This document contains flight booking details for Dardas/Nikolas Mr from Thessaloniki, Greece to New York, NY with connections in Istanbul, Turkey on Turkish Airlines. The itinerary includes a flight from Thessaloniki to Istanbul on April 14th, a connecting flight from Istanbul to New York the same day, a return flight from New York to Istanbul on April 23rd, and a final connecting flight from Istanbul back to Thessaloniki on April 24th. All flights are booked in economy class and are non-stop on Turkish Airlines aircraft.
This document contains flight booking details for Dardas/Nikolas Mr from Thessaloniki, Greece to New York, NY with connections in Istanbul, Turkey on Turkish Airlines. The itinerary includes a flight from Thessaloniki to Istanbul on April 14th, a connecting flight from Istanbul to New York the same day, a return flight from New York to Istanbul on April 23rd, and a final connecting flight from Istanbul back to Thessaloniki on April 24th. All flights are booked in economy class and are non-stop on Turkish Airlines aircraft.
This document contains flight booking details for Dardas/Nikolas Mr from Thessaloniki, Greece to New York, NY with connections in Istanbul, Turkey on Turkish Airlines. The itinerary includes a flight from Thessaloniki to Istanbul on April 14th, a connecting flight from Istanbul to New York the same day, a return flight from New York to Istanbul on April 23rd, and a final connecting flight from Istanbul back to Thessaloniki on April 24th. All flights are booked in economy class and are non-stop on Turkish Airlines aircraft.
This document contains flight booking details for Dardas/Nikolas Mr from Thessaloniki, Greece to New York, NY with connections in Istanbul, Turkey on Turkish Airlines. The itinerary includes a flight from Thessaloniki to Istanbul on April 14th, a connecting flight from Istanbul to New York the same day, a return flight from New York to Istanbul on April 23rd, and a final connecting flight from Istanbul back to Thessaloniki on April 24th. All flights are booked in economy class and are non-stop on Turkish Airlines aircraft.