Types of Errors: Sender Receiver
Types of Errors: Sender Receiver
Types of Errors: Sender Receiver
0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0
sender receiver
Received 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 0
3. Burst error
Two or more consecutive (in a sequence) bits changes from 0 to 1 and 1 to 0.
For example
sent 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0
received 0 1 1 1 0 0 1 0
Coding in data communications and computer networks is are a system of rules that converts
information into another form. Its technical term is encoding and it converts information from a
source into symbols for communication or storage.
Types of codes are
I. Data compression
This removes the redundancy from the data from a source in order to transmit it more
effectively. Has the ability to make data files smaller for reducing internet traffic
II. Error detection
These are a sequence of numbers that are generated by specific procedures for detecting errors
in data that has been transmitted over computer networks. When bits are transmitted over the
computer network, they are subject to get corrupted.
III. Cryptographic coding
It is a practice and a study of techniques for secure communication in the presence of third
It constructs protocols that adversaries are central to modern cryptography.
IV. Line coding
It is a code chosen for use within a communications system for baseband transmission
purposes. It is often used for digital transport.
Modular arithmetic
Modular arithmetic is a system of arithmetic for integers, where values reset to zero and begin
to increase again, after reaching a certain predefined value, called the modulus (modulo). Modular
arithmetic is widely used in computer science and cryptography. The values are limited rom 1 and 0
and the upper limit is defined as N and we have 0 to N-1
Zn be a set of all non-negative integers that are smaller than N:
ZN = {0,1, 2..., N-1}
N is a positive integer,
if N is a prime, it will be denoted p (and the whole set as Zp).
In this system. When an integer is greater than N, it is divided by N where the remainder is the result.
Block coding
It is also known as block-based programming, which is a type of programming where instructions are
mainly represented as blocks. Messages are divided into blocks each of Kbits. These codes can also
be applied in the domains of telecommunications, information theory and coding theory.
Hamming distance
This is a metric for comparing two binary data strings. It is used for error detection or error correction
In order to calculate the Hamming distance between two strings, and we perform their XOR
operation, (a⊕ b), and then count the total number of 1s in the resultant string.
When data is transmitted over computer networks and it uses a coding theory for comparing equal
length data words. Mainly found when using a mutually exclusive OR gate pathways on the
corresponding bits. Suppose there are two stings 1101 1001 and 1001 1101 then 1101 1001 ⊕ 1001
1101 = 01000100 since this contains two 1’s , the hammering distance d(11011001, 10011101) = 2.
Minimum humming distance
The minimum Hamming distance is the smallest Hamming distance between all possible pairs. It uses
"dmin" to define the minimum Hamming distance in a coding scheme. To find this value, it locates
the Hamming distances between all words and select the smallest one.
Suppose there are four strings 010, 011, 101 and 111.
010 ⊕ 011 = 001, d(010, 011) = 1.
010 ⊕ 101 = 111, d(010, 101) = 3.
010 ⊕ 111 = 101, d(010, 111) = 2.
011 ⊕ 101 = 110, d(011, 101) = 2.
011 ⊕ 111 = 100, d(011, 111) = 1.
101 ⊕ 111 = 010, d(011, 111) = 1.