Chemical Engineering Process Lab Process Control Evaluation Apparatus
Chemical Engineering Process Lab Process Control Evaluation Apparatus
Chemical Engineering Process Lab Process Control Evaluation Apparatus
Administrative Information
Project Background
Process control is critical to virtually every application Engineers will come into contact
with. There are two basic aspects to learning/teaching Process Control:
The theoretical background behind the differential equations that drive a control
The practical application of control theory in a lab environment that demonstrates
the interactions between the process and the control.
The control equations are fundamental to all applications. However, the interactions are
significantly impacted by the design and type of process being controlled. These
interactions are best learned by actual experience in a process lab.
This project will investigate, design, fabricate and evaluate three different processes
that will be used to practically demonstrate process control (PID) in a lab environment.
This equipment will be used in conjunction with class room teaching. The three
processes are initially proposed as:
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Process 1: Metered Flow Loop
Drive Controller
Flow Tube
Cv Flow Tube
Controller DAQ
Heat Exchanger Flow Valve
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The Process Flow Diagrams (PFD) shown are representative and the students are
encouraged to innovate the final design(s). And they are not complete.
The designs shown are based on the authors experience and equipment available from
Eastman Kodak.
The overall project will be broken down into three teams that will each focus on one
process design but coordinate final designs and results together.
Based on this document, process knowledge and control theory, develop three
processes that will produce varied control results.
Design the processes using ChE, ME and EE skills.
Assemble the three processes onto portable carts.
Test and evaluate.
Provide a recommended lab protocol for teaching.
Customer Requirements
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Interface with Labview
Operating requirements:
Significant additional guidance will be provided based on the three existing carts in use
and proposed donated equipment.
The carts should be modeled and designed based on the three flow carts currently in
use by the ChE department. A 2 ft by 3 ft Rubbermaid cart is a suggested starting point.
The existing carts are also equipped with temperature measurement equipment
(specific to a shell and tube heat exchange). This equipment should be examined as a
model or for actual use on this project (shared).
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The following equipment is available and will be donated by Eastman Kodak. Some
components will match the flow carts exactly and other equipment is compatible. The
students should utilize this equipment to reduce costs, reduce start up and to allow
The project should collect the specification or cut sheets for this equipment via the
Project Initiation
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