DHCP Notes

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DHCP-Dynamic host Configuration Protocol

*Allows end systems to be assigned IP addresses dynamically by DHCP server

[not all hosts deserve permanent IP addresses]
*supports 3 types of Configuration

=>Manual Configuration(mechanism)
Configured by Network Administrator,but confirmed by DHCP to avoid duplication

=>Automatic Configuration(mechanism)
Configured by DHCP server,assigning permanent IP Address to a host.

=>Dynamic Configuration(mechanism)
Configured by DHCP, assigning of temporary IP Addresses to a host.


A)Interface Address pool=>only PCs connected to same segment can be assigned IP Ads
from this pool
How to configure it?
#]interface G0/0/0
G0/0/0]dhcp select interface
G0/0/0]dhcp server dns-list
G0/0/0]dhcp server excluded ip-address
G0/0/0]dhcp server lease day 3

CONFIRM Configuration by using

[Huawei]display ip pool interface GigabitEthernet0/0/0

B)Global Adress pool

A global adress pool assigns IP addresses to all PCs connected to the DHCP Server
The server maybe on different network segments with PC,but can assign it an IP to
it if the 'gateway-list' command is used to give gateway adress for that server.
How to configure it?
[Huawei]dhcp enable
[Huawei]ip pool pool40
[Huawei-ip pool-pool40]network mask 24
[Huawei-ip pool-pool40]gateway-list address of the port from dhcp
[Huawei-ip pool-pool40]lease day 1
[Huawei-ip pool-pool40]quit
[Huawei]interface GigabitEthernet0/0/1(port from server)
[Huawei-GigabitEthernet0/0/1]dhcp select global
CONFIRM Configuration by using
[Huawei]display ip pool

An AR2220 router or S5700 switch can act as a DHCP server,PCs are clients.
DHCP Process
(1)Discover message(PACKET) is sent(broadcasted) by PC to Servers to propose for
(2)Offer Message (unicast)is sent by DHCP server to give both an IP address it can
offer and configuration parameters.
[DHCP Client takes first offer message in case many servers send messages at the
same time]
(3)A DHCP request packet is sent to ask for the given offer from the server[s]
(4)An Acknowledgement packet(unicast) is sent to the client to give the IP address
to the PC.[/else an NAK IS to refuse to offer]
(5)The pc sents a gratituos ARP to see if there can be a reply from any PC that
uses such an IP address,if there is no reply for
a specific time,then the PC will use that IP adress,else the PC will send a decline
packet to server telling it that the IP address
is used by another PC.
And then a request for another IP will be sent,and the process is repeated.

IF IP assignment succeeded client goes through binding state&&

note:when a DHCP server assigns a client an IP address,it gives it information that
has to do with timer values for that assignment[expiry,renewal$].
if server did not set values,then client uses default values.(by default lease
renewal=50% of expiry time)
note:A release message is a type that is sent if a client requests a DHCP server to
release the IP it had given it as a result of failing to renew lease before expiry

There exists 3 types of timers(lease timer,update timer &renewal timer)
If A Lease time reaches 50%(when default),A Request message is sent for renewal of
expiry time and client enters update state,if server finds that the
client IP is still valid,it sent ACK and gives it a new lease (begins the expiry
time from start) and client re-enters binding state,
else an AK is send by server or if no reply till 12.5% remains,client cosiders the
inactive and enters intialization state (broadcasts Request msgs from scratch).

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