Displacement-Based Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls - Experimental Verification
Displacement-Based Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls - Experimental Verification
Displacement-Based Design of Slender Reinforced Concrete Structural Walls - Experimental Verification
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2 authors, including:
John W. Wallace
University of California, Los Angeles
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All content following this page was uploaded by John W. Wallace on 09 November 2014.
Fig. 4—Wall cross-sectional views and model discretization: (a) Specimen RW2;
and (b) Specimen TW2.
mounted along the web and five mounted along the outside CALIBRATION OF ANALYTICAL MODEL
face of the flange. Axial concrete strains within the boundary Geometry
regions of the specimens also were measured using Figure 4 displays discretization of the wall cross sections
embedded concrete strain gauges, and strains in the reinforcing for the analytical model, with eight uniaxial elements
steel were measured through the use of strain gauges at wall defined along the length of the wall (n = 8) for Specimen
base and first-story levels (Fig. 5). More detailed information RW2, and 19 uniaxial elements (n = 19) for Specimen TW2.
concerning the walls is presented in Thomsen and Wallace3,4 A refined configuration with eight uniaxial elements was
and Massone and Wallace.12 assigned for the flange Specimen TW2 (n = 12,…,19)
Fig. 6—Calibration of steel constitutive model.
Steel stress-strain relation—The reinforcing steel stress-
strain relationship described by the Menegotto and Pinto5
model was calibrated to reasonably represent the experi- sensitivity of the model response with regard to these
mentally observed properties of the longitudinal reinforcement parameters is discussed in Orakcal et al.2
(No. 3 and No. 2 deformed bars) used in the experimental Concrete stress-strain relations—The monotonic envelope
study. The tensile yield strength and strain-hardening curves of the implemented concrete hysteretic stress-strain
parameters were modified according to the empirical relations relation for compression and tension allow control on the
proposed by Belarbi and Hsu8 to include the effect of tension shape of both the ascending and descending (that is, prepeak
stiffening on steel bars embedded in concrete. Figure 6 and postpeak) branches. The curves can be calibrated for
shows the calibrated analytical steel stress-strain relations in selected values of peak stress fc′ , strain at peak stress εc′ ,
tension and compression, as well as results of stress-strain elastic modulus Ec, and also by the parameter r defining the
tests (on bare bars) for the reinforcement used in the shape of the envelope curve, allowing for model refinement
construction of the wall specimens. The parameters used for (Fig. 3). The envelope curve used in the analytical model for
the calibration of the steel stress-strain relation for compression unconfined concrete in compression was calibrated using
(based solely on the results of tests on bare bars) and for results of monotonic stress-strain tests conducted at time of
tension (including modifications to account for tension testing on standard 152.4 x 304.8 mm cylinder specimens of the
stiffening) are provided in Table 2 and 3. concrete used in the construction of the walls (Fig. 7(a)). The
The calibration of parameters R0, a1, and a2 (accounting concrete tensile strength was determined from the relationship
for the cyclic degradation of the curvature coefficient R and ft = 0.31 f c′ (MPa), and a value of 0.00008 was selected for
the Bauschinger effect) requires results of cyclic stress-strain the strain εt at peak monotonic tensile stress (Fig. 7(b)), as
tests on reinforcing bars, which were not conducted as part suggested by Belarbi and Hsu8 based on a series of tests on
of the present experimental studies, and are typically not RC panels with concrete cylinder compressive strengths
available. The values R0 = 20, a1 = 18.5, and a2 = 0.0015, consistent with the compressive strength of concrete used for
proposed by Elmorsi et al.13 based on the experimental the construction of the wall specimens. The shape of the
results carried out by Seckin,14 were used in this study. The monotonic tension envelope was calibrated (via the parameter
Table 3—Calibrated constitutive parameters for concrete in compression and steel in tension
Boundary Web Flange Flange Flange-web inter- Web Web
Material Parameter (confined) (unconfined) (confined) (unconfined) section (confined) (unconfined) (confined)
fc′ , MPa 47.6 42.8 43.9 42.8 43.9 42.8 57.1
εc′ 0.0033 0.0021 0.0024 0.0021 0.0024 0.0021 0.0056
Concrete in
compression Ec, GPa 31.03 31.03 31.03 31.03 31.03 31.03 31.03
εcr 0.0037 0.0022 0.0025 0.0022 0.0025 0.0022 0.0073
r 1.90 7.00 3.80 7.00 3.80 7.00 1.45
σy, MPa 395 — 395 — 395 — 387
No. 3 reinforcing
bar in tension E0, GPa 200 — 200 — 200 — 200
b 0.0185 — 0.0185 — 0.0185 — 0.02
σy, MPa — 336 — 336 — 356 —
No. 2 reinforcing
bar in tension E0, GPa — 200 — 200 — 200 —
b — 0.0350 — 0.0350 — 0.0295 —