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Motion in A Plane
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Class 11 Motion in a plane . For CBSE Chapter 3 Physics . Included Concise Concepts & Numericals , Derivations & Explanation for each step .
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7 R. K. MALIK'S riitramanovs,neoica son, non eax NEWTON CLASSES Enjoys unparalleled reputation for best results in terms of percentage selection MOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS — XI TARGET CBSE Galileo proposed what we now call the law of compound motion, according to which the motion in one dimension has no ‘effect on mation in another dimension. ‘Those physical quantities which are completely specified by both magnitude as well as direction are known as veetor quantl- ties (eg, displacement, velocity, acceleration force, ec) Physical quantities suchas temperature, pressure, energy, mass, and time that do not involve direction are called sealar quan- tities single value with asign (asin a temperature of 40°C) specifies a scalar [A vector with magnitude zero and an arbitrary dltection is called a null vector. ‘Types of vectors: (a) Avectoris said to bea negative vector of another vector iftheir magnitudes are equal but directions are opposite. (b) Two vectors ae aid to be equal vectors they have the same magnitude and direction. ()_ Two vector are said to be unequal vectors i they have different magnitudes or cifferent directions or both. (d) Two vectors are said to be parallel vectors if they have the same direction. Their magnitudes may or may not be equal ‘Allequal vectors are parallel but the converse may not be tru. (e) Two vectors are said to be ant-parallel vectors if they point in opposite directions. Their magnitude may or may not be equal (1) Two1or more vectors which ae in the same line or can be brought in the same line by siting them parallel to each other are known a5 collinear vectors. (9) Those vectors which len the same plane are called coplanar vectors. (h) two or three vector are perpendicular to each other they are known as orthogonal vectors. Best example of orthogo- nal vectors i the Cartesian coordinate axes. )_Avector having magnitude equal to unity but having 2 specific direction is called a umit vector. (i) Vectors which have common intial point are known as co-nitial vectors. (ki) Vectors whose initial points fixed they ate known as localized vectors. For example, poston vector sa localized vector because its initial point always lies atthe origin. (Vectors whose initial point is nat fied are krown as non-localized vectors im) A vector which gives the pestion of a point with reference tothe origin ofthe coordinate system is called the position ‘vector ofthe point. Unit vectors in the positive directions of the x,y, and z axes are labeled i,j, and k, respectively, where the hat or cap symbol * Is used instead ofan overhead arrow as for other vectors Unit vectors ae very usefl for expressing other vectors: B= bi +b), where the quantities a, and a,] are vectors - called the vector components of d. The quantities a, and a, are scalars ~ called the scalar components of Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0661-2682623, 9635608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES The position vector at any time tn terms of two-dimensional coordinates x and yis given by TaKs7 or Fae where the magnitude 7|= r= Jey ‘The postion vetor7 at anytime in terms of three-dimensiona coordinates x,y, and zis given by Paes psd o Faas yeah where the magritudel/|= r= {ay ee Let us consider three vectors A, 8, and, as shown in Fig. 3.1. They are equal the direction and magnitude of al the three vectors, isthe same, thats if and if we shift vector A, and € paalle to themselves, al the three vectors will coincide with each other, which mens that tails , and € will coincide wth eachother Vector addition: Vector isthe vector sum of vectors & and 6 |. Commutativelaw:d +5 = 6 +a. Associative law: (i+ 5)+2 = 4+ 6 +2). = Vector subtraction: d = G-5 = d+ (-6). | we know a vector in component notation (a, and a, and if we want It in magnitude-angle notation (a and @, to transform it, ween use the following equations: re . Inthe more general the-dimensional case, we need a magnitude and two angles (say, 2,8, and) or three components (ay dy and a) to specify a vector. {third way to add vectors to combine thelr components axl by axis: 4,=0,-b,4,=,-b, and d,=a,~b, wheced = oj +4,]+ dk . There are thre laws forthe ation of vectors1) Tangle law of vectors for action of two vectors; (2) Paralelogram law of vectors for alton oftwo vectors; (3) Polygon law of vectors for addition of more than two vectors Triangle law of vectors: f two vectors can be represented both in magnitude and ciecton bythe two sides ofa tiangle taken inthe same order, then the resultant is represented completely, both in magnitude and direction, bythe third side ofthe triangle taken inthe opposite order. follows from tangle law of vectors that if tree vectors AB and C can be represented completely by the tree sides of triangle ‘taken inorder then their vector sum is era: + B + C = 0. arallelogram law of vectors: When two vectors and @ are completely represented by the two adjacent sides OA and 08 ofa parallelogram, then, according o the parallelogram law of vectors, the diagonal OC ofthe parallelogram will be the resuitant such that = B+ 0. Polygon law of vectors: fa number of vectors canbe represented both in magnitude and direction by the sides of an open con- ‘vexpolygon taken in the same order the resultant represented completely in magnitude and direction by the losing side ofthe ‘polygon taken in the opposite order. f« number of vectors ae represented bythe sides ofa closed polygon taken inorder, their resultant iszer. ‘An equilibrant vectors a single vector which balances two or more vectors acting simultaneously ta point. Office.: 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2635608812, 7546845949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XI 3 . When a particle moves, the position vector changes - say, rom F to; during a certain time interval - then the partes displace- ‘ment A7 during that time intervals ae fa particle moves through a displacement Ain time interval tts average velocity 7, i expressed as fllows Displacement i Average velocity = SsBacement y= AZ 5. When 2 particles velocity changes from V;t0¥, Ina time interval A, its average acceleration 3, during the time interval At is expressed as follows: Changein velocity 5 _ =H Time interval Om = “ap The velocity is otherwise called instantaneous velecity, which is given by the limiting value ofthe average velocity as the time: Interval approaches zero: ‘Average acceleration = v= jm Se = de Magnitude of instantaneous velocity is speed. /- A particle moves ina vertical plane with some intial velocity but its acceleration i always the free-fall acceleration which i downward ~ such a particle is called a projectile meaning that it's projected or launched) and its motion is called a projectile ‘mation. The path followed bya projectile during is motion is known as its trajectory, In projectile motion, the horizontal motion and the vertical mation are independent of each other, that i, neither motion affects the other. ‘The horizontal distance covered by a projectile from Is original or ial positon (x= y= 0) to the postion where it passes y=0
OM N+ OM > MN. [o> om OF, \a+Bi> lal ifthe two vectors and Bact along a straight ine inthe same direction, we can wate he following: la+B =a. Combining Eas. 3) nd (8), we get \a+ 2 al-Bh (@)_Lettwo vectors d and be represented by the adjacent sides of a parallelogram PORS, as shown In ig 3.15 Frm the pra Ielogram PORS, we can write [onl = Pst= . (ort = i. ‘We know that na tangle ach side smaller than the sum ofthe other two sides. Therefor rom AOPS, we have 05-< 07 +95 Therefore, [oA cla +8) and |a—Bl
OP; (05 > OP ~P5; la-Bi> lal 16, \We know that the quantity on the LHS i always positive and that on the RHS can be postive or negative. To make both quan: tiles postive, we take modulus on both sides as ba—Bl>hal—[6l ana la ~61> lal lbh Ifthe two vectors at na straight line butin the opposite directions, we can write ‘Combining Eqs. (7) and (8), we get Figure 3.15 1A. Given +542 +d = O,which ofthe following statements are correct? (a), 5, é, and must each be a null vector (b) The mag: ritude of (+ €) equals the magnitude of (b+ ).(c) The magnitude of can never be greater than the sum ofthe magnitudes (fb, Z, and d.(d) (6+ €) must le () In the plane of and d if @ and d are not collinear and (I) In te line of & and d i they are collinear. (CERT) Solution {a} Incorrect ~in order to make 4 +5 +2 +d = 0, rrisnot necessary to have all the four given vectors to be null vectors. There are other combinations, which can give the sum zero. () Correct we have the vector equation aebezsd which an be writen as 4b +4). king modulus on both sides ofa. (1), we get le+a=16+dj=|6+d, Hence, the magnitude of + € the same as that ofthe magnitude of +d. (€) Correct-we have the vector equation esd 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES which can be written as b+2 +8, Taking modulus on both sides of Ea (2, we get a= Hb+e+d)s\+2 +a). Therefore, las B+le\+ld. Equation (3) shows that the magnitude of is equa oor less than the sum ofthe magnitudes of, and d Correct for 3 +5 +2 +d = 0, we also have d+ (6-+2) + d = 0. The resultant sum ofthe three vectors 3, (6+: be zero only if + Z lie in a plane containing d and d, assuming that these three vectors are represented by the thre sides of a triangle. If and dare collinear, it mplies thatthe vector b+ € Is nthe line of@ and d When this condition holds, then only the vector sum ofall the vectorsis zero. 15. Read the following statements carefully and state, with reasons and examples if each of them Is true or fale: A scalar quantity is ‘one that (a Is conserved in a proces, (b) can never take negative values, (c) must be dimensionless, (d} does not vary from one point to another in space, and (e) has the same value for observers with ciferet orientations of axes. (NCERT) Solution (a) False—for example, despte“energy"being a scalar quantity itis not conserved in inelastic collision process. (b) False —for example, despte“temperature being a scalar quantity, It can take negative values. {@) False —forexample, desptetotal path length isa scalar quantity, thas the dimension of length. {@)_False~for example, a sealar quantity suchas "gravtational potential an vary from one pont to another in space. {e}_True—for example, the value of a scalar does not vary fr observers with different orientations of axes, 16. Avector has magnitude and direction, Does it have a location in space? Can it vary with time? Wil two equal vectors & and B at diferent locations in space necessarily have identical physical effects? Give examples in support of your answer (NcerT) Solution Generally, 9 vector has no definite locations In space because a vector remains invariant when displaced in such a way that its ‘magnitude and direction remain the same, However, a postion vector has a definite location in space. 'A vector can vary with time. For example, the displacement vector ofa particle moving with a certain velocity varies with time, Two equal vectors located at different locations in space need not produce the same physical effect. For example, wo equal forces acting on an ebject at diferent points can cause the body to rotate, but their combination cannot produce an equal turing effect. 1. Avector has both magnitude and dtectlon, Does it mean that anything that has magnitude and direction is necessary a vector! ‘The rotation ofa body can be specified by the direction of the axis of rotation, andthe angle of rotation about the axis Does that make any rotation a vector? (NCERT) Solution ‘Aphysical quantity that has both magnitude and direction need net be considered as a vector. For example, despite having mag nitude and directo, “current” isa scalar quantity. The essential requirement for a physical quantity to be considered a vector Is ‘thatit should follow the law of vector addition. ‘Generally, the rotation ofa body about an ass not a vector quantity as it doesnot follow the law of vector addition. However, a rotation by a certain small angle follows the law of vector addition ands therefore considered a vector. 18. Can you associate vectors with a) the length ofa wite bent into a loop, (b)a planearea, and(c)asphere? Explain. (CERT) Solution (a) Avectorcan never be associated with the length ofa wite bent into a loop because vectors are associated with those physical ‘quantities which obey vector law of alton, (b) An area vector can be associated with a plane area ~ the direction of this vector fs norma, inward or outward tothe plane (€) A vector cannot be associated with the volume of a sphere; however an area vector can be associated with the area of ‘sphere eg, a null vector). Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETIN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI SECTION II ‘= Motionin aPtane ‘= Motionin a Plane with Constant Acceleration ‘= Relative Velocity in Two Dimensions ‘= Projectile Motion ‘= Uniform Circular Motion ‘When aparticle moves, the postion vector changes say from to during a certain time interval then the particles displace- ‘ment 47 duting that time interval is arr, Ifa particle moves through a displacement AF ina time interval A, Its average velocty V7, expressed as follows: ‘When a particles velocity changes from ¥ to ¥, In atime interval At ts average acceleration dj. during the time interval tis expressed as follows: in ‘Average acceleration = Nae aay The velocity i otherwise called instantaneous velocity, which Is given by the limiting value of the average velachy as the time Interval approaches zero: « vod ‘Magnitude of instantaneous velocity i speed. Ina circular motion the distance traveled by a particle in one revolution i just the circumference of the circle (27: The time for a paticle to go around a closed path exactly once has a special name ~ the period of revolution or simply the period of the ‘motion. The period is represented with the symbol , which s expressed as 1.2 {na circular motion, the total numberof revolutions by a particle Ina given time Is known as the frequency (v) of revolution. From the definitions we have given for period and frequency, they re related by the expression 1 =F Conceptual Problems 1. An objects throw upward at an angle @ above the ground, eveitually returning to Earth. (Is there any place along the trajectory where the velocity and acceleration are perpendicular? Ifo, where? (b) Is there any place where the velocity and acceleration are parallel? fso, where? In each case, explain. Solution ‘An object thrown upward atan angle @ wil flow the trajectory shown in Fig, 3.16. ts acceleration is that due to gravity, and, there- fore, always points downward. The acceleration is denoted by inthe figure. in general the velocity ofthe object has two compo- nents, v, and v, Since a, = 0, v always equals its inital value. The magnitude ofthe y component ofthe velocity v, decreases as the ‘object rises, drops to zero atthe highest point, and then increases asthe object falls downward (a) Since v= 0, when the objects tits highest pont, the velocity ofthe abject points only in the x direction. As suggested in the figure below, the acceleration wil be perpendicular to the velocity when the objects tits highest point and v, = 0. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ol Figure3.16 (8) Inrder forthe velocity and acceleration tobe parallel the x component ofthe velocity has to drop to zero. However, always remains equal 0 its nta value; therefore, the velocity and the acceleration can never be parallel 2. Isthe acceleration ofa projectile equal to 2er0 when it reaches the top ofits trajectory? I not why not? Solution As long as ar resistance is negligible, the acceleration of a projectile is constant and equal tothe acceleration due to gravity. The acceleration ofthe projectile, therfore, is the same at every point ins trajectory, and can never be zero Solution '3. tennis ball is hit upward ito the air and moves along an arc. Neglecting ar resistance, where along the acis the speed ofthe ball (@)a minimum and (b) a maximum? Justify your answers. Solution Figure 3.17 shows the balls trajectory. The velocity of the ball along with its x and y components is indicated at three positions As ong as air resistance is neglected we know that a, =O and a, isthe acceleration due to gravity. Since a, =0, the x component of the velocity remains the same and s given by va The intial y component ofthe velocity is va and decreases asthe ball approaches the highest point, where v,~ 0, The magnitude ofthe y component ofthe velocity then increases a the ball falls downward, Just before the ball strikes the ground the y velocity component is equal in magnitude tov The speed i the magnitude ofthe velocity. (a) Since, =when the ballis tthe highest point inthe trajectory, the speed ia minimum there. (©) Simiary since v, isa maximum a the initial and final postions ofthe mation, the speed ls a maximum at these postions Figure 3.17 Atle ata height H above the ground, fires a bullet parallel to the ground, At the same instant and atthe same height, a second bullet i dropped from rest. Inthe absence of ar resistance, which bullet strikes the ground fist? Explain Solution ‘The two bullets differ only in their horizontal motion. One bullet has v;= 0, while the other bullet has v= yc The time of Fight, however, is determined only by the vertical mation, and both bullets have the same inital vertical velodty component (vy =O, ‘Both bullets, therefore reach the ground atthe same time. ‘Two projectiles ae launched from ground level atthe same angle above the horizontal, and both retum to ground level. Projectile A thas launch speed thats twice that of projectile. Assuming that ar resistance is absent, sketch the trajectories of both projectiles, your drawings arto be acute what Spud be thera ofthe maximum eight n your eawings and what should be the ‘ratio ofthe ranges? Justify your answers. Solution Since the launch speed of projectile As twice that of, It follows that Woe= Works 29d (ope Woyhe ‘The maximum height attained by ether projectile is rect proportional tothe square of vi; therefor, the ratio of the maximum heights is Ha/Hy = (2 = 4. The ange of either projectile is directly proportional tothe product of a, and t. We know that tis pro portional to thus, te Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI This ratios apparent in Fig. 3.18 Projecto A fe me Figure 3.18 6. Thee swimmers can swin equ fast relative tothe watt They have rae to ee who can wim across vr inthe leat ime Swimmer A sims perpen tthe cuenta lands onthe fr shore downstream, because the curent has swept him in that direction. Swimmer 8 swims upsteam at an angle fo the cuenta lands on the fr shore det oppose the starting point. Swimmer C swims downstream at an angle to the curent in an attempt to take advantage of the current. Who crosses the river in the least time? Account for your answer. Solution ‘The time required for any given swimmer to cross the river is equal to the width of the river divided by the magnitude of the component ofthe velocity that i parallel o the width ofthe rver. Al three swimmers can swim equally fast relative to the water however, al three swim at different angles relative to the curent. Since swimmer A heads stright across the width ofthe river, ‘swimmer A wll have the laxgest velocity component parallel tothe width of the river therefore, swimmer A crosses the erin the leasttime, On a riverboat cruise aplastic bottle is accidentally dropped overboard. A passenger on the boat estimates thatthe boat pulls ahead of the bottle by 5 m each second. Is it possible to conclude thatthe boat is moving at 5 m/s with respect to the shore? ‘Account fr your answer Solution Since the plastic bottle moves with the current, the passengers estimating the velocity of the boat relative tothe water. Therefore, the passenger cannot conclude thatthe boat i moving atS m/s with respect to the shore, 8. Ifboth speed ofa body and radius of ts circular path are doubled, what wil happen to centripetal acceleration? Solution ‘The centripetal force ofa body having mass m, velocity v, and radius is given by eam o I the velocity ofthe body is doubled, the new velociyisv’=2v. If the radus is also doubled, the new radius isr’~=2r. Therefore, the new centripetal force is pre AP. meal. arm y 2 2 Hence, the centripetal force also gets doubled when the velocity and radius are doubled. Can there be motion in two dimensions with acceleration only in one dimension? Solution ‘There can be motion in two dimensions withthe acceleration only in one dimension. For example, inthe case of a projectile ‘mation (which is a two-dimensional motion) the acceleration acts only Inthe vertical direction but not the horizontal direction ‘There are many such real-ife examples of projectile motion such as motion ofa bullet from a gun, kicking a football with some Inclination with espect tothe horizontal ground, and soon, 10. Cama particle accelerate fits speed is constant? Can it accelerate fits velocity is constant? Solution ‘When a particle describes a uniform circular motion is speed is constant butt has centripetal acceleration acting along the radius directed toward the center ofthe circular path, When a paride is moving with a constant velocity there s no change n velocity With ime and hence Its acceleration is ero, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 11. Both magnitude and direction of the acceleration of a body are constant. Wil the path of the body be necessarly a straight line? Solution When the acceleration is collinear with the velocity ofthe body, the body moves only in straight line. However, when acceleration and velocity ar inclined to each other, the path followed by the body is parabolic eg planetary motion). 12 railway cariage moves over a straight tack with acceleration a. A passenger inthe carriage drops a stone. What isthe accelera- tlon of the stone wit respect to the carriage and the Earth? Solution, When a stone fs dropped from a raliway carriage, it falls vertically downward with aceleration due to gravity (g. Therefore, the acceleration ofthe stone with respect tothe Earth sequal to the acceleration due to gravity (only Inside the cariage the stone has two accelerations; (1) horizontal acceleration (a) due to the motion of the cariage and (2) vertical acceleration du to gravity). Thus, the acceleration ofthe stone with respect to the railway cariage isa? + 9°. 13. Cana body move on a curved path without having acceleration? Solution ‘A body cannot move on a curved path without having acceleration because while moving on a curved path, the velocity of the body (which is represented by the tangent toa curved path ata point) changes with tie. 114. A body ina uniform horizontal cicular motion possesses a variable velocity. Does it mean thatthe kinetic energy of the body is aso variable? Solution We know thatthe kinetic eneray ofa body is given by 1 2 hich s scalar. In uniform circular motion, speed of the body v remains constant therefor, kinetic energy ofthe body remains constant in uniform circular mation, fae dd 0 mv Li, ‘Additional Problems 1. Anathlete runs along the circular path of radusr. He starts running from a point and reaches just opposite to his starting point on the cular path. What's (a the actual distance traveled and (b) the magnitude ofthe displacement ofthe athlete? Are both quant ties equal? Solution {8} When the athete starts running from a point and reaches just opposite tis starting point onthe circular path, the actual is- tance traveled by the athlete is equal to haf the circumference of the circular path, thats, the actual distance traveled by him Isgiven by 1 }xaer=ar, {b) When the athlete starts running from a point and reaches jut opposite to his starting point on the circular path, the magni tude ofthe displacement of the athlete is equal tothe diameter ofthe circular path that is, the displacement ofthe athlete is ‘given by 2r. Hence, tis concluded thatthe distance and displacement are not equal. 2. Two girls run from point A to point Bon the circular track. One runs along the track and the other runs directly along the lameter ofthe track. Calculate the ratio ofthe magnitude of their displacements Solution We know that the displacement is defined as the distance between the initial and the final positions of the abject. Therefore when «wo gis run from point Ato point B onthe circular track ~ one runs along the tack and the other euns directly along the diameter ofthe track their displacements are same and equal. Hence the ratio ofthe displacement ofthe two gilsis 1:1. Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - 3 3. The radius of Earth orbit around the Sun is 15x 10" m, Calculate the (a) linear velocity and (b) angular velocity of the Earth, (OThrough how much angle does it revolve in day? Solution (a) Radius ofthe Earth’ orbit sr = 1.5 x 10" m. Time period of revolution of Earth around the Su To year = year 26S 5 24 3HODS 32 10 Ifthe orbital velocity ofthe Earth bev, then 23.16 15210" «5 r0¢mve 32x10" aeidton (@) Time t= 1 day = 24h = 24 x 3600 5. Angular speed of Earths 0 = 2 10" rad/s. Let the angular displacement be 8, which s ‘calculated a follows: = b= 0 xt = 2107 x24 x 3600 = 001728 rad, ‘4. The Moon is about 3.8 > 10° km from the center of the Earth. It takes about 27 days for completing the orbit around the Earth. Calculate the speed of the Moon (in km/day) Suton Fads of tof he Moon sound the Eat += 3810" ks tne prod of revelation of he Moon sound the Eh ST = 27 dy atv bethe speed of te Moon Gn n/a whichis lows ratte Mer 2314x3810 i B 5. Astipssang westward at 8 m/s Whe ying tix abel at the top ofthe mas esa dps the ot the mast of the hp ‘Bamhigh wherewith bor Neth det Sohution Let the vertical velocity of the bolt be u, = 0, Acceleration acting on the bolt in vertical diection is a, = 98 ms. The vertical helght of the boit is y = 19.6m. Using the following kinematics equation forthe vertical motion of the bolt, we calculate the time required 3s follows: ave = 0884 % 10° kmvday = 8.84 x 10* Kray. if ya vat + ho, 196 =Oxt+} x98 = 490 Be- Baan Neglecting the negative time, we get ¢=2 5. Applying the following kinematies equation forthe horizontal motion of the bot, we calculate the displacement as follows: P= 8x24 1x0%2 = 16m, waved + ox = 8x24 1x0%2 016 Hence, the bott wil hit the deck 16 m away from the mast Three gis skating on a circular Ice ground of radius 200 m stat from a point P on the edge of the ground and reach a point Q lametrcally opposite to P following diffrent paths as shown in ig 3.19, What is the magnitude of the displacement vector for ‘each? For which iis this equal tothe actual length of path skate? (NCERT) Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES @ ? Figure 3.19 Solution Displacements given by the minimum distance between the inital and the final positions of an object o a particle. Since three gis start from point P and reach point Q (which s diametrically opposite to P), the magnitude of thelr displacement Is equal tothe clamete ofthe circular ice ground. Radius ofthe ground i 200 my diameter ofthe ground is2 = 200 = 400 m. Therefore, the magnitude ofthe displacement ofeach ‘iis 400 m. This sequal to the actual length ofthe path skated by gi Balsa 77. Acydist starts from the center O of a circular park of radius 1 km, reaches the edge P of the park, then cycles along the circumfe: ‘ence, and retums to the center along QO as shown in Fig. 320. if the round trp takes 10 min, what Is the (2) net displacement, (b) average velocity, and (c) average speed ofthe cyclist? (NCERT) . Figure 3.20 Solution (a) Displacementis given by the minimum distance between the intial and the fnal postions ofa body. The cyclist comes back to the starting point O after cycling for 10 min. Hence is net displacement is zero, (b) Average velocity is expressed as follows: _ Net displacement ‘Average velocity = "Tal time Since the net displacement of the cyclists zero, according to Eq, (1) his average velocity is also zero. ‘Average speed ofthe cyclist is expressed as follows: From Fig.3.20, the total path lengths calculated as OF P0400 «1+ Hex ne 1=26 24035704 Tota time taken is 10 minis 7 o Therefore, average speed ofthe cyclist is calculated as 3570 _ > 3520 «214mm, 8. On an open ground, a motors follows a track that tums to his left by an angle of 60” after every 500 m. Starting from a given turn, specify the displacement ofthe motors atthe thir, sith, and eighth turn, Compare the magnitude ofthe displacement withthe total path length covered by the motorist in each case, (NCERT) Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS ~ XI Solution The path followed by the motorist in regular hexagonal shape with sides 500 m, as shown in Fig. 3.21. Let the motorist starts from point P and takes the third turn at point S Therefore, magnitude of the displacement i calculated as PS=PV+VS= 500 + 500 = 1000 m. “Total path length is calculated as PQ+QR+ RS = 500 +500 + 500 = 1500 m ‘The motorist takes the sixth turn at point P, which isthe starting point. Therefore, the magnitude of displacement is 0. Total path length is calculated as PQ+QR-+ RS + ST-+TU + UP=500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500 + 500.= 3000 m. “The motorist takes the eight turn at point R. Therefore, magnitude ofthe displacement i calculated as follows: PR = \POTF OR + 20P)-(ORcos GO = 500 +3008 + x 500 x 500 x cos 60°) ‘Treangle between PR and the displacements calculated as 500 sn 60") 500+ 500 cos 60°) = #0" ‘Therefore, the magnitude of displacements 866.03 m at an angle of 3° with PR ‘The total path length = Crcumference of the hexagon + PQ + QR, '=6 x 500+ 500 + 500 = 4000 m, ‘The magnitude of displacement and the total path length corresponding to the required tums is shown in Table 3.1, Table3.1 Thi Sich Eighth Figure 3.21 ‘9. A passenger ariving In anew town wishes to go from the station toa tel located 10 km away on a straight road from the station, AAdishonest cabman takes him along a druitous path 23 km long and reaches the hotel in 28 min. What sa) the average speed of the tax and (b) the magnitude of average velocity? Are the two equal? (NCERT) Solution ‘otal distance traveled by the passenger is 23 km; total time taken by him is 28 min = (28/60)h. Average speed of the taxi Is caleulated as follows Total distancervaveled _ 23 _ mance aveled 23. = 493 km/h Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET26 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES Distance between the hotel and the stations 10 km therefore, average velocity is caelated at ce wig = 24 ern Hence the two physical quanttes average speed of the tax and the magnitude of average veloc ae not equ 10. fins fling vertical with a speed of 30 mvs. A woman rides a blecle with a speed of 10 mi/sin the north o south deco. \Whatithe decton in which she shoul hold her umbrea? (WCET) Solution The stustion is depicted in Fig. 222 From Fig, 3:22, the veloc of he cys sv the veloc ofthe fling ain mn order 0 protect hese rom the ra, the woman must hold her umbrella inthe drecton ofthe relative velocity ofthe rain with respect tothe woman. Therefore, venti) = 30+ (-10) = 20-mv5. wan He= 10 =r) = tr 0933-10 Hence the woman must hold the umbrella toward the south, at an angle of approximately 18° with the vertically fling rain Figure 3.22 111. Aman can swim witha speed of kh instil water How long does he take tocossa river 1 km wide the river lows steady a3 kar/h ‘and he makes his stokes normal tothe river current? How fr dow theriver does ego when he reaches the ctherbank?—(NCERT) Solution ‘Speed ofthe man sv 4 km/h width ofthe rivers 1 km. Time taken by the man to cros the ver iscalelated as With ofthe iver Speed ofthe ver ~ 4 Speed ofthe river is v,=3 km/h Distance covered by the man with low ofthe ver is = 1 x60 = 15min 1 yma? vont sid = Hon = 31000 = 750m, 12 Inaba, winds boning tthe spend of 72 kh andthe fag on the st boat ached te hao fates tong the ora ‘recon the boat stars moving sa speed kmfnothe noth wharthececton ofthe lag on fe mast he oat (NCET) Solution “he suston is dept ni 323 i323, he veld fe bat iv =51 kn the velo ofthe wind i, = 72h, “he ag i ftring nthe norte ecto, which shows tha the wind blowing toward the northeast rection, When the sip besinsallng tard the net the lag wil move lng the ection of he eltve velocy (a) ofthe wind wth respect tothe bos. The angle between and-1)s 0" +45 Therefore, Stsinoo + 45) TEST cox" 457 sian ase Teste or sv). os} sk st 72-Six (vii) 72J2—81~ 721414 —5i ~ 50.800 tan p= = tan 10038 = 45.1% “The angle with respect tothe east direction is 45.11° - 45° = 0.11". Hence the flag on the mast ofthe boat flutters approximately towardeast Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETFigure 3.23 13, The cling of along halls 25 m high. What isthe maximum horizontal distance that a bal thrown with a speed of 40 mvs can go without hitting the ceiling of the hall? (NCERT) Solution Speed ofthe balls u= 40 m/s; maximum height the ball can reach (the height ofthe ceiling ofthe hall is = 25 mn projectile ‘motion, the maximum height reached by a body projected at an angle is alculated as. wisint @ AO?SI0 8 na bn Oa 25 = PTO sin? 0 = 030625 = sn = 05534, sin- (03534) = 3360°.The horizontal ange is calculated as follows: Wisin 20 _ 40? xsin 23360 _ 1600%sin672 _ 1600x0922 ¢ 38 ~ 38 114 Acticketer can throw a ball ta maximum horizontal distance of 100 m, How much high above the ground can the cricketer throw the same ball? (NCERT) Solution = 1505 m. "Maximum horizontal distance the cricketer can throw a balls Raye 100 m. The cticketer can only be able to throw the ball tothe ‘maximum horizontal distance when the angle of projection is 45% thats, @= 45°, The horizontal range fora projection velocity, Iscaleulated as fellows: R= 281028 100 = “sin oo", 9 9 Therefore 2 # ~ 100, - o ‘The ball can achieve the maximum height when it is thrown vertically upward. For such motion, the final velocity vis zero at the ‘maximum height Hyx We know that acceleration @ = -9, Using the following equation of mation, Hy Is calculated 3s. a0 2-20 Hag = th F100 = 50m Hence, the cicketercan throw the ball at 50 m height above the ground. Note that, Hear™ Rud? 115, Astone tied tothe end of sting 80 cm long is whied ina horizontal circle with a constant speed the stone makes 14 revolu- tons in 25 , what isthe magnitude and dtection of acceleration of the stone? (NCERT) Solution Length ofthe string is /=80 cm = 08 m; the numberof revolutions the stone makes is 14 the time taken by the stone for making ‘4 revolutions is 25 s Frequency ofthe stone s calculated as 1 = Number of revolutions Time taken Angular frequency is calculated as oo on2everx 2x lt = Brads CCentripetal acceleration is calculated as a= a'r =(8)' x08 = 99 ve. “The direction of centripetal acceleration is aways diected along the sting, toward the center, at every point Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET28 R. K. MALIK'S NEWTON CLASSES 16. An alrraft executes a horizontal loop of radius 1 km with a steady speed of 900 kwh, Compare its centripetal acceleration with the acceleration due to gravity. (NCERT) Solution Radius ofthe horizontal loop isr= 1 km = 1000 m; speed ofthe aircrafts v= 900 kv thats, 900 5 = 250 mis, Centipeta acceleration ofthe loop Is calculated as. vt 2508 ‘4 a= 2 = BO 2 cass ‘Acceleration de to gravity isg = 98 mis. Therefore, BS a64 saxon, 17. Read each statement below carefully and state with reasons, if tis true or false: (a) The net acceleration of a particle in circular motion s always along the radius of the circle toward the center. (b) The velaclty vector ofa particle at a points always along the ‘tangent to the path ofthe particle at that point. (The acceleration vector of a particle in uniform circular mation averaged over one cycle isa null vector. (NcERT) Solution (a) False~the net acceleration of a particle in circular motion snot ways drected along the radius ofthe circle toward the center, ithappens only in the case of uniform circular motion. {(b) True ata point on a circular path, 3 particle appears to move tangentially tothe circular path. Hence, the velocity vector of the particle is always along the tangent ata point. {€) True ~In uniform circular motion, the rection of the acceleration vector points toward the center ofthe cice, However, it constantly changes with time. The average ofthese vectors over one cycle sa nul vector. 18. The pc of a particle is given by = 3.0t/~2.0r7) + 4.0% m where ¢ is in seconds and the coefficients have the proper Uns forF tobeln meters) Find the and ofthe particle) What the magatude and direction of vod ofthe pate st i203 cer) Solution (a) The position of the particle Is given by. 7 = 30ri-20r j+40km Velocy ofthe partie icaluated as ¥ = Sf = 3011-2007} + 404) = (301 —Aarjrmis Acceleration ofthe parties caledatedas se ee & = 430) ~40%)) = (-40))mA?. (b) The magntudeafthe veloctyaleuloed as i BFC VB = 054s The decton ofthe veloc i coluioedas tan 2.667 = -6945° =70°. ‘The negative sign indicates thatthe direction of velocity les on the negative x 2x5, 18. Apanice sans rm the ogn at =O s wth a veloc of 10) ms and maves nthe xy plane wth a constant acceleration es{a0i + 207) wha times the coordinate ofthe parte 16m? Wht iste corte ofthe parte at that ne? {G)Whatisthe sped ofthe parle atthe time? cen) Solution \elocy ofthe parce inv = 100 jms acceleration the partes = Boi + 20] hati a «01+ 20) 67 = (80i +20) 44 Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XI Integrating on both sides of), we get te) = Boni +200) +0, ‘where dis the velocity vector ofthe particle at ¢= Oand Vi the velocity vector ofthe particle at time but a -@ = di = vide = (@oti + 201 +i) at. Integrating Ea, (2) withthe conditions at t= 0; = Oand at weet . ee, at + Seo 7+ tx 2007] ae+4or ise] = 00} + 400i +08) xi+yj= 400% +004 #7. ‘Since the motion ofthe particles confined tothe x- plane, on equating the coefficients of andj we get Pe (" y= tors 8 Therefore y=10x242%=24m, (b)_Velocty ofthe parte given by Ft) = Ror] + 201) +0, Att=2s, weave y= 80% 21 +20%2) +10) = 161 +14}. Speed othe pate calculated as (l= Jig 1a? = (956 196 = V2 = 21.2605 “Two uit vectors and j are passing along wax and yas, respectively. What isthe magnitude and direction of the vectors + and i]? What re the components of @ vector A~=2/+3) along the drectons of +} and i]? You may use graphical method) (NCERT) Solution Consider a vectorP, whichis given as bait] Rieginiek. Magnitude of the vector +} On comparing the components on both sides of E,(1),we get Ranet l= SPT = VF = Hence, the magnitude of the vectori + jis V2. Direction ofthe vector + Let @be the angle made by the vector withthe x-axis a shown n Fig. 3.240, Therefore, ne =(%) oem (t= Hence, the vector + j makes an angle 45° with the x-axis. The positive symbol signifies due east direction. Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETR. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES ‘Magnitude ofthe vector j~ j:Let@ = i j. Therefore, i= Q,=9,=1 O- a+q Hence, the magnitude of the vector i ~ jis V2. J: Let @ be the angle made by the vector ©, with the x-axis, as shown in Fig, 3.246. Therefore, a smo=(3 o=-an(!)= a8 Hence, the vector ~ j makes an angle 45° with the x-axis. The negative symbol signifies due west direction. Finding components of a vector A = 21 + 3] along the directions of / + j and i — j: itis given that Ra2ies} Absa} = 2143) On comparing the coeffcens ff and wehave A, = 2and A, = 3.Therefore We ETF = J, Let A, make an angle @ with the x-axis, as shown in Fig, 3.24c. Therefore, A asm t'(2)= unt sastir, 4) 0 n-(3) = nts 4d (0) Angle between the vectors 2/ + 3] andi + j is obtained as of = 5631-45 = 1131". ‘The component of vector A, along the dection of, which s making an angle 0 (hea 698 = (cos rane = M8 x OME y= asi = $2 oS, {W)_ Angle between the vectors2/ + 3j andi ~ j ts obtained as 7 = 45 +5631= 10131 “The component of vector A along the direction of G, which is making an angle 8, i obtained as follows: cos = Aces od = eases =- [Bsn novi = -2550x0.1961) - j) = -04i - jy = Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XI y Figure 3.24 21. Forany arbitrary motion in space, which of the following relations are true? (Subscript avg’ stands for average ofthe quantity over the ime interval, tof,) (NCERT) rho (0) Fag = Live) + en = He) 7t) acl? (© Ho =H0)+a 7 = 70+ 10" + Lae Fo = 7001+ Hon + Ja fgg = Hed= ited False ~ since the condition is that the motion of the particle is arbitrary, the average velocity ofthe particle cannot be given by this equation, ‘True the arbitrary motion ofthe particle canbe represented by this equation. False ~ since the condition is thatthe motion of the particle is arbitrary, the acceleration of the particle may also be non- ‘uniform. Hence, this equation cannot represent the motion ofthe particle in space. False since the contin i thatthe motion of the particle Is arbitrary; acceleration of the particle may also be non-uniform. Hence, this equation cannot represent the motion of particle in space. “True - the arbitrary motion of the particle can be represented by this equation. 122, An aircraft is fying ata height of 3400 m above the ground. Ifthe angle subtended ata ground observation point by the aircraft positions 100 sapartis 30%, what the speed ofthe areraft? (NCERT) Solution ‘The position ofthe observer and the aircraft are shown in Fig. 325. Height ofthe aircraft from the ground is OR = 3400 m; angle subtended between the postions is ZPOQ = 30° time = 10 From APRO (Fig. 3.25), we have tants = PR = PR-= OR(tant5") = 3400 x tani” ‘We see that APRO (Fig, 325) is similar to ARQO. Therefore, PR = RQ and PQ = PR + RQ, Therefore, PQ=2PR=2 « 3400 tan 15° = 6800 « 0.268 = 18224 m, ‘Therefore the speed ofthe aircraft i calculated as = 182.24 mvs =182 mvs, Office.: 606 , 6" Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph. 0861-2662623, 9636608612, 7546846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NET32 R. K. MALIK’S NEWTON CLASSES 23, A bullet fired at an angle of 30° withthe horizontal hits the ground 3.0 km away. By adjusting Its angle of projection, can one hope tohit target 5.0 km away? Assume the muzale speed to be fixed, and neslect air resistance. (NCERT) Solution Range of the bullet is R= 3 km; angle of projection of the bullet ls 9= 30% acceleration due to gravity is g= 98 mis, Horizontal range fr the projection velocity, vs given by sin 20 ands o Substituting the values in E, (1), we get , 4,8 comer ose tof athens. he wi. “The maximum range (yu) is achieved by the bullet when tis fied tan angle of 45° with the horizontal thats, =4 "9 (on comparing Es. (2)and (3), we get nw = 2V5 = 21.73 = 3.46 km. By neglecting the air sistance and assuming thatthe muzzle speed to be fixed, we conclude thatthe bullet does not hit target located 5 km away. A fighter plane flying horizontally at an altitude of 1.5km with speed 720 krvh passes directly overhead an anti-aircraft gun. ‘Ax what angle from the vertical should the gun be fred forthe shell wth muzzle speed 600 m/s to hit the plane? At what mini ‘mum altitude should the pilot fy the plane to avoid being hit? (Take g= 105) (NCERT) Solution Height ofthe fighter plane is 1.5 km = 1500 m; speed of the fighter plane is v=720 km/h = 200 m/s. Let be the angle with the ‘vertical so thatthe shell its the plane. The situations depictedin ig. 3.26. ‘Muze velocity of the gun is vp= 600 rvs time taken by the shell to hit the plane = horizontal distance traveled by the shell Is vatidistance traveled by the plane = vt. The shell isthe plane. Hence, these two dstances must be equal. Therefore, (yas eS f= Ro = fa 03 om’ 032= 195" This angle is subtended with the vertical. In order to avoid being hit by the shell, the plot must fly the plane at an altitude (+) higher than the maximum height achieved by the shell: x YiSH2G0 ~ 6) 600%e05%0 _ 360,000 x cos'198 29 2x10 vosin = 18,000 x 0.943" = 15994.31m = 16 km. 20015 Yee Figure 3.26 2. A cyclist is riding with a speed of 27 kmh. As he approaches a circular turn on the road of radius 80 m, he applies brakes and reduces his speed atthe constant rate of 0.50 m/s every second Whats the magnitude and direction of the net acceleration ofthe ‘dist on the elrcular turn? (NCERT Solution ‘The situation is depieted in Fig, 327. Velocity of the cyclists given by 1000 v= kh = 27x 00, = 75s Office.; 606 , 6” Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0861-2662623, 2695608612, 7646846949, NEWTONCLASSES.NETMOTION IN A PLANE [DRILL ASSIGNMENT] CLASS - XI Radius ofthe circular turn is 80 m. Centripetal acceleration ofthe cyclists calculated as ‘Tangential acceleration ofthe cyclists a; = 05 mvs, Magnitude ofthe net acceleration ofthe cyst is obtained as a= ara = Sor 0sF = 086 mvs? tno= %, where 8s the angle between the resultant accelaration with the direction of velocity, which s obtained a follows: 02 tand= tan! 14 = 546 = 545° Figure 3.27 26. (2) Show that fora projectile the angle between the veloctyand the x-axis a function oftime is given by Ott) = tary ~ gto) {() Show that the projection angle @, fora projectile launched from the origin is given by By = tan"(4hn/A) where the symbols. have their usual meaning (NCERT) Solution (a) The situation is depicted in Fig, 328, Let Yo, nd voy be the inital components ofthe velocity ofthe projectile along horizontal (6) and vertical) directions, respectively. Letv, and v, be the horizontal and vertical components, respectively, of velocity at ‘a point PTime taken by the proectileto reach point P= t Applying the equations of mation v,= vey ~ gf and v= ve, long the vertical and horizontal dcecions, we get tana tn Fs 6 (= ‘Maximum vertical height Is ven by = date, toy Horizontal ranges given by p= visi 26 @ Solving Eqs. (1) and 2, we get Wy at @ sind 1 R* 2sin 20“ 2x 2sin O cos ~ 4 cosa ~ 440% = tang = 4H Figure 3.28 606 , 6 Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, Ph.: 0651-2662623, 9836608812, 7546846949 NEWTONCLASSES.NET
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Colloids: Office.: 606, 6th Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, PH.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968
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Colloids: Office.: 606, 6th Floor, Hariom Tower, Circular Road, Ranchi-1, PH.: 0651-2562523, 9835508812, 8507613968
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Little Women
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