact, the Battles of Jamal, Saffain, Nahrawan
and Karbala never took place!
Zahri was not alone in spreading the above mentioned horrendous plots.
He had full support of his fellow Zoroastrians. Their ulterior motive was to
divide Muslims in sects, engage them in mutual disputes and make them
abandon the Qur’an.
Other culprits in this sordid business were Jews banished from the Arabian
Peninsula. Many of them assumed Muslim names and settled in centers of
Islamic Civilization to benefit from the prosperous Muslim state. A third
force active in this endeavor was the Byzantine (the Eastern Roman)
Empire which had been conquered by Muslims during the reign of Hazrat
Umar. Syria, Egypt, Jerusalem, Alexandria etc had fallen to Muslims. The
Romans were also bent upon avenging their defeat from Muslims.
Please recall that the Qur’an prescribes Jihad in the sense of warfare only
under the following circumstances:
In their hearts, the Parsi and Christian masses were jubilant over the rise of
Islam because it was the first time that they had witnessed the beauty of
freedom. However, the courtiers and the elite of the old regimes grieved for
the good old days. The Jews had not forgotten the hurt of their
banishment. In their private counsels these defeated elements had reached
the conclusion that it was not possible to fight Muslims on the battlefield.
Therefore, they resolved to sow the seed of discord among Muslims. The
best way to accomplish the task was to make them desert the Qur’an.
Henceforth, the war was philosophical and intellectual at which the plain
Arabs were no match to the enemy. They were men of action, not of gossip.
"Feroz killed the 'second' (Hazrat Umar) because the latter used to
mistreat him.”(Malhuf referring toTaoos)
The third version is that Abululu Feroz used to work in Hazrat
Mugheera's house. He was a blacksmith and carpenter. One day he
brought a complaint before Hazrat Umar that Hazrat Mugheera was
not paying him enough wages. Hazrat Umar looked into his
complaint and ruled that the wages were adequate, and Abululu
assassinated Hazrat Umar on that account. Does it not sound too
trivial a reason? This was not the murder of just another man, Umar
bin Khattab. It was the assassination of Umar Farooq the great!
There was a monstrous plot behind it, as we shall explore.
captured and brought to Madinah in 20 AH. Hazrat Husain married
her with her consent in 25 AH. (Usool Al-Kafi)
There are other reports that the real name of this attractive princess of
Yazdgard was Jehan Shah and that Hazrat Umar proposed two fine names
for her, Salameh and Shahrbano. (Kitab Ash-Shafi)
Our research indicates the original name of this lady was Shaharzadi and
she was the daughter of Shahryar and the sister of Yazdgard. Regardless,
this wedding was blessed by prominent Muslims. They were hoping that
this marriage would create goodwill between the Arabs and the Ajamites.
However, the remnants of the Persian monarchy took it as an insult. The
pyre of hate kept on burning in their hearts until they assassinated Imam
This was the revenge they took from Muslims. We have mentioned above
the principal characters of the horrible drama staged by them. For revenge
from Islam itself, these characters replaced the pristine Islam of the exalted
Prophet Muhammad with an Ajamite Islam. Its foundations were laid during
the reign of Khalifa Haroon Rashid. This Ajami Islam is rampant in the so-
called Islamic world to date. Haroon born 766 CE, ruled from 786-809 CE
(170-192 AH).
This is the same Islam, which, like Hussain Kazimzada, Allama Iqbal called
the Ajami Islam. Sir Syed Ahmad Khan temed it the Invented Religion,
Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi named it Maulvi's Wrong Religion. I
call it N2I, the Number Two Islam like the counterfeit medicines better
known as "No. 2" medicines in the Indo-Pak Subcontinent.
AH (about the times of Abbassid Caliph Mo'tazid) exists in the Istanbul
museum. It is titled Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad. This
book tells us: Even two hundred and fifty years after the death of our
Prophet the Islamic world is united as one body. Jews, Nazarenes and the
Zoroastrians keep trying to sow the seeds of dissension in the Muslim
ranks. Their chief strategy is similar to that of Abdullah bin Saba and Abu
Muslim Khorasani, namely reviving the ethnic differences between Arabs
and non-Arabs, all of which had been demolished by the Qur’an.
[There is another solid clue. Abdul Jabbar Fatimi with his name was
distorted as Abdul Jabbar Qaramati. You can easily find the book of Prof Dr
Hameeduddin of Harvard University, "History of Islam", (TAREEKH-E-
ISLAM), Madinah Publications, Lahore, in which he details Abdul Jabbar's
book and his historical role from Page 486 onward.
Abdul Jabbar Qaramati (Fatimi) writes in this book that at the time of his
martyrdom, Hazrat Ali was the Governor of Iraq appointed by Hazrat
Uthman, just as he was appointed by Hazrat Umar. Before assassinating
Hazrat Ali, Abdullah bin Saba had already killed Hazrat Uthman in a night
raid on the Government house.) Mention of this hand written book by Abdul
Jabbar Fatimi has also been made by Dr. Hameeduddin, a renowned
historian of the sub-continent (a doctor from Harvard) in his book titled
History of Islam (Madinah Publications from Page 486 on. It is worth noting
that Fatimi makes no mention of any insurrection of thousands of rebels
into Madinah, nor of a siege of Caliph Uthman's house. Hazrat Uthman was
martyred in 35 AH.
The reasons for the difficulty in procuring the original books of Abdul
Jabbar, Hur bin Abdul Rahman, and Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Moosvi
have been explained in my books ISLAM: THE TRUE HISTORY and
They propagate the belief that the Caliphate should have remained among
the descendants of Hazrat Ali. On one hand, the conspirators were
supporting the caliphate of the household of Hazrat Ali and on the other,
they were assassinating successive Imams, so that people won’t unite
under Hazrat Ali‘s descendants either. These assassinations were executed
by the tools of the masterminds. Hazrat Ali's assassin, Jamshed Khurasani,
was such a tool. It may be noted that Jamshed Khorasani was a Parsi but
our history books name him as Abdul Rahman Ibn Muljam Khariji.
Abdul Jabbar Qaramati (Fatimi) writes in this book that at the time of his
martyrdom, Hazrat Ali was the Governor of Iraq appointed by Hazrat
Uthman, just as he was appointed by Hazrat Umar. Before assassinating
Hazrat Ali, Abdullah bin Saba had already killed Hazrat Uthman in a night
raid on the Governmenment house.) Mention of this hand written book by
Abdul Jabbar Fatimi has also been made by Dr. Hameeduddin, a renowned
historian of the sub-continent (a doctor from Harvard) in his book titled
History of Islam (Madinah Publicationson Page 486. It is worth noting that
Fatimi makes no mention of any insurrection of thousands of rebels into
Madinah, nor of a seige of Caliph Uthman's house. Hazrat Uthman was
martyred in 35 AH.
Hazrat Ali, until his martyrdom in 40 AH 660 CE, continued as the Governor
of Iraq as well as the new Caliph of the Ummah - the Commander of the
So, out of the question are the Battle of Jamal between Hazrat Ali and
Hazrat Ayesha or the Battle of Saffain between Hazrat Ali and Hazrat
Mu'awiya, and lastly, the Battle of Nahrawan between Hazrat Ali and the
Khawarij. All these tales are fantastic fabrications of the most mischievous
Now let us pay attention to what is stated by Hujjatallah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-
Moosvi in his book Meezanul Faris and by Hur bin Abdul Rahman,
Governor of Andulus (Spain), in his diary, Muzakkrah Hur Bin Abdul
Rahman. But before we do that, let us reiterate the answer to the question:
What is the connection between Imam Mahdi and Karbala?
Having come thus far with me, if you still believe that:
bring it back every forty days,
Mahdi was a full-grown man when 40 days old,
Anyone who sneezes cannot die within three days,
The sun and the moon will retire when Mahdi son of Hasan Askari
20 million infantry and 6 hundred thousand cavalry were amassed to
fight the 72 supporters of Imam Husain,
His severed head kept reciting the Qur’an while being paraded in the
The Imam had single-handedly killed 1950 foes with his sword in
Beasts in the jungles and fish in the oceans keep crying over Hazrat
The world was rained with blood for three days,
God wept so much that His eyes became sore,
Open the eye to see the earth the sky the space
And see the sun rising from the East
collection of fables and myths.
Please note that one century of the solar calendar approximates 103 years
of the lunar calendar since a lunar year has 354.5 days.
Before Abdur Rahman could reach there, Musa bin Nusair and Tariq bin
Ziayd had already conquered Spain in 92 AH, 711 CE during the reign of
Khalifa Waleed bin Abdul Malik. Then, for a short period of two years (99 to
101 AH) Umar bin Abdul Aziz was the Caliph of the Islamic State. This was
the highly regarded personage who had rekindled the memories of the
Khilaafat-e-Rashida (The Rightly Guided Caliphate) in peoples' minds. This
gifted Khalifa appointed a capable person, Hur bin Abdur Rahman as
Governor of Spain. Like Muhammad bin Qasim in India, Hur proved to be a
great administrator in spite of his young years. He won over the hearts of
the people of Spain through his impeccable character and his competence
as an administrator. It was under his leadership that the Muslim armies
crossed Spanish borders over to the southern
France and conquered it. (History of Islam, by Dr. Hameeduddin, Madinah
Publishing Company, Karachi, Page 299)
Hur bin Abdur Rahman used to maintain a diary of events in Arabic. About
two hundred years later, in about year 920 CE, a Spanish officer Simone
Ashbillia found this diary. He translated this diary (what was left of it) into
Spanish. In 1910, Dennis Montgomery, a British scholar carefully analysed
this diary and concluded that the complete diary must have contained over
300 pages. This diary covered the period around 100 AH.
Surprisingly, the contents of this diary support the research by the Iranian
historian Hussain Kazimzadeh and Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Moosvi's
Meezanil Faris. All these sources agree to a great extent with the writings
of Abdul Jabbar Fatimi in the Istanbul archives.
(Translated from Spanish by Dennis Montgomery in 1910 from the
historical archives at Barcelona, Spain)
I am requesting Amir-ul-Momineen (Umar bin Abdul Aziz) to let us establish
four army garrisons in Andalusia (Spain) just as Sayyedna Umar Farooq
had established two new garrisons in Kufah and Basra. We are here to stay
because people in this country love us. They feel liberated. There is total
peace in our Emirah (Rule). Jews, Christians, Muslims, all live in harmony
and without fear. There is no unrest of any kind, religious or otherwise.
26 Safar AH 100:
I am very grateful for the confidence Amir ….. and
Amir-ul-Momineen Umar bin Abdul Aziz have placed in me. I am fully aware
of the fact that we will have to ….. and turn good into better every day.
(Dots indicate not legible)
Just as the plots of the Magians (Zoroastrians) had created trouble in Iraq
during the first few decades of Islam, similarly we face conspiracies …..
that erupt now and then. The reason is obvious. The local rich elite and the
powerful leaders of the past hate social equity between people.
17 Rajab, AH 100:
Although the situation in Spain is very much in control and improving
every day, still I feel that the Khilafa in Damascus should appoint a more
able governor in this land. I will feel honored to work under the command
of such a governor as an ordinary official, soldier. I have expressed this
desire to the Amir-ul-Momineen.
I understand that it is impossible to find people of the caliber of Ali,
Hasan and Husain (r. a.). They, as Emirs (governors), have truly made Iraq a
paradise on earth. Ali and Husain (r. a.) sacrificed their lives in their noble
offices as Emirs. The Magians (Jamsed Khurasani and Jabaan bin
Harmuzan) had thought that by assassinating these two honorables, Iraq
would ….. to the Farisis (the Persians). But the sacred blood of Emir Ali and
Emir Husain was not shed in vain. Ambassadors from the Center (Khilafah)
and elsewhere report that in Al-Hijrah 100 Kufah, Basra, and ….. are even
more peaceful and prosperous than Syria, Palestine and Egypt.
In 116 AH (732 CE) one of the most important events in history took place.
The Banu Umayya armies advanced from Spain to consolidate their victory
over France. A battle took place at Tours. Abdur Rahman Ghafiqi
commanding the Muslim forces fought valiantly but he was accidentally
killed. Had Muslims won that battle, the Europe and America of today
would have been Muslim continents. There could be several reasons for
the defeat, but it appears that the garrisons suggested by Hur bin Abdur
Rahman were still being built. The inability to obtain reinforcements was
one of the causes of the Muslim defeat at Tours.
Hazrat Husain as the Governor of Iraq! The reader might be wondering why
this crucial fact is not widely known! It is not widely known today because
the original records were whisked away in the era of the Abbassid dynasty.
Let us recall that the last Abbassid Caliph Musta'sim Billah was a weak and
inept ruler. He had delegated his royal powers to his Prime Minister
Muayyaduddin Ibn-e-Alqami, an assumed name. His real name was Nasr
Nawsher Alqami. Most historians report that he was an ardent Shi'a, but
others maintain that he was a Zoroastrian. In the meanwhile, Naseeruddin
Toosi, another staunch Shiite, was the chief adviser of Hulagu Khan
(grandson of Chengiz Khan) of Mongolia. Since the Abbasid dynasty was
wheeled into power by the Persians (Ajamites), they wielded much
authority in the Abbasid government. We have seen the influence of
Abdullah bin Saba, 'Imam' Ibn Shahab Zahri Toosi (and not Madani) and
Abu Muslim Khurasani in formulating the Shi'a doctrines and finally,
toppling the Umayyads. Therefore, those Persians who had only assumed
Islamic names and the Shiites had several common ambitions and goals.
(Ajaaeb-it-Tareekh by Yaqoot Hamdi)
How was the history distorted on such massive scale? How did the
Persians create dissension between Muslims? Please go on to the next
Hulago Khan, his courtiers and his army were pagans. Making conquests
had been their pastime since the days of Changiz Khan. They invaded
empires, nations, countries and cities, and ruined them. They had no
empathy or enmity for knowledge and literature. Then why did they throw
the books in the river? The scheme was to fill these libraries with books
representing the Ajami (i.e. The Number Two Islam). (Meezanul Faris). On
the prompting of Alqami and Toosi, the Mongol armies took the extreme
step of removing all books that they could lay their hands on, from homes,
from scholars and from educational institutions. For details, please look up
"Tasweer ka Dusra Rukh" (Other side of the Picture) by Jame-ul-Uloom
Allama MohiuddinTamanna Imadi.
In the times of Hazrat Umar, Muslims had conquered one of the super
powers of the day, Persia, completely. They also conquered the eastern
half of the other super power, Byzantium of the Roman Empire. The Roman
Empire still survived in the west. We may recall that in 631 CE Khusro
Parwaiz, the King of Persia tore up the Prophet's letter. The exalted Prophet
had, then, predicted that the Persian Empire would be torn to pieces
Now, Yazdgard became the fifth successor to Khusro Parwaiz. This was the
king to whose court Hazrat Sa'd bin Abi Waqas sent emissaries inviting him
to Islam. They conveyed a message from the Caliphate at Madinah warning
him to cease oppressing his people otherwise the trouble would come
close to him and his kingdom. Before giving an answer to the emissary,
Yazdgard commanded one of his bodyguards to bring a basketful of dust.
This done, the king said to the emissary, "Go and give this to your
Commander Sa'd bin Abi Waqas.” While accepting the gift, Hazrat Sa'd
exclaimed, "Greetings, O Soldiers of Islam! Today the king of Persia has
surrendered his soil to us!"
The bizarre death of the last monarch of the Sassanid dynasty spread a pall
of gloom all over Persia. They did not revere their monarchy all that much
caliphs one after the other, and secondly, to alienate the Muslims
from the Qur’an. The seasoned Bazer of Samarqand, a former special
advisor to Khusro Parwaiz, headed the committee of the Asawirah.
The old Marzaban, another former advisor, was his deputy. Both
were highly experienced scheming politicians.
It sounds like a fairy tale but as soon as he got his stay of execution,
Harmuzan spilled the water on the ground. He would not have a drink and
therefore the royal reprieve would not lapse. Anas bin Malik and Ahnaf bin
Qais who were at the scene, confirmed, "O Commander of the Faithful! You
have indeed reprieved Harmuzan.” Upon this, Hazrat Umar again addressed
Harmuzan and said, "Harmuzan! I am a hostage to the generosity of these
Muslims.” Harmuzan was freed. Apparently, he embraced Islam and took
up residence in Madinah.
Now we shall see that assassination of Hazrat Umar was not an individual
act of Feroz Abululu, but part of a conspiracy by the fifteen 'Jewels'.
Magian. Actually he was the latter. Whatever Feroz was, he was only
serving as a tool. The important question is who was wielding that tool. The
chief pawn of the 'Jewels' of Kisra in Madinah was no other than Harmuzan.
In Madinah, his constant companion was Jafeena Al-Khalil. Jafeena was a
staunch Christian and an expert scholar of the Bible and of Hebrew and
Arabic. He was a political pawn of the Roman emperor and had served as
an official in Damascus, Palestine and Heerah. Their third companion was a
Jew named Saba bin Sham'oon. He was the person whose son Abdullah
Ibn Saba would soon emerge as a notorious character of history. All three
were living in Madinah as Muslims. All three were master conspirators and
shrewd schemers.
One day Feroz Abululu came across Hazrat Umar. He said to Feroz, "I hear
that you can make a windmill". Feroz retorted, "O Commander of the
Faithful! I shall make a memorable mill in Madinah that will keep running
Meanwhile, the new Heraclius, the Byzantine King, fleeing from Islamic
forces, joined the refugee courtiers of Persia in Samarqand. Courier
pigeons kept flying between Madinah and Samarqand.
There was a person by the name of Ka'ab Ahbar. Till this day it is not
certain whether he embraced Islam or not. He was a great scholar of the
Torah. When Hazrat Umar arrived in Jerusalem on its conquest (16 AH, 635
CE) the Cardinal and Pope Severinus invited him to pray in the Holy
Sepulcher. Hazrat Umar politely declined the offer saying, "I am afraid that
Muslims might start converting churches into mosques." So, he conducted
his prayers in the open ground near the ruins of the Temple of Solomon. He
continued to do so till he stayed in Jerusalem. Ka'ab Ahbar took his shoes
off while approaching the Rock of Jacob. Ka'ab suggested to Hazrat Umar
to conduct his prayers at that spot. At this, Hazrat Umar remarked, "Don't
you still have some Judaism left in you?”
Abdul Malik Bin Marwan had constructed a dome over the Rock of Jacob
around 60 AH while constructing Masjid-e-Aqsa. It is now known as Dome
of the Rock (Qubbah-tas-Sakhra).
Once, Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari and Hazrat Umar were discussing the topic of
Zakaat. Ka'ab Ahbar said something. Abuzar rebuked him, "O Hebrew!
Would you teach us Islam?”
Says Abdur Rahman bin Abu Bakr, "I saw Harmuzan the Magian, Jafeena
the Christian, and Feroz Abululu talking in whispers, the day before Hazrat
Umar was assassinated. They had with them the same double edged
dagger that was later found near the dead body of Abululu.”
Three days before the assassination, Ka'ab Ahbar told the Amirul Muminin,
Hazrat Umar, that he would die within three days. Abbas Mahmud Alakkad,
an Egyptian Historian has written that Ka'ab Ahbar was a staunch Jew and
he was the prime accomplice along with Harmuzan and Jafeenatil Khaleel
in the conspiracy for assassination. The night before Hazrat Umar Farooq’s
assassination, Ka'ab Ahbar said to Hazrat Umar, "The time has run out for
Abdul Qadir Ali Moosvi writes, "At the time of this catastrophe, the Islamic
Empire was securely established and the mental grooming of the masses
ensured complete peace and tranqullity all around. Hordes of people were
joining the Faith of God. No one could imagine the possibility of such a dire
conspiracy. Had there been dissension in the Muslim ranks or had there
been bloody feuds during the first fifty to hundred years of the Islamic
state, Muslims could not have overrun two-thirds of the world. They
belonged to the truly blessed era of Islam. The Qur’an bears witness to
their being the unwavering believers, and that they were extremely
affectionate to each other. Allah is pleased with them and they were
pleased with Him, says the Qur’an. In this era of tranquillity there appeared
to be no prospect of any underground mischief."
With the assassination of Hazrat Umar, the Persian schemes accelerated in
alienating Muslims from their God i.e. distancing Muslims from the Qur’an.
Umar Farooq the Great was the chief obstacle in their way. When the news
of his assassination reached Samarqand, the courtiers of Persia lit up the
sky in jubilation with fireworks.
Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Moosvi writes in Meezanul Faris that the
consultative machinery of the Caliphate was so competent that without
wasting a minute after the martyrdom, Hazrat Uthman was selected as the
new Caliph through mutual consultation of the blessed companions.
The Scattered pieces: Muzakkarah Hur bin Abdul Rahman, Meezanul Faris,
Fitnatul Kubra by Taha Husain, Ajaaib-it-Tareekh by Yaqoot Hamdi, Kitab
Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad by Abdul Jabbar Fatimi, Tasweer Ka
Doosra Rukh and Intizar-e-Mahdi-o-Maseeh both by Muhaddithul Asr
Allama Tamanna Imadi. Mazhabi Dastanain Aur Unki Haqeeqat, by Allama
Habibur Rahman Kandhalvi, Shahkar-e-Risaalat by Allama Ghulam Ahmad
Parvez, Tarikh-e-Islam by Dr. Hameeduddin, Professor at Harvard
University, and many other books highlight the history of the First Century
Islam etched in gold letters. But it is scattered about like the pieces of a jig-
saw puzzle. Putting these pieces together, the picture that emerges is
surprisingly pleasant although sprinkled with hallowed blood.
had trained these eminent people himself and they were full of compassion
for each other and for humanity.
Taking advantage of this situation, the old Hebrew, Saba bin Shamoon who
had assumed an Islamic name of Saba Assalameh, and his son Abdullah
bin Saba entered the capital Madinah in the dark of the last hours of the
night and assassinated Hazrat Uthman with their swords while he was
reciting the Qur’an. Both assassins disappeared into the darkness of the
night without leaving a trace. (35 AH)
Anyhow, the Ship of the Islamic State sailed fine in those choppy seas of
intrigue and conspiracy. But on Ramadhan 18, 40 AH, 661 CE the Persian
courtiers struck again. At dawn, Hazrat Ali was leading a congregation in
Kufah when a Magian named Jamshed Khorasani who had assumed an
Islamic name, pounced from hiding and stabbed him with his sharp,
double-edged dagger several times. The third day after this attack i.e. on
Ramadhan 20, the fourth Caliph succumbed to his wounds. In our
conventional history books, this Jamshed Khorasani is known as Abdur
Rahman Ibn-e-Muljim Khariji. Jamshed was instantly captured by the
congregation. He was tried in the court of law and received swift execution.
the governor of Syria. Hazrat Hasan declined to accept the nomination.
Therefore, Hazrat Mu'awiya took office as the new Caliph. He had some
great assets such as a history of good administration, political acumen and
general popularity. However, he did fulfill the constitutional requirement of
people's allegiance.
The capital had now shifted to Damascus. Some Syrians started standing
guard on him in civil clothing without the Caliph's knowledge. When in
Ramadan 40 AH someone attacked Hazrat Mu'awiya, a sentinel chopped
the head of the assailant there and then. Hazrat Mu'awiya had received only
minor injuries. Elements inimical to Islam came to understand that their
designs were unlikely to succeed in Damascus which was now the capital.
So, they turned their attention again to Iraq where Hazrat Hasan had been
appointed the governor by Hazrat Mu'awiya. Steeped in compassion and
generosity, Hazrat Hasan made his province a paradise on earth. Having
set Iraq’s administration on an even keel, he resigned his office in 48 AH
due to ill health and took up residence in Madinah.
Imam Ghazali reports that Imam Hasan had two hundred wives. At some
places, including Ghazali's writings, it is stated that he used to marry four
new women and divorce four wives every week! Only people with the intent
of insulting him can cast such a slur on the acclaimed Imam. Mahmood Ali
Abbasi's research concludes that Hazrat Hasan died of tuberculosis of the
lungs in Madinah, 49 AH, 670 CE.
His Golden Rule
himself killed in 23 AH. His son Jaban bin Harmuzan had joined his kith and
kin in Kufah at a young age. This is the same Jaban bin Harmuzan who had
made an unsuccessful attempt on the life of Hazrat Hasan in 46 AH
(Meezanul Faris). In that attack, Hazrat Hasan had received a serious injury
on his thigh, but had recovered. Here, it is worth noting that after
assassinating Hazrat Uthman, Saba bin Shamoon and Abdullah bin Saba
had vanished without a clue. According to Hujjatullah Moosvi, they spent
the rest of their days in disguise in Yemen.
The first ever Muslim history was written by 'Imam' Tabari (839-923 CE) at
the junction of the third and the fourth century AH. He died in 310 AH. What
were his sources? He did not have so much as a scrap of paper to refer to.
Whatever he recorded was on the basis of "heard from someone". Heard
from whom? Heard from someone who heard from someone else and so on
… Tabari himself includes a disclaimer early on in his book that those who
narrated to him the stories must be blamed for any absurdities in his
writings! Worse still, Tabari wrote what he felt like … He wrote whatever his
Magian understanding suggested to him and … he wrote whatever his royal
masters ordered him to. To top it all, he recorded all that was put into his
mind by the intellectual progeny of Harmuzan, Jafeena and Saba bin
Sham'oon. Tabari was a capable story maker and teller. He freed the
monarchs from the quandaries of do’s and don'ts. Only such history and
exposition could suit the Abbassid kings that would sanctify and legalize
their kingship, open up doors to opulence and indulgence, give license for
amassing wealth, and help them keep slaves and harems of women. Tabari
gave them everything. In return they showered him with gold, honors and
Later it was the turn of Muhammad Bin Yaqoob bin Ishaq Al-Kaleeni. His
Magian heritage was also quite imposing (Meezanul Faris). Like Tabari, he
did not have a scrap of written paper to go by. He too wrote down on mere
hearsay and that too as late as the 4th and the 5th century AH. The open-
minded reader can visualize what reality can be found in writings that are
based merely on grapevine talk, "He said this since he heard it from that
who heard it from him, so on and so forth." More importantly, the objective
test of looking at the content of his (and all other historians') writings is
always wide open to a seeking mind. Their writings scream of lies,
fabrications, irrationalities and ulterior motives.
its hearsay more than 50 years later. His stratagem was similar to others.
He would narrate some lines complimentary to the Prophet (S) in order to
establish credibility and then follow with derogatory lines and paras. Most
of his sources were Jewish and Magian. Imam Malik had called Muhammad
bin Ishaq (Ibn Ishaq) a liar. Between Muhammad bin Ishaq and the first
available derivation from his work by Ibn Hisham, all reporters were Parsis
and Jews such as Ziyad Al-Bakai, Muslimatil Abrash and Hameed Razi.
Also there was Waqidi, a hard-boiled Magian and reputedly the biggest liar
of the times (Mazhabi Dastanain aur Unki Haqeeqat by Allama Habib
Another calamity that plagues these books is that there is no clear dividing
line between the three disciplines, i.e. history, tafseers (exposition of the
Qur’an) and Hadith (the traditions of the exalted Prophet). They are all
intertwined in a confusing manner. And they are loaded with
Muslim? Imam Bukhari had asserted that the Companions of the Prophet
had turned apostate upon his death (Kitabul Fatan). Tabari wrote: The
Messenger of Allah said, "Some of my companions will visit me at the Pool.
Allah will remove them from my presence. I will say: O My Lord! These are
my companions. But I will be told: You know not what deeds they wrought
after you.” Rolling the ball forward, Hafiz Ibn Hajr asserts, "Umro bin Sabit
has said that all of them, except five, turned heretic upon the Prophet’s
death.” And Ayatullah Al-'Uzma Al-Hussaini shot the ball through the goal.
He writes, "Those five that remained in the fold of Islam were Salman Farisi,
Miqdad, Abuzar, Ammar and Hazeefa.”
historians and collectors of Hadith forget to include even Hazraat Ali,
Fatima, Hasan and Husain in the elite group of the few faithful. End of the
road? No, not yet]
Imam Malik of Muwatta fame would not lag behind. In fact he preceded the
above group. He laid the foundations of the story by recording in the
chapter Kitabul Jihad, "The Messenger of Allah said concerning the
Martyrs of Uhud that he would himself testify to Allah about their faith.
Hazrat Abu Bakr inquired about himself. The Prophet said, "I do not know
what innovations you will hatch after me." Hazrat Abu Bakr started crying
and cried and cried. The Prophet did not console him.” The last few
paragraphs are concisely given in Saat Sahaba Kay Halaat-e-Zindagi (Life
Events of Seven Sahaba Vol 3, P19) by Ayatullah As-Syed Murtaza Hussain
Nasir Ferozabadi of Nasir Printing Press. He has taken all the narratives
from the six “authentic” books of Sunni Ahadith and sources.
Some Chronology - The Pristine Islam to today's Ajami Islam
Before we proceed, let us briefly examine what the Qur’an has to say about
these forgers.
6:113 Only those who disbelieve in the Hereafter and whose hearts are
inclined to them (to these forgers) would take delight therein. And let them
earn from it what they may.
Relegation from the rightful place 2:53. The last portion of the verse
has been rendered according to the context]
22:54 And that those who are given knowledge may recognize your Lord’s
Truth, then have conviction in it, and their hearts may humbly submit unto
Him. And verily, Allah is the Guide of those who attain belief, to the
Straight Path. (5:48, 15:19)
22:55 And those who disbelieve (in the Revelation by failing to sort out the
human aspirations), will remain in suspense about it until the Hour befalls
them suddenly, or there comes to them the doom of a disastrous day.
We see that the Qur’an has strongly forewarned Muslims about what
conspiracies the historians and Muhadditheen will contrive. The process of
transition from Al-Islam, (DEENILLAH in the Qur’an) to N2I (Number Two
Islam) was a devastating yet insidious conspiracy.
While the conspiracies had begun during the early Abbasid dynasty, they
took time to get hold of the masses. The ways of writing, copying,
communication, disseminating books were obviously slow and tedious.
That is why the Islamic revolution carried on vigorously for many centuries.
The evident moral, social, scientific and political decline of Muslims began
about 800 years later in the 13th century CE, the hallmark being the
onslaught of Hulago on the Center of the caliphate, Baghdad in 1258 CE.
Here is a list of some of the most important conspirators who turned Islam
from DEEN to the man-made religion as we see it today. Their year of
demise is given under *.
Imam Ibn Jareer Tabri 310* (The first exponent of the Qur’an and the
first historian)
Imam Malik bin Anas 179* = 795 CE
Sheikh Muhammad bin Yaqoob bin Ishaq Al-Kaleeni 329* Wrote Al-
Sheikh Saddooq Abu Jafar Muhammad bin Ali Tabrasi 381* Man
Yazharal Faqeeh
Sheikh Abu Jafar Muhammad Ibn-e-Hasan Toosi 460* Tehzeebul
Ahkam and Al-Istibsar
This is a probably a suitable juncture to state and affirm that Shabbir
belongs to no sect. He knows well enough that sectarianism is Shirk (the
unforgiveable offense of associating others with Allah) and that the exalted
Messenger has nothing to do with those who choose a sect for themselves.
(Al-Qur’an 6:160, 30:31-32)
I have sincerely tried to make things easy and save time for the respected
readers. The reader is encouraged to have a brief look at some of these
bulky, supposedly authentic and "sacred" books to confirm what has been
written in them.
I have been challenging the beliefs held by the household in which I was
born and we have seen the Light.
Dear Readers,
In the course of putting this book together, some ladies and gentlemen
have asked me some very important questions.
Question: Granted you do not belong to any sect but there must be
beliefs of others that might be repugnant to you? Hassan
Akhtar, Detroit.
any other people have the absolute right to dismiss my
Question: Relevant to the theme of this book, I want to ask the reality
Panjtan Pak (The Five Holy Figures, Muhammad (S). and
Hazraat Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain). Humera Jaafri,
Question: Muslims keep making hue and cry about Trinity amongst
Christians. What about their own Pentagon (Panjtan Pak)?
Andrea Maseeh, Gujranwala.
Answer: Please see the last question and its answer. This is
a non-
Qura’nic dogma. For Muslims, indeed for the humanity at
the final authority is nothing but the Book of Allah. There is
'Pentagon' in the Qur’an.
law. Therefore, we find nothing in these verses that
pertains to
Hazraat Ali, Fatima, Hasan and Husain. All the narratives in
connection have been the third and fourth century AH
inventions by people who were bent upon driving a wedge
amongst Muslims.
The "Ayah Tatheer" 33:33 pertains only to the Prophet's household (Ahl-e-
Bait) i.e. those individuals who had residence in the Rasool's (S) home, his
wives and their children. In case Hazrat Ali is included because of him
being a cousin, then how Hazrat Abbas bin Abdul Muttalib, the exalted
Prophet's uncle, can be left out? The kinship of an uncle is closer than that
of a cousin. And, how about the exalted Prophet's daughters other than
Hazrat Fatima! Based on this history, many caliphs of the Abbasid dynasty
claimed their rule as the rule of Ahl-e-Bait. Supporters of the first Abbasid
Caliph Abul Abbas considered him as the rightful Imam.
‘Muaddata fil Qurba’ must be correctly understood. This term in 42:23
means regard for the near ones.
42:23 This is the good news from Allah to His servants who believe and
lead a righteous life. Say, "No reward do I ask you for this other than that
you show loving kindness to the ones near in the human bond" (and thus
seek the Way to your Lord 25:57). For, anyone who benefits people, We
shall grant him additional good. And, verily, Allah is ever Absolver of
imperfections, Responsive to gratitude.
Some people wrongly interpret 'Muaddata fil Qurba' as if the exalted
Prophet is asking people to love his kin as a recompense for his services.
This interpretation is wrong on every account and alien to the Qur’anic
spirit according to which kinship, race, color and ethnicity cannot form a
basis for esteem or favor.
Also, the term for relatives would be 'Zil Qurba or Aqraba', not 'Fil Qurba'.
Hazraat Nooh, Hud, Lut, Saleh, Shoaib, and all other prophets told their
people that they were not asking for any recompense for their services.
Then, how could the the exalted Prophet ask for a recompense? The Qur’an
weeded out this concept by declaring that only the personal character of an
individual could be the criterion of honor. Being the father of Hazrat
Ibrahim could not benefit Azar, nor did being the progeny of a prophet avail
Noah's son. Relationship did not avail the wife of Hazraat Nooh and Lut.
Similarly, it was amongst the descendants of the Prophet that people like
Muhammad Ali Baab were born who quit Islam and founded the Bahai
Question: How could the Prophet leave this world without naming a
successor?" Kazim Ali Zaidi
Answer: Surah Ash-Shoora ordains mutual consultation for running the
affairs of believers.
Question: But the Qur’an was not being revealed during Jamal, Saffain and
the Karbala episode.
Answer: True. Yet, how could the historians three or four hundred years
later give a better description of the character of Sahaba Kiraam than that
rendered by the Qur’an?
Mr. Surjeet Singh Lamba of Delhi, India has sent some of his poetry for
inclusion in this book. (Translation from Urdu)
This brief expression bears a lesson for those Muslims who keep
denouncing the Sahaba Kiraam under their deplorable sectarian beliefs.
Question: The way the Karbala episode has been related in the past, always
created doubts in my mind. Your book has undone the
knots in my mind. I pray that your book becomes a basis
for unity amongst Muslims! Prof. Abdul Hamid Mansoori,
Patna (India)
Answer: Indeed a top priority for the Ummah is uniting under the banner
of Al-Qur’an. Mine is only a humble effort.
Question: According to Imam Ja'far Sadiq and Imam Ali Raza, Sufis are
heretics. Even though I am a Shiite, I do not know the rationale of this
verdict. Mrs. Amtul Quddus, Houston
Answer: The Athna Ashri (12 Imamist) scholars correctly regard the Sufis
and Sufism as hoax, but for the wrong reason. According to them, anyone
incapable of recognizing the Imam of the times cannot be a sage at all. The
current Imam, according to them, is Mahdi in occultation.
Question: I have heard that there was kinship between Yazeed Ibn
Mu'awiya and Hazrat Husain? Feroz Malik, Faisalabad
Answer: A niece of Imam Husain was Yazeed's wife and one of Imam
Husain's wives, Rubab was Yazeed's cousin.
Question: Even though a Zaidi, I have freed myself from the scourge of
sectarianism. I am neither a Sunni nor a Shi'a, but simply a Muslim. Just for
academic interest, what are the principal Shiite sects? Nawab Hussain
Zaidi, Orlando
Answer: The Qur’an makes it clear that the exalted Prophet would have
nothing to do with those who divide into sects (6/160). I appreciate your
understanding. Quaid-e-Azam, when asked about his sect, he replied, "First
tell me, what sect did the Prophet preach and his companions followed.
Also see the answer to the next question.
Question: Are all Shi'as one or they too have sects like Sunnis? Niaz
Ahmad Khan, Indiana.
Answer: Because of abandoning the Qur’an, there are such a large number
of sects and sub-sects among Muslims that a Turkish scholar of Istanbul
counted 191 sects at the beginning of the 21st century! Following are just a
few of the Shi'a sects:
(ii) Kaisania - These regard Muhammad bin Hanfia, (d. 84 AH) as the rightful
Imam and the promised Mahdi. He was the son of Hanfia, another wife of
Hazrat Ali, besides Fatima. Mukhtar Thaqafi belonged to this sect.
(iii) Zaidis - They recognize Zaid son of Imam Zainul Abedin (d.125 AH 739
CE) as the last Imam. Thus these may be called as "Five Imami" Shi'as as
against the "Twelve Imami" Shi'as.
(iv) Ismailis - Imam Zainul Abedin, the fourth Imam had two sons Baqir and
Zaid. The latter did not accept the former as Imam. The sixth Imam Jafar
Sadiq had two sons Musa Kazim and Ismail. Those who accept Ismail and
his progeny as Imams are called Ismailis. Prince Karim Agha Khan is their
49th Imam. On the other hand, those accepting the Imamate of Musa Kazim
are called 12 Imamites or Asna Ashris. Apart from these, there are other
sects such as Fatimi, non-Fatimi, Alavi, Khariji, Bohra, Khoja, Sheikhia,
Durooz, Jabria, Qadaria, Tawwabin and so on.
Ahl e Hadees
Ahl e Fiqah
Ahl e Sunnah
Answer: All of the above are sects among the Sunnis except Khwarij
(Kharijites). Khwarij number only a few thousand in Syria and Iraq. They
oppose Sunnis and Shi'as both. According to fake history, they had broken
away from Hazrat Ali after he ceased fighting Hazrat Ma'awiyah.
The Ahl-e-Sunna (Sunnis) too have done a great job of division. Frankly
deceiving the masses, all kinds of clergy describes their sects as "Schools
of Thought'.
Ahl-e-Sunna have two main sects, Muqallid and Ghair Muqallid, meaning
Conformists and non-Conformists.
Muqallids or Ahle Fiqh follow one of the four Sunni Imams of FIQH. (Hanafi,
Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi'i)
Ghair Muqallids are called as Ahle Hadith.
Amongst the Ahl-e-Fiqh there are Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki and Shafi'i.
Among Deobandis there are Qadeemis and Jadeedis, Jalal Abadis and New
Townies, and so on.
Which sect is on the right path? No sect can be on the right path. The
Qur’an declares every sect as Mushrik and estranged from the exalted
Messenger. The Book names all who submit to Allah as Muslims (22:78).
There is no room for a hyphenated Muslim in the Qur’an.
Question: How can our sectarian splits end? Ms. Najeeb Chaudhry, Kot
Radha Kishan
Answer: There is only one way. "Hold fast all of you together to the Cable
of Allah (Al-Qur’an) and divide not.”
The famous poet, Akbar Ilahabadi very aptly wrote:
For smashing the impact of the Qur’an
Pounced upon us a host of narrators
Question: Is the Mahdi that Sunnis and Shi’as are waiting for, one and the
same person or two different ones? Maqbool Sherwani, Texas
Answer: There is much disputation on that. The Mahdi of Qadianis came
and died in 1908. That of the Sunnis was born in 1962 according to Dr. Israr
Ahmad. But he failed to appear and make his debut during the Hajj of 2002
when he would have turned 40, his alleged age of commission.
Question: Why was there no Imam from among the descendants of Hazrat
Hasan son of Hazrat Ali, whereas, there were so many Imams amongst the
descendants of Hazrat Husain? Nadira Khatoon, Montreal
Answer: In spite of the Kaissania, Zaidi, Alavi and Ismaili movements, the
more prevalent belief remains that the Imam would only be from the
descendants of Hazrat Husain. Numerous people, nonetheless, accepted
Muhammad Nafs Zakiyyah and Ibrahim (great grandsons of Hazrat Hasan),
as the final Imams. There are some people who believe that both of these
men will be the Mahdis of the End Times. Aga Khanis have their own Hazir
Imam and the last Imam near end times.
old were destroyed because they abandoned the Books of
Allah in favor of man-made writings."
Question: How many Ahadith are there in the book Usul-e-kafi by Imam
Yaqoob bin Ishaq Al-Kaleeni and how many of them are authentic? Syed
Kazim Ali, Atlanta
Answer: Here is the answer from the translator of Usul-e-Kafi, ‘Maulana’
Syed Zafar Hassan Amrohi from his preface to Vol 1: "There are 16,199
Ahadeeth in Alkafi, of which only 5072 are authentic.” Which 5072? That he
does not say.
Question: Every sect has its own interpretation of the Qur’an, so…
Firdous Jabeen, Florida
Answer: Interpretations differ only when we view the Qur’an through
the lenses of the so-called Imams and their writings. The
Qur’an says that it expounds everything clearly and beyond
any doubt. It is, indeed, easy to understand and explains
itself. Only those will be able to touch (comprehend) it that
are pure, i.e. the ones who approach the Book with an
open, unbiased mind. (56:79)
Allama Zeeshan Qadri: Telling the truth beyond the danger level, the
research is phenomenal.
all statements are well-documented. I think this book will be tough on those
rigidly following their forefathers. However, Al-Hamdulillah, the Muslim
Ummah has become conscious enough. Knowing the truth will be a great
relief to hundreds of thousands of people.
Mrs. Batool Sultana Agha of Stockholm, Sweden: Only people who lack
vision and wisdom can believe the fiction about Imam Mahdi.
I do however, fear emotional reaction against this book and the author."
Maulvi Hafiz Muhammad Haq: The insults to human intelligence have been
exposed in Karbala Ki Haqeeqat enabling the reader to personally analyze
Truth vs Falsehood.
Mrs. Rabab Aqeel Naqvi: Whatever we had been hearing and reading since
our childhood has been demolished. The arguments and references are
staring us in the face. Over a span of a few hours I have seen about 90
books scattered around Dr. Shabbir from which references have been
taken for this book. Even the procurement of these rare books is a
wondrous thing!
Dr. Shabbir Ahmed: I am indebted to my readers who keep sending me
unique and hard-to-find books from every corner of the world.
Mr. Hassan Raza Akhtar (Librarian): I completely agree with Mrs. Rabab
Naqvi. Since I have read this book, I feel I am living a renewed life. A huge
load of confusion has been taken off from my mind.
Dr. Shabbir Ahmed: Wow! I thank all honorable members of the Shura for
their opinions. Even the books of Hadith written in the 2nd and 3rd century
AH make no mention of it at all! Karbala Ki Haqeeqat is such a complicated
subject that some imperfections might have remained in the text. In-Sha-
Allah with your help and guidance these will be addressed in the next
The first edition of this book was published in August, 2000. More than ten
thousand books of this edition have been sold and distributed free during
the last eight months. Here is a summary of comments on the Urdu version
of Karbala: Fact or Fiction?
It has already been shown from the Qur’an that sectarianism is tantamount
to Shirk (Polytheism). Anyone who identifies himself or herself with a sect
breaks all bonds with the exalted Prophet. Nevertheless, we have observed
a stark difference in the reaction to our book among the so-called Sunnis
and Shi'as.
Having read this book we felt that we have been awakened from
We had been hearing the tale of Karbala since childhood. But certain
dogmas, stories and practices just didn't click.
We had been reading and listening to such bizarre tales that seemed
to insult the intelligence. Perhaps we were too gullible.
Some readers felt there should have been more details of Hazrat
Husain's governorship and his assassination by Jaban.
I can say from personal experience that only about ten per cent of the
Muslims possess enough flexibility to entertain any ideas outside the
mainstream. Revolutionary thought is too big a deal. Fortunately, it is
always a small minority required to break the idol of set patterns.The
majority will then follow suit.
Ten percent of our venerable Shiite readers, both ladies and gentlemen,
have said that the truth has dawned upon them. So, from now on they will
not do Maatam (Chest-beating) in Muharram.
Twenty percent of the Shiite readers exclaimed that this study sounds
factual but what should be the course now?! I have told them that the
matter is simple. They should embrace the Book of Allah. There should be
no far fetched interpretations of the Book. The hoax of 'hidden meanings'
must be discarded. Mullahs whether new or old and however big their
names should not be followed without inquiry. Blind faith amounts to
disbelief. The Qur’an should be interpreted from the Qur’an itself and not
by history, traditions and the conjecture of Shan-e-Nuzool (Circumstances
of Revelation). Some principles will then become crystal clear:
1. Heredity would not confer dignity on any person. With Allah there
is a single criterion for eminence, i.e. character. Whether it is Banu
Umayya or Banu Hashim, if the caliphate passes from father to son
to grandson, then such a system is monarchy which is contrary to
the Book.
2. According to the Qur’an, all public issues including caliphate must
involve mutual consultation.
5. For all times to come, the exalted Prophet abolished Thaar, the
chain revenge of murder, generation after generation. The Qur’an
firmly declares that none will carry the burden of another and
everyone will be accountable for one’s own actions. So the urge for
revenge can yield nothing but malice and grudge. In the Qur’an, the
principle of Qisas (the Law of Just Recompense) is specifically
against the offender through a court of law, not against the
offender’s children or grandchildren.
6. The Qur’an tells us not to follow conjecture and that we will be held
accountable for our faculties of hearing, sight and mind (17:36).
The exalted Prophet said, "It is enough for a person to be a liar
when one simply passes on to others what he has heard." The tale
of Karbala consists of Tabari’s hearsay based only upon “Abu
Mukhnif said this, Abu Mukhnif said that.” With this hype, he
promoted the plot of the enemies of Islam. Is Karbala not a tale
based only on hearsay?
8. The Qur’an says more than once, “You will never see Allah’s Laws
changing”. Therefore, the Imamist miracles cannot be better than
any Mythology. The Law of Cause and Effect is one of the
unalterable Divine Laws operating in the Universe as repeatedly
stated in the Qur’an.
9. According to the Qur’an, the Ultimate judge is Allah. None shall be
asked about what the previous generations did. 'Allotting' heaven
and hell to the companions of the Prophet, cursing the men of old
and deifying some can only create schism and hate. "Those who
dwell in the past forfeit the future," said Cicero.
10. The Qur’an commands us not to conceal the Truth. Therefore, the
principle of Taqiyyah (resoting to concealing the Truth and
falsehood) must be discarded.
Some Shiite scholars maintain that the severed head of Husain was reciting
the Qur’an and it was his miracle. Further on, some of them assert, “We
accept that Imams being born of the thighs of their mothers, or a severed
head reciting the Qur’an are irrational phenomena. Yet, believing in them
strengthens Faith.” Does it, really? Rather, it opens up a whole can of
worms and the intellectually inclined youngsters make fun of such
This work is based on taking the Book of Allah as the Criterion, and the
writings of the clergy have been scrutinized in that Light. Now, the readers
should form their own opinions.
As these lines are being written, an elderly gentleman from Texas has
commented that a solitary voice of truth will easily get drowned in the
uproar of the universally formidable propaganda machine of the clergy. I
agree that our clergy have always been the biggest hurdle in the way of
reform. The ancient "Ulama" are the source of bread and butter for today's
clergy. Yet, things are rapidly changing. Especially since the advent of
Internet, Muslims in particular are discovering what is concealed in the
huge volumes in the name of Islam. I say concealed since the masses
seldom procure these huge books and only our clergy have the access and
time to read them.
Dear readers! It goes without saying that I truly respect Ahl-e-Bait (the
family of the exalted Prophet) more than the historians who have de facto
insulted them in the guise of reverence as you have seen.
1. Please refer back to the Diary of Hur bin Abdur Rahman in Chapter
This man of excellence was the governor of Andalusia (Spain)
the reign of Hazrat Umar bin Abdul Aziz (99 to 101 AH). His diary
tells us
A magnificent book, Meezanul Faris published in Iran by Hujjatullah
Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Mooosvi dedicates two detailed chapters
drawing a beautiful picture of the era of Hazrat Uthman the
Generous. "It was a model State with exemplary justice, equity,
peace, tranquillity, progress and prosperity." The Meezan uses
ancient sources on the history of Khilaafat-e-Rashida (Caliphate of
the Rightly Guided). Many of these sources have been discovered
recently in Istanbul and Spain. Not at all surprisingly, the book has
been banished in Iran.
“The Muslim Ummah got the gift of a rare jewel in the person of the
honorable Abu Bakr Siddiq. Salutes to Abu Bakr! It was he who kept the
System vibrant after the Prophet (S)."
“Salutes are due to Uthman the Generous, the Uthman of Two *Lights who
filled the vacuum left by the Great Umar Farooq from 23 to 35 AH so well
that the Caliphate kept working seamlessly.” [Note that the fable of the
supposed rebellion during the reign of Hazrat Uthman is categorically
dismissed by Fatimi. "Of Two *Lights" was a title of Hazrat Uthman
indicating that he was married to the second daughter of the exalted
Prophet after the first one had died]
“Our salutations to Ali Ibn Abi Talib - He remained the governor of Iraq (13-
40 AH), our prime province, while most amicably heading the Caliphate
from 35 to 40 AH.”
“Madinah, the Caliphate center, had become the seat of Zoroastrian and
Jewish intrigues. It was the far-sighted strategy of Hazrat Ali that he shifted
the Islamic capital from Madinah to Kufah at the right time.”
“Even today (around 147 AH) the Islamic world is united like one body.”
My respected readers keep doing a great favor by sending me rare
books, writings and articles which would otherwise be out of my
For this kind gesture, I remain indebted to them.
Ad-Deen Wad-Daulah
(Religion and the State)
By Ali bin Sahl Raban, written in 205 AH
As these lines were being written, I have received from an Arab lady in
Madinah, the English version of a rare Arabic book, Ad-Deen Wad-Daulah.
The author was born in 160 AH which means that he predates the
wellknown historian Tabari who was born 64 years later in 224 AH. Initial
examination of the book reflects the author’s true love for the exalted
Prophet. He has collected predictions in the Bible about the advent of the
exalted Prophet Muhammad with great reverence and magnificent skill. Ali
bin Sahl bin Raban was a scholar of the Bible and had great interest and
expertise in dialogue with Jews and Christians.
In the foreword to the book, Adil Nowaihidh of Darul Afaq Publishing of
Beirut says that Ali bin Sahl bin Raban has excelled and done full justice
with the subject.
It was due to the nobility of the exalted Prophet that individuals of such
high stature as Hazraat Abu Bakr, Umar Ibn Khattab, Uthman bin Affan, and
Ali bin Abi Talib became the stars of the Ummah.
The Ummah was further blessed with honorable men and women like the
Also it is due to the great training of the exalted Prophet that there has
been no dissension amongst the Muslim Ummah. The names quoted above
and others radiate like stars. They have all been living examples of, "All the
faithful are brothers and sisters unto one other" until this day (205 AH).
Please allow me to say again that this book has criticized history and the
historians. I remain extremely respectful to the holy companions of the
exalted Messenger, and to his household. Progeny must be distinguished
from household. While the latter were directly groomed by the exalted
Prophet, the former did not have that advantage and many of them have
been unscrupulous in their character and conduct throughout history.
The True Criterion: Muslims are blessed to possess Al-Furqan, the True
Criterion since its Authority and Authenticity are beyond doubt. The Qur’an
is the final, unchangeable Word of God for all times. There is internal
evidence in the Qur’an to that effect. Therefore, any saying ascribed to the
exalted Prophet must be judged in that Light. The Qur’an is replete with the
character traits of the exalted Prophet and sheds the only reliable light on
his biography. Check any report with the Qur’an. Can’t this simple rule
save Muslims the mental agony and waste of energy they have been
suffering for centuries?
Some Basic Principles in the Qur’an: Now a very important question arises.
Most people do not have sufficient knowledge of the Qur’an, so how can
they check a hadith against it? The answer is made simple by the fact that
the Qur’an establishes a few simple fundamental rules in this respect.
Keeping these rules in mind can empower us to assess the authenticity of
our history and hadith. Although anyone can get the following Principles
from the Book, let us try to make things easy for everyone.
1. The Law of Requital (Qur’an 99:7-8) God’s Rule is the Rule of Law. As
you sow, so shall you reap. Hence, reward and punishment are natural
consequences of our own actions. Any contrary statement will be non-
Qur’anic. God is not emotional like humans. Therefore, He does not reward
and punish in excitement. There is no such thing as “qubooliat ki ghari” (a
moment of acceptance of prayer), ‘shifa’at’ etc.
2. The Qur’an repeatedly impresses upon us that the Laws of God never
change (17:77, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23). Hence, people do not fly in
the air or walk on water. Nothing ‘supernatural’ takes place in the universe,
so, physical miracles (karaamaat) are out of the question. The water flows
downstream. The law of gravity is operative in Nature - Like poles repel
each other, opposite poles attract each other - Metals are good conductors
of heat and electricity, non-metals are not - Heat expands objects, cold
contracts and so on. Yes, God is Able to do all things, yet He does not
break His Own Laws. If the Divine Laws in Nature kept changing, no
science would be possible.
5. The Qur’an is the last Message of God and Muhammad (S) is His final
Messenger. Religion has been perfected (5:3, 6:34, 15:9, 75:17) and
therefore anyone claiming Revelation or knowledge of the future or of the
Unseen after him in any form will either be an impostor or insane. Since the
Qur’an is a complete, perfected Book, no “Imam” is authorized to make
things Halaal or Haraam or make laws contrary to it.
7. Iman (Faith) can be adopted only when it is based upon reason. Blind
faith, born with faith is not acceptable to God. (12:108)
8. The only life worth living is helping people and that is the only way to
Paradise. (13:17)
10. About the companions of the exalted Prophet, the Qur’an tells us that
Allah approved them and they were pleased with Him since they had
harmonized their will with Him. They were staunch and practical believers.
(3:103, 8:63, 8:74, 9:100, 48:29) So, any accounts belittling their character
must be considered false and unacceptable. Any history narrating fights
between the noble companions must be dismissed as hoax. For example,
the Battles of Jamal, Saffain, Nehrwan and Karbala never happened. All of
these are forgeries of the Criminal Imam Tabari, the first ever ‘canonized’
historian of Islam. He died in 310 AH (300 years after the exalted Prophet).
Tabari’s Tareekhil Umam Wal Mulook (The History of Nations and Kings)
popularly called “Mother of All Histories” is the first ever “History of Islam”
written by ‘Imam’ Tabari (839-923 CE) at the junction of the third and fourth
century AH. He died in 310 AH, 3 centuries after the Prophet (S). What were
his sources? Not a scrap of paper! “He told me this who heard it from him
who heard it from so and so,” and so on. By compiling his 13 volume
History and his 30 volume Exposition of the Qur’an under royal patronage,
he became the Super Imam. The later historians until this day have
persisted in following the trails of the Super Imam.
stand as our guide. In addition, exercise of common sense can easily tell
knowledgeable man who ever walked this earth. In fact, according to the
Qur’an, people who do not use their faculties of hearing, sight and thinking
are living the life of cattle (7:179). The Prophet (S) is reported to have said,
“All goodness is linked to wisdom. One who has lost wisdom will not retain
religion.” Therefore, any narrative that falls into one of the following
Any hadith or history that dishonors the noble companions because the
Qur’an extols them and they were chosen by the best judge of people.
The exalted Messenger was the most revolutionary personality ever and he
changed the course of history and the future of humanity for all times to
women, drenched in worship, spending half his life on the prayer rug and
observation cannot be a saying of the Prophet (S). For example, the hadith
(AUGUST, 2003)
It is unfortunate that the Islam we see in the world today is not the one
embodied in the only inviolable authority, Al-Qur’an. Rather, it is based on
very questionable history and traditions in manmade books written
centuries after the exalted Prophet. It is a set of false dogmas,
irrationalities, superstitions and empty rituals.Various great minds have
named this degenerate Islam variously. Sir Syed Ahmed Khan of India
(1817-1898) called it Invented Islam in 1885. Syed Jamaluddin Afghani
(d.1897) dubbed it as The Fatalistic Religion. The celebrated Egyptian
scholar Mufti Muhammad Abde Rabbuhu (d.1905) gave it the name Deen-il-
Ghareeb (The Strange Religion) around 1900. Allama Sir Muhammad Iqbal
(d.1938) termed it Ajami (Alien) Islam around 1918. Allama Inayatullah Khan
Al-Mashriqi (d.1965) called it Maulvi Ka Ghalat Mazhab (The Mullah's Wrong
Religion) in the 1940s. Going by the modern trends, I have chosen to call it
The Number Two Islam in keeping with the name given to the counterfeit
Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit
- Voltaire, 1694-1778
I think any distorted belief system throws our imagination out of focus.
Consequently, our judgment and the resulting actions end up being wrong.
While there is no room for clergy, priesthood or Mullahism in Deen-il-Islam,
this vicious band emerged side-by-side when the Muslim rulers, although
still called caliphs, became despotic monarchs. The Mullahs or “Imams”
then converted Ad-Deen into Religion (Mazhab or the Number Two Islam)
with a deplorable set of empty rituals, non-Qur’anic dogmas, superstitions
and fabrications of all kind.
Even today, they are the ones who refuse to grasp the Qur’an in its pristine
form and to think rationally. And thus, they fall victims to blind following of
their ancestors. Yet, they claim to be the custodians of Islam to the
exclusion of all sensible ideas, and mislead the masses. I will not suspect
every Mullah’s sincerity since their formal teaching in the Madrassahs
disables them from independent thinking and reflecting on the Qur’an.
But the Muslim clergy are in the habit of disregarding the Qur’an.
25:30 And the Messenger will say, “O My Lord! These are my people,
the ones who had disabled this Qur’an making it of no account.”
[Mahjoor = Disabled = Abandoned = Neglected. They had
immobilized it like villagers who bind a cow by tying her front foot to
her horn]
The latest example has been shown by the Taliban. Under very
questionable practices similar to the “rain dance” of old Native Americans,
the Taliban Mullahs had been conducting regular rain prayers (Namaaz-e-
Istisqa) to end the severe drought in Afghanistan during 1996-2000.
Results remained conspicuous by their absence. Did they stop and think
for a moment? Yes and no! They thought they were not praying enough!
The True Islam was implemented in the lifetime of the exalted Prophet
Muhammad and his noble companions 14 centuries ago. No seeking mind
can deny the glory of humanity in that era. Human dignity, women’s rights,
rule of law, justice and equity, freedom of religion, speech, true democracy,
and sanctity of human life, honor and property have been well documented
in the surviving golden pages of history. Never since that noble era has the
world seen Islam as a collective System of Life anywhere. To mention
economic prosperity, the Islamic state of Madinah was the only Empire in
all history where it had become impossible to find a person willing to
accept charity. The would-be second Caliph of Islam, Omar the great, was
the Chief Justice of the Empire in 633-34 CE. It is mind-boggling to learn
that not a single case was brought to his court about theft, rape, murder,
robbery, or any form of violent crime. Non-Muslims used to embrace Islam
by watching and experiencing the beauty of the True Islam.
Now, the unfortunate antithesis: For the first time ever in the history of
mankind the Number Two Islam which guarantees misery, was
implemented in full force by the Taliban. (Even the Arab Kingdoms and
Sheikdoms were no match to them.) They were destined to be routed and
thoroughly capitulated, and they have been.
The Qur’an boldly declares, “Do not ever, then, lose heart, and do not
grieve, for you are bound to prevail if you are truly believers. (3:139)
It further states, “God has promised that those of you who will believe in
the Divine laws and strengthen human resources, He will make them rulers
on earth, as He granted rule to the previous nations. ..”(24:55)
It is about time that the Muslims worldwide stop and think. Is the Qur’an
wrong? Nay, a great, great majority of Muslims in the world are not indeed
believers. They consider themselves believers “by birth”. Well, weren’t they
born into the so-called Muslim families? Don’t they UTTER belief in God
and His Messengers? Actually, the so-called Muslims of today remain
slaves of false tradition and blind following.
THE LITMUS TEST: Before proceeding with the Number Two Islam (N2I)
further, let me present a litmus test for the representatives of N2I. Any
person, male or female, that preaches beard and Hijab (veiling) belongs to
Number Two. This is because beard and veiling are not ordained in the
Qur’an. They were borrowed by ancient Mullahs from their culture. Beard
and veiling have become tools for them to get a false sense of gratification,
of displaying piety, enslaving women, feeling proud and taking delight in
ridiculing those who won’t grow beards or use Hijab. The Qur’an is the
great Equalizer of humanity and the foremost Liberator of humans from all
kinds of mental and physical bondage.
It very strongly upholds human rights and very forcefully declares, “There
is no compulsion or coercion in religion.” (2:256). This rule has absolutely
no exceptions.
Being a student of the Qur’an, the Bible and history, I have reached a
conclusion. What is that conclusion? - That in the third century after
Prophet Muhammad (S), the so-called Imams of tradition, history, Fiqh
(religious jurisprudence) and Hadith (the most unreliable sayings of the
exalted Prophet Muhammad collected on hearsay centuries after his
demise) imposed a religious Martial Law on people. They tried to
extinguish the Qur’anic Light and very successfully bound the Muslim
masses back in the same shackles that the Qur’an had so effectively
smashed. These criminals got vehement support from the rulers because
the Number Two Islam catered to their evil and wicked desires; desires for
harems, palaces, concubines, slaves, pomp and luxury.
The Qur’an, being the foremost equalizer of humanity, had taught that just
as God is One, all mankind is one community. The only distinction among
people could be based on good conduct. Color, wealth, ethnic origin,
gender, geography, family, lineage, would not incur superiority or
inferiority upon any human being. (49:13)
The inventors of the N2I i.e. the Mullahs and Sufis in various ways reverted
the Muslims back to the era of Jahiliyyah (the Age of Ignorance). Writing
books contrary to the Qur’an was only one of their methodologies. They
stand responsible for throwing the imagination of Muslims out of focus.
And we have seen that when our imagination is out of focus we cannot
trust our judgment. The results have been horrendous. Muslims not only
continue to live at subhuman levels, but their actions have harmed
themselves and the “Family of God”.
The ideas that inspired the French Revolution and the Declaration of Rights
that guided the Framing of the American Constitution and inflamed the
struggle for independence in the Latin American countries [and elsewhere]
were not inventions of the West. They find their ultimate inspiration and
source in the Holy Koran.
- Robert Briffault (Making of Humanity)
We need to reform our Islamic schools in the East and West. They must
refrain from preaching N2I (The Number Two Islam). They will be doing a
great service to Islam and Muslims, the West, and the entire world if they
revert to the Glorious Qur’an. Even here I have a word of caution. Almost
all translations and tafseers (explanations) of the Qur’an have been done
by the proponents and followers of the Man-made, ‘Ajami’, Alien,
Counterfeit Islam, the N2I. Let us not accept any interpretation without due
If my Muslim brothers and sisters feel offended on seeing the reality, they
should feel free to call me with questions, comments, and tantrums seven
days a week at 954-746-2115.
peace and to avoid fear and grief is to benefit the fellow humans and do
justice even with the enemy (5:8).
After reading “Karbala: Fact or Fiction?” the reader might have had rather a
clear idea how the "Islamic Historians" have been playing with the "Islamic
The responsible culprits over centuries are not at all confined to one or two
sects of Islam. They come from all possible shades, sects, colors and
backgrounds and include non-Muslims masquerading as Muslims.
Relegating the Book of Allah in favor of hearsay and fabrications was their
prime objective. To this end, their endeavors brought them the dividends of
personal and political gains. So penetrating and widespread has been their
conspiracy that their writings have captivated the brightest of minds! We
grow up with "Custom Thought" that has been instilled into our minds and
hearts, a most blatant form of idol worship.
"So many Ahadith directly conflict with the Qur'an that if you are not a
Munkir-e-Hadith, you have to be a Munkir-e-Qur'an." ["TAZKIRAH" by
Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi]
Mullahs assert that there are two sources of Islam, the Qur’an and the
Sunnah. The latter is supposed to have come to us through Hadith and
through generations. But the Hadith and Sunnah of each sect differ and
often overlap or clash with others. The Qur’an is the only revealed and fully
preserved Source of Islam. All else is Number Two Islam.
Imam Shafi'i was the first man to covertly proclaim that the Qur’an was an
incomplete Book! He said that Allah has revealed to the exalted Messenger
Mithlu ma'ahu (More revelation like it). On the basis of this conjecture, a
Hadith was concocted by Bukhari: Hazrat Abu Hurairah said, "Rasoolullah
taught me two kinds of knowledge. One I have made known, but if I reveal
the other one people would cut my throat."
This conspiracy by the two Criminals of Islam opened the doors for
sectarianism and mysticism in the Pristine Deenillah.
"So many Ahadith directly conflict with the Qur'an that if you are not a
Munkir-e-Hadith, you have to be a Munkir-e-Qur'an."
- “Tazkirah” Allama Inayatullah Khan Al-Mashriqi
One example: The 'Imams' of history and Hadith fabricated a wicked story
(also reported in Bukhari) that the exalted Messenger was affected by a
spell of magic contrived by a Jewish magician, Lubaid bin 'Aasim. After a
while, a doll was recovered from an abandoned well. The doll had needles
on it along with some scalp hair of the Prophet tied around. Reminds you
of Voodoo? Under the influence of that magic, Rasool (S) used to think that
he had done a task while he actually had not done it. [Wasn’t delivering the
Divine revelation to people his foremost responsibility? How about him
forgetting this noble duty?]
The Qur’an says in no uncertain terms that it is the Zaalimoon
(wrongdoers, the wicked) who claim that the exalted Prophet was ever
bewitched. (17:47, 25:8)
Since the ancient books have many publishers, the page numbers differ in
different publications. Maulana Manazir Ahsan Gilani wrote a very well-
received book "Tadween-e-Hadith". The following excerpts have been
taken from that book and the references have been double-checked.
[It was narrated from Abu Sa'eed al-Khudri that the Messenger of Allah
(peace and blessings of Allah be upon him) said: "Do not write anything
from me other than the Qur'an. Whoever has written anything from me
other than the Qur'an, must erase it." (Narrated by Muslim, al-Zuhd wa'l-
Raqaa'iq, 5326)]
2. Hazrat Abdullah Ibn Abbas was asked what the Prophet (S) had left
behind (for the Ummah). He answered, "He left nothing but what is between
these two covers, the Qur'an." (Bukhari vol 3, Kitab Fazaail Al-Qur'an)
4. Hazrat Abu Bakr gathered people after the death of Rasoolullah (S) and
said, "Do you people narrate Ahadith from Rasooullah (S) and then dispute
about them? Never ascribe anything to Rasoolullah. If someone asks you a
question, say 'Sufficient between you and us is the Book of Allah. Act upon
the Permissible and non-Permissible given in this Book'. (Tazkara-til-
Haffaaz by Imam Zahabi, Tadween Hadith page 321)
5. Hazrat Ayesha said that Hazrat Abu Bakr had collected the sayings of
Rasoolullah and they were 500 in number. One night he was seen very
restless. I asked him if he was restless due to some physical illness or had
he received bad news. Hazrat Abu Bakr waited until the morning, then
asked Hazrat Aisha to bring that collection of Hadith, called for fire and
burned it." (Tadween Hadith page 285 on)
6. Hazrat Umar said to people, "I had thought of getting the Ahadith written,
but then I thought of those nations that have passed on before you. They
wrote books and fell on them, and left the scripture of Allah alone. By God,
I do not want to mix anything with the Book of Allah. (Tadween Hadith page
7. When the number of Ahadith started increasing during the time of Hazrat
Umar, he told people to bring their collections to him. Following his
command, people brought their collections. Then he commanded to burn
them. (Tabaqat inn Sa'ad, vol. 5 page 141, Tadween Hadith 399)
Why do Sunni Mullahs put brackets? “Lightly rub your heads and (wash)
your feet to the ankles….”
5:6 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! When you congregate
for Salaat, wash your faces and your forearms, hands to the elbows. Lightly
rub your heads and your feet to the ankles. ---.
Why do the Mullahs forget a Bukhari Hadith that the exalted Prophet used
to pray with his shoes on?
(Late) Dr. Rashad Khalifa of Arizona committed a grave error by translating
SALAAT as "Contact Prayers"!
SALAAT-IL-WUSTA means the Central Duty, and not the middle prayer or
24:41 Do you not realize that God, He is the One Whom all beings in the
heavens and earth glorify, and the birds, with their wings outspread, as
they fly in columns. All of them know their Salaat and Tasbeeh (mission
and strife). God is Aware of what they do to fulfill His Plan.
free will, they must do their Salaat by following the revealed guidance and
thus strive (do Tasbeeh) in the best way]
62:1 All that is in the heavens and all that is on earth strive to manifest the
glory of God, the King Supreme, the Impeccable, the Almighty, the Wise.
The later Persian Imams built upon this tale and formulated the current
Namaaz. They received strong support from the Persian Zoroastrian
viziers, the Baramika. So, it were these Criminal “Imams” who "canonized"
Namaaz around 787 CE. Their main philosopher was Imam Al-Khalil bin
Ahmad Shikoh, the first ever compiler of Arabic to Persian dictionary, Al-
WHY WAS IMAM HANBAL FLOGGED? Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal is reported
to have been flogged by Khalifa Mamun son of Haroon because Hanbal
supposedly insisted that the Qur’an being the Word of God was Ghair
Makhlooq (non-creation). No! That wasn't it. It was too trivial a debate.
Hanbal got flogged because he saw and opposed the Persian Namaaz
(Bandagi or Gah) being incorporated into Islam.
Hasan Basari said that physical prostration was forbidden for reasons of
modesty since the Salaat prayer used to be only congregational and in the
Masjid with men standing on the left side and women on the right. The
Salaat prayer used to begin with people standing behind the local Emir
(governor) and it was completed in that posture. The Emir recited only
Surah Al-Fatihah OR a few other verses relevant to the situation. Then he
went ahead with the issues about community welfare and public affairs.
When the assembly was adjourned, people dispersed and worked on the
agreed upon decisions while engaging in their jobs or businesses.
Incidentally, that also indicates that Friday was never a holiday during the
early noble era of Islam. [About physical prostration, also think how birds
and other creatures would conduct their Namaz if their Salaat is to be
understood literally.]
For the sake of clarity, we can say that, according to the most ancient
sources, Namaz or ritual Salaat was observed more like the congregational
FUNERAL PRAYER is conducted today – one raka’at (unit) standing.
Less than 5% Muslims strictly "perform" the five times a day timely Namaaz
and they keep announcing it. No one can say or says, "I have established
Salaat." Yet, most Muslims keep arguing about Namaaz.
6:141 He is the One Who creates bounties for you, such as gardens that are
cultivated, greens that are wild, palm trees of various kinds, crops in
diversity, olives and pomegranates, fruits that are similar and diverse.
Enjoy them, but give Him His Right on the Day of the Harvest. And waste
not the bounty of God. He does not love the wasteful. [‘give Him His Right’
= Give God His Right = Render to the poor what is their Divinely ordained
What Exactly Was NAMAAZ (Ritual Salaat): As far as I have been able to
analytically search our history and Hadith, following was the probable
situation in the lifetime of the exalted Prophet and Sahaba Kiraam.
Bukhari Vol.1, Book 10, Number 508: Narrated Az-Zuhri that he visited Anas
bin Malik at Damascus and found him weeping and asked him why he was
weeping. He replied, "I do not know anything which I used to know during
the lifetime of Allah's Apostle except this prayer which is being lost (not
being offered as it should be)."
The comments, "Have you not done in the prayer what you have done?",
and the "Lost Prayer" indicate that something went wrong with the Ritual
Prayer (Namaaz) soon after Sahaba Kiraam.
-Ardeshir Spencer
04. Sanctum Sanctorum and its veneration: The holiest spot in a Mosque is
the wall facing Mecca and is called the Qiblah. In the Atashbehram/Agiary
the room where the Atash Padshah is enthroned is also called the Keblaah.
A Muslim will perform the Sajdah in front of the Qiblah and so also will the
Zoroastrian perform the Sezdah before his Keblaah. Both involve kneeling
down and touching the forehead to the ground.
05. A Holy Month: In Islam Ramzan is the holy month in which all Muslims
are required to fast in the day and only break their fast after sunset. In
Zoroastrianism the month of Bahman has similiar connotations wherein all
are requested to particularly abstain from flesh. Perhaps in the age of the
Sassanian dynasty the month of Bahman was observed as Ramzan is now.
06. Ascent into Heaven: The hagiography of Islam assures us that Prophet
Mohammad ascended to heaven from Jerusalem on the mythical beast
Burrrak. He crossed the 7 spheres, exchanged greetings with the
patriarchs and beheld the glory of God.
The above similarities are obvious. A more careful research would reveal
more parallels. However even these points are too close to be dismissed as
mere coincidences. This means Zoroastrianism has had an enormous
impact on Islam which is not acknowledged. Everyone agrees Islam owes a
lot to Judaism and Christianity but I feel that the scholars of Islam
borrowed very heavily from Iran and this can be perhaps attributed to that
shadowy figure of Dastur Dinyar (Salman Farsi). This debt is so impressive
that it had to be consistently downgraded and later denied. After all if Islam
is supposedly directly inspired by God it cannot be seen to be
acknowledging any debt to an older faith, specially the faith of a nation
which Islam has defeated. This may perhaps explain the devotion of your
Persian Imams to my Faith.
08. Hell: Demons guard the foot of the bridge and argue with the gods over
the soul's fate. The actions of the dead person, both good and bad, are
weighed, and the soul is either allowed to cross or denied access to the
bridge. Spirits whose evil outweighs their good fall into the demon-infested
pit to face eternal torment. In this abyss of the damned, each soul is
tortured by a GHOUL that represents its sins in life. Once fallen into the
gulf, no soul can escape the horrors of hell through its own power.
Zoroaster, a sixth century BC religious leader, had warned his followers of
this obstacle to heaven but he promised to lead his flock safely across. The
ancient manuscript Gathas (Songs of Zoroaster) explains that the Bridge of
the Separator "becomes narrow for the wicked," whereas the holy can
easily pass unharmed. (In Gathas, the fair god Rashnu is named as the
judge who helps determine who is worthy of salvation and who must be
damned.) All infidels (non-believers) fall into hell, which the prophet says
has been created especially for the "followers of the lie."
The legends are sketchy but assert that Chinvat Bridge is located
somewhere in the far north. It is a place of filth where the damned endure
physical tortures and spiritual agony. Souls who are unsuccessful in
crossing the Chinvat Bridge suffer these torments until AHRAMAN, the evil
god of ZOROASTRIANISM, is destroyed by the good god Orzmahd during
the LAST JUDGMENT. As this time, lost spirits are restored to the truth
since "the lie" has been eradicated, or they face final ANNIHILATION.
Notice the similarity? So you guys are actually pagan stone and sun
worshippers, correct? But your Koran is pure and free from plagiarism.
From the book J.J. Modi: The Religious Ceremonies and Customs of the
Parsees. (Bombay, 1922.) Part 3.
1. There are three grades of the Sacred Fire-(A) The Sacred Fire of the
Atash Behram, (B) that of the Atash, Adaran and (C) that of the Atash
Dadgah. These three have their different rituals of consecration and also
different rituals for the daily prayers at the five times (gahs) of the day,
when they are fed with fresh fuel. We will, at first, speak of the process of
consecrating these three grades of the sacred fire. For example, he falls on
his knees in his prayers; he lowers his head and bows; he raises his hands
towards Heaven. All these ways or rites, which symbolize service or
obedience or homage to God, are done occasionally.
The candidate is to say his prayers five times during the day. He is
expected to pass his time in a religious or pious mood. The candidate [203]
has, during these six days, to pass his time in prayers during the five Gahs
and to observe all the observances of saying the grace at meals, etc. He is
not to come in contact with any non-Zoroastrian.
The Bui ceremony is performed five times every day. It is performed at the
commencement of each of the five Gahs or periods of the day which
correspond to a certain extent, with the canonical hours of the Christians.
18 These periods are the following:
(1) Hawan. It begins from early morning when the stars begin to cease to
appear, and lasts up to 12 O'Clock when the sun comes overhead. Literally,
it means the time when the ceremony of pounding the Haoma is performed.
(2) Rapithwin. It runs from 12 o'clock noon to 3 p. m. Literally, it means the
pith (pithwa) or the middle part of the day (ayarê).
(3) Uzerin. It runs from 3 p.m. to the time when the stars begin to appear.
Literally, it means the time of the advancement of the sun.
(4) Aiwisruthrem. It runs from nightfall to midnight.
(5) Ushahin. It runs from midnight to dawn when the stars begin to cease to
The priest performs the Kusti-padyab (i.e., performs ablutions and unties
and puts on the Kusti again with the recital of a prayer).
The Bui ceremony in an Atash Behram: A priest who has performed the
Khub ceremony, performs the Kusti-padyab at the commencement of each
new Gah, i.e., the period of the day, as described above, and then recites
his Farziyat, i.e., the necessary prayers, which are the Srosh-baj, the Gah
according to the time of the day, and the Khwarshed and Mihr Niyayeshes
during the day periods, i.e., the above named first three gahs.
During the night-periods which form the last two gahs, the Khwarshed and
Mihr Niyayeshes are replaced by Srosh Yasht (Yasna 57) and Srosh
Hadokht. He then goes into the sacred chamber, puts on white gloves,
places some frankincense over the Sacred Fire, and then the Mâchi, i.e., the
six pieces of sandalwood as said above. If [234] sandalwood is not
obtainable, six pieces of any other kind of clean good wood will do. The six
pieces are placed over the fire from three different positions, thus: [This page details the Iranian
namaz and even their concept about it]
DUROOD is a Persian word meaning 'cutting off from the root'. This term
was maliciously introduced by the AJAMI (Persian) "Imams".
You probably know that 95% of our "Imams" hailed from the defeated
Persia. They were PARSIS (Zoroastrians, Magians, Majoos), but Muslims in
disguise only.
This includes the six Sunni MUHADDITHEEN of "SAHAH SITTAH" (the six
'authentic' books of Hadith) and the three Shi'a MUHADDITHEEN of
"SAHAH ARB'AH" (the four ‘authentic’ books of Hadith).
Add "Imam" Tabari (d.310 Hijrah), the first historian and exponent of the
Qur’an, plus a multitude.
So, DUROOD was implied to mean 'cutting off TAWHEED from its root'.
33:56 Verily, Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet and
support his Mission. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief!
Salute him and give yourself up to him and his Mission in complete
submission. (4:65, 7:157, 33:43).
33:43 He it is Who bestows His blessings upon you, and supports you, and
His angels, that He may bring you forth from darkness into Light. He is
Merciful to those who choose to believe. (2:155-157, 9:10314:1, 14:15,
DUROOD elaborated:
Salam Brother
I need to reply to a Durood believer who claims that the Persian word
Durood means "To paise, or send greetings".
ب ر ک سي درود ف ر س تادن
According to an article you wrote on the subject, you wrote that the word
means in Farsi "To cut off"
Historically, the language of IRAN (ancient name, Persia) has two dialects:
You also know how significantly the Qur’anic Language differs from the
later and current Arabic. That is why translations of the Qur’an done
according to the Contemporary Arabic make no sense. We are extremely
indebted to the great Allama G.A. Parwez for reviving the Quraish dialect
for us. Allama Iqbal knew some Quraish dialect without having much grasp
on the subject.
Personally, I also remain indebted to Shaheed Malik Faisal bin Abdul Aziz
(1903-1975) of Saudi Arabia. The humble king was the greatest Master of
Lughat-il-Quraish and taught it to we five young doctors among the royal
medical staff between 1971 and 1975.
Mawlana Jami (Nur ad-Dīn Abd ar-Rahmān Jāmī, d. 1492), a good poet but
ignorant man, showered high accolades on Rumi.
But DUROOD in the PAHLAWI Language means “Cutting from the root”.
Thank you!
A lifelong student
Let us now deal with the top Hadithi punch line. Cast any doubt on the
Hadith literature before any so-called Muslim and the knee jerk response
will be, “Oh, how can we pray without Hadith? The Qur’an does not tell us
how to perform Namaaz.”
Less than 1% of them have ever tried to understand the Qur’an in full.
Hardly 1% ever read its complete translation in their language. True, the
Qur’an does not explain the method of Namaaz. Did Allah forget? Or, are
we missing something? Does SALAAT mean NAMAAZ? Or, are they two
different entities? Is it possible that Namaaz is a minor part of SALAAT?
The answers can be found in ISLAM: THE TRUE HISTORY AND FALSE
BELIEFS by Dr. Shabbir Ahmed.]
THE QUESTION IS: Do the 1.4 million Ahadith give us a complete, unified,
method of NAMAAZ (How to pray, ‘perform’ or ‘offer NAMAAZ)? The
answer is a resounding NO!
– Please remind yourself of the famous, weird tale of the Prophet (S)
ascending to heavens to meet with Allah, the so-called Me'raaj (the word is
non-existent in the Qur'an). Is not Allah Omnipresent? If He is present
everywhere, then, does space travel to meet with Him make any sense?
So, neither Allah nor Rasool had any idea of human limitations. Had Moses
not intervened, the Ummah would be praying a non-stop 24 hours day and
night. Thank Moses a. s. for being the instructor of Allah and Rasool. Thank
him for saving Islam from their blunder. What mockery! Think: Allah also
said, “These are five and these are fifty. I do not alter My Word.”
But the story has just begun. Let us see a little more closely what Hadith
has to offer about teaching us NAMAAZ.
[Please note again that Dr. Barq does not give the publishers’ names. So,
the page numbers can vary.]
– Hazrat Anas said: The Prophet (S) used to do a new Wudhu (ablution) for
every Namaaz. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 35)
– Contradiction – Hazrat Ibn Abbas said: Rasool (S) slept for a while – went
to the Masjid and prayed (‘offered’ Namaaz) without Wudhu. (Bukhari,
Kitabul Wudhu)
– The Sahaba of Rasool (S) used to ‘perform’ Namaaz without Wudhu after
waking up from sleep. (Muslim with Fathil Mulhim, p. 500)
Is Ghusl (bath) mandatory after intercourse?
– Hazrat Usman said: If a man withdraws before ejaculation, let him wash
the genitals and make Wudhu (No bath necessary!). (Bukhari, Vol. 1,
Kitabul Wudhu, p. 164, Hadith 176)
– Bath becomes mandatory after penetration. (Muwatta, p. 22)
– Rasool (S) said: When a man sits between the woman’s legs and pushes
hard, Ghusl (bath) becomes mandatory with or without ejaculation.
(Muslim, Vol. 1, Bab-il-Wudhu, p. 485) (Thanks for being so explicit!)
– Ubbi bin Ka’ab asked Rasoolullah (S), “If a man engages in intercourse
and withdraws before ejaculation, should he take bath?” He replied, “He
should do Wudhu and pray.”
[Now what conclusion can we reach if any? Would the great men who
conquered 1/3rd of the world and ruled peoples' hearts in 100 years and
became teachers of humanity, indulge in such trivia and nonsense?]
– Rasool (S) said, “Renew Wudhu after eating anything cooked on fire.”
(Muslim, Vol. 1, p. 486)
– BUT, Ibn Abbas says, “Rasoolullah ate a roasted goat shoulder and then
prayed without ablution.” (Ibid. p. 488)
– Hazrat Bilal was ordered to say two Takbeers in Azaan and one in
Iqaamat. (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 2)
Why do Muslims say two Takbeers in Iqaamat? There must be another
Hadith contradicting this one.
– When asked what to recite after Surah Fatihah in Namaaz, Abu Hurairah
said, “Reciting any Surah is good but Al-Fatihah is sufficient.” (Muslim,
Vol. 2, p. 31) The Imams of FIQH maintain that Al-Fatihah alone will
invalidate Namaaz.
– Hazrat Umar used to recite “Subhaana kallahumma … ” loudly. (Ibid. p.
38) The Imams tell us to recite it in the heart.
– Hazrat Anas said, “I prayed behind Rasoolullah, Abu Bakr, Umar and
Usman. They used to begin Namaaz with Al-Fatihah.” No Subhaana
kallahumma ... (Ibid.)
– When the pulpit was built in Masjid Nabawi, the Rasool (S) climbed on it,
turned to the Qiblah, said Takbeer and people got arranged in columns.
After recitation, he bowed on his knees, then came down, prostrated on the
ground, then again climbed on the pulpit. He did bow (did rukoo’) again and
then came down for prostration on the ground. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 53)
What! Say that again.
– Rasoolullah picked up his daughter Zainab’s little girl Amama and began
praying. When he went into Sajdah (prostration) he placed her on the
ground and when he got up, he picked her up again. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 69).
Why no Muslim does anything like that? – Contradicting Ahadith and Fiqh.
– If someone passes in front of a praying person, stop him. If he doesn’t
stop, kill him because he is Shayitaan. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 68)
– BUT – Abdullah Ibn Abbas said, “I rode a she-ass to MINA. Rasoolullah
(S) was leading the prayer. I passed before some praying ones and got off
from the animal and joined the prayers. (None objected!) (Ibid. p. 107)
– Hazrat Sa’ad bin Abi Waqaas used to pass from in front when the prayer
was on. (Muwatta 55)
– No harm is done to prayers if someone passes from in front. (Muwatta 55)
– Rasoolullah said, “The prayer is broken if a woman, a donkey or a dog
come in front.” (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 111)
AGAIN, THE QUESTION IS: Do the 1.4 million Ahadith give us a complete,
unified, method of NAMAAZ (How to pray, ‘perform’ or ‘offer’ NAMAAZ?
The answer is a resounding NO!)
– Hazrat Ayesha said, “You (narrators) have made us donkeys and dogs.
By Allah! I used to be lying in front on the rug while Rasoolullah prayed.
(Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 111)
– Bukhari (Kitab-us-Salaat, Vol. 1, p. 93) narrates four Ahadith that the
Rasool (S) used to raise his hands up to the ears before bowing and also
on rising from ‘Attahayyaat ... ’
Why don’t the majority of Muslims do it?
– Rasoolullah used to combine Zuhr, ‘Asr, Maghrib and ‘Isha prayers
without duress or travel. (Muwatta 51, Muslim Vol. 2, p. 265)
Why can't we do it? Because of other contradictory Ahadith and the
Fuqaha, the 'Jurists'.
– Mu’aawiyah bin Hakam was praying with Rasool (S). A praying one
sneezed and I said the customary blessing, ‘Yarhamakallah’. The Rasool
(S) told me after prayers, “Human words are not permissible during
Salaat.” (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 126)
– BUT – Once, the Satan came before Rasoolullah during Namaaz and the
Rasool (S) said three times, “Allah’s curse be upon you!” (Muslim, Vol. 2, p.
Human words! How’s that? And how about depicting the “Satan” as a
physical entity rather than the Qur’anic ‘selfish desire’?
– The Rasool (S) was praying ‘Isha. After rising from rukoo’ he said, “O
Allah! Have mercy on 'Ayyaash bin Abi Rabia’ah and other poor Muslims.
Grasp the Al-Mudhar Tribe and send famine on them.” (Muslim, Vol. 2, p.
Human words! Aren't they? Did the exalted Prophet, Mercy for the Worlds,
ever pray for doom? He always prayed for guidance of people and wished
well for all.
– Rasoolullah never used to raise hands in prayers except when praying for
rains. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 125)
He always raised hands during any du'a. (References … too many to point.)
– Rasoolullah used to offer prayers with shoes on. (Bukhari, Vol. 1, p. 55)
[Can we? The Mullah drives out even a non-Muslim from the Masjid if he is
wearing shoes.]
– Sahaba used to pray even when bleeding from an arrow. (Bukhari, Vol. 1,
p. 32, Ibn Majah, Muslim, Nisaai & many other sources)
– Oozing of blood from anywhere in the body nullifies Wudhu and Salaat.
(Same sources and Fuqaha)
– Hazrat Anas states that Rasool (S) used to pray the briefest complete
Namaaz. (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 86)
– The Rasool (S) used to scold people who led long prayers. (Two Ahadith,
Muslim, Vol. 2, pp. 84, 85)
– BUT, Hazrat Anas states that Rasool (S) stood still so long after bowing
(rukoo’) that the watcher thought he forgot to proceed. The same used to
happen after Sajdah (prostration). (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 87)
– Abu Saeed Khadri narrates: Rasoolullah’s prayer used to be so long that
supposing the noon prayer has begun. A man walks to the graveyard of
Baqee’, comes back home, makes ablution and goes to the Masjid. And he
finds him still leading the first raka’at (unit). (Muslim, Vol. 2, p. 48)
[Dr. Ghulam Jeelani Barq has cited only a very few (2-3%) of the
contradictions found in the books of Hadith about Namaaz, but I think, he
has made the point.]
16. If a woman, donkey, or dog passes from in front, the Namaaz is broken.
But if your wife is lying down on your prayer rug right in front, never mind.
So, this is the Salaat or Namaaz of Hadith. Can you pray at all according to
Hadith? If you claim Hadith tells you the method of Namaaz, then, which
one is the greater riddle – Hadith or your thinking?
It’s a common myth among Muslims - Never leave your prayer rug
unfolded! Why? Because the Satan will pray on it otherwise! So what? Let
the poor kid pray. A similar scare – Never leave the Qur’an open, otherwise
the Satan will read it. So, let the poor kid read it
Beard and Hijab are not ordained in the Qur’an. Abu Jahl, Abi Lahab,
Waleed bin Muhgeerah, ‘Aas bin Waael, ‘Agabah bin Mu’eet, ‘Atbah bin
Waleed - the Prophet's (S) dire enemies, and almost all other Arabs sported
a beard, and hence, it is not a SUNNAH of the Prophet. Or, it is as much a
Sunnah of Abu Jahl!
Hindah bint 'Atbah and most Arab women of her time used Hijab, a
reflection of the Arab culture. Beard and Hijab are ordained in the Bible, not
in the Qur’an.
GROWING BEARDS: [A great satire by Sheikh Sultan M. As-Salameh, Al-
Azhar, Cairo]
The Christian West has also been disturbed by the Islamic practice of men
wearing beards. After the 9/11, many Muslim men with beards have been
the subject of suspicion and summary searches by police and other law
enforcement agencies throughout the West. Keeping beard is again not the
teachings of the Prophet or the Qur’an. Instead, the wearing of beards by
men is taken from the Christian Bible. The Christian Bible makes it clear.
Leviticus 19:27 Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the
edges of your beard. 21:5 Priests must not shave their heads or shave off
the edges of their beards or cut their bodies.
2 Samuel 10:5 When David was told about this, he sent messengers to
meet the men, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, "Stay at
Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back."
Hence, the Taliban were following the Bible when they insisted that men
should wear beards. No doubt the Prophet and the Qur’an never
commanded men to sport beards. It is Islam's greatness as an evolving
religion that it has absorbed much from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures.
The Muslims are told in the Qur’an that they should not follow the path of
the Christians and the Jews. Despite such warning, the Muslim “scholars”,
in the interests of preserving harmony and peace with their Christian
brothers and sisters, decided that the Biblical teachings should be closely
upheld by good Muslims. Therefore, the fear by the Christian West is
misplaced and unfounded.
In conclusion, I would like to state that both Muslims and the Christian
West should study and take cognizance of the vast area of similarity
between the Muslim beliefs and Christian Biblical teachings.
In this age of high tensions, paranoia and fear of everything that is deemed
Islamic, the Christian West should appreciate the fact that for one thousand
years, the Muslim scholars have already shown a great tolerance towards
Christianity by learning and absorbing many parts of the Christian Bible
into their Islamic faith.
NOTE: Nothing of it can be found in the Qur’an. At the same time I urge the
Christians and Jews to give Muslims the due credit for being loyal to the
Christian Bible and Jewish Scriptures. We have more in common between
us than what divides us.
DR. SHABBIR’S LITMUS TEST: Anyone who PREACHES the non-Qur’anic
Hijab, Veil, Burka or Beard belongs to the Ajami, Counterfeit, Manmade,
‘Imamist’, Mullah-peddled, Number Two Islam (N2I), period. Interestingly,
trousers and long and short jackets were gifted to Europe by a Muslim
architect and designer of Spain, Zaryab ibn Zaryab. (Ref: Aik Islam by Dr.
G.J. Barq).
Q: Are women allowed to own property and keep the money they earn?
A: While the Criminal “Imams” of Islam remain bent upon denying all
human rights to women, see what the Qur’an has to say:
4:34 Men are the protectors and supporters of women. They shall take full
care of women with what they spend of their wealth. God has made men to
excel in some areas and women to excel in some areas. Men should ensure
that women are able to stand at their feet in the society. ---.
4:32 Do not covet the bounties (and qualities) that God has bestowed more
abundantly on some of you than on others. Men shall have a portion from
what they earn, and women shall have a portion from what they earn.
Therefore, seek out of God’s bounty (to the best of your abilities). God is a
Witness to everything. [4:34, 28:77]
4:6 Train and educate the orphans (boys or girls) well. When they reach the
age of marriage, and attain sound judgment, release their property to them.
4:7 Men get a share of what the parents and near relatives leave behind.
Women get a share of what the parents and near relatives leave behind.
Whether the inheritance is small or large, these shares have been ordained
as a duty.
28:77 “Seek, by means of what God has granted you, the Home of the
Hereafter, but do not forget your portion in this world. ---.
the Surah. How can the Hell be a bounty? Another meaning of ‘Aala’ is
Authority, Power and Control, and that is what goes consistent throughout
the verses in the Surah.
Hence, the correct rendition of the verse will be: Then, O Men and women!
Which Authority of your Lord will you deny? (Instead of: Then, O Jinns and
men! Which bounty of your Lord will you deny?)
The exalted Prophet was now also Head of the State. Quite a few Muslims
had been killed in battles and by persecution. There were women who
accepted Islam while their husbands did not. The Qur’an does not allow a
Muslim woman to remain wedded to a Non-Muslim. In these circumstances,
there were many women and their children who needed shelter. The
Prophet (S) and his companions accommodated them in their homes. To
prevent slander, these widows and divorcees simply signed marriage
contracts in their new households.
To emphasize the point again, the exalted Messenger married only Hazrat
Khadija when he was 25, and she was 40. They lived an ideal married life
for 25 years. Hazrat Khadija died in Makkah at 65 (619 CE). Three years
after her death and soon after migration to Madinah (622), Muhammad (S)
married Hazrat Ayesha, a sister of Hazrat Abu Bakr. She was then 48.
During the blessed times, the Central Government run with Shura used to
issue a deed of marriage to all women seeking asylum with Rasool (S) and
Sahaba Kiraam in order to prevent slander. This is the reason why the
Qur’an mentions the exalted Prophet's wives in plural. Please reflect on the
many shades of the meaning of Nikah. Also consider why NONE BUT
Hazrat Khadijah bore any children to the exalted Prophet.
These concealed books are scarcely available in Arabic only under strict
protection of the Muslim clergy, under custody of the autocratic Arab
Their stray copies are found in the Istanbul Museum, the library of Madinah
University, Tashqand (Tashkent) Muslim Library in the former Soviet Union,
Jame'ah Al-Azhar of Cairo, Maktaba Adnan in Beirut and in some cases
they have been personally inherited by the progeny of the ancient scholars.
These books are so well-guarded that only a few scholars have been able
to partially photograph these precious documents. They are closely
guarded since they demolish our mythical, but 'canonized' histories such
as by Tabari, Ibn Atheer, and Ibn Khaldun and the conjecture based
Biographies (Seera-tun-Nabi) of the Prophet (S) by Ibn Ishaq? - and Ibn
[Ibn Ishaq's work was quickly lost and is now only known in the works
named after Ibn Hisham and al-Tabari. But as recently as 2000 CE, the
Mullahs have miraculously reproduced Ibn Ishaq’s book from the
magician’s hat or from God knows where!]
1. *** Azwaaj-in-Nabi wal-Ashaab, by Sheikh Hammad bin Hakam
2. *** Meezan-il-Faris by Hujjatullah Abdul Qadir Ali Al-Moosvi pg 249-26
3. *** Takmilatil Lughatal 'Ain by Al-Ustaz Jalaluddin Al-Ash'ari on Imam Al-
Khalil ibn Ahmad Shikoh Tabrezi vol 2 pg 3-5
4. *** Kitab-e-Dalail-e-Nabawwut Syedna Muhammad (S), by Abdul Jabbar
Fatimi, written 150 years before Tabari, the first ever 'canonized' historian
5.*** Hadith: The Big Forgery by Darul Afaq Publishing Company of Beirut
6. *** Haroon Wa Baramikatil Faras by Sheikhul Ifta Salman bin Abu Qasim
Baghdadi. Vol 1 pg 31-55
7. *** Mujahid-al-Munafiq Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by Abdul Muhsin bin
Mullah Ali Al-Qari, pg 67-135
8. *** Nufus-ul-Qudsiyah by Abdul Muhsin bin Mullah Ali Al-Qari
THE CONJECTURE OF ZAID AND ZAINAB: "Histories & Hadith" (Tabari and
others) tell us that the exalted Prophet married his beautiful cousin, Zainab
after she was divorced by the Prophet's adopted son, Zaid, under very
questionable circumstances. The slander goes like this: Zainab, a paternal
cousin of the Prophet, was an extremely beautiful lady who was married to
his adopted son, Zaid. Once, when Zaid was away, the Prophet (S) by
chance went to his home. Zainab was changing her clothes and the exalted
Prophet was spellbound by her beauty! He exclaimed, "Allah turns the
hearts", and turned back! Upon learning the incidence from Zainab, Zaid
ran to the Prophet and said, "O Messenger of Allah! Shall I divorce Zainab if
you have been dazzled by her beauty?" Would the Prophet violate the
Qur’anic Command of seeking permission before entering homes? Had he
never seen her beautiful cousin before? Could he not marry her before?
The same 'histories' tell us that it was Muhammad (S) who had arranged the
marriage between Zaid and Zainab.
33:37 (In personal matters you may respectfully disagree with Muhammad
in the capacity of a human being 3:79. As an example) Recall that you did
tell the one to whom God had blessed and you had blessed, “Hold on to
your wife and be mindful of God. You seek to conceal within yourself what
God intends to reveal. You fear people whereas it is more appropriate to
fear God.” But when Zaid had concluded the marriage and divorced her,
We gave her to one of you in marriage, so that henceforth there may be no
blame on the believers in respect of marrying the spouses of their adopted
children when they have come to the dissolution of their union. The
commandment of God must be fulfilled.
The following statements are based on the Qur’an and an extensive study
of the Hadith literature. Have you noticed a very important fact in the
Qur’an? Read the Book from A to Z. You wil NOT find any kind of
prohibition to women during their physiological cycles except that men and
women must abstain from the intimate husband wife relationship during
the periods.
Now, look at N2I. Our Criminal Imams referring to fabricated Ahadith barr
women in that state from:
Ritual prayers.
Doing Saum (Abstinence, commonly called Fasting).
Touching the Qur’an.
Doing Hajj or Umra.
Extremists even stop her from going to the kitchen.
Greater extremists would avoid touching her, eat with her or sitting
where she sat. Are they not following the Bible?
*Iman (Faith) – *Salat (Relegated to ritual prayers five times a day) - *Zakaat
(distorted as annual charity or poor-due) - *Saum (Fasting in the month of
Ramadhan) - *Hajj (Pilgrimage to Makkah).
these statements, see Surah 11, HUD which gives us a history of many
9:71 Believing men and believing women are colleagues of one another.
They enjoin virtue and forbid vice. Together, they help establish the
Divinely System of Life, and set up the Economic Order of Zakaat. This is
how they obey God and His Messenger. These are the ones on whom God
showers His grace of success. Certainly, God is Exalted in Power, Wise.
[The believing men and women do not deliver empty lectures. They enjoin
virtue and forbid vice by personal example, knowing that the Qur’an is the
Eternal Criterion of right and wrong. 2:185. ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’, ‘Right’ and
‘Wrong’ are not vague terms. The Qur’an clearly defines them in 2:177 and
many other verses. In short, good is all that helps people and evil is all that
hurts them]
2:193 So, fight them (the aggressors) only until there is no more
harassment and Religion may be ADOPTED FOR THE SAKE OF GOD
2:256 There is absolutely no compulsion or coercion in Religion.… [2:148,
2:193, 2:256, 4:88, 5:48, 6:104, 6:107-108, 7:177-178, 10:99, 12:108, 18:29,
22:39-40, 27:80-81, 39:41, 56:79, 73:19]
The Quran clearly states there are those who believe then disbelieve, then
believe again, then disbelieve again. This clearly rejects death for apostasy.
“Belief and unbelief, then again belief and unbelief” - They would have
been put to death after the first unbelief.
4:137 Surely (as for) those who believe then disbelieve, again believe and
again disbelieve, then increase in disbelief, God will not forgive them nor
guide them in the (right) path.
4:88 Then, how could you be of two minds about the hypocrites, seeing
that God has disowned them because of their own guilt? Can you guide
anyone against God’s law? Do you seek to find a way of enlightenment for
those who violate God’s laws of guidance? [The Law: Using the faculties of
perception and reasoning, keeping an open mind - and freedom from
prejudice, arrogance, and blind following will help people to recognize the
truth. 2:148, 2:193, 2:256, 4:88, 5:48, 6:104, 6:107-108, 7:177-178, 10:99,
12:108, 18:29, 22:39-40, 27:80-81, 39:41, 56:79, 73:19]
5:48 …. For each community among you We have appointed certain rites
and a traced-out way. If God had willed, He could have made you all one
single community. But He decided to let you test yourselves by what
(potentials) He has granted you. So, outdo one another in doing good to the
society. To God you will all return, and He will then make you understand
wherein you differed.
6:104 Say (O Prophet), “The manifest Enlightenment has come to you from
your Lord. Whoever sees the truth, does so for his own good. And whoever
turns blind, hurts himself. I am not your keeper or guardian.”
6:107 We could have created all people without free will and they would
then not associate any partners with Him. (But guidance has been
distinguished from straying 2:256.) And We have not appointed you as their
guardian, nor are you responsible for them.
6:108 (O Believers) Do not insult the idols they set up besides God. They
might insult God in their ignorance and hurt themselves. To every
community We have made their deeds seem fair. Then to their Lord is their
return and He will explain to them exactly what they used to do.
7:177 Evil as an example are the people who reject Our verses, since they
hurt their own ‘self’.
7:178 Whoever attains God’s Guidance according to His laws is led right.
And goes astray he who violates God’s law of guidance. [4:88]
10:99 If your Lord willed, all who are on earth, would have believed. Would
you then, compel people to become believers?
12:108 Say (O Prophet), “This is my way. Resting my call upon reason, I am
calling you all to God, I and those who follow me. Glory to God! And I am
not one of those who ascribe divinity in any form besides Him.” [We do not
invite through blind faith, vague dogmas or by stunning your intellect with
18:29 And proclaim, “This is the truth from your Lord. Whoever accepts it
let him accept it, and whoever rejects it, let him reject it.”
39:41 (O Prophet) We have revealed to you this Book expounding the truth
for all mankind. Then whoever chooses guidance benefits his own ‘self’.
And whoever chooses to be lost, he strays only to his own detriment. You
are not a custodian over them, nor can you determine their fate.
56:79 This is a Book that none but the pure of mind can grasp.
73:19 This Qur’an is a reminder, a giver of eminence. So, whoever wills, let
him set out on a way to his Lord.
TEMPLES: Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no
reason other than saying, “Our Lord is God!” For, if God had not enabled
some people to repel others, Temples, Monasteries, Churches,
Synagogues, and Masjids, where the Name of God is oft-mentioned, would
have been destroyed. And God will certainly help those who help Him. God
is Mighty, Powerful. [22:40]
A lifelong student
30:32 Those who split up their religion becoming sects, each sect
delighting in whatever beliefs they have. [3:104, 6:160, 23:53, 42:13.
Sectarianism is invariably based on taking humans as ‘authorities’]
Pakistan is the country with the harshest laws on blasphemy. Any reported
incidence of blasphemy against the Prophet or the Qur’an is punishable by
death. A confirmed blasphemer has to be irrevocably sentenced to death.
Unfortunately, the majority of Pakistanis, even the educated ones, are
under the influence of the despicable Mullahs.
Wikipedia: Defiling the Quran merits imprisonment for life. Defaming
Muhammad merits death with or without a fine. Religious scholars and
lawyers, who have unequivocally supported the blasphemy law in its
existing shape, said that similar laws that carry capital punishment for
blasphemers are being practiced in hardly five Islamic countries out of 54.
All of those interviewed affirmed such laws exist at least in two Islamic
countries: Pakistan and Saudi Arabia, but were not certain of the exact
number of countries governed by such stringent legislation as one of them
said it is also being practiced in Iran, Sudan and Afghanistan.”
The Qur’an prescribes no punishment for blasphemy.
Who doesn’t know the most widely published verse of the Qur’an? LA
IKRAHA FIDDEEN. (There is absolutely no compulsion or coercion in
2:256 (Although this message has been sent down by the Almighty) there is
absolutely no compulsion or coercion in Religion. The right direction has
been made distinct from error. So, whoever rejects false gods (such as the
clergy, human ‘authorities’) and attains conviction in God, has grasped the
Unbreakable Support. God is Hearer, Knower.
[No compulsion in matters of religion - This Rule shall have no exceptions
since Right has been distinguished from Wrong. 2:148, 2:193, 2:256, 4:88,
5:48, 6:104, 6:107-108, 7:177-178, 10:99, 12:108, 18:29, 22:39-40, 27:80-81,
39:41, 56:79, 73:19. At-Taaghoot = Those who, in rebellion to the One True
God, claim to have Divine powers or try to portray themselves as His
representatives = Sufis, mystics, priesthood, clergy, tyrants. Tagha =
Rebellion. Idols of stones cannot rebel and therefore, they cannot be At-
If we think and reflect, the exalted Prophet Muhammad is beyond reproach,
insults or denigration. Allah has given him the highest certificate:
RAHMATILLIL’AALAMIN (Grace for all people, nations and all creation).
Can any human being throw a blot on a Divine Certificate? Can anyone
blacken a shining sun?
SUNNAH: Some Mullahs maintain that the Prophet (S) forgave people for all
their assaults, but it was his attitude. How can we bear any insults hurled
upon him? How do they forget the noble SUNNAH (example) of the exalted
SUBLIME MORALS: The Qur’an says:
68:2 You (O Messenger), by the grace of your Lord, are not a madman.
68:3 And yours will be an everlasting reward.
68:4 For, you have sublime morals.
Did anyone contradict this statement during his life or the following?
7:184 Has it never occurred to them that there is no madness whatsoever in
their fellow-man? He has lived a whole life among you (10:16). He is only a
plain warner.
Let us present here only a few examples.
UMM JAMIL: Umm Jamil, the wife of Prophet Muhammad’s Uncle* Abi
Lahab, used to spread thorny bushes on the doorstep of the Prophet. One
morning, he found the doorstep clean. Instead of being happy, he became
concerned and asked about her well-being. Upon learning that she was
sick, he visited her house and inquired about her condition and any needs
she might have.
‘AQABAH BIN MU’EET: This staunch enemy of the exalted Prophet used to
place camel’s viscera on him. At times even the Prophet’s beloved little
daughter Fatima would remove the garbage from his person. A noble
companion asked permission from the Prophet to kill him but taking
revenge for personal assault was beyond the greatest man’s moral
discipline. He said, “I forgive him.”
MIGRATION – HIJRAH – HARBINGER OF PEACE: Madinah is a town about
210 miles north of Makkah on the western coast of today's Saudi Arabia.
The Prophet (S) had advised some Makkans to migrate to Ethiopia (615 CE)
and later to Madinah. Ethiopia's Christian King Negus (Najashi) was a kind-
hearted man. He saw the common grounds, sheltered Muslims and soon
embraced Islam. During the past 12 plus years, some people of Madinah
also had embraced Islam.
The Muslims of Madinah had been inviting the exalted Prophet to move to
their town. It was in the year 622 CE when Muhammad (S) made his move
to Madinah. This was the most influential migration in history since it was
to change the future of humanity. Traveling 210 miles on camel back
usually took more than one week. The exalted Prophet rode to Madinah on
camel back with Hazrat Abu Bakr as his companion. The people of Madinah
welcomed the Prophet with great joy. Men, women and children all were
extremely delighted. The Day of Hijrah or Migration marks the beginning of
the Islamic calendar. The exalted Prophet brought peace to Madinah. He
ended tribal warfare and signed peace treaties with the local tribes, the
Jews and other groups. The previous name of this blessed township was
Yathrib. From this point on, it came to be known as Madinah-tun-Nabi
(Town of the Prophet).
AN ORDINARY LABORER: When the Masjid Nabawi was being built in
Madinah, the noble companions requested the Prophet (S) to take rest and
supervise the construction. However, the Prophet (S) continuously worked
with his companions like an ordinary laborer picking stones, bricks, and
FORBEARANCE: The Prophet went to meet with a group of people and
preach Islam. The infamous hypocrite Abdullah bin Ubbi rudely said, “Do
not come to us to preach even the truth.” The young and strong
companions became furious, but the exalted Prophet told them to calm
down and not react. He then calmly turned back.
NO DISFIGUREMENT: Suhail bin Umro used to deliver fiery speeches
against the Prophet. He was captured at the Battle of Badr. Some
companions suggested that his frontal teeth be extracted in order to impair
his speech but the exalted Prophet strongly forbade them saying, “I fear
Allah’s law of requital.” He added that no person or dead body, not even an
animal, would be disfigured after the advent of Islam.
ABOLITION OF SLAVERY: Seventy opponents were taken captive at the
Battle of Badr and none of them was killed or enslaved. The rich ones paid
ransom and the poor would be released by way of compassion. The
educated among the captives would only teach 10 Muslims to read and
write in order to attain freedom.
47:4 If you meet the disbelievers in battle, strike at their command centers,
until you have subdued them, then, bind them firmly. And thereafter, there
must be an act of kindness or ransom when the battle lays down its
weapons. If God willed, He could punish them Himself, but that He may let
you be tested by means of one another (as to which people remains
vigilant.) As for those who are slain in the way of God, He does not render
their actions vain.
MAGNANIMITY: A man was arrested for trying to ambush the Prophet. He
told the companions to set him free. The Prophet never took revenge for
verbal or physical attacks on his person.
COMPASSION FOR WOMEN: Hindah bint Waleed, wife of Abu Sufyan, was
a sworn enemy of Islam and the Prophet. During the Battle of Uhud, Hazrat
Abu Dajanah had his sword raised over the heavily armed combatant
Hindah’s head, but the Prophet (S) gestured to him and Hazrat Abu Dajanah
withdrew his sword from her. "We hurt no women", said the Prophet.
FORGIVENESS: Muhammad (S) went to Taif for conveying the Message to
the residents of the town. The leaders told the youngsters to mock him and
throw stones at him. The Prophet was bleeding and the blood trickled and
clotted in his shoes. Whenever he tried to sit down in weakness, the
scoundrels made him stand up and walk again. The Prophet’s adopted son,
Zaid bin Haarisa, asked him to pray against the Taifites. The Prophet (S)
refused, saying, “If not these, their generations will come to believe in the
PRAYING FOR AGGRESSORS: The Makkans came back in 3 AH to avenge
their defeat at Badr in 2 AH. During the hard-fought Battle of Uhud when
both sides were suffering heavy casualties, the exalted Prophet was heard
praying, “O My Sustainer! Forgive my people since they know not.”
POISONING: A Jewish woman of Khyber, Zainab w/o Sallaam bin
Mushkam, invited the Prophet and some companions to dinner but added
poison to the meals. The Prophet ate one morsel and quit. She was
arrested and feared for her life. The Prophet asked her why she had done it.
She responded, “In order to kill you.” The Prophet forgave her since he
never used to avenge for personal reasons. A noble companion, Bashar bin
Barar, ate his fill and died of the poison the next day. The woman was then
executed according to the law of just recompense.
ADI BIN HATIM TAI: He was a Christian leader and came with a delegation.
A poor woman intervened and asked the Prophet to listen to her in privacy.
He immediately stood up, asked people to be excused, and then listened to
her with patience. Adi said, “I had come to see if Muhammad was a king or
a prophet. Now I know that he is a truthful prophet of God.” Adi embraced
Islam right there.
UNITY OF MANKIND: From the very beginning, the Prophet (S) had
declared that all humans are equal regardless of color, ethnicity, tribe, and
geography and that every child of Adam is worthy of honor.
17:70 Surely, We have conferred dignity on children of Adam (as a birth
right, regardless of where the child is born), and provided them with
transport on land and sea and given them decent things of life. We have
favored them over very many of those whom We have created.
COURAGE: One day, the Prophet was resting under a shady tree in an
isolated little valley. An opponent came and un-shielding his sword, said,
“O Muhammad! Tell me who can save you from me.” The Prophet calmly
replied, “Allah!” The man got stunned and started trembling. The Prophet
(S) picked up his fallen sword and asked, “Now who can save you from
me?” The man said, “None.” The Prophet asked, “Why don’t you say what I
had said?” The man remained dumbfounded for a few moments and then
uttered the ‘Shahadah’ (There is no god but God and Muhammad is His
The FUNERAL procession of a Jew passed by and the Prophet stood up in
respect. Some people reminded him that it was the funeral of a non-Muslim.
He said, “So what? He was a human being.”
HUDAIBIYYAH: This famous peace treaty between Muslims and the
Makkans was under way when some Makkans tried to assassinate the
Prophet’s ambassador, Hazrat Khirash bin Umayyah, and killed the
Prophet’s camel he was riding. Then the Quresh sent an armed party
towards Muslims but the Muslims arrested them. When they were
presented before the exalted Prophet, he unconditionally forgave them.
grassy land where the camels of the exalted Prophet and his companions
used to graze. Several men from the Ghatfaan tribe raided the pasture,
killed Hazrat Abu Zar Ghaffari’s son who was standing guard and abducted
his wife and 20 camels. Hazrat Salma bin Ukoo’, an expert archer followed
the aggressors and he, along with his men, captured and bound the
assailants. Then he rushed to the Prophet with the report that he had the
aggressors in custody right on the pasture keeping water supplies out of
their reach. You can imagine what such cruel aggressors would expect?
The exalted Prophet told Hazrat Salma bin Ukoo’, “When you overcome an
enemy, let forgiveness take the lead.”
MUHAMMAD, THE VICTOR: Some argue that this was the Prophet’s
conduct in Makkah but not so in Madinah when he was in authority, but
once again facts show that nothing could be further from the truth. We all
know about the kind of treatment Abdullah bin Ubai extended to the
Prophet. He was known as the Raeesul Munafiqeen (the leader of the
hypocrites) in Madinah. He deserted the Muslim army along with 300
followers in the Battle of Uhud, and with his attitude and words hurt the
Prophet (S) grievously yet, when he was dying, this is what happened: The
Prophet (S) visited him in his illness and found that the imminence of death
had changed him. He asked the Prophet to give him a garment of his own
in which he could be shrouded and to accompany his body to the
grave...he spoke saying, ‘O Messenger of God, I hope that you will pray at
my funeral and ask forgiveness of God for my sins’...and after his death
(the Prophet (S) did as he had promised. Particularly interesting is his
answer to Hazrat Umar when the latter protested that the Prophet (S)
should not bestow such grace on a hypocrite. The Prophet (S) replied,
“Stand behind me Umar. I have been given the choice and I have chosen. It
has been said unto me, “Ask forgiveness for them, or ask it not though you
ask forgiveness for them 70 times, yet will not God forgive them,.” – “And if
I knew that God would forgive him if I prayed more than 70 times, I would
increase the number of my supplications.”
Another outstanding example of forgiveness is that of the poet Ka’b ibn
Zuhair ibn abi Sulma who used to write satirical verses against the Prophet
(S). His brother, Bujair, who was a Muslim, urged him to go ask for the
Prophet’s (S) forgiveness in the following words, “He slays not him who
comes unto him in repentance.” The poet approached him after the
conquest of Makkah and said, “O messenger of God, if Ka’b, the son of
Zuhair came to you in repentance...would you receive him?” As the
Prophet (S) answered that he would, the poet said, “I, O Messenger of God
am Ka’b, the son of Zuhayr.” Then he recited an ode in praise of the
Prophet (S) and the emigrants. Upon his finishing, the Prophet (S) took off
his striped Yemeni cloak and gave it to Ka’b. This robe is enshrined in the
Topkapi museum in Turkey, a testament of the Prophet’s (S) magnanimity
and the relish with which he accepted his former enemies wholeheartedly
without rancor and grudges.
During the previous 2 years of relative peace, Quraysh, the pagans of
Makkah, were closely watching the long strides Islam was making. Willfully
and repeatedly they violated the Treaty of Hudaibiyyah, attacked small
bands of peaceful Muslims and ultimately revoked it in writing. As Head of
the State of Madinah, the Prophet had no choice, but to attack Makkah.
With 10,000 soldiers, he marched to Makkah in 630 CE. Please note that in
that blessed era, every able-bodied Muslim man and woman used to serve
as a soldier in the defense of the Islamic State. There was no standing army
as such. The Makkans were taken aback! The city was captured without
any bloodshed. The exalted Prophet rode on his camel through the gate of
the city while his opponents trembled in fear. Instead of showing royal
pride, he was very humble and kept his head bowed in humility. Then he
immediately declared amnesty for all, "This day there is no blame on you.
All of you are completely free." Upon hearing this, everyone was stunned in
amazement! Almost instantly, all of Makkah embraced Islam.
Among those Makkans, there were people who had driven Muhammad (S)
and his family and companions out of their homes. There were those who
had looted their property and killed many Muslims. They had severely
persecuted the Prophet and Muslim men and women. They had tried their
utmost to destroy Islam and Muslims. Yet the merciful Prophet tells them,
"This day there is no blame on you. You are free to go about." All of human
history will fail to cite one example of clemency like this.
There is not a single meaningless letter in the Qur’an. The ancient books
on Islam written in the first century and later give the meanings of all
Muqatt’aat clearly but those books are found only in museums or with the
descendants of the respective families. You can find those meanings in
QXP by Shabbir Ahmed, M.D.
7. *** Mujahid-al-Munafiq Imam Ahmad bin Hanbal by Abdul Muhsin bin
Mullah Ali Al-Qari, pg 67-135
The Qur'an is not silent on the issue of abortion. AWLAD = Children, born
or unborn. Your friend's case seems to be a matter of convenience.
Nothing pressing applies here such as HIV, maternal and fetal health or the
trauma of rape.
17:31 Do not kill (AWLADAKUM) your children (nor deprive them of good
rearing) for fear of poverty. We are the One Who provide for them as well as
for you. Surely, killing them is a grave offense.
Ask any Mullah about birth control and there is good chance that he would
declare it Haraam. He might present verse 6:151 as evidence but:
6:151 — Neither kill your children for fear of poverty nor deprive them of
proper training and education. We provide for you and for them —
changing times. He did not say: Do not kill MA FIL ARHAAM (what is in the
wombs) since it could be a tumor, hydatid cyst or mole or a succumbed
product of conception etc.
The Qur'an is not silent on the issue of abortion. AWLAD = Children, born
or unborn. Your friend's case seems to be a matter of convenience.
Nothing pressing applies here such as HIV, maternal and fetal health or the
trauma of rape.
17:31 Do not kill (AWLADAKUM) your children (nor deprive them of good
rearing) for fear of poverty. We are the One Who provide for them as well as
for you. Surely, killing them is a grave offense.
Ask any Mullah about birth control and there is good chance that he would
declare it Haraam. He might present verse 6:151 as evidence but:
6:151 — Neither kill your children for fear of poverty nor deprive them of
proper training and education. We provide for you and for them —
40:67 He is the One Who created you from dust, then from the gametes,
then from an embryo, and then He brings you forth as an infant. And then
you attain full strength and afterward you grow old; though some of you
die earlier. All this He ordains so that you reach a term appointed, and
along the way, develop your insight. [22:5]
According to above, intrauterine life cannot be equated with extra-uterine
life, none of these stages can equate the other. Birth of an infant is his
AKHIRAH compared to the previous stage. Death of a person is his transit
to the eternal Home, Al-Akhirah.
7:172 When your Lord brought forth generations in succession from the
Children of Adam, and made them bear witness, “Am I not your
Sustainer?” They said, “Yes, we bear witness.” Thus you cannot say on the
Resurrection Day, “We were not aware of this.”
Read through the entire Qur’an. No nation was ever destroyed for a
deficiency of rituals. Invariably, it was the violation of human rights.
4:59: O ye who believe! Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and those
charged with authority among you."
There is no verse that says: "Obey Allah, and obey the Messenger, and
obey hearsay what the Messenger might have said."
N2Is claim that nothing explains the Qur’an but Hadith. But all the
books of Hadith combined together will fail to give you the Tafseer of
even 10% of the Qur’an. The Qur’an claims that it explains itself, and
surely does.
The so-called Sunnah (The exalted Prophet's reported deeds) of
every sect strongly contradicts each other. And the narratives are
highly irrational, self-contradictory and insulting to the Prophet (S).
Yet, the Mullahs insist that there are two sources of Islam, the Qur’an
and the Sunnah!
Beard and Hijab are not ordained in the Qur’an. Abu Jahl, Abi Lahab,
Waleed bin Muhgeerah, ‘Aas bin Waael, ‘Agabah bin Mu’eet, ‘Atbah
bin Waleed - the Prophet's (S) dire enemies, and all other Arabs
sported a beard, and hence, it is not a SUNNAH of the Prophet. Or, it
is as much a Sunnah of Abu Jahl! Hindah bint 'Atbah and all Arab
women of her time used Hijab, a reflection of the Arab culture. Beard
and Hijab are ordained in the Bible, not in the Qur’an.
Slaughtering of animals around the world at the time of Hajj is non-
Qur’anic, and therefore, man-made.
A second wife is not allowed except in emergent circumstances
when the society is left with widows and orphans in great numbers.
Azaan on loudspeakers is a frank violation of human rights and it
even contradicts the Mullah-peddled Sunnah.
Black magic, ghoul, exorcism, future-telling, lucky numbers, stones
or stars, bad omens or evil eye are non-Qur’anic dogmas.
Proxy Hajj: Deeds are non-transferable. Praying for the dead or doing
Hajj for someone else are entirely vain. Yet, these non-Qur’anic
practices are peddled through fabricated Ahadith by our Mullahs.
son. God does not play games with His servants. Literal ‘forehead to
ground’ = complete submission in gratitude]
37:104 We called unto him, “O Abraham!
37:105 You have already affirmed the vision. We – This is so - We
must reward the doers of good.”
37:106 This was a trial, clear in itself. [Leaving the prestigious office
of Chief Priesthood in Babylon and now the comfort of Syria for the
wilderness of Makkah]
37:107 We exchanged his life for a Momentous Sacrifice. [Please
notice here the absence of the Biblical and the traditional myth of a
'ram' sent from the heavens. Also, note that slaughtering of a sheep
or goat, by no means, can be considered a Momentous Sacrifice.
14:37, 37:102]
37:108 And We left for him remembrance among the later
37:109 Peace and salutation to Abraham!
Addressing the exalted Prophet, the Qur’an says, "Wallahu ya'simuka min
An-naas." (And Allah will protect you from the people 5:67). Hence, all
narratives describing the exalted Prophet getting seriously injured at Uhud
and losing his teeth are totally false and groundless.
WAS THE RASOOL (S) POISONED? Our historians want us to believe that
the exalted Prophet was poisoned by a Jewish woman at Khaibar and that
this poison proved to be fatal in a few years. According to Shiite belief, two
of his wives, Ayesha and Hafsah (R.A.) poisoned the exalted Prophet. When
we reflect on the verse quoted above (that Allah would protect him from the
people), these reports are reduced to plain hoax.
Unfortunately, the so-called custodians of the Final Word of Allah never tire
of saying, “Jaadoo bar haq, karnay wala kaafir.” (Magic is true but the
magician is infidel.)
Europe has grown out of burning the "witches" alive at the stake three
centuries ago although the Bible is full of such mysterious creatures as
THE PROPHET (S) AND MAGIC: The Qur’an is the greatest Smasher of all
superstition such as magic, evil eye, miracles, clairvoyance, future-telling,
good or bad omens, irrationalities and all things contrary to Sunnatillah
(Divine Laws in Nature). It liberates mankind from all conjecture.
Unfortunately, the Hadith collections very frequently run contrary to the
Qur’an and bind Muslims in the same shackles that the Glorious Book had
The 'Imams' of history and Hadith fabricated a wicked story (also reported
in Bukhari) that the exalted Messenger was affected by a spell of magic
contrived by a Jewish magician, Lubaid bin 'Aasim. After a while, a doll was
recovered from an abandoned well. The doll had needles on it along with
some scalp hair of the Prophet tied around. Reminds you of Voodoo?
Under the influence of that magic, Rasool (S) used to think that he had
done a task while he actually had not done it.
A lame apology by the criminal narrator: “No, he only used to think that he
had gone to his wife while he had not.” Notice how cautious the fabricators
were of getting caught! A guilty conscience needs no accuser.
Finally, the last two Surahs (113 & 114) were revealed to the Prophet (S)
and each needle was pulled out with recitation of a verse from them. He
became normal again. To this day, the Mullah calls these Surahs as
Ma'oozatain - The two protectors (against magic etc!) Believing in this
contrived story is sufficient to bring down the glorious station of
prophethood. Yet, the so-called Muslims not only believe in it but, to this
day, fall for unscrupulous people claiming to have the powers to cast
spells of magic and to counter it, and thus deceive people into losing
fortunes to them!
Illusion & Trickery: Today’s educated “magicians” honestly admit that they
are tricksters and their work is nothing but illusion. This is what Pharaoh’s
“magicians” had done before Moses and the assembly.
7:116 Moses asked them to begin. When they began they cast a spell
on the people’s eyes, and struck them with awe, and stunned the
assembly with their spellbinding eloquence.
The Conjecture of Haaroot & Maaroot:
2:102 (They had followed conjecture in the past as well.) Some
satanic people spread a rumor in the Kingdom of Solomon
(Sulaiman). Solomon never disbelieved in the Divine laws, but the
satanic people did. They fabricated a story that two angels Haaroot
and Maaroot had descended in Babylon and taught magic to some
people; and that they used to warn people, “We are only a
temptation, therefore be not oblivious to the rational Divine laws.”
The rumor further stated that people learned magic from both of
them and learned how to create discord between a man and his wife.
They could harm none against the Divine laws. What they try to learn
only harms them and does not profit them. They ought to know that
any person indulging in this trade (the so-called occult sciences) will
be a loser in the long run, and shall have no portion in the Hereafter.
Evil is the price for which they sell their humanity, if they knew. [The
entire story of Haaroot Maaroot was based on conjecture. Magic,
amulets, ghoul, demon-possession, exorcism, witchcraft, evil eye,
fortune telling, astrology, palm reading, clairvoyance, knowledge of
the future, Voodoo, are nothing but conjecture. These things can
neither harm nor benefit anyone since nothing happens in the
Universe contrary to the immutable Divine laws in nature. However,
superstitions can harm people by becoming self-fulfilling
prophecies. 3:123-127, 6:73, 7:54, 45:22. Divine laws never change
33:62, 35:43, 48:23, and you will never find even a slight turn in them.
The marvelous flow between not only the verses but the Surahs of the
Qur'an tells us that the Glorious Book is free of human touch in all forms.
The fluent sequence remains obscure to the superficial reader. The Book
before us is in exactly the same sequence as revealed on the heart of the
exalted Prophet. So, none but Allah arranged the entire Qur'an.
Please experience this beauty reading the Book with all sincerity.
People like Abu Dawood's son, Abu Bakr Abdallah bin Abu Dawood
Sulaiman, author of KITAB-IL-MASAAHIF, and our "Imams" of Hadith &
History, try to make the reader believe that the entire Book is a human
effort. For example, it was revealed in seven 'qirats', variant readings (even
different words), it was written on bones, date leaves and stones, some
verses were lost, Sahaba Kiraam used to dispute with each other on how
each of them had heard the verses from the exalted Messenger (S), that
Hazrat Uthman had collected the scattered Qur'an and burnt the variant
copies, and so on.
The story is endless of the crimes against the Noble Book of Allah. To
begin with, it needed a Christian (Waraqah bin Naufil) to reassure Rasool
(S) that he had received a revelation, and then Waraqah himself never
accepted Islam, etc.
6:54 When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say,
SALAMUN ALAIKUM (Peace be upon you!) ---. (And quite a few other
Eid-ul-Adha and Eid-ul-Fitr are not mentioned in the Qur’an. Eid means
We have been saying “Eid Mubarak” to one another for centuries but it
never proves to be Mubarak or blessed. It is high time that we should try to
be Mubarak to Eid by doing actions that benefit humanity.
Many Muslims calculate and give 2.5% of their wealth as Zakaat to the
needy, recite the Qur’an profusely without understanding and try to
"perform" much Namaaz. Zakaat, in fact, is due whenever we earn money
("the day of harvest" per Al-Qur’an 6:141) and whenever we have surplus
On the Eid Day Namaaz, the "Imam" would recite 6 or 12 Takbirs, then
Halwa Puri, new or flashy clothes, socialization, gift and card exchange;
and that is the end of it. Any of these rituals present in the Qur’an? No! Do
they bring about any change in us? - None whatsoever but a false sense of
gratification. The Qur’an is a very pragmatic Book. It gives us the Purpose
with each Command. Saum is the yearly training for Muslims to attain
discipline and inculcate qualities in us so that we may establish Allah's
Supremacy on earth (2:185). Think how 6 or 12 Takbirs make mockery of
the Book of Allah!
The Qu'an was revealed to the exalted Prophet in the month of Ramadhan,
610 CE. (2:185, 44:2-3, 97:1)
10:57 O Mankind! There has now come to you Enlightenment from your
Sustainer, and a healing for all that troubles your hearts; and guidance, and
grace to all who embrace it.
10:58 Say, “In this bounty of God and in His grace – in this, then, let them
rejoice. It is better than all the treasures that they may amass.”
NAHR applies:
The Muslim clergy and N2Is fail to understand that the unborn fetus
would itself be physically fasting and be dangerously subjected to
deprivation from food and drink if the mother is fasting. Moreover,
can the tiny bit of flesh witness Ramadhan, an absolute precondition
to fasting? Just because you cannot see the fetus you can’t imagine
the suffering! Did Allah use FAMAN SHAHIDA MINKUM ASH-SHAHR
(whoever of you witnesses the month) without reason?
2:185 —. Whoever of you witnesses the month should participate in
the program of Abstinence. But if any of you is sick or on a journey,
let him practice Abstinence for the same number of days later. God
desires for you ease, and He does not desire hardship for you. —.
By choice: 2:183-184 tell us that whoever can go through Saum but
chooses not to, he or she may feed an indigent as expiation.
10:57 O Mankind! There has now come to you Enlightenment from your
Sustainer, and a healing for everything that troubles your hearts, and
Guidance, and Grace to all who embrace it.
10:58 Say, “In this Bounty of Allah and in His Grace – in this, then, let them
rejoice. It is better than all the treasures that they may amass.
I'TIKAAFF: Some 'pious' Muslims go into an ascetic mode during the last
10 days of Ramadhan. They isolate themselves (women in the remotest
corner of their homes, and men in the Masjid) violating all human rights.
What is the objective? Worship of Allah with all focus! Allah is beyond and
Above our worship. He demands obedience. I'tikaaf actually means special
assignment in the administrative centers of the Islamic government (2:187).
Unfortunately, under the Ajami (Alien) influences, the concept given to
‘I’tikaaf’ has reduced this Sublime Ordinance to ten days of ascetic and
ritualistic isolation. ‘I’tikaaf’ = Special task = To be deputed = Extra duty =
Unique assignment. ‘Aakifun’ = Those on ‘I’tikaaf’. This invented practice
violates the Qur’anic injunction against monasticism and hurts human
rights (57:27).
Muslims become a laughing stock and waste billions of dollars every year
when they slaughter animals, generally on streets. This pagan practice is
nowhere ordained in the Qur’an.
sheep, goat, cow, camel in memory of Ibrahim's a. s. attempted slaughter of
his son Ismail a.s. - That Allah saved Ismael a. s. by replacing him with a
ram sent from heaven. Does Allah play games with His servants? How
much more Biblical can one get?
37:102 And when he was old enough to strive along with him, Abraham
said, “O My dear son! I have a vision that I must give you to a life of test
and tribulation for a Noble cause. So look, what do you think?” He said, “O
My father! Do what you are commanded. God willing, you will find me of the
steadfast.” [‘Zibh’ & ‘Zabh’ = Sacrifice = Disregarding comfort for a Noble
[Leaving the prestigious office of Chief Priesthood in Babylon and now the
comfort of Syria for the wilderness of the valley of Makkah]
[This essay from the Sheikh is acknowledged with thanks for my book
under study. His use of the "Tolerance in Islam" seems to be a gentle
sarcasm for the unaware Muslims and Christians]
For example, the covering of the head for women which has become a
point of much discussion in the West, is actually not found in the Qur’an.
Therefore, it is not a part of the original teachings of the Prophet. It has
been taken from the Christian Bible and incorporated into Islam.
Similarly many of the beliefs that are considered Islamic are actually
derived from the Jewish and Christian scriptures. The early converts from
Judaism and Christianity gradually incorporated their old beliefs into Islam
to such an extent that the ‘Islam’ of today is often a verbatim manifestation
of the Bible. None of these Biblical teachings were known to the Prophet
and they cannot be found in the Qur’an at all. But the ‘scholars’ of Islam are
unanimous in accepting these beliefs as part of Islam today.
Other than the head covering for women, our other practices like:
All these things are derived from the Christian and Jewish Scriptures. This
list is by no means exhaustive. These beliefs are NOT found anywhere in
the Qur’an which is in fact the earliest and the only authentic teaching of
Prophet Muhammad (S). Yet, these teachings can be found in very exact
detail in the Christian Bible and the Jewish Scriptures. The Christian West
should, therefore, credit it to the great tolerance and absorption of the early
scholars and generations of the Muslim Ummah that they were able to
bring with them a vast spectrum of Christian and Jewish beliefs which were
accepted in that early era and are practiced by Muslims as part of Islam
today. Therefore, there is no need for the Judeo-Christian world to be
apprehensive about Islam. Our common heritage should bind us together
instead of dividing us.
I would like to begin with the issue of the wearing of the head covering for
women. In light of the post September 11, 2001 events, this issue has been
frequently highlighted in the Western media. Muslim schoolgirls are
prohibited from wearing the head-covering in France and elsewhere.
As I mentioned before the wearing of the head covering for women is not
part of the Prophet’s teachings and is not found in the Qur’an. It is a belief
and a practice that was taken by the early Muslim scholars from the
Christian Bible. (1 Cor 11:5-13)
So the commandment for a woman to cover her head is in the Bible. This
belief has seeped into the Muslim belief and has now become part and
parcel of today’s Islam. The West has no problem with Catholicism putting
its nuns in head cover. In Europe Catholic schools still encourage young
girls to take up the wearing of the Catholic head-cover.
But where does the Muslim belief in circumcision come from? Once again
the answer lies in the Bible. The Covenant of Circumcision is mandated in
the Bible.
Genesis 17:14 And the uncircumcised man child whose flesh of his
foreskin is not circumcised, that soul shall be cut off from his people; he
hath broken my covenant.
Later Muslims have found this belief acceptable and have incorporated it
into their Muslim practices.
The Christian West raises alarm about the so-called 'Islamic State'. They
should not really be afraid. Very often all the precepts and beliefs for the
Islamic State, particularly the Shari’ah Law, are based almost entirely on
Biblical teachings. They are not found in the Qur’an at all and therefore do
not form part of the Prophet's teachings. An Islamic State under Shari’ah
Law is nothing but Biblical Theocracy. This reflects the tolerance of the
Muslim faith in accepting and incorporating Biblical teachings into Islam.
The Prophet brought the Qur’an to the entire humanity. But it is a credit to
the great tolerance that the Muslim Ummah has picked up the Biblical
teachings. The fervor to set up an Islamic State is nothing more than
establishing the Biblical Theocracy. Let the Lord's Kingdom come!
Hence the law of stoning people to death is Biblical. It has been accepted
by the Muslims who came after the Prophet and this is another evidence of
a great tolerance in Islam for upholding Biblical teachings. Why should the
Christian West hold the Muslim Ummah in disgust for upholding Biblical
If a man commits adultery with the wife of his neighbor both the adulterer
and the adulteress shall be put to death (Lev 20:10). The Qur’an also
prescribes a punishment for adultery, but it is a scourge of 100 lashes
God and the Prophet guarantee all humans that they have the right to
believe or disbelieve as they choose.
2:193 So, fight them (the aggressors) only until there is no more
harassment and Religion may be adopted for the sake of God alone.
No one has the right to deny the right to freedom of religion. People will be
held accountable for their choices in the life to come. God will decide what
to do with people and their choice of belief. There is no earthly punishment
prescribed in the Qur’an for those who believe or disbelieve. (4:137)
Again it is the great tolerance and flexible nature of Islam today that these
Biblical teachings have been absorbed and are practiced as part of the
Islamic Shari’ah Law. The teachings from the Christian Bible show the
Muslim proximity to the Christian faith. Hence, there should be no conflict
between Islam and the Christian West about these laws. We have so much
in common with each other.
The list is very long. Just a few of the many other beliefs are now given that
the Muslims practice today. They are not found in the Qur’an but are taken
from the Christian Bible. Unfortunately, because of the ignorance of the
Muslim and Christian masses, these beliefs are manipulated by some
clever people as excuses to create a rift between the West and Islam.
We recall with dismay the huge hue and cry when Taliban destroyed the
priceless ancient treasures in Bamiyan. Under the guise of religion, the
Taliban insisted that the statues of the Buddha were idols and had to be
destroyed. The Taliban based their actions on Islamic beliefs that have
actually been absorbed from the Christian Bible. It is a Biblical teaching
that graven images must not be made, and if made, they must be
destroyed. (Deut 27:15, 4:16).
The Muslims have absorbed these Biblical teachings, and again this
reflects the immense capacity of 'Muslims' to learn from the Christian Bible.
The Qur’an does not say anywhere that statues or graven images are
forbidden or that they must be destroyed. The Christian West has to take
account of these truths and give due credit to Islam for giving fresh life to
the Biblical teachings. Islam's proximity to the Bible is much deeper than
what the Christian West would like to acknowledge.
The Qur’an Does Not Forbid Pictures, Paintings And Sculptures For Décor:
The Christian West has also been disturbed by the Islamic practice of men
wearing beards. After the 9/11, many Muslim men with beards have been
the subject of suspicion and summary searches by police and other law
enforcement agencies throughout the West. Keeping beard is again not the
teachings of the Prophet or the Qur’an. Instead, the wearing of beards by
men is taken from the Christian Bible. The Christian Bible makes it clear.
Leviticus 19:27 Do not cut the hair at the sides of your head or clip off the
edges of your beard. 21:5 Priests must not shave their heads or shave off
the edges of their beards or cut their bodies.
2 Samuel 10:5 When David was told about this, he sent messengers to
meet the men, for they were greatly humiliated. The king said, "Stay at
Jericho till your beards have grown, and then come back."
Hence, the Taliban were following the Bible when they insisted that men
should wear beards. No doubt the Prophet and the Qur’an never
commanded men to sport beards. It is Islam's greatness as an evolving
religion that it has absorbed much from the Judeo-Christian Scriptures.
The Muslims are told in the Qur’an that they should not follow the path of
the Christians and the Jews. Despite such warning, the Muslim “scholars”,
in the interests of preserving harmony and peace with their Christian
brothers and sisters, decided that the Biblical teachings should be closely
upheld by good Muslims. Therefore, the fear by the Christian West is
misplaced and unfounded.
In conclusion, I would like to state that both Muslims and the Christian
West should study and take cognizance of the vast area of similarity
between the Muslim beliefs and Christian Biblical teachings.
In this age of high tensions, paranoia and fear of everything that is deemed
Islamic, the Christian West should appreciate the fact that for one thousand
years, the Muslim scholars have already shown a great tolerance towards
Christianity by learning and absorbing many parts of the Christian Bible
into their Islamic faith.
NOTE: The above list has been taken from the Christian Bible. Nothing of it
can be found in the Qur’an.
In the light of the evident flexibility in Islam today, I hope that the Muslims
all over the world will make the effort to show their Christian brothers and
sisters that a great amount of our Islamic Shari’ah is drawn from the
Christian Bible. At the same time I urge the Christians and Jews to give
Muslims the due credit for being loyal to the Christian Bible and Jewish
Scriptures. We have more in common between us than what divides us.
The Qur'an condemns idol worship since it divides people and lets the
priesthood exploit the masses. It has nothing against sculptures and
statues as items of decor.
7:32 Say, "Who is there to forbid the beauty and aesthetic niceties that God
has brought forth for His servants, and the good things of sustenance?”
Say, “On the Day of Resurrection, these things will be only for those who
chose to believe in Divine laws during the life of this world.” Thus do We
detail Our messages for people who make use of what they learn. [17:18-20,
7:33 Say, "My Lord forbids only: Indecent shameful deeds, open or secret,
actions that hurt the ‘self’ and drag down the individual and collective
human potential, unjust aggression, associating others with God (Shirk),
for which He has sent down no authority, and that you say things about
God that you do not know.”
22:39 Permission to fight is granted to those against whom war is
wrongfully waged. God is Able to support them -
22:40 Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no
reason other than saying, "Our Lord is God!" For, if God had not enabled
some people to repel others, temples, monasteries, churches, synagogues,
and Masjids, where the Name of God is oft mentioned, would have been
destroyed. And God will certainly help those who help Him. God is Mighty,
We recall with dismay the huge hue and cry when Taliban destroyed the
priceless ancient treasures in Bamiyan. Under the guise of religion, the
Taliban insisted that the statues of the Buddha were idols and had to be
destroyed. The Taliban based their actions on Islamic beliefs that have
actually been absorbed from the Christian Bible. It is a Biblical teaching
that graven images must not be made, and if made, they must be
destroyed. (Deut 27:15, 4:16).
The Muslims have absorbed these Biblical teachings, and again this
reflects the immense capacity of 'Muslims' to learn from the Christian Bible.
The Qur’an does not say anywhere that statues or graven images are
forbidden or that they must be destroyed. The Christian West has to take
account of these truths and give due credit to Islam for giving fresh life to
the Biblical teachings. Islam's proximity to the Bible is much deeper than
what the Christian West would like to acknowledge.
The Qur’an Does Not Forbid Pictures, Paintings And Sculptures For Décor:
34:13 They worked for him (Prophet Solomon) as he desired, making forts,
statues, sculptures, paintings and images, pools, and boilers well-dug into
the ground….” [Please note a Prophet of God decorating his kingdom with
statues, sculptures, paintings and images. Muslim orthodoxy,
unfortunately, declares all fine arts as Forbidden.]
The so-called Imams adopted another Jaahiliyyah ritual from the Bible and
Islamized it through fabricated Hadith as Aqeeqah.
To this day N2I Muslims believe in blood sacrifice upon the birth of a child.
The fabricated Hadith kept alive by tradition commands them to sacrifice
one goat if a daughter is born and two goats if a son is born. [Notice the
discrimination right in the beginning?]
Then the baby’s head must be shaved on the seventh day and silver of
equal weight distributed among the poor as Sadaqah (charity). Imagine the
weight of silver making mockery of Sadaqah. The male child must be
circumcised on the eighth day. Why not weigh the prepuce with silver?
Here is the height of calumny, “He heard from him who heard from that
who heard from … and so on: Abu Huraira narrated from Rasoolullah that a
child’s soul is held as collateral (Raheen) by Allah until his Aqeeqah is
done. Or, the Rasool said something like this.” [Qanoon Al-Akhbaril
Maudhu’ah War-Rijalud Dhu’fa, Allama Muhammad Tahir Gujrati]
The exalted prophet did not break any statues. The self-contradictory
history leads us to this conclusion.
1 - We are told that the prophet (S) seated Hazrat Ali on his shoulders and
Hazrat Ali broke the 360 statues with a hammer.
2 - No, sorry! Muhammad (S) gestured to the statues with his staff and the
statues fell by themselves.
3 - Sorry again! When the prophet (S) reached the Ka'bah, all statues
started reciting LA ILAHA ILL-ALLAH and fell flat on their faces.
The Qur’an commands humanity to protect all temples of worship. The fact
is that with entire Makkah embracing Islam, the people got rid of the
statues themselves.
22:40 Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no
reason other than saying, "Our Lord is Allah!" For, if Allah had not enabled
people to defend themselves against one another, monasteries, and
churches, and synagogues, and masjids, where the Name of Allah is oft
mentioned, would surely have been destroyed. And Allah will certainly help
those who help Him. For, Allah is Mighty, Powerful.
15:9 Behold, it is We Ourselves Who have sent down this Reminder, and
behold, it is We Who will truly guard it. (6:115).
We do not see any verse in the Qur’an relating to "Rajm" and "ten
sucklings". According to Ibn-e-Majah, these verses were revealed and
written but a domestic goat ate them up. But Allah is saying "We will truly
guard it."
Why did Ibn-e-Majah record this fabricated story in his Sunan? Was he not
aware of 15:9? Or was he among those who try to cast doubt on the
First, as a general rule, please look at verse 9:71 in the Qur’an.
9:71 Believing men and believing women are colleagues of one another.
They enjoin virtue and forbid vice. Together, they help establish the
Divinely prescribed Way of Life, and set up the Economic Order of Zakaat.
This is how they obey God and His Messenger. These are the ones on
whom God showers His grace of success. Certainly, God is Exalted in
Power, Wise.
[The believing men and women, working together, do not deliver empty
lectures. They enjoin virtue and forbid vice by personal example, knowing
that the Qur’an is the Eternal Criterion of right and wrong. 2:185. ‘Good’
and ‘Evil’, ‘Right’ and ‘Wrong’ are not vague entities. The Qur’an clearly
defines them in 2:177 and many other verses. In short, good is all that
helps people and evil is all that hurts them]
THREE: Draw a shawl around your person when outdoors in public (33:59).
Hijab is the term used by many Muslim women to describe their head cover
that may or may not include covering their face except their eyes and
sometimes also covering one eye. The Arabic word Hijab can be translated
into veil or yashmak. Other meanings for the word Hijab include screen,
cover(ing), mantle, curtain, drapes, partition, division, divider etc.
The word "Hijab" appears in the Qur’an seven times, five of them as "Hijab"
and twice as "Hijaban". See 7:46, 17:45, 19:17, 33:53, 38:32, 41:5, 42:51.
None of these "Hijab" words are used in the Qur’an in reference to what the
traditional Muslims call today as the dress code for the Muslim woman.
Hijab in the Qur’an has nothing to do with the women’s dress code.
In reality, "Hijab" is an old Jewish tradition that infiltrated into the Hadith
books like many innovations that contaminated Islam through alleged
Hadith and Sunnah. Any student of the Jewish traditions will see that head
cover for the Jewish woman is encouraged by the Rabbis and religious
leaders. Religious Jewish women still cover their heads most of the time
and especially in the synagogues, weddings, and religious festivities. This
Jewish tradition is a cultural, not a religious one. Hijab was observed by
the women of the civilizations that preceded the Jews and was passed
down to the Jewish culture.
Christian women cover their heads on many religious occasions while the
nuns cover their heads all the time. This religious practice of covering the
head was established from traditions thousands of years before the Muslim
scholars claimed the Hijab as part of the Muslim women’s dress code. The
traditional Arabs of all religions, Jews, Christians and Muslims used to
wear "Hijab," not because of Islam, but because of tradition. In Saudi
Arabia, up to this minute most of the men cover their head, not because of
Islam but because of tradition. Thank God this tradition for men has not
been counted as Islamic dress code yet!
North Africa is known for its Tribe (Tuareg) that have the Muslim men
wearing "Hijab" instead of women. Here the tradition has the Hijab in
reverse. If wearing Hijab is the exclusive sign of a pious and righteous
woman, why do we see so many Hijabi women completely disregarding
other essentials of modesty, like wearing tight shirts and jeans, showing
the body parts that must be concealed, plus immodest behavior? In brief,
Hijab is a tradition and it has nothing to do with Islam.
THE WORD KHIMAAR IN THE QUR’AN: The word "Khimaar" and the dress
code for women can be found in the Qur’an 24:31. Some Muslims quote
this verse as a commandment for Hijab, or head cover by pointing to the
word, khomoorehenna, (‘their chest covering’ from Khimaar), forgetting
that God has already used the word Hijab, several times in the Qur’an.
Those blessed by God can see that the use of the word "Khimaar" in this
verse is not for "Hijab" nor for head cover. Those who quote this verse
usually add (Head cover or veil) after the word Khumurihinna, and usually
between ( ), because it is their addition to the verse of God. Here is the
24:31 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and guard their
modesty. They should not show off their adornment beyond what may be
decently and spontaneously apparent. Let them cover their chest area with
a light covering. …
Most of the translators, obviously influenced by fabricated Hadith translate
the word as VEIL and thus mislead people into believing that this verse is
advocating the covering of the head and face.
In 24:31, God is telling the women to use their cover (khimaar, being a
dress, a coat, a shawl, a shirt, a blouse, a tie, a scarf . . . etc.) to cover their
bosoms, not their heads or their hair. If God willed to order the women to
cover their heads or their hair, He would have simply said, "Cover your
head and hair." God is neither vague nor forgetful! God does not run out of
words. He does not wait for a scholar to put the correct words for Him!
The Arabic word for Chest (Jayb) is in the verse 24:31, but the Arabic
words for Head (Ra’s) or Hair (Sha'r) are NOT in the verse. The
Commandment in the verse is clear - Cover your chest.
The last part of the verse 24:31 translates as, "They shall not strike their
feet when they walk in order to shake and reveal certain details of their
bodies. The details of the body can be revealed or not revealed by the
dress you wear, not by your head cover. The word Zeenatahunna in this
verse refers to the woman's body parts (beauty). At the end of the verse,
God tells the women not to strike their feet to show their Zeenat. A woman
does not need to strike her feet to show her ornaments but the way she
strikes her feet while walking can reveal certain parts of the body.
Accepting orders from other than God is idol-worship. That is how serious
the matter of Hijab/Khimaar is. Is it possible that women who wear Hijab in
the name of religion, believing that God ordered it are committing idol-
worship as God never ordered it? Nay, the ‘Imams’ did. These women have
found for themselves gods other than the One Who revealed the Qur’an,
complete, perfect and fully detailed.
The first regulation of the Dress Code for Muslim women is in 7:26, the
second in 24:31 as we have seen and the third is in 33:59.
24:31 And tell the believing women to lower their gaze, and guard their
modesty. They should not show off their adornment beyond what may be
decently and spontaneously apparent. Let them cover their chest area with
a light covering. …
33:59 O Prophet! Tell your wives, your daughters, and women of the
believers that they should draw their outer garment around their body
(when in public). This is easy and proper, so that they may be recognized
and not be bothered. God is Absolver of imperfections, Merciful.
Here God sets the other regulation for the dress code for women during the
Prophet's life. This verse does not only address the wives of the Prophet,
but also wives of the believers, and therefore, to all believing women.
HARDSHIP IN RELIGION: God ordains that those who would reject His
Book and go look for other sources for guidance will suffer in this life and
in the Hereafter by their own choice. We repeatedly find in the Qur’an that
God never desires any hardship in religion. But the ‘Imams’, in their
inflated egos, invented their own laws in defiance of God and made Islam
impossible to practice. They enslaved Muslims by regulating everything in
their daily lives. Only a few examples out of the countless: Which side you
must sleep on, which foot you must step in and out of the house, what to
recite on entering and exiting the toilet, which foot would enter the toilet
and which one will exit, what to do with a fly in your soup, using the left
hand in most situations would be accursed, what to say and recite when
having intercourse with your spouse etc etc!
Those who believe that The Qur’an is complete, perfect and fully detailed,
will have everything easy for them as God promises, while those who seek
sources other than the Qur’an will suffer all the hardship in this life and in
the life to come. In the Hereafter they will complain to God, "We were not
idol-worshipers," but God knows best, they were. (See 6:21-24)
CONCLUSION: God, the Most Merciful, gave us three basic rules for the
Dress Code for Women in Islam.
THREE: Draw a shawl around your person when outdoors in public. (33:59)
While these three basic rules are not enough for those who do not trust
God, the true believers know that God is ENOUGH. After these three basic
rules every woman can adjust her dress according to a particular situation.
Any addition to these basic Qur’anic rules is an attempt to correct God or
improve on His Infinite Wisdom. We have no obligation to follow but God's
Rules, just as His Messenger did all the time. Innovations and fabrications
that add countless rules to the women dress code are nothing but idol-
worship and should be vehemently rejected. Stay with God; that is where
the winners go.
DR. SHABBIR’S LITMUS TEST: Anyone who PREACHES the non-Qur’anic
Hijab, Veil, Burka or Beard belongs to the Ajami, Counterfeit, Manmade,
‘Imamist’ Mullah-peddled, Number Two Islam (N2I), period. Interestingly,
trousers and long and short jackets were gifted to Europe by a Muslim
architect and designer of Spain, Zaryab ibn Zaryab. (Ref: Aik Islam by Dr.
G.J. Barq).
5:6 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! When you congregate
for Salat, wash your faces and your forearms, hands to the elbows. Lightly
rub your heads and your feet to the ankles."
The Criminal Mullahs disregard even their beloved Ahadith when they wish
to force their point. Here, for example,
"Ibn Umar said that during the times of Rasulullah (S) men and women
used to do Wudhu together." Wouldn't that expose the women's heads,
faces, forearms and ankles to men? [Bukhari by Madina Publishing
Company, Karachi, 1982, Printer Hamid & Co, vol 1, pg 169 Kitabil Wudhu.
The translator is “Maulana” Abdul Hakim Khan Shahjahan Puri]
The N2Is, under the authority of Bukhari et al, want us to believe that
Ummahatil Mu'mineen (Mothers of believers) like Aisha and Maimuna r.a.
and other Sahabiat (lady companions of the exalted Prophet) used to
observe Purdah (veiling or burqa) even to blind men saying, "So what if he
cannot see me, I can see him!" What logic? She still sees him.
This carries the connotation that even women's hormone levels are
permanently in danger of revolting, if they can see men. Doesn't that
necessitate all N2I men to wear Burqas and Hijabs? The Number Two Islam
(N2I) kills common sense by taking away Reason. The Criminals of Islam
have done all the thinking for them!
The Mullahs and their blind followers almost invariably assert that the
Qur’an prescribes no punishment for the rapist. Doesn’t the Qur’an claim to
be a well perfected Book and that it covers all things that were necessary
See how explicitly or implicitly RAPE is mentioned in the Qur'an. The
verses remain obscure to Mullahs. Why? Because all five Imams of FIQH
(Abu Hanifa, Malik, Shafi’i, Hanbal, Ja'far Sadiq) were seconded by the then
emperors to ignore this atrocious crime and give a free hand to misogyny.
The Qur’an does not use ZINA-BIL-JABR (Forced sex) for good reason.
Even bothering women on the street carries grievous punishment! The
term used here derives from RAJF = Creating alarm = Bothering =
Frightening = Harassing = Causing to tremble = Inciting fear. [33:59]
The punishment for men creating RAJF among women on the street could
vary from exile to slaying depending on the extent and habit of RAJF
caused by the accused.
33:60 Thus it is. If the hypocrites and they in whose hearts is a disease, and
the alarmists in the City do not cease (to harass women), We indeed give
you the authoritative mastery over them. Then they will be your neighbors
no more than a short while. [See 33:59]
33:61 Accursed, they will be seized wherever found and slain one and all.
(That is the penalty for men who keep annoying innocent women on the
street, assault them or rape them).
33:62 That was the Way of Allah among those who lived before. And never
will you find any change in Allah’s Way. (The Divine Laws in the Universe
never change, and the Law of Requital never fails to requite).
In addition, rape being the most heinous crime of violence stands aside
with creating corruption, disrupting the society and committing FASAD in
the earth.
5:33 The just punishment for those who wage war against Allah and His
Messenger and endeavor to commit bloody crimes on earth, is that they be
killed or crucified, or have their hands and feet severed on alternate sides,
or be entirely banished from the land. Such is their disgrace in this world,
and an awful suffering awaits them in the Hereafter. [Banishing from the
land indicates exile or imprisonment for life]
The Shi'as are right here. They only rub their feet. Think of the ridiculous
scene when Muslims put their feet in the sinks in public rest rooms. In a
rest room at Florida turnpike, I saw some N2Is doing that. A sensible, cool-
headed American Christian politely objected, “Dear Sirs, we wash our
hands here and may refresh our eyes, but you are washing your feet here
and letting loose all kinds of germs.”
See what the Qur’an says and what the Mullahs do and preach.
5:6 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! When you congregate
for Salaat, wash your faces and your forearms, hands to the elbows. Lightly
rub your heads and your feet to the ankles. ---. [Many translators insert
(wash) within brackets before 'your feet to the ankles']
- Using Miswak
- Irrigating the nose all the way down to the throat followed by the
repulsive, fierce blowing of the nose
- Loud coughing
- Washing their feet in the sinks with all the acrobatics involved.
In addition, the Mullahs will tell you that even if a single hair remains dry,
your wudhu remains invalid. Also, ablution remains invalidated on nail-
polish. Another Mullah injunction: The water must reach the ‘roots of the
nails’. Well, that necessitates a bloody surgery five times a day – that is
how deep the nail beds or roots are!
5:38 (Theft is a crime that steals away the sense of security from a society).
A habitual thief, male or female, must have their ability (to steal) cut off.
This is the reward for their doings, and a deterrent from Allah. Allah is
Almighty, Wise.
[For QAT’A, the so-called cutting of hands, please see 12:31. ‘Yadd’ = Hand
= Ability. ‘Allah’s hand’ at many places in the Qur’an, of course, denotes
His Power and Authority. So, consider all circumstances with wisdom, and
take measures to prevent this crime in the society]
5:39 Whoever repents after the crime and makes amends, God grants
him pardon. God is Forgiving, Merciful. [If the hand is cut off, what
about making amends, pardon and mercy?]
Here's the reference from Mathew Chapter 18, Verses 8-9 (King James
“And if your hand or foot causes you to sin, cut it off and cast it from you.
It is better for you to enter into life lame or maimed, rather than having two
hands or two feet, to be cast into the everlasting fire. And if your eye
causes you to sin, pluck it out and cast it from you. It is better for you to
enter into life with one eye, rather than having two eyes, to be cast into hell
fire.” Can anyone do that? Is it possible that Muslim translators of the
Qur’an rendered 'Qat'a' literally under Biblical influence?
QXP 12:31 When she heard their gossip, she invited them, and prepared
comfortable couches for them, and they schemed. She gave a knife to each
of the women. Then, she called Joseph, “Come out unto them!” And when
they saw him they flattered him and ‘cut their hands’. They exclaimed in
their flattery, “Good Lord! This is no mortal man! This is but an angel!”
[The governor's wife and her friends had planned to incriminate Joseph,
and they were just buying time. They made marks on their hands to feign
self-defense. There is absolutely no mention of the supposed “beauty’ of
Joseph, a fabrication adopted by most commentators from the Bible!
Secondly, the root word QATA' in this verse is of very special significance.
Did these women chop off their hands? Must the thieves get their hands
chopped off? Please see 5:38-39]
Your own OurBeacon has been the first ever open and effective voice
raising and proving the following points (and these are just a few
Humbly speaking, your brother Brig Shabbir Ahmed, M.D. has a PhD in
diverse fields of Islamic Studies from the Madinah University and Al-Azhar.
Contrary to the Mullah claims, all Ahadith combined together (1.4
million) fail to give us the tafseer (explanation) of even 5% of the Qur’an.
The Qur’an condemns only those who eat up usury and not the
needy that are exploited to fall for it. Please show me otherwise in the
Hijab and beard are Imamist and cultural traits. Even the enemies of
the exalted prophet used to grow beards.
That the food of the People of the Book except what has been
expressly forbidden, such as pork, is Permissible.
Proving that the Battles of Jamal, Siffain and Karbala never took
That the Namaazis are the biggest violators of human rights. Please
see: Who Conspired against Salaat?
Wives are not tilths. Women (Nisaa) in the society are the custodians
of future generations. (See 2:223).
Hajj is for the entire humanity and not for Muslims alone.
And more - as you go along this book! Now we are hearing strongly
affirmative echoes from all parts of the world, Al-Hamdulillah! Mullahs are
being decimated globally.
A lifelong student
The incredible Mirza Hairat Dehlawi was a devoted student of Sir Syed
Ahmad Khan.
He was fluent in English, Urdu, Hindi, Persian and Arabic. In 1912, he wrote
“Muqaddama Tafseer Ul Furqan” and a critical review on translations of the
Quran done by orientalists.
"Bukhari, Muslim and most of the Imams of Hadith and History were
Mughbachas; catamites and sodomites." (Quoting Imam Shahristani in "A
Critical Review Of The Orientalist Translations Of The Quran", Mirza Hairat
Dehlawi, 1912)
I had to buy an 11 page worn out Persian book of Mirza Hairat at online
London auction for 58.00 British pounds in 2008.
Mirza Hairat's books were made to disappear by sectarians and by the then
British India government to prevent disorder in the country.
4:34 Men are the protectors and maintainers of women. They shall take full
care of women with what they spend of their wealth. Allah has made men to
excel in some areas and women to excel in some areas. Men must see to it
that women are provided for, and that they are able to stand on their feet in
the society. So, righteous women are obedient to Allah’s Ordinances and
guard their moral values even in privacy, the Values that Allah Commands
to be guarded. If you experience rebellion from women, and they stand up
against you, apprise them of possible consequences. Next, leave them in
their resting places apart from you. And keep admonishing them with
examples that they stop rebelling. If they pay heed to you, seek not a way
against them. Allah is Most High, Great.
[‘Nushooz’ = to stand up 2:259, 58:11; to stand up against, to rebel / ‘wa’az’
= to apprise of consequences 2:231, 3:66 / ‘dharb’ = example 13:17, 16:74,
36:13; ‘dharb’ = to stop 18:11, 43:5 = To embark upon a journey 4:101 =
Strike the road (begin to travel) 4:101 = To give examples 4:34, 13:17, 16:74,
36:13, 43:58 = To abstain from something 43:5 = To stop or prevent 4:34,
43:5 = To strike someone or something 2:60, 8:12, 7:160-161]
4:19 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! It is not lawful for
you to force women into marrying or holding on to them in marriage
against their will. Pressuring women to remain in wedlock by threatening to
take away the marital gift is forbidden. A wife could forfeit the right to the
marital gift only if she has indulged in clear lewdness. You shall treat your
wives nicely. Even if you dislike them, it may happen that Allah has placed
much good in what you have failed to realize.
Very often in the Qur’an 'You' pertains to, and addresses, the Muslim
A fabricated hadith ascribed to Hazrat Ayesha tells us that if you fear that
you could not do justice with the wealth of the widows and orphans, marry
other women of your choice 2,3,4 (And let the widows and orphans die on
the street). Here is the Qur’anic Truth:
4:3 If you fear that the society shall not be able to do justice with orphans,
(as may happen in times of war and political turbulence, the government
shall announce a state of Emergency). In order to accommodate widows
and orphans, men of sound finances and character shall be encouraged to
marry these widows; two, three, and four (4:127). If you fear that you shall
not be able to deal justly, then you must not take additional wives, and may
continue with what you already have (4:129). This will prevent injustice and
financial hardship. (Second marriage during peace time is a FRANK
violation of the Qur’an)
THE SON OF GOD and one of the "Godhead" in Trinity]
9:30 The Jews say, “Uzayr is God’s son,” while the Christians say, “The
Messiah is God’s son.” They only utter baseless themes with their mouths,
following the assertions made in earlier times by people who denied the
truth. God condemns them. They are deluded.
[Many Jews in the Arabian Peninsula used to believe that Osiris, the
Egyptian idol, was God’s Son while others thought of Ezra, who restored
the Torah after it had been lost in the Babylonian Exile, as God’s Son.
Uzayr applies to Ezra as well as Osiris. See 20:88]
9:31 They take their rabbis, priests and monks to be their Lords* besides
God. And they take as their Lord, the Messiah son of Mary. Yet they were
commanded to worship but One God. There is no god but He. Praise and
glory to Him, He is far too Glorious for what they ascribe to Him.
[*Talmud shows the Jewish belief in the divinity to Ezra, rabbis, saints,
doctors of law and learned men. And the doctrine of Papal infallibility,
divinity of saints and praying to them are common in the Roman Catholic
Church. Hence, their SHIRK is obvious.]
Can a Muslim woman marry a Christian man?
Can I, a Muslim woman, marry a Christian man? (Wafa Nadir)
Can a Muslim woman marry a Christian man without both of them
converting to each other's religion? What is the take of our holy book, the
Quran, on this? (Wafa Nadir and Mahmud Sultan, Palestine)
A. “Converting” for the sake of marriage is an oxymoron.
“Iman” is not like the Christian “Faith” such that you utter a few words and
lo and behold! You are a Muslim. IMAN is an action and state of mind:
Believing in the truth with total conviction of heart and mind only after due
study and reflection.
You have requested the explanation of the Divine commands about Muslim
men marrying women from People of the Book and Muslim women
marrying men from People of the Book.
Can I, a Muslim man, marry a Christian woman?
You can marry any girl. The question is whether you should marry ‘any’
girl. Restricting ourselves to your question, please know that Muslim men
frequently think that the Qur’an allows them to marry women from People
of the Book. But they often forget the other most important criterion
mentioned in the same verse (5:5) in the Qur’an. And that criterion is virtue
and chastity. At the risk of being critical, I must say the well-known truth
that, with the dating practice accepted as the norm in the West, chastity is
a rare entity among men and women in the Western society. In fact, this
has been an ancient deplorable phenomenon among them.
Hazrat Umar, the second Caliph of Islam, had prohibited Muslims from
marrying women from among the People of the Book on the same grounds.
He used to stress on the word ‘Muhsanaat’ (chaste, virtuous women). He
also said that if Muslim men started marrying these women, Muslim women
would face problems finding a reasonable match.
Additionally, we observe that such mixed marriages seldom have a happy
ending due to religious and cultural differences. Moreover, any children
born out of such marriages live a confused life in religious and cultural
Shabbir, a life-long student
The myth of Eve created from Adam's rib is a Biblical statement adopted by
our Mullahs adding that is why the woman is crooked. A fabricated hadith
further states that the woman was created from the uppermost rib of Adam
which is the most crooked. Leave her like that and reap advantage. Try not
to straighten her, or she will break (but not become straight!)
4:1 O Mankind! Be mindful of your Lord Who created you from a single life
cell. And created from it its mate, and from the couple scattered numerous
men and women. Be careful of your duty to Allah in Whose Name you
expect rights from one another, and strengthen your family ties. Behold!
Allah is ever Watcher over you. [At the outset, it is imperative for
humankind to know that all of you, men and women, have a common
origin. He began the creation of life at the unicellular level. There was one
life cell that divided into two, male and female (6:99). Evolution took place,
as has been alluded to in this Book (16:8, 20:50, 21:30, 22:45, 30:20, 31:28,
51:49) Since all of you have this common origin, you must consider all
mankind as one community (10:19, 57:25).]
3:150 Remember, Allah alone is your MAULA (Master), and He is the Best of
helpers. (9:51)
Those striving to establish Shari’ah on gunpoint are floundering
human rights since there is no compulsion in religion. [2:256]
These criminals must be annihilated. Why is not the world helping the Pak
army in their noble and courageous endeavor?
The misguided Muslim clergy have deceived the masses into thinking that
there are two kinds of rights, the rights of God and the rights of humans.
1. Huqooqullah (God’s Rights). Such as worshiping Him day and night,
praying five times (and if possible eight times including ‘Chaasht’,
‘Ishraaq’ and ‘Tahajjud’ prayers) a day, chanting ‘Wazeefas’ and
‘Kalemaat’, reciting some verses of the Qur’an without
understanding and other countless rituals. Few Muslims (about 5%)
go through these non-Qur’anic rites but they keep announcing them
to show piety. The rest 95% have been programmed by the ignorant
clergy into living through life feeling guilty about not performing
these rites.
The term Huqooqullah nowhere appears in the Quran
Only one Right of God is mentioned and that is helping the needy
with one’s wealth and person. “Give Me My right.” [Give God His
Right = Render to the poor what is their Divinely ordained right
whenever you reap harvest or earn income. 6:141-142]
2. Huqooqul ‘Ibaad (Human rights). The so-called Muslims are drenched in
the non-Qur’anic rites, rituals and superstitions of all kind. They are busy
‘earning’ Thawaab (the wishful thinking of attaining rewards for performing
these rites and rituals).
No wonder, the Number Two Islam followers fall dismally short in guarding
human rights which is the central theme of the Qur’an. They fail to realize
that one can expect lasting rewards only by serving His creation. “The real
existence on earth is of that which benefits humanity.” (13:17).
IBADAH: Ignoring this kind of Messages, the ritual bound, Mullah-oriented
Muslim is the biggest violator of human rights. He forgets that we can
serve Allah only by serving His creation. [6:141]
Empty rituals like Namaaz & physical starvation are certainly not ordained
in the Qur’an as a way to success or salvation. Saum means self-control
and not physical starvation alone. God does not need empty rituals and the
society fails to benefit from them. Only the Qur’anic Salaat (facilitating the
observance of Divine commands in the society) can benefit people. (29:45)
Hadith: The exalted prophet is reported to have said that people who carry
out their basic duties towards humanity are much better than those who sit
back complaining of lethargy because of Fasting.
A False Hadith: This world is a prison for the believer and a paradise for the
Another false Hadith: This world is a corpse and its seeker is a dog.
But the Qur’an sets the record straight:
28:77…. do not forget your portion in this world. Do good to others
as God has done good to you…
14:8 And Moses said, “If you deny the truth and show ingratitude, you and
all on earth together, must know that God is absolutely Free of want,
Worthy of all praise.” [He is in no need of your worship.]
The Qur’an relates history of many nations but we cannot find in the
Book a single nation that suffered humiliation or annihilation for lack
of worship or deficiency of rituals. Invariably, it has been violation of
human rights.
All this happens while these ‘practicing Muslims’ keep violating all human
rights. Is there any need to look further why the Ummah is creeping in
misery all over the globe?
Paradise is not on the skies. Hell is not deep down in the core of the earth.
3:133 Move forward eagerly to the tranquil security that comes from your
Lord, and to the Paradise that transcends spatial boundaries,
encompassing the Heavens and the Earth. It has already been prepared for
those who live upright. (Paradise is not confined to the Heavens. Like Hell,
it begins right here in this worldly life).
3:55 “O Jesus! I will cause you to die of natural causes and I will exalt you
in honor and I will clear you of the slander of the disbelievers. And I will
cause those who truly follow you to dominate those who reject, until the
Day of Resurrection. Eventually, all of you will return to Me, then I will
judge among you about that wherein you used to differ.”
JESUS, LIKE OTHER MEN: Jesus was born like Adam i.e. Adami, a man like
others. Adam = Mankind, not the first prophet (6:84-86). Many tafseers say
Jesus was like Adam since the latter was born without a father or mother.
But, in that case, Jesus had only mother but no father, and that is no
likeness at all.
3:59 Verily, with Allah, the example (or nature) of Jesus is that of Adam
(other humans) who were initially created from dust and then evolved
through different stages of life (22:5, 30:20). He created him (mankind)
beginning from inorganic matter, then, He said unto him, “Be! And he is.”
(The process of procreation of the humans goes on, “IS”. 'Kun fayakoon' =
The moment Allah decrees a thing, it starts happening.
JESUS DIED HERE: He was never raised to the heavens. Some priests
rightly propagate:
Why don't they become Christians? Good question. Isn't it? But, are not
these four dogmas non-Qur’anic fabrications of the Criminals of Islam?
Aren't N2Is 90% Christian? Please see QXP 3:45-55.
JESUS WAS MARRIED: 13:38 And verily We sent Messengers before you,
and We appointed for them wives and children as well. It was not given to
any Messenger that he could bring a Sign (the requital people hastened
for), but it came with Allah’s Leave (according to the Law of Respite). For
every term (rise and fall of nations) there is a Written Law.
JESUS AND MARY MIGRATED: Jesus was never crucified (4:157). He died
at a ripe old age (3:46).
23:50 And We made the son of Mary and his mother a symbol (of Our
Grace). And, We gave them abode on an elevated resort, affording rest and
security and fresh water springs. [They migrated from Can'aan after the
attempted crucifixion 3:46. I find myself in agreement with some European
researchers that the ten 'lost' Israelite tribes had ended up in today's
Afghanistan and Kashmir and that Jesus came searching for them.
Unfortunately, many Muslims dismiss this research simply because Mirza
Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian endorsed their research in the 19th century. One
must uphold the truth regardless of who denies it or accepts it. It is worth
noting that Factor 12 deficiency in the blood is commonly found only
among the Jews and the people of Afghanistan and Kashmir]
Visit: www.tombofjesus .com
VIRGIN BIRTH: One of the important injunctions of the Qur’an is that Allah
makes Laws as He wills in the World of Command and enforces them in the
World of Creation i.e. the Universe (7:54, 85:16). And then, He never
changes them. The grand empire of human learning, development,
invention, science and technology would have failed to come off ground if
Allah’s physical Laws in the Universe were to keep changing. Pregnancy
requires the union of the male and the female chromosomes. Allah never
changes His Laws. Therefore, the idea of a virgin birth, although popular
among the Christians and Muslims, is non-Qur’anic and absolutely
Jesus is referred to as son of Mary because his mother was more
prominent and also because his father, Joseph the carpenter, died at an
early age. The Bible also refers to Jesus as son of man and as son of
David. In fact three of the four Gospels in their genealogies name Joseph
as the father of Jesus. Mary was the first revolutionary and that too, a
feminine voice, against the man-made institution of monasticism. As a
custom, quite a few men have been popular by the name of a female
member of the family. Examples: Umm Musa, not Abu Musa, Abu Hanifa,
the Fatimi dynasty, Abdali son of Zarghoona, Aaron addressing Moses as
"O Son of my mother!" etc.
Let us note here a few salient points for the sake of clear understanding.
Now a few more important concepts given in the Qur’an that strongly
negate the fallacy of the “virgin birth” of Jesus:
Allah does all things according to His Laws (3:40,19:9) You will never
find Allah’s Laws changing or deviating (6:34, 6:116, 10:64, 17:77,
18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85, 48:23)
The example of Jesus, as far as God is concerned, is the same as
that of Adam. He created him from dust, then said to him, "Be!", and
he was (3:59)
By Adam is meant all mankind (7:11)
All humans are created from dust, then from a zygote, the union of
male and female gametes. (Verses too many to mention).
The Qur’an emphatically and repeatedly states that all human beings
are procreated from both male and female chromosomes, without
exception. (Again, verses too many to mention, but Surah Al-
Baqarah should suffice).
Even God won’t have an offspring since He never had a mate (6:101).
Verse 19:22 narrates of Mary moving far off from her village. Since Mary
had broken the rules of the shrine, she and her family kept the marriage
with Joseph carpenter confidential. [Incidentally, much of this information
also appears in The Apocalypse of Peter, Gospel of Mary and The Secret
Book of James]
The Qur’an describes Prophet Zakariya (Zacharias) and wife begetting
Yahya a. s. against some odds but not against Allah's Laws. 3:40 Zacharias
prayed to Allah, but then wondered, “My Lord! How could I have a son
when old age has overtaken me already and my wife is barren?” He said,
“So it will be, Allah does everything according to His Laws.” (The infertility
in his wife was cured 21:90).
3:43 She (Mary) was told by angels to gather courage, quit monasticism,
submit to the Command of her Lord and join her family for leading a normal
life bowing to the design that Allah has ordained for people.
3:45 Angels said, “O Mary! Allah gives you the good news through a word
from Him. ----.
3:47 Mary exclaimed! “O My Lord, How shall I have a son when no man has
touched me?” He said, “Just as Allah creates everyone according to His
Laws (3:40). When Allah decrees a matter, it starts happening.”
19:20 She said, "How can I have a son when no man has ever touched me?
For, never have I been a loose woman!” (3:46, 19:28).
About 3:45-47 please note that Mary is only engaged and not yet married
to Joseph.
A lady from Egypt has contacted me with a problem. She has been married
for 7 years and the couple has 4 daughters. The husband is threatening to
bring in a second wife to have a male child.
- Jami’a Al-Azhar in Cairo is the oldest university in the world but it follows
the manmade Number Two Islam.
- The Qur’an states that Allah bestows children, male & female according to
His laws.
42:49 To God belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth. He
creates and designs all things according to His laws. He bestows the
gift of daughters according to His laws and the gift of sons
according to His laws.
42:50 Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves infertile
some according to His laws. He is Knower, Omnipotent.
That Divine Law translates into science as below:
2:228 ---- Women, in all equity, have rights similar to men. But men have
one advantage over them (men have no waiting period for remarriage). God
is Almighty, Wise.
Please note that almost all translators render WA LIRRIJAALI
'ALAAYIHINNA DARAJAH in this verse as "Men are a degree above
2:260 Behold! Abraham said, "My Lord! Show me how You give life to the
dead." He said, "Do you not then believe?" He answered, "Surely I do, but
only to have a satisfying conviction in my heart." Allah told him to take four
birds and train them in a kind manner, and then to leave them far apart on
separate hilltops. And then call them and see them come in haste. Then
know that Allah is Almighty, Wise. [Abraham wanted to understand the
Revival of nations. At one call, the birds flew back to him. This is how
mankind can be brought to the Divinely Prescribed Way of Life with decent
training, giving them a new life]
The Mullahs have taught the masses to refrain from certain meats only. But
'anything' includes eatables dedicated to other than Allah, be it a temple,
god, goddess, idol, tomb, monastery, saint, pir, imam. Think of the Koonda
of Imam Ja'far Sadiq, Giarhween Sharif of 'Ghaus Azam' Jeelani, Bibi
Fatima's Sharbat and Sweets, Prashad of Mandirs, Dargah Ka Charhawa
(Immolation) etc.
2:173 He has forbidden for you: dead meat (carrion), and blood, and swine-
flesh, and anything (not just meat) that has been dedicated to other than
Allah (be it a person, an idol or a tomb 5:3) ----.
According to Allama Khatib Baghdadi, 'Imam' Malik and 'Imam' Shafi'i used
to have unnatural relationship with their wives quoting, "Your wives are
your tilths." (Gharaib Fil Tahqiqil Mazahib).
But the verse mentions women in the society (Nisaa), not wives (Azwaj) as
our historians and exponents would portray.
2:223 The women in the society are the guardians of your future
generations, just as a garden keeps the seeds and turns them into
flowering plants. So, whenever you meet with women socially, treat them
with respect, keeping the aforementioned principle in mind. This conduct
will go a along way to insure the betterment of the future generations. Send
forth good today for the sake of tomorrow. Be mindful of Allah and know
that you will, one day, face Him. O Messenger! Give good news to the
SEE WHAT BUKHARI DOES: Abdullah Ibne Umar was reciting the Qur’an.
When he reached verse 2:223, he asked Naaf'e whether he knew the
application of this verse. Then he went on to explain: “Your women are
your tilths therefore go to your tilths, as you please. If you wish, go into her
. . . . . . (Bukhari 2:729). It is astounding that even the original Arabic text
leaves a blank space here!
Mayisarah (the term applied for gambling 2:219) is derived from Yusr
(ease). Mayisarah then, in addition to gambling and games of chance,
means easy money without labor. These problems and usury cannot be
corrected until the Qur’anic Economic System is implemented as a whole.
For decades now, the Pakistani officials, courts and Mullahs have been
arguing about abolishing the interest system in the economics of the
country. It is a blind man looking for a black cat in a dark room. Will he ever
catch it? The issue is simple yet made into a complex problem by the
"experts". The 1000 year old tagedy unfolds like this:
Footnote: We find no verse in the Qur’an that chastises the exploited giver
of usury. Allah and Rasool are at war with those who eat up usury.
Mullahs insist that many verses have been revoked by Hadith and by one
another! 2:106 points to abrogation of many of the old Biblical Laws.
Manna-was-Salva 2:57
It was not fried quail and rice biryani descending from the sky as many
translations portray. ANZALNA many times refers to Allah's blessings
attained by following His Commands and establishing His Rule on earth.
2:57 When you mended your ways, We overshadowed you with Our Grace
and We bestowed upon you Our Bounties in abundance, saying, “Partake
of the decent things We have provided you.” And they did no harm to Us,
but they certainly harmed their own ‘Selves’.
Contrary to the Bible, the Qur'an does not mention the existence of ROOH,
Soul or Spirit in the human body. It does however mention the ROOH of
Allah meaning Divine Energy.
2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed
into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.
15:29 And when I have perfected him in due proportion and breathed into
him from My Energy, be of service to him.” [Note "of My Energy" = Free
will. 76:3. So God gave humans 'something' from His Energy]
17:85 (O Messenger) they ask you about the ROOH (Revelation). Say,
"Revelation is from my Lord's World of Command of which you have been
given little knowledge.”
['Rooh' = 'Wahi' = Revelation = Divine Energy from which free will has been
given to humans = ‘Spirit’ = 'Soul' = Angel of Revelation. ‘Spirit’ and ‘Soul’
are popular but non-Qur’anic terms. 'Nafs' (meaning Self) in the Qur’an
comes closest to these two terms.The Qur’an does not mention the
presence of ROOH or spirit or soul in humans. We are made of a physical
body, mind and NAFS (‘self’)]
The ancient Italians and Greeks thought that the human spirit resided in the
arteries. When an animal or human dies, the blood collects and clots in the
veins. So, finding the arteries empty, scholars thought they only had air in
them and the 'spirit' had escaped. Latin arteria, Greek artēria = Air.
According to the Qur'an, the humans consist of a physical body, mind and
NAFS ('Self').
The body dies but the 'Self' survives the trauma of death. The Qur'an
compares sleep and death. In both situations, Allah suspends the 'Self',
temporarily during sleep, and until the Resurrection in case of death.
36:51 And when the Trumpet is blown, out of their disintegrated states to
their Lord they will run. [Ajdaath = Bodily remains = Physical remains in the
graves or scattered anywhere = Disintegrated states]
36:52 They will say, “Oh, woe to us! Who has awakened us from our beds
of sleep? This is what the Beneficent promised, and the Messengers spoke
the truth.”
[Marqad = Bed of sleep = Resting place. These two verses strongly dismiss
the clergy-peddled false concept of punishment in the grave. And how
would God punish people after death before the Day of Judgment.
Moreover, many kinds of suffering (‘Azaab) are named in the Qur’an, but
not once is mentioned ‘Azaabil Qabr. In fact, God never punishes people.
We only face His Law of Just Recompense, "As you sow, so shall you
Death only brings an end to our present physical existence but the person
within us, the 'self' never dies. A fetus born out of his mother 'dies' for his
previous world, the womb, and comes out to exist in a new world.
Allegorically, similar is the change of our environment with death - moving
from this world to Another.
36:51 And when the Trumpet is blown, out of their disintegrated states to
their Sustainer they will run. [Ajdaath = Bodily remains = Physical remains
in the graves or scattered anywhere = Disintegrated states]
39:41 (O Prophet) We have revealed to you this Book expounding the truth
for all mankind. Then whoever chooses guidance benefits his own ‘self’.
And whoever chooses to be lost, he strays only to his own detriment. You
are not a custodian over them, nor can you determine their fate. [Wakeel =
Advocate, guardian, warder, warden, defender, custodian, responsible for
the outcome]
39:42 (Only the living of the mind and heart can make choices in this
world.) It is God Who takes their consciousness upon death, and of the
living during their sleep. He withholds it for those upon whom He has
passed the decree of death, and restores the others until an appointed time
(according to His laws). Herein are signs for people who think. [39:6]
39:6 He has created you all out of one living entity (from a single life cell) -
and fashioned similarly its mate, male and female (6:99). And He has
bestowed upon you livestock of eight kinds in pairs. (Sheep, goat, camel,
cow - male and female, the common permissible livestock 6:144-146). He
creates you in the bellies of your mothers, creation after creation, in
threefold depths of darkness (the abdominal wall, the uterine wall and the
embryonic sac). Such is God, your Sustainer! Unto Him belongs the
Kingdom. There is no god but He. How, then, can you sway like errant
2:54 When Moses returned, he said to his people, “O my people! You have
hurt your own ‘Selves’ by worshiping the calf (7:148-156). So, turn in
repentance to your Maker and kill your ego (rebellious mentality 12:53).
This will be best for you in the Sight of your Maker.” Thereupon He turned
toward you accepting your repentance. Verily, He is the Acceptor of
repentance, the Merciful.
Fact: God appointed humankind to administer the affairs of the planet earth
in the Light of His Commands, in other words, given supremacy over other
Mankind is not Allah's Khalifah. The Qur’an only says, a khalifah, not My
khalifah. God has not resigned! They have been appointed as
administrators in their limited capacity. They should use this limited
capacity to their best, establishing the Divine Order on earth.
God is not sending any Savior to the world! The last Messenger (S) has
come and gone having delivered the eternal Message (Al-Qur'an) to all
humanity. Now it is up to us to save or destroy the planet earth.
Ayah 2:177 gives us only Five Article of Faith: Tawheed, Angels, Prophets,
the Book and the Hereafter. Please remember that the Ultimate Authority
for Muslims is nothing but Al-Qur’an. You will not find “The Advent of
Mahdi” in the Qur’an.
24:30 —- and they shall see the Son of man coming in the clouds of heaven
with power and great glory. 24:33 So likewise ye, when ye shall see all
When the Messiah of the Jews comes he will bestow upon them the
everlasting Worldly Kingdom. Jews have already started becoming
apologetic. For example, in large numbers, they are turning to believing in
the Messianic Age rather than a personality.
When the Messiah of the Christians shows up again, the faithful (Alas!
Only 600,000) will be taken up to the heavens in Rapture to live in the
Father’s Palace up there, while the remaining billions get annihilated on
this dusty earth. “Billions just could not and would not make it.” (Joseph
Barber Lightfoot, Bishop of England 1880).
When Meeta or Buddha II, arrives, he will make Buddhism dominate all
religions “physically and spiritually” and turn every human being into a
Mahatma (The great soul).
Mithra of Zoroastrians will herald the return of the long lost Maggian glory
for his followers.
Kalki Avtar (The Last Savior) will lead Hindus straight to Mukti (Salvation
by non-existence – and out of the endless cycle of Reincarnation).
Tri-Thankra of Jainism will unify all human beings on earth into his
religion. Then all people will become the ideal ‘Bugs Bunnies’ eating plant
roots alone.
Let’s think for a moment that dozens of Promised Ones have appeared in
the world for a final round trying to prevail over one another. Battles,
wars, massive blood shed and total chaos grab hold of our little poor
planet as far as our imagination can take us, rather beyond.
How many mini-Mahdis and mini-Christs have come and gone in the last
many centuries? This can be anybody’s guess. Countless people have
claimed to be the Promised One, the Mahdi or the Messiah in the last
many centuries. It is a strange paradox that people keep waiting and
waiting intently for someone to come. But as soon as some priest, monk,
mullah, sufi, yogi, mystic, makes the claim, they raise furor against him.
They even attempt to kill him.
The real problem with the dogma of a promised one is that it serves as
opiate for the masses. It snatches from them the will to strive and
struggle. Well, someone will come to solve their problems and raise them
to glory. The situation is quite understandable as far as other religions
are concerned since they do not have Al-Qur’an, the Criterion between
the right and the wrong. But it is strange that the Muslims that regard the
Qur’an as their authoritative Book keep groping in the dark. We will see
shortly that the Final Word of God very clearly rules out the coming of
another promised one after Prophet Muhammad (S). We have
documented that Maudoodi in his Tafheem vol 4 pg 163 admits that there
is no place for this utopia in the Qur’an.
The following genius minds and great Muslims DID NOT believe in the
coming of Jesus or Mahdi.
In his English writings against the Qadiyanis, Sir Iqbal thrashed the dogma
of a promised one as a Magian and a Jewish heritage.
3:55 “O Jesus! I will cause you to die of natural causes and I will exalt you
in honor and I will clear you of the slander of the disbelievers. —.
19:56 And make mention of Idris (Enoch) in the Book. Verily, he was a
man of truth, a Prophet.
21:34 We have never granted everlasting life to any human before you. If
you die, can they be immortal?
3:144 Remember that Muhammad is only a Messenger. The Messengers
before him have passed on. So, if he died or were slain, would you turn
about on your heels?
This verse makes clear that Jesus too has died. He has passed away and
was not raised to the heavens. When Muhammad (S) died not one of his
companions complained why he was not raised to heaven like Jesus and
5:3 This Day, I have perfected your DEEN for you, completed My favor
upon you, and chosen for you Islam as the System of Life.
6:115 Perfected is the Word of your Lord in Truth and Justice. None can
change His Words and His Laws. And He is the Profound Hearer, the
Knower. [Hence, no further Divine revelation, no further messenger or
‘promised one’ is to come.]
33:40 Muhammad is not the father of any man among you, but he is
Allah’s Messenger and the Closing Seal of all Prophets. And Allah,
indeed, is Knower of all things. [Hence, there is no room for a Divinely
guided one to come.]
15:9 Behold! It is We Ourselves Who have sent down this Reminder, and
verily, it is We Who shall truly guard it. [Therefore no further prophet,
Mahdi or Messiah is necessary.]
21:7 For, before you We sent none but men to whom We granted
Revelation. Hence, (tell the deniers), “Ask the followers of previous
Reminders if you know not.” (12:109, 16:43).
21:8 We gave them not bodies that won’t require food, nor were they
5:75 The Messiah, son of Mary, was no other than a Messenger, like other
Messengers before him who passed on. And his mother was a woman of
truth. Both of them were human beings who had to eat food (like all other
mortals). See how clearly We explain Our verses for them and note how
they keep wandering in thought! (These ignorant people make human
beings that eat and walk about in markets, ascend to heaven with their
29:51 Why! Is it not enough of a miracle for them that We have bestowed
upon you this Book that is conveyed to them? [The Qur’an must be
Syed Jamaluddin Afghani, Mufti Muhammad Abduh, Sir Syed Ahmed Khan,
Allama Iqbal, Allama Muhammad Asad, Maurice Buccaille, Allama
Inayatullah Mashriqi, the brilliant sons of the Ummah, and countless others
believe that bodily ascension of Jesus confines God to a certain heaven
while the Qur’an makes it very clear that God is present everywhere.
"One who disbelieves in miracles is an infidel, and one who believes them
is a fool." :-) [Talmud]
According to the Qur’an, the Divine Laws or the physical laws in Nature
never change. (6:34, 6:115, 10:64, 17:77, 18:27, 33:38, 33:62, 35:43, 40:85,
48:23). Physical miracles must defy those Laws, and therefore, they never
take place. They can only be understood as allegories. See 3:7.
03. God wants us to believe in Truth by using our faculties and not by
stunning our intellect with miracles.
04. The references to the miraculous phenomena in the Qur’an are all
allegorical e.g. giving sight to the blind and life to the dead indicate
opening people's eyes to reality and putting in them the spark of life
worthy of human existence.
05. In numerous verses in the Qur’an, the prophets are shown refusing
to submit to the demands of miracles saying, "I am just a human being
like you."
06. Allah repeatedly says that the kind of physical signs they are looking
for, become obvious to them when the Period of Respite is over and their
annihilation is imminent.
In fact, the shrine guardians don the heads of these perfectly healthy,
innocent children with steel helmets or rings to restrict their growth! No
wonder, these children suffer severe mental retardation and physical
The horrible tradition has been used as the foundation for a trade in the
donated children, who after deliberate disfigurement, are sold to
professional beggars by the shrine's guardians, although the shrine is now
controlled by the government of Pakistan. No one even knows what else
they make people do in the name of religion! But sexual abuse has been
frequently reported. There are at least 10,000 of these people, most of them
in the Punjab province and the city of Gujrat.
1. Self-defense
2. Removing oppression
3. Freedom of religion
2:190 Fight in the cause of God those who wage war against you, but do
not commit aggression. God does not love aggressors.
60:8 God does not forbid you from being kind, and fully equitable to those
who do not fight you on account of Religion, and do not evict you from
your homelands. God loves those who lead a just, balanced life.
60:9 God forbids you from befriending only those who fight you on account
of Religion and evict you from your homelands, or help others in evicting
you. Those who befriend them will be wrongdoers.
2:193 So, fight them only until there is no more harassment, and Religion
may be adopted for the sake of God alone. And if they desist, then let there
be no hostility except against those who replace peace with aggression.
[No compulsion or coercion in religion 2:256. Lillah = For the sake of God
alone. Zulm = Displace something from its rightful place = Replace good
with evil = Oppression = Relegation of the truth = Exploitation = Violation of
human rights = Doing wrong to oneself or others = Choosing to do wrong]
22:40 Those who have been evicted from their homes unjustly, for no
reason other than saying, "Our Lord is God!" For, if God had not enabled
some people to repel others, temples, monasteries, churches, synagogues,
and Masjids, where the Name of God is oft mentioned, would have been
destroyed. And God will certainly help those who help Him. God is Mighty,
113:1 Say, "I seek refuge with the Lord of the Rising Dawn.
113:2 From the evil aspects of created things.
God does not create evil at all. It is our use of things that makes them good
or evil. Using a cliche here: A knife in the hands of a surgeon is life-giving
thus good, but in the hands of a killer it is evil.
Allah Who ordered Prophet Ibrahim and his son to build and PURIFY His
House, would never have allowed that to happen either. Thus, the
“daughters of Allah” that the idolaters worshiped were just “the names
they and their fathers invented (al-Laat, al-Manat, and al-‘Uzza).” If Prophet
Ibrahim would have smashed any idols in the Ka’bah, the Qur’an would not
have left this event of great historical importance unmentioned. We do not
find any Commandments for the Prophets to break any idols —but only
Commandments not to worship them.
One tent in the Paradise will be an emptied pearl. It will be 60 miles wide.
Every tent will have unspecified number of corners and in every corner
there will be a multiple number of Hoors. The believer will roam from one
corner to the other to (use) these HOORS. Hoors in one corner will not be
able to see others because of miles and miles of distance (to let the lusty
believer do what he wants).
The funniest part is that Allah will stroll among them wearing a Hijab, the
Hijab of His Glory, if that makes any sense to you!
It is highly tragic that a fabricated story found a place in our ancient history
and lives to this day. Tabari, ibn Hisham, Shibli, Maududi et al want us to
believe that the exalted Messenger was terribly frightened at the first
Revelation. That he came home shivering and his caring wife Khadijah (RA)
covered him with a blanket. She reassured him and then took him to her
Christian cousin Waraqah bin Nawfil who was a scholar of the Bible. It was
he to confirm that Muhammad (S) had received Revelation through Angel
Gabriel! Waraqah still does not embrace Islam! It is amazing that billions
have been buying this story for one thousand years. Ladies and gentlemen,
will you?
La Yamussuhoo Illal Mutahharoon 56:79 (None touches the Qur’an but the
N2I meaning: No one touches the Qur’an but those who have done ablution
(wudhu). Will the hands burn?
Another N2I meaning: Only angels touch the "Master-copy" in the heavens.
Sensible understanding: Only those who approach the Qur’an with clear
minds uncontaminated with pre-conceived notions and extrinsic sources
will be able to understand it.
And the Sunnah Merchants: I have lived in the West for 25 years (203). I am
yet to see any commotion in or outside a church, mandir, gurdwara or
synagogue, as opposed to what we so frequently experience in our
masjids. Wrong locations, parking problems, indiscipline, loud
conversations, rush, noise pollution, suffocating ventilation, Imams
screaming on loudspeakers, in short, total chaos.
In the USA the N2Is build multimillion dollar masjids and then go around
begging in the name of "fund-raising" thus depleting the community
resources and paying huge interests. Often the money ends up in courts
due to fighting 'leaders' and factions. What is their output? - More of the
Number Two Islam. And no social service at all! Jews, Christians, Hindus
and Buddhists are doing a much better job of social welfare. It is indeed
amazing to see the tolerance of the "Infidel (Kaafir)" West, public and
government. Can any non-Muslim temple create this nuisance in the so-
called Islamic countries?
Anyway, 1940 was the first 'experimental' use of Azan through the
loudspeaker in India. People wanted a FATWA from Mullah Shafi.
Now look at the ignorance. Shafi sent for a Hindu science teacher of a
school 50 miles away from Deoband. The teacher came and listened to
AZAN on the loudspeaker. The teacher's verdict: "The loudspeaker was
altering the original voice of the Mu'azzan." It became easy for Mullah Shafi
to declare that AZAN on loudspeakers was HARAM.
Insult upon injury: In the 1950s almost all Shi'ah & Sunni Masjids started
loud ZIKR before and after FAJR NAMAZ - on loudspeakers. Loudly
chanting "AllaHu" all night is not rare anymore. With total disregard of
human rights, the Masjids were generating the noise pollution in all
Were there people who were sick and badly needed a good sleep? Were
their students engrossed in studies? - preparing for exams? Did the
working and business class have to leave their homes early to their jobs?
WHO CARES? Mullahs are the biggest violator of human rights.
Mufti Shafi was asked about these problems. His flat answer: "Allah's
rights carry precedence over human rights."
Today, you raise voice against this frank violation of human rights in
Pakistan, and there is a good chance that you will be cited for
BLASPHEMY. Can the government intervene? Nay, such official will be
killed by a Mullah the next day!
9:60 The (funds that the Central Authority receives as) Alms and Charity
belong only to the following categories:
The poor who are not able to earn enough living to meet their basic
Those whose running businesses have stalled or the ones who have
lost their jobs, who have become needy with their active lives
coming to a standstill.
Officers that have been appointed by the government to collect alms
and charity.
Those who are hindered from joining the Divine System for financial
To free men and women from bondage of any kind: physical slavery,
unjust captivity, and oppression from any quarters.
Those pressed under the load of ransom or heavy debt from an
Defense of the Ideological State, in the Cause of Allah.
The wayfarer who becomes needy, or travels to the believers in
destitute condition, and the homeless son of the street.
This is a Duty from Allah. He is the Knower, the Wise and His Commands
are based on Knowledge and Wisdom.
[It is important to bear in mind an almost universal misconception among
Muslim scholars and the masses about the above mentioned eight
categories. They understand them as pertaining to Zakaat. But Zakaat
indicates a Just Economic Order where everyone in the society flourishes.
The cornerstone of Zakaat is spending whatever is more than we need, in
the Cause of Allah (2:219). In more concrete terms that means turning our
extra income voluntarily to the Central Authority who, in turn, will
transform the State where everyone works according to his capacity and is
paid according to his needs.
The Central Authority can set up a mandatory percentage of income as
taxes on its citizens which would vary according to the needs of the time,
be it 2.5%, 5% or more or less.
The above verse is talking about SADAQAAT (alms and charity) and not
ZAKAAT. Sadaqaat are meant to be an interim arrangement applicable any
time, until the Divine System is established and the Just Economic Order is
set up in the society]
Slavery was abolished by the Qur’an, by the exalted Messenger. But N2Is
like Mullah Maududi insist it is still allowed. Moreover, he writes, "The POW
women should be distributed among the Muslim soldiers and the soldiers
should use them." How about Muslim women captured by the "Infidels"?
Shame on his followers!
The Mullah will translate this verse something like this: "It is not befitting
for a prophet that he hold captives until he has shed sufficient blood on
earth -------."
8:67 It is beyond the dignity of a Prophet that he may hold any captives,
except temporarily, during warfare. [They must be freed at the conclusion
of hostilities by way of kindness, for ransom such as exchange of
prisoners of war, and there is no third option 47:4] You may desire the
fleeting gains of this world, but Allah desires for you (the good of) Eternity.
For, Allah is Almighty, Wise. (He knows your true welfare).
3:61 If anyone argues with you concerning him (Jesus) after the Knowledge
has come to you, then say, “Come! Let us call upon our children, and your
children, and our women and your women, and our people and your people
to leave one another alone knowing that Allah's condemnation is upon the
liars.” (‘Bahl’ = To leave alone = Let someone hold on to his views = Let
others do as they will = Erroneously, but commonly, 'Mubahila' = A contest
of mutual cursing. The word is not present in the Qur’an).
The Bible says the Forbidden Tree was that of knowlege. Mullah says it was
wheat. But it is a plant, not tree. Other Mullahs say it was sex.
7:19 “O Adam! Dwell you and your wife in the Garden and eat from
whatever you may wish; but do not approach this one tree, lest you
become wrongdoers.” [Contrary to the popular beliefs that the Forbidden
Tree was the tree of knowledge, fruit of this plant and that plant, or of
sexual charms, it refers to humanity dividing itself like the branches of a
tree 2:35-36, 2:213, 20:120]
[That tree is sectarian schism and bias is the fruit of it – this is the fruit that
debars mankind from paradise,]
All nations, tribes and religions take pride in adopting helpless children
except the clergy venomed Muslims. But ask any Mullah or a Muslim
misguided by the Mullahs about adopting a child. The response will most
likely be blurted: “Oh, no! In Islam, it is Haraam (Absolutely Forbidden) to
adopt a child.” How ruthless and outrageous! Our criminal Mullahs have
decided not only to forsake the Book of Allah, but to go 180 degrees
against it. They try to bar Muslims from doing some noblest deeds in the
name of Islam. And yet, they never tire of telling us that the exalted Prophet
had adopted Hazrat Zaid bin Haritha as his son.
33:5 Name your adopted children after their fathers; that is more just
in the Sight of God. And if you do not know who their fathers were,
then they are your brothers, sisters and friends in faith. You shall
treat them as family members. There is no blame on you for an un-
intentional mistake. What counts is the intention of your hearts, for
God is Forgiving, Merciful. [Unintentional mistake: For example,
discovering the real parents soon]
2:220 And they ask you about the orphaned children. Say, “A
progressive upbringing is best for them, that they get educated and
learn skills, finally becoming independent members of the society. If
you mix your belongings and property with theirs, or if they live with
you, treat them well as family members.” God knows well the
wrongdoer from the righteous. ---.
Recently (2007), a so-called Muslim family turned out of home a 12 year old
boy in a bitter cold night stating that he was now an adult and that he
became a 'Ghair Mahram' (stranger) to women in the household. I think this
atrocity happened in Canada.
The Qur’an gives some very important and clear Laws for divorce. 2:228
(The couple may reconcile even during ‘Iddah = Waiting period before the
wife’s remarriage), 4:6 (Both must be able to understand their finances
before marriage), 4:19 (No such thing as Khula’! Women have the right to
divorce as well. Both must be able to grant free consent), 4:35 (Marriage is
a very solemn, legal contract. Two wise arbiters must try to reconcile
between the husband and wife for three months), 58:1-3 (Foolish
utterances do not count), 65:1-4 (Never expel divorced women from THEIR
homes. Their must be two witnesses in writing for divorce).
TWO WITNESSES FOR DIVORCE, 65:2 And so, when they have reached
their waiting term, either retain them in kindness or part with them in
kindness. And let there be two just persons among you to witness, and
establish the evidence straight for Allah. -----.
THERE IS NO ROOM FOR KHULA’: The word Khula' does not appear in the
Qur’an. It is an Imamist fabrication meaning that a woman seeking divorce
has to go to a court of law begging for it, a process that takes upto 30 years
in the "Muslim" societies).
4:19 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! It is not lawful for
you to force women into marrying or holding on to them in marriage
against their will. ------.
3 - Three months for those who do not habitually menstruate (or have
irregular cycles – 65:4).
4 - Four months ten days for a widow (for resolution of grief – 2:234).
Our Mullahs are adept at concealing any Ahadith that could make life easy
for their victims. For example:
2. La ghoul. (There is no such thing as ghoul, demon, witch, evil eye and
creatures of superstition.)
4. The Hadith lovers even discard their beloved Bukhari here, “Sahaba
Kiraam asked the Prophet, "People bring us meat and we do not know if
Allah's name has been mentioned on it." The Prophet replied, "Say
BISMILLAH and eat it." Why do they conceal this Hadith? So that they may
5. “Land belongs to him who cultivates it.” But the ‘Islamic’ clergy strongly
supports feudalism where the rich landlords thrive on the toil of poor
Without any doubt, you will find Mullahs and Mullanis trying to defend and
rationalize even this great insult.
Anu Dawud Hadith Number 3786 Chapter 1431 Pg 1069 Vol III
Whale is a mammal, not fish. Contrary to the Bible and our stealthy
exponents, the Accurate Qur’an states that it was a Hoot (fish) that had
grabbed Jonah (Younus a. s.) in her teeth. Whale, living on planktons, has a
throat too narrow even to swallow a chicken. How could she swallow
Hazrat Younus?
Story goes that Prophet Jonah was swallowed by a huge fish and then he
remained in its belly for 40 days. Had he not read Tasbeeh Ayat-e-Karimah,
he would never have gotten out. La Ilaha Illa Anta Subhanaka wa Inni Kuntu
Minazzalimin. He read it 125,000 times and the fish vomited him out after 40
days! Result: Even today Muslim women and men, when confronted with
with a serious problem, sit down in groups and complete the count.
1. The fish, probably a shark, never swallowed him. It only grabbed him
in its teeth (‘Talqamahu’). The whale is a mammal, not fish. It has a throat to
Strangely, our exponents bring a Hadith here claiming that the exalted
Messenger had a hairy lump between his shoulder blades and that was the
Answer to a 19 y/o:
May Allah bless you! It's a great favor of Allah that you seek the ultimate
answer in the Qur'an, the only authority in Islam.
95:4 Indeed, We have created the human being in the best design (and with
the potential to grow the ‘self’.)
The Book keeps emphasizing using our sense. Tattooing has very serious
potential medical risks as you might know. Also, Allah has created us in
perfected forms, so tattooing is a senseless practice. You won't see most
of the well-educated people carrying any tattoos.
Finally, experience tells us that most youngsters repent and feel bad about
their tattoos when they attain mental maturity. That usually means another,
rather extensive and painful, surgery to get rid of the unsightly or
undignified marks.
"Wa Kashafat ‘an saqayiha" idiomatically means that she was spellbound,
and not that she bared her calves as commonly rendered by our "experts".
For example, tying one’s hand to the neck means miserliness.
The ancient Imams and their blind follower Mullahs want us to believe that
the visiting Queen Sheba of Yemen [Bilqees] was gorgeouslly beautiful and
Prophet Solomon fell in love with her. But he heard that she had hairy legs.
So, he built a glass floor in his castle to look at her legs in the reflection.
Sheba understood the smart move and she lifted her garment knee high.
Her legs were not only hairless but they were transparent and Solomon
could see the bone-marrow in them! What standards of beauty! What
transpired at night is anybody's guess. But Imam Jozi and some Biblical
literature maintain that the product of this conception came out to be the
devastating King of Babylon, Nebuchadenezzar!
You probably know that 95% of our "Imams" hailed from the defeated
Persia. They were Parsis (Zoroastrians, Magians, Majoos), but Muslims in
This includes the six Sunni Muhadditheen of "Sahah Sittah" (the so-called
six 'authentic' books of Hadith) and the three Shi'a Muhadditheen of the so-
called four ‘authentic’ books of Hadith.
Add to this "Imam" Tabari (d.310 Hijrah), the first historian and exponent of
the Qur’an, plus a multitude of other 'Imams'.
So, the term Durood which meant 'cutting off Tawheed (Monotheism) from
its root', gradually became popular, especially in Persia and the South
Asian subcontinent.
Just as Salaat was changed to the Parsi Namaz, Salawaat was denatured
into Durood.
33:56 Verily, Allah and His angels shower blessings on the Prophet and
support his Mission. O You who have chosen to be graced with belief!
Salute him and give yourself up to him and his Mission in complete
submission. (4:65, 7:157, 33:43).
33:43 He it is Who bestows His blessings upon you, and supports you, and
His angels, that He may bring you forth from darkness into Light. He is
Merciful to those who choose to believe. (2:155-157, 9:10314:1, 14:15,
Finally, it has become customary to write PBUH (Peace be upon him) after
the name of the exalted Prophet Muhammad.
For a few centuries, the Mullahs and their blind followers have been
translating Sall-Allahu 'alayhe wa-sallam as "Peace be upon him". Of
course, peace is upon him and he is in peace. Does he need our prayers? It
is the Mullah who needs peace; peace from propagating sectarianism,
hatred, terror, the barbaric manmade Shari’ah and N2I, the Number Two
Sall-Allahu 'alayhe wa-sallam means, "Allah honors him and supports his
The five times a day ritual prayer plus CHAASHT plus ISHRAAQ plus
TAHAJJUD plus 29-30 days of Fasting plus TARAWEEH were invented by
Ajami Parsi Imams to throw Muslims out of the strife of life. Wow, how
successful they have been!
Keep getting humiliated in this world and keep nurturing your wishful
thinking of attaining paradise in the next life.
20:124 But whoever turns away from My Message, his will be a narrow life
and economy. And We will raise him blind on the Day of Resurrection.
[17:72, 20:102. ‘Zikri’ = My Remembrance = The Qur’an = The Law = The
Message. Such individuals and nations will live in economic and moral
20:125 He will wonder, "My Sustainer, why did you gather me blind when I
used to be able to see?" [22:46]
20:126 God will reply, "Thus it is. Our messages came to you but you were
oblivious to them. (Being blind of reason, you disregarded them.) And thus,
this Day you will be left in oblivion.”
20:127 Thus do We reward him who transgresses beyond limits and rejects
the messages of his Sustainer. The suffering for them in the life to come
shall be severe and lasting!
It is pathetic that our Mullahs think that about 60% Verses of the Qur’an
apply to the Hereafter, 30% to the Kafir infidels and only 10% to Muslims.
And that 10% is nothing but ritual!
Example 1:-6-7: Maghdhoob (Upon whom Allah's wrath has befallen) is for
Jews and Dhaalleen (Those who have lost the Way) for Christians! Ahbar
and Ruhban (9:34) apply only to the Jewish and Christian clergy and not to
the Muslim priesthood, the Mullahs and Sufis!
9:34 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! A great many
religious leaders, rabbis, priests, monks, Mullahs, yogis, and mystics
devour the wealth of people in falsehood, and bar them from the path
of God. All those who hoard up gold and silver and do not spend it in
the cause of God, give them tidings of a painful doom. [Ahbaar =
Please note who 'Ulama are; not the ignorant, good-for-nothing Mullahs
with pot-bellies and foot-long beards. ‘Ulama = 'Aalimeen = Scientists.
Also note which major branch of Science is left out in these verses!
30:17 Therefore, glorify God when you retire at night, and when you rise in
the morning. [Seek eminence in the twilight and dawn of your lives. 21:10,
23:71, 29:45, 29:51]
30:18 All praise belongs to Him in the heavens and on earth whether it is
darkness of the night or brightness of the day. [The Universe bears
testimony that all praise is due to Him]
30:19 He is the One Who brings forth the living from the dead and brings
forth the dead from the living. And He gives life to earth after it has been
lifeless. And thus shall you be brought forth. [Likewise, His guidance
revives communities]
30:20 Among His signs it is that He even created you out of dust (beginning
of life from water and inorganic matter – life-cell). And then, (after
evolution) you became human beings scattered far and wide. [6:2, 6:99,
7:11, 15:26, 21:30, 23:12, 31:28]
30:21 And among His signs is this: He created for you mates from
yourselves, so that you might find comfort in them. And He ordained
between you love and kindness. In that are signs for those who reflect.
[Azwaaj = Husband + Wife, that are mates to, and complement, each others
30:22 And of His signs is the creation of the heavens and the earth, and the
diversity of your tongues and colors. Herein are signs for men and women
of knowledge. [‘Aalimeen = ‘Ulema = Scientists]
30:23 And among His signs is your sleeping during the night or the day,
and your quest of His bounty. Herein are signs for people who hear and
30:24 And among His signs is this: He displays before you the lightning, for
a fear and for hope, and sends down water from the height, giving life to
35:27 Have you not seen that God causes water to fall from the height.
Then, with it We produce fruit of different colors and kinds. And in the
mountains are tracts white and red, of diverse colors, and raven-black.
35:28 And of human beings, the crawling creatures and related animals,
and the cattle have diverse colors and properties. This is why of all His
servants only those with knowledge of sciences can get some idea of the
glory of God (by examining the wonders in nature). Surely, God is
Almighty, Absolver of imperfections.
35:29 Those who read the scripture of God (in Nature) and follow God's
commands, and spend on others the provision We have given them,
secretly and openly, are conducting business that will never perish. [9:111,
61:10, 62:11]
2:164 (God never ordains blind faith.) Indeed, there are ample signs in the
creation of the heavens and earth, the alternation of the night and the day,
the ships that roam the ocean for the benefit of mankind, the water that
God sends down from the heights, thereby giving life to the land after it
had been lifeless, in dispersing a great variety of creatures therein, in the
currents of winds and the clouds made subservient between the high
atmosphere and the earth. All these are clear signs for those who use their
21:68 The priesthood of the temple instigated the masses, "Burn him alive
and uphold your gods if you are going to take any action!"
21:69 But We said, "O Fire! Be you cool, and security for Abraham." (The
fire of their rage was cooled down in time 29:24-26, 37:88-89).
21:70 And whereas they schemed against him, We made them the true
21:71 And We rescued Abraham and (his nephew and close companion)
Lot to the land that We blessed for all people. (They migrated from their
homeland of Ur in Mesopotamia, today's Iraq, to Syria-Palestine that was
blessed with a long line of Prophets).
Hadith: Kill the chameleon wherever you find it since it was blowing its
breath to increase the flames around Ibrahim a. s.
Was Prophet Moses a master magician? No, David Copperfield and other
masters of illusion can show bigger "magic".
7:118 The Truth was vindicated and their arguments were manifestly
proven wrong.
01.Me'raaj happened in Madinah. But the word Me'raaj is not found in the
02. No sorry! It happened in Makkah.
03. It happened just before Hijrah.
04. Sorry! It happened 9 years before Hijrah.
05. The Prophet was sleeping at Umm Hani's house. Gabriel held his hand
and took him to Allah up there in the heavens.
These are only a few of the insults. The real ascension of the exalted
Messenger was his character, and not some kind of Greek Mythology.
When we study the Qur’an we find that the conjecture of the events
behind individual verses of the Qur’an (Shaan-e-Nuzool) is an exercise
futility. Instead of explaining, it distorts the meaning and binds the
timeless verses to some particular supposed incidents. Likewise, trying
to establish whether a certain Surah was revealed in Makkah or Madinah
is practically irrelevant to the Glorious Message. The so-called ‘Ulama’
and exponents wasted centuries in this fruitless endeavor and their
blind followers keep doing the same. Yet, they have fierce disagreement
on this non-issue to this day.
QUESTION: I wanted to know what evidence people cite when they say the
Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet (S) in stages—i.e., the Makkah verses,
the Madinah verses. I think everything I’ve read about the Qur’an
promulgates this theory, including Qur’an translators. And if the “early”
verses are at the back of the actual written Qur’an, who decided to put
them there? When did the Qur’an become ordered as we know it today?
But is there any evidence that the Qur’an was revealed to the Prophet (S)
all at once either? I know this isn’t exactly a burning issue in view of the
problems of humanity, but I’ve really been thinking about it. Even
Muhammad Asad writes the Qur’an was revealed in stages at various times
in Makkah and in Madinah. Any information or even a link if it’s on Our
Beacon and I just haven’t been able to locate it much appreciated!
Courtney Schatz, MD
Humbly speaking, I am the first man to say this and prove it from the
Qur’an itself.
ONE: Notice God calling the Qur’an a Book right in the beginning (2:2), and
read on. The complete Book was revealed and preserved in the exalted
prophet’s heart on day one (in Ramadhan 610 CE) when he was
THREE: 2:185 The month of Ramadhan has been chosen for this collective
training (Saum) since this is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed …
Experience this: Wrong N2I translations make the Qur’an appear disjointed,
without flow and thus difficult to understand. Translate the Qur’an in its
13:13 And the thunder and the other angels strive to glorify Him by carrying
out their duties in awe of Him. And He it is Whose physical Laws let loose
the thunderbolt to strike the earth. And yet they stubbornly argue about
Allah’s Laws (and fall for superstitions). Though Awesome He is in Power!
The exalted Messenger is reported to have said that the lightning thunder
is one of the angels of Allah. The Qur’an confirms the fact that angels are
the physical laws and forces of Nature operative in the Universe.
7:143 When Moses arrived at the appointed time, and his Lord spoke to
him, Moses said, "My Lord! Give me the power to better perceive You." His
Lord said, "You will not perceive Me unless you look pensively at the
mountain. If it remains firm in its place, then shall you perceive Me." You
will realize that even a single mountain is made of countless particles that
were scattered as dust and it is your Lord Who has made it stand firm.
Thus did his Lord choose for the mountain to be a manifestation of His
Glory. Moses thought of the mountain as assembled particles of dust and
was stunned! When he recovered his senses, he said, "Infinite You are in
Your Glory! I turn to you repentant and I am among the foremost
[The 7,359 feet high Mount Sinai is standing to this day and houses St.
Catherine's Monastery at its foot. Therefore, contrary to popular literal
translation of this verse, its understanding in allegorical terms is the only
correct option. Also, a Prophet of God is unlikely to demand beholding God
Let us see how the ancient Imams handled this verse. They concocted a
Hadith ascribing it to the exalted Messenger, "The Prophet, after reciting
this verse (7:143), placed his thumb on the little finger and said that only
this much of the Glorious Light of Allah had touched the mountain.
Therefore, only that much portion of the mountain was affected!" (Ref.
Ma'arifil Qur’an, by Mufti A'zam Pakistan, “Maulana” Mufti Muhammad
Shafi', quoting Anas bin Malik from Tirmizi, Hanbal and Hakam). Whoever
made up this Hadith forgot that the literal translation was talking of the
whole mountain crumbling to dust]
Verses13:23, 52:24, 56:17 and 76:18 52:24 mention Vildan and Ghilman,
often translated as young slaves in Paradise. The correct meaning is
children, but the Mullah wishes to see slavery even in Paradise!
51:56 And I have not created (people) the nomads and the urbanites except
that they serve Me. [‘Ibadah, usually translated as worship, truly means
serving Allah by serving His creation. See 6:141and 13:17. Allah does not
care for empty rituals 2:177. 'Ibadah of idols indicates their worship and
Vol 1 KITAB-al-WUDHU, Page 175, Chapter 152, Hadith #213 narrates this
Hazrat Ibn Abbas narrates that the Nabi (S) passed by some gardens in
Madinah or Makkah and he heard the voices of two human beings who
were being punished in their graves. He said it was NOT for any great sin.
One of them failed to guard himself against his urine and the other one
used to walk around backbiting. Then he (the Prophet) asked for a green
What an insult!
1. The Chapter says 'one of the greatest sins' but Bukhari immediately
forgets and says, 'it was not a great sin.'
2. The Qur'an denies punishment in the grave.
3. The exalted Prophet is depicted here as a magician and Sooth-Sayer.
4. What happened to the Day of Judgment?
5. Where is the inviolable Qur'anic injunction - as you sow, so shall you
reap (paraphrased)?
Volumes have been written about the supposed horrible punishment in the
grave. See how beautifully the Qur’an demolishes the man-made
conjecture. Allah knew what games people would play.
36:51 And when the Trumpet is blown, behold, out of their disintegrated
states unto their Lord they will run. (‘Ajdaath’ = Bodily remains = Graves =
Disintegrated states).
36:52 They will exclaim, “Oh, woe unto us! Who has awakened us from our
beds of sleep? This is what the Beneficent promised, and the Messengers
spoke the truth.” ('Marqad' = Bed of sleep = Resting place. The concept of
punishment in the grave is non-Qur’anic and, hence, wrong)
Aisha reported: The Holy Prophet (May peace be upon him) entered my
house when a Jewish woman was with me and she was saying, “Do you
know that you will be put to trial in the grave?” The Messenger of Allah
(May peace be upon him) trembled (on hearing this) and said, “It is the
Jews only who would be put to trial.” Aisha said, “We passed some nights
and then the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) said, "It has
been revealed to me that you will be put to trial in the grave." Aisha said, "I
heard the Messenger of Allah (May peace be upon him) seeking refuge
from the torment of the grave after this."
The Islamic clergy will tell you to either throw the newspapers with verses
on them in a river or dig a 'grave' to bury them. Does the Qur’an say that?
No, the Book clearly tells us that Allah wills no hardship for his servants.
Where did the ancient Mullah get the idea from? - From Talmud. Our clergy
have been great at pirating rulings from the Bible and the Judeo-Christian
tradition as we have seen in "The Shari'ah Laws are plagiarized from the
Then, what to do? Simply recycle them or trash them with kitchen trash.
See11:36 onward. Contrary to the Biblical and the N2I accounts, the Great
Flood was not at all worldwide, and never annihilated all living beings on
the planet. It was a punishment for Noah's nation and therefore, was
confined to the valleys of the rivers Tigris and Euphrates where they lived.
Most importantly, let us not equate Halaal with Zabeeha. The word
ZABEEHA does not even appear in the Qur’an. God knew in His infinite
Wisdom that the ways of slaughtering would keep changing with time.
16:115 He only prohibits for you the dead animal, blood, and swine-
flesh and anything that has been dedicated to other than God….
16:116 Do not keep uttering in falsehood, “This is lawful and this is
unlawful”, thus inventing lies against God. Those who fabricate lies
against God, fail to prosper in their own ‘self’.
2:173 He has forbidden you: dead meat (carrion), blood, swine-flesh, and
anything (NOT JUST MEAT) that has been dedicated to other than God (be
it a person, an idol or a tomb 5:3) …)
In addition to ignorance, the term “Halaal Meat” is a term often used for
profits. Those calling their meat Halaal, are actually claiming that any other
meat is not Halaal. And that the meat sold in the general groceries
(supermarkets in the West) is not Halaal. They make more money on their
products by selling it expensive. Ordinary Muslims get deceived that their
meat is the only Halaal meat for them. God Almighty always knew that
many Muslims would be living among People of the Book and sharing their
food and for this reason God stated the following:
5:5 “Today, all good food is made lawful for you. The food of the People of
the Book) is Lawful (HALAAL) for you……”
BEFORE EATING: God Almighty has also specified a simple criterion for
His servants. Mention God’s Name on EVERYTHING you are going to eat.
See 5:4, & 6:118-119.
6:119 Why should you not eat of that on which God’s Name has been
pronounced (i.e. it is not dedicated to other than Him)?
01. The first reason is that unless you have slaughtered the animal
yourself, you cannot be sure that the Name of God has been mentioned on
the animal. Therefore, the only choice available is to mention God’s Name
before eating.
02. Another reason behind mentioning God’s Name on our food before
eating is appreciation:
16:114 So enjoy all the lawful and decent THINGS which God has provided
for you. And be grateful for God’s bounty if it is Him you truly serve.
This act of appreciation for God’s blessings would not be genuine and
heartfelt if we rely on someone else taking God’s Name somewhere in the
slaughter house.
03. By reading 16:114, we note that the command of uttering God’s Name is
related to whatever we eat, ANYTHING, and not just meat. This includes
fruit, vegetables, or even snacks like cookies, biscuits or peanuts etc.
Should we slaughter fruit, cookies and peanuts? So, the only way to obey
God’s law is to take His Name before eating all foods.
04. Verse 5:5 makes it clear that God has made it Lawful for us to eat the
food of People of the Book (Jews, Christians). As the Christians in
particular do not take God’s Name before slaughtering, their food is still
lawful for us. This can only mean that the duty is laid on each of us before
eating our food and nothing else.
A WARNING: [Mullahs say, “We are there to forbid what Allah has
7:32 Say, "Who is there to forbid the beauty and aesthetic niceties that God
has brought forth for His servants, and the good things of sustenance?”
Say, “On the Day of Resurrection, these things will be only for those who
chose to believe in Divine laws during the life of this world.” Thus do We
detail Our messages for people who make use of what they learn. [17:18-20,
BLOOD: Muslims need to recall that People of the Book also consider
blood as Forbidden. Whichever way the animal is killed for consumption,
its blood either drains out or lodges in its veins. This blood is automatically
removed during washing the meat. See that happen in a chicken you buy
from a Christian merchant or from a Muslim pushing for ‘Zabeeha’ meat.
The Qur’an always uses the plural form Hoor meaning virtuous, intelligent
spouses. But with Hoor, our Mullah can only think and dream of beautiful,
gorgeous, voluptuous, heavenly beauties (which he is not going to get
55:15 And the Jinns (nomads) He has created out of smokeless fire (with a
fiery disposition).
[Jinns: 2:102,6:76, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128 -130, 7:12, 7:38, 8:27, 11:119, 15:17,
15:27, 21:82, 32:13, 34:12-14, 37:158, 38:76, 46:29-32, 72:1-15, 75:2-6, 114:6.]
‘Jinn’ pertains to something hidden, rarely seen, hence, using Tasreef, Al-
Jinn means the nomads. ‘Jannah’ from the same root word means a garden
hidden in foliage. When the ‘Jinns’ or the nomads move to dwell in towns,
The ignorant "Ulama" misguide Muslims that a Hadith has cancelled 2:180
and that the portions of the survivors of a deceased have been fixed in the
Qur’an. No verse of the Qur’an has been revoke, period. This blunder has
been incorporated into an effective law in the so-called Muslim countries.
Should a drug addict, criminal son inherit as much as his righteous
brother? 4:11 makes it clear that the portions of an inheritance have been
fixed only for the left-over of a will.
4:11 Preparing a will is a duty ordained (2:180). Allah decrees a will for the
benefit of your children.
(Since the sons have the responsibility to take care of the family, and
daughters will be cared for by their husbands, or if unmarried, by other
males in the family), sons get twice the share of daughters.
- If two, or more, daughters are the only inheritors, they get two-thirds.
- If only one daughter is left, she gets one-half.
- If the deceased has left any children, then parents get one-sixth each.
2:170 And when it is said unto them, "Follow that which Allah has
revealed", they say, "Nay, we follow that wherein we found our ancestors.”
"What! Even though their ancestors (and ‘Imams’) were lacking in
understanding and were not rightly guided?”
The ancient and follow-the-trail modern tafseers tell us that Prophet Jacob
was afraid of "the evil eye" if his sons entered the town together.
12:67 And he said, “O My sons! Do not enter the town all by one gate, but
enter by different gates. Yet, I cannot avail you against the Divine Laws.
(So, handle all situations carefully). Rule and Law-giving belongs to Allah
alone. In Him I trust, and in Him should all the trusting put their trust."
(17:77, 33:38, 35:43). [Historically the brothers had been accused of spying
on a previous occasion (Genesis 42:9). The Qur’an consistently rejects all
‘Jinn’ pertains to something hidden, rarely seen, hence, using Tasreef, Al-
Jinn means the nomads. ‘Jannah’ from the same root word means a garden
hidden in foliage. When the ‘Jinns’ or the nomads move to dwell in towns,
they are referred to as ‘Ins’ = Urbanites or the civilized ones. Among the
verses referred to above, Jinn, at times, denotes the hidden evil prompting
that goes on in the human mind. In the sense of flashes of evil prompting,
Jinn can be understood as Satans in minor forms. Satan = Selfish or
rebellious desire works in concert rationalizing evil emotions which have
been described as being fiery in the Jahiliyyah poetry. 'Emotions being
fiery' stands up to reason.
Where is Satan? The exalted prophet once said that everyone has a
Satan/Iblis within. Sahaba Kiraam respectfully asked, “Even you O
Rasulullah?” He said, “Yes, I have made him a Muslim.” So, Satan is not an
extrinsic entity.
Verse 21:37 convincingly shows what the ‘creation of jinn out of fire’
actually means. Using exactly the same terms ‘khuliq’ and ‘min’ it states
Khuliqal Al-insanu min ‘ajal. Literally that would translate as: He created
Such is the case with “Khalaq Al-jaanna min marijin min naar”. He has
given a fiery, emotional disposition to the uncivilized human beings]
55:15 And the Jinns: He has created out of smokeless fire (with an unstable
fiery disposition).
[Jinns: 2:102,6:76, 6:100, 6:112, 6:128 -130, 7:12, 7:38, 8:27, 11:119, 15:17,
15:27, 21:82, 32:13, 34:12-14, 37:158, 38:76, 46:29-32, 72:1-15, 75:2-6, 114:6.
Jinn pertains to something hidden, rarely seen, therefore, after using
Tasreef, Al-Jinn = The nomads. Jannah from the same root word means a
garden hidden in foliage. When the Jinns or the nomads move to dwell in
towns and become civilized, they are referred to as Ins = Urbanites. Among
the verses referred to above, Jinn, at times, denotes the hidden evil
prompting that goes on in the human mind. In the sense of flashes of evil
prompting, Jinn can be understood as Satan in minor forms. Satan =
Selfish or rebellious desires works in concert with destructive emotions
which have been described as being fiery in the Jahiliyah poetry. 'Emotions
being fiery' stands up to reason.
Verse 21:37 convincingly shows what the ‘creation of Jinn out of fire’
actually means. Using exactly the same terms khuliq and min it states
Khuliq-al-insaanu min ‘ajal. Literally that would translate as: He created
man out of haste. Whereas the clear understanding is: Man has been
created with a tendency to be hasty and looking for instant gains or results.
Such is the case in 21:37 with Khulaq-al-jaanna mim-maarij-im-min naar -
Breaking the sentence for clarity: Khulaq-al-jaanna min marijin min naar.
He has given a fiery, emotional disposition to uncivilized human beings.
There have been four ‘undiagnosed’ deaths in Lahore, Pakistan (Jun, 2002).
A top Mufti Mullah (Taqi Usmani) has pronounced it as the work of evil
Jinns and strongly recommended the services of an experienced 'Aamil (a
An ‘Aamil, Imran Nagi, has graciously obliged with his diagnosis, "It is the
black magic of Haandi Waar" - black magic done through a cooking pot! He
has demanded one million Rupees to counter the demon and protect
others. It is amazing to see our Mullahs who consistently ignore the Qur’an,
even refute their beloved Ahadith when it would serve their purpose.
Two more ‘unexplained’ deaths have occurred in Lahore since Imran Nagi
has gone to work a few days ago.
16:20 Those whom they invoke besides Allah create nothing and are
themselves created.
16:21 (Powerless are the so-called saints, mystics and monks, whom you
make holier and holier with the passage of time.) They are dead,
disintegrated bodies, not living. They are not even aware when they will be
raised. (And you still call upon them for help!)
Nizamul Mulk Toosi (1018-1092 CE) was the Prime Minister of the Suljuk
King Malik Shah, and after him of King Alp Arsalan. Toosi was a
Zoroastrian in Muslim disguise (Nihaayat-e-Tareekh-Abbasi, Sheikh-al-Hafiz
Yousuf Naishapuri). Toosi opened up the Great Nizamia University in 1067
CE in Baghdad. It was the foremost university of the Islamic world with
satellites in Khurasan, Neshapur, and Damascus. Smaller branches existed
in Herat, Balkh, Merv and Isphahan in today's Afghanistan and Iran. The
center in Baghdad had as its principal no less than the top criminal of
Islam, 'Imam' Abu Hamid Ghazali who primarily laid down the mindless
Nizami syllabus in collaboration with Toosi. Ghazali grossly insulted the
exalted Messenger and his noble companions. For example, he wrote that
Hazrat Umar used to break his fast not by eating or drinking but by having
sex with three concubines.
To get a glimpse of the conspiracy of Nizamul Mulk Toosi, just one example
should suffice. As the Prime Minister of the Suljuk Empire he advised the
two successive kings not to build any defenses for the Empire. He claimed
that his students in the Madrasahs would work on rosary beads and do
wazifas (chanting of verses) and repel the enemy.
You mentioned too many gods beside God. Please remember this verse:
39:45 And yet, when God alone is mentioned, the hearts of those who
believe not in the life to come, shrink with aversion. But, when others (such
as their ‘holy men’) are mentioned besides Him, they rejoice. [Belief in the
Hereafter essentially involves belief in the unwavering Law of Recompense
where all actions have their repercussions]
Your adaptation is loaded with the so-called SUNNAH and 'holy' men.
Doesn't the SUNNAH of one sect, and within the same sect, collide every
step of the way? Think if you are committing SHIRK.
According to the Quran, praying for the dead is of no avail. It is our actions
alone that count. No one will bear the load of another. Then, the next day
people used to play fireworks, commemorating the Zoroastrian festival of
PRACTICE. Sahaba Kiraam never indulged in this nonsense.
Muslims today mix up Surah 44 & Surah 97 while both Surahs are talking of
the same Glorious Night when the Quran was revealed.
44:2 By this Divine Writ that is clear in itself and makes things clear.
44:3 We have revealed it on a Blessed Night. We have always been
[The entire Qur’an was revealed (down-loaded on the Prophet's heart) in a
Blessed Night in the month of Ramadhan, 610 CE, and then conveyed to
mankind in stages over a period of 23 years. 2:185, 97:1]
44:4 In it is made distinct every matter of wisdom.
44:5 By command from Our Presence. We have been sending (commands).
44:6 A grace from your Lord. He is the Hearer, the Knower.
A very prevalent misconception among Muslims is about the day and place
of death. Dying on a Friday or in the month of Ramadhan is supposed to
guarantee paradise. Die in Makkah or Madinah and wow! It is a first class
ticket to paradise. And if you get buried in graveyards like Jannat-ul-Baqee'
in Madinah, how fortunate! Die during Namaaz and it's a gateway to
paradise. All these thoughts are non-Qur’anic and Mullah-sponsored.
A COMMON BELIEF: Well, the funeral of a 100 lbs sinner is very heavy to
carry for the porters. Conversely, a 500 lbs dead body weighs like a feather
if he or she has been pious. Smile.
72:26 The Knower of the Unseen and the future and to none does He
disclose His secrets. 72:27 Except as He wills unto a Messenger whom He
has elected. ------.
But how many a 'Muslim' we find turning to future-tellers, clairvoyants,
mystics, 'magicians', palm-readers, and astrologers to know their
tomorrows and solve their problems with magic, amulets, sacred stones,
wazeefas (chanting of verses), visiting graves, doing weird and sensless
The Qur’an nowhere curbs the aesthetic sense, but ask any Mullah and
chances are that he will declare music and painting Haraam.
7:32 Say, "Who has forbidden the beauty and nice things Allah has brought
forth for His servants, and the pure clean things of your choice?” Say,
“Such things are for those in this world who attain conviction in the Divine
To my knowledge, Muslims are the only people in the world who carry this
silliest of beliefs as if it is an Article of Faith. It is said that a body can be
buried temporarily at one place and entrusted to the earth to be exhumed
and taken to another town at a later date, even after years. And lo and
behold! The body will come out fresh since the earth will keep her trust and
not let it decay. That was silly, but now the crime: You will find people
telling you that they have witnessed it happening. Conveying hearsay as
‘seen’ is one of the greatest crimes people can commit. As a physician, I
have repeated supervised such exhumations and, invariably, found the
bodies rotten and stinking according to the laws of nature.
23:100 That I may do good works in that I left behind! But, nay! It is a mere
word of no significance that he speaks. And behind them is a barrier until
the Day they are raised.
2:185 The month of Ramadhan has been chosen for this collective training
since this is the month in which the Qur’an was revealed - a Guidance for
mankind, clearly explaining the ‘why’ of every Rule. ----. The objective of
this training is to establish the Supremacy of Allah (on earth) for He has
shown you a well-lighted road, and for you to express gratitude in practice.
The poor Muslim Ummah must bury their dead in a very elaborate fashion
spending billions of dollars every year in fulfilling the man-made rituals.
The exalted Prophet and his noble companions used to get buried in the
simple clothes they were wearing at the last breath, and at the closest
place/graveyard. Allah is not concerned with how and where a person gets
buried. He looks at our deeds and what we accomplished in our lives.
Death, the most inevitable truth in the world, is a time of extreme emotions
among the Muslims. Shouldn't the Muslims behave differently?
57:23 Thus despair not over whatever has left you, nor exult for whatever
you have been given ---.
You might have seen one good thing in the Arabian Peninsula as I have.
They would seek all treatment for the sick or injured, but once the person
departs, they suddenly shift gears and calm down. They refrain from
Muslims elsewhere would mourn violently, tear their clothes, beat their own
faces etc and take the dead body to its home-town even if it is thousands of
miles away.
A common observation: The relatives that cared little for the living, would
travel thousands of miles "to see the face" once the person is dead. Does it
make sense?
Similar is the case of women who have borne a few daughters. The
husband would rush for a second marriage to beget a son not realizing that
the sex of a child is determined by the male. All ova in the female carry X
chromosome. In case of a man, half of the sperms carry X and the other
half carry Y chromosome. If the X sperm unites with the ovum the result is
a female, and if the Y sperm unites with the ovum it is a male.
After getting some beating, the Mullahs have now resorted to a modern
deception. Trying to underplay their sectarianism, they have invented the
An invented saying ascribed to the Prophet (S) tells us that the Ummah
would be divided into 73 sects and only one of them will go to Paradise.
Which one? - The one that follows him and his noble companions.
The latest count of the known "Muslim" sects puts the number at 193
(Fouad Pasha of Turkey).
Could the exalted Prophet exactly predict the number and promote
sectarianism in Islam? Secondly, Muslim histories describe the Sahaba
Kiraam and Imams at war with one another. The hero of one sect is the
villain of another. Sectarianism is invariably based on personalities. The
only hope for unity among Muslims is to grasp the Unbreakeable Rope of
Allah, Al-Qur’an.
Not a day goes without people asking my humble opinion on the above
3. I feel guilty working at the bank since all banking is based on usury.
What should I do?
4. I feel uncomfortable with doing all banking because they deal in interest.
5. As Muslims we must put our trust in God. Isn’t relying on life insurance
‘Shirk’ and Haram?
7. I own a convenience store but I must sell beer. Or, my business will take
a nose-dive as it did once.
8. I work at Publix where I have to handle pork and feel very bad about it.
CHANGE THE SYSTEM? The problem is in the root and we keep shooting
at the branches. What is the problem? - That there is not a single country in
the world where the Qur’anic System is in place. Even living on another
planet won’t help. Humans are supposed to live in the equitable, just and
benevolent System ordained by the Last Word of God, the Qur’an, but
everywhere we are living in manmade systems. So, our example today is
that of the FRESH WATER FISH forced to live in SALT WATER.
Can you and I change the wrong system of life prevalent everywhere? No!
So, shall we remain silent spectators? No, again! Our Divinely ordained,
mandatory duty is to keep conveying the Qur’anic Message and we
Muslims will be questioned about that in the Court of our Lord. Due to lack
of knowledge and often due to our own blunders, non-Muslims think of the
Taliban or Saudi ‘Shariah’ laws being imposed as soon as the Qur’anic
System of Life is mentioned. Even the majority of Muslims fail to
understand that while the manmade Shariah is a scourge of humanity and
Islam, the pristine teachings of the Qur’an are the most benevolent gift to
all mankind.
The Qur’an repeatedly predicts that the equitable Divine System (Kingdom
of God) will ultimately and most certainly prevail over all systems of life.
9:32 They seek to extinguish God’s light (the Qur’an) by their utterances.
But God will not allow this to pass, for He has willed to spread His light in
all its fullness even though the rejectors may detest it.
9:33 He is the One Who has sent His Messenger with guidance and the
True Religion (Deen = The System of Life), that He may cause it to prevail
PAYING INTEREST: Read through the entire Qur’an. You will not find a
single verse denouncing the giver of usury. Allah, in His infinite wisdom,
always knew that the capitalist elite would exploit the less fortunate. On the
other hand, the taker of usury is repeatedly condemned in the strongest
terms. While trade is the permissible return on labor, usury is the forbidden
return on money. (2:275-279)
SELLING WINE AND BEER: Allah has only forbidden the consumption of
alcohol and intoxicants. Still, keep looking for alternatives in your business
as soon as possible.
5:90 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Intoxicants and
gambling and games of chance, sacrificing animals on stones (altars of
idols) and forecasting the future by such means as arrows, raffles and
omens (all) is an immoral handiwork of Satan. Refrain from it that you may
16:115 He only prohibits for you (consumption of) the dead animal, blood,
and swine-flesh and anything that has been dedicated to other than God.
The Qur'an prescribes specific punishments only for the following crimes:
3 - Theft [5:38-39]
4 - Murder [2:178]
5 - Homosexuality [4:16]
For other crimes, it leaves the matter open for the society to legislate.
The Book does not call the consumption of alcohol or intoxicants HARAM
since they are not among the edible things. It prescribes no punishment for
it. However, the Qur'an denounces it in more strict terms than HARAM.
Therefore, it is erroneous to call liquor 'not HARAM' since it will imply by
default that it is HALAL.
2:218 Indeed, those who attain belief and those who forsake the domain of
evil and strive in the cause of God, it is those who can rightfully hope for
the grace of God. God is Absolver of imperfections, Merciful. [He looks at
your effort and not the results. 2:132, 53:32, 53:39-40]
5:90 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! Intoxicants and
gambling and games of chance, sacrificing animals on stones (altars of
idols) and forecasting the future by such means as arrows, raffles and
omens (all) is an immoral handiwork of Satan. Refrain from it that you may
prosper. [Handiwork of Satan, since these things are based on vain
emotions at the cost of human intellect]
There is strong evidence within the Qur'an itself that it was present in book
form right during the life of the exalted Prophet.
The Ajami Persian "Imams" of Islam were in fact Majoos. They forged
stories to discredit the Qur'an, the exalted Prophet and Islam in general.
With the Glorious Name of God, the Instant and Sustaining Source of all
Mercy and Kindness
2:2 (Here is the guidance you asked for.) THIS IS A BOOK whereof there is
absolutely no doubt concerning its authority and authenticity. And it leaves
[Rayib includes the meanings given in the first three lines. This Divine Writ,
Al-Qur’an, is a Monograph that, when studied with an open mind, humility
and sincerity, finds its own way from the mind to the heart. You will soon
notice, as you proceed, that this scripture leaves no lingering doubts in a
sincere, seeking mind. If you remember that this is a Book of guidance and
treat it as such, the glittering reality will dawn upon you that this is a
beacon of light! It is a Guide for all those who wish to journey through life
in honor and security - Recorded on parchment by honorable scribes
appointed by the Messenger. 52:2-3, 80:11-16. The Almighty Himself
guarantees the truth of this revelation, its explanation and its preservation.
It is absolutely free of contradictions. Al-Qur’an = The Lecture or
Monograph that finds its own way to sincere hearts, becoming Az-Zikr =
The Reminder. 4:82, 10:37, 15:9, 29:48-49, 32:2, 52:2-3, 75:17-19, 80:11-16]
It is worth noting here that, contrary to popular reports, the Qur’an was
revealed to the exalted Prophet in the exact order as we see it today. The
entire Book was, so to speak, down-loaded on his heart but came to his
tongue and was conveyed to people in stages over a period of 22 plus
years. It was written down by honored scribes on well-scored parchment
complete with vowels and punctuation. All reports that a particular Surah
(Chapter) or verse was revealed as demanded by a certain situation
(Shaan-e-Nuzool) are totally false. All claims that the Book was arranged in
the currently available order by the Prophet (S) are unsupported by the
internal evidence. It was revealed in the arranged form by Allah. That is
why a discerning mind can notice a perfect sequence not only between
verses but also in the Surahs. Similar is the situation with conspiracies that
the Qur’an was initially written on stones, waste leather, bones, tree-barks
and leaves, and that it was compiled by the third Caliph, Hazrat Uthman.
The Qur’an was indeed very much present, written on parchment and in
book form right in the lifetime of the exalted Prophet. The Qur’an states,
"Zaalik-al-Kitaab" (This is the Book), in the very beginning.
The marvelous flow between not only the verses but the Surahs of the
Qur'an tells us that the Glorious Book is free of human touch in all forms.
The fluent sequence remains obscure to the superficial reader. The Book
before us is in exactly the same sequence as revealed on the heart of the
exalted Prophet. So, none but Allah arranged the entire Qur'an.
People like Abu Dawood's son, Abu Bakr Abdallah bin Abu Dawood
Sulaiman, author of KITAB-IL-MASAAHIF, and our "Imams" of Hadith &
History, try to make the reader believe that the entire Book is a human
effort. For example, it was revealed in seven 'qirats', variant readings (even
different words), it was written on bones, date leaves and stones, some
verses were lost, Sahaba Kiraam used to dispute with each other on how
each of them had heard the verses from the exalted Messenger (S), that
Hazrat Uthman had collected the scattered Qur'an and burnt the variant
copies, and so on.
The story is endless of the crimes against the Noble Book of Allah. To
begin with, it needed a Christian (Waraqah bin Naufil) to reassure Rasool
(S) that he had received a revelation, and then Waraqah himself never
accepted Islam, etc.
Maqtooleen fi Sabeelillah is the term used in the Qur’an for those who get
slain in the Cause of Allah. Shaheed and Shuhuda (plural) is the common
non-Qur’anic term applied to them. Shaheed is the term used in the Qur’an
for a witness. But Hadith insults the martyrs stating that all such
categoeies are Shaheeds: One who dies of diarrhea, cholera, high fever,
defending his money, drowning, an accident, falling from a height, a
woman giving birth and so on. The list is long.
9:18 & 9:28 mention administration of Masjids and other verses invite
all humanity to Hajj.
9:18 Only those people are fit to administer or maintain the Masjids
(the Centers of the Divine Order), who have unwavering belief in God
and the Last Day… [Ya’mur = Maintains or administers. Yousuf Ali,
Pickthall and Muhammad Asad correctly translate the word as
maintaining or tending.]
9:28 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! The idolaters
have made their hearts unclean (and the Sacred Masjid of Makkah is
the House of Pure Monotheism). Only those who believe in the Divine
System can administer this Sacred House. So let not the Idolaters
come close to it (for administering the House) after this year of
theirs. If you fear loss of any gains, God will enrich you with His
bounty. This is the promise of God Who is Knower, Wise. [See 9:18
for administration or maintenance. Also, note that God invites all
mankind, not Muslims alone, to the Pilgrimage of the Sacred House.
3:97, 22:27]
Will the Qur’an contradict itself by inviting all mankind to join the
Hajj Convention and then debar non-Muslims?
The term ‘Jizyah’ has been used in the Qur’an only at one place.
Unfortunately, it is frequently translated as ‘tribute’ or ‘poll tax’.
Why would the non-discriminating God impose any tribute or poll tax
on the non-Muslim citizens of an Islamic State? Income tax on all
citizens, regardless of religion, might be at least equitable, though
still undesirable, in the non-Qur’anic System. (The Qur’anic System
will implement a highly benevolent Economic System, to be
discussed at some other time).
Followers of the Ajami Islam (N2I) ruling an ‘Islamic’ State have
sometimes, rather rarely, imposed the ‘Jizyah’ tax on non-Muslims,
although much less than the mandatory, but man-made, 2.5% taxes
on Muslims.
But ‘Jizyah’ (from ‘Jaza’ = Recompense) literally and in the context of
the verse means compensation for war damages or the lawful war
The Rain Prayer is supposed to bring showers upon showers ending the
worst of droughts. As recently as 2003, the U.S. educated Prime Minister of
Pakistan has appealed to the nation to arrange Rain Prayers! Why don't our
Mullahs turn the world deserts into forests and green lands by 'performing'
Namaaz-e-Istisqa? Once again, based on Hadith, we find no hint of this
superstition in the Qur’an.
All religions come with their peculiar baggage. Islam is not a religion. As
we have seen, it is a System of Life, a challenge to religion. So, we should
only have the Light of Guidance and no baggage of mythology,
irrationalities, absurdities, rituals and superstitions. But our "Imams" and
Mullahs have very successfully converted Islam into a religion (Mazhab).
Now, why is it that the secular countries are doing better than the so-called
57 Islamic countries? Well, they at least use their intellect and they are free
of the "opiate of the masses", the religious baggage. OK! Why are nations
with other religions doing better than these miserable 57 countries? The
obvious conclusion: They are not buried in their baggage. Secondly, our
baggage is the stinkiest of all.
01. The Qur’an does NOT condemn any of God's creation and dog is no
exception. Surah 18 in fact portrays a dog as a wonderful companion
of some outstanding believers in refuge.
All creation is the family of God, so you shall be kind to them all.
There is great reward for you in the kind treatment of any animal.
A man was awarded paradise because he watered a thirsty dog.
A woman deserved hell because she used to torture a cat.
The Fabricated Ahadith: Could the exalted Prophet have said or done the
The Compromise: Dogs are allowed as pets for hunting, guarding sheep
and guarding the crops.
The Cultural Impact: In the East we see stray dogs running after people,
barking all night probably because of hunger, insecurity, lack of training,
hormonal effects and torture with sticks and stones. Spaying and neutering
are rare things, hence, coupling on the street is common and people hate
and strike them “for committing sin”. Poverty in the East precludes people
from helping animals. They also hate stray dogs for bites and Rabies. It is a
common thought that whatever a dog touches becomes unclean. “If it
touches your clothes, you can’t pray.”
As a young physician, Dr. Shabbir lived and worked in Saudi Arabia in the
1970s along with his family. KSA economy and development were booming
in those times.
What is the real objective of Hajj? To realize the unity of all mankind by
resolving mutual disputes. World leaders should lead the masses toward
that sublime objective. Allama Iqbal had rightly pointed out that unity of
mankind is a far more coveted goal than the unity of nations. History has
proven him right. The League of Nations based in Geneva had failed to
promote peace in the world. WWII devastated the world. Then, UNO (United
Nations Organization) came into being after the WWII. Everyone is aware
how limited the success of the UNO has been.
3:97 Therein are clear messages (to achieve that coveted goal and recall)
how Abraham once took his stand (against all divisions of humanity and
was granted the leadership of all mankind 2:124-125). Those who enter the
System symbolized thereby shall find inner peace and external security.
Pilgrimage to this House is a duty all mankind owe to God, those who have
the circumstantial means to undertake the visit. One who denies this
command should know that God is Absolutely Independent of all His
9:17 Those who associate others with God, (whether idols, dead
saints, religious or temporal leaders), shall not administer God’s
Masjids, the Centers of the Divine System – while they witness
against their own ‘self’ denial of truth. All their works are in vain and
they will abide in the fire. [9:107, 30:31, 72:18]
9:18 Only those people are fit to administer or maintain the Masjids (the
Centers of the Divine Order), who have unwavering belief in God and the
Last Day. They strive to establish the Divine System, and to set up the Just
Economic System of Zakaat and fear none but God. They are the only ones
who are rightly guided. [Ya’mur = Maintains or administers. Yousuf Ali,
Pickthall and Muhammad Asad correctly translate the word as maintaining
or tending]
9:28 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! The idolaters
have made their hearts unclean (and the Sacred Masjid of Makkah is
the House of Pure Monotheism). Only those who believe in the Divine
System can administer this Sacred House. So let not the Idolaters
come close to it (for administering the House) after this year of
theirs. If you fear loss of any gains, God will enrich you with His
bounty. This is the promise of God Who is Knower, Wise. [See 9:18
Delegations from around the world must see the benefits with their
own eyes:
22:27 “And announce to mankind the duty of Pilgrimage. They will
come to you on foot, and on every kind of fast mount, coming from
every far away point on earth.”
22:28 So that they might see with their own eyes and experience
what benefits the Divine System holds for them (in addition to
uniting them in the common bond of humanity). And they shall
commemorate God’s Name collectively during the specified days of
Hajj; and over the livestock He has bestowed upon them. Then host
one another with the livestock (to make the Congregation self-
sufficient in the food resources). Eat and feed the distressed poor
(regardless of whether they are in the congregation or not).
The Fallacy of Hajj Akbar (The Greater Pilgrimage) - Followers of the Ajami
Islam think that if the Hajj falls on a Friday, it is the Greater Pilgrimage.
According to some “Imams”, this is a highly blessed occasion. According
to others, it heralds calamities for the rulers. They maintain that two
Khutbas (sermons) one for Hajj and the other of Friday brings a bad omen
to the rulers. This is nothing but conjecture. In fact, Hajj is the Greater
Congregation (Hajj Akbar) while ‘Umra is the lesser pilgrimage (Hajj
Asghar, if you will).
9:3 And a proclamation from God and His Messenger is herewith made to
all mankind on this day of the Greater Pilgrimage (9th day of the 12th lunar
month, Zil-Hajjah). ---.
It is NOT once in life. The Qur’an states nowhere that it is once in a life-time
obligation. The delegates should meet as often as
22:36 And the camels! We have appointed them among the symbols
(of obedience) to God; in them is much good for you. (They carry you
and your loads and then help you host one another.) So, mention
God’s Name over them when they are drawn up in lines (for
slaughter). And after they have fallen to the ground lifeless, partake
from their flesh, and feed the contented poor who do not beg as well
as the poor who ask. Remember that God has subjected these
animals to you so that you may be grateful. [The camels could be
replaced by modern ways of food resources.]
The common gift a pilgrim would bring from Makkah is the supposedly holy
Water of Zam Zam. Many would bring a shroud immersed in Zam Zam for
use at their burial as expiation for their sins. Zam Zam is considered to be
the holy cure for illness and a source of blessings for the drinkers. The
Qur’an does not mention Zam Zam at all.
Muslims spend billions of dollars every year on these empty rituals. The
supreme objective of Hajj is the unity of mankind. Pilgrimage to the Sacred
Masjid of Makkah has been ordained for all humanity with its prime
objective being to seek solutions of all human conflicts and attain universal
What and Where is Satan? It is nothing but our selfish ego. The exalted
prophet once said that everyone has a Satan/Iblis within. Sahaba Kiraam
respectfully asked, “Even you O Rasulullah?” He said, “Yes, I have made
him a Muslim.” So, Satan is not an extrinsic entity.
The Qur’an nowhere states that the Hajj Convention of (primarily) the world
leaders can take place only in the month of Zil-Hajjah, and only once in a
2:194 You may fight during the Months of Peace and Security if you are
attacked, for, a violation of sanctity will activate the Law of Just
Retribution. So, the one who attacks you should expect retaliation in like
manner. Be mindful of Allah, and know that Allah is with those who walk
Many kids are taught by their parents and Mullahs never to cut their nails
on Tuesdays. Apparently, the ‘wisdom’ behind this irrationality originates
from a forged Bukari Hadith, “Bleeding does not halt on Tuesdays.” It is all
the more pathetic since such silly things are ascribed to the most
knowledgeable and anti-superstition, anti omen-conjecture personality, the
exalted Prophet?
He is facing a problem. She has had her problem solved. What should be
done? To get out of trouble, he would slaughter a BLACK male goat, keep
1/3rd for his home, distribute 1/3rd among his friends and the rest will go to
the Mullah (or to the needy) as charity. Lo and Behold! If the trick works,
fine, it did. If it didn’t, well, it was the fate or perhaps the goat had a brown
or grey hair. (Heads - You lose, Tail - I win.)
She must give thanks by sacrificing a BLACK goat and send it to her
‘murshad, sufi, pir saheb’ (‘spiritual’ guide) because she had vowed it in his
The poor may not have clean water to drink, but do it every year to
hundreds of shrines, from public funds and sponsored by the N2I
governments. Why? It fetches the doers great ‘Thawab’ (reward), gives the
The books on Ahadith are replete with reports that the exalted Messenger
used to stand up praying all night, so much so that his feet got swollen.
(And so was the routine of his noble companions). But the same books
come back to tell us that:
Rasoolullah used to have intercourse with all of his wives in one hour of
the day and night (without taking a bath) and these (wives) were eleven.
The narrator tries to pre-empt an objection by stating that he (the exalted
Prophet) had the (sexual) power of 30 men (Bukhari, Book of Bath 1:189).
The Mulla mind has so terribly affected our masses that even derogatory
statements such as this become praise-worthy. The Prophet was a perfect
guide to humanity. He was not a man of unbridled desire. The women who
lived in his household were primarily there for shelter. Only a
contemptuous mind can perceive the Mothers of believers as objects of
pleasure for the Prophet. Bukhari highlights the above hadith by putting a
special heading: “To have sex with many women with only one bath.”
Could the founder of the Greatest and the Noblest Revolution in history
indulge in what our Muhadditheen report? Could a man like this succeed in
even a single area of his life?
We have recently seen the Taliban imposing the "Islamic Law" (Shari'ah) in
Afghanistan. Women were effectively confined to homes by denying them
learning, schooling and working. In my humble opinion, Taliban were the
perfect model state for the Number Two Islam (even better than Saudi
Arabia) in all history. They were indeed a Mullah's dream come true. Even
after their capitulation and ignominy, their 'system' remains the aspiration
of the Mullahs in Pakistan, Nigeria, Bangladesh, Sudan and elsewhere.
Confining women to homes is not the norm, it is a punishment (4:15). The
Qur’an describes women as the colleagues of men to establish a virtuous
society (9:71).
Can you believe this? But ask your clergy. The moment a man dies, his
widow must be immediately separated from him because he has become a
Ghair Mahram (Stranger). Thanks to the brilliance of our jurists, she cannot
even look at his face. Imagine how big a crime it would be for her to hold
his hands!
I have heard since childhood that a Muslim woman is not allowed to travel
alone and that she must have a 'Mahram' with her. Even the PhD Ulema say
that here in America.
What is the definition of 'Mahram'. My wife goes to her job and daughters
go to college - alone. Are we violating a divine command in today's
I do not recall the exact term 'Mahram' appearing in the Qur’an. It's a term
of FIQH describing those people/relatives with whom marriage is forbidden.
Check out the verses in the end.
The Qur’an does not forbid women from traveling alone. It is a man-made
restriction. The 'Ulema' rationalize their sermons when it comes to their
own families. However, even a sensible non-Muslim woman will exercise
caution going alone in risky times and environment.
Hajj and 'Umra involve tedious journey, much hassle with flights etc,
mismanagement of the Saudi government including lost passports, and
general indiscipline and impatience among the crowds. A woman would do
better going there in company.
4:22 Marry not women whom your fathers ever married but that which has
already happened. Doing such was a shameful and abominable custom
4:23 The following women are prohibited for you in marriage: Your
mothers, daughters, sisters, father's sisters, mother's sisters, brother's
daughters, sister's daughters, foster-mothers who have ever nursed you,
foster-sisters, your wives' mothers, your step-daughters unless you have
divorced their mother without being intimate with her. Also forbidden are
women who have ever been the wives of your sons. You are not allowed to
keep two sisters in wedlock at one time except what has already happened
in the past. Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
4:24 Also forbidden to you are women who are already married, except
those women who have sought asylum with you against their disbelieving
husbands at war with you (60:10). This is Allah’s Ordinance binding upon
you. All other categories are permitted for you in marriage, with mutual
consent, as confirmed by giving her a generous marital gift or dowry. You
Invented Hadith will tell us that three lines filled up in the funeral prayers
would guarantee paradise for the deceased. Nay, even two lines will do.
Sorry again, one line will be sufficient.
[Please note that the Qur’anic greeting is “Salamun alaikum” and not
Assalam alaikum. As-Salam is the attributive name of Allah. Could the
Prophet (S) violate the Qur’an? He must have been saying, "Salamun
alaikum". Secondly, even if someone insulted him, he always remained
composed and pleasant.]
6:54 When those who believe in Our revelations come to you, say, Salamun
Alaikum (Peace be upon you! = Salutes to you!)
13:24 Saying, "Salamun alaikum (Peace be upon you), since you remained
steadfast in your commitment! Oh, what an excellent final home!"
28:55 (Additionally) whenever they hear vain talk, they withdraw from it
decently and say, "To us our deeds and to you yours; Salamun alaikum
(Peace be upon you), we do not seek to join the ignorant.”
39:73 And those who are mindful of their Lord will be escorted into the
Garden as communities until they reach it and its gates are opened. The
keepers of the Garden will say to them, “Peace be upon you! You have
done well! Enter, then, herein to abide.”
- 41:34 Since good conduct and bad conduct cannot be alike, repel evil
words and deeds in a way that is decent. And, behold, he, between whom
and you there was enmity, may become as though he was your bosom
- 4:86 Good deeds that contribute to the well being of the society begin
with kindness (2:177). When someone greets you, respond with similar or
more courteous greetings. Allah reckons all things. Anyone who
contributes towards peace and betterment of life, do as much or better for
(Note that "death be upon you" cannot be a greeting)
- 60:7 It may well be that Allah will bring about affection between you and
those whom you now consider enemies. Verily, Allah is Able to do all
things - He is the Powerful Appointer of His Laws. And Allah is Forgiving,
- 68:4 For, verily, you (O Prophet) are of the noblest moral character!
If three men bear witness that such and such was a good man, he speeds
up to paradise. When questioned about two, the Rasool (S) said, "Yes."
Sahaba Kiraam wanted to ask, "How about one?", but they shied away.
Muslims are allowed to carry out Jihad (in the sense of picking up arms)
only in self-defense and to counter persecution:
2:190 So, fight in the cause of God those who wage war against you,
but do not commit aggression. God does not love aggressors.
60:7 It may well be that Allah will bring about affection between you and
those whom you now consider enemies. Allah is the Powerful Appointer of
His Laws. And Allah is Forgiving, Merciful.
60:8 Allah does not forbid you from being kind, and fully equitable to those
who do not fight you on account of the Deen and do not evict you from
your homelands. Behold, Allah loves those who lead a just, balanced life.
4:75 What has happened to you that you fight not in the Cause of Allah?
Defenseless men, women, and children are being oppressed and crying,
"Our Lord! Rescue us from this town whose people are oppressors, and
raise for us protectors and helpers." (Allah does not come and fight in
person, or send His armies or angels physically).
The clergy would tell you that water must reach the "roots" of the nails for
Wudhu to be valid. Is that at all possible when the roots are embedded
deep down under the skin? Secondly, they maintain that the nail polish
“nullifies Wudhu by serving as a water-proof coating on the nails. And if
even a hair remained dry, the Wudhu will be invalid." Does the Qur’an say
that? Nay, it tells us that Allah wishes for us ease, not hardship. But the
Mullah wishes hardship, and not ease.
Recently, ten youngsters were to travel out of town in two cars. One of the
mothers chanted some Arabic words that she did not understand. Then
they tied colorful bands on the arms of the youngsters believing that from
then on the IMAM would be the Guardian or Guarantor for their safe trip -
two way – “buy one, get one free”. Unfortunately, the very two cars collided
soon after departure and all ten boys and girls received serious injuries.
While they were in the ER, the families ran into disputation:
- She invoked the wrong Imam. It should have been Imam Mahdi.
No, it should have been Imam Ali, nay, Imam Ja’far Sadiq, no, no all
12 Imams.
- As the youngsters were fighting for their lives, the families were
fighting about the superstitious formalities.
- Fortunately, all boys and girls recovered in a few days but the
families are not at speaking terms months after the accident.
The Criteria:
4:19 O You who have chosen to be graced with belief! It is not lawful for
you to force women into marrying or holding on to them in marriage
against their will. ---.
5:5 This Day, all good things of your choice are made lawful for you. ….
And so are the virtuous, chaste women of the believers and the virtuous,
chaste women ….
4:21 And how could you take the marital gift back from her after you have
lived intimately with each other and after she has taken from you a very
Solemn Pledge of the marital contract? (Meethaqan Ghaleeza).
4:6 Train and educate the orphans well and test them. When they reach the
age of marriage and attain sound judgment, release their property to them.
The marriageable age shall mean attainment of physical and mental
maturity when one can express free consent and legally make a solemn
contract (4:21). ----.
Why do men with a foot-long beard have a vacant upper story and carry a
double spare tire on their pot bellies?
Leaving aside a small minority, the Mullahs and "Maulanas" are found to be
fat. First of all, they do nothing but sit around telling stories about their
"great" ancestors and throwing fabricated Ahadith on to each other. These
couch potatoes live on public money for leading prayers and countless
Hazrat Umar reportedly said, "Allah loves not the fat 'Aalim-e-Deen" (One
who knows and practices Islam as the System of Life). - “Ma'arif-il-Qur'an"
by the late Mufti Azam of Pakistan, Mufti Muhammad Shafi
The saying makes much sense. The Mullah is not 'Aalim-e-Deen and the
latter will not commit excesses.
A lady from Egypt has contacted me with a problem. She has been married
for 7 years and the couple has 4 daughters. The husband is threatening to
bring in a second wife to have a male child. I have spoken to them and,
fortunately, the accountant husband understands the situation. He had just
obtained an edict from Jami’a Al-Azhar in Cairo in favor of marrying
another wife as well.
Here is what showed him the Light.
- Jami’a Al-Azhar in Cairo is the oldest university in the world but it follows
the manmade Number Two Islam.
- The Qur’an states that Allah bestows children, male & female according to
His laws.
42:49 To God belongs the Dominion of the heavens and the earth. He
creates and designs all things according to His laws. He bestows the
gift of daughters according to His laws and the gift of sons
according to His laws.
42:50 Or He bestows both males and females, and He leaves infertile
some according to His laws. He is Knower, Omnipotent.
That Divine Law translates into science as below:
Lunar and Solar calendars are for all mankind. No religious group or tribe
has monopoly over them. [6:96, 55:5]
One century of the solar calendar approximates 103 years of the lunar
calendar since a lunar year has 354.5 days.
6:96 He is the Cleaver of the daybreak. He has appointed the night for
stillness, (rest and tranquility) and the sun and the moon to run their well-
calculated courses. They become means of calculating time for you (10:5).
Such is the Design of the All-Powerful, the Knower.
Please note that lunar and solar calendars are for all mankind, whichever is
convenient for a given time and place.
Since Allah does not ordain it, the detestable, non-Qur’anic custom of
Jahaiz must be stopped forthwith.
The "Muslim clergy" tell us that there are two kinds of rights.
The Qur’an makes no such distinction. One who serves humanity serves
Allah. See what the Glorious Book says about Allah's Right and feel the
delightful marvel. 6:141 ---. Enjoy the fruit thereof as they come to fruition
but give Him His Right on the day of harvest. ---- ('Haqqahu' = His Right =
Allah's Right = Divine Right of the poor)
Because he/she "was fulfilling Huququllah", the Hadithi Muslim N2I will:
One thing that instantly facilitated efficient governance in the Islamic State
was a wide network of Masjids serving as government centers. From the
very first year of Hijrah, Muslims had been building mosques in their
localities. The Federal, provincial and township governments oversaw that
mosques were built in proper locations in every neighborhood.
One call from the Muazzin (caller of Azaan), "As-Salaatil Jami'ah" used to
be sufficient to assemble men and women to the Masjid. Citizens knew that
they were being called for important business. There was no clergy or
"Imams" to run and manage these Masjids or conduct congregations.
Before the proceedings started, men and women would make Wudhu and
pray together only one unit, standing, similar to today’s funeral prayer. The
government official of each area was the leader of the area mosque. He led
the congregation and recited Surah Fatiha alone. Wudhu and one unit
standing prayer were intended to mentally prepare everyone for the noble
task ahead.
Recall that according to the Qur’an all creations know their Salaat and
Tasbeeh. How would the heavens and earth, mountains, animals, birds, fish
and trees physically bow and prostrate!
The Masjid was not a temple of worship. It was the School, the Assembly,
the Municipality, the Parliament and the Government House. The respective
leader would discuss real issues about the community, entertain
questions, present bills, announce decisions of the Shura (Counsel) and
the Assembly would legislate. People came up with their ideas for
betterment of the society and devised plans for social welfare. Every citizen
remained informed of the condition of the needy, the orphans, the sick, the
disabled, the widows and about the condition of the State affairs. People
brought up news of any socio-economic problems facing any families and
they were immediately addressed.
Masjid was also the place where the leaders and officials were elected,
ambassadors received, and defense matters decided. What a convenient
and ready-made infrastructure for the government and public!
Later on, a Hadith was invented that it was Haraam to discuss "wordly
matters" in the mosque. Alas! With this single stroke of pen, by the third
century Hijrah, the Masjid had been reduced to what we see today, a temple
of worship with empty rituals.
Respected readers, there are countless more examples of how, through its
historical journey, the dynamic DEEN of Al-Islam has been distorted and
ridiculed by 'great' names into the currently ritualistic, fatalistic and
superstitious 'religion' with the obvious dismal results. But I think,
sufficient exposition has been done and delving further might only
consume more of your precious time.
The author sincerely trusts his readers' intelligence to explore many more
areas on their own. "Ignite their imagination and they will do the rest", said
I am greatly indebted to all the loved ones who have persevered and
supported me intellectually or emotionally, through this protracted work,
now my 35th book in the last 15 years.
Finally, the author assumes full responsibility for any errors that may have
remained in this book. All that is right comes from the Beacon of Light, Al-
Comments and criticism will always be welcome and help the author to
improve on the next edition.